VIDEO: The Vortex — Stone-Cold Killer

Enough with the earthly praise. Get real.


Let’s cut through all the garbage and platitudes about a nation mourning a “trailblazing” jurist. Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a stone-cold killer who sent tens of millions of children to their deaths before they ever saw the light of day.

All this talk about her nice, sweet demeanor is nothing more than talk. And from a theological point of view, consider this: A few days ago when she closed her eyes on this life (forever) and opened them up on the next (forever), she would have been met, in part, by that throng of millions and millions of children she was instrumental in executing.

She went from being a judge to being judged, and unlike what she wielded, the Divine Judge deals strictly in justice, not agendas that pervert justice. This evil woman conflated women’s rights to include murdering a child in the womb. She twisted the dignity of the feminine to open a door for the demonic.

And, while we can’t know for certain, there are only a few reasons to presume she is not a slave to the demonic now for all eternity. Hell, Satan, the demons have no regard for whether you served once on the “most powerful court in the land.”

But since we are talking about a Justice and her own personal judgment and trial before the divine judgment seat, let’s think about a few things, shall we? First, as will be the case for all of us — every last one — Satan, the accuser, will be there, as he was with Ruth Bader Ginsburg, accusing her.

Ponder for a moment what the diabolical prosecutor would have been accusing her of. Child murder! By the tens of millions. The perversion of natural law, the law of God the Creator, who, uncomfortably and inconveniently for Ruth Bader Ginsburg, is also the same Creator sitting on the judgment seat.

It’s one thing to sin, to even embrace sin. It is something of an entirely different magnitude to create an environment where an entire nation — hundreds and hundreds of millions of people over decades — embrace that sin, all as part of your own twisted worldview.

Woe to those who call evil “good,” and good “evil.” For the record, woe is not the word any of us wants coming up at our individual judgments before Almighty God. As in any court or trial, evidence is presented — testimony and so forth.

Let’s return to that multitude of witnesses to her evil — the victims of her ideology. Children torn to shreds in their mothers’ wombs, ribboned into little pieces in a swirl of blood and gore, sucked out through a vacuum hose with thin razor blades on the end.

Those souls had only a moment’s existence compared to her nearly 90 years. Yet she saw fit to keep the wheels of the child-killing factory turning, well-oiled, with no exceptions. Not one single child in the womb was safe from this megalomaniac’s monstrous contortion of natural law.

The Marxists can go on all they want in this life about her legacy, but before the divine judgment seat, this would have been her legacy — testified to by her tens of millions of victims. She pronounced judgment on their bodies in this life, but they were there in the next life as judgment was pronounced on her soul.

And let’s go even further into this. Of course, we do not know with certainty what her judgment was, but that does not lift the duty of pondering about Heaven and Hell — for every human being who has ever existed will be in one or the other. Pay attention Bp. Barron.

For a soul to be saved, that soul must die in a state of grace — in a state of sanctifying grace. That means they must have the life of the Blessed Trinity in them. “If you love me, you will keep my commandments; and my Father and I will come to you, and we will make our home in you.”

A state, an existence of having Father, Son and Spirit living in you. But this state is not just stumbled upon. It doesn’t just happen after a person has achieved the age of reason. It must be acted on, desired, cooperated in and with. And its purpose is to increase, to grow in holiness until we are brought at last into perfect holiness in the Beatific Vision, the beholding of God in the face.

No one stumbles or trips into Heaven. You must carry your cross, suffer, die to your passions, forsake evil, struggle to cooperate with the life of Christ in you so that you can move from a state of fallenness to the heights of the supernatural.

We are, in short, fighting for Heaven, the whole meaning of the term Church Militant. Part of the fight demands a rejection of sin, even though it still frequently holds an attraction for us. That’s why confession exists.

But note, absolution in confession, in the sacrament, being forgiven of your sins, of our sins, requires a turning away from our sins, a pronouncement from us that we detest them, because of how abhorrent they are before God. Such an acknowledgment is a movement toward holiness, toward God. It also requires a promise that, as we leave the confessional, we will strive not to sin again.

So forgiveness is conditional: Of course it is. God’s love for us is unconditional, but salvation is not. Salvation comes with many conditions, and the rejection and walking away from sin — at least the sincere promise to — is one of the them.

So it becomes a point of contemplation, in light of Ginsburg’s death, indeed for all of us, that at our judgments, one factor weighing in the balance of our eternal destiny is this: Given the opportunity to have continued living, would we have changed?

The good thief certainly did. We know that from Our Lord’s words. Had he been taken down from the cross by some last-minute act of mercy by Pilate and nursed back to health, would he have amended his life and turned from his sins?

Yes. He had a true deathbed conversion. Amen. But what about the soul who is brought before the judgment seat by Michael — the Angel of Death — who, if she had been given more years, would not have turned from her sin? Precisely in what divine calculus could such a soul be saved?

Is it reasonable to assume that had Hitler been granted another century of life on earth and was somehow spared — over those ensuing decades of the breakdown of the body that he retained the vigor of youth, or middle age — he would somehow have turned from mass killer and bringer-of-war to a spokesman for peace?

And likewise for Joseph Stalin — even more so, in fact, for Joseph Stalin — had Our Lord extended his life and likewise extended his physical strength for another hundred years, would he have abandoned his plans for world domination by godless Marxism?

Would he, at some point, have donned sackcloth and ashes and made reparation for the killing of tens of millions of people, for the enslavement of whole nations? The proof, as they say, is in the pudding.

Why would we assume that someone who dies in a state of grave sin — with blood on his or her hands, who probably (because of the killing) sent others to Hell before they might have repented — might be saved? It isn’t enough to say, “Well, we don’t know (even though we don’t).” We do know the sum of their lives. And in some cases, we know their dying wishes, at least their last expressed ones.

Three days before he died, pro-abortion senator Ted Kennedy dictated a letter from his deathbed (or so we are told by family). In that letter, he expressed his desire that the U.S. Senate pass Obamacare — with all its provisions for abortion and contraception and the payment for abortion by taxpayers, even over their good-conscience objections.

His letter, in fact, became something of a rallying cry for his fellow child-killers in the U.S. Senate to pass Obamacare, which, of course, they did. As far as the world knows, that is the state Ted Kennedy died in. It’s possible he changed his mind, repented in his heart with his last breath. We can only hope. But emphasis on hope.

We may not think it because there is not a thing to suggest it. There is nothing to inform our intellects with that any such occurrence happened. Turning back to the matter of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, we are told, as in the case with Kennedy, that she too expressed what amounts to a dying wish that her seat be filled by someone other than Trump — with, of course, what everyone understands to mean (and she certainty intended to mean) someone who would keep the child killing going.

This is, after all, all about abortion. Nowhere was there any remorse for her crimes against God. Nowhere. There was not in life and now, in death, a breath of repentance for the millions of young lives she crushed and snuffed out beneath her murderous ideology and the ideology of those who celebrated her.

But those tripping all over themselves to praise her cannot see her in her likely present state. And let’s be honest here: She was either saved or damned, and no one who is spiritually honest can lay their odds on the former. We can hope, without reason, she was saved. In fact, some members of the staff and I were out eating when the news hit our phones, and after the first few immediate seconds of shock, we did exactly what good Catholics do and Our Lord demands: We prayed for her.

Ginsburg was ultimately an enemy of truth in this life. The tens of millions of her (and others’) victims were brought before the throne of God at her judgment so she could see the fullness of her evil choices in this life. She would not admit or confront her evil in this life; she was made to do so in the next.

Those others will likewise face their own judgments, and when their time comes, that same cloud of witnesses will be assembled, called upon yet again to appear and be a living testimony against their evil. What a horror all this is to think about, even briefly.

But justice and truth demand this all be said. The godless have the media, and they want no talk of things divine — and certainly not of the next world (of actual justice). Ginsburg lived a life fundamentally opposed to the truth, even if every now and then she did manifest some small modicum of judicial restraint or evenhandedness.

When it mattered, she sided with evil against truth — meaning against Christ. Well, now she has stood before Christ, as every single one of us will (including Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, Dick Durban, John Roberts, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and hordes of other power-hungry politicians and jurists who will see their role model, King Herod, in the fires of Hell if they do not repent before their deaths).

But the truly earth-shaking reality is that many of these people do not believe they have anything to repent from. At some point, earlier in their lives, they might have. Somewhere back up the road, they knew somewhere inside themselves what they were doing was wrong, that they were slaughtering good on the altar of evil for their own careers.

