Joe Biden Calls Declaration of Independence ‘Corny’

Joe Biden said the Declaration of Independence is “corny” last week.  Shame on him! He’s lost sight of the basics and is taking an awful lot for granted.

The Declaration is a classical liberal document.  Classical liberalism is the most coherent, humane, and sustainable political theory in the entire history of political theory.  Classical liberalism provides civil liberties, the rule of law, limited government, and political and economic freedom.   Abraham Lincoln wrote it is no accident we have freedom and prosperity in America.  They have a “philosophical cause” – “the principle of ‘Liberty to all’ – the principle that clears the path for all–gives hope to all–and, by consequence, enterprise, and industry to all,” Lincoln wrote.

Where did Lincoln find these principles?  In the Declaration of Independence, which states:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. – That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…

Unalienable rights – these are also called natural rights. Under the Declaration, you are born with these rights.  They are not something the government gives you and government cannot take them away from you.  In fact, the government’s job is to protect your rights.  “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men.,” the Declaration says. This means government is supposed to protect your rights from, among other things, the tyranny of the majority.   Political minorities are not supposed to be persecuted under our system, which is pretty important given the number of times political minorities have been trampled throughout human history.

Freedom, prosperity, and unalienable rights – Joe Biden calls these “corny”. Perhaps he would prefer tyranny, poverty, and misery.  Limited government – maybe Joe would prefer the totalitarian governments of the 20th century, the ones that deliberately killed people by the tens of millions, just because they could and nobody had any rights.

One of the rights in the Declaration is the “pursuit of Happiness”. Joe Biden thinks its “corny” you should want to be happy.  Alright, Joe, no more pizza and ice cream for you.

He also thinks it’s “corny” governments should have to derive their “just powers” from “the consent of the governed”.  Joe Biden was in the Senate for 36 years.  What did he think he was doing there if not providing consent of the governed?  The Declaration goes on to list a “long train of abuses”.  The King of England disbanded colonial legislatures when he felt like it, and proclaimed no laws could be passed in the colonies without his assent. What position would Senator Joe Biden have taken if the President disbanded the U.S. Senate?  Or am I just being “corny”? The King also quartered soldiers in people’s homes, that was another of the long train of abuses. I hear there’s a nice beach house in Delaware just sitting there waiting for the military to take up residence.  The King also put the English military over civilian authorities. Since the Declaration is “corny”, I propose we put Mark Milley and Lloyd Austin over Joe Biden.  Joe won’t mind, will he?

Joe also said about the Declaration, “we’ve never lived up to it.”  That may be true, but who has ever completely lived up to an ideal?  Not on this planet.  But the Declaration by declaring “all men are created equal” paved the way for getting rid of slavery.  Blacks in America perfected the Founders’ vision of equality and justice for all.  They saw the principles and rights enunciated in the Declaration and said ‘those principles apply to me, too.’  I doubt former slaves thought equality for all under the law and the pursuit of Happiness were “corny” ideas.

Finally, the ideas in the Declaration were implemented in the Constitution. One of those ideas is limited government, expressed in the Constitution in the office of the President as one of three co-equal branches of government, an office Joe Biden now holds. So, tell me Joe, is that a “corny” idea, too?  You’ve said it is, so what are you still doing in the White House? So many pizzas, so little time.

Visit The Daily Skirmish and Watch Eagle Headline News – 7:30am ET Weekdays

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

How America Morphed From a Force for Good into an Instrument of Evil

“In this country we have one great privilege which they don’t have in other countries. When a thing gets to be absolutely unbearable the people can rise up and throw it off. That’s the finest asset we’ve got — the ballot box.” – Mark Twain, 1905 interview in Boston, Massachusetts.

On Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020 we the people held a presidential election. Since that date many believe that we removed a good man and replaced him with an evil one. Since the inauguration of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. on January 20th, 2021 we have literally seen America fundamentally transformed from a great good in the world to a source of great evil promoted both domestically and overseas.

But this transformation from good to evil did not happen overnight. In fact it was all planned well in advance.

W. Cleon Skousen in his 1958 book “The Naked Communist” listed the 45 goals that the Communists were seeking to achieve in America. Since 1958, and even before, we began to see the evil, known as Communism, infiltrate our schools, colleges, universities, corporations, legacy and social media and in the U.S. House of Representatives with Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Democrat Socialist – NY) and U.S. Senate with Socialist Bernie Sanders and even in our court system with Judge, and Supreme Court nominee, Ketanji Brown Jackson.

To understand here are the key goals outlined in Skousen’s book:

#41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.

#17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

#29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a world-wide basis.

#30. Discredit the American founding fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man.”

#31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of “the big picture.” Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.

#12 Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party

BTW, The latest edition of Skousen “The Naked Communist” book says that the Communists have achieved 44 of the 45 goals. One more, and someone can turn the key and activate The Apparatus” also known as “the Great Reset”.

Our once proud and good nation has now been totally taken over and faces ruin from the evil within.

Let’s look at how we got too this point where pure evil trumps good.

First we overlooked evil

This all began on September 12th, 1905 in New York City when we the people overlooked a organizational meeting held by the Intercollegiate Socialist Society (ISS). This was a meeting to begin the infiltration of our schools at every level to begin growing young socialists who would grow up to become today’s leaders of the Communist movement in America.

The first slate of officers elected at the Sept. 1905 organizational meeting included the following:

President: Jack London; First Vice President: Upton Sinclair; Second Vice President: Graham Phelps Stokes; Secretary: M.R. Holbrook; Treasurer: Rev. Owen Lovejoy; Executive Committee: Rev. George Willis Cooke, Morris Hillquit, Robert Hunter, Harry Laidler, Katherine M. Meserole, George H. Strobell.

Of this group of socialist worthies, only Harry Laidler was actually a current college student. reported:

The Intercollegiate Socialist Society (ISS) was a national non-party group dedicated to the organization of current and former collegians for the socialist cause and the spreading of socialist ideas on campus.

There were at least two isolated cases of socialist organization on campus prior to the establishment of the ISS in September 1905. From about 1901 there was a college socialist club organized at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. In its first year the club had 11 student members and one professor and was limited to confirmed socialists. The membership restriction was loosened in 1904, however, and the club grew, coming to hold weekly discussions on the exploitation of child labor, workplace safety, and other matters of general concern.

The second collegiate socialist club was organized at the University of California at Berkeley. Called the “Social Progress Club,” the group sprung into existence following a lecture by Jack London early in 1905. [fn. Max Horn, The Intercollegiate Socialist Society, 1905-1921: Origins of the Modern Student Movement. (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1979), pp. 18-19.] [Emphasis added]

Adolf Hitler said,

“The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.

And so began the indoctrination of our children to reject capitalism and embrace Marxism.

Goal #17 accomplished. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

Then we permitted evil

As stated in goal #41.

Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.

Replace rights of parent with the state agenda of equity, inclusion and diversity. What occurred simultaneously was the gradual, but inevitable destruction, of the traditional family unit of a mother, father and their biological children.

In an article titled “Antonio Gramsci: the Godfather of Cultural Marxism” Bradley Thomas wrote:

There’s little debate that modern-day American universities, public education, mainstream media, Hollywood, and political advocacy groups are dominated by leftists. This is no accident, but part of a deliberate strategy to pave the way for communist revolution developed more than eight decades ago by an Italian political theorist named Antonio Gramsci. [Emphasis added]

Slowly but shurly our universities, colleges, public, private and even parochial schools began turning children against their parents. The state, represented by the teacher’s unions and their Democrat allies, began the needed process of taking the power of parenthood away.

In March 2022 National School Boards Association, which represents local school boards, worked with the White House and the Department of Justice in drafting a memo that labeled parents who spoke at school board meetings “domestic terrorists” when they objected to a schools curriculum (e.g. teaching Critical Race Theory and supporting political agendas of groups like Black Lives Matter and the LGBTQ+ community), textbooks used in classrooms and certain sexualized books in public school libraries.

Then we legalized evil

In a June 26th, 2021 Politico article titled “6 Years After Same-Sex Marriage, Now What?” Sasha Issenberg wrote,

On June 26, 2015, six years ago today, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down all state laws that discriminated against gay and lesbian unions and made same-sex marriage the law of the land. Unlike other landmark civil-rights decisions, like the court’s 1954 order to desegregate schools, implementation of Obergefell v. Hodges was straightforward and easy. The most any local clerk, county recorder or state health department had to do was to change a few words on an application for a marriage license.

The impact of those small clerical adjustments is now strikingly clear. According to the census, more than half of the country’s nearly one million same-sex partner households are now married. One of them includes a man who was a leading contender for the White House and today serves in the president’s cabinet. Gallup recently found that 70 percent of the American public, including for the first time a majority of Republicans, now support equal marriage rights.

