Remember Wen? Meet Planned Parenthood’s More Extreme Boss

Get used to the name Alexis McGill Johnson. The new interim president of Planned Parenthood is already making her media rounds, and one thing’s clear: she doesn’t suffer from the same anxieties as Leana Wen. She’s quite content making abortion a political issue — and a religious one.

The Christian Post met Johnson back in 2014 during a revealing interview about the intersection of faith and life. “We all recognize that abortion and terminating a pregnancy is a very complicated decision, but that issue needs to be left to a woman, her doctor, and her God — not a politician,” she insisted then. And as far as God is concerned, women have nothing to worry about, she argued. Planned Parenthood, she promised, has plenty of support from “female ministers” and other “members of faith.”

The Radiance Foundation’s Ryan Bomberger is equally troubled by Johnson’s criticism of the pro-life agenda. “I feel like it’s an assault on black women’s ability to make a decision,” she argued. But Johnson, Bomberger pushed back, as a multiracial woman, ought to know that her organization has aborted hundreds of thousands of future black women in its intentional targeting of minorities. But she claims that pro-lifers, who’ve done everything they can to expose the eugenics movement behind Planned Parenthood, are the “racist” ones.

Meanwhile, the editors at the Wall Street Journal are just as stunned. “Progressives are hurtling to the Left so fast that even liberals in good standing are casualties of the tornado. Witness the coup this week at Planned Parenthood, which is a tacit reminder that the group is less a health-care outfit than a political lobby.” Dr. Wen, they shake their head, was pushed out of the group because she wasn’t radical enough on abortion. But, they remind everyone, “Dr. Wen wasn’t moderate or timid about abortion.”

“The coup reveals the dishonesty of Planned Parenthood’s requests for public funding. The outfit demands taxpayer money in the name of health services for women but then sacks its doctor president because she wasn’t political enough. The group claims abortion is only part of its portfolio even as it acts like it is Planned Parenthood’s singular purpose.

Planned Parenthood ought to drop the pretense and rely on private funding like other lobbies. There is no shortage of rich liberals. Facebook‘s Sheryl Sandberg told the Huffington Post last month that she was donating $1 million to Planned Parenthood’s advocacy arm, not her first large donation. American taxpayers who disagree with Planned Parenthood’s message should not have to underwrite a political shop that lobbies for abortion up to the last minute before birth.”

To that I say, Amen!

Tony Perkins’ Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC senior writers.


Like Gold Tested in Fire

In the Hate of the Moment

FRC in the Spotlight…

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

In the Hate of the Moment

While the State Department was trying to stop religious hostility, one congresswoman was down the street trying to fuel it. In an eerie backdrop to the Trump administration’s ministerial, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) seemed determined to highlight the threat that exists right here at home — radical Democrats.

Omar, who hasn’t exactly been a friend to Israel, took her contempt to a new level this week when she introduced a new level of anti-Semitism into her congressional agenda. If she learned anything from her February scandal, when she demeaned the Jewish people and drew the ire of her own party, Omar hasn’t shown it. Instead, she’s doubled down on her obvious disdain for Israel with a resolution that would support the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.

If you’re unfamiliar, the BDS movement that Omar is promoting is an effort reminiscent of what took place in Nazi Germany leading up to WWII. In 1933, the German government launched Juden boykott, a boycott of Jewish stores and shops designed to not only to hurt the Jewish community economically but to stigmatize and delegitimize the Jewish people. The BDS movement — whether stated or not — has the same effect only it is an international effort targeting the state of Israel.

The BDS movement is being done in the name of the Palestinians, attempting to force Israel to give up their land in the eastern portion of the country, Judea, and Samaria. The sad irony is that while targeting Israel, the movement is hurting many Arabs and Palestinians who are working side by side with Jewish residents in these communities. I’ve been to places like Ariel, which have thriving industrial parks that employ hundreds of Palestinians. The reality is, in those communities, Israel’s thriving economy is fostering a managed and sustainable peace that so many on the outside have promised through third-party intervention.

The criticism has been so overwhelming that CBS News invited the Minnesota congresswoman on its morning show to explain. “Would you like to make it clear that you’re not anti-Semitic?” Gayle King asked. “Oh, certainly not,” Omar said, smiling. “Yes.” “Would you like to make that clear?” King asked again. “Yes,” Omar repeated, a little more frustrated this time. “Oftentimes there are things that you might say, might not hold weight for you, but to someone else, right, the way that we hear and consume information is very different than how the next person might,” she explained.

Of course, to the Jewish people here and abroad, it’s more than what Omar has said (and that’s more than enough). It’s what she’s doing that speaks the loudest. Vice President Mike Pence, like most conservatives and reasonable Democrats, isn’t fooled. He knows this is part of a much deeper hatred, which, if it isn’t stopped now, has the potential to unleash a frightening new chapter in America. “Anti-Semitism is on the rise,” he warned at the ministerial. “In France and Germany, things have gotten so bad that Jewish religious leaders have warned their followers not to wear kippahs in public for fear that they could be violently attacked. And attacks on Jews, even on aged Holocaust survivors, are growing at an alarming rate.”

Then, in a direct nod at Omar, said, “Regrettably, the world’s oldest hatred has even found a voice in the halls of our United States Congress. So let me say it clearly: Anti-Semitism is not just wrong; it’s evil. And anti-Semitism must be confronted and denounced wherever and whenever it arises, and it must be universally condemned.” That’s a scary thought to most Americans, who assumed the U.S.’s new envoy to combat anti-Semitism wouldn’t be needed here at home.

But, as Noam Marans explained at a panel I joined at the ministerial, “Hate is an equal opportunity offender. It sometimes begins with Jews, but it never ends with Jews.” That’s why the U.S. Congress — and Democratic party in particular — needs to stand up and make it clear: this kind of dangerous prejudice won’t be tolerated. Irene Weiss, a Holocaust survivor, who spent eight months in Auschwitz sleeping next to the crematorium, understands all too well where this leads. “Day and night columns of young mothers with children, and elderly men and women, took their last steps as they passed by our barrack. We watched them enter the gate that led to the gas chamber.”

She thought no one could have possibly known such evil existed. “If they knew, surely they would stop it.” It turns out, world leaders knew about Auschwitz and the other extermination camps. “But the killing continued.” Seventy-years later, she said soberly, “Humanity’s vulnerability to the same forces of hate exists today.” And we cannot say we did not know.

Tony Perkins’ Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC senior writers.


Like Gold Tested in Fire

Remember Wen? Meet Planned Parenthood’s More Extreme Boss

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Poland Declares Itself ‘LGBT Free’ as Gay Parades Turn Blasphemous

WARSAW ( – The U.S. ambassador to Poland has become embroiled in the battle between militant homosexual campaigners and traditionalist Catholics after tweeting her support for the gay lobby on Thursday, as anti-Catholic blasphemy by LGBT activists continues to escalate before the fall general elections.

Over 30 town councils in Poland declared themselves “free from LGBT ideology” after anti-Catholic LGBT parades blasphemed the Blessed Sacrament and the icon of the Black Madonna and Warsaw’s mayor signed a pro-LGBT declaration in February calling for gay sex education in schools.

“I am disappointed and concerned that some groups use stickers to promote hatred and intolerance,” Georgette Mosbacher tweeted, referring to the Gazeta Polska magazine’s plan to distribute “LGBT-free zone” stickers in its forthcoming edition on July 24.

The stickers show a Pride flag with a black X mark over it, at the words “LGBT-free zone” in Polish.

“We respect freedom of speech, but we must stand together on the side of values such as diversity and tolerance,” Mosbacher added.

Tomasz Sakiewicz, editor of Gazeta Polska, responded that “being an activist in the gay movement does not make anyone more tolerant.”

Polish sources told Church Militant that the stickers and resolutions passed by the local authorities are a reaction to “public blasphemous acts of provocation” by LGBT groups over the last two years aimed at traditionalist Catholics.

Hundreds of Catholic protestors attempted to halt an LGBT March of Equality on June 18 at Jasna Góra, fearing that the pro-homosexual demonstration would invade the shrine of icon of the Black Madonna of Częstochowa.

The LGBT marchers profaned the image of Our Lady of Częstochowa by depicting her with a rainbow for a halo and also carried banners combining the national symbol of the eagle with the “gay pride” flag. They chanted: “Rainbow, not national Poland,” “sport, health, homosexuality” and “colourful Częstochowa.”

Wacław Depo, archbishop of Częstochowa, said that the city’s second LGBT parade, marching under the slogan “Czestochowa Rainbow does not hide” was a “deliberate provocation aimed at children in the whole of Catholic Poland.” The march was held on the same day as the traditional pilgrimage of children to Jasna Góra.

On May 25, a pride march profaned the Blessed Sacrament in a mock Corpus Christi procession, as costumed women with rainbow haloes around their heads danced around a man dressed as a priest carrying an imitation monstrance of a vagina topped by a gold crown. At least 6,000 people took part in the so-called Equality Parade in Gdańsk.

