The ‘Build Back Better Baskets’ — All Tricks but No Treats?

Here’s a video of Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) explaining Biden’s Build Back Better (BBB) agenda. Pelosi also characterizes BBB as “transformative” which sounds eerily like Obama’s promise to “fundamentally transform” America.

Pelosi states, ‘The Build Back Better is 3 Baskets. ‘It’s Climate, Health, Jobs, Security and Moral Responsibility.”

According to the White House website Build Back Better is defined as follows:

The Build Back Better Agenda is an ambitious plan to create jobs, cut taxes, and lower costs for working familiesall paid for by making the tax code fairer and making the wealthiest and large corporations pay their fair share. [Emphasis added]

According to Wikipedia:

The plan is divided into three parts: the American Rescue Plan, a COVID-19 relief package, which passed in March 2021;[2] the American Jobs Plan, a proposal to rebuild America’s infrastructure and create jobs;[3] and the American Families Plan, a proposal to invest in areas related to childcare and education.[4] As of October 1, 2021, the American Rescue Plan is the only plan that has been signed into law, though proposals featured in the American Jobs Plan have been passed in the Senate through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act[Emphasis added]

So, are there are, according to the White House and Wikipedia, only three baskets? Or, according to Pelosi five baskets?

To help us better understand what is really going on with BBB, I will go with what Pelosi’s five baskets.

Let’s take a look at each of these baskets and see what’s inside of each one as we approach Halloween.

  • Basket #1 Climate: This basket is filled with green energy goodies. It’s the Green New Deal on steroids. Unfortunately, if you heat your home using natural gas or electricity you are being tricked because you energy bill will go up, not down. If you drive a car, SUV, truck or van that uses fossil fuels you have already seen gasoline and diesel prices go up over 33%. There’s no treats in this basket for us consumers too. For you see went the cost of energy goes up so does the prices of consumer goods. This basket is filled with tricks and no treats. Here are three absolutes, that a good friend of mine taught me about the climate: 1. The climate changes. 2. These changes of the climate follow natural cycles (e.g. summer, fall, winter, spring) and 3. There is nothing mankind can do to change these natural cycles. BASKET #1: TRICK!
  • Basket #2 Health: What basket #2 is about is COVID. Biden, the CDC and OSHA have used COVID to fundamentally transform our economy and how we live our lives. If you don’t have a “vaccine passport” your ability to travel within the United States and overseas can be restricted or even denied. COVID is the hammer and we are the nails. Get VAXXED or get fired. Get VAXXED or you can’t shop, go to a restaurant or even celebrate the 2021 holiday season. The health weapon of choice is government mandates. Obey or suffer the consequences. BASKET #2: TRICK.
  • Basket #3 Jobs: Work for a company with more than 100 employees and don’s get VAXXED you get fired. If you are in the medical profession and work in a hospital and you choose not to get the Covid vaccine you can be fired. It that job creation? We think not. Are lockdowns job creation? We think not. Is forced unions to get jabbed helping the job market? Nope. Are the supply chain backups helping to create jobs? You can answer that one. There’s a growing number of people pushing back against the job killing programs (e.g. higher taxes on business and individuals) of Biden’s BBB agenda. BASKET #3: TRICK.
  • Basket #4 Security: Let’s start with Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan to its being blindsided by China’s new weapons system. Iran is on the rise, Biden is encouraging unvetted illegals to cross our Southern border by the tens of thousand and importing unvetted Islamists from Afghanistan. Biden’s security policy is there’s no national security policy. Get it? Got it? Good! BASKET #4: TRICK.
  • Basket #5 Moral Responsibility: Biden left Americans behind in Afghanistan. Biden supports abortion up to birth. Biden supports giving illegals voting rights and benefits over our wounded warriors. Biden has kowtowed to the most dangerous regimes in the world and left Americans to fend for themselves. We have see an increase in suicides that fit the COVID lockdowns and social isolation. Biden’s DOJ has designated parents as domestic terrorists if the speak out about public school policies during school board meetings. Democrats continue to persecute those who peacefully demonstrated on January 6th, 2021 in Washington, D.C. Those demonstrators are facing abuse and even torture while in prison. Are these morally responsible positions? NOT! BASKET #5: TRICK

Tricks or Treats?

Question: Are we getting treats or being tricked?

Answer: According to our analysis above we’re all being tricked and Biden is just getting started.

Biden laid out the following goals for his “Build Back Better” agenda:

  1. “Build a Modern Infrastructure” [More government spending]
  2. “Position the U.S. Auto Industry to Win the 21st Century with technology invented in America” [Mandate the auto industry comply or else]
  3. “Achieve a Carbon Pollution-Free Power Sector by 2035” [Green New Deal]
  4. “Make Dramatic Investments in Energy Efficiency in Buildings, including Completing 4 Million Retrofits and Building 1.5 Million New Affordable Homes” [More Green New Deal mandates]
  5. “Pursue a Historic Investment in Clean Energy Innovation” [Green New Deal on asteroids]
  6. “Advance Sustainable Agriculture and Conservation” [Famers required to be green or else]
  7. “Secure Environmental Justice and Equitable Economy Opportunity” [Equal people are not free and free people are not equal]

The Biden administrations agenda has become very clear.

If the intent of Biden is to make the lives of every American better then as of today he is a complete failure.


So Build Back Better is actually a massive government growth coupled with social a massive government spending spree. Not surprisingly it is inextricably tied to Covid.

To pass the Democrat/Biden Build Back Better agenda requires the American people’s cooperation. However, we are seeing more and more Americans taking up arms against this plan via civil disobedience.

Since his election, Biden’s poll numbers have dropped dramatically as he and his handlers try to implement his BBB agenda.

The backbone of Build Back Better is comply or else.

Freedom of choice. My body, my choice only applies to killing the unborn, not to you if you don’t get jabbed.

We predict as the Build Back Better agenda moves forward more and more American workers and their families will move backwards.

We sincerely hope we are wrong but unfortunately is appears were not.

The midterm elections in 2022 will be a bell weather election. If conservatives, note I did not write Republicans, don’t take control of one or both houses of Congress we are doomed

Get out and vote. Insure your state implements laws that enhance election integrity.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Why Has #EmptyShelvesJoe Gone Viral on Twitter?

16K COVID-19 Positive Migrants Released into U.S. by ICE, Says Whistleblower

‘Democrats Are Just Living In A Fantasy World’: Republican Sen. Says Dems Are Denying ‘Reality’ Of High Inflation

‘We Can Enjoy The Holiday Season’: Fauci Is Still Telling Unvaccinated Americans They Shouldn’t Have Normal Holidays

Buttigieg Praises Biden’s Economic Leadership Amid Supply Chain Crisis

‘Escalating Into A Firing War’: Texas Gov. Abbott Says ‘Aggressive’ Mexican Cartels Shooting At National Guard

AWED Newsletter: We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Welcome! We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Note 1: Each issue has a link, so it’s simple to share on social media.

Note 2: Our two recent powerful COVID-19 reports are here and here.

