No way Trump should cancel Putin summit over Russia probe

Calls by some Democrats in Congress for President Trump to cancel his Monday summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin – in response to the indictment Friday of 12 Russian intelligence officers accused of hacking emails of the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton – make no sense. President Trump is wise to stick with his plans to meet with the Russian leader in Finland.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders confirmed Friday night that the summit will take place despite the indictments.

President Trump agreed to the meeting with Putin not as a reward or endorsement for Russian interference in our 2016 presidential election, but because the meeting is in America’s national interest. Like it or not, Russia is a major nuclear power and the U.S. needs to maintain a relationship that will minimize conflicts between our two countries and advance U.S. foreign policy goals around the world.

Similarly, when President Nixon began the process of normalization of relations with China that led to diplomatic recognition and trade with the communist nation he was under no illusions that China was a peace-loving democracy that posed no threat to U.S. interests. But President Nixon – like other presidents throughout our history – concluded that America must deal with nations with which we have adversarial relationships.

Does anyone seriously think that that President Franklin Roosevelt believed Soviet dictator Josef Stalin was a true friend bearing no ill will toward the U.S. when Roosevelt and Stalin formed an alliance to fight the Nazis in World War II?  No one is talking now about Trump and Putin forming a military alliance – the two leaders just want to discuss issues of importance to both of our countries.

The grand jury indictments Friday grew out of the investigation by Special Counsel Robert Muller of Russian election meddling and allegations that some people in the Trump campaign may have colluded with the Russians.

Deputy White House Press Secretary Lindsay Walters said that the indictment did not make any allegations that the Trump campaign worked with the Russians to interfere with the U.S. election or that Russian interference influenced the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

The 11-count indictment of the 12 Russians includes charges of conspiracy against the U.S., money laundering and attempts to hack into the computers of government agencies including state election boards.

President Trump said earlier in the day Friday in England that he would again bring up the issue of Russian interference in the American election when he meets with Putin Monday, but said he expects Putin will stick with Russia’s position denying such interference ever took place. Our president is right – it’s unrealistic to expect he can force Putin to admit something Putin has long denied.

It’s about time the two leaders met one-on-one. President Trump has sat down with Chinese president Xi Jinping twice for lengthy meetings, once in Florida and once in Beijing. And Trump just concluded a meeting with leaders of the other 28 NATO nations in Belgium and with British Prime Minister Theresa May in England.

In fact, Trump has met with many leaders from around the world, both friendly and unfriendly since taking office, including North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un in June.

The Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement Friday saying there is no evidence that the 12 people indicted by Mueller are linked to Russian military intelligence and calling the indictments a “shameful farce” designed to “spoil the atmosphere before the Russian-American summit.”

The Russians earlier blamed the U.S. political climate for holding up a summit, and they are right about that. Reporters and Democrats have whipped themselves into a frenzy with the false claim that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to swing the presidential election, and are ready to pounce on President Trump for even the hint of a “tilt” toward Putin.

Presidents Putin and Trump certainly have plenty of issues to discuss on Monday besides Russia’s meddling in our 2016 election, even though that’s unquestionably an important and serious issue.

Let’s just look at one of these important issues – the Syrian civil war, where both the Russians and Iranians have troops propping up the brutal regime of dictator Bashar Assad.

Russia sent forces to fight in Syria in September 2015. Since then, Russia has become an increasingly dominant player in Middle East politics.

Today Russia – following in the footsteps of the Soviet Union – once again has military bases in Syria, including a naval base on the Mediterranean. With the deployment of Russian-controlled S-300 and S-400 advanced air defense batteries, Russia dominates Syria’s air space. That’s why Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu travels frequently to Moscow to discuss Syria with Putin, as he did again on Wednesday.

Israel’s main concern is the presence of Iranian troops and proxies in Syria – some sources say as many as 70,000 armed men. The Iranians have acknowledged losing 2,100 of their own soldiers in Syria and Iraq over the past seven years, in addition to 2,000 Afghans and another 1,200 Lebanese Hezbollah fighters, all fighting under Iranian command.

The high death toll is indicative of the leading role Iran and its proxies have been playing in keeping Assad in power. Without the Iranians as foot soldiers, Assad would have been defeated long ago.

Why is Iran so intent on helping Assad? Because doing so serves Iran’s strategic objective of opening a direct military front with the state of Israel – a nation Iranian leaders have vowed to destroy.

Iran had been boasting of establishing a land bridge giving its troops direct access to the Israeli border for some time. When those boasts became reality, Israel took action and has bombed Iranian positions inside Syria on multiple occasions.

Before each bombing mission, Netanyahu either traveled to Moscow to inform Putin personally of the impending strike, or sent a senior official. Not once did the Russians activate their advanced air defense systems. If Netanyahu had refused to meet with Putin – as President Trump’s critics demand of him – a military conflict between Israel and Russia may have erupted.

U.S. allies Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are also worried about Iran’s military presence in Syria, and reportedly have been lobbying the Trump administration to negotiate a “grand bargain” with Russia that could be announced at the Trump-Putin summit: Russia gets Iran to withdraw from Syria, in exchange for the U.S. lifting Ukraine-related sanctions on Russia.

While that’s a deal that President Trump might like to take, it’s doubtful he could get away with it politically, given the current anti-Russia hysteria in Washington.

Nor is it obvious that Russia has the power, let alone the will, to get Iran to leave Syria. But Russia does have influence over Iran, and could get the Iranians to withdraw their forces beyond the 50-mile buffer zone from the Golan Heights, as Israel has been demanding.

What can Trump offer in exchange? Very little, at this point. But he can draw a roadmap for Putin that ends with the lifting of U.S. and international sanctions against Russia if Russia reigns in Iran’s aggressive behavior around the Middle East and if Putin reigns in his own aggression in Ukraine.

Putin has stated he would like to have better relations with the U.S. But to get there, President Trump should demand that Russia use its influence to curb Iranian aggression in Yemen, that it not undermine U.S. sanctions on Iran once they go back into effect in August, and that Russia instruct its banks to stop providing a lifeline to Iran’s corrupt leaders.

President Trump should stress with Putin that the U.S. intends to put the evil and dangerous Iranian regime out of business, and will punish companies and countries that continue to do business with Iran.

Putin may be under the illusion that his close ties to Tehran benefit Russia. It’s President Trump’s job to make him realize they are a liability.

There is not space here to discuss the many other important issues that President Trump can bring up at his summit with Putin. It’s impossible to know now if the meeting between the two leaders will produce any breakthroughs on any of these issues – but we know that no agreements will be reached if the summit is canceled.

The late Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan said:

“If you want to make peace, you don’t talk to your friends. You talk to your enemies.”

That’s sound advice for critics of the upcoming Trump-Putin summit to keep in mind and explains why the summit can benefit our nation.

RELATED ARTICLE: House Intel Chair Devin Nunes: Mueller Indictment Left Out Russians Also Targeted Republicans (VIDEO)

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on the Fox News website.

Soccer Moms Take On Islamic [Sharia] Law In New Book

Valerie L.  Greenfeld

“The best defense is grassroots education,” concludes Valerie L.  Greenfeld concerning domestic jihadist dangers in her new book Backyard Jihad: How Parents Can Detect the Invisible Threat of Radicalization. Her primer for Main Street communities contending with Muslims dreaming dangerous dreams of establishing Islamic states in the West raises important issues for the citizens of the free world in America and beyond who are seeking a first line of civil defense against sharia supremacism.

Greenfield’s book dismisses myths about jihadist terrorism involving disadvantaged individuals turning to violence out of despair. “Contrary to some media reports, those joining terrorist organizations in the U. S. rarely do so as a result of poverty or lack of education, dignity, or occupation,” she writes. “Why leave the U.S. after being fortunate enough to enter the freedom of America?” she perceptively notes of individuals in Islamic immigrant communities who leave America’s Promised Land for jihad in foreign hellholes.

Greenfeld draws upon a 2007 New York City Police Department (NYPD) study to show that recruits to jihad seek to fulfill various longings of the heart. “The prospective recruits are struggling with frustration, anger, loneliness, or disagreement,” she notes. “Finding a new identity or ideology fulfills the need to feel important and included.”

Jihadist recruiters’ techniques are “not unlike telemarketers,” notes Greenfeld. Her telephone interview with German Institute on Radicalization and De-radicalization Studies Director Daniel Koehler is particularly telling. The “enemy is a sophisticated, psychologically trained jihadi recruiter with huge networks and large coffers of money,” he has explained.

Greenfeld cites the book Son of Hamas by former Hamas terrorist Mosab Hassan Yousef to emphasize the particular Islamic doctrines that can lead to jihadist violence. “Most suicide bombers began as moderates,” Yousef has written, because “Islamic life is like a ladder, with prayer and praising Allah as the bottom rung,” while the “highest rung is jihad.” Accordingly, “American Muslims are more susceptible to radical messaging than non-Muslims,” Greenfield concludes from the NYPD study.

Greenfeld examines how jihadists translate theology into violent action on the basis of a 2009 recruitment manual. “Create vulnerability and isolate them. Talk about heaven and hell,” she explains is the manual’s recommended strategy for recruiters seeking to enlist prospective martyrs. Radicalization “normally happens to those who fear the torment of the afterlife and who come to know that jihad is the salvation from eternal damnation. The result is that jihad is desired and craved,” the manual argues.

Greenfeld analyzes the jihad doctrine’s potential for creating theological ticking time bombs that are often impervious to subsequent defusing through ideological reeducation. “It is uncertain if or when a non-jihadist Muslim will suddenly decide to act on their jihadi fantasies,” she writes. Meanwhile, as numerous de-radicalization failures indicate, Representative Peter King in a conversation with her “didn’t confirm that a feasible, effective program exists that can de-radicalize or rehabilitate terrorists.”

Along with individual acts of jihadist terrorism, Greenfeld warns of a “stealth jihad, an invisible threat of radicalization” presented by those Muslims who have little desire to assimilate into Western societies. “Immigration and procreation are the two most potent waves of invisible recruiting and cultural jihad,” given that orthodox “Islam is not only a religion, it is a way of life, social, political, intellectual, physical.” Therefore, often Islamic proselytization or “da’wa is an invitation to deceive,” such as with claims that Islam in Arabic means peace, when actually the “word Islam means submission.”

Greenfeld examines issues presented by various American Muslim communities, such as the Detroit suburb of “Hamtramck, Michigan, America’s first and only majority Muslim city.” “Five times each day the minaret sounds beginning at 6:00 a.m.” from a local mosque, one fact among others that means that “[s]ome residents are not sure if they are living in Michigan or somewhere in the Arabian desert.” “There is a certain resentment by the original residents, as their lifestyle is pushed aside for the import of a large number of immigrants who don’t intend to blend into the culture that was there before,” she writes.

A Greenfeld reunion in her hometown of Minneapolis, Minnesota, prompts interesting immigration policy observations about the influx of Somalis that has formed North America’s largest Somali community. “From the desert heat of Somalia to the cold tundra of 10,000 lakes, why would Somalis choose to live in Minnesota?” she wonders about this Muslim community that has become a source of jihadists in the land of Lake Wobegon. That “Minnesota spends more money per low-income individual on public welfare than any other state” is one significant factor.

