ESPN’s Woke Move Just Empowered the Conservative Movement

Like many American corporations, ESPN (1.83) is all in on COVID-19 vaccine mandates even though their safety and efficacy are questionable. The company even went so far as to force out reporter Allison Williams for not wanting a vaccine due to fertility concerns.

This woke move is no surprise. ESPN and its parent company Walt Disney Company (1.67have flirted with focusing on sports in recent years, but last year went all-in on the “America is racist” narrative by signing a deal with Colin Kaepernick to provide his anti-America, historically inaccurate, and often Communist views to millions of people.

But ESPN’s loss is the conservative movement’s opportunity. The Wall Street Journal (2.67reports that The Daily Wire has scooped Williams up to lead a sports reporting team:

Former ESPN reporter Allison Williams, who recently left the network after refusing to follow its Covid-19 vaccine mandate, has joined conservative site the Daily Wire.

Ms. Williams will host a sports series available to Daily Wire subscribers, according to the media company. A promotional pop-up on the Daily Wire’s website advertises Ms. Williams’s series as “sports without the woke.” The advertisement says she “did not comply,” in a typeface similar to the one used in ESPN’s logo.

“It’s a great opportunity for me to explore issues that may be too taboo for other media outlets,” Ms. Williams said in an interview Monday.

She said the Daily Wire reached out to her shortly after learning of her departure from ESPN. The details regarding her role and project are still being worked out, she said. She declined to discuss contract details.

If there’s one thing the conservative movement has often lacked, it’s influence in the press beyond Fox News (2.64) and a few commentators and columnists in mainstream news outlets. The Daily Wire is one of many entrepreneurial conservative media outlets that is changing this equation. Williams is the latest addition to The Daily Wire; former Mandalorian star Gina Carano is starring in a Daily Wire movie that is set to launch in Spring 2022.

We applaud Williams and The Daily Wire for going beyond politics to provide sports without the woke, to quote a Daily Wire ad announcing Williams’ new role. They are filling a niche that is sorely needed, and we urge you to watch Williams instead of ESPN for your sports analysis.

Use your voice to let ESPN know how badly they messed up by putting politics ahead of customers with this link here. Also, do not forget to thank companies like The Daily Wire for being bold in standing for our American values. You can publicly thank them today by using the handle @realDailyWire across all platforms!

EDITORS NOTE: This 2ndVote column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

REPUBLICAN BONELESS WONDERS: Has the GOP joined the ‘Brandon Administration’?

“History tells us that compromise is the ‘Art of Losing Slowly.'” – Dr. Rich Swier, Ed.D.

“Never give a inch!”Ken Kesey, American novelist, essayist and countercultural figure.

“Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.” – George Santayana in his 1905 book Reason in Common Sense

Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis recently relabeled the Biden administration the “Brandon” administration. Watch:

DeSantis also said in a speech, “So right now conservatives we don’t have time for boneless wonders.”

QUESTION: Does the GOP have a backbone or are they boneless wonders?

ANSWER: Yes, to date 13 in the House and 19 in the U.S. Senate, including Mitch McConnell, are officially boneless wonders!

Actions always speak louder than words. The Washington Examiner’s Susan Ferrechio reported:

Speaker Nancy Pelosi wrestled her reluctant liberal faction into voting to pass a bipartisan infrastructure package, providing President Joe Biden with a desperately needed legislative victory.

The House passed the bill late on Friday, 228-206, with 13 GOP votes, just enough to give Democrats the bare majority needed to pass the bill. Six Democrats voted against the bill. [Emphasis added]

It appears that  the GOP has at least 13 “boneless wonders” serving in the U.S. House of Representatives. These 13 are now part of the Brandon administration.

DEFINITION: RINO – Republican in name only!

The earliest known print appearance of the term RINO (Republican In Name Only) was in the Manchester, New Hampshire newspaper  then called The Union Leader, in the 1990s.

Democrats stick together more so than do Republicans. The Republican’s glorified “big tent” has allowed in those who do not hold the values of our Constitutional Republican form of government nor the values of Abraham Lincoln, its founder.