“You are behaving disgustingly. I am addressing these words to marching in Gdańsk today,” tweeted Fr. Daniel Wachowiak from the archdiocese of Poznańska. “You laugh at the Blessed Sacrament, Christian values, despise others, and at the same time demand powerful privileges for yourself, being oversensitive on your own. Terrible.”

In April, lesbian activist Elzbieta Podlesna, 51, pasted blasphemous posters of the icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa with a rainbow halo, on walls, garbage bins and toilets near St. Dominik’s Church in the city of Płock in central Poland.

Police raided Podlesna’s house on May 6 and found the offensive posters. The police arrested and detained the activist for several hours and confiscated her electronic equipment, including laptop, phone and memory cards. She was charged with “offending religious beliefs.”

Deputy Justice Minister Patryk Jaki called the posters part of a campaign to “humiliate Catholics” and said it has to be stopped. Amnesty International is defending Podlesna, who faces two years in prison if found guilty.

Donald Tusk, president of the European Council, also defended Podlesna calling for Poland to become a “libertarian democracy” and dismissed her blasphemous actions saying, “I cannot think of it in my head.”

During Holy Week, LGBT activists pasted stickers with the rainbow Mother of God on the walls of the sanctuary of Saint Faustina and the convent of the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy at Żytnia Street in Warsaw.

Meanwhile, the local council of Swidnik passed a motion to reject the spread of “LGBT ideology” in homes, schools and workplaces, after Warsaw’s mayor Rafał Trzaskowski issued his declaration promising to teach primary school children about homosexuality along World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines.

Swidnik councillor Radoslaw Brzozka said his town issued its anti-LGBT statement in response to Warsaw’s declaration, which was “against good moral values.”

“Let children have a father and a mother, not such deviations. Otherwise there will be fewer and fewer children, and Poland will shrink,” 83-year-old Teresa Drzewiecka, who witnessed Nazis and Communists battling for control of her town Swidnik, told Reuters.

The southern city of Lublin, which has also passed a similar resolution, recently gave awards to local officials who have opposed, “LGBT ideology, which goes against the family, the nation and the Polish state.”

“We will not have access to school for shock-seekers interested in early sexualisation of children; we will not capitulate to political correctness (rightly called homopropaganda),” writes the conservative newspaper Gazeta Polska.

“We must defend national culture against ‘anti-civilization and anti-culture.’ This decision will protect our children against sexual addiction,” warned councillor Ignacy Czeżyk (PiS) from Puławy, a city in eastern Poland.

“It is a moral declaration,” said Mayor of the Lesser Poland commune Lipnik Czesław Rakoczy

Archbishop Gądecki, Chairman of the Polish Episcopal Conference, noted that profanation during the LGBT Pride marches was on the rise.

“The official reason for organizing [the] marches is concern for greater tolerance in society,” he said. “Meanwhile they become a place of obscene displays as well as an opportunity to show contempt for Christianity, including parodies of liturgy of the Eucharist, and to incite hatred towards the Church and clergy.”

Paweł Rabiej, deputy mayor of Warsaw, said he had filed a complaint about the “LGBT free zone” stickers to the prosecutor’s office.

Last month, Ambassador Mosbacher was criticised after tweeting her support for 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots. “Today is the 50th anniversary of the outbreak of riots against discrimination of sexual minorities at the Stonewall Inn Greenwich Village in New York, which gave rise to the LGBTQ movement. These events remind us of the importance of equality, freedom and tolerance,” she tweeted.

As elections approach, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, head of the ruling conservative Law and Justice (PiS) is warning that LGBT rights is “a foreign import” that threatens Polish traditional values. He has repeatedly urged Polish citizens to vote for “the only party that gives a 100% guarantee that our values will be protected.”


Jules Gomes

The Rev. Dr. Jules Gomes, B.A., B.D., M.Th., Ph.D. (Cantab) is a journalist, academic and editor of Rebel Priest.

RELATED ARTICLE: These 2020 Democrats Have Their Preferred Gender Pronouns In Their Twitter Bio

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

SPLC Targets, Shuts Down Faith-Based Crowdfunding Site

JERSEY CITY, N.J. ( – A non-profit is fighting back against a lawsuit from the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which has forced its closure and shut down its crowdfunding platform.

Arthur Goldberg has been a target of SPLC since 2012. He and non-profits with which he is affiliated have been sued twice, once as the co-director of Jews Offering New Alternatives for Healing (JONAH) — which offered counseling for those struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction — and most recently as co-director of Jewish Institute for Global Awareness (JIFGA), the parent organization for Funding Morality.

On Thursday, Hudson County, New Jersey Superior Court Judge Peter Bariso, Jr. slapped Goldberg and JIFGA with over $3.2 million in punitive fines and legal fees for allegedly violating a 2015 injunction and settlement agreement against JONAH that forbids him from providing counseling referrals.

In a move meant to “deter and punish,” he also barred Goldberg from serving as a director of any nonprofit organization in the state of New Jersey — a condition that may violate Goldberg’s rights. As a result, JIFGA and the crowdfunding site, Funding Morality, will have to suspend operations.

Church Militant spoke with Goldberg, who told us he is planning to appeal. “We expect to appeal the decision, which we believe is at odds with the facts and infringes upon our constitutional rights to freedom of speech, religion, and association,” he said.

“Our appeal seeks to vindicate our constitutional right to promote biblical values,” he said. “Today’s politically correct progressive ideology seeks to eliminate the free exchange of ideas whenever certain views may be antithetical to current prevailing opinions.”

“This is part of the left-wing agenda to cut off conservative speech and shut down voices that disagree with them,” Goldberg said.

Goldberg added, “JIFGA as an organization is totally different than JONAH. It does not refer people with same-sex attractions for therapy.”

JONAH was started to serve the Jewish community by pairing counselors with clients who wanted help with their unwanted same-sex attractions. Goldberg was not paid for his work and sought only to help the Jewish community and those of other faiths find support that was in line with their religious beliefs.

“JIFGA was started to promote the universal underlying morals for the Judeo-Christian worldview,” Goldberg told Church Militant.

In 2015, Bariso ruled against JONAH and prohibited the group from “engaging in conversion therapy and promoting conversion therapy-related commerce.”

Goldberg said the same judge extended his decision to JIFGA “based upon the incorrect belief that ‘JIFGA was a successor in interest and a mere continuation of JONAH.'”

The SPLC brought its initial action against him and JIFGA in January. It filed a motion for right of discovery in March asking for access to Goldberg’s emails.

Its claim that JIFGA is a continuation of JONAH and that he was providing counseling referrals to people with unwanted same-sex desires was the impetus for Judge Bariso to grant the motion and give the SPLC 70,000 of Goldberg’s emails.

Luke Barefoot, partner at Cleary Gottlieb Steen and Hamilton LLP, one of the three legal firms co-representing the SPLC, said, “When we learned that JONAH continued to operate under a new name and, in defiance of the jury’s verdict, carry on the same unconscionable practices that harmed so many vulnerable young people, we knew our job was not over.”

Goldberg believes he was maligned and vilified to the judge by SPLC lawyers and they he lost the case based on several innocuous emails that were “ridiculously” misinterpreted.

He explained that SPLC mistook acquaintances’ requests for information as referrals. In one email cited, he provided a therapist’s email address to someone who specifically asked for it.

Another was an email exchange where the name of a marriage counselor was provided. Goldberg said the marriage counseling was completely unrelated to counseling for unwanted same-sex attractions.

The SPLC successfully argued that JIFGA and Funding Morality needed to be shut down and fined $3 million based on the content they found in his emails.

They also argued a project on Funding Morality to document the work of the late Joseph Nicolosi was “evidence” JIFGA was still facilitating “fraudulent gay-to-straight ‘conversion therapy.'”

Goldberg explained his organization was approached by Nicolosi’s family shortly after he died and they wanted to honor his life’s work. “I didn’t see how that would be a problem,” he said.

Political Motivations

Church Militant spoke with Christopher Doyle, executive director of Institute for Healthy Families and the author of The War on Psychotherapy, and one of the expert witnesses denied the opportunity to testify on behalf of JONAH in 2015.

He called SPLC a “bully organization” and said, “This case has always been about a political organization that is targeting low-hanging fruit — smaller organizations with little means to defend themselves.”

JIFGA had an operating budget of around $200,000, while SPLC has assets approaching half a billion dollars. Goldberg said during the trials, there were between 10 and 14 lawyers representing SPLC in the courtroom at all times. Goldberg had one attorney.

In his book, Doyle outlined the JONAH trial and how it was the first time consumer fraud laws were applied to an organization that was not a commercial business operating for profit. JONAH was the first non-profit organization in the country to be sued for fraud.

Goldberg did not have a financial motive, as he and other JONAH co-directors were never paid for their work. Goldberg never drew a salary for his work at JIFGA, either.

Doyle wrote in his book, “It’s clear from the court affidavits that the lawsuit against JONAH was well-thought-out and coordinated, in conspiracy-fashion, by certain gay activists. In fact, court documents indicated that the SPLC actually recruited these plaintiffs in order to take down JONAH.”

The strategy of SPLC to destroy organizations is to “bring a legal cause and cut off their financial purse-strings,” Doyle said. By diminishing their financial influence they “basically make them indigent.”