Greenfeld notes that “media reporting is not always accurate and usually has a political goal,” something that only abets subversive jihadist influences such as the Dar al-Hijrah Mosque in northern Virginia’s “Wahhabi Corridor.” This mosque has numerous terrorism ties, “yet the evidence is not enough to convince politicians representing Virginia’s citizens to close the place down,” she states. In fairness to these lawmakers, it is precisely America’s freedoms that limit the legal possibilities to “close down” groups no matter how extreme, whether promoting jihad or white supremacy. By contrast, she reviews the record of former University of South Florida Professor Sami Al-Arian, ultimately convicted of material support for terrorism. “How do you feel about paying tuition for this guy to teach?” she asks.

Facing such enemies among us, Greenfeld’s homeland security strategy rightly prioritizes civil society taking on the challenge of jihadist ideology. “The extreme ideology must be addressed. While after-school teen programs are nice — they will not solve the problem,” she writes. This includes ever-elusive Islamic reform; thus “tolerance and respect for non-sharia Muslims is imperative — they lead the way to reformation” that “must come from the inside the moderate Muslim community.”

Greenfeld’s book provides a salutary reminder that, as with past totalitarian challenges, victory begins with a battle of ideas that instructs Americans why we fight. This ideological struggle requires a grassroots, Tea Party-like movement that understands lessons such as the fact that “[m]orals and values are best taught with family at the dinner table.” The “power in the United States is not in Washington, D.C., but in homes and neighborhoods around the country. We must return to American values, history and heritage and empower our children to protect our nation.”

More People Use a Gun in Self-Defense Each Year Than Die in Car Accidents

In the USA there are between 2.1 and 2.5 million defensive gun uses every year.

by Mark W. Smith

How is it that so many kids raised on “Harry Potter”, “The Hunger Games”, “Star Wars”, and all the Marvel action figure movies manage to miss a critical point of the stories? The lesson being: If you want to prevail over evil villains, you must have the proper tools to fight back.

Millions of people protect themselves and their families with guns every day in the United States. They choose guns as a means of self-defense for the same reason the Secret Service uses them to protect the president: guns stop bad people from doing bad things to good people.

It’s absurd to speak about the right of self-defense in theory but then deny people the tools they need to exercise that right.

Without a gun, most Americans are defenseless at the hands of a violent criminal. How many of us have training in hand-to-hand fighting, the physical strength, and the mental resilience to react in a fight-or-flight situation to repel an aggressive predator, especially someone who attacks us first and is armed with a deadly weapon?

Does a gun guarantee your safety? No, but it gives you the ability to defend yourself against an armed, physically superior, or mentally unstable attacker (or all three).

Why in the world would anyone not want to have the means to protect themselves and their families against criminal predators and lunatics? Worse yet, why would anyone actively lobby their government to deprive themselves and every other law-abiding citizen of the most effective means to protect themselves?

Guns Are Life-Saving Tools

The gun grabbers are convinced that if we shut down the National Rifle Association and take away guns from law-abiding gun owners, then bad people will no longer have the tools to do bad things.

A gun is a tool, plain and simple. You should own a gun for the same reason you install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, purchase fire extinguishers, and buckle your seat belt. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Smart people are prepared. Foolish people bring a knife—or nothing at all—to a gunfight.

The gun grabbers say: “There is no evidence that guns save lives.” The truth: If there is no proof that guns save lives, then why does every American law enforcement agency, including the U.S. Secret Service, carry guns? What’s the point of the guns?

There is an old saying in the world of investing: “Do what the smart money does.” This means that when you personally invest, it makes sense to buy and sell the same investments as the “smart money” people—large banks, institutional investors, hedge funds, and investment gurus like Warren Buffett. The idea is that these industry leaders have a better understanding of the marketplace and better access to information than ordinary investors do. And that is usually true.

What do the “smart money” people do when it comes to protecting lives?

Virtually all professionals carry guns—and lots of them. Federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies charged with protecting the streets you walk on all carry guns. The Secret Service protects the president with guns. The federal Department of Homeland Security, with its $44 billion annual budget, issues its own agents handguns and fully automatic rifles (rifles far more powerful than the AR-15s many gun grabbers don’t want you to have to protect yourself).

So, the smart money in the business of protecting lives chooses guns. That’s right. They choose guns!

Guns Are Often Used for Defense

But if you don’t want to follow the smart money on guns, then let’s turn to the statistical scoreboard. Does civilian gun use help in self-defense against criminals?

The U.S. Department of Justice investigated firearm violence from 1993 through 2011. The report found, “In 2007–2011, about 1 percent of nonfatal violent crime victims used a firearm in self-defense.” Anti-gun zealots attempt to use this statistic to discredit the use of a gun as a viable means of self-defense, and by extension, to discredit gun ownership in general.

But look deeper into the numbers. During that five-year period, the Department of Justice confirmed a total of 338,700 defensive gun uses in both violent attacks and property crimes where a victim was involved. That equals an average of 67,740 defensive gun uses every year. In other words, according to the Justice Department’s own statistics, 67,740 people a year don’t become victims because they own a gun. (I suspect that if more states allowed concealed carry to be widespread, the number of instances of defensive gun uses would be even higher.)

Is it significant that at least 67,740 individuals use a gun in self-defense each year? Well, in 2016, 37,461 people died in motor vehicle accidents in the United States; in 2015, the number was 35,092 people. Mark Rosekind, administrator of the National Highway Transportation and Safety Administration (NHTSA), called those road fatalities “an immediate crisis.” If the NHTSA administrator considers it a crisis that approximately 37,000 people are dying annually from car accidents, then saving nearly twice that many people each year through the use of firearms is simply stunning.

In reality, the Department of Justice findings about defensive gun uses are very conservative. A 2013 study ordered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and conducted by the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council found that:

Defensive use of guns by crime victims is a common occurrence… Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million…in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2008… On the other hand, some scholars point to a radically lower estimate of only 108,000 annual defensive uses based on the National Crime Victimization Survey…”

The most comprehensive study ever conducted about defensive gun use in the United States was a 1995 survey published by criminologist Gary Kleck in the Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology. This study reported between 2.1 and 2.5 million defensive gun uses every year.

Ultimately, the number of defensive gun uses doesn’t matter much to the anti-gun zealots. Whether the number is 67,000 or 2.5 million or anywhere in between, they’ll do whatever they can to dismiss defensive gun uses as insignificant. They want to focus only on the dead people lying in the street rather than those folks who use a firearm to remain standing.

I suspect those people still alive would have a different view.

Reprinted from The Daily Signal

Excerpt from“#Duped: How the Anti-gun Lobby Exploits the Parkland School Shooting-and How Gun Owners Can Fight Back”.

Mark W. Smith

Mark W. Smith is a constitutional attorney and author. Smith currently serves as the vice president of the New York City chapter of the Federalist Society and is also a presidential scholar and senior fellow in Law and Public Policy at The King’s College in New York City.

The Western World’s Most Depressing Chart

Daniel J. Mitchell Western nations are abandoning the policies that made them prosperous.

by Daniel J. Mitchell

Last week, I shared a graph showing there are more guns than people in the United States, and I wrote that it was the “most enjoyable” chart of the year, mostly because it gets my leftist friends so agitated.

But I’m more likely to share gloomy visuals, including:

  • The “most depressing” chart about Denmark, which shows a majority of the population lives off the government.
  • A “very depressing” chart about the United States, which shows how big business profits from cronyism.
  • The “most depressing” chart about Japan, which shows the tax burden has nearly doubled since 1965.

Now it’s time to add to that list. There’s a website called Our World in Data, which is a great resource if you’re a policy wonk who likes numbers. But some numbers are quite depressing.

For instance, if you peruse the “Public Spending” page, you’ll find a chart showing the dramatic expansion of redistribution spending as a share of economic output.

These numbers are very similar to the table I shared from Vito Tanzi back in 2013, which isn’t surprising since Professor Peter Lindert is the underlying source for both sets of data.

While the above chart is depressing to a libertarian, it’s nonetheless instructive because it confirms my argument that the Western world became rich when governments were very small and redistribution was tiny or even nonexistent.

For instance, nations in North America and Western Europe largely made the transition from agricultural poverty to middle-class prosperity during the “golden century” between the Napoleonic wars and World War I. That was a period when redistribution spending basically didn’t exist, and most nations didn’t even have income taxes (the U.S. didn’t make that mistake until 1913).

Even as recently as 1960, welfare states were very small compared to their current size. Indeed, redistribution spending in Western nations averaged only about 10 percent of economic output, about half the size of today’s supposedly miserly American welfare state.

These points are important because some folks on the left misinterpret Wagner’s Law and actually try to argue that bigger government is good for growth.

P.S. South Korea has been a great success story for the past five decades, but that redistribution trendline is very worrisome.

P.P.S. The trendline for Greece helps to explain why that nation is bankrupt.

P.P.P.S. The chart shows that Canada is better than the United States, though that may not last since Canada’s current prime minister is seeking to undermine his nation’s competitive advantage.

P.P.P.P.S. While fiscal trends in the Western world have been unfavorable, that bad news has been offset by positive trends for trade liberalization. Whether we will see a big step backward because of President Trump remains to be seen.

Daniel J. Mitchell

Daniel J. Mitchell

Daniel J. Mitchell is a Washington-based economist who specializes in fiscal policy, particularly tax reform, international tax competition, and the economic burden of government spending. He also serves on the editorial board of the Cayman Financial Review.

VIDEO: Hannity Interviews Clueless Anti-American Protesters in Londonstan

Sean Hannity decided to go undercover to interview some of the protesters in London. These protesters were asked some simple questions and their answers are revealing.

Here’s Hannity in Londonstan:

RELATED ARTICLE: Former KGB Agent Explains The Brainwashing Of America

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is from Instagram.

VIDEO: Pinning The Tail on the Democrat Donkey and Their Push to Disband ICE

On July 12, 2018, I was interviewed by former member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Joe Walsh on his program on Newsmax-TV.  I have provided a link to the video of my interview below.

A primary focus of our conversation was the proposed legislation by members of the Democratic Party that would disband ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement).  The Republicans, sensing political “blood in the water” are proposing that this bill be brought up for a vote.  As I said on the show, perhaps the Republicans are looking to “Pin the tail on the Democratic Donkey!”

Our discussion ended with another proposed bill, this one by a Republican member of Congress, that would make illegal entry into the United States a felony.  I provided a unique perspective on this proposal that I think will, perhaps, raise some eyebrows.

We Cannot Allow Strzokians Back into Power — Elect Matt Rosendale to U.S. Senate

Peter Strzok’s arrogance displayed at the Congressional Oversight Committee hearing on TV was infuriating. With their superior noses high in the air, Mr Strzok and the democrats behaviorally said f*** you to the Republicans, the law and We the People. It was disgraceful watching Mr Strzok and his democrat posse insult our intelligence by claiming, despite overwhelming evidence, FBI agent Mr Strzok had no bias against Trump.

