Dinesh D’Souza’s ‘Death of a Nation’ opens

Over the weekend, I went to see Dinesh D’Souza’s new movie, “Death of a Nation” (click for TRAILER). D’Souza is well known as a conservative filmmaker and author. His more recent works include:

Like these other movies, “Death of a Nation,” is professionally produced and very polished. And like the others, it is an OpEd piece in the form of a documentary. A lot of historical film footage was used in its making along with some rather slick re-creations to explain parts of his story.

This time around, D’Souza argues the public is being mislead by Progressive Democrats in terms of history and social values. In particular, he focuses on how liberals use the terms “fascist” and “racist” to vilify Republicans, most notably President Trump. He then goes to great lengths to explain both concepts, beginning with the fascist movement in Italy and the rise of Benito Mussolini. Interestingly, he claims members of FDR’s administration found fascism interesting and traveled to Italy to study it closely.

Whereas Italian fascism was nationalistic in intent, to bolster the Italians during the Great Depression, it called for control of business by the government. President Trump, on the other hand, has spawned nationalism in America, but abhors the concept of government control and embraces capitalism. He has gone to great lengths to eliminate governmental red tape.

As to racism, D’Souza contends the Nazis in Germany took their queue from America’s Ku Klux Klan (KKK) in order to control a race of people. The KKK originated from Dixie Democrats and grew to prominence during President Wilson’s administration. The movement was encouraged by the popular film, “Birth of a Nation” (1915), which Mr. Wilson showed to his cabinet in the White House.

Fast forward to 2017 and the incident at Charlottesville, VA where liberal protestors clashed with white supremisists (aka, the “Alt-Right”). D’Souza claims the label “Alt-Right” is a misnomer invented by the media to discredit conservatives. In the movie, D’Souza interviews the head of Virginia’s Alt-Right movement and found him to be more socialist than capitalist, and against many portions of the Constitution. From this perspective, they are more left than right.

As for Mr. Trump, he could find no evidence of racism, particularly in his immigration policies. As someone who believes in the rule of law, Mr. Trump welcomes all races who are interested in immigrating legally.

As an aside, I heard D’Souza speak in Orlando last month at a GOP Summit where he previewed his movie to attendees. He claimed racism was encouraged and supported by the Democrats (both north and south) and the Repulicans fought against it. He contends no Republican ever owned a slave. When it was pointed out to him that President Grant had owned slaves, D’Souza discovered this occured at a time when Mr. Grant was a Democrat, and later converted to the Republican Party (without slaves).

As with most of D’Souza’s movies, he takes you on a fascinating history trip. In this film, he discusses the Civil War, rise of the KKK, Italy under Mussolini, the rise of Nazism and Adolph Hitler, and connections to the Democrats. He makes a lot of bold statements regarding history, but offers evidence to support his argument, thereby challenging the viewer to think. As such, this was great mental gymnastics; something our youth should experience.

As an aside, I was accompanied to the movie by a never-Trumper, someone I have known for a long time. I was curious as to what his reaction would be. Frankly, I was surprised afterwards when he said it was a powerful movie offering details in history he hadn’t thought about.

So, Yes, I endorse the movie and recommend it to young and old, particularly high-schoolers who do not get an adequate education in history.

For locations and show times, see: https://tickets.deathofanationmovie.com/

Keep the Faith!

EDITORS NOTE: All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies. Copyright © 2018 by Tim Bryce. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: The Media Thinks You’re Stupid

“Leading the pack of unhinged self-obsessed camera hogs is CNN’s Jim Acosta, who let’s not forget made clear in an interview that the big problem with ‘Trump vs. the press’ is that the American people are too stupid to know the press is right.” —Dana Loesch

The Good Intentions Fallacy Is Driving Support for Democratic Socialism

“Concentrated power is not rendered harmless by the good intentions of those who create it.” – Milton Friedman

hile Venezuela continues to collapse into a living hell for all but Nicolás Maduro and ruling elites, support in America for democratic socialism continues to rise.

Photo: New York Times.

Graphic reports such as the recent New York Times photo essay about starvation in Venezuela abound:

Kenyerber Aquino Merchán was 17 months old when he starved to death.

His father left before dawn to bring him home from the hospital morgue. He carried Kenyerber’s skeletal frame into the kitchen and handed it to a mortuary worker who makes house calls for Venezuelan families with no money for funerals.

Kenyerber’s spine and rib cage protruded as the embalming chemicals were injected… relatives cut out a pair of cardboard wings from one of the empty white ration boxes that families increasingly depend on amid the food shortages and soaring food prices throttling the nation. They gently placed the tiny wings on top of Kenyerber’s coffin to help his soul reach heaven—a tradition when a baby dies in Venezuela…

[H]is father, Carlos Aquino, a 37-year-old construction worker, began to weep uncontrollably. “How can this be?” he cried, hugging the coffin and speaking softly, as if to comfort his son in death. “Your papá will never see you again.”

If you are inclined to believe this is an isolated incident, reporters Meridith Kohut and Isayen Herrera disabuse you of your ignorance: “Hunger has stalked Venezuela for years. Now, it is killing the nation’s children at an alarming rate, doctors in the country’s public hospitals say.”

With reports like these, one wonders how support for socialism in America can be growing?

If some Americans are economically illiterate and ahistorical that would explain their support. If they have mistakenly identified Scandinavian countries as socialist, that would also offer an explanation.

Perhaps people are seeking more meaning in their lives and being part of a mass movement fills a void.

Some students have admitted to me they value being able to exercise power over others. Perhaps they see socialism as a means to acquire power?

These may be some of the explanations for increasing support for democratic socialism; and yet, there is another factor at work. Americans are increasingly allowing their thinking to be influenced by logical fallacies.

Charlie Munger is vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, the legendary conglomerate he controls with Warren Buffett. In a speech at Harvard University about human misjudgment, Munger tells of a surgeon who removed “bushel baskets full of normal gallbladders” and continued maiming patients for five years past the point he should have been removed.

Munger was curious. Was the doctor motivated by greed? Munger was surprised to learn that the maiming doctor “loved” his patients and was motivated by good intentions. Munger sought insight from a doctor who had been involved in the surgeon’s removal:

I said, “Tell me, did he think, here’s a way for me to exercise my talents,” this guy was very skilled technically, “And make a high living by doing a few maimings and murders every year, along with some frauds?” And he said, “Hell no, Charlie. He thought that the gallbladder was the source of all medical evil, and if you really love your patients, you couldn’t get that organ out rapidly enough.”