Doyle said the work of the gay lobby has been brilliant and wildly successful in the past 50 years.

Homosexuals faced laws “worse than the Jim Crow laws” that allowed them to be thrown in jail. They now have “protected status,” Doyle said. “Unfortunately, so much of it based on fraud.”

That fraud was cited in the case against JONAH as the reason Bariso refused to let six experts, including Doyle and Nicolosi, testify for the defense. Nicolosi was the preeminent expert and pioneer in reparative therapy.

Judge Bariso completely sided with the SPLC opinion “that it is a scientific fact that homosexuality is not a disorder, but rather it is a normal variation of human sexuality, and thus any expert opinion concluding that homosexuality is a disorder is inadmissible.”

He further concluded that “the theory that homosexuality is a disorder is not novel but — like the notion that the earth is flat and the sun revolves around it — instead is outdated and refuted.”

SPLC asserted that “their testimony is nothing more than inadmissible net opinion” and the experts’ testimony was “unreliable” because their belief that homosexuality is a disorder “conflicts with the understanding held by every legitimate professional association.”

That statement is false. Doyle explained that despite years of research, not one study has identified a gay gene, a gay brain or even a gay hormone. The American Psychological Association’s (APA) own Handbook of Sexuality and Psychology explicitly states that homosexuality is not genetic: “The inconvenient reality … is that social behaviors are always jointly determined by nature, nurture and opportunity.”

Doyle is among thousands of licensed mental health professionals and clients that have formed a coalition called The National Task Force for Therapy Equality (NTFTE) to counter the “born that way” lie.

They documented blatant lies from gay activists seeking to ban reparative therapy, whose aim is to help those struggling with gender dysphoria and unwanted same-sex attractions to find peace and healing.

Doyle explained that many of the gay activists speaking out against “conversion therapy,” the derogatory term for reparative therapy, were lying. He said that in the case of New Jersey, the entire testimony that influenced then-governor Chris Christie to sign the conversion therapy ban into law was “lifted from a RuPaul movie.”

NTFTE obtained enough evidence to file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission specifically accusing SPLC, Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) of “mass deception and fraud in their efforts to ban counseling by licensed professionals for clients distressed with unwanted same-sex attractions and gender identity conflicts.”

The FTC has yet to address the complaint.

GoFundMe Is No Option

Goldberg started Funding Morality in 2016 as a result of the SPLC’s first lawsuit against JONAH.

While he was able to raise funds for his initial legal defense, he wondered what would happen to others who couldn’t afford to pay for their legal defense, a position in which he now finds himself.

Many crowdfunding sites won’t support campaigns dedicated to defending Judeo-Christian biblical values, especially ones that are branded “anti-gay.”

GoFundMe shut down campaigns to support the legal defense for Sweet Cakes by Melissa and Baronelle Stutzman, who both refused to provide services for same-sex weddings.

“JIFGA was started to promote the universal underlying morals for the Judeo-Christian worldview,” Goldberg said. Funding Morality was founded to provide financial support for faith-based people.

“As far as I know, we were the only one,” Goldberg noted. “We welcomed submissions on pro-life, pro-family, pro-religious liberty causes that were consistent with biblical values.”

Some of the current campaigns on Funding Morality include raising funds for pro-life seminars for black-American pastors, support for a Catholic seminarian, a consecrated religious and persecuted priests such as Fr. Jeff Windy and Fr. Paul Kalchik.

Another campaign was started to help to overcome the stigma Christian street cleaners in Pakistan experience in daily life.

These Christian sewer workers are denied personal protective gear, and those who are injured on the job are often denied life-saving care by Muslim health care workers because they are considered “unclean.”

Two new campaigns were recently started to provide funding for pro-life research that did not receive university funding. One research project is looking for a surgical technique to transfer an embryo/fetus in the case of an ectopic pregnancy. Currently, all ectopic pregnancies are ended through abortion.

The second research project is to complete a second detailed study of the potential physical and behavioral consequences of abortion. The results of their first study have indicated negative behavioral effects and that full-term deliveries have a protective effect on women’s health.

The SPLC’s targeted attack on JIFGA has resulted in the suspension of Funding Morality’s biblically based crowdfunding. It is unclear whether these campaigns will be able to find another crowdfunding site that will allow their campaigns when Funding Morality suspends operations later in the month.


Anita Carey

Anita Carey is a staff writer for


WV Catholics Threaten Donations Boycott, Archbishop Caves

Poland Declares Itself ‘LGBT Free’ as Gay Parades Turn Blasphemous

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Trump Administration Officials: Refugee Admissions for FY 2020 Could be Zero

“Refugee backers….worry that the doomsday scenario — taking numbers down to zero — could debilitate the resettlement program for years to come.” – (Politico)

I had planned to immediately this morning jump on the Rep. Ilhan Omar (Somali refugee) marriage scam story, but need to tell you about this breaking news first.

A little background….

Every year at this time various administration agencies and the federal resettlement contractors (also called incorrectly ‘charities’) get together to plan for the coming fiscal year and how many refugees should be admitted and from where.

The State Department then in conjunction with the White House prepares the Presidential Determination that is sent to Congress in September for consultation with various committees.  However, it is the President who has the power under the Refugee Act of 1980 to set the CEILING for the coming year.

One step in the process that has now been missing for years is the “scoping meeting” which for many many years was held in May or June and it was an opportunity for the public to weigh in with views on the scope of the program.  Longtime readers of Refugee Resettlement Watch may recall that for a number of years during the Obama Administration those of us with concerns about the program swamped them with comments.

That opportunity for public comment was dropped and the Trump Administration has never revived it.  

So here we are again the annual squabble over numbers of refugees for the coming fiscal year has begun (FY20 begins on October 1, 2019).  Previously I saw that the nine federal contractors (Church World Service is one of the nine) who are paid to place the refugees are again pushing for 75,000.

Not happy with what they learned last week from the Trump team, they have leaked to Politico and surely other news outlets to vent and to stir up their minions to put pressure on Congress and the White House so they can continue to be paid to change America by changing the people.

And, get this! Heritage Foundation is on the side of more refugees rather than less!

If only it is so…..

Politico (hat tip: Jeannine):

Trump officials pressing to slash refugee admissions to zero next year

The Trump administration is considering a virtual shutdown of refugee admissions next year — cutting the number to nearly zero — according to three people familiar with the plan.

During a key meeting of security officials on refugee admissions last week, a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services representative who is closely aligned with White House immigration adviser Stephen Miller suggested setting a cap at zero, the people said. Homeland Security Department officials at the meeting later floated making the level anywhere from 3,000 to 10,000, according to one of the people.

The proposal for a near-shutdown of the refugee program is alarming officials at the Department of Defense, who don’t want to see a halt in admissions of Iraqis who risked their lives assisting U.S. forces in that country. The possible move comes after the Trump administration cut refugee admissions by a third this year, to 30,000.

If the administration shuts down refugee admissions, it would give President Donald Trump a powerful talking point as he makes immigration restrictions a centerpiece of his reelection campaign.

At the same time, it would strand thousands of people already far along in the process and damage the ability of resettlement agencies to process refugees in future years, according to advocates tracking the issue.
“In the long-term, it would mean that the capacity and the ability of the United States to resettle refugees would be completely decimated,” said Jen Smyers, a director with Church World Service, one of the nine U.S. resettlement agencies.

What she is saying above is that their budgets would be decimated with the loss of the millions they get from us—US taxpayers! And, of course Politico makes no mention of that fact!

The meeting of roughly 20 officials last week, which took place in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, represents a preliminary step in the annual process of setting the admissions cap, according to those with knowledge of it.

USCIS official John Zadrozny and the State Department’s Andrew Veprek — both known as Miller allies — argued in the meeting that the refugee cap should be low because of ongoing security concerns and the ability of the U.S. to offer humanitarian protections through the asylum process, according to an attendee.

While the two programs similarly protect people facing persecution, refugees apply for protection from overseas, while asylum seekers apply once they’ve arrived at the border or entered the U.S. on a legal visa. Proponents of the refugee program contend it offers the U.S. diplomatic and military leverage internationally beyond its humanitarian aims.

The above paragraph is very important for a couple of reasons.  All of those ‘asylum seekers’ breaking into America right now could end up being declared refugees and receive all of the benefits legitimate refugees receive thus completely swamping our welfare system, schools, health care systems etc.

And, it is pretty outrageous that refugees should be foisted on unsuspecting communities in order for Washington to gain international “diplomatic and military leverage.”

The Miller allies asserted at the meeting that the refugee determination didn’t matter because it was a ceiling, not a floor, and the administration still retained the discretion to admit fewer people, according to one of the people with knowledge of it.

The various agencies will submit their recommendations by Aug. 1, the person told POLITICO.

The presence of Zadrozny and Veprek in the refugee cap negotiations speaks to the influence of Miller over the Trump administration’s immigration agenda. Both are viewed as proxies for the president’s hard-line adviser.

Just what we need (not!): Heritage Foundation says surely we can find “more folks” to bring into the US who are in countries that don’t want to do us harm.