Mr Strzok and democrats’ insistence that Strzok had no bias against Trump reminded me of a comedy skit with the late Don Adams. In the skit, Adams’ wife came home, catching him in bed with a woman. Adams’ wife ranted expressing her shock and outrage. Adams and his lover calmly got out of bed, got dressed and made the bed. The woman left. Adams behaved like nothing happened and left the bedroom. The skit ends with his wife standing there, questioning her sanity – pondering whether or not she saw what she thinks she saw. Mr Strzok and the democrats are attempting to pull the same trick on America. They are telling us Mr Strzok expressed no bias against Trump while clear evidence of Mr Strzok’s bias is right before our eyes.

The thing that got my blood boiling was Mr Strzok’s snooty attitude. His facial expressions and body language said, “ How dare you question me. I don’t have to answer any of your questions. F*** you Republicans and fly-over-country Trump-supportive Americans.” Mr Strzok and his fellow FBI agent Ms Page impugned Trump supporters as smelly hillbilly Walmart shoppers. Mr Strzok epitomizes the American left’s disdain for everyday Americans –We the People.

I’m in Montana with the Conservative Campaign Committee campaigning for conservative Republican Matt Rosendale for U.S. Senate. We produced a video ad in which I explained how crucial it is that we folks who love the direction Trump is taking our country stay politically engaged. We must get out the vote for the swiftly approaching midterm elections. If the democrats take control of congress, first on their agenda will be impeaching Trump and blocking and reversing Trump’s progress towards rolling back Obama’s punish-America-legacy. The last thing we need is people who share Strzok’s mindset back in power.

Democrats’ behavior during the oversight committee hearing was off-the-chain rude, crude and arrogant – emitting a repulsive stench of superiority. It truly was infuriating watching Democrats, in essence, give the law, Republicans and We the People their middle fingers.

Democrats and the American left truly do believe they are our betters. And when we disagree with their attempts to control every aspect of our lives “for our own good”, they gang assault us in the media, seek to criminalize our opposition and encourage their minions to physically beat us up. Meanwhile, leftist media constantly lectures us everyday Americans to be more tolerant of attacks on our traditional values, principles and institutions. Leftists tell us to be more civil, less hateful and mean-spirited.

This week, leftists have recently declared “cowboys” to be racist and sexist.

Michael Landon’s beautiful classic TV series, “Little House on the Prairie” has been declared racist and homophobic. Awhile back, leftists declared the peanut butter and jelly sandwich racist.

Do we really want people with this insidious wacko kind of thinking back in power – calling the shots, mandating how we must live our lives? If democrats take back Congress in November, rest assured, they will continue leftists’ transformation of America.

Our Conservative Campaign Committee team figuratively rode into Montana on white horses and wearing white cowboy hats because we are excited to provide boots-on-the-ground support for a true rock-solid conservative – Matt Rosendale.

When Montana voted to give their politicians a pay raise, Rosendale turned it down. Who does that folks? As state auditor, Rosendale cut his operating budget 23%.

Rosendale is boldly 100% supportive of Trump’s make America great again agenda. Do we need this guy in Washington or what!

Life has taught me to always look for the blessing in every situation. The Congressional Oversight Committee hearing on TV has exposed the democrats and Strzok as spoiled-brat anti-American obstructionists. We cannot and will not allow these Strzokian villains back into power.

Please help elect Matt Rosendale. 

A Gold Star Mother’s Open Letter to Rep. Cohen on his Purple Heart Comment

We received the below letter from America’s Mighty Warriors. As a combat veteran I was deeply hurt by the comments by Representative Stephen Ira Cohen  (D-TN 9th District) saying to fired FBI agent Peter Strzok, “If I could give you a Purple Heart I would.”

Debbie Lee with her son Marc, a fallen hero.

While serving with the 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam during Tet of 1968 my company started out with 140 men. By the end of the Tet Counter Offensive we had 90 men left. Many wounded and killed. Each receiving a Purple Heart. Please read the heart felt letter from Debbie Lee, mother of Marc Lee, the first Navy SEAL killed in Iraq.

Open Letter to Rep. Cohen,

How dare this member of the House of Representatives compare the 10 hours of testimony that are caused by Strzok’s own actions, lies and manipulations of his investigations, to what our brave warriors endure when they are in the midst of combat. Our Purple Heart recipients have been shot, blown up and many, like Marc, gave their final breath and were posthumously awarded the Purple Heart. Many of our purple heart recipients are missing limbs, can’t walk, or give their loved ones a hug. Many will never be able to speak again. I’m sure that Marc would have loved to testify for Congress, or work for the FBI when he left the SEALs or be able to go home at night to his family.

Rep. Steve Cohen, you are shameful and have disgraced and dishonored our Purple Heart recipients, their families and the real sacrifices that have been made. They paid for you to have the freedom to say your uneducated, absurd, hurtful comments, but they are the consequences of your words. I trust that voters in Tennessee see the real you and that your are voted out. Wouldn’t that be justice if it was a Purple Heart recipient. Who in their right mind would compare the sacrifices of our Purple Heart recipients to consequences suffered while subpoenaed to testify before Congress for your action is trying to destroy our country?

There was no blood shed in that hearing room on Capitol Hill yesterday, no loss of life. Mr. Cohen, as to your comment from a few good men, “You can’t handle the truth”, you, sir, can’t handle the truth that you are ignorant when it comes to our military and the contrast between those who would selflessly sacrifice to defend us and those who would do whatever illegal, immoral thing they could to destroy President Trump. Even if it means destroying our country.

I didn’t listen to all of the testimony yesterday but wondering did Peter Strzok correct Rep. Cohen when he compared him to our Purple Heart Heroes? After all, he did serve in the military and every honorable veteran I know would have confronted that and corrected him.

To our Purple Hear recipients, their families and those who died in combat, I am so sorry you have had additional pain inflicted on you from Rep. Cohen for your sacrifices. We at America’s Mighty Warriors will always be here for you. It’s ironic that I just sent out an email earlier this week to our Purple Heart recipients and Gold Star families for a retreat we are hosting on September 7-10 in Texas. We host these to let you know we will never forget and promise to live lives worthy of their sacrifices.

Rep. Cohen, our actions speak louder than your words. Maybe you should come to the retreat for 10 hours and meet these families, hear their heroic stories of sacrifice and we will put you in a chair and let them question you and see if you change your mind and would profusely apologize for your pain inflicted comments.

Appalled in Arizona,

Debbie Lee
Proud Mother of Marc Lee
First Navy SEAL killed in Iraq 8-2-06


Amputee Veteran Criticizes Sacha Baron Cohen for Disrespecting Military Veterans: ‘How Degrading Can You Be?’

7 Takeaways From FBI Agent Strzok’s Testimony Before 2 House Committees

America’s Socialist Mafia

When a medical doctor only treats the symptoms of a disease, the patient won’t be cured and the disease will progress. Politics has the same application and rules.

Sean Hannity, who I love and respect, called the Democrat Party—the Demagogue Party. He is right. Bill O’Reilly, who I also love and respect, has warned us about a war against Christianity for years. He is also right. Dinesh D’Souza, who has warned us in his movies, talking about Death of A Nation, is also right. All three are right—they are talking about the symptoms of a deadly disease—the ideology of Soviet Fascism. Treating those symptoms alone will not eradicate the disease. This ideology can’t be conquered militarily either; it should be defeated intellectually by exposing lies, fraud, and deceit it has been built upon. In divulging the fraud we should call a spade a spade. Words matter. They are the only effective tools of communication in uncovering and revealing the Truth, like President Reagan did, declaring and revealing the Evil in the world.  His words made history.

Soviet Fascism: Stalin’s version of Soviet Socialism

Soviet Fascism is a totalitarian ideology of socialist/communist Stalinist dogma. It fools and deceives you the way Soviet Socialism did during the past hundred years. Soviet Fascism is Stalin’s version of Soviet Socialism, based on which, Stalin developed the Soviet Socialist System.

Since the system never worked, to camouflage its inability to produce, Stalin invented several stages of this system with a centralized economy, to build Mature Socialism. All stages had the same task and objectives: to compete successfully with the capitalist/free enterprise system of Western civilization and finally defeat it, creating One World Socialist Government under Kremlin’s rule. The first stage of the system was designed to affect human minds: Political Correctness. That’s right, the same Political Correctness we have been talking about in America for the last three decades was Stalin’s invention aimed at any opposition and ultimately at the destruction of Western civilization and the American Republic, left to us by our Founding Fathers…

I am a former Soviet defense attorney and an American citizen, warning America of Stalinism for the last thirty years. The culprit of my warnings has never changed—it was the Soviet Union twenty years ago, it is Russian Federation and the Axis of Evil under Russia’s umbrella today. In principle, my warnings try to expose Stalinist Soviet Fascism and call a spade a spade—I am warning about the ideology of Soviet Socialism, which I named Soviet Fascism. There is only one established and practiced Socialism in the world, the Soviet one. Yet, it is wrongly identified as a philosophy of Marxist Socialism, legalized in the United States to confuse America’s minds.

When I immigrated to the U.S. over thirty years ago, I did not know English. Yet, very soon I got a feeling that something not good and right, familiar to me was going on here—a flavor of the Soviet Socialist system and the Soviet tactics. It took me many years to find a smart and knowledgeable academician to identify my feeling of something not good and familiar to me—Political Correctness. What I found sounded very accurate—it is an exact identification of the reality:

 “In the early-to-mid 20th century, contemporary uses of the phrase “Politically Correct” were associated with the dogmatic application of Stalinist doctrine, debated between formal communists (members of the Communist Party) and socialists. The phrase was a colloquialism referring to the communist party line, which provided for “correct” positions on many matters of politics, according to American educator Herbert Kohl writing about debates in New York in the late 1940s and early 1950s.”

Thank you Herbert Kohl, you knew the truth seventy years ago. Alas, contemporary academicians don’t even mentioning Stalin and his legacy, discussing politics and economy today. Writing about Stalinism and watching its ubiquitous application in the 21st century, I offered my vision of the matter in the preceding columns:

 “… Political correctness is a Stalinist policy, driven by the political agenda, a skillfully crafted design of a quintessential system of lies and a long-term strategy of war against Western civilization to create of One World Socialist Government under Kremlin’s rule.”

As a psychological method, Stalin’s Political Correctness has helped Democrats to fool and deceive you, using a cosmetic definition of Socialism, created by socialist-professors, contrary to existing knowledge of the source of PC in the 1950s. Political Correctness is Stalinist social engineering within semantics, to use and affect a human emotional core, with touching scenes that play on your emotions, while deceiving you. I dedicated pages to give you examples of Political Correctness in Socialist Lies: Please read Chapter 29 to learn the mechanism Political Correctness operates and how Democrat’s policy of abortion was using Stalinist methods against Republicans to lower the standards of morality in our country. In considering the upcoming debates on a new justice to the Supreme Court, the abortion issue is epic. Hence Knowledge of Soviet Fascism is a must. Be ready for the Democrat’s vicious obstructions and vehement personal destruction of the nominee, attempted in the best traditions of Stalinism.

