Do Godly People Need Help Reading the Scriptures?

I am often asked what I think of the Blood Moons theory, which is tied to religious leaders, notably John Hagee, who use a convoluted analysis of certain passages from the Bible to convince Christians that the Second Coming is imminent and will happen in their lifetimes, something that many Christians have believed since the days of Christ. Something that will be true, at least for a future generation.


For a larger view click on the image.

Many pastors over the last centuries have preached that, based on this or that Biblical passage, Jesus must be coming during their lifetime, sparing Christians the pain of death in this or that generation. People looked to these religious leaders believing that they had a special gift of prophecy and staked all their hopes in their words, often putting aside their own plans for their future and for the future of their nations, even though there were serious issues that went unresolved as a result of their abandoning their earthly duties.

I want to point something out.

If you are a godly Christian with a thorough knowledge of Jesus’ teachings, you know that you don’t have to follow “godly men” and their interpretation of the scriptures. If you are not a godly person with such knowledge, then you are spiritually and intellectually incapable of properly identifying a godly person. You have no idea what that means and a man with a strong personality will mesmerize you like a mother mesmerizes a baby with a lullaby

I responded thusly to one of those who asked me about the Blood Moons theory.

There have been numerous blood moon tetrads since about the year 800 and none of them were accompanied by events more significant than other events in times of no blood moon tetrads.

I believe that God wrote the Bible for ordinary people and does not send signs that need to be interpreted with specialized knowledge and analysis. He knows that to give us such abstruse signs would put us in the hands of a few shrewd men claiming to have such knowledge and that they would exploit us for their own purposes, and worse, for Satan’s purposes, just as the Neocons exploit soft-headed Christians constantly for the purpose of supporting war by designating as leaders certain men who claim to be Christians and whose behavior suggests they are “godly” when in fact they are deceivers whose wars invariably redound to the deaths of Middle East Christians. It has happened over and over again and some Christians have never observed the obvious pattern of this deceit.

I grew up in a fundamentalist home and saw all sorts of pastors and evangelists pretending to know things that they did not and making dated predictions that did not materialize.

I remember one itinerant evangelist by the name of Oliver B. Green from Greenville, SC who preached in the 1950s.

He had a stentorian voice, like John Hagee, and mesmerized his audiences, who came to hear him in his big circus tent. He put on quite a show, always jumping onto the top of his pulpit and gesticulating wildly at least once during his sermon to make a point. He once said that some had complained about his acrobatics and warned that they might be considered blasphemous, but he said “this is my pulpit.” My dad said that was an arrogant thing so say and that since Green was using the pulpit for God’s work, it was God’s pulpit, not his.

Years later I saw a pamphlet in my parents’ bedroom titled: “Why Man will Never Reach the Moon” written by none other than Oliver B. Green. That was a few years before man did reach the moon.

Green’s arguments were all taken from the Bible and they proved beyond a doubt that man would never reach the moon.

At the time I found these arguments to be far fetched and yet I hated myself for doubting the truth as written by this godly man, whom I had been taught to honor.

Even after man reached the moon, taking that small step for a man, my parents never wavered in their faith in Oliver B. Green. He was still a man of God.

That is the mechanism by which we are misled.

Yet the stakes have never been higher. Our Christian brethren are dying throughout the Middle East thanks to the credulity of American Christians in particular, the one group these Middle Easterners are looking to for their salvation from the horrors and atrocities they face. It is high time for godly men to do their own thinking, and their own praying.

Let’s not be misled again, for God’s sake.

Here Comes The Muslim Brotherhood

James in the UK writes a warning letter to the USA.


U.S. fears Islamic State is making serious inroads in Libya

Canada: Muslims guilty of conspiracy to murder in railway jihad plot

Tunis museum jihadis wore belts packed with explosives to maximize deaths

Islamic State video purports to show Kurdish peshmerga beheadings

A Tale of two Different Cardinals: The Humble Cardinal Burke versus the Media Mogul Cardinal Dolan [Video]

Hope all is well on this “31st Day of the Lenten Journey” as we bring you Part II of the controversial story of the “out-of-control” Archbishop of New York – the one and only – Cardinal Timothy B. Dolan. (I’m afraid to ask what the “B” stands for…). I trust that you all read my article that I sent you yesterday – Part I – which was published on Grand Marshall Cardinal Dolan and the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, which featured two powerful videos from the Church Militant, Michael Voris. If you have not watched those two videos and read Part I, you need to go back and do that before you read this Part II.

Friends: If you thought those two videos were bold and really called out the loud & jovial leader of the archdiocese of New York – wait until you watch this latest video from Voris. He doesn’t hold anything back here and he clearly illustrates to the entire public how corrupt some leaders of the Catholic Church can be; how the “good ole boy system” in New York works – as Cardinal Dolan is caught red-handed on camera, giving orders to remove Michael Voris and his video-photographer colleague from the “Press Area”, only because the cardinal did not want to be called out once again, and maybe embarrassed in front of his New York cronies…BUSTED.

Please watch this video closely. Pay attention to what Michael Voris is illustrating here. I can relate to this only because I have dealt with the Cardinal Dolan circus for almost four years and I have personally e-mailed Cardinal Dolan and his communications director & director of the Archdiocese of New York, Joseph Zwilling, a zillion times over the past 4 years. If I had a dollar for every phone conversation I have had with Mr. Zwilling about the controversial Cardinal Dolan – I could probably pay the rest of the tuition of the “92” seminarians at the St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary and have some money left over to give Father Tom Barrett a nice check for our new Family Center that we are raising funds for at St. Ignatius parish…

As Michael Voris shows us in this remarkable video, Cardinal Dolan and Joseph Zwilling are as guilty as two con artists can be. Red-handed – caught live on camera. Bullying two media personnel and getting away with it. But, just like the “Blonde Houdini of Political America”, Hillary Clinton (who is as guilty as O.J. Simpson ever was with the “if the glove does not fit – aquit” verdict of 1994) with her fiasco at Benghazi of 9/11/12) – these two church leaders will walk and get away with that good ole “Church of Nice” corruption. A simple slap on the wrist to both of these men – one a prominent cardinal of the Holy Catholic Church; the other, his communications director and the head of the entire archdiocese of New York…
** Verdict: Guilty, but set FREE due to Corruption…Hillary’s verdict: Guilty, but set FREE in order to run for President of the United States. Welcome to the Land of the Free, Home of the Brave – Safe Haven for corrupt church leaders & politicians…

Now, for a breath of fresh air – to show all our readers that “I do NOT have it out for Cardinal Dolan and all church leaders – enter the wonderful, humble Holy man, originally from Wisconsin – Cardinal Raymond Burke, a true humble servant of GOD. You talk about opposite sides of the spectrum when it comes to cardinals and church leaders. Friends: It is almost impossible to mention Cardinal Burke and Cardinal Dolan in the same story, let alone, in the same sentence. That is how extreme opposite these two men are and how opposite their paths have taken them…

In terms of Feast Days, one represents the jovial, loud, beer-drinking party & parade that takes place on the wild & crazy St. Patrick’s Day. He was actually the Grand Marshall of this 253 year-old parade, that allowed Gays in there for the first time. The other represents the quiet, humble and holy St. Joseph, a much more subdued Feast Day, representing a saint of the Church known for his obedience and humility.

The only thing these two men have in common is that they both happen to serve on islands…Yes, Cardinal Dolan serves on the island of Manhattan as the loud, media-hungry and arrogant archbishop of a town that reels with the sins of Abortion, Gay Marriage, Common Core and anything that Obama and Cuomo can muster to pollute this “city that never sleeps” even more.

Cardinal Burke, an American cardinal prelate of the Roman Catholic Church, serves as the Patron of the Sovereign Military Order on the island of Malta, a beautiful Southern European island in the Mediterranean Sea, that does not even know what Common Core is. Yes, Cardinal Burke’s new assignment is looked upon as a “demotion” from Pope Francis – but, like so many priests who read my e-mails – keep telling me: “Willy, Pope Francis knows what he is doing”….I will leave it at that and pray.