“Even if you’re really hesitant about certain types of conflict-torn areas, I still think there are other areas that are not of concern,” said David Inserra, a policy analyst with the conservative Heritage Foundation. “There are enough refugees out there in the world that I think you could find more folks that you’re not particularly worried about.”

LOL! Below Politico sends out the word that Open Borders agitators need to get out and lobby the administration!  And, therein lies the primary reason there is a scare tactic headline to this story!

The Trump administration doesn’t need to make the refugee determination until next month and there remains time for outside groups to lobby the administration. The administration also must consult with members of related congressional committees regarding the determination, although that requirement has been mostly brushed aside under Trump.

The article is long and there is a lot more information, so go here to read it all.

There is a big discussion in the story about the military wanting to admit more Iraqis, but interesting to me was the lack of any mention of the  thousands of Afghans we have brought in during the Trump Administration.

If there was ever a time to contact the White House, this is it! 

Tell the President—zero refugees for 2020!  After all, hundreds of thousands are arriving illegally and asking for asylum so those should be dealt with first.  (See White House contact in my right hand side bar.)

RELATED ARTICLE: 4 Big Border Issues in Homeland Security Chief’s House Testimony

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: New GOP campaign ad ‘The Squad Goals: Anarchy’

Watch this powerful Republican National Committee campaign ad about the group of four freshman Congresswomen labeled “The Squad” and how they are leading America into anarchy:

As I previously wrote in my column “Is it the ‘Squad,’ AOC+3, the ‘Suicide Squad’ or the ‘Squad to Re-elect Donald Trump’?“:

The more President Trump and the Republican Party talk about the “Squad” the more it unites the Republican base and draws Independent and moderate Democratic Party voters to #WalkAway.

[ … ]

President Trump understands how to win, focus on the most extreme wing of the Democratic Party. Embolden these extremists. Let these extremists define the Democratic Party. And win in  2020.

Simple but effective.

This RNC video is simple but effective.


House Democrats Rush To End The Slugfest Between Pelosi And Ocasio-Cortez’s Leninist Girl Scout Troop 

‘The Squad’ Is Only the Beginning of Nancy Pelosi’s Problems

New Poll Just Obliterated The Core Of The 2020 Democratic Agenda 

Guess who started the whole climate change debate? You guessed it UK PM Margaret Thatcher!

What most people fail to remember is history. if you ask most American’s who began the entire debate on climate change you would probably get the answer former Vice President Al Gore. The truth is today’s “environmentalist” or “green” movement began with former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Mrs. Thatcher was influenced in great part by environmentalist Sir Crispin Tickell, UK’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations from 1987-90.

On September 27, 1988 in a speech to the Royal Society, the independent scientific academy of the UK and the British Commonwealth, Mrs. Thatcher stated:

For generations, we have assumed that the efforts of mankind would leave the fundamental equilibrium of the world’s systems and atmosphere stable. But it is possible that with all these enormous changes (population, agricultural, use of fossil fuels) concentrated into such a short period of time, we have unwittingly begun a massive experiment with the system of this planet itself.

Recently three changes in atmospheric chemistry have become familiar subjects of concern. The first is the increase in the greenhouse gases—carbon dioxide, methane, and chlorofluorocarbons—which has led some [end p4] to fear that we are creating a global heat trap which could lead to climatic instability. We are told that a warming effect of 1°C per decade would greatly exceed the capacity of our natural habitat to cope. Such warming could cause accelerated melting of glacial ice and a consequent increase in the sea level of several feet over the next century. This was brought home to me at the Commonwealth Conference in Vancouver last year when the President of the Maldive Islands reminded us that the highest part of the Maldives is only six feet above sea level. The population is 177,000. It is noteworthy that the five warmest years in a century of records have all been in the 1980s—though we may not have seen much evidence in Britain! [Emphasis added]

Read Mrs. Thatcher’s entire speech.

Mrs. Thatcher then gave a speech on November 8, 1989 to the United Nations General Assembly on the “Global Environment.” Mrs. Thatcher noted:

We are seeing a vast increase in the amount of carbon dioxide reaching the atmosphere. The annual increase is three billion tonnes: and half the carbon emitted since the Industrial Revolution still remains in the atmosphere.

At the same time as this is happening, we are seeing the destruction on a vast scale of tropical forests which are uniquely able to remove carbon dioxide from the air.

Every year an area of forest equal to the whole surface of the United Kingdom is destroyed. At present rates of clearance we shall, by the year 2000, have removed 65 per cent of forests in the humid tropical zones. [end p3]

The consequences of this become clearer when one remembers that tropical forests fix more than ten times as much carbon as do forests in the temperate zones.

We now know, too, that great damage is being done to the Ozone Layer by the production of halons and chlorofluorocarbons. But at least we have recognised that reducing and eventually stopping the emission of CFCs is one positive thing we can do about the menacing accumulation of greenhouse gases.

It is of course true that none of us would be here but for the greenhouse effect. It gives us the moist atmosphere which sustains life on earth. We need the greenhouse effect—but only in the right proportions.

More than anything, our environment is threatened by the sheer numbers of people and the plants and animals which go with them. When I was born the world’s population was some 2 billion people. My [Michael Thatcher] grandson will grow up in a world of more than 6 billion people.

Put in its bluntest form: the main threat to our environment is more and more people, and their activities: The land they cultivate ever more intensively; The forests they cut down and burn; The mountain sides they lay bare; The fossil fuels they burn; The rivers and the seas they pollute.

The result is that change in future is likely to be more fundamental and more widespread than anything we have known hitherto. Change to the sea around us, change to the atmosphere above, leading in turn to change in the world’s climate, which could alter the way we live in the most fundamental way of all.

That prospect is a new factor in human affairs. It is comparable in its implications to the discovery of how to split the atom. Indeed, its results could be even more far-reaching. [Emphasis added]

The intent of Mrs. Thatcher’s speeches was to push for an alternative means of energy – nuclear power.

How it All Went Bad

Margaret Thatcher wanted to reduce the UK’s dependence on Middle Easter oil after the oil shock of 1978-79. According to Laurel Graefe, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta:

Like its 1973–74 predecessor, the second oil shock of the 1970s was associated with events in the Middle East, but it was also driven by strong global oil demand. The Iranian Revolution began in early 1978 and ended a year later, when the royal reign of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi collapsed and Sheikh Khomeini took control as grand ayatollah of the Islamic republic. In conjunction with the revolution, Iranian oil output declined by 4.8 million barrels per day (7 percent of world production at the time) by January 1979. However, this supply disruption may not have been the most important factor pushing oil prices higher. Rather, the Iranian disruption may have prompted a fear of further disruptions and spurred widespread speculative hoarding.

Oil prices began to rise rapidly in mid-1979, more than doubling between April 1979 and April 1980. According to one estimate, surging oil demand—coming both from a booming global economy and a sharp increase in precautionary demand—was responsible for much of the increase in the cost of oil during the crisis.

Mrs. Thatcher wanted to shift the world toward nuclear power. Her efforts failed due to the 1979 Three Mile Island and the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear power plant incidents. While Mrs. Thatcher’s nuclear power efforts failed the “green” movement in Great Britain exploded.

Nuclear power became the problem and not the solution to many.

In 1998 the United Nations first introduced the “Kyoto Protocol.”

Along Comes Al Gore

Between 1980 and 2006 the green movement was quietly but increasingly gaining political clout. The breakout came when former Vice President Al Gore released his film “Inconvenient Truth” on May 24, 2006. From this point on global warming and climate change became an issue of those seeking to control the means of producing oil, natural gas and coal. The alternative no longer was clean energy via nuclear power. Rather clean energy was anything but nuclear and fossil fuel driven power. It became solar and wind power, heavily subsidized by governments globally.

Along Comes Donald J. Trump

On June 1, 2017 President Trump formally removed the United States from the Kyoto Protocol. In a Rose Garden event President Trump stated:

Therefore, in order to fulfill my solemn duty to protect America and its citizens, the United States will withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord — (applause) — thank you, thank you — but begin negotiations to reenter either the Paris Accord or a really entirely new transaction on terms that are fair to the United States, its businesses, its workers, its people, its taxpayers.  So we’re getting out.  But we will start to negotiate, and we will see if we can make a deal that’s fair.  And if we can, that’s great.  And if we can’t, that’s fine.  (Applause.)

As President, I can put no other consideration before the wellbeing of American citizens.  The Paris Climate Accord is simply the latest example of Washington entering into an agreement that disadvantages the United States to the exclusive benefit of other countries, leaving American workers — who I love — and taxpayers to absorb the cost in terms of lost jobs, lower wages, shuttered factories, and vastly diminished economic production.

Thus, as of today, the United States will cease all implementation of the non-binding Paris Accord and the draconian financial and economic burdens the agreement imposes on our country.  This includes ending the implementation of the nationally determined contribution and, very importantly, the Green Climate Fund which is costing the United States a vast fortune. [Emphasis added]

Read the full statement here.

It was the conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher who started all of this climate change discussion. It was President Trump who ended it at least for the United States of America. Now you know the real story.

