PODCAST: The Dark Reality of China’s COVID-19 Cover-Up

China discovered the new coronavirus in December, but chose to hide it from the world. Now nearly every nation on earth is paying the price for China’s actions.

Olivia Enos, a senior policy analyst in the Asian Studies Center at The Heritage Foundation, joins the show to discuss her recent report, “How the Chinese Government Undermined the Chinese People’s Attempts to Prevent and Respond to COVID-19.

Listen to the podcast below or read the lightly edited transcript.

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Virginia Allen: When the coronavirus was first discovered in Wuhan, China, the Chinese Communist Party tried to cover it up. Doctors who were treating patients with the virus and citizen journalists who [were] trying to report on the situation were silenced.

China has restricted aid from foreign humanitarian organizations and the limits they place on free speech and nonprofits within their own nation have restricted efforts to fight COVID-19 quickly.

Here with us to break down China’s role in covering up the coronavirus and what America’s response should be is Heritage Foundation senior policy analyst in the Asian Study Center Olivia Enos. Olivia, thanks so much for being here.

Olivia Enos: Thank you so much for having me, Virginia.

Allen: Now, you have just completed and published a wonderful long report titled “How the Chinese Government Undermined the Chinese People’s Attempts to Prevent and Respond to COVID-19.”

And Dr. Li [Wenliang], we’ve heard a little bit about him. He was the initial doctor that discovered COVID-19 in Wuhan, China. What do we know about Dr. Li in his attempts to inform the world of, really, the seriousness of this virus?

Enos: Mm-hmm. Yeah, it’s just amazing that China essentially took a classic play out of its playbook this time around by starting to silence whistleblowers like Dr. Li, as you mentioned.

Dr. Li started to see an emergence of a pneumonia-like virus and he really just sort of sounded the alarm on it, and especially given that it was so infectious. He was called in for questioning, forced to recant what he had said about it.

Unfortunately, Dr. Li actually ended up dying of coronavirus himself. But he was sounding the alarm all the way back in December and we really didn’t start hearing reports emerging from China until January.

So I think that there was a lot of lost time due to the fact that Dr. Li was silenced from the start.

And not only did you have Dr. Li and other whistleblowers being told to stay quiet on this, but you also saw China and the Chinese Communist Party saying, “We’re not going to allow civil society to be involved in a really major way. Instead, we want the Chinese Communist Party to be the hero, the primary agent that is acting to respond to this virus and we want to sideline the Chinese people and the civil society,” that really could have helped in responding, especially early on.

Allen: Olivia, I think for so many of us in our Western culture this is just so bizarre for us to hear, that a medical professional would come to the government and say, “I have real concerns about this,” and their response would be total cover-up.

Could you just explain a little bit about how the Chinese really operate and is this behavior really in alignment with what we have seen from China’s party before?

Enos: I think this is very typical and, in fact, when I first started researching for the paper, I didn’t realize that the silencing of whistleblowers in the context of a major health crisis had actually happened previously.

There was a similar incident where a doctor sounded the alarm during the SARS epidemic in 2002 and 2003, and he started calling into question some of the government’s reporting on this and he started to really let the world know that actually the rate of infection and the number of deaths due to then SARS was much higher than what the Chinese government was reporting.

So this is very typical of China and the Chinese Communist Party likes to maintain a tight grip on information.

This is why they have their famous firewalls that restrict people’s access to different resources on the internet.

It’s why the Chinese government has consistently engaged in tamping down on religious expression, whether somebody is a Christian or Muslim or a Falun Gong practitioner or a Buddhist or any faith, because they see it as threatening to the Chinese Communist Party.

It’s also the reason why they have historically tamped down on civil society.

So a lot of the restrictions that were outlined in the paper, for example, the Chinese government preferring, it’s really a misnomer, but they call them government-affiliated nongovernmental organizations, as the only ones that can respond really just shows and demonstrates to us that the Chinese government is willing to sideline civil society.

It’s really, I think, at the end of the day, because the Chinese Communist Party prioritizes its own image and its own well-being above the well-being and health of the Chinese people. And I think we’re seeing that play out during COVID-19.

Allen: Yeah. So, obviously, within China there are restrictions on those “nonprofits” that are allowed to operate, and like you say, they’re really kind of tied to the government and it’s not at all what we would typically think of a nonprofit. What about outside organizations, I mean, groups like Doctors Without Borders, have they been allowed into China?

Enos: By and large any sort of aid and assistance from international NGOs has been turned away and it’s been done in favor of the Chinese NGOs like the Chinese Red Cross.

The Chinese Red Cross actually has a very checkered history but even in more recent days they’ve really fallen under fire for misappropriating the aid that they received because there are documented cases by The New York Times of them essentially taking aid that was supposed to go to the Chinese people and instead giving it to the Chinese government.

So I think you really are seeing the Chinese government hamstringing its own response by saying, “No, we’re not going to allow other NGOs in.”

Just for context, in the U.S., faith-based organizations, faith-based universities or health care systems or other NGOs, they contribute $303 million annually to the economy.

This is huge in terms of total assistance and this is what the Chinese government is missing out on when they say that faith-based organizations aren’t allowed to be represented in China.

Imagine what it would be like if China itself had its own domestic faith-based and, of course, non-faith-based civil society actors that were able to respond on such a massive scale.

Allen: Let’s go back for a second and just talk a little bit about when this first started in China and those initial discoveries that the Chinese people were making.

We know in addition to medical professionals that there were also some citizen journalists that really caught wind of this and they tried to warn the Chinese people and the rest of the world what was going on, what happened to those journalists?

Enos: You’re absolutely right. There were a lot of individuals [that] were, in some cases, human rights lawyers-turn[ed]-citizen journalists. In some cases, businessmen-turned-citizen journalists or just ordinary Chinese.

What we started to see was that the Chinese Communist Party was essentially making them disappear. And the excuse would be that they were going into forced quarantine due to COVID-19, but the forced quarantine happened several months ago and the quarantine time period is 15 to 21 days, typically. And they have not yet reappeared, as far as I can tell.

So this is very typical of China. You see critics often being silenced in one way or another, whether that’s them being subjected to reeducation through forced labor, them actually being killed. We’ve had individuals who’ve actually visited The Heritage Foundation in the past who returned to China and ended up dying like a week and a half later.

And these are very well-known advocates for freedom, for faith-based organizations. Some of them were Christian. So it’s really alarming to see that happening.

But, of course, the most massive scale that we’ve really seen is in more recent years, the rapid collectivization of Uighur Muslims to the tune of 1 to 3 million that are currently held in political reeducation facilities today where they’re subjected to indoctrination, where they’re forced to rescind a lot of what they believe, forced to learn Mandarin, and in some cases tortured or required to engage in forced labor.

So really what we’re getting is this picture of a Chinese Communist Party that does not respect civil liberties, that does not respect individual freedom. And we should be very concerned.

Allen: We also know of a man, he was a Christian by the name of Sun Feng, and in the midst of all this information starting to come out in China, he just sent a message to some friends of his and said, “Hey, we should really all begin to pray and fast that this virus is ended.” What happened to Sun Feng?

Enos: Yeah, it’s a really remarkable story. Mr. Sun was actually called in for questioning and was told that he was called into questioning for offering up “unauthorized prayers.”

I think this example really highlights the fact that the Chinese Communist Party invades into the most private and closely held beliefs of individuals.

I mean, this is a behavior that does not harm anyone, to engage in prayer and fasting, but the Chinese Communist Party sees it as a threat because they’re really threatened by anything that might be perceived as an authority that individuals might give their allegiance to that is not the party.

So I think this is, obviously, very concerning but also typical of China where you do see the targeting of people simply for having faith.

Allen: Yeah. Wow. And one of the ways that now we’re seeing that China is trying to control the virus and the spread is through an app called Alipay Health Code that actually ranks someone in China on how likely they are to be a carrier or to have been exposed to the virus. But there are a lot of concerns about this app and just that it’s really highly invasive of people’s personal privacy.

Can you explain just kind of what the app is, what it does, and why it poses privacy threats?

Enos: Yeah. The Alipay Health Code app is a huge invasion of privacy. It essentially gets downloaded onto your phone and it has the ability to communicate with local law enforcement by sharing very personal data, including your GPS location. I think it actually has the ability to register your temperature too. It definitely tracks transactions.

But it’s incredibly invasive and it does share that private information with law enforcement, and the individual’s ranking—the different color codes, as you mentioned, that people receive—can be affected by whether or not you’re a member of the Chinese Communist Party, which should have absolutely nothing to do with your susceptibility or likelihood of contracting COVID-19, it’s just been really remarkable to watch that.

And especially to see the rollout of this app against the backdrop of the Chinese government’s more sinister use of surveillance technology, which we know is one of the ways that they were able to rapidly collectivize the 1 to 3 million Uighur that are currently held in political reeducation facilities today.

So even though the Chinese government or maybe even other people who are looking at, well, how do we develop the smartest or most effective response to the coronavirus might say, “Well, why don’t we deploy surveillance technology?”

But I think given China’s sinister use of it and the lack of rule of law and accountability that exists in China, I think this is a pretty concerning use of the technology and definitely should lead people to ask questions like, how will this be used once COVID-19 is over?

Allen: Oh, wow. Yeah, that’s scary. So, in other words, it could be an app that the Chinese government kind of decides, “Oh, actually, this is helpful. We’ve liked collecting this information. We’re just going to keep doing it.”

Enos: Exactly. And then they can use it to target their political opposition. And, as we talked about before, just the way that they so quickly pulled citizen journalists aside and put them in forced quarantine or the way that they responded to Dr. Li, it’s just abundantly clear that that surveillance technology can be used to silence their opposition and that they’re not afraid to use that.

Allen: Wow. So considering the way that China has really handled this virus and the whole situation in trying to cover it up, do you think that America should be taking actions right now to really reprimand China for their actions? And if so, what would that look like?