For the surgeon’s patients, his good intentions were of little comfort.

When doctors of the ailing George Washington bled him, they were motivated by good intentions; and their unscientific medical practice arguably hastened Washington’s death.

Politicians who trust their seat-of-the-pants good intentions inevitably become authoritarians. They are relying on the limits of their error-prone minds and not on proven principles that promote human flourishing.

Those who rely on their good intentions to guide their actions are arrogant rather than humble. They have little respect or understanding for, as Hayek put it in his essay “Individualism: True or False,” the “spontaneous collaboration of free men [that] often creates things which are greater than their individual minds can ever fully comprehend.”

When Hugo Chavez, the father of Venezuela’s nightmare, passed in 2013, President Carter praised Chavez’s bold leadership saying, “We came to know a man who expressed a vision to bring profound changes to his country to benefit especially those people who had felt neglected and marginalized.”

Carter never doubted Chavez’s good intentions. Indeed, Carter offered those intentions as exculpatory evidence excusing Chavez’s brutality:

Although we have not agreed with all of the methods followed by his government, we have never doubted Hugo Chavez’s commitment to improving the lives of millions of his fellow countrymen.

Professor Owen Williamson of the University of Texas at El Paso might say President Carter had fallen victim to the logical fallacy, The Argument from Motives: “Falsely justifying or excusing evil or vicious actions because of the perpetrator’s apparent purity of motives or lack of malice.”

In his book Capitalism and Freedom, Milton Friedman argued that there were two threats to freedom, external and internal. In 1962, Friedman pointed to the Soviet Union as an external threat. Seeing an internal danger, Friedman argued, is more difficult because it is “far more subtle”:

It is the internal threat coming from men of good intentions and good will who wish to reform us. Impatient with the slowness of persuasion and example to achieve the great social changes they envision, they are anxious to use the power of the state to achieve their ends and confident of their own ability to do so. Yet if they gained the power, they would fail to achieve their immediate aims and, in addition, would produce a collective state from which they would recoil in horror and of which they would be among the first victims.

That “concentrated power is not rendered harmless by the good intentions of those who create it” has become among Friedman’s most famous ideas. His warning is ignored today by those believing the “good intentions” of politicians, such as Bernie Sanders or congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, will render their destructive policies harmless.

Friedman challenged his readers to consider, “Which if any of the great ‘reforms’ of past decades has achieved its objectives? Have the good intentions of the proponents of these reforms been realized?”

Related to the Good Intentions Fallacy is the Positive Thinking Fallacy. As Professor Williamson puts it, positive thinking is “an immensely popular but deluded modern fallacy of logos, that because we are ‘thinking positively’ that in itself somehow biases external, objective reality in our favor even before we lift a finger to act.”

Let us grant “good intentions” to today’s cadres of democratic socialists. Let us assume they are “thinking positively.” No matter. No good intentions or positive thoughts will overcome how reality works. The destructive outcomes of socialism will follow as history repeats itself.


EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column with images is republished with permission.

In Targeting NRA, Andrew Cuomo Focuses on Political Nemesis, Not Public Safety

New York’s governor has made it clear that he’s on a witch hunt to put a private organization out of business.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, has been in a protracted battle with the National Rifle Association. Now he’s using a state agency to hound the pro-Second Amendment organization with costly regulatory threats, as well as to convince financial institutions not to do business with the NRA.

The NRA filed a lawsuit against Cuomo and the New York State Department of Financial Services, saying, according to NPR, that the state officials are trying to “deprive the NRA and its constituents of their First Amendment rights to speak freely about gun-related issues and defend the Second Amendment.”

The financial services agency specifically targeted an NRA insurance program. Called Carry Guard, it was created to help gun owners and concealed-carry permit holders pay legal bills if they use their firearms in self-defense.

In a letter Monday, Cuomo wrote:

We discovered that the NRA was marketing insurance products for gun owners that violated numerous state laws. Insurers such as Chubb Ltd. and a broker Lockton Affinity LLC were providing illegal insurance coverage to gun owners for intentional criminal conduct resulting in bodily harm through the NRA’s Carry Guard program.

“From the outset, it was clear that the investigation was meant to advance Cuomo’s political agenda by stifling the NRA’s speech and retaliating against the NRA based on its viewpoint on gun control issues,” the NRA said in a complaint, according to The New York Times.

“If I could have put the NRA out of business, I would have done it 20 years ago,” Cuomo responded in a statement Friday.

Cuomo urged other states to follow New York’s example.

The fact is that some of the attacks on the gun rights organization have been downright hysterical.

The NRA frequently has been called a terrorist organization by many on the left, and has come under attack from celebrities and other politicians.

However, no known NRA members have been accused of committing mass shootings, and most gun owners in general are law-abiding citizens.

A 2016 study by the Crime Prevention Research Center, a nonprofit devoted to conducting research on gun ownership, showed that concealed-carry permit holders are among the Americans least likely to commit a crime.

In fact, according to the study, they are less likely to commit crimes than police officers are.

It is also worth noting that the insurance program in New York state’s crosshairs is for gun owners who use firearms for self-defense, yet the left claims the program is for those who “murder.”

This does in some ways get to the heart of the gun debate.

While Second Amendment advocates see firearm ownership as a critical element of the right of self-defense, the left would rather see every American simply disarmed—whether criminal mass murderers or law-abiding gun owners—in their belief that this somehow would prevent all violence.

The logical end of “commonsense” gun control being mass disarmament, where only the government controls weapons.

It’s better to leave some people defenseless in the hope that bad people won’t be able to commit murders, this line of reasoning goes.

But as we’ve seen time and again, gun laws have failed to stop criminals or mass violence, leading many to believe that in a fallen world the defense against evil is citizens empowered to protect themselves and their neighbors.

As The Heritage Foundation’s Amy Swearer showed by analyzing a single month of statistics on gun use, firearms have been a particularly effective tool for citizens to prevent themselves from becoming victims.

This is why so many Americans support organizations such as the NRA, despite the incessant attacks by Cuomo and others on the left.


Portrait of Jarrett Stepman

Jarrett Stepman is an editor and commentary writer for The Daily Signal and co-host of “The Right Side of History” podcast. Send an email to Jarrett. Twitter: .