Here’s the list of the 13 House RINOs who voted in favor of Biden’s infrastructure bill:

  1. Don Bacon of Nebraska,
  2. Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania,
  3. Andrew Garbarino of New York,
  4. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio,
  5. John Katko of New York,
  6. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois,
  7. Nicole Malliotakis of New York,
  8. David McKinley of West Virginia,
  9. Tom Reed of New York,
  10. Chris Smith of New Jersey,
  11. Fred Upton of Michigan,
  12. Jeff van Drew of New Jersey
  13. and Don Young of Alaska.

NOTE: The infrastructure bill passed the Senate in August by a vote of 69-30 with 19 Republicans offering their support, including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. Here are the 19 Senate RINOs who voted in favor of the bill:

  1. Roy Blunt, Missouri
  2. Richard Burr, North Carolina
  3. Shelley Moore Capito, West Virginia
  4. Bill Cassidy, Louisiana
  5. Susan Collins, Maine
  6. Kevin Cramer, North Dakota
  7. Mike Crapo, Idaho
  8. Deb Fischer, Nebraska
  9. Lindsey Graham, South Carolina
  10. Chuck Grassley, Iowa
  11. John Hoeven, North Dakota
  12. Mitch McConnell, Kentucky
  13. Lisa Murkowski, Alaska
  14. Rob Portman, Ohio
  15. James Risch, Idaho
  16. Mitt Romney, Utah
  17. Dan Sullivan, Alaska
  18. Thom Tillis, North Carolina
  19. Roger Wicker, Mississippi

These RINOs in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives are now part and parcel of the “Brandon” administration.

Once they have caved, they will cave again. Mark our words.

Here’s Scott Presler, someone who gets it:


Trump voters are watching what is happening. There is no doubt of that. The question is will Trumpites/Deplorables dethrone these RINOs in 2022?

In a January 1989 Life Magazine article, Donald J. Trump said, “I’m not big on compromise. I understand compromise. Sometimes compromise is the right answer, but oftentimes compromise is the equivalent of defeat, and I don’t like being defeated.”

We agree. Compromise is code for defeat. If the GOP wants to lose in 2022 and beyond then keep on compromising with the Democrats.

George Orwell in his book 1984 wrote, “One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship.”

It appears that at least 32 Republicans have now joined with the Democrats to create a socialist dictatorship in America. What could possibly go wrong?

Sad but true, we are now becoming a socialist dictatorship with the full support of RINOs.

Remember the following in 2022:

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Democrat White House U-TURN, Admits Biden WILL Pay Migrants After He Called $450K Proposal ‘GARBAGE’

Ivy League Analysis Destroys Biden’s Entire Argument for Multi-Trillion-Dollar ‘Build Back Better’ Spending Plans

FULL RELEASE: Ashley Biden Diary Reveals Child Sex Trauma, Drug Abuse, Resentment For Joe – Whistleblower


ACLU Slams Biden for Refusing Reparations for Border Crossers

The far-left American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is aiming sharp criticism at President Joe Biden for claiming this week that a plan to give $450,000 reparation payouts to illegal border crossers is “not going to happen.”

Last month, reports circulated that Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) were working to settle with a number of border crossers represented by the ACLU, who claim they have suffered trauma as a result of former President Trump’s “Zero Tolerance” policy that was briefly imposed in 2019. The settlement would give each border crosser about $450,000 and family units about $1 million. The total cost of the payouts would reach $1 billion.

When asked about the payouts, Biden said, “that’s not going to happen,” but ACLU Executive Director Anthony Romero responded later that “Biden may not have been fully briefed about the actions of his very own Justice Department” as they negotiate the settlement. “If [Biden] follows through on what he said, the president is abandoning a core campaign promise to do justice for the thousands of separated families,” Romero added.

“We respectfully remind President Biden that he called these actions ‘criminal’ in a debate with then-President Trump, and campaigned on remedying and rectifying the lawlessness of the Trump administration. We call on President Biden to right the wrongs of this national tragedy,” Romero continued.

As Breitbart News notes, $450,000 payouts to border crossers would far exceed the compensation provided to the victims of the 9/11 Islamic terror attacks and of the Boston Marathon bombings. The single payout for a border crosser could feed 42 American families for an entire year. The total cost of the payouts could provide homes to nearly 80,000 homeless Americans for a year or could forgive student loan debt for more than 27,000 American college students and graduates.