On March 17th, 2016 Dr. E. Michael Jones, a world renowned and best-selling Catholic author, lecturer, and editor of Culture Wars magazine, called gay marriage a “form of political control.”

Today if you support marriage as between one man and one woman you are labeled homophobic. If you say there are scientifically only two genders male (XX) and female (XY) you are ostracized. Even the current nominee for the U.S. Supreme court won’t define the word “woman.”

Evil may soon have a seat on the Supreme Court.

Today we celebrate evil

Today we see evil celebrated by Hollywood, corporations like Disney, Apple, Amazon and Google, the media both legacy and social and in our public schools. America’s children are being taught that our constitution is evil, our founding fathers were white supremacists and their parents are not to be listened too. Instead of learning mathematics, American history, how to read and write today’s children are taught to hate.

Democrat Pete Buttigieg’s husband Chasten led elementary school children in a pledge of allegiance to the rainbow flag. The Biden administration is filled with LGBTQ persons and supporters.

The Eau Claire, Wisconsin school district says parents ‘not entitled’ to know child’s sexuality. In the Eau Claire district’s guidance was a slide stating,

“Some transgender, non-binary, and/or gender-nonconforming students are not ‘open’ at home for reasons that may include safety concerns or lack of acceptance. School personnel should speak with the student first before discussing a student’s gender nonconformity or transgender status with the student’s parent/guardian…Remember, parents are not entitled to know their kids’ identities. That knowledge must be earned.”

Parents are persona no grata.

Parents have now become unwelcome or unacceptable to school boards because of something they have said, done or believe.


#29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a world-wide basis.

#30. Discredit the American founding fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man.”

#31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of “the big picture.” Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.

Finally, we persecute those who still call it evil

Perhaps the best example of how the powers to be deal with those who disagree with them is Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis. In March 2022 the Florida legislature passed and Governor DeSantis signed into law the Parents Rights Bill. DeSantis signed HB1467 requiring schools to publicly disclose all curriculum to parents. DeSantis at the signing ceremony stated:

“Parents have a fundamental role to be involved in the education of their kids. That’s how it’s going to be in the state of Florida.”

When the bill passed the Florida legislature the media immediately labeled HB1467 the “Don’t Say Gay” bill. Watch when a reporter asks Governor DeSantis about the “Don’t Say Gay” bill:

In response DeSantis said,

“In Florida, our parents have every right to be involved in their child’s education. We are not going to let politicians deny parents the right to know what is being taught in our schools. I’m proud to sign this legislation that ensures curriculum transparency.”

America has been fundamentally transformed from a force for good into an instrument of evil by our government controlled education system.

Accomplished: #12 Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.

As Ayn Rand wrote, “The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow.

Today its parents tomorrow its will be your children and grandchildren.

On Tuesday, November 8, 2022 we the people have an opportunity to redeem ourselves. Let us all pray that we do.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


DeSantis Signs Parental Notification Bill, Shrugs Off ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Uproar


Saudi Arabian Editor: ‘America is dismantling the pillars of its own empire’

Everybody knows.

America is dismantling the pillars of its own empire – Saudi editor to ‘Post’

Ex-editor of Al Arabiya English writes that America is failing the region and siding with Iran while dismantling the last 70 years of regional order.

By Mohammed Alyaha, J Post, March 28, 2022:

The Saudi-US relationship is in the throes of a crisis. As a Saudi who went to college in the US, loves America and wants to see it strong, I am increasingly disturbed by the unreality of the American discussion about the subject, which often fails to acknowledge just how deep and serious the rift has grown.

A more realistic discussion should focus on one word: “Divorce.” When President Barack Obama negotiated the nuclear deal with Iran, we Saudis understood him to be seeking the breakup of a 70-year marriage.

How could we not? After all, the flaws in the deal are well known. It paves a path for Iran to a nuclear bomb. It fills the war chest of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, which has spread militias across the Arab world armed with precision-guided munitions to maim and kill people who formerly looked to America to help guarantee their safety…….read the rest.

RELATED VIDEO: Netanyahu: Blinken is making a big mistake on Iran nuclear deal


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Demented Perv Biden Inappropriate With Ukrainian Refugee With ‘Beautiful Eyes’

9/11 Terror: SCOTUS Nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson Got Worst Jihadis Released From GITMO

Beijing Biden Eliminates U.S. Tariffs on More than 350 China-Made Products

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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In Poland, Biden Wants To Be Reagan, But He’s Still Carter

When Biden showed up in Poland, the speechwriters dug through Reagan’s old speeches in the hopes of making him sound Reaganesque.

Too bad generations of speechwriters have already been farming that territory for too long. There were a few resonant unoriginal lines in what was otherwise a rambling and repetitive address that more closely resembled the rhythm of a Brezhnev speech.

What made Reagan speeches compelling wasn’t just words, it was the authoritative delivery and the moral authority behind the words. Reagan had built his political career around speaking things that the political elites didn’t want to be uttered: especially when it came to the Cold War. There was bold moral clarity in Reagan labeling the Soviet Union as evil because for so long the liberal elites had resisted stating the obvious. There’s no great moral triumph in pointing out that Putin is bad and that his invasion of Ukraine is wrong. Even few of Russia’s allies are especially enthralled with defending the move.

There’s no bold moral clarity in restating the popular consensus. Especially when it’s backed by nothing.

Reagan wasn’t in a rush to get into a war with Russia, but he also made it clear that America and the free world wouldn’t be pushed around. Biden has proven quite willing to borrow Reagan’s speeches and to be pushed around by Putin.

Biden is polling as weak on the Ukraine war and so he wants to borrow a little Reagan to sound tough, but despite the borrowing, he still sounds like Carter.



UK: Muslim rape gang hotspot Rotherham rebrands itself ‘Children’s Capital of Culture’

India: Congress Party leader opposes museum to victims of jihad genocide in Kashmir, would hurt ‘communal harmony’

Israel: Muslim yanks mezuzah off doorpost, smashes it with hammer, tries to burn parchment inside it

India: Muslim cleric wants ban on ‘Kashmir Files,’ says Muslims are peaceful, filmmakers ‘will face death’

Israel: Sharia patrol at Ben Gurion University threatens female students they believe to be immodestly dressed

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

How Biden Raised Gas Prices Without Anyone Noticing

  • U.S. pump prices have surged throughout President Joe Biden’s tenure in office, even as Democrats continue to blame the spike on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and Big Oil companies.
  • The average price of gasoline nationwide increased a whopping 48.4% between Biden’s January 2021 inauguration and Feb. 21, three days before Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine.
  • “We haven’t had a federal lease sale in North Dakota in over a year,” Republican North Dakota Rep. Kelly Armstrong, a member of the House Energy and Commerce Energy Subcommittee, told the Daily Caller News Foundation in an interview. “These are real things — that you are sending signals, not just to energy companies, but also to Wall Street.”

President Joe Biden and Democrats have blamed the continued gasoline price surge on Big Oil and Russia’s invasion, but pump prices have climbed throughout his tenure.

While Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has destabilized global energy markets, causing an historic supply crunch, high gasoline prices have been the norm throughout Biden’s first 14 months, federal data showed. Experts have blamed the high prices on the administration’s energy and climate policies disincentivizing domestic fossil fuel production.

Since Russia’s invasion, gasoline prices have increased more than 20%, from $3.53 per gallon to $4.24 per gallon, according to the Energy Information Administration. However, pump prices increased a whopping 48.4% between Biden’s January 2021 inauguration and Feb. 21, three days before Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered troops into Ukraine.

Democrats and the White House initially blamed Russia for the entirety of the price increases, calling it “Putin’s gas price hike,” before also accusing oil companies of profiteering off the crisis.

“While there is no denying that Putin’s war has led to instability on global energy markets, I remain concerned that the oil industry is not doing enough to protect American consumers from rising gas prices,” House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Raúl Grijalva wrote to Big Oil executives on March 18.

However, fossil fuel industry groups and Republicans have slammed the Biden administration for its long string of policies dating back to the president’s first day in office. They accused Biden of waging a war on fossil fuels, causing decreased capital flows to domestic projects.

“The United States has shown its global energy dominance over the past decade,” Independent Petroleum Association of America COO Jeff Eshelman told the Daily Caller News Foundation in February. “Unfortunately, this has been threatened by the current Administration’s policies against domestic natural gas and oil production.”

“Make no mistake, natural gas and oil production here at home benefits not only our nation, but also our worldwide allies,” he added. “For America, it means less reliance on oil imports from unfriendly countries.”

Among Biden’s first actions as president was to revoke the Keystone XL pipeline’s federal permit, which would have transported more crude oil into the U.S. from Canada. The administration also abandoned the Willow Project, a significant oil and gas project in Alaska approved by the Trump administration that would have produced 100,000 barrels of oil per day.

