What Is To Be Done About the Left’s Anti-Americanism?

My latest in PJ Media:

The murder of George Floyd, as everyone knows, was only a pretext for the riots that have now taken several lives and caused billions of dollars in property damage. Their seeds were planted decades ago. And now the question before us, if we wish to preserve the United States as a free society, is what must be done to address the deeply rooted problems that got us into this fix in the first place.

No, I don’t mean “systemic racism” or any of the other Leftist talking points making the media rounds these days. As many have noted, Americans fought a civil war to end slavery and have a longer, fuller record of legally fighting racism than virtually any other country in the world. “White privilege” is a Leftist myth designed to sow distrust and division, as well as shame at the nation’s culture and heritage.

But there are deep systemic problems. One is the Left’s long march through the institutions, which began in the 1960s and has ended in total victory: The Left controls the establishment media, the educational system, the corporate culture, the entertainment industry, and more. Richard Nixon was complaining about the biased press coverage of his campaign for Governor of California in 1962 when he said “You won’t have Dick Nixon to kick around anymore,” but the propaganda machine that did him in was just in its infancy then.

Now, decades later, no one bats an eye when Democratic Party operatives such as George Stephanopoulos and Donna Brazile, and a host of others, go into the “news” business. It is taken for granted that every reporter for every major publication, every one, is a hard-Left ideologue.

This has consequences far beyond simply giving only one side of the story and doing everything possible to make President Trump look as bad as possible. Government and law enforcement officials at all levels today have no problem appearing at functions of groups such as the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which the media consistently portrays as a “civil rights” organization when its agenda is in fact deeply subversive.

But they would never be caught dead at a conference of a group opposed to jihad violence and Sharia oppression of women, and if they did have the temerity to show up at such a gathering, they would have to answer to a hysterical media lynch mob enraged at their appearing at a meeting of a “hate group.”

And that’s just one very small aspect of the problem. The Leftist stranglehold on the educational system is another. Our children have been taught to hate the land of their birth. Who didn’t think this would bear bitter fruit? There was some indignation among conservatives over the 1619 Project, which portrays the entire American enterprise as racist, oppressive, and hateful, winning the Pulitzer Prize, but that was just the culmination of decades of miseducation and propaganda disguised as education.

There is much more. Read the rest here.


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Nigeria: Muslims murder Christian pastor and his wife while the couple was working on their farm

Swedish government accused of boosting overall school test scores by removing results from migrants

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Here Are Just 10 of the Many Minority-Owned Businesses Destroyed in the Riots

Riots and looting undercut the economic foundation of urban and minority communities.

The peaceful protests over the police killing of George Floyd are entirely justified. But the rioting, looting, and arson that have broken out in cities from Minneapolis to Dallas are most certainly not. In fact, in many instances, this criminal vandalism is sabotaging the same minority communities that peaceful protesters seek to aid.

Here are 10 examples from the seemingly endless reports of minority-owned businesses suffering at the hands of rioters and looters:

  1. Private Stock Premium Boutique, a black-owned clothing store based in Austin, Texas, was looted and left in ruins during the riots.
  2. Bole Ethiopian Cuisine, an ethnic restaurant in Saint Paul, Minnesota, was burnt, vandalized, and destroyed during rioting.
  3. Guns and Roses Boutique, a Dallas, Texas boutique, was started by a black businesswoman who built her fashion enterprise from the ground up. It was looted and left in ruins during riots.
  4. Go Get It Tobacco, a black-owned tobacco store in St. Paul, Minnesota, was vandalized, robbed, and left in tatters.
  5. King’s Fashion, a Philadelphia boutique, was burned and left layered in soot. Its minority owners had “built the business over two decades, working seven-day weeks.”
  6. MN Fashion and Jewelry, a jewelry store in Minneapolis, Minnesota was raided and looted, leaving its owner, Masum Siddiquee, to pick up the pieces.
  7. Scores Sports Bar, a Minneapolis sports bar, was the brainchild of a black firefighter who used his life savings to start it. He had planned to open it in June. Rioters burned it to the ground, and the owners did not have insurance.
  8. Healing Path Wellness Services, a South Minneapolis minority-owned mental health clinic, was burned, looted, and destroyed.
  9. Ihman’s Hair Studio, a Philadelphia hair salon, was looted and ransacked. The owner wrote that she is “hurt and angry that my people would vandalize and destroy a black-owned business.”
  10. Kane’s Barbershop and Altatudes, a minority-owned barbershop in Austin, Texas, was burned during riots and extensively damaged.

For some of these specific businesses, GoFundMe donors have raised large amounts of money to support rebuilding. However, this is only true for the small number of businesses whose stories go viral, and there are no doubt many more who will receive no such outpouring of support. Regardless of whether generous donors help individual businesses rebuild, this looting and arson has wide-ranging economic ramifications that will adversely impact entire communities in the future.

Famed free-market economist Thomas Sowell once said that property rights “belong legally to individuals, but their real function is social, to benefit vast numbers of people who do not themselves exercise these rights.” Nobel laureate economist and philosopher Friedrich Hayek made a similar point, remarking that “The system of private property is the most important guarantee of freedom, not only for those who own property, but scarcely less for those who do not.”

What Sowell and Hayek are getting at is quite simple: The protection of property rights does not just benefit property holders, it is a necessary prerequisite for any market economy to function.

When property rights are insecure or routinely violated—widespread looting and arson are prime examples—the very foundation of a community’s economy is undermined. Investors understandably balk at the uncertainty and forego investing there, while entrepreneurs cannot launch new enterprises or even continue current ones without the knowledge that they will be secure in their property. As a result, job opportunities and income streams dry up. This is why securing property rights is perhaps the government’s most basic function and responsibility.

It is no coincidence that there is a strong correlation between the strength of private property rights in a given nation and its rates of economic growth:


In the case of these riots, the direct costs and economic disadvantages will likely be borne disproportionately by minorities. And this comes at a time when minority-owned small businesses can least afford it, having suffered extensively under COVID-19 lockdowns. Vandalism in heavily urban, minority communities will cause insurance rates to rise and property values to drop. This is not speculation—it is exactly what happened in the aftermath of similar rioting in the late 1960s.

2005 study found “negative, persistent, and economically significant effects of riots on the value of black-owned housing” to the degree of “a 10 percent decline in the total value of black-owned property in cities.”

We also can’t ignore the way this destructive behavior affects not just property owners and entrepreneurs, but all members of minority communities, who are also residents and consumers. A clip shown on Fox News offers a particularly chilling example. A black woman, shaking with emotion, tells the reporter that the riots were “scary” and describes the impact on her community.

“They went straight to OfficeMax, the Dollar Store, and every store over here that I go to,” she says through tears. “I have nowhere to go now. I have no way to get [to other stores] because the buses aren’t running.”

All this destruction is for nothing. As FEE Managing Editor Jon Miltimore explained, rioting actually sets causes back in the eyes of the public:

New research published in The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology suggests the popularity of social reform movements suffers when movements use “extreme protest actions,” which tend to alienate neutral observers and even supporters of a given cause. Study leaders conducted six experiments involving 3,399 participants to measure how people responded to a variety of social causes, from Black Lives Matter movement to anti-abortion groups.

“[Researchers] found that more extreme behaviors—such as the use of inflammatory rhetoric, blocking traffic, and vandalism—consistently resulted in reduced support for social movements,” writes Eric W. Dolan, the founder of PsyPost, a psychology and neuroscience news website.

All of this is to say that while the current looting and rioting may stem in part from understandable frustrations, it is disastrously counterproductive. Not only has it destroyed the livelihoods of many individual black and minority business owners, it has also undercut the economic foundation of urban and minority communities.

Seriously addressing police brutality and inequities in the criminal justice system will require eliminating the liability shield for bad copsending mandatory minimumsdecriminalizing marijuana, and more. But chaos and disorder only does a disservice to minority communities in need of real reform.


Brad Polumbo

Brad Polumbo is a libertarian-conservative journalist and the Eugene S. Thorpe Writing Fellow at the Foundation for Economic Education.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: The Vortex — Trump and the Tech Tyrants


Late last Thursday afternoon, President Donald Trump took a step that is emboldening conservatives everywhere. He finally struck out at giant tech and called them out for what they are — political censors.