“Illegals first, Americans last” is the Biden administration mantra.

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

149 Known Connections

ACLU Official Calls for the Use of “Force” Against Supporters of Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump

In December 2015, Loring Wirbel, a board member of the ACLU’s Colorado chapter and co-chair of the organization’s Colorado Springs chapter, wrote, on his Facebook page, the following about supporters of Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump: “The thing is, we have to really reach out to those who might consider voting for Trump and say, ‘This is Goebbels [Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels]. This is the final solution. If you are voting for him I will have to shoot you before election day.’ They’re not going to listen to reason, so when justice is gone, there’s always force …”

When one Facebook commenter replied by stating that Trump’s opponents should try to “defeat him with reason and data” rather than force, Wirbel doubled down on his original position, writing: “But see, most people don’t even know what reason is. They don’t use anything other than the lower brain and would no more make decisions based on logical conclusions than choose milk based on a theme song. The base of the Republican Party is unfamiliar with a cortex.” In yet another Facebook post, Wirbel called Trump a “hate-speech felon who should be in prison.”

Soon after posting his controversial remarks, Wirbel resigned from his ACLU post. Saying that his comments had been meant “totally as a joke,” he characterized his critics as purveyors of “smear politics.”

To learn more about the ACLU, click here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Oil Prices Surge Again After OPEC Ignores Biden

Oil prices surged again Friday after foreign producers ignored the Biden administration’s repeated requests to boost output and resolve global shortages.

U.S. crude oil surpassed $80 per barrel while the lead foreign index broke $81 per barrel, both rising more than 1.5% compared to one day earlier, on Friday morning, according to the latest data. The Middle Eastern cartel Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and its Russian counterpart, collectively known as OPEC+, rebuked the Biden administration Thursday and chose not to alter previously announced plans.

“If you take a look at, you know, gas prices and you take a look at oil prices, that is a consequence of, thus far, the refusal of Russia or the OPEC nations to pump more oil,” President Joe Biden told reporters Tuesday.

Biden and top White House officials have asked OPEC and Russia for more oil and gas multiple times since August as energy prices have skyrocketed. But the administration has also taken steps to increase the hurdles for U.S. producers to increase domestic output. Senior Wall Street energy analyst Edward Moya said OPEC+ had an “easy and quick” meeting Thursday, barely even considering Biden’s repeated requests, Reuters reported.

“At no point did OPEC+ consider changing their output strategy, which was completely the message they had,” Moya told Reuters.

Republican lawmakers have amped up their attacks on the president’s energy policies, saying his decision to hamstring American oil and gas firms is negatively impacting American consumers.

“There’s nothing that’s becoming more expensive than gasoline today,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said during a recent roundtable on Capitol Hill. “And it doesn’t have to be the case. When gasoline becomes more expensive, the people that it truly hurts are those that are less fortunate.”

Nearly 20 Republican senators wrote to Biden on Friday, urging him to take immediate action to ease the burden on Americans paying more at the pump. A separate group of GOP senators released a comprehensive climate action plan Wednesday countering Democratic climate and prioritizing U.S. energy independence.



Energy and environmental reporter. Follow Thomas on Twitter.

RELATED ARTICLE: White House Adviser Says There’s An ‘Energy Crisis,’ Doubles Down On Calls For Boosted Foreign Oil, Gas Production


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Soldiers Forced to Bunk Outdoors While Afghan Refugees Slept in Their Barracks

Afghans first, Americans last.

In 2019, members of the 2nd Battalion, 127th Infantry returned home from Afghanistan. In early October, the 127th left Appleton, Wisconsin and traveled to Fort McCoy for training.

Unfortunately, Fort McCoy was already occupied by an estimated 13,000 Afghan “refugees”.

According to Rep. Tom Tiffany, who has paid several visits to Fort McCoy, the base only has the capacity to house 10,000 people, and is struggling to cope with the overflow in tents. When they first arrived some 600 Afghans had been quarantined with a variety of infectious conditions.