Enos: Well, I think that … the U.S. definitely should call upon China to respect freedom of speech, respect civil society’s ability to act and respond, and, of course, respect freedom of religion.

And that’s something that we have been doing to press on China for a long time now, especially on requesting things like loosening the restrictions for civil society organizations to be able to register, etc.

But I think in the midst of COVID-19 we have an especial amount of leverage in order to press for those because the U.S. is the top single country donor to China in the midst of the coronavirus. We’ve donated, as of mid-March, $1.3 billion to try to alleviate the suffering of the Chinese people.

So, in addition to requesting that China respects these rights and pushing on them in diplomatic engagements with them, I think that we should also be requesting access for the [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] because if the Chinese Communist Party isn’t willing to put their best foot forward in order to help the Chinese people, then perhaps the U.S. government can.

I think that beyond that we need to communicate to Chinese government officials that the U.S. is watching and that we have tools in our tool box, Treasury specifically, that would enable us to target individuals on human rights and corruption grounds.

So while we may not sanction them only for things that they’ve done during their coronavirus response, we will definitely be looking for ways to target individuals who are engaging in religious freedom violations and suppressing freedom of speech as a general habit.

Allen: Are you hopeful that we might see China kind of take from this situation, “Oh, wow, there are real benefits to being a freer society, maybe we should kind of try that out”? Is there really any possibility that we might see them loosen anything or do you think that’s highly unlikely?

Enos: I think we can always hold out hope, but I do think it’s unlikely, especially under President Xi Jinping’s leadership where we’ve just seen almost a rapid return to almost an old version of what China used to be like during the Cultural Revolution.

And I think this is especially vivid, as I mentioned before, in the case of their treatment of the Uighur, but certainly true of Tibetan Buddhists, in their crackdown on Christians.

I really think that Xi Jinping has tried to consolidate power and so I’m skeptical of any rapid changes, but I think the U.S. government has long been out there actively promoting freedom, not just for folks in the U.S. but for people all over the globe.

And I think this is a really unique time in the midst of a global pandemic for Americans to demonstrate the resiliency of a democracy.

I mean, one of the most beautiful things—even in going through suffering and being in our social distancing, pseudo quarantine states ourselves—has been seeing average Americans step up. Whether that’s people offering to go and get groceries for their neighbors or churches being willing to give up their tithe or civil society organizations that are making sure that people have masks.

I think that even if we can’t convince the Chinese government to change its ways, at the end of COVID-19, if the Chinese people know that average Americans care about them and want what’s best for them and want them to get healthy and recover from COVID-19, I think we will consider that a success.

Allen: Olivia, thank you so much for your time today, just really appreciate your perspective and all of the research that you have done and just sharing that information with us today.

Enos: Well, thank you so much for having me on, Virginia.


Virginia Allen

Virginia Allen is a news producer for The Daily Signal. She is the co-host of The Daily Signal Podcast and Problematic Women. Send an email to Virginia. Twitter: @Virginia_Allen5.


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A Note for our Readers:

This is a critical year in the history of our country. With the country polarized and divided on a number of issues and with roughly half of the country clamoring for increased government control—over health care, socialism, increased regulations, and open borders—we must turn to America’s founding for the answers on how best to proceed into the future.

The Heritage Foundation has compiled input from more than 100 constitutional scholars and legal experts into the country’s most thorough and compelling review of the freedoms promised to us within the United States Constitution into a free digital guide called Heritage’s Guide to the Constitution.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

VIDEO: The Vortex — What Are We Learning? Actually, a lot.


So amidst all the precautions and closures and end-of-the-world-type hysteria, what have we learned, or what are we in fact learning?

Well, actually a lot. Much in fact is being exposed — really exposed — politically, culturally and ecclesiastically. Politically, however deep any of us thought the swamp was, we have learned that we were wrong. It’s actually much deeper than we ever thought.

The “Get Trump” brigades are out in full force, with the Marxist media trying anything they can related to tying Donald Trump to COVID-19. They are trying to dream up nicknames to pin the virus to Trump, calling it “CoronaTrump,” “VirusTrump,” and a bunch of other stupid monikers.

So far, none of them seem to be sticking. But it’s blindingly obvious why they are doing it — so when November comes around, Trump loses. They hate him for being pro-life and, in their incorrect view, they see him as stacking the courts to dump abortion. So let’s blame him for the virus.

Likewise, we see the complete, unrestrained response of the media to help whip up all this hysteria, causing people to run on grocery stores, for example.

No one is saying there isn’t a danger, or that people shouldn’t take reasonable precautions. But to keep broadcasting non-stop the latest death numbers — updating them non-stop — it’s reminiscent of the days of the Vietnam War and the nightly network newscasts.

But for Catholics in particular, what we are learning — or rather, confirming — is what we have seen and known for quite a while: Too few bishops have any supernatural faith, or if they do, it’s only a tiny amount, completely insufficient for the sacred office they hold.

Look, Your Excellencies, either this is the Armageddon experience you are all portraying it as, or it’s not. If it is, where are all your spiritual aids? Why aren’t each of you doing daily livestreaming of praying the Rosary — teaching your flock the Rosary — comforting your sheep by sitting in front of a webcam in a studio and reading something of the lives of the saints?

Shall we go on?

Our guess is while you have shut up nearly all the churches, that you haven’t closed down the legal teams and the bean-counters in your employ. For once, publish a letter saying you’re closing the chanceries and not the churches. Are you using the opportunity to speak to so many of your flock locked up behind closed doors — to teach them the catechism that you have been so neglectful about for the past half-century?

Almost every day in this crisis, Church Militant is sending out a spiritual reinforcement e-mail with various assists to remind people about fortitude and perseverance and prayer. You can easily follow suit, you know, Your Excellencies. It’s not that hard, especially since you don’t really have anything else to do until this comes to an end.

Most of you are old, out-of-shape men with probably a variety of underlying health issues. Are you all self-quarantined?

Have you canceled your meetings with millionaire donors whom you schmooze with? How about the CPAs and the lawyers and the marketing guys running your expensive multi-zillion-dollar fundraising campaigns where you lie to the faithful and fleece the flock? Canceled any of those activities, have you? Yeah, we didn’t think so.

Before the parish doors were barred shut, many of you took the opportunity to forbid Holy Communion on the tongue. At last, many of them thought, here’s a chance to kill that medieval practice and blame it on something out of our control.

None of them have confessed that the practice of receiving in the hand, drinking from the cup and laypeople distributing Holy Communion was smuggled into the Church 500 years ago during the Protestant revolt, precisely as a way to kill belief in the Real Presence.

See, the very first Protestants were actually baptized Catholics, who did at one time believe in the Real Presence. But the Protestant revolutionaries had to knock that belief out of the box. So they started these practices to weaken the faith of those first former Catholics.

And the same thing has happened here in the United States, as well as other parts of the world, with the move by various bishops starting in the 1970s to install the disrespectful practice and embed it in the minds of the faithful.

It’s not a big shock that homosexual satanist Cdl. Joseph Bernardin was the one leading the charge nationally — a topic Church Militant covered extensively in our series, Case Files, one of our Church Militant Premiums programs — where we get into the nitty-gritty of how this all came about. Click on the link to see how it all played out.

[Transcript unavailable]

How many bishops are using the COVID-19 crisis as an opportunity to bone up on all this — to learn the real history of why their dioceses are falling apart? Seventy percent of Catholics don’t believe in the Real Presence, so all this could be easily viewed as Our Lord withdrawing access to Himself — just saying.

If the New York Times can openly speculate — recklessly — that 270 million Americans are going to be infected, then why can’t we posit a more sober and serious reflection?

The Church is in a state of disrepair, broken down by decades of lying, cheating, greedy, homosexual, cover-up bishops who themselves don’t seem to believe in the Real Presence, judging by their cowardice to deal with heretics on the political scene.

So just as God withdrew Himself from the temple in the Old Testament, who’s to say He isn’t doing something similar right now — trying to send a message this Lent?

Whether the bishops have any supernatural faith left to be able to read the signs of the times, well, many of these men vote for and support the Party of Death. You do the math.

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant video is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

GOVERNMENT CHARITY: More Loss, Debt and Inflation

“What I’m not saying is that all government spending is bad. It’s not – far, far from it, but there is no free lunch, as a former colleague of mine used to say. There is no public tooth fairy. Father Christmas does not work on the Treasury staff this year. You can never bail someone out of trouble without putting someone else into trouble.” – Arthur Laffer

“I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.” –  Thomas Jefferson

“I have never believed in the fallacy that the federal government can buy its way out of economic troubles through needless spending. For that reason, I am proud to oppose ‘stimulus’ packages and endless corporate bailouts, which will do little but weaken the long-term integrity of the American economy.” – John Fleming

“The appropriation of public money always is perfectly lovely until someone is asked to pay the bill…the people will have to furnish more revenue by paying more taxes.” – President Calvin Coolidge

“There are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power, than by violent and sudden usurpations.” –  James Madison

No society can safeguard public health for long at the cost of economic health.  Whenever massive government interventions have been tried, they have always ended in poverty, scarcity, and too often, mass death and genocide.  The further government takes its power, the harder it will be to wrest it back.  And it has already gone way too far.

We need to pull out of this global shutdown as soon as possible, in fact America never should have been shut down, but the socialist politicians will not easily give up all the police powers they have accumulated over these many Covid-19 weeks.  They have habituated the sheep of America into a “new normal,” a normal that is causing suicides, drug and alcohol addition, and domestic abuse. The shutdown is killing the economy and is no good for our health.

This virus and the stimulus will only result in more loss, debt and inflation.

Congressmen Thomas Massie and Andy Biggs

There are two Republican members of Congress who uphold the Constitution on a regular basis.  They are not always in good graces with the rest of their party in doing so, but they abide by the U.S. Constitution.  I hope they know there are Americans who appreciate their stance and love for country.