The Democrats continue using this Stalinist mechanism to deceive you. To grasp it, just look at the language of several Senators. The recent fight by most Democrats to abolish ICE is a radical attempt to open our borders, increase Democrat’s voting bloc and… demolish America the Beautiful, left to us by our Founding Fathers. This is the agenda of Soviet Fascism. Today, the push to abolish ICE is picking up steam among Democrats against the interests of the American Republic:

Push to abolish ICE picking up steam among Democrats in America

Border Patrol Agent Has Ankle Broken Trying to Protect Older Woman From ICE Protesters. Protest ICE is a way to Globalist’s open borders. Democrat Party growing more radical. Mike Brest | Contributor, 07/01/2018, the Daily Caller: “Democratic Senator Dick Durbin hurled insults towards the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency during an immigration rally in Illinois Sunday morning. “Look at ICE, what a group of incompetents. At this point they’re focused more on toddlers than terrorists. They want to, instead of deporting felons, they’re deporting families that are being persecuted by criminal gangs,” Durbin stated.

Let’s analyze the Senator’s linguistics. It is clearly social engineering with semantics to use and affect your human emotional core, while the Senator deceives you to gain a political score. ICE is not “a group of incompetents,” they are one of the custodians of public order and functioning according the law against the people who violated the law and public order. It is up to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement,  to defend the interests of the United States in the administrative and federal courts, in this case against the policy of Soviet Fascism. ICE is not incompetent, I would rather point out that some members of the Senate are.

The Nazi rhetoric of Senator Blumenthal and those Democrats who have compared Republicans to Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Hitler’s propaganda henchman are incompetent. They also don’t understand history. Dennis Prager is right: “they are arrogant fools.” On International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-N.Y.) stood in front of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office in Manhattan and boldly stated, “We are standing in front of a building that has become the headquarters for the Gestapo of the United States of America.” Those people know neither the Gestapo nor the history of Soviet Fascism. Further, they do not know the KGB nor history of Russia. Those people are very dangerous politicians. They are using the weapon of Political Correctness, because they don’t like our America the Beautiful and are helping our enemies to destroy the American Republic in the best traditions of Stalinist Soviet Fascism.

Those who talk about a Nazi Gestapo in America, I’d like to ask them how they would qualify the assassinations of foreignness by nuclear agents and Polonium-210 committed by the Soviet/Russian Intel in England. For me, this is a typical methodology of the Nazi’s Gestapo and the term Soviet Fascism is the exact identification of the crime. You can ask me: how this could come to our land. It is a logical question, because the ideology can’t be spread by air or wind, it inculcated and disseminated by people. I have already answered this question many times in my books and columns. In short, Stalin’s Socialism had created a special squad to spread and implement the Soviet System across the world.

American’s Socialist Mafia

My colleague, a defense attorney in Moscow, Arkady Vaksberg has written a book The Soviet Mafia, St. Martin Press, 1991. The author called the entire Soviet/Russian officialdom-establishment the Soviet Mafia. I agree with him. The book is full of Russian names (hard to pronounce for you) and many bloody murders they committed. It’s easy for you to read my analysis in the books: What is Happening to America? pp. 152-154 and the Chapter 9 of The Russian Factor.

As a matter of fact, this type of “criminal cabal” (mafia) was developed by the Soviet/Russian Intel in all targeted territories in the world, including America. Political mafia has the same structure and rules—mafia is mafia. It corrupts the entire political body and makes corruption a ubiquitous standard of operation for the apparatchiks. If you want to know the perspective on the U.S’s. – Korean Summit, you should understand how the Korean Mafia operates. All countries of “the Axis of Evil” operate identically, emulating and matching the Soviet Mafia. Just read the Daily Caller’s analyses of the Socialist mafia in America:

DNC chairman Tom Perez said Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.” DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.” One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.”

A far-left group behind rising Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is rife with Marxists and other far-left radicals. The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which includes Ocasio-Cortez, is creeping its way into the mainstream of American politics. MARXISTS AND EXTREME RADICALS SEEK TO TAKE OVER THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY, by Peter Hasson & Joe Simonson Contributor 07/06/2018

As a matter of fact, over forty per cent of Democrats are openly Socialist. Unfortunately, thirty three percent of Millennials want to live under Socialism, being unaware of the cosmetic/Utopian version taught the socialist-professors. In addition to that they haven’t experienced a Holocaust in their lifetimes, and cannot perceive a simple fact of a totalitarian ideology—both Socialism and Fascism are different sides of the same totalitarian medal. The German term, Nazi, is an abbreviation for National-Socialism. The ideology of Soviet Fascism was brought to our land by people. The infiltration to the Democrat Party began several decades ago and you saw the Democrat’s transformation with your own eyes while our academicians kept silent, as our Intel did not warn them. We missed and lost many years to prevent the infiltration—today the Democrat Party has been converted and adheres to the ideology of Soviet Fascism by the American Socialist mafia.

Don’t be surprised by increasing violence in America –Democrats are paying for violence against the Republicans. Don’t you forget violence in Trump’s rallies in 2016? Democrats paid to each thug $150.  Please remember the shooting of the Republican lawmakers at a baseball practice in Alexandria. This column will remind you the crime: Gunman who shot Steve Scalise cased baseball field for weeks before rampage, by Peter Hermann, Washington Post, October 6.2017. Please learn the preparation for crime against the Republican:

“Authorities said they believe James Hodgkinson selected Eugene Simpson Stadium Park as a target as early as April, when he took pictures of the field, which were later found on his phone. The report says Hodgkinson fired 62 rounds from the assault-style rifle – 33 near third base, where he had started his attack, and another 29 near home plate. Officers fired at least 40 rounds at Hodgkinson, striking him three times. The incident lasted nine minutes.” Steve Scalisi will remember it for his entire life.

Please read another message from the Daily Caller:ABOLISH ICE’: VANDALS THROW BRICK THROUGH WINDOW OF GOP OFFICE, LEAVE GRAFFITI MESSAGE by Peter Hasson | Reporter 3:48 PM 07/03/2018

Only now we can go to the second stage of the Stalinist system: it was an unspeakable violence. Just assess the functionality of the American Socialist mafia in the second phase of Stalinist Soviet System. The second phase has been possible only after a human brain has been psychologically manipulated and equipped with Political Correctness. The multiplicity of inhuman methods used within the Soviet system is staggering in its brutality. And if you read my books and columns, you know the “criminal cabal” of the Soviet System—the KGB and other agencies of the Russian Intel that carried out those methods. You will be surprised, as I found some similarity of the KGB methods used by our American Intel lately. I have already written about that in my latest columns. Though we don’t have yet mass deportation of the citizens to Siberia and Tundra, the signs of cultural changes with increased violence are very visible. It will worsen before any elections–we have a part of the population already equipped with Political Correctness. Let me give you several examples of escalating violence in our culture by the so-called Socialists:

“One of the activists who chased Homeland Security Kirsten Nielsen out of a Mexican restaurant Tuesday night over the Trump administration’s immigration policies is an employee of the Department of Justice, The Daily Caller News Foundation has confirmed. Members of the Washington, D.C., chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America crashed Nielsen’s meal with a demonstration full of chants and other outbursts.” SOCIALIST WHO HARASSED HOMELAND SECURITY SECRETARY WORKS FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, 06/20/2018, Joe Simonson | Media Reporter

Sarah Sanders was kicked out of the restaurant in Virginia by its owner and harassed by him in the way she was going to another restaurant.  MSNBC contributor Jennifer Rubin said on Sunday that White House press secretary Sarah Sanders should be made to feel uncomfortable — for life. “We have to let them say their peace.’ No, you don’t. Your lives are all in danger. Your lives are on the line.” Rubin said. JENNIFER RUBIN: SARAH SANDERS NEEDS A ‘LIFE SENTENCE’ OF BEING MADE ‘UNCOMFORTABLE’ Justin Caruso | Senior Media Reporter, The Daily Caller, 07/02/2018.

GOP congressional candidate Katie Arrington was severely injured in an automobile accident. This horrible accident has left people asking a lot of questions. I don’t ask questions, I know Soviet Fascism. Please read Chapter 10 Face to Face with Soviet Fascism, What is Happening to America? Xlibris, 2012.

 Florida State Attorney General Pam Bondi was forced to leave a screening of a Mr. Rogers documentary after she was bullied, harassed, and chastised by protesters.

Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao told a group of protesters at Georgetown University to back off when they began harassing her husband, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. McConnell and Chao were leaving an event at Georgetown University on Monday night when they were confronted by a group of protesters who repeatedly asked McConnell why he was separating families and played audio of children crying at the border. GEORGETOWN PROTESTERS HARASS MITCH MCCONNELL — ELAINE CHAO FIGHTS BACK. The Daily Caller, by Amber Athey | Media and Breaking News Editor, 06/26/2018

Along with a group of almost 600 protestors, Democrat Rep. Pramila Jayapal was arrested for unlawfully demonstrating at the Hart Senate office building. Rep. Pramila Jayapal arrested for obstructing Senate office building, Patriot News Alert, June 29, 2018.

Another turnout by a progressive mob brought violence to the streets of Portland, Oregon, when a Patriot Prayer group’s permitted march and “freedom rally” was attacked by so-called “Antifa” thugs hurling bottles and brawling in the streets, according to CBS News.

As many of us suspected, illegal votes were being cast in the 2016 presidential election. On June 3, Marcela Gutierrez was indicted for illegal voting. Noncitizen arrested for voter fraud scheme, Patriot News Alert, June 29, 2018

The Kingsville Record reported that visiting District Judge Joel Johnson presided over a two-day hearing on the matter in the 105th District Court and ultimately ruled that at least seven votes had been cast fraudulently, thus invalidating the results of the election. Frank Alvarez, attorney for Gutierrez, charged that at least five adults who were in some way related to De La Paz had registered to vote using his own address as their own. The Judge also introduced evidence suggesting other family members and friends had registered and voted in the precinct even as they lived in another jurisdiction. We are dealing with a typical voter-fraud, an integral part of Soviet Fascism.

Do you know now what the Swamp means and who created it? The main point today is the knowledge or the absence of it pertaining to the ideology of Soviet Fascism. As a matter of fact, the troubles America has been experiencing the last several decades stem from that ideology. Read a segment of my column A Hundred Years War: Socialism vs. Capitalism.

As a successful capitalist, Trump presents an existential threat to Soviet Fascism; he wants to make America great again. That is the reason Soviet Fascism under Putin has begun Andropov’s Operation Barbarossa personally against President Trump. Always remember Vladimir Putin is Andropov’s student and his devoted disciple. The motive is clear—to undermine America by all means possible. I gave you full description of Yuri Andropov for good reason: Andropov was an unusual Chairman of the KGB, it was he who developed the KGB to the excellent agency. After the leadership of Stalin and Lenin, I would put the name Andropov for his personal knowledge of foreign affairs and “productive” functioning of the KGB. Besides, I knew him, as his tenure coincided with my service as a defense attorney. It was Andropov who undertook Operation Barbarossa against America in the 1960s. You can see the result today. Please, read my latest columns about that.