After a federal judge ordered the Biden administration to halt its attempted ban on new federal land drilling leases, the Department of the Interior has dragged its feet and defied multiple court-ordered deadlines to restart the program. The Interior Department also chose not to appeal a recent ruling that prohibited an offshore drilling lease in the Gulf of Mexico the agency facilitated in the fall.

Further, the administration hasn’t developed a new five-year federal leasing program — which is needed to plan future lease sales — to replace the current one which expires in late June 2022according to a Congressional Research Service report from December. The most recent offshore lease sale occurred in 2020 during the Trump administration.

Overall, there are just 601 oil and gas drilling rigs active in the U.S., the latest government data showed. The number of rigs peaked under the Trump administration in 2018 when there were 1,032 active.

The U.S. is also on track to again become a net importer of oil in 2022 after briefly reaching net exporter status in 2020. The U.S. became a net exporter of total energy in 2019, factoring in oil, coal and natural gas trade, for the first time in 75 years.

“We haven’t had a federal lease sale in North Dakota in over a year,” Republican North Dakota Rep. Kelly Armstrong, a member of the House Energy and Commerce Energy Subcommittee, told the DCNF in an interview. “These are real things — that you are sending signals, not just to energy companies, but also to Wall Street.”

“(Drilling projects) take several years to do and a ton of capital the raise,” he continued. “How are you going to do that when you have an administration basically signaling that they want nothing to do with oil and gas?”

North Dakota produced 1.1 million barrels of oil per day in 2021, the third-largest statewide output, according to federal data.



Energy and environment reporter.



‘Slap In The Face’: Dems’ Solution To High Gas Prices Is More Stimulus Checks

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Biden Administration’s Offshore Oil Leasing Policy Will Crush American Energy Security, Experts Say

Police Advise People In Texas Town To Lock Gas Caps

‘Shortfall’: Trump Energy Secretary Casts Doubt On Biden Gas Deal With EU

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact

Woke Criminal Justice Reform Gets Mugged by Reality

What happens when a liberal Woke company runs into the consequences of liberal Woke policies?  It flees, that’s what, and that ought to tell you something about liberal Woke policies and the stupid people pushing them.

Amazon is moving employees out of its office in downtown Seattle because violent crime has increased in the area. Seattle is the place, you will recall, where city officials never met a rioter they didn’t like.  Seattle is also where the city council voted twice to defund the police, and the police can no longer chase criminals, thanks to Woke criminal justice reform.

Seattle isn’t the only Woke place suffering from high crime.  A smash-and-grab gang robbed a jewelry store in the Sacramento area earlier this month, where all Democrats have to worry about is how big their majority in the state legislature will be. In St. Louis, the police budget was to be cut by $4 million and robbery victims now wait three hours to get through to 911.  Austin, where voters refused to re-fund the police, shattered all records for the number of homicides in 2021 – 89 by one count, 101 by another – eclipsing the previous high of 59 in 1984.  Woke Austinians are getting the government they deserve.

Woke criminal justice reform has been repudiated in some places, with some cities moving to re-fund the police.  New York City Mayor Eric Adams also confessed error, moving to reinstate a plainclothes police unit that targets violent crime on the street.

The liberal Woke Brennan Center for Justice just issued a report claiming there is no clear connection between Woke bail reform and recent increases in crime in New York state.  Statistics cited in the report prove otherwise. A review of 100,000 pretrial releases in a recent one-year period under the state’s cashless bail reform law showed 2 percent led to rearrests for violent felonies. Brennan concludes “relatively few people released under the new law went on to be rearrested for serious offenses.”  That’s putting lipstick on a pig. The proper conclusion is that 2,000 more violent felonies occurred that would not have occurred but for Woke bail reform.

Brennan’s report doesn’t mention that former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio confessed error and admitted the Woke bail laws caused crime to go up.  Brennan does mention that New York’s Governor Kathy Hochul wants the law changed back to allow bail to be set in more conditions, but Brennan misses the obvious point:  this is another admission that Woke criminal justice reform just isn’t working.

Brennan’s report doesn’t even try to deal with the spectacular cases of repeat offenders being released in New York who went on to commit more crimes.  A subway mugger was arrested 16 times in one day.  It’s the same story elsewhere.  The father of a 24-year-old graduate student who was murdered in L.A. blamed politicians who let criminals roam free on the streets. Also in L.A., a no-bail policy resulted in a car-theft suspect being re-arrested 13 times in 12 weeks.

So, nice try, Brennan Center, not even close.  At this point, everybody knows defunding the police makes crime go up, and good luck calling 911.  And everybody know no-cash bail lets repeat offenders commit more crimes.  Woke criminal justice reform has completely failed, but now the Biden administration wants to hand out cash to drug addicts.  The consequences are foreseeable to anyone with a lick of common sense and I can’t wait to write about them.

Visit The Daily Skirmish and Watch Eagle Headline News – 7:30am ET Weekdays

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

Our once-stellar intelligence community has morphed into an intelligence cabal

The partisan behavior of past and current leaders of the Intelligence Community is a rot that continues to expand.

Having spent 10 years on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, including more than six years as either the Chairman or Ranking Republican, I developed a deep appreciation for the work of what is often called the “Intelligence Community” (IC). I also was thoroughly impressed by the quality of the men and women who worked in the trenches, often in hostile and very dangerous locales. They were, and I suspect most still are, great patriots.

Sadly, that cannot be said about many of the higher-level professionals who lead the community as demonstrated by their actions over the last number of years. The Hunter Biden laptop episode is just the latest dagger in the side of the Intelligence Community, but it needs to be put into a larger context regarding the IC leadership’s shift in focus. The partisan behavior of so much of the past and current leadership of the Intelligence Community is so bad, it might be more accurate to call it the “Intelligence Cabal.” It is a rot that continues to expand.

Consider the unfortunate answer that the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper provided to Senator Wyden in a 2013. Asked the simple question of whether the IC was conducting mass surveillance of Americans, Clapper falsely answered, “No sir. Not wittingly.” As revealed a few months later, the National Security Agency had been collecting the metadata for nearly every call and text on American networks. While not necessarily partisan, this deceitful behavior by Clapper would become a disturbing pattern for him and other IC leaders.

In 2017, efforts clearly designed to undermine and perhaps collapse the administration of incoming President Donald Trump were executed by leading FBI and intelligence officials, including DNI Clapper, FBI Director James Comey, CIA Director John Brennan, and former CIA Director Gen. Michael Hayden. They embraced the phony Steele Dossier and talked with the media to bolster its credibility and damage Trump. They pedaled this narrative until it collapsed under the weight of its own lies when a key Russian source of Christopher Steele was arrested and charged with lying to the FBI. It also was revealed the dossier had been a hoax bought and paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign, with Steele pocketing almost $170,000 from the campaign.But far from being chastened after promoting the politically funded lies of the Steele Dossier, the individuals continued their partisan behavior and attacks. In another blow to the credibility of these much-ballyhooed former IC leaders, The New York Times finally admitted the contents of the abandoned laptop of Hunter Biden first revealed by the New York Post in October of 2020 were real and had been authenticated by the paper.

This after discussion about the laptop had been banned from many social media outlets like Twitter and Facebook as being Russian misinformation or the result of a hack.

And after the mainstream media dismissed the New York Post’s reporting out-of-hand and even refused to look into it, dismissing it as a waste of time and not really a story.

And after these vaunted former intelligence officials, joined with 51 former IC colleagues and leaders, to write a letter stating:

“All of us have an understanding of the wide range of activities of Russian overt and covert activities that undermine U.S. national security … Perhaps most important, each of us believes deeply that American citizens should determine the outcome of elections, not foreign governments.”

“… has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

“If we are right, this is Russia trying to influence how Americans vote in this election, and we believe strongly Americans need to be aware of this.”

Well, they were wrong, and in an ironic twist, they were doing exactly what they accused Russia of doing—engaging in a classic partisan, political information campaign to influence the outcome of an election. They had, wittingly or not, made themselves tools of the Biden presidential campaign.

Signatories of the letter included many familiar and some not so familiar names: Clapper, Hayden, Brennan and David Buckley. Why do I mention Buckley? He was at one time staff director for the minority Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee, and I know him and can attest that he is a personally nice guy.

So why bring up someone I like? It’s to demonstrate that the “Intelligence Cabal” never quits. They went after Trump before he assumed office, while he was in office, and during the 2020 election. Their ongoing information operation, that started with the Steele dossier, continues to today. The latest chapter, David Buckley, who signed the laptop letter, is now the staff director for the January 6 Committee.

Many of us have raised questions about the January 6 Committee, including its construct, its membership, and scope just mention a few. This latest revelation about the role of its staff director in influencing the 2020 election through a partisan disinformation campaign is the latest major red flag.

The questions that need to be asked now are: Who will investigate the 51 intelligence officials who signed the Hunter Biden laptop letter about what they knew when signing, and who will investigate whether this created any conflicts for the lead investigator of the January 6 Committee? The sorry thing is we all know the likely answer—no one will.