RELATED ARTICLE: EPA Administrator Explains What’s Changed at the Agency Since the Obama Years

VIDEO: Planned Parenthood’s Nuremberg

Planned Parenthood has exterminated 10 times more people than the Nazis. Justice demands that they be tried in the same manner.

This Summer Camp Teaches Kids to Burn the American Flag

Watch this video from a summer camp for 125 children run by the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, Israel, where they teach kids to burn the American flag.

Posted on the Facebook page of  the Palestinian Authority’s Higher Council for Youth and Sports, the July 3, 2019 video upload features Camp Director Ihsan Hattab, who says that the camp’s goal is to provide children with a “patriotic education.”

The camp is being run under the council by the Society for Children with Autism and Learning Disabilities and includes 25 special needs children aged 13-15.

As documented by MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute), Yaman, a young boy participating in the program, said that on the first day of the program, they discussed President Trump’s “Deal of the Century” and the following day, they tore up and burned pictures of the American flag and Trump (pictured with horns).



Spend a Summer of Jihad With Hamas

UN Agency Funds ‘Camp Jihad’ for Palestinian Children

Five Child-Incitement Hot Spots

RELATED VIDEO: Proof That Islam Is Taking Over U.S. Schools.

Mosques – Dangerous to Extremely Dangerous – Georgia, Extremely Dangerous

Dave Gaubatz, invited to investigate 3 mosques in the Savannah, GA area.  Gaubatz has investigated over 300+ mosques in the U.S. and over 150 internationally.  He did that with a standard analysis process to measure the level of dangers being promoted inside each mosque he visited.

From Dave’s report below:

“Islamic leaders have informed Dave Gaubatz during his various undercover operations that right now in America they (Islam and its leaders) are winning and their strategy of an Islamic caliphate in America is on pace to succeed with limited violence. ” 

VIDEO: Enemies Within The Community – With Dave Gaubatz and David Bores.

The final analysis for Savannah is available in PDF form on Sharia Crime Stoppers Page here and included in full below.

Sworn Affidavit
Dave Gaubatz, USAF (retired), U.S. Federal Agent (retired), and American Patriot  (active)
8 July 2019 

NOTE:  When I conduct counter-terrorism research in America it is my objective to expose Islam when Islam requires exposing, which is 24/7.  Anything I do or any materials I uncover are for public release.  It is my policy to provide the public my raw intelligence first before providing to all others.  Only the American public can protect America.  It is the responsibility of the public to insure politicians and our senior law enforcement do the job which they have sworn an oath to do, which is protect America and most importantly protect our children.  The public must also demand our media report the news based on facts and evidence and not their personal political agendas as is now the case by far in America.

Note:  The following 20 points are for credibility purposes to validate the counter-terrorism research I conducted in the Statesboro and Savannah Georgia region during the period 26 – 30 June 2019.

  1. Background:  I was a U.S. Federal Agent with a Top Secret/SCI clearance for approx.. 15.5 years.  This was during the time 1988 – 2003.
  2. In addition to my Top Secret/SCI clearance I was also briefed into many programs known to the public as “Black Projects”.  These projects pertained essentially to counterterrorism and counter-intelligence operations.  These cases were U.S. National Security matters.
  3. On 11 Sep 2001, I was assigned as an (1811) civilian Federal Agent in Albuquerque, NM.  I had primarily been assigned the duties of ‘Technology Protection’ in regards to our countries highest classification of technologies used to defend our country.
  4. After the attack on our country, 11 Sep 2001, I was assigned to the Foreign Service Institute (U.S. State Dept./Arlington, Va.  My duties were to train full time in Arabic and counter-terrorism issues.  The Arabic language course was one year.  During this time period I was sent to Jordan for a three-week immersion program to better understand the Arabic language, the culture, and Islam.
  5. In Jan 2003, before Operation Iraqi Freedom, I was deployed as a civilian Federal Agent to ArAr Air Base, Saudi Arabia (next to Iraqi border).  My full time duties were to collect intelligence involving potential attacks against U.S. Armed Forces personnel and to conduct counter-espionage against Saudi Arabian government/military, Iraqi, and other people in the ArAr area.  I led several counter-terrorism/counter-intelligence expeditions.
  6. From Apr – Jul 2003, I was assigned inside Nasiriyah, Baghdad, Basrah, and other cities in Iraq, and my primary duties were counter-terrorism and counter-intelligence.
  7. While in Iraq I interviewed numerous Iraqis and Iranians in regard to terrorism acts against the U.S., the Islamic ideology pertaining to violent Jihadists activity, and the methodology of Islamic terrorists.
  8. While in Iraq I had the opportunity to discuss the training and tactics used by Islamic terrorist leaders and their supporters.  I had the opportunity to review thousands of pieces of Islamic material pertaining on tactics to attack U.S. interests and the overthrow of America.
  9. I have received training on the Islamic ideology/tactics from people who were former members of Islamic terrorist groups and from Muslims who were investigating groups themselves.  These people included military and police officers who served under Saddam Hussein (former Iraqi President).
  10. Since returning from Iraq in 2003, I have trained over 3000 U.S. law enforcement officers in Arabic and counter-terrorism involving Islamic terrorist groups and their supporters.
  11. I have discussed Islamic issues with over 600 Imams and Islamic leaders.
  12. I have listened to over 2000 hours of lectures by Islamic scholars/leaders that have been trained in
  13. I have read over 5500 different publications, books, and brochures by Islamic scholars.
  14. In 2005, I hired a senior Council on American Islamic Relations leader to provide me training on the operation of this Islamic organization.  This was an undercover operation directed toward CAIR.
  15. I have personally conducted first hand research at over 300 Islamic Centers/Mosques in America and over 100 outside of America.  The research has included speaking with the leaders, worshippers, and reviewing the materials they use to educate their worshippers (men, women, and children.
  16. I have monitored several overseas based Islamic terrorist group internet sites.
  17. I have received numerous U.S. Government awards pertaining to my work in protecting our country, our technology, and U.S. Armed Forces personnel.
  18. I have worked jointly in counter-terrorism research and investigations with Muslims and non-Muslims.
  19. I have written two books. 1:  Arabic for Law Enforcement and Military 2: Muslim Mafia
  20. At the direction of a former Under Secretary of Defense for President Ronald Reagan I placed 5 undercover researchers inside a Muslim Brotherhood organization (CAIR) operating inside America.  The result was uncovering over 12,000 documents and 300 hours of audio/video relating to criminal terrorism against America.


It is very important for American citizens and others who are victimized by Islamic based terrorist groups and their supporters to understand there is a dramatic difference in investigating mosques in predominately Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia versus mosque activity in America.  One cannot rely on Sharia compliance from a Saudi mosque for instance and a mosque in Savannah, Georgia.  Sharia compliance alone can more closely determine if a mosque in an Islamic country poses a potential threat to innocent people and countries than Sharia compliance in a mosque in America will.

Mosques located throughout the Middle East have been around for over 1400 years and the earliest mosque in America was less than 100 years ago (1922, Chicago, Illinois).  Even as late as 1980 there were only a 150 or so in America.  Now there are approximately 3000, but this is in no comparison to the tens of thousands throughout the Middle East and for which Sharia compliance has been brainwashed and enforced into the Muslim mind for 1400 plus years.  Sharia compliance in a mosque has been branded in the Islamic culture throughout the Middle East but is still in its infancy in America.

The major point for one to understand is that it does not take a large percentage of Muslims in a mosque to be Sharia compliant in order for the mosque to be evaluated as a high risk for terrorism to generate from the mosque.  Example:  If the mosque membership is 350 and only 20 are truly Sharia compliant does not necessarily mean this mosque poses a low threat of potential violence.  In the Middle East it likely would.  But, since many Muslims in America are first generation ‘converts’ they are still in a learning curve compared to their fellow Muslims in the Middle East.  It will take time for Sharia compliance by a large percentage of Muslims in an American mosque to be the primary source to determine the potential danger the mosque poses.