Fort McCoy, located in rural Wisconsin between the small cities of Sparta and Tomah, started out as an artillery range and its barracks were intended to house military personnel arriving for training exercises, not huge numbers of foreign migrants. The barracks, which were built during World War II, are in poor condition and a new construction project only recently got underway.

Even while hosting the largest population of Afghan migrants in the country, Fort McCoy struggled to maintain its training role. Over 100,000 troops had trained there during the fiscal year with personnel from all of the services participating in everything from cold weather operations (it gets pretty cold in that part of the country) and various exercises.

When the 127th arrived, the barracks they were meant to sleep in had already been taken. With Afghans sleeping in their barracks and their beds, they reportedly had to sleep outside instead.

“The summers are warm and wet; the winters are freezing, snowy, and windy,” is how the local weather has been described. In October the weather had begun its slow descent from warm and wet to freezing, but it was not the Afghans who were expected to deal with the weather.

According to a Department of Defense spokesperson, “The 2-127 Infantry Battalion was offered access to the hard structures in the field, as the barracks on post are currently occupied by our Afghan guests.” The spokesperson also insisted that, “There were no unexpected weather events during the training and no impact to the Fort McCoy mission or training for the service members.” And yet according to some the impact on morale has been quite serious.

The displacement of American soldiers to make way for Afghan migrants was symbolic of events in Washington D.C. and at Fort McCoy where refugee meals closely follow Islamic Sharia and liquor was removed from the shelves of the PX so as not to offend the Afghans.

The men of the “Red Arrow” are used to challenges. With a history that includes the Iron Brigade of the Civil War and the Les Terribles in WWI, and as members of the Wisconsin National Guard, they’re not afraid of weather. But the displacement drove home to them where the priorities of the military brass lie, not with the soldiers who served in Afghanistan, but the Afghans whom the Taliban waved past their terrorist checkpoints in Kabul and on to America.

Some no longer recognize Fort McCoy, divided into Afghan “neighborhoods” where the hated Shuras (an Islamic form of tribal governance) have been reconvened and are dictating to base personnel the way that they did during the failed “hearts and minds” efforts in Afghanistan.

The national media, which had little interest in Fort McCoy when it was filled with American heroes training to save lives and win wars, has swarmed over the place. The Today Show, among many others, has filmed canned propaganda segments touting carefully selected Afghan refugees, usually young, western, and female, who locals say are unrepresentative of the thousands of covered and frightened young women, many of them pregnant, in the barracks.

Sources say that reporters are asked to leave their cars behind in the visitor lot and then bused over to selected locations. Camera interviews are usually conducted at the main gate to avoid anything problematic in the background.

What are they worried about?

Since the Afghans swarmed into Fort McCoy, two Afghan refugees are federal facing charges, one for “attempting to engage in a sexual act with a minor” and another for “assaulting his spouse by strangling and suffocating her”. But that may only be the tip of a very large iceberg.

A leaked State Department document contained multiple reports of “child brides” and polygamous marriages at Fort McCoy. Wisconsin Democrats however tried to shut down reports by whistleblowers about the abuse of young girls happening right on our military bases.

“There are no cases in Fort McCoy right now with child, 15-or- under, who is married,” Sen. Tammy Baldwin contended in a very precisely worded denial leaving open the question of whether such cases had existed in the past or whether the children weren’t technically married.

Locals in nearby Sparta whose medical resources have been drafted into the Afghan refugee crisis however describe large numbers of pregnant women, some looking very young and a threatening atmosphere where calls to emergency services in the small city are a constant.

The media plays up stories of impoverished refugees, but sources say that the Fort McCoy Post Exchange keeps running out of smaller bills because the Afghan refugees have plenty of hundred dollar bills to spend. Not to mention credit cards and cell phones.

While locals have generously donated their own clothing, the Islamic Society of Milwaukee has been conducting its own clothing drive focused on hijabs and “traditional” and “modest clothing” for the women. The infidel clothes apparently weren’t sufficiently compliant with Sharia law.

Despite media disinformation, few if any of the Afghans were “interpreters”, many did not even speak English, and the vast majority had not received visas to come to the United States, When the Biden administration surrendered Kabul to the Taliban, it allowed the terrorist group to man the checkpoints and pick which Afghans (and Americans) were allowed to make it to the airport.