Look at the Democrats leadership today, it is non-stop obstruction of any Trump’s ideas or actions–they adopted completely the fallacy of Stalinist doctrine. Don’t be surprised by a massive amount of lies, we are exposing every day. They are adhered to the ideology of Soviet Fascism, which is based on lies, deceit, fraud, and obfuscation to fool and deceive you in the best traditions of Stalinism. They are composing the narrative and directing the design, employing classic propaganda techniques and then spinning the story. Moreover, they often using totalitarian techniques persuading or intimidating and forcing you to accept their story, like a fraudulent Black Lives Matter or Antifa. Pay attention to their actions, always reconciled with violence—fraudulent Soviet Socialism couldn’t function without violence and lies, the compulsive force of the KGB has been always carrying and serving the ideology.

I am writing this on July 12, 2018 and my TV is showing the Hearing with FBI agent Peter Strzok by the House Judiciary Oversight Committee. It was a spectacle where all Hell breaks loose. What you saw in the Hearing is Soviet Fascism in action, executed by the members of America’s Socialist mafia—they don’t want the Truth to be known, they are disconnected with the Truth and reality. Look at them, how well they are equipped with Political Correctness, lying and deceiving you, watch their language and desire to fool you by spinning the prepared narratives…For this exact reason to suppress the Truth, the information of my writings had been blocked by them. Alan West counted seventy Socialists in our Congress, I believe there are more that that…

America has two types of people committing betrayals: those who do not like the system established by our Founding Fathers and are trying to transform it– they are currently collaborating with the KGB to destroy America the Beautiful, and those politicians who haven’t a clue about the KGB infiltrations, hence becoming their accomplices. Current security people won’t be able to identify them without reading my books and columns. One thing history as taught us that we cannot let up until the enemy is completely defeated.

Don’t be surprised by the events in Washington D.C.—we are experience the legacy of Yuri Andropov. What we know today is just the tip of a huge iceberg, where Mr. Strzok is not the first violin. He is only a link in the enormous and shameful story of espionage and treason within the top of America’s Intelligence and Security Apparatus. I will make a detailed presentation of this story in the next column. Yet, today, I’d like to prepare you. The anti-Trump campaign is an anti-American campaign, it has been run by three individuals: Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Vladimir Putin. These trio have been working together for many decades. Only knowing the ideology of Soviet Fascism, its tactics, strategy, and methods can you grasp and assess the harm and damage done to the American Republic…

I would suggest to President Trump when he meets Putin to ask him to publish at least two KGB’s real dossiers on Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. This will be Putin’s actual contribution to the world peace.

To be continued on or

Political Intermarriage and the Birth of the New Democrat Party

Intermarriage is not always a matter of race or religion – sometimes it is a matter of politics. In 2008 Barack Hussein Obama officiated at the wedding of the Democrat party and Socialism. In this case the bride and groom came from very different family backgrounds with diametrically opposed world views and political perspectives.

The bride’s family, Constitution, was 242 years old and deeply committed to individualism, equality, liberty, and limited powers of government. The groom’s family, Socialism, came to America in 1877 deeply committed to collectivism and centralized government powers. The young lovers ignored the differences and their families’ objections to the marriage in their determination to make their union work for themselves and their children. What happened?

The marriage enjoyed the sweetness of honeymoon oblivion for awhile but soon it became apparent to both bride and groom that the Constitution and Socialism families were divided along foundational lines and compromise was not an option. As with so many racial and religious intermarriages the problems did not become apparent until the children were born. The husband and wife began to argue about what to teach the children.

The husband argued the superiority of his Socialism family tradition of collectivism to govern their family publicly and privately. He extolled the values of dependence, eternal childhood, and cradle-to-grave government control. The wife insisted that her Constitution family values of individual liberty, equality, and personal responsibility were better suited to govern their family. The arguments grew more heated and the husband and wife decided to seek professional counseling. They went back to the spiritual advisor who married them – Barack Hussein Obama (BHO).

The husband and wife entered the counseling office with optimism and confidence that their officiant could help them sort it out. After all, they had chosen BHO to marry them because Obama said he taught Constitutional law and also studied the great socialist Saul Alinsky, author of Rules for Radicals. Obama listened to the husband and wife patiently.

The husband spoke of the beauty of collectivism and the righteousness of Socialism’s social justice and income equality. He rhapsodized about a parent-like government caring and controlling the population like parents with their children. The bride spoke of the beauty of her Constitution’s freedoms, individualism, and how the meritocracy incentivized upward mobility, and individuals being able to decide for themselves how to live their own lives.

The bride affirmed the importance of private ownership of property and pointed out the main characteristic of Socialism (and communism) is public ownership of the means of production. In Socialism the government totally controls the use and disposal of property – not the individual. When the government controls the use and disposal of the fruits of your labor you are denied the right to keep the results of your ideas and your work – you are controlled by the government and become the property of the government as well.

Obama stroked his chin and spoke slowly and quietly, “You must not dwell in the past my dear. You are the pioneers and the anointed children of my new America. You are the leaders of the new who must reject the old.”

First he spoke to the wife, “It is true that the old America rested on your family Constitution and its foundation of individual freedom and liberty – but that was the old America and this is the new America. The new America is reflected in the new Democrat party – we have merged the collectivism of Socialism with Liberalism to form a more perfect union.”

The wife erupted, “A more perfect union? How is denying my family Constitution and embracing my husband’s collectivism fair or a more perfect union? The unproductive citizens are rewarded at the expense of the productive citizens. The government controls every aspect of our lives and we have no individual liberty, freedom, protection, or private property! We will be forever children!”

Obama answered without pause, “Your intermarried family is the blueprint for a universal world of peace and harmony my dear. We are transforming your generation and your children’s generation into a new Socialist America in preparation for the future.”

“What future?” the wife demanded.

Obama continued, “The New World Order my dear. Globalism will be the new family name that the world will share. It may require violence and anarchy in the beginning but don’t worry – the end will justify the means – you will see. Socialism will be followed by the universal family of Globalism.”

The husband interrupted saying, “That is what I keep telling her but she does not understand the beauty of eternal childhood and the collectivist socialist traditions, or universal planetary governance!”

The wife realized in that moment that her spiritual advisor was not an impartial marriage counselor! She understood that she had been duped into believing that the Constitution and Socialism could live together in peace. She understood that coexistence was never the Socialist plan – they wanted to shatter her family Constitution and replace it with Socialism.

In that office, in that moment the wife understood that compromise is not always an option – sometimes divorce is necessary. The wife realized that many family conflicts don’t end until one party submits and the other emerges dominant. That was not an acceptable conflict resolution for her.

The wife understood that the liberalism of the old Democrat party had submitted to the authoritarian supremacist doctrine of Socialism under their spiritual leader Barack Obama. Just as her Constitution family values had been eroded little by little during her marriage she realized that the Democrat party her family had once been a part of no longer existed.

The new Democrat party was tyrannical and supremacist in its demands for conformity. It followed the collectivist tenets of Socialism and no longer respected the Constitution. The radical leftist party had decided that it preferred collectivism to the Constitution and it demanded that activist judges be allowed to reinterpret and rewrite the Constitution in preparation for internationalized one world government.

Intermarriage is not always a matter of race or religion – sometimes it is a matter of politics. For centuries European monarchies intermarried their children to protect and expand their kingdoms. Sometimes these political marriages of convenience succeeded and sometimes they failed.

The intermarriage of the Constitution and Socialism in America is a complete failure. If America submits to Socialism it will end with total internationalized control provided by one world government courtesy of the corrupt United Nations. Every freedom-loving American must vote in the November midterm elections and pull the lever ONLY for candidates who are committed to the Constitution and to upholding the rule of law.

It is time for Americans to wake up, stand up, #Walkaway from the new Democrat [Socialist] Party. The right to private property is foundational to freedom. It is time for divorce American style – VOTE to preserve individual freedom, personal autonomy, national sovereignty, and American independence!

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the Goudsmit Pundicity.

Scorecard: The 45 Goals in ‘The Naked Communist’ to turn America into a Socialist State

It is very important that everyone realize just how far the Communist Manifesto and its goals have been advanced in the United States since the still relevant book “The Naked Communists” was written over 50 years ago.

George Soros and other rich leftists use some of their billions to finance over 250 socialist/communist/leftist groups in the U.S. that are doing their best to “resist”, undermine our President and his agenda as well as our Constitution and Republic. He is a seditionist and I don’t understand why he hasn’t been charged and convicted for treason. He like many establishment, global RINOs advocate for a New World Order in which America is definitely not first.

Very sobering but thank God for POTUS Trump and his Administration who are reversing Obama’s “fundamental transformation” to socialism.

Anyone who would like to add to the examples of how they have achieved their goals in Comments would be appreciated. This is a work in progress.

You are about to read a list of 45 goals that were spelled out in the 1958 book “The Naked Communist” and were entered into the Congressional Record back on Jan. 10,1963, thanks to Hon. A.S. Herlong, Jr. of FL . As you read this, 54 years later, you may be shocked by the events that have played themselves out. Source – Communist Goals (1963) Congressional Record–Appendix, pp. A34-A35, 01/10/1963.

Among sources include the Democratic Socialists of America’s own website.

1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.

DONE- The Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons, commonly known as the Non-Proliferation Treaty or NPT, is a landmark international treaty whose objective is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, to promote cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and to further the goal of achieving nuclear disarmament and general and complete disarmament. Opened for signature in 1968, the Treaty entered into force in 1970. It is important to note here that the effort was not one of peace in the world but an effort to weaken the United State’s military might worldwide as the Soviet Union at that time was far behind the US in technology and economy. The failed challenge during the Cuban Missile Crisis earlier in the decade was a signal to the Communist world that they would have to use other tactics.

2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.

DONE – See the Stark Treaty, Cooperative Threat Reduction Program and Obama’s actions to undermine the missile defense system in Poland and elsewhere in Europe and to support Putin in his efforts to strengthen Russian power and reduce US influence. Witness Obama’s mike on event where he asked the Russian President to be patient and that he would have more flexibility “after my election.” Failure of SOS Clinton’s “reset” with Russia; Capitulation to Russia on Crimea and Ukraine and now in Middle East. Iran Nuclear Deal which assures IRAN will have Nukes. As evidence that this willingness to capitulate is not a pursuit of peace but rather the intent to weaken the US, we can look to the staunch opposition by socialist liberals to the Reagan administration’s efforts to put into place the missile defense system which ultimately failed. Other developments that did make it into the US arsenal included the Stealth Bomber but also faced huge opposition from the left.

3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

DONE – OBAMA declared he intends to reduce our nuclear arsenal by 80% and has stated he will not use nuclear weapons. Obama proposed Sequestration as a means of cutting our military and now is laying down a smoke screen that DOD budget cuts are too deep !!! The current attack against our 2nd Amendment by the Administration & UN could also fit into this category.