To make an accurate determination if an American mosque is more dangerous than another American mosque or Middle Eastern mosque requires the researcher to have many of the requirements as are mentioned in my 20 points of credibility listed above and to have the 26 factors evaluated as I have identified below.  I have named this evaluation criteria “The Islamic Terror Alphabet” (copyright Dave Gaubatz 2019)


  1. The Islamic ideology is not peaceful; it is violent and dangerous to the world.
  2. There are no safe mosques; there are only various degrees of danger.
  3. When (not if) the Islamic leaders throughout the world (Sunni/Shia/Sufi) determine they are powerful enough to plunge the world into total chaos so as to complete their final objective of an Islamic Ummah (nation) worldwide, all mosques, all Muslims will unite to meet this goal.
  4. There is only Pure Islam and Pure Muslims.  There is no such thing as moderate Islam or moderate Muslims.  A Muslim in accordance with their Prophet Mohammed must adhere to all aspects of Sharia law.  They are not allowed to pick and choose which parts of Sharia to follow and not to follow.  Sharia is an all or nothing.  If a Muslim does not do this, they are Apostates of Islam.  The penalty is death for them, regardless if they are in Saudi Arabia or Savannah, Georgia.
  5. Islam defined:  Islam is a political, economic, and military ideology which uses religion as a tool to achieve their ultimate goal of an Islamic Ummah worldwide and under Sharia law.
  6. Sharia law defined:  Sharia is a belief that everything Mohammed said or did in his life is the perfect example to all.  What he did and said is Sharia.  Sharia covers everything a Muslim does in his/her life from the moment they awake until they fall asleep and even while they are deep in sleep.
  7. Sharia law cannot be changed nor removed from Islam.  There is no validity in the reform of Islam.  There are Muslims (Apostates) who claim to want to reform Islam, but once you have removed Sharia, you have simply started another religion.  You can no more remove Sharia from Islam than you can the 10 Commandments from Christianity.
  8. Evaluate the mosques solely on firsthand evidence and do not rely on 2nd, 3rd, or other sources unless they are validated by an experienced counter-terrorism researcher.
  9. Remain unbiased.  If there is no firsthand evidence to support a rating above ‘Dangerous’ then rate the mosque at the lowest level.
  10. Innocent people throughout the world must realize that the Islamic Prophet Mohammed endorsed child marriages and Islamic scholars do not refute this.  Mohammed married Aisha when she was six (6) years old and consummated the marriage when she was nine (9).  In actuality Mohammed married a 6-year-old child and began sexually assaulting and raping her.  Do not get wrapped up in the nice and soft word of consummating.  An adult does not consummate with a child, he rapes them.  This very act and belief alone makes the whole of Islam dangerous regardless of the millions of peaceful interfaith meetings Islamic leaders may put on.  Although Mohammed died over 1400 years ago Muslims firmly believe he is the purest example of all and one who must be followed in every aspect of his life.  To this day in 2019 Muslims believe Mohammed was correct in marrying children and raping them.  This practice has not repealed by Islamic scholars and is still conducted openly throughout the world, to include America.


(copyright 2019 by Dave Gaubatz) Dave Gaubatz encourages all to use the ITAC system as a tool and to share with others, but be professional and give credit to Dave Gaubatz for the development of this counter-terrorism tool.

Islamic Center of Savannah, Georgia

A:  Mosque location (neighborhood, strip mall, typical identifiable mosque structure, or Islamic Center) Keep in mind a mosque is defined as a place for Muslims to gather for prayer and strategic planning.  The place can be in the basement of a house, a garage, a room in a university, a small building structure or a mega structure) The IC of Savannah is an Islamic Center which is typical for a Sunni mosque.  The term Islamic Center is not typical for identifying Shia mosques.  They do not use this term.

B:  Number of members 350 plus

C:  Sunni/Shia/Sufi:   This is a Sunni Wahhabi/Salafist mosque that primarily use the Hanbali Islamic school of thought.  There are four Sunni schools of thought. 1.  Hanafi 2. Maliki 3. Shafi’I 4. Hanbali.   Most counter-terrorism professionals agree the Hanbali school of thought is the most dangerous.  ISIS, Al Qaeda and other Sunni terrorist organizations follow the Hanbali school of thought.

D:  Material in mosque (such as Fiqh Us Sunnah, Riyadh Ul Salheen, Sahih Muslim, Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Sahih Bukkari, Reliance of the Traveler, Maududi or Qutb material, etc…)  Fiqh US Sunnah, Riyadh Ul Salheen, Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukkari were located in the prayer room available to all worshippers.  These manuals describe in detail for Muslims to carry out physical (fighting) Jihad,  Child marriages (authorized), Slavery (authorized),  the beating of women (authorized),  killing of non-Muslims and even Muslims  who are not Sharia compliant, informing Muslims to never take as friends Christians and Jews, killing of Apostates  of Islam (authorized  anywhere in the world), and  the describing the objective of Islam which is to establish an Islamic Ummah (nation)  worldwide and under Sharia law.  The objective can and must be established by warfare as needed.  Many other violent topics are discussed in the manuals.  Much of the material in the mosques is in Arabic.   For those Muslims who do not read Arabic they are encouraged to go online and read the materials in English which are readily available.

E:  Conversations with worshippers:   Dave Gaubatz spoke with Islamic leaders and worshippers.   Sunni/Salafist is the predominant ideology of this mosque that the Imam tries to instill.  Copies of the Quran and two Islamic books were provided to Dave Gaubatz.  Halaco Market in Fairfax, VA, was mentioned as a source for Sunni /Salafist/Wahhabi material.  I have personally visited this Islamic market/bookstore on at least 25 occasions.   Very violent and dangerous materials are at this business.

F:  Sharia decorum in mosques (example: prayer rug/carpet) No Black Flag of jihad was observed.  The prayer rug did have the required lines on the rug for the ‘forming of the lines’.  The Wudu (cleansing of the body) was in the mosque.  The women were in a separate side away from the men.   There was a throne type seat in the front area of the prayer room.

G:  Any affiliation with CAIR, IIIT, MSA, ISNA, etc.  Brochures from IIIT and CAIR were observed.  CAIR does have an affiliation with this mosque.

H:  Sharia compliance of Islamic leaders:   The Imam and Islamic leaders Dave G. observed were Sharia compliant.

I:  How are women/children treated:  The women are not allowed contact with the men.  They are completely isolated from the men.  Children were observed in the men’s and women’s side of the prayer room.

J:  Mosque etiquette (forming of line during prayer, selling of material in mosque, etc..). The Imam paid close attention to the forming of the line before the prayer.  It is against Sharia law to openly sell materials in a mosque prayer room.  No sales were observed.

K:  Imam lecture (mention of Sharia, Jihad Qital, Punishment in the grave, Fiqh, etc…)  Sharia compliance was mentioned throughout the lecture.  Punishment in the Grave was also mentioned several times.

L:  Invited guests (out of town Islamic leaders, CAIR, etc.)  There was an Islamic leader from Chicago who was invited by the Imam to speak.  He was raising money for an Islamic school based in Chicago to prepare students to be Islamic scholars in America.  He stated thus far the program has graduated 50 students.  The program is for a period of 6 years.

M:  Sharia compliance of non-Islamic leaders:  Many of the worshippers were not Sharia compliant in their dress, but were complaint enough to be in the mosque.  20 plus men were 100% compliant and these are the ones likely to be involved in future violence toward innocent people and/or involved in acts of terrorism against our country.

N:  Business cards shared (internet sites, businesses, emails, etc…)  Business   cards were provided to Dave Gaubatz.  These can be used for future coordination/operations if deemed feasible.

O:  Confirmed Islamic terrorists have/had not visited mosque:  No known terrorist information has been made public pertaining to any visiting the Savannah mosque, but Muslims travelling from one mosque to another is quite common.

P:  Active duty military at mosque:  One U.S. marine and One U.S. Army member attended the mosque (males).

Q:  U.S. Govt. Civilians and/or politicians at mosque:  U.S. government stickers (passes) were observed on a few vehicles in the mosque parking lot.

R:  Local, State, Federal Law Enforcement presence:  Local city police officer conducting security.

S:  Is local govt. liberal or conservative:  Savannah govt. is predominately liberal

T:  Are U.S. military bases within 50 miles:  there are U.S. military installations within 50 miles of the mosque.

U:  Are Islamic businesses within 15 miles:   Yes, an Islamic market and various small businesses (some medical)

V:  Is state liberal or conservative:  Georgia is a conservative state, but liberalism is increasing especially in the larger cities.

W:  Local media liberal or conservative:  Media in local area is considered liberal.

X:  Interfaith programs:  There is public information the mosque leadership are involved in interfaith activity with Christian and Jewish people/leaders.

Y:  How does mosque compare to mosques in U.S. with confirmed terrorist ties such as Dar Al Hijra mosque in Fairfax, VA):  Dave Gaubatz and his team of CT researchers have spent in excess of two weeks at Dar Al Hijra mosque in Virginia.  911 terrorists had visited the mosque.  The IC of Savannah is on the same scale as Dar Al Hijrah.  This would be a mosque that Islamic terrorists and their supporters who are travelling would feel comfortable attending.  They would be welcome at this mosque.  The Imam is Pakistani and is working to insure all aspects of Sharia are observed.

Z:  GUT feeling of qualified researcher (Very Important) This area is rated very high.  An explanation and analogy is required.   Every human and animal have internal systems fight or flight sensors that alert them to potential dangers.  This is how we survive.  Over years and years of life experiences our minds are able to fine tune this protective system.  Police officers use this safety mechanism each and every day to evaluate hundreds of potential danger signals in order to know how to respond in order to save their lives and the lives of innocent people.  In a shoot or don’t shoot situation officers sometimes have a few seconds or less to evaluate situations to best respond.  This is when their life experiences kick in and numerous things race through their mind when they are deciding to shoot (kill) or not shoot (not kill).

