The Vortex — Directly Over the Target — Bombs away!


Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary.

The old expression “the enemy only fires back when you are directly over the target” would mean that the Marxists in the Church — especially in the hierarchy — are getting bombed right now. These crooks have decided to give fake-Catholic Biden a pass on his evil and the wickedness of the entire Democratic establishment, and the real Catholics are ticked off and letting them know.

In truth, there’s no doubt some of the bishops are actually scared — terrified — of ticking off the Harris-Biden ticket, and yes, we all know: That is the actual order of the ticket. Even Biden says it. And so did Harris. The bishops are scared because the ground is shifting considerably as Catholics begin to wake up. Within the ranks of bishops, the word is going out that the rebellion against their tyranny must be put down.

This explains the massing of forces of Marxist Catholics to throw down for Biden. The so-called Catholics for Biden initiative is a rogues’ gallery of phony Catholics like Carolyn Woo. Woo used to head up the leftist-posing-as-Catholic “Catholic Relief Services” (CRS).

We caught up with her a few years ago after she gave a brainwashing session at an Ohio parish, duping ignorant laity. For some reason, she didn’t want to answer our questions, and her handlers tried (unsuccessfully) to sneak her out a side door.

CRS, a favorite of the U.S. hierarchy, takes gobs of your tax dollars and spends them on projects around the world, partnering with abortion providers and contraceptive providers in Third World countries, pretending it’s all about poverty.

Well, it sort of is. Their philosophy is to eliminate poverty by eliminating the poor. So it really is altogether fitting that such a woman would sit on the board of Catholics for Biden. But she’s just one of many in the Marxist Catholic establishment throwing their weight around, lying about Biden being acceptable to Catholics. He’s not.

A couple evenings ago, Newark cardinal Joesph Tobin came out swinging for Biden. And just a recap as some of His Eminence’s highlights, he got caught tweeting out the now famous, “Nighty nite baby. I love you” tweet to his general account by accident, later claiming it referred to his sister.

Remember, Tobin owes his appointment to Newark to homosexual molester Theodore McCarrick, as testified to by Abp. Viganò. And then there was the revolting case of a known gay Italian model who was living in his residence — paid for by collection-plate money — who bolted back to Italy as soon as Church Militant and others exposed it.

When questioned about why he was living with Cdl. Tobin, the official response was he was a foreign student studying English at Seton Hall. When questioned about why he couldn’t live with the thousands of other students on campus, no response.

This man came out with his thinly veiled support for Biden — another supporter of sodomy-as-marriage — on a Zoom conference hosted by Boston College. Birds of a feather really do flock together, don’t they?

Trump really is remarkable. In less than four years, he has managed to get every one of these snakes to slither out from under their rocks and completely reveal themselves. It’s very important to know who the enemy is. Thank you, Mr. President.

The forming of all these phony Catholic groups, the actions of Marxist bishops trying to suppress good priests — all of this is attributable directly to Trump. Although mischaracterized, even the student paper at homosexuality loving Jesuit Fordham University in New York admits this in a recent op-ed entitled, “Trump Creates a Schism in the Catholic Church.”

That’s a real knee-slapper. Trump did not create the schism in the Church (which is very real) any more than Church Militant caused the division in the Church that bishops love to accuse us of. Both Trump and Church Militant have only brought to light the existing formerly-in-the-shadows reality. Good working with you, Mr. President. Thanks for the help. Let us know if we can help you.

Still, the media cannot keep their paws out of this story. A headline from just the day before last from a Minnesota outlet reads, “Two Renegade Priests: One Calls COVID Sham, One Says Dems Face Hell.” Notice how they can’t resist labeling them “renegade” for calling out the truth?

Imagine how life would be under that Harris-Biden administration for actual Catholics. We were all sitting around talking here in the studios a short while ago, and I was saying, “I’ve been doing this kind of work all my life, and I have never seen this level of engagement by the Catholic apostate, heretic, Marxist, dissident crowd.”

They are losing control of the narrative. And what’s more, they know it. However, their narrative has always been built on lies. And truth — that pesky little thing — it always finds a way of coming out. And, moreover, once it gets out, look out. It changes everything.

The Tobins, Martins and Woos of the world, along with all their other evil allies, have brought about the almost-complete destruction of the Church through a series of lies and lies built on lies. And now, truth is coming out, and they have become desperate. And it is looking more and more like the truth is busting out everywhere and being reflected all over the political world.

Trump rallies are, once again, the hottest ticket in town with thousands showing up. The Marxist media continues to lie, almost to the point of hysterical. In a Twitter side-by-side posting, you see on the right a picture from Latino voters at a Trump event. The other side shows that CBS grabbed the picture and captioned it as Biden appealing to Latino voters while campaigning in Florida.

The actual picture — before CBS cropped it — showed loads of Trump people in the crowd. Who knew so many MAGA people showed up at Biden rallies? If it weren’t so evil, you’d be rolling in the aisles. But when evil is pushing back this hard — and the Marxists in the Church are linked arm in arm with them — you just know that you are right over the target.

A month ago, the Marxist polls were showing a virtual blowout for Harris-Biden. Then, right after the conventions, their lies had to start being rolled back because Judgment Day, Nov. 3, will expose all. So after being told for months that Biden was going to crush Trump — after racism, COVID, injustice, climate, impeachment, economy, you name it — all of a sudden, the Marxist media had to start saying the polls were tightening (especially in battleground states).

Amazing how Trump came storming back out of nowhere to draw to a tie all over the map. That, of course, is if he really was ever that far behind. And then came the bombshell (and what has created ulcers at Marxist headquarters at the Democratic People’s Party).

A new poll came out from the outfit that has proved the most reliable (and the one that really can’t be ignored), Rasmussen. For the first time ever, Trump pulled into the lead over Biden after trailing Biden by five two weeks earlier.

Yes, this is a gigantic clash of the ages. Every last weapon is being pulled out by both sides, but the biggest weapon, truth, is only held by one side.

You just have to pick it up and actually use it.

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

ASSOCIATED PRESS: Woman Arrested! Accused of Sending Ricin Letter to President Trump


WASHINGTON (AP) — A woman suspected of sending an envelope containing the poison ricin, which was addressed to White House, has been arrested at the New York-Canada border, three law enforcement officials told The Associated Press on Sunday.

The letter had been intercepted earlier this week before it reached the White House. The woman was taken into custody by U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers at the Peace Bridge border crossing near Buffalo and is expected to face federal charges, the officials said. Her name was not immediately released.

The letter addressed to the White House appeared to have originated in Canada, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police have said. It was intercepted at a government facility that screens mail addressed to the White House and President Donald Trump and a preliminary investigation indicated it tested positive for ricin, according to the officials.

The officials were not authorized to discuss the ongoing investigation publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.

There have been several prior instances in which U.S. officials have been targeted with ricin sent through the mail.