— This Newsletter’s Articles, by Topic —

COVID-19 — Repeated Important Information:

Ivermectin is effective for COVID-19 when used early. Analysis of 63 studies

Directories of Physicians who may prescribe Ivermectin: here, here and here

Overcoming Barriers — Getting Ivermectin Prescriptions Filled

I-MASK Early Outpatient Treatment for COVID-19

Report: Scientific Observations about the Medical Establishment’s Handling of COVID-19

Report: The FDA COVID-19 Drug Approval Process: Remdesivir vs Ivermectin

COVID-19 — Therapies:

Dr Campbell: Ivermectin or Molnupiravir

Dr. Campbell debunks BBC’s coverage of ivermectin

Merck COVID-19 pill success shakes up healthcare sector

Huge ivermectin use is causing profit-driven Big Pharma to sell patented copycat pills

Study: Aspirin lowers risk of COVID

COVID-19 — Vaccine Mandates:

Joe Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Doesn’t Exist. It’s Just A Press Release

List of State laws, pending and enacted, regarding vaccination

MA to Release Thousands of Healthcare Workers Who Refuse Vaccination

Justice Centre to sue Alberta Health Services over mandatory COVID vaccination

Mandating vaccinations for domestic flights

Federal Judge Blocks United Airlines From Imposing Employee Vaccine Mandate

Chicago’s Police Union Boss Is Encouraging Strike Over Vaccine Mandate

Staggering Number Of US Troops Remain Unvaccinated As Deadlines Approach

Boeing workers protest angrily against vaccination mandate

Lawsuit against DOD, FDA & others on behalf of our military who decline vaccination

COVID-19 — Vaccine, Other:

Table: COVID-19 “Vaccine” — Some Pros and Cons

Study: Risk prediction of death in adults after COVID-19 vaccination

Study: No Relationship Between Vaccinated People and New COVID-19 Cases

80 of the most common adverse events reported after Covid-19 vaccination

There Is No Public Health Benefit To The Current COVID “Vaccines”

Fully Vaccinated can be COVID ‘Super-Spreaders:’ Inventor of mRNA Technology

Proof that the CDC is lying to the world about COVID vaccine safety

Dr. Campbell: Natural (Acquired) vs Vaccine Immunity

Pfizer scientists tout acquired immunity in Project Veritas sting

Iceland, Finland, Sweden and Denmark Ban Moderna’s COVID Vaccine

Proposed Pathology Protocol for a Death after COVID Vaccination

COVID-19 — Models and Data:

Study: Smoking marijuana could lead to breakthrough COVID cases

Report: U.S. Adults’ Estimates of COVID-19 Hospitalization Risk

Safe & Effective? – 78% of COVID-19 deaths among Vaccinated

Nearly 60% of hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Israel fully vaccinated

Three States w Highest Vaccination Rates see Shocking Effects

Fifth Most Vaccinated Country Reporting Exponential Growth in New Cases

TAIWAN: More Deaths from Vaccination than from COVID-19

COVID-19 — Misc:

New Report: How K-12 Schools Should Handle COVID-19

COVID has Replaced Climate Change as the Religion of the Left

NY Declares a Statewide Disaster Emergency Due to Healthcare Staffing Shortages

Western Governments Complicit in the Destruction of their Own People

COVID and the Authorities: It’s Even Worse Than We Thought

Study: Is a Mask That Covers the Mouth and Nose Free from Undesirable Side Effects?

Renewable Energy Health and Ecosystem Consequences:

A Closer Look at Renewable-Energy Disposal

More endangered right whales using New England wind energy areas

Turbines aren’t running at night, to save bats. Should customers pay for that?

Wind Energy:

China’s Stunning Green Energy Collapse Should Come As No Surprise

Dr. Ausubel: Wind may be renewable, but it is not green

Filmmaker annoys climate freaks by telling the truth about wind energy

Biden administration plans for massive expansion of offshore wind projects

Solar Energy:

How Virginia farmers say solar project is destroying their land

NY DEC Releases New Regulations for PFOA, PFOS, and 1,4-Dioxane in State Waters

Nuclear Energy:

Nuclear Energy Could Bridge The Energy Transition Gap

Macron pushes nuclear, hydrogen power in €30 billion plan to reverse industrial decline

Dominion asks for VA’s approval of plans to extend life of nuclear plants beyond 2050

Fossil Fuel Energy:

Left-Wing Groups Plan ‘Civil Disobedience’ to Ban ‘Fossil Fuels’

Natural Gas WILL Play A Big Part in America’s Energy Future!

Misc Energy:

California’s Version of the Green New Deal is What’s Creating the Shipping Backlog

Will The U.S. Stop Repeating Germany’s Mistakes?

The Grid Isn’t Ready for the Renewable Revolution

Report: Failure of Net Zero policy ‘virtually certain’
NC Disaster: Democrat Energy Bill supported by Republicans

CLCPA Is Slow Motion Train Wreck for New York Energy Future

Puerto Ricans fume as outages threaten health, work, school

Manmade Global Warming — Some Deceptions:

Harm from war on hydrocarbons exceeds harm from climate change

The Big Hoax: 13 Myths about Climate Change

The crafty language of climate alarmism

Whistleblower Calls Out Wall Street Greenwashing

Short video: Terra Carta & A Green New World

Embarrassing: The DoD Climate Adoption Plan

Google bans ads, etc. that questions ‘scientific consensus’ of climate change

IPCC AR6: Breaking the hegemony of global climate models

New Study Debunks Carbon Neutrality of Forest Biomass

Manmade Global Warming — Misc:

Dr. Koonin: The use and abuse of climate science

Dr. Curry: Short Climate Slideshow

The coldest place on Earth just had its coldest winter on record

Figuring out the lack of connection between CO2 and ice ages

COP26: Hopes of an ambitious climate deal hit by China and Saudi Arabia

Clintel proposes a new way to analyze climate data

Clintel launches a new organization for climate imaging

US Election: (10 major election reports by our team of experts, plus much more!)

Biden’s Inexplicable Victory

‘Short Video: Your votes have been stolen with algorithms and computers since 2000

What happened during the 2020 election must be investigated and discussed

Forensic Audits Restore Faith in Elections

The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen, It Was Bought By Mark Zuckerberg

Zuckerberg spent $419M on the 2020 election — and got out the Dem vote

US Election — Arizona:

What AZ Audit Really Shows—and Why Election Officials Should Be Embarrassed

State Senate Hearings of AZ Partial Forensic Audit Results

The Memory Hole Is As Deep As the Swamp Is Wide

Arizona Democrat School Board Member Charged with Election Fraud

US Election — Other State Issues:

Did Joe Biden Even Win His Home State of Delaware?

Wisconsin Special Counsel Fires Off Multiple Election Subpoenas

Terrified VA Dems Seek to Change Election Laws After Voting Has Already Started

Two Georgia workers fired after being accused of shredding voting applications

Two Truths And A Lie: Texas’ Election Integrity Law

Democrats File Lawsuit to Ensure They Can Steal All Elections in PA

US Politics and Socialism:

Never mind the cost — just look at the absurd things Build Back Better would buy

40+ Radical Programs Democrats Don’t Want You to Notice in Biden’s Budget

Blah blah blah meets la-la

Democrats Pack $3.5 Trillion Tax-and-Spend Bill With Payoffs to Big Labor

In New York it’s now illegal to threaten to report someone to ICE

Report:  Eco-Fundamentalism as Grist for China’s Mill

Other US Politics and Related:

Short Video: The Difference Between a Democracy and a Republic

Media Downplay Civilian Control of Military to Punish Trump

Frances Haugen Isn’t a “Whistleblower”: She’s a Censorship Advocate

Carlson: The people in charge are intent on replacing democracy with authoritarianism

High-ranking Marine who criticized Afghanistan withdrawal, sentenced

Furious Judge Finds Jail Officials in Contempt for ‘Abuse’ of Jan. 6 Prisoners

Religion Related:

COVID has Replaced Climate Change as the Religion of the Left

Education Related — Parents as Terrorists:

U.S. AG Instructs FBI to Investigate Parents Who Challenge School Board Policy

School Boards Association Asks Biden For Protection From “Extremist” Parents

ADF to AG Garland: Concerned Parents Aren’t “Domestic Terrorists”

Parents Sought as New Domestic Terrorists

Education Related:

Pull your kids out of public school if you want to save them from LGBT propaganda

US Sees Surge in Homeschooling and Not Just Over Pandemic

Colleges Learning Costly Woke Math in the Courtroom School of Hard Knocks

How Did We Get Into the Debt Trap?