So, let’s take a look at these two prominent church leaders by way of videos that I have included for you, here. The first one is the reverent, humble and Holy Man from Malta, Cardinal Raymond Burke. This is a short video, showing his eminence receiving 29,000 signatures of support when he was “demoted” to his new position in Malta. He is all class as he speaks softly and humbly, showing the holiness and obedience that separates Cardinal Burke from some other church leaders who selfishly rock the boat, always looking for a way to find that almighty spot light…enter Cardinal Dolan…

The second video is about this “attention-hungry”, arrogant, gum-chewing cardinal of the Church, Cardinal Dolan, who is all about himself – not about HIM…I have already elaborated on this video above, where Michael Voris captures this “bigger than GOD” personality in full force. Cameras don’t lie. See for yourself. Be sure to check out the “Church Militant Viewer Poll” at the bottom of the Dolan video to give you an idea of how many people think that Cardinal Dolan hurt the Catholic Church by serving as the Grand Marshall in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade – where he single-handedly welcomed the Gays to march. *** (Friends: Over 94% believe that he HURT the Catholic Church)…So, please do not tell me that I am taking sides and coming down on Dolan too hard. Polls don’t lie. See for yourself…

I can only pray that the 122 cardinals in the Vatican would have the sense and intestinal fortitude to stand up themselves and call out Cardinal Dolan, and say “enough is enough”. Every serious church leader and bishop should. I am sure that they have seen enough of his selfish and out-of-control shenanigans over the past several years. What are they waiting on? Does Pope Francis not see that Cardinal Dolan has become a liability and a black eye to our beloved Catholic Church? How the pope demoted the humble and holy Cardinal Burke to the post on the island of Malta while not even reprimanding Cardinal Dolan for the many embarrassing and anti-church blunders that he has shown the entire world, is beyond me. Once again, we come up with those ever-famous 5 words – “Who am I to Judge” – and everybody is set FREE to carry on as they wish – putting our beloved Holy Catholic Church in a vulnerable position – in the case of Cardinal Dolan, and our beloved country – in the case of Hillary Clinton…Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of GOD.


Cardinal Burke: ‘I will resist’ the Pope should he contravene doctrine

Watch: Pastor’s Explosive Speech About Gay Marriage During Birmingham Council Meeting

High School Showcases State’s First Gender Neutral Bathroom; City Council Will Allow Men to Use Women’s Facilities

The Joe Miller Show: Secession, Same-Sex Marriage & the Future of the GOP

Kansas Becomes the First in the Nation to Ban Dismemberment Abortions

Congressman Yoder: “A bold proposal”

The Internal Revenue Service admitted in a 2012 report that Americans waste around $168 billion and 6.1 billion hours every year trying to comply with the tax code. At over 4 million words, the code is a lengthy nightmare and thousands of jobs are lost as individuals and small businesses must waste precious resources paying accountants and lawyers to navigate its complexities.

Not only is it a constant drain on our economy, but it is also fundamentally unfair. This year alone, over half of all Americans – and many corporations – will pay no income tax due to the numerous loopholes existing in the current code. Much like today’s political system, the tax code’s main strategy is class warfare, with its primary purpose being the redistribution of wealth, not the generation of revenue to finance the operation of government.

It’s been said that the power to tax is the power to destroy, and this should be the motto of the current Administration as it deploys the powers of the tax code to trample the constitutional rights of Americans. From targeting the free speech of conservative groups and individuals, to spying and reading Americans’ emails without a warrant, to seizing Americans’ assets without due process, the IRS cares not for the Constitution.

That is why I am a cosponsor of Representative Rob Woodall’s HR 25, The Fair Tax. It scraps the tax code by repealing the income, employment, estate, and gift taxes. Most importantly, it abolishes the IRS.

By moving from an income-based tax system to a consumption-based tax system, Americans would be encouraged to earn, save, and invest, which in turn would create an economic boom in our country.  Everyone would pay what they owe based upon what they consume, without loopholes, social engineering, or government-picked winners and losers.

The Fair Tax admittedly is a bold proposal.  But simply moving deck chairs on the Titanic won’t work. The IRS is broken and it’s lost the trust of the American people. It’s time for Congress to take up real change and to take bold acts. It’s time to stop the IRS from suffocating our economy and trampling our constitutional rights. It’s time to consider and pass the Fair Tax and give each individual the tools to realize the American Dream.

Representative Kevin Yoder Congressman

Watch him question an IRS official on the agency’s toxic culture at a recent House hearing:

EDITORS NOTE: Congressman Yoder represents the third district of Kansas.

Iran’s Supremo: Introduce youth of U.S., Europe to “Islam of jihad”

The way things are going, given the denial and self-deception of our leaders and the mainstream media, and the complacency and ignorance they’ve fostered among the people, the youth of America and Europe will be introduced to the Islam of jihad soon enough. “Iran’s Ayatollah: Introduce Youth of America, Europe to ‘the Islam of Jihad,’” by Terence P. Jeffrey, CNS News, March 20, 2015 (thanks to Jerk Chicken):

( – In a speech translated into English and posted on his official website, Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, told Iran’s “Assembly of Experts” last week that “our goal and main guideline should be to pursue Islam in its entirety.”

“What we understand from all Quranic teachings is that Islam commands Muslims to create a perfect and complete Islamic government,” said the Supreme Leader. “Islam wants the complete implementation of Islam.”

The ayatollah also said Iran should use what he called “Islamophobia” and the “targeting of Islam” to reach out to youth throughout the world and “provide them with real Islam.”

“We should make efforts. In the Islamic Republic, the great and important feat is that all of us–anyone at any level and with any capability in this regard–should make efforts to introduce original Islam, one that supports the oppressed and that opposes the oppressor,” said the ayatollah. “The youth who live in Europe, America and distant countries become excited about this kind of Islam.”

Two paragraphs later, in explaining the “kind of Islam” he was talking about introducing to people, the ayatollah said: “We should introduce the Islam of mercy to the weak and the Islam of jihad and fighting against arrogant powers.”

Khamenei delivered this speech on March 12. It is currently the top item posted on the homepage of his English-language website. (It can be read in its entirety here.)

The ayatollah told the assembly that the promotion of Islamaphobia by Iran’s enemies had provided an opportunity to spread Iran’s vision to the West.

“Now, under such circumstances, our goal and main guideline should be to pursue Islam in its entirety,” said the ayatollah. “We should really do our best–Allah the Exalted does not expect us to act beyond our power and capability–to pursue this. Our effort and goal should be to establish Islam–in its entirety and with all its parts and constituents–in society. When this becomes our goal, they immediately bring up a certain issue, namely Islamophobia which is common in today’s world. In my opinion, we should not at all adopt a passive outlook towards the phenomenon of Islamophobia. Islamophobia exists.

“Some individuals are frightening peoples, societies, youth and minds of Islam,” said the ayatollah. “Who are these individuals? When we delve deeply into this matter and when we think carefully about it, we see that they are the same minority of bullies and greedy individuals who are afraid of the rule of Islam. They are afraid of political Islam. They are afraid of Islam’s presence in the heart of societies. The reason for their fear is that Islam harms their interests. As a matter of fact, Islamophobia is a translation of powers’ fear and anxiety in the face of Islam. This is the truth of the matter.”

The ayatollah argued for giving the “masses” of the world a “little nudge” in the direction of the Iranian vision.

“Of course, despite what are they doing, their movement against Islam and their effort to create Islamophobia will produce the opposite result,” he said. “That is to say, their actions will make youth curious about Islam. If the masses of the people in the world are given a little nudge and if we attract their attention, they will begin to understand why the Zionist press and television networks–those which are dependent on powerful and well-to-do cliques–launch so many attacks on Islam. This will pose a question in their minds and we believe that this question has certain blessings and that it can turn this threat into an opportunity.