Somewhere later in their lives, because of the monstrosity of their sins, they killed their consciences — or so nearly killed them that truth, God, no longer had access to them. He knocks. He never stops knocking. They simply refuse to open. So be it. In what should be taken as a terrifying message, consider chapter 11 of Ecclesiastes: “Whether a tree falls to the south or to the north, wherever it falls, there shall it lie.”

Things go the way they go and where they go according to their natures, regardless of the accolades of those still on earth who will, nevertheless, shortly follow them down below. If Ginsburg did indeed go to Hell, she has barely concluded her first hundred hours of torment that will never end.

For the damned, the horror of that reality comes crashing back on them: No matter how intense the torment, no matter how tremendous the agony, there is no escape. However “accepting” of the pain a soul might become (we’re speaking figuratively here), it suddenly intensifies at the repeated realization that 100 hours means absolutely nothing because there is no time and there is no relief.

This never ends. Abandon all hope ye who enter here. Do everything you can in this life; endure whatever you must, but escape those fires of Hell. Nothing in this life — nothing — is worth eternal damnation.

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Who [Or What] Killed George Floyd?

If they get a fair trial, a questionable proposition at best, Minneapolis police officers charged with murdering George Floyd should be acquitted.

Let’s consider new, undisputed evidence, beyond the initial bystander’s video that we’ve all seen, to understand why.

On Memorial Day, around 8 PM, Minneapolis Police are called to a local convenience store.  Two suspects passed a fake $20 bill to buy cigarettes.  When police arrived, the shop manager pointed across the street, where three suspects sat in a parked vehicle. George Floyd sat behind the wheel.

When the officers crossed the street to investigate, two other suspects, another man, and a woman, both black, stepped from the car and politely cooperated.

But George argued and disobeyed ten separate commands from officers to keep his hands up. After the tenth order, he finally put his hands on the steering wheel as instructed.

As George protested, police walked him across the street to the police cruiser, the vehicle shown in the bystander’s video.

That bystander’s video, isolated alone, implies that the officer cruelly forced George onto the ground, then callously put his knee on George’s neck, causing George to cry out, pitifully, “I can’t breathe.”

But when a Minnesota judge authorized the release of police body cam footage, a completer and more different story emerged.  First, the police never wanted George on the ground at all, and frantically tried getting him into the back of their squad car.

But Floyd, a strong six-feet-eight-inches tall, fought police every second, and tried pushing his way out. Police video shows George repeatedly saying, “I can’t breathe” long before he was on the ground, and before Officer Chauvin employed the infamous knee-restraint tactic.

This is crucial.

Claiming to be “claustrophobic” as they ordered him into the back seat, George Floyd demanded to be placed on the ground. So, the officers did not thrust him down to the ground and then put their knee on George’s neck, as the bystander’s video suggests.

Let’s delve into the evidence.

From Officer Thomas Lane’s body camera, at 8:09 PM, officers approached George’s vehicle, tapped on the window, instructing him to either put his hands up or put his hands on the steering wheel. But George refuses.

Ten separate times, police either instructed George to let them see his hands, or to put his hands on the wheel. Finally, George puts his hands on the wheel, protesting he had “not done anything.”

At 8:17 PM, officers walk George across the street. He keeps arguing, as they order him into the back of the squad car.

“I’m claustrophobic,” he claims, twice, resisting as they again order him to sit in the back seat. He screams, fights and resists getting in the squad car.

At 8:18:08, still standing beside the car and fighting the officers, he says, for the first time, with no knee on his neck, “I can’t breathe, officer!”  At this point, police are still ordering him into the back seat.

A bystander urges George to stop fighting. “You can’t win,” the bystander says.

George fights anyway.

Police push him in the back seat. He keeps resisting.

Nine seconds later, fighting from the backseat of the police car, George says three times, in rapid succession, beginning at 8:18:19, “I want to lay on the ground!  I want to lay on the ground! I want to lay on the ground!”  He repeats it a fourth time, five seconds later, ““I want to lay on the ground!”

Then, as if he knows he is dying, says, “I’m going down.”

At 8:18:39, fighting in the backseat, he again says, three times in rapid succession, “I can’t breathe!” Then again,” I can’t breathe.” And then, again, at 8:18:50 repeats, “I can’t breathe!”

At this point, George had demanded to be laid on the ground four times and said “I can’t breathe” at least six times, while in the back seat of the squad car, with no knee on his neck.

At 8:19:06, he again says, “I can’t breathe,” for the seventh time.

Of course he can’t breathe. A fentanyl overdose stops a man from breathing.

George fought the officers non-stop for over ten minutes before officers finally removed him from the car and put him down on the ground, beside the squad car, as George himself demanded.

Bystanders then film George on the ground, declaring, “I can’t breathe,”  as if this was the first time George said, “I can’t breathe,” and as if Officer Chauvin’s knee (not the fentanyl) caused George’s breathing problems.

Fox 9 in Minneapolis reported that Chief Hennepin County Medical Examiner Dr. Andrew Baker, in a memorandum filed May 26 concluded, “The autopsy revealed no physical evidence suggesting that Mr. Floyd died of asphyxiation.”

In other words, Dr. Baker initially ruled out Chauvin’s knee as causing George’s death.

In a second memorandum filed June 1, Baker described Floyd’s fentanyl level as “pretty high,” and a potentially “fatal level.”

Dr. Baker reported Floyd had 11 ng/mL of fentanyl in his blood, adding, “If he were found dead at home alone and no other apparent causes, this could be acceptable to call an OD. Deaths have been certified with levels of 3.”

In other words, while levels of 3 ng/mL have caused fatal fentanyl overdoses. George ingested nearly four times that amount, or 11 ng/mL of fentanyl, in his bloodstream.  In another document, Dr. Baker said, “That is a fatal level of fentanyl under normal circumstances.”

Granted, mounting political pressure led to subsequent private autopsy reports, paid for by the family, showing the cause of death as a combination of both fentanyl and asphyxiation from the officer’s knee.

Of course they do.

But the prosecution, to obtain a conviction, must prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. They must prove that the officer’s knee, and not the massive fentanyl dosage, killed George Floyd.

That’s a tall order.

Not only that, but the infamous, “knee-technique,” which should be banned, was authorized by the Minneapolis PD.  Officer Chauvin followed authorized procedure, a technique for keeping a suspect on the ground, after George Floyd had fought officers for over ten minutes, and after, only — and this is the kicker — George requested, repeatedly, to lay on the ground.

But Chauvin’s knee is a red herring. The issue here is fentanyl.

Here’s how the respected website, WebMD, describes the effects of fentanyl:

“[F]entanyl has rapid and potent effects on the brain and body, and even very small amounts can be extremely dangerous.

“It only takes a tiny amount of the drug to cause a deadly reaction,” … “Fentanyl can depress breathing and lead to death. The risk of overdose is high with fentanyl.”

Here’s what the CDC says about fentanyl, “It is 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine.”

Of course George couldn’t breathe — because fentanyl, mixed with methamphetamines, kills breathing.  Despite the bad optics, “I can’t breathe” was not because of the officer’s knee.

The medical examiner’s statement on lethal fentanyl, and the previous protestations of “I can’t breathe,” even before he got into the back seat of the squad car, and long before Chauvin applied the notorious “knee” technique, shows that George was already dying from the lethal fentanyl overdose before officers put him in the back seat of the car. That fentanyl, with methamphetamine ingestion, and cannabinoids — that’s right, George popped some meth alongside the fentanyl, plus a little reefer too — raises more than a reasonable doubt in favor of these policemen.

Here’s the prosecution’s problem – proving beyond a reasonable doubt that it was the officer’s knee, and not the massive fentanyl overdose, that killed George.

No one can prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, not in this case, that Chauvin killed Floyd, not with any intellectual honesty. George overdosed on fentanyl, and mixed it with meth, and reefer. That’s why he’s dead. Without the overdose, George Floyd would still be alive. The officers should be acquitted.

Which begs the question, who killed George Floyd?

Sadly, George Floyd killed himself.

WATCH: Kim Klacik drops a sequel, says ‘Baltimore doesn’t have to vote Democrat’

Kim Klacik’s Campaign Ad Part 2 “The Plan”

Klacik is the future for Black leadership. Black generations to come will look back on black Democrats doing the bidding of the white woke with scorn and derision.

Brilliant. Get this women elected, Baltimore. Take back this once great city from the clutches of the Democrat Party.

