WATCH: Biden Says Opposing the Mutilation of Children Is ‘Close to Sinful’

Old Joe Biden appeared on Comedy Central’s The Daily Show Monday night, where the guest host Kal Penn, star of the deathless classic Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay, asked him about same-sex marriage and boys who want to become girls and girls boys. In response, Biden struck a moral tone, suggesting that support for same-sex marriage and the genital mutilation of children in pursuit of delusions and fantasies was simply the decent position to take, and darn it, Lunchbucket Joe didn’t see why it had to be any more complicated than that.

As we have all come to expect by now, Biden lied when he told a story that he has told before about his alleged “epiphany” on same-sex marriage. As Matt Margolis shows here, Biden claims to have begun to support same-sex marriage as a teenager, when he saw two men kissing. This was the 1950s, when no one was talking about same-sex marriage and it was extremely rare to see homosexuals kissing in public, so his story is dubious on its face. But Matt demonstrates that Biden opposed same-sex marriage decades after that, casting his entire “epiphany” into doubt. Old Joe even threw in his patented insistence “I’m not joking,” which he often says when he’s in the middle of telling a lie.

Then, when Biden turned to discussion of today’s fashionable gender madness, the conversation got even worse.

Penn had asked the ostensible president about what the government could do to protect the “trans kids who are dealing with all these regressive state laws that are popping up right now.” Biden replied, “Transgender kids is a really harder dnnnn. Thing. What’s going on in Florida,” and here he paused, shaking his head, weary at the evil of it all, “is, as my mother would say, close to sinful.”

What’s going on in Florida? Last October, the Florida Board of Medicine voted to ban the mutilation of children in the name of attempting to aid them to pretend that they’re of the opposite sex. At a Board workshop on this issue, a woman named Chloe Cole, who had embarked upon the path that she thought would make her a man, described the monstrousness of the procedures involved in abetting these delusions:  “My breasts were beautiful, now they’ve been incinerated for nothing. Thank you, modern medicine. At 13, I started taking puberty blockers and testosterone, and at 15, I underwent a double mastectomy in which my breasts were removed and my nipples were grafted. And yet, at 16, after years of medically transitioning, I came to realize that I severely regretted my transition.”

Woke doctors sold Cole a lie: “During my diagnosis for dysphoria and the consultations for these treatments, the overall picture of my life just went completely unaddressed….I was introduced to inappropriate content and an echo chamber of far-left ideology, such as that sex and gender are separate, women are inherently victims, men are inherently superior in every way, and that dysphoric children need hormones and surgeries in order to live.” This Mengelian manipulation is what Old Joe Biden was saying it’s “close to sinful” to stop.

Old Joe rambled on semi-coherently, claiming to be on the side of the good and loving: “It’s terrible what they’re doing. It’s not like a kid wakes up one morning and says, ‘You know, I decided I want to become a man’ or ‘I want to become a woman’ or ‘I want to change.’ I mean, what are they thinking about here? They’re human beings. They love. They have feelings. They have inclinations that are… I mean, it just, to me, is, I don’t know, is, it’s cruel.” No. What’s cruel is putting children on a path that they think will help them attain their delusions, only to find that it’s impossible for them to discard what they are and become something else.

What’s cruel is Old Joe Biden pretending that any of this butchery and mutilation is compassionate. But he is determined to protect these Frankensteinian, life-destroying procedures by law: he said that we need to “make sure we pass legislation like we passed with same-sex marriage. You mess with that, you’re breaking the law and you’re going to be held accountable.”

Will Biden himself ever be held accountable for the human cost of his misplaced “compassion”? Almost certainly not. He’s more likely to get a Nobel Prize than to face the repudiation and shame that should be coming to him for endorsing this inhuman social contagion. Still, Biden’s appropriation of religious language to support this disgusting barbarism is one of the most disgraceful episodes of this singularly repulsive man’s noxious career.


RELATED VIDEO: Cutting Off Children’s Breasts and Penises


Biden Claims He Had an ‘Epiphany’ on Same-Sex Marriage as a Teen, but We Have the Receipts

Trans-Biological Male Daycare Worker Charged with Sexual Abusing INFANT

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Thousands of Schools Won’t Tell Parents About Kids’ Gender Transition: Report

More than 5,000 schools across the nation allow teachers to hide a child’s decision to identify as a member of the opposite sex from the child’s parents. The parental exclusion policy — which is heavily advocated by LGBT lobbying groups and applies to more than 3.2 million children nationally — has already resulted in the sexual trafficking of at least one young girl.

A total of 5,904 schools in 168 school districts nationwide allow, or require, teachers to conceal children’s transgender “social transition” — in which children change their name or preferred pronouns, or begin using the locker rooms of the opposite sex — from their parents. School districts keeping legal guardians ignorant about their children’s life-altering decisions stretch from Portland, Maine, to Portland, Oregon, and from Alaska to Arizona.

“This investigation shows that parental exclusion policies are a problem from coast-to-coast — and that living in a red state doesn’t mean that families are automatically shielded from this issue,” said Nicole Neily, president of Parents Defending Education (PDE), which compiled the list. PDE discovered four districts in deep-red Kansas that have adopted the policy, crafted by LGBT activists. For example, Wichita Public Schools’ teacher training claims, “The lack of using [a child’s preferred] pronouns could lead to death.”

In all, PDE reports, such policies affect 3,268,752 students — and their parents — in 28 states and the District of Columbia.

“This list is not comprehensive,” the report notes.

A Virginia high school’s decision to conceal a teenage girl’s gender transition ended with the teen being drugged, gang-raped and, on two separate occasions, sexually trafficked. In August 2021, 14-year-old Sage began attending Appomattox County High School. Her biological grandmother, Michele, who legally adopted her, said Sage told her “all the girls there were bi, trans, lesbian, emo,” and Sage soon decided she “wanted to wear boys’ clothes.” But Michele added, Sage told school officials “she was now a boy named Draco with male pronouns. Sage asked the school not to tell me, and they did not tell me.”

After a group of boys accosted and threatened to rape her in the boys’ restroom, Michele took Sage home and found a pass made out to “Draco.” Michele said Sage was too afraid to return to school, so she ran away to meet an online “friend,” who sexually trafficked her through Washington, D.C. and Maryland. By the time the FBI found her locked inside a room in Baltimore nine days later, Michele recalled, Sage had been “locked in a room, drugged, gang-raped, and brutalized by countless men.”

“One of the expert witnesses in the hearing [on January 30] confirms that online predators do target social media accounts of children who list themselves as ‘ftm’ or ‘female to male,’” Delegate David LaRock (R-Berryville) told The Daily Signal.

But Sage’s nightmare had only begun. A judge accused Michele and her husband of inflicting “emotional and physical abuse” by “misgendering” their granddaughter. The judge had Sage committed to the male section of a children’s home, where she was “repeatedly beaten” and “given street drugs,” Michele said. Sage ran away from the home, but the FBI found her in the grips of a sexual trafficking in Texas. Sage had again “been drugged, raped, beaten, and exploited.”

“Sage isn’t unique,” LaRock told “Washington Watch with Tony Perkins” on February 9, although “the degree to which she’s been violated is, hopefully, rare.”

Reports of schools allowing or encouraging minors to “socially transition” to another gender have trickled out, as outraged parents have taken legal action against the districts on PDE’s list. A coalition of parents sued Iowa’s Linn-Mar Community School District last summer. Last month, Amber Lavigne filed a lawsuit against the Great Salt Bay Community School in the coastal Maine village of Damariscotta — population 2,300 — after she found a chest binder in her 13-year-old daughter’s belongings. A social worker facilitated the child’s decision to identify as another gender, and the school withheld all information from her mother, according to her legal counsel. “The school never stopped trying to keep me in the dark at every turn, repeatedly stonewalling me when I tried to find out what was going on,” said an exasperated Lavigne, who is represented by the Goldwater Institute. “My parental rights aren’t up for debate: I deserve to know what’s happening to my child in school.”

“Counselors and teachers didn’t tell Sage’s family about the fact that she was transgender. And she got caught up in some horrific human trafficking issues, and they almost lost her,” Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin (R) told a CNN townhall last Wednesday. “There’s a basic rule here, which is that children belong to parents — not to the state, not to schools, not to bureaucrats, but to parents.”

Last September, Youngkin enacted model school guidelines that affirm, “School personnel shall keep parents fully informed about all matters that may be reasonably expected to be important to a parent.” Parents may “determine (a) what names, nicknames, and/or pronouns, if any, shall be used for their child by teachers and school staff while their child is at school, (b) whether their child engages in any counseling or social transition at school that encourages a gender that differs from their child’s sex, or (c) whether their child expresses a gender that differs with their child’s sex while at school,” the guidelines add.

Despite Youngkin’s actions, the report lists seven school districts in Virginia that continue to hide social transition from parents.

To remedy the situation, LaRock introduced “Sage’s Law” (H.B. 2432), which requires school officials to contact parents if a child begins using names or pronouns not consistent with his or her sex. The bill passed the House of Delegates on February 6 by a narrow 50-48, party-line vote. (Democratic Delegate Cliff Hayes also intended to vote no.) It is currently under Senate consideration.

The Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives is taking steps to assure no American parent is frozen out of his or her child’s life decisions. Last week, House Republicans advanced a measure barring any federally funded elementary or middle school from changing a “minor child’s gender markers, pronouns, or preferred name” on any school form, or allowing students to use the restrooms and changing facilities of the opposite sex. The House Education and the Workforce Committee adopted the measure — originally introduced as a separate bill, the Parental Rights Over the Education and Care of Their (PROTECT) Kids Act, by Rep. Tim Walberg (R-Mich.) — as an amendment to the Parents Bill of Rights (H.R. 5). Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) introduced a companion bill in the Senate (S. 200).

Walberg, an ordained pastor who once worked for the Moody Bible Institute, found it “unconscionable that some believe that parents should be kept in the dark regarding gender transitions of their own children. He urged Congress to “ensure that schools do not hide important information about children from their own parents,” “increase transparency, and defend the God-given authority and rights of parents.”

President Joe Biden is all but certain to veto such a bill. The president’s now-inactive nonprofit, the Biden Foundation, partnered with Gender Spectrum, a group whose “Gender Support Plan” tells schools to have “contingencies in place” if parents find out their child is “being supported” against their will. Since taking office, Biden has said transgenderism reflects “the image of God.”

You may see PDE’s incomplete list of the school districts that have adopted anti-parental rights transgender policies here. The group asks citizens to report such policies to PDE.

“Frighteningly, this only begins to scratch the surface of what is taking place behind closed doors in America’s schools,” said Neily. “Without a doubt, there are hundreds (if not thousands) of others with similar policies on the books.”


Ben Johnson

Ben Johnson is senior reporter and editor at The Washington Stand.


West Virginia Bill Offers Path forward on Higher Ed Free Speech Reform

New Kentucky Bill Would Expand Religious Freedom in Schools

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2023 Family Research Council

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.




Dr. Rich Swier is a “conservative with a conscience.” Rich is a 23 year Army veteran who retired as a Lieutenant Colonel. He was awarded the Legion of Merit for his years of service. Additionally, he was awarded two Bronze Stars with “V” for Valor and Heroism in ground combat, the Presidential Unit Citation, and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry while serving with the 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam. Dr. Rich now publishes the the “ report”. A daily review of news, issues and commentary!

TOPIC: Climate Scientists in 2018 Predicted the World Will End in 2023! But we’re still here


Clare M. Lopez is the founder and president of Lopez Liberty LLC. She was a career operations officer with the CIA and publishes widely as a strategic policy and intelligence expert. Clare is also a Senor Advisory Board Member Near East Center for Strategic Engagement.

TOPIC: Origins of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic!

NetZero Reality Coalition Forms Scores First Big Win

CFACT is proud to be a founding member of the new NetZero Reality Coalition which aims to push back against the growing tide of leftist “green” mandates being foisted on our energy infrastructure.

The NetZero Reality Coalition (NZRC) includes free market think tanks, energy experts and legislators all dedicated to preserving the reliable, affordable energy we take for granted.

NZRC stands in opposition to leftist “NetZero” advocates who seek to tear down energy sources that work, while pushing energy sources, such as intermittent wind and solar, that are not up to the challenge of powering the world’s needs. Their radical climate and energy agenda is destabilizing our grid, causing blackouts and power disruptions, and driving up costs for average, hardworking Americans.

It was high time to start pushing back!

The first such opening salvo of this important coalition has come in Utah. There, NZRC presented information that led to a ground-breaking “Energy Security Bill” that passed the Utah legislature. This bill is now on Governor Spencer Cox’s desk awaiting his signature.

The Utah energy bill was submitted by Representative Ken Ivory.  Take a look at the press release we posted to

HB425 underscores that Utah supports and promotes both renewable and nonrenewable energy systems – including coal, gas, oil shale, nuclear, wind, solar, hydroelectric, geothermal and other sources. It clearly states that Utah has both a “duty” and “sovereign authority” to defend all necessary electricity generation from “external regulatory interference.”

The legislation thus requires “at least” 180-day prior notification of any decommissioning, disposal, retirement or closure of electricity generation facilities and equipment, whether proposed or being “forced” due to federal mandates or the high costs of compliance with federal regulations. It gives the Attorney General authority to take legal or other actions to defend the state’s energy interests.

Wind and solar profiteers and their strange Green bedfellows believe that if they destroy our reliable energy grid, somehow better energy will come.  They couldn’t be more wrong.  European countries such as Germany and Spain have already invested billions on wind and solar.  The result?  Flickering, unreliable power grids, soaring prices, sham solutions such as “biomass,” and no meaningful decrease in greenhouse gas emissions. 

Consider “biomass.”  Did anyone genuinely believe that cutting down North American trees, grinding them into pellets, shipping the pellets to ports and loading them onto diesel powered freighters to burn in Europe was clean, green, or somehow good for the climate?  To the NetZero crowd, at least, that actually counts as “renewable!” 

We cannot leave our energy to NetZero zealots or the businesses shamelessly using them to cash in.

The NetZero Reality Coalition has reported for duty just in time. 

Utah was just the start. Here’s to more energy reality victories ahead!

For nature and people too.

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Therapeutic Nihilism by The Lords of Healthcare—Part One

“Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground.  They want rain without thunder and lightning.  They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters.  This struggle may be a moral one or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle.  Power concedes nothing without a demand.  It never did and it never will.” —  Frederick Douglass

“History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a spiritual awakening to overcome the moral lapse or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster.” — General Douglas MacArthur

“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos.  Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable.” —  H. L. Mencken

“The greatest perpetrator of misinformation during the pandemic has been the United States government.” —  Dr. Marty Makary

I believe the entire hospital protocols were purposely murderous.  Remember, five governors put C-19 patients in nursing homes and killed off hundreds of thousands of elderly Medicare/Medicaid and Social Security residents.  Governors Newsom (D-CA), Whitmer (D-MI), Cuomo (D-NY), Wolf (D-PA), and Murphy (D-NJ) all stated that hospitals were running out of room, but what were their real motives?

Those hundreds of thousands of deaths helped to plant fear, and the oldsters needlessly died alone and without their loved ones.

The public was poisoned against repurposed cheap drugs that prevented and/or cured the virus called COVID.  Taking Hydroxychloroquine early in treatment for C-19 kept the virus from gaining a deadly foothold.  When C-19 had progressed, Ivermectin twice a day according to weight gave quick recovery to most of those without extensive comorbidities.  Adding Azithromycin and prednisone, an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory, helped to quell the cough and respiratory problems in short order.

In Argentina, Dr. Hector Carvallo’s prevention trials, with many of the repurposed-drug early treatments and prophylactic treatments, showed a 100% prevention of acquisition of Sars-coV-2 on patients who were on prophylactic ivermectin.  The molecule in ivermectin doesn’t just treat parasites, it has 22 mechanisms of action against Sars-coV-2, has seven or eight anti-viral mechanisms and it has multiple immune modification mechanisms.  In Dr. Carvallo’s study, two months of healthcare workers taking one ivermectin a week, zero contracted COVID.  In the placebo control group of 400 people, 57% contracted COVID.  This is how effective ivermectin was in prevention in a hospital setting.  You cannot make the same claim for these “vaccines.”

Those inexpensive repurposed drugs would have saved a majority of the lives lost.  Instead of allowing physicians the ability to save their patients by trying various treatments that would attack the symptoms the government, i.e., unelected councils…NIH, CDC, FDA, AMA, Medical Journals and mainstream media, claimed the 50- and 60-year-old drugs of IVM and HCQ were dangerous.


Because money was to be made, and massive reports of death created fear.  And fear created compliance and compliance was necessary to create the goal of a cure via inoculations.

The incompetent, devious and nihilistic Lords of Healthcare laughed all the way to the bank while Americans died.

Fear porn had won.

Murder for Gain

Allowing inexpensive treatments to restore health would not fill Big Pharma’s pockets. All of the unelected entities were slobbering over the filthy lucre flowing into their pockets.  The deaths didn’t matter, money was to be made.  Mass murder via government protocols was collateral damage that fueled depopulation advocates’ goals and saved government funding of the elderly who were quickly dispatched.  Hospitals loved the federal payouts for C-19 deaths.  Why wouldn’t they?  The government allocated $175 billion for hospitals and other providers in April of 2020.

Control won…first we donned the masks, then we locked down for months, closed our businesses, declared bankruptcy and when we got sick, most physicians would do nothing for us until we couldn’t breathe and then we entered the hospital to die. Most who tested positive for C-19 ended up on a ventilator…and 80% of them died. The C-19 tests were faulty, never should have been used and resulted in excessive positive results.

Ultimately, the majority of Americans willingly signed up for untested experimental injections available through Emergency Use Authorization and given “free” by the government.

If anything goes awry, Big Pharma has total immunity from legal liability under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act).  The controversial Act was signed into law by George W. Bush in December of 2005.  It provides immunity for the “manufacture, testing, development, distribution, administration, and use of covered countermeasures.”  Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar declared COVID-19 an emergency and invoked the PREP Act on February 4, 2020.

On march 27, 2020, Congress quickly enacted legislation thru the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) which provided over $2 trillion in funds to address the economic impacts of the pandemic. Brookings reported unheard of massive waste, fraud and corruption.

Federal funds were disbursed to hospitals to help them cope with the C-19 emergency.  The feds paid hospitals a fee for giving a C-19 test, another fee for admittance of the patient to hospital, plus the full daily Medicare with 20% added onto the hospitalization rate, no matter the insurance status. Admission nets the hospital $13K, but when they ventilate a patient, it soared to $39K.