Ever since his 2016 victory, the social media arm of the Marxist media has turned near-violent against Trump specifically and conservatives in general, zapping and deleting, suspending and deplatforming like crazy.

It’s all in an attempt to ensure that Trump does not get re-elected, and it can’t be surprising. This group hates America and pretty much everything it stands for.

They’ll drone on and on about constitutional rights when they can’t pervert them for, say, dreaming up the right to an abortion out of thin air and pretend that it’s there, right there, buried deep and mysteriously in the constitution, which it’s not.

But when it comes to something as straightforward as free speech, the howls from the lunatics on the Left become deafening. See, the tech tyrants are all for free speech, as long as they get to control it. They have set themselves up as the arbiters of truth — their truth — and you should be privileged and grateful for their service to you.

They go through and routinely screen and ferret out anything that is not liberal, Marxist propaganda and brand it as “violating community standards.” But they never tell the offending party exactly what standard was violated and what community established it.

The Marxist Left, like all divisions on the Left, need to control everything. They block and censor free speech — conservative free speech — because if the truth gets out there, someone like, oh, Donald Trump might become president.

At the conclusion of the 2016 election, during the transition away from an Obama White House and to a Trump administration, while he was still president, Obama even talked about — warned about — the role social media platforms had played in getting Trump elected, and said something had to be done about it.

Since the dominant media has been controlled for decades by the godless Left, it was only a matter of time until the forces of truth found a way to breathe. Truth is like water: It always finds a way. And the Left is like Hell, eternally raging against truth.

So no one could be surprised here that, when conservatives abandoned traditional media and took to the internet and social media, that the tech tyrants would eventually catch on and try to put an end to it. The approaching election has, shall we say, quickened their pace, which brings us back to Trump and last Thursday.

The executive order he signed goes after the tech giants where they live, which is behind a shield that protects them from being sued.

The shield is Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, enacted 25 years ago to protect what were then-fledgling companies from being sued for allowing all but the most offensive material on their platforms. The idea was pretty simple. Outfits like YouTube were seen as platforms, and that’s all. They didn’t make decisions about content.

But since Trump’s election, these giant corporations have gone nuclear, no longer being just neutral platforms but actually switching, in practice, to publishers — outfits that make editorial decisions about this is true and this is not, and then censoring what they declare untrue.

What ticked off Trump and then kicked off this whole much-needed action was that Twitter decided to do a “fact check” on a Trump tweet about how mail-in ballots could easily be used to produce fraudulent results. Twitter posted that’s not true — which by the way, it is — and that so ticked off Trump, that he signed his executive order striking directly at Section 230, saying it needs to be re-examined in light of current abuse of it.

In Twitter’s appendage to Trump tweet, it said to get the facts on mail-in ballots and provided a link to — of all things — a CNN story saying mail-in ballots were safe. In the process of saying they’re safe, they apparently forgot a story from a month earlier they had produced saying the exact opposite, highlighting a race where thousands of ballots had gone missing and suddenly showed up.

Tech companies have to make a choice: They are either neutral, at which point Section 230 shields them from being sued, but they can’t censor people — or they can censor all they want, but then they can be sued for violation of free speech, interfering with businesses, meddling with elections and a host of other things. In short, they can’t have it both ways and Trump is calling them out.

United States Attorney General Bill Barr is now on the case, along with the Federal Election Commission, which under the executive order must now hear cases filed by citizens saying the tech giants have interfered in the election. Likewise, the Federal Communications Commission — the FCC — is debating how to react since people, citizens, can now bring their complaints against Silicon Valley to Washington D.C.

The issue isn’t denying the tech tyrants their right to do business as they want. It’s the manifest unfairness of allowing Lefties unfettered access to an audience of hundreds of millions, and yet swatting down conservatives at every turn. And those decisions are being made by Marxists for Marxists, which means believers and conservatives don’t have a prayer. But they do have Trump, who Thursday became the answer to their prayers.

Now here at Church Militant, we have up close and personal experience with this. A few months back, we suddenly — out of the blue — got a notice from the company we used to host our videos. The company’s name is Vimeo.

Vimeo told us they were canceling our contract and that was that. The reason? Because the Marxist-atheist Southern Poverty Law Center — the infamous SPLC — had labeled Church Militant a “hate group” and Vimeo does not do business with hate groups. And 72 hours later, that was that — poof. Access to our videos through Vimeo was a thing of the past.

Simon Rafe here on staff worked some magic behind the scenes and managed to seize and pull down all our inventory of thousands of episodes of premium programming and save it all, but it was touch and go for a while. As an aside, the next time you watch any premium program going forward, say a thank-you prayer for Simon.

This is the reality of the tech world today. It’s controlled by Marxists, just like every other cultural institution, including important parts of the Church.

If you remember, clergy like the lying, plagiarizing Fr. Thomas Rosica as well as Bp. Robert Barron spoke in broad terms about some kind of seal of approval from the Church for catholic social media websites, in effect, censorship by non-approval. That would create an ipso facto blacklist and that is exactly how various clergy would talk about us and others — as not credible, not worth listening to — because we would not be approved. Liberals love censorship.

Vimeo canceled us — as part of the larger cancel culture — because they did not approve of what we say, to which we say “too bad.” This is America, you Marxist morons. Its called “free speech.” You don’t get to censor us. That’s how the marketplace of ideas works. All ideas get a hearing and the truthful ones disprove the false ones and rise to the top. But that presumes an even playing field, a fair game, the rules equally applied.

There are a hundred good reasons Trump should be reelected. This makes it one hundred and one.

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Attack On Homeschooling

Since 1999, homeschooling enrollment has tripled, and this trend is only showing signs of continued growth.

Although today’s 2.5 million homeschoolers may not seem like a large number, it’s a remarkable figure considering that American homeschooling has only been legal in all 50 states since 1993.

On this week’s Mic’d Up, Michael Voris interviews Corey DeAngelis, director of school choice at Reason Foundation.

For many years now, DeAngelis has been on the front lines fighting against the attempt to discredit homeschooling. As of late, he’s been in a battle with Harvard, owing to the university’s effort to smear homeschooling — especially a law professor’s repeated calls for it to be banned.

Studies consistently show that parents choose homeschooling due to the overall environment of other schools, the quality of academic instruction and the lack of moral instruction.

When looking at test scores, homeschooled children consistently outperform the general population of students.

Looking at the Scholastic Aptitude Test, or the SAT, homeschoolers score about 72 points higher than the national average.

Turning to the American College Test, or the ACT, the national average is 21 out of 36, whereas homeschoolers are just under 23 out of 36.

In 2009, The Home School Legal Defense Association commissioned a study that found that “Homeschoolers are still achieving well beyond their public school counterparts— no matter what their family background, socioeconomic level or style of homeschooling.”

In regard to moral instruction, public school advocate John Dewey, known as the “father of American education,” co-founded the atheistic American Humanist Association —its motto: “Good without a God” — and went on to serve as its first president.


Trey Brock

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

ANTIFA: The Network of Violent Criminal Revolutionaries

“You have a choice. There are two alternative futures for America.  In the launch at Cape Kennedy, you saw America leading the fourth industrial revolution, American capital, American workers, American made.  And late at night you saw what can happen breaking down to anarchy and racial division.  It’s law and order predicated upon a robust economy and this means American capital brought back to America to stop financing our enemies.” –  Steve Bannon

“What we witnessed in Ferguson, in Baltimore, and in Baton Rouge was a collapse of social order. So many of the actions of the Occupy movement and Black Lives Matter transcend peaceful protest and violates the code of conduct we rely on. I call it anarchy.” – David A. Clarke, Jr.

“The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence.” – John Adams, A Defense of the Constitutions of the Government of the United States of America, 1787

Professional criminal anarchists have hijacked legitimate protests against the death of George Floyd which is a result of approved Minneapolis police training.  We’re now dealing with the virus of Antifa and anarchy…far more dangerous than Covid-19.  The World Health Organization’s overblown death rates were promoted by Pence, Fauci and Birx, and cost American’s dearly.  Organized professional anarchists are now destroying property and lives, extending the misery and not enough is being done to stop them.  Attorney General Barr says the DOJ now has evidence that Antifa and other extremist groups are instigating the rioting.