“We should make efforts. In the Islamic Republic, the great and important feat is that all of us–anyone at any level and with any capability in this regard–should make efforts to introduce original Islam, one that supports the oppressed and that opposes the oppressor,” said the ayatollah.

“The youth who live in Europe, America and distant countries become excited about this kind of Islam,” he said. “They become excited and it becomes clear to them that Islam means a force, motive and thought which moves against oppressors and transgressors and in favor of the oppressed. It becomes clear to them that Islam has plans to pursue this and that it considers it its responsibility to do so.”

A moment later, the ayatollah contrasted the kind of Islam he was talking about to what he called “secular Islam” and “secular Christianity.”

“We should introduce the kind of Islam that is present in people’s lives as opposed to secular Islam,” said the ayatollah. “Secular Islam is similar to secular Christianity which imprisons itself in a corner of church and which has no presence in real life. Secular Islam acts in the same way,” he said. “Today, there are some people who invite people to isolated Islam, one that has nothing do with people’s lives. This kind of Islam calls on people to perform some religious acts in a corner of mosques or houses. We should introduce the kind of Islam that is present in people’s lives. We should introduce the Islam of mercy to the weak and the Islam of jihad and fighting against arrogant powers.

“In my opinion, this is a responsibility that falls on everyone’s shoulders,” said the ayatollah. “Our promotional and scholarly organizations and our Islamic seminaries should pursue this goal.”

The Iranian supreme leader described those “targeting Islam” as “Zionists.”…

Of course. Who else?


U.S. fears Islamic State is making serious inroads in Libya

Canada: Muslims guilty of conspiracy to murder in railway jihad plot

Tunis museum jihadis wore belts packed with explosives to maximize deaths

Islamic State video purports to show Kurdish peshmerga beheadings

Kabah: The People’s Cube of Mecca

In the beginning of the world, there was the Cube. Every Muslim will tell you that, and we are not making this up. They call it Kabah, which is Arabic for “the Cube.”

People from all corners of the earth gather to the Cube in Mecca for education and enlightenment. Only instead of rotating it like we do with the People’s Cube, they run in circles around it, like the unionized electricians of a certain non-Muslim ethnic minority who rotate the stepladder while changing the light bulb.

Since the rest of the Islamic narrative about the Cube’s origin is not in compliance with the Marxist theory of Historical Materialism, below is a korrekted version, developed by the scientists of the Karl Marx Treatment Center.

Adam, the first man to evolve from the ape, built the Cube as a symbol of equality, making sure that each side was equal to the next and painted with the same colorblind-friendly black pigment.

During the Great Flood the Cube sustained significant water damage. It was then further scrambled by Islamophobic non-unionized idolaters, but later unscrambled back by Abraham and Ishmael (the first Arab to evolve from the Jew™). Finally, Allah hired Mohammed to liberate the Cube from the unenlightened corporate rednecks and the white-collar Jews who inhabited Mecca.

Kabah door

Arab scientists invented a door; they have yet to invent stairs.

Today 97 percent of scientists believe that the Cube did not acquire its cubic shape until the year A.D. 605 when Mohammed was 35 years old.

According to Historical Materialism, the original site was built some centuries earlier by non-Hispanic immigrants from Yemen, as an enclosure made of stacked rocks, so low that goats and immigrants could jump over them. In later centuries Arab scientists also invented a door.

In one corner, atop a pillar of rocks, was the Black Stone meteorite discovered by Arab scientists who believed it was a moon sample redistributed to them by the moon-person Hubal.

With time the walls and the door grew taller, and a statue of the moon-person Hubal was made with a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.

After Muhammad revolutionized Mecca, he made the Cube central to the agitation and propaganda of his concept of equality, based particularly on his stunning capacity for getting even. The toiling masses no longer orbited the moon shrine in imitation of celestial objects, but as an educational experience teaching them the value of sameness represented by the equality of the Cube’s squares.

Kabah swirl


The Cube of Mecca and How it Got That Way
It’s All About Muhammad, A Biography of the World’s Most Notorious Prophet

Moon god

 EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on The Peoples Cube.

The Betrayal Papers: A New Genocide

Part I of The Betrayal Papers explained the history and context of the Muslim Brotherhood’s influence in the American government.

Part II looked at the associations of seven Obama officials with Muslim Brotherhood front organizations in the United States.

Part III traced the Muslim Brotherhood’s and the State of Qatar’s influence on domestic policy and Obama administration scandals.

Part IV will examine foreign policy under Obama.  It will explain how the Obama administration and U.S. Department of State have used the American military and standing in the world as tools to kick start the creation of a new Islamic Caliphate.  Obama’s unconscionable enabling of and silence regarding a new genocide will be revealed.  Finally, this article will offer a cursory reassessment of America’s allies, and which countries we have lost as friends.

“The transformation of America has been in the full swing ever since 2008.  President Obama’s no-show in Paris was an embarrassment for all Americans.  But it also was a signal to the Islamic jihadis.  It’s one of the many signals he’s sent over the years while he’s in office.  Now there’s no question: We got a hell of a job ahead of us…  with the Muslim Brotherhood penetration in every one of our national security agencies, including all our intelligence agencies.” –  Admiral James ‘Ace’ Lyons, speaking at the Center for Security Policy

Is Obama a Muslim?

This is the question that many Americans and people around the globe are asking themselves lately.  From his refusal to label the Islamic State “Islamic,” to his lecture about the Crusades at the National Prayer breakfast, what once was taboo is now starting to be verbalized.

Yet this may be the slightly wrong question to ask.  The ruling establishment of Saudi Arabia, home to Islam’s holiest sites, Mecca and Medina, is rightly considered an authoritative voice of Islam.  In case you missed it, the Saudis have emerged as some of Obama’s biggest critics.

In doing so, the Saudis also revealed the truth regarding the Arab Spring.

Writing in the Saudi daily Al-Jazirah, columnist Dr. Ahmad Al-Faraj, while supporting Israeli’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech before Congress, not only called Obama “one of the worst U.S. presidents;” he also exposed the nature of so-called “democratic revolutions” in the region.  Stated al-Faraj:

Since Obama is the godfather of the prefabricated revolutions in the Arab world, and since he is the ally of political Islam, [which is] the caring mother of [all] the terrorist organizations, and since he is working to sign an agreement with Iran that will come at the expense of the U.S.’s longtime allies in the Gulf, I am very glad of Netanyahu’s firm stance and [his decision] to speak against the nuclear agreement at the American Congress despite the Obama administration’s anger and fury.”

Translation: Obama served as a mouthpiece for, and armed,the Muslim Brotherhood (i.e., “political Islam”) revolutionaries in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, and Syria.  He was aided in this incredibly destructive policy of jihad by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton until her resignation in 2013, and has been further aided by her successor, John Kerry.

The original Muslim Brotherhood, the Ikhwan, was banished from Saudi Arabia in 1927.  The conservative Wahhabi Saudi royals have traditionally had little use for exporting jihad, and indeed are one of the United States’ oldest strategic allies in the region.  Despite Americans’ revulsion at Saudi Arabia’s application of barbaric sharia (i.e., Islamic) law in their own country, outside the Kingdom Saudis have every reason to maintain the status quo with neighbors, including Israel, Jordan, and Egypt.  That means keeping the Muslim Brotherhood out of power.

The pertinent question is not whether Obama is secretly a Muslim, per se, but rather if Obama is a secret Muslim Brother.  That is the real question.

The Words of Obama, Dalia, and Rashad

If we take the Saudis, the most influential Gulf country, seriously, then it follows that Obama and his administration must have had a plan for the Arab Spring that goes back several years, i.e. 2008.

Part II of The Betrayal Papers identified seven Obama administration officials who had/have associations with several Muslim Brotherhood front organizations in the United States (CAIR, ISNA, MSA, etc.).  It also tracked their associations with Georgetown University and the Brookings Institution, both recipients of significant amounts of money from the State of Qatar, the home of many prominent Muslim Brothers.