When evaluating the potential danger of an Islamic mosque Dave Gaubatz does the same thing as one of the 26 indicators to determine danger.  He bases over 35 years of travelling and working in Islamic based countries, visiting hundreds upon hundreds of mosques, interacting with good and bad people of the Islamic ideology, interviewing dozens of confirmed Muslim terrorists, their supporters, and reviewing thousands upon thousands of pages of their books and manuals, and in operating in dangers gang infested areas within America and in combat zones in Iraq.  Based on these experiences within a matter of minutes or less he is able to kick in his survival skills upon entering a mosque. His experiences have led him to accurately analyze and reason that all mosques are homes to potential danger, but at varying degrees.  When he worked gangs and narcotics in numerous major American cities there was little doubt a gang infested neighborhood posed likely dangers, again there were various levels of dangers based on other aspects of his experiences.  The same is true using the ITAC system.  A GUT feeling combined with 25 other important factors triggers an evaluation for danger.

Evaluation Rating: Dangerous, Very Dangerous, or Extremely Dangerous 

Final Evaluation of Statesboro, Georgia Mosque:  Dangerous, but final evaluation pending. 

Final Evaluation of Masjid Jihad, Savannah, Georgia:  Dangerous, but final evaluation pending 

Final Evaluation of the Islamic Center of Savannah, Georgia: Extremely Dangerous (on a scale of 1-10 this mosque would be rated 9) 

  1. Imam is Pakistani
  2. Sunni with a strong form of Salafist/Wahhabi influence

Analysis:  It is the determination of Dave Gaubatz that the IC of Savannah is the home for Islamic terrorists and their supporters and is used as a training base and regional HQ for developing the strategy for meeting the well-established and very open goal of forming an Islamic caliphate in America (and world) and under strict Sharia law.  The Islamic leaders will use two forms of Jihad defined as the ‘pen and tongue’ before they will use the violent form of the ‘sword’.  The pen form of Jihad are the writings of Muslims to alter non-Muslims into accepting and believing Islam is a religion, is peaceful, and is the solution to all of the worlds problems.  This form of Jihad also includes the use of the media.  The tongue form of Jihad is of course verbal communication through Interfaith programs, open mosques for non-Muslims, and most dangerously the infiltration of the Islamic ideology into our public schools to brainwash American children into accepting Islam as the answer to all personal and worldly problems.  It is the belief of Islamic scholars that American children are the future of America and the majority of their Dawa (education and spread of Islam) is directed toward them.  Islamic terrorist groups have literature sent to American schools and libraries which are very colorful to influence their young minds.

The last form of Jihad is the use of the sword which is Jihad Qital (physical).  Islamic leaders have informed Dave Gaubatz during his various undercover operations that right now in America they (Islam and its leaders) are winning and their strategy of an Islamic caliphate in America is on pace to succeed with limited violence.

One Imam informed Gaubatz, “there has not been another 911 such attack in America because Islam is winning and at this point another large scale attack would set their movement back 25 years.  When a large scale attack is required to further subdue Americans it will then be carried out.  The plans are already in place.  The Islamic leaders know there will be small scale terrorist attacks such as with Fort Hood, Texas, the Boston Bombings and others that will put fear into the hearts of the American people and its government.  Islamic leaders realize the liberal leaders and politicians will label these attacks as ‘Lone Wolf” attacks and disassociate them from mainstream Islam”.

It is important for readers to understand that there is no such thing as a ‘Lone Wolf’ terrorist attack.  Muslim terrorists who conduct small scale attacks are doing so in the name of Islam, Allah, and to please their Prophet Mohammed.  The attacks are carried out because their Islamic training has taught them the sure way to reach Allah and Paradise is to fight for the goal of an Islamic caliphate. Jihad Qital is one such way to achieve this goal.

RECOMMENDATION:  Provide this report to the public in a mass distribution campaign.  Then and only then will America’s senior law enforcement and politicians do the job they have sworn an oath to do (protect America and our children). Do not be fearful of personal attacks or frivolous lawsuits or the name calling (Islamaphobe, haters, racists) that will without a doubt come about.  The protection of America, our Constitution and our children should and must be the ultimate goal of all Americans.

“Our American military and law enforcement officers have died by the thousands to protect our Country, Constitution, and Children (3 C’s).   They do not run from the enemy and American citizens must never run from the enemy, especially inside our great country.  To do so will result in an automatic defeat”.  Dave Gaubatz


Is it the ‘Squad,’ AOC+3, the ‘Suicide Squad’ or the ‘Squad to Re-elect Donald Trump’?

There is no doubt that the narrative of the Democratic Party is being driven by freshmen (no misogyny intended) Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and Ayanna Pressley. No one is talking, writing about, interviewing or discussing the 23 Democratic Party primary candidates for President.

President Trump is a strategist.

President Trump knows that he must drive the political narrative if Republicans are to retake the U.S. House of Representatives in 2020. This is his primary goal. Without retaking the House he cannot get things done, which is what the American people want, Congress to work together to get things done.

His favorite tool, political weapon of choice, is the tweet. President Trump uses his tweets as a modern form of political bait and switch. Trump understands that Democrats are invested in hate. They cannot help themselves. He knows they will immediately strike back at whatever he tweets. Their favorite tools are name calling and playing the victim. They will then overreach and expose themselves for what they really are.

When President Trump tweets something it becomes the goto story for the media. His tweets will ignite commentators on CNN, NBC, ABC, PBS and FOX News to pounce on each every tweet.

The current narrative is about the President tweeting about “progressive” Congresswomen in the House Democratic caucus. On Sunday, July 14th, Trump tweeted:

So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!

While President Trump did not name the “Progressive” Congresswomen, they couldn’t help themselves by having a “coming out” press conference. These self-identified “Progressive” Congresswomen are now labeled “The Squad” made up of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and Ayanna Pressley.

The Squad feels empowered by the President to take action to defend themselves. What has happened is that they have confirmed what President Trump tweeted. What follows is this Squad then works to control of the narrative of the Democratic Party. They instantly become the face of the Democratic Party via social media, news networks and headlines in print publications.

But is that good for Democrats?

The Winning Trump Strategy for 2020

President Trump understands that in order to continue his Make America Great Again and Keep America Great policies he must win the White House, expand the Republican majority in the U.S. Senate, and most importantly, retake the majority in the U.S. House of Representatives. This is why he is focused on tweeting about members of the Democratic caucus in the House. It is a divide and conquer strategy and it appears to be working. Since his Sunday, July 14, 2019, tweets President Trump’s popularity among Republicans has risen while his overall approval rating has not changed.

While President Trump was at a rally in North Carolina the U.S. House voted on an impeachment resolution put forward by Rep. Al Green (D-Texas). Politico reported, “137 Democrats and 194 Republicans voted to delay consideration of the measure [to impeach President Trump] indefinitely, effectively killing it. The result was cheered by Republicans who were quick to emphasize the overwhelming bipartisan vote to block Trump’s impeachment — as well as the fact that more Democrats than ever voted to immediately consider articles of impeachment.”

Watch as President Trump presents a list of grievances against Rep. Ilhan Omar, a member of the “Squad.”

The more Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and Ayanna Pressley talk, introduce legislation and drive the political narrative the better it is for Republicans. The better it is for President Trump’s re-election.

Shedding Light on “The Squad”

The more President Trump and the Republican Party talk about the “Squad” the more it unites the Republican base and draws Independent and moderate Democratic Party voters to #WalkAway. Watch those at the Trump rally in North Carolina chant “send her back!”

President Trump understands how to win, focus on the most extreme wing of the Democratic Party. Embolden these extremists. Let these extremists define the Democratic Party. And win in  2020.

Simple but effective.

You win elections by getting your base engaged and demoralizing your opponents base. You also win when your opponents do stupid things like deface an America flag at an ICE detention facility and raise the flag of Mexico. You can bet that Republican campaign ads, memes and videos will show the “Squad” refusing to condemn al Qaeda, the violence of Antifa and hate for Trump supporters. These will be played over and over again nationwide.

The question now is how many states will President Trump carry in 2020? Some are saying 47 or 48.

Can’t wait for the next round of Democratic Party candidates for President debate. It will be most interesting to see if some of the questions are all about the “Squad!”

Get your popcorn and stay tuned.


Progressive Democrat ‘squad’ fires back at Pelosi, Trump after House resolution vote

The Suicide ‘Squad’

The Squad to Re-Elect President Trump

Bibi Will Decide If Antisemitic Congresswomen Will Be Allowed Into Israel

Trump Airs List Of Grievances Against Dem ‘Squad’ During NC Rally

‘Send Her Back!’ — Trump Crowd Has Its Own Idea About What To Do With Ilhan Omar


Ilhan Omar ‘Doesn’t Regret’ Anti-Semitic Comments.

President Trump rally in North Carolina on July 17, 2019 (full video).

Michelle Malkin Calls Out Lutheran Refugee Contractor as Anti-Trump Political Agitator

“Will a single American elected official please stand up and challenge the continued public funding of this subversive religious racket?” – Michelle Malkin

Refugee Resettlement Watch may be down temporarily, but thankfully patriots with bigger megaphones have taken up the call to educate Americans about the supposedly ‘religious’ charities that live off of us—taxpayers—in order to promote an Open Borders agenda.