Antifa is an international organization who is overtly authoritarian; if you don’t agree with them, you, your country, and your property should be smashed to bits.  They are not a domestic organization; it is an international network of people.  They have infiltrated governments, police departments and anti-hate groups who fund their violent actions around the world.  They have access to cash, to great legal resources, access to government officials and to media.

Antifa’s Joseph “Jose” Alcoff

Smash Racism DC organizer Jose Alcoff, aka Jose Martin and “Chepe,” is a radical communist and Antifa leader operating in the U.S.  He advocates for the violent overthrow of the government and for the murder of the rich and claims to have international involvement in left-wing movements.  The Tennessee Star wrote a brilliant expose on Martin in late 2018. He is a communist revolutionary out to destroy our capitalist society, and is regularly hosted by a variety of democratic politicians including Diane Feinstein, Tammy Baldwin, Don Bayer, and has been pictured alongside Ohio Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown and California Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters.

Alcoff is pictured in the green shirt next to Maxine Waters.

What Antifa and their likeminded groups want is dictatorial totalitarian communism. Smash Racism DC is the Antifa group that protested in front of Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s house and berated Sen. Ted Cruz at a restaurant until he and his wife were forced to leave. It is only one of the Antifa leader’s radical left-wing projects.  “We have got to dispense with nonviolence,” he said as Chepe on Radio Dispatch in December 2016 during a discussion on how to approach those he perceives as fascists.

He has used his Jose Martin identity to make public appearances to promote socialism, once calling for a society without police. He may get his wish as Minneapolis council members aim to “dismantle” the police department and replace it with “a transformative new model for public safety.”  But his communist Chepe alias makes his Jose Martin identity seem moderate, using it to advocate for violence to achieve his goal of eliminating capitalism and the U.S. government.

It could be argued that the ideological distance between Antifa and the now-defunct National Socialist German Workers’ Party or Nazi Party, is so slight it can be measured in millimeters.  Antifa are the new SA paramilitary forces who carried out Kristallnacht or the Night of Broken Glass.

James O’Keefe of Project Veritas just released a shocking video exposing Antifa assault training.

Antifa views America and those who safeguard its free institutions as fundamentally illegitimate. ItsGoingDown.org advises activists to “build a culture of non-cooperation with law enforcement.” “If you have any intention of working with the police, FBI, or other agencies,” it continues, “or if you publicly condemn anti-fascists who break the law: don’t call yourself an anti-fascist.”

Managed Decline

Steve Bannon’s program on Newsmax is exemplary; you can find them archived at https://pandemic.warroom.org/.  Much of the following information comes from one of Bannon’s recent episodes.

Antifa violence is not about George Floyd; peaceful protests are legitimate.  Freedom of assembly is guaranteed in our constitution and is one of our most basic rights.  America is built on protests and peaceful protests are during daylight hours, evil hides in darkness.  The lockdown protests were always during the day.  Antifa operates at night.

Antifa protests are thoroughly coordinated and their people are highly trained.    They are professional revolutionaries and anarchists and their issue of the revolution is the revolution.  Black Bloc partners with them, and they are dedicated, disciplined, organized and well financed.  This is not the amateur division.  These groups are professional anarchists.  They are part of worldwide managed decline.

Managed decline looks like this:  The Lincoln Memorial and the WWII Memorial have been defaced by these so-called “peaceful protestors.”  They’ve burned St. John’s Church and they tried to burn the Hay Adams Hotel, named after Secretary of State to Lincoln during the Northern War of Aggression.  This is managed decline and it must be watched…Antifa is out to destroy this country, to destroy freedom, our founders and our way of life.  It is all planned, and these are the very same ilk who were destroying and burning after Martin Luther King was murdered and the Democratic Convention held in Chicago in 1968.  And yes, military force was used to quell the riots.

And on May 30th, the anarchists even destroyed the Santa Monica Music Center.

American Greatness or Anarchy

Bannon says we have a choice.  “We can have a new renaissance like Cape Canaveral.  That’s Elon Musk and Space X along with their partners in NASA.  That’s the future we want and need.”

“Or do you want Minneapolis on Friday and Saturday night?  Last Friday night we lost when the President of the United States went to the bunker.  That was a win for the anarchists.”

I agree with Bannon when he asks where the hell were the secret service, why the hell was this allowed to become this terrifying in America’s capitol?  The head of the Secret Service, of Homeland Security should be fired, people have to be held accountable.  They let the entire situation with these anarchists get totally out of control.

Antifa has been around for 20 years, they are in London, in Brazil, all over the world; they are well established.  They are very sophisticated, very organized and a very well-funded operation.  The communist organizing Action Network supports The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund.  The connection between Antifa and George Soros and the Open Society Foundations is being made.

Planned Destruction

Anarchists bring along aluminum baseball bats and should be immediately arrested because they are there to do property and personal damage and if they’re from out of town, that’s a federal offense.  The New York Police Dept. (NYPD) Deputy Commissioner for Intel and Counterterrorism, John Miller, said there is a high level of confidence within the NYPD that these unarmed groups had organized scouts, medics and supply routes of rocks, bottles and accelerants for groups to commit vandalism and violence.

There are strong indicators they planned in advance for violence using at times encrypted communication and one out of every seven arrested was from out of state.  Social media platforms are also used for organizing.  There are suitcases down alleyways and behind buildings which are filled with projectiles, medical equipment, and supplies for the anarchists.

The alleyway behind St. John’s Church was a staging area for the violence against the White House.  How could DC police not know that?  The graffiti on the wall behind St. John’s said, “Kill Cops,” a tenet of Black Lives Matter (BLM).  They also praised Fidel Castro, spitting in the face of Cubans who lost their lives, their family, their home because of this murderous dictator.

Dumpsters were set on fire and pushed into police lines.  Reporters from both left and right organizations were seeing all of this but not getting their heads around it. Antifa shows up with equipment, with communications.  They have strategies and when the 11 p.m. curfew struck, that’s when they started lighting fires.

NYPD has a highly efficient system against terrorism, but they’re falling down on the job with Antifa violence and destruction.  Law and order need to be held accountable for competence.

Antifa hijacked the peaceful protest issue and what they want is more police violence they can point to, but what often happens when police stand down, is that they end up getting hurt or killed themselves.  Antifa infiltrates and motivates the peaceful protestors to join them in throwing bricks through windows, writing graffiti on buildings, burning down stores and looting.  Their job is to recruit and embolden others.

Here is a list of small businesses already destroyed in the Twin cities of Minneapolis/St. Paul.

Justine Damond, a Minneapolis white woman ran up to the police car of a black officer for help and he shot and killed her.  Mohammed Noor, an American Somali officer shot and killed Justine who had phoned the police for help.  There were no riots in Minneapolis when a black officer murders a white woman.  Noor is spending twelve years in prison.

Antifa Terrorism

When President Trump said he was going to declare Antifa as a terrorist organization, the mainstream media immediately said, “You can’t do that because they’re just domestic.”  That’s a lie.  They are worldwide and have been for 20 years.

When President Trump said he wanted to call out the National Guard, he was right, and 28 states have done so to protect their citizens from these violent haters of God and freedom.

Chicago 1968

Downtown Chicago during the Democratic Convention in August of 1968 was under military lockdown. At the time, I worked downtown and lived at the Playboy mansion on State Parkway. There was a 10 p.m. curfew.  The city was on fire.

Mayor Richard Daley had called out the National Guard. Fire Departments had called in all off-duty firemen. I watched the street from my girlfriend’s third floor apartment and saw tanks with armed soldiers moving down State and Division Streets.  Apartment buildings were boarded up and locked.  Managers told residents to keep their shades down, but we watched.  At the time, I was dating a fireman, Danny Moriarty, and he was working 24/7 extinguishing fires throughout our huge city, fires started by the same people who are again rampaging our country.  The destruction was massive.  I can still see it clearly in my mind’s eye…it was a watershed event.