“Death by a Thousand Cuts”: Professor Files Lawsuit Against NCSU

Science and Misc Matters:

Rush Limbaugh’s Favorite Political Thinker: Angelo Codevilla, RIP

Look Out, Real Estate Boom. It’s the Closing Scam Tornado.

Biden EPA sued for Illegally Stacking Science Advisory Panels

Timeline for Stranded Cargo Ships

Wall Street’s Takeover of Nature Advances with Launch of New Asset Class

Public private partnerships

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Note 1: We recommend reading the Newsletter on your computer, not your phone, as some documents (e.g. PDFs) are much easier to read on a large computer screen… We’ve tried to use common fonts, etc. to minimize display issues.

Note 2: For recent past Newsletter issues see 2020 Archives & 2021 Archives. To accommodate numerous requests received about prior articles over the twelve plus years of the Newsletter, we’ve put together archives since the beginning of the Newsletter — where you can search by year. For a detailed background about the Newsletter, please read this.

Note 3: See this extensive list of reasonable books on climate change. As a parallel effort, we have also put together a list of some good books related to industrial wind energy. Both topics are also extensively covered on my website:

Note 4: I am not an attorney or a physician, so no material appearing in any of the Newsletters (or the website) should be construed as giving legal or medical advice. My recommendation has always been: consult a competent, licensed attorney when you are involved with legal issues, and consult a competent physician regarding medical matters.

Copyright © 2021; Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (see

Panorama: Hawaii DoE Paying Zuckerberg Company to Collect Data on Students

The Hawaii Department of Education is funneling student data to a company financed by Facebook billionaire Mark Zuckerberg.

Under a $478K annual contract with Hawaii Department of Education, Panorama Education, is building a permanent database of socio-political opinions, attendance, academic performance, and disciplinary infractions committed by Hawaii K-12 students.  Panorama’s ‘ Social Emotional Learning Survey’ is a veritable roadmap to manipulate their minds via social media.

Panorama’s CEO states the firm contracts with school districts nationwide comprising about 25% of US K-12 students.

According to Hawaii DoE, the Panorama survey is completed during Grade 3-12 homerooms and imported onto Panorama’s servers. For younger K-2 students, teachers are surveyed about their impressions of each student so your child will have a data profile in Silicon Valley even before he knows how to log on.

Nobody at DoE is mentioning Zuckerberg’s funding of the scheme.  His involvement is of course empirical proof that the data is being misused. And, yes, the DoE is actually paying Panorama to take the data.

Juvenile criminal transcripts are automatically sealed on the perpetrator’s 18th birthday — but what Hawaii DoE refers to as ‘Panorama’s National Dataset’ will continue into adulthood where it could be used to identify political supporters for a future Donald Trump-style campaign, just as Facebook data was used to help Trump in 2016.

Fairfax County Virginia schools, one of the largest districts served by Panorama, explains Panorama measures “how children and adults learn to understand and manage emotions, set goals, show empathy for others, establish positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.”

A Hawaii DoE handout titled: “ Social Emotional Learning Survey: Fall 2020” cites Panorama program goals including, “Leverage social and emotional data to deepen the focus on key outcomes….”

Sold to school districts as a convenient way to collate student input, Panorama’s on-line survey system was well-positioned to see  expanded use during COVID-mandated ‘distance learning’ semesters. 

The data from a  June, 2020 Panorama survey was then used to bolster arguments against continuing distance learning, much to the chagrin of HSTA leadership.

Panorama CEO Aaron Feuer, quoted on  TechCrunch, September 2, 2021, explains: “Since March 2020, Panorama has added 700 school districts to its customer base, nearly doubling the 800 it served just 18 months prior.”  Feuer told Tech Crunch Panorama now serves 13 million students in 23,000 schools across the United States–25% of American students.

The  Washington Examiner reports. Alexander “Xan” Tanner,  co-founder  and president of Panorama Education, is married to the daughter of Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland.

To paraphrase Ben Franklin, “Those who would give up Privacy, to purchase a little temporary Convenience, deserve neither Privacy nor Convenience.”

Zuckerberg’s financial backing begins with Panorama’s ‘Round A’ in 2013 which garnered $4M from investors including the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.  Zuckerberg was back in  2017 for ‘Round B’  which deposited $16M into Panorama’s coffers.  Buoyed by its COVID success, Panorama came back for  ‘Round C’ raising $60M from yet another Zuckerberg-led consortium in September, 2021.

Linking Panorama to Google, Apple, and beyond, other investors include:  Owl Ventures Emerson Collective (Steve Jobs widow),  Uncork Capital Spark Capital , and  Tao Capital Partners.

TechCrunch reports: “Notably, Panorama had not raised capital in a couple of years simply because, according to Feuer, it did not need the money.”

That’s what happens when school districts pay Big Data to take big data.


Andrew Walden


Panorama: HIDOE Summary

Panorama student survey FAQs

About the Panorama Student Survey

HSTA: Social Emotional Learning Survey: Fall 2020

WE:  Critics question Garland’s school board crackdown after son-in-law revealed as social justice education kingpin

RCP:  AG Garland Has a Conflict of Interest in Debate Over Schools

Parents Defending Ed:  Fairfax County signs five-year contract to pay $1.8 million in COVID emergency funds to a Boston-based consultant to administer intrusive “social and emotional” screening

FOX:  Virginia county directing $20M of COVID relief toward ‘equity,’ ‘social and emotional’ programs

Tulsi Gabbard: The Attorney General is weaponizing federal agencies to intimidate Americans into compliance

EDITORS NOTE: This Hawaii Free Press column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

France Closes ANOTHER Mosque France to Close Mosque That Promoted ‘Armed Jihad’ During Sermons

The French are finally facing reality, unlike the rest of the West…

France to Close Mosque that Promoted ‘Armed Jihad’ During Sermons

By: Chris Tomlinson, Breitbart, 15 Oct 2021:

The French prefecture of Sarthe has closed the mosque of Allonnes after evidence revealed that sermons advocated for armed jihad.

The prefecture announced in a statement issued this week that it would close the mosque, which lies just outside of Le Mans and sees around 300 Muslims attend.

“According to the evidence gathered, sermons and the activity of this place of worship, frequented by individuals belonging to or close to the radical Islamist movement, legitimise the use of armed jihad, death as a martyr, the commission of acts of terrorism, and the use of violence, hatred, and discrimination as well as the establishment of Sharia law,” the prefecture said, Le Parisien reports.

The prefecture also stated that children at a Quranic school housed by the mosque had also been exposed to sermons discussing armed jihad.