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EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo welcomeing state and local officials to the National Comedy Center during an opening ceremony Aug. 1 at the $50 million center in Jamestown, New York. (Photo: Dan Cappellazzo/Polaris /Newscom)

K-12 Schools Bringing in Drag Queens to Teach Gender Ideology [+Video]

K-12 schools are bringing drag queens into the classroom to teach gender ideology, a Thursday video revealed.

Teachers are praising “Drag Queen Story Hour,” according to a clip released by videographer Sean Fitzgerald and the David Horowitz Freedom Center. The program “captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.”


Maurice Sendak Community School, a public school located in Brooklyn, New York, hosted a drag queen and first grade teacher Alexis Hernandez marveled at the event in a testimonial published on Drag Queen Story Hour’s website.

“Drag Queen Story Hour gave my first-graders a fun and interactive platform to talk and think about social and emotional issues like acceptance, being yourself, and loving who you are,” Hernandez said. “During our debrief … [students] were preaching the incredible lessons they had learned, like ‘It’s OK to be different,’ and ‘There’s no such thing as “boy” and “girl” things.’”

The first grade teacher said she would be hosting the event again the following year. Katrina Green, a teacher from Chickpeas Preschool in Brooklyn, also lauded the program.

The event “allows preschool children to deepen and complicate their ideas about gender at the exact age when they are often developing rigid ideas about this concept,” Green said.

Drag Queen Story Hour markets itself to children between 3 and 8 years old. The program’s reading list includes books like “Jacob’s New Dress” by Sarah and Ian Hoffman and “Red: A Crayon’s Story” by Michael Hall. While the former book’s plot revolves around a boy convincing his parents to let him wear a dress to school, the latter chronicles the journey of a crayon “mistakenly labeled” red to identify successfully as blue.

Fitzgerald cited articles noting a spike in children identifying as transgender within the past few years.

“Think about how absurd this is,” the videographer said. “The taxpayer is funding adult-themed performers to come and read to our smallish children in order to indoctrinate them into a political ideology about gender while, at the same time, school districts across the country are removing any and all references to biological sex from science textbooks.”

Fitzgerald directed viewers to stopk12indoctrination.org, where they can report indoctrination in K-12 schools.


Rob Shimshock

Rob Shimshock is a reporter for The Daily Caller News Foundation. Twitter: @ShimshockAndAwe


Drag Queen Story Hour Held At University of North Florida Library

How Drag Queen Events Prepare Children for Satanism

New York Public Elementary Schools Invite Drag Queens to Teach First-Graders ‘Gender Ideology’

Parents ‘horrified’ after man performs surprise drag show at Manhattan school talent event – New York Daily News


Footage of Full Drag Queen Show at Elementary School.

Drag for Kids.

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is a 2008 photo showing Drag Queen Phyllis Denmark, whose real name is Randy Patterson, and who called out the bingo numbers every Gay Bingo night. (Photo: St Petersburg Times/ZUMAPRESS/Newscom). Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities for this original content, email licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.

How Religious Freedom Erodes, One Step at a Time

Last week, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the formation of a new Task Force on Religious Liberty at the Department of Justice. The action came on the heels of a ministerial summit on religious freedom, which explored how religious freedom is under attack around the globe.

At the summit, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Sam Brownback, U.S. ambassador-at-large for international religious freedom, highlighted the problems that arise when governments try to enforce conformity to a single view of what is sacred. Governments do far better, they argued, to honor every individual’s freedom to determine that for themselves. That is the path to pluralism—and peace.

Increasingly, however, that is the path less traveled. Too many nations are following paths leading to the decline of religious freedom.

That awful journey often begins with the social ostracization of religious minorities. In Saudi Arabia, for example, official textbooks teach students to compare Christians and Jews to dogs and pigs.

The next step economically disenfranchises religious minorities, denying them employment and education. In Egypt, for instance, Coptic Christians face extreme prejudice when looking for work—be it with the police force or the military, or even a professional soccer team.

Next comes the criminalization of minority religious beliefs. In Pakistan, for example, a Catholic woman named Asia Bibi currently sits on death row for allegedly blaspheming Muhammad.

Ultimately, the path away from religious freedom ends in violence, which may come from either the state or civil society groups. Last year in India, Hindu vigilantes killed a 12-year-old Muslim boy for allegedly slaughtering a cow that they consider sacred.

These ugly doings can occur anywhere that activists promote the punishment of nonconformists, the government does not intervene to protect minorities, and the majority of citizens stay silent. And recent developments in America suggest it can happen here.

In Colorado, Jack Phillips, the owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop, gladly served gay customers for two decades. But when his religious beliefs led him to decline creating a custom cake to celebrate a same-sex wedding, the state’s civil rights commissioners compared him to a Nazi and slaveholder.

Tim Gill, the multimillionaire Rolling Stone calls the “megadonor behind the LGBTQ rights movement,” announced he would bankroll a push to add sexual orientation to nondiscrimination laws in states across the country. His professed goal: to “punish the wicked,” that is, those who don’t conform to the new cultural orthodoxy.

Indeed, America is moving rapidly from the “social marginalization of nonconformists” stage to the next stage: excluding them from economic opportunities. When hearing the Masterpiece Cakeshop case, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor seemed to endorse economic disenfranchisement when she told Phillips: “Then don’t participate in weddings.”

In a growing number of cases, firefighters, military pilots, farmers, entertainers, and tech CEOs have lost jobs, promotions, and access to markets because they refused to bow to the new orthodoxy. And at least three states and two cities have terminated the contracts of religious adoption agencies because the agencies believe every child deserves both a mom and a dad.

Those who believe in the value of religious freedom must teach new generations how to defend it. These efforts should be bipartisan and ecumenical, including people from both sides of the same-sex marriage issue.

To be effective, we must defend the right of those with whom we disagree to express their beliefs. At the same time, both government and civil society must oppose demonizing religious minorities, speaking out against the rising volume of anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim acts of violence reported by the Justice Department.

The courts should continue to protect dissent from orthodoxies, be they religious or secular. This includes respecting each individual’s freedom to decide what is sacred to them.

One of the greatest American legal and political traditions is that those on both sides of controversial issues may live out their views. And, while government may have a position on each of these issues, our courts have never forced anyone to affirm those positions in violation of their conscience.