WATCH: Kim Klacik drops a sequel, says ‘Baltimore doesn’t have to vote Democrat’

By The Post Millennial, September 21, 2020

Republican congressional nominee for Maryland’s 7th district Kimberly Klacik exposed a “broken Baltimore” that’s been abandoned by Democratic leadership and unveiled her vision in a follow-up video.

“Tens of millions of you have shared the struggle of black people in Baltimore. You cared about our black lives more than our own leaders,” Klacik captioned a visually-stunning advertisement to her constituents. “They have done nothing for us. Now they can’t hide. We are the change.”

Klacik is running on a pro-Trump, anti-squad platform to represent her district, and is bucking the left-wing narrative that the Democrat Party is the best way forward for black voters at-large.

Her bid for the House seat highlights the neglected areas of Baltimore marked by crumbling infrastructure, poverty, and crime. Democratic-run city has been blue for 53 years. Klacik questions the dismal results of leftist leadership after decades of destruction.

“Do you care about black lives? I do. Unlike the people that currently run Baltimore, I actually have a plan to make life better here,” Klacik prefaced the latest three-minute campaign clip.




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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: ‘We’ve Got The Votes To Confirm Justice Ginsburg’s Replacement,’ Says Lindsey Graham

Republican South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham said Monday that the Senate GOP has “got the votes” to confirm President Donald Trump’s impending nominee to sit on the Supreme Court.

“We’ve got the votes to confirm Justice Ginsburg’s replacement before the election,” Graham told Fox News’ “Hannity.”

“We’re going to move forward in the committee. We’re going to report the nomination out of the committee to the floor of the United States Senate so we can vote before the election. That’s the constitutional process,” Graham, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said.

Ginsburg passed away Friday at the age of 87.

Trump indicated Saturday that he intends to nominate a replacement “without delay” and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has promised to deliver a vote on that nomination.

“[Democrats] tried to destroy Brett Kavanaugh,” Graham said, referencing the allegations of sexual misconduct issued against the current Supreme Court justice. “I’ve seen this movie before,” Graham said, noting that the attacks “didn’t work.”

“After Kavanaugh, everything changed with me. They are not going to intimidate me, Mitch McConnell, or anybody else … We’re going to have a process that you’ll be proud of,” Graham said. He claimed that “every Republican in the Judiciary Committee” is prepared to support the nominee and that enough support exists from all Republican senators “to confirm the judge … on the floor of the Senate.”

“And that’s what’s coming,” he continued.

Graham suggested no “liberal justice” has ever been the focus of personal attacks the way Kavanaugh was. He warned that Democrats have a wide agenda to change the way America is governed by eliminating the Electoral College, adding new Senate seats by allowing statehood for Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C. and stacking the Supreme Court with extra members.

Democrats are arguing that because Republicans opposed confirming former President Barack Obama Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland in the election year of 2016, they should not put forward a candidate just prior to the 2020 presidential election.

Graham also suggested he faced a serious threat for his own Senate seat by an opponent who is successfully raising money.

“I need conservatives to help me,” he said.



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FARRELL: The Left’s Political Rave-Out On SCOTUS Nomination

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

6 Things to Know About Supreme Court Prospect Amy Coney Barrett

Amy Coney Barrett, a federal appeals judge for nearly three years, is a front-runner to fill the Supreme Court seat vacated by the death Friday of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

In an interview Monday morning with “Fox & Friends” on Fox News Channel and again Monday night in a speech in Ohio, President Donald Trump said that he has narrowed his list of candidates to succeed Ginsburg to four or five women. He said he likely will announce a decision Friday or Saturday.

Many pundits say they think Barrett is at the top of the president’s list. Here are six things to know about her.

1. She Made History on the 7th Circuit

The Senate confirmed Barrett to the Chicago-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit on Oct. 31, 2017.

How are socialists deluding a whole generation? Learn more now >>

Barrett became the first and only woman from Indiana to hold a seat on that appeals court, which also covers cases in Illinois and Wisconsin.

She was on Trump’s list of 25 candidates to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy after his retirement, but the president ultimately chose another appeals judge, Brett Kavanaugh of the D.C. Circuit.

2. Scalia Was a Former Boss 

Barrett, 48, clerked for Justice Antonin Scalia, who died in 2016, in 1998-1999.

“That is trial by fire. You get thrown in and it’s an overwhelming amount of work; you know, you are feeling your way, at first,” Barrett said in a February interview on “SCOTUS 101,” a weekly podcast about the Supreme Court that is produced by The Heritage Foundation.

“And the way Justice Scalia ran his chambers is we [law clerks] all had to be prepared to discuss all the cases. So we would have a conference before argument where the four of us would be in his office. And then you are just going toe to toe, everybody is saying what they think,” Barrett said, adding:

And, you know, Justice Scalia obviously [was] very quick witted, brilliant, and … he didn’t want you to agree with him, he wanted you to say what you thought. Disagreeing with him, as I sometimes did, and pushing back and going back and forth with someone like Justice Scalia really taught me a lot, taught me a lot about oral advocacy, being articulate. And who better to learn how to write under than someone who was as great a writer as he was?

3. In Football and More, She Teams With Husband

Barrett has seven children, two of them adopted from Haiti, one of whom also has  Down syndrome.

Her husband, Jesse Barrett, a former assistant U.S. attorney, also attended and graduated from the University of Notre Dame. He was editor in chief of the Notre Dame Law Review.

The Barrett family remains actively engaged in the Notre Dame community.

“In the football season, our football Saturdays are spent tailgating” with “some friends of ours for many years,” Barrett said on “SCOTUS 101.” “We had an antique, vintage fire truck that we painted green and we had tailgates where all the kids could be running around playing football out on the green.”

“At one point,” she said, “we considered moving to a neighborhood a little farther from campus and our kids really rebelled because they loved the proximity to campus too.”

She said on the podcast that she and her “very wonderful husband” balance their careers and family through teamwork.  He is now a partner at SouthBank Legal in South Bend, Indiana.

“I mean, we are totally a team and we share the responsibility. We divide up doctor’s appointments and orthodontist appointments and dentist appointments,” Barrett said. “Obviously there is a lot to do, but in no sense do I bear the lion’s share of it, so his being so willing to help has really made it all possible.”

4. She Was Scolded by a Senator for Her Faith

During her confirmation hearing in September 2017 for the 7th Circuit, Barrett was questioned by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., about the influence of her Catholic faith.

“The dogma lives loudly within you, and that’s of concern,” Feinstein said to Barrett.

Barrett responded: “It’s never appropriate for a judge to impose that judge’s personal convictions, whether they arise from faith or anywhere else, on the law.”

5. She Has Addressed Moral Teaching and the Law 

Judges shouldn’t conflate their faith with the law, Barrett wrote in a 1998 article in Notre Dame’s Law Review titled “Catholic Judges in Capital Cases” and co-authored with John Garvey.

“Judges cannot—nor should they try to—align our legal system with the Church’s moral teaching whenever the two diverge,” Barrett and Garvey wrote.

6. Students Named Her ‘Distinguished Professor of Year’

Barrett has taught law at her alma mater, the University of Notre Dame, since 2002. Her students named her “Distinguished Professor of the Year” for three different years, The Indy Star reported.

“I have taught a lot of classes. I have been a professor for a long time, so I’ve taught civil procedure and federal courts and constitutional law, seminar and statutory interpretation, one on constitutional theory, and I teach evidence,” Barrett said in the “SCOTUS 101” interview.

She received her bachelor’s degree in English literature from Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee, before getting her law degree from Notre Dame. She was executive editor of the Law Review.

“The same impressive intellect, character, and temperament that made Professor Barrett a successful nominee for the U.S. Court of Appeals would serve her equally well as a nominee for the nation’s highest court,” the Rev. John Jenkins, president of Notre Dame, said in a written statement.


Rachel del Guidice

Rachel del Guidice is a congressional reporter for The Daily Signal. She is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, Forge Leadership Network, and The Heritage Foundation’s Young Leaders Program. Send an email to Rachel. Twitter: @LRacheldG.


RELATED ARTICLE: ‘We’ve Got The Votes To Confirm Justice Ginsburg’s Replacement,’ Says Lindsey Graham

A Note for our Readers:

Democratic Socialists say, “America should be more like socialist countries such as Sweden and Denmark.” And millions of young people believe them…

For years, “Democratic Socialists” have been growing a crop of followers that include students and young professionals. America’s future will be in their hands.

How are socialists deluding a whole generation? One of their most effective arguments is that “democratic socialism” is working in Scandinavian countries like Sweden and Norway. They claim these countries are “proof” that socialism will work for America. But they’re wrong. And it’s easy to explain why.