Thomas Massie (R-KY) demanded a recorded tally as opposed to a voice vote on the $2.2 trillion ‘‘Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act’’ or the ‘‘CARES Act.”  Rep. Massie tweeted, “I swore an oath to uphold the constitution, and I take that oath seriously. In a few moments I will request a vote on the CARES Act which means members of Congress will vote on it by pushing ‘yes’ or ‘no’ or ‘present.’”  Thomas Massie has repeatedly spoken out against stay-at-home measures and business closures amid the pandemic.

Congressman Andy Biggs (R-AZ) was right there with Massie.  Both of them knew it was important for Americans to know how their representatives voted on this bill.

President Trump excoriated Rep. Massie. “He just wants the publicity. He can’t stop it, only delay, which is both dangerous … and costly,” Trump tweeted of Massie. “Workers and small businesses need money now in order to survive. Virus wasn’t their fault. It is ‘HELL’ dealing with the Dems, had to give up some stupid things in order to get the ‘big picture’ done. 90 percent GREAT! WIN BACK HOUSE, but throw Massie out of Republican Party!”

Throw Massie out?  He and Andy Biggs are two of the finest old right constitutional conservatives in Congress!  I’m sorry President Trump, but your words were malicious and defamatory.

This was the first time I was ashamed of what my President said to a representative who has a 98% conservative voting record and consistently relies on and votes for the Constitution of the United States.

Massie ultimately failed when the House approved the package, but his effort was noted by Americans who love their constitution.  President Trump responded in a negative way to Congressman Massie. Trump loves America and her citizens and he is under great stress trying to help us through this horrid communist China inflicted debacle, but a day or two more wouldn’t have made a difference.  Both of these Congressmen support the president and Tom Massie is owed a public apology and a private phone call.

A yea or nay vote was taken, and we do not know who voted against it other than these two Congressmen.  We know that when Speaker Pelosi returned from vacation, she added enough pork into the bill that had nothing to do with rescuing those who lost jobs and businesses thanks to the politicians shutting down the country and destroying the booming economy and stock market.

Former Congressman Ron Paul called the recent measures to control the spread of COVID-19 a “grab bag” for some in government.  He said what he is worried about is that some in government have inflated the risk and response for their own political gain.  “I think it’s blown way out of proportion to the danger. People who want more government power and more control over people and want to get big appropriations and get their special deals passed, that’s what’s happening now,” Paul said of federal and state government responses to the virus.

Pelosi Pork

The Covid-19 relief aid gave $25 million to the Kennedy Center, $350 million to refugee resettlement, $75 million to PBS, $25 million went to congressional salaries and expenses, a $10 billion loan to the post office, and $150 million in funding to the National Endowment of the Arts and National Endowment of the Humanities.  Her additions are amoral.

Critically, that $150 million comes in the form of grants with no expectation of being paid back. Meanwhile, much of the funding afforded to small businesses in the bill comes in the form of loans, which the companies will have to reimburse.

The word “sunscreen” appears dozens of times, 49 to be exact, in the CARES Act, and it’s thanks to the Treatment of Sunscreen Innovation Act (SIA) being placed into the bill. The Act requires FDA to provide a streamlined approach to approving new over-the-counter sunscreen ingredients, including evaluating applications that an ingredient is safe and effective on an expedited timeline.

What in heaven’s name does this Act have to do with rescuing workers and families in this ungodly crisis — except to say that powerful members of Congress are skilled in never letting a crisis go to waste.  Even the New York Times editorial board wailed that “the urgency of the moment does not justify the egregious misuse of public resources.” Someone should tell Nancy Pelosi the news.

Art Laffer on Stimulus

Several weeks ago, Art Laffer was on Stuart Varney’s program.  Varney was discussing how the “rescue plan” was stalled and that it needed to be passed to save the people. Varney has obviously banned Art from his program even though Art was telling the truth. Laffer was dead set against the stimulus and called the bill “a helicopter money proposal” of handouts that has a bad track record historically.  “It never works, it just causes the problem to get worse and worse,” said Laffer, known for his “Laffer curve.”  “You don’t tax people who work and pay people who don’t work and expect more work,” he said.  Laffer believes the stimulus is extending the self-induced recession.

Laffer noted he’s “been on all of these crises on the inside, from Nixon in 71-72 … through Jerry Ford, up to the present.”

He proposes, instead, cutting the payroll tax for the next seven to eight months “to make sure that it’s more attractive for people to work and more attractive for companies to hire.”  I agree with him.

And he suggests guaranteeing or granting liquidity loans to businesses to help them stay afloat.  “Just the payroll tax cut and liquidity lending,” he said.

Laffer took a shot at Congress. “Whenever politicians make decisions, whether they are panicked or drunk, the consequences are rarely attractive,” he said.  Link

And now, we are printing trillions of dollars that we don’t have…hello to massive inflation.

The Davy Crockett Charity Story

There are a number of stories about Davy Crockett voting against charitable donations that should not come out of the largesse of the U.S. treasury.  However, none of them are historically authentic.  Here are the true facts.  Nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it avail monies from the treasury to be given to anyone, including American citizens.  It is to be used to run the federal government.

Article 1, Section 8, gives the enumerated powers of the federal government delegated to Congress. The first is the power to tax and to spend the money raised by taxes, to provide for the nation’s defense and general welfare. These were terms transferred from the Articles of Confederation and understood by the men at the 1787 Constitutional Convention, but obviously not by today’s congressional creatures.

This section was supplemented by the 16th amendment, which permitted Congress to levy an income tax, which would not have been approved of by our founders.

Although the Spending Clause is the source of congressional authority to levy taxes, it permits the levying of taxes for two purposes only: to pay the debts of the United States, and to provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States. Taken together, these purposes have traditionally been held to imply and constitute the “Spending Power.”

Unfortunately, Alexander Hamilton’s broad reading of Art. 1, Sec. 8, met with opposition from many of the other Founders. James Madison repeatedly argued that the power to tax and spend did not confer upon Congress the right to do whatever it thought to be in the best interest of the nation, but only to further the ends specifically enumerated elsewhere in the Constitution, a position supported by Thomas Jefferson.

Nevertheless, today, the term “general welfare” is gravely overused to the nation’s demise.  Thus, we see this unconstitutional welfare giveaway that should never have happened, and neither should the shutdown of this nation ever have happened.


Oh, how I wish to write about something other than the virus and America’s police state, but every day more comes to the fore to counter the lies of “experts” and the mainstream media.

The real threat is not the virus, but the spirit of fear spread by federal, state and local governments with the help of the democratic socialists in mainstream media.

Fear is not from the Almighty, it is from the enemy.  God actually commands us not to fear, or worry. The phrase “fear not” is used at least 80 times in the Bible, most likely because He knows the enemy uses fear to decrease our hope and limit our victories.

Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.  Deuteronomy 31:6

But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.  Proverbs1:33

For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee. Isaiah 41:13

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.  II Timothy 1:7

This is Holy Week for both Jews and Christians as we celebrate Passover and Easter.  May the Lord give us all a spirit of peace, love, and joy in Him.

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Making the Most of House Arrest

During the corona-madness lock-down, I watched my favorite movie, “The Natural” for the ga-zillionth time. Insanely, that movie still makes me tear up. Due to my late preacher dad’s DNA, I see numerous life lessons and sermons in that movie.

Farm boy Roy Hobbs is a gifted baseball player. His supportive dad warns that talent is not enough. On the train to tryout for a major league team, Roy is shot by a wacko woman. Following a long recovery, Roy was told he could never play baseball again. Roy struggled to find work, lost his confidence and wandered.

Sixteen years later, a corrupt major league scout was paid to sabotage a last place team. Believing Roy is a joke, he signed middle-aged Roy Hobbs to a contract to play for the failing team.

When Roy showed up, the angry coach said, “People don’t start playing ball at your age, they retire.” He vowed never to play Roy. All Roy wanted was a chance to show what he could do. No one believed in him. Have you ever felt like Roy Hobbs?

Finally, the coach gave Roy a chance to play. He became an instant major league baseball superstar, leading his team to victories. Roy began dating a beautiful wicked woman who caused him to lose focus. His performance began to decline. Roy’s hometown old girlfriend showed up at a game. Her presence brought Roy back to his roots, restored his focus and set him back on the winning track.

Roy’s baseball bat which he carved as a lad was named “Wonderboy”. The team bat-boy, Bobby Savoy, asked Roy to help him carve a bat.

During the final game of the season with the championship on the line, Roy broke “Wonderboy” hitting a foul ball. Roy instructed the bat boy, “Go pick me out a winner Bobby.” Bobby handed Roy the bat they carved together the “Savoy Special.” Roy hit the championship winning home run. What you do for others, often comes back to you.

By persevering in pursuit of his dream, Roy Hobbs positively impacted the lives of many others; his coach, his team, Bobby and more.

Mary has filled my house arrest time with honey-do projects. Camille, our designer friend said dark gray is the hot new color. Painting our bedroom dark gray is the bravest thing I have done in awhile. It looks elegant and awesome! Mary found plans online for a rolling spice rack that she wants me to build. Oh goody!

On a serious note, I am so tired of Democrats and fake news media caring about nothing else other than using the corona virus crisis to damage Trump. While relentlessly undermining his efforts to restart America at every turn, Democrats are irresponsibly planning a second bogus impeachment in the midst of this national storm.

Lives and fortunes are being destroyed. And yet, Democrats and fake news media insidiously promote false fears to block Trump from ending the shutdown. We must make Democrats pay the ultimate price in November. Not only must we reelect Trump, Democrats must suffer devastating down-ballot losses. It is the only way to keep this party of domestic terrorists off our backs.

Rather than consuming 24/7 fear-inducing media, I’ve been feeding on God’s word, building my faith. Whatever you feed, grows. Evangelist Jesse Duplantis is preaching awesome messages about trusting God rather than fearing corona virus.