Medicare even announced it would pay 20% more as an add-on if hospitals used the new FDA-approved drugs for C-19!  In other words, hospitals can rake in even more if they give three treatments of Remdesivir at $3100. per treatment.  Kidney or liver failure didn’t matter to the hospital administrators…more money in their pockets. WHO recommended against using Remdesivir, but Gilead raked in over $7 billion on the sale of their drug which cost them about $10.00 per dose to manufacture.

Early HCQ or IVM treatment for COVID would have jeopardized all the hospital payments.

As Minnesota State Senator, Scott Jensen M.D. told us in countless interviews, hospitals were incentivized to code admissions as having COVID-19 even when they didn’t have positive tests!  I know of too many elderly family members who, upon autopsy, were found to have bacterial pneumonia or flu, which could have been treated and saved their lives.  Oh, that every C-19 diagnosed patient who died been autopsied.  And now with the poisonous injections, we even need more autopsies to document the effects of the jabs.

The CARES Act also provided immunity for guess who…healthcare workers treating C-19 patients.  State governors added more immunity via executive orders.

Check out the state-by-state National Survey of COVID-19 Medical Malpractice Immunity Legislation (As of November 18, 2020).

States like New York covered civil liability for injury or death alleged to have been sustained directly as a result of an act or omission by person/persons covered.

Persons included in coverage were physicians, physicians assistants; specialist assistants; nurse practitioners; licensed registered professional nurses; licensed practical nurses.

The only conduct not covered was gross negligence.

But wait a minute…isn’t “gross negligence” exactly what we saw with the promotion of these one-size-fits-all hospital protocols and the untested, unstudied, untrialed Big Pharma medications?

Remdesivir Kills

Remdesivir, sold under the brand name Veklury, is a broad-spectrum antiviral medication developed by the biopharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences.  It was a pre-existing drug candidate developed by Gilead Sciences as part of an antiviral development effort, with initial results against Ebola virus (EBOV) reported in 2015.

Dr. Anthony Fauci claimed Gilead’s remdesivir would aid in COVID recovery.  The National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, (NIAID) headed by Fauci, asserted remdesivir studies proved it effective against COVID-19.

It actually can damage your kidneys and liver.  Despite the lack of positive studies, the FDA approved Remdesivir with another Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).

Remdesivir didn’t work.  Results were terribly negative.

In late August 2020, a disproportionately high number of reports of liver and kidney problems in patients receiving remdesivir were reported compared with patients receiving other drugs for COVID-19. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) also announced that its safety committee had started a review to assess reports of acute kidney injuries in some patients taking remdesivir.

Patients who knew that remdesivir was not a reliable or safe drug, were told they could instead receive Veklury, which is remdesivir.  One has to wonder; how many were fooled into being given the drug.

The oral C-19 medication, Paxlovid, wasn’t much better.  Paxlovid didn’t significantly reduce the risk of hospitalization or death in people. 

And that’s not all!  What about Operation Warp Speed Death Jabs?

Jabs, Jabs and More Jabs

You can’t tell me that pharmacists, physicians and nurses didn’t know that vaccines were supposed to be tested for years and that you never vax during a pandemic.  And what about if you’d had and recovered from C-19?  Why would you need a jab if you have natural immunity?  Common medical knowledge was thrown to the wind…and the media hawked the jabs day and night…even offering incentives.  Now this evil poison is to be given to our children before they enter the perverted government schools.  Children don’t even get COVID, so why?

Can you believe the horrific number of injections our children must now submit to?

The documents of Pfizer and Moderna, those they wanted to keep hidden for 75 years, tell the story of betrayal. The infertility, the miscarriages, the heart damage, the blood clots, the cancers, the evil destruction of healthy young bodies and the sudden deaths, all caused by one, two or five injections of the Big Pharma poison to depopulate.

Zoetis is a subsidiary of Pfizer and has quietly injected 100 million animals with the horrific mRNA technology. Livestock has also started to receive mRNA injections.


Worse yet, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation just announced a $4.7 million grant for a company that sells face masks for cows to stop their methane belches.  This is the most insane thing yet. 

It isn’t evil enough that they’re forcing these injections on our babies when they enter school. Messenger RNA and abusive and abrasive contraptions on cattle for a fabricated non-existent problem.

Mass murder of man and animals.

If ever truth fully comes to light and the American people wake up, those culpable will stand trial.

“I was just following orders” won’t hold any more water today than it did in 1945-1946.

Those who have needlessly lost loved ones want to see justice today.

The gallows await them.

“Vengeance is mine,” sayeth the Lord.

Ivermectin Saves

How many people were able to secret Ivermectin (IVM) into sick family or friends in hospital with Sars-coV-2?  I know of several, especially where the hospitals still allowed family to visit.  When this life saving drug was given, the recovery was rapid.  Within a couple days, the patient was feeling so much better and within a few more days was released to go home.

The resistance by hospitals for Ivermectin was incredibly difficult, even when an attorney had taken the case to court and the judge had instructed the hospital to give IVM.  The court battles were unconscionably difficult with IVM witnesses being called quacks.  Dying men and women were fighting for the last chance to save their lives and many were denied their “right to try” a cheap, FDA and WHO approved drug as their last and only hope since nothing but remdesivir was being offered.  Hospitals retained “godlike power” over the patients, telling them they could not choose their own care. As John Leake explains in his and Dr. Peter McCullough’s book, The Courage to Face Covid-19, “for most gravely ill patients and their families, this power resulted in death.”

The patient’s families would state in writing they would indemnify the hospitals of liability for any adverse effects of IVM and that their primary care physicians would administer the drug.  In many cases, if the court told the hospital to give the drug, one pill would be given, the patient would improve, but then the hospital would refuse to give additional medication.

Dr. Pierre Kory had testified before the Senate and showed the studies proving IVM was a valid treatment for Sars-coV-2.  Yet, the resistance was phenomenal.  After one dose, attorneys would need to return to court to order the hospital to give more than one dose of IVM.  Families would beg and plead with the hospitals to no avail.  Many had to fight to have the family doctor administer IVM or to be able to take the patient home. The hospitals demanded the patient’s physician come to the hospital to administer the drug.

Many had to find ways to smuggle IVM in to patients before they were put on vents, and those who were successful had a 100% recovery rate.

Every medical facility had bought into the government lies by the unelected councils, which used to be called Soviet, but now are pure American.  Those unelected county health departments decided masks, lockdowns, closures, mandates etc.


Dr. Vernon Coleman, who refers to himself as “the old man in a chair,” has been telling us the hard facts regarding the destruction of our medical industry.

He states, “The goal of healing has been replaced by the goal of perpetual treating. The ugliest part of this new business model is that, to keep overhead cost as low as possible, when severely handicapped and older people become ill, hospital staffs increasingly are discreetly prescribing kill shots for them, much like what might be given to an old dog or cat to end their misery. This is not a conspiracy theory, not hyperbole, and not even unusual. It is now a recognized policy in every country in which the medical system has been captured by the pharmaceutical cartel – which is most of them.”

In Part Two, we’ll discuss America’s modern-day eugenics, revived again from the 1920s and expanded to parallel Hitler’s murder of the physically and mentally unfit.

©Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.

‘Murder!’: Jane Fonda’s Homicidal Call to Action Against Pro-Lifers

Friday morning, on the infamously progressive talk show “The View,” 85-year-old actress Jane Fonda made a disturbing recommendation for dealing with pro-lifers: murder. The remarks came amid a conversation regarding Fonda’s pro-abortion activism, particularly in the months following the Dobbs Supreme Court decision last June. As hosts Sonny Hostin and Joy Behar simpered sweet nothings about Fonda winning a Nobel Prize, the conversation quickly turned awkward when Behar asked Fonda how to extend pro-abortion activism beyond merely marching and protesting.

“Well, I’ve thought of murder,” Fonda asserted, repeating the word “murder” as the women gathered around her laughed uncomfortably.

Despite the audience’s amusement and assurances from the show’s hosts that the actress was simply joking, viewers were left to wonder — does Fonda really believe that advocating for life in the womb is justification for someone to be murdered? And in a culture where progressives are keener than ever to claim that mere words can be violence, how can Fonda get away with literally suggesting murder?

Perhaps Fonda’s comments wouldn’t hit home for pro-lifers so acutely were it not for the barrage of terrorism that the pro-life community has suffered in the last year. Family Research Council has tracked over 125 instances of pro-abortion violence against pro-life pregnancy resource centers, churches, and individuals in the past year; just this week, a pregnancy resource center in Minneapolis was vandalized with the same familiar message that pro-lifers have learned to expect: “If abortions aren’t safe, neither are you.”

In many instances, pro-abortion harassment has gone far beyond vandalism and threats. A CompassCare pro-life pregnancy resource center in Buffalo, New York was firebombed in June of 2022; the attack caused $500,000 in damages and forced the center to spend the next 52 days rebuilding. Despite the violence already occurring against these charity centers, radical abortion lover Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) accused pregnancy resource centers of “torturing” women and called for their doors to be closed — a move that, were the partisan tables turned, would certainly have been characterized as an incitement of violence.

In light of Fonda’s incurable enthusiasm to do harm to those who advocate for the life of the unborn, it’s important to consider her personal background on the issue. Fonda’s mother, who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and eventually died by suicide, aborted nine of Jane’s older siblings before finally giving birth to her. Both Fonda and her mother suffered sexual assault and childhood sexual abuse. While there is certainly zero excuse for her abortion advocacy, much less her calls for violence against pro-lifers, understanding Fonda’s background helps paint a fuller picture of why she is so desperate to preserve social acceptance and celebration of abortion as a moral good rather than as the affront to human dignity that it truly is.