“In view of these elements, at the request of the Minister of the Interior, the Prefect of Sarthe has initiated a procedure to close this place of worship,” the prefecture said.

French government spokesman Gabriel Attal also commented on the closure of the radical mosque, saying: “We are inflexible in the face of Islamism. We are uncompromising in the face of hatred and radicalisation.”

“When they attack the Republic, it must respond, it must respond strongly and so we have initiated a procedure to request the closure of this mosque,” he said and added that it was closed under the recently passed Internal Security and Counter-Terrorism Law.

Christelle Morançais, the president of the Pays de la Loire Region, also welcomed the closure of the mosque, saying: “The state has made the right decision, but closing a place is not everything, far from it: hate preachers must be identified, convicted and, if necessary, expelled. No weakness, no naivety in the face of the enemies of the Republic.”

The radical mosque is just the latest to be shut down by the French government in recent years, a trend that increased after the murder of teacher Samuel Paty last year by a radical Islamist Chechen refugee.

French Interior Minister Gérard Darmanin announced the closure of six mosques along with other associations several weeks ago and noted that so far, a third of the 89 places of religious worship suspected of radicalism have been investigated.


France Shuts Down 30 More Terror-Linked Mosques

France Lower House Approves Anti-Separatism Bill to Battle Islamic Terror And Tighten Control of Mosques

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Iran Successfully Hacked Over 250 Microsoft Accounts Linked to U.S. and Israeli Defense Technology Companies

In plain language: the jihadist regime of Iran has hacked into the private accounts of US, EU and Israeli defense tech companies, and however Iran chooses to use this information, no one is announcing what the fallout might potentially be. Microsoft only admitted that the breach “supports Iranian government tracking of adversary security services and maritime shipping in the Middle East.”

On a larger scale than this latest breach, much is falling into place in the “national interests of the Islamic Republic of Iran.” Not long ago, Iran was in a losing battle with the former US administration, but it is now enjoying a lucky break and the potential to expand its operations unimpeded. Furthermore, Biden is all too eager to continue stuffing Iran’s coffers with billions of dollars under the guise of a revived Iran deal, despite the fact that Iran is enriching uranium at rates only seen in countries making bombs. And in a gesture of humiliating disrespect, Iran recently “rebuked” Biden, and made further demands for “far more sanctions relief than it received under the 2015 nuclear deal,” a deal it has admitted to breaking.

Iran hacked US and Israeli defense tech companies – Microsoft

Jerusalem Post, October 12, 2021:

The Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC) announced on Monday that Iranian hackers successfully targeted US and Israeli defense technology companies.

More than 250 Microsft [sic] Office 365 accounts linked to the US, EU and the Israeli government were hacked into through extensive password spraying.

In addition, Persian Gulf ports of entry and global maritime transportation companies with business presence in the Middle East were also targeted.

The hacking “likely supports the national interests of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” Microsoft said.

The companies hacked included defense companies that support US, EU, and Israeli government partners producing military-grade radars, drone technology, satellite systems, and emergency response communication systems…..


University of California Santa Cruz prof: ‘Don’t blame Sharia for Islamic extremism — blame colonialism’

Bangladesh: Muslim riots over Qur’an ‘desecration’ continue, two Hindus dead, 150 injured, 88 Hindu temples attacked

Pakistan: Muslims brutally beat Chinese workers, smash tiles they claim insulted Muhammad

Egypt: Muslim woman’s coworkers beat her severely and pull her by her hair for not wearing hijab


EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Great Reset Roars On!

The great reset cannot and will not be able to occur without total breakdown in all things Americans are used to. Law and order, education, food supply, retail shelves being full, cars being plentiful, affordable housing, affordable clothing. Need I go on?

Today’s blog is two parts, one, the first, written by me and the second by my friend Chris! They both are related to the corruption and evil, deliberate direction of this usurper and fraudulent administration, supposedly headed by crime family boss ‘Sniffer’ Joe Biden, but really run by Traitor and testosterone challenged Barrack Hussein Obama and his group of Commie and other treasonous, spawn of the Devil, cronies.

As many of you know I have many friends and contacts around this beautiful country who are or were politicians, Law Enforcement and military members, both regular members and special force groups.

It appears, and I have seen evidence of this, that these numbers are being totally ignored under orders and authority of the Biden regime. It also appears that only those from countries not necessarily friends of America, are the ones having the target numbers ignored.

As many of you also know, Congress sets a number of green card lottery visas for various continents and countries. That number is not supposed to be gone over. It can be under issued but not over. Predominately white, European or civilized countries have the smallest number issued. Shocked? After all. Why would we encourage people to come here that will actually add to this country in terms of wealth and abilities as opposed to taking from it??

The dark continent of Africa, for example, was given a total number of green card lottery visas of 39,000 ( Rounded down ) and as of early September over 70,000 were cleared and issued. The year is not over yet. Not only is this criminal but a deliberate act of intentionally allowing more immigrants in from an area of the world that traditionally doesn’t offer much that Americans cannot do. They traditionally struggle to assimilate and rarely become true Americans or try too hard to learn the language and culture. They also breed like crazy!

I have been trying to find a non corrupt politician to do a deep dive into this matter as there has to be a paper trail and not place my informant in any position of disadvantage as the evidence I have would identify him or her. To date I haven’t found one I could trust – or appears interested.

Now, part two today comes from Chris Wright, whose work has been published here regularly.

Hi all,

Two new stories today show the Biden administration continues to expand its open border immigration policies.

DHS is drafting a plan to allow people who committed fraud in applying for U.S. citizenship to remain citizens, saying the important thing is for those pobrecitos not to have to worry about their future.  Washington Times  Meanwhile, leaked border patrol documents show the Biden administration has released more than 160,000 illegal aliens into the U.S. so far this year.  OAN  Those are just the ones we know about.

The cartels and coyotes are sending more.  They send families with young children across the border in the morning.  Then, when border agents are tied up with paperwork processing the families, the cartels and coyotes bring more people and contraband across in the afternoon in places along the border where agents are missing.  [Secure Freedom Radio, 10/11/21)

What could possibly motivate the Biden administration to adopt policies they know result in the deaths of untold numbers of people trying to reach the United States?  Policies that result in small children arriving here alone without their parents?   Policies that alienate their fellow Democrats, border town mayors who are stuck with the tab for providing housing, healthcare, and other services to the masses of illegal aliens swarming their towns?   Policies the administration knows create national security risks, like letting in fake refugees who are actually members of Islamic militia groups, and giving hostile nations access to our homeland.  Democrat Tulsi Gabbard said the administration is lying when it claims the border is secure.

Today’s new stories, taken together with the slew of previous Biden policy changes opening the border, beg the question: are there any policies left that haven’t been loosened yet?

And to what end?  Democrats mock people who articulate what Democrats call the Great Replacement theory – the idea that Biden is deliberately pursuing open border policies to change the racial mix of the country.  The Democrats brand this as ‘white supremacism’ but a closely related theory holds the open border policies are being pursued to create a permanent political majority for the Democrats. Millions of illegal aliens will eventually vote for the Democrats when they eventually become citizens and no Republican will ever get elected again, the theory holds.

OK, fine. If you’re not trying to replace the population of the United States to marginalize white people or replace the current population with people who are more politically to your liking, what ARE you trying to do?  To burden is on you to explain what all these policy changes are for.  Are you trying to save the entire world?  If you don’t want people believing the Great Replacement or permanent political majority theories, the burden is on you to articulate the true goal of your open borders policies. You have been undeniably and systematically opening the borders every which way you can.  What for?  Let’s hear it.  I’m waiting.