Our friends at The Heritage Foundation just published a new guide that provides three irrefutable facts that debunks these myths. For a limited time, they’re offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free.

Get your free copy of “Why Democratic Socialists Can’t Legitimately Claim Sweden and Denmark as Success Stories” today and equip yourself with the facts you need to debunk these myths once and for all.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Left’s Shameful Targeting of Lawmakers’ Homes

If at first you don’t succeed, burn down your opponent’s house.

Or at least protest right outside, bringing fear and terror to the private quarters and lives of the nation’s lawmakers.

That seems to be the current mantra of 2020. In a year roiled by leftist violence, with small business owners in cities across the country left with looted and destroyed shops, with two dead in Seattle’s “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone,” no liberal leader seems to be willing to yell “stop.”

Now with emotions high over the unexpected Supreme Court vacancy, the politics of personal intimidation are back with a vengeance.

How are socialists deluding a whole generation? Learn more now >>

On Monday morning, there was a protest at Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham’s home in Washington, D.C.

There was also a protest at Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s home in Kentucky on Saturday:

And an attempted protest at his Washington, D.C., home Friday night:

One individual decided to heckle McConnell at his Washington, D.C., home on Monday night:

And if you’re thinking, even a little, that, say, perhaps emotions were high right after the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and that perhaps this was just some one-time poor behavior, think again:

What is going on?

Just to refresh everyone’s memory, in 2017, there was nearly a massacre of Republican lawmakers by a man whose politics leaned left.

“He protested with Occupy Wall Street and became an emphatic supporter of socialist Bernie Sanders, volunteering for the Vermont senator’s presidential campaign,” reported Washingtonian, adding: “’Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy,’ [the shooter] wrote in a Facebook post a couple of months after the 2016 election. ‘It’s Time to Destroy Trump & Co.’”

Before he began spraying bullets across the baseball field, the shooter checked with Rep. Jeff Duncan, R-S.C., who was leaving the practice, that the lawmakers present were Republican.

What happened next was unimaginable.

“I was probably 20 steps from the guy when he fired his first shot, and I was the first one to yell out to [Mississippi Rep.] Trent Kelly,” Rep. Gary Palmer, R-Ala., told The Daily Signal. “He was at third base, I was at shortstop … I yelled out, ‘That was a gunshot.’”

“Trent said, ‘I know.’ And I turned and said, ‘There he is, get off the field,’” Palmer added.

“Instead of running in a straight line, [Kelly] zigzagged to his left and then to his right, a tactic he’d learned in the Army,” Washingtonian reported. “He was halfway to second base when he heard shot number two crack past his left shoulder. Convinced the gunman was still aiming for him, he darted to his right and raced toward first base. He cut behind the pitcher’s mound just as the third shot sizzled by his chest.”

Rep. Roger Williams, R-Texas, who would later fall off a chair during a hearing because he was so startled by the sound of the gavel, hid in a dugout with Rep. Mo Brooks, R-Ala., and then-Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz. “All we could hear was this guy firing this … weapon,” Williams told BuzzFeed.

“One of the staffers scrambled up over the fence,” Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., told MSNBC in an interview. “It was probably a 15-20-foot fence, and he did it in about two seconds. I’m on the outside of the fence, and he and I are hiding behind the tree but the gunshots are landing in the dirt in the outfield and around us.”

Here’s how Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., described that moment to Washingtonian:

Steve Scalise knew he was shot instantly. He felt something as he was trying to turn away from the shooter. ‘My legs gave out, and I fell down.’

He knew he had to keep moving or risk another bullet. …

And so one of the most important politicians in America started crawling, using his arms to pull himself toward the outfield from second base. He started praying. He started moving less and less.

After he’d reached shallow grass in right field, his arms gave out.

“I can still taste the dirt in my mouth when I hit the ground, that parched dirt,” then-Rep. Mike Bishop, R-Mich., told The Daily Signal. “It’s just a sensation that you will never forget.”

So why am I sharing all this old news?

Because those who don’t know history repeat it.

Sentiments are high right now. And of course, peaceful protests—the actually peaceful ones, not the infernos CNN glibly describes as peaceful—are a proud and important part of our nation’s traditions.

If you don’t think Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s vacancy should be filled before the election, guess what? You’re welcome to let your lawmakers know your opinion (and they all have dedicated staffers to listen to your perspective). You are welcome to go to their offices or to the Capitol or the Supreme Court or any number of public places and protest. You can write letters to the editor. And yes, at the end of the day, you can vote for the lawmakers you think will do what you want.

But going to lawmakers’ homes is sick and twisted. It’s intimidating and it’s personal.

And unfortunately, it seems to be a tactic leftists are using more and more frequently. Protesters have targeted the home of acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf in protests four times this summer, per ALX Now.

In 2018, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson’s home was targeted. Carlson, who wasn’t home at the time, told The Washington Post that he called his wife. “She had been in the kitchen alone getting ready to go to dinner and she heard pounding on the front door and screaming. … Someone started throwing himself against the front door and actually cracked the front door,” Carlson recounted.

Is this the America we want, where families are terrorized in their own homes?

Do we want another shooting on a baseball field? Perhaps this time the Capitol Police—who heroically shot back and saved the lives of the lawmakers and others present—won’t be there.

Of course, there’s a wide gulf between a shooting and a protest at a home. But a protest at a home is a very real escalation from a protest at a government building.

Activists are playing with fire right now—and it’s incumbent on liberal leaders to tell them that enough is enough, that homes are for private lives, not public protests.


Katrina Trinko is editor-in-chief of The Daily Signal and co-host of The Daily Signal PodcastSend an email to Katrina. Twitter: .


A Note for our Readers:

Democratic Socialists say, “America should be more like socialist countries such as Sweden and Denmark.” And millions of young people believe them…

For years, “Democratic Socialists” have been growing a crop of followers that include students and young professionals. America’s future will be in their hands.

How are socialists deluding a whole generation? One of their most effective arguments is that “democratic socialism” is working in Scandinavian countries like Sweden and Norway. They claim these countries are “proof” that socialism will work for America. But they’re wrong. And it’s easy to explain why.

Our friends at The Heritage Foundation just published a new guide that provides three irrefutable facts that debunks these myths. For a limited time, they’re offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free.

Get your free copy of “Why Democratic Socialists Can’t Legitimately Claim Sweden and Denmark as Success Stories” today and equip yourself with the facts you need to debunk these myths once and for all.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Like the Soviets, Black Lives Matter Purges Its History

The Black Lives Matter organizations that swiftly captured the nation’s attention have expeditiously and quietly been softening their rhetoric and removing the most un-American statements from their websites. This is because the millions poised to agree with the slogan Black Lives Matter began distancing themselves from these organizations as their true intentions came to light.

From June through September, as people learned more about the destructive beliefs of the BLM organizations, support dropped 9 points in a Politico-Morning Consult poll. A second Pew Research poll also recorded a 9-point drop among those who strongly support the movement and an overall 12-point drop among U.S. adults.

Support varies by demographic, but the findings are unanimous: The more we know, the less we like.

In response, the BLM organization is employing the well-known Soviet practice of purging history.

How are socialists deluding a whole generation? Learn more now >>

“With little fanfare, Black Lives Matter removed a section of text that had been under a section called ‘What We Believe’ that sought to engender the destruction … of the nuclear family structure,” reports The Post Millennial, a Canadian news organization.

As Matt Walsh writes in The Daily Wire, “With its direct opposition to the nuclear family, BLM had positioned itself on the fringes of the fringes of the fringe.”

Also removed was the communist word “comrade,” put there on purpose as a wink to fellow Marxists and now removed so the rest of the country won’t catch on.

Rather than clear the air, “page not found” feels like a head fake that isn’t worthy of the moment.

In addition to dwindling public support, major donors have also moved away from the radical BLM organizations. Many iconic brands that declared their support for black lives after the horrific killing of George Floyd are doing so without giving to radical Marxist groups.

The CEOs of America’s largest companies, through their membership in the Business Roundtable, have an entire site dedicated to the more than $6 billion that has been so far dedicated to “public policy solutions and corporate initiatives to advance racial equity and justice.” Travel across the more than 80 links on the page and you see that these major employers are spreading their shareholder’s wealth around—and purposefully funneling it far away from the BLM organizations.

The list of programs include Apple and PepsiCo’s hiring efforts, AT&T’s direct spending with U.S.-owned black suppliers, and Boeing’s investment in long-held community partnerships.