Little Rock, Arkansas 1957

Can you imagine armed troops blocking you from going to school? That’s what happened in Little Rock, Arkansas in the fall of 1957. Governor Orval Faubus ordered the Arkansas National Guard to prevent black students from enrolling at the all-white Central High School.

The 1954 Supreme Court decision Brown v. Topeka made segregation in public schools illegal. Governor Faubus defied this decision. He also defied a 1955 ruling (Brown II). The 1955 decision ordered that public schools be desegregated with all deliberate speed.

President Eisenhower wanted to uphold the law, but he didn’t want bloodshed. He met with Governor Faubus who agreed to allow black Americans into the high school, but then he withdrew his promise.  Eisenhower had kept the National Guard at the school to enforce the order of integration.  When nine black children slipped into the school and enrolled, a full-scale riot erupted.  The Mayor of Little Rock appealed to the President for help.  Crowds formed outside the high school.

Eisenhower knew he had to act boldly. He placed the Arkansas National Guard under federal control and sent 1,000 U.S. Army paratroopers from the 101st Airborne Division to assist them in restoring order in Little Rock. The daring tactic worked and the black American students were enrolled without further violent disturbances. The law had been upheld, but Eisenhower was criticized both by those who felt he had not done enough to ensure civil rights for African Americans and those who believed he had gone too far in asserting federal power over the states.

Military Hierarchy

Our President is in much the same predicament today as previous presidents and has been excoriated by none other than former Secretary of Defense General James Mattis, former Chief of Staff General Kelly, former Joint Chiefs Chairman Mike Mullen, and former Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunsford.  Even his Secretary of Defense, Mark Esper has disparaged the president’s attempt to stop the carnage in American cities by using the military, which by the way, has been used twelve times before by previous presidents.

President Trump has extolled our military, and helped them in so many ways, and yet these top leaders abuse him for wanting to protect Americans from anarchist forces.

These military men should be willing to do anything to quell this violence, yet they damn our president.  Police in democratic held cities are told to stand down and let the violence and destruction happen despite the fact that 307 police officers have been injured, two have been killed and former police Captain was gunned down and killed in St. Louis when he tried to stop looters.


Washington DC Democrat Mayor Muriel Bowser had BLACK LIVES MATTER painted in huge yellow letters down 16th Street leading to the White House.

Other Americans’ lives apparently don’t matter to Bowser, and only some black lives matter because many are murdered in their mother’s wombs.

Bowser also renamed the plaza “Black Lives Matter” honoring the terrorist group.  The BLM movement needs to be exposed for what it is: a racist, violent hate group that promotes the execution of police officers. This is why they’ve joined with Antifa; both are anarchists.  Bowser also wants all National Guard troops out of DC leaving the White House unprotected.  She is kowtowing to anarchists.

Journalists are demanding the police protect them at the George Floyd protests, but apparently the rest of us don’t count.

In a recent article by Congressman Andy Biggs, he wrote, “The thin blue line tries to protect every person’s rights. They need to show force. They need to make arrests. They need the support of the National Guard. They need the support of political leaders.”

Senator Tom Cotton said, “If local politicians will not do their most basic job to protect our citizens, let’s see how these anarchists respond when the 101st Airborne is on the other side of the street.”

Our president is right, force is the only thing the anarchists understand.

Forget about gold and silver, buy lead.

©All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: 269 Companies Supporting ANTIFA & Black Lives Matter


ANTIFA CHANT, “GEORGE SOROS WHERES OUR MONEY?” – Black Lives Matter – Protest2020 – George Floyd

Hannity with James O’Keefe on ANTIFA.

The Death of David Dorn: To BLM, Black Lives Matter Not

The revolutionaries kill who they claim to save and are the threat they claim to combat. Just ask the family of David Dorn.

Dorn, murdered by rioters in Tuesday’s wee hours while defending a friend’s business, was a 77-year-old retired black police captain but also much, much more. Friends and family describe him as a leader and larger-than-life man of virtue who mentored youths and emphasized strict ethical conduct among the officers below him.

Dorn’s death was live-streamed on Facebook, as he lay bleeding on St. Louis’s Dr. Martin Luther King Drive at approximately 2:30 a.m. in front of Lee’s Pawn & Jewelry. The man filming the scene was heard on video repeatedly pleading with Dorn, “Stay with me, OG.”

Dorn could not do so. Yet he was a man who was always there for his family, friends, and community — including the criminals with whom he dealt.

“The Rev. Richard Jackson of the Manasseh Ministry said he knew Dorn back when Jackson was a 17-year-old shoplifter,” reports the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. “Dorn was the police officer who caught him, and also the one who talked to him.” The paper continues:

“He was a very honest police officer and an honorable gentleman,” Jackson said. “He would talk to me outside the store. ‘You go to school? You doing OK?’”

Dorn’s niece, Tandy Stewart, stood near the front of the pawn shop where Dorn was killed and looked down at the sidewalk, among the crushed memorial candles. She bent down and touched the pavement with tears in her eyes.

“My uncle’s blood,” she said, her voice breaking. She sat down next to dried traces of blood and stared.

“He was a great man,” Stewart said.

As for the far different man who took Dorn’s life, no arrests have yet been made in the case, though the reward for information leading to the apprehension of those responsible is now at least $40,000.

But while the following information won’t yield rewards or arrests, here are some of those responsible, albeit indirectly: #BlackLivesMatter (BLM); ANTIFA; and those in media, entertainment, politics, and elsewhere who’ve fomented unrest in the wake of the death of arrestee George Floyd.

One mourner said it well. Accompanying flowers and a teddy bear that sat outside the scene of Dorn’s murder was a handwritten sign reading, “‘Y’all killed a black man because ‘they’ killed a black man??? Rest in peace,’” reports the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

“Diane Davis knew Dorn and brought the flowers Tuesday. She said he was like a father to many,” the paper continued.

“‘He was a kind man, he was a great man, he is a missed man,’ she said.”

Black lives matter?

Dorn isn’t alone, either. While police shot 10 unarmed black suspects in 2019 (and 19 unarmed white ones) — eight of which incidents were found justifiable; officers were charged in the other two — the current riots have already claimed more than a dozen black lives. Of course, these killings receive scant media coverage.

Black lives matter?

Dorn’s sure did — at least to those around him if not to BLM. His “personality was ‘bigger than life,’” Breitbart quotes former St. Louis County police chief Tim Fitch as saying. “‘He was a fun guy, a happy guy. You never had to wonder what he was thinking when somebody did something incredibly stupid like a crime because he would just say it as he saw it.’”

The latter can be said about another BLM-inspired violence victim, one far luckier than Dorn. They “tell me ‘Black Lives Matter.’ They’re lying,” said 69-year-old Lucy Hosley, standing outside her Bronx business, the Valentine Deli, after thugs ravaged it Tuesday morning.

“You wanted to loot the store. You needed money,” she bluntly exclaimed. “Get a job like I do. Stop stealing.”

“You said ‘Black lives matter’ — why don’t you choke me!?” Hosley asked rhetorically, after a night of cleaning up the miscreants’ damage. “I’m black; look what you did to my store!”

“This is our neighborhood,” she later pointed out. “We’re trying to build it up, and you tear it down” (short video below).

Hosley was joined in speaking truth to anarchist power by black African immigrant Nestride Yumga. “Black Lives Matter is a joke! You are the racists!” she told BLM protesters Sunday near her home in Washington, D.C.

“When black people kill black people, they don’t come out and do this c***,” she pointed out, referencing the protesting and rioting. “The only time they do this c*** is when a white person does it” (video below. Note: language warning).

Yumga was calling “out the hypocrisy of Black Lives Matter for refusing to acknowledge the exponential amounts of black-on-black crime, particularly in Chicago and other liberal-led cities,” explained WND.com.

In reality, upwards of 90 percent of black homicide victims are murdered by other blacks. Moreover, studies show definitively that police are more likely to shoot white than black suspects.

Black lives matter?

“The Ethical Society of Police, which represents black officers in St. Louis, mourned Dorn as ‘the type of brother that would’ve given his life to save them if he had to,’” the St. Louis Post-Dispatch also informs. Meanwhile, #BlackLivesMatter — with its Orwellian, “War is Peace” name and Luciferian bent — is willing to sacrifice black lives for its ultimate goal: power.