It is ironic that Obama’s tactics have been implemented at too quick a pace and are now backfiring on him as we see failure after failure throughout the Middle East. Proving out that UN tactics of disarming the US and other nations are failures.

4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.

DONE – US trades with China and Russia and we have a poor trade balance position with both that decreases the price of goods exported to them and increases the price of goods imported from them. This in turn make the value of the dollar go down in the US and up in terms of our growing debt especially to China. US participation in the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement and recent opening of diplomatic relations with Cuba provide further evidence that this tactic is being pursued.

5. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites.

DONE – Between 1997 and 2013, the Export-Import Bank of the United States, which is an agency of the Federal government, provided $1,946,035,918 in loans and long-term guarantees to banks in Communist China and Russia, according to the Ex-Im Bank’s annual reports. We could surmise that these long term loans were put in place in order to help with the recovery of Russia however we cannot make such a claim for China, a nation that produces at a level second only the US.

It stands to reason that this loan program should have been pulled as a foreign policy tactic when it became evident that both nations intended to continue with their oppressive practices toward their people, were caught many times over attempting to infiltrate and hack into US systems etc. The fact that these loans have continued is evidence that forces in our own government are intent on furthering the cause of Socialism in the US and across the planet.

6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.

DONE – United States foreign aid, similar to United States foreign aid – under the Marshall Plan for rebuilding Europe, foreign aid to Russia was in the billions. The current Administration continues to engage in talks with the Russian regime despite the fact they continue as supporters of our enemies like Syria and Iran. Congress has imposed sanctions after Russia’s takeover of the Crimea and incursion into the Ukraine however they have proven largely ineffective as Russia has taken strategic locations that supply most of the oil for Europe and now have a stranglehold on these resources. Europe must now either find another source of oil or capitulate to Russia’s demands as they realize little support in this matter from the US. Let’s not forget the added pressure of the hundreds of thousands of Middle Eastern refugees pouring over their borders. Because Russia is in cooperation with Iran and Syria we can reasonably assume that this is a coordinated effort given the weakness of our president and therefore our military forces.

7. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N.

DONE– not only are then in the UN, they are on the all important Security Council.

8. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev’s promise in 1955 to settle the German question by free elections under supervision of the U.N.

DONE but thwarted when in 1989 the Berlin Wall and Iron Curtain fell and Germany was reunified largely due to the efforts of the Reagan Administration. The threat of socialist influence takeover is again imminent as the economic resources of the European Union falter and the nations of the EU fall one by one back into socialist practices.

9. Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the United States has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress.

PARTIAL SUCCESS was achieved with the signing of the Partial Test Ban Treatyin 1963, which banned nuclear tests in the atmosphere, underwater and in space. Neither France nor China signed the PTBT. However, the treaty was still ratified by the United States after a 80 to 19 vote in the United States Senate.[8]

10. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N.

DONE–but the former nations under the iron curtain were freed in 1989 with the collapse of the USSR.

11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the U.N. as by Moscow. Sometimes these two centers compete with each other as they are now doing in the Congo.)

ONGOING – the Progressives in our Congress and the current Administration are constantly pressing for this – this is a primary goal of their chief benefactor – George Soros. Their efforts are being slowly achieved through regulations put into place by Federal agencies such as the EPA. The regulations now being put into place by these agencies are slowly steering the US toward control under the UN and a one world government . The Agenda 21 protocol is most certainly a part of this effort and we see the efforts on the left to engage these tactics at every level of our society.

12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.

DONE – the Communist Party and the Democratic Socialists of America and many other Communist oriented groups are alive and well in America including our major Unions – see the book Barack Obama and the Enemies Within by Trevor Loudon. This is a classic tactic of the socialist/communist left. They use our freedoms against us i.e. free speech. Our leftist lawmakers protect these groups under the guise of free speech and legislators on the right fail to take on the responsibility of recognizing and dealing with destructive and undermining activities. This has now gone to the extreme in our nation as police are being slaughtered by anarchists across the nation.

13. Do away with all loyalty oaths.

UNSUCCESSFUL – to date but trying hard with the help of the ACLU. Pretty obvious that BHO, his AG, Director of Homeland Security and other Constitutional officers are ignoring their oaths of allegiance to the Constitution.

14. Continue giving Russia access to the U.S. Patent Office.

PARTIAL SUCCESS– there are international patent protections but Russia, China and other countries conduct corporate espionage and can gain access to US patents. It was alleged that Clinton sold some missile guidance system patents to China for a substantial campaign donation. His National Security Advisor, Sandy Berger was arrested stealing classified Secret documents from the National Archives believed to have substantiated this deal. He never served a day in prison.

15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

DONE -there are 65 members of the House Progressive Caucus who associate with the Democratic Socialists of America. Most other Democrats in Congress are socialists and believe in the nanny state. Progressives own the Senate including many RINOs that help the Democrats. (Rush provided excellent insight on this very subject today)

16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.

DONE – The Supreme Court has made abortions legal, struck down the Defense of Marriage Act at the Federal Level and also ordered that States with Protection of Marriage Laws even when in State Constitutions are unconstitutional. LGBT rights are now considered as a protected class the same as minorities. The attack on American Christianity and traditional customs, traditions and values continues – prayer has been taken out of schools and public events; attempts have been made to take God out of everything including the national Oath, coinage, National Anthem and religious symbols such as the Ten Commandments and Nativity scenes. Our morals and family structure have declined drastically as dysfunctional behavior increases. 40% of all babies are born out of wedlock (73% among blacks), marriage has declined to less than 50%, gang activity has increased, entitlement living has permeated at least 50% of our society who pay no taxes and illegal immigration continues. Attempts to curb such behavior are met with cries of racism, bigotry, hate crimes, violation of women’s rights, an attack on women’s health care or some other civil rights violation. The UN has placed the United States on their list of nations with poor human rights records and our Attorney General has sued states trying to enforce immigration laws.

17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

DONE – there is no doubt our public schools K-1-12 & Colleges and Universities are bastions of liberalism and progressivism; our public schools no longer teach traditional values/character development nor the Constitution and often use revisionist history and social studies curriculums and textbooks. Our teacher unions and Fed Dept. of Education dominated education system fights attempts to provide voucher or charter school options; eliminate tenure or impose accountability standards. One of the 8 ways Sal Alinsky advocated to turn a country to socialism was #6) Education – take control of what people read and listen to – take control of what children learn in school. This is happening with COMMON CORE and other Dept. of Education initiatives. Most states have over a 30% drop out rate from free public high school educations, another root cause of poverty.

18. Gain control of all student newspapers.

PARTIALLY SUCCESSFUL – Most student newspapers/newsletters have a liberal and socialist slant. There is also tacit control of Text Books by progressive College/University Professor authors which has definitely slanted our student texts and often distorted or revised history towards a more liberal and progressive view of the world and life.

19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.

ONGOING – look no further than the recent OCCUPY WALL STREET anarchist activities supported by our President, Vice President and many Progressive members of Congress as well as some City Officials and other government officials such as the Mayors of New York, Oakland and Atlanta and the Director of the National Park Services. Also look at the rise of student flash mobs to rob and loot in many of the Democrat controlled cities. On many college campuses, conservative speakers are not allowed and those conservative students views are restricted to “speaking zones” as a result of liberal student protests.

20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.

SUCCESSFUL – in poll after poll over 85% of the press corps admit to being liberal and voting for Democrats. Editorials and Commentaries across the country are unabashedly biased towards Democrat policies and the Current Administration as are so called news programs of the mainstream media. All of the major networks were undeniably in the tank for Obama in the last election with 4 – 1 favorability ratios for Democrat candidates and 1 – 4 favorability towards Republican candidates. The liberal media throws softball questions at Democrat candidates and “gotcha” questions at Republican or Tea Party movement candidates.

21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

SUCCESSFUL – There is no doubt that the mainstream Television media and Motion Picture industry and their productions are mostly progressive in nature and often show left wing political bias. Reporting is frequently slanted left as are commentaries and movies. The Obama administration has pushed the “Fairness Doctrine” through the FCC but has not been able to instigate it which would destroy the conservative and profitable radio talk shows. Control over the internet using “net neutrality” has now been implemented by the FCC and could lead to suppression of conservative views on the internet as well as free internet for those already receiving govt. benefits. It should be noted that net neutrality was in effect before Ronald Reagan took office. He successfully got rid of that law. The left is now aggressively pursuing reinstating net neutrality, thinking that a new generation of Americans may once again accept it with the correct persuasion and pressure from other areas of our society.

The left wing entertainment industry have also touted the LGBT movement and multiculturalism in the shows and particularly in their commercials.

22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.”

PARTIALLY SUCCESSFUL – Art is in the eye of the beholder so you be the judge on this one.

23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.”

PARTIAL SUCCESS– From my perspective, there are many ugly and offensive so called art pieces in many museums – remember the controversy over the New York museum where one so called artwork featured a urine filled commode in which an American Flag was draped and the 1st Amendment was cited as the rationale for displaying it. The National Endowment for the Arts subsidized by our taxes funds many leftist artists…..let us not forget “Piss Christ” a highly offensive work which included a crucifix turned upside down in a container of urine. The Catholic church made the mistake of not going strongly after that and other highly offensive pieces that have been aimed at the Church.

24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.

SUCCESS – Even network television now uses words that were XXX rated 40 years ago.

There is a huge double standard here as the word police want to reduce free speech by conservatives – Rush Limbaugh is ridiculed and boycotted for calling a Democrat hack lobbying for free birth control at a Catholic college a Slut but Bill Maher can call a Vice Presidential candidate, Sarah Palin a Cunt on his HBO special and get away with it. The Federal govt. changes words it doesn’t like to suit its policies “Obama-Speak” like prohibiting the use of the words Islam or Islamists, eliminating the phrase war on terrorism and the word terrorist from its vocabulary replacing it with such phrases as “extremists” “man-caused disaster”, “workplace violence”etc. Muslims in the U.S. want to eliminate any negative use of Islam or Muhammad from our language in clear violation of our 1st Amendment rights.

25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.

DONE – shows on network, prime time TV today would have been rated XXX several decades ago. Nudity bordering on pornography, sexual displays, obscenity, violence, anti-Christian messages, progressive ideologies, etc. are the standard in most of the mainstream television, movie, and print media today. Remember, in order to have Liberty a people need to have Freedom tempered by morality. The intent of our founding fathers upon designing our Republic was the assumption that Godly people would inhabit our nation and would govern themselves for the most part due to their adherence to the Word of God. The Communists are working hard to eliminate morality leaving us with un-tempered Freedom which is nothing but anarchy.

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”

DONE – The Supreme Court repealed DOMA and ruled in support of the LGBT community demands. They are now free to legally marry, are featured in gay rights parades and in personnel policies of most major corporations as a ploy to convince American Society they are accepted and are a much larger percentage of the population than they really are. LGBT couples adopt children and School Districts adopt books featuring LGBT people as if they are normal. Our lame-stream media assist them in their activities and goals. Obama has now stated he favors same sex marriages. Even though 33 states had marriage protection laws, 29 of which are inculcated in their Constitutions Federal Courts have now ruled these unconstitutional. The military’s “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” law has been repealed by Congress and replaced with an LGBT month and active recruitment of LGBTs. Already, the fastest growing trend of sexual assaults in the military are male on male; morale and good order and discipline have suffered under this social experimentation.