We applaud these profit-making capitalist enterprises for their awareness that it isn’t wise to bankroll communists intent on smashing capitalism.

BLM’s response to this massive abandonment isn’t statements of clarity, or even a reconsideration of its mission. It’s greater obfuscation—a lesson in public opinion warfare it perhaps picked up from friends in the Chinese Communist Party.

For example, in her Sept. 11 announcement being named executive director for the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation—the umbrella organization for the BLM global movement—Patrisse Cullors said nothing about the economy, jobs, or opportunity. Instead, the reader is treated to language about “cellular renewal,” capacity building, and organizational transition.

Readers will remember Cullors as one of the original founders of the BLM organization and a self-proclaimed Marxist. She and another co-founder, Opal Tometi, can be seen in this video praising Joanne Chesimard, also known as Assata Shakur—a communist convicted cop-killer who is now a fugitive in Cuba—and chanting the communist slogan, “We have nothing to lose but our chains.”

The only goal Cullors mentions in her announcement is “to ensure BLM grassroots has the tools and resources it needs to strengthen our movement on-the-ground.”

She’s back in charge—an affirmation of who they are at the core. All that’s changing is how they talk about themselves and how we might perceive them. Put another way, BLM is selling a product that no one is buying.

There’s no apology for riots that cost lives, ruined property, and channeled youthful, productive energies into unproductive activities—the rewards of which are permanent arrest records for untold thousands of our fellow citizens.

There’s no recognition that a guillotine outside Jeff Bezos’ Washington, D.C., home is an affront to those who aspire to choose their own path and voluntarily participate in the one economic system that has lifted more people out of poverty and generated more wealth than any other.

There’s no appreciation for fundamental truths about human development. That traditional family structures—as scientific consensus proves and our shared neighborhood experiences reveal—are what best position children and adults for better health, emotional well-being, and more.

The BLM organizations were never about affirming the foundational truth of equality for all Americans. They want wholesale submission to their devastating ideology.

Their verbal gymnastics and sleight of hand will continue. Even changing their name to “Blacks Loathe Marxism” wouldn’t excuse us from examining their words.

We wager that future polls will show further erosion of support. Donors will continue to give money to other organizations that are trying to bring benefits to individuals and communities.

A movement that is trying to divide us will find that we still have much in common, that the American dream comes in all colors, and we share an unshakeable belief in it and each other.


Andrew Olivastro

Andrew Olivastro is director of coalition relations at The Heritage Foundation.

Mike Gonzalez, a senior fellow at The Heritage Foundation, is a widely experienced international correspondent, commentator, and editor who has reported from Asia, Europe, and Latin America. He served in the George W. Bush administration, first at the Securities and Exchange Commission and then at the State Department, and is the author of the forthcoming book “The Plot to Change America: How Identity Politics is Dividing the Land of the Free.” Read his research. Twitter: .


Ties Apparent Between China and Project of Black Lives Matter Co-Founder

The Left’s Shameful Targeting of Lawmakers’ Homes

A Note for our Readers:

Democratic Socialists say, “America should be more like socialist countries such as Sweden and Denmark.” And millions of young people believe them…

For years, “Democratic Socialists” have been growing a crop of followers that include students and young professionals. America’s future will be in their hands.

How are socialists deluding a whole generation? One of their most effective arguments is that “democratic socialism” is working in Scandinavian countries like Sweden and Norway. They claim these countries are “proof” that socialism will work for America. But they’re wrong. And it’s easy to explain why.

Our friends at The Heritage Foundation just published a new guide that provides three irrefutable facts that debunks these myths. For a limited time, they’re offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free.

Get your free copy of “Why Democratic Socialists Can’t Legitimately Claim Sweden and Denmark as Success Stories” today and equip yourself with the facts you need to debunk these myths once and for all.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: President Trump at 75th Session of the UN pins the tail on China’s Wuhan Flu

“We have waged a fierce battle against the invisible enemy — the China virus — which has claimed countless lives in 188 countries.” – President Donald J. Trump


Remarks by President Trump to the 75th Session of the United Nations General Assembly

The White House


It is my profound honor to address the United Nations General Assembly.

Seventy-five years after the end of World War II and the founding of the United Nations, we are once again engaged in a great global struggle. We have waged a fierce battle against the invisible enemy — the China virus — which has claimed countless lives in 188 countries.

In the United States, we launched the most aggressive mobilization since the Second World War. We rapidly produced a record supply of ventilators, creating a surplus that allowed us to share them with friends and partners all around the globe. We pioneered life-saving treatments, reducing our fatality rate 85 percent since April.

Thanks to our efforts, three vaccines are in the final stage of clinical trials. We are mass-producing them in advance so they can be delivered immediately upon arrival.

We will distribute a vaccine, we will defeat the virus, we will end the pandemic, and we will enter a new era of unprecedented prosperity, cooperation, and peace.

As we pursue this bright future, we must hold accountable the nation which unleashed this plague onto the world: China.

In the earliest days of the virus, China locked down travel domestically while allowing flights to leave China and infect the world. China condemned my travel ban on their country, even as they cancelled domestic flights and locked citizens in their homes.

The Chinese government and the World Health Organization — which is virtually controlled by China — falsely declared that there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission. Later, they falsely said people without symptoms would not spread the disease.

The United Nations must hold China accountable for their actions.

In addition, every year, China dumps millions and millions of tons of plastic and trash into the oceans, overfishes other countries’ waters, destroys vast swaths of coral reef, and emits more toxic mercury into the atmosphere than any country anywhere in the world. China’s carbon emissions are nearly twice what the U.S. has, and it’s rising fast. By contrast, after I withdrew from the one-sided Paris Climate Accord, last year America reduced its carbon emissions by more than any country in the agreement.

Those who attack America’s exceptional environmental record while ignoring China’s rampant pollution are not interested in the environment. They only want to punish America, and I will not stand for it.

If the United Nations is to be an effective organization, it must focus on the real problems of the world. This includes terrorism, the oppression of women, forced labor, drug trafficking, human and sex trafficking, religious persecution, and the ethnic cleansing of religious minorities.

America will always be a leader in human rights. My administration is advancing religious liberty, opportunity for women, the decriminalization of homosexuality, combatting human trafficking, and protecting unborn children.

We also know that American prosperity is the bedrock of freedom and security all over the world. In three short years, we built the greatest economy in history, and we are quickly doing it again. Our military has increased substantially in size. We spent $2.5 trillion over the last four years on our military. We have the most powerful military anywhere in the world, and it’s not even close.

We stood up to decades of China’s trade abuses. We revitalized the NATO Alliance, where other countries are now paying a much more fair share. We forged historic partnerships with Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador to stop human smuggling. We are standing with the people of Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela in their righteous struggle for freedom.

We withdrew from the terrible Iran Nuclear Deal and imposed crippling sanctions on the world’s leading state sponsor of terror. We obliterated the ISIS caliphate 100 percent; killed its founder and leader, al-Baghdadi; and eliminated the world’s top terrorist, Qasem Soleimani.

This month, we achieved a peace deal between Serbia and Kosovo. We reached a landmark breakthrough with two peace deals in the Middle East, after decades of no progress. Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain all signed a historic peace agreement in the White House, with many other Middle Eastern countries to come. They are coming fast, and they know it’s great for them and it’s great for the world.

These groundbreaking peace deals are the dawn of the new Middle East. By taking a different approach, we have achieved different outcomes — far superior outcomes. We took an approach, and the approach worked. We intend to deliver more peace agreements shortly, and I have never been more optimistic for the future of the region. There is no blood in the sand. Those days are, hopefully, over.

As we speak, the United States is also working to end the war in Afghanistan, and we are bringing our troops home. America is fulfilling our destiny as peacemaker, but it is peace through strength. We are stronger now than ever before. Our weapons are at an advanced level like we’ve never had before — like, frankly, we’ve never even thought of having before. And I only pray to God that we never have to use them.

For decades, the same tired voices proposed the same failed solutions, pursuing global ambitions at the expense of their own people. But only when you take care of your own citizens will you find a true basis for cooperation. As President, I have rejected the failed approaches of the past, and I am proudly putting America first, just as you should be putting your countries first. That’s okay — that’s what you should be doing.

I am supremely confident that next year, when we gather in person, we will be in the midst of one of the greatest years in our history — and frankly, hopefully, in the history of the world.

Thank you. God bless you all. God bless America. And God bless the United Nations.