One of those officials is Rashad Hussain, who is Obama’s Special Envoy to the Organisation of the Islamic Conference.  In August 2008, Hussain co-authored a paper for the Brookings Institution called Reformulating the Battle of Ideas: Understanding the Role of Islam in Counterterrorism Policy.  The paper, which calls Islam the “strongest ally” in the “global effort to end terrorism,” explicitly calls for the American government not to reject political Islam, but to utilize Islamic scholars and Islamic “policymaking” to reject “terrorism.”  It also recommends that “policymakers should reject the use of language that provides a religious legitimization of terrorism such as ‘Islamic terrorism’ and ‘Islamic extremist.’”

Is it any wonder now why Obama says that the Islamic State “is not Islamic?”  This is the deceptive language of the Muslim Brotherhood, recently welcomed to the White House.

Let’s now turn our attention at a report co-authored by Dalia Mogahed, who was a member of Obama’s Advisory Council of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships and influential in writing Obama’s nefarious 2009 speech in Cairo.  Additionally, Mogahed is currently listed as a member of Georgetown’s Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, & World Affairs.

Mogahed was part of the Leadership Group on U.S.-Muslim Engagement.  Other members of the group were former Secretary of State Madeline Albright, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf (of World Trade Center Mosque notoriety), and Muslim Public Affairs Council’s Ahmed Younis.  The report issued by the group called for engagement and cooperation with political Islam, and specifically with the Muslim Brotherhood:

The U.S. must also consider when and how to talk with political movements that have substantial public support and have renounced violence, but are outlawed or restricted by authoritarian governments allied to the U.S. The Muslim Brotherhood parties in Egypt and Jordan are arguably in this category. In general, the Leadership Group supports engagement with groups that have clearly demonstrated a commitment to nonviolent participation in politics.”

Indications of a plan to work with the Muslim Brotherhood were evident as early as June 2009, when the President went to Cairo’s Al-Azhar University to address the Muslim World.  The audience included prominent members of the Muslim Brotherhood that Obama insisted on having seated in the front row.  Said Obama, [The] partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn’t.  And I consider it part of my responsibility as President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.”

With the statements of the Saudi journalist, Hussain, Mogahed, and Obama himself in mind, presented below is a thumbnail sketch of the Arab Spring and its consequences, and the intersection between the Obama administration and the Muslim Brotherhood.  This is only a fraction of the evidence that proves Obama has worked hand-in-hand with the Muslim Brotherhood to transform the Middle East.


In Tunisia in 2011, the government of Ben Ali fell after a man self-immolated, sparking a wave of protests.  Subsequently, Tunisia elected the Muslim Brotherhood Ennahda party, with a plurality of 37% of the vote.  In October 2014, Tunisia elected a secular government.


Libya exemplifies the essence of the so-called Arab Spring, an anarchic Muslim Brotherhood revolution that thrives on violence and chaos.

In such ungovernable disarray are significant parts of Libya today, that it is actually being used as a staging ground by ISIS for an invasion of Europe.

Despite repeated warnings and advice by the United States military to leave Muammar Gaddafi in power, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Obama launched a disastrous war against the Gaddafi regime, leaving a power vacuum for Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood to fill.

Practically, Libya served as armaments bazaar for the Muslim Brotherhood and all associated terrorist groups.  Libyan weapons have ended up in the hands of jihadis across North Africa, potentially contributing to the stockpile of arms of Boko Haram.  These weapons were also sent to Syrian rebels, including groups who are now part of ISIS.

Currently, an ongoing proxy war rages in Libya.  The anti-Muslim Brotherhood countries of Egypt and the United Arab Emirates battle Qatar and Turkey (close allies of the Obama administration) and the local Islamic terrorists.


Benghazi and all the mystery that surrounds it can mostly be dispelled in a few short paragraphs.  A few facts will inform the reader, and then the attack that killed four Americans on September 11, 2012 can be then put in the larger context of a Muslim Brotherhood-guided American agenda.

First, the February 17 Martyrs Brigade, aka Ansar al-Sharia, was hired to guard the compound by the American government.  In a word, they are a jihadi militia.

Second, the compound in Benghazi was crawling with CIA agents.  According to CNN’s Jake Tapper, there were “dozens” of CIA personnel present the night of the attack, and the Obama administration has gone to “great lengths” to obscure their activities.  Many speculate that Ambassador Stevens was a CIA asset in the State Department.

Third, only hours before the attack, Stevens met with a Turkish ambassador at the compound.  Turkey, it should be recalled, was a transshipment point for some Libyan weapons that were shipped out of the country to jihadis elsewhere.

Fourth, the Muslim Brotherhood Morsi government of Egypt was involved with the attack.  In fact, some of the terrorists were caught on video saying “Don’t shoot!  Dr. Morsi sent us!”

These facts beg the question: If Ambassador Stevens was in fact overseeing a gun running operation to Islamic/jihadi/Muslim Brotherhood militias, why would the same people kill him?

Given the above evidence, the prominent theory that Stevens was going to be a trade for the Blind Sheikh, Omar Abdel-Rahman, seems a plausible explanation.  (Morsi was dedicated to the release of Rahman.)  And this theory is endorsed by no less an authority than retired four star Admiral James Lyons.

Once this plan went spectacularly wrong, a number of other things occurred, which again, fit into the larger picture of a Muslim Brotherhood-control Obama administration.

In an alarming breach of protocol and duty, Obama’s Special Advisor, Valerie Jarrett, issued the order to the military “stand down.”  In other words, she ordered that Stevens and the other Americans be left to fend for themselves against a well-armed jihadi militia.

Regarding the now infamous Talking Points scandal involving Susan Rice, et. al., that blamed the attack on obscure and poorly produced movie, an MSA member from George Washington University was copied on the email sent by Ben Rhodes (who, recall, wrote Obama’s 2009 Cairo Speech).

Finally, George Soros is also connected to this scandal.  The Obama-appointed lead investigator for the attack was Ambassador Thomas Pickering, who has ties to CAIR, a well-known Muslim Brotherhood front group in the United States.  At the time of the investigation, Pickering was the co-chair of the Soros’ International Crisis Group.  He is still a trustee.


So much has been written about Obama’s decision to force the resignation of Hosni Mubarak, and the subsequent election of Mohamed Morsi to the Egyptian Presidency, that the space here will be used only to reinforce some key and lesser known points.

  • Mubarak was the lynchpin of regional stability, the president of the most populous Arab country who maintained not only peace but a strong relationship with Israel and the United States.
  • Mohamed Morsi likely joined the Muslim Brotherhood through the Muslim Students Association in America, while he was a student at University of Southern California.
  • The wife of Mohamed Morsi was a long-time friend of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
  • When Morsi came to power and began to implement sharia law, Obama promised the Morsi government $8 billion in exchange for land in the Sinai for Palestinians (Hamas).  Once Morsi was removed, following a brief, murderous, and highly destructive reign of power, Obama immediately withheld military aid to Egypt.
  • Through 2013, the Clinton Foundation received between $1 million and $5 million from Qatar.
  • It appears likely that close Obama friends, the domestic terrorists Bill Ayers and wife Bernadine Dohrn, played a significant role in fomenting the protests which led to the resignation of Mubarak.  Terrorist birds of feather flock together.

In case you were wondering, Obama advisor Dalia Mogahed considered the ouster of Morsi a “coup,” and CAIR and ISNA were likewise critical of the restoration of secular law in Egypt, which no doubt has prevented the slaughter of countless Coptic Christian lives.

Syria, Iraq, and ISIS – A Lost War, a Genocide, and a Rape of Humanity

Say what you will about Bashar al-Assad, he and his father Hafez have always strongly opposed the Muslim Brotherhood.  Indeed, Mustafa Setmariam Nasar, aka Abu Musab al-Suri, a lieutenant of Osama bin Laden and architect of the Madrid train bombings, spent most of his life trying to overthrow the Assads and implement sharia law.  (Not only is Nasar Syrian, his nom de guerre “Al-Suri” means “the Syrian.”)  As late as 2008, none other than Nancy Pelosi was hobnobbing with the secularly minded Assads.  John Kerry and his wife Teresa Heinz Kerry also dined with and were entertained lavishly by the Assads in 2009.