Thanks to reader Richard for tipping me off to Michelle Malkin’s recent column about Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service‘s leading role as an anti-Trump community agitation group (while they collect millions in federal grants and contracts from the Trump Administration)!

Krishanti Vignarajah leads the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service following the controversy that saw its previous CEO ousted in 2017.


Michelle Malkin: Defund Lutherans For Open Borders Now!

If you were shocked by the images of the Mexican flag flying over an Aurora, Colorado, immigration detention center this weekend, you’ll be appalled at an even more disgusting spectacle:

One of the top promoters of the so-called Lights for Liberty nationwide protests by Trump-hating, ICE-bashing radicals was a nonprofit religious organization known as the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service.

As a designated “host,” LIRS played a key role in publicizing, organizing and participating in demonstrations against President Donald Trump’s deportation enforcement actions targeting some 2,000 illegal immigrants and their families who have ignored removal orders or skipped out on court hearings.

Brazen hatred of cops, Border Patrol and ICE agents were on full display at the open borders protests fronted by LIRS and other left-wing groups, including Code Pink, CASA and CAIR.


The president and CEO of LIRS, Krishanti Vignarajah, is a Sri Lankan refugee and former Michelle Obama policy director who led the Lights for Liberty event in Washington, D.C. She argues that Americans are obligated to open the floodgates at the southern border (since she turned out so great) and vehemently opposes what she calls “militant border enforcement.” To these border-sabotaging radicals, of course, any border enforcement is “militant.”

LIRS sounds like just the kind of extremist group you’d expect to be kept afloat by billionaire George Soros’ big bucks. But hold on to your wallets and your American flags, folks: In 2016, LIRS relied on $64.7 million in government subsidies from taxpayers—that’s you and me—to fund a whopping 96.2% of its budget.


Disguised as compassion and Christian morality, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service’s activism is a profit-seeking machine—even as the agency has been plagued by allegations of mismanagement that prompted an external probe two years ago.

These ‘Christian’ groups aren’t passing the plate in their churches, but have latched on to the money stream coming out of your wallets via Washington’s redistributors of your wealth.

Please visit VDARE for more of Malkin’s excellent summary of why this is so outrageous.

Photo is from Birchbox, here.

Endnote:  At least one of the nine federal refugee contractors isn’t doing so well and has announced this week that it will close its Florida offices, see World Relief running out of your money.

Big fat lie in that story!

World Relief, which opened its Jacksonville office in 1990, is one of nine agencies nationally that collaborates with the U.S. State Department to resettle refugees.

The nonprofits typically help refugees set up their apartments, get their children into school, and go to doctors’ appointments. But the refugees are expected to pay back all the costs. 

That is not true!

This post is filed in my ‘Charity fraud’ category.

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Pray for Poland

Stephen P. White reports on sex-abuse in the Polish church. How bishops handle the crisis in this very Catholic nation is key to the Faith’s uncertain future.

KRAKÓW, Poland—The drama of the past year in the Church in the United States can sometimes distract from the global dimensions of the crisis of clerical sexual abuse and episcopal malfeasance. Here in Poland, where I’ve been since late June, the Church faces its own scandal of clerical sexual abuse.

A report, released in March by the Polish bishops’ conference, admitted that 382 priests have been accused of the sexual abuse of minors since 1990. These allegations came from 625 different victims.

Most of the victims in Poland were more than 15-years-old, a significantly higher percentage than in the United States. A majority of the victims are male: 58.4 percent of the cases reported by the Polish bishops. [N.B.: The legal age of consent in Poland at the time of the report’s release was 15, the age of majority is 18.]

The handling of these cases has, at times and in ways sickeningly familiar, been grossly inadequate – shuffling accused priests to other assignments, blaming the crisis on anti-Church bias in the media, and so on. In some ways, the Church here is where the Church in the United States was 25 years ago.

The Polish bishops’ responses to the report ranged from sensible and heartfelt, to the dreadfully tone-deaf. Archbishop Wojciech Polack of Gniezno, the Primate of Poland, insisted that each case of abuse should “evoke our pain, shame, and guilt.” Kraków’s Archbishop, Marek Jędraszewski, stepped all over himself in trying to make a point that “zero-tolerance” shouldn’t mean “no mercy.” He chose perhaps the least helpful analogy possible: “When the Nazis fought with Jews, applying a ‘zero tolerance’ mentality, it resulted in the Holocaust.” His point was, of course, not well received.

In May, two brothers – Tomasz (wirter and director) and Marek Sekielski (producer) – released a documentary film titled, Tell No One. The film details the stories of abuse survivors and the inadequate response of the bishops in Poland. It includes harrowing footage of abuse survivors confronting their abusers.

The bishops’ report in March was big news, but the release of Tell No One rocked the entire country. The film was released on YouTube, where it received more than a million views in the first six hours. To date, it has been viewed more than 22.5 million times, a staggering number when one considers that Poland has a total population of just over 38 million.

Poland being Poland, the whole drama – and the issue of clerical sexual abuse, in general –quickly took a political turn. Tell No One was released just weeks before an election for European Parliament.

The conservative ruling party, Law and Justice, has close ties to many of the Polish bishops. Some members of the opposition saw the outrage generated by the film and tried to make clerical sexual abuse a wedge-issue. The opposition overreached (including through aggressive promotion of the LGBT agenda) and the strategy backfired.

Adding to the spring of unrest were comments made by Pope Francis in a mid-air interview after his visit to Abu Dhabi in February. The Holy Father was defending the record of then-Cardinal Ratzinger in his handling of allegations of sexual abuse, specifically against the founder of the Legionaries of Christ, Fr. Maciel. In defending Ratzinger, Francis implied – at least to the ears of many Poles – that Ratzinger’s efforts had been stymied by the Polish pope himself.

John Paul II’s long-time secretary and the retired Archbishop of Kraków, Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz, rushed to the defense of John Paul, insisting that the insinuations, based on Pope Francis’ ambiguous remarks, were unjust. When Pope Francis later praised John Paul’s effort to fight abuse  – calling him “brave” and saying “no one can doubt the sanctity and goodwill of this man” – Dziwisz published an open letter thanking Pope Francis “for putting an end to attempts to defame St. John Paul II.”

In June, Pope Francis’ sex-abuse “fixer,” Archbishop Charles Scicluna, met with the bishops of Poland. Many in the Polish press were speculating that a raft of episcopal resignations could be forthcoming. Reports suggest Scicluna was stern, but the Polish episcopate remains intact for now.

Scicluna did take the opportunity, however, to underscore the defense of Pope John Paul II offered by Dziwisz and Pope Francis: “I am an eyewitness of the determination of St. John Paul II to combat sexual abuse of minors when such cases were brought to his attention. I believe that those who question the competence or determination of St. John Paul II in the treatment of this phenomenon should brush up on their knowledge of history.”

Several of the Poles I spoke to said there is a sense that the Bad News on the sex-abuse front is probably not over. The last several months have been a roller coaster ride. Things may settle down, especially if the Polish bishops can avoid compounding their mistakes the way too many of our own bishops have. But the general sense I get from Polish friends – devout and otherwise – is that there is still more reckoning to come.

How such a reckoning might play out in Poland is hard to guess. Poland remains extraordinarily and profoundly Catholic, but Polish Catholicism remains largely on the defensive. Close alliances between the Church and populist politics, however devout, can purchase short-term stability at a terrible long-term price. And as we have learned only too well here in the states, the ecclesial instinct to defend the institution, however piously motivated, can easily lead to actions that have precisely the opposite effect.

My sense is that the Church in Poland is much closer to the beginning of this mess than to the end. How the Polish bishops handle the abuse crisis in coming months and years will go a long way toward ensuring the future of one of the shining examples of a truly Catholic culture. That future is more precarious than many would assume.

Pray for Poland.


Stephen P. White

Stephen P. White is a fellow in Catholic Studies at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington.

EDITORS NOTE: This Catholic Thing column is republished with permission. © 2019 The Catholic Thing. All rights reserved. For reprint rights, write to: The Catholic Thing is a forum for intelligent Catholic commentary. Opinions expressed by writers are solely their own.

LIVE VIDEO: President Trump on Freedom of Religion

Posted by Eeyore

VIDEO: JEXIT, INC.’s Alexandra Levine is making a difference.

My friend and co-worker in the fight against the leftists, Alexandra Levine, is at the heart of “JEXIT” (Jews exiting the Democratic Party

She’s out on tour organizing rallies and talking to various civic groups, etc. She’ll be back in Sarasota, Florida this September.

Hear what she has to say:


JEXIT, Inc. is a Florida, Not for Profit Educational Organization. #JEXIT is a National Movement. We schedule events all across the country. The mission of JEXIT, Inc. is to educate and encourage American Jews that are currently members of the Democratic Party to exit the Democratic Party and join President Trump who is the greatest friend to Israel and the Jewish people. Stand with us against anti-semitism in the Democratic Party because anti-Semitism is anti-American. This includes Jews who have already left as well as supporters of this movement. #JEXIT – Join our fight against anti-Semitism. America and Israel stand united!

RELATED ARTICLE: Movement to Wean Jews Away from Democratic Party Expanding