A Navy veteran was arrested in 2018 and confessed to sending envelopes to Trump and members of his administration that contained the substance from which ricin is derived. The letters were intercepted, and no one was hurt.

In 2014, a Mississippi man was sentenced to 25 years in prison after sending letters dusted with ricin to President Barack Obama and other officials.

©Associated Press. All rights reserved.

We The People White House Petition To #FillTheSeatNow Launched

A White House petition to fill the empty  seat on the Supreme Court has been launched before November 3rd, 2020.

Nominating Ginsburg’s replacement now! was created by D.R. on September 19, 2020.

The petition reads:

We must have nine Justices on the Court before the November 3rd election. The Democrats are going to do everything possible to steal the Presidency, including taking their case to the Supreme Court. A 4/4 tie will throw the Country into a Constitutional crisis and possibly into a civil war.


©All rights reserved.


California Wants Me to Vote, Even Though I Haven’t Lived There for Over 8 Years

States across the country are experimenting with a mass switch to mail-in elections in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

But is it wise for states to make such a big change, especially in light of messy voter rolls around the country?

What I was sent earlier this month by election officials in Alameda County, California, makes me worried that ballots going to the wrong locations will be a significant concern this year.

The Alameda County Registrar of Voters notified me by mail at my parents’ address in Oakland that I would receive a ballot when the state sends them out Oct. 5. This is following Gov. Gavin Newsom’s executive order that all California voters receive a mail-in ballot before the Nov. 3 election.

How are socialists deluding a whole generation? Learn more now >>

The problem is, I should not be considered a California voter.

Since I left California in 2011, I have registered to vote in two other places. I’ve officially changed my address. And my parents notified election workers at their local voting location after I left the state, but to no avail.

The only reason I was even aware of the situation is that my parents still live at the same address.

I posted this information on Twitter, noting that it’s particularly concerning given that there will be a massive uptick in mail-in voting this year.

Although the official mail my parents received isn’t the actual ballot, it informed me that I would receive one along with every other California voter. Unless something changes, a ballot will be sent to me in a town where I haven’t lived or voted for a decade.

I’m hardly alone in my experience. That’s a problem.

What if I or my parents had been dishonest, and I voted twice? What if somebody else living at that address tried to submit my vote?

It’s not hard to see how this system could be abused by those who care to do so.

Again, this is an even bigger problem right now. Much of the country is experimenting with mass voting by mail even while many states have done a poor job of cleaning up their voter rolls and taking extra precautions to ensure election integrity.

A municipal election in May in Paterson, the third-largest city in New Jersey, demonstrated how a mail-in ballot system potentially can be abused. Ballot irregularities and alleged fraud led to a significant number of cast ballots being invalidated and a judge’s ordering a new election.

Among the problems were mismatched signatures on ballots and hundreds of ballots that were bundled improperly. Several people were charged with voter fraud.

That election in New Jersey simply may be an ugly outlier, but it’s also a good reason to be concerned about an election system being transformed on a widespread scale, as we are seeing for the 2020 presidential election.

State officials should treat election integrity as the serious issue that it is.

The bottom line is that voter rolls around the country are bloated and filled with inaccuracies. Countless voters are registered in multiple states, many of which have resisted cleaning up their rolls.

The 2020 election also presents unique problems. Most states are moving toward a mail-in system as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This makes irregularities in voter rolls more problematic, given that many states simply are sending out ballots to everyone who is currently registered. Others require a request, more like the typical process of acquiring an absentee ballot.

My Heritage Foundation colleague Hans von Spakovsky has written extensively about election integrity issues and warned about the implications of mass mail-in voting.

“Going entirely to by-mail elections would unwisely endanger the security and integrity of the election process, particularly if officials automatically mail absentee ballots to all registered voters without a signed, authenticated request from each voter,” von Spakovsky wrote in April.

Von Spakovsky noted in the article that having “thousands of ballots” arrive in places where voters no longer reside “risks those ballots being stolen and voted.”

As far as my own ongoing problem with California sending me ballots, von Spakovsky says:

Voter registration forms usually have a place on the bottom of the form where you can write in where you were previously registered. But states are notoriously lax about forwarding that information to the former jurisdictions or doing anything about information when they get it from other states. Their voter rolls, particularly California’s, are also in notoriously bad condition because they don’t take off people who have moved or died.

Mark Hemingway, who has written extensively about related issues, wrote in 2019 that a sharp divide now exists between those who prioritize “ballot access” and those who focus on “ballot security.”

These sometimes competing concerns are prevalent in the 1993 National Voter Registration Act, often called the “Motor Voter Act.” Officials streamlined the process for voter registration, but opened the possibility of more inaccurate rolls, especially given how many people move from state to state.

“People are far more likely to register to vote in their new homes than to alert their old communities that they have moved,” Hemingway wrote.

It’s up to the states to do regular maintenance on their voter rolls, and they are supposed to follow up with a notice to voters who have been inactive for a long time.

However, Hemingway wrote that since passage of the National Voter Registration Act, “many states have simply ignored the maintenance requirements while others have sought legal workarounds.”

For those who say they’re concerned with protecting “democracy,” ballot security should be a priority. Messy voter rolls open up the possibility of fraud as well as innocent errors that could gravely threaten our electoral process.


Jarrett Stepman is a contributor to The Daily Signal and co-host of The Right Side of History podcast. Send an email to Jarrett. He is also the author of the new book, “The War on History: The Conspiracy to Rewrite America’s Past.”  Twitter: .


A Note for our Readers:

Democratic Socialists say, “America should be more like socialist countries such as Sweden and Denmark.” And millions of young people believe them…

For years, “Democratic Socialists” have been growing a crop of followers that include students and young professionals. America’s future will be in their hands.

How are socialists deluding a whole generation? One of their most effective arguments is that “democratic socialism” is working in Scandinavian countries like Sweden and Norway. They claim these countries are “proof” that socialism will work for America. But they’re wrong. And it’s easy to explain why.

Our friends at The Heritage Foundation just published a new guide that provides three irrefutable facts that debunks these myths. For a limited time, they’re offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free.

Get your free copy of “Why Democratic Socialists Can’t Legitimately Claim Sweden and Denmark as Success Stories” today and equip yourself with the facts you need to debunk these myths once and for all.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

In a Pandemic, Dogmatism is the Real Enemy

What we need is careful science, not scientism

Eight months into this pandemic, we sometimes seem to be no nearer to knowing what’s going on than we were at the beginning.

Lockdowns vs. no lockdowns; masks vs. no masks; hydroxychloroquine vs. remdesivir; opening schools vs. closing schools, etc., etc. Every day, top-level experts express significantly divergent viewpoints on each of these questions. One study published one day concludes one thing; another study published the next concludes the opposite, and critics attack both. One newspaper analyzes the latest data and claims that things are getting better; another newspaper, looking at the same data, laments they have never been worse. Meanwhile, fundamental and simple questions, such as how this virus is transmitted, or where it originated, are still the subject of ongoing research and intense debate.