FLORIDA: Governor DeSantis Takes a Rational Approach to Communist Insurgents and Rioters of All Kinds


EDITORS NOTE: This video published by on the Vlad Tepes Blog is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Justice Department Designates Al Jazeera ‘Agent of Qatari Government’

AJ+, a subsidiary of Qatar’s media arm Al Jazeera, will now be required to register in the U.S. as a foreign agent, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

The Justice Department also declared the Al Jazeera Media Network an “agent of the Qatar government.” Al Jazeera is owned by Qatar’s ruling family.

The new requirement falls under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), a safeguard that was put in place in 1938 for the purpose of addressing threats to national security and promoting transparency with respect to influence ops conducted by foreign governments within the U.S.

The act requires that the government, as well as the public, are kept abreast of the source of information coming from foreign governments aiming to influence American public opinion, policy and laws.

Under FARA, AJ+ will have to disclose that information to the government which, in turn, will make the information available on a database accessible to the public.

Al Jazeera spends hundreds of millions of dollars on lobbyists, think-tanks and U.S. universities to influence American public opinion and policy. The emir of Qatar personally appoints its board.

In August of 2013, the network launched Al Jazeera America. Outrage was felt in a number of circles and pressure was put on the channel’s advertisers. Three years later, Al Jazeera America, which generated consistently poor ratings, shut down citing the “economic landscape.

Qatar has a history of aiding and supporting terror groups, including Al-Qaeda, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood as well as the Iranian regime.

Al Jazeera media outlets are known for its parroting of the regime’s views. They also have long histories of spreading antisemitism.

In 2019, AJ+ Arabic came under fire for producing a Holocaust-denial video. The video denied exterminations at the Nazi concentration camps and accused “the Zionists” of being the main beneficiary of the Holocaust.

One of the most egregious acts by the network occurred in 2008 when Al Jazeera made an on-air birthday party for notorious Palestine Liberation Front terrorist Samir Kuntar.

In 1979, Kuntar headed a group of four terrorists who infiltrated Israel, killed a policeman, broke into an apartment and shot a father to death and murdered his four-year old daughter by smashing her skull against a rock. During the attack, the mother, who was hiding with her two-year old daughter, accidentally smothered the child to death trying to keep her quiet.

In the letter sent to AJ+, the Justice Department noted that the Qatari government was free to “withdraw or limit funding at any time.”

The letter coincided with a visit to the U.S. by top-ranking officials from Qatar to strengthen US-Qatar diplomatic and economic relations.

Other media outlets required to register as foreign agents include Russia’s RT and Sputnik, Turkish public broadcaster TRT, and five Chinese media outlets

The letter was also sent the day before two historic peace treaties were signed with Israel by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain. The two countries are among a number of Arab countries at odds with Qatar over their support of terror.

While Left-wing media outlets opined that the designation was pushed by the UAE as a condition to signing the treaty, the UAE ambassador to the U.S. flatly denied that claim.

“At no point in our discussions was Al Jazeera or even Qatar raised,” Ambassador Yousef al-Otaiba told The New York Times.

“They [Al Jazeera] are really not as important as they think they are,” al-Otaiba added.

Three years ago, a coalition of Gulf States including Saudi Arabia and the UAE as well as Egypt and other Sunni states in North Africa cut off relations and trade with Qatar for their support of terror.


Questioning Qatar’s Terror Financing? Here Are the Facts

Al Jazeera Opens Propaganda Front on U.S. Shores

Northwestern University Partners with Al Jazeera

Al Jazeera Wants You to Hate Thanksgiving

Al Jazeera Arabic: Should All the Alawites Be Slaughtered?

Islamic Scholar Pledges Allegiance to ISIS on Al Jazeera

New York Times Shills for Al Jazeera

Rep. Sherman on Al Jazeera: Your Owners Fund Hamas

Watch Clarion Project’s latest documentary Covert Cash on the influence foreign money has on American Universities:

EDITORS NOTE: This Clarion Project video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Why the Left loathes Tucker Carlson

Using absurd claims that Tucker Carlson is a racist, white supremacist, bigot, etc., etc., etc., the Left has furiously attempted to have his prime-time Fox News show taken off the air. The opening segment of the September 17 edition of Tucker Carlson Tonight is a perfect example of why the left hates his guts.

Citing a breaking report by a local TV station, Carlson revealed that, acting in concert with other high level members of his administration, Nashville’s Democrat mayor intentionally withheld from the public encouraging Covid-19 data that showed an unexpectedly low infection rate at the city’s bars and restaurants. By concealing that information, Mayor John Cooper was able to justify keeping Nashville’s restaurant industry under a virtual lockdown, thus suppressing the city’s economic recovery until after the election. Please watch Tucker’s explosive report, and consider sharing it with your friends. (See Below)

From coast to coast and border to border, Democrat governors and Democrat mayors are making coronavirus decisions that have next to nothing to do with public health, and everything to do with using their official powers to rig the election against President Trump.

When the June jobs report showed the economy was undergoing a brisk recovery, with 4.8 million new jobs added, Democrats panicked. Since then, Democrat mayors and governors have surreptitiously done what Nashville’s mayor did: cook the coronavirus books in ways that retard local economic recovery between now and the election. Much to the delight of Democrats, by August the number of new jobs had fallen from 4.8 million in June to 1.4 million, a drop of 64%. Mission accomplished.

The same kind of disgraceful tactics are being used to delay school openings. Acting in concert with Democrat-controlled school boards, blue city health officials are blocking pre-election school openings to tamp down rising employment numbers by making it difficult for parents with school-aged children to go back to work. No better example of that can be found than in California, where Los Angeles County Health Director, Dr. Barbara Ferrer recently told the press that it’s “not realistic” to open the county’s schools “until after the election.”

Of things that matter to Democrats, public health and economic recovery take a distant back seat to their insatiable desire for ironclad political power.

©John Edison. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Anarchists are working to tear down America.

Ultimate Election Malfeasance: The Manipulation of Reality

I am very worried about the November 2020 presidential election.

I have been writing about the unparalleled and sinister anti-American attempts to remove President Donald Trump from office for three years. In April 2020 I wrote, The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’, to raise public awareness in advance of the 2020 election. The Book describes fifty of the most sinister leftist, Islamist, globalist attacks on America.

It is now 48 days until the election. The enemies of America are desperate and are behaving like cornered animals poised for attack. Their survival is at stake because if POTUS is reelected, he will take down the Deep State and expose them all. They know it and Trump knows it.

Even more than election fraud, I believe there is going to be an assault on objective reality using artificial intelligence technology called deepfakes. Wikipedia defines deepfakes as, “synthetic media in which a person in an existing image or video is replaced with someone else’s likeness. While the act of faking content is not new, deepfakes leverage powerful techniques from machine learning and artificial intelligence to manipulate or generate visual and audio content with a high potential to deceive.”

A sane society of ordered liberty requires agreement on what is real. We believe what we see with our own eyes. I believe the desperate Internet behemoths will try to manipulate what is perceived as real using deepfakes, to win their battle to oust POTUS and control society. It is the epitome of social engineering. Let me explain.

In 1995 I wrote the manuscript for my philosophy of behavior book, Dear America: Who’s Driving the Bus? I was trying to help people understand why they do what they do, so that they could change their behavior. I never considered the book to be political. When I published the book in 2011, my editor remarked that the book is very political. I was stunned because I had never considered the political applications of the book. Now I do.

Dear America explains how our minds develop, and how thought precedes behavior. When we are in our most rational adult state of mind we behave like rational adults. If we are mobilized and regress back to childish thinking, we behave like children even though we are chronological adults. Of course the book is political – we vote the way we think!

Ordered liberty requires a society of rational adults. Rational adults question information and use their critical thinking skills to formulate appropriate responses. Rational adults live in objective reality, the world of facts. They are unavoidably in conflict with chronological adults regressed back to childish thinking, who live in subjective reality, the world of feelings. Children believe what they are told unquestioningly, and behave accordingly. So do regressed adults.

A large segment of the U.S. population has been deliberately regressed back to childish thinking – they live in subjective reality where feelings matter and facts are ignored. Regressed adults are easily manipulated and have very little impulse control – they are basically emotional children disguised as adults.