What Obama has unleashed in Syria by supporting jihadi rebels is an apocalyptic force of total depravity that specializes in genocide and cultural annihilation.  There are few words that do justice to the evil, inhumanity, and unbelievable cruelty that define ISIS and their end-of-times approach to warfare.

Not only do they set people on fire, but they also behead and torture children.  Americans are bombarded with these images regularly.  Equally as atrocious and appalling, they openly and gleefully destroy everything pre-Islamic.  Much like the Buddhas in Afghanistan that the Taliban dynamited, ISIS believes in the Islamic concept of Jahiliyyah, which demands that all traces of civilization before the time of Mohammed the Prophet be erased.

ISIS is literally rampaging across the cradle of civilization, Mesopotamia, laying waste to some of humanity’s oldest faith communities, artifacts, and landmarks.  Simultaneous to the modern day Holocaust that is happening to ancient Christian communities in the occupied regions, ISIS trumps even the art-hoarding Nazis in their total disregard for all things that make us human.

In the face of this unspeakable crime against humanity, Obama has not once mentioned the ongoing genocide, much less the irreplaceable loss of culture and tangible history.  The airstrikes ordered by Obama and his advisor Valerie Jarret against ISIS have been described as “pin-pricks.”  This shows that they are either lackadaisical in the face of the genocide, or more likely do not wish to be bothered.  So committed is Obama to America’s defeat in the Middle East that he has appointed the above-mentioned Rashad Hussain, a documented supporter of political Islam, as a social media “warrior” to lead the cyber charge against these subhuman savages.

In time, the enormity of this crime will be examined through a historical lens.  A few decades from now people will wonder how the liberty-loving United States elected a hollow, morally insipid man named Barack Hussein Obama, who armed and trained a jihadi army that destroyed our common human heritage and murdered entire tribes by the thousands.

Of great concern, domestically the soulless ISIS is now operational in all 50 states (according to the FBI), and ISIS training camps have been discovered in various states.  A not-so-unexpected consequence of Obama’s open borders policy, indeed.

Regarding Iraq, it is no surprise and it is not hyperbole to simply state the obvious: Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood surrendered Iraq to the enemy, willingly and consciously.  Into this void steps an emboldened and rejuvenated Iran.


Much like Iraq, Afghanistan is in the process of being surrendered to the Taliban.  Not only has the administration and (Afghan President) Karzai negotiated with the Taliban, they also idly watched as the same terrorists who hosted Osama bin Laden set up an embassy in Doha, Qatar.  A national intelligence estimate as early as December 2013 predicted that all progress would be lost once a military draw down began.

True to form, seven months after this estimate was released Obama swapped one American deserter, Bowe Bergdahl, for five high ranking Taliban commanders released from Guantanamo Bay, and a significant sum of money.

Following Obama’s policies, all the American blood and treasure spent liberating Afghanistan will be sacrificed by Obama, to the absolute benefit of the Muslim Brotherhood.

As a postscript, it will be noted that a primary source of Taliban funding, poppies for opium, have seen record Afghan crop yields in 2013 and 2014.


While #BringBackOurGirls may have been a temporary PR win for the Obama administration, it obscured the fact that the administration has been consistently enabling the growth of the jihadi army of Boko Haram by downplaying them as a threat.  As if on cue, last week Boko Haram pledged allegiance (bayah) to the Islamic State.

According to one report that rings true, Boko Haram began with a $3 million grant from Osama bin Laden.  One senior U.S. intelligence official stated, regarding the matter, “There were channels between bin Laden and Boko Haram leadership… He gave some strategic direction at times.”  This connection evidently does not phase the Obama administration and U.S. Department of State.

As Andrew McCarthy wrote regarding the Clinton State Department’s position on Boko Haram:

“Instead, ignoring what Boko Haram pronounces its goals to be, the Obama administration portrayed it as a diffuse organization with no clear agenda that was ascendant due to the policies of the Nigerian government (which is under Christian leadership).”

Hillary Clinton’s successor at State, John Kerry, sings the same tune, while thousands of Nigerians are massacred.  Following air strikes by the Nigerian government, Kerry urged restraint, warning Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan “to respect human rights and not harm civilians.”

Meanwhile, this African scourge has amassed a “massive army” that is reportedly stronger than the Nigerian Army.  Defeating Boko Haram will likely take the coordinated efforts of Nigeria and neighboring Cameroon, which has close ties to a very sympathetic Israel.  The French Army is right now operating out of Mali in Nigeria, contributing to the fight against the jihadis.


There is so much in the news regarding Obama’s falling-out with Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu that little needs to be added here.  The likely breaking point in the relationship was Obama’s and Kerry’s siding with Qatar and Hamas during the war last summer; and, more recently, with the obvious intention of Obama to permit Iran to develop their nuclear arms capacities.  This week, it is reported that Obama has appointed another Hamas-connected advisor, Robert Malley, to coordinate Middle East policy for the White House.

The deplorable disrespect and insults hurled at Netanyahu by the Democrats during his visit are the mirror image of an America whose college campuses have been overtaken with a virulent anti-Semitism.

Still, this chapter would not be complete without mentioning the integral part that Obama’s friends Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, terrorists themselves, played in launching the diplomatically catastrophic “Peace Flotilla” – boats from Turkey, filled with military supplies and other goodies, for Hamas.


Into the grand void, the power vacuum, created by the Arab Spring, steps a nation largely unaffected by the Arab Spring: Iran.  In fact, when Iran nearly embraced modernity and secular government with its so-called “Green Movement,” Obama and the Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett stood conspicuously on the sidelines.  Years in the making, the protestors and activists who challenged the Iranian mullahs paid dearly for their attempt at overthrowing the Islamic Republic while Obama’s administration remained silent and watched them get smashed.

An historic moment was totally squandered.

Whether it is in Yemen or in Iraq, Iran is the beneficiary, net-net, of the Arab Spring.  Even as their Supreme Leader openly calls for the destruction of Israel, the Obama administration proceeds undaunted with negotiations that would give them nuclear capabilities and the means to strike the Middle East, Europe, and the United States with intercontinental ballistic missiles.


The Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi put it this way: Obama “switched sides in the War on Terror.”  The evidence presented above is but a glimpse into the preponderance of open source, published information that supports the Commission’s conclusion.

We are now faced with a totally new geopolitical situation: geographically, politically, and militarily.

With the body count growing by the day, and with a far larger war looming on the horizon, one would think that the responsible parties still left in government would pause, reflect, and begin to reverse course before it is too late.  Yet as recently as December, NATO hailed its partnership with terrorist financier extraordinaire, the Gulf State of Qatar.  This is tantamount to openly declaring allegiance to the Muslim Brotherhood, a totalitarian and genocidal movement whose actions we see manifested daily.

The ultimate fallout from this historic, awful change in American policy may very well be a war of untold destruction.  In the meantime, it is observed that some of America’s former allies have already decided that we, as agents of jihad, can no longer be trusted.  Egypt is forming a closer relationship with Putin’s Russia, as is Saudi Arabia.  India, which had moved closer to the United States under George W. Bush, has also turned toward Russia.  France, with the rise of the National Front party, may very well be next to look east to Moscow.  And Israel is openly courting new strategic alliances.

Truly, there have been few times in American history when our national commitment to morality, decency, and humanity has been so genuinely questionable.  If the majority of the American people understood what has already been risked by this president and his Muslim Brotherhood-aligned administration, they would demand immediate resignation and a full investigation of the government agencies which are in league with, and give aid and comfort to, the enemy.

Why Moral Values Matter

“We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge or gallantry would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other.” — John Adams (1735 – 1826), second President of the U.S.A.

It’s hard to consider the success of the book and film “Fifty Shades of Gray” without thinking that America has become morally bankrupt in terms of its views toward sexuality and, of course, in other ways as well.

At about the same time I was thinking this, a recent issue of The Wall Street Journal had an article titled “Unmarried…With Children.”