Pete Hoekstra

Chairman of the Center for Security Policy Board of Advisors.

EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Great Food Reset: Expect ‘real’ food shortages

The Great Food Reset: Expect ‘real’ food shortages, Biden declares – Meanwhile, Bill Gates & China buy up U.S. farmland.

Climate Depot’s Morano:

“If the Davos crowd of the World Economic Forum were looking for a better global environment on which to enact their central planning vision of a Great Reset, it would be hard to imagine a more conducive chaotic time than right now.”

Watch video: World Economic Forum’s utopian Great Reset vision of 2030 – ‘You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy’ – ‘Whatever you want you’ll rent & it’ll be delivered by drone’ – Meat will be ‘an occasional treat’.


“The vision of transforming the world into unelected bureaucrats taking even more control of everyday life, has now all the ingredients to push it along. The last 2 years have seen endless emergency declarations, wars, massive government spending, debt, runaway inflation, supply chain issues, food shortages, no privacy from big-brother style government snooping of your movements, skyrocketing energy prices, chipping away at car and homeownership, climate lockdowns, oppressive censorship and crushing of dissent, limits on freedom of travel, and physical autonomy.

The chaos is music to the ears of those who don’t like the idea or the messiness of human freedom. The World Economic Forum’s vision is to crowd us all in cities, they want to have us own nothing, they want to regulate literally every aspect of our lives. Food shortages are a great way to collapse the current system and install a Great Reset.”

See: “When there is food on the table there are many problems. When there is no food on the table there is one problem.” — Chinese proverb.

By: Marc Morano – Climate Depot – March 26, 2022 9:20 AM

Biden Says to Expect ‘Real’ Food Shortages Due to Ukraine War(Bloomberg)
President Joe Biden said that the world will experience food shortages as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and production increases were a subject of discussions at a Group of Seven meeting on Thursday. “It’s going to be real,” Biden said at a news conference in Brussels. “The price of the sanctions is not just imposed upon Russia. It’s imposed upon an awful lot of countries as well, including European countries and our country as well.”Michael Shellenberger:

“We are on the brink of global famine due to energy shortages and yet progressive politicians are threatening to tax energy producers and refusing to remove barriers to production. “This graph of skyrocketing fertilizer prices is the scariest chart in the world right now.”

NBC News: Bill Gates ‘the nation’s largest farmland owner’ “Farmers turned into renters” as Bill Gates becomes the “nation’s largest farmland owner” by using “shell companies…a web of at least 22 limited liability shell companies.”

Climate Depot: Could Gates have an agenda?

NBC News: “Gates was also an early investor in fake-meat companies aiming to combat the environmental harms of raising livestock by creating more convincing, plant-based alternatives.”

Climate Depot: What is Gates going to do with all that farmland?

Bill Gates: Rich nations should shift entirely to synthetic beef – Gates: “I do think all rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef.”
via. MIT Technology Review

Bill Gates brags: ‘I drank water made from human feces’

Bill Gates brags: ‘I drank water made from human feces’ – Watch Morano on Ezra Levant’s TV show: ‘You’ll own nothing. & You’ll be happy. Eat poop burgers & drink poop water’ – Great Diet Reset

Politico: China is buying up American farms – China is “snapping up farmland and purchasing major agribusinesses, like pork processing giant Smithfield Foods.”

Politico: “By the start of 2020, Chinese owners controlled about 192,000 agricultural acres in the U.S., worth $1.9 billion, including land used for farming, ranching and forestry, according to the Agriculture Department.” …

“The current trend in the U.S. is leading us toward the creation of a Chinese-owned agricultural land monopoly,” Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-Wash.) warned during a recent House Appropriations hearing.

#Great Food Reset: Fmr. UN climate chief Figueres urges ‘Changing what we eat is a radical act that will make us & nature healthier & happier’ – COVID ‘has taught us that rapid change is possible’ – Fmr. UN Climate Chief CHRISTIANA FIGUERES: “Changing what we put on our plates has become an urgent priority” … “The pandemic has taught us that rapid change is possible. Now, we must bring the same urgency (and even more follow-through) to fixing our relationship with food and how we produce it.”

Reset your diet! World Economic Forum touts eating bugs to save the planet! ‘Good grub: why we might be eating insects soon’

World Economic Forum: 

“The market research company predicts the global market for edible insects could grow to $1.18 billion by 2023. That’s almost triple its current level.”

“Per kilo of live weight, bugs emit less harmful gas than more mainstream farm animals. A cow, for example, produces 2.8 kg of greenhouse gas per kilo of live body weight. Insects, on the other hand, produce just 2 grams.” …

“From the farmer’s point of view, raising insects is going to be radically different from raising sheep, pigs, or cattle. No more coping with mud, muck and filth. An end to shifting heavy sacks of feed. And forget about having to go outdoors in all weather to manhandle livestock.” … “It may not be too long before we can all buy a bag of edible insects at our local grocery store.”

The Great Diet Reset: World Economic Forum promotes fake meat from a printer in video – ‘Machines can currently print up to 6kg of meat an hour’

World Economic Forum Encourages Drinking ‘Reclaimed’ Sewage & Eating Weeds – ‘Weeds can be nutritious & tasty’

Flashback: ‘Food Police’ – Watch: Morano on UN Meat report: UN seeks ‘massive expansion of the UN’s regulatory power…lifestyle controls’

Copyright © 2022 Climate Depot, All rights reserved.

DeSantis Signs Bill Requiring Transparency From Schools On Reading Materials

There are not enough superlatives to describe Governor DeSantis. He is the best governor in the nation. And it’s not even close. Governor DeSantis is the future of the Republican Party. #DeSantis2022 and #DeSantis2028!

DeSantis Signs Bill Requiring Transparency From Schools On Reading Materials

By Daily Wire, March 25, 2022

On the heels of national outcry over sexually explicit books in school libraries, Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill Friday requiring schools to be transparent with parents about instructional reading materials.

“In Florida, our parents have every right to be involved in their child’s education,” DeSantis said in a statement. “We are not going to let politicians deny parents the right to know what is being taught in our schools. I’m proud to sign this legislation that ensures curriculum transparency.”

RELATED VIDEO: DeSantis SLAMS Hollywood, Says It’s “A Badge of Honor” To Oppose Those Creeps

RELATED ARTICLE: Ron DeSantis signs anti-grooming bill into law

EDITOR NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Quick note: Tech giants are shutting us down. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense, Pinterest permanently banned us. Facebook, Google search et al have shadow-banned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. We will not waver. We will not tire. We will not falter, and we will not fail. Freedom will prevail.

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‘Single most dangerous time’: President Trump blasts climate change, CRT, and Child Porn SCOTUS Nominee

Every rational and decent American must get behind the re-election of President Trump in 2024. America and the world will not be able to withstand a second term of the Biden Administration. #Trump2024!

The media tried downplay the huge crowd at Saturday’s Trump rally in Commerce, Georgia. They claimed that the crowd was small. That’s BS. There were thousands of people at the rally. How interesting that the media tries to downplay Trump’s rallies that draw thousands of people, when Joe Biden could not draw 100 people to his campaign rallies in 2020.

‘Single most dangerous time’: Trump blasts climate change, CRT, and KBJ

By Washington Examiner, March 26, 2022

Former President Donald Trump slammed John Kerry, the current presidential climate envoy and former Secretary of State, in front of a large Save America rally crowd in Georgia for being more concerned about climate change amid Russia’s threats of nuclear warfare.

Trump returned to the battleground Peach State Saturday night, speaking just northeast of Atlanta at the NHRA International Dragway in Commerce, Georgia. The 45th president warned that the country is living in dangerous times, given the war in Ukraine and the threats being made by Russia, China, and North Korea….


BOMBSHELL: Hunter Biden Had DOD Encryption Keys On His Laptop

Another Scapegoat: Man Told By An Officer That He Could Enter the Capitol on January 6 Now Faces 20 Years in Prison

TRUMP PEACE: Israel to host top diplomats from US, UAE, Bahrain and Morocco in landmark summit

CORRUPTION: Biden Admin Sued for Keeping John Kerry Docs Secret Until After 2024 Election

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Quick note: Tech giants are shutting us down. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense, Pinterest permanently banned us. Facebook, Google search et al have shadow-banned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. We will not waver. We will not tire. We will not falter, and we will not fail. Freedom will prevail.

Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW when informed decision making and opinion is essential to America’s survival. Share our posts on your social channels and with your email contacts. Fight the great fight.

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PART 2: The Hidden Depths of the Deep State

Please read Part 1: The Hidden Depths of the Deep State by clicking here.