Just last week, conservative pundit Michael Knowles was accused of advocating genocide against people who identify as transgender because of a statement he made during a speech at CPAC. Even White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre slanderously accused Knowles of calling for the “eradication of transgender people.”

What Knowles actually said was, “For the good of society and especially for the good of the poor people who have fallen prey to this confusion, transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely, the whole preposterous ideology — at every level.”

While Knowles’s circumstances are more akin to misrepresentation, given that he never actually proposed violence against human beings, the incident still serves to prove a significant cultural point: progressives can’t have it both ways. Either words must be chosen with extreme delicacy and sensitivity because they will be construed as calls to violence — or not. And, if calls for political violence against other human beings are something to be condemned, then they must be universally condemned — even when the call is coming from inside the house.

A final (and significant) point to consider is that, even when pro-abortion advocates are not calling for murder against born people, they are nevertheless fighting desperately to perpetuate the shedding of innocent blood. Every “successful” abortion ends the life of a unique, unrepeatable human being. There can be no peaceful or nonviolent support of abortion, because to support abortion is inherently a promotion of violence.

Thankfully, given what the pro-life movement has demonstrated the willingness to withstand in the last year for the sake of protecting unborn children, it’s clear that the thoughtless snark of a Hollywood celebrity will do little to deter pro-life activism.


Joy Stockbauer

Joy Stockbauer is a correspondent for The Washington Stand.


Police Officer Smeared by ‘Religious Bigotry’ Garners Support from Faith Leaders

Florida Reminds Pro-Lifers: There is Always Ground to Be Gained

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

‘Horrifying’: Huge Proportion Of Children Pursuing Gender Transitions Are Actually Autistic, Experts Believe

  • Adolescents with autism are overrepresented in the youth transgender population, and some medical professionals attribute this to autism spectrum traits such as obsessive thinking, vulnerability to body image issues and a sense of social rejection and isolation during adolescence. 
  • Dr. Susan Bradley, a Canadian psychiatrist who began working with gender dysphoric children in the 1970s, said she believed most of the children who sought gender transitions had high-functioning autism and were being exploited by the medical industry. 
  • “When somebody happens to mention that, you know, they’re trans or they hear about trans kids and go online, even if all they do is say, ‘I wonder if I’m trans,’ a lot of these kids are automatically accepted. ‘Well, you must be trans if you’ve even thought about that.’ And for them, that is a very helpful reaction, because all of a sudden, they feel as though that explains all of the trouble all the way along,” Bradley told the DCNF.

Children with autism make up an outsized proportion of the transgender-identified population, and autism spectrum traits make them particularly vulnerable to thought patterns that can lead youth to pursue gender transitions, according to research and medical professionals.

Transgender individuals are about three to six times more likely to be autistic than non-transgender people, research shows; the connection between transgenderism and autism has been a subject of interest for researchers since at least 2010, and the Gender Development Identity Service at Tavistock, the world’s largest pediatric gender clinic, came under fire in recent years over allegations that as many as 97.5% of its gender patients had autism. Dr. Susan Bradley, a Canadian psychiatrist and pioneer in treating gender dysphoria, told the DCNF that she now believes most pediatric gender patients are actually on the autism spectrum and are being exploited by medical professionals.

“When we were seeing these kids from a very young age, we had kids who would come into the clinic, a little girl who thinks she’s a boy or vice versa. It wasn’t uncommon to find that one of them thought they were a dog or a cat or something else,” said Bradley, who chaired the DSM-IV Subcommittee on Gender Disorders.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is the official manual of the American Psychiatric Association, which is used for classifying and diagnosing mental disorders; Bradley led eight other doctors in establishing those guidelines in its 1994 edition.

Bradley began treating children with gender dysphoria around 1975, and over the years she observed that many of the patients had the traits of high-functioning autism, she told the DCNF. People with autism tend to focus very intensely on their subjects of interest and have great difficulty letting go of something once they believe it’s true, both of which make autistic adolescents particularly susceptible to issues with their gender identity and body image, she said.

“They have early difficulty with social understanding and the feeling that they don’t fit in; they struggle to understand that they are different in a certain kind of way that other people don’t understand either, and they often feel left out in peer groups. Many of them don’t have a good friend. They’ll often say other kids tease them or leave them out,” she said. “These kids are even less well equipped than your average teen to manage strong feelings, and they just get totally disregulated at times. That’s why they become so much more vulnerable, they get suicidal, they get anxious, depressed, very down on themselves.”

“When somebody happens to mention that, you know, they’re trans or they hear about trans kids and go online, even if all they do is say, ‘I wonder if I’m trans,’ a lot of these kids are automatically accepted. ‘Well, you must be trans if you’ve even thought about that.’ And for them, that is a very helpful reaction, because all of a sudden, they feel as though that explains all of the trouble all the way along,” Bradley told the DCNF.

Children with high-functioning autism previously showed up at eating disorder clinics with suicidal and anxious depression and body image distortions, but as pediatric gender clinics began cropping up, autistic adolescents began gravitating more toward those, Bradley said.

Chloe Cole, a young woman who underwent cross-sex hormones and a double mastectomy between ages 13 and 17 and now regrets medically transitioning, told the DCNF that doctors failed to meaningfully address her autism spectrum traits and the ways those impacted her gender identity.

“I’ve spoken to a non-transgender person who also was on the spectrum about some of my symptoms of dysphoria and how things like puberty felt for me, and she told me that’s literally just how it feels to be autistic and going through puberty,” Cole said. “It’s common for girls who have autism to present with some more traditionally masculine behaviors or more tomboyish personality. That was definitely my experience growing up and it made it more difficult for me to relate personally with other girls my age.”

Cole is suing the hospital and medical professionals who participated in her gender transition. Her attorneys argue that doctors should have offered her psychotherapy to address her autism spectrum symptoms and mental health issues, but instead made her gender dysphoria the top priority.

“It’s horrifying that none of these kids are really getting an appropriate screening, not only for autism, but really for a lot of other parts of their background that might play a role in the development of their dysphoria,” she said, listing social anxiety, personality disorders, depression and histories of abuse. “They’re just being allowed through the system and [their gender dysphoria] is just being treated as a completely standalone issue.”

The Clarke Institute of Toronto, which is now the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, opened its pediatric gender clinic in the mid-1970s, when clinicians were offering a therapy-centered approach and 80% to 90% of patients outgrew their gender confusion and came to terms with their biological sex, according to Bradley. The clinic eventually began putting minors on puberty blockers to alleviate gender distress in keeping with practices emerging out of the Netherlands; Bradley views this as a mistake, noting that blockers cement what would otherwise likely be a temporary transgender phase and carry serious physical side effects.

Dr. Lawrence Fung, a psychiatrist at Stanford University, believes there may be a biological factor that drives autistic people to identify as transgender and believes autistic people tend to be more androgynous; he told NPR more research was needed on the subject.

“Females on the spectrum seem to have more testosterone and masculine features on their faces. On the other hand, males on the autism spectrum – they have more feminine features,” he told the outlet.

The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), which vocally supports medical transitions for minors, acknowledges that “autistic/neurodivergent transgender youth represent a substantial minority subpopulation of youth served in gender clinics globally,” and the group encourages providers to pursue additional training on the needs of their autistic patients in its latest standards of care. The group notes that autism traits, including rigid thinking and differing abilities to consider and plan for the future, necessitate extra time and support for gender transition patients.

“The autistic mindset tends to see things in black and white, and so if a child doesn’t feel like a girl — and this might be because they don’t feel pretty enough to be a girl — then they believe they must be a boy,” Stella O’Malley, a psychotherapist and founder of Genspect, an organization that’s critical of child transitions, told the DCNF. (RELATED: ‘Chilling Effect’: Here’s How Lawsuits Could Take Down The Child Sex Change Industry)

“Autistic people also tend to be very literal and so they can believe if people use their preferred pronouns and names, then they must be a boy. Children on the spectrum also tend to be gender nonconforming, and nonconforming in many other ways, and this leads them to believe that perhaps they must be a boy,” O’Malley said.

Transgender identification has exploded over the past decade, especially among the youth population, and clinics offering gender transition procedures to children have boomed from approximately zero 15 years ago to a current estimate of 100 in the U.S., according to Reuters. About 300,000 minors in the U.S. now identify as transgender, and approximately 10,000 to 30,000 are seeking some form of gender-related medical intervention.

The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health did not respond to the DCNF’s request for comment.



Social issues and culture reporter.

RELATED ARTICLE: Unearthed Emails Show Rachel Levine Discussing ‘Potential Revenue’ From Child Sex Change Procedures

RELATED VIDEO: Trans Munchausen-by-Proxy Syndrome.

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Doctors Around the World Say It’s Time to Stop the Covid Shots

People are dying, young people, but still the Democrats are mandating it for children and banning unvaxxed athletes like Novak Djokovic from entering the country.

Doctors Around the World Say It’s Time to Stop the Shots

By: Jennifer Margulis, Joe Wang, Epoch Times, March 11, 2023:

Recently “COVID-19” and “Fauci” have been trending on Twitter. And when you click on those hashtags, you don’t get regurgitated government messaging.

Instead, you get declarations like this one from Dr. Eli David, which has been viewed 1.2 million times: “Fauci was wrong about lockdowns, masks, double-masks, Remdesivir, vaccine, boosters, and virus origin.

“Was Fauci right about anything? Give me a single thing about Covid which Fauci got right …”

Tired of Half-Truths

It’s becoming increasingly clear from social media and real life that people are tired of being lied to by government health authorities. They’re beginning to realize that these agencies don’t have their best interests in mind.

I (Jennifer) stopped to chat with an older couple enjoying the sun last week. They had set up two folding chairs by the water so they could watch the passersby and look at the shimmering Atlantic Ocean.

“You just have to enjoy every second,” the wife said. “My husband has dementia. It’s been hard. You don’t know when you’re going to go. My best friend called me sobbing two weeks ago. They found her 46-year-old son dead in his bed. No one knows why.”

“Do you know if he was vaccinated?” I asked in the gentlest tone I could muster. “I know that may sound like a strange question but … we are seeing myocarditis and pericarditis in young men post-vaccination; the Florida surgeon general no longer recommends mRNA vaccines for young men; and at least some of these sudden unexplained deaths may be due to that.”

“I didn’t know that,” she said. “But I’m sure he was vaccinated. I’ve done so many at this point, I’m radioactive!”

“We’ve had, what, five?!” she said, turning to her husband. “It’s getting ridiculous. We still got COVID, twice. We’re not doing anymore.”

Deaths Continue

There has been an upsurge in sudden, unexplained, and age-inappropriate deaths in at least 30 countries in the industrialized world.

In Ireland, so many people died in January that funerals had to be postponed, according to local news.

Ed Dowd, in his new book, “Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022,” argues that the sudden deaths in young people in industrialized countries is because of mRNA vaccines.

Dowd shows how the number of excess deaths in America that were attributed to COVID-19 in 2020 was actually much lower than the huge spike in sudden deaths that began in 2021 after the COVID-19 vaccines started being widely distributed.

Importantly, most of the 2021 deaths, which occurred mostly in people ages 18 to 64, were not attributed to COVID.

More Have Died After COVID-19 Vaccine Roll-Outs Than During the Vietnam War

“From February 2021 to March 2022, millennials experienced the equivalent of a Vietnam war, with more than 60,000 excess deaths,” wrote Dowd, who is an expert in following and anticipating trends and a founding partner in a global investment company called Phinance Technologies.

“The Vietnam war took 12 years to kill the same number of healthy young people we’ve just seen die in 12 months.”

Swine Flu Vaccine Program Halted After 3 Deaths

On Oct. 13, 1976, the New York Times ran a story about the swine flu vaccine.


Keep reading.



The Schwab study proves the COVID vaccines are killing massive numbers of people

Biden Regime to Fund ‘Transgender’ Treatments for Veterans

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

AWED MEDIA BALANCED NEWS: We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Welcome! We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

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Particularly note the ***asterisked*** items below…

— This Newsletter’s Articles, by Topic —

If You Only Have Time to Read a Few Select Articles:

*** Documentary trailer: The Commonwealth vs Katie Carico Hyatt

*** NOAA and BOEM; Ignorance is Bliss

*** Anti Offshore Wind Project Petition Takes Off, Nearing 300K Signatures

*** Renewables: the more you have, the more you pay for backups

*** Electricity prices are soaring in leading wind-energy states

*** Unstoppable

*** America’s $100 Billion Climate Change Flop

*** The New Normal?

*** PM2.5: Mass Killer or Mass Fraud?

*** Scotland Says Climate Political Correctness Trumps Us All

*** Short video: CO2 Saturation Demonstration

*** “They Lied To Us All”: Tucker Exposes January 6 Fraud

*** Top Democrat On J6 Committee: We Didn’t Review Any of the Surveillance Video

*** Let’s End Government Bullying on Free Speech

*** Massive Money Laundering Uncovered

*** New Report: The Key to Fixing the US Education System

*** Battle Between Religious Freedom and Post-Modern Moral Relativism

*** Short video: Critical Race Theory

*** Short video: The Importance of Shame

*** When a Renegade Church and a Zealous County Health Department Collide

*** The Covid Skeptics Were Correct. When Do We Get an Apology?

Education Related:

*** New Report: The Key to Fixing the US Education System

*** Ma-Nure Filled Brains

*** Archived Short Video: Who Is Teaching Your Kids? (also applies to K-12)

*** Archive: The Schools Are on Fire: Time to Get the Children Out

*** Archive: The Future of Education

The feminization of the American university is all but complete

The Great Feminization of the American University

The Humanities: Another Example Of Leftism Ruining Everything It Touches

The Crisis of Exploitation in the Classroom: Teachers’ Unions

CA Board of Education Approves Historic Ethnic Studies Guidance for High Schools

A Response to the Cynical Student

Greed Energy Economics:

*** Electricity prices are soaring in leading wind-energy states

The Economic Case for Net Zero Is Zero

Why Do Electricity Costs Keep Going Up Despite More Wind And Solar Being Added To Grid?

Renewables (General):

*** Illinois Put a Stop to Local Governments’ Ability to Kill Solar and Wind Projects. Will Other Midwestern States Follow? (This is a shameful violation of Home Rule)

*** Renewables: the more you have, the more you pay for backups

*** American Towns Don’t Want To Be Big Cities’ ‘Green Energy’ Graveyards

Wind Energy — Offshore:

*** NOAA and BOEM; Ignorance is Bliss

*** Anti Offshore Wind Project Petition Takes Off, Nearing 300K Signatures

Biden admin scientist raised alarm on offshore wind harming whales months ago

Whale death confusion abounds and some is deliberate

Greenpeace Betrays Founders to Peddle Junk Science

Wind Energy — Other:

NY’s CLCPA Hits First Cost Overrun, with More to Follow

Solar Energy:

How solar development incentives will cost Maine’s poorest the most

Big solar in NYS

Nuclear Energy:

Reactor building internal structures completed at Chinese SMR

Georgia Nuclear facility reaches first criticality

Fossil Fuel Energy:

*** Unstoppable

Biden, White House cited inaccurate ‘9,000 unused permits’ figure numerous times

Biden expected to approve Alaska oil drilling project in blow to climate activists

Delaware Voters Overwhelmingly Opposes Gas-powered Car Ban

Germany to Build 30 New Gas Plants

Electric Vehicles (EVs):

The Troubling Future of the Green Electric Revolution

Clean Car Rule for New York A Messy Case of California Envy

Misc Energy:

*** The New Normal?

*** Epstein: Some of my favorite talking points on energy, environment, and climate

*** Here We Go Again — More Battery Promises

Twilight of Abundance: Energy

Heat Pumps will be up to three times cheaper than Green Hydrogen

Hydrogen Hoopla All Hyperbole?

The upcoming energy infrastructure debacle

A Good Energy Bill worth Replicating

Manmade Global Warming — Some Deceptions:

*** PM2.5: Mass Killer or Mass Fraud?

*** America’s $100 Billion Climate Change Flop

*** The Left’s Climate Imperialism

*** It’s true – the climate fanatics are coming for your car

*** Jordan Peterson Just EXPOSED The Whole DAMN THING!

*** 1500 Scientists Say ‘There Is No Climate Emergency’ – The Real Environment Movement Was Hijacked

Ron Barmby Engages In ‘Jerm Warfare’ In Climate Science Battle

Researchers warn Net Zero policies will cause half the world’s population to starve

Manmade Global Warming — Misc:

*** Scotland Says Climate Political Correctness Trumps Us All

*** In Search of a (Near) Perfect CO2 Global Warming Analogy

*** Short video: CO2 Saturation Demonstration

Jo Nova wins the Dauntless Purveyor of Climate Truth Award 2023

Japan: No Kyoto (Or Net Zero)

Good public comments on why Virginia should leave RGGI

Net Zero Is No Solution for Any But Its Nattering Advocates

With the ‘expert’ COVID view blown up, green terror must be next

US Election: (10 major election reports by our team of experts, plus much more!)

*** Massive Money Laundering Uncovered

Biden’s DHS Just Revealed How It Plans to Use Your Tax Dollars To Interfere in U.S. Elections

How the Voter Participation Center aims to cement Democratic rule by remaking America’s electorate

US Election — State Issues:

*** Citizen’s Guide to Building and Election Integrity Infrastructure

*** 3 More Secretaries of State Investigate Replacing ERIC System

Florida Withdraws From Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) Amid Concerns About Data Privacy and Blatant Partisanship

Activists Are Screwing Up Wisconsin’s Elections. It’s Time To Stop Them.

Whistle Blower Speaks Up On Illegal Ballots In 2020 Election

Misc US Politics:

*** “They Lied To Us All”: Tucker Exposes January 6 Fraud

*** Video: Tucker Blows the Doors Off January 6th LIES

*** Top Democrat On J6 Committee: We Didn’t Review Any of the Surveillance Video

*** Let’s End Government Bullying on Free Speech

Power Grab Behind Democrats’ War On Free Speech

Societally US:

*** Short video: Critical Race Theory

*** Short video: The Importance of Shame

*** Documentary trailer: The Commonwealth vs Katie Carico Hyatt

Why are so many people so ignorant of the truth?

Billionaire on SVB collapse: Government has 48 hours to fix ‘irreversible mistake’

Pandora’s Precedent and Online Poker

Religion Related:

*** Battle Between Religious Freedom and Post-Modern Moral Relativism

Relativism: The Religion of Contemporary Culture

Video: The Importance of Fighting for Christian Principles


*** Wide Awake (a commentary about Science)

*** The Rise of Totalitarian Science

Pennsylvania district considers bringing ‘feelings’ into math curriculum


*** Pray for the safety of the Ukrainian people

*** A well-rated source to make a Ukraine donation

*** Latest Developments in Ukraine: March 12th

COVID-19 — Injection Mandates:

Djokovic withdraws from Tennis event after being denied entry to US over COVID-vaccine status

Peer-reviewed scientific literature: “The mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous”

COVID-19 — Misc:

*** When a Renegade Church and a Zealous County Health Department Collide

*** The Covid Skeptics Were Correct. When Do We Get an Apology?

Covid and Cancer: The Epidemic Begins

COVID-19 — Repeated Important Information:

My webpage ( with dozens of Science-based COVID-19 reports

*** World Council of Health: Early COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines

*** FLCCC Long COVID Treatment Protocol

*** COVID-19: What You Need To Know (Physicians for Informed Consent)

*** If you have received a COVID-19 injection, here’s how to Detox

*** Place Your US Order for Free At-Home COVID-19 Tests

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Note 1: We recommend reading the Newsletter on your computer, not your phone, as some documents (e.g., PDFs) are much easier to read on a large computer screen… We’ve tried to use common fonts, etc. to minimize display issues.

Note 2: For past Newsletter issues see the archives from: 2020 & 2021 & 2022 & 2023. To accommodate numerous requests received about prior articles over all thirteen plus years of the Newsletter, we’ve put this together — where you can search ALL prior issues, by year. For a background about how the Newsletter is put together, etc., please read this.

Note 3: See this extensive list of reasonable books on climate change. As a parallel effort, we have also put together a list of some good books related to industrial wind energy. Both topics are also extensively covered on my website:

Note 4: I am not an attorney or a physician, so no material appearing in any of the Newsletters (or any of my websites) should be construed as giving legal or medical advice. My recommendation has always been: consult a competent, licensed attorney when you are involved with legal issues, and consult a competent physician regarding medical matters.

Copyright © 2023; Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (see

CLIMATE MYTHOMANIA: Remembering When Scientists In 2018 Predicted the World Will End in 2023

“The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie–deliberate, contrived and dishonest–but the myth–persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. Too often we hold fast to the cliches of our forebears. We subject all facts to a prefabricated set of interpretations. We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.” ― John F. Kennedy, commencement address at Yale University, June 11, 1962.

One of the greatest myths ever propagated by scientist, politicians and eco-activists is that the world will end on _ _ _ _ due to climate change.

We call these predictions “climate mythomania.”

The members of the cult of climate mythomaniacs are the perfect examples of those who enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.

To highlight this cult of climate mythomaniacs we present to our readers a tweet by Charlie Kirk:

There has been a long history of lies–deliberate, contrived and dishonest and myths–persistent, persuasive and unrealistic made by scientists, economists, professors, corporations, the media and their followers.

Here are some examples of getting it wrong, very wrong:

  • Dr. Dionysius Lardner in 1830 wrote, “Rail travel at high speed is not possible because passengers, unable to breathe, would die of asphyxia.”
  • Lord Kelvin, President of the Royal Society in 1883 wrote, “X-rays will prove to be a hoax.”
  • A 1876 Western Union internal memo read, “This ‘telephone’ has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us.”
  • In 1903 the president of the Michigan Savings Bank advised Henry Ford’s lawyer not to invest in the Ford Motor Co., “The horse is here to stay but the automobile is only a novelty—a fad.”
  • Economist and Yale professor Irving Fisher in early October 1929 wrote,  “what looks like a permanently high plateau…I believe the principle of the investment trusts is sound, and the public is justified in participating in them.” Two weeks after the 1929 Stock Market Crash occurred on Thursday the 24th and Tuesday the 29th of October.
  • In 1930, British economist John Maynard Keynes predicted that there will be, “three hour shifts or a fifteen-hour work week” by the year 2030.
  • Albert Einstein in 1932 claimed that ”there is not the slightest indication that nuclear energy will ever be obtainable. That would mean that the atom would have to be shattered at will.”
  • New York Times in a 1936 article stated, “A rocket will never be able to leave the Earth’s atmosphere.”
  • Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943 said, “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.”
  • Darryl Zanuck, movie producer, 20th Century Fox in 1946 said, “Television won’t last because people will soon get tired of staring at a plywood box every night.”

Ayn Rand warned,

The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow. They come to be accepted by degrees, by dint of constant pressure on one side and constant retreat on the other – until one day when they are suddenly declared to be the country’s official ideology.

The difference between these bad predictions is that they never became public policy. Rather they were proven false by science, the markets and consumers globally.

Today climate change has become the most egregious of  public policies. It’s dangerous because it controls science, the markets and consumers globally.

That’s the difference.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

The ‘Trans’-Fem Debate: The National Version of ‘My Wife is Always Right’

“A pox on both their houses,” we may say, when wishing both sides in a contest could lose. I surely feel this way, too, with the “transgender” vs. feminist debate over men masquerading as female entering women’s sports and private spaces.

Oh, I don’t fence-sit. Not only have I likely written more pieces on preposterous “transgenderism” than most any other commentator, but I even reject the term and coined a more accurate characterization of the phenomenon — the MUSS (Made-up Sexual Status) agenda. Yet I also know this:

While leftists may call that agenda a men’s-rights-movement monster, the foundation for it absolutely was laid by feminists.

You won’t hear this much in a land so “patriarchal” that a common refrain is “My wife is always right.” Of course, the poor saps thus confessing don’t really mean their wives are infallible and are actually always right; they mean the missus will never, ever admit being wrong.

The sexes have different characteristic weaknesses, with lust being one of men’s. One of women’s involves greater difficulty admitting error. Also said is that it’s a woman’s prerogative to change her mind, and, boy, have feminists ever done a 180 on sex differences.

That is, MUSS activists have been accused, understandably, of trying to “erase women.” Yet conveniently forgotten is that theirs wasn’t the first movement to attempt such.

Feminism was.

Up until about last Thursday (speaking metaphorically), and far from today’s dominant “gender identity” theory, feminists upheld and socially enforced an outgrowth of “gender neutrality” theory: that the sexes are the same except for the superficial physical differences and, therefore, raising them identically ensures they’ll end up identical in inclination and, even, the devout believers insisted, in abilities.

This sameness-of-the-sexes dogma (SSD) was its day’s wokeness, enforced with a pink fist inside an iron glove. An example: Self-professed feminist academic and lesbian Camille Paglia once mentioned that fellow feminists would corner her on college campuses in the ’70s and, glaring, insist that hormones didn’t exist and that, even if they did, they couldn’t possibly influence behavior.

SSD was applied to sports, too. A 2008 article titled “Women and men in sports: Separate is not equal,” whose feminist authors ask “Why is gender segregation in sports normal?” is representative. Yet certain feminists (some of whom were male, mind you) were even more radical. Two exercise physiologists predicted decades ago, after analyzing the sexes’ world records’ progression, that women would overtake men in track and field by the late ’90s. (In reality, the intersex performance gap actually widened again that decade owing to better performance-enhancing-drug testing.)

In a nutshell, feminist dogma held that men surpassed women athletically only because they’d been developing their abilities longer; allowing women to tap their potential would ensure parity.

SSD was convenient: Since belief in inherent sex differences could be used to justify different sex roles and male-only domains (e.g., police), it had to be deep-sixed. Yet, tangled web woven, doing so paved the way for today’s MUSS agenda. How?

First, feminists spent decades enforcing the proposition that “the sexes are the same except for the superficial physical differences.” Then the MUSS crew came along with a corollary:

Changing the superficial physical differences can make you the opposite sex.

Of course, MUSS activists have gone beyond even this, insisting now that identity is reality. The feminists, however, gave them the launch pad. It’s A leading to B — proposition and corollary.

Thus is it tragically comical seeing feminists such as Kara Dansky appear on Tucker Carlson’s show and call the MUSS phenomenon “men’s rights movement” handiwork and “The New Misogyny.” At age 49 (soon), Dansky is old enough to remember feminist SSD advocacy but, hey, none of this is about principle — and feminists will never, ever admit their error.

Yet her feelings are fathomable. By entering and sometimes dominating females’ sports, MUSS males have accomplished something that eluded normal men: Given the feminists a painful object lesson in reality. When you can’t even beat perhaps gelded men taking female hormones, it’s hard complaining, as in the aforementioned 2008 article, about how this Patriarchal Culture™ claims a “female body is athletically inferior to a male body.”

But it’s always men’s fault, you see. The 2008 article also laments how in our male-dominated civilization, “the shadow of female frailty still shapes the environment of sports.” Female frailty, perish the thought!

Except that now, 15 years later, ex-runner and coach Lauren Fleshman complains at Time that having girls train athletically as boys do is causing them injuries and health problems the lads don’t suffer. And whose fault is this?

Fleshman writes that sports, as we know them, were “designed by men for men and boys” and “have never been designed around” the female body’s “developmental norms.” She’s on to us, alright. Do you fancy that sports evolved organically because people wanted to have fun and learn who was stronger, faster and “better”? Ha! No, they were “designed,” beginning millennia ago in ancient Greece, by a patriarchy so clever and nefarious that it purposely made athletics incompatible with the female body.

This said, I seem to remember it being feminists who wanted Title IX, girls not only playing sports but doing so competitively, and who said the lasses could do anything boys could — and maybe better. But why argue? “My wife is always right.”