AA - Hollywood is SickLet me say up front that, having spent the bulk of my life in the last century, I have been a witness to the changes that have occurred and they portend a society that in many ways is in deep trouble. It is not one in which I would want today’s generation of children to grow up. That said, today’s children are drenched in all manner of information for good or ill that was simply not accessible to earlier generations. Since it reflects the views of popular culture, it often conveys the wrong lessons.

In my youth and up to around the 1960s, some thirty years, the America in which I grew up disapproved of casual sex, abortions, unmarried people living together, pornography, and comparable issues. That has changed.

The article cited the fact that “More than a quarter of births to women of childbearing age—defined here as 15 to 44 years old—in the past five years were cohabiting couples, the highest on record and nearly double the rate from a decade earlier, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for 2011 to 2013.”

And here’s a statistic that really caught my attention: “Cohabiting parents now account for a clear majority—59%–of all births outside marriage, according to estimates by Sally Curtin, a CDC demographer. In all, 40% of the 3.93 million births in 2013 were to unmarried women.” Moreover, “It is mostly white and Hispanic couples who are driving the trend, not black couples, experts say.”

“Affluent, highly educated Americans still largely marry before starting families, and single mothers remain more common among the poor.” There was a time when the vast majority of Americans regarded marriage as the bond that had to first exist before a family was started.

There was a time when single motherhood was considered shameful from a moral point of view and understood to be harmful to society in general. According to a 2013 Pew Research Center study, a third of single mothers aren’t working, meaning they are likely to depend on government welfare. Feminists may call this “liberation”, but for those experiencing it, it is called poverty. The median income of working single mothers these days is $23,000 and 44% are never-married moms.

Demography, the study of how a society is composed, looks at the statistics related to age, gender, race, employment, earnings, and other factors may sound like dry stuff, but it reveals where a society is and where it is going.

In a 2012 article by Michael Snyder, “Which is Better—A Society with Loose Sexuality or a Society with Strict Rules for Sexuality?” the author notes that “Today, the percentage of U.S. adults who are married is at an all-time low. According to the Pew Research Center, only 51% of all Americans who are at least 18 years old are currently married at this point. Back in 1960, 72% of all U.S. adults were married.”

The U.S. has the highest divorce rate in the world “by a wide margin” noted Snyder. “What that means is that there are a lot less ‘family units’ than there used to be, and America has become a very lonely place.”

It is also a place which has huge rates of illiteracy. You may not connect literacy, the ability to read, and sexuality, but both relate to the behavior of people. For example, more than 70% of America’s inmates cannot read above the 4th grade level. It means that 75% of Americans who receive food stamps perform at the lowest two levels of literacy, and 90% of high school dropouts are on welfare. One in four children in America grow up without learning how to read.

Now the connection; teenage girls between the ages of 16 to 19 who live at or below the poverty line and have below average literacy skills are six times more likely to have children out of wedlock than girls their age who can read proficiently. These statistics are courtesy of

None of the statistics regarding sexuality in America are good for the future of America.

There are other issues that worry my generation. One of them is the legalization of same-sex marriage. The mere use of the word “marriage” to identify such a relationship signals the further destruction of the key element of any healthy society.

From the point of view of health, the legalization of marijuana use is another threat to the welfare of society. There was a reason it was considered dangerous and was illegal. A decade from now we will likely read about the affect it has had on the brains of young people now using it. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, currently 2.7 million Americans age 12 and older meet the clinical criteria for marijuana dependence or addiction.

For those of us old enough to remember an America where the statistics and trends cited here did not exist because public opinion guided people, particularly the young, toward a more cautious and responsible attitude about sex and marriage, what is occurring is troubling to say the least.

Morality may be ignored, but it never ceases to provide the foundation and guidelines for a healthy society.

© Alan Caruba, 2015

Is Cardinal Dolan the Most Gay Friendly Prince of the Holy Catholic Church?

Hope all is well on “The Day in Between the Two Great Feast Days of St. Patrick and St. Joseph” – two great saints of the Holy Catholic Church. For some reason, the jovial Feast Day of St. Patrick always gets a bit more fanfare than the more humbler Feast Day of St. Joseph, mainly because I truly believe that St. Joseph was just that – a humble man, an obedient man, a man that went with the Plan, serving as the Father of the Royal Family, while keeping a low profile. Thus, the Feast Day of St. Joseph does not include the wild and crazy “green beer” drinking of people out on the streets, some times for an entire weekend (if St. Patrick’s Day happens to land on a Monday or Tuesday, like it did this year).

And, usually, a St. Patrick’s Day parade goes along with this jovial partying. Namely, the one that took place in New York City yesterday afternoon. Yes, this parade is older than the United States, itself, 253 years compared to 238 years. And, yep, yesterday’s parade marked the first time that any Archbishop of New York allowed, embraced, promoted and celebrated groups of Gay marchers as part of the jovial festivities. And, yep, it was my good buddy, Cardinal Dolan, who not only promoted this atrocity – but, he reveled in this parade as the Grand Marshall, allowing the spotlight to be on him, while smiling, waving to the crowds and chomping on his ever-famous, juicy fruit chewing gum.

Friends – including the Secretary of the Vatican, the USCCB, the FCCB, Cardinal Dolan, himself – and the hundreds of Catholic clergy who are on my e-mail list and reading this bold column: Say what you want; think what you want; and even criticize the bold Michael Voris of Church Militant for calling out Cardinal Dolan for his excessive “selfish” damage he has caused to our beloved Holy Catholic Church – but, if you, for one moment, can defend Cardinal Dolan for serving as the Grand Marshall for this parade and for all the controversial shenanigans he has brought on to our beloved Church – you really need to contact me. I am dying to hear your side of the story because I have only seen the reckless, self-serving, media-attention and arrogant side of this out-of-control cardinal of the Church.

And you beloved clergy all know how much I love our other Holy cardinals of the Church who have put their lives on the line for our beloved Faith. Cardinal Raymond Burke and Cardinal Francis George come to mind immediately, as they both have taken bold stances to defend the Holy Catholic Church all of their lives, including as of recent, while dealing with age, health and “political correctness” issues. GOD Bless the Holy church leaders who boldly defend the Holy Catholic Church like these two men have. GOD help the phony, attention-seeking cardinals of the Holy Catholic Church who have sent out mixed messages to the 1.2 billion Catholic faithful in the world, like a Cardinal Dolan, who clearly has defeated everything that the good Holy cardinals have accomplished – while pushing the envelope with the Gay agenda more than any church leader in this country…

So, I will leave it up to the bold and accurate Michael Voris of Church Militant to illustrate to each and every one of us what Cardinal Dolan has done to the credibility and future of the Holy Catholic Church that Voris loves with his entire being. It’s all about Telling the Truth and Voris backs it all up with true facts, history and videos. These two short videos lay it all on the line for us as it is quite evident that the joking cardinal is truly at fault here. If, after watching these two videos, you even question Michael Voris and take Cardinal Dolan’s side – then, we have a problem – not only in Houston – but, right here with our own Catholic Church clergy and parishioners.

Friends: Cardinal Dolan is dead wrong. And, everybody knows it. By Catholic Church teachings and standings – the “act of sodomy” is a sin. We learned that in Catechism years ago. It is immoral, unnatural and defies everything that the Holy Bible stands for. Every Catholic in this country (even the 53% gutless ones who voted for Emperor Obama in 2008 and 2012), knows that the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony is a “blessed union between one man and one woman”. Period. When a prominent & popular church leader like Cardinal Dolan embrace, endorse, support and promote the Gay agenda (both, publicly and privately like he has), and sends the message “loud and queer” to the 78 million Catholics in this country that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality, Gay unions and the immoral Gay lifestyle – then, we’ve got a major problem. And, if our beloved clergy do NOT see this as a mortal sin – as against Catholic Church teachings – then, we have more than a serious, major problem…It’s back to the drawing board, back to the seminary, guys…

Now, throw in the appalling corruption that took place behind closed doors (maybe in a closet), between Cardinal Dolan and Pro-abortion/ Pro-Gay Marriage New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, and the “money exchange” between the Education system in New York, the abortion industry and the Gay agenda that both Cuomo and Dolan promote – then, we all know that New York City is on its way to becoming “the second coming of Sodom and Gomorrah”. Common Core, Abortion & Gay Marriage rule the streets of New York City, folks….and, these two left-wing leaders promote every aspect of it.