27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a “religious crutch.”

PARTIAL SUCCESS – Black nationalist churches such as that of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright attended by the Obama’s for over 20 years are on the rise. Such churches often preach racists hate towards other races and anti-Americanism. The Unitarian Universalist, Humanist and Scientology movements are examples of “social” religion. There is ample evidence of the ACLU working hard to eliminate Christian traditions in this country. Our government also looks for their interpretation of “Separation of Church and State”, a concept not found in the Constitution but begun by a Supreme Court ruling, in order to prevent our churches from actively being involved in politics especially where church values conflict with government values. IRS tax rules also hamstring the ability of tax exempt churches to be involved in politics – pastors, priests, rabbis, etc. are no supposed to spend more than 20% of their time talking politics from the podium or diesis. However, they look the other way when it comes to the so called churches of Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and Louis Farrakhan.

28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the grounds that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”

DONE – the law of the land has eliminated all prayer from schools and public gatherings. In 1962 the Supreme Court again declared that prayer in school was unconstitutional. In 1963 the Warren Court stopped schools from allowing Bible reading in classes. In 1980 the Supreme Court declared that posting the Ten Commandments in a school classroom violated the Constitution of the United States. Removing the belief in God from the Government and schools is #7 Religion – on Sal Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals to turn a country socialist.

29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

ONGOING – The interpretation of the Constitution as a “living document” is the mantra of liberals and progressive in Congress, the White House and the media. Unfortunately, many in the Libertarian Party have joined the Progressives in this effort. Obamacare is overt proof that progressive politicians like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid ignore our Constitution when it suits their legislative purposes. Obama recently challenged the Supreme Court’s authority for “judicial review” as they considered the Constitutionality of Obamacare. Even a Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader-Ginsburg recently stated that our Constitution is not a model for developing foreign powers. Now we have University Professors and others calling for the elimination of our Constitution as outdated. POTUS Obama has said he has a pen and a phone and if Congress won’t act on his agenda he will continue to rule by fiat using Executive Orders, Memos and guidance to federal departments to emplace controlling regulations, recess appointments, etc. It should be noted that a major part of this challenge of the Constitution by the president is a result of a Congress that is failing to speak up and do its job as one of the branches of our government using the system of checks and balances put in place by our founding fathers as a protection from just this sort of behavior. See

30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man.”

ONGOING – Progressives and the media rarely mention the accomplishments of our founding fathers and when they do usually to criticize one or more like Thomas Jefferson for being a slave owner, completely ignoring all of his accomplishments. Since these men founded their beliefs in God’s natural laws and sincerely believed liberty and freedom came from God not government, they are in direct conflict with the beliefs of socialists, communists and progressives.

31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the “big picture.” Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.

ONGOING – Traditional educators tend to be liberal and control School District Administrations and often School Boards. As such they control the textbooks used by the School District. Many school districts teach revisionist history from revisionist textbooks choosing instead to emphasize international history and multiculturalism. In many cases America is made out to be the bad guy in this process – a prime example being the nuclear bombs dropped on Japan during WWII. Civics, American History and the role of our Constitution in ensuring our freedom.

32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture-education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

DONE – our tax laws and other laws awarding welfare benefits as administered by Federal and State welfare agencies have changed the culture of the US to an entitlement state where 50% or more pay not taxes but get money back. Today, a record number of people are on Food Stamps; Housing Assistance; SSI disability & cash assistance; Medicaid; and other assistance such as free cell phones and cable television. The Federal workers Union is the largest of all the unions and the Teachers Union control our education system. Hundreds of socialist organizations now exist such as and media matters, and ACORN. Unions such as the AFL-CIO and the SEIU actively participate in politics supporting most liberal causes and transporting members across states to participate in bashing anyone trying to control spending that involves reduction in union benefits or workers paying more of a fair share.

Additionally, all 8 of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for radicals fit in this category and are being implemented by the Obama Administration

1) Healthcare –Control healthcare and you control the people This has started under the ever changing law and rules of Obamacare.

2) Poverty –Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live. Instead of programs to defeat the root causes of poverty which is dysfunctional behavior the govt. and so called minority leaders continue to blame society and racism. Instead action should be taken on the real root causes including dropping out of HS; young, unwed mothers; drug use; gang activity, etc.

3) Debt –Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty. Debt has soared by 7T since 2008 and now totals over $18T headed to $20T+ by the time Obama leaves office. The 10T+ that will have accumulated under Obama is more than every other Presidents debt added together. The Fed prints money under QE to artificially prop up the economy and keeps interest rates low to prop up the stock market which is headed for a fall. POTUS and Democrats in Congress consistently push for more taxes – Obamacare adds 20 new taxes.

4) Gun Control –Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state. The 2nd Amendment is under constant attack with the latest push to force gun registration by those deemed to have some mental problems including PTSD. This could include hundreds of thousands of veterans. The next step after national registration is gun confiscation.

5) Welfare –Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income)We now are a nanny state with more people on welfare than people working. Looking for work was removed by executive order as a requirement to receive unemployment benefits. Food stamps, SSI benefits, disability pay outs, govt. subsidized housing, free cell phones, etc. are at an all time high.

6) Education –Take control of what people read and listen to – take control of what children learn in school. Ongoing – newest method is Common Core; no child left behind legislation has also been reauthorized.

7) Religion –Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools –Christianity and Jeudism are constantly under attack by intolerant liberals now joined by the Muslim Brotherhood and other Muslim groups all with the help of the ACLU.

8) Class Warfare –Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor. Obama’s latest campaign is to push for income equality rather than opportunity meaning wealth redistribution a concept which will kill free market incentives and damage the economy. Progressives are calling for higher progressive taxes on the upper incomes and on corporations.

….in short create a generation of dependent slaves……the left in the US has shown to be quite effective at that while at the same time the right is either playing along, or caught like a deer in the headlights and completely ineffective at dealing with these tactics effectively.

33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.

PARTIAL – Communism and its cells and offshoots are not illegal in the United States. This would also imply eliminating the 2nd Amendment as gun control especially registration leading to confiscation would eliminate a means by which the people are able to fight against TYRANNY. This final act of confiscation recently took effect in Australia. They first made everyone register their guns and then they held a mass confiscation which the citizenry largely obeyed without question.

34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.

DONE – Abolished 1975.

35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.

UNSUCCESSFUL but more and more Federal agencies under the DHS are ignoring our Constitutional rights for habeus corpus and the posse coumatatis laws under the guise of the Patriot Act and NDA bill. Our people are much less trusting of Federal law enforcement agencies for these reasons as well as their huge purchases of ammunition, training using Tea Party movement as bad guys, militarization of equipment, etc. Unfortunately, the FBI under Eric Holder has been politicized as demonstrated by their failure to investigate & arrest the Benghazi attackers and failure to investigate the IRS targeting of conservative groups.

36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.

DONE – the most recent and overt example is the SEIU – Service Employees International Union founded by Andy Stern, a co-founder of ACORN who has visited the White House more than anyone in recent years. The SEIU gave over $61M to Obama’s 2007 campaign and many of its over 2M members have participated in thugery across this country to disrupt Tea Party rallies and town meetings and to intervene in grass roots movements to reduce union benefit as a means of controlling out of control spending. See Michelle Malkin » SEIU and the “persuasion of power;” Update: … Similarto Michelle Malkin » SEIU and the “persuasion of power;” Update: …Aug 6, 2009 … In May, I told you how the Service Employees International Union’s $61 million investment in Barack Obama paid off with cabinet appointments,

37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business.

PARTIALLY SUCCESSFUL – Large Wall Street investment banking firms that were bailed out by the Obama administration contributed mega millions to his campaign despite being an easy target of Obama bullying. GE, one of our largest international Corps along with GM and Chrysler, two of our largest manufacturers are in Obama’s pocket. So are the crony capitalists in the green industries Warren Buffet campaigned for BHO policies. Many other businesses also contributed more to BHO than RR in the last election. BHO owns the NLRB who constantly go after those businesses that have relocated or built plants in right to work states.

Free market capitalism, proven to result in higher quality of life and greater degree of prosperity and liberty for a larger number of people than any other system in world history is frequently maligned by progressives, while socialistic, all-powerful nanny state has proven to delivery misery, corruption and serfdom throughout history, is celebrated.

We see the end result of this horrible process during the reign of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. During his rule the nation went from a largely successful economic entity to a socialist state. The Venezuelan government now completely owns 95% of all businesses in the nation. The nation has now returned to horrendous poverty and people are looking to escape. Business owners, teachers, lawyers and others who protested this process disappeared over the years of his regime and this practice continues after his death. Elections are now manipulated so that freedom seeking candidates cannot seek or enter office. It will take a revolution to turn the nation around. Similar events have also occurred in Argentina.

38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].

ONGOING -Certainly, the headshrinkers in our country have become more vocal and adept at classifying and identifying what they call mental illness. Like lawyers, psychiatrists and clinical psychologists have a language all their own that mystifies most Americans and their role testifying in our courts have grown exponentially. Also look at the role they now play in identifying learning disorders like ADHD and OCD among children and the integration of government special learning programs in our schools. One seriously frightening aspect of this process is the medicating of our children who display these “behavioral disorders”. It has become far too easy to diagnose a child as ADHD, ADD or oppositional defiant and begin on psychotropic medications which severely affect them mentally and physically to alter their natural behavior. Even more frightening is the parents’ willingness to accept medications for their child without question.

BHO has issued many Executive Orders in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook shootings renewing calls for all kinds of actions on mental health.

39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.

SUCCESSFUL – When nut jobs like Harry Reid are high-fived by the liberals and someone like Ted Cruz is called a whack job the work is almost done. In the USSR under “Pappa Joe” Stalin any dissent was ruled as insanity. Even more frightening is the trend of so called veterans help organizations like the VA that encourage them identify if they are suffering from PTSD and have a psychiatric exam. We then have pressure from government entities to make these discussions disclosed to government agencies. These agencies can then seize weapons from these veterans. Veterans who have experience with weapons, could use their training to train civilians interested in protecting themselves from a tyrannical government. The implications here are alarming.

40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

ONGOING -The breakdown of the core family and the ever increasing divorce rates as well as decreasing rates of marriage and increases I births at a younger age and out of wedlock has certainly occurred. The family is no longer neatly defined as a married man and woman with children but now includes single parent homes; homosexual parents; unwed parents; and very young people as parents. The root causes of poverty are related to dysfunctional behavior. All of this discredits the family unit. #2 on Saul Alynski’s Rules for Radicals is to increase the poverty level as high as possible. Poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live i.e. a generation of slaves. Under the Obama Administration poverty has increased along with food stamps, disability compensation, free cell phones, govt. housing assistance, etc.

41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.