As a Students for Democratic Society (SDS) radical once put it, the “issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution.” And now the revolutionaries claim they want to save black lives as they claim black lives.

Hashtag that.

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Where Are the Protests for David Dorn?

A former police officers message.

Ilhan Omar Calls for Disbanding of Minneapolis Police Department

Imagine for a moment that Ilhan Omar really is a pro-jihad subversive working to destroy America from within, as many have charged. How would she behave any differently from how she is behaving? If the Minneapolis police force, or any police force, were disbanded, the result would be chaos, anarchy, and violence, with the rich hiring private police forces and the poor having to fend for themselves. Who would want an America like that?

RELATED VIDEO: Riot video.


NY Muslim lawyer who threw Molotov cocktail at cop car: “This s–t won’t ever stop unless we f–kin’ take it all down”

Antifa base displays poster distributed by Hamas-linked CAIR telling people not to talk to FBI

NYC: Appeals court orders Muslim lawyer who threw Molotov cocktail at police car and her accomplice back to jail

UK: Muslim screaming “Allahu akbar” assaults woman, threatens to kill people in Hyde Park

New speaker of Iran’s parliament used gunfire on student protesters in 2003, vows revenge for killing of Soleimani

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

TRUTH: The Reasons Why I DO NOT Support George Floyd [Videos]

A friend (HT – LC) sent us the following information that tells the true story of the life of George Floyd and his arrest. Please watch the two video’s on George Floyd regarding his demise, and read the medical examiners official autopsy report.

Make up your own mind after reviewing the evidence.

No. 1:  Video of his initial arrest (6:56) minutes leading up to, and Not the video of his death that we keep seeing over and over. Watch:

No. 2: Video by Candace Owens (18:12) minutes discussing Floyds life and criminal history.  Watch:

No. 3: Candice Owens on the martyring of serious criminals. Watch:

No. 4: George Floyd had ‘violent criminal history’: Minneapolis police union chief. The New York Post’s Kate Sheehy reported:

The head of the Minneapolis police union says George Floyd’s “violent criminal history” needs to be remembered and that the protests over his death are the work of a “terrorist movement.”

“What is not being told is the violent criminal history of George Floyd. The media will not air this,” police union president Bob Kroll told his members in a letter posted Monday on Twitter.

Floyd had landed five years behind bars in 2009 for an assault and robbery two years earlier, and before that, had been convicted of charges ranging from theft with a firearm to drugs, the Daily Mail reported.

Read more.

No. 5:  Autopsy report.


ME NO.: 20-3700
DECEASED: George Floyd aka Floyd Perry SEX: M AGE: 46
DATE AND HOUR OF DEATH: 5-25-20; 9:25 p.m.
DATE AND HOUR OF AUTOPSY: 5-26-20; 9:25 a.m.
PATHOLOGIST: Andrew M. Baker, M.D.

46-year-old man who became unresponsive while being restrained by law enforcement officers; he received emergency medical care in the field and subsequently in the Hennepin HealthCare (HHC) Emergency Department, but could not be resuscitated.

I. Blunt force injuries

A. Cutaneous blunt force injuries of the forehead, face, and upper lip
B. Mucosal injuries of the lips
C. Cutaneous blunt force injuries of the shoulders, hands, elbows, and legs
D. Patterned contusions (in some areas abraded) of the wrists, consistent with restraints (handcuffs)

II. Natural diseases

A. Arteriosclerotic heart disease, multifocal, severe
B. Hypertensive heart disease
1. Cardiomegaly (540 g) with mild biventricular dilatation
2. Clinical history of hypertension
C. Left pelvic tumor (incidental, see microscopic description)

III. No life-threatening injuries identified

A. No facial, oral mucosal, or conjunctival petechiae
B. No injuries of anterior muscles of neck or laryngeal structures
C. No scalp soft tissue, skull, or brain injuries
D. No chest wall soft tissue injuries, rib fractures (other than a single rib fracture from CPR), vertebral column injuries, or visceral injuries
E. Incision and subcutaneous dissection of posterior and lateral neck, shoulders, back, flanks, and buttocks negative for occult trauma

IV. Viral testing (Minnesota Department of Health, postmortem nasal swab collected 5/26/2020): positive for 2019-nCoV RNA by PCR (see ‘Comments,’ below)

V. Hemoglobin S quantitation (postmortem femoral blood, HHC Laboratory): 38% (see ‘Comments,’ below)

VI. Toxicology (see attached report for full details; testing performed on antemortem blood specimens collected 5/25/20 at 9:00 p.m. at HHC and on postmortem urine)

A. Blood drug and novel psychoactive substances screens:
1. Fentanyl 11 ng/mL
2. Norfentanyl 5.6 ng/mL
3. 4-ANPP 0.65 ng/mL
4. Methamphetamine 19 ng/mL
5. 11-Hydroxy Delta-9 THC 1.2 ng/mL;
Delta-9 Carboxy THC 42 ng/mL; Delta-9 THC 2.9 ng/mL
6. Cotinine positive
7. Caffeine positive
B. Blood volatiles: negative for ethanol, methanol, isopropanol, or acetone
C. Urine drug screen: presumptive positive for cannabinoids, amphetamines, and fentanyl/metabolite
D. Urine drug screen confirmation: morphine (free) 86 ng/mL

Read full autopsy report.

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The Media’s Double Standard on Protest Coverage

Why These Teens Are Bringing Their Protest to a Quiet DC Suburb

Deja Vu: Riots, Looting, and Arson Recall Late ’60s

RELATED VIDEO: The Main Stream Media Did This.

AMERICA UNDER ATTACK: Antifa Aided and Abetted by Radical Leftist Politicians’ Policies.

My previous article, For Dems to Succeed, Americans Must Fail, which was published on May 19, 2020 now appears all too prophetic as cities across the United States fall victim to the violence of looters who co-opted the demonstrators who were seeking reform in the wake of the killing of George Floyd allegedly at the hands of Minnesota Police Officer Derek Chauvin.

Leftist mayors and governors have moved glacially to supposedly attempt to quell the riots, raising the terrifying possibility that they are actually content to watch their cities burn while law enforcement officers, residents and establishments fall victim to the violence.

Perhaps the radical politicians believe that violence by Antifa and other anarchists will lead to increased suffering of the residents of their cities, forcing them to be more dependent on the same politicians who aided in creating the mayhem wrought by the anarchists and thugs embedded within the legitimate protesters.

Recently radical politicians have taken every opportunity to release violent criminals from prisons and have created immigration anarchy through “Sanctuary” policies that shield illegal aliens from detection by ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) including those illegal aliens who have serious criminal histories.  These jurisdictions have blatantly ignored detainers, thus enabling violent thugs to evade immigration law enforcement and return to plying their sociopathic “careers” on the streets of those “Sanctuary Cities” and “Sanctuary States”- all too frequently with tragic consequences, including the killing of innocent victims.

New York State, under Andrew Cuomo’s “leadership” not only provides illegal aliens with driver’s licenses, in violation of the findings and recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Report and the companion report, 9/11 and  Terrorist Travel but block DMV information from U.S. immigration law enforcement authorities including the Border Patrol, ICE and Customs and Border Protection inspectors at ports of entry while gladly providing that very same information to Canadian authorities!

I addressed Cuomo’s “gift” to ISIS, the drug cartels, and human traffickers in my earlier article,

New York State Blocks ICE and Border Patrol Access to DMV Database.

Additionally, consider the headline of the Daily Mail blared on May 31, 2020,  Bill de Blasio’s daughter Chiara, 25, is ARRESTED during George Floyd protest in Manhattan where ‘demonstrators clashed with cops and torched patrol cars’.

That article began stating:

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s daughter was reportedly arrested at a George Floyd protest in Manhattan on Saturday night.

Chiara de Blasio, 25, was taken into custody around 10.30pm after cops infiltrated an ‘unlawful assembly’ at 12th Street and Broadway in Lower Manhattan.