Yes, it takes a ton of guts & courage to write what I am writing in this e-mail and boldly calling out a prominent Catholic Church leader for doing what he is doing as this is NOT the first time I have written about the atrocities of Cardinal Dolan & the Catholic Church. I have blasted him countless times only because he has blasted our beloved Catholic Church way too many times! But, like my spiritual directors have told me all my life – “If you tell the Truth at all times, you never have to remember what you lied about”. Like I do with every e-mail and article that I have ever written in my life, I am hear to Tell the Truth and nothing but the Truth, so help me, GOD. And, I am here to defend the Holy Catholic Church with all that I’ve got so that our future generations of Catholics can one day, maybe see what our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, aimed to do when He instructed Peter to be the rock upon which he was going to build His church…

And, with all this being said, if I do not share this critical message with the hundreds of clergy who are on my e-mail list, I am doing our beloved Catholic faith a disservice. You all know that I have always had your backs. I am always the first to defend you, to pray for you and will be the first to arrive at the Cathedral of St. Ignatius on Holy Tuesday for the Chrism Mass, my favorite Mass of the year. And, like always, I will be the first to give our beloved clergy a standing ovation when Bishop Barbarito acknowledges you guys – priests and deacons, alike. But, at the same time, I am always the first to challenge you and to call you out when you step out of line. I expect the same from you guys when I step out of line. Clergy and lay people all need to read this ever-critical e-mail and be aware of this controversial issue at hand, that is taking place in our Church right here in the “most glamorous city in the country”, as the sooner we nip it in the bud, the sooner we can get back to what we learned in our Baltimore Catechisms way back when…and, Baltimore is not too far from New York…

Boy, what I would give to have Jesus come back for just one day – maybe on my favorite Feast Day (Pentecost Sunday) – and show up in New York City, lose His temper for the second time, and turn over those corrupt tables of the “money changers and tax collectors”, and run Cardinal Dolan and Cuomo out of the House of GOD and off the streets of New York. Of course, it is “the city that never sleeps”… Would you be able to sleep at night if you knew that all of this corruption and sinning is going on???

Good Irish luck, folks…”Happy Saint Patrick’s Day”!

RELATED VIDEO: Church Militant Headlines:

How is ISIS Recruiting So Many in the Face of Beheadings, Enslavement & Other Outrages?

ISIS, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, has burst into the global consciousness with dramatic beheadings of Western journalists and aid workers. As ISIS has conquered territories in Syria and Iraq, its terrorizing of native Yazidis and sexual enslavement of Yazidi women, immolation of a captured Jordanian pilot, and beheadings of Coptic Christians have been widely publicized. Yet more than any of the jihadist movements – Iran’s Muslim Brotherhood and offshoots, al-Qaeda, for example, ISIS has drawn thousands of followers from all over the world, including the West, to ISIS controlled territories in Syria and Iraq.

To better understand the seemingly improbable recruiting success, and to explore what the United States can do, ‘Morning in America,’ the syndicated radio program hosted by Bill Bennett, welcomed in the vantage point of forensic psychiatrist Michael Welner, M.D., Chairman of The Forensic Panel. Dr. Welner, whose pioneering Depravity Standard research in criminal and everyday evil impacts the discussion of war crimes, unexpectedly characterized the beheadings and social media efforts of ISIS to be a distraction from the real reasons for its momentum.

In a lengthy interview that Bennett, the former United States Secretary of Education, termed ‘a masterful explanation,’ Dr. Welner pointed out the unique messianic quality that ISIS embodied in the declaration of a Caliphate by its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. ISIS, he noted, was appealing to the devout with a utopian message of nation building, and touching fundamental Muslim tenets and traditional longings to serve the Caliphate. Be it to Salafist groups annihilating those around them of other faiths, or quietly devout females or recent converts in Europe, the ideals of the Caliphate, now restored after over a 1,000 year absence, include idealized proscriptions that encompass even social welfare. ISIS message of traditional and unadulterated Islam, strictly adhering to the Qu’ran, insulates it from rejection from Muslims for whom criticism of the Qu’ran is strictly forbidden,  echoing political correctness, observed Dr. Welner.

Dr. Welner proposed a variety of underutilized solutions available to America, cautioning that the messianic quality of ISIS endowed it with the unusual determination that would need to be aggressively confronted while its forces are comparatively smaller and more easily defeated.

Listen to the full interview here:

Time for Christians to go Outlaw!

Making Christianity illegal? The left is trying and if they succeed, then its time to go outlaw!

jesus wanted poster

Orlando Pastor Dexter Sanders Stands With Netanyahu and Israel

Pastor Dexter Sanders is the founder of Rock Orlando Center of Transformation Many Mansions Ministries, as well as founder and director of MMMMOVEMENT, an evangelistic organization. He is currently leading an initiative called “Transformation Orlando”, which will bring spiritual, physical and emotional transformation to the citizens of the Parramore community, and eventually the entire city of Orlando. Pastor Sanders is a friend of Israel.

Since arriving in Orlando six years ago, Pastor Sanders has worked hard in the area of evangelism. His mission is simple; to facilitate the move of the Holy Spirit through the city of Orlando, causing major transformation for its citizens. This movement will make way for the gospel of Jesus Christ to come out from behind the church walls and into streets and homes. In 2008, Dexter led such an initiative with a Gideon army through the streets of Parramore, knocking on every door, marching down every street and sharing the gospel.

To learn more about Pastor Dexter Sanders please visit

General Jerry Boykin: Navy Chaplain was “Deliberately Set Up” by Homosexual Activist [Video]

Chaplain Wes Modder 2

Navy Chaplain Wes Modder

Restoring Liberty reported earlier this week, a Navy chaplain with an incredibly distinguished service record has been relieved of his duties and may be forced out of the military just shy of his 20-year mark because he discussed the bible’s view on homosexuality.

Shortly thereafter, General Jerry Boykin appeared on The Joe Miller Show and announced that he had actually spoken with Chaplain Wes Modder that day and described for listeners what was really going on with the case.

General Boykin’s discussion about Chaplain Wes Modder begins at 9:30 in the below interview:

Read more.

The Five Fingers of Islam

There have been many who have written about Islam. Some defend it, others criticize it. Needless to say Islam is a topic deserving of academic study, explanation and understanding. However, many do not understand, or want to understand, Islam. Daily, news stories focus on the slaughter of innocents by the followers of Mohammed. These stories focus on the five fingers of Islam that hold the sword that strikes at the necks of the unbelievers. These five fingers are: the Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamic State, Saudi Arabia, al Qaeda and Iran. Are politicians missing the forest (the whole of Islam) because of the trees (the five fingers holding the sword)? Is the free world missing the big picture?

This column is provided to give a simple analogy that explains Islam. It defines Islam simply as a human body.

Think of Islam as your body. As your body is made up of billions of cells, so too is Islam made up of 1.3 billion Mohammedans (followers of Mohammed) called the Ummah (the Islamic community). The mind of Islam is shariah law, the heart of Islam is the Quran. Just as your body resists disease, so to does Islam. Islam protects itself from the the ideas and ideals (diseases) of the non-believers. This self protection mechanism is called “Fitnah.” Fitnah is anything that upsets or causes discord among the body of Islam. The Arabic root of Fitnah occurs sixty times in the Quran, while jihad occurs fewer than 30 times.

Bruce Phillips in his column Fitna is Worse Than Slaughter writes:

… I have come to believe that Fitnah is the most essential motivational component of Islamic theology, i.e., it is the cornerstone of an adversarial, confrontational worldview that inevitably leads to a state of perpetual conflict with the non-Islamic world.