All of which is to say, science is operating exactly as it always has.

Preaching Orthodoxies Prematurely

If the history of science proves anything, it’s that attaining certainty even on relatively narrow questions is an arduous process. It requires huge investments of time and is often preceded by false starts, dead ends, and premature claims of success. Science is often muddied by haste, ineptness, researcher bias, and conflicting personal, financial, political, and ideological interests.

Given the additional, staggering complexity of a global pandemic, the surprising thing about our present uncertainty is not the uncertainty itself, but how distraught or even scandalized many people are by it. An excessive desire for certainty is leading to counter-productive responses — and to a breakdown of communication and trust, precisely when we most need both.

Over the past eight months, people of every political stripe have prematurely seized on scientific claims and preached them as though they were orthodoxies, with a zeal out of proportion to our actual knowledge. Rather than explore and attempt diverse approaches, or carve out space for conversation, creativity, and experimentation, we too often assume “the other side” is malicious. We call even mild nonconformism or risk-taking a moral failing rather than a necessary prerequisite for advancing our knowledge. Often, the public “debate” has been little more productive than a pie fight

Not long ago, as Allan Bloom pointed out in The Closing of the American Mindsome form of skepticism or relativism was the default epistemological position of the overwhelming majority of people. Every day college freshmen repeated some version of the claim that “truth is relative” as though it were a platitude. But today we expect and demand absolute certainty on extraordinarily complex matters, at the snap of our fingers.

Scientism, Superstition, and Dogmatism

Most people seem to agree that the pandemic is a scientific problem that needs a scientific solution. This is true, but only partially. To view the plague as purely a scientific problem is reductive. As Andrew Sullivan noted in a recent essay, a plague is not just a medical event. It is also a “social and cultural and political” event. Plagues “insinuate themselves into every nook and cranny of our lives and psyches — from sex to shopping, from work to religion, from politics to journalism — and thereby alter them.”

After all, even if our scientific understanding of the virus were complete, we still wouldn’t all agree on the right response, and for good reason. Many medical experts presume that our goal should be to save as many lives as possible from the virus — but there are limits to that goal. Saving more lives in the short term at the expense of fundamental rights and freedoms, or of social order, or of the long-term viability of the economy, may be too high a price to pay. How to balance these concerns cannot be answered by science alone.

Talking heads on TV exhort the public to “trust the science” as if “the science” were some monolith, unaffected by human fallibility and constraints, that could answer all the political, ethical, and social questions that the pandemic raises. Many seem to believe that, if scientists just work harder, at some point “the science” will tell us what to do, down to the minutest detail.

This is scientism, and it is a form of superstition. Like all superstitions, it stems from a desire to escape the discomfort of uncertainty; the painful duties of investigation, debate, and decision-making; and the risk of being wrong.

Rather than stretch our minds to fit the problem, superstition reduces the problem to fit the limitations of our minds. It replaces reason with dogma, and thanks to the spread of scientism today, dogmatism is ubiquitous. Even those who criticize the dogmatism of others who demand fealty to “the science” often adhere to their own scientific dogmatism — only they find their dogmas in far-flung and seedy corners of science and the media. Moreover, both sides often insist that their favored scientist, or group of scientists, or publication, or journalist, is the only one who has “figured it out.” If we would just listen to them, everything would be all right.

The dogmatist is scandalized by the difficulty of how humans come to know — bit by bit, at the expenditure of enormous energy, and in many matters reaching only probable conclusions. He prefers to seize on a simplistic explanation and call it a solution. One can see why such people often become conspiracy theorists. Perplexed by a vast confusion of data points, the conspiracy theorist does not patiently investigate the data to discover their objective connection (which is hard). Rather, he presumes an explanation, investigates how to fit the various data points to it, and simply discards the data that will not fit (which is easy).

How to Debate About a Plague

But maybe there is no one correct solution to this pandemic — no one strategy that we know with certainty (based on irrefutable scientific data) will save more lives than the alternatives; or that won’t come with its own unacceptable, long-term costs. Or if there is any such answer, perhaps we cannot possibly know what it is until well after this pandemic is over, when there are no more decisions to make. There are simply too many factors at play and too many unknowns; and we have no idea how the coming days, months, and years will unfold.

Should we throw up our hands in despair? Are there no solutions that are clearly better, or supported by better evidence, than others? Is the science so hopelessly complex that we can’t possibly look to it for any guidance? Should we not advocate our favored solutions, based on the best available evidence, or not oppose the solutions we believe to be harmful or misguided?

Of course not. Doing nothing is not an option. We may not know everything we would like to know about this virus, but we do know much more than we did before, and certainly more than the human race has ever known when facing a similar crisis. We have to move, and in order to move, we must select a starting point. We must make decisions based on the limited information we have, and then execute those decisions with conviction, hoping that they turn out as planned.

On the other hand, we should be aware of the sorts of errors that may cloud our judgment.

Dogmatism closes questions that ought to remain open and blinds us to any truths that go against our own prejudices and political loyalties. It precludes fruitful conversation and compromise by treating as moral those questions that are merely practical and therefore debatable. We should be rigid only on moral absolutes and be flexible in everything else. We need to bear courageously the burden of uncertainty in matters that are uncertain. We ought not cast aspersions on the motives of others, when a plausible case can be made that they are simply reading the data differently.

Another common error is the “sunk cost” fallacy: when we continue down a path — even in the face of evidence that it is the wrong way — merely because we have already gone so far down it, or because we staked so much of our reputations on it. Then there is confirmation bias, the error by which we ask how new data support our preferred conclusion, rather than whether they do so in fact.

Wisdom lies not in having a great deal of knowledge, but in honestly identifying the limits of our knowledge. Socrates was the wisest man in Athens precisely because he believed himself to be ignorant. We ought to be suspicious of politicians, media talking heads, conspiracy theorists, and social media warriors who profess to be wise. Their alluring reductions and ideologies are leading us astray and tearing us apart.

Above all, let us have the humility to admit when we are wrong. If anything is certain in a global pandemic, it is that every one of us will be wrong some of the time.

This article has been republished with permission from The Public Discourse.


John Jalsevac

John Jalsevac is working on a PhD in medieval philosophy, with a dissertation examining Thomas Aquinas’s philosophy of memory. .

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Trump’s ban on Critical Race Theory, explained

Does Critical Race Theory promote racial harmony or does it “sow division” as the Trump administration claims? And what is its relation, if any, to Marxism?

With the November election just around the corner, it’s only to be expected that President Trump would seek to rally conservative voters and drive his supporters to the polls. So, when his administration, on September 4, instructed the federal government to eliminate all training in “Critical Race Theory,” some thought it was just a red-meat stunt to excite the Republican base. Others saw it as an act of right-wing censorship and an obstruction of racial progress.