A police report obtained by DailyMail.com showed that she was among about 100 protesters who were arrested after they refused to move out of the roadway and were throwing objects at officers.

The report stated that in two press conferences De Blasio failed to mention that his daughter had been arrested.  The report did state the following about the Mayor’s reaction to the riots:

De Blasio also suggested that the protests had been co-opted by ‘people who came to do violence in a systematic, organized fashion’.

He said that the ‘small’ number of people were motivated by ‘the anarchist movement’ rather than the death of George Floyd, a black man who died after a Minneapolis cop knelt on his neck during an arrest on May 25.

‘They plan together online, they have very explicit rules,’ he said, noting how officers have gotten their teeth knocked out and have been targeted by projectiles.

‘Some come from outside of the cities, some are from inside the city. Some are from the neighborhoods where the protests take place, some are not.

‘But what we do know is there is an explicit agenda of violence and it does not conform with the history of this city.’

He added: ‘Thank God, there was no loss of life, there were no major injuries.’

The report concluded with this excerpt:

After the news of Chiara’s arrest broke, the NYPD’s Sergeants Benevolent Association tweeted an attack on de Blasio’s handling of the protests.

‘How can the NYPD protect the city of NY from rioting anarchist when the Mayors object throwing daughter is one of them,’ the SBA said in a tweet.

‘Now we know why he is forbidding Mounted Units to be mobilized and keeping the NYPD from doing their jobs.’

City Hall did not immediately respond to requests for comment about Chiara’s arrest.

Chiara graduated from Santa Clara University in 2016 and planned to pursue a career in social work.

The 25-year-old has been open about how she struggled with drug and alcohol addiction after her father became mayor in 2014.

On June 1, 2020 Laura Ingraham’s show, the Ingraham Angle, hosted guests Dinesh D’Souza and a young man who was identified as Gabriel Nadales of the Leadership Institute for Student Rights and a self-identified former member of Antifa explained how college campuses have become centers for recruiting students for Antifa.

The Leadership Institute posted an important video of Nadales’ interview on July 14, 2019 in which he explained how and why he came to join Antifa back when he was in high school and how he ultimately became disenchanted with it.

Nadales’ position changed when he began to question his own beliefs and was attacked for daring to ask questions.  This reenforces the importance of questions.  As Voltaire noted, “You can judge a person’s intelligence by the questions they ask.”

This goes back to my insistence that we must raise serious questions, whenever possible, to force our neighbors and others who disagree with us to contemplate the truth.

As for the use of our universities as recruitment centers for radicals- we must not ignore the very real possibility that this may be, at least in part, attributable to the fact that foreign governments, including those hostile to the U.S., have been providing huge amounts of funding, indeed, billions of dollars, to some of Ameria’s best colleges.

My recent article, Chinese Espionage Made Possible By Immigration Failures included this excerpt:

On February 12, 2020 the Department of Education (DOE) issued a press release:  U.S. Department of Education Launches Investigation into Foreign Gifts Reporting at Ivy League Universities that included this subtitle:

Since July, the Department has uncovered more than $6 billion in unreported foreign gifts from countries including Qatar, China, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.

The obvious question is why China, Saudi Arabia and possibly Russia and Iran would want provide that funding.  The obvious answer is to not only be able to send many of their students to our universities to acquire first rate education in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) disciplines to build their military and other capabilities,  but to also control the curriculum, the faculty and ultimately anti-American propaganda that is spread to the students on those campuses.

The rioters have been operating in a sophisticated and highly coordinated manner.  Indeed, the fact that so many have mobilized so quickly across the United States is not unlike the way that sleeper cells might operate.

This certainly opens the possibility that funding and training may have come from countries that are hostile to the United States.

I recently wrote about my concerns about how Iran, for example might be operating inside the United States- a concern that has been raised for years in a succession of congressional hearings.

This, of course brings us back to dangerous sanctuary policies.

I focused on this threat in my earlier article, Iranian Terror Threat Exacerbated by Sanctuary Policies which included this excerpt:

Now let’s consider the reaction of New York City’s mayor, Bill de Blasio to the latest Iranian threats as reported by the January 3, 2020 edition of the Daily Mail: ‘We are at a state of war’: NYC mayor’s Iran warning as Homeland Security braces for attacks on U.S. soil – and sleeper terror cells could already be here.

That report quoted de Blasio:

‘No one has to be reminded that New York City is the number one terror target in the United States. We have to recognize that this creates a whole series of dangerous possibilities for our city,’ de Blasio said.

‘We have plenty of knowledge of previous efforts by Iranian proxies to scout and target locations in New York City. Hezbollah and others have made it a point in recent years… We know there’s been an effort to target and prepare to attack in New York City in the past.’  

Yet de Blasio and Cuomo blatantly ignore the findings and recommendations of the 9/11 Commission that found that first and foremost the terror attacks of 9/11 and other such terror attacks were all made possible by multiple failures of the immigration system- the same system they intentionally obstruct at every opportunity- perhaps seeking the MVP award from anarchists and terrorists who rampage throughout New York and, indeed, the United States.

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RELATED VIDEO: Tucker – The Cultural Revolution has come to America

VIDEO: The Vortex — Some Black Lives Matter


So Wuhan hit the United States and every public Mass was canceled. Every public Mass was canceled and anarchy broke out.

This is the beginning of what a world without God looks like. We say “beginning” because it is just that — beginning. The war is ramping up toward its final battle of this epoch. Time may flow in even strokes — seconds into minutes, minutes into hours and days, but history does not. There’s an expression: “There are decades in which nothing happens, and weeks in which decades happen.” And here we are, in the heat of such a moment.

And the great fear is that the Marxists marauding through both the streets and the halls of power understand the moment while namby-pamby conservatives and Catholic lightweights will not have the courage to rise to the moment.

The entire reason, in fact, the world has been brought to this moment in history is precisely because of mealy-mouthed conservatives and wimpy Catholics. Their weak-kneed response in the face of evil these past decades enabled and emboldened the evildoers and has pushed the nation to the brink.

But underlying the reality of all this is the simple reality that too many of the shepherds of the Church have joined the ranks of the Marxists. Their collective fall from grace has had a catastrophic impact on the Church. The Catholic Church was established by the Son of God to be the means of salvation, the only instrument men can employ to conquer evil.

Evil ultimately derives its power from the Demon and not a person on earth, not all of humanity collected together, can present any kind of match for the Demon. As St. John records for us in his Apocalypse: “But woe to you, earth and sea, for the Devil has come down to you in great fury, for he knows he has but a short time.”

But destruction of the Catholic Church has been the aim of the Demon since Pentecost — or even earlier — because the Demon knows the power and authority She has over him — an authority given to Her by the Savior who defeated him.

But the actual activity of the Demon, while originating supernaturally, plays out through human agents in the natural world. Order and peace are from God, so their opposites — disorder and war — are demonic in their origins.

One of the most effective ways the Demon has of presenting himself is as the Angel of Light — a perversion and deception of his original role as Lucifer — Light Bearer. In short, he makes things appear to be one thing when they are actually the other. The Prince of Darkness presenting as the Angel of Light is the mega-trend of diabolical activity. So when he comes, deceiving about wanting peace and unity and using human agents to advance his deception, he appears righteous and well-intentioned and even, shall we say, virtuous.

The Demon is the supreme virtue-signaler, which is why you see the method so often employed in the words and actions of his offspring here on earth, his human offspring spoken of in the Garden of Eden by God. Few, if any on the Left ever stand up publicly and say something like “evil must not win out.” No, they speak of peace and unity.

Take for example the Marxist gang in the media and their surrogates they interview non-stop. They accuse Trump of being a divider, with liberal after liberal saying he is destroying America with his politics of division. Even General Mattis, nicknamed Mad Dog, came out earlier this week and said he has never seen a president who so actively divides America as Donald Trump. But is that statement true? No, it’s not even close.

And we here at Church Militant have a great deal of experience in this area, being called dividers and accused of sewing division for personal gain — click bait, donations, whatever. The charge is ludicrous both in the case of us as well as President Trump.