In fact, fighting against the multi-faceted threat of Fitnah is such an essential part of a Quran-based worldview, that it is both the Strategy & Tactics and the ‘BeatingHeart’ of the Global Islamic Movement (GIM). Removing Fitnah from the world is so fundamental to Islamic ideology that every primary source contains extensive references to this concept.

The body of Islam is designed for one thing and one thing only to defend itself from Fitnah. The free world tends to focus on terrorism and jihad. These are tactics used to resist Fitnah globally. The free world is not at war with terror or jihad, the free world is at war with the body, heart and soul of Islam – Fitnah. In order to fight this war, and win it, the free world must first understand Fitnah.

As mentioned above, the mind of Islam is shariah law. The body is controlled by the mind. The more shariah compliant an individual, organization, or nation, the more dangerous and deadly. Those who resist shariah are causing Fitnah. If a daughter or wife violates shariah then the father/husband must fight this Fitnah (resistance). Hence we see honor killings, women stoned for adultery, and genital mutilation. The Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamic State, Saudi Arabia, al Qaeda and Iran are fully shariah compliant.

Some argue that there are peaceful Mohammedans. While the right hand destroys anything and slaughters anyone who causes Fitnah, non-Muslims wonder why isn’t the moderate follower speaking out? Just like the human body resists infection, so can Muslims kill Muslims who cause Fitnah. Speaking out against Islam is Fitnah. Does the left hand not know what the right hand is doing? Some argue that a radical Muslim wants to behead you while a moderate Muslim wants a radical Muslim to behead you. That is Fitnah in a different form. A Mohammedan may wage fitnah without drawing the sword. He or she may resist Fitnah using different forms of jihad or by just keeping silent. Not to speak is to speak, not to act is to act.

As Phillips notes, “Removing Fitnah from the world is so fundamental to Islamic ideology that every primary source contains extensive references to this concept… According to the Quran, any effort by non-Muslims to oppose the advancement of Islam is considered a flagrant, abhorrent crime.  Also known as Fitnah, such crimes are seen as so egregious that people can be slaughteredhonor-killedbeheaded or crucified (and yes, all of these punishments are found in the Quran, with added endorsements and insights in the Hadith & Tafsir).”

QUESTION: How does the free world fight Fitnah? ANSWER: By causing Fitnah!

The free world must prepare itself to wage Fitnah. On December 28, 2014, Major General Michael K. Nagata, commander of American Special Operations forces in the Middle East, made the following public statement: ‘We do not understand the movement, and until we do, we are not going to defeat it.  We have not defeated the idea.  We do not even understand the idea.’

The idea is Fitnah. The sooner the free world understands this the quicker the threat will be met and defeated. As was done with the former Soviet Union, a united effort is in order to defeat this global ideology that will prevail if not stopped, as it was at the gates of Vienna in 1683. It is not enough to stop Islam, it is imperative to drive it back, to reverse it. This effort must be global and include waging political, social, economic, judicial and ideological Fitnah.

Fitnah is the cure, the disease is Islam.

Destroy the History, Dread the Future: Converting Native Americans to Islam

They present themselves as the religion of peace, but they are intolerant, eager to crush truth and the non-compliant. They will force their peace upon you, like it or not.  Their methods are usually violence beyond one’s imagination, so that the only ones who achieve complete peace are those who have been killed quickly, not burned, or hanged, crucified, beheaded, made to endure hundreds of lashes, buried waist high and stoned to death, thrown from a cliff, succumbed to infection from acid or barbaric Female Genital Mutilation, having one’s limbs chopped off, or kidnapped for sexual slavery. Add to these Boko Haram’s cooking or burying people alive, and realize these have been done to as many as 400 million over 1400 years.

boko haram 2Although most of this brutality remains prevalent in the Middle East and Africa, a new conquest has appeared on the horizon.  In an interview with Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Nurat Nazarov, aka Abu Kholidi Kulobi, a jihadist under the (Islamic State), said he will build mosques in Native American territories and “live with them according to the laws of Allah”  (Shari’a).

What can we expect to happen with American Indians?  We can predict their fate. Through their successful strategy of deceit, Islam will replace one culture with another, and the proud Native American will become a craven servant of Allah.   If there is no violence, then Islamic holy war will be waged against their holy sites.  As we learned from the Israeli experience, they will create a false narrative to delegitimize the people to their land.  Their historic sites will be destroyed, as were the tombs of Biblical Jonah, Daniel, and Joseph, and the numerous layers of Jewish civilization, still producing items that bear witness to the Hebrews’ centuries of connection to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.  Natan Sharansky described the excavation as “the largest archaeological catastrophe to mankind.”  The Dome of the Rock atop Judaism’s holiest site, was built by Caliph Abd al-Malik to commemorate his conquest of the capital and, most importantly, to erase Jewish history.

For the same reason, the Taliban have demolished the thousands-of-years-old Buddha in Afghanistan and mausoleums in Timbuktu, Mali (all UNESCO World heritage sites), tens of thousands of Hindu temples together with tons of artifacts, the loss of a people’s past. Islamic jihadists are also bulldozing and looting Iraq’s world-famous ancient cities of Nimrud and Hatra, with their ancient carved-stone reliefs; Assyrian statues; artifacts in a Mosul museum; and thousands of books and manuscripts in Mosul’s library, to eradicate pre-Islamic civilization.  This mindset was also the motive behind the 9/11/01 bombing of the World Trade Centers, to destroy the symbol of American achievement and reverse Islam’s trend of decline since their defeat in the Battle of Vienna, 9/11/1683.

islamic exhibitThis modus operandi was noted in a traveling Islamic exhibit that claims “1001 Inventions” as Islamic in origin, of which one portion, The Silk Road, was presented at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. In reality, the faith and cultures of the inventors were victims who were forced to convert to Islam; hence, the credit for any invention was purloined by Islam from the rightful people.  Over the 14 centuries of Islamic history, Muslims have produced inestimable suffering and bloodshed, while expropriating every creative, innovative, groundbreaking invention of their victims, claiming them as their own.  

Re-education is a vital weapon in creating a new past to replace the one eradicated. Indoctrinal information that influences the society under attack, primarily its children, is essential in establishing a new regime.  Therefore, Muslims will create a faux Muslim identity for the American tribes, as they created false narratives that  Jesus (Jewish) was a Palestinian and Moses (Jewish) was the first Muslim liberator, Albert Einstein (Jewish), Stephen Hawking (Athiest) and others of note were converts to Islam.  Turkey’s President Erdogan maintains that Christopher Columbus (practicing Catholic of probably Jewish descent) was preceded in Hispaniola by Muslim explorers, which may be the first step to an Islamic foothold where none existed before.

In addition, our government has implemented the educational system, Common Core, with a staff of teachers compelled to disregard our American heritage and our Constitution, and replace with whitewashed Islamic history and faith-based studies.  This stealth infiltration is supported by Bill Gates, Arne Duncan, et. al.; a 45% investment interest by Dubai World/Istithmar World Board of Directors (EMPG) in the publishing companies that provide 52% of American textbooks; and a perplexing, but unswerving, commitment by presidential candidates, Governors Jeb Bush, Mike Huckabee and John Kasich.

“Eagle Sun Walker,” who describes himself as a Muslim Cherokee-Blackfoot American Indian, is yet another symptom of Islamic aggression and forced conversion on American soil.  As more Muslims enter our country, they may well move closer to Indian Country, and begin to insinuate their beliefs, rules of Islamophobia, and demands on the naïve, obliging populace.  With the construction of the first mosque, it may take but one charismatic recruiter to sell his bill of goods to the youth, telling them they will be the vanguard of a new Islamic movement – perhaps even convince them that they are the descendants of “early Muslim settlers.”

Islamists have the psychological and financial wherewithal to entice and intimidate new recruits who may not yet have found their life’s direction.  I can see nothing in their past that would prepare them for prevailing over the all-consuming deception named Islam.