The Afghans who had legitimate visas based on their time working for the United States were not allowed through. Some may have been abducted and killed after the Biden administration turned over lists of visa recipients to the Taliban. Only 1,800 SIV visa holders made it here. Another 50,000 were Afghans who had no legal right to be here and once in this country began committing crimes and disappearing from the bases that were hosting them.

Many in Sparta are worried about what this influx of Afghan migrants means for them.

When Cuban refugees were housed at Fort McCoy, some stayed on in the area. Locals are concerned that history may repeat itself with the large number of Afghans. Even if only a few hundred are left behind, they could significantly change the character of the area.

To some locals, the sight of Americans being displaced by Afghans may be their future.


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.


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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

School CRT Program Targets Babies?

If you want a close look at the madness of critical race theory, look at what’s going on in Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), Maryland’s largest school system. Little of this is connected to reality, and it’s no wonder parents everywhere are objecting.

We received two sets of records related to the teaching of critical race theory, including a training course with information about a book titled “Antiracist Baby” that introduces the youngest readers to “the concept and power of antiracism,” and says it’s the “perfect gift” for “ages baby to age 3.”

The documents also include information from a course titled, “Digital Literacy 3” at Thomas Pyle Middle School. The course’s curriculum includes activities where the children discuss the identification of their gender, religion, and sexual orientation. The course also includes the children using “propaganda” to lead social justice movements.

We received the documents in response to our Maryland Public Information Act request for:

All records related to the development and implementation of a “Psychoeducational Lesson” related to a purported “dual pandemic” of Covid- 19/systemic racism in use by the Montgomery County Public Schools. Such records shall include, but not be limited to, email communications between MCPS officials responsible for formulating and implementing the lesson, including but not limited to those communications of Dr. Cheree Price, in addition to all other policy documents regarding its development.

In a September 29, 2020, email from MCPS intern Benjamin Mourad in the “Student Well Being and Achievement” office of the Office of Student Support & Engagement, to Elizabeth Rathbone, Coordinator of Student Health and Wellness, Mourad provides a list of trainings offered in the summer of 2020 to MCPS staff. This training includes:

  • REQ: Restorative Justice Training on Restorative Circles, Mindfulness & Other Restorative Practices
  • School-based Critical Staff Member Training
  • Counselors as Equity Literate Leaders
  • Implementing Culturally Responsive PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports)

In an August 26, 2020, email titled “COVID-19 Update” to MCPS principals, MCPS Associate Superintendent for the Office of Shared Accountability Janet S. Wilson advises the principals that “Non-custodial parents” who request Zoom login information [for access to school and potential Zoom events, like Back-to School Night] should not be granted connection information:

Additionally, parents should not login to Zoom classrooms and observe class when the child is not with them. If teachers note a parent logging in separately from their student, they should notify their principal who can seek support from OGC (Office of General Counsel) or Compliance as needed.
To support students at the start of the year, all schools will be required to implement a student psychoeducational lesson during one of the school’s mandatory Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) block before September 18, 2020. This lesson will provide students crisis facts about the dual pandemic (COVID-19 and systemic racism) that is occurring around the country and here in Montgomery County.

Wilson then presents the principals with a “website for staff, students and families that highlights ongoing professional learning opportunities for the virtual opening of schools. For staff training opportunities are focused around these key areas:

  • Technology
  • Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
  • Pedagogy
  • Social-Emotional Well-Being and Coaching for Engagement/Success
  • Accessibility Tools for Instruction and Home
  • Equity
  • Health and Safety
  • Onboarding, Induction, Mentoring, Communication and Collaboration

She further notes: “The professional learning opportunities are grounded in equity and social-emotional learning to ensure that equitable environments are established in the virtual and traditional learning spaces. Professional learning opportunities will be updated throughout the year, so please check back frequently.”