First, the crowd always preaching “tolerance” is the first to ascribe dirty motives to actions of those on the right, be it theological or the political right. We get accused of doing what we do for money, ultimately. Trump gets accused of pandering to his base for votes. But the underlying assumption of the Marxist crowd is baseless. Neither we, nor Trump create or cause division. Each, in our own sphere, simply shines a light on the already pre-existing division that, actually in truth, was created by the Marxists to begin with. They react so violently because they are being called out for their actions, the fruits of their decades of deceit.

For example, a non-stop narrative of the Left is racism — white guilt and so forth — and further that America is ablaze because of a grassroots uprising. Well all of that is a lie deliberately meant to create division along racial lines. It was a race issue a half-century ago, but now it is nothing other than a class issue evidenced by the total lack of concern — or even a mention in the mainstream media— of the black cops who have been murdered by rioters.

[Transcript unavailable]

There are many black business owners whose life’s work has gone up in flames along with their businesses by the rioters.

Rioters, by the way — and let us distinguish between them and the peaceful protestors who are right to demand justice for George Floyd’s murder — are Marxist agitators who aren’t from the communities they are burning down. All across America, hundreds of police officers have been either killed, shot, attacked, injured or even run over, and many of those officers are black. So when it comes to the Marxism-inspired group Black Lives Matter, they should alter their signage to read “Some Black Lives Matter” — the ones that are useful to us creating division.

Black Lives Matter (BLM) is neither grassroots nor American. It is partially funded by George Soros and the rest of the Left.

Have you noticed that overnight, all over the country, the exact same signs are in the crowds — same dimensions, same font size, same writing? From coast to coast, even all the shirts are the same. What a coincidence.

In Napa California, police confirmed that this week, 400 BLM activists were bused in, held their demonstration, hopped on their buses and went back to Marxist land. The same thing happened in Detroit, where the “mostly peaceful protestors” — as the Marxist left media keeps calling them — were arrested on orders from Detroit’s black police chief James Craig, who said he will not tolerate these out-of-towners stirring up riots.

So exactly who is causing all this division — the rioters in the streets as well as the spiritual rioters in the Church, or those who are pointing to the division and calling it out for what it is? There are essentially two Americas and two Catholic Churches. One in each realm is completely fake. Each of the fake ones wraps itself in supreme indignation — virtue-signaling off the charts, declaring moral superiority — which is the dead giveaway for which one is fake.

Imagine a Catholic archbishop being ticked off by this picture — a president of the United States, not Catholic, with his Catholic first lady, kneeling down and praying for the country. Yet that is exactly what happened as the homosexual archbishop of Washington, D.C. Wilton Gregory issued an incendiary statement against Trump, not to mention the Catholic first lady. How exactly is that not divisive?

The issue is simple: Just like Russia, Russia, Russia and then the impeachment and then the Wuhan all started making the Marxist agenda become much more clear, so too has the Marxist-inspired rioting and looting and attacks and killings of police officers all around the country. Calls from the lefties for unity are total BS.

The only unity they want — and they use violence to accomplish it — is the eradication of the United States as it was founded, because America and authentic American values are the last great stumbling block to their goal of world domination and a globalist agenda.

This division needs to be accentuated for the time being, because division is revealing the truth, and every last thing on earth must be in service to the truth. And that especially includes the lying, cheating, thieving shepherds we have right now.

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Antifa is a Foreign-Import Insurgency to Overthrow the U.S. Constitution

Antifa is a foreign imported insurgency devoted to overthrowing the United States Constitution, three Center panelists conclude.

Its organized violence today is along the same formula as insurgent violence has always been, with the only difference being the lack of a physical command-and-control structure.

That’s the consensus of three experts who look at Antifa from different points of view: A counterterrorism analyst, a former member of Antifa, and a former recruit of 1970s radicals who shared thoughts at the Center’s June 4 webinar.


Will Iraq’s new PM shake off Iran’s grip on the region?

An inconvenient fact — Our constitution has ‘domestic enemies’

Shining sunlight on a massive cybersecurity cover-up

The real history of Antifa

Antifa is heir to Germany’s Red Army Faction, daughter of terrorist Ulrike Meinhof says

DECISION BRIEF: Designating Antifa a terrorist organization is the right thing to do

EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy webinar is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Disciples of the Gospel of Democrats and Fake News Media

Dear American Family. For decades, my black family and friends have viewed me as the weirdo who votes for Republicans.

At our annual family Christmas gathering a few years before he died, my dad, Dr. Rev Lloyd E. Marcus, instructed them to follow me as the new leader. I heard through the grapevine that most of them disapprove of my politics. At family events, I am pleasant and keep conversations non-political. Still, they read my articles posted on social media and the internet.

The vast majority of my family and friends profess Christianity. And yet, everything I have written and told them on occasion about Democrats’ anti-biblical agenda has not broken their loyalty to the party.

They ignore the fact that their party worships Planned Parenthood which targets black babies and profits greatly from selling dead-baby body parts. Recently, Democrats have been pushing legislation to abort healthy babies after they are born.

They ignore that fact the Democrats want open borders for illegals who take jobs from blacks. They ignore the fact that Democrats are cramming the LGBTQ agenda down our throats. Democrats want schools to orchestrate sex-change surgery and abortions without parental knowledge or consent. They ignore the fact that Democrats seek to legalize 12 new perversions which include pedophilia and bestiality. How can anyone who professes Christianity support Democrats’ anti-biblical agenda? Remember the convention at which Democrats banned God from their platform

I learned that relatives are posting propaganda on Facebook in support of the George Floyd rioters. Despite living successful racism-free lives, they have bought Democrats’ and fake news medias’ absurd lie that America is a hellhole of racism where blacks are routinely murdered by police. This made me sad and a bit lonely.

At the root of my sadness is the fact that my black family and friends are disciples of the Gospel of Democrats and Fake News Media. Whatever these two wicked entities tell them, they believe. God says allowing someone or something to trump His word is idolatry.

Eagles fly alone. “…all that will live godly in Christ Jesus suffer persecution.” (2 Timothy 3:12) Christians are martyred around the world. Therefore, complaining about deceived fellow blacks disapproving of my politics is hardly worth mentioning.

Still, it is extremely frustrating that facts nor commonsense seem to penetrate my family and friends blind loyalty to the far-left-extremist, hate-generating, anti-Christian, and anti-American Democratic Party.

They perceive everything they see and hear on TV from Democrats and fake news media as the gospel truth. For example. They believed the lie that catching covid-19 was a death sentence. They stayed at home, wore masks, and trashed anyone who did not. I told them that covid-19 has a 98% recovery rate. Once again, I was viewed as an Uncle Tom, siding with mean Republicans who want to reopen America which will cause a Ga-zillion Americans, mostly black, to die. By the way, a 65-year-old relative recovered from covid-19.

Democrats and fake news media are exploiting the tragic death of George Floyd in an attempt to stop Trump’s reelection. Insidiously, they are overwhelming the airwaves with lies about Trump, white America, and police. My family and friends are embracing every lie as a gospel. Presenting them with facts and data has had no effect in changing their minds. The Bible speaks of those who prefer to believe lies rather than truth.

Families across America are dealing with the same frustrating situation that I am challenged with. Their kids have been indoctrinated by extreme leftist, anti-American, and anti-Christian Hollywood celebs and fake news media. How do you break their brain-dead zombie control of young idealistic minds? I believe the answer is prayer and faithfully continuing to tell youths the truth about issues.

God’s word promises, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all.” (Galatians 6:9)

Outrageously, ANTIFA terrorists are demanding that whites kneel in worship to Black Lives Matter, begging forgiveness for being born white. Folks, this is evil beyond belief.

We must stand together as Americans while praying for God’s strength to be like Daniel in the Bible. Tell the Democrats, fake news media, ANTIFA, and Black Lives Matter that we “ain’t” kneeling nor worshiping their vile false gods of social-justice, socialism and communism.

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Race and Riots

Why Conservatives Should Be Leading the Civil Rights Movement

RELATED VIDEO: Black Lives Matter Is A Leftist Lie!

Virginia “Coonman” Lectures Us!

The nerve of Virginia Governor Ralph Northam!