By the way, is Tom Hanks dead? No, he is not. Media reported Hanks testing positive for Corona as if his death was imminent. Hanks and his wife are doing fine, recovering from Corona. As a matter of fact, the vast majority of people who catch Corona virus make a full recovery. Yes, you heard me correctly. The reason we are not hearing this calming good news is because our media is evil and treasonous haters of Trump and traditional Americans.

A lot of people are predicting a dark future for America after this corona virus crisis. They believe government will repeal more of our freedoms the way it did after 9/11. I am not ready to take their negative prediction as gospel.

The late Dr Wayne Dyer said, “No one knows enough to be a pessimist.” There are too many unknown variables to automatically declare that America as we know it is over.

The Bible says, “Trust in the Lord with all you heart and lean not unto your own understand.” In other words, do not leave God out of the mix. Smart people who are worshipers of polling data predicted that Trump would never be elected president.

Am I suggesting that we become brain dead? Absolutely not. However, believing fake news corona virus reporting and flawed computer models is stressing the heck out of a lot of people. My late preacher dad said the main take-a-way from one of his pastoral courses is stress can kill you. I choose to trust God and be happy.

At the end of a visit with my 83 year old widowed mother-in-law, Mary gave her a goodbye hug and I gave her a peck on the cheek. She lite up like a Christmas tree. During our last visit, we kept our distance not touching her.

Mr President, please get us back to work. Now!

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After Four Years of Democrat Treachery, I Smell a Corona Virus Rat

Test time boys and girls. Hint…there is only one right answer––if you don’t get it right, you flunk! And so does America!

Which person, foreign or American, predicted three years ago, in 2017, that President Trump would be challenged by a “surprise global-disease outbreak”?

  • Enemy of Trump Cong. Adam Schiff (D-CA)
  • Enemy of Trump House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
  • Crazed enemy of Trump Hillary Clinton

Answer: None of the above. It was Dr. Anthony Fauci!

Which person, foreign or American, said that the collapse of the American capitalist system as a result of the corona virus plague would be “inconvenient”?

  • American adversary Xi Jing Ping, President of China
  • American adversary Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Iran
  • American adversary Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of Turkey

Answer: None of the above. It was Dr. Anthony Fauci!

Which person, foreign or American, said on January 21, 2020, that the corona virus “was not a major threat to the United States” and on January 23rd downplayed the virus’ potential impact on the U.S?

  • U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams
  • TV host Dr. Mehmet Oz
  • The entire staff of the NY Times

Answer: None of the above. It was Dr. Anthony Fauci!

Which person, foreign or American, wrote de facto love letters (actually e-mails) to Hillary Clinton through her lawyer Cheryl Mills, saying that he loved ole Hillary “more than ever”?


I could go on and on, but you get the point, which is that the “experts” are wrong or partisan or biased so often that healthy skepticism is warranted about everything they say.

Examples abound. Here is just a very very small sample:

  • The DES disaster to prevent miscarriages in the 1950s-‘60s that resulted in devastating cancers of the reproductive organs of children.
  • The tragedy of Thalidomide in the ‘60s to calm the nerves, that resulted in grotesque deformities in children born of pregnant mothers who took the pills.
  • The Dalkon Shield intrauterine birth-control devices of the 1970s were taken off the market for causing sterility and pelvic inflammatory disease.
  • Here are some of the drugs taken off the market over the years that caused horrific side effects or death after widespread recommendations by doctors.
  • And let’s not forget Vioxx.

Speaking of the people who occupy the podium with President Trump every day, there is the impressively credentialed Dr. Deborah Birx who apparently thinks she is still in a laboratory with rats on a treadmill and speaking with her research contemporaries instead of the American public when she intones about:

  • “the level of granularity”
  • “triangulation”
  • “a big bolus”
  • “logo-rhythmic bias”
  • “mitigation”

I say to the good doctor the same thing I’ve said to every lawyer I’ve ever consulted: English please!

Like Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx delivers doomsday messages

Like Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx delivers doomsday messages––and graphs––in dulcet tones. While Dr. Fauci predicts 100,000 to 200,000 deaths in the most dispassionate, clinical way, Dr. Birx shows us graphs with terrifying peaks of disease incidences and mortality and then “hopes” they don’t happen.

But in spite of the cozy embrace of Dr. Birx by far-left TV and print media whores like the NY Times, Vanity Fair, the list is endless, questions––unanswered questions––abound.

Is it a coincidence that the model Dr. Birx uses to assess the progress of the virus––the IHME, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation––is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and that she, Dr. Birx, sits on the board of the Bill and Melinda Gates Global Fund and has since 2014.

Is there a hidden agenda about the fact that the IMHE has used the hot spots of New York and New Jersey to project the spread of the virus in the rest of the country, resulting in a shut-down of our economy and massive unemployment?

There is good reason to question the IHME model, to the degree that writer and publisher of CanadaFreePress.com, Judi McLeod, has exhorted President Trump to Save the Western World by booting Dr. Birx off the Corona Virus Task Force! She cites an April 2nd Gateway Pundit story written by Cristina Laila revealing that the model the White House is relying on is “complete garbage.”

  • “It Predicted 121,000 Americans Hospitalized; actual number: 31,142.
  • “It predicted 1,716 people in Texas would be hospitalized; actual number: 196.
  • “It predicted 2,777 people in Georgia would be hospitalized: actual number: 952.
  • In Virginia, predicted 607––actual number 305.
  • In Tennessee, predicted 2,214––actual number 200.
  • In New York, predicted 50,962––actual number 18,368.

Data is showing that this may be one great big mistake or hoax

According to writer Lee Cary, in his follow-the-money, must-read exposé of the corona virus and all its players––Fauci, Birx, the Clintons, Bill Gates, et al: “Today, two physicians essentially control the $22 trillion U.S. economy…It is time for President Trump to utilize his uncommon  common sense and put a stop to this China-orchestrated full-scale attack on our country.”

Indeed….as Jim Hoft reports, the total U.S. deaths in March 2020 were actually down 15 percent from the average of the prior four years.

“What is going on?” Hoft asks. “After shutting down the government and killing the greatest economy in the world due to deathly estimates from specialists on the coronavirus, the data is showing that this may be one great big mistake or hoax.”

For perspective:


“How dare you question the integrity and motives of Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx, or suggest that their associations and political agendas are fishy, or imply that the institutions and experts they cite as unassailable vis-à-vis the coronavirus––the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO)––are themselves tainted by partisan politics?

Well, thanks to the Democrats themselves, the answer to those questions are easy. Now we know that from 2009 to 2016, the man who occupied the Oval Office weaponized and politicized America’s most trusted institutions, not only defiling and disrespecting the Resolute Desk with his dirty shoes, but converting our most trusted institutions from departments dedicated to justice, law enforcement, national security, homeland security and matters of state into far-left operations designed to bring down America. Here is the short list:


  • Think John Brennan of the Central Intelligence Agency.
  • Think James Comey of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
  • Think Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch of the Justice Department.
  • Think Hillary Clinton of the State Department.

So no surprise that the guy with his feet on the Resolute Desk also contaminated the CDC and further befouled the already putrid cesspool on 1st Avenue in NY City––the United Nations….and its reliably hate-America satellite, WHO.

Speaking of which, looky here: “The CDC openly admits that it is fudging the COVID-19 death figures,” reports Matthew Vadum. Quoting Dr. Annie Bukacek, M.D. and expert on death certificates, “The CDC counts both true COVID-19 cases and speculative guesses of COVID-19 the same…they automatically overestimate the real death numbers, by their own admission.”

Vadum said the same is true of the lying leftists who run New York City and NY State, Mayor Bill Di Blasio and Governor Andrew Cuomo respectively.

Did you ever see a liberal smile…or laugh out loud? I can actually cite on one hand the times I’ve witnessed such a phenomenon. The reason is that this species seems to have extremely high anxiety levels. They worry about everything and they buy everything that the Chicken Little doomsday purveyors sell.

In 1968, Stanford Univ. Professor Paul R. Ehrlich and his wife Anne wrote “The Population Bomb” which predicted worldwide famine in the 1970s and 1980s due to overpopulation. Liberals bought it.

In the 1970s, the “experts” said that global cooling would soon usher in a new ice age. Liberals bought it.

We all know about the ongoing fetish liberals have with global warming––that made a lot of quacks like Al Gore rich––same as the cooling fetish.

Then there was the scare over running out of food, natural resources like copper, and oil. Liberals bought it.

Now we have liberals––including the experts from Mr. Obama’s CDC and WHO, as well as Drs. Fauci and Birx and the entire leftwing media––wringing their hands and tearing their hair out, absolutely convinced that unless the entire world and all their economies shut down, humanity is doomed.

Well, that’s not the real reason they’re in such visible throes of hysteria. The real reason is because they thought and hoped and chanted to the earth goddess Gaia that if they were able to destroy the best economy and highest employment in world history––among President Trump’s many astounding accomplishments––his reelection would be doomed.

The problem is––liberals are always wrong! They’ve always been wrong! And to their everlasting horror, they were wrong about the presidential election that predicted a Hillary victory right up to 8 p.m. on November 8, 2016.

Then this Democrat cabal of America haters tried to destroy the president with the Russian hoax and the Stormy Daniels hoax and the Ukraine hoax and the impeachment hoax and all of them failed miserably.

So now their nemesis is in power and in charge, driving them even more clinically insane than they are ordinarily.

In mere weeks, President Trump marshals national and international assistance from industry, organizations, political factions, and individuals that would qualify him for Five-Star General status. That is not hyperbole….this is a war, as he says, against an invisible enemy!

He touts the excellent results he’s heard about––which have since been widely affirmed––in treating coronavirus patients with hydroxychloroquine, in combination with Azithromycin and zinc, and the experts on his task force talk about the constipated process of clinical trials and vaccine development that take years.

He embodies the qualities of an optimist, realistic about the present but genuinely positive about the future, and the doomsday liberals resort to their old standbys––gratuitous insults and popping their anti-depressant and anti-anxiety fixes.

