Attention Congress: A Plague On Both Your Houses!

Americans have long since felt that “something is wrong” in our country. You may remember the iconic movie Network wherein a mysterious figure explains that corporations own the world and control America, and the famous scene in which charismatic news anchor Howard Beale stops reading his script and urges the public to follow his lead, open their windows and holler: “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!” And that was back in the 70’s, when life was ideal compared to our present Covidian dystopia.

Well, the public finally did manage a collective scream, and did so on November 8th, 2016, through the astonishing upset election that brought Donald Trump to the White House. And ever since, we’ve witnessed the unhinged and malevolent response of the entrenched political class—and I do mean “class” in the singular, referring to both Democrats and Republicans, members of our systemically corrupt and arrogant Uniparty.

The Infamous Joint Session of Congress

But even I, skeptic that I am, was not prepared for the debacle we witnessed on January 6th, 2021—a day that shall live on in infamy—and I do not refer to the Leftist-staged Antifa-in-Trump-hats melee the Fake News called “storming” of the Capitol, while conveniently failing to mention that colluding D.C. police officers had lifted the barricades, opened the doors and waved the “protesters” in.

No, I’m referring to the historic Joint Session of Congress wherein our Vice President, along with the entire component of Democrats in both the House and Senate, and a staggering number of feckless and traitorous Republicans, revealed themselves to the nation as treasonous, cowardly scoundrels, hell-bent on destroying our Republic and the rule of law, by refusing to challenge obviously unconstitutional, fraudulent Electoral College results from a number of battleground states.

There was, in fact, a battle—the battle for our Republic—and those key swing states, through their corrupt governors, secretaries of state, and/or state attorneys general, stole the election for Kamala Harris. I mean Beijing Biden. OK, I had it right the first time.

VP Mike Pence’s Outrageous Betrayal of POTUS and the Republic

Following the Left’s dictum to never let a false flag “crisis” go to waste, in the nick of time our esteemed representatives seemingly captured the moral high-ground by lambasting those “rioting insurrectionists,” i.e. Trump supporters, and Trump himself, as “threats” to “our democracy,” giving themselves new cover for ratifying the spurious election results.

In the days leading up to January 6th, the Internet heated up with claims that POTUS had the perfect way to reclaim his landslide victory, by playing the “Pence card.” Unfortunately, the card he played turned out to be the Joker after all. For though Mike Pence had received excellent, sound advice from Constitutional attorney Brian C. Remy, among others, explaining he had both the Constitutional right and the duty to discard the disputed certificates from the battleground states where the governor or secretary of state changed election laws—which must only be done by the state legislatures—Pence shrugged off his responsibility. And on the fateful day, shamefully, he denied the legitimate objections to certification brought by several states, and instead chose to let the Dems and RINOs in Congress do the dirty deed themselves, by voting to validate Biden’s sham win. This was surely one of the most disgraceful, craven and duplicitous acts in our nation’s history, effectively rubber-stamping the theft of the 2020 election, and of our very Republic. Pence will go down in history, if and when the true story is told, as a Judas—a traitor of the vilest sort.

The Betrayal of Our Senators

But the betrayal wasn’t limited to Pence. How about this mind-boggling revelation: out of a total of 50 Republican Senators only some half a dozen had the guts and the integrity to stand up for fair play in the election! Only Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Cindy Hyde-Smith, Cynthia Lummis, John Kennedy, Roger Marshall, Rick Scott, and Tommy Tuberville voiced their opposition to the suspicious vote results in Arizona and/or Pennsylvania, by voting to grant these states the right to conduct forensic analyses to determine whether fraudulent votes had been cast and whether these were enough to overturn the election results. Who wouldn’t want to verify the integrity of the most consequential presidential election in our history? Turns out, most of the pampered career politicians in Washington D.C..

What shocked me more than anything else, was the fact that a mere 8 senators out of 100 total were willing to stand up for the Republic, the Constitution, and the people they supposedly represent. And of the defectors from the ranks of the Republicans, the bitterest pill for me was that of Senator Rand Paul, long one of my heroes in the Senate. I’ll never forget Rand’s passionate filibuster during the Obama Administration to protest against giving the government the power to use drones to attack American citizens on American soil. That was inspiring to watch – shades of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. Alas, how far the mighty have fallen.

Et Tu, Rand?

A message from Senator Paul was delivered to my inbox on January 26th, with the title: “Did you see me on ABC’s Sunday morning show?” Yes, Rand. I saw you. I also saw you on January 6th, when you sold out America to the radical, Socialist Democrats and their globalist pals.

When it mattered most, not only did Rand vote to certify the obviously illegitimate results from these battleground states, but he managed to misrepresent the issue, presumably so he could sound like a strict Constitutionalist while selling out his country to Communist China. How? By pretending that the issue was whether Congress has the authority to change the votes of the Electoral College—i.e. to “overturn an election”— which completely obscured the point. In fact, the election had already been overturned—by cheating! The whole purpose was to restore the people’s choice, by using the legitimate Constitutional remedy for Electoral shenanigans that no less a revered historical personage than Thomas Jefferson had invoked—leading to his winning the presidency in what had been a corrupted election.

The truth is that Rand Paul, like nearly all members of the “Peoples’ House,” is first and foremost a politician. He must have noticed which way the wind was blowing, and didn’t want to end up on the losing side, facing possible censure, as Cruz and Hawley now face, for having taken their principled, Constitutional stand. Easier to invoke the Constitution in order to hide behind its folds, while protecting oneself instead of protecting the Republic.

Congressional Heroes and Villains

Thankfully, we did get to see a number of Congressmen stand up to save the Republic, among them, stalwart patriots Louie Gohmert, Jim Jordan, Mo Brooks and Devin Nunes. These men, along with some 120 more brave and honorable souls, deserve our thanks and gratitude.

However, there were at least 300 of our Representatives who voted to preserve the stolen election—i.e. to sabotage the will of We the People. We certainly got to see the goats separating themselves out from the sheep, to use that prescient Biblical metaphor.

And speaking of goats: there’s one traitor worthy of special mention: Rep. Greg Pence of Indiana, who also voted to certify the stolen election. Why him? Because he happens to be the brother of the central villain of the piece, Vice President Mike Pence. Two peas in a Judas pod. I meant that as a figure of speech, but since learned that there’s an actual Judas tree which has large pods, and there’s a story that Judas Iscariot hanged himself from a tree of this species – which reminds me that in the first book of The Divine Comedy, Inferno, renowned Italian poet Dante reserved the deepest pit in hell for betrayers. But I digress….

The Civics Lesson on the House Floor

I’d be remiss if I failed to mention the eye-popping remarks of a member of the House who distinguished himself as an ignoramus. Here’s Representative Brendan Boyle’s speech before the Joint Session:

“I must concede, Madam Speaker, I have been naïve about one subject. I always just assumed our democracy would naturally endure. I never even questioned it until the last several years.” [Note his requisite dig at Trump.]

“Two centuries ago, one of our Founding Fathers, cautioned against this. John Adams wrote, ‘Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.’ I now realize the wisdom of his words. Never again, will I take for granted our democracy. It must be defended by every generation.”

Perhaps we should have a compulsory proctored civics exam for anyone running for Congress, as many members in the People’s House don’t seem to have even a rudimentary understanding of our form of government or how it is supposed to work under the Constitution. In truth, I’ve never heard a more benighted statement from any member of Congress—in spite of the fact that there’s ample competition.

Poor Congressman Boyle evidently has no idea that John Adams, like virtually all our Founders, was adamantly opposed to creating a democracy, and said as much in that quote for the excellent reasons he cited. In fact, none of the Founders wanted to saddle posterity with a democracy, which they variously called “mob rule” or “tyranny of the majority.” Here’s what James Madison has to say about them: “…democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.”

This is why our Founders bequeathed to us not a democracy, Mr. Boyle, but a Republic: i.e. the rule of law, including protection for the minority, which democracies famously lack. Yes, we have democratic principles, but America is most emphatically not a democracy. Congressman Boyle, you are an embarrassment to your constituents, as well as to our Republic. Do your homework, sir.

My Verdict on the January 6th Joint Session of Congress

In view of all the above, I have this message for the former President of the Senate, and assorted certifying Congressmen and Congresswomen, if I’m permitted to address you as such under the new gender-free Biden totalitarian regime: A plague on both your Houses!

© Cherie Zaslawsky. All rights reserved.

THE UK AND THE LONDON MAYOR: Are Sadiq Khan’s Days Numbered?

These are my views as a woman living in England, on how the culture and spirit of my country has changed over 50 years.  Why the country does not feel protected or strong any more, how it has lost, and is losing it values and decency, and how we are daily losing our free speech.

There’s a super smart man who is currently driving around the streets of London at the moment.   He is tall, motivated and extremely brave.   He is an entrepreneur and knows how to get things done.  He is clean shaven, wears very snazzy Saville Row suits with a bright red tie, and what’s more he’s American.

To say he is shining a light on evil and making it look as stinky as it actually is, would be an understatement.   I am loving it.

Brian Rose, of London Real, which is a video talk show, has been introducing us for some years to a world of people, uncensored and unscripted by the mainstream media.   He has interviewed some interesting and very unusual people.    Now Brian Rose, who has lived in the UK for 20 years, and loves the City of London, has put his business on hold, and he is running for London Mayor.

Driving daily around the 32 boroughs of London, in his battle bus, as he calls it, he is speaking to local residents and airing their disappointments, both live on air and on line.   There are many complaints from those he speaks to.    Being from what you call a multi-cultural city, the citizens come from all ethnicities and backgrounds.

He pulls no punches in exposing the many failures of Sadiq Khan, the current London mayor, who has been un-elected for the past 12 months due to ‘Covid’.   This time, the facts on Mr. Khan’s failure to deliver his promises cannot be hidden from the cool calm and direct way in which Brian Rose exposes facts.


There are very real consequences for any type of bad management.

One of the main problems reported by Londoners is an initiative by Prime Minister, Boris Johnson which was then carried out by the current mayor called Low Traffic Neighborhoods, which although well intentioned, were not thought through logistically.  It is reported that there was a lack of consultation with residents for the plans.

Low Traffic Neighborhoods direct traffic from one area to another which then become congested.   It is costing residents much more money in congestion charges and also more time in getting to places.  LTN’s have been bad for businesses in the areas designated Low Traffic, and are also holding up emergency services from reaching people when time is of the essence.

 Car-free neighbourhoods: the unlikely new frontline in the culture wars | Cycling | The Guardian  

A failure to meet the figures for new housing, together with cuts on transport is another complaint.

Sadiq Khan announces £500million cuts plan to London Underground, Met Police and London Fire Brigade – MyLondon

Outside of London, the UK, and in particular ‘Brexiteers’ did not appreciate the £1.5 million politicized firework display which the mayor organized on New Year’s Eve whilst everyone was locked up.

Sadiq Khan pleads with Londoners to support his £1.5m taxpayer funded NYE light show | UK | News |

And as the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson laments on another fatal knife attack and how he is very concerned knife crime will rise again in the city when we come out of lockdown, we all sigh with sheer exasperation as we know full well that locking people up in their homes has done more damage to people’s mental health and the rise in violence than he will ever care to admit.   It is on Sadiq Khan’s watch that knife crime has extensively risen in the city over a number of years.

London stabbing blitz enters a second night as two men are knifed to death in 48 hours | Daily Mail Online

Therefore, Brian Rose is doing an excellent job in offering solutions and exposing how cuts to our youth services, and cuts to vital transport and emergency services such as our Police and Fire Brigade who have faced a £25 million cut in London have all contributed to the demise of the City of London.  A place which he loves.

FBU condemns “unthinkable” £25m cut to London Fire Brigade | Fire Brigades Union

Speaking of which.   Today, February 14th, St Valentine’s Day, it is reported that fed-up Londoners have also sent a Valentine message to the Prime Minister by illuminating Hammersmith Bridge to get his attention to the fact that the bridge has been closed since April 2019.

Fed-up Londoners illuminate Hammersmith Bridge in bright red to get PM’s attention | UK News | Sky News

To be honest, I don’t think the love will be reciprocated or acknowledged.   It is quite clear we are living under a total collapse of society with a virus being used as the ‘perfect excuse’ for everything.   The country, and the once great City of London is in an utter state of decay.

Is Brian Rose, who is running for London Mayor really aware of the forces of darkness which is much more stinky than the River Thames which used to spill over onto our streets?   If London once had a major sewerage problem with the Thames which was called, ‘The Great Stink’, which was resolved by Joseph Bazalgette in 1858 with the Crossness Pumping Station in Bexley, which he recently visited, I don’t know what we would call it today, except that it is major.

TIMELINE | Crossness Engines

Nonetheless, it is encouraging and also inspiring that someone has come along with some positive enthusiasm for the city and who can also offer some common-sense solutions rather than the continued negativity and non-sensical announcements which major politicians are making on a daily basis.  Many people have now given up listening to what they have to say in the same fashion that they have given up listening to mainstream media.   If something looks fishy, and sounds fishy, you can be sure it is ‘fishy’.

It has been inspiring to listen to some of the people who are all helping each other out in the areas where they live, by setting up food banks, now a vital resource which is not just serving the homeless but the thousands of people who are losing their income.

Food for London Now: Hunger crisis deepens as middle class graduates now join queues at food banks | Evening Standard

Draining ‘The Big Stink’

It can be no coincidence that evilness, and all of its emptiness is being exposed in a perfect and very timely manner for everyone to see, and it is becoming more than evident that the country is now running on the goodness and sensibility of its citizens and some very unlikely people, like Mr. Brian Rose.

Therefore, we should be encouraged that even though it is dark out there, light has come to this earth to expose it.

Common-sense, integrity and wisdom are wonderful virtues.   They stand head and shoulders above those who can profess to care for people but knowingly have other agendas in place.   The last 12 months has certainly been a time for witnessing leaders, world-wide, who do not possess those qualities and who feel no shame in their mis-deeds, and it has been a time for witnessing those who might have those virtues.

Proverbs 10:9 

Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out.

Proverbs 16:22 

Good sense is a fountain of life to him who has it, but the instruction of fools is folly

Proverbs 14:8 

The wisdom of the prudent is to discern his way, but the folly of fools is deceiving.

Whatever the outcome for the Election for Mayor planned for May 6th, I still believe.   The Best Is Yet to Come…….

©Shirley Edwards. All rights reserved.


TIMELINE | Crossness Engines

London stabbing blitz enters a second night as two men are knifed to death in 48 hours | Daily Mail Online

Fed-up Londoners illuminate Hammersmith Bridge in bright red to get PM’s attention | UK News | Sky News

How Mayor Sadiq Khan broke six election pledges in one day — MayorWatch

FBU condemns “unthinkable” £25m cut to London Fire Brigade | Fire Brigades Union

Is China Creating A New Master Race?

Sounds eerily familiar…..

Is China Creating A New Master Race?

By Tyler Durden, Authored by Gordon Chang via The Gatestone Institute, Feb 13, 2021:

Bing Su, a Chinese geneticist at the state-run Kunming Institute of Zoology, recently inserted the human MCPH1 gene, which develops the brain, into a monkey. The insertion could make that animal’s intelligence more human than that of lower primates. Su’s next experiment is inserting into monkeys the SRGAP2C gene, related to human intelligence, and the FOXP2 gene, connected to language skills.

Has nobody in China seen Planet of the Apes?

Or maybe they have. “Biotechnology development in China is heading in a truly macabre direction,” writes Brandon Weichert of The Weichert Report in an article posted on the American Greatness website. In a communist society with unrestrained ambition, researchers are pursuing weird science. What happens when you mix pig and monkey DNA? Chinese experimenters can tell you. How about growing human-like organs in animals? Yes, they have done that as well.

Moreover, Beijing may already be engineering “super soldiers.” “U.S. intelligence shows that China has conducted human testing on members of the People’s Liberation Army in hope of developing soldiers with biologically enhanced capabilities,” wrote then Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, in a December 3 Wall Street Journal op-ed titled “China Is National Security Threat No. 1.”

It is not clear how far Chinese military researchers have gone. They are, however, advocating use of the CRISPR gene-editing tool to enhance human capabilities, and the Communist Party’s Central Military Commission is “supporting research in human performance enhancement and ‘new concept’ biotechnology.”

The People’s Liberation Army has gone all-in on gene editing of humans. As leading analysts Elsa Kania and Wilson VornDick report, there are “striking parallels in themes repeated by a number of PLA scholars and scientists from influential institutions.”

All these Chinese moves are meant to obtain “biological dominance.” “There are,” as Ratcliffe noted, “no ethical boundaries to Beijing’s pursuit of power.”

It is clear that the Communist Party is thinking about more than just soldiers. A Chinese researcher is also the first — and so far only — person to gene-edit human embryos that produced live births.

He Jiankui, while at Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen, used the CRISPR-Cas9 tool to remove gene CCR5 to give twin girls, born in late 2018, immunity to HIV but perhaps also to enhance intelligence. The experiment evoked the eugenics program of the Third Reich to create a “master race.”

China is in the process of creating the “perfect Communist,” Weichert, also the author of Winning Space, told Gatestone. “China is run by a regime that believes in the perfectibility of mankind, and with the advent of modern genetic and biotechnology research, China’s central planners now have the human genome itself to perfect according to their political agenda.”

Chinese scientists already are on the road of “gene-doping” to make future generations smarter and more innovative than those in countries refusing to embrace these controversial methods. “What you are witnessing in China,” Weichert has written, “is the convergence of advanced technology with cutting-edge bio-sciences, capable of fundamentally altering all life on this planet according to the capricious whims of a nominally Communist regime.”

Shenzhen’s He, after an international uproar caused by news of his dangerous and unethical work, was fined and jailed for “illegally carrying out human embryo gene-editing,” but in the Communist Party’s near-total surveillance state, he obviously had state backing for his experiments.

He’s efforts are not isolated. Nature magazine’s news team reported in April 2015 that Chinese researchers at Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, in another world-first experiment, edited “non-viable” human embryos with CRISPR-Cas9. “A Chinese source familiar with developments in the field said that at least four groups in China are pursuing gene editing in human embryos,” the magazine’s website stated.

Beijing’s prosecution of He, therefore, looks like an attempt to cool down the furor and prevent the international scientific community from further inquiry into China’s activities.

Unfortunately, China’s advances in gene editing human embryos for super soldiers is persuading others they must do the same. Soon, for instance, there will be “Le Terminator.” The French government has just given approval for augmented soldiers. “We have to be clear, not everyone has the same scruples as us and we have to prepare ourselves for such a future,” declared French Minister for the Armed Forces Florence Parly.

Michael Clarke of Kings College London told the Sun, the British tabloid, there is now a biological competition fueled by China. Will we soon have, as the International Society for Military Ethics has dubbed it, a race of “homo robocopus”?

If we do, China will not be the only party to blame. “What is most disturbing about these endeavors is that China has gleaned access to CRISPR and advanced genetic and biotech research, thanks to their relationship with the United States and other advanced Western nations,” Weichert told Gatestone this month. “American research labs, biotech investors, and scientists have all striven to do research and business in China’s budding biotech arena explicitly because the ethical standards for research on this sensitive issue are so low.”

“This will prove to be a long-term strategic threat to the United States that few in Washington, on Wall Street, or in Silicon Valley understand,” Weichert says, referring to China’s rapid weaponization of biotechnology.

China’s regime does not have ethics or decency, is not bound by law, and does not have a sense of restraint. It does, however, have the technology to start a whole new species of genetically enhanced, goose-stepping humans.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in some cases deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here— it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever.

EVIDENTIARY PROOF! Voting Machines Removed 6% of Votes from Each Windham, New Hampshire GOP Candidate – Same Machines Used in 85% of Towns

Dominion is filing punitive, costly lawsuits against anyone who reveals the truth.

If they were able to cheat even in small rural states like this and it seems to be frighteningly consistent from the hand recount done in one district, then what are the odds they did it everywhere?

LISTEN to the phone call recording at the end of the story with David Strang of the NH GOP. It is mind blowing–statistics on the NH voting patterns that mirror the fraud in other states but without huge cities where the populations are bigger than NH, one would never think that they’d bother. Avarice.

THEY GOT CAUGHT: Dominion Owned Machines Removed 6% of Votes from Each Windham, New Hampshire GOP Candidate – Same Machines Used in 85% of Towns (VIDEO REPORT FROM NEW HAMPSHIRE)

By: Jim Hoft, February 14, 2022 (thanks to Paul):

Here is a major update to our report on Wednesday on voter fraud in New Hampshire.

As we previously reported —

A recent hand recount in the Rockingham District 7 NH House Race in Windham, New Hampshire, found that the Dominion-owned voting machines shorted EVERY REPUBLICAN by roughly 300 votes.

Via Facebook

The Dominion machine counted results were wrong for all 4 Republicans in Windham by almost exactly 300 votes.

Granite Grok reported:

The Town of Windham used Dominion machines to count paper ballots and upon a believable hand recount, it was confirmed each Republican was machine-cheated out of roughly 300 votes.
You would think this would have been solved by the Dominion machine company, the Secretary of State, the Elections Unit of the AG’s Office, or the laughable Ballot Law Commission. (Kathy Sullivan, d (Term expires July 1, 2024)

Just like every other state that used machines that alter ballot counts in favor of one political party over another – here we are.

Dominion Voting Systems owns the intellectual property of the AccuVote machines used in New Hampshire. reported:

In New Hampshire, he noted, the AccuVote optical scanners used in all communities that have voting machines are an “older technology” and each moderator uses the device’s results tape, at the end of the night, to reveal the results, on a paper “Return of Votes” form. AccuVote devices have been used for more than a quarter of a century in the state and are the only devices approved by the Ballot Law Commission.

“The device was originally manufactured by Unisys, then by Global Elections Systems Inc., which are no longer in business,” Yen said. “The device used in New Hampshire is no longer being manufactured. Dominion (Voting Systems) owns the intellectual property of the AccuVote and its related election management system but does not manufacture the device.”

On Thursday we spoke with Dr. David Strang M.D., the Belknap County Republican Committee State Committee Member, New Hampshire GOP.

David told The Gateway Pundit that the Republican candidates in Windham had 6% of their total votes removed by the Dominion-owned voting machines.

According to Dr. Strang, these same Dominion-owned machines are used in 85% of the towns in New Hampshire.

What makes the New Hampshire results even more suspect:

  • Republicans flipped the New Hampshire Senate from 14-10 Democrat to 14-10 Republican in 2020.
  • Republicans flipped the New Hampshire House from 230-156 majority Democrat to 213-187 Republican majority in 2020!
  • Yet, Joe Biden who was 4th in Dem primary and Kamala Harris, who did not make it to the Dem primary, won the state 52.7 to 45.4 to Trump.

These results are IMPOSSIBLE.

What Democrats did was skim 6% off each GOP candidate in each race where there was a recount.

This MUST BE investigated if we can EVER trust our election process again!

Despite these recent findings New Hampshire Attorney General Anne Edwards, a Republican, has no plans to investigate the alleged voter fraud in the state.

Please contact New Hampshire Attorney General’s office:

NH Department of Justice
Anne Edwards, Attorney General
33 Capitol Street
Concord, NH 03301
Telephone: (603) 271-3658

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in some cases deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here— it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever.

Biden KILLS pipelines at home but promotes them for Taliban terrorists

This tells you everything about the ongoing coup against America from within.

Biden kills pipelines at home but promotes them for the Taliban

By Michael Rubin | Washington Examiner | February 08, 2021:

On his first day in office, President Biden canceled permits for the Keystone XL pipeline. Environmentalists and anti-fossil fuel activists should not have applauded his move.

After all, Canada will not stop extracting oil from the tar sands of northern Alberta. Instead, it will simply export oil over existing pipelines or to the Pacific Ocean, where the damage from a potential spill would be harder to address. Biden’s cancellation cost jobs and pushes Canada toward greater economic cooperation with China. It also shakes confidence in U.S. business. Who would invest in the country if any future administration can simply renege on deals with the stroke of a pen? Especially, that is, when the investments involved here reach into the billions of dollars?

Biden’s move was both political theater and an indulgence of his liberal base. But his hypocrisy was stunning even for a politician who has spent a half-century in Washington. Consider that while the Biden administration is killing a pipeline from which the public could benefit, Biden is promoting a pipeline to enrich both one of the world’s worst dictatorships and a group responsible for thousands of U.S. deaths.

The government has apparently brokered a meeting between the Turkmenistan government and the Taliban for a trans-Afghanistan pipeline to bring Turkmen gas across Afghanistan and Pakistan to India. If this scheme sounds familiar, it should: It was the same deal that now-Special Envoy Zalmay Khalilzad sought to make with the Taliban in the years before the Sept. 11 terror attacks when he was a consultant for the Unocal Corporation.

Khalilzad’s scheme was bad policy two decades ago, and it is even worse now.

Put aside environmental arguments and consider profit. Freedom House’s latest Freedom in the World report ranks Turkmenistan as among the world’s worst offenders, below even North Korea in terms of freedom and civil liberties. To promote the export of Turkmen gas is to entrench its regime even further. Part of the deal is then paying the Taliban protection money or transit fees for the pipeline transiting Afghan territory. Not only would this undermine the elected Afghanistan government even further, but it would also reward the Taliban for insurgency to the tune of tens of millions of dollars each month. Who needs Russian bounties on U.S. soldiers when the State Department has crafted a scheme to reward the Taliban beyond their wildest dreams?

One issue here is Khalilzad’s penchant for using diplomacy as a stepping stone to cut side deals. But the other issue is U.S. strategic interests. Perhaps a misunderstanding of the Taliban agenda was an excuse 20 years ago. It should not be one now. If the Biden administration says no to pipeline jobs in the Midwest, it should not then turn around and help enrich the Taliban to ship Turkmen gas to the Indian Ocean. It is time for Secretary of State Antony Blinken to call his envoy, end this hypocrisy, and to stop coddling some of the world’s most anti-American movements.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in some cases deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here— it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever.

Biden Takes ‘Death to America’ Terrorists Off Terror List, Replaces Them With Republicans

Democrats say Muslim terrorists aren’t terrorists, but their political opponents are.

The Biden administration responded to protests against its stolen election by embedding a domestic extremism office into the National Security Council. The man in charge of making it happen, Joshua Geltzer, had previously denied that Black Lives Matter was a terrorist threat and had attacked the Trump administration’s response to Antifa and BLM violence in Portland.

That means that the only domestic extremists the NSC will be fighting are Republicans.

Even while the Biden administration is preparing to double down on Obama’s abuse of the national security state to target his political opponents, it’s also giving real terrorists a pass.

Joe Biden, whose biggest bundlers included the Iran Lobby, announced he was ending support for American allies fighting the Houthis, and then went even further by preparing to remove the terrorist organization whose motto is, “Death to America”, which took American hostages and tried to kill American sailors, from the list of designated foreign terrorist organizations.

The motto of Iran’s Houthi Jihadis is, “Allahu Akbar, Death to America, Death to Israel, Curse the Jews, Victory to Islam.” The Houthis took over parts of Yemen as a result of the chaos unleashed by Obama’s pro-Islamist Arab Spring. Since then they’ve been engaged in a protracted war while causing a local famine by confiscating food from the local population.

Last year, the Trump administration had finally secured the release of three American hostages, Sandra Loli, an American aid worker who had been held for 3 years, another American who had been held for a year, and the body of a third American, in exchange for 240 Houthis, including three dozen Islamic terrorists who had been trained in the use of missiles and drones by Iran.

Like those launched at the USS Mason.

The Houthis lived up to their “Death to America” slogan by repeatedly launching cruise missiles at the USS Mason which had been protecting shipping in the area. And they lived up to the second half of their slogan by ethnically cleansing the remaining local Jewish population, locking them up, and confiscating their homes and land. Local reports stated that the Houthis were “cutting off water & electricity to Jewish homes and preventing Jews from purchasing food.”

“No Jew would be allowed to stay here,” one of the Jewish refugees said.

The Iran-backed Islamic terrorists fight using 18,000 child soldiers. The soldiers, many abducted, some as young as 10, are taught to hate America and to kill enemies of Iran.

None of this stopped Biden’s State Department from taking the Houthis off the terror list.

“Secretary Blinken has been clear about undertaking an expeditious review of the designations of Ansarallah,” the State Department claimed. “After a comprehensive review, we can confirm that the Secretary intends to revoke the Foreign Terrorist Organization and Specially Designated Global Terrorist designations of Ansarallah.”

‘Ansarallah’ or ‘Defenders of Allah’ is what the Houthis call themselves. Blinken had only been confirmed on Tuesday. By next Friday, he had already somehow completed the “comprehensive review”, amid all the other minor business like China, Russia, and a global pandemic, and decided that the Islamic terrorists whose motto is “Death to America” aren’t really terrorists.

How can the Biden administration deny that Islamic Jihadis backed by Iran who attacked Americans are terrorists? The State Department claimed that this, “has nothing to do with our view of the Houthis and their reprehensible conduct, including attacks against civilians and the kidnapping of American citizens.” Not to mention the attacks on the USS Mason.

But the Biden administration isn’t even going to pretend to care about attacks on our military.

The Bidenites are claiming that they’re taking the Houthis, whom they don’t deny are terrorists, off the list of designated terrorist groups because of the “humanitarian consequences”.

That’s a lie, no matter how often you hear it in the media, because Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that the United States would be providing licenses to “humanitarian activities conducted by non-governmental organizations in Yemen and to certain transactions and activities related to exports to Yemen of critical commodities like food and medicine.”

That’s despite the fact that the humanitarian crisis in Yemen was caused by the Houthis.

Nevertheless the media, echoing propaganda from the Iran Lobby and Qatar, a close terrorist ally of Iran, has falsely claimed that the Houthis are the victims of the Yemen famine. A number of politicians, mostly Democrats, but some Republicans, as well as various aid groups, have pushed this same disinformation campaign about the causes of the Yemen famine.

America and its allies have spent billions providing food, medicine, and other humanitarian aid to Yemen. That aid has been seized by the Houthis who have used it for their own troops or to resell on the black market. This is a familiar problem from Syria to Somalia, and aid groups have refused to honestly address their complicity in aiding the terrorists who caused the crisis.

There’s no money in admitting that the aid an organization is providing is being seized by the terrorists, prolonging the conflict and worsening the humanitarian crisis. Some aid organizations share the same goal as the Houthis of worsening the crisis because it boosts their donations.

That’s why international aid organizations don’t want to talk about the Houthis taking their food donations, or about their use of child soldiers. “It’s a taboo,” an anonymous aid official had said.

When Secretary Pompeo announced that the United States was finally designating the Houthis a foreign terrorist organization, the United Nations took the lead in claiming that it would cause a humanitarian crisis. But the UN’s World Food Program had already admitted that its food shipments weren’t getting to the starving people because the Houthis were intercepting them.

The Middle East director for UNICEF also admitted that the Houthis were seizing food.

An Associated Press investigation found entire stores seling “cooking oil and flour displaying the U.N. food program’s WFP logo.” The former Houthi education minister said that 15,000 food baskets that were supposed to go to hungry families instead went to the Houthi terrorists whom the Biden administration is defending. Massive amounts of aid have been pumped into Yemen, and the famine has only grown worse because the Houthis have used starvation as a weapon.

The only way to end the famine is to end Iran’s grip on Yemen through its Houthi terrorists.

That’s obviously not what Biden or the Democrats have in mind. The loudest Democrat voices against designating the Houthis as a terrorist group have a troubling history with Iran.

“Reversing the designation is an important decision that will save lives and, combined with the appointment of a Special Envoy, offers hope that President Biden is committed to bringing the war to an end,” Senator Chris Murphy tweeted.

Murphy had been among the loudest voices against the designation.

And Murphy had met with Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif last year. That same year, he had advocated lowering sanctions on Iran for “humanitarian reasons”. Biden had also joined the push to use the pandemic as a pretext for reducing sanctions on the terror state.

That same year, the Left succeeded in forcing out Rep. Elliot Engel, one of the few remaining pro-Israel Democrats, and replaced him with the militantly anti-Israel Rep. Jamaal Bowman, whose election was backed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and her antisemitic ‘Squad’.

Engel, who had served as Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, was replaced by Rep. Gregory Meeks, a strong backer of the Iran Deal. Meeks’ position was cheered by Iran Lobby groups. As far back as 2009, Meeks had declared at a hearing, “I have developed a tremendous appreciation for the work of the National Iranian American Council. I am pleased that we will hear the perspective of NIAC’s President, Mr. Trita Parsi.”

Emails released allegedly showed Parsi telling Iran’s Foreign Minister, “I am having a meeting with Gilchrest and Meeks, and they asked for our assistance in getting some communication going between the parliamentarians.”

Speaking to the Islamic Republic News Agency, the official state news agency of the Islamic terrorist state, Chairman Meeks allegedly stated that he was willing to travel to Iran and had been engaged in dialogue with Iranian legislators.

Meeks took the lead in attacking the designation of the Houthi Islamic terrorists as terrorists, arguing that, “No solution in Yemen will be sustainable unless the Houthis are involved.”

And that gets at the real reason why Biden and Democrats oppose the designation.

It’s not about humanitarian aid, which would have kept on going anyway, only to be stolen by the Houthis. It’s about supporting Iran’s bid to take over parts of Yemen in order to control shipping and tighten the grip of the Islamic terrorist regime over the entire region.

The ‘diplomatic’ solution advocated by Biden and the Democrats would finalize Iran’s grip over parts of Yemen. Designating the Houthis as terrorists would get in the way of another in a series of Islamist dirty deals with Iran that began with Obama and that will continue on under Biden.

Even while the Democrats insist loudly that the Houthis must be part of the solution in Yemen, they just as vocally cry that the Republicans must be isolated and eliminated in America.

The Democrats militarized D.C. with an armed occupation and are criminalizing political dissent. They have claimed that one riot, after a year full of them by their own activist wing, requires a permanent state of emergency that will be run through the National Security Council.

The Biden administration is not only taking the Houthis, and likely other Islamic terrorist groups, off the terror list, it’s putting the domestic political opposition on its terror list. This is an extension of the same Obama policy that illegally shipped foreign cash to Iran even while it was using the NSA to spy on pro-Israel members of Congress and on the Trump campaign.

The Democrats are happy to fight terrorism by designating their domestic political opponents as terrorists while removing the “Death to America” Houthis who have kidnapped and killed Americans, who fired on the USS Mason, and ethnically cleansed Jews, from the terror list.

And what do the Houthis plan to do with their newfound support from the Biden administration?

In addition to sanctioning the Houthis, the Trump administration sanctioned three of their leaders, beginning with Abdul Malik al-Houthi. The Houthi leader has made it clear that he intends to build up the same missile program that was used to attack the USS Mason.

“To have rockets that could reach far beyond Riyadh, this is a great achievement,” he said, referring to the Saudi capital.

He also promised to send terrorists to fight against Israel.

“Many of Yemen’s tribesmen are ambitious to fight against Israel, and they are looking for the day to participate along with the freemen of the Islamic nation against the Israeli enemy,”

This is the terrorist group that the Biden administration and the Democrats are bailing out even while they’re criminalizing the Republican political opposition as terrorists.

“Death to America” is something that the Houthis and their Democrat supporters can agree on.


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

RELATED ARTICLE: Ilhan Omar named Vice-Chair of House subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, and Global Human Rights

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Twitter Bans Three More Dissenters

The social media platform has no problem boasting about interfering in elections for the Left—but a big problem with people objecting that it was done.

They’re going to silence us all, eventually, if they can. On Saturday, the sanctimonious and hypocritical censors of Twitter came for Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft, radio host Wayne Allyn Root, and freedom activist Pamela Geller. Their crime? It appears to have been the heinous act of skepticism toward the official line, specifically, their refusal to accept at face value the official line about the 2020 election.

Root said:

“I am in shock. It appears to be a permanent ban. Although I don’t know. Twitter never warned me. . . . And never sent any communication saying I’ve been suspended or banned. I simply tried to tweet yesterday afternoon and could not. But unlike a previous suspension . . . My followers suddenly said 0.”

What Twitter wrote to Geller made clear what was going on:

Your account, PamelaGeller has been suspended for violating the Twitter rules.

Specifically, for:

Violating our rules about election integrity. You may not use Twitter’s services for the purpose of manipulating or interfering in elections. This includes posting or sharing content that may suppress voter turnout or mislead people about when, or how to vote.

Note that if you attempt to evade a permanent suspension by creating new accounts, we will suspend your new accounts. If you wish to appeal this suspension, please contact our support team.



This is absurd from start to finish. Neither Pamela Geller nor Root nor Hoft did anything to “suppress voter turnout or mislead people about when, or how to vote.” Twitter apparently hasn’t even bothered to update its ban notice since before November 3. Nor did they do anything along the lines of “manipulating or interfering in elections.”

Still, there is no doubt that if Geller did take Twitter up on its magnanimous grant to her of a chance to appeal, the appeal would be denied. Twitter’s nameless, faceless wonks are judge, jury, and executioner, and no one can question their sagacity or righteousness of their decisions.

What Geller, Root, and Hoft did, of course, was simply report and highlight the many irregularities and unanswered questions surrounding the 2020 presidential election. Twitter, along with the other social media giants and the establishment media outlets, are labeling all questioning of the election as “lies” and are busy banning any suggestion that there was anything amiss about the election at all, without even bothering to explain all the issues. This is the way a guilty person who is trying to cover up his misdeeds acts, not the way a victor behaves when he knows he has won fair and square and is happy to set the record straight.

Meanwhile, these new bans came just two days after Time published an article titled, “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election.” In it, Time’s Molly Ball boasted of

a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information. They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it.

Not rigging the election, but fortifying it. Right. And how exactly does one “fortify” an election? From the looks of Ball’s article, by rigging it.

Ball presents abundant indications of manipulation and chicanery in a fulsome self-congratulatory tone that works assiduously to turn reality on its head. A photo of Detroit campaign workers covering the windows so that no one could see what they were doing as they counted the votes—not exactly a hallmark of a free and fair election—is spun with the caption: “Trump supporters seek to disrupt the vote count at Detroit’s TCF Center on Nov. 4.”

Ian Bassin, cofounder of Protect Democracy, is quoted boasting that “the system didn’t work magically. Democracy is not self-executing.” It has to be executed by someone else, and it looks as if Bassin and others like him were only too happy to serve as executioners.

Contrary to Bassin’s statement, our “democracy” (which, as you may know or should know, is—or was—actually a republic), is set up to be “self-executing,” that is, the process should not be more complicated than each candidate making his case before the voters, and the voters freely voting. Ball details how corporate interests silenced opposing views and manipulated laws to ensure their desired result, all while writing darkly about Trump and his “henchmen” attempting to steal the election and destroy our “democracy.”

Time and Molly Ball may not have intended it, but now the cat is out of the bag. So the next step of the political and media elites is to silence those who keep pointing out the abundant signs of voter fraud, claim that they’re “lying,” and that they have to be muzzled for the public good.

Hence the banning of Wayne Allyn Root, Jim Hoft, and Pamela Geller. But as of this writing, Molly Ball and Time still have their Twitter accounts. See, there is “manipulating or interfering in elections” and there is “manipulating or interfering in elections.” Twitter is fine with boasting about doing it for the Left. Twitter is not fine with people who oppose it pointing out that it was done.

It’s all reminiscent of an older charge that has been leveled against Pamela Geller: that of being an “Islamophobe.” When she would quote bloodthirsty Islamic jihadis justifying their actions by quoting the Koran, she—not the jihadis—was called an “Islamophobe.” Her words—not those of the Koran—were dismissed as “hate speech.”

It has all been a shell game from start to finish, and the game isn’t over. The Left has arrogated to itself the right to judge what can and cannot be said in the public square. The Hoft, Root, and Geller Twitter accounts are not the first casualties of their fascist suppression of dissent, and they won’t be the last. Freedom of speech? Pah! That is so 20th century. Don’t you want to join Molly Ball and Time in the brave new world, in which one saves democracy by destroying it? You may not ultimately have any choice, comrade.


Pompeo: Revoking Houthi terror designation is ‘gift to the Iranians,’ Houthis will ‘continue to foment terror’

California: Mother of San Bernardino jihad mass murderer gets home confinement and probation for destroying evidence

UK: Muslim bought sword, knife, body armor, rapped about murdering non-Muslims

UK: Illegal Muslim migrants housed in four-star hotel get free covid vaccines before British citizens

Palestinian Authority: Muslim with long record of terrorizing Christians tried to kill noted Christian physician

Ilhan Omar named Vice-Chair of House subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, and Global Human Rights

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Trump Defense Attorney Michael Van der Veen Rips the Media

No sooner had I posted my previous post and mentioned that the nut cases on the Left were attacking a winning legal team attorney by vandalizing his home and threatening his life, Philadelphia lawyer Michael Van der Veen, I saw this incredible CBS interview with him.

This is a video you should be sending far and wide.  The best slapdown of the media you may ever see…

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

These Seven Republicans Voted To Convict Trump In Senate Impeachment Trial

Seven Republicans voted Saturday to convict former President Donald Trump in the Senate impeachment trial.

Trump was acquitted in a 57-43 vote, with just seven Republicans voting with Democrats to convict Trump. In order to have convicted Trump in the Senate, Democrats would have needed 17 Republican senators to side with them. Six of the seven Senators were expected to vote in favor of impeachment, however, Sen. Richard Burr was a surprise vote to many.

These seven Senate Republicans voted to impeach Trump:

  • North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr
  • Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy
  • Maine Sen. Susan Collins
  • Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski
  • Utah Sen. Mitt Romney
  • Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse
  • Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey

Burr released a statement after the vote explaining why he voted to impeach Trump.

“As I said on January 6th, the President bears responsibility for these tragic events. The evidence is compelling that President Trump is guilty of inciting an insurrection against a coequal branch of government and that the charge rises to the level of high Crimes and Misdemeanors. Therefore, I have voted to convict,” Burr said. “I do not make this decision lightly, but I believe it is necessary.

“By what he did and by what he did not do, President Trump violated his oath of office to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States,” he continued.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer on Thursday left on the table the option of invoking the 14th Amendment to ban Trump from office if he was not convicted in the Senate impeachment trial.



Schumer Leaves 14th Amendment On The Table If Trump Is Not Convicted In Senate

Five Republican Senators Vote To Allow Witnesses At Senate Impeachment Trial

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Conservative Momma asks ‘If Biden got over 80 million votes … then why are they so worried about Donald Trump running in 2024?’

If Biden got over 80 million votes, the most for any presidential candidate in history, then why are they so worried about Donald Trump running in 2024?

As I have been saying, ridicule is the most powerful peaceful political weapon.  Use it!  Conservative Momma does!

It is very difficult to appear powerful when one looks foolish!

And, check out her impersonation of “Circle Back” Psaki…

Fight back!  Send these around to everyone you know!

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

WAR ROOM VIDEO: The CCP Backed Antifa and BLM

The Center for Security Policy’s Frank Gaffney explains all the ways the Chinese Communist Party interfered in the 2020 election: the CCP virus, backing Antifa and BLM, and using Marxist organizations like Seed the Vote.

VISIT: Present Danger China

©War Room. All rights reserved.


VIDEO: Biden’s proposed gas tax will destroy trucking industry

A trucking company owner said the Biden administration’s plan to hike fuel tax could destroy the industry. One America America News Network’s Caitlin Sinclair has more.

©One America News Network. All rights reserved.

The Babylon Bee Guide To Being Woke

Brought to you by:

Woke Fragility (a parody!): Bringing Moderates to Heel

Being “woke” is very important in order to show the world you’re a good person, and also to avoid having your entire life wrecked by a Twitter mob!

In order to achieve success and respect from all the good woke people — which is the most important thing you can achieve in life — you need to learn how to be properly woke! Here is our definitive guide:

  • Carefully choose your pronouns and then scream them at everyone you meet: Whenever you go to Costco, loudly scream your pronouns in shoppers’ faces. If anyone refuses to celebrate your pronouns, smash a giant box of pretzels over their head and call the manager.
  • Select the most oppressed identity possible: Test people’s loyalty to the cause by identifying as a walrus and cancel anyone who doesn’t make walrus noises every time they see you.
  • Compare everything to Nazis: Compare everything to Nazis (as long as you’re a Democrat. If you’re a Republican this might get you fired).
  • Learn to hate the right people: Hate is good when directed at the correct targets. All you have to do is follow the guidelines of a mentally ill Twitter mob who will help steer your hate in the right direction!
  • Pre-order David Hogg’s Good Pillow: You want to sleep at night, don’t you??
  • Classify everyone according to their race and not as an individual: Always loudly acknowledge the skin color of every person you talk to and make it the main subject of the conversation.
  • If you are white, do not have any black friends: This may trick you into thinking you aren’t racist.
  • To help atone for our racist past, try some casual segregation: Create safe spaces where everyone is segregated by race, gender, and gender identity. It’s the only way to achieve unity. Anyone who objects to this is racist.
  • Vote for policies that sound virtuous, no matter how much they actually harm people of color: Always vote for policies with virtuous-sounding names, even if they destroy black and brown communities. Appearance is everything!
  • Always have extremely low expectations of minorities: Be sure to constantly remind them they can never overcome their circumstances without your help.
  • Abandon religion, and instead accept everything the woke crowd believes without question: Your religious beliefs are at odds with others. You should fix that and accept Wokism. Repeat after us: WOKISM IS NOT A CULT. WOKISM IS NOT A CULT. WOKISM IS NOT A CULT. WOKISM IS NOT A CULT. WOKISM IS NOT A CULT.
  • Achieve inner peace by constantly beating yourself up for not doing better: Place a hard yoke and a heavy lifelong burden upon yourself that will never be satisfied and that will never offer grace, forgiveness, or rest.

That’s pretty much it! Get back to us when you have achieved all these. We’ll probably have a new list for ya!

NOT SATIRE: Be sure to pick up a copy of Woke Fragility (a parody!): Bringing Moderates to HeelBetter yet, pick up ten copies. Woke Fragility is a parody of Robin Di’Angelo’s White Fragility, which was a painfully stupid book begging for a parody. Enjoy!

VIDEO: Perspectives on Biden’s Foreign Policy from 2 Former Israeli Ambassadors.

I spoke with two former Israeli Ambassadors to the United states about who forms foreign policy and what that policy would look like based on the past record of Biden’s picks.

Watch my interviews Ambassadors Yoran Ettinger and Danny Ayalon speaking from their personal experiences.

Part 1. Biden Foreign Policy and Israel.

Part 2. Perspective on President Biden from two former Israeli Ambassadors.

©Barry Shaw. All rights reserved.

When the current regime in Washington, D.C. says they are ‘going after violent extremists,’ they mean patriots

When the current regime in Washington, D.C. says they are “going after violent extremists,” they mean patriots.

Three weeks ago, President Obama’s “Counter-Terrorism Czar” and the former Director of Central Intelligence, John Brennan, spoke on MSNBC and stated the Biden team is moving in “laser-like fashion” to identify “religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, and even libertarians” who constitute, in Brennan’s words, a great threat to the Republic. He said that the civilian enforcement and intelligence agencies, as well as the military, are and should be working to root out this “threat.”

In describing the threat, Brennan specifically mentioned the previous administration and its supporters.

Two weeks ago, the Biden Department of Homeland Security (DHS) published a National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin, warning of “objections” to “governmental authority.” The report states in part: “Information suggests that some ideologically-motivated violent extremists with objections to the exercise of governmental authority and the presidential transition, as well as other perceived grievances fueled by false narratives, could continue to mobilize to incite or commit violence.”

Who are the “violent extremists” they are discussing?

Constitutionally-minded patriots.

Not sure of that?

Last week, Robert Grenier, the former CIA Station Chief for Pakistan/Afghanistan told NPR that the U.S. needs to handle people such as those who “stormed” the U.S. Capitol on January 6 the same way the U.S. government handled insurgents in Pakistan and Afghanistan. In other words, kill them.

Also last week, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin ordered a sixty-day military-wide “STAND DOWN” order so that the military can purge “extremists” from its ranks. In his confirmation hearing, Austin said, “If confirmed, I will fight hard to…rid our ranks of racists and extremists…”

A noble effort.

So how are we defining “extremists?”

Remember: during the Obama administration, “extremists” included military veterans returning from combat.

From where did the term “violent extremist” come?

First, let’s back up to a few years after September 11, 2001, when the U.S. government brought the “Countering Violent Extremism” (CVE) program to the United States from Britain.

The CVE program in Britain was created by Muslim Brotherhood groups, including the Muslim Council of Britain, the Muslim Association of Britain, and others.

U.S. officials, thinking anything the Brits do must be awesome, literally bought this program in its totality and brought it back into the FBI, DHS, CIA, et al.

The main purpose of CVE is to define threats as “violent extremism” so that intelligence and law enforcement agencies target “extremists” instead of jihadis, communists, and other definable threats.

If you cannot name the threat, you cannot target the threat, and, therefore, you can never defeat the threat.

Also, the DHS CVE Working Group has included jihad enablers such as Mohamed Elibiary, Mohamed Magid, and others, who were given secret clearances during their tenure at DHS.

So here we are, 20 years after 9/11, and not only is America much farther away from defeating the jihadis and communists, the communists just seized executive power in the United States one month ago.

On January 30, MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace suggested that Trump supporters who “incited violence” at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 be convicted just like Al Qaeda’s leader in Yemen, Anwar al-Awlaki, who also “incited violence” and was killed in a U.S. drone strike in September 2011.

Put aside the fact for a moment that Nicolle Wallace lied when she said that al-Awlaki was killed because he “incited violence.” Awlaki was actually killed because he was the leader of Al Qaeda in Yemen and responsible for jihad attacks inside the United States.

The fact that the propaganda arm of the U.S. communist/jihadi cabal, the traditional media, is openly calling for violence against Americans exercising their unalienable right to freely express themselves and hold the federal government accountable when it is ruled by those hostile to the Constitution should alarm and alert all thoughtful patriots.

The point is clear. The U.S. government under the current communist regime in the White House will use and is using its full power to suppress and eliminate opposition.

The communists/democrats did it to President Trump when they traitorously and unlawfully used the FBI, CIA, DNI, and other agencies to spy on him, his family, and his staff.

They are doing and will do it to citizens.

For those unable to see this unfolding before them, Understanding The Threat (UTT) encourages you to attempt to educate yourselves and join the patriots who are working diligently to reestablish a republican form of government at the local and state level right now around America.



AOC Blames Trump for Attacks on Asian-Americans, Runs Into the Buzzsaw of Reality

Indiana: Valparaiso University drops Crusaders nickname and mascot

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.