In Part One of this series presenting the development of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) into the Deep State, I referenced the 1953 introduction of the Bricker Amendment in Congress which stipulated that no treaty signed by the U.S. could override the Constitution or infringe on the rights guaranteed Americans. It was born out of painful retrospect of Yalta and the U.N. Charter.  According to James Perloff, Author of “Shadows of Power,” Foreign Affairs, the official publication of the CFR, ran a 19-page denunciation of the Bricker Amendment as its lead article in October 1953.

In view of this, the defeat of the amendment had to be considered by the CFR/Deep State as very important for its official publication to use 19-pages in denunciation of it. And as we have observed and experienced, its defeat set the stage for the circumstances we are currently embroiled in. If our Congress and Senate of that time had been made up with most loyal Americans, the Bricker Amendment would have passed which would have prevented Mr. Eisenhower and all Presidents following him from making deals with other countries which incrementally placed our national sovereignty and liberty of our people at risk.  As you can see from the above picture, Senate Minority Leader, Lyndon Baines Johnson, and Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles.

John Foster Dulles was a partner at Sullivan and Cromwell law firm and they floated bonds for Krupp AG, the German arms manufacturer, and managed the finances of IG Farben, the German chemical conglomerate that manufactured Zyklon B, the gas that would be used to kill millions of European Jews.  In addition to his law practice, his brother Allen Dulles, who also worked for Sullivan and Cromwell, was elected in 1927 as the first president of the Council on Foreign Relations, an organization of high-ranking government officials, wealthy industrialists, and prominent bankers.  The purpose of the CFR was to engineer a US foreign policy of interventionism in order to “make the world safe for democracy.”  His ties to this organization would have a profound effect on the undertakings of Operation Gladio, Paul L. Williams book by the same name.

I am presenting all this to demonstrate how the CFR, through getting its members/operatives into high positions in government, business and anything which has a strong influence on people throughout the country. This would include entities such as Tax-free Foundations, the academics, all institutions of learning, and more. All these judges who refused to consider any evidence of voter fraud in the stealing of the 2020 Presidential election didn’t just happen to be in the right place at the right time.

CFR’s magazine, Foreign Affairs, was not for general readership of the public. It was published to keep CFR members on track along with its satellites, those who supported the CFR goals; the Trotskyites (slow Marxists), the upper crust of Neo-cons and others of left-leaning persuasion.

In addition, it was used very successfully in aiding other publications in disseminating propaganda favorable to the U.N. agenda.

One thing that was circulated throughout the country by the opposition to the amendment was, words to the effect, that it would damage or restrict the President’s power in treaty making. This should have been a red flag to Congress. In other words, it would restrict the President in making deals, such as trade agreements that would diminish or violate our sovereignty or the rights of the individual.

Why shouldn’t we restrict the President in his treaty making power? It is only self-defense. But no! “It would damage or restrict the President in his treaty making.” This is the charge of the opposition to the amendment.

However, our President of the time, Dwight D. Eisenhower, was all for the amendment being defeated. He towed the CFR line calling the Amendments’ backers “nuts and crackpots.” According to Biographer Ambrose, “Eisenhower used all his persuasive powers – at stag dinners, at meetings, in private, in correspondence, even on the golf course, to kill the amendment. And killed it was.”

At this point the question arises: why was Eisenhower so adamantly opposed to the Bricker Amendment? Why would he not be for protecting our Constitution, our sovereignty, the unalienable rights of our people?  Joseph McCarthy’s book, America’s Retreat From Victory: The Story of George Catlett Marshall, tells the story of Eisenhower’s lack of concern regarding Marshall’s leniency towards communism.

Mr. Eisenhower was not what he was said to be – that he was the absolute antithesis of what he was supposed to be. This is backed up by evidence revealed by Norman Dodd, Director of research for the Reese Committee. In the fall of 1953, he was invited to the headquarters of the Ford Foundation by its president, a Mr. H. Rowan Gaither (CFR), at which time, according to Dodd, Gaither told him, “Mr. Dodd, all of us here at the policy making-level have had experience, either in the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) (the forerunner of the CIA) or the European Economic Administration, with directives from the White House. We operate under those directives here, which the substance of them is that we shall use our grant-making power to alter our life in the United States that we can comfortably be merged with the Soviet Union.”

Additional information from the Reese Committee revealed that most, or maybe all, other Foundations were/are operating under those same directions from the White House.

In addition, the main thing I had against him, at the time, was a suggestion he made during the combining of all the services, Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. He thought the Marines should be changed to labor battalions to be used wherever needed. I have wondered many times since then if his thoughts were out of ignorance or if he maybe thought it would way to get rid of the Marine Corps, which of course, it certainly would have. No one would join the Marines to be placed in a labor battalion.

That, however, is something trivial compared to what we are witnessing today in how the CFR continues to remain invisible in all its manipulation of events throughout the world which are designed to incrementally result in the fruition of Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset.

For the CFR to be able to accomplish Its goal of increasing the acceptance of vaccination for the Covid-19 virus, the utilization of satellites comes into play, such as all the various communication entities of “fake news.”

According to countless alternative media, the Federal government paid hundreds of media companies to advertise the covid-19 vaccines while those same outlets provided positive coverage for the vaccines.

In response to a FOIA request filed by TheBlaze, Health and Human Services (HHS) revealed that it purchased advertising from major news networks including ABC, CBS, and NBC, as well as cable T V news stations Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC, Legacy media publications including the New York Post, the Los Angeles Times, and the Washington Post, digital media companies like BuzzFeed News and Newsmax, and hundreds of local newspapers and TV stations. These outlets were collectively responsible for publishing countless articles and video segments regarding the vaccine which was uniformly positive about the vaccine in terms of both its efficacy and safety.

As to the safety of the vaccine – please see my article, “Millions of Children Targeted by FDA”, and listen to the video featuring an interview of Dr. Richard L. Fleming, PhD, M.D., J.D., with Mike Adams of Brighteon Conversations. Dr. Fleming relates how he contacted the FDA concerning the safety and efficacy of the Covid “vaccine” and was assured by them, in words to the effect, “that it was everything a vaccine should be– very pristine.”

However, since he wanted to confirm the FDAs claim, he and his team tested it and found…well, I’ll let him reveal the results of the test. It is very interesting.

Now, in view of the foregoing, is it reasonable to suppose that these hundreds of media outlets are not uninformed about what the vaccines really are, that they are lauding and applauding and recommending, in glowing terms to stop the ‘Pandemic.” Yet, we must consider the remote possibility that there could be some who are uninformed.

However, we must conclude that many of them know what is really going on – that the vaccine, according to all reports, other than those from individuals and entities connected to the CFR/Deep State – is a concoction that is designed to either kill or seriously injure those who are vaxed to incrementally reduce the world’s population from seven billion down to one half of a billion. Bill Gates has been reported as saying that with vaccines, he could reduce it lower than a half billion.

This poses the question, “What kind of character do the people possess who make up these hundreds of news organizations who were paid by the federal government to advertise the jabs as a part of a “comprehensive media campaign?”  According to the documents TheBlaze and others obtained from HHS, the Biden administration purchased ads on TV, radio, in print, and on social media to build vaccine confidence.

There is much more in the many articles on our tax dollars being used in this fraudulent and unconstitutional way which reveals important information regarding what the government is probably planning to implement going forward.

Despite the countless life-threatening side effects and the many deaths from the COVID jabs, our own government pushed these experimental pharmaceutical inoculations via their “owned” media who willingly took a billion in taxpayer dollars to do so.  This is the most unconstitutional media action by the feds.

Just what was the objective of the experiment? Esoterically, the reader is supposed to perceive that the experiment is to develop a vaccine that will be successful in preventing the COVID-19 virus.  But it was not and none of the boosters were either. We find that the experiments’ objective was to come up with a concoction called a “vaccine” that was/is designed to either kill or seriously injure those injected with it.

Ostensibly, the United Nation’s agenda/goals are all about developing world peace. We are prone to perceive this in the way we think of peace, however, that is not its way of seeing or thinking about peace. Peace to the UN means when it has complete control over the peoples of the world to the extent that opposition to its/their agenda doesn’t exist.

A more recent article from the WND News Center, by Bob Unruh reveals much more about what the prior article covered. It Is a must read and exposes what the public is kept from knowing.  For example, embedded in the coverage is an item about Chris Ruddy’s Newsmax. Some people are going to be shocked to learn that it isn’t as conservative as thought and never has been.

According to Liberty Council, Emerald Robinson, an independent journalist who used to be the chief White House correspondent for Newsmax and One American News, reported she was contacted by a whistleblower inside Newsmax who confirmed that Newsmax executives agreed to take money from Biden’s HHS to push only positive coverage of the new COVID shots.

Liberty Council reported “Robinson was also contacted by top Newsmax executives in 2021 and told to stop any negative coverage of the COVID shots. Newsmax told her, “It was problematic,” and she was warned many times by multiple executives. She was also contacted by public relations experts who worked with Newsmax and was told that, “medical expert and doctors who might say negative things about the injections would not be booked as guests.”