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©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

Why Has #EmptyShelvesJoe Gone Viral on Twitter?

“It’s the economy stupid!” – Bill Clinton

The Twitter tag #EmptyShelvesJoe has gone viral. Can anyone guess why?

We are now seeing the real impact of the Biden “Bring Back Better Agenda”, and it’s ain’t pretty.

The “Build Back Better” Agenda is Making Things Worse, Not Better

According to Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), “The Build Back Better is 3 Baskets: ‘It’s Climate, Health, Jobs, Security, and Moral Responsibility.” Wait, isn’t that 5 baskets? LOL!

Is what Pelosi says true or just another set of big lies? Let’s take a look.

If you have any doubt about Biden and his administration you can now feel its impact on your collective wallets. Since Biden’s inauguration the American economy has gone down hill.

To understand why the U.S. economy is tanking let’s look at the Biden policies that is causing this catastrophe:

  1. Biden’s anti-fossil fuels and pro-Green agenda (a.k.a. Green New Deal). Hight gas prices are an instant tax on each and every American who drives a car or used electricity. It also increases the cost of every product and service provided in the U.S.A. This is because the increased cost of energy are passed along to every consumer by every company, from Amazon, to your local super market to every retailer and service provider in you city, county and state.
  2. Biden’s vaccine mandates are killing jobs by the thousands. The new mantra of Building Back Better is if you work for a company with 100 or more employees the mandate is: Get vaxxed or lose your job. When people lose their jobs the economy takes a major hit. Vaxx Mandates divide the nation. Watch this video of Governor Ron DeSantis to Biden on Vaxx Mandates: “YOU Are The One That’s Being Divisive About This!”
  3. Stagflation. In a NewsMax column Peter Navarro writes, “If it was just inflation affecting the United States, that would be “manageable,” but instead a “stagflation” problem like the one that hit the nation in the 1970s is occurring under President Joe Biden, former White House trade adviser Peter Navarro told Newsmax on Saturday. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell is “printing money,” Navarro told “The Count.” “That’s driving us to what we call demand-pull inflation. But then at the same time, we have the pandemic, coupled with the effects of the Biden administration cracking down on fossil fuels, giving us what’s called cost-push inflation.” Read the full article by clicking here.
  4. More Government Regulation. Bloomberg Law in a June 11, 2021 article titled “Biden Regulatory Playbook Revives More Active Government” warned, “The list, typically issued twice per year, marks a stark departure from the Trump administration’s focus on reducing the size, cost and scope of federal regulations. With Congress narrowly divided, it offers a window into how Biden wants to leverage the federal agencies he oversees to advance his ambitious agenda through regulation. The last four years offered a clear lesson on what happens when the executive branch fails to uphold its responsibility to protect the American people,” said Sharon Block, acting administrator of the White House regulations office, in a statement. “Our first regulatory agenda demonstrates our commitment to reversing this trend.” More government regulation always leads to more costs for businesses and individuals. More costs more harm done to the U.S. economy. Regulations make American products and services uncompetitive.
  5. More taxes and spending. Biden has said that his agenda and the $3.5 trillion dollar spending bill being considered by Congress will not cost a single cent. More government spending always leads to two things: more taxes and increasing the U.S. debt ceiling. Both are happening now as I write this column. Both harm the U.S. economy and burden each American citizen and future generations.
  6. The U.S. Supply Chain is Severely Damaged, if not totally Broken. America depends of the free movement of goods and services across the country. Wither by ship, train, truck or automobile America’s life blood supply chain cannot be interrupted or there are serious economic consequences. The Business Insider’s wrote, “President Joe Biden wants to clear traffic jams at US ports and save the holiday shopping season, but experts say his current plan won’t completely solve the problem…Former US trade negotiator Harry Broadman told Insider the administration’s plan addresses the more “glamorous” aspect of the supply chain — hulking cargo ships stuck at sea — while failing to look at the issue “holistically.” Backlogs at US railroads and warehouses are also contributing to the delays. Shortages of warehouse workers, truck drivers, shipping containers, and chassis are also major issues that the White House failed to address. Read the full article here. With Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, on a 2 month long maternity leave with his homosexual partner, what could possibly go wrong with the supply chain?


As we approach the major holiday season with Halloween, then Thanksgiving, and Christmas many wonder if the shelves will be bare. Will the New Year’s Eve parties be barren of food and drink? Will we have fireworks to ring in 2022? Will we have jobs? Will we become poorer? Will there be greater uncertainty?

We are beginning to see civil disobedience to the Biden agenda across the U.S. and even across the world. Bill Clinton’s statement that, “It’s the economy stupid” has yet to get thru the thick skulls of Biden, his handlers and Democrats in Congress. It seems they are hell bent on destroying the economy, a stupid idea in every way.

As we approach the 2022 mid-term elections we wonder what shape the American economy will be by then. People who work vote their wallets. However, it appears that Biden is building a larger and larger group of those who vote for a living rather than work for a living.

Doom and gloom, and it isn’t even Halloween yet.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Governor Ron DeSantis to Biden on Vaxx Mandates: “YOU Are The One That’s Being Divisive About This!”

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis continues to stand up for what’s right. Blames Biden on being divisive.


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RELATED ARTICLE: Gov. DeSantis Torches Biden Over Biden’s Insane Lie That He Didn’t Know Who DeSantis Is

Stanford Epidemiologist Says COVID Vaccination Is Primarily a Matter of Personal Health, Not Public Health

An abundance of scientific data undermine justifications for COVID vaccination mandates, which violate long-standing principles of bodily autonomy and individual rights.

As one-size-fits-all COVID vaccine mandates sweep government, academia, and corporate America, new data are emerging that undermine the public health justifications for these policies. Studies from multiple countries now indicate that vaccination alone is less effective than the acquired immunity many already possess and unable to prevent transmission in the medium-to-long term.

Since the pandemic began, more than 100 million Americans have recovered from the virus. Many are workers deemed “essential” just last year. While the government paid others to sit at home, essential workers were required to continue working, exposing themselves to the coronavirus in a pre-vaccine world.

One of these individuals is my friend, Adam, an occupational therapist and rehabilitation director treating patients at a small nursing home in Aroostook County, Maine. He never worked from home. His patients needed him there in person. Like many healthcare workers on the frontlines, Adam was infected by the coronavirus while on the job, stayed home until he tested negative, and then went back to work.

As far as COVID is concerned, Adam is among the safest people in America to be around. Multiple studies (including one out of Israel that has received global attention) now indicate that those who have recovered from infection possess a natural immunity more robust than what current vaccines provide. Further, three epidemiologists at Harvard, Oxford, and Stanford have specifically recommended in the Great Barrington Declaration (now co-signed by nearly 15,000 medical and public health scientists, as well as 44,000 medical practitioners) that “nursing homes should use staff with acquired immunity” to protect patients.

So why have both President Joe Biden and Governor Janet Mills (D-ME) issued mandates threatening Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements to all healthcare providers unless they fire people like Adam? Mandates that make no exception for those with demonstrated acquired immunity make little sense for public health.

Additionally, in light of recent studies and documented “breakthrough infections,” the public health basis for mandatory vaccination is increasingly shaky for even those without any degree of natural immunity.