In truth, there’s much more to this development than mere politicization and censorship.

Here’s a breakdown of what the administration is doing and why it’s a welcome move.

The executive memo

“It has come to the President’s attention that Executive Branch agencies have spent millions of taxpayer dollars to date ‘training’ government workers to believe divisive, anti-American propaganda,” Office of Management and Budget Director Russ Vought wrote in the executive memorandum.

“Employees across the Executive Branch have been required to attend trainings where they are told that ‘virtually all White people contribute to racism’ or where they are required to say that they ‘benefit from racism,’” Vought explained. “According to press reports, in some cases these training [sic] have further claimed that there is racism embedded in the belief that America is the land of opportunity or the belief that the most qualified person should receive a job.”

The order instructed federal agencies to identify and eliminate any contracts or spending that train employees in “critical race theory,” “white privilege,” “or any other training or propaganda effort that teaches or suggests either that the United States is an inherently racist or evil country or that any race or ethnicity is inherently racist or evil.”

The exposé

How did it “come to the President’s attention,” and what press reports is Vought referring to?

Well, President Trump is known to watch Tucker Carlson’s show on Fox News. And days before the memo was issued, Carlson had on journalist Christopher Rufo to discuss his multiple reports uncovering the extent to which Critical Race Theory (CRT) was being used in federal training programs.

“For example, Rufo claimed, the Treasury Department recently hired a diversity trainer who said the U.S. was a fundamentally White supremacist country,” wrote Sam Dorman for the Fox News web site, “and that White people upheld the system of racism in the nation. In another case, which Rufo discussed with Carlson last month, Sandia National Laboratories, which designs nuclear weapons, sent its white male executives to a mandatory training in which they, according to Rufo, wrote letters apologizing to women and people of color.”

Rufo challenged President Trump to use his executive authority to extirpate CRT from the federal government.

The debate

CNN’s Brian Stelter (as well as Rufo himself) traced Trump’s decision directly to the independent investigative journalist’s self-proclaimed “one-man war” on CRT, of which the recent Carlson appearance was only the latest salvo.

Selter characterized Trump’s move as a reactionary attack on the current national “reckoning” on race. He cited the Washington Post’s claim that, “racial and diversity awareness trainings are essential steps in helping rectify the pervasive racial inequities in American society, including those perpetuated by the federal government.”

So which is it? Is CRT “divisive” and “toxic” or is it “rectifying” and “anti-racist”?

Intellectual ancestry

To answer that, it would help to trace CRT to its roots. Critical Race Theory is a branch of Critical Theory, which began as an academic movement in the 1930s. Critical Theory emphasizes the “critique of society and culture in order to reveal and challenge power structures,” as Wikipedia states. Critical Race Theory does the same, with a focus on racial power structures, especially white supremacy and the oppression of people of color.

The “power structure” prism stems largely from Critical Theory’s own roots in Marxism—Critical Theory was developed by members of the Marxist “Frankfurt School.” Traditional Marxism emphasized economic power structures, especially the supremacy of capital over labor under capitalism. Marxism interpreted most of human history as a zero-sum class war for economic power.

“According to the Marxian view,” wrote the economist Ludwig von Mises, “human society is organized into classes whose interests stand in irreconcilable opposition.”

Mises called this view a “conflict doctrine,” which opposed the “harmony doctrine” of classical liberalism. According to the classical liberals, in a free market economy, capitalists and workers were natural allies, not enemies. Indeed, in a free society all rights-respecting individuals were natural allies.

A bitter inheritance

Critical Race Theory arose as a distinct movement in law schools in the late 1980s. CRT inherited many of its premises and perspectives from its Marxist ancestry.

The pre-CRT Civil Rights Movement had emphasized equal rights and treating people as individuals, as opposed to as members of a racial collective. “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character,” Martin Luther King famously said.

In contrast, CRT dwells on inequalities of outcome, which it generally attributes to racial power structures. And, as we’ve seen from the government training curricula, modern CRT forthrightly judges white people by the color of their skin, prejudging them as racist by virtue of their race. This race-based “pre-trial guilty verdict” of racism is itself, by definition, racist.

The classical liberal “harmony doctrine” was deeply influential in the movements to abolish all forms of inequality under the law: from feudal serfdom, to race-based slavery, to Jim Crow.

But, with the rise of Critical Race Theory, the cause of racial justice became more influenced by the fixations on conflict, discord, and domination that CRT inherited from Marxism.

Social life was predominantly cast as a zero-sum struggle between collectives: capital vs. labor for Marxism, whites vs. people of color for CRT.

A huge portion of society’s ills were attributed to one particular collective’s diabolical domination: capitalist hegemony for Marxism, white supremacy for CRT.

Just as Marxism demonized capitalists, CRT vilifies white people. Both try to foment resentment, envy, and a victimhood complex among the oppressed class it claims to champion.

Traditional Marxists claimed that all capitalists benefit from the zero-sum exploitation of workers. Similarly, CRT “diversity trainers” require white trainees to admit that they “benefit from racism.”

Traditional Marxists insisted that bourgeois thoughts were inescapably conditioned by “class interest.” In the same way, CRT trainers push the notion that “virtually all White people contribute to racism” as a result of their whiteness.

Given the above, it should be no wonder that CRT has been criticized as “racist” and “divisive.”

Reckoning or retrogression?

Supporters of CRT cast it as a force for good in today’s “rectifying reckoning” over race.

But CRT’s neo-Marxist orientation only damages race relations and harms the interests of those it claims to serve.

In practice, the class war rhetoric of Marxism was divisive and toxic for economic relations. And, far from advancing the interests of the working classes, it led to mass poverty and devastating famines, not to mention staggering inequality between the elites and the masses.

Today, the CRT-informed philosophy, rhetoric, and strategy of the Black Lives Matter organization (whose leadership professed to be “trained Marxists”) is leading to mass riots, looting, vandalism, and assault. The divisive violence has arrested progress for the cause of police reform, destroyed countless black-owned small businesses, and economically devastated many black communities.

Those who truly wish to see racial harmony should dump the neo-Marxists and learn more about classical liberalism. ( is the perfect place to start.)

So much for CRT being a force for good. Of course, even horrible ideas are protected by the First Amendment. The government should never use force to suppress people from expressing ideas, speech, or theories it dislikes.

Critics insist that President Trump is engaged in this kind of censorship by targeting CRT.

Not so.

No one is banning White Fragility, the blockbuster CRT manifesto. No one is locking up those who preach CRT or ordering mentions of it stripped from the internet.

The memo simply says that taxpayer dollars will no longer be spent promulgating this theory to federal government employees. As heads of the executive branch, presidents have wide latitude to make the rules for federal agencies under their control. Deciding how money is spent certainly falls under their proper discretion—and it is always done with political preferences in mind, one way or the other.

It is not censorship for Trump to eliminate funding for CRT, anymore than it was “censorship” for the Obama administration to choose to tie federal contracts to a business’s embrace of LGBT rights.

