NPR Poll: 54% of Americans Agree Border Crisis an ‘Invasion’

A majority of Americans say President Biden is allowing a southern border invasion, according to a poll commissioned by taxpayer-supported, left-wing propaganda outlet National Public Radio (NPR).

Fifty-four percent of all respondents believe the term “invasion” is valid; that includes 76 percent of Republicans, 46 percent of independents, and even 40 percent of Democrats.

A mere 19 percent of all respondents — less than one in five — said the term is false.

The open-borders fanatics at NPR lamented the results from Ipsos, the polling firm, saying:

Republican leaders are increasingly framing the situation as an “invasion.” Immigrant advocates say the word has a long history in white nationalist circles, and warn that such extreme rhetoric could provoke more violence against immigrants.

Still, the polling shows that the word “invasion” has been embraced by a wide range of Americans to describe what’s happening at the border

“We are not actually screening enough people to make it safe for the rest of the country,” said poll respondent Michael Cisternino, a Republican from Nevada, in a follow-up interview. “We, the people of the United States, really don’t have control over who’s coming in, and where they’re going or what they’re going to do when they get there — if they’re criminals, if they’re not criminals.”

The Left always tries to smear any opposition to their agenda as “white nationalist,” but in fact there is a literal invasion at our southern border, and the Democrats have invited it. This is not “extreme rhetoric” but a demonstrably valid description of the border crisis.

The Ipsos poll may even have understated the public’s view of Biden’s migration as an “invasion,” because many respondents claimed ignorance or hid their views. For example, 36 percent of independents and 25 percent of Democrats said they “Don’t know” when asked about the term “invasion.”

National Public Radio (NPR)

75 Known Connections

NPR is a radio landscape crowded with liberal and leftist voices but nearly devoid of conservative hosts and anchors. In one of its most infamous moves, NPR in May 1994 announced its plan to air prison-life commentaries by convicted cop-killer (and former Black PantherMumia Abu-Jamal, a cause celebre of the academic left. Public outcry prompted cancellation of Abu-Jamal’s program.

Over the course of NPR’s history, some of its broadcasts have made big headlines with their incendiary anti-conservative rhetoric. In July 1995, for instance, after Republican Senator Jesse Helms had stated that the federal government was spending too much money on AIDS research, NPR’s legal-affairs correspondent Nina Totenberg said: “I think he [Helms] ought to be worried about what’s going on in the Good Lord’s mind, because if there is retributive justice, he’ll get AIDS from a transfusion, or one of his grandchildren will get it.”

In November 2009, the NPR website featured an animated video disparaging the Tea Party movement by teaching readers how “to speak Tea Bag.”

For additional examples of NPR bias, click here.

To learn more about NPR, click here.

RELATED ARTICLE: Trump Trolls Ocasio-Cortez in Fiery Sarcastic Endorsement

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Documentary: ‘Uninformed Consent’


  • The documentary “Uninformed Consent” takes a deep dive into the COVID-19 narrative — who’s controlling it and how fear was used to push novel, unproven gene transfer technology onto, and into, people of all ages
  • Weaving in and out of the heart-wrenching story of one man’s loss, interviews with doctors and scientists explore the loss of human rights in the name of biosecurity, and how the “elite class” profit from it all
  • “Divide and conquer” — creating division among people — is an age-old war strategy. During Hitler’s reign, anti-Semitism was normalized through propaganda in which Jews were likened to “lice” and were accused of carrying infectious disease. The same tactic was used during the COVID pandemic
  • The personal story that is returned to again and again throughout the film is that of a grieving husband, whose wife committed suicide. She suffered relentless bullying and harassment from coworkers and superiors for refusing the jab, and when she was finally placed on unpaid leave, she took her own life
  • The film reviews the medical establishment’s wholesale abandonment of the Hippocratic Oath, the lawless culture of the drug industry and its capture of regulatory agencies and media, the history of informed consent and why coercion and mandates violate this basic public health principle, vaccine injuries and vaccine-injury denialism, the behind-the-scenes corruption that led to the suppression of science and early treatment, and more

The documentary above, “Uninformed Consent,”1,2,3 takes a deep dive into the COVID-19 narrative — who’s controlling it and how fear was (and continues to be) used to push novel, unproven gene transfer technology onto, and into, people of all ages, and the simultaneous theft of private wealth and the destruction of small businesses, across the globe.

The film is written and directed by Todd Michael Harris (Matador Films). Odessa Orlewicz, a pro-freedom activist in British Columbia and founder of the Canadian social media platform Librti, and Ted Kuntz, retired psychotherapist and president of Vaccine Choice Canada, co-produced the film.

Weaving in and out of the heart-wrenching story of one man’s loss, interviews with doctors and scientists explores the loss of human rights in the name of biosecurity, and how the “elite class” profit from it all.

Interspersed are compilations of media lies and the bewilderingly contradictory dictates of government officials, as well as footage from protests and examples of people collapsing on live television after getting the jab.

The COVID jabs are a crime against humanity, and it’s a crime in progress. For many who are aware of what’s going on, everyday reality is like watching an intentional, slow-motion train wreck.

Divide and Conquer

As noted by B.C. physician Dr. Stephen Malthouse, who is interviewed in the film, “divide and conquer” is an age-old war strategy. During Hitler’s reign, anti-Semitism was normalized through propaganda in which Jews were likened to “lice,” and were accused of carrying typhus. The same exact strategy was used during the COVID pandemic.

Irrational hatred against anti-maskers, “anti-lockdowners” and “anti-vaxxers” was relentlessly fueled and “normalized” by government officials, health authorities and media, right from the start.

Those who dutifully wore their face masks and got the jab were hailed as good and moral citizens, while the rest were labeled as murderous, disease-carrying, amoral egotists, who’d by their selfishness forfeited their right to life.

Family members were pitted against family members. Friends against friends. Coworkers against coworkers. Employers against employees. Most of us who opted out of this grand genetic experiment have been shunned and berated by people we love.

Adding insult to injury, we all paid for this abuse. Billions of taxpayer dollars were spent on propaganda, anti-vax harassment and pro-vax advertising. The pain of this intentional divide and conquer strategy was too great to bear for many.

Bullied to Death

The personal story that Harris returns to again and again throughout the film is that of a grieving husband whose wife committed suicide. She suffered relentless bullying and harassment from coworkers and superiors for refusing the jab, and when she was finally placed on unpaid leave, she took her own life.

How many suicides are the pandemic puppet masters and their brainwashed minions responsible for? Nobody knows, but it’s likely quite a few. And make no mistake: The hateful rhetoric fed into everyone’s brains and acted out by the weak-minded was intended to cause harm.

It was intended to cause distress, and many now carry the cross of having bullied someone to death, whether they’re aware of it or not. Sadly, many have not yet learned their lesson, and efforts to demonize certain groups continues. Now, the targeted opposition are those who ask questions that Big Pharma and government refuse to answer, or point out blatant contradictions in the narrative.

Most ‘Conspiracy Theories’ Are Conspiracy Facts

Terms like “conspiracy theorist” and “conspiracy theory” are applied to everything and everyone who questions the official and clearly ridiculous narrative. And, the demonization continues even as so-called “conspiracies” are repeatedly shown to be true.

For example, the suspicion that we’d be forced to take these gene therapy shots multiple times a year, for years on end, was labeled a “conspiracy theory,” yet it didn’t take long before boosters were rolled out, and now they’re coming out with shots for newer variants as well, which will result in another round of shots.

Similarly, “conspiracy theorists” warned that people who got the jab would have to continue getting boosters or lose their precious “fully vaccinated” status, and that’s exactly what happened.

In fact, the concept of vaccine passports being used to shut people out of everyday society was initially dismissed as a paranoid conspiracy theory, yet it didn’t take long before governments were doing exactly that.

“Conspiracy theorists” also warned that the COVID jab didn’t prevent infection or spread, and that too is now an indisputable fact. As of early February 2022, Israel reported that 80% of serious COVID cases were among the fully vaccinated.4

“Conspiracy theorists” warned that giving the experimental shot to teens and young children would be unconscionably dangerous, as they have a negligible risk for COVID complications, and now even mainstream media from time to time admit that teens and young adults are suffering above normal rates of heart inflammation.

Between January 2021 and August 2022 (a period of 19 months), at least 1,249 athletes have suffered cardiac arrest or collapse, and 847 have died after COVID injection, worldwide.5 Historically, the annual average of sudden death in athletes was between 296 and 69.7

Pandemic Responses Scrutinized

“Uninformed Consent” scrutinizes many of the elements of the pandemic response, such as the irrational idea that early treatment for COVID-19 is nonexistent and/or futile, and the equally irrational idea that the only solution is to inject everyone on the planet with an experimental product, without regard for individual levels of risk.