During my four years as Senate Chairman for Maine’s Health and Human Services Committee, mandatory vaccination policies in schools were a regular source of heated debate. The arguments for robust enforcement often rested on the need for “herd immunity”—the point at which one person transmits a virus to one or fewer people due to pre-existing immunity within a population.

Before the advent of vaccination, herd immunity relied on the development of natural immunity through widespread exposure to a virus. Since vaccination became common, many viruses once plaguing society are now virtually eradicated. To maintain herd immunity for subsequent generations and prevent the return of our old viral enemies, widespread vaccination is widely regarded as essential. For COVID vaccination, however, this does not appear to be the case.

According to Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a professor of medicine who studies epidemiology at Stanford University, recent studies indicate that the mRNA vaccines produced by Moderna and Pfizer do not contribute to herd immunity.

During a September 2021 interview with New York Times best-selling author Tom Woods, Bhattacharya, one of the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration, cited a study from Qatar with important findings on vaccine effectiveness. While vaccinated individuals were up to 95 percent safer from severe disease six months after vaccination, protection against infection and transmission was fleeting. Immunity began to diminish after five weeks. At 20 weeks, the vaccinated were as likely to become infected and transmit the virus as those unvaccinated.

This failure to confer a lasting immunity that protects the public does not negate the demonstrated positive effects for the individual. Battacharya hails the vaccine as “a wonderful achievement” that has “protected so many people from severe outcomes of the disease.” He credits the vaccine with aiding his own recovery from a COVID infection and strongly recommends it to others, especially the “older and vulnerable.”

“It’s better to have the vaccines first and then get the disease than the other way around,” he says.

At the same time, Bhattacharya concludes that, without contributing to herd immunity, COVID vaccination is a matter of personal health, not public health. As the benefits rest primarily with the individual, not society, government officials have no greater moral authority to prescribe vaccination than they do to prescribe chemotherapy. These are decisions for the individual to decide in consultation with their own physician.

Unlike pre-existing requirements in schools for traditional vaccinations, existing data undermines herd immunity justifications for universal COVID vaccination mandates. Further, these mandates push many with robust acquired immunity out of the workplace and society to the detriment of public health, increasing the likelihood of transmission to the vulnerable.

Mandatory COVID vaccination oversteps the bounds of public health, violating long-standing Western principles of bodily autonomy and individual rights. Lacking even the clear positive externalities often used to justify past vaccination requirements, these mandates should be opposed at all levels of policymaking.


Eric Brakey

Eric Brakey is the senior spokesperson for Young Americans for Liberty. As a state senator from 2014 to 2018, Brakey served as senate chairman for the Maine Health and Human Services Committee.

RELATED ARTICLE: Lockdowns Coincided With Record-Breaking Drug Overdose Fatalities, New CDC Data Show

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Cities Lead the Way in (Another) Massive Fall Exodus from US Public Schools

Many parents pulled their children out of school last year for homeschooling and other private options, as schools remained shuttered due to the coronavirus response. Nationwide, homeschooling numbers tripled last year from their pre-pandemic levels, driven largely by black families who left district schools for homeschooling at the highest rate of any demographic group and are now over-represented in the homeschooling population compared to K-12 public schools. With most schools open for full-time, in-person learning this year, it seemed reasonable to assume that parents would eagerly re-enroll their children in their local district school, tabling last year’s alternative education plans.

That doesn’t seem to be the case. In fact, some school districts, such as Los Angeles, have seen a larger public school enrollment drop this fall compared to last fall. L.A. public school enrollment declined by 4.76 percent in the 2020/2021 academic year, while new data show that enrollment is down another 27,000 students this fall compared to last year, or a drop of nearly 6 percent.

The enrollment decline for L.A. public schools was captured as of September 17, which was the fifth Friday of the new school year, or the day the district annually counts student enrollment. This was just after the Los Angeles school board mandated the COVID-19 vaccine for all eligible public school students, and before California Governor Gavin Newsom announced that all students in the state would be required to be injected with the new vaccine.

As I wrote last month, these COVID-19 vaccine mandates for children and adolescents will likely lead to more parents fleeing public schools for private learning models, particularly as new data emerges about the link between the COVID-19 vaccine and higher rates of myocarditis in teenage boys and young men.

“Boys between 16 and 19 years of age had the highest incidence of myocarditis after the second dose,” The New York Times reported last week, so it’s understandable that many parents may be reluctant to have their children get the COVID shot. “The risk of heart problems in boys of that age was about nine times higher than in unvaccinated boys of the same age,” added the Times.

With 20-30% of Los Angeles teachers and staff currently not on track to meet the district’s October 15 vaccination deadline, fewer students may alleviate some of the pending staffing shortages resulting from those who are terminated for not getting vaccinated. The district is already contending with 2,000 unfilled positions and a dearth of applicants.

L.A. isn’t the only large school district seeing dwindling numbers of students. New Chicago data reveal that district enrollment is down by 10,000 students this year, on top of the 14,500 students the school system lost last year.

According to Chicago NPR: “The reasons for the declines are many, experts say, including demographic changes in the city as well as the pandemic and the upheaval it caused, which may have motivated some parents to pull their children from the school district.”

More Chicago parents are continuing to homeschool their children, and local Catholic schools and other private schools are experiencing enrollment boosts, NPR reported.

Last year, public school enrollment dropped an average of 3 percent nationwide, as parents turned to homeschooling and private schools, or delayed kindergarten entry. Most districts were given an enrollment reprieve, freezing school funding at 2019/2020 spending levels in the wake of the pandemic response. But this year, headcount matters. In Detroit, “count day” occurred last Wednesday and will determine how many students are currently attending the city’s public schools and how much funding they will get. District officials resorted to bribery, offering Detroit Pistons basketball tickets to students to make sure they were in attendance so as to secure higher funding levels.

Last year, Detroit district enrollment fell 3 percent, while statewide public school enrollment declined more than 4 percent. According to a new National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) working paper, which analyzed 2020 student enrollment trends in Michigan, the majority of families who left public schools last year chose homeschooling while most of the remaining families selected private schools. The researchers also found that low-income households and families of color were more likely to flee district schooling.

“At a high level, our main results are in line with a growing set of reports that the pandemic caused an unprecedented shift away from the public education sector, particularly for Black, low-income and kindergarten students,” researchers concluded.

In Seattle, the 1,300 fewer students enrolled in the district this fall will likely cost the public schools approximately $28 million in state funding. Smaller school districts are also experiencing enrollment declines along with a corresponding dip in funding. In West Virginia, Marion County student enrollment is down 230 students this year and the district is set to lose $1 million in school funding as a result. Many students in the district shifted to homeschooling, which has grown to 730 students from about 500 students in a typical year.

The NBER researchers suggest that the pandemic-induced shift away from public schooling is likely to be long-lasting and will have enduring effects on funding.

“These enrollment changes also have clear longer-term fiscal implications for the public school sector and educational consequences for students. To the extent that a large percentage of students remain enrolled in alternative sectors, public school systems will face unprecedented drops in funding,” the researchers conclude.

This is an ideal time for state legislatures to implement school choice policies, such as education savings accounts, vouchers, and tax-credit scholarship programs, to enable education dollars to follow students instead of funding bureaucratic school systems. Indeed, nearly three-quarters of US taxpayers now support education choice policies, and it has been a banner year for school choice, with many states introducing or strengthening choice policies.

These policies make it easier for parents to access the best education option for their children, extending learning choices beyond a district school assignment.

Some commentators look upon the current public schooling exodus with dread and criticize the ongoing privatization of education. This sense of doom is misguided. We don’t have government-run grocery stores assigned to families by their zip code, and food is even more important than education from a survival standpoint.

What we do have is a wide assortment of private grocery stores, farmers’ markets, and other private, commercial spaces from which consumers choose to buy food. For families in need, taxpayers fund food stamps and similar food-assistance programs that enable consumers to use taxpayer dollars in the form of vouchers to purchase food at the private market of their choice. This is a widely accepted model as it relates to food, but is somehow excoriated when applied to education.

The current momentum away from government-run schools and toward private education options should be welcomed and embraced. Weakening the government’s monopoly position on education and enabling a flourishing free market of learning opportunities will expand choices for families in much the same way as it does in all other areas of our lives. We don’t have government-run car dealerships, or hair salons, or shoe stores, and yet we are able to buy a car, get our hair cut, and purchase shoes that meet our preferences thanks to a vibrant free market.

As FEE’s founder Leonard Read wrote in his 1964 essay, a truly free market in education would unleash creativity, possibility, and efficiency, just as it has in all other sectors. According to Read: “Creative thought on education would manifest itself in millions of individuals. Such genius as we potentially and compositely pos­sess would assert itself and take the place of deadening restraints. Any person who understands the free market knows, without any qualification whatsoever, that there would be more education and bet­ter education. And a person with a faith in free men is confident that the costs per unit of learning accomplished would be far less.”

Far from being worrying, the current exodus from public schools is a positive educational change that is good for families, students, and taxpayers alike. As the government’s grip on education loosens, entrepreneurs are stepping in to create new learning models and schooling alternatives that provide the personalization, flexibility, and variety that we expect in all other parts of our lives. Prompted by the pandemic response that exposed the glaring inadequacies of government schooling, more parents now demand more education choices. Buoyed by an expanding free market in education, these parents and their children will enjoy an abundance of educational solutions in the years to come.


Kerry McDonald

Kerry McDonald is a Senior Education Fellow at FEE and author of Unschooled: Raising Curious, Well-Educated Children Outside the Conventional Classroom (Chicago Review Press, 2019). She is also an adjunct scholar at The Cato Institute and a regular Forbes contributor. Kerry has a B.A. in economics from Bowdoin College and an M.Ed. in education policy from Harvard University. She lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts with her husband and four children. You can sign up for her weekly newsletter on parenting and education here.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: CFACT is at the 14th International Conference on Climate Change — ICCC-14

Brave scientists from around the world have gathered in Las Vegas, Nevada for the 14th International Conference on Climate Change where climate realism is on full display.

CFACT is there!


CFACT has participated in these important conference since their beginning and thanks the Heartland Institute for their hard work in putting them together.

If you think people have the right to know the hard data concerning weather, temperature, climate, energy and so much more this is the place for you.


EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT video is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Here Are All The Green New Deal Handouts Democrats Wedged Into Their $3.5 Trillion Budget

  • Democrats have inserted numerous provisions and subsidy programs into their $3.5 trillion budget that would benefit green energy companies and speed the transition to renewables.
  • “The whole thing is ridiculous,” Myron Ebell, the director of the Center for Energy and Environment at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “It would be laughable except it’s not laughable because it’s going to have tremendously negative economic consequences.”
  • The budget would include a credit worth as much as $12,500 for consumers who purchase a new electric vehicle, $2,500 for electric motorcycles purchased and even $1,500 for electric bicycles, according to Ebell.
  • A key part of the budget is the $150 billion Clean Electricity Performance Program — the centerpiece of the bill’s climate agenda — which would incentivize energy companies to produce fewer emissions through a series of grants and fees.

Democrats have inserted numerous provisions and subsidy programs into their $3.5 trillion budget that would benefit green energy companies and speed the transition to renewables.

The Build Back Better Act would invest an estimated $295 billion of taxpayer money into a variety of clean energy programs in what would amount to the most sweeping climate effort passed by Congress, according to a House Committee on Energy and Commerce report. That price tag doesn’t factor in the other costly measures approved by the House Ways and Means, Agriculture, Natural Resources, Oversight and Transportation committees last month.

“This bill is crammed with green welfare subsidies, specifically for corporations and the wealthy,” House Ways and Means Ranking Member Kevin Brady told the Daily Caller News Foundation in an interview.

“They are extending and creating a whole host of green energy tax credits such as electric transmission property, zero emissions facilities and clean hydrogen,” the Texas Republican continued. “These are no longer merely tax credits, which count against the taxes you owe. These are direct pay. In effect, they’re government checks from Washington.”

The credits Brady referenced would incentivize the development of new transmission lines delivering renewable energy nationwide, reward facilities that produce zero or net negative carbon emissions and offset major costs associated with producing clean hydrogen power. But these subsidies represent a small portion of the giveaways packed into the legislation.

Overall, the bill includes major aspects of the Green New Deal, the behemoth climate legislation first proposed by progressive lawmakers in 2019. The Green New Deal has an estimated price tag of nearly $93 trillion and would cost American families as much as $65,300 per year.

‘The whole thing is ridiculous’

Democrats’ budget would include a credit worth as much as $12,500 for consumers who purchase a new electric vehicle, $2,500 for electric motorcycles purchase and even $1,500 for electric bicycles, according to Myron Ebell, the director of the Center for Energy and Environment at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Roughly $13.5 billion would be invested in building new electric vehicle infrastructure nationwide.

President Joe Biden recently set a goal for 50% of all vehicles purchased in 2030 to be electric. In addition, his administration said the U.S. would cut emissions 50% by 2030, have 100% carbon-free electricity by 2035 and achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.

“The whole thing is ridiculous,” Ebell told the DCNF. “It would be laughable except it’s not laughable because it’s going to have tremendously negative economic consequences. We can’t meet any of these targets, but in trying to do so we can do a huge amount of economic damage.” (RELATED: Experts Slam Biden’s Plan To Build Government-Funded Wind Farms)

The budget is a key cog in the president’s aggressive climate agenda and crusade against global warming which his administration has labeled a “crisis” multiple times since he took office. Days into his presidency, Biden nixed the Keystone XL pipeline permit, opened the door for sweeping regulation on fossil fuel producers and banned new oil and gas leasing on federal lands, but each executive action was met with a fierce response from states.

Since then, the president hasn’t just railed against fossil fuels, instead actively promoting renewable energy technology. His administration said Wednesday it would build seven wind farms nationwide that would have the capacity to provide enough energy to power 10 million homes by 2030.

“These technologies aren’t science fiction,” Biden remarked after a Sept. 14 tour of a National Renewable Energy Laboratory facility in Colorado. “They’re ready to be installed across the country right now.”

The Build Back Better Act would additionally implement a production tax credit for wind, solar and geothermal energy, according to Ebell. There is also an investment tax credit in the bill that would benefit developers of energy storage devices.

Clean Electricity Performance Program

Perhaps chief among the climate policies found in the Build Back Better Act is the $150 billion Clean Electricity Performance Program (CEPP). The program, which is the centerpiece of the bill’s climate agenda, would incentivize energy companies to produce fewer emissions through a series of grants and fees.

“The CEPP is a repackaged version of a number of green energy proposals that have been made both recently and over the years to — we used to say nudge — now it’s much more of a heavy push towards utilities generating at least 85% clean energy,” American Institute for Economic Research senior faculty Ryan Yonk told the DCNF.

If an energy supplier increases their clean output by 4% compared to the previous year, it would be eligible for a sizable grant under the CEPP, according to the Energy and Commerce Committee. Companies that don’t increase clean energy by that amount will be punished with a large fine payable to the Department of Energy.

The program mandates that companies use grants to make energy more affordable for consumers. It also prohibits them from passing program costs to consumers, but fails to outline how it would ensure price increases aren’t tied to CEPP fines.

CEPP, though, continues to face opposition from Democratic West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, who could be the deciding vote for the budget, Politico reported. Manchin reportedly wants to gut much of the program and include a broader definition of “clean energy.”

However, when asked in September about whether he would sign a budget bill with fewer climate provisions, Biden said he was “for more climate measures.” (RELATED: ‘We’re Off Track’: Here’s How Republicans Plan To Move The Needle On Climate Change)

‘What’s the goal?’

“It’s not based on science. It’s not based on an overall strategic plan. It’s a lot of feel good stuff,” Republican Utah Rep. John Curtis, a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and chair of the Conservative Climate Caucus, told the DCNF when asked about the budget. “What are we trying to accomplish? What’s the goal? Nobody’s articulated that.”

He noted, for example, that the U.S. falls far short of the grid capacity to handle the number of electric vehicle charging stations the budget would fund. The budget hasn’t received the support of a single elected Republican, not even Curtis, who has backed many climate policies.

The bill also fails to acknowledge the shortfalls of such a rapid transition to renewable energy, Yonk said. Many projects, such as wind and solar, are still not profitable decades after investment began pouring into renewables.

In 2020, just 12% of the energy consumed by Americans came from renewables, according to the Energy Information Administration (EIA). Solar and wind, which account for a large fraction of renewable energy produced, are nature-dependent and can be unreliable.

While producers often tout the energy capacity of solar and wind, they produce less than half of that capacity on average, EIA data showed. A rapid shift to renewables in Europe was a catalyst in the ongoing energy crisis that has seen oil, gas and coal prices skyrocket, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Renewables require large battery storage facilities to overcome some of the problems posed by their intermittent nature, but the U.S. has a total storage power capacity of almost 2 gigawatts, according to an EIA report in August. By comparison, the U.S. consumed about 3.8 million gigawatts per hour last year.

“We really don’t know what an energy market could look like because we subsidize and regulate all the different pieces of it,” Yonk told the DCNF. “We’ve taken what could be determined by individuals making their own choices and substituted it with a political solution where the values of those who lobby — whether they be on the green side or the energy production side — are what actually determines where we get things from.”

“As a result, we get things like the production tax credit or the investment tax credit that says, ‘okay, if you do these narrow list of things, we will provide a subsidy,’” he continued.

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Energy and environmental reporter. Follow Thomas on Twitter.

RELATED RESOURCE: Energy Usage Calculator


‘Higher Bills For American Families’: House Republicans Demand Answers From Biden Administration On Energy Crisis

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Psaki Says Surging Prices Are ‘A Good Thing’ When Cornered By Jake Tapper

RELATED VIDEO: Climate Activists VANDALIZE U.S. Chamber Of Commerce.

EDITORS NOTE: This The Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Lt. Governor Candidate in Virginia Against High Electric Rates.

There is a candidate for Lt. Governor in Virginia who is against high electric rates.  Her name is Winsome Sears and she is both a military veteran and a Republican.

Please vote for Winsome Sears on November 2nd during the 2021 election in Virginia.

Please Vote on November 2nd for Winsome Sears as Lt. Governor of Virginia! Spread the News! from Pokto longjkt on Vimeo.

Here’s a link to her official campaign website.

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LifeSiteNews: Pfizer whistleblower says vaccine ‘glows,’ contains toxic luciferase, graphene oxide compounds

published the following video with commentary:

Melissa Strickler, a Christian, recently went public with insider emails showing Pfizer executives wanted to hide the vaccine’s connection to aborted-fetal cells. Now, she tells Jim Hale in this exclusive LifeSite interview that the company’s jab includes toxic chemicals that make it ‘glow,’ including luciferase and graphene oxide.

To donate to Pfizer whistleblower, Melissa, click here.

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Santa Claus Fired Over Vaccine Mandate By Major Retailer Nordstrom

U.S. Navy Preparing To Discharge Sailors Who Won’t Get COVID Vaccine

The “one shot” J&J wears off faster than the two-shot Pfizer or ModeRNA

Ports Backed Up, Transportation Secretary Buttigieg Changing Diapers


They could temporarily halt all transportation regulations and mandates to fix this but instead they do nothing. Democrats want chaos.

Transportation secretary acknowledges trucker shortage ‘issue’ as part of supply chain disruptions

Bret Baier presses Transportation Secretary Buttigieg on supply chain woes

By Angelica Stabile | Fox News October 15, 2021:

Buttigieg defends Biden’s plan to solve supply chain issues: A lot must ‘go right’

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg acknowledges driver shortage and a supply chain bottleneck with a positive outlook following the president’s plan to keep ports open.

Supply chain disruptions across the U.S. have left shelves empty as the crucial holiday shopping period approaches.

President Biden announced Wednesday that the Ports of Los Angeles will remain open for 60 extra hours per week to feed in shipments to which “Special Report” host Bret Baier asked Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, “Is it too little, too late?”

“The president said this has the potential to be a game-changer,” Buttigieg said. “It’s going to have to be part of a number of steps.”


“A lot of things have to go right but the announcement that these ports would go 24/7, that’s a big part of it.”

The secretary referenced a report that indicates the issue does not solely lie in open ports, but also in the availability of trucks and drivers.
Biden under fire as supply chain crisis worsens; blamed Trump for 2020 shortages Video

Buttigieg added there are also issues with different ports coordinating with each other, urging for the implementation of more data sharing.

When pressed by Baier whether the current situation could have been seen coming, the secretary admitted the administration did notice the supply chain backup approaching and had set for accommodations to be put in place to heighten urgency. Buttigieg mentioned that furthering these efforts includes pushing through the highly-debated infrastructure package that allocates $17 billion to U.S. ports.

Baier pushed the former South Bend, Ind. mayor on why that infrastructure bill remains on Capitol Hill despite its addressing of bridges and ports and having the backing of Republicans – the bill remains stalled as Democrats debate among themselves another, more progressive, bill.

“We very much push for this infrastructure bill,” he said. “I’ve worked hard on it. The president has worked hard on it. And the same is true for the Build Back Better agenda – things that most Americans agree on.” Buttigieg agreed that Republicans would indeed support infrastructure, but noted the GOP would vote against the Democrats on what has been dubbed “human infrastructure” such as child care, family leave, climate change and such.

With many wondering whether gifts will be in short supply this holiday season, Baier asked Buttigieg whether this should be of concern. Buttigieg noted, “Part of the reason we are where we are is that the president successfully brought this economy out of the teeth of a recession.

“People are buying more than ever before, we’re seeing record goods coming through our ports. The demand is there, which is great news. It represents a policy success. Now we’ve got to make sure those supply chains are there to support.”

“So, you’re saying that’s a high-class problem?” Baier asked.

“What I’m saying is that we are better off because the economy is growing,” Buttigieg said, “And the economy is growing thanks to the leadership of this president.”

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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