ONGOING – The importance of the positive role of 2 parents in nurturing and mentoring children has often been replaced with a lack of parenting and the adverse impacts on children. Phyllis Schlafly, who writes a syndicated Commentary, points out that besides Communists, many groups had a motive for wanting to abolish the American nuclear family including the Feminist movement and their cry “Liberation” which meant liberation from husband, family, and care for children as demeaning. In the ’70s and again in 90’s with Hillary Clinton the liberal establishment’s mantra was “It Takes a Village” to raise a child meaning all sorts of government busybodies such as public school administrators, hired consultants, psychologists, custody evaluators, women’s studies courses, and especially, family court judges. Nowhere in this definition can be found parents. Today, the U.S. Census Bureau shows Family Court judges now control the private living arrangements of 46 M Americans and have the power to transfer $40 B between households.

She goes on to write “Political strategists advise candidates to stick to fiscal issues and not talk about social issues, but taxpayers’ money is spent on 78 types of taxpayer handouts to deal with social problems, including 12 food programs, 12 social services, 12 educational assistance, 11 housing assistance, 9 vocational training, 3 energy and utility assistance, school lunch and even breakfast and 3 child-care programs. Nothing but marriage can cut these costs.

It should be noted here that a common practice of communist controlled nations is to remove children from their parents at a very young age and educate/train them so that there is no chance to learn any other philosophy except that of the state. Organizations such as Head Start take children as young as three years of age and begin training them under the influences of the left… is free, paid by taxpayers and usually targets children of color

42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use “united force” to solve economic, political or social problems.

ONGOING -One has to look no further than the incidents of Flash Mobs, the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) and the Black Lives Matter movement to see this in action. Our current Administration has allied themselves with this 99/1 movement invoking Marxist principles of “fairness” to encourage income redistribution through more taxes on the affluent and on corporations. State and local Police are being marginalized by denigrating their importance, overemphasizing police brutality and a call for a national police force. The current move for gun control and limiting of the 2nd Amendment could fit into this category.

43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.

NA -The United States does not have colonies unless Puerto Rico and the American Samoa are considered. Certainly, Barack Hussein Obama is an anti-colonialist as was his father. This has led to some very poor foreign policies headed by appeasement.

44. Internationalize the Panama Canal.

DONE -President Carter, a progressive liberal insured we lost control of the Panama Canal.

45. Repeal the Connally reservation so the United States cannot prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction [over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction over nations and individuals alike.

UNSUCCESSFUL – So far, we have resisted giving the WC power over US sovereignty despite UN pressure to do so.

Following is from the Preamble of the Democratic Socialists of America in describing Where We Stand.

In the United States, we must fight for a humane public policies that will provide quality health care, education, and job training and that redirect public investment from the military to much-neglected urban housing and infrastructure. Such policies require the support of a majoritarian coalition of trade unionists, people of color, feminists, gays and lesbians and all other peoples committed to democratic change. Our greatest contribution as American socialists to global social justice is to build that coalition, which is key to transforming the power relations of global capitalism.

A strategy for the Next Left involves Social Redistribution–the shift of wealth and resources from the rich to the rest of society – this will require:

1. massive redistribution of income from corporations and the wealthy to wage earners and the poor and the public sector, in order to provide the main source of new funds for social programs, income maintenance and infrastructure rehabilitation, and

2. a massive shift of public resources from the military (the main user of existing discretionary funds) to civilian uses.

Survey Shows Ron DeSantis winning the Republican Primary for Governor of Florida

A statewide survey conducted by Remington Research Group shows Congressman Ron DeSantis winning the Republican primary for governor of Florida.

Following are the key questions/answers from the statewide survey:

Q1: Do you think the United States is heading in the right direction, or is it going off on the wrong track?

Right direction: 82%
Wrong track: 12%
Not sure: 6%

Q2: What is your opinion of Donald Trump?

Favorable: 88%
Unfavorable: 8%
No opinion: 3%

Q3: What is your opinion of Ron DeSantis?

Favorable: 49%
Unfavorable: 14%
No opinion: 36%

Q4: What is your opinion of Adam Putnam?

Favorable: 38%
Unfavorable: 23%
No opinion: 39%

Q5: Candidates in the August 28th Republican Primary Election for Governor are Don Baldauf, Ron DeSantis, Timothy Devine, Bob Langford, John Joseph Mercadante, Bruce Nathan, Adam Putnam, and Bob White. If the election were held today, for whom would you vote?

Don Baldauf: 2%
Ron DeSantis: 43%
Timothy Devine: 2%
Bob Langford: 1%
John Joseph Mercadante: 0%
Bruce Nathan: 1%
Adam Putnam: 26%
Bob White: 1%
Undecided: 25%

Q6: If the candidates in the August 28th Republican Primary Election for Governor were just Ron DeSantis and Adam Putnam, for whom would you vote?

Ron DeSantis: 45%
Adam Putnam: 30%
Undecided: 25%

Q9: Thinking about the various types of voters in the Republican Party, which type of Republican do you consider yourself to be? Traditional/Establishment, Christian Conservative, Libertarian, a Trump
Republican or Tea Party?

Traditional/Establishment: 13%
Christian Conservative: 37%
Libertarian: 8%
Trump Republican: 32%
Tea Party: 5%
Other: 4%

Read the full results of the Remington Research Group survey.

EDITORS NOTE: The Remington Research Group survey was conducted July 2 and July 5, 2018. 2,826 likely 2018 Republican Primary Election voters participated in the survey. Survey weighted to match expected turnout demographics for the 2018 Republican Primary Election. The survey over sampled the Tampa media market with 1,462 interviews. Effective post weighted sample size is 1,470 with a margin of error of +/-1.84% and a 95% level of confidence.

VIDEO: The Shady Reality of California’s Solar Policy

A new policy passed down from the California State Energy Commission says every new home must be built with solar panels. California already has twice the cost of living compared with other states, and this new policy is going to make housing even more expensive. At these prices there better be gold in those hills!

Conservative Campaign Committee Launches Operation Montana

If I sound a bit punchy, it is because my wife Mary and I got to the hotel late after flying into Montana.  We’re here to work with the Conservative Campaign Committee team to help Republican Matt Rosendale defeat the Democrat for the U.S. Senate seat.

I awoke early this morning because my body is still on East Coast time.  A CCC team member texted to inform me that the hotel’s breakfast buffet has gluten-free bread.  I’ve had issues with blood sugar.  I’ve stopped eating bread because someone turned me on to a great bread substitute made with almond floor.  It’s called keto bread – 90 seconds in the microwave.

TV – Hotel – Room – CNN – Folks

But I digress.  I turned on the TV in my hotel room and stomached watching CNN.  It was truly amazing, folks.  Those people at CNN are pit bull-grip committed to furthering the American left’s open-borders agenda and portraying Trump as a buffoon while questioning his sanity.  CNN talking heads are boldly saying things about Trump that would be career-ending had they been said about Obama.  The same way Black Lives Matter has declared it “open season” on killing white people and cops, the American left and fake news media have declared it open season on ending Trump’s presidency by whatever means necessary.  This is pretty scary and evil, folks.

Astonishingly, every report on CNN was furthering the lie that Trump schemed with Putin to steal the election from Hillary, asserting that Trump should be indicted after he leaves office, or claiming that denying illegals the same rights as U.S. citizens is racist.  Has CNN reached its jump-the-shark-moment regarding its deranged and hateful relentless misreporting about Trump?

Relative – Mine – Politics – Details – Media

Interestingly, a black relative of mine who does not follow politics told me, “I don’t know the details, but I know the media is lying about this separating children from parents stuff.”  That statement was encouraging.  Perhaps people are beginning to realize that the 24-7 anti-Trump reporting is untrue.

Americans are optimistic and pretty content with Trump and his remarkably swift steps toward making America great again.  He has the second highest approval rating in his party since WWII.  Due to Trump’s economy, 3.7 million jobs have been created.  Americans are back to work; 601,000 more Americans entered the labor force.  The June jobs report was better than forecasts, adding 213,000 jobs.  Black and Hispanic unemployment is at an all-time low.

CNN talking-head leftist operatives are relentlessly repeating and selling the absurd narrative that denying illegals the same rights as U.S. citizens is racist and a human rights issue.  Are these people crazy?  Imagine someone invading your home and demanding the same rights as your children.

Here is what I mean when I say Mary and I are working with the Conservative Campaign Committee in Montana to help Republican Matt Rosendale win the Senate seat.  In essence, CCC rides into town on white horses to work, independently supporting our candidates.  While using all the modern techniques, producing signs and bumper stickers, social media, and so on, our team still employs old-school, boots-on-the-ground, no-vote-left-behind campaigning.  We run as many radio and TV ads as funding permits.

Call Miss Lulu

Our Miss Lulu heads our phone-from-home initiative to get out the vote.  To volunteer, email Miss Lulu:

I do radio and TV interviews in support of our candidate.  We send teams to various high-traffic street corners to wave signs for our candidates.  Do not think live people standing on streets corners enthusiastically waving signs does not make a difference.  It does.  It could mean the deciding vote for our candidate.  I heard about a candidate in Maryland winning by nine votes.

We must keep the GOP in control of Congress to stop CNN, the American left, and the Deep State from preventing Trump continuing to make America great again.

Democrats have become so desperate about taking back Congress to impeach Trump that they are actually calling for domestic terrorism.  Crazy Maxine Waters is encouraging leftists to physically attack Republicans, Trump voters, and anyone caught disagreeing with their open-borders agenda.

I would like to host a national bus tour to tout Trump’s incredible achievements for We the People and drive home the importance of voting in the swiftly approaching midterm elections.  Finding funding for such a tour has been challenging.  I can be reached at

If you see me on a Montana street corner waving a “Vote Matt Rosendale” sign, please honk!

Illegal Alien Pelts Border Patrol Agents With Rocks As They Gave Medical Aid To Pregnant Woman

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported Wednesday that an illegal immigrant pelted rocks at agents as they provided aid to a pregnant woman.

Weslaco, Texas, agents observed a group of illegal aliens attempting to cross the Progreso Port of Entry by climbing a tree on July 7. While two illegal immigrants were at the top of the bridge, a 25-year old pregnant Mexican nationalist was at the base of the tree in distress.

Border Patrol attempted to provide medical assistance to the woman, but were met with rocks hurled at them by one of the illegal aliens.

Both people at the top of the bridge escaped back to Mexico while the woman was taken to a local Emergency Medical Services center. She will be processed once out of the hospital, according to a CBP press release.

Assaults, whether or not they caused injury, toward CBP law enforcement officials have increased under President Donald Trump’s presidency. CBP faced 584 assaults i n fiscal year 2016 and fiscal year 2017 saw a total of 847 assaults. The total count of attempted assaults between Oct. 1, 2017 and May 31 is at 540.


Jim E. is a true political insider, with experience working both in Washington and outside in real America. Jim is hopelessly bound to Twitter, the preferred platform of all the Swamp reporters, and works to give readers all the biggest scoops being talked about in Washington. When something’s breaking, look for Jim’s quick reporting, filled with relevant facts and incisive commentary.

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