Elections have consequences, one of the most obvious being that the president gets to run the executive branch. If we don’t want the president’s political preferences to be so significant in training programs, then we should simply reduce the size of government and the number of bureaucrats.

In the meantime, stripping the federal government of the divisive, toxic, and neo-Marxist ideology of Critical Race Theory is a positive development for the sake of racial justice and harmony.

This article was originally published on Read the original article.


Dan Sanchez

Dan Sanchez is the Director of Content at the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) and the editor-in-chief of He co-hosts the weekly web show FEEcast, serving as the resident “explainer.” … 

Tyler Brandt

Tyler Brandt is a Senior Associate Editor at FEE. He is a graduate of UW-Madison with a B.A. in Political Science. In college, Tyler was a FEE Campus Ambassador, President of his campus YAL chapter, and… 

Brad Polumbo

Brad Polumbo (@Brad_Polumbo) is a libertarian-conservative journalist and the Eugene S. Thorpe Writing Fellow at the Foundation for Economic Education. He was previously a Media and Journalism Fellow at… 


STUDY: Black Lives Matter Accounts For Nearly 100% of Riots Across the Country Over 3 Months

Lest we forget, some US slave owners were honorable men

Helping our teens navigate gender ideology: ages 14-18

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Fabled Singer Van Morrison rails against lockdowns in new protest songs

Finally, a musician with balls — like Morrissey. Both from across the pond. No big-time American musician has done the same — the left will DESTROY you.

For the rest of the herd, all their swagger, tough talk, rapper, gangsta, hard rock is all show — every one one of those clowns is afraid to say anything that would upset the left-autocracy.

Bravo Van!

Van Morrison rails against virus restrictions in new songs

Music legend Van Morrison said on Friday he has recorded three “protest songs” against the UK government’s coronavirus lockdown measures, in which he reportedly accuses scientists of “making up crooked facts”.

By: MSN, September 18, 2020;

The Northern Irish singer-songwriter will release the new tracks — named “Born To Be Free”, “As I Walked Out”, and “No More Lockdown” — at two-week intervals from September 25.

“Morrison makes it clear in his new songs how unhappy he is with the way the government has taken away personal freedoms,” a statement said on his website announcing the releases.

In one of the trio of records, the musician sings: “No more government overreach / No more fascist bullies / Disturbing our peace.”

In another, he sings: “No more taking of our freedom / And our God given rights / Pretending it’s for our safety / When it’s really to enslave.”

Morrison also claims scientists are “making up crooked facts” to justify the restrictions, the BBC reported.

Morrison said in a statement that he was “not telling people what to do or think”.

“The government is doing a great job of that already.

“It’s about freedom of choice, I believe people should have the right to think for themselves.”

The “Brown Eyed Girl” singer had already stirred controversy last month when reportedly urging people to “fight the pseudoscience” around Covid-19, before he staged several socially distanced performances in England.

“It’s not economically viable to do socially distanced gigs,” he said, urging the music industry “to fight with me on this”.

Britain has been the worst-hit country in Europe by the coronavirus pandemic, and is currently seeing a resurgence in cases after a months-long lockdown earlier this year.

Morrison said he will debut his new songs later this month in shows at the London Palladium theatre, and make them available for download and streaming.


5781: An Extraordinary Jewish New Year 🇺🇸 🇮🇱

Stripe Is Offering $20,000 Bonus To Employees To Leave Cities

Twitter’s Director Joins Biden Campaign

Antifa tells followers to “spread fire…”

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Religious Liberty Coalition Director Reminds Us to ‘Stand Together’ to Protect Religious Rights

Pastor Todd Coconato’s acceptance of the role of Director for the Religious Liberty Coalition (RLC) comes at a time where discrimination against people of faith has intensified. We are proud to be affiliated with the RLC, which works to protect religious freedom at a public policy level and affirms that religious liberty is an “inherent human right.” As government officials and corporations continue to take actions that suppress the rights of pious individuals, a commitment to preserving religious principles has become increasingly more critical.

Lawmakers have been using the coronavirus to restrict the First Amendment right to worship. The state of California has been particularly egregious when it comes to subjecting churches to unfair rulings. The Grace Community Church in Los Angeles cannot hold indoor church services, and the San Francisco County Department of Health will not even allow outdoor worship services if more than 12 people are present.

State and local officials have decided worship attendance is too dangerous, but massive Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests can take place without any excessive restrictions, and bars can have people in them up to 50 percent capacity.

Unfortunately, these attempts to limit religious liberty are not new. Influential corporations like Amazon (1.29) and Apple (1.00) took a clear stance against traditional religious values when they signed an amicus brief that urged the Supreme Court to rule against Jack Philips –  a Christian baker who declined to make a cake for a gay wedding. The backlash Philips faced exposed how corporations often use their platform to enforce a left-wing agenda.

Apple CEO Tim Cook said Christians who disagree with his secular views are pushing “hate,” and they have “no home” on his company’s platform. Ironically, Cook has no problem doing business with the oppressive Iranian regime. Much like the officials limiting church services, behavioral standards are whatever Cook selectively determines them to be, and religious people happen to be an easy target.

We have to stand together to protect our religious liberties. If you or your church are interested in learning more about the Religious Liberty Coalition, please email

EDITORS NOTE: This 2nd Vote column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Power of Creating Something…from Nothing

As a filmmaker, the question I’m asked most often is, “I want to make my film, but what do I do if I don’t have the money?” I love the movie Field of Dreams where Kevin Costner hears a voice say, “Build it and they will come.” Build what? Your dream. We must understand how God has programmed us. Since God created us in His image, we have an undeniable, innate desire to imitate Him. Perhaps the creation of man and this universe is the most brilliant, low-budget indie film of all time. God took nothing and made something.

Perhaps this is God’s filmmaking formula:

  1. God created the world in six days. (A quick shooting schedule.)
  2. The world sure was beautiful. (But it was simple.)
  3. One location (The Garden of Eden.)
  4. Inexpensive wardrobe (A leaf or two.)
  5. Three characters (Adam, Eve, and the antagonist Satan)
  6. Simple plot (Man meets woman, falls in love, woman falls for snake, eats his apple, and, well, it’s been the longest-running soap opera in history.)

My point is, even God started simple, no matter what we have in front of us, whether a mountain that seems unclimbable or the Red Sea that appears uncrossable, understand that God is there. The force that created the world from nothing is the same force within us today. Let’s talk about some elements of creating something from nothing.


Mark 11:22-24 “Have faith in God,’ Jesus answered. ‘Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, “Go, throw yourself into the sea,” and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”

Christ is keying us into prayer; He tells us that when we face an obstacle we already have the power to overcome it. Anytime we are called to create anything, we will make a series of moves that usually encounter obstacles, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual. The problem is that we forget we are spiritual beings having a human experience, so we turn to man’s ideas and logic. We don’t seek the supernatural, which is where God lives and creates, therefore we must get out of the physical and into the spiritual. The only way is through prayer. Prayer conditions the heart – it does not conform God to our will. Prayer does not move God, but prayer does move us. However, prayer alone is not enough.