In an instructional video for teachers on “Teacher Tips for SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) on Covid19/Social Justice,” in which the presenter first instructs teachers how to set up Zoom classes for students and how to adjust a feature in the Zoom chat setting to “alleviate the possibility of students saving and sharing the chat for later.” At the 6:30 mark, the presenter, in a slide titled “Covid-19 and social justice surrounding racism,” directs teachers to use a “scripted response”:

We are currently living through a dual pandemic with COVID-19 and the Systemic and Structural racism occurring worldwide. A pandemic is an outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area and affects an exceptionally high proportion of the population. As you can see from this slide [featuring a Black Lives Matter protest poster], both are affecting lives of people in our community and around the world. Part of what we will discuss today will surround facts about COVID-19 and the Social Justice Movement in our country.
In an October 8, 2020, email to MCPS principals and others about “psychoeducational lessons and curriculum updates,” Wilson reveals that there is a “Social Justice Book club for Grades 4-8.”In a September 11, 2020, email titled, “Psychoeducational Lesson Drop In support,” MCPS Director of Psychological Services, Dr. Christina Conolly tells MCPS faculty:
We have had a lot of staff members who have questions about the implementation of the social justice slides on the lesson. Please be available to coach and/or co-teach with a staff member that may not be at a place on their anti-racism journey to effectively teach that section of the lesson.

A PowerPoint presentation titled “Family Guidance to the Psychoeducational Lesson,” includes the following slides for parents:

  • “Secondary Slide: Dual Pandemic” includes a depiction of Black Lives Matter protesters along with police officers in Germantown, Maryland kneeling at a George Floyd protest, as well as the headlines, “What It’s Like to be Asian During the Coronavirus Pandemic” and “Why the Coronavirus Looks Different to Black America.”
  • “Elementary Slide: Some Facts about Racism and Social Justice” contains a link to a video titled “Antiracist Baby,” based on a book written by Ibram X. Kendi.
  • “Teacher’s Notes,” advises teachers that the “Antiracist Baby” book introduces the youngest readers to “the concept and power of antiracism,” and says it’s the “perfect gift” for “ages baby to age 3.”
  • A slide titled “Secondary: A Brief Anti-Racism Glossary,” notes “Systems of Oppression identifies inequity by calling attention to the historical and organized patterns of mistreatment. In the United States systems of oppression (like systemic racism) are woven into the very foundation of American culture, society, and laws. (Social Identities and Systems of Oppression, 2019)]
  • “Secondary: Common Initial Crisis Reactions,” lists symptoms that secondary school children may experience because of crisis include emotional, cognitive, physical and interpersonal/behavioral symptoms. The category of physical reactions includes “decreased libido” and “hyperarousal.”
  • “Can Students opt-out [of the psychoeducational lesson]?” includes the bullet point, “Students cannot opt-out of the lessons,” but parents may request “an alternative method” for their children “due to mental health concerns.”

In a PowerPoint presentation titled the “3rd through 5th Grade Psychoeducational Lesson” a slide labeled “COVID-19 and Social Justice” includes the claim that, “People in African American and Latinx communities have been more likely to get sick from COVID-19 because of how racism and unfairness impacts their lives.” [Emphasis in original]

In a presentation titled “High School Psychoeducational Lesson,” a link is provided to the “Educator and Caregiver Learning Guide from Disrupt Texts” for the book titled “Antiracist Baby.” In the book the authors note, “To White caregivers … Racism is a problem that was invented by White people, and it is the work of White people to dismantle it.” The authors add that it is the responsibility of White caregivers to “study Whiteness,” and advise that, “Indigenous, Black and People of Color are not ‘minorities’ but ‘People of the Global Majority’ (PGM).”

In a September 15, 2020, email exchange with the subject line “Message about SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) and Psychoeducational lesson,” Wilson and other officials discuss parents wanting their children to opt-out of Black Lives Matter lessons.

Wilson writes: “I want to put on your radar that this [opting out] may be related to the anti-racist curriculum initiatives.”

MCPS Area Associate Superintendent Cheryl Dyson, replies: “Agree, Janet and Diane. I’ve heard directly from principals and directors. Some principals have parents who want their child to opt-out from the Black Lives Matter lesson.”

Area Assoc. Superintendent Diane Morris then responds: “Yes, I think so.”

The next reply, from MCPS Chief of Engagement, Innovation, and Operations Derek Turner, is entirely redacted, as is a “high importance” reply by MCPS Admin. Services Manager Felicia Yorro.

The new records include a draft activity assignment titled “Personal Identity Character Sketch” in which students were told to “focus on the intersectionality of your culture and another way that you identify yourself (your race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, class or another identity factor not listed here).” The assignment was adapted from the book “Courageous Conversations.”

A slide titled, “Five Approaches to Social Justice Activism” includes the section “Food, Festivals & Fun:”

Activism at this stage is based on cultural events and “celebrating diversity,” usually through cross-cultural programs and activities. Events tend to focus on surface-level cultural awareness, and often actually contribute to the stereotypes they are meant to challenge. People at the Food, Folks, and Fun stage might host an International Fair, a Multicultural Night, or a Diversity Fashion Show. Although these events have the potential to bring people together across difference, they do not have the potential to address injustices such as racism, sexism, classism, or homophobia.

The handout further notes that, “charitable giving” to such organizations as Amnesty International is a route people often choose “that will ease their own conscience, but don’t want to associate in any deeper way with a particular cause.” The handout also discusses volunteerism and is critical of “savior syndrome,” which it defines as when, “wealthy kids are sent into poor neighborhoods to do service-learning, but never discuss how their relative wealth is connected with the relative poverty of the people inhabiting those neighborhoods.” [Emphasis in original]

A draft presentation created by Montgomery County Public Schools Secondary Literacy Instruction is titled “Digital Literacy 3, Quarter 2: When Justice Isn’t Served” and features a “No Justice No Peace” logo, and features the following slides:

  • “Scenarios of Injustice” describes a group activity where the students, “Work together with your group to determine how you would address your scenario of injustice,” and “Everyone must prepare to present your ideas to the class.”
  • This activity includes a section where students are provided with a “Scenario of Injustice” to discuss and write down ideas about. In this scenario, students are told that they witnessed two men – one black and one white – fighting in a parking lot. Police arrive and separate the men -forcing the black man to the ground, handcuffing and putting him in the police car. The police question the white man who, “shakes hands with the policemen and walks away.”

The “Digital Literacy 3, Quarter 1” presentation features several “Graphic Organizers:”

  • Under the heading “Common Task, Gender Roles Reflection Graphic Organizer,” is a draft slide titled, “Reflecting on Gender Roles in My Life,” in which students are asked to “Describe when and how you first recognized your gender as part of your identity. It could have been in a positive, negative or neutral way.” It further asks the children to “Briefly describe how you felt about being a member of your gender group(s) in different aspects and stages of your life.”
  • Under the heading “Race Reflection Graphic Organizer” is a draft slide titled, “Reflecting on Race In My Life” that asks students to, “Describe when and how you first recognized race. It could have been in a positive, negative or neutral way.” Students are further asked about the race of their family members: “Are your parents the same race? Are your brothers and sisters? What about your extended family-uncles, aunts, etc?”
  • The “Religion Reflection Graphic Organizer” features a draft slide titled, “Reflecting on Religion in My Life,” and asks students to “Describe when and how you first recognized your religion. It could have been in a positive, negative or neutral way.” It further asks “Did you feel threatened, minoritized or privileged in this moment? Why?” and “Where do you go to worship?” and “Did your belief become stronger as you became older?”
  • The “Sexual Orientation Reflection Graphic Organizer” slide titled “Reflecting on Sexual Orientation in My Life” asks the children to “Describe when and how you first recognized your sexual orientation.”

A presentation titled “Social Justice Movement: Making a Difference” includes:

  • A set of slides that prompt students to “Create a timeline for your chosen social justice movement …” In this activity, the students are taught that a “catalyst” is “something that quickly causes change or action: such as “art, music, speeches, events, laws, movies, court cases, pop culture, propaganda, and literature.”

A presentation titled: “Researching Important Leaders and Organizations” includes:

  • A slide titled “Social Justice Leaders” that includes a picture of a Black Lives Matter protester with an upraised fist and long-time Communist Party USA member Angela Davis.

This material details how extremist race politics and CRT are being used to target children for political ends. Politics should immediately be removed from the curriculum of Montgomery County Schools. These CRT-laden teachings have no place in any American classroom.