There’s much more to all this that reveals how the CFR/Deep State continues to remain hidden while at the same time is in command of all that is happening.

The Deep State needs to be fully exposed…please share this article.

©J.W. Bryan. All rights reserved.

Hunter Biden had Defense Department encryption keys on his laptop that no private citizen should have

The corruption appears to go very deep, and so very little of it has been uncovered.

Why Did Hunter Biden Have DOD Encryption Keys On His Laptop?

by Sam Faddis, AND Magazine, March 27, 2022 (thanks to the Geller Report):

The ongoing analysis of the hard drive of Hunter Biden’s laptop has revealed that there are multiple Department of Defense “encryption keys” on it. These keys allow access to DOD email accounts and databases. The exact number of these keys is still unknown. There may be dozens.

The keys are known more formally as “root encryption certificates.” Some of them appear to have unusually long expiration dates with many lasting twenty years or more.   Such keys should not be present on a personal laptop of any kind, and there is no known reason that Hunter Biden would be in possession of them at all….

An IT technical expert advising Maxey’s team has speculated that the keys present on Hunter’s laptop might have allowed Hunter to create throwaway email accounts on DOD servers and thereby route personal and business communications through those servers to escape detection. Such an arrangement would be in effect a much more sophisticated version of Hillary Clinton’s use of her “homebrew” server to evade monitoring of her communications while she was Secretary of State….


Biden Laptop from Hell: New Document Dump on 26 March 2022

Washington Post Runs Sympathetic Profile of Child Porn Offender Protected by Ketanji Brown Jackson

Canada: Region of Waterloo council approves policy to fight ‘Islamophobia’

Nigeria: Muslims murder 32 Christians, destroy 200 houses in raid on Christian town

Three Muslims sue DHS over being questioned about their religious beliefs by border officers

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Proof Covid Wasn’t as Bad as It Appeared — How the Pandemic Was Fabricated


  • The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and individual states are now backtracking on their COVID death statistics, showing those of us who claimed deaths were being overcounted were right all along
  • March 14, 2022, the CDC removed 72,277 COVID deaths from the tally, including 24% of those attributed to children under 18. They claim a “coding logic error,” a faulty algorithm, had “accidentally” counted deaths that weren’t related to COVID, such as drowning deaths and drug overdoses
  • The CDC used the false death statistics among children to push for COVID shots for 5- to 7-year-olds back in November 2021
  • As of February 2, 2022, the U.S. Health and Human Services is no longer collecting data on hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19
  • Deaths were initially exaggerated for political — both national and geopolitical — purposes, and now they’re being downplayed for the same reason. Democrats know they cannot win in the midterms unless they declare victory over COVID-19

For the past two years, I and many others have detailed the ways in which COVID-19 deaths have been overcounted to create the illusion of the pandemic being far worse than it actually is.

Now, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and individual states are backtracking on their death statistics, showing we were right all along. Deaths were initially exaggerated for political purposes, and now they’re being downplayed for the same reason.

CDC Removes More Than 72,000 COVID Deaths

As reported by The Defender,1 March 14, 2022, the CDC had removed 72,277 “COVID deaths” from the tally, including 24% of those attributed to children under 18.2,3 They claim a “coding logic error,” a faulty algorithm, had “accidentally” counted deaths that weren’t related to COVID. As reported by Udumbara:4

“Some of the pediatric deaths attributed to COVID-19, according to a search of the CDC’s Wonder system, include deaths where drowning or drug use was listed as the primary cause of death.”

Meanwhile, the CDC used the false death statistics among children to push for COVID shots for 5- to 7-year-olds. In November 2021, CDC director Rochelle Walensky cited that data to justify the recommendation to issue emergency use authorization for the Pfizer shot for this age group.5

Somehow, we’re supposed to believe that it took the CDC two years to realize this error. It’s simply not believable, and The Epoch Times has filed a Freedom of Information Act request for internal communications relating to the data change.6

Ironically, the adjustment comes on the heels of fact-checking articles “debunking” claims that COVID deaths have been overcounted. For example, in early March, Health Feedback claimed there’s “no evidence COVID deaths have been overcounted,” and that “the evidence suggests the opposite.”7 Yet here we are. Deaths were clearly overcounted, not undercounted. That fact check didn’t age well.

CDC Has Been Turned Into a Propaganda Agency

According to Dr. Meryl Nass, a member of the Children’s Health Defense scientific advisory committee, the CDC is cherry-picking data to justify its public health policies, and when it gets caught, it simply blames its “outdated IT systems.” In a March 19, 2022, article, she wrote:8

“CDC is not a public health agency. It is a public propaganda agency that collects a massive amount of data. CDC marshals its huge data library to create presentations that support the current administration’s public health policies …

A 2007 Senate oversight report on the CDC noted the agency spent $106 million on the Thomas R. Harkin Global Communications (and Visitor) Center, and summarized its 115-page report with the following:

‘A review of how an agency tasked with fighting and preventing disease has spent hundreds of millions of tax dollars for failed prevention efforts, international junkets, and lavish facilities, but cannot demonstrate it is controlling disease.’”

Health Officials End Reporting COVID-19 Deaths

Curiously, three months before the CDC started changing its mortality statistics, the U.S. Health and Human Services stopped collecting data on hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19 altogether. The HHS announced9 changes to the reporting requirements for hospitals and acute care facilities January 6, 2022. The new guidelines, which took effect February 2, note “The retirement of fields which are no longer required to be reported,” which include the “previous day’s COVID-19 deaths.”

What are they trying to hide? Are they stopping the flow of data to prevent examination and analysis? According to some, the HHS hospital data are among the best we have in the U.S., so ending that data collection doesn’t make sense. January 2021, Alex C. Madrigal, co-founder of the COVID Tracking Project, wrote:10

“In a series of analyses that we ran over the past several months, we came to nearly the opposite conclusion of other media outlets. The hospitalization data coming out of HHS are now the best and most granular publicly available data on the pandemic.”

An unnamed federal health official spoke with a reporter from WSWS,11 calling the move to stop reporting COVID-29 hospital deaths “incomprehensible.” The official added:

“It is the only consistent, reliable and actionable dataset at the federal level. Ninety-nine percent of hospitals report 100% of the data every day. I don’t know any scientists who want to have less data.”

Changing Definitions Justify the COVID Narrative

From the start of the pandemic, changing definitions have allowed authorities to manipulate data in whatever way they needed. Now, states are starting to change the way they define a “COVID death,” resulting in lowered mortality rates. In Massachusetts, for example, COVID deaths dropped by 3,700 after the state changed its definition to be in alignment with that of the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists.12

As reported by CBS Boston:13

“The state said currently the COVID death definition includes anyone who has the disease listed as a cause of death on their death certificate. It also includes anyone who had a diagnosis within 60 days but did not have it listed as a cause on their death certificate. Under the new definition, the timeframe is changed to 30 days for people without a COVID diagnosis on their death certificate.”

For the record, counting someone who died of any cause as a COVID death simply because they tested positive within 30 days of their death is still a grossly inaccurate way of determining the true death toll from this virus, because we know PCR tests have a false positive rate of about 97% when run at 35 cycles or greater,14 as was the norm from the start.

Results From At-Home Tests Aren’t Reported

Case counts are also being adjusted downward. In mid-January 2022, the Biden administration started distributing half a billion at-home COVID tests to the American public,15 and the results from those are not being reported anywhere.16 As a result, case counts will be skewed downward. According to 13NewsNow:17

“… the fallibility of case counts is the reason health officials track several COVID-19 metrics, like hospitalizations, deaths, and now, even viral samples in the wastewater18 — metrics that do not necessarily rely on people to go get tested or report the results they get at home.”

And yet the HHS is no longer requiring hospitals to report COVID deaths, which is one of the metrics health officials are supposedly focusing on in lieu of tracking cases. Don’t get me wrong, PCR testing was a scam from the start and I’m not suggesting we should pay much attention to those data. The point here is that the tracking of COVID data has been fatally flawed from the start.

What they’re really trying to do is shift toward passive monitoring, starting with wastewater sampling.19 Eventually, the goal is to monitor every person’s biological processes in real-time, and this is part and parcel of the transhumanist Fourth Industrial Revolution and The Great Reset.

CDC Hides Data

To make matters even murkier, the CDC is also hiding data on COVID hospitalizations and the COVID jab. The stated justification for not making certain data public is that people are “misinterpreting” the data. In other words, the data show that the COVID jabs don’t work, and the CDC doesn’t want that to be widely known.