Online freedom is not just a matter of censorship and freedom of speech – it is now a matter of reality! In Hoax 23: The Humanitarian Hoax of Multiple Realities, I discuss the catastrophic consequences of a society that no longer agrees on what is real. A sane society of ordered liberty requires agreement on what is real. We believe what we see with our own eyes. In my opinion, the ends-justify-the-means Internet behemoths are poised to manipulate what we see using deepfakes to win their battle to oust POTUS and control society. It is ultimate election malfeasance, and the epitome of social engineering. Manipulating reality is the nuclear weapon in the globalist war on America-first President Donald Trump.

A chilling article written by science writer, Rob Toews, appeared in Forbes May 25, 2020. “Deepfakes Are Going To Wreak Havoc On Society: We Are Not Prepared.” Toews explains the menace of deepfake technology and the artificial intelligence involved. Under the heading, When seeing is not believing, he writes:

“It does not require much imagination to grasp the harm that could be done if entire populations can be shown fabricated videos that they believe are real. Imagine deepfake footage of a politician engaging in bribery or sexual assault right before an election; or of U.S. soldiers committing atrocities against civilians overseas; or of President Trump declaring the launch of nuclear weapons against North Korea. In a world where even some uncertainty exists as to whether such clips are authentic, the consequences could be catastrophic.”

Deepfakes are the latest technological assault on reality. Toews quotes U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (FL), “In the old days, if you wanted to threaten the United States, you needed 10 aircraft carriers, and nuclear weapons, and long-range missiles. Today….all you need is the ability to produce a very realistic fake video that could undermine our elections, that could throw our country into tremendous crisis internally and weaken us deeply.”

Toews writes that according to USC professor Hao Li, the existence of deepfakes is also being used to discredit what is real. “People are already using the fact that deepfakes exist to discredit genuine video evidence. Even though there’s footage of you doing or saying something, you can say it was a deepfake and it’s very hard to prove otherwise.”

Brad Parscale’s USA Today article, “Trump is right: More than Facebook & Twitter, Google threatens Democracy, online Freedom“, was written two years ago and we are more vulnerable to Google, Twitter, and Facebook than ever before. The globalist tech giants need Beijing Biden in the White House and America-first Trump out. They will do anything and everything to remove him. According to Parscale, “Google, YouTube, and other tech giants already filter, suppress, and even directly attack conservatives.” These sins of omission and sins of commission are designed to change people’s perception of reality.

The Fake News media also threatens reality, but the greatest threat is that the tech giants will misrepresent President Trump using deepfake technology to steal the election. I have written extensively about the conflict between objective reality and subjective reality. The menace of technological virtual reality is here.

Deepfakers can manipulate reality using their deepfake technology to trick you into believing their falsified Trump messaging. If the public believes that what they see is real – that will form the basis for their voting behavior and for their responses to the election outcome. The Internet is now the public square. The Internet behemoths and technocrats who own AI technology now control the public square. Google, Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Alibaba are likely to unleash a mass of deepfake unreality bombs in their ends-justify-the-means desperation to defeat Trump in November.

The final battle for America is the battle for reality. The technocrats are trying to force us into a post-truth world where shared standards for objective reality no longer exist. They are trying to convince us that snow is black. Don’t let them.

©Linda Goudsmit. All rights reserved.


SARASOTA, FLORIDA: Unconditional Surrender — On the Bay it Must Stay!

Time-lapse video of visitors to the iconic sculpture of Unconditional Surrender.

In 2010 the sculpture “Unconditional Surrender” was purchased by Jack Curran, a WW II Navy veteran, and with support from numerous Sarasota veterans and patriotic organizations. Mr. Curran was able to gift the sculpture to the City of Sarasota at a personal cost of $500,000.  The full intent of Mr. Curran was that the statue remain on Sarasota’s bay front. 

One gentleman named Daniel O’Rourke even produced buttons with the slogan “Unconditional Surrender” – On The Bay It Must Stay, used as the title of this column.

Jim Haberman in an email to the citizens of Sarasota, Florida wrote:

The upcoming roundabout construction at U.S. 41 and Gulfstream Ave. will necessitate relocating the Unconditional Surrender sculpture to a nearby site on the Sarasota Bayfront, its home for the past 15 years, and some are attempting to take advantage of that situation in order to have it permanently removed from the Bayfront.  Contrary to recent news reports, only the Sarasota City Commission can make the final decision, and no decision has yet been made.  The Commission will probably do so at its October 5 meeting.

Unconditional Surrender serves as a tribute to America’s victory in World War II, and the military veterans  – the Greatest Generation – which made that victory possible.  Various Sarasota county veterans organizations – and others – are passionately advocating for the sculpture to remain in a prominent Bayfront location.

In addition, Unconditional Surrender draws huge numbers of visitors to the downtown area.  According to Virginia Haley, President of Visit Sarasota, Sarasota county’s official tourism marketing entity, 25% of all visitors to Sarasota County visit Unconditional Surrender.  Given the unprecedented economic impact of COVID-19 on Sarasota’s downtown business district, removing one of the principal attractions drawing visitors to the downtown area would not be a wise choice.


1.) Take the one-minute City of Sarasota survey.  NOTE: Only options 1. or 2. are on the Bayfront:

2.) Send an e-mail to each of the Sarasota City Commissioners, respectfully requesting that Unconditional Surrender remain on the Sarasota Bayfront.  If you are a City resident, please state so in your e-mail:

Mayor Jen Ahearn-Koch,

Vice-Mayor Shelli Freeland Eddie,

Commissioner Willie Charles Shaw,

Commissioner Liz Alpert,

Commissioner Hagen Brody,

3.) Offer public comment of up to three minutes at the Sarasota City Commission meeting (probably October 5) at which the commissioners will vote on Unconditional Surrender’s final disposition.  Can be done at City Hall or remotely from home.  If you are a City resident, please say so during your comments.  The public comment protocols are at

4.) Forward this e-mail to others who support keeping Unconditional Surrender on the Sarasota Bayfront, and post the information to social media.

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PODCAST: Democrat Hysteria!



Congressman Bob Barr represented Georgia’s 7th District in the House of Representatives from 1995-2003. He now practices law in Atlanta, Georgia and is Chairman of Liberty Guard a non-profit, pro-liberty organization. He also heads the Law Enforcement Education Foundation and a consulting firm, Liberty Strategies.

TOPIC: Democrat Hysteria!


Dr. Gerard Lameiro is an author, philosopher, economist, and engineer. He is the author of 6 books and is a popular TV and Talk Radio show guest. Dr. Lameiro was a member of the 1980 Presidential Electoral College and personally cast one electoral vote for Ronald Reagan for President of the United States of America. Dr. Lameiro accurately predicted a Trump victory long before most pollsters and pundits gave Trump even a small chance of winning the presidential election. Dr. Lameiro correctly predicted every State that candidate Trump actually carried in the 2016 election. HIS LATEST BOOK.. “Real World Socialism..” Available from and other retail outlets. Available on Kindle and other devices.

TOPIC: Death of Ginsberg and the Supreme Court!


Frank Salvato is the host of “The Underground” A podcast heard on iHeart Radio, Pandora, Spotify, Amazon Podcasts, and anywhere podcasts are heard. His writing has been recognized by the US House International Relations Committee and the Japan Center for Conflict Prevention. His analysis has been published by The American Enterprise Institute, The Washington Times, and Accuracy in Media, and is nationally syndicated. Mr. Salvato appeared on The O’Reilly Factor on FOX News Channel and is the author of six books examining internal and external threats facing our country. He can be heard twice weekly on “The Captain’s America: Third Watch” radio program syndicated nationally on the Salem Broadcasting Network and Genesis Communications affiliate stations.

TOPIC: Fill Ginsburg’s Seat Immediately!

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Not Even Biden Thinks He Has A Chance To Win

Tucker -The left’s extreme reaction to Ginsburg’s death

America’s Socialist/Fascist Party = No Peace!

The recent death of Justice Ginsburg will intensify the battles between America’s Socialist/Fascist (Democrat) Party and Republicans. Our national security is at stake as in fact you are witnessing Putin’s war against the Republicans and all patriotic Americans… It is more than an Anti-Trump war, it is Putin’s war against the American Constitutional Republic to transform Capitalism to Socialism, a war against the unique political system designed by our Founding Fathers. Knowledge is Power! Knowledge of Russia and her Security Services apparatus is a MUST to expose the traitors in our midst–the leadership of America’s Socialist/Fascist Party.