He is presented with the kind of daunting existential challenges the likes of which George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Harry Truman faced, and he addresses them with executive confidence, a lifetime of success, and a burning love for America the Beautiful.

Thank you, Mr. President. With you at the helm, Americans are the luckiest people on the earth!

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Covid-19: A Fascist Terror Act Against Humanity

History is the Mother of all sciences. In this time of crises, stress, anxiety, and fake news, history is the only way to find the Truth. Everything has its beginning and history reports and preserves the reality of the time. The history of the outbreak of coronavirus began in the 20th century in the middle of Europe, when National-Socialism (Nazism) was born. The development of the fascist ideology did not take much time and in 1920’s the fascist government under Mussolini was formed in Italy and in

Germany under Adolf Hitler in 1930’s. By the 1940’s all of Europe was under Fascism. Although fascism is a notoriously difficult ideology to define, the definition given by Wikipedia is close to be correct:

Fascism is a form of government that is a type of one-party dictatorship. They work for a totalitarian one-party state. … Fascism puts nation and often race above the individual. It stands for a centralized government headed by a dictator. Historically, fascist governments tend to be autocratic, militaristic, and racist. Wikipedia

The fascist ideology was not a secret in Europe, there were three highly visible attributes of Fascism: strive even lust for power, identity policy, and excessive violence. So we know fascism as a philosophy of anti-Semitism, but the intent of hate was much wider then extermination of the Jews only; gypsies and Slaves did not have right to live either according to Nazis. The idea to exterminate all of them had been formulated and put in practice in 1942–building of the gas chambers had begun. Here is a list of victims of Nazism and some Nazis’ extermination camps:

Camp Estimated deaths Primary means for mass killings
Auschwitz–Birkenau 1,100,000 Zyklon B gas chambers
Treblinka 800,000 Carbon monoxide gas chambers
Bełżec 600,000 Carbon monoxide gas chambers
Chełmno 320,000 Carbon monoxide vans

For your information, developed technology allows criminals killing people by much cheaper bio-chemical weapons, without building the gas chambers. Just look around the world today.

Soviet Fascism: the Project of 1955

History is the Mother of all sciences. There is no coincidence that in the breakdown of Covid-19, on April 5, 2020, Queen Elizabeth in her televised address, recalled the time in the 1940’s , when England was at war, Nazis were bombing London day and night inflicting enormous damage to the capital of England and hardship to her people. Queen Elizabeth ended her address optimistically: “we will succeed and that success will belong to all of us.” I’d add that success will belong to humanity…

As another generation experiences the same disasters and hardship in the 21st century—Covid-19 is killing people around the globe every day. I’d like to bring to your attention the events that happened in the middle of the 20th century. Those events will present the real project designed by the parents of coronavirus in the Soviet Union. I’ll give you some passages from my book to show the importance of the information, I have conveyed to you. Here are some paragraphs about Soviet Socialism/Communism:

“As you already know, the Chinese Communist State had been built with major Soviet involvement and supervision. You would think that the Soviet/Russian Communists were so engaged and occupied by the Chinese case that they had no time for others. Wrong! In 1955, the Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev gave the idea to the members of the Communist Party—drugs and narcotics trafficking should be viewed as a strategic operation that would directly weaken the enemy. Accordingly, he ordered a joint military-civilian, Soviet-Czech study to examine the total effect of drugs on Western society; its effects on labor productivity, education, the military (the ultimate target at that time), and its use in support of the Soviet Bloc intelligence operations.” WWIII was marching on through

Europe to the West…

“The effects of drugs were analyzed by scientists from the Soviet Academy of Sciences and the conclusions were that the drugs trafficking would be extremely effective and the most vulnerable countries would be the United

States, Canada, France, and West Germany. This study was approved in

1955 by the Soviet Defense Council. It was the first formal Soviet decision to launch narcotics trafficking against the bourgeoisie and especially against the American capitalists:

“Soviet strategy for revolutionary war is a global strategy… narcotics strategy is a sub-component of this global strategy. …First was the increased training of leaders for the revolutionary movements—the civilian, military, and intelligence cadres. The founding of Patrice Lumumba

University in Moscow is an example of one of the early actions taken to modernize the Soviet revolutionary leadership training. The second step was the actual training of terrorists. Training for international terrorism actually began as ‘fighters for liberation.’…The third step was international drug and narcotics trafficking. Drugs were incorporated into the revolutionary war strategy as a political and intelligence weapon to use against the bourgeois society and as a mechanism for recruiting agents of influence around the world.”

Just listen to the rest of the quotation: “The fourth step was to infiltrate organized crime and, further, to establish Soviet Bloc sponsored and controlled organized crime syndicates throughout the world. The fifth step was to plan and prepare for sabotage throughout the whole world. The network for this activity was to be in place by 1972. …The decision on organized crime… was to be a global operation targeted against… the

United States, along with France, Great Britain, Germany, and Italy… The main reason for infiltrating organized crime was… information on political corruption, money and business, international relations, drug trafficking, and counter-intelligence—was to be found in organized crime. …A secondary reason was to use organized crime as a covert mechanism for distributing drugs.” Wow!!! Pp.127-1 29 What is Happening to America?

The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction, by Simona Pipko, Xlibris, 2012.

We are at war, in an asymmetrical ideological war waged by Soviet fascism against Western civilization and American capitalism. As you can see, I called this war WWIII and identified it as WWIII: Recruitment and

Infiltration, Drugs and Assassinations. The Project was a declaration of war against humanity by a Communist country and the forces of Soviet fascism there. According to the Project, a new formation of Soviet fascism was established later under the Russian umbrella—the Axis of Evil –the international ideological base of the countries involved: China, North Korea,

Iran, Syria, Venezuela, and possibly Turkey. Read here my column:

Socialism Infects the Globe, It Must Be Defeated, August 26, 2019

Yet, there appeared a courageous man in 1991, who publicly refused to be a member of the Communist Party in Russia and in a televised show returned his Party Book to the Party leadership. This man was Russian

President Boris Yeltsin. The criminal system had made a good man an alcoholic and finally Putin’s KGB won, reviving the ideology of Soviet

Fascism at the end of the 20th century. By the way, Putin has never discredited the system, like Yeltsin publicly did, on the contrary he was deadly upset by the Collapse of the USSR. I met Yeltsin and talked to him in Columbia University in the middle of 1990’s. The smell of alcohol emanated from him was so strong that my head was spinning. Yeltsin had lost and we lost with him—Stalinist Soviet fascism had been resurrected.

Agents of Influence or The Soviet Charlatans

Now, that you are acquainted with Project 1955, I assume that the motivation of the enemy is not a question—American capitalism is the main target of Soviet Fascism in the 21st century. The goal is shutting down

American capitalism and Covid-19 has done just that. Don’t be surprised by the enemies achievement, they had help—the leadership of the Democrat

Party and those Democrats who didn’t know Russia. My five books and over a hundred columns had been aimed at one agenda—to show the real face of a current Democrat Party and educate Americans about our mortal enemy. But my writings were banned by the corrupted FBI. As a result, you were deprived to know the Truth and be ready for a bio-chemical attack and other disasters. Read here my recent column Agony: Face-to-Face with Soviet Fascism Part 2.

Many people asked me: How did you know that the General-Director of

W.H.O. was the KGB agent? To explain it, I’d like to return to that column. “Our Scientific community is also infiltrated by the KGB: Do you remember

Trump’s and Fauci’s dueling narratives? I don’t like Dr. Fauci’s friendly relationship with Tedros Adhanom, the General-Director of W.H.O. In my opinion the latter is a KGB agent. Read about him and you’ll appreciate

Trump’s intuition involving two Anti-Malaria drugs. In a war you use what you have. Two weeks have been stolen from the American people fighting for life against Terror.” April 2, 2020.

Yes, I can recognize Soviet Charlatans very easily. Project 1955, has given us the term “agent of influence” and since then they successfully infiltrated hundreds of world organizations and all corners of American society, hence

I called them Soviet Charlatans. Knowing the ideology of Soviet Fascism, its agenda, tactics, methods, and dirty tricks, I dedicated my life to share that knowledge with Americans and I was warning them for the last thirty-five years to prevent a disaster. I described in detail in my books how the

Soviets orchestrated a civil war in Ethiopia in the 1970’s and established a Communist Party, naming it Tigray Party, which was about to build Kolkhozes, Collective Farms there like in Russia. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is the Soviet Charlatan. We at least, now know one of the thousands of them. Look at what was written about him three days after my column:

According to the BBC , Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director general of the W.H.O, became head of the organization only after “climbing through the ranks” of the government in his native Ethiopia, a career that started with his membership in the Tigray People’s Liberation Front. The group was a prominent player in Ethiopia’s civil war, which raged for over a decade and finally ended in 1991.Wuhan Study Mentioned by Tucker

Vanishes: Claimed Market Didn’t Sell COVID Bats, Was 500 Miles From

Infected Bats, WJ commentary by C. Douglas Golden, Published April 5,


In all my writings, I was repeating one axiom: knowledge of Russia and her Security Services is a Must. Writing about them, I used the term KGB. I hope now you agree with me. History can help us to expose the

Communist ideology for what it really is, by showing three Communist accomplices in crime at the top of the coronavirus outbreak: the President of China, the President of Russia, and the Soviet Charlatan Tedros

Adhanom Ghebreyesus. The Project 1955 and in particular the Soviet

Charlatans have achieved a gigantic “success” undermining Western civilization, global democratic institutions, and American capitalism. The subject matter is monumental and requires a separate research, evaluation, and assessment. I will try to develop further the investigation of this topic. In the meantime Happy Ester America!

To be continued www.simonapipko1.com and www.drrichswier.com/author/spipko/.