It has also collected data on the effectiveness of COVID-19 boosters, but for some reason has not included the data for 18- to 49-year-olds in any of its publications. “Coincidentally,” this is “the group least likely to benefit from extra shots,” the Times pointed out, adding:21

“Much of the withheld information could help state and local health officials better target their efforts to bring the virus under control. Detailed, timely data on hospitalizations by age and race would help health officials identify and help the populations at highest risk. Information on hospitalizations and death by age and vaccination status would have helped inform whether healthy adults needed booster shots.”

COVID Has Served a Purely Political Agenda

Over the past two years, the pandemic has been used to usher in a range of radical changes that would never have been accepted were it not for widespread panic. It was used to implement illegitimate voting rules, which appear to have had an impact on the 2020 elections.

It was used to announce the urgent need for a “Great Reset” and a Fourth Industrial Revolution. It’s been used to strip people of basic human rights, and to justify radical environmental policies that will result in lower standards of living.

It was also used to abruptly transition the vaccine industry from conventional vaccine manufacturing using eggs to the use of risky gene transfer technology. The only thing the pandemic has not been used for is to make recommendations that actually improve public health. And throughout, data have been massaged and manipulated to justify the unjustifiable.

Now, it appears data are being manipulated yet again — this time to artificially end the COVID crisis so that the Biden administration can take credit for it during the upcoming elections. As stated in a February 24, 2022, letter from Impact Research, titled “Taking the Win Over COVID-19”:22,23

“It’s time for Democrats to take credit for ending the COVID crisis phase of the COVID war, point to important victories like vaccine distribution and providing economic stability for Americans, and fully enter the rebuilding phase that comes after any war. Below we lay out some strategic thoughts for Democrats positioning themselves on COVID-19 …”

Strategic positioning includes declaring the crisis phase over; pushing for “feeling and acting more normal;” and taking the side of people who are burned out on COVID and don’t want to hear about it anymore. Not setting a standard of zero COVID as the “victory condition,” and to “stop talking about restrictions and the unknown future ahead.”

“If Democrats continue to hold a posture that prioritizes COVID precautions over learning how to live in a world where COVID exists, but does not dominate, they risk paying dearly for it in November,” the letter states.24

Dr. Anthony Fauci perhaps did not receive this memo, as he is out there signaling that we can expect a return to COVID restrictions at any given point. In a mid-March CNN interview, he stated that “we need to be flexible” and “if we see a resurgence, we have to be able to pivot and go back to any degree of mitigation that is commensurate with what the situation is. We can’t just say ‘We’re done, now we’re going to move on.’”

Based on what we’ve seen so far, I wouldn’t be surprised if this “pivot” back into COVID crisis mode were to occur right before the midterm elections.

EDITORS NOTE: This MERCOLA column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Videos of Biden’s Cringe Fest in Europe — OMG, he really is the prince of fools?

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. flew to Europe and quickly made a fool of himself. But what is worse he made of fool of America and we have the fools that elected him to the White House to thank for him and his incompetence.

We have labeled those who elected Biden “the depraved electorate.” The depraved are the 87% of Democrats who give Biden and his administration, “positive marks for the job he is doing.” The “depraved electorate” are willfully ignorant of what is really happening around them.

Watch the prince of fools in action on the world stage:

In this video Biden told NATO troops that they’d be going into Ukraine, despite claiming that would never happen.

In this video segment Biden made a gaffe that calls into question his memory.

And finally, according to The Hill:

President Biden on Thursday had a sharp response to a reporter who asked why he though[t] the latest sanctions would change Russian President Vladimir Putin’s behavior after previous steps did not stop Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine…

“Sanctions never deter — you keep talking about that — sanctions never deter…”

“That’s not what I said. You’re playing a game with me.”

But wait there’s more. In this video a soldier laughs at Biden as he tears after taking a bite of spicy pizza.

The prince of fools showed Europe and the world that he’s not only inept but extremely dangerous. Remember Biden has the ability to launch a nuclear strike, and implied he would do so, panicking his staff.

And if he does what then?

This is why Russia invaded the Ukraine, China has become more aggressive in the Pacific theatre  and Iran is very, very close to getting the nuclear weapons that it has been seeking for decades.

Our enemies are all taking advantage of this American fool while they can.

It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of a Biden presidency that to restore the necessary common sense and good judgement of this depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their leader.

The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Biden, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince.

Here’s one of the fools that made Biden her prince, Nancy Pelosi, demeaning working class Americans. This video clip highlights a key aspect of Nancy Pelosi’s personality – she looks upon the average American with disdain.

The republic can survive a Biden, who is after all, merely a fool.

It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made and now defend him as their president!

Time to focus on the depraved electorate who defend, encourage and support Biden, the prince of fools.

Will November 2022 will be a reckoning? Will the electorate give us conservative majorities in the House and Senate?

If not gird your loins. Armageddon is coming!

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

AWED Media Balance Newsletter: We cover COVID to Climate to Ukraine, as well as Energy to Elections.

Welcome! We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Here is the link for this issue, so please share it on social media.

Particularly note the *** asterisked *** items below.

— This Newsletter’s Articles, by Topic —


*** Report: 8-Year CIA Program Helped Provoke Russian Invasion

*** How Russia Ukraine War Could Trigger Global Food Crisis

*** Heroic Ukrainians are shining light in the darkest hour of war

Video: U.S. Navy Has a Nuclear Sub That Could Destroy Russia and China in Minutes

McConnell on Ukraine: “Here Is What President Biden Should Be Doing Right Now”

Trump didn’t think Putin would order Ukraine invasion

Russian/Ukrainian War: Part Two (a), President Vladimir Putin

Ukraine Is the Ruling Class’s Latest Propaganda Ploy

Volunteers Rally to Archive Ukrainian Web Site

NATO And Russia – Whistling Past Each Other’s Graveyards

Ukraine and Energy Policies:

*** To Beat Putin, Europe Needs America’s Clean Energy

*** Short video: The End of Russian Oil, due to Halliburton’s Exit

*** Has Russia Been Financing Western Environmentalism?

Replacing Russian Energy

How Public Opinion Ended COVID, and Started the Next Thing

Experts lay out a strategy for U.S. energy independence amid Ukraine war

The Russia/Bermuda Dark Money Subterfuge

With The Ukraine War, The Green Chickens Have Come Home To Roost

Ruble Surges After Putin Ditches Dollars and Euros for Russian Oil and Gas

Ukraine — What You Can Do:

Please sign Petition to hold Putin accountable

*** Pray for the safety of the Ukrainian people

*** A well-rated source to make a Ukraine donation

COVID-19 — Repeated Important Information:

My webpage ( with dozens of Science-based COVID-19 reports

*** World Council of Health: Early COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines

*** COVID-19: What You Need To Know (Physicians for Informed Consent)

*** If you have received a COVID-19 injection, here’s how to Detox

*** Place Your US Order for Free At-Home COVID-19 Tests

COVID-19 — Therapies:

Doctors Finding Hurdles to Using Pills to Treat COVID-19

Returning to Our Roots: How Nature Prescriptions Can Help Patients

COVID-19 — Injections:

Watchdog sues feds over COVID vaccine’s ‘adverse events’ reports

‘Overwhelming’ Need to Study COVID Vaccine-Associated Tinnitus

Pfizer’s CEO Says Fourth COVID Shot Is Needed. Is He Right?

The controversial quest to make a ‘contagious’ vaccine

US Govt Paid News Media $1 Billion For Propaganda to Promote mRNA Vaccines

COVID-19 — Injection Mandates:

*** COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates: 20 Scientific Facts That Challenge the Assumptions

*** Military Doctor Testifies in Court That a Superior Ordered Her Not to Discuss Data Showing Massive Spikes in Illness After Vaccine Mandate

*** A Pharma Giant Imposed ‘Follow the Mandate’ on Vaccine Objectors. They Are Now Ex-Workers

COVID-19 — Models and Data:

*** 10 Million Unnecessary Pandemic Deaths due to Public Health Actions

*** Probe finds officials miscalculated COVID-19 death toll

*** A simple way to end vaccine misinformation immediately

*** These schools did less to contain covid — and their students flourished

COVID-19 — Masks:

CDC sued over airline mask mandate

Vulnerable Democrats eye GOP transit mask repeal

COVID-19 — Misc:

*** Dr. Campbell short video: The illusion of evidence based medicine

*** COVID’S Tough Lesson That Few Want to Believe

More Than 60,000 Doctors & Scientists Have Signed The Great Barrington Declaration

Video: Robert Kennedy, jr COVID-19 Q&A Presentation

Video: Dr. Jessica Rose COVID-19 Q&A Presentation

Proposed: Countermeasure Injury Compensation Amendment Act

Why Is Our Government Still Pushing at-Home Covid Tests if They Know They Produce False Negatives?