In interviews with doctors and scientists — such as Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough, B.C. family physicians Dr. Stephen Malthouse and Dr. Charles Hoffe, Dr. Tess Laurie and government drug policy researcher Alan Cassels — Harris shines a bright light on the medical establishment’s sudden wholesale abandonment of the Hippocratic Oath.

He also looks at the lawless culture of the drug industry and its capture of regulatory agencies and media — a development that has effectively eliminated any protection the public would have had, and should have, from predatory behavior and dangerous products. Harris also reviews:

  • The history of informed consent and why coercion and mandates violate this most basic and essential public health principle.
  • Injuries from the COVID jab and other childhood vaccines, and the history of vaccine-injury denialism.
  • The corrupted individuals, organizations and networks behind the pandemic measures, including the central roles of Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates in the suppression of science and life-saving treatments.
  • The massive conflicts of interest between Big Pharma, the agencies that regulate them and politicians who create our laws.
  • The collusion between private entities and governments to bring forth global totalitarianism under the banner of biosecurity.

I hope you’ll take the time to watch “Uninformed Consent,” and share it with others. Harris specifically tried, he says, to create a film that would help open the eyes and minds of those who still cannot see what’s happening, or don’t fully believe what they’re seeing.

Resources for Those Injured by the COVID Jabs

To close things out with something that is not covered in this film, if you for whatever reason got one or more jabs and suffered an injury, know there are good doctors and scientists working on solutions.

First and foremost, never ever take another COVID booster, another mRNA gene therapy shot or regular vaccine. You need to end the assault on your system. The same goes for anyone who has taken one or more COVID jabs and had the good fortune of not experiencing debilitating side effects.

Your health may still be impacted long-term, so don’t take any more shots. When it comes to treatment, there still aren’t many doctors who know what to do, although I suspect we’ll see more doctors specializing in COVID jab injuries in the future.

Doctors who have started tackling the treatment of COVID jab injuries in earnest include Dr. Michelle Perro (, whom I’ve interviewed on this topic. Perro is a pediatrician who over the past couple of years has also started treating adults injured by the jab. Another is Dr. Pierre Kory (

Both agree that eliminating the spike protein your body is now continuously producing is a primary task. Perro’s preferred remedy for this is hydroxychloroquine, while Kory typically uses ivermectin. Both of these drugs bind and thereby facilitate the removal of spike protein.

Kory also believes there may be ways to boost the immune system to allow it to degrade and eventually remove the spike from your cells naturally, over time. One of the strategies he recommends for this is TRE (time restricted eating), which stimulates autophagy, a natural cleaning process that eliminates damaged, misfolded and toxic proteins. Another strategy that can do the same thing would be sauna therapy.

As a member of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), Kory helped develop the FLCCC’s post-vaccine treatment protocol called I-RECOVER. Since the protocol is continuously updated as more data becomes available, your best bet is to download the latest version straight from the FLCCC website at covid19criticalcare.com8 (hyperlink to the correct page provided above).

Other Helpful Treatments and Remedies

In previous articles, I’ve also covered a number of treatments and remedies that can be helpful for COVID jab injuries, such as:

  • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, especially in cases involving stroke, heart attack, autoimmune diseases and/or neurodegenerative disorders. To learn more, see “Hyperbaric Therapy — A Vastly Underused Treatment Modality.”
  • Pharmaceutical grade methylene blue, which improves mitochondrial respiration and aid in mitochondrial repair. At 15 to 20 milligrams a day, it could potentially go a long way toward resolving some of the fatigue many suffer post-jab.

It may also be helpful in acute strokes. The primary contraindication is if you have a G6PD deficiency (a hereditary genetic condition), in which case you should not use methylene blue at all. To learn more, see “The Surprising Health Benefits of Methylene Blue.”

  • Near-infrared light, as it triggers production of melatonin in your mitochondria9 where you need it most. By mopping up reactive oxygen species, it too helps improve mitochondrial function and repair. Natural sunlight is 54.3% infrared radiation,10 so this treatment is available for free. For more information, see “What You Need to Know About Melatonin.”
Sources and References

For Democrat Politicians, Crime Pays

Seattle’s leaders have decided this is a perfect time to go even softer on crime.  Fatal shootings may be at a record pace, and a lot of officers may have resigned after the city defunded the police but, hey, it’s a perfect time to give dangerous juvenile and adult offenders who steal cars, sell drugs, and take guns to school a chance to stay out of jail.  Why?  Because the criminal justice system is racist, homophobic, and transphobic, you see. So the city figures it will be better to divert these cases out of the criminal justice system entirely and put them in front of a panel of left-wing activists who will show ‘understanding’ and ‘compassion’ and decide how, if at all, to hold the offenders accountable – kumbaya.  I can’t wait for the first time one of those activists gets mugged.  We’ll see what they think then.

Seattle’s leaders aren’t the only ones who have lost their minds.  Another Democrat, John Fetterman, Senate candidate in Pennsylvania, wants to let one-third of the people in prison out on the streets because, he says, everyone will be safer or better off that way.  Sure.  Two Democrats running for Congress in Colorado voted while in the state legislature to reduce the penalty for felony murder at the same time the homicide rate was spiking in Denver.  They also voted to lower the penalty for the possession of fentanyl and other hard drugs, and now opioid overdose deaths in the state are up 54 percent.  Way to go, Democrats!

Being soft on crime has other real consequences.  Starbucks closed 16 stores because, in the words of its CEO, “America has become unsafe.”  “Many more” store closures are coming, he said.  The Chicago Bears want to leave Chicago for the suburbs because of high crime in the city, despite being offered $2.2 billion in incentives to stay.  Chicago police are making fewer arrests in response to the increased level of dangerousness and the Woke vilification of their efforts.  Woke vilification is also a factor in police officers leaving the force faster than they can be replaced in other Democrat-run cities – Portland, Philadelphia, and L.A. – as well as New York City where suspects let out under the state’s no-bail law are often quickly rearrested.  That law has emboldened criminals in the Big Apple, with over $2 million in jewelry being taken in one recent smash-and-grab heist.  The no-bail law was adjusted this year to allow judges to consider repeat offenses in setting bail for some crimes.  New York City Mayor Eric Adams wants further reforms in cases where public safety is involved, but the state’s Governor is against it.

It’s time for your quiz.  How many times did I say the word ‘Democrat’ in today’s commentary?  What is it about Democrats and being soft on crime?  You might think from the information I’ve given you today that Democrats would come to their senses and strike a more appropriate balance between public safety and the rights of the accused.  You might also think Democrat politicians don’t know what they’re doing when it comes to crime.  I humbly submit to you they actually do know what they’re doing.  They know exactly what they’re doing.  They’re pandering to constituencies that, at least for the moment, are in the thrall of being Woke.  For Democrat politicians, it’s all about staying in power, no matter how many people get hurt or how many businesses leave.  Better King and Queen of a garbage dump than not being royalty at all. It’s despicable, but there it is.

Moral of the Story: If you want crime to go up, vote Democrat.  It surely will, as night follows day.

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

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VIDEOS: Americans Believe in Justice which Justifies not Justice created by Justification

Americans believe in equal justice under the law. They are against justice by political justification, i.e. using government to attack one’s political opponents or cultural and religious institutions that disagree with or are in conflict with public policies.

We are now in the age of Justice created by Justification.

We are living in a unique time when the lawless are idolized and the law abiding are criminalized. Where government mandates trump the law. Where federal agencies are used to attack political opponents.

We are witnessing growing lawlessness on the part of criminals, be they political officials, drug cartels or individual convicted felons like George Floyd, across America.

Rather than arresting those who enter America illegally the current Department of Homeland Security is more likely to reward them with government benefits, free transportation, free education and free healthcare.

Rather than punishing those who riot, burn down buildings and create mayhem the government is more likely to arrest and bring to trial those who protect property from these marauders, like Kyle Rittenhouse.

Today a parent who questions what their children are taught is more likely to be arrested than a murderer.

Today perverts, pedophiles and pederasts are given a get out of jail free pass, while those who speak out against sodomy, underaged sex trafficking and gender change surgeries are persecuted, called homophobic and even arrested and prosecuted.

The United States Supreme Court website states,

“EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW”-These words, written above the main entrance to the Supreme Court Building, express the ultimate responsibility of the Supreme Court of the United States. The Court is the highest tribunal in the Nation for all cases and controversies arising under the Constitution or the laws of the United States. As the final arbiter of the law, the Court is charged with ensuring the American people the promise of equal justice under law and, thereby, also functions as guardian and interpreter of the Constitution.

Today, justices of the Supreme Court are ridiculed, chastised and even attacked for following equal justice under the law. Just look at the attacks caused by the overturning of Roe v Wade to understand.

Here’s a perfect example of justice by justification from the mouth of Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren who wants justice by justification for pot users and blacks. She uses rhetoric to call bankers, whites, Hispanics and Asians evil doers who must be brought to justice, but who’s justice?

Senator Warren doesn’t understand the ideal of equal justice under the law. Watch Steve Hilton’s take on Americans and how they must believe we all have equal justice under law,

Government Expansion in 2022 is 1984 Esque

We are seeing a massive expansion of government in Washington, D.C.

Federal agencies, like the Internal Revenue Service gaining 87,000 agents, while other federal agencies, like the Department of Homeland Security, are cutting back in personnel and being hamstrung in doing their sworn duties.

Here are videos on this expansion of the federal bureauroatocracy and what it means to every American. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis calling the hiring of 87,000 armed IRS Agents as “a middle finger to the American public.”

The Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states that no state shall “deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

This also applies to the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of our government. For without equal protection under the laws there is no protection  at all.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

Dr. King also said that he wanted his children to be “judged by the content of their character and not by the color of their skins.”

Today if you are white you’ll be judged solely by your skin color.

We firmly believe that justice created by justification is a threat to equal justice under the law everywhere.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Army veteran witnesses border crisis firsthand as part of cleanup operation: ‘Like nothing I’ve ever seen’

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WORLD CLIMATE DELCARATION: There Is No Climate Emergency!

Climate Intelligence ( on its website has published a declaration titled “There Is No Climate Emergency.”

World Climate Declaration plus all signatories in pdf

The Climate Intelligence website states:

Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific. In particular, scientists should emphasize that their modeling output is not the result of magic: computer models are human-made. What comes out is fully dependent on what theoreticians and programmers have put in: hypotheses, assumptions, relationships, parameterizations, stability constraints, etc. Unfortunately, in mainstream climate science most of this input is undeclared.

To believe the outcome of a climate model is to believe what the model makers have put in.  This is precisely the problem of today’s climate discussion to which climate models are central. Climate science has degenerated into a discussion based on beliefs, not on sound self-critical science. We should free ourselves from the naïve belief in immature climate models. In future, climate research must give significantly more emphasis to empirical science.

There is no climate emergency

A global network of over 1100 scientists and professionals has prepared this urgent message. Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific. Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures.

Natural as well as anthropogenic factors cause warming

The geological archive reveals that Earth’s climate has varied as long as the planet has existed, with natural cold and warm phases. The Little Ice Age ended as recently as 1850. Therefore, it is no surprise that we now are experiencing a period of warming.

Warming is far slower than predicted

The world has warmed significantly less than predicted by IPCC on the basis of modeled anthropogenic forcing. The gap between the real world and the modeled world tells us that we are far from understanding climate change.

Climate policy relies on inadequate models

Climate models have many shortcomings and are not remotely plausible as global policy tools. They blow up the effect of greenhouse gases such as CO2. In addition, they ignore the fact that enriching the atmosphere with COis beneficial.

CO2 is plant food, the basis of all life on Earth

CO2 is not a pollutant. It is essential to all life on Earth. Photosynthesis is a blessing. More CO2 is beneficial for nature, greening the Earth: additional CO2 in the air has promoted growth in global plant biomass. It is also good for agriculture, increasing the yields of crops worldwide.

Global warming has not increased natural disasters

There is no statistical evidence that global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts and suchlike natural disasters, or making them more frequent. However, there is ample evidence that CO2-mitigation measures are as damaging as they are costly.

Climate policy must respect scientific and economic realities

There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic and alarm. We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050. If better approaches emerge, and they certainly will, we have ample time to reflect and re-adapt. The aim of global policy should be ‘prosperity for all’ by providing reliable and affordable energy at all times. In a prosperous society men and women are well educated, birthrates are low and people care about their environment.


The World Climate Declaration (WCD) has brought a large variety of competent scientists together from all over the world*. The considerable knowledge and experience of this group is indispensable in reaching a balanced, dispassionate and competent view of climate change.

From now onward the group is going to function as “Global Climate Intelligence Group”. The CLINTEL Group will give solicited and unsolicited advice on climate change and energy transition to governments and companies worldwide.

It is not the number of experts but the quality of arguments that counts.

World Climate Declaration plus all signatories in pdf

World Climate Declaration AMBASSADORS


© Climate Intelligence— All rights reserved.

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Is the U.S. Congress Now Irrelevant?

The U.S. Congress is composed of 100 members of the US Senate and 435 members of the US House of Representatives, called ‘The People’s House’ (seriously, when was the last time “the people” actually had any voice in THAT House?). For the remainder of this article, and for the sake of clarity, all the members of the Senate and the House will be called “the 535”

When people in positions of trust and authority try to cover their own bad behavior and deliberately ignore the bad behavior of their colleagues, and worse, try to cover them up, you must be aware there is a problem. We have witnessed this in the U.S. Congress for many decades and privately wondered why this is allowed to happen, yet it continues to happen from year to year without being addressed in any way. It is a complete impossibility for those who use their eyes and ears, with their brains hopefully engaged, to deny this is a serious problem in the US.

Based on the constitutional description of their duties, have the 535 now made the entire U.S. Congress irrelevant? You decide.

These 535 people who sit in their padded chairs, who have bloated salaries and budgets and huge numbers of staff to “assist” them (doing what?), who are provided “armed security” (from what?), who fly from coast to coast, indeed around the world on OUR dime, have totally lost touch with, not only their constituents (remember them?), but with reality itself and have separated themselves from the American people in so many ways it’s nearly impossible to enumerate them. But let me give it a shot.

Separation from Constituents (remember them?)

  • They are paid $174,000 per year, compared to approximately $54,000 which is the average salary of a working class American, including their constituents (remember them?) in 2022.
  • They are provided (I should say they voted themselves) much better ‘benefits’ than the average American, including their constituents (remember them?), both in pensions and insurance, once again from the public treasury.
  • They are given exemptions from many of the ‘mandates’ that average Americans are required to accept.
  • They are (seemingly) not required to justify, to anyone, why they voted a certain way on any issue in their day to day work as “representatives” of their constituents (once again, remember them?), compared to the average American who must continually explain his actions to his employer when the expectations of his or her job are not met and the end result is usually termination of employment.
  • Unlike a majority of their constituents (remember them?), they are not required to go through a yearly “job review” in order to continue with employment, which would almost certainly result in THEIR termination based on poor job performance.
  • They introduce bills that may result in additional laws being written and signed into law requiring their constituents (remember them?) to obey these laws, while the 535 seem to be exempt from them most of the time. In addition, their constituents (remember them?) are almost never allowed any input into the bill-introduction process.
  • They are privy to “insider information” that allows them to make stock purchases and sales that brings them huge returns on investment, and indeed will render them millionaires during their time as “representatives of their constituents’ (remember them?), while their constituents must rely on the sometimes fake information given to the public and hope and pray they will not lose their life savings to a crooked and corrupt stock market.

Separation From Reality

The 535 placed their hands on The Holy Bible (remember it?) and swore an oath before Almighty God, to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God (Oh, remember him?).

It now appears that their oaths should be amended to say they swear to “support and defend their party agenda”, regardless of whether said agenda violates the Constitution, and will “bear true faith and allegiance to their party agenda”, and that they will discharge the “duties of their office”, which duties seem to have no connection to the Constitution but rather to the enrichment of themselves and their party, along with further consolidating their power over the people.

The 535 now seem to believe that their constituents (remember them?) exist only to pay the taxes levied by the Congress so that the 535 can continue in their lavish lifestyles, eating super-expensive ‘gourmet’ ice cream and jetting around the world, increasing their personal wealth from covert, and likely illegal, deals made with officials from foreign governments and corporations. While the eating and jetting are commencing, their constituents (remember them?) are trying to come up with additional ways, up to and including taking on extra jobs, to keep themselves and their children fed and clothed.

The Bloated US Debt

Setting the spending of the US government, and making sure that the financial security of the United States government is intact, is the duty of the members of the US House of ‘Representatives’ (do we truly still have those?).

It has been said that debt is bondage, and a majority of Americans experience that bondage daily, and while the AVERAGE American and the constituents (remember them?) of the 535 are living week to week, sometimes day to day, and maxing out credit cards to survive, the 535 seem to spend an inordinate amount of THEIR time, funded by the American taxpayers and their constituents (remember them?), eagerly searching for additional ways to borrow and spend even more money on ridiculous and worthless ideas, adding trillions of dollars to our current debt (and, by the way, millions of dollars to their personal wealth).

While most Americans try to live by a balanced budget (an increasingly impossible task), balancing their incomes with their expenditures, the 535 have not submitted to, or received from, a POTUS, a balanced budget since 2001 (seriously?) and the last time the federal government budget displayed a surplus was in the 1920s (again, seriously?).

If true that the last balanced budget was in 2001, could that have necessitated the instigation of a costly (in excess of $2 trillion) and questionable war, lasting more than twenty years, in order to ignore, or better yet, get rid of that pesky ‘budget-balancing’ idea? After all, wars are critical to the sustenance and proliferation of our “American democracy” (what happened to the republic?) and they sometimes demand that  reality be ‘suspended’ so that the war can be fought and won……but wait, we didn’t win THAT war, did we? No, in shame, we left the battlefield to the enemy, along with $85 billion of the latest and greatest US military hardware, paid for by the constituents (remember them) of the 535.

Could this be an indication that, while everyday American citizens wish they had enough income to simply match their necessary expenditures, reality has fled from the 535 who agree to send hundreds of billions of OUR dollars overseas, ostensibly to ‘rebuild’ the very countries they spent hundreds of billions of OUR dollars to ‘destroy’?

Has reality fled from the 535 when they think it is their “duty” to require the lives of thousands of their constituents (remember them?) who have been sent to, and shed their blood in, places that their constituents have no interest in and likely could not locate on a world globe?

Has reality fled from the 535 who daily entertain an army of lobbyists who job it is to present new spending projects to the 535 and get them approved, by any means necessary? Could it be that these lobbyists, who have extremely large amounts of money to use for wining and dining the intended recipients, offering the contents of their bulging pockets, actually enrich the 535 in order to get their pet projects approved?

If so, would that not be an unethical, immoral and likely illegal action of the 535 in receiving such funds?

Even though the 535 (sometimes) make contact with their constituents (remember them?) when their campaigns for reelection are beginning and they feel the need to get their faces in front of them so the voters will be able to place that face with a name on the ballot, those constituents would prefer that the 535 ASK them what they would like to see happen in OUR Congress, while they are being required to pay their bloated salaries, but the 535 mostly seem to be way too busy to spare any time to actually get to know them, and get a feeling for what their concerns are. And that is a real shame because they would get quite an education that, if they were honest enough to admit it, would likely change, at least some of THEIR actions in OUR Congress. (Hint: They are NOT that honest).

Could it be that the 535 don’t really WANT to know the thoughts and needs of their constituents?


The Real Reality, An Eventual Accounting

Has reality fled from the 535 when they believe there will not be an eventual accounting required of them for their unethical, immoral and likely illegal actions?

These 535 might want to take a closer look at those oaths they spoke. They swore, not so much to their constituents (remember them?), but to an eternal and all-powerful God who is also JUST in all His ways. But, they might say, “I really do not believe in God, so I’m not really worried about retribution from any God for violating the oath”. And based on their actions, this would likely be the one time they’re actually speaking the truth),

All well and good, no one is forcing them to believe in God, but their constituents (remember them?) are likely people who DO believe in God and take all oaths sworn before Him much more seriously than the privileged 535. They are also likely to be true patriotic Americans who understand the importance of OUR Constitution and want to see it supported and defended, especially by those 535 for whom they voted.


If any of this makes sense to you, it MUST be considered that the US Congress has indeed become irrelevant. Usually, when important events are occurring, anything deemed to be irrelevant is simply ignored, not considered during discussions or even thought about. But when an entity such as the US Congress, has become irrelevant, yet is responsible for raping the American taxpayers, their constituents (remember them?), an accounting must happen, whether at the hands of their constituents (remember them?) or an angry and powerful God.

The writer of the Book of Hebrews said. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” (Hebrews 10:31 KJV).

The current sentiment of the average American voter, with polling recently showing that the approval rating for Congress is under 20%, when considering whether the US Congress is still relevant,  the question could be asked whether it might be a more fearful thing to be required to answer, completely and HONESTLY, to their American CONSTITUENTS, either through the ballot box  or the jury box.

As for the ballot box, it has been said that votes and voters do NOT decide elections, MONEY decides elections.

I personally believe that the current political system is SO corrupt and so beyond repair, that the ballot box will not suffice to correct any problems with the US Congress. The powers that be, the ones who truly make the decisions that are ‘mouthed’ by Congress, have enough money to buy any person or party and any number of votes.

The demonic persons just mentioned seem to be very ‘relevant’, but beyond the reach of the average person, leaving the 535 alone to be held responsible, via the jury box, for their actions that affect 330 million Americans.


©Bud Hancock. All rights reserved.

When Government Meddlers Run Amok

Self-improvement is the answer to interventionism.

The world is beset by meddlers run amok. Government officials around the globe have been on an interventionist decree spree, placing whole populations under house arrest, shutting down entire industries, mandating medical procedures for millions, and so much more.

What can anti-interventionists do about such a metastasis of mass-meddling?

The solution that gets the most attention is direct political change: remove the mass-meddlers from power and replace them with leaders who respect liberty. Leonard E. Read, the founder of the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE), discussed this proposed fix in his book Elements of Libertarian Leadership.

“The interventionists, it is observed, have ‘leaders’ galore in the political arena. Why, inquire many anti-interventionists, should we tarry any longer?” Read wrote. “Why not find ourselves some political leaders who will represent our points of view?”

This solution, he noted, misunderstands the problem.

“The reason,” Read continued, “that the interventionists have so many ‘leaders’ is only because there is throughout our land a very substantial body of influential, interventionist opinion. The ones out front and who are popularly appraised as leaders are, in fact, not the real leaders. They are but echoes of the underlying opinion, and an echo implies an antecedent sound.”

As Read’s colleague Ludwig von Mises explained, thought-leaders (“influential opinion”) sway popular support, and popular support sets the parameters for political success. The reason anti-interventionist policies have not prevailed is that the ideological groundwork for them has not been laid. Read warned of “the futility of attempting to build on a foundation that does not exist. One might as well look for an abundance of flowers where there has been a scarcity of seeds…”

“The out-front folks in political parties,” Read explained, “are but thermometers—indicators of the political temperature. Change the temperature and there will be a change in what’s out front—naturally and spontaneously. The only purpose in keeping an eye on the thermometer is to know what the temperature is. If the underlying influential opinion—the temperature—is interventionist, we’ll have interventionists in public office regardless of the party labels they may choose for their adornment and public appeal.”

In other words, we will be stuck with interventionist overlords so long as the masses are under the sway of interventionist thought-leaders. Until that changes, deposing one set of tyrants will only make room for another. The only way to rid ourselves of mass-meddlers is to reorient the meddlesome masses. “Politics,” as Andrew Breitbart said, “is downstream from culture.”

And both politics and culture are downstream from ideas.

The political culture of a people is shaped by the moral, social, economic, and political philosophy of its thought-leaders.

“It’s the influential opinion,” as Read clarified (or “ideological might” as Mises called it) “that counts, and nothing else. This is to be distinguished from ‘public opinion,’ there being no such thing. Every significant movement in history—good or bad—has resulted from influential ideas held by comparatively few persons.”

“For the masses of men,” as Murray Rothbard explained,” do not create their own ideas, or indeed think through these ideas independently; they follow passively the ideas adopted and disseminated by the body of intellectuals. The intellectuals are, therefore, the ‘opinion-molders’ in society.”

It is important to note that the ranks of influential intellectuals are not exclusive to university academics and corporate journalists—which is a relief, since those establishment professions have become so compromised by interventionist governments. Especially in the age of the internet, entrepreneurial intellectuals (like podcasters and Substack writers) and amateur intellectuals (like you or anyone else with the interest and intellect it takes to read an essay like this) can rise and come to the fore.

Influence does not come from the government-aligned establishment vesting someone with a PhD or a press pass. True influence, Read taught, comes from within.

“Here, then,” he wrote, “is the key question: What constitutes an influential opinion? In the context of moral, social, economic, and political philosophy, influential opinion stems from or rests upon (1) depth of understanding, (2) strength of conviction, and (3) the power of attractive exposition. These are the ingredients of self-perfection as relating to a set of ideas. Persons who thus improve their understanding, dedication, and exposition are the leaders of men; the rest of us are followers, including the out-front political personalities.”

To realize liberty, we must first cultivate “an influential libertarian opinion.” To rid ourselves of mass-meddlers, we must first persuasively advocate an anti-interventionist, pro-liberty philosophy. And before we can effectively do that, we must understand and uphold that philosophy ourselves, which, as Read cautioned, is harder than many libertarians suppose.

With that in mind, what exactly is interventionism, as distinct from liberty? What constitutes meddling, as opposed to minding one’s own proper business? To rid ourselves of something, we must first be able to identify it.

The most fundamental distinction between proper and improper conduct is between the proper and the improper use of force. As John Locke discussed and America’s founders (for the most part) agreed, force is only proper in the defense of individual rights. Any use of force outside of that, whether by government agents or private criminals, is therefore the worst kind of intervention: meddling with someone else’s person or property. When government agents infringe on the rights of individuals, they transgress the most fundamental bounds of propriety.

And by meddling in other people’s business, government officials also stray beyond their domain of competence. As F.A. Hayek explained in his work on “the knowledge problem,” central planners are incapable of “social engineering” the affairs of others without making a massive mess of things. Tyrannical order can only yield “planned chaos,” as Mises called it.

Interventionism is morally wrong and socially destructive, whereas liberty yields justice, harmony, and flourishing. If more intelligent and upstanding men and women had understood these truths well enough to consistently abide by them and persuasively explain them, their influence would have prevented the interventionist blitzkrieg that has made such a mess of the world over the past two years.

But advancing a pro-liberty and anti-meddling social, economic, and political philosophy is only half the solution. As Mises explained in “The Psychological Roots of Antiliberalism” (a section of his book Liberalism: In the Classical Tradition), many people have moral failings and psychological issues that make their support for interventionist and socialist doctrines immune from rational counter-argument.

Some people embrace interventionism and socialism as a coping mechanism: they respond to disappointment over their own lives by shifting most of the blame away from themselves and onto outside factors: like “greedy capitalists” or capitalism itself. Through political activism, they meddle in the affairs of others as a way of evading responsibility for their own lives.

As Read put it, “Those who refuse to rule themselves are usually bent on ruling others. Those who can rule themselves usually have no interest in ruling others.”

With people for whom meddling is less an intellectual error and more of an emotional hangup, a different approach may be needed. You may need to help them understand that a life philosophy of resentment is debilitating and self-destructive, while a life philosophy of responsibility is fulfilling, ennobling, and can be downright life-saving.

Frédéric Bastiat said to the mass-meddlers of 19th century France: “You who wish to reform everything! Why don’t you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough.”

Psychologist Jordan B. Peterson echoed this injunction when on Joe Rogan’s podcast he said, “don’t be fixing up the economy, 18-year-olds. You don’t know anything about the economy. It’s a massive complex machine beyond anyone’s understanding and you mess with it at your peril. So can you even clean up your own room?”

Before you get caught up in restructuring society, Peterson advised, sort out your own life first, starting with your room, because then “you’re not exceeding your domain of competence.”

“My sense,” he said, “is that if you want to change the world, you start from yourself and work outward, because you build your competence that way.”

As you improve yourself, you may become an inspiration and good influence for your family, then your circle of friends, then your colleagues at work, then maybe even wider communities.

You change the world for the better by acting as a role model, not a mass-meddler. True leadership is modeling, not meddling.

That is how you can become a force for good instead of a do-gooder. It’s the difference between meaningful virtue and vain virtue-signaling. And attaining the former is vastly more satisfying than indulging in the latter. You can sometimes fool others, but you can’t fool your own conscience. And the human conscience knows the difference between actually doing good and fraudulently looking good.

Peterson’s message of personal responsibility and self-improvement has resonated powerfully with young audiences and inoculated them against the gospel of resentment and intellectual arrogance preached by interventionists and socialists.

Leonard Read would have been delighted to see Peterson’s impact and not the least bit surprised. “Right method,” he wrote, “…consists of self-improvement. If everyone were devoted to the perfection of self, there could be no meddlers amongst us, and without meddlers there could be no socialism.”

A message of self-improvement and personal responsibility can succeed where socio-economic arguments fail, because it’s less of an intellectual exercise and more of a practical dilemma. A person can still cling to their coping mechanism and deny the truth of the message, but only to their own great personal detriment.

We free ourselves from mass-meddling by educating ourselves and others about the dangers of meddling: both on a societal and a personal level.

But in so doing, we must be wary of fighting fire with fire: of meddling with the meddlers.

For example, we must never use government intervention for cheap “wins” against interventionists, for then we become what we hate.

And as Read stressed, we should even avoid “imposing” our explanations on those who have no interest in them. Sharing wisdom where it’s not welcome is its own kind of meddling. Rather than “casting pearls” at those incapable of appreciating them, we should address those who are open to learning.

Above all, Read stressed improving one’s own understanding, dedication to, and ability to explain the freedom philosophy, because the more you do that, the more you will attract students who are not only open to your teaching, but actively seek it.

As Lawrence Reed, President Emeritus of FEE, has stressed in his book Are We Good Enough for Liberty?, improving one’s character in general is also essential, because it greatly increases your influence with those who admire you.

Of course that shouldn’t be the main reason you pursue character development. Self-improvement becomes self-defeating when it becomes primarily about garnering influence, winning praise, and other forms of moral vanity.

The paradox of changing the world is that the best way to improve others is not to try to improve others. Instead seek self-improvement for its own sake, and you will inspire others to improve themselves as a natural and blessed byproduct.

As Leonard Read taught, the most powerful way to minister to the meddlers in our midst is to exorcize the meddlers within ourselves and devote our hearts to self-improvement, thereby leading the way to liberty by our example.



Dan Sanchez

Dan Sanchez is the Director of Content at the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) and the editor-in chief of

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Will 2024 be 1984?

Call it fascism, because that’s what it is.

From branding parents speaking out against critical race theory and sexual ideology in schools as terrorists to the Mar-a-Lago raid, Attorney General Merrick Garland’s radicalized Justice Department transforms pre-election political opposition into national security threats.

The infamous DOJ letter on schools was sent out a month before the gubernatorial election in Virginia, where the National School Board Association, not to mention much of the D.C. establishment, is based. Much as Garland’s DOJ operatives feared, the school protests helped elect Gov. Glenn Younkin and  nearly toppled New Jersey’s Democrat governor in the bargain.

The Mar-a-Lago raid was carefully timed around the DOJ’s day policy of avoiding politically sensitive moves 90 days before an election. The real election it has its eye on is in 2024.

And, if it has its way, 2024 will be the new 1984.

The Steele dossier, the Mueller investigation, the Mar-a-Lago raid, and everything before and after are part of the larger Spygate continuum which is marked by the use of national security tools to suppress the political opposition especially before and during elections. The claims of national security, whether they involve the Russians or classified documents, are just a tactic that allow Democrat officials to wield virtually unlimited investigative powers cloaked in secrecy.

Beyond the details of these investigations, which turn as hollow as Steele or Mueller on closer examination, is the larger construct of a crisis that is described as a “threat to democracy”.

The “threat to democracy” is shorthand for a threat to Democrats. The source of that threat are conservatives and Republicans. The vectors of that threat can be described as coming from Russia, school board parents, electoral activism or “disinformation” on the internet. The common denominator is that political activities which are inherently “democratic”, speech, protest and electioneering, are defined as a national security “threat to democracy”.

The net of this crisis extends from individuals posting on social media to political candidates and institutions. Meeting the “threat to democracy” requires the government to monitor social media and for social media companies to censor unapproved speech, for candidates who believe the wrong things to be barred from office, for the IRS to investigate conservative non-profits, for companies to be pressured into pulling donations to conservative candidates and for the military to be prepared to intervene once again in the event of another grave “threat to democracy”.

The threat to democracy or rather the republic here is coming from the Democrats.

The Spygate targeting of Trump is only one strand of a number of threads drawing together to criminalize opposition to leftist agendas. Cancel culture had already contrived to economically punish speech. The next step was criminal investigations of people who non-violently stood up to Black Lives Matter race rioters or drove over BLM’s racial supremacist slogan on streets.

The underlying rationale was that racism was a public health crisis and another threat to democracy. Individuals were components of the crisis. Those who would not take a knee and admit their privilege were perpetuating the crisis and posed a threat to the nation at large.

The same collectivist machinery is being ramped up to enforce global warming dogma by using financial institutions, insurance companies, SEC regulations, real estate codes and countless other financial minutiae to extra-legislatively impose the Green New Deal, punishing companies and individuals until they conform. Dot com monopolies are already censoring those who don’t.

Once again the argument is that all human life on the planet is endangered. Anyone who doesn’t toe the line is a threat to the race. And must either conform or be silenced.

Race and the environment are not the real issues here, no more than Russia or classified documents are with Spygate. Manufactured crises are used to justify totalitarian fascist abuses of power. The details of any individual crisis or allegation matter much less than the tactics used to suppress dissent in the face of this latest imminent emergency. Every crisis is met with a centralized response weaving together federal authority, corporate complicity, national media outlets, cultural elites and all the commanding heights of power in the United States of America.

As FBI raids blend into congressional investigations, National Security Council aides, political campaigns, opposition research labs and media outlets appear to speak with one voice because they operate as arms of the same machine. Likewise, school board leaders, DOJ officials, media outlets and publishing giants start functioning as components of a single political entity.

Because they are just different ways of describing members of the Left.

In true Orwellian fashion, the “threat to democracy”, like most leftist slogans, should be interpreted to mean the opposite of what it appears to. It’s democracy that is a threat to a political system that is undemocratic and built around undemocratic institutions.

The threat to democracy manifests itself when conservative candidates win elections and is most pronounced in the least democratic institutions, government bureaucracies, national media outlets, elite universities and the upper ranks of corporations. This increasingly integrated ruling class springs into action when it’s unable to rig an election and warns of a “threat to democracy”. The worse it loses, the more urgent the crisis and the more ruthless the method of dealing with it. Having lost one election and fearing losses in 2022 and 2024, it’s getting more ruthless.

The solutions to all the crises come down to the components of the machine, the administrative state, corporate leaders, technocratic monopolies, educational bosses, activist front groups and many others urgently grabbing more power to cope with the threat of losing elections.

The Mar-a-Lago raid is a warning that the machine is rapidly preparing to fight off the “threat of democracy” to the 2022 and 2024 elections by once again weaponizing national security, censoring “misinformation”, and stamping out the political opposition. It will do whatever it takes to win, not because it needs to win elections to pursue its agenda, but because winning elections is a convenient cover to explain the amount of power it wields.

Democracy is not just in its name, but its façade. When it loses the façade, people start to notice that elections don’t seem to change very much. And that things still run the same way.

America is in a bad and dangerous place. But it will be in an even worse one by 2024.

This is not just about winning elections, but about making them irrelevant. The goal is to eliminate the opposition, not just in the voting booth, but across society. The Left will use all the powers at its disposal to ban any kind of ideological non-conformity employing government, corporations, and the culture to prosecute, fire and cancel anyone who dissents.

All of this is being done in the name of a rotating series of crises, threats to democracy, social harmony or the environment, not because these threats are real, but because they enable the system to invoke different components to leverage against its political enemies.

Call it fascism, because that’s what it is.


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Why Are Lawmakers Trying to Fast-Track Citizenship for Afghans We Can’t Properly Vet?

Amid a full-blown border crisis that threatens national security and public health — for which the Biden administration is wholly responsible — a bipartisan group of lawmakers has decided this might be a good time to fast-track citizenship for around 76,000 Afghan nationals who were lucky enough to force their way onto the last planes out of Kabul a year ago.

Republicans have been unanimous in their criticism of President Biden’s handing of the border and immigration enforcement overall, correctly noting the reckless nature of the administration in turning loose a million or so illegal border-crossers, whom we know little or nothing about. Yet, Republican Sens. Roy Blunt, Lisa Murkowski and Lindsey Graham are joining with their Democratic colleagues in sponsoring the Afghan Adjustment Act, a bill that would eventually make citizens of 76,000 people from a country now controlled by an antagonist terrorist theocracy. The proposal also seeks to expand additional pathways for Afghans to enter the country.

Most of the Afghans who were airlifted out of Kabul when the Biden administration bugged out with its tail between its legs are probably decent folks who, understandably, would rather not live under the Taliban. Given the nature of the regime, it is also possible, if not likely, that some of those who made it onto the tarmac at the Kabul airport last summer were intentionally placed there by the Taliban or al Qaeda. In fact, a Department of Defense whistleblower recently reported that 324 of the individuals the Biden administration evacuated have appeared on the Pentagon’s watch list, including known and suspected terrorists. Others may have been heinous criminals — but these are things we’ll never know until it’s too late.

Additionally, turning 76,000 random Afghans into U.S. citizens would serve as a further acknowledgment by our government that the Taliban is, and will remain, the unchallenged government of that country. The unmistakable signal will be that the United States holds out no hope that Afghans will be able to reclaim control of their country from the Taliban, further dispiriting those who might be brave enough to challenge the medieval theocracy from within.

Acceptance is one step short of the normalization of a regime that not only brutalizes its own people but serves as a haven and an incubator for global terrorism. If these members of Congress need any reminder of that, it is worth noting that Kabul was the last known address of Ayman al-Zawahiri.

Maintaining the status quo for the 76,000 Afghan nationals in question does not put them in harm’s way. On the other hand, rushing to turn them into citizens potentially puts everyone else in harm’s way. We have neither eyes, ears nor feet on the ground in Afghanistan. Not only can we not rely on the Taliban to provide us with background information about the people we are trying to vet (if those records even exist), we can safely assume that the regime will do all in its power to prevent us from identifying people who might pose a danger. Moreover, merely seeking that information could endanger family members who remain in Afghanistan. At the very least, maintaining people as parolees allows us to easily remove them when we uncover, through other means, that they pose some sort of threat.

Context is also important. And the context in which this legislation is being offered is a full-blown border crisis that is being deliberately perpetrated by the Biden administration. The last thing the country needs at this point is a bill that would divert the attention of the resource-starved and dispirited agencies attempting to cope with the Biden border crisis toward rubber-stamping the citizenship applications of people they know nothing about.

The wrong proposal at the wrong time — that’s the Afghan Adjustment Act in a nutshell.


Dan Stein

Dan Stein is president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform.

EDITORS NOTE: This FAIR column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden’s Open Borders Policies Will Produce Parallel Societies on U.S. Soil

I love this headline from the New York Times: “G.O.P. Governors Cause Havoc by Busing Migrants to East Coast”.  The New York Times – best known for covering up the Holocaust and the Soviet-engineered famine that killed 7 to 10 million people in Ukraine – is wrong.  The fault here lies with the Biden administration.  Joe Biden caused this havoc with his open borders policies.  But for Joe Biden’s open borders policies, southwestern Governors would not be having to give liberal sanctuaries on the East Coast a taste of their own medicine.

I’ve documented in previous commentaries countless policy changes the Biden administration has made to open the borders to a flood of illegal aliens.  Here are some more ways the administration is deliberately popping the rivets of the nation’s immigration laws:  The U.S. Marshals Service is declaring itself a sanctuary for illegal aliens, meaning it will no longer hold detainees for ICE for deportation.  The Marshals Service is a bureau within the Justice Department, putting it under the control of Biden administration political appointees including Democrat partisan Attorney General Merrick Garland.

The Biden administration is asking the Supreme Court to approve guidelines giving most illegal aliens a pass when it comes to deportation. The administration cooked up the guidelines in a conspiracy with pro-open borders advocacy groups from outside the government.  The administration is ending the ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy for asylum applicants after winning a court battle for permission to do so.

The administration is establishing a boat-and-bus route from Colombia to Panama to bring illegal aliens to the United States quicker.  The administration terminated the ICE union to silence criticism and make it easier to fire whistleblowers who are now without union protection.  For all its recent talk of building the wall again, the administration halted construction of the wall near San Diego.

As a result of the administration’s open borders policy changes, border encounters in July were more than triple the Trump administration average, and that doesn’t even count the got-aways.  The number of arrests at the southern border is closing in on 2 million for the fiscal year.

There are real consequences in inviting millions of people to invade our country.  Border agents arrested ten more terrorism suspects at the border in July.  A Defense Department whistleblower revealed the administration has released 324 unvetted Afghan evacuees on a terror watch list into the U.S.  Another 9/11, anyone?

There are other consequences, as well.  Border crossers are dropping like flies, but the administration doesn’t care.  An FBI-led operation rescued 84 victims of child sex trafficking and found 37 more missing children in the last 2 weeks.  Increased child exploitation has been linked to Joe Biden’s open borders policies.   The amount of fentanyl seized at the border in July was triple the amount seized in June, shattering all previous records and providing enough to kill every single American.

You only have to look to Sweden to see the future of all this.  They let their country be invaded by hordes of migrants bringing an alien culture with them.  Then there was a wave of bombings in major cities.  That was followed by the establishment of Muslim no-go zones, which were once vociferously denied but are now admitted.  Things have deteriorated to the point, now, where the ruling party is reversing itself and proposing to break up Muslim majority areas so a parallel society does not get established in the country, a proposal also made in Denmark which let itself be overrun.

So, when the New York Times and other lapdogs for the Biden administration accuse southwestern Governors of causing chaos by busing illegal aliens to the East Coast, just remember it is the open borders crowd that is bringing us chaos to the point where parallel societies on U.S. soil are now a real possibility.  If you don’t believe me, all you have to do is walk in downtown Minneapolis where the Islamic call to prayer is blasted from two dozen mosques and heard on every street corner every day.  So, take a walk there, while you still can.

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

REPORT: FBI Was After Documents Trump Believed Would ‘Exonerate’ Him From Russia Conspiracy

The FBI was reportedly seeking documents President Donald Trump believed would exonerate him from Russian collusion claims and other election-related charges when agents raided his Mar-a-Lago residence, anonymous intelligence officials told Newsweek.

The FBI collected all of the documents that were government property and used concerns about classified documents to justify the raid, but agents were looking for Trump’s personal stash containing documents related to Russian collusion accusations against him, fearing that he would “weaponize” them, Newsweek reported. One former Trump official said he may have planned to use the documents to help in a presidential run in the coming term.

“Trump was particularly interested in matters related to the Russia hoax and the wrong-doings of the deep state,” the official told the outlet, adding that he may have intended to use the documents in a 2024 presidential campaign. “I think he felt, and I agree, that these are facts that the American people need to know.”

Newsweek went on:

“The sought-after documents deal with a variety of intelligence matters of interest to the former president, the officials suggest—including material that Trump apparently thought would exonerate him of any claims of Russian collusion in 2016 or any other election-related charges.”

Initial reports of the Mar-a-Lago raid focused on a trove of classified documents Trump was reportedly storing at the Florida residence, including 42 boxes of classified documents that had been accidentally shipped there during his move from the White House, according to Newsweek. A report from the Washington Post also claimed the search was related to nuclear information in classified documents Trump possessed.

“They collected everything that rightfully belonged to the U.S. government but the true target was these documents that Trump had been collecting since early in his administration,” the source told Newsweek.

The Department of Justice did not respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.



Social issues and culture reporter. 


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EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact

A New Ghetto for American Catholicism

David Carlin: Catholics must face unpleasant facts: we are surrounded by enemies of our religion; and they are not moderate enemies like the Protestants of old.

During the 19th century, Catholics found themselves settled and growing in numbers in the United States, a great Protestant country that was relatively tolerant and hospitable toward Catholics. This, even though the American people generally felt that the Roman religion adhered to by these Catholics was a false and corrupt version of Christianity.

The leaders of the Catholic Church in America – its bishops, priests, and religious sisters – were well aware of the great danger that Catholics, an island surrounded by a vast sea of Protestantism, might fall away from the true faith and either: (a) embrace the Protestant heresy; or (b) become mere infidels, having no religious belief at all.

And so the leaders of the Church, aided and abetted by myriads of devoted laypersons, developed a vast network of religious institutions designed to keep Catholics and their children and grandchildren within the faith.

The most important of these institutions were dioceses, parishes, schools, colleges, seminaries, and hospitals.  But they also included Catholic newspapers, magazines, and book publishers; the Knights of Columbus and the CYO; and dozens of other things.  Above all, they included strong barriers to intermarriage between Catholics and outsiders.  Catholics built a quasi-ghetto for themselves, a kind of imperium in imperio.

And for a long time it worked.  Although there were defections from the faith, they were relatively few and far between, especially when we consider the many opportunities available in a country that was growing steadily more tolerant of Catholics and their religion.

All this collapsed beginning in the 1960s.  The walls of the “ghetto” fell down like the walls of Jericho, cracked and undermined by the loudly blaring trumpets of post-modernity.  This was partly due to Vatican II; it was much more due to “the spirit of Vatican II.”

Most of all, however, it was due to the fact that Catholics were entering fully into the mainstream of American life at precisely the moment – the fatal moment – when the United States was ceasing to be a Protestant country and was becoming instead a country dominated by the culture of secular humanism.

In the first half of the 20th century the traditional Protestant mind of America had been replaced by a liberal Protestant mind, and, in the second half, the liberal Protestant mind was being replaced by an agnostic mind.

As long as the walls of the ghetto were standing, Catholics were not strongly tempted to abandon Catholic convictions and embrace Protestant convictions.  For instance, no matter how poor an opinion Protestants had of the Catholic “worship” of the Virgin Mary, Catholics kept up their Marian devotions.  If anything, they intensified these devotions, as if to say, “Take that, you Mary-phobic Protestants!”

Another instance: the practice of divorce and remarriage.  Although this had always been approved of (at least in certain circumstances) among Protestants, and although it was becoming more and more common in America, and although Hollywood celebrities often carried it to ridiculous extremes, Catholics generally speaking continued to adhere to the old teaching that marriage is indissoluble.

As long as the walls of the ghetto remained standing, the Catholic bishops of America could say to the outside world, “You Protestants can do whatever you like, but you won’t draw our Catholic men and women into the error of your ways.  Our bet is that they will remain steadfastly Catholic, a bet we feel confident that we’ll win.”

Once the ghetto walls collapsed in the ‘60s and ‘70s, however, all bets were off.  Catholics, above all Catholics of the younger generations, began swimming with the current of popular opinion.

But this time the current was not a Protestant current; the demand was no longer that we stop “worshipping” the Virgin or that we remarry after our first marriage falls apart.  No, the current was now a highly secularized current, even an anti-Christian current, and it demanded:

  • that we fornicate, preferably with multiple partners;
  • that we have abortions, or at least express our support for those who do;
  • that we give in to our homosexual temptations (if we happen to have any) and, after we have done so, boast of being “true” to ourselves;
  • that we deplore or ridicule those who decline to swim with the current;
  • that we not waste our valuable time attending Mass on a weekly basis; and that, if we do choose to waste our time in that manner, we at least reject the old superstition that Jesus Christ is really and truly present in the Eucharist.

In America, I cannot help but conclude, the Catholic religion without the protection of ghetto walls is a thing that won’t work. It’s a lost cause, a religion that will slowly but surely fade away.

What then?  Am I suggesting that we rebuild the old ghetto?  No, that’s impossible.  It’s gone forever.  The clock of history never runs backwards.

History suggests that the Catholic religion can flourish in two circumstances only:  (a) When it is the virtually universal religion of a society – as it was for many centuries in Spain, Portugal, Italy, and certain other places; and  (b) When it is a ghetto religion surrounded and more or less persecuted by hostile forces – as it was under British rule in Ireland, or Communist rule in Poland, or pagan rule in ancient Rome.

American Catholics must face unpleasant facts: that we are surrounded by enemies of our religion; that these are not moderate enemies, like the old Protestants. No, they are red-hot enemies, atheistic or quasi-atheistic in mind and morals; that they dominate, or are rapidly coming to dominate, the command posts of American culture – colleges and universities, public schools, the entertainment industry, the journalistic mass media, and the Democratic Party.

If we’d like our religion to survive in the America, we have no choice, I submit, but to create a new ghetto, however difficult that may be to imagine at present.  I don’t mean the Protestantism-resistant ghetto of old.  I mean the creation of a new kind of ghetto, an atheism-resistant ghetto.

You may also enjoy:

George J. Marlin and Brad MinerThe Ad Hoc Moral Theology of Cardinal Dolan

Elizabeth A. Mitchell’s Waiting for God’s Best


David Carlin

David Carlin is a retired professor of sociology and philosophy at the Community College of Rhode Island, and the author of The Decline and Fall of the Catholic Church in America and, most recently, Three Sexual Revolutions: Catholic, Protestant, Atheist.

RELATED ARTICLE: Democrat Media: Rosary Is A Symbol of Far-Right, Violent Extremism

EDITORS NOTE: This The Catholic Thing article is republished with permission. All rights reserved. © 2022 The Catholic Thing. All rights reserved. For reprint rights, write to: The Catholic Thing is a forum for intelligent Catholic commentary. Opinions expressed by writers are solely their own.

Building Back A Godless Global Red-Green-Rainbow Troika

“Scripture’s enemies I vehemently hate (Ps. 138:22). I wish you would slay them with a two edged sword (Ps. 149:6); then they would no longer be its enemies. The sense in which I wish them ‘dead’ is this: I love them that they may die to themselves and live in you (Rom. 14:7-8; 2 Cor. 5:14-15)” — Saint Augustine, Confessions, Book  XII.

Today, August 18th, 2022, we published a number of articles that were both shocking and prophetic.

The first was about an Afghani Muslim who caused the most deadly Islamophobic attack in American history in Albuquerque, New Mexico; the second was about a dog being infected with the Monkeypox by two gay men in France; the third warned about how the “fix-is-in” as the USPS now has a newly formed Division expressly dealing with mail-in ballots; the fourth about the Taliban joining forces with China and Russia; and the fifth about a Canadian father arrested for opposing his daughter’s gender transition surgery.

And this tweet of Christy Olezeski, Ph.D. admitting that Yale Medicine is treating kids as young as 3 YEARS OLD in their “gender journey”.

As we approach the 2022 primary elections these articles, as Yogi Berra said, are déjà vu all over again.

These events are but symptoms of a very dangerous and deadly political tumor not only on the body politic of America but also the world. This tumor has infected, to one extent or another, both political parties in America and our governments from school house to the White House but also global organizations like the United Nations, World Health Organization, NATO and the World Economic Forum.

We warned Americans about the spread of this tumor six years ago hoping against hope that they would wake up and listen to our cries.

Today we are fast approaching the November midterm elections of 2022.

Today we, once again, sound the clarion call hoping that Americans will vote to stop this cancer from spreading at least in our nation.

On May 14th, 2016 we wrote a column titled New Democrat Party: The Red-Green-Rainbow Troika. We republish this column again to point out that we knew and did nothing to stop the cancerous growth that’s infecting our global politics, cultures and societies. If we don’t cut it out completely then the world will become hell on earth!

New Democrat Party: The Red-Green-Rainbow Troika

As the [2016] primaries are winding down it is time to focus on the political parties. Let’s start with the Democratic Party.

I have written that President Obama’s greatest political achievement has been to fundamentally transform the Democratic Party. The New Democratic Party (NDP) is an alliance which I call the Red-Green-Rainbow Troika or RGRT. It consists of new groups that Democrats have not historically allied themselves with, until now.

The Democratic Party is no longer the party of President John F. Kennedy. Seldom does one hear JFK’s name invoked by Democrats. Why? Because JFK was a war hero, a lifetime member of the NRA, a Catholic, he hated Communists and fought communism, he and his brother Bobby fought organized crime by profiling Italian Americans and he loved America.

Today JFK would be labeled by his own party as a Constitutional conservative.

The NDP has made it its mission to protect the “civil rights and civil liberties” of groups that are both incompatible with one another and with mainstream America.

The groups are incompatible for a number of reasons including:

  1. Communists hate Muslims and gays.
  2. Muslims hate Communists and execute gays (sodomites).
  3. Gays hate all religions, but make an exception for Islam (i.e. the enemy of my enemy is my friend).

At some point these divergent groups will turn on one another. But for the time being they have work to do. That work includes:

  1. Implementing a secular Marxist/Leninist/Socialist/Collectivist system of government in the USA.
  2. Implementing Shariah (Islamic) law in the USA, which, while totalitarian, is incompatible with #1 because it is not secular but rather based upon a strict interpretation of the Qur’an and Hadith.
  3. Demanding rights and privileges at the expense of others rights and privileges, an area of common ground but defined differently by each member of the RGRT.

RGRT is neither compatible with American society and culture nor mainstream ideas and ideals. For example the RGRT believes:

  1. Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance.
  2. Men should use women’s bathrooms
  3. Sex is not determined by science, biology or genetics. It is a choice.
  4. Some lives matter (black) more than others (white, Hispanic, American Indian, Asian, etc.).
  5. Civil rights and civil liberties trump religious liberty, which is the freedom to choose not be believe what the RGRT believe.
  6. Socialism (collectivism) is better than capitalism (individualism) because capitalism is unfair. Some people win and others lose due to differences in ability, education, skills and merit.
  7. All religions are male centered, homophobic, intolerant and bigoted, except Islam.
  8. The enemy (anyone who is not a member of RGRT) must either submit or be destroyed at all cost.
  9. The existing Constitutional Republican form of government must be replaced, by violent means if necessary, in order for the RGRT to survive and thrive.
  10. The U.S. Constitution was written by old men who never foresaw the RGRT new world order.
  11. Utopia is within the grasp of the collective.
  12. Man can change the weather by changing his behaviors (e.g. stop using all fossil fuels).
  13. More government (tyranny) is better than less government (democracy).

As Ayn Rand wrote:

The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow. They come to be accepted by degrees, by dint of constant pressure on one side and constant retreat on the other – until one day when they are suddenly declared to be the country’s official ideology.

Here are some of the absurdities that have become the official ideology of the neo-Democrat Party:

  • The greatest national security threat is climate change (i.e. formerly global warming).
  • White Christian men are a greater threat than the Islamic State, Iran and the Black Lives Matter movement.
  • Spending on social programs is more important than spending on national security.
  • Engagement and dialogue with America’s enemies (i.e. Iran) is preferred to any form of confrontation.
  • Nationalized health care (the Affordable Care Act) is affordable.
  • Deficit spending is good for the economy and will create jobs.
  • Putting more Americans on the public dole is good for creating more government jobs.
  • Anyone who disagrees with the neo-Democrat Party policies is racist, homophobic, Islamophobic and a national security threat.
  • People don’t kill people, guns kill people (e.g. need to outlaw guns).
  • Public schools must teach children what to think, not how to think (i.e. Common Core).
  • Aborting the unborn and selling their body parts is noble.
  • Bigger government, more regulations and centralized powers and greater control over the behaviors of citizens is good.
  • Coal, oil and natural gas are evil.
  • Saving the planet is more important than saving the human race.
  • A weak America is good for world peace.
  • The Judeo/Christian God is dead.

On November 8th, 2016 millions will vote for the RGRT candidate for president. If that happens then the policies of the current administration will become the new social order.

Sadly the party of JFK is now gone but not forgotten.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


RFK Jr.’s anti-vaccine group kicked off Instagram, Facebook

FBI’s Absolutely ABSURD Raid Demand Was Gloriously Shut Down

Mar-a-Lago Rat Bombshell — Trump Family Member In Crosshairs

NYC Leftists And Islamic Groups Stand With Jihad Jew-Killers Outside Of Friends Of The IDF

Here’s Why Democrats Are Not Worried about 2020—The Fix Is In—And the GOP is Silent!

As the mid-term elections  near the Biden regime is completing another one of their agenda items, the permanent weaponization of the U.S. Postal Service.

According to FTR, , the USPS is reporting it delivered more than 135 million ballots in 2020, and has already delivered another 40 million so far this year during the primaries.

The USPS should be relegated to the dustbin of history, it is an ancient relic of a bygone, pre-technological era. Instead the Biden regime is revolutionizing it into the illegal election arm of the party of treason.

Further, the democrats just passed an almost trillion dollar spending bill at the height of a recession and 9% inflation.

‘The new spending bill will force middle-class Americans to pay $20 billion more in taxes.
The bill will create 87,000 new IRS agents to harass Americans and target their political enemies.

And Democrats did all of this less than three months before an election.

Democrats are NOT worried about the midterms. ‘

This is Why Democrats Are Not Worried about 2020 — The Fix Is In…

Postal Service Institutionalizes Ballot Interference Scheme with New Mail-in Ballot Division

By Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit, August 16, 2022:

Democrats just passed a $700 spending bill — during a recession — with record 8.6% inflation.

The new spending bill will force middle class Americans to pay $20 billion more in taxes.
The bill will create 87,000 new IRS agents to harass Americans and target their political enemies.

And Democrats did all of this less than three months before an election.

Democrats are NOT worried about the midterms.

Biden Creating Permanent U.S. Postal Service Division to Deliver and Return Ballots in US Elections

The fix is in.

A major part of their election scheme is the work done by the US postal service with mail-in ballots.

Democrats NEED mail-in ballots and Democrats NEED the assistance of the US postal service.

Chuck DeVore published this warning to the nation on the Democrat’s mail-in voting scheme at The Federalist.

The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) announced on July 28 that it was creating the Election and Government Mail Services division. Adrienne E. Marshall, a USPS veteran, was named as the division’s first director, with Marc Elias, the Democrat’s foremost lawfare professional and longtime proponent of elections by mail, tweeting out his approval.

The rationale for this new division is that the growing use of mail-in ballots requires extra attention to ensure the greater volume of mailed ballots can be handled by an increasingly overburdened USPS.

The USPS reported it delivered more than 135 million ballots in 2020, with 40 million delivered so far this year during the primaries.

Elections conducted by mail have been a longtime goal of Elias and others since long before public health fears over in-person voting during the Covid-19 pandemic. It is instructive to note that most European nations found mail-in ballots to be susceptible to fraud and limited their use.

Among other problems, mail-in ballots can be cast by someone other than the voter, voter ID measures are harder to ensure absent in-person voting with a government-issued ID, and the secret ballot is more easily compromised by professional ballot traffickers who “help” the voter fill in their ballot. Thus, mail-in ballots will be an increasingly important part of the Democratic election playbook.

And once again, the GOP, a subsidiary of the DNC is completely silent.


RELATED VIDEO: Americans highly impacted by inflation, ready for Trump 2024


Until Election Integrity Issues Are Fixed, Conservatives CANNOT Stop Talking About The 2020 Election

Traitor Cheney’s Concession Speech To Trump-Backed Challenger Was a Mentally Ill Cry for Help

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Man Arrested For Opposing His Child’s Gender Transition

You couldn’t make this horror up. The left is the legally institutionalizing negation our unalienable parental rights. stealing our children, and chopping off their privates.

Man Arrested For Talking About His Child’s Gender Transition Against Court Orders

By: Liberty One News, August 17, 2022:

Oh, Canada. A father was arrested this week after police say he violated a court order that banned him from speaking out against his child’s gender transition in public.

The man — whose identity is reportedly under a publication ban by a British Columbia Court of Appeals to protect his child — was found in contempt of court and arrested Tuesday for calling the teen his daughter and publicly referring to him with the pronouns “she” and “her,” according to The Post Millennial.

The teenager was born as a female and reportedly identifies as transgender and prefers the use of male pronouns.

The father reportedly began litigation against the teen’s mother after learning of the transition, and the matter was settled by the province’s highest court earlier this year, according to Global News. The parents are separated.

The father explained that his daughter’s transition will prevent her from ever having a healthy normal life as a woman should she want to start a family later.

Starting a family may not be in the child’s sights at this time, but dad explained on several occasions that he wants to protect her from making a life-long decision that she can’t change back.

Hoogland created a GoFundMe page that explained the situation but due to legal reasons, has been altered since its posting. Here is what it said previously:

The far left issued an arrest warrant on Thursday, March 04! I will be turning myself in on March 16! I am fighting the far left based on a civil disobedience defense!

I am now back in court for a five-day criminal trial that will last at least five days . . . From April 12-16. That trial that could land me in jail for up to five years for speaking truth about state sponsored child abuse. FYI . . .

I am blocked from sharing any videos at this time that oppose the sterilization of children!

Keep reading……


RELATED ARTICLE: At Least 13 U.S. Hospitals Perform Gender Transition Surgeries on Minors

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.