American research team discloses undeclared nuclear weapons development site in Iran

In 2018, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu offered proof that the Iran nuclear deal was based on lies. He revealed a cache of documents that demonstrated conclusively that “Iran lied to the world about its nuclear program for years, even after the 2015 nuclear deal with the world.”

Now, “a team of American experts says it has uncovered a previously unknown Islamic Republic nuclear weapons development site in Iran.” The Institute for Science and International Security “says that it has evidence the Islamic Republic operated the nuclear weapons development facility in northern Iran until at least 2011 when it was likely destroyed as Western nations began to investigate the country’s weapons program.”

“It should be remembered in this connection that the concept of taqiyya as such is specifically Shi’ite, developed during the time of the sixth Imam, Jafar al-Sadiq, in middle of the eighth century, when the Shi’ites were being persecuted by the Sunni caliph al-Mansur.”

See more about taqiyya HERE.

Iranian allies have been pressuring the U.S. to ease sanctions amid the coronavirus pandemic, yet it has already been reported that money for domestic interests is being diverted to the jihad terrorist Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

“Research Group Discloses Undeclared Iran ‘Nuclear Weapons’ Development Site,” Radio Farda, April 9, 2020:

A team of American experts says it has uncovered a previously unknown Islamic Republic nuclear weapons development site in Iran.

The Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) called on Tehran on April 8 to acknowledge the previously undisclosed site to international inspectors.

Founded in 1993, the Institute for Science and International Security is led by former United Nations IAEA nuclear inspector David Albright.

ISIS says that it has evidence the Islamic Republic operated the nuclear weapons development facility in northern Iran until at least 2011 when it was likely destroyed as Western nations began to investigate the country’s weapons program.

“Based on documents in the Iran Nuclear Archive, seized by Israel in early 2018, Iran’s Amad Plan created the Shahid Mahallati Uranium Metals Workshop near Tehran to research and develop uranium metallurgy related to building nuclear weapons”, ISIS says.

Amad Plan refers to Iran’s alleged roadmap to developing a nuclear weapon.

“The facility was intended as a pilot plant, aimed at developing and making uranium components for nuclear weapons, in particular components from weapon-grade uranium, the key nuclear explosive material in Iranian nuclear weapon cores,” the institute disclosed.

The site was meant to be temporary until the production-scale Shahid Boroujerdi facility at Parchin was completed….


Bernie Sanders, Muslims, Hindus, and the truth of Kashmir

UK: “counter-terrorism police” investigating the “far right” for stoking “anti-Muslim sentiment” during coronavirus

“We will never Live as Dhimmis”: The Stealth Cultural Jihad in America

The Persecution of Christians in Muslim Countries: The West is Playing with Fire with Mass Muslim Migration

Hamas Threatens to Murder Six Million Israelis Over Ventilators

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

BOOK REVIEW: The Powerful Case for Free Market Healthcare

The power grab from leftists during this pandemic requires an answer. Dr. Julio Gonzalez provides it in his new book, The Case for Free Market Healthcare, that builds the powerful case for free market healthcare to solve our challenges from drug costs to available physicians to lower costs.

An orthopaedic surgeon, attorney, former Florida Representative and author of The Federalist Pages, Dr. Gonzalez draws on his rich and varied background and meticulous style to deliver one of the strongest and convincing cases ever for the free market available.  In this new book, you don’t just get the answers, you get the full background and reasoned case for why the free market is indisputably the best solution for healthcare delivery.  In Dr. Gonzalez’s telling, it is not enough for the reader to know that free market healthcare is the best option, he also wants you to know why in such a way that you can not only understand it, you can use it to convince others.

Personally, I’m hoping that policymakers will take the time to sit down and read this book. My gosh, it would enlighten them and tamp down some terrible ideas being discussed. The timing could hardly be more relevant.

Dr. Gonzalez makes the case for health savings accounts; not the meager program politicians have created, but a robust one that essentially transfers the power over healthcare back to Americans.  Physician shortages, he discusses opening American opportunities to Americans.  High drug prices? The primary reason for them, Gonzalez demonstrates, is the destruction by Medicare of those very forces that naturally work to keep those prices down. Too much government — not too little.

The drug shortages plaguing America’s healthcare providers? If he hadn’t given you citations that you could easily access from your computer, you wouldn’t believe what he reports.  Epinephrine, lidocaine, bicarbonate, and elemental intravenous antibiotics are just a few examples of medications American hospitals struggle to keep in their stocks.  You wouldn’t know about this dire situation unless you’re a hospital pharmacist, maybe a doctor with hospital privileges as Dr. Gonzalez is — or unless you read it in his book. I sure didn’t.

But it’s in the arena of rationing where The Case for Free Market Healthcare really overwhelms. Of course there are the contextual discussions of outright rationing through mandates and prohibitions like you see in Japan and some of Europe.  But did you know the extent to which government-directed rationing takes place in the United States? In meticulous detail, Gonzalez shows you the myriad of market manipulations the federal government is undertaking to steer you in favor or away from certain treatments to the point of making access to some prohibitive. That is rationing, my friends.

This book is a must-read for anyone caring about the country’s healthcare future. By going through the materials, you will be in a much stronger position to ward off the attacks from the big government left and to recognize why their arguments are so hollow.  It is one of the best reads you can undertake during this time of quarantine — and beyond.

EDITORS NOTE: This Revolutionary Act column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Serious Questions About Attorney General Bill Barr by J.W. Bryan

When Mr. Barr’s name first came up for consideration for the position of Attorney General of the United States, I thought at that time that maybe we could begin to bring a little justice for the American people. This meant that we’d finally have a genuine approach to dig into the treacherous and treasonous activities of the Department of Justice (DOJ) in its plot to impeach the President.

It also meant that “Justice for the American People” would bring truth to the surface exposing the diabolical anti-American activities of the traitorous members who now continue to be well entrenched into the operation of the DOJ. I hoped that it would be so completely exposed that the evidence of their guilt would be completely undeniable.

Lack of Justice

The American Dream was not forthcoming, for AG Bill Barr, instead of involving himself in exposing the corruption and many blatant treasonable activities by the democratic socialist forces, he took aim at such trivial subjects like anti-trust issues.

Barr and the DOJ spent time twiddling around with a pretext of something sinister and spurious concerning anti-trust violations, all of which were trivial.  He should have been looking into the concocted scheme to impeach the president.  But the anti-trust game presented an opportunity for a show-biz act to give the appearance that AG Barr was on the job and doing his duty.

The abundance of evidence of collusion between Russia, the Clintons and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) was obvious.  All the false concocted charges against President Trump were simply an effort to impeach him.

According to Kelleigh Nelson in her NewsWithViews article of March 10, 2020, the “dossier” compiled by Christopher Steele, on behalf of the DNC and the Hillary Clinton campaign, formed an essential part of the Carter Page Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) application. Steele was a longtime FBI source who was paid over $160,000 by the DNC and Clinton campaign, via the law firm Perkins Coie and research firm Fusion GPS, to obtain derogatory information on Donald Trump’s ties to Russia, which according to her research, never existed, but on the contrary, Russian ties are all on the Democrat side.

She also wrote that Hillary and the DNC hired a foreign spy to concoct the fake dossier on candidate Trump. They gave that fake dossier to the Obama DOJ and FBI, and they knew the dossier was fake and politically motivated, but that didn’t stop them.

And I will add, of course, it didn’t stop them. They (all of them), maybe from Obama on down, knew how the script was to play-out.

They all believed that Donald Trump didn’t have a ghost of a chance of winning the 2016 Presidential election. But just in case he did they would go to plan B. This was the insurance policy spoken of between Strzok and Page just in case the unthinkable happened.

Here is how I think plan B was to be implemented although there is no documented proof that it ever existed. Nevertheless, anyone can put two and two together and see that it did.

Ultimate Goals

First of all, the ultimate goal is The Quest for World Government. We could call it the Agenda for World Government or the Conspiracy for World Government. Both of them are correct. In order to plan for a world government there must be an agenda, and since some of the agenda will be secretive, i.e., unknown to the general populace – this results in a conspiracy.

Since the conspiracy for global government is world-wide, it necessarily follows that certain world powers are going to be involved in the planning and implementation of their ultimate goals.

The Agenda has been in existence for the last 95 to 100 years and has slowly been implemented to near fruition. It was very important to the forces behind it, such as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and all other worldly connections to it that nothing should happen to derail its progress.

Trump Seen as Impediment

The world powers viewed the possibility of Donald Trump being elected to the office of President of the United States as upsetting their time-table for the completion of their World Government agenda. To the globalists, someone like Donald Trump is the complete antithesis to the program of globalism instituted throughout government entities by their secret operatives.  Their goals have been temporarily short-circuited. It was imperative that those who support this agenda do their best to stop Trump.

The cabal reasoned that if Trump was elected it could result in the possibility of their Agenda being delayed by as much as 30 years, possibly more. So, just in case, plan B was to go into effect immediately.

Their plan B was involved Russia doing something technologically which could be interpreted as an attempt to give aid to Trump, thereby setting up the planned charge of collusion between Trump and Russia.

About two days before the Inauguration, suddenly Obama announced that the FBI claimed evidence had surfaced regarding Russia’s interference in the election.  Obama ordered the FBI to keep him posted concerning the findings.

Instincts tell us that Obama knew beforehand about this FBI report. This was the beginning of the script of Plan B.  What followed was practically lock-step with my vision of how Plan B’s implementation would play-out, although we didn’t see the inside sources planning impeachment via Russian born Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman.

Everything covered by ‘fake news” was followed almost to a tee as to how I thought it would be. Since it is an integral part of the progressive, socialist, communist organizational apparatus, it can be expected to follow the ‘Leninist Principle.” Lenin knew that to the public, what the truth is doesn’t count, rather, what counts is what truth is thought to be. So, lies are parroted over and over as propaganda is reinforced.

A prime example of this would be the tactics used by the media in covering the controversy surrounding both the Senator McCarthy hearings and the Alger Hiss/ Whitaker Chambers issues.  Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy by M. Stanton Evans and Seeds of Treason by Ralph De Toledano are important historical documentations of communist spies and Senator McCarthy’s efforts to overthrow them.