Good riddance to Dr. Fauci

Dr. Rand Paul Introduces Amendment to Eliminate Dr. Fauci’s Position as Director of NIAID

10 biggest COVID mistakes

COVID-19: We Can’t Live With It

Anyone, at anytime, can spread mal-information

Greed Energy Economics:

*** The New Greenwashing – False Advertising about Green Energy Jobs

*** Sow the Wind (Power), Reap the Whirlwind

Wind Energy — Offshore:

NJ to study environmental impacts of offshore wind projects

Environmental Organization Opposes Lake Erie Wind Project

Wind Turbine Generator Impacts to Marine Vessel Radar

Tsunamis may sink West Coast offshore wind

Indian tribe and conservationists fight California offshore wind turbines

Wind Energy — Other:

*** Wind project ordered to stop emitting night-time noise, pay neighbors damages

*** Energy reliability is everything

*** No Amount Of Wind And Solar Power Can Ever Provide Energy Independence

Renewable Failure

Iowa’s claimed wind energy percentage is wildly exaggerated

Judge says proposed VA wind project needs further review

More Confirmation of the Infeasibility of a Fully Wind/Solar/Storage Electricity System

Wind Turbines Of Madison County: MidAmerican Energy Prevails In Lawsuit

Leading Environmentalists Now Vigorously Oppose Turbines In German Forests

Local voices quashed in NY wind siting process

The wind projects angering renewable energy fans

Solar Energy:

*** Virginia community tightens solar project rules

Protect NY farmland from solar and wind development

Solar’s dirty secrets: How solar power hurts people and the planet

California’s solar market is now a battery market

Nuclear Energy:

*** Study: Radiation Hormesis: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

*** Indiana SMR bill signed into law

*** White House pivots to nuclear energy

What Happened To Nuclear Cruise Ships?

The Use of Nuclear Power Beyond Generating Electricity: Non-Electric Applications

Tech Billionaires Rally Around Nuclear as Energy Crisis Looms

Fossil Fuel Energy:

*** The fact is natural gas is accelerating our clean-energy future

*** How lying Putin spent millions spreading fake news about fracking

*** “ESG” efforts to rid the world of fossil fuels will drive us back to medieval times

Oil And The Eclipse Of Pax Americana In The Middle East

The world faces both a hydrocarbon shortage and a divest fossil fuels movement

China plans massive increase in coal mining

China Upping Its Use of Coal

Blame Biden for High Gas Prices

ESG Is Just Plain Evil and It’s Time to Fight Back!

What Our Betters Have In Mind For Us In The Era Of Fossil Fuel Suppression

Misc Energy:

*** A ‘Plan B’ for addressing climate change and the energy transition

*** The runaway cost of virtue signaling

*** EV race ignores Russian, Chinese mineral speed traps

Report: Taking Back Control

41 Inconvenient Truths on the ‘New Energy Economy’

Geothermal: Radical Plan to Make Earth’s Deepest Hole to Unleash Limitless Energy

Further Thoughts on the Supreme Court’s Clean Power Plan Case

Congressional Letter to Yellen re Russian money to US Environmental groups

To say an EV is a zero-emission vehicle is not at all valid

Misdirected Energy Policy Is Harmful to National Security

Unrealistic energy policy vs. people’s needs

Experienced Engineers must take the lead in the Energy Transition

The Electric Vehicle Scam: Part 1 and Part 2

Manmade Global Warming — Some Deceptions:

*** Latest IPCC Report is Full of Errors

*** Environmental Alarmism Has Hardly Changed Since the ’60s

*** Don’t buy Climate Alarmism

New Study: The CO2-Drives-Global-Warming ‘Concept’ Is ‘Obsolete And Incorrect

Short video: Data Misrepresentation: An Oversight or Intentional?

The Atlantic Is Worried That Nuclear War Could ‘Wreck’ The Climate

Unrealistic Paths for Net Zero: You Can’t Get There From Here

Audit: Portland’s clean energy program not accountable for climate or equity results

U.S. SEC Set To Unveil Landmark Climate Change Disclosure Rule

Manipulating Kids, It’s Child’s Play for Climateers

Water Vapor, Not Mankind, is the Greatest Contributor to Green House Gases

New York Climate Act: Cost Estimate Sleight of Hand

Climate change is about control, Stupid – Not the environment

Manmade Global Warming — Misc:

*** FREE new Comic Book for Children about CO2 (written by realists)

*** The End of the Climate Change Legend

Short video: Climate Models are Debunked as Global Average Temperature falls at an ever-increasing rate

Biden is in Climate Denial

Ancient El Niños reveals limits to future climate projections

Democrats Soften on Climate As Reality Suddenly Appears?

Video: Professor Michael J Kelly – The Cost of Achieving Net Zero in Ireland

Discovery of Victorian-Era Data Suggests Extreme Weather Events Not New

Climate Alarmism Is Facing Collapse in Face of Reality

US Election: (10 major election reports by our team of experts, plus much more!)

*** “Dark Money” Affecting Elections in Revolutionary Ways

*** Report: Proof Of Election Machine Manipulation

The NYT Now Admits the Biden Laptop — Falsely Called “Russian Disinformation” — is Authentic

New York Times Hunter Biden laptop article is masterpiece of burying admissions

The latest supply chain concern: Ballot paper

Virginia Thomas urged White House chief to try to overturn the 2020 election

Trump sues Hillary Clinton and allies over Russia claims

US Election — Georgia:

*** America’s Corrupt Election System Revealed In Secret Georgia Report

*** Video: How Georgia 2020 Election Results Were Electronically Manipulated

More election overhaul on Georgia Senate agenda

US Election — Other State Issues:

Heritage’s Election Integrity Take Action Page (by State — with more to come)

*** States Banning or Restricting “Zuck Bucks”

*** AMAC Members Score Early Advocacy Victories in 2022

*** 3/16 Wisconsin Presser Outlines November 2020 Vote Fraud Scheme

Wisconsin Lawsuit to Stop Private Funding of Elections

Governor Noem, State Legislature Protect South Dakota’s Elections from Big-Tech Billionaires

Ohio Supreme Court, for third time, rejects GOP’s state legislative map

Judge strikes down new Arkansas voting laws that targeted mail voting, voter ID, etc.

Two Truths And A Lie: New York City’s Noncitizen Voting Law

Video: Findings of the Colorado Voting Machine Investigation

Colorado’s Canvassing Report

Court Rules against Democratic Partisan Gerrymander in Maryland

US Politics and Socialism:

*** Peterson: The Biggest Threat To Our Society We Must Fight Against

*** Short video: When Big Business Went Woke

*** The Night Watchman

Unsustainable Humanity

Biden Administration’s Campaign to Make Anti-American Dictatorships Great Again

Remembering the Black woman Biden blocked from the Supreme Court

Senator McConnell: I Cannot and Will Not Support Judge Jackson

Biden’s Central Bank Digital Currencies: The Most Dramatic Expansion of Federal Powers Ever Made

Other Politics:

*** Russian lawmaker demands US return of Alaska and pay reparations

*** The Russia We Have Lost

Does China Have Vested Interest To Kill Capitalism?

Video: Listing Members Of The Young Global Leaders Program

Retiring Rep. Murphy (D-FL) unloads on President Biden and Democrats

Religion Related:

*** The Collapsing American Family — From Bonding to Bondage

Where are the Papa Bears?

Education Related:

*** Children scoring worse in math and reading compared to before lockdowns, data shows: ‘Multiyear recovery’

Have Chinese Spies Infiltrated American Campuses?

Diversity, Equity, and Confusion at UNC School of Medicine

Science and Misc Matters:

*** Individualism vs. Collectivism

*** Upcoming talk (Dr. Willie Soon): The Weaponizing of Science

FDA Approved ‘Smart Pills’ That ‘Digitally Track’ Patients — What’s Next?

EPA Continues to Take Actions to Address PFAS in Commerce

NASA’s Webb Space telescope achieves near perfect focus

‘Incels’ are a rising threat in the US, Secret Service report finds

Alternate Credit Scores Bring Risk to the Housing Market

Could the Game of Chess Help Create Smarter STEM Students?

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Note 1: We recommend reading the Newsletter on your computer, not your phone, as some documents (e.g. PDFs) are much easier to read on a large computer screen… We’ve tried to use common fonts, etc. to minimize display issues.

Note 2: For recent past Newsletter issues see 2020 Archives & 2021 Archives & 2022 Archives. To accommodate numerous requests received about prior articles over the twelve plus years of the Newsletter, we’ve put together archives since the beginning of the Newsletter — where you can search by year. For a detailed background about the Newsletter, please read this.

Note 3: See this extensive list of reasonable books on climate change. As a parallel effort, we have also put together a list of some good books related to industrial wind energy. Both topics are also extensively covered on my website:

Note 4: I am not an attorney or a physician, so no material appearing in any of the Newsletters (or any of my websites) should be construed as giving legal or medical advice. My recommendation has always been: consult a competent, licensed attorney when you are involved with legal issues, and consult a competent physician regarding medical matters.

Copyright © 2022; Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (see