‘1619 Project’ Creator Hannah-Jones: Parents Shouldn’t Decide What’s Taught in School

Sunday on NBC’s Meet the Press, Nikole Hannah-Jones, creator of the widely-debunked 1619 Project which posits that America’s history is grounded in racism, not liberty, declared that parents should not be in charge of deciding what is taught in schools.

“I don’t really understand this idea that parents should decide what’s being taught,” Hannah-Jones mused. “I’m not a professional educator. I don’t have a degree in social studies or science. We send our children to school because we want them to be taught by people who have expertise in the subject area. And that is not my job.”

Referring to far-left, former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, who sparked controversy when he declared in a recent gubernatorial debate that parents shouldn’t have any say in their children’s education, Hannah-Jones added, “When the governor or the candidate said he didn’t think parents should be deciding what’s being taught in school, he was panned for that, but that’s just the fact this is why we send our children to school and don’t home school because these are the professional educators who have the expertise to teach social study, to teach history, to teach science, to teach literature. I  think we should leave that to the educators. Yes, we should have some say, but school is not about simply confirming our worldview. Schools should teach us to question. They should teach us how to think, not what to think.”

That is precisely the problem. Today’s left-dominated education system is designed to indoctrinate, not to open up young minds and encourage critical thinking. It is designed to promote a far-left worldview. “Professional educators” now are not experts in history, science, and literature, but in political activism, and they proudly perceive their job to be turning students into social justice activists.

Parents realize this now and are fighting to wrest control of the education of their children from this radical brainwashing.

1619 Project

7 Known Connections

Nikole Hannah-Jones was awarded, for her 1619 Project, the 2020 Pulitzer Prize for Commentary. Moreover, the Pulitzer Center, as The 1619 Project’s official education partner, facilitated the implantation of curricula based on the Project into some 4,500 classrooms nationwide between August 2019 and May 2020. As the Pulitzer Center boasts:

  • “Tens of thousands of students in all 50 states engaged with the curricular resources, which include reading guides, lesson plans, and extension activities.”
  • “Tens of thousands of copies of [The New York Times Magazine] were shipped by The New York Times and the Pulitzer Center to students and educators at K-12 schools, community colleges, [historically black colleges], and other campuses.”
  • “Five school systems adopted the project at broad scale: Buffalo, New York; Chicago, [Illinois]; Washington, DC; Wilmington, Delaware; and Winston-Salem, North Carolina.”

The 1619 Project is also supported by the Smithsonian Institution.

To learn more about the 1619 Project, click here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Trump’s Lethal ‘Operation Warp Speed’ Jabs

“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution the time will come when medicine will organize itself into an undercover dictatorship. To restrict the art of healing to doctors and deny equal privileges to others will constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic.” Dr. Benjamin Rush

“Freedom of choice must be brought to bear upon the US Medical practice.” – Congressman Phil Crane

“One of the first duties of the physician is to educate the masses not to take medicine.” –  William Osler (1849-1919) Described as the Father of Modern Medicine

“They do not cover the new variants; patients are failing on these vaccines. They’re being hospitalized and getting sick despite having had the vaccines. The vaccines at this point in time have amounted to record mortality and injury and should be considered unsafe and unfit for human use.” – Dr. Peter A. McCullough

Dr. Stephen Hahn, the mild-mannered former chief medical executive of the MD Anderson Cancer Center, became the commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration shortly after the coronavirus broke out in China.

He quickly found himself in an uncomfortable position. The White House wanted an emergency approval of one of the vaccines being developed to treat COVID-19.  Under a massive and secretive government effort, “Operation Warp Speed,” was one of the most consequential public health decisions in American history. The FDA’s scientific determinations, as to whether a vaccine is safe and effective enough to give to millions of healthy Americans, are dicey enough. But Hahn, like so many top federal health officials, seemed to have found himself in a tightening vice.

President Trump, his chief of staff, Mark Meadows, and his son-in-law and special adviser, Jared Kushner, all called Dr. Hahn directly, urging him to accelerate emergency authorization of vaccines and treatments, i.e., Remdesivir.

If Hahn didn’t cave and accelerate the approval, potentially jeopardizing safety, the decision could be taken from the FDA and rammed through by Trump’s Health and Human Services Secretary, Alex Azar, the former President of Eli Lilly USA.  Hahn also knew that if he stood up to Trump, he would be fired.  He was willing to be dismissed rather than serve as a presidential puppet.

On December 10, 2021, Dr. Hahn testified during a Senate “Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee Hearing” on the federal government response to COVID-19.  White House Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows had pressed Hahn to grant emergency use authorization (EUA) for Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine by the end of the day on December 11, 2021.

Biopharmaceutical History

The history of all four pharmaceutical companies involved in creating the COVID-19 jab is certainly not pretty.  America’s Medical Mafia: Biopharmaceutical Companies, written in May of this year, exposed the past of these companies and the many lawsuits against them.  Because the COVID vax is an EUA, it is protected from lawsuits by the federal government via the PREP Act signed into law by President George W. Bush.

The US Government has a secret history of grisly experiments on animals and humans, and these COVID jabs are no different; Americans are human lab rats.  In 2010, I wrote a ten-part article entitled, American Citizens as Guinea Pigs. Part two included the detrimental polio vaccine tainted with Simian Virus-40 which causes soft tissue cancers and is genetically passed.  It was never pulled from the market.

Here is a partial list of the many failed drugs taken off market after dangerous side effects or deaths.  This does not include the 1976 swine flu vaccine pulled after 25 to 50 deaths.

Trump Promotes Vax/Boosters

If you’ve had the CCP virus, you have lifetime immunity as evidenced in 140 studies.  You do not need the Sars-coV-2 jabs, or any of the boosters.  Dr. Peter McCullough states, “Once and done.”  There is no need to worry about getting the virus again.

Dr. McCullough writes that there are risks for those who have recovered from the CCP virus who then receive the Sars-voV-2 jabs.  Medical research concludes that the COVID-19 jabs are dangerous for those who have already had the virus and have recovered with inferred robust, complete, and durable immunity.  A medical study of United Kingdom healthcare workers who had already had COVID-19 and then received the vaccine found that they suffered higher rates of side effects than the average population.

So why has former President Trump taken both jabs and now the booster when he obviously recovered from the virus while he was still the 45th president?  Or did he take them?  Did he get the placebo instead?  Doesn’t he have physicians who will tell him the truth? Doesn’t he do any research?  Doesn’t he read?  Why wasn’t he and his family put on Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin to keep them from ever contracting the virus?  Where was Dr. Scott Atlas with this important information, or did Trump rebuff him?  There are simply too many unanswered questions and too many statements by Trump that are untrue.

Trump tell us we’re playing right into their hands when we doubt the vaccine. Whose hands?  He made the remarks during a live event with former Fox News pundit Bill O’Reilly. “We did something historic, we saved tens of millions of lives worldwide,” said Trump, before going on to credit the vaccine for preventing a repeat of the Spanish flu, which infected nearly a third of the world and killed as many as 100 million people.  The reality is the carnage from the lethal injections will make the 1917 flu pale in comparison.

The comparison is somewhat alarmist given that the Spanish flu had a 2.5% global mortality rate, which is substantially larger than Sars-coV-2’s actual mortality rate when you discount the many PCR false positive tests.  Many who had bacterial pneumonia and could have been saved with antibiotics were left to die because C-19 was diagnosed, and that’s not even mentioning the worthless stakeholder/medical protocols used on C-19 hospital patients.

Despite Trump’s glorification of the vax, he said it shouldn’t be mandatory.  Well, it isn’t mandatory for federal politicians and stakeholders, and the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens crossing our southern border.

When interviewed by Candace Owens, our 45th president claimed no one had been hurt by these jabs, when that is just a flat out lie!  Over 111 airline pilots are dead from the jab, over 75 sports figures have died on the fields, young men are getting myocarditis, which destroys their heart muscle with inflammation.  Even Trump’s buddy, Franklin Graham ended up with pericarditis.  Graham told us we all should get the vax, that if Jesus were here, he’d get the vax.  What absolute total rubbish!

Trump should take a look at the Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System (VAERS) numbers out by Lifesite News from Dec. 14, 2020 to Dec. 10, 2021.  Only one percent is reported, so multiply the numbers by 100 and you’ll get the actual death and adverse effect figures since the clot shot came out.

To top it off, Trump echoes the commie Pravda media and tells Candace that 90% of the people in hospitals are unvaccinated, when exactly the opposite is true.  Those in hospital sick with Sars-coV-2 are jabbed with one or all of the clot shots including the booster, but if you’ve had the jabs within the last two weeks, hospitals count you as unvaxed.  And many get sick or die within the first two weeks after the inoculation.  Trump is spewing information from CNN, MSNBC, Fauci and the snakeholders.

There has never been a vaccine for a virus!  We know this is not a real vaccine!  Why would Trump promote such a thing?  Is it pride?  That’s the only thing that makes sense. He keeps lauding the fact that he and he alone created “Operation Warp Speed” and saved the country from COVID…a virus 99.8% recover from.  We all know, “Pride goeth before the fall.”

COVID Jabs are Shielded

Take note that the federal government shields Pfizer/Moderna/J&J from liability and has given them billions of dollars and is forcing Americans to take their product. But they won’t let you see the data supporting its safety/efficacy. Just who does the government work for?

The FDA has asked a federal judge to make the public wait until the year 2076 to disclose all of the data and information it relied upon to license Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. That is not a typo. It wants 55 years to produce this information to the public.  It’s been 58 years since John F. Kennedy was assassinated and even Donald J. Trump did not release the truth to the public.

As explained in this article, the FDA repeatedly promised “full transparency” with regard to Covid-19 vaccines, including reaffirming “the FDA’s commitment to transparency” when licensing Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.

More than 30 academics, professors, and scientists from this country’s most prestigious universities requested the data and information submitted to the FDA by Pfizer to license its COVID-19 vaccine.

The FDA’s response?  It produced nothing.  In September, Attorney Aaron Siri’s firm filed a lawsuit against the FDA on behalf of this group to demand this information.  To date, almost three months after it licensed Pfizer’s vaccine, the FDA still had not released a single page; finally it released under 100 pages which you can read here.

Support for Trump

I know in my heart the 2020 election was rigged, that Donald J. Trump won the election, hands down.  Our 45th president did many wonderful things for this country, and we had a four-year Nineveh.  (If you don’t know the story, read the book of Jonah in the Old Testament; it comes right after Obadiah, and right before Micah and is important history.)

My 2016 support for Donald Trump never wavered.  I wrote article after article supporting him, two of which he actually used in rallies and the first one helped him to get rid of Jeb Bush.  The second article he used at a rally in Alabama explaining why the media is allowed to lie about public figures.  Why Alabama?  Because that’s where these legal suits started and then ended with the Supreme Court decision in NYTs v. Sullivan.

The mere fact that it took President Trump four years to realize just exactly who and what his Vice President really was, and who and what his Senior Counselor, Kellyanne Conway was…tells me the man has little discernment as to those who are really on his side. Pence sent Trump to controlled-opposition Heritage Foundation and Conway sent him to the Federalist Society, both of whom steered Trump to Supreme Court nominees who, we now know, are anything but conservative.  Conway and Pence have been friends for years and have family who are intermarried.  They worked together.

Pence was given challenge after challenge by Trump, and failed at every one of them, including being in charge of the Coronavirus Task Force.  He gave us Fauci, Birx and Redfield and they destroyed our economy and Trump…just as their handlers planned.  Read Pence’s history… Link, Link, Link, Link.

On January 6th, 2021, Pence stabbed Trump in the back and the Republic in the heart.  Finally, after four years, Trump saw the real face of his Vice President…one who had no problem elbow bumping with Pelosi.

Throughout Trump’s administration, he never chose people outside the Deep State.  He hired from the swamp over and over and over again.  He took Chris Christie’s suggestion and hired Christopher Wray as FBI Director.  Then he listened to Attorneys Joe diGenova and Victoria Toensing and hired Deep Stater Bill Barr as Attorney General.

Only once did he hire outside the swamp when he appointed Lt. General Michael T. Flynn as National Security Advisor.  General Flynn was his finest choice and was terminated within weeks by the deceit and duplicity of the FBI and their backdoor into Pence’s office.  Pence’s Chief of Staff was Josh Pitcock whose wife worked for Peter Strzok and Lisa Page allegedly checking Hillary Clinton’s emails.

Trump listened to Deep Stater Pence rather than the General who had decades of intel knowledge.  He needed General Flynn, but he ended up with Deep Staters in that very important position over and over again.  Far too many people saw his choices as guided by those from the swamp and completely incompatible with Trump, which they proved to be.  A prime example is that Christopher Wray is still head of the FBI and Trump should have pulled his nomination during Wray’s Senate hearings.


Around the world hundreds of thousands have died, not from Sars-coV-2, but from the messenger RNA vaccines, millions have suffered permanent disabilities and adverse effects.  The buck ultimately stops with Trump.  He chose to put Pence in charge of the Coronavirus Task Force, and Pence brought in the Deep State stakeholders. The NIH, FDA, CDC or AMA never approved any early home treatment and banned long approved safe and cheap drugs that would have cured.

People were told there was nothing to be done, go home…and when it got worse, they went to the hospital, were put on oxygen and then ventilators, and 80% of them died.  The ultimate goal was the huge moneymaker for Big Pharma…the “vaccines.” Dr. McCullough tells us that 86% of the people who died of the virus could have been saved, but obviously that was not the goal of the snakeholders.

Excuses for Trump can be made, yet the buck stops with him.  He was our Commander in Chief.  There is no question that the guilt of negligence is Trump’s, but the guilt of homicide belongs to Big Pharma. They were the ones that knew what they were doing. Trump’s negligence was not blowing the whistle on them and firing Fauci and the heads of these fraudulent government entities. You can make the case of malicious contempt in the action of Fauci and the officials of Big Pharma, all of whom need to do time at the very least.  Trump keeps pushing the lethal vax, why? Is it pride alone?  Is it stupidity?  Or is it that he is not what he represented himself to be?

Would I ever support Trump again?  Only if he is man enough to admit that he made a mistake and provide leadership that results in correction. Repentance is the foundation of our Judeo-Christian faith.

©Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.


Lethal Injection Mandates: RIP Carlos Tejada & Camilla Canepa — Death by Vax

“One death is a tragedy, a million deaths a statistic.” –  attributed to Joseph Stalin by The Washington Post on 20 January 1947

”It’s not the government’s job to protect my health. It’s the government’s job to protect my rights.” – Anonymous

 in an article titled “New York Times Editor Who Won Pulitzer For COVID-19 Coverage Dead Of Heart Attack One Day After Booster Shot” reported:

Carlos Tejada, a foreign editor for the New York Times has died at the age of 49, one day after receiving his COVID-19 booster shot and daring omicron to come for him. Tejada.

“Carlos Tejada, the deputy Asia editor of The New York Times, who helped shape coverage of the global Covid-19 crisis in 2021 that won a Pulitzer Prize, died on Friday at a hospital in Seoul,” the New York Times reported.

Tejada’s wife broke the news to the world on the editor’s Twitter page, “This is Carlos’s wife, Nora. It’s with deepest sorrow that I have to share with you that Carlos passed away last night of a heart attack. I’ve lost my best friend and our kids lost a truly great dad. I will be off social media for awhile.”

Read the full article.

The European Parliament in an article titled “Post-COVID vaccine deaths” reported:

Three young people recently lost their lives after receiving their second dose of the COVID vaccine(1). These cases are the latest to be added to the growing list of sudden deaths to occur during the vaccine rollout.

The recent autopsy report for Camilla Canepa(2), who also died following vaccination, stated that the cause of death could be ‘reasonably attributed to an adverse effect from administration of the COVID vaccine’.

A German study(3) examining the autopsies of people who died shortly after vaccination suggests that 50% of these deaths were caused by the vaccine, which is also believed to be behind an unprecedented accumulation of lymphocytes found in the hearts, kidneys, livers and spleens of the deceased.

In the light of the above:

1. Does the Commission intend to reanalyse the costs and benefits of vaccinating young people, given the absolute risk of serious – or even fatal – adverse effects?

2. Will it withdraw the emergency use authorisation for the vaccines – at least for the under-50s, for whom the serious risks associated with vaccination appear to outweigh the limited benefits?

There is a growing concern that getting vaxxed or jabbed is much more dangerous than reported by governments and the media. Here is a statement by Fuaci about the vaccines.

As this concern grows we now see Biden saying that the federal government cannot control Covid. Biden stated, “There is no federal solution. This gets solved at a state level.


QUESTION: Is Biden now shifting blame away from his administration and Democrats in Congress to the states ahead of the 2022 midterm elections?

It seems that the political rhetoric has been overtaken by the reality that government is never the answer when it comes to healthcare.

Biden and Harris are the problem, not the solution to dealing with what ails America. History teaches us that only the individual can deal with any pandemic.

linked getting jabbed with eugenics when he wrote:

Investigation reveals both the Gates family and their foundation have documented ties to reinvented eugenics movements of the modern age.  The work carried out by this organization shows an array of ulterior motives that are contrary to saving lives.

The Gates Family, Eugenics and Covid-19.

America is killing humanity and shaking hands with the devil…brought to us by the United States government via their stakeholders: The Gates Foundation, the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the World Health Organization (WHO), Big Pharma and our democrat-controlled propaganda media and their favorite mouthpiece, Dr. Anthony Fauci.  Media are promoting an evil injection which is causing countless worldwide deaths and disastrous side effects.  They have made a commitment to promote mass vaccination for the Covid virus.  We may well be witnessing the largest number of unnecessary vaccine-induced deaths in American history, despite a 99.75% overall recovery from the virus.

Read the full column.

Elon Musk got it right when he tweeted:

We are dealing with a global “woke culture war” that wants to empower government and enslave the individual. We know that this always leads to anarchy and always fails.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.



SD Governor Calls On Biden To Rescind All Mandates After He Claims ‘There Is No Federal Solution’ To Pandemic

COVID Antiviral Pills Cause Life-Threatening Reactions With Many Common Meds

THE COVID JAB: A Genocidal Weapon of Mass Destruction

Click here for more articles and videos on the Covid vaccines and getting jabbed.

Florida Public Universities Expected to Reject Boycott of the Jews (BDS), Governor DeSantis Says

Governor Ron DeSantis is without question the best governor in America. #DeSantis2024.

Florida Public Universities Expected to Reject BDS, Governor DeSantis Says

By Algemeiner, December 26, 2021

The office of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said on Wednesday that it expects Florida State University to prevent the Middle East Studies Association (MESA), with which it is an institutional partner, from operating a boycott of Israel on its campus.

Earlier this month, MESA members voted during their annual meeting to hold a referendum next year on a resolution endorsing the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel.

Responding Wednesday to questions about the proposed MESA boycott posed by Legal Insurrection, DeSantis’ office shared a statement rejecting “discrimination against the State of Israel or the Israeli people, including boycotts and divestments targeting Israel (the BDS movement).”

“It is our expectation that Florida State University will not permit MESA to operate a boycott of Israel through a public institution, will not accept the academic boycott of Israel, and will not allow university funds to be paid indirectly or directly to any organization that endorses BDS,” the statement continued. “The same goes for any other institution that receives state funding.”

Several other MESA institutional partners, including California State University, University of Arizona, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, and University of Michigan, are also in states that have adopted measures against using public funds to support BDS.

The Academic Engagement Network, which opposes efforts to delegitimize Israel on campus, said this month that a MESA boycott “will inevitably and inequitably — discriminate against, exclude, and isolate Israeli scholars by singling out the Israeli academy for boycott.”

The proposed boycott was also lambasted as a threat to academic freedom by a group of progressive academics earlier this week.

Florida State University did not return The Algemeiner‘s request for comment.

RELATED ARTICLE: In Israel, Florida’s governor hailed for making the sunshine state ‘most pro-Israel’ in America

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Project Veritas Lands in a Win-Win Situation in Its Suit Against the New York Times

The NY Times suffered a stunning blow to their unethical, criminal practices.

Veritas Lands in a Win-Win Situation in Its Suit Against the Times

Editorial of The New York Sun | December 26, 2021

The decision of the New York Times Company to use an editorial to lash out at the judge hearing the libel case levied against it by a competitor, Project Veritas, marks a risky approach to a legal appeal. It looks, in our opinion, like an ex-partite effort by the Times to use its editorial page to influence the very higher court to which the Gray Lady says it will be appealing for relief from a prior restraint issued by the trial judge.

The prior restraint, issued Friday, blocked the Times from publishing certain documents it had obtained regarding Project Veritas’ news-gathering methods. Prior restraints have proved hard to sustain in America. The judge justified his order by noting that the documents in question were, though obtained by the Times, protected by attorney-client privilege and not a “matter of public concern.”

Then again, too, the judge in Westchester County does not appear to be animated by hostility to the press per se or the Times. After all, both sides in the case claim to be protected by the First Amendment. The aim of the judge — Charles Wood — appears to be protecting constitutional due process. He rues “the erosion of the attorney-client privilege” as a “far more imminent concern” than “prior restraints” of the press.

The dispute dates back to September 2020, when Veritas published a “bombshell” video report claiming it had smoked out voting fraud in Minnesota, a battleground state, only to have its reporting dismissed by the Times as Fake News. It called the report a “deceptive video” filled with “unidentified sources and with no verifiable evidence.” Veritas failed to receive a retraction and ended up suing the Times for defamation.

In November the Times quoted the disputed documents in a dispatch headlined “Is It Journalism or Political Spycraft?” The piece reported that Veritas “has worked with its lawyers to gauge how far its deceptive reporting practices can go before running afoul of federal laws.” Goodness gracious. Veritas would hardly be the first publisher who, in advance of publication, consulted lawyers.

Veritas accused the Times of publishing stolen, not to mention privileged, material, and asked Judge Wood to forbid its publication. The Times protested that would amount to a “draconian and disfavored restriction.” Veritas argues the paper had violated “the sanctity of the attorney-client relationship” in a “bare and vindictive attempt to harm and embarrass” its court opponent. That also broke New York’s court procedure law, in Veritas’ view.

We do not intend in this editorial to be endorsing the methods of Project Veritas. The New York Sun’s “Reporter’s Handbook and Manual of Style” marks, under “undercover reporting,” that “no reporter of the Sun is permitted to use disguises, false poses, or dishonesty of any kind in reporting a story and no editor is authorized to instruct a reporter otherwise.” It has a similar rule in respect of fake names.

What’s at issue in this case is whether the Times’ First Amendment rights trump “the integrity of the judicial process,” as Judge Wood terms it. He contends his ruling “is no defeat for the First Amendment.” He says it would be a “Pyrrhic victory for the great principles of free expression” were press freedom misused “to constitutionalize the publication of the private, privileged” documents.

The Times editorial says it’s going to appeal. It reckons that Judge Wood’s ruling “would subvert the values embodied by the First Amendment and hobble the functioning of the free press on which a self-governing republic depends.” Harrumphs it: “No court should be able to tell The New York Times or any other news organization — or, for that matter, Project Veritas — how to conduct its reporting.”

Far be it from us to predict who will prevail (the Times lost an earlier appeal). Yet Veritas might have landed in a win-win situation. For even if Veritas loses the appeal, it has won from the Times an admission that Veritas is among those whom no court should be able to tell “how to conduct its reporting.” So it will be hard for the Times to go to court if someone starts leaking its own privileged documents to Project Veritas.

RELATED ARTICLE: NY Times editor has died of a heart attack at 49, one day after getting a Covid “booster” shot

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Lockdown Policies and Mask Mandates Linked With Lower IQ in Children

The Democrat dream – a generation of zombies, enslaved by the government.

Nurse Whistle blower on large number of CHILDREN vaxx damaged:

Lockdown Policies and Mask Mandates Linked With Lower IQ in Children

The nation’s recent lockdown policies and mask mandates will create a generation of children who exhibit lower IQs and signs of social brain damage, according to a clinical psychiatrist for children and adolescents.

By Tammy Hung, The Epoch Times, December 26, 2021 Updated: December 27, 2021

Dr. Mark McDonald cited an Aug. 11 study by Brown University (pdf) that found that “children born during the pandemic have significantly reduced verbal, motor, and overall cognitive performance compared to children born pre-pandemic,” during an interview with host Cindy Drukier on a Dec. 25 episode of NTD’s “The Nation Speaks.” NTD is a sister media outlet of The Epoch Times.

The masks, “Zoom schools,” and lockdown mandates have led to “deprivation overall, of social contact, [of] not being able to see faces, being stuck at home all day long, [and this] has actually caused brain damage to the youngsters,” he said.

In another interview in the episode, professor Carl Heneghan, the director of Oxford University’s Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, cited evidence that pandemic restrictions and the “fear we instill into children” has led to the worsening of psychological problems.

Heneghan cited his Oct. 2 study, which concluded that “eight out of 10 children and adolescents report worsening of behavior or any psychological symptoms or an increase in negative feelings due to the COVID-19 pandemic.”

“School closures contributed to increased anxiety, loneliness and stress; negative feelings due to COVID-19 increased with the duration of school closures,” the study reports. “Deteriorating mental health was found to be worse in females and older adolescents.”

Adolescents above the age of 12 also did worse than children under 12, as adolescents face increasing peer pressure, social pressure, and are more aware of messages being delivered globally, according to Heneghan.

“The first thing is to deescalate any fear and anxiety around COVID for children,” Heneghan said. “For children, [COVID] is actually a very safe disease” and children shouldn’t be worried about the impact of COVID “on themselves or their future health.”

He said that “shutting areas like schools was a mistake,” as keeping them open is good for education, “social connectedness, and well-being.”

“We should really prioritize education and those interventions that are in children’s best interest,” he said.

According to a Dec. 20 study, data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also showed that mental health-related visits in 2020, when pandemic restrictions were first imposed, increased by 24 percent in 5- to 11-year-olds and 31 percent in 12- to 17-year-olds, compared to 2019 data.

Anecdotally, McDonald noted that he’s seen children who “refuse to make eye contact, who are wetting their pants or wetting the bed at night, cannot go to sleepovers—being away from their mother for extended periods of time.”

Teenagers, on the other hand, come out of lockdown restrictions being “so wrapped up in social media and phones and Zoom school because they’ve been trained for the last year and a half, that they do not even want to go out anymore,” he said.

McDonald called the government and media corporations out for creating a “behavioral conditioning program,” in which children are subjected to “irrational, ridiculous” situations such as eating outside on a 40-degree day and having to run marathons or play sports with masks on.

As of Dec. 27, the Biden administration is recommending that children “too young to be vaccinated” should be “surrounded by vaccinated people and mask in public indoor spaces, including schools,” according to the COVID plan on the White House website. “For those adolescents aged 12 and above who are eligible for vaccination, the most important step parents can take is to get them vaccinated.”

As of Dec. 27, the website states that “over half of the nation’s adolescents have been vaccinated.”


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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VIDEO: Elon Musk Says Wokeness ‘Wants To Make Comedy Illegal’

Elon Musk dropped the mic on the woke mob with some powerful comments.

“Wokeness basically wants to make comedy illegal, which is not cool,” Musk said. He immediately followed it up with, “I mean, Chappelle, like, what the f**k? Trying to shut down Chappelle? Come on, man. That’s crazy. So, do we want a humorless society that is simply rife with condemnation and hate, basically?

During an interview with the Babylon Bee, the founder of Tesla and arguably the most interesting man on the planet argued that wokeness is a disease looking to kill comedy.

You can watch his comments in the clip below.

For those of you interested in watching his entire interview with the Babylon Bee, you can fire that up below.

As I’ve said before, with every single person who joins the anti-woke and anti-cancel culture movement, the closer we get to winning the war.

There are already some big names who have spoken out, including Aaron RodgersCharles Barkley and Joe Rogan. However, Elon Musk is the biggest of them all.

He’s the richest man on the planet, and he has the kind of influence that could start legit wars. That’s what happens when you’re worth $278 billion.

Now, he’s using his influence to remind people that it’s okay to laugh, tell jokes, enjoy comedy and to remind people that the woke mob should be ignored at all costs.

Members of the woke mob and people who support cancel culture are bitter losers who haven’t accomplished anything in life. Instead of trying to create interesting things and elevate people, they like dragging people down to their level. It’s not a big mystery what’s going on.

Props to Musk for keeping it real and being honest about the goals of people who are woke. Again, with every person who speaks up, we become one step closer to ending this nonsense forever.



Sports and entertainment editor. Follow David Hookstead on Twitter and Instagram.

RELATED ARTICLE: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Has Trump gone Woke on us? Has he gone to the darkside?

“[Wokeness] is a prevalent mind virus, and arguably one of the biggest threats to modern civilization.” – Elon Musk

Millions voted for Donald J. Trump because he wasn’t a politician. Trump was a businessman who loved America. Trump worked tirelessly to Make America Great Again.

Then in the last year of his presidency Covid struck the world and the Wuhan flu came to America. President Trump, like many Americans, was infected, then treated and recovered from the Covid virus.

He and his entire family have natural immunity to the virus and do not need to get vaccinated.

However, Trump did get recently vaxxed. Why?

Watch this statement about Covid vaccine development.

Now some are questioning if Trump has gone to the darkside.

Man in America asked in the video below, “Why is President Trump continuing to push the vaccine even as people keep having adverse reactions? What’s really going on?


We are not anti-vaccine. However, we firmly believe that getting jabbed or not to get jabbed is a personal decision. When it comes to any and all personal healthcare decisions the rule my body, my choice is paramount. Healthcare is between a patient and their doctor. Government vax mandates are illegal and un-Constitutional.

It is not the governments role to protect my health. It is the governments role to protect my inalienable rights.

©Man in America. All rights reserved.

What Is “Surveillance Capitalism” and Should We Be Concerned?

Shoshana Zuboff’s book on so-called “surveillance capitalism” is written to fire up those already concerned about the “commodification” of online life.

“Pay attention.”

It’s a common exhortation, perhaps from a panicked parent to a careless child, or from a tolerant teacher to a sleepy student, or from a Zen master to his distracted disciples. Like our time, our attention is limited, and as such, what we trade our attention for matters a whole lot.

We spent some hours of our lives paying attention to a book on privacy in the digital world by philosopher and social psychologist Shoshana Zuboff. Zuboff’s book describes the evolution and impact of advertising-supported online services like Google and Facebook, and thus perhaps could have titled her book “Paying Attention.” But those words are too neutral and too unopinionated about online transactions that involve our attention.

Zuboff’s book is full of opinions, all supporting her overarching thesis that many consumer technology sector innovations, particularly those produced by Google, harm both consumers and society. Thus, much better suited is the title she did choose: The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power.

Like her book, no one should mistake the title’s two key words, “surveillance” and “capitalism,” as neutral. Each conveys an essential aspect of Zuboff’s vision of the power dynamics at play in commercial collection and use of personal information.

A French word combining sur—over—and veiller—to watch—“surveillance” connotes someone or something observing another from a superior position. The word may have made its way into English from the comités de surveillance (watch committees) set up during the Reign of Terror in France. Surveillance in that context could lead to execution.

Likewise “capitalism.” Although occasionally used benignly today by those who defend markets and free exchange from socialism, the word “capitalism” started malignantly. Historian Fernand Braudel details how early users of the word meant to describe a kind of social pathology that put the desire for wealth and the wealthy at the core of social life.

Zuboff’s combination of “surveillance” and “capitalism” thereby convict the innovations she attacks as characterized by uneven power dynamics and rapaciousness, setting them on their back foot—or perhaps on the hindquarters—from the beginning of the discussion. The semantics of “surveillance capitalism” make a powerful argument even before the reader turns a single page. Professor Zuboff’s title, then, reveals her as a partisan for one side in a long-running argument.

And the title is only the beginning. On the first substantive page of the book, Zuboff defines surveillance capitalism as “a parasitic economic logic … [a] rogue mutation,” and “a coup from above.” Zuboff has barely a single kind word for a set of companies that have created enormous economic value for the world economy and beneficial services for consumers. Yet despite this one-sided view, and underneath her bombastic rhetorical flourishes—which are sure to puzzle and annoy those not in the choir to which she is singing— Zuboff identifies three genuine issues in the present-day information economy that are worth grappling with.

First, Zuboff is concerned with excessive commercialization or “commodification” of online life. This critique is not particularly isolated to the online world—it is a common concern of the relatively well-to-do who prefer picturesque downtown stores while their less wealthy neighbors enjoy Walmart’s everyday low prices. Still, every human likely believes there should be spaces online and off that are not overrun by marketers plying their wares. But given that, as in the retail shopping example, people draw this line in different places, wouldn’t it be better to permit a multiplicity of options to develop?

Second, Zuboff argues that much of the companies’ acquisition of personal information is morally or legally wrongful. Zuboff argues that consumer technology companies are “dispossessing” people of information about themselves, suggesting that companies are essentially stealing personal information.

But this doesn’t match our experience online.

Most of the data Google collects about me is created by my interacting with other people’s computers. Why is observing this interaction “stealing”? And to the extent consumers actively submit information, they are typically sharing it subject to contract and occasionally abandoning it. Zuboff describes little or no benefit to this information exchange except to the companies. This may surprise anyone who has benefited from the commercially valuable services powered by this information, which the companies use to serve consumers’ interests at the same time that they serve their own.

Third, Zuboff argues that consumers are relatively unable to apprehend how personal information is collected, stored, shared, and used. We agree. Users don’t understand the risks of such collections. Information companies are in a relatively powerful position to gather more than they might need and use it in ways consumers might not prefer. But user risk tolerances in this space differ widely (outside of financially harmful identity theft), and it is unlikely that tech skeptics have accurately computed the risk / benefit calculus, either. Given the problems with discerning consumers’ true interests and the many trade-offs involved, it takes a kind of arrogance to decide for consumers what information terms they are permitted to agree to.

While Zuboff’s book emphasizes the rather new and relatively weak power imbalances between users and internet companies like Google, she says very little about a demonstrably strong and persisting power imbalance: that between government and citizen.

Unlike Google, the government can throw you in jail. There is a strong case – left untouched by Zuboff – that we ought to closely monitor and restrict the methods by which governments access personal information from commercial firms. This includes reconsidering legal standards for government access to personal information that fall below the probable cause threshold in the Fourth Amendment. Her book would have benefited from an acknowledgement that the very government she would have protect us from surveillance capitalism often poses a threat to human well-being – especially the disadvantaged and disempowered – through regular old surveillance.

Surveillance Capitalism is written to fire up the already convinced rather than persuade the skeptical. Starting with the semantically powerful title, Zuboff provokes. But when it comes time to consider policies to address the concerns she raises, we hope people will pay attention to what she leaves out.


Neil Chilson

Neil Chilson is a senior research fellow at Stand Together and the Charles Koch Institute where he focuses on technology and innovation.

Jim Harper

Jim Harper is a nonresident senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), where he focuses on privacy issues, and select legal and constitutional law issues.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Is this the best short film ever about ‘woke’ arithmetic?

Every teacher’s worst nightmare.

Comedy is the most effective way to skewer idiocy. Alternative Math depicts a nightmarish student who refuses to accept that 2+2=4. And since Little Johnny must always be right, the teacher’s confrontation with him gets escalated to the school board, with calamitous consequences. It’s terribly unfair, exaggerated all out of proportion … and very funny.

RELATED ARTICLE: The endgame of transgender ideology is to dismantle the family


Michael Cook

Michael Cook is the editor of MercatorNet. More by Michael Cook

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The endgame of transgender ideology is to dismantle the family

The stage is being set for the legal marginalization of mothers, fathers, and families by force of law.

Nancy Pelosi and her fellow gender-inclusive enthusiasts have taken a bold and much-disparaged move to erase language that expresses the reality of familial relationships. In the name of inclusivity, words like “father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, cousin, nephew, niece, husband, wife, son-in-law, and daughter-in-law” have been targeted for erasure from House proceedings.

If pursued, this scrubbing of gendered words from public communications in concert with other trans-inclusive initiatives will prove seismic in its effect on society.

Pelosi and her associates are echoing the socialist-feminist ideology articulated by Shulamith Firestone in the 1970s:

“It has become necessary to free humanity from the tyranny of its biology” and “eliminate the sex distinction itself [so that] genital differences between human beings would no longer matter culturally.”

At its core, this means that male and female manifestations of the human body should no longer be legally recognized or culturally valued. We have been marching down this road for decades and are now approaching the endgame: a genderless society. The vilification of gendered language in public settings is a significant leap toward “freeing humanity from the tyranny of its biology” and undoing the significance of biological sex.

Mothers on the trash heap of history

Firestone made a stunning prediction. She jubilantly declared that when biology was subdued and “transsexuality” became the legal and cultural norm, “the blood tie of the mother to the child would eventually be severed” and the triumphal “disappearance of motherhood” would follow. And she was right. Legal movements surrounding transgenderism are setting the stage for the legal marginalization of mothers, fathers, and families by force of law.

Though Firestone’s astute prediction has been largely overlooked in the debate about transgenderism, the fact remains that when women legally disappear, so do mothers because “mother” is a sex-specific designation. The same goes for fathers. If there are not two specific, perceivable sexes that can be definitively recognized by law, then it becomes difficult to define or defend mothers and fathers—along with their parental rights—in legal terms. Therefore, the belonging of children to their parents is increasingly thrown into question and the family stands on trembling legal legs—which is precisely the point.

When parents’ ties to their children are obscured or weakened it creates an environment hospitable to government intervention and socialist-communist revolution. That is why Marx’s Communist Manifesto openly called for the “abolition of the family.” Dethroning the family creates a void that can and must be filled—though it is impossible to adequately fill it. If we are to avoid the destruction of the family and the domination of the state that necessarily follows, we must resist efforts to cancel biological sex.

Rejection of anatomy

The push for gender abolition seems to be accelerating. Last year a California state Senate committee attempted to ban the words “he” and “she” during committee hearings. The “rainbow voting agreement” in the Netherlands calls for “the registration of gender to be abolished wherever possible.” A recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine, arguably the world’s most prestigious medical journal, asserted that sex demarcations on birth certificates should be reconsidered because “assigning sex at birth perpetuates a view that sex as defined by a binary variable is natural, essential, and immutable.”

It is becoming difficult to keep up with the myriad initiatives being rolled out to forcibly suppress biological sex distinctions.

The legal and social embracing of transgenderism encapsulates rejection of the human body as inherently manifested in two distinct and complementary forms. This rebellion against anatomy is not only tragic for individuals, who wage war against their own bodies, but it also undercuts the inherent, two-pronged voltage of male and female that propels, balances, and drives the world.

If it becomes legally inappropriate to recognize the two bodily sexes or to articulate how the interplay of those sexes forges and perpetuates the basic relationships by which we fundamentally define ourselves (mother, father, son, daughter) then the core of civilized society is in peril.

What started out masquerading as a celebration of gender turns out to be an edict for the elimination of the sex distinction itself, which in turn erodes the family—the essential cradle of humanity. If we are to salvage the family and civilization with it, we must protect and defend the “gendered language” that is now on the chopping block.


Kimberly Ells

Kimberly Ells is the author of The Invincible Family: Why the Global Campaign to Crush Motherhood and Fatherhood Can’t Win and is a policy advisor for Family Watch International. Contact her at kimberlyells@hotmail.com and InvincibleFamily.com.

RELATED VIDEO: Teacher: ‘I Start Conversations About Gender and Sexuality with My Students’.


EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden’s Cartels Succeed in Record Delivery of Youth, Child Migrants in 2021

The Democrats now own the distinction of one of the largest human trafficker in the world.

By: Neil Munro, Breitbart, December 26, 2021:

President Joe Biden and his pro-migration progressives admitted at least 40,000 coyote-delivered, work-ready young male migrants in 2021 under the excuse of saving “unaccompanied alien children.”

“What the advocacy groups are saying is that open borders is ‘For the children,’ when in fact, they’re talking about [admitting] 17-year-old construction workers,” said Mark Krikorian, the director of the Center for Immigration Studies. “In other contexts, they’d call it the ‘White Savior Complex,’” he added.

The 2021 numbers were announced by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to a friendly CBS reporter:

The Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) shelter system received 122,000 migrant children [and youths] who were taken into U.S. custody without their parents in fiscal year 2021, an all-time high that shattered previous records, according to new government figures obtained by CBS News.

“The record number of shelter transfers was fueled by the unprecedented arrival of 147,000 unaccompanied children to the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal year 2021, which ended in October,’ said CBS.

The government-aided labor trafficking was sketched in November 2020 by ProPublica, a left-wing, non-profit website:

“Honestly, I think almost everyone in the system knows that most of the teens are coming to work and send money back home,” said Maria Woltjen, executive director and founder of the Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights, a national organization that advocates for immigrant children in court. “They want to help their parents.”


Some began to work when they were just 13 or 14, packing the candy you find by the supermarket register, cutting the slabs of raw meat that end up in your freezer and baking, in industrial ovens, the pastries you eat with your coffee. Garcia, who is 18 now, was 15 when he got his first job at an automotive parts factory.

The youth inflow adds to the other inflows of legal and illegal migrants, which total about 1.5 million in 2021, atop the population of roughly 45 million resident foreign-born people.

The nation’s huge and growing population of legal and illegal migrants helps to drive down Americans’ wages, reduce high-tech investment, push up housing prices, distort national politics, and give politicians an excuse to avoid difficult domestic problems, such as fentanyl deaths, low wages, expensive housing, poor productivity, and civic demolition.

The UAC catch-and-release loophole was inadvertently created by Congress’ Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008.

The 2008 law sought to protect trafficking victims, such as child prostitutes and child labor, while the traffickers were prosecuted. But it is now used by the cartels to deliver young workers to U.S.-based labor brokers and to deliver the children of illegal migrants to the parents’ addresses in the United States.

‘The stated intentions were honorable … if a 10-year-old kid is found wandering around near the border, we want to make sure that we deal with that kid properly,” said Krikorian. “The problem is that, like any of these policies, it’s immediately seized on by smugglers as an opportunity to get more illegal aliens of the United States.”

The migrants are not thinking about the progressives’ “For the children” pitch or U.S. laws, Krikorian said.

They’re simply using the system that we set up. They’re gaming the system that [Congress] put in place. It’s our responsibility to fix that. There’s no reason that unaccompanied minors shouldn’t be expeditiously sent home … Unless they’re lying about their age or lying about other things; how can you condemn them and not condemn the lawmakers and the advocacy groups that created these loopholes? It’s like criticizing somebody for using a tax shelter — as long as they’re not lying and breaking the law, the problem may be the tax shelter, not the person taking advantage of it.

The unspoken migration is bad for the sending countries, he added.

This is an issue that transcends the unaccompanied minors issue, but it’s not a viable development strategy to export your young people and hope that they send some money back. What kind of development is that? … The deadbeats aren’t leaving — it’s the ones who want to work and earn some money. I’m not saying we should strip-mine this [human] resource for us to use for ourselves — but if you’re in Guatemala, your young people with get-up-and-go should be staying to work, not getting up and going to the United States.

The young migrants are accompanied to the U.S. border by contract coyotes, who also pay off the cartels to get routine access to the border.

The coyotes hand off the youths and children to DHS agents at the border, who then pass the migrants to the HHS shelters. The shelter officials then transfer the migrants to the coyotes’ customers, who are labeled as “sponsors” by the HHS.

In 2019, 80,634 young migrants got across before Trump, and his deputies bypassed opposition from progressive judges and pro-migration groups. In 2020, Trump and his deputies allowed just 33,239 young migrants across the border, mostly very young children.

The 2021 inflow of 146,925 young migrants is double the 2019 number and almost five times the 2020 inflow.

Most of the children and youths from Mexico are sent back, but UACs from Central America are welcomed by Biden’s deputies.

In 2021, government officials welcomed 114,211 coyote-delivered Central American UAC migrants, almost seven times the 2020 inflow of 15,687 Central American UACs. Those nations provided 92 percent of the young migrants.

Most of the young migrants are being transported to their parents or relatives living illegally in the United States.

HHS reported; “In more than 80 percent of cases the child has a family member in the United States. In more than 40 percent of cases that family member is a parent or legal guardian.”

Democrats and Republicans in Congress barred Trump’s enforcement officials from deporting illegals who paid to get their children delivered.

The delivery of the children helps persuade resident adult illegals to stay working in the U.S. economy. Without the deliveries, many migrants would return home to their families.

The pipeline also reduces the burden and cost of illegal migration because strong adult migrants can sneak over the border, work for a year or two, and then order their children to be delivered via the government-cartel delivery system.

The UAC loophole is only for migrants younger than 18. Roughly one-third claim to be age 17. Almost four-in-ten claim to be aged 15 to 16. However, border agents are under pressure to accept whatever age is offered, giving the cartels an open door to maximize the number of migrants who pay transit fees on their way to a U.S. job.

One-third of the arriving young migrants are female; two-thirds are boys and men.

The government-backed cartel delivery service is so efficient that the illegal-migrant customers complain when their foreign children are not delivered fast enough.

“During the ten days that Andrea’s 6-year-old son, Juan, was held in government custody after crossing the southwest border with his grandmother, the Venezuelan mother who lives in California said she called government officials several times a day, trying to arrange his release,” said a Washington Post article from April 20. It continued:

“How can they do this to a child?” said Andrea, 37, who goes by her middle name and did not want her last name used because she did not want to jeopardize her asylum case. “He’s never been separated from his family.”

Pro-migration groups prefer to ignore the labor trafficking, the cartels’ role, and the economic damage to Americans. So the establishment media usually describe the massive inflow as a logistics problem, not as disruptive migration and economic turmoil. For example, CBS devoted much of its article to praising HHS for importing so many youths and children:

At the largest site, a tent complex inside the Fort Bliss Army base in Texas, migrant teens reported mental health distress, inadequate services and prolonged stays. Children there were constantly monitored for escape attempts, panic attacks and self-harm. After the conditions were publicly reported in June, HHS took remedial measures.

[ … ]

More than 107,000 migrant children in HHS care were released to sponsors during fiscal year 2021, another record. The states with the highest number of placements were Texas, Florida, California and New York, which collectively received more than 45,000 unaccompanied children.

“The exploitation of this loophole is something that Congress never really was thinking about when they passed this legislation,” said Krikorian. “It was clearly a mistake — we’ve seen the consequences of it, and we need to fix it.”


Visas Given To Illegals For Easy Passage To US Border By Bus

Biden’s Taliban ban Afghan women from travelling more than 45 miles unless escorted by a male relative

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Quick note: Tech giants are shutting us down. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense, Pinterest permanently banned us. Facebook, Google search et al have shadow-banned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. We will not waver. We will not tire. We will not falter, and we will not fail. Freedom will prevail.

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What Americans will be Faced with in 2022 – Our 22 Predictions

We here at DrRichSwier.com have collectively, no pun intended, decided to make our predictions for the Year of Our Lord 2022 AD.

While we wouldn’t want our readers to bet money on these predictions, but we do ask that you take them for what they are worth. If you have other predictions please add them in the comments section below.

Here we go.


  1. Biden will still be the president and Democrats will continue to control both Houses of Congress, unless West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin switches parties. However, all bets are off until the results of the mid-term election are finally tabulated.
  2. The Democrat Party will continue its cultural war against anyone and everyone who does not obey their mandates.
  3. Covid will continue to mutate and with it Democrats will continue to use it as an excuse to control your healthcare, lives, liberties and pursuit of happiness. The get jabbed or else policies will continue unabated.
  4. As Biden’s foreign policies continue our enemies will be emboldened and our allies will start to question, and even abandon, the U.S. especially when it comes to the continued existence of the state of Israel.
  5. Inflation will continue unabated and be joined by a new enemy stagflation. A double edged sword created by the Biden Build Back Worse agenda. The Biden administration will blame anyone but themselves for an economy on life support.
  6. Iran will announce that it has deployed a nuclear capability leading to another war in the Middle East.
  7. Russia will invade the Ukraine, thereby destabilizing Europe and NATO won’t stop the RED tide.
  8. The Green New Deal zealots will continue their war against fossil fuels, leading to ever higher gasoline, diesel, natural gas and coal prices.
  9. The Democrat Party will work to keep our borders wide open, thereby importing more and more illegals who will then become registered voters. This juggernaut can impact the results of the 2022 mid-term elections (see #1 above).
  10. Biden, in league with the Democrat majority in the Congress, will continue to push legislation that rewards the few at the expense of the many. Government largesse will reward supporters of the Democrat Party, while taxes will punish their enemies, like Elon Musk.
  11. Government and the power of the bureaucrats will continue to grow as individual liberties fade away. Think of a bureaucrat’s boot stomping on the face of every American, for ever.
  12. Biden’s handlers will continue to push myths like: climate change, Islam is peaceful, Trump is controlled by Russia, getting vaccinated is mandatory to protect the vaccinated, etc.
  13. People will continue to become ill, hospitalized and even die from the Covid virus, its mutations and perhaps other new viruses.
  14. People will continue to die from taking the experimental Covid vaccines and perhaps the new Covid pill.
  15. America will continue to have supply chain issues that will severely impact every type of business from manufacturing, to medical, to farming, to energy, to wholesale, to retail, to service. Shortages will become the new normal.
  16. Politicians from both political parties will continue to empower themselves and profit off of their positions to the chagrin of their constituents.
  17. Once elected politicians will immediately ignore their campaign promises and do what benefits them, and their party, and not we the people.
  18. Myths will continue to drive the political narrative. Myths like: the world will end if we don’t do something about the climate.
  19. Working class Americans will become more and more frustrated with their elected leadership and will begin to take to the streets to save their jobs, families and culture.
  20. The radicals in the Democrat Party will become even more radical as they see their agenda to fundamentally transform America failing.
  21. There will be an American Revolution 2.0.
  22. We will live free or die. If we patriots stand should-to-should we can stop this madness and then get on with our lives once again.

We hope you enjoyed our predictions for this coming year. Again, please feel free to add to our list in the comments section.

Remember, freedom is not free.

©DrRichSwier.com. All rights reserved.


Post Christmas thoughts!

Well, another Christmas Day gone. 2021 is drawing to an end – thankfully and 2022 is rapidly drawing near and with it a more than likely rout of Democrats from public office.

2022 will be make or break for our beloved Constitutional Republic. It will either go into remission with the hope that in 2024 it will begin healing or it will sink further and further into the realm of a socialist and then soon to follow communist nation. The only two results of the latter is a breakup of the Union or Civil War. Either will be good for me if we cannot do what needs to be done through the legal electoral process.

Our country has been severely bloodied in the past year by the largest set of traitors and enemies within that even our Founding Fathers couldn’t have thought of or imagined. It has been bloodied on the international stage as well as domestically. The world is laughing at us, at how weak and pitiful we have become, not only politically but our Citizenry. Our rush to “Wokeness” in all aspects of our lives including our military will enable and embolden our enemies. They have seen how we buckled under very quickly to mandates and media pressures. How it seemed OK to allow our rights and freedoms to be taken from us by extremists and leftist dictatorial so called leadership. How we allowed irrational fear to ensure obedience. How we allowed propaganda so sophisticated to permeate our minds and hearts.

I pray daily that a new type of Wokeness awakens our country. A Wokeness of a realization that we came very close, perilously close, to losing everything that all previous generations fought for. That our country, once the shining light on the hill, would sink into oblivion and become another member of a One World Government, under a universal umbrella of liberal theology and laws, no border, no national identity, no sovereignty and no pride. A land where the government would take control of our lives, businesses, churches, media, freedom, liberty, movement, thoughts, homes and everything else. Universal pay would be decided. States rights removed. The Constitution rewritten or abolished.

America. We have a lot of work to do. We must be brave. We must be tireless. We must do whatever needs to be done to save our country from a fate far too awful to contemplate. We must ensure that the enemy within are held accountable for all true evil misdeeds. All of them!! The brazen acts of treason and their total disgraceful breaking of their Oaths, need a day of reckoning. I am talking from the perverted criminal usurper in the White House on down.

Their removal from office needs to be just the beginning. Prison time and yes – execution for the blatant treason they have committed and continue to pursue. Nothing less will heal this country. We need to see justice done. Real justice. I want to see this in all the corrupt alphabet agencies like the ATF, FBI, CIA, OSHA, CDC, DOJ, Capitol Police etc.

It will all start in 2022 at the mid terms. Then it needs to grow into a movement that grows like a snow ball rolling down hill, getting bigger and traveling faster and faster until it is like a locomotive that cannot be stopped.


©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.


The Woke Lose

Why Woke?

How Corporate America Got Woke: A Review of ‘The Dictatorship of Woke Capital’

Woke medicine now has its own dictionary

NEVER FORGET: We Are The Heirs of that First American Revolution!

“We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans–born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage–and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.” – John F. Kenney, “New Frontier” inaugural address January 20, 1961, Washington, D.C.

As we approach January 1st, 2022 and the new year I wanted to reflect on one of the men that shaped my life. His name was John Fitzgerald Kennedy or simply JFK.

I was in college on November 22, 1963 when President Kennedy was shot and killed. It is a date that will be forever embedded in my memory. A memory that led me to become a U.S. Army officer and serve my country, just as JFK served in the U.S. Navy during WWII.

JFK was more than just my president. He was an inspiration to me and gave me the values that I hold to this day.

JFK was an all-in American. His “New Frontier” inaugural address given on January 20th, 1961, in Washington, D.C. set the stage for an America “freedom first” policy.

JFK said,

We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom–symbolizing an end as well as a beginning–signifying renewal as well as change. For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forbears prescribed nearly a century and three-quarters ago.

The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe–the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.

Today, we are seeing “the state” taking away the rights of men and women, not just in America but globally. We are seeing government generosity being used to replace God, while at the same time cancelling the God of Abraham.

It is a war against God and truth. It’s a cultural war like we have not seen since the days of the fall of Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan and the former Soviet Union. It’s best known by the name “cancel culture.” The cancel culture revolutionaries are in a war to enthrone a government bent on controlling we the people.

Where is the party of JFK?

Allow me to point out a few examples of how Democrats have fundamentally changed from the party of JFK to today’s Democrats:

  • JFK was a Catholic. He held those beliefs and spoke about his beliefs. JFK stated, “For while this year it may be a Catholic against whom the finger of suspicion is pointed, in other years it has been, and may someday be again, a Jew— or a Quaker or a Unitarian or a Baptist. It was Virginia’s harassment of Baptist preachers, for example, that helped lead to Jefferson’s statute of religious freedom. Today I may be the victim, but tomorrow it may be you — until the whole fabric of our harmonious society is ripped at a time of great national peril. Today we see the persecution of Catholics, and Christians in general, for their beliefs on marriage, abortion, religious freedom and the ability to freely practice their faith, without fear of being audited by the IRS.
  • JFK was a decorated Navy Combat Veteran. JFK Commanded PT109. He served proudly and loved the military. He created the U.S. Army Special Forces, which led to the creation of special operations forces such as the Navy SEAL program. JFK said, “Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.” JFK supported compulsory military service and noted, A young man who does not have what it takes to perform military service is not likely to have what it takes to make a living. Today’s military rejects include tomorrow’s hard-core unemployed. Biden has never served in our military and has not served well those who do.
  • NASA and reaching for the stars. It was JFK who believed in American ingenuity and wanted to put a man on the moon. He and his policies did just that. Today under Biden we see a NASA that’s no-longer its former self. Programs have been dramatically cut, the space shuttle program ended. The head of NASA is focused more on politics than on science. Under Obama the agencies efforts focused on “having better relations with Islam.” America is no longer dominant in space as it was under JFK. Today NASA is but a shadow of itself.
  • The National Rifle Association. JFK was a life member of the NRA. On March 20, 1961 JFK became a life member and in a letter to the NRA President Franklin L. Orth stated, “Through competitive matches and sports in coordination with the National Board for Promotion of Rifle Practice, the Association fills an important role in our national defense effort, and fosters in an active and meaningful fashion the spirit of the Minutemen. Democrats hate the NRA and all that it stands for. Biden, his administration and Democrats have taken an adversarial position on the Second Amendment, self defense and the right to keep and bear arms. JFK supported Second Amendment rights for Americans, saying in an April 1960 statement, “By calling attention to a well-regulated militia, the security of the nation and the right of each citizen to keep and bear arms, our founding forefathers recognized the essentially civilian nature of our economy. Although it is extremely unlikely that the fears of government tyranny, which gave rise to the Second Amendment, will ever be a major danger to our nation, the Amendment still remains a major declaration of our basic civilian-military relationships, in which every citizen must be ready to participate in the defense of his country. For that reason, I believe the Second Amendment will always be important.
  • JFK added the M16 (AR15) rifle into the U.S. military inventory. It was JFK who introduced the Armalite M16 (AR-15) rifle into the inventory of the U.S. Military. Under JFK, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara ordered Secretary of the Army Cyrus Vance to test the M14 , the AR-15 and the AK-47. The Army’s test report stated only the M14 was suitable for Army use, but Vance wondered about the impartiality of those conducting the tests. He ordered the Army Inspector General to investigate the testing methods used, who reported that the testers showed undue favor to the M14. McNamara ordered a halt to M14 production in January 1964. In November, the Army ordered 85,000 XM16E1s for experimental use, and the Air Force ordered another 19,000. Meanwhile the Army carried out another project, the Small Arms Weapons Systems (SAWS) , on general infantry firearm needs in the immediate future. They highly recommended the immediate adoption of the weapon, so much so that they started referring to it as the M16. Today Democrats hate the M16 rifle and have banned it in states like New York. Senator Diane Feinstein has made it her mission to ban all “assault rifles” the prime example being the M16/AR15 civilian variants. A rifle JFK favored is now in disfavor with the Democrat Party.
  • Immigration policy was much different under JFK. JFK in his book “A Nation of Immigrants” wrote, “The interaction of disparate cultures, the vehemence of the ideals that led the immigrants here, the opportunity offered by a new life, all gave America a flavor and a character that make it as unmistakable and as remarkable to people today as it was to Alexis de Tocqueville in the early part of the nineteenth century.” In his book JFK Kennedy outlines three main reasons why immigration to the U.S. took place: freedom from religious persecution, political oppression and economic hardship. While JFK believed in a generous, fair and flexible immigration policy he did not believe in open borders and no immigration policy.
  • On Federal taxation and balancing the budget. As JFK wrote on September 18, 1963, A tax cut means higher family income and higher business profits and a balanced federal budget….As the national income grows, the federal government will ultimately end up with more revenues. Prosperity is the real way to balance our budget. By lowering tax rates, by increasing jobs and income, we can expand tax revenues and finally bring our budget into balance. Biden and Democrats have raised taxes, spent like no other president and increased the federal deficit to a historic level.
  • Communism and the Free World. As JFK stated in his 1961 inaugural address, “Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty. This much we pledge —- and more. To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends. United, there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures. Divided, there is little we can do—for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder….We dare not tempt them with weakness. For only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt can we be certain beyond doubt that they will never be employed.” Weakness in the face of Russian aggression in Ukraine is at the center of BHO’s European policy. Ignoring the threat from Russia, China, North Korea are the hallmarks of the BHO Doctrine.
  • JFK and McCarthyism. Joseph Kennedy had befriended McCarthy because he found him to be a likable fellow Irish-Catholic who had all the right ideas on the domestic communist menace. These warm feelings were quickly transferred to the entire Kennedy family. JFK liked the fact that McCarthy went after the “elites” in the State Department whom JFK regarded with contempt. Even before McCarthy made accusations against the State Department of subversion, JFK had already aligned himself with the militant anti-communists who blamed the Truman State Department for the “loss” of China. So JFK declared on the House floor in January 1949, “The responsibility for the failure of our foreign policy in the Far East rests squarely with the White House and the Department of State. Biden, his Department of State,  his administration and Democrats today embrace those who hate America and Biden has put some of them in key leadership and advisory positions in his administration.
  • And finally Cuba. JFK invaded Cuba, unsuccessfully. Blockaded Cuba. Made Cuba a pariah in the Free World. That has now changed under the Democrats.

The Bottom Line

At his inauguration JFK said,

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.

This much we pledge–and more.

JFK understood that government was the true enemy of the American Revolution. He concluded his inauguration speech with these prophetic words,

In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility–I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it–and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.

And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you–ask what you can do for your country.

My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

The American Revolution 2.0 is now pushing back against our government. JFK would be proud of those of us who stand strong together against the tyranny of big government bureaucrats who mandate that we obey or else.

We must pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of  our liberties.

The year 2022 brings us to the mid-term elections in November. These elections at every level will determine if we stand together or hang separately on the gallows of big government.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

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