Congress can also help uphold religious freedom—for instance, by passing legislation that protects adoption agencies who believe every child deserves both a mom and a dad and to shield those who hold traditional views on marriage from federal sanctions.

America’s Founders resisted the temptation to determine what is sacred for us and to force conformity to a single orthodoxy. They enshrined religious freedom in our Constitution.

Yet today, that freedom is under assault. All Americans must respond by standing up for one another’s freedoms to think, to speak, and to act according to what each of us finds sacred. This is how to ensure our country stays on the path of religious freedom that leads to peaceful pluralism.


Portrait of Emilie Kao

Emilie Kao is director of the Richard and Helen DeVos Center for Religion & Civil Society at The Heritage Foundation. Twitter: .

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EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is by kharps/Getty Images.

MOVIE CLIP: Conclusive Proof that Nazism is on the Political Left

Dinesh D’Souza sent out the video clip below from his latest film “Death of a Nation: Can we save America a second time?

D’Souza notes, “Here’s the actual Nazi 25-point platform…The Left accuses Republicans, and President Trump in particular, of being Nazis in an attempt to discredit us. But this is all part of the Democratic Party’s “big lie.”

D’Souza in the email states:

The very term “Nazi” is a compression of two words meaning “national socialist.”

And the official Nazi platform? Take a look:

  • State control of healthcare
  • Profit sharing for workers in large corporations
  • Moneylenders and profiteers punished by death
  • State control of education
  • State control of media and the press
  • State control of banks and industries
    Seizure of land without compensation
  • State control of religious expression

This reads like something written by Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders!

Opening last weekend much to the Left’s outrage, Death of a Nation has already been seen by hundreds of thousands of patriots all over America and the results are in: audiences love D’Souza’s latest exposé.

EDITORS NOTE: Click here to get tickets and see Death of a Nation this week. Have you already seen Death of a NationShare the movie with your friends and family on social media, then rate it on Rotten TomatoesVisit the official movie website.

Dr. Sebastian Gorka’s talk at the Daytona Beach Lincoln Day Dinner, ‘Trump is kryptonite to the left’

Sunday night my wife Glynnda, me and 2 other good friends from the Winter Haven 912 attended a Lincoln Day Dinner in Daytona Beach sponsored by the Volusia County Republican Club with over 500 participants featuring POTUS Trump’s confidant and former National Security Strategy advisor Dr. Sebastian Gorka as the keynote speaker.

Dr. Gorka was very charming, witty and frank in his talk where he wandered around among the audience seated at 70+ Tables. Several thoughts came out that you may find interesting.

  1. He stated with a grin and a laugh that Donald J. Trump is absolute Kryptonite to the left. He is so right about that and one of the reasons they HATE him so much for being elected. We Deplorables know all that he has accomplished and that he has kept his promises to us and more. His many actions have both dismantled Obama’s so called legacy as well as delivered a booming economy and the beginning of the return of prosperity to the middle class.
  2. When asked about AG Jeff Sessions and when and if he was going to do something to hold the Clintons accountable for their many criminal and/or seditious activities his response was “There is a reason there are currently 180 federal inspectors in Little Rock, Arkansas” – he wouldn’t elaborate any further nor would he say anything good or bad about Sessions.
  3. The reason corrupt FBI officials like Peter Strzok have not yet been fired is “there are things that can be done if they’re still on the payroll that can’t be done if they are fired.”
  4. He forthrightly stated that Trump’s election was a “gift from God” but we are a long way from being done. He talked about our failed education system and how our children are being taught to hate our customs, traditions and values upon which this country was founded; to think of America as bad or even evil; that we brought problems like Islamic terrorism on ourselves, etc. and how this must be turned around. He mentioned a recent poll of millennials where 44% stated they preferred “socialism” as their preferred form of government.
  5. He elaborated on how the President thinks and relates to people in a way no other President has done in the last 80 years because he is different – he is a businessman, not a lawyer, and/or former politician or military general. He stated President Trump is not only a shrewd deal maker but a people person with great compassion. He is a huge Patriot who deeply loves America and its people.

For example, he told us a story of how he (Dr. Gorka) recently brought 15 Special Forces officers/NCOs from Ft Bragg who were undergoing training in his class for what was scheduled as a 5 min meeting with the President. After 15 mins. where the President personally asked each one questions like where you’re from etc. he said this isn’t good enough and took them to the Oval Office where he called for his photographer and had a group pic taken with them. But….this too was not enough so he had them join him one at at a time for an individual picture. What was scheduled as a 5 min. meeting turned into a 30+ min. meeting and that this is what he does and it drives his scheduler’s wild. Gorka also said this was a first ever in the history of the Special Forces Qualification Course.

Who can remember any time Obama had any military other than perhaps some of his PC yes men Generals and Admirals in the White House especially the Oval office ? He had plenty of time to talk with IRS officials about targeting conservative Tea Party groups as well as many other leftists but the military was obviously a low priority for him.

Dr. Gorka also addressed the DACA situation stating the President understood that the “Dreamers” (who now are avg age of 26) came to the USA with their illegal parents without any knowledge at their young ages bout being illegals. Therefore, he doesn’t feel they should be deported but that they will most likely never become citizens because they will have to go to the very end of a very long line of people already applying for their green cards and/or citizenship.

It was a real privilege to be in the same room with Dr. Sebastian Gorka, a naturalized American Citizen and a true Patriot.

I will interject here that those idiot NFL Philadelphia Eagles including their leftist coach and owner who joined the Obama led “resistance” movement by refusing the opportunity to meet with and be congratulated by President Trump after their Super Bowl win are the exact opposite of these Special Forces Patriotic Americans and should be ashamed of themselves.

Welfare Spending Did Not Decrease Poverty, Capitalism Did

Last September, I shared some very encouraging data showing how extreme poverty dramatically has declined in the developing world.

And I noted that this progress happened during a time when the “Washington Consensus” was resulting in “neoliberal” policies (meaning “classical liberal“) in those nations (confirmed by data from Economic Freedom of the World).

In other words, pro-market policies were the recipe for poverty reduction, not foreign aid or big government.

Sadly, the Washington Consensus has been supplanted. Bureaucracies such as the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development are now pushing a statist agenda based on the bizarre theory that higher taxes and more spending somehow produce prosperity.

To add insult to injury, some people now want to rewrite history and argue that free markets don’t deserve credit for the poverty reduction that already has occurred.

Esteban Ortiz-Ospina, writing for Our World in Data, wants readers to conclude that redistribution programs deserve credit.

…the share of people living in extreme poverty around the world has fallen continuously over the last two centuries. …many often say that globalization in the form of “free-market capitalism” is the main force to be thanked for such remarkable historical achievement. …this focus on “free-market capitalism” alone is misguided. …Governments around the world have dramatically increased their potential to collect revenues in order to redistribute resources through social transfers… The reach of governments has grown substantially over the last century: the share of total output that governments control is much larger today than a century ago.

And for evidence, Mr. Ortiz-Ospina included this chart.

shared a version of this data back in June, asserting that the explosion of social welfare spending made this “the western world’s most depressing chart.”

So does Ortiz-Ospina have a compelling argument? Does poverty go down as welfare spending goes up?

Nope. Johan Norberg points out that there is a gaping flaw in this argument. An enormous, gigantic hole.

Wow. This isn’t just a flaw. It’s malpractice. It’s absurd to argue that welfare spending in developed nations somehow led to poverty reduction in developing countries.

I hope Mr. Ortiz-Ospina is just an inexperienced intern because if he really understands the data, one might be forced to conclude that he’s dishonest.

But let’s set that issue aside. Johan closes his video by explaining that poverty in rich nations declined before modern welfare states. I want to expand on that point.

Johan cited Martin Ravallion, so I tracked down his work. And here’s the chart he put together, which I’ve modified to show (outlined in red) that extreme poverty basically disappeared between 1820 and 1930.

And guess what?

That was the period when there was no welfare state. Not only is that apparent from Our World in Data, it’s also what we see in Vito Tanzi’s numbers.

Here’s Tanzi’s table, which I first shared five years ago. And I’ve circled in red the 1880-1930 data to underscore that there was virtually no redistribution during the years poverty was declining.

The bottom line is that poverty in the western world fell during the period of small government. Yet some people want to put the cart before the horse. They’re making the absurd argument that post-1950s welfare spending somehow reduced poverty before the 1930s.

That’s as absurd as Paul Krugman blaming a 2008 recession in Estonia on spending cuts that took place in 2009.

P.S. For those who want U.S.-specific data, it’s worth noting that dramatic reductions in American poverty all occurred before Washington launched the so-called “War on Poverty.”

Reprinted from International Liberty.

Daniel J. Mitchell

Daniel J. Mitchell

Daniel J. Mitchell is a Washington-based economist who specializes in fiscal policy, particularly tax reform, international tax competition, and the economic burden of government spending. He also serves on the editorial board of the Cayman Financial Review.

Race-Based Diversity Is Creating More Trump Voters

The case of new New York Times editorial writer Sarah Jeong’s openly anti-white bigotry is perhaps the most telling example of how far the American left has sprinted from the legacy of Martin Luther King and towards a form of retro racist tribalism that is perhaps as far from the American middle as it is from the American right.

This will either spell the doom of the Democratic Party — or of the American Experiment. Because such concepts cannot survive in an America that resembles anything like the amazing nation that emerged in the second half of the 20th Century.

That America was not just a military and economic colossus, but also a colossus of individual liberties and great, striding steps toward total equality under the law. It drew tens of millions of immigrants from around the world because it was indeed a beacon of hope and opportunity and freedom from oppression.

That entire concept is rapidly becoming antithetical to the diversity-enthralled American left and by extension the Democratic Party. Equal rights? No. Melting pot? No. Law and order? No. Economic opportunity? No. Liberty? No. Individual pursuit of happiness? Well, if the government says it’s OK.

Jeong herself is inconsequential as an individual in all of this. But it’s both the bigoted stew of the increasingly disconnected American power-center elites that she swims in, stirred in with the media/Democratic/leftist defense of her vitriol, that is quite consequential.

As gay moderate Andrew Sullivan astutely observes in the liberal New York Magazine, responding to the defense of Jeong by The Verge:

“…any assertion of racism in Jeong’s tweets as “dishonest and outrageous,” [is] a function of bad faith and an attack on journalism itself. Scroll through left-Twitter and you find utter incredulity that demonizing white people could in any way be offensive. That’s the extent to which loathing of and contempt for “white people” is now background noise on the left. What many don’t seem to understand is that their view of racism isn’t shared by the public at large, and that the defense of it by institutions like the New York Times will only serve to deepen the kind of resentment that gave us Trump.”

Exactly right. And Democrats, the left and the media are so wed to diversity and so blinkered by their hatred of Trump that they cannot see how they are rushing headlong to the aid of the GOP in 2018 and Trump in 2020. By pushing themselves further and further from the vast American center that swings elections, they are providing hope to Republicans who should historically be in a hopeless situation in November.

The Democrats are kindly serving up so many opportunities for Trump and Republicans, just on the racism front — to say nothing of the 73-gender front or socialism front.

The revelation that Obama policy blocked qualified airport control tower candidates who were white, in order to allow room for black candidates — even when positions were open and safety was threatened — got no play at the time in the Obama-cuddly media. And not much since. After all, diversity is king.

Obama’s decision, one of hundreds during his administration, was driven by the social justice platform of identity politics under the label of diversity. The idea is racial redress of past wrongs, but of course it is against people who have done nothing but have the “wrong” color skin — which the vast majority of Americans oppose. When this air control hiring was recently reported in the Wall Street Journal, it became clear that still no one on the left cared as no one on the left sees anything wrong.

In fact, it is part of the groundwork that has been laid for people like Jeong to be despicable bigots and still land a prestige job at the New York Times and be roundly defended by Democrats and the media.

Melinda Gates, who earned her great fortune by saying “I do” to Bill Gates at the altar, decided to start a venture capital fund with the sole purpose of funding minorities and women. No white guys need apply. Further, she declared the reasoning is to promote diversity, and correct racism and sexism in tech companies because white men — “white guy in a hoodie,” in her words — cannot provide products adequately for minorities. Presumably she did not mean her white guy husband, not that guy.

She was applauded by leftist and tech publications. Which is the point.