It’s ironic, though: Disputing SSD decades ago — by, let’s say, mentioning male athletic advantages and that women can’t compete with men — made you a sexist or misogynist who must be silenced via social pressure and career-destruction threats. Now feminists will write articles, produce videos, appear on shows and even before government bodies talking about a plethora of “immutable” male athletic advantages such as the benefits of testosterone, increased muscle mass, greater VO2 max, and bone structure differences (e.g., narrower pelvises). Imagine that, feminists went from not knowing in the ’70s if hormones existed to being able to write a physiology textbook. Those MUSS men sure can deliver an education.

And today, saying there’s no reason women can’t compete with men athletically renders you, again, a sexist or misogynist who should be canceled. After all, females deserve “their own sports and private spaces.”

So does this mean men get theirs back? Will institutions such as the Citadel and Virginia Military Institute and once-male-only clubs again become XY exclusive? Will boys’ sports teams now be able to reject a girl without possibly being dragged through the mud and into court? Of course not.

SSD is a problem now that it’s enabling males to enter females’ domain. But it was gospel when it enabled females to enter males’ domain.

For the record, the MUSS agenda should be eradicated, but doing so while leaving feminism intact is a half measure. Both misbegotten forces should be rent root and branch.

I won’t hold my breath waiting, however, for conservative men to stop conserving yesterdays’ leftists’ victories, such as feminism. People have short memories, it’s in fellows’ nature to play the white knight, and then, don’t forget:

My wife is always right.

©Selwyn Duke. All rights reserved.

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The Army Might Be Ditching Its ‘Woke’ Image As It Faces Historic Recruiting Problems

  • The U.S. Army’s new brand and ad campaign largely omits reference to woke identity politics and could be just what the service needs to overcome historic recruiting obstacles, experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.
  • Prior advertising efforts alienated conservative families that once served as the Army’s primary recruiting base, according to experts.
  • They “forgot that the primary market for Army recruiting is young men from traditional families, looking for a challenge,” Elaine Donnelly, president of the Center for Military Readiness, told the DCNF.

The Army’s new branding campaign, unveiled Wednesday, shied away from social justice and diversity themes as it seeks to overcome a historic drop in recruiting, military experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The service’s buy-in on identity politics could turn off conservative families, which have traditionally served as the military’s largest recruiting base, and exacerbated the service’s recruiting woes in fiscal year 2022, experts and lawmakers warn. But, the years-in-the-making rebrand, with a goal of showcasing the Army’s role in defense and innovation throughout American history and encouraging soldiers to push their limits, could help the Army meet its ambitious recruiting goals for 2023, experts in military readiness told the DCNF.

“I think the new brand and commercial better appeal to young people’s desire to be part of a big, important effort larger than themselves,” Thomas Spoehr, director of the Heritage Foundation’s Center for National Defense, told the DCNF. “I think that is the right approach to take.”

The Army has come under fire for embracing perceived left-wing values in branding, according to Task and Purpose. One example is a 2021 advertising scheme that emphasized the different kinds of people who could join the service, highlighting a same-sex family.

Left-wing trends in the military’s education and personnel policies — including emphasizing inclusion of LGBTQ+ servicemembers, doubling down on outreach to minority communities, and teaching CRT and giving pronoun advice at the military academies — to support “diversity as a strategic imperative” could cause conservative, often white families to believe they “are not welcome or appreciated in the military,” Elaine Donnelly, president of the Center for Military Readiness, told the DCNF in June.

“Parents and Army veterans who are ‘influencers’ are not recommending military service to the next generation, and recruiting numbers show the deterioration,” she added, as the Army was beginning to realize it might not make its recruiting goals for 2022.

The new rebrand, however, has so far nixed emphasizing the background or identity of future soldiers or the supposed systemic disadvantages each has faced, though two commercials unveiled Wednesday did feature an ethnically diverse cast. At an event with Army officials promoting the rebrand, the word “diversity” was only mentioned once, and that was in reference to the array of career fields available in the Army.

“The Army’s identity-based marketing has been a disaster for recruiting, which is why they’re shifting away from it. … The Army and every other branch needs to focus on appealing to all Americans, regardless of their political beliefs or background,” Republican Indiana Rep. Jim Banks, who chairs the military personnel subcommittee on the House Armed Services Committee and has sworn to crack down on wokeness in the military, said to the DCNF.

The campaign resurrects the “be all you can be” slogan that served marketing and recruiting efforts from 1981 to 2001 and speaks to the possibilities for personal and career development the Army holds, according to Army Secretary Christine Wormuth, Army Chief of Staff Gen. James McConville and Sgt. Maj. Michael Grinston. It also involves nixing the box around the Army’s recognizable five-pointed star logo. 

Two new 90-second ads accompanying the rebranding guide the viewer through the history of the U.S. Army, from the colonial militias of the Revolutionary War to modern missions aimed at countering a rising China. They highlight themes of “overcoming obstacles” and pushing toward the future with new technologies that better the lives of civilians as well as serving the nation’s defense.

“You could say that the new brand is “non-woke” because it is completely absent of any suggestion that the Army is interested in any one demographic than another,” Spoehr said.

“The images of history in the new ad ring true, but I hope that woke Critical Race Theory (CRT) activists don’t get the chance to ruin what could be progress in reconnecting with traditional families who see America as a great country, not a racist country,” Donnelly told the DCNF.

Two prior marketing campaigns under the most recent branding scheme seemed to alienate some target audiences, Col. John Horning, who leads marketing and strategy for the Army Enterprise Marketing Office, explained to Army Times.

The “What’s Your Warrior” ad series rolled out in 2019 aimed to showcase the wide variety of career fields available in the Army, but it’s belligerent overtones turned away some hopeful audiences, Horning told the outlet. However, The Calling, an anime-style video series released in 2021, sparked condemnation from some conservative audiences.

“Even with The Calling, we found that there was a prospect audience that absolutely identified [with it], but we’re all very aware that it struck a nerve,” Horning told Army Times. “Some other people didn’t identify with what we were trying to do, and it became a distraction.”

One video in the series depicted a future recruit named Emma attending a wedding for her “two loving and inspiring mothers.”

The Army intended the commercials to broaden its appeal to Gen Z audiences and present a range of relatable scenarios as the recruiting pool grows increasingly shallow, Task and Purpose reported. Instead, detractors launched a barrage of criticism against the videos for representing what they saw as a “woke” and “emasculated” military.

The ads “forgot that the primary market for Army recruiting is young men from traditional families, looking for a challenge,” Donnelly told the DCNF. “Last year’s recruiting crisis was partially fueled by that colossal mistake.”

The Army missed its recruiting objectives for 2022 of 60,000 new members by 25%; to make up for that offset, the service set a “stretch goal” for 2023 to 65,000 recruits, according to Wormuth.

The Army accelerated launch of the new branding effort to help with recruiting for 2023, Wormuth explained at the event Wednesday. The new campaign cost roughly $117 million to execute, she said, and is a result of extensive work that included focus groups with relevant stakeholders. But leaders are confident that a data-driven approach will yield results.

The U.S. needs an Army that shows itself to be a capable, hard-hitting force that can defeat and deter enemy aggression, not one that prioritizes inclusion over competence and lowers standards to accommodate more self-described identities, GOP lawmakers argue.

As recruiting appeared to slow in the spring and summer of 2022, the service surveyed Americans between the ages of 16 and 28 to find out why young people were choosing options besides serving in the military. Respondents cited as their number one concern that they “would be putting their life on hold,” Grinston, the Army’s top enlisted leader, testified to Congress on Thursday.

He denied that Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives hurt recruiting.

“They just don’t perceive the Army as being in touch with the modern, everyday culture that they’re used to,” Army head of marketing Maj. Gen. Alex Fink told The Associated Press in context of the survey results.

At the same time, propensity to serve has fallen to the lowest levels in 15 years. Only 9% of young people demonstrate a desire or willingness to join the Army, and of those, only 23% meet physical, academic and legal qualifications — down from 29%, Grinston said.

The Army doubled down on messaging about benefits and career opportunities available to soldiers in 2022 and into 2023, offering bonuses in the thousands of dollars for successful referrals and new recruits’ willingness to ship out within 45 days of enlistment. It invested in health care, education support and vacation while pleading with lawmakers to set aside funding for housing assistance, child care and spousal career assistance, to hold on to the recruits.

It also plans to expand opportunities for willing prospects to complete pre-enlistment programs that offer supplemental fitness training and academic tutoring for those who fall short of the Army’s requirements in those areas.

However, none of those efforts appeared to meaningfully move the needle on recruiting, Spoehr said.

“I think the Army (and the other services) are learning that recruiting messages that stress compensation and benefits are falling short,” Spoehr told the DCNF.

About 84% of new recruits come from military families, according to Gen. McConville.

“So we’re becoming a military family business. We want to be an American family business,” he told reporters Wednesday.

“We need every young person in this country, we need every parent in this country, to know that the United States military is a pathway to success,” McConville said.





‘What Is The Point?’: Pentagon Mulling Discharges For Unvaccinated Troops Who Didn’t Seek Exemptions

As military recruiting numbers dip to record lows, Army morale is crushed

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Pope Francis Declares ‘Gender Ideology’ As ‘Dangerous’ To Civilization

Pope Francis said in an interview published Friday that “gender ideology” is among the “most dangerous ideological colonizations” today, according to a recent interview with La Nacion, an Argentinian media outlet.

The pope has made waves recently with some of his comments on LGBTQ issues, most recently saying that homosexuality, while a sin, should not be criminalized. Francis said that “gender ideology” has created one of the most “dangerous” ideologies in recent history because of the way it blurs the lines between men and women, according to a translation of his remarks to La Nacion by the Catholic News Agency.