Verse 23 above says not to doubt, and 24 tells us to combine belief with our prayers. When we do not doubt but instead believe, we end up in the same spiritual space – it’s called faith. Verse 22 sums it up, and we see how prayer moves us – it’s through faith.

Scripture shares many accounts of Jesus dealing with peoples’ great faith, here are three:

The first is when a woman who had been sick for years with no hope to be healed probed through a crowd of people and touched Christ’s robe. He felt the power go out of Him, and He told the woman with the issue of blood that her faith had made her whole. (Luke 8:43-48).

The second is when a centurion soldier approached Christ from a distance and asked that He heal his servant. Jesus was willing to go to the centurion’s house, but the soldier told Jesus that he was not worthy for Jesus to come to him and that all He had to do was to speak the word and the servant would be healed. Christ was so amazed at this soldier’s faith. He spoke the word and the centurion’s servant was healed (Mathew 8:5-13).

The third is when a woman who was not a Jew came to Jesus and asked healing for her demon-possessed daughter. Jesus told her that he did not come to heal anyone who was not Jewish, and he used the example of “dogs” (referring to pets). The woman replied, “but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall off the table onto the floor.” When Christ heard what she said, He was so impressed that He healed her daughter after He told her, “you have great faith” (Mathew 15:21-28).

Yes, faith is key. However, without the next component, all the faith in the world will not help.


Mark 11:25-26 “And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.”

Wow. This point is often overlooked – and not preached today. No wonder the church is so impotent. Without totally forgiving, we cannot move forward for the kingdom, because hurt becomes unforgiveness, and unforgiveness gives birth to anger. This scenario is played out in the world through the arts. For example…


No matter what genre, whether rock, pop, rap, or country, etc., we hear stories of brokenness and even anger. All this comes from unforgiveness. I don’t mean every song needs to be about a perfect or restored life, but much of this music is just downright demonic. It’s dark, and it proudly exhibits rage against anything of God and His truth.

Films & TV

Have you ever watched a film and wondered how anyone could produce, much less write, a theme so dark and hopeless, and seem to take pleasure in doing it? Not only have I seen it, but I have been one of the filmmakers who has done it. Why? Because most artists, whether filmmakers, musicians, actors, painters, etc., come from a place of brokenness where someone has injured them, and they’re carrying loads of hurt (which becomes unforgiveness.) This is how they deal with it – through their art. Unfortunately, those who listen to or watch these reflections are sucked into the broken world of this hurt turned to unforgiveness, which only breeds more anger and more unforgiveness. It’s a vicious cycle.

Since we are made in our Heavenly Father’s image and he is the master designer, creating something out of nothing, then it would only stand to reason that we can create and design just like our Father. Remember, we came into this world with nothing, and we will leave the same. Everything in between is what we do with the time we’re here, and while we’re here God gives us the time and tools to create anything out of nothing. Now, it’s one thing to create something that tells a story of brokenness (this is the gospel of salvation), but we must do it from a place of healing so that we can maintain a balance and not spew Satan’s rhetoric.


Think of your creativity as a giant engine, the motor that drives your project to fruition. Let’s call the engine your vision. Your vision does not need to be crystal-clear or even detailed enough to fully explain it. God knows your vision, and He’s the only one who really counts because He’s the one behind it. Start with your vision, and even if it’s not logical, explainable, or hardly readable, it’s ok, write it down.

Habakkuk 2:2 says, “Then the Lord replied: ‘Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.”

As time progresses, your vision will become clearer to you. When God gave me the script, The Last Evangelist, I didn’t know why I was writing it or what I was going to do with it; I was a full-time evangelist; I wasn’t making films like before, but still, God implanted the idea within me to use my filmmaking talent for His glory. Next, He gave me the final ingredient.


The fuel that powers the engine is passion. Without passion, we cannot succeed. It’s what God had when He sent His Son to live and die for us. He had passion. His passion was to show love; love is a voice above all others. The passion of Christ led him to fulfill His destiny that the Father intended. Jesus’ passion was His love for the Father, revealed by doing His will.

The Father has given each of us the power to create just as He creates, but we must know when that power is being used for God or against God. We cannot serve God and man. We must choose for whom we create something from nothing.

* For details on the upcoming end-time TV series Last Evangelist and the movement surrounding it, visit or email

©David Heavener. All rights reserved.

Watch How ‘The View’ Treats Conservative Black Voices | Kim Klacik

Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Kim Klacik (U.S. House candidate) about her recent appearance on “The View” and her argument with Joy Behar. Kim explains why there seems to be a double standard for how black women are treated on ”The View” depending on if they are liberal or conservative. She also explains why there are growing numbers of black Trump supporters and black conservatives. Finally, she explains why she is running for office in Baltimore and how 50-plus years of Democratic leadership has failed the black voters of her city.

©The Rubin Report. All rights reserved.

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Comparing the Bolshevik Revolution with Today’s Antifa and BLM Movement

By Wallace Bruschweiler & William Palumbo

Ever since George Floyd was killed by Minneapolis police on May 25th, the United States – and to a lesser extent the Western world – has been up in arms, so to speak, allegedly about racial disparities and police brutality.

Now that the public has had nearly four months to observe their activities, we know that the so-called “protest movement” is an utter sham.  More precisely, the “protests” are a cover for something else.  The rampaging duo of Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifascists (Antifa) – the two most identifiable “protest” groups – prove with each passing night that they are purveyors of hate and architects of destruction, murder, general chaos, and political boots on the ground.

Let us examine today’s “protesters” and compare them to other movements in modern history.  In reality, these “protesters” are a fifth column whose only discernible ideology is Marxism-Leninism.

The “Protesters” of the Past

In February 1917, a revolution that had been brewing for decades entered its final stage, as the Bolsheviks (and other allied communist groups) forced the abdication of Russian Tsar Nicholas II.  For the next several years Russia was engulfed in a civil war, pitting the Communists against the “White Russians” (traditionalists who supported the monarchy).  Following Communist victory, it took until 1991 – more than 80 years – for the Soviets to finally rid themselves of the “workers” regime.  In the meantime, Communism killed and enslaved tens of millions worldwide.

Bolshevik Revolution – 1917-1923

  • Belligerents: Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, etc. (Communists/Marxist-Leninists) vs. White Russians.
  • Outcome: Communist victory, followed by collapse of Soviet Union in 1991. White Russians and Jews escaped following defeat to three escape routes: Berlin, Thessaloniki, and Shanghai.
  • Modus Operandi: Civil war, secret police, show trials, murder, GULAGs, exile to Siberia, forced labor, ethnic cleansing, torture, etc.
  • Comments: Following Communist victory, Vladimir Lenin consolidated power to become first leader of the USSR. The Soviet regime reached the height of its domestic terrorism during the Stalin era (d. 1953), when during the Great Purge of 1937 approx. 1 million “undesirables” were eliminated.