As Joy Pullman wrote in the Federalist of Gates’ thinking, which is reflected in the broader left:

“…punishing people for the “sins” of their “class” is, quite frankly, of a piece with the ideology that ultimately led to the slaughters of the Bolshevik and French revolutions…”

There is a veritable bottomless pit of these stories. As Trump was trying to reign in the slow-motion disaster of our open borders policies and government’s unwillingness to define who can come into our country, the Washington Post publishes a story under the headline: “Trump immigration plan could keep whites in U.S. majority for up to five more years.”

This “analysis” had one clear objective: Paint immigration in racial terms and color Trump’s immigration policy changes as a way to keep white people in the majority longer. Most Americans, pretty sure including Trump, would never have even considered that element of immigration limitations. They are thinking economic opportunity for low-income Americans, plus national and personal safety for everyone. But the left automatically goes race. It’s the lens through which they see all American life.

Where does all this leave us politically? In the one place that many in the political middle would rather not gravitate to but must: Donald Trump. The President has shown a steadfast willingness to fight back against identity politics, speech censoring political correctness and race-baiting. He’s done it poorly at times and marvelously at times.

If Americans are presented with the choice between traditional Americanism, constitutional rights, individual liberties and a strong economy or anti-white bigotry, anti-Americanism, collectivist hive culture and a feeble economy, it seems like the choice becomes pretty clear. A call to diversity does not win that day when Jeong’s hardcore bigotry is defended by the left and even celebrated by some.

The truth is that Trump and the GOP are the only things standing in the way of a headlong lurch into the violence and slaughterhouse of the Jacobins. Is it really hard to see Maxine Waters as the precursor to Robespierre? If that becomes the choice, the GOP wins. And if that happens in November, it’s truly impossible to predict how the left will react.

But the country might be saved for a little longer.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in The Revolutionary Act.

VIDEO: Another Democrat Candidate Who Has Plans to ‘Fundamentally Transform’ Michigan

Remember those words and what that meant to America?  It was NOT good!  And, it will NOT be good for Michigan!

Abdulrahman Mohamed El Sayed has played his hand very well to the constituents of Michigan!  Many have fallen under his spell and many are just part of the plan, working very hard for his final solution.

  • He has core Muslims siding with him only because he is Muslim, no other qualification!
  • He has the millennials jumping up & down on his every word!  Smiling, hoping he will pick them to stand with in front of the camera!
  • He has the Marxist/Socialist liberal left just waiting for every opportunity to show support!
  • He has known unindicted co-conspirators in clearly defined court cases, standing with him in support and in some cases are identified as his “de-facto” campaign manager.
  • His platform and his Sharia compliant beliefs collide, but when pressed for an answer, he has none!
  • His anti-Israel stand and support of Gaza, yet this topic is never asked during the campaign.
  • His hard cored Muslim Brotherhood history and background are NEVER questioned by any of the Michigan media.  Yet, when one opposing candidate does (Patrick Colbeck), Abdul’s reply is: “You may not hate Muslims, but Muslims definitely hate you!”

When will they learn that Abdul’s plan has played out before, in many cities, towns, and countries!   Look through history and it’s clear the end results are NOT pretty!

Michigan will make the decision on Tuesday, August 7th!    We can only hope they choose wisely!   Constitution or Marxist Jihad for Michigan?

RELATED VIDEO: Western Shariah Police coming to Michigan?

The ‘Greatest Generation vs. Pelosi’s ‘Delusional Generation’

When Pearl Harbor was attacked on December 7, 1941, America’s leaders took responsibility for defending the country’s borders and destroying its enemies once they realized – quickly- the existential threat posed by the Axis Powers.  This fearless leadership and commitment  to protecting the American people came to define, in part,  those preserving during that period as  “The Greatest Generation.”

In just 44 months, America and its allies planned,  built, and then rushed into battle,  fleets of new airplanes, fighter aircraft, and bombers.  And in just 44 months, fleets of ships were launched.  Nuclear weapons were, for the first time devised, created, tested and successfully deployed.

But America’s leaders today, with few exceptions, would hardly qualify for any title except, perhaps, the most delusional or most corrupt generation.

Nancy Pelosi and her political cohorts provide ample evidence of just how far our nation has fallen.

On September 11, 2001, nineteen alien terrorists inflicted more casualties on the United States than did the entire Japanese fleet on, the day that as President Roosevelt declared, would “live in infamy.”

Those 19 hijacker-terrorists turned passenger airliners into de facto cruise missiles –  creating horrors and carnage that will be forever etched in the minds and hearts of those who lived through those attacks on our nation.

On July 27, 2018, Nancy Pelosi uttered jaw-dropping description of the terror attacks of 9/11 as the “9/11 incident.

How could anyone of sound mind and possessing a firm grip on reality, describe the worst terror attack ever committed on U.S. soil as a merely “incident?”

Pelosi then went on to chastise the Republicans for failing to support border security claiming that the Democrats were far more committed to securing our borders and following the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission.

The harsh reality is that the globalist leaders of both the Democratic and Republican parties have repeatedly and steadfastly refused to secure America’s borders and indeed enforce our immigration laws effectively.  There is ample evidence that the leaders of both parties have refused to adequately address the multitude of failures and vulnerabilities of the immigration system.

The leadership of both parties is determined to ram a massive DACA amnesty down our throats even though the 9/11 Commission identified immigration fraud as the critical method of entry and embedding of terrorists.

I addressed this concern in my article, DACA Solution Must Heed 9/11 Commission Findings.

Now the Trump administration is contemplating shutting down the government, to protect America and Americans by finally getting the funds to construct a border wall.

However, first and foremost, let us not forget, that the “leaders” of the Democratic Party have led demonstrations demanding that ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) be disbanded and that interior enforcement of the immigration laws is terminated.

Let us not forget Pelosi herself has outrageously repeatedly accused ICE agents of terrorizing immigrant communities.

Just months ago, on February 28, 2018, Nancy posted the following press release on her official Congressional website. The title of her press release was, Pelosi Statement on Trump Administration ICE Raids Targeting the San Francisco Bay Area:

Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi issued this statement after the Trump Administration conducted sweeping raids across Northern California that resulted in the arrest of more than 150 men and women, at least half of whom did not have a criminal record:

“The Trump Administration’s raids were a shocking abuse of law enforcement power.  Again, the White House has reached into our communities to detain scores of hard-working, law-abiding immigrants indiscriminately.