Francis explained that “all humanity is the tension of differences” and worried about how “gender ideology” had virtually eliminated those differences between men and women.

“Why is it dangerous?” Francis said. “Because it blurs differences and the value of men and women. The question of gender is diluting the differences and making the world the same, all dull, all alike, and that is contrary to the human vocation.”

The pope said that the idea of allowing people to identify as male, female or nonbinary reminded him of a 1907 book titled “Lord Of The World” by Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson. Francis explained the book showed a future where “differences are disappearing” and all things become “uniform.”

Francis also dispelled rumors that he had been asked to write a document on the topic of gender, noting that he “always distinguish[es] between what pastoral care is for people who have a different sexual orientation and what gender ideology is,” according to La Nacion. The pope called people who believe that radical gender ideology is “the path of progress” rather “naive.”

Francis has been criticized in the past due to remarks he has made about transgenderism and acceptance of same-sex marriage, according to the Catholic News Agency. In 2020, the pope said that he would be in favor of a “civil union law” for same-sex couples, and in January 2022 encouraged parents to not “condemn” their children over sexual orientation.

Most recently, he criticized the Church for becoming caught up in political debates, warning that the “Gospel is not an ideology.”

“[T]he Gospel is a proclamation that touches your heart and makes you change your heart, but if you take refuge in an idea, in an ideology, whether right or left or centre, you are making the Gospel a political party, an ideology, a club of people,” the pope said.

The Vatican did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.





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EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact

DeSantis Admin Releases ‘Graphic’ Video Detailing ‘Pornographic’ Books Found In Public Schools

Governor Ron DeSantis called a press conference titled, “Exposing the Book Ban Hoax,” at the 13th Judicial Circuit State Attorney’s Office in Tampa, Florida on March 8, 2023.


Republican Florida Gov. Ron Desantis’ office released an explicit video on Wednesday detailing pornographic books that have been found within the state’s public schools.

In the “Exposing the Book Ban Hoax” press conference, the DeSantis administration presented a five-minute video to debunk several “myths,” including that “Florida has banned books from the classroom.” The books within the classroom reported by Florida parents include “Gender Queer,” a book that shows a girl masturbating and performing oral sex on another girl, and “Flamer,” a story about a gay boy that describes several sexually explicit interactions, the video showed.

“This is porn,” the video stated. “These books violate Florida standards and curriculum. The hoax from the left is that these books were never in Florida schools.”

Let’s Talk About It,” a book detailing sex and teenage relationships, contains images and descriptions explaining masturbation for men and women as well as instructions on anal sex, according to the video. The book includes detailed illustrations of female and male genitals and a guide on how to send sexually explicit texts and images to others.

Several books by poet Rupi Kaur, such as “Homebody,” “Milk and Honey” and “The Sun and Her Flowers” include lines such as “masturbation is meditation” and “look me in the eyes, when you’re down there, eating for your life,” the video showed. The poetry books were allegedly found in 15 Florida schools.

“Gender Queer” equates the scars from “top surgery,” a surgery that cuts off a woman’s breasts, to having tattoos, the video showed.

“If these materials are not appropriate to show on the news, are they appropriate for children to be reading?” Bryan Griffin, DeSantis’ press secretary, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Today, Governor DeSantis disabused the media’s false narratives surrounding Florida’s educational standards. Florida doesn’t ‘ban books’, but pornography is prohibited in schools and CRT [Critical Race Theory] will not be utilized as educational material.”

The presentation shows a video of empty bookshelves taken by a Jacksonville substitute teacher who attempted to show the “consequences” of Florida law, which requires books within school districts to be reviewed for indecent material. The teacher was fired after posting the video to Twitter because he violated the school’s cell phone and social media policy, according to News 4 Jax.

In January, the Florida Department of Education mandated that K-12 librarians take an annual training on pornographic and Critical Race Theory (CRT) books within schools. The training requires that materials allowed in schools should not contain “unsolicited theories that may lead to student indoctrination.”

The video also addresses the “myth” that “Florida banned teaching about slavery,” saying that the state rejected an Advanced Placement African American Studies course that “lacked educational value” and taught “queer theory, intersectionality and indoctrinating content.”

Another myth addressed that the state is “banning children’s books on Hank Aaron and Roberto Clemente,” the video stated. Florida did not ban these books; rather, parents reported other pieces of literature for containing “indoctrinating content.”

“Every minute you spend focusing on some of this pornographic stuff, that’s less time you’re spending on doing the things that really matter to our kids, in terms of them getting the education they need in math and reading and all of these other things,” DeSantis said at the press conference. “The only way you make that decision, in my judgment, is if you’re putting your own agenda before the well-being of the students. And that’s something we’re seeing all too often.”





Governor Ron DeSantis Debunks Book Ban Hoax

Here’s What’s In The ‘Obscene’ Books Being Removed From Schools Across The Country

High School’s Policy Tells Girls To Leave Their Locker Room If Uncomfortable With Trans Students

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All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact

‘Misogyny’: 47 Biological Males Allowed in Women’s Prisons in California

On Wednesday, The Post Millennial reported that 47 biological males who identify as transgender have been allowed entry into women’s prisons in California since the state’s Transgender Respect, Agency and Dignity Act (SB-132) went into effect in 2021. Experts are decrying the policy, pointing to the dangers posed to women’s safety and privacy.

Citing data from the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) website, the story notes that “as of Feb. 26, 2023, 349 people housed in male institutions have requested to be housed in a female institution. 47 were approved for transfer, 21 were denied, and 35 changed their minds. The remaining requests are being reviewed.”

Amanda Stulman, director of the U.S. chapter of the advocacy organization Keep Prisons Single Sex, pointed to the unique dangers that female inmates face as a result of California’s SB-132.

“Keep Prisons Single Sex remains horrified that the transfer of criminal men into women’s prison in California has continued,” she told The Washington Stand. “The impact of a law such as SB-132 should have been obvious when it was under consideration. Now that the law has been in place for over two years, California is able to see its impact: As of 2022, over 33% of the men seeking to transfer under this law under the guise of ‘gender identity’ are registered sex offenders. Over a quarter have been convicted of a sex offense. These are substantially higher percentages than the general prison population.”

Stulman went on to highlight additional reports coming out of the California prison system since the law’s implementation.

“There have been allegations of pregnancies and sexual assaults, of the introduction of condoms and other birth control and information about options in the event of pregnancy,” she said. “Men who have been moved under this law include murderers and sexual offenders. California needs to admit this law was a mistake and walk it back.”

Instances of trans-identifying men assaulting women in female prisons have occurred as recently as last April, when a biological male who identified as female was sentenced to seven years in prison after he was convicted of raping a female inmate in the women’s section of the jail on Rikers Island in New York.

The problem does not appear to be contained to the United States. The Times in the U.K. recently reported that seven sexual assaults have occurred in women’s prisons by transgender-identifying convicts, and that trans-identifying males are “five times more likely to carry out sex attacks on inmates at women’s jails than other prisoners are,” according to official figures.

Male criminals convicted of sexual crimes are also being permitted into women’s prisons in Canada. On Wednesday, The Post Millennial reported that a male convicted sex offender who raped a 13-year-old girl and who was “classified as a dangerous offender” has been transferred to a women’s prison in Ontario after identifying as trans. This latest instance is just one of multiple examples of biological males convicted of sexual crimes being allowed into women’s prisons in Canada since 2017.

Dr. Jennifer Bauwens, the director of the Center for Family Studies at Family Research Council, was candid in her assessment of California’s controversial prison policy.

“The word that comes to mind is ‘misogyny,’” she told The Washington Stand. “That’s actually what this is about: the hatred of women instead of the protection of women in prison. Some people could write off this population just because they’ve committed crimes and [say] they’re not deserving of protection — I totally disagree with that. But I think this is just another example of a disregard for women and a preference for the desires of men. Whether people are aware of that at a conscious level or not, that’s what is manifesting.”

Bauwens, who formerly worked as a clinician providing trauma-focused treatment and has studied the effects of trauma, pointed out how the policy will be particularly detrimental to women prisoners.

“This is an old study, but it still speaks to who is in a women’s prison,” she noted. “‘One key finding from this research is that incarcerated women are more likely to report extensive histories of emotional, physical, and sexual abuse—between 77 and 90%.’ … And the prevalence rates of childhood abuse [are] much higher among incarcerated women in comparison to the general population. This study was specifically looking at the California prison population.”

“[Women prisoners] are more susceptible to committing crimes based on abuse histories,” Bauwens continued. “When someone’s experienced childhood abuse, they’re more likely to act out in delinquent behaviors or abuse substances. … There have been recommendations from different public health researchers that have suggested that for female prisoners, trauma therapy should be a part of their time in prison because of this knowledge.”

She went on question the vetting process by which male inmates are allowed into female prisons.

“So you have all that going on in the background, and then you’re going to [add male convicted criminals]? We don’t know of the criteria for a transfer. What kind of background checks are they looking at? What’s the reason that they’re in prison in the first place, and is that considered? Have they had a violent or sexual offense? Does that sideline them from transfer? I don’t think so, based on previous reporting.”

“It speaks to the level of misogyny going on in this thought process,” Bauwens concluded. “There really is no thought about protecting women from further harm. Women should do their time for their crime, but not be victimized in the process.”


Dan Hart

Dan Hart is senior editor at The Washington Stand.

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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