Yet the allure of Marxist-Leninism is strong.  Indeed, Russia’s descent into the darkness of dystopian tyranny was not enough to prevent European malcontents from attempting to replicate the Soviet Union in western Europe.  During the 1970s and 80s, Europe was plagued by Marxist-Leninist terrorists intent on revolution.  Each country had their own “distinct” terrorist groups, although authorities later realized that they were not only connected to each other, but actively cooperating strategically.

European Terrorism – late 1960s – early 1990s

  • Belligerents: Italy: Red Brigades, Prima Linea, Potere Operaio ; Germany: Baader-Meinhof (aka Rote Armee Fraktion); France: Action Direct ; Spain: ETA ; UK and Ireland: IRA vs. European nations, and intelligence (BKA, MI5, MI6, SISMI, SISDE, etc.).
  • Outcome: Only after the European nations agreed to tackle the terrorism problem in unison, working across borders, was the bloody insurrection defeated.
  • Modus Operandi: Italy: kneecappings, kidnapping, bombs, etc. ; Germany: kidnaping, hostage taking, airplane rerouting, etc. ; UK and Ireland – killing, bombs, bringing down army helicopter.
  • Funding: The Soviet Union via Bulgaria funded European-based terror groups through local Communist newspapers. Also provided support to Palestinian/Arab terrorism. Muammar Gaddafi supported the IRA and ETA through direct bank-to-bank transfers and with weapons.
  • Comments: Political and intellectual support for the violent terrorist groups came from Communist parties in each country, who were often part of the government and intelligentsia.

Timing is Everything

For those unhappy with society for whatever reason, the Marxist-Leninist ideology is perennially attractive. Today’s violent Left – socialism – animated by Marxist-Leninism, shares many parallels with its predecessor movements.

“Protest Movement” – Present time

  • Belligerents: BLM, Antifa, Democrats, and media vs. the police, the public, Trump and Republicans
  • Outcome: TBD – Nov. 3, 2020 (or later)
  • Modus Operandi: Rioting, looting, assault, destruction of public property and monuments, blocking roads and highways, murder, arson, inflicting blindness
  • Support: Soros: funding “racial justice” organizations ~$220 million, the selection, election and support of local DAs ; Media: selective coverage ; China, and also Iran: known to support BLM.
  • Comments: China is America’s main geopolitical foe, and billionaire George Soros is a primary financier of the Democrat Party and global left. Both view President Trump as a threat to the globalization movement.

For the record, both China and Soros back Joe Biden.

Where do we stand at this point in history?  It’s said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  Ignoring the harsh and brutal reality of Communism in the wake of the Bolshevik Revolution, terrorists tried to topple Europe and establish their own “workers’ republic.”  But for the dedication of European governments they would have succeeded.  Today, a modern-day socialist, Marxist-Leninist movement has metastasized throughout the US and its political system – we have to stop them in their tracks!

©All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: BLM Leaders in Their Own WordsPragerU.

Nigeria’s president: Trump “looked at me in the face. He said ‘why are you killing Christians?’”

Nigeria ranks 12th in the Open Doors USA World Watch List of the worst countries for Christian persecution. Fulani jihadists and the Boko Haram jihad group brutalize and slaughter Christians on a routine basis.

For some odd reason, Buhari — himself a Fulani and a Muslim — decided to be honest about what transpired between him and Trump.

“I was in his office, only myself and himself. Only God is my witness. He looked at me in the face. He said ‘Why are you killing Christians?‘”

Buhari explained: “I tried and explained to him this has got nothing to do with ethnicity or religion. It is a cultural thing which the respective leadership was failing the nation.”

This is disingenuous. Nigeria has been termed the “biggest killing ground of Christians in the world.” Anglican Archbishop Benjamin Argak Kwashi of Jos said: “This thing is systematic. It is planned; it is calculated…. their intention is to Islamize Nigeria.”

Although Buhari openly condemns Boko Haram and Fulani jihadist attacks on Christians, he has done little to stop them.

In February, the Trump Administration launched the first-ever International Religious Freedom Alliance, which 26 countries joined: Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, The Gambia, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Senegal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Togo, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom.

Let’s hope more practical efforts are made to help Christians who are suffering persecution in Nigeria and elsewhere. Western countries need to be stop aid to countries that aid and abet persecution against Christians and other religious minorities.

“Buhari: Trump Accused Me of Killing Christians in Nigeria,” by Omololu Ogunmade, This Day, September 8, 2020:

For the first time since he met the United States President Donald Trump in Washington in April 2018, President Muhammadu Buhari disclosed Monday that Trump unequivocally accused him of killing Christians in Nigeria.

However, he said he defended himself, telling Trump that the conflict between farmers and herders in Nigeria was caused by cultural matters and not dictated by ethnic or religious factors.

Buhari, who said he was put on the spot by Trump when he was alone with him, alleging that he (Buhari) was slaughtering Christians in Nigeria, added that the question startled him but he put his emotion under control.

The president, who made the disclosure when he deviated from his closing speech at the end of a two-day ministerial retreat in the Presidential Villa, said he was the only African leader from less developed countries that was invited by Trump at the time.

He asked his cabinet members how they would feel if they were the ones put on the spot and confronted with such a grave allegation, disclosing that he further told Trump that the conflicts were caused by successive leaders of the country who tampered with established grazing routes.

According to him, only Nigerian leaders in the First Republic kept grazing routes while subsequent ones encroached on them, adding that the crisis was older than him and much more than Trump whom he said he was still older than.

“I believe I was about the only African among the less developed countries the President of United States invited, and when I was in his office, only myself and himself. Only God is my witness. He looked at me in the face. He said ‘why are you killing Christians?’

“I wonder if you were the person how you will react. I hope what I was feeling inside did not betray my emotion. So, I told him that the problem between the cattle rearers and stagnant farmers I know is older than me, not to talk of him (Trump). I think I am a couple of years older than him.

“With climate change and population growth and the culture of the cattle rearers, if you have 50 cows and they eat grass, any route to your water point, they will follow it, it doesn’t matter whose farm it was.

“The first republic set of leadership was the most responsible leadership we ever had. I asked the minister of agriculture to get a gazette of the early 60s which delineated the cattle routes where they used meagre resources then to put earth dams, wind mills even sanitary department.

“So, any cattle rearer that allowed his cattle to go to somebody’s farm is arrested, taken before the court, the farmer is called to submit his bill and if he can’t pay, the cattle are sold, but subsequent leaders, VVIPs (very very important persons) they encroached on the cattle routes, they took over the cattle rearing areas.

“So, I tried and explained to him this has got nothing to do with ethnicity or religion. It is a cultural thing which the respective leadership was failing the nation,” he said….