“Fully half of those swept up in the ICE raids have no criminal record.  This raid was intended solely to terrorize innocent immigrant families and instill fear in the hearts of our communities – not to keep Americans safe.  Parents will now be torn from their children, and spouses ripped away from their loved ones.

“The Administration continues to brazenly target the cities that refuse to bow to its blatantly bigoted anti-immigrant and mass deportation agenda.  The people of the San Francisco Bay Area will continue to oppose these cowardly attacks, and we will remain open to the patriotic immigrants who are the constant reinvigoration of America.”

Worksite investigations are an element of the interior enforcement of our immigration laws, an aspect, I might add, that the 9/11 Commission directly addressed.

In point of fact, the day before a terrorist carries out a terror attack he/she is likely hiding in plain sight at work.

Consider my recent article: Congressional Hearing: Iranian Sleeper Cells Threaten U.S.

Work-site investigations are primarily conducted to liberate jobs stolen by illegal aliens that American and lawful immigrant workers desperately need so they can support themselves and their families.

Sleeper agents are so named because they maintain a shallow profile and seek to avoid calling attention to themselves.  While they may violate our immigration laws, they are fastidiously careful never to get arrested.  They quietly wait for the day they are called to action.

The official report, 9/11 and  Terrorist Travel referenced interior enforcement of our immigration laws repeatedly,  Consider this example:

Thus, abuse of the immigration system and a lack of interior immigration enforcement were unwittingly working together to support terrorist activity. It would remain mostly unknown since no agency of the United States government analyzed terrorist travel patterns until after 9/11. This lack of attention meant that critical opportunities to disrupt terrorist travel and, therefore, deadly terrorist operations were missed.
The aliens arrested during these field investigations that Pelosi railed against, were not taken into custody to “terrorize immigrant communities” but to seek the removal (deportation) of aliens who violate our nation’s borders and violate our laws.  This is also done to deter other aspiring illegal aliens, from around the world, from coming to the United States illegally or with the intention of violating the terms of their lawful admission into the United States.

I can also tell you that when I was an INS agent, I located numerous alien fugitives during routine worksite investigations.  These aliens had committed serious crimes, including murder and rape.

In one particularly memorable case, I encountered a citizen of Belize working in a glass factory in Brooklyn, New York.  He had no ID but claimed that he had become a naturalized citizen.

The owner of the factory swore that the guy was the most trustworthy employee he had ever hired.  He told me that he even trusted him to open the factory in the morning and close it at night if he was away from the factory and he frequently had dinner at the owner’s home with his wife and kids.

Long story short, when no records were found to corroborate his claims about being a naturalized citizen, my colleagues and I took him into custody.

It turned out that he lied about his identity and circumstances.  He was indeed from Belize; however, he had never become a naturalized citizen.

He had, however, been previously deported from the U.S. after he completed his prison sentence following his conviction for manslaughter.

He had re-entered the U.S. illegally, had been located, arrested by INS agents and prosecuted for that unlawful reentry.  He subsequently escaped from a federal correctional facility and ultimately found work in that factory where we saw him.  He was a fugitive.

His boss nearly went into cardiac arrest when he learned of these extraordinary circumstances concerning his “most trusted employee!”

Meanwhile, Pelosi defamed courageous federal agents and used inflammatory language in accusing ICE agents of staging “cowardly attacks” on “law-abiding” and “patriotic immigrants.”

It would appear she was attempting to incite violence against ICE agents.  Should any agent be attacked, perhaps they or their families should consider suing Pelosi personally for inciting hostility by abusing her authority as a leader of the United States House of Representatives.

Law enforcement officers are indeed made accountable, why shouldn’t our elected “representatives” also be made responsible?

Furthermore, contrary to Pelosi’s lies, aliens who violate our immigration laws are, by definition, not law-abiding!

The ICE agents who took the immigration law violators into custody did not do so not out of bigotry or hatred, but because of the oaths, they made when they entered on duty with the federal government to uphold the Constitution and enforce our nation’s laws.

Our immigration laws have nothing to do with race, religion or ethnicity.

Title 8, United States Code, Section 1182 enumerates the categories of aliens excluded.  Among these classes:  aliens with dangerous communicable, diseases, convicted felons, human rights violators, war criminals, terrorists, spies, and other usual suspects.

The term patriotic has been defined, in part as “having or expressing devotion to and vigorous support for one’s country.”

How on earth is an individual who violates the sovereign borders of a country in which he/she is not a citizen demonstrating patriotism?

Perhaps the issue of patriotism should be reviewed in examining the conduct of Ms. Pelosi, whose words and exhortations undermine the dangerous and vital work of America’s immigration law enforcement officers.  We should, therefore, ask if her conduct is a demonstration of patriotism or, more appropriately, of treason.

Motorists who drive erratically are likely to be pulled over by police officers to make sure that they are not operating under the influence of alcohol or drugs and also to make sure that they possess valid driver’s licenses.

Pelosi’s rhetoric and evident detachment from reality cause me to wonder if when she made that statement was suffering the effects of psychedelic drugs or had too much to drink.

Other possibilities include that she is senile or suffers from an abject inability to discern reality from a fantasy world she has created within the realm that lies between her ears.

Or perhaps,  she knows what she must say to get campaign contributions from her globalist campaign contributors.

Drunk drivers are said to be driving under the influence (DUI).  Perhaps Ms. Pelosi is guilty of GUI (Governing Under the Influence).

I provided testimony to the 9/11 Commission.  As an INS agent, I investigated and arrested many international terrorists.  About three years ago I wrote an extensive article, The 9/11 Commission Report, and Immigration: An Assessment, Fourteen Years after the Attacks.

Pelosi and her colleagues should be required to read it along with, the 9/11 Commission Report and 9/11 and Terrorist Travel.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in FrontPage Magazine.

Shhhhh!!! Global temperatures were warmer last summer, and summer before that

Summer is the season where temperatures have historically hovered around a comfortable 70 degrees most days while occasionally reaching a slightly warm 80 degrees. Perhaps the Deep South would rarely reach 85 degrees in during a historic heatwave before global warming. But now summers are hot – real hot. And global warming is to blame. At least that is the message conveyed by the establishment media, trying to reprogram impressionable readers and viewers into believing this summer marks the beginning of a global warming apocalypse.

Here are just a few of the recent headlines:

“Our climate plans are in pieces as killer summer shreds records,” screams an Aug. 5 CNN headline.