Ignoring True Corruption

There were plenty of issues which AG Bill Barr could have dug into and exposed the truth of the treason and corruption that prevailed in the DOJ, FBI, DNC, and the Clintons hook-up with Russia.

The goal was convincing the public that the false collusion charges against President Trump were true, and he had somehow given aid and comfort to the enemy, and that Russia was paying him back by giving him helping him win the 2016 election.  The problem was how they were going to avoid the perception of guilt regarding the sale of 20 percent of our uranium to Russia by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and others.  It was Hillary who was guilty of collusion and probably of treason.

Then there was the case of Lt. General Michael T. Flynn and many others the Special Counsel of Robert Mueller had targeted. They hoped to find something or coerce someone to compose something negative about the president that would aid them in their attack against him. In General Flynn’s case, since he knew as much as he did about what was going on in the military as well as in the intelligence community, their sole purpose was also to remove him from his position in the White House. In short, they didn’t want anyone who knew as much as he did to be close to the President.

Up to this point the globalist cabal inside our government had been successful in surrounding the President with advisors who would falsely advise him on such things as who he should put in various positions.  The transition team was originally headed by Chris Christie, but VP Pence replaced him. These advisors gave him false advice on trade deals like the USMCA.  The one man with knowledge of the corruption within the intelligence community had to be removed, and that was General Flynn.

I don’t believe the President would have ever agreed to the USMCA if he had known what it contained that would incrementally diminish our independence as a free nation.

Justice Fades with Barr

All this and much, much more should have been investigated by AG Barr and would have resulted in exposure which would have cast the light of truth on the corruption within the intel community…that alone would have changed America’s perception of how things are playing out in our country.

But the highly acclaimed AG Barr wasn’t looking for evidence of injustice. For he was put into position to cover-up any evidence that was unfavorable to the forces he represented; which were the same forces represented by Robert Mueller.  His stock-in trade, like that of Barr, was the cover-up and exoneration of villains, and where possible, punishment and prison for the victims. Both Barr and Mueller are good friends who have the same modus operandi which goes back for decades.

And so, alas, our hopes are beginning to fade concerning the possibility of truth and justice once more abounding in America. It reminded me of an old saying, God looked everywhere for justice – but he could find none.

It reminds me of an old poem about England by G. K. Chesterton, Elegy in a Country Courtyard that ends with, “they have no graves as yet.”

And so, it is with us, Alas, alas, for America — we have no justice as yet.


Yet, I cannot give up hope.  We’ve not reached the bottom yet. History is replete with the accounts of men that faced much drearier outlooks. I remember the story of Marine General Oliver P. Smith who saved 15,000 Marines.  He held a staff meeting prior to the First Marine Division’s jump-off from Hagaru, Korea to fight their way to safety and freedom. His statement was, “I want every man to understand that we are out-numbered 10 to 1 – surrounded by 100,000 Chinese – we must not let them escape.”

A famous photographer, David Douglas Duncan, that chose not to fly out with the wounded, but to come out with the Marines, said to a marine while on this epic trek, “If I were God and I asked you what would be your request, what would it be?” He said that the marine looked up at the sky for a few seconds and replied, “Give me tomorrow.”

Can we imagine things being so bad that we would only ask for tomorrow? Cheer up. We have much more to be thankful for than just tomorrow. I am convinced that God does not want us to give up, but that we must continue the fight even when there appears to be no hope.

So, let us be thankful to God that we still have the time to press-on. Together, “Even when the skies grow darker yet – and the sea rises Higher.”

Instagram became young girl’s prison of abuse

Maria* was 13 years old when she first got Instagram on her phone. She had her parent’s permission because Instagram is rated as appropriate for “Ages 12+.”

She loved sharing photos as well as “liking” and commenting on her friend’s images. She posted about being in Girl Scouts, babysitting her younger brother, and going to the lake with her friends.

It wasn’t long before strange men started reaching out to her in direct messages.

She mostly ignored them. But, one day, a direct message came in from someone who looked young and cute in his profile picture and who he said he went to school in the neighboring town. Maria accepted his direct message request and the two began DMing back and forth every day.

He was interested in learning everything about her, which was flattering, and he soon asked her to be his “girlfriend.” Even though she’d never met him in real life, she agreed because he made her feel loved.

It was shortly after that when he started soliciting her to send him sexually explicit images. At first Maria said no, but he kept asking and began making her feel guilty for saying no. Eventually she relented and sent him some sexually explicit images of herself.

And that day changed everything.

Instagram, the social media app that Maria had been so excited to use and share with her friends, became her virtual prison! 

You see, this “young and cute boy” that Maria had sent her sexually explicit images to was not a boy at all. He was an adult man who promptly used these graphic photos to blackmail Maria.  He threatened to send Maria’s sexually explicit photos to her parents and to all her classmates if she didn’t have sex with him and then with others. Maria felt trapped. Before she knew it she was a victim of sex trafficking and was being sold to one stranger after another.

This went on for three months, while she was still living in her parent’s home, until she finally gathered the courage to tell someone and get help.

No child should ever go through that trauma.

Unfortunately, as more children are spending time online while home from school due to the coronavirus pandemic, many are warning (including the FBI) that children are at increased risk of this kind of online sexual exploitation because there is now more “supply” of children to meet the “demand” of predators.

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, law enforcement only had the capacity to rescue a few children at a time and safe houses only had a limited number of beds to help those children recover. Meanwhile exploiters have nearly limitless access to children through social media apps and are therefore able to abuse more girls like Maria than we’ll ever know.

But the National Center on Sexual Exploitation has an aggressive strategy to fight this scourge.

Our strategy is to prevent the abuse of girls like Maria in the first place by demanding and getting critical changes to corporate policies as well as advocating for legislation and best business practices that favor safety above mere profits. We have a long history of success with efforts like these thanks to your generous support, but the rapid advance of technology means our efforts and resources need to expand in kind.

This is your invitation to prevent the abuse and exploitation of a child who is just logging into Instagram for the first time today.

In light of this increased danger for children, we feel emboldened to ask you:

Can you afford a small monthly donation?

Every amount can be used to make a big difference right now. We’ll turn your monthly donation, whatever you can afford, into advocacy with legislators and corporate executives as well as a means for getting crucial information and resources into the hands of parents so they can protect their children.

Will you help children like Maria to survive this crisis?

*Name changed to protect the innocent.

© All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Visit Ground Zero of Virus Response with DHS’s Chad Wolf

Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf has his hands full with the coronavirus, but there’s one group of people he’s not about to go into disaster relief mode without: clergy. Find out why he made them “essential personnel” as well as the challenges he’s encountered with a full-blown, 50-state emergency.


‘Sunday Is Coming’

VP Mike Pence: There’s ‘Always Hope’

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action podcast is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Notre Dame prof hails Islamic law, asks international law judges to consider “referring to parts of Sharia”

“Notre Dame’s Emilia Justyna Powell, an associate professor of political science and concurrent associate professor of law, an expert in both international law and the Islamic legal tradition, traveled to many Muslim-majority nations to research how the two systems work together in practice.”

Now Powell is on a mission to teach Westerners that Sharia is similar to international law and in some ways superior. For this dubious endeavor she is lavishly featured in the Notre Dame University newspaper. Powell’s canvassing for Sharia has led her to ask “some international court judges” if they “would ever consider referring to parts of the Sharia.”

Powell’s interest in researching Islamic law further is driven, in part, by the bias she sees toward Western law to the point of absolute exclusion of any facets of Islamic law in international law. In fact, some international court judges she interviewed were irritated when she asked if they would ever consider referring to parts of Sharia. “Out of all the religions of the world, we’ve contributed to a large-scale misunderstanding of their legal tradition,” Powell said. “Islamic law and international law share many more similarities than they are given credit for.”

Powell’s skewed view of the Sharia is deceptive, propagandistic and dangerous. There is no comparison between international law (which is democracy-based) and Sharia (which is authoritarian and discriminatory). The violence, human rights abuses and murders committed throughout history in the name of Islam are not an aberration. They are reflections of normative Islam, fully backed by Islamic jurisprudence, which teaches the murder of apostates and gays, the conquest and subjugation of infidels, and the inferiority of women, including the head coverings (Quran 24:31, Quran 33:59) about which Powell fallaciously rambles.  The arrogance displayed by Powell is also an affront to Muslim dissidents who face (and experience) imprisonment (and worse) for opposing the human rights abuses sanctioned by Islamic law. Powell’s potential influence on the young minds who must listen to her propaganda in the classroom is concerning. And she is not unique; in fact, in many colleges and universities today, she is the norm.

“Islamic law and international law share many similarities, Notre Dame Professor says,” by Colleen Sharkey, Notre Dame News, April 8, 2020:

The very term Sharia conjures negative images in the minds of many Westerners, in part due to its association with extremist groups. However, an in-depth look at Islamic law, as practiced in the vast majority of Muslim-majority countries, reveals that it is interpreted in different ways depending on the country, its culture and the very people conducting the interpretation.

Notre Dame’s Emilia Justyna Powell, an associate professor of political science and concurrent associate professor of law, an expert in both international law and the Islamic legal tradition, traveled to many Muslim-majority nations to research how the two systems work together in practice. Her findings were published earlier this year in the volume Islamic Law and International Law: Peaceful Resolution of Disputes.

Powell uses the differences in how women dress in various Muslim-majority countries as an analogy for the various interpretations of Sharia.

“A perfect visualization is women’s head coverings. The Taliban encourages women to cover top to bottom, not even showing the eyes. In Saudi Arabia, sometimes eyes are visible but not much else,” she said. “I was recently in Bahrain where I witnessed a new trend: Women are unzipping their abayas and you can see Western-influenced clothing underneath like jeans, ruffles and lace. Many women don’t wear the hijab scarf there and some only wear it halfway on. But who’s to say which is correct? Bahrain is no less Islamic than Saudi Arabia, for example, just different. People in all Muslim-majority countries interpret and, thus, practice the Muslim faith differently.”