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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Sen. Ted Cruz explains the grave danger of not filling SCOTUS vacancy before election: ‘A constitutional crisis’

It’s now or never, folks. If we postpone, you can bet your last dollar they will steal the presidency.

Ted Cruz explains the grave danger of not filling SCOTUS vacancy before election: ‘A constitutional crisis’

‘I think we have a responsibility — a responsibility to do our job’

By: Blaze News 

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) explained late Friday why the Supreme Court vacancy, caused by the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, must be filled before Election Day.

What did Cruz say?

Speaking with Fox News host Sean Hannity, Cruz said the integrity of the election depends on the court having nine justices, especially considering the enhanced likelihood of a legally contested contest this year.

“I think it is tremendously important that not only does the nomination happen next week but that the confirmation before Election Day,” Cruz explained. “Democrats and Joe Biden have made clear, they intend to challenge this election, they intend to fight the legitimacy of the election. As you know, Hillary Clinton has told Joe Biden ‘under no circumstances should you concede. You should challenge this election.’”

“We cannot have Election Day come and go with a 4-4 court,” Cruz said.

If the seat is not filled prior to Election Day, America risks a “constitutional crisis,” the Texas senator went on to say.

“A 4-4 court that is equally divided cannot decide anything. And I think we risk a constitutional crisis if we do not have a nine justice Supreme Court, particularly when there’s such a risk of a contested litigation and a contested election,” Cruz explained.

“Twenty years ago, I was part of the legal team that litigated Bush v. Gore and went to the Supreme Court. Thirty-seven days the country did not know who the president was going to be, and if we had a 4-4 court it could have dragged on for weeks and months,” he continued.

“So, I think we have a responsibility — a responsibility to do our job,” Cruz said. “The president should nominate a principled constitutionalist with a proven record, and the Senate is going to take a lot of work to get it done before Election Day but I think we should do our job and protect the country from the constitutional crisis that could result otherwise.”

Earlier in his interview, Cruz said, “This nomination is why Donald Trump was elected. This confirmation is why the voters voted for a Republican majority in the Senate.”

It’s not yet clear who President Donald Trump will nominate to fill the high court vacancy.

However, just last week, the White House released an updated list of potential nominees for future Supreme Court vacancies. Cruz’s name is on the list, although he has since stated that he is not interested in serving on the Supreme Court.

Judge Amy Comey Barrett, a conservative justice who was confirmed to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals in 2017, is thought to be one of the top contenders for the seat.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell confirmed late Friday that the Senate will vote on Trump’s nominee before Election Day.



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“We Have this Obligation, Without Delay!”: President Trump urges Supreme Court nomination ‘without delay’

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

WATCH LIVE: President Trump in Fayetteville North Carolina, Massive Crowds

President Trump making 4th visit in as many weeks to North Carolina

By Associated Press | September 19, 2020:

FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. (AP) – President Donald Trump plans to make his fourth visit in as many weeks to the battleground state of North Carolina to address a rally in Fayetteville.

Trump is set to address a crowd Saturday evening at the Fayetteville Regional Airport.

He’s made other recent visits to Winston-Salem and Wilmington, as well as to Charlotte, where last month he addressed the Republican delegates who awarded him the GOP nomination.

Trump’s latest visit comes following Friday’s death of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

The president has urged the Senate to consider “without delay” his upcoming nomination to fill the new court vacancy.



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Sen. Ted Cruz explains the grave danger of not filling SCOTUS vacancy before election: ‘A constitutional crisis’

45 Days Until Election: Three Supreme Court Justices, Including Ginsburg, Were Confirmed In Less Time

White House Deadly Package of Poison Ricin Addressed to President Trump

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

White People Are Also Victims Of Racism. I Have Been Multiple Times

There’s a deeply inconvenient truth that the Black Lives Matter, Inc. left does not want Americans to hear. Anyone can be racist and anyone can be the victim of racism. We’ve seen this over the past months with multiple videos of black people attacking white people because they are white, even with police investigating some as hate crimes. The media doesn’t care to report those, but fortunately they are not the lone informational gatekeepers anymore.

This bookends with obvious racist acts against black people. The true number of incidents on both sides are small, but the point is they are on both sides and involve other ethnicities as well. This is just an ugly part of human nature — not a one-race-specific act, which is a racist assertion.

But you don’t need to be physically attacked — or even killed, as the young  man in Milwaukee was — to be the victim of racism.

I grew up in Flint, Michigan in the 1960s and 1970s. Flint was a racially divided city in those years, experiencing the riots of 1967 and general racial distrust. There was just a lot of racism to go around.

In elementary school, I was a majority but there was a sizable and growing minority of black kids. In around fifth or sixth grade — it was a long time ago — I was over and over again chased home by two black kids, one who was my size and one who was huge for our age. They made it abundantly clear they hated me because I was white. More than once they caught me. I recall being held down and punched under some bushes next to a corner house one time. I wasn’t the only kid to get this treatment, and pretty sure it went the other way, also.

Pretty ugly stuff and obviously reflecting what they heard in the home and by other adults and kids in their milieu. But I also remember some dads talking, frustrated with the rioting and destruction, and one of them said, “I’ll vote for any president who will send three shiploads of them back to Africa.” Also pretty ugly stuff.

We moved out of that neighborhood and to Flint Township before junior high began because of the fights I was getting in. By 1982, I graduated from Michigan State University with a degree in journalism after working sometimes full-time while carrying a full load, just to get through. White privilege, you know.

In the late 1980s, we wanted to live in the Twin Cities and I applied and was interviewed for a job at the St. Paul Pioneer Press Dispatch newspaper. At the end of the interviews, I was sitting in the office of, I think, the Managing Editor, but I don’t recall for sure. He was an old-time newspaper guy with a jar of cigars on his desk and one in his mouth. And he let slip — and by slip, I mean he straight up told me — that I seemed like a good reporter and qualified, but I would not be getting the job because it was reserved for a minority journalist as part of affirmative action. I think he was trying to make me feel better, but it really didn’t.

For the second time, I had been victimized by people or a system for having white skin. I strongly suspect this happened more in my newspaper career, but I have no evidence of it.

While it is possible that whites face less racism than blacks, I strongly doubt that is the case in journalism and other fields dominated by leftists. But as I understand the current most woke thinking, which may change by the time this column is completed, “lived experiences” trump any of that data.

I don’t really believe that of course, because I operate in the realm of common sense. But the reality is I am far from alone in experiencing racism that is utterly counter to the dominant cultural narrative. My story, and thousands like it, put a stake in the heart of white privilege. I represent one bookend of the lie of white privilege and one-way racism in America. Sasha and Maya Obama already have the “lived experiences” representing the other bookend.

And in between the bookends? The lie remains a lie.

EDITORS NOTE: This Revolutionary Act column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Like The Revolutionary Act on Facebook