The History of the Socialist War Against America

It had happened at the end of 1940s or in the beginning of the 50s when Comrade Stalin gave a secret order to his military and Security Services forces to involve the U.S.A. in Middle East wars. He explained his order: “the Sectarian Wars in the Middle East will never end…” Both the Soviet Military and Security Services forces executed that order. Writing about the Soviet/Russian Security Services I use the term KGB. So, the KGB contacted its agents in the Muslim Brotherhood and gave them the assignment to find a reliable Muslim leader. They had found the man and Yasser Arafat was recruited by the KGB in 1957—Russia thus entered the wars of the Mideast.

For decades the Middle East bloody war was a primary concern of the world and humanity’s desire to create peace there. To grasp the unique and historic magnitude of Israel-UAE-Bahrain Abraham Peace Accord, you have to be informed of the war waged by the Socialist/Fascist regimes against Western civilization for many decades. The Abraham Accord is the first dove of peace in that bloody neighborhood. This is a remarkable twist of history—President Donald J. Trump has reversed Stalin’s war to initiate peace in the Middle East. Isn’t it something astonishing! Yet, Stalin’s war has intensified in the rest of the world, especially in America…

Writing about Stalin’s war, I called it WWIII and identified as WWIII: Recruitment and Infiltration, Drugs and Assassinations. You can see all of it in the 2020 America. I deliberately called those regimes Socialist/Fascist. As a matter of fact I was writing about Soviet Socialism for the last thirty-five years and renamed it to Soviet Fascism after the attack on 9/11. I felt that the 14 Saudi Arabian students were recruited by the KGB and the attack was engineered and executed under the supervision of the KGB. At the time I had only my feeling, but later I found evidence in the writing of a Russian defector Konstantin Preobrazhensky. Both Socialism and Fascism are totalitarian ideologies and the terminology depends of the one’s knowledge. Read What is Happening to America? The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction, XLIBRIS, 2012.

Andropov’s Legacy in America

Stalin also gave guidance to the war against America: “America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual Life. If you can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.” — Joseph Stalin. To grasp the menace of that war, let me show you how Stalin’s devoted disciples continued his war for decades. The Chairman of the KGB, Yuri Andropov, was Stalin’s devoted disciple. I knew him well. My work within the legal community coincided with his tenure as the KGB Chairman. If you have any doubts in my identification of Soviet Fascism and WWIII, the first person to confirm the identity of both will be the Chairman of the KGB, 1967-1982, Yuri Andropov. It is an irony and a paradox of the time, but a fact—his words exposed his Socialist/Fascist ideology and behavior …

Here is a conversation of Lt. General Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest-ranking KGB officer ever to defect to the U.S, with Yuri Andropov:

“In 1972 the Kremlin decided to turn the whole Islamic world against Israel and the U.S. As KGB Chairman, Yuri Andropov told me a billion adversaries could inflict far greater damage on America that could a few millions. We needed to instill a Nazi-style hatred for Jews throughout the Islamic world, and to turn this weapon of the emotions into a terrorist bloodbath against Israel and its main supporter the United States. No one within the American/Zionist sphere of influence should any longer feel safe.  (“Russian Footprints,” by Ion Mihai Pacepa, National Review Online, August 24, 2008.)

In the same article General Pacepa wrote: “According to Andropov… the Muslims had a taste for nationalism, jingoism, and victimology. Their illiterate, oppressed mobs could be whipped up to a fever pitch. Terrorism and violence against Israel and her master, American Zionism, would flow naturally from the Muslims’ religious fervor”, Andropov sermonized. What can better confirm both of my terms Soviet Fascism and WWIII than those words? I remind you that under Andropov the indoctrination and infiltration into Western civilization had tripled. Andropov had designed Operation Barbarossa to infiltrate simultaneously American Intel and media. Under his leadership there occurred the bloodiest terrorists’ attacks in the world, from the Munich murder of Israelis in the Olympic Village to the Johnstown tragedy.

Vladimir Putin’s War on America

Vladimir Putin is a devoted disciple of the KGB Chairman Yuri Andropov, his student. It is Vladimir Putin who brought Stalin’s war to the 21st Century, and he is not alone. The ideology united him with Chinese Communists as they have the same agenda, strategy, and methods in fighting humanity. Technology developments have widened their criminal activities in the 21st Century and they use it to quadruple their crimes. The Chinese Wuhan-virus is a warfare missile of the Communist ideology against humanity. Don’t you smell fascism in attacking citizens of the world, even their own citizens, with a deadly disease without gas chambers? If you want to know the details of infiltration and indoctrination by this ideology, please read my books and read here my column: Putin’s Old Soviet Fraud in America! September 10, 2020.

Knowing the history, tactics and methods of the Russian Socialist Revolution, I predicted events in America. Look at my definition of Soviet fascism made in 2012 and compare it with the current predicament in America:

“Now, many years later, I can see the overall dynamics of the events in the world—the Stalinist ideology is moving from one country to another like a plague. It contaminates the land and the human psyche. I saw it with my own eyes. I felt it. And with time a more complete idea and identification of Soviet Fascism had been growing and ripening in my head. Soviet Fascism[i] has become the ideology of various political groups, an amalgamation of Marxists, Communists, Socialists, Anarchists, radical Islamists, and other left-wing groups around the globe, united under the Kremlin’s umbrella to fight Western civilization. Be prepared—different types of violent extremism even a revolution will become an instrument of official policies of the countries adhered to Soviet Fascism…  WWIII is marching across the globe…” What is Happening to America? p. 159, XLIBRIS, 2012.

Don’t you see the carbon copy of the quandary described above in 2020 America? This mess was created by two Democrat American Manchurian Presidents. They, in concert with the KGB transformed the Democrat Party to the Socialist Party and Socialist mafia we are dealing today. The actual example of the Socialist mafia in action is the Biden campaign, run by Socialist Charlatans. Besides, a demented Biden speaking and acting according to a prescribed script, the entire campaign is operating by the Socialist methods and tactics and Stalin’s major postulate: Never admit crime committed, instead accuse opposition in that exact crime. …  Listen to Biden and his Charlatans, it will be lies, deceit, disinformation and fraud—the essence of any Socialist/Fascist regime. Read here The Origin of Washington Spy Ring and the Swamp, March 30, 2018.

Warning to the 2020 Election

Do you feel the rising political temperature in the country?  We are super divided! Socialist/Fascist Party of America has “achieved” a great deal to create this division during the last couple of decades. Two American Manchurian Presidents executed that division from within then and today. Abraham Lincoln was right, we are committing suicide. Here are the doers of the division the Clinton mafia: George Stephanopoulos, John Podesta, Tony Podesta, Terry McAuliffe, and Sidney Blumenthal. Those people have been a totalitarian force of Socialism/Fascism, undermining the American Republic for decades with impunity, and continuing it today. The recent Trump interview by Stephanopoulos was a set up in the best traditions of the Stalin’s KGB. Read here my column Revelation, April 26, 2019

The racial division created by Obama is unprecedented, yet the country bought into his cult of personality and nobody dared to criticize him. His holdovers doubled undermining America. Don’t blame Millenniums they were purposely deprived of knowledge. I’d like to talk about Obama’s long-range policy, keeping America ill-informed, deaf, mute, and naked….  I am an Alumni of the Kennan Institute. The Kennan Institute was the premier U.S. center for advanced research on Russia and Eurasia and the oldest and largest regional program at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. My colleagues were really knowledgeable people in their subjects. I knew George F. Kennan and he loved listening me and the Russian poetry I was reciting.

I was shocked hearing that “Resigning from Congress in February 2011, Jane Harman became President and CEO of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.” Her knowledge of Russia was equal to zero during this time of Putin’s war against America. Her appointment stopped real information about Putin’s Russia for several years, making America ill-informed, deaf, mute, and naked…. Obama had achieved his goal, in addition to that he depleted our military. This and other analogous actions of TREASON has mobilized the Democrat Party to save their future and fight Trump to divert the people’s attention from the TREASON the Democrat’s leadership has committed for several decades.

The Grand-Conspiracy Operates Undercover

The Anti-Trump prolonged coup was manufactured and executed by three Presidents: Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Vladimir Putin to cover-up the crimes they committed. You are witnessing a global war-room aggressively attacking the government system of the American Constitutional Republic!!! Read here my column Watergate 2.0: The KGB’s Global Spy Ring, November 8, 2020.

My fellow Americans!

America’s Socialist/Fascist Party is ready to implement in America a totalitarian regime similar to the Soviet Union and China. Expect an enormous voter-fraud by the Socialist/Fascist Party to take over POWER. Be ready for hate, intimidation, threat and violence… Defend your country, your freedom and personal liberty! Vote Republican!

To be continued and at

©Simon Pipko. All rights reserved.

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