“Scorching Summer in Europe Signals Long-Term Climate Changes,” claims an Aug. 4 New York Times headline.

“Climate change is supercharging a hot and dangerous summer,” warns a July 26 Washington Post headline.

“Record-breaking heat and fires are worsened by climate change,” lectures a July 28 CBS News headline.

And then there is our personal favorite, “Global heat, fires and floods: How much did climate change fuel that hellish July?” asks the July 31 USA Today. (If you can’t guess what USA Today’s answer is, you need an extreme intervention.)

Science is the enemy of global warming alarmists. And objective scientific data is that enemy on steroids. Let’s take a look at what the scientific data reveal:

Source: drroyspencer.com.

The above chart represents global temperatures as measured by NASA satellite instruments. Global temperatures were warmer last year (including last summer) and the year before that in comparison to 2018 and this summer. Each year there are regional differences that make some areas of the globe warmer than others.

It turns out that temperatures this summer happen to be regionally warmer among the population centers of North America and Europe. As a result, even as global temperatures are lower this year and lower this summer than the past two years and summers, the media can take advantage of regional variances to mislead people in America and Europe into believing summertime temperatures this year illustrate record-breaking, global warming-infused heat. And, of course, the media conveniently fail to mention that 2017 and 2016 summer temperatures in American population centers were relatively cool.

There are a couple more points about the above graph that deserve mentioning. The satellite data start in 1979, which was the end of a 30-year cooling period. As such, global temperatures would be expected to rebound from that cool period and grow warmer from 1979 through 2018. Also, the total warming during the past 40 years has been merely 0.5 degrees Celsius (approximately 1 degree Fahrenheit). That amount of warming is barely noticeable, if noticeable at all, without sensitive and precise scientific instruments taking the measurements.

When it comes to global warming, the establishment media love to hype. Summertime is a perfect time for that hype. But don’t believe the hype; believe the scientific data.

RELATED ARTICLE: California Wildfires Caused By Radical Environmentalists, Not Climate Change

Pennsylvania Grand Jury: Sexually Abused Victims ‘Brushed Aside,’ Predators Protected

HARRISBURG, Pa. (ChurchMilitant.com) – Pennsylvania bishops cared more about avoiding scandal than protecting victims — this according to the Pennsylvania grand jury report, set for release as early as August 8.

A court filing made public Friday reveals Bp. Donald Trautman of Erie was one among two dozen clergy who filed to block release of the report, considered the most sweeping investigation into clerical sex abuse in American history. The 880-page report offers findings from six dioceses: Erie, Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, Scranton, Allentown and Greensburg.

The main thing was not to help children, but to avoid ‘scandal.’ Tweet

In the court document, Trautman admits that continuing to block release of the report “could further injure victims of abuse,” and so withdrew his appeal — but only on condition that certain accusations leveled against bishops in the report did not apply to him, namely:

  • “all of [the victims] were brushed aside, in every part of the state, by church leaders who preferred to protect the abusers and their institution above all”
  • “The main thing was not to help children, but to avoid ‘scandal'”
  • “Priests were raping little boys and girls and the men of God who were responsible for them not only did nothing: they hid it all”
  • “Diocesan administrators, including the Bishops, had knowledge of this conduct and yet priests were regularly placed in ministry after the Diocese was on notice that a complaint of child sexual abuse had been made. This conduct enabled offenders and endangered the welfare of children”
  • “several Diocesan administrators, including the Bishops, often dissuaded victims from reporting abuse to police, pressured law enforcement to terminate or avoid an investigation, or conducted their own deficient, biased investigation without reporting crimes against children to the proper authorities”

The quotes shed light on the nature and scope of the findings, which include at least 300 named priests. So far, it’s known that 64 come from Erie71 from Harrisburg and at least 90 are named from Pittsburgh (nearly one third of the total number). Bishops Lawrence Persico of Erie and Ronald Gainer of Harrisburg publicly released the list of names themselves, while an attorney for an accused Pittsburgh priest revealed the number of priests named from that diocese.

Check out our full #CatholicMeToo coverage

Gainer announced last week he was stripping every Church building of the names of all bishops since 1947, all of them complicit in shielding sexual predators. The move only came, however, after media pressure.

In response to Gainer’s announcement, spokesman Joe Grace of the Pennsylvania attorney general’s office said, “It is long past due for the Diocese of Harrisburg to make public the names of predator priests within the Catholic Church. Their proclamations today only come after intense public pressure and in the face of the imminent release of the Grand Jury report exposing decades of child abuse and cover up.”

“To this point, the Diocese of Harrisburg has been adverse to transparency and has not been cooperative,” he added. “A now public opinion by the judge supervising the grand jury last year made it clear they sought to end the investigation entirely.”

The dioceses of Pittsburgh and Greensburg won’t follow the lead of Erie or Harrisburg, however, refusing to release the names of accused priests until publication of the report.

It’s widely expected that the name of Cdl. Donald Wuerl, archbishop of Washington, D.C. and former bishop of Pittsburgh (1988–2006), will make an appearance in the grand jury report, as he was named in multiple lawsuits during his tenure there alleging conspiracy to cover up sex abuse, and had a history of placing accused priests back in active ministry or failing to report them to law enforcement.

Trautman was bishop of Erie from 1990–2011, and championed the cause of progressive liturgy. He opposed the traditional reforms of Pope Benedict, critical of his motu proprio Summorum Pontificum, which gave universal permission for priests to offer Mass in the old rite. As chairman of the U.S. Bishops’ Committee on the Liturgy, he spearheaded the use of more “inclusive” language in liturgical texts. His revised, “inclusive” version of the Roman Missal was ultimately rejected by Rome in 1998.


White Paper: Child Molestation and the Homosexual Movement

New York Public School brings in Drag Queens to Teach Kindergartners About Sexuality

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on ChurchMilitant.com.

Video Answers to Important Questions that will impact the Mid-Term 2018 Elections

Here are two video clips answering two questions many of you have been asking or pondering.

1. Ben Shapiro takes a clear-eyed look at why American Jews vote for the anti-Israel Left.

2. Ben Shapiro: The Myth of the Tiny Radical Muslim Minority.

3. Bill Finley: Mid-Term Perfect Storm

The below midterm 2018 election map was sent out by the Democratic National Campaign Committee.