On Thursday, after ordering a statue of Robert E. Lee be removed, he had the gall to lecture Virginians and indeed all Americans about being racists.

See what Virginia patriot Catherine Trauernicht had to say to the Governor in the Bull Elephant, a Virginia publication for right of center Virginians.  Her entire column is here, and below are the opening paragraphs.

An aside:  To my reader who asked yesterday what can ‘we’ do about a troubled America, my answer is find some thing ‘you’ can do every day, even if it seems tiny and insignificant, and do it.  Don’t worry about what others are doing, ask yourself at the end of each day what have I done to preserve the America we love.

Writing guest columns like this one is something you can do.  But, first, if your state or county doesn’t even have a news site like the Bull Elephant, get one!

Ralph Northam’s gall

During his press conference yesterday, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam displayed shameless gall as he scolded Virginians specifically and Americans in general about their racism.

“Today we are here to be honest about our past and talk about our future,” Northam declared. “We have to confront where we’ve been in order to shape where we’re going.” THIS coming from the man who first apologized for a photograph on his medical school yearbook page, and 24 hours later said no one — not even he — could prove whether he was in blackface or the KKK white hood.

During a bizarre press conference in February 2019, Gov. Northam told us how difficult it was to get shoe polish off his face after entering a Michael Jackson dance contest. He even prepared to demonstrate the moonwalk dance routine until his wife whispered that it would not be appropriate under the circumstances. All the while, he was trying to convince Virginians that he didn’t know how the offensive photograph landed on his own yearbook page or how he acquired the nickname “Coonman.”

This is the same Ralph Northam who, during yesterday’s press conference, said, “The eyes can’t see what the mind doesn’t know.” I guess that’s why he keeps us in the dark about the yearbook page.

The Governor went on to speak about removing the statue of Robert E. Lee on Monument Avenue in Richmond, calling it “a symbol to shore up the cause of those who didn’t want unity after the Civil War,” those who wanted to “keep the system in place.” What the Governor didn’t say was that the militant wing of the Democrat Party at that time was the Ku Klux Klan, whose uniforms were white robes, like the Klan photograph on Ralph Northam’s yearbook page. It was the southern Democrat Party who wanted the “system” to survive.

Continue reading here.

I have a category at ‘Frauds and Crooks’ entitled Politicians as frauds, and obviously this post is filed there!

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Trouncing Expectations by 10 Million Jobs, the Labor Market’s Comeback Has Begun

WATCH: A record-breaking job surge across American industries!

The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ May Employment Situation report shows that the United States economy added 2.5 million jobs last month, and the unemployment rate fell from 14.7 percent to 13.3 percent.

Employment increased significantly in leisure and hospitality (1.2 million), construction (464,000), education and health services (424,000), retail trade (368,000), and manufacturing (225,000). These job gains surprised forecasters, given many States were only beginning to reopen their economies during the reports’ survey reference periods (the week/pay period that includes May 12). The median of all private sector forecasts predicted 7.5 million job losses in May and an unemployment rate of 19.2 percent.

Rapid job growth as the coronavirus is contained and States open up should not come as a surprise. A poll conducted from April 27 through May 4 asked laid-off workers if they expected to be rehired by their most recent employers after State stay-at-home orders are lifted. The vast majority of laid-off workers (77 percent) said it was likely that they would be rehired by their most recent employers. This survey result is echoed in May’s employment data, just as CEA explained it was in April’s data.

There were 15.3 million people on temporary layoff in May, in addition to an estimated 4.9 million people who had temporarily lost their jobs but were counted as employed but “not at work for other reasons.” Including all those who were potentially on temporary layoff, 78.2 percent of unemployed persons in May were on temporary layoff—well above the 13.3 percent average over the 12 months before this March.

Beyond workers remaining attached to their employers, another sign that job growth will continue is May’s jump in average weekly hours—indicating pent-up demand. Increasing hours can be a sign that employers need to hire more workers to meet this demand. For all private sector employees, average weekly hours increased by 0.5 to 34.7 hours—the highest level since the series began in 2006. For production and non-supervisory employees, this measure increased by 0.6 to 34.1 hours—the highest level in 19 years.

Further job losses were expected in the May report because initial Unemployment Insurance (UI) claims, though falling, remain elevated. Yesterday, the Department of Labor reported that 1.9 million people filed initial UI claims in the week ending May 30. Even with 4.6 million initial claims over the two weeks ending May 23, the number of people receiving UI, as measured by continuing claims, declined by 3.4 million over that time. As the figure below shows, weekly continuing claims have tracked the number of unemployed persons reported in the monthly Employment Situation report, assuming a constant rate of change between the months.

By May 23, the gap between weekly continuing claims and cumulative initial UI claims since the beginning of COVID-related job losses had grown to 19.6 million. Some of this difference may be accounted for by individuals applying for traditional UI instead of the new Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program, either by mistake or because of State requirements. However, the widening gap between initial UI claims and continuing claims, along with the 2.5 million jobs added in May, show that laid off Americans are returning to work.

For workers to count as unemployed, they must have searched for work during the last four weeks or be on temporary layoff. If neither of these apply, the worker is counted as out of the labor force. States waived the traditional work search requirement for UI, so some workers on UI who do not expect to be called back to work may not count as unemployed. Yet the labor market flows for May show that there was not an elevated level of workers dropping out of the labor force directly. Flows from employment to not in the labor force were 4.4 million from April to May, in line with the average over the 12 months before this March (4.7 million). Furthermore, from April to May, 2.8 million more people moved from unemployment to employment than moved from employment to unemployment.

Other, more rapid indicators of labor market strength show the economic recovery has accelerated since mid-May. Gasoline demand has recovered over half of the loss from its pandemic-low, indicating Americans are driving more. Workplace visits are up more than 40 percent from its pandemic-low. And, as the figure below shows, 73 percent of small businesses are now open—up from its pandemic-low of 52 percent right before the April report’s reference periods.

While May’s jobs report is unquestionably positive news for America’s economic comeback, there is still much more room to grow. Three months ago in February, the unemployment rate was 9.8 percentage points lower (3.5 percent) and there were 19.6 million more jobs. But the economy beating expectations by 10 million jobs and the unemployment rate falling instead of rising show that the transition back to strong economic growth began earlier than many expected. With more States easing restrictions on work, strong attachments between laid off workers and their employers, and growing labor demand, there is much reason to expect the American economy to add even more jobs in June.

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Why Politicians Don’t Want Solutions

Dr. George Flinn, Candidate for U.S. Senate, launches new book.

MEMPHIS, Tenn.June 5, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Soundbites have become the norm in American politics. They allow politicians to be vague, so they can never be held accountable. Phrases like “Tough on China,” “Cut the federal deficit,” and “Support the troops” are way too common in our political landscape. These “positions” are so broad that politicians don’t have to take any responsibility when their false promises fail. All this, while hard-working Americans continue to struggle with the nation’s complex issues. They don’t have the time to hold politicians accountable in D.C.

Today’s politicians want you to vote on how they look and sound. They don’t want to open themselves to critique and would prefer you to give them a quick look. That’s why soundbites, one-liners, and catchy slogans are so typical in American politics now. It’s a system that encourages false promises and does absolutely nothing to address our nation’s complex issues.

Politicians today are all talk. They would rather fight for a 30-second cable TV spot and tell you what thethink you want to hear. Americans are sick of this norm, and it’s time somebody changes it.


Dr. George Flinn, Republican Candidate for U.S. Senate, will not hide behind slogans. Dr. Flinn is a candidate who has put real solutions in black and white for you to read.

Dr. George Flinn and his U.S. Senate campaign team are excited to announce the release of his new book, “Real Solutions, Not Soundbites – 2020 Plan to Make America Independent Again.”

In his announcement, Dr. Flinn says that the book is “a transparent and no-nonsense proposal of conservative, REAL solutions that address key issues in the United States of America,” adding that “Real solutions do not hide behind a colorful campaign slogan, they speak for themselves in black and white.”

Dr. Flinn isn’t afraid to be compared to any opponent and wants to put out these solutions so Americans can know somebody is trying to work for them. It’s what Americans deserve.

For more information, visit www.realsolutionsfortn.com.

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