International law itself is based on a broad set of norms agreed upon by people from many different nations and cultures. It is also heavily based on Western law which, itself, has deep roots in Christianity — a religion that originated at a time when Roman law was already well established. “Islam, on the other hand, had no a priori legal system to work with other than unwritten tribal customs,” Powell writes. And, while international law has moved to a more secular model, Islamic law remains based in the writings of the Quran and the sunna as well as ijma (judicial consensus) and qiyas (analogical reasoning).

“However, disconcerting the dissonance between the Islamic legal tradition and international law may appear, there are more similarities between these two legal systems than the policy world and the scholarship take into account,” she writes.

By its broad nature, international law allows for interpretation based on norms in individual countries. And many Muslim-majority states have their own declaration of human rights, she notes.

“Sometimes international law promotes the peaceful resolution of disputes, but does not give specific rules or cite specific laws for how to do so. Countries can mediate, peacefully, via negotiation in compliance with international law. Sometimes Muslim-majority countries will also sign international treaties but place restrictions on them — what are technically called ‘reservations.’”

For example, some Muslim-majority countries use reservations to remove “freedom of religion” clauses, because their religion is inextricably part of their culture, with the assumption (often part of the country’s own understanding of human rights) that many of their citizens are all Muslim. In this way, Powell says, they are complying with some international norms but allowing for their identity to remain intact.

Powell also examines how Muslim-majority nations in different geographical areas use Sharia and work within the international law framework. In general, Powell finds that if an ILS (Islamic Law State) country has a secular court system and their constitution mentions peaceful resolutions of disputes, they possess a more favorable attitude toward international courts.

“The Islamic milieu is not a monolith. In each of the ILS, secular law and Islamic law coalesce to create a unique legal framework. Every one of the ILS is different in how it negotiates the relationship between these two legal forces — the religious and the secular — along with their respective differences in socio-demographic and political characteristics. Historically, every one of the ILS has worked out its own unique answers to the question of the balance of Islamic law and secular law,” she writes.

The examples Powell gathered through interviews shed light on the cultural and religious lenses through which many Muslims view courts….


Taliban say coronavirus is “sent by Allah because of the sins of mankind,” demand medicine and aid from sinners

Tennessee: Man who stabbed and killed three women was “practicing Muslim,” no indication of mental illness

Muslim cleric says “hatred and hostility” toward Jews is “part of our faith”

UK: Former soldier charged with three terror offenses, held in prison for fighting AGAINST the Islamic State (ISIS)

Khamenei: “Fighting over toilet paper is the logical outcome of the philosophy that governs Western civilization”

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

REVIEW: The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’

The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’, exposes fifty of the most sinister leftist, Islamist, globalist interconnecting attacks on America deceitfully disguised as altruism. Goudsmit’s warning is designed to ensure an informed American electorate in advance of the pivotal 2020 presidential election. The Book is a powerful éxpose of the deceptive policies and practices of the Leftist/Islamist/Globalist axis attempting to destroy America from within.

Goudsmit’s unique talent is deciphering the many political hoaxes being played on us by those who present themselves as our advocates but who are, in fact, America’s enemies. This remarkable book tells us the many ways in which we’ve been had–but don’t know it. The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’, describes the corrupt underbelly of the Leftist/Islamist/Globalist axis attacking America, American democracy, and America-first President Donald J. Trump. Written in her signature conversational style, each hoax chapter unmasks a distinct and destructive axis policy deceitfully presented to an unsuspecting public as humanitarian. Americans do not like being duped. Linda Goudsmit is the consummate truth-teller in an era of profound political deceit.

The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’ should be compulsory reading in advance of the crucial 2020 U.S. presidential election.


“Linda Goudsmit connects all the dots of political ideology, human psychology, and social engineering in her stunning, prescient, and personal warning to the American electorate. The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’ is a must-read in advance of the crucial 2020 American presidential election. If you really want to understand the motives underlying the outrageous shenanigans in the world of politics, then you HAVE to read Ms. Goudsmit’s brilliant book. Humanitarian Hoaxes is a twenty-first-century affirmation of Abraham Lincoln’s nineteenth-century Gettysburg defense of liberty and hope that ‘government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.’”

—Steve Emerson, counterterrorist investigator, author of thousands of articles and six books, producer of two documentaries, Jihad in America and Grand Deception, and Executive Director of Investigative Project on Terrorism • InvestigativeProject.org

“Trenchant and incisive, Linda Goudsmit has a penetrating style all her own. She doesn’t mince words and never shies away from spotlighting stark reality. Goudsmit has a uniquely disciplined, hard-punching way of teaching while at the same time providing singularly unusual insights into each topic that she approaches. Reading Linda Goudsmit’s new release, The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’, is commensurate with attending high-level college classes in political science, psychology, history, current events, and classic philosophy all at once. For those of us who remember professors who caused us to ‘sit up and take notice,’ we can relate those experiences to Linda Goudsmit’s writings. She is a ‘born teacher’ and all of her work reflects her native talent and depth of knowledge. The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’ offers intriguing, thought-provoking new ways to think about current events and critical issues of our era that threaten America’s unique culture. Each chapter reinforces Goudsmit’s consistent theme of hoaxes masquerading as benevolent systems of governance designed to collapse America from within. It is an essential read before the critical 2020 U.S. presidential election. I enthusiastically endorse Linda Goudsmit’s outstanding new release, The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’.”

—Charlotte Baker, well-known Internet editor, commentator, aggregator, and distributor

“Like a skilled surgeon with a scalpel, Linda Goudsmit has excised the virulent humanitarian hoaxes inflicted on Americans for the last fifty years. Think global warming, zero population growth, open borders, or the New World Order have any legitimacy? Think again! Goudsmit explains the twisted rationales, invasive techniques, and devious methods used in leftist attempts to transform America into a socialist ‘paradise’ on earth. Totally riveting . . . every page!”

—Joan Swirsky, New York–based journalist and author

“Linda Goudsmit is a frequent and popular guest on my CRN digital talk radio show, Talkback with Chuck Wilder. Her sensational new release, The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’, exposes the sinister underbelly of the Leftist/Islamist/Globalist axis attacking America, American democracy, and America-first President Donald J. Trump. Written in her signature conversational style, each hoax chapter unmasks a distinct and destructive axis policy deceitfully presented to an unsuspecting public as humanitarian. Americans do not like being duped. Linda Goudsmit is the consummate truth-teller in an era of profound political deceit. The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ’Kindness’ should be compulsory reading in advance of the crucial 2020 U.S. presidential election.”

—Chuck Wilder, CRN host

“Linda Goudsmit’s extraordinary Humanitarian Hoax series of articles is now a sensational book. Goudsmit has a rare ability to identify the core of conflicts. She knows that whenever something does not produce the results it logically should, something else is going on. Her new release, The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’, is a powerful éxpose of the sinister policies and practices of the Leftist/Islamist/Globalist axis attempting to destroy America from within. Goudsmit’s unique talent is deciphering the many political hoaxes being played on us by those who present themselves as our advocates but who are, in fact, America’s enemies. This remarkable book tells us the many ways in which we’ve been had—but don’t know it. It is a rare author who entertains while educating readers. Linda is such an author.”

—Marilyn MacGruder Barnewall, International Banking Consultant (Ret.), “Guru” of North American Private Banking, started first private bank in the United States, is listed in Who’s Who in AmericaWho’s Who of American WomenWho’s Who in Finance and BusinessWho’s Who in the World

© All rights reserved.

EDITORS NOTE: To read Humanitarian Hoax articles by Linda please click here.

Majority of Americans Agree With Trump’s Calling COVID-19 ‘Chinese Virus’

A majority of American adults agree with using the term “Chinese virus” to describe the coronavirus, despite media members pillorying President Donald Trump for using that term, three polls showed.

Three consecutive national surveys by the Harris Poll found that more than 50% of Americans said they somewhat or strongly agree with Trump using the term “Chinese virus.”

The poll results make for a stark contrast with the national media’s reaction to the term “Chinese virus.”

MSNBC anchor John Heilemann said on air in March that Trump’s use of the term “Chinese virus” is “nakedly racist and obviously racist and blatantly racist.”

CNN opinion writer Jill Filipovic similarly argued that using the term “Chinese virus” was “xenophobic racism,” and compared it to scapegoating European Jews for the Black Death.

Other journalists, from Vox writers to The New York Times editorial board, have denounced the president’s use of the term.

But the American public seems to disagree.

The three Harris polls, all of which are from late March or early April, showed 52%, 54% and 52% of Americans agreeing with Trump.

The most recent Harris poll, which surveyed 1,993 adults between April 3 and 5, also found that an overwhelming majority of Americans hold the Chinese government responsible for the virus’ spread. That’s in line with scientific research on the subject.

One study found that up to 95% of COVID-19’s spread could have been prevented if the Chinese government had acted three weeks sooner than they did.

A majority of Americans, 58%, agree that China should “be required to pay other countries for the spread of the virus,” the most recent Harris poll found.


Peter Hasson

Peter J. Hasson is a reporter for The Daily Caller. Twitter: @peterjhasson.


A Health Crisis Is No Time to Pick a Fight Over Beliefs About Marriage

With Jobless Claims Soaring, Don’t Hold Aid for Small Businesses Hostage

Can’t Go to Church Amid COVID-19? Faith on Facebook Is Here to Help.

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of this original content, email licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.

VIDEO: A 35 Minute Interview on Political Islam

Topics include: Islamic Golden Age; the future of Islam; reforming Islam; the slave trade; Islamic dualism, poverty and Islam; why Macron will not be able to create a European Islam; the difference between opinion and facts; what I like about Islam and the difference between our civilization and Islamic civilization.

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