RELATED VIDEO: Critical race theory ‘buzzwords’ list released, then deleted by Texas policy organization

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

AOC: Terry McAuliffe Lost Because He Didn’t Embrace Socialism Enough

“Stupid is as stupid does.” – Forrest Gump

“There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men by force; socialism by vote” – Ayn Rand

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.” ― George Orwell, 1984

Just when you thought that Democrats couldn’t become more out of touch with reality we have a statement from Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (a.k.a. AOC).


“I think that the results show the limits of trying to run a fully 100 percent super moderated campaign that does not excite, speak to, or energize a progressive [Socialist/Communist] base, and frankly we weren’t even really invited to contribute on that race.”


I wrote a column titled “Do Democrats Suffer From An Extreme Case Of Confirmation Bias?” In it I wrote:

It appears that Democrats are in denial when it comes to bad policy. The recent elections in Virginia, New York and elsewhere have interestingly revealed something that is called “confirmation bias.” Democrats just can’t seem see how voters disagree with them and their current economic, social, national security and cultural policies.

It is clear that AOC fits my conclusion that she and her fellow Red-Kool-Aid drinkers are stuck in George Orwell’s book 1984. Covid mandates are now the weapon of choice to control our culture. We are without a doubt in a cultural war for the hearts and minds of every American citizen.

It is now clear that Democrats want to enslave us by buying our votes with government largesse. You see there are a growing number of Americans who now “vote for a living” than work for a living.

I look forward to the 2022 mid-term elections with a new confidence and greater hope that we will restore our Constitutional Republican form of government.

Let us all pray that it comes to be so.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


OSHA Vaccination Rule With 7 Requirements for Americans

COVID: New possible side effect of booster vaccine has been revealed

Do Democrats Suffer From A Deadly Case Of Confirmation Bias?

“Confirmation bias, the tendency to process information by looking for, or interpreting, information that is consistent with one’s existing beliefs.”Britannica

“Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.” ― George Orwell, 1984

Confirmation bias, a phrase coined by English psychologist Peter Wason, is the tendency of people to favor information that confirms or strengthens their beliefs or values, and is difficult to dislodge once affirmed.

It appears that Democrats are in denial when it comes to bad policy. The recent elections in Virginia, New York and elsewhere have interestingly revealed the Democrat Party’s “confirmation bias.” Democrats just can’t seem see how voters disagree with them and their current economic, social, national security and cultural policies.

To understand watch the below video of Democrat-Socialist Alexandra Ocaseo-Cortez take on the red wave in Virginia:

Democrats expect, and in some cases (e.g. Covid jabs) demand that everyone agree with their mandated and biased policies or else lose their jobs, freedoms, health, welfare and human rights.

Democrats and Their Confirmation Biases

We have written about key biases held by Democrats. Biases that even science says are false. However, because these biases fit the Democrat Party narrative (i.e. confirmation bias) they are seen as undeniable facts, and not biased fictions and lies.

Here are a few examples of Democrat confirmation biases:

  1. Individuals can choose their gender, science be damned. This  confirmation bias is based upon the LGBTQ+ agenda that says there’s no male or female but rather anything one can come up with that they believe. Medical News Today lists 72 genders including: neutral gender, null-gender, genderless, neutrois, androgyne, bigender, butch, cisgender and on and on. This reminds me of Forrest Gump’s statement, “Stupid is as stupid does.” This isn’t science its stupidity.
  2. Mankind can control the climate (weather), simply by passing legislation, mandating we use green energy and throwing trillions of dollars at it. This confirmation bias is not based on science. Rather it is based on a false belief that if we don’t do something the earth will end as we know it. It is the confirmation bias of the environmentalist movement.
  3. All white people are racists and supremacists. This has become the rallying cry of Democrats even in the face of the truth. As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., said, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave-owners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood.” As Americans we must judge people by their character not by anyones skin color. While we are all born equal nature and nurturing make us unique and different. Those who make bad decisions end up paying the price for their mistakes.
  4. We must tax the rich. Taxations is the ultimate weapon of Democrats. Tax and spend is their mantra. From FDR to Biden today we are seeing massive spending bills coming out of the Democrats controlled Congress. As we write this Congress is voting on a $1.7 trillion spending bill filled with pork. The problem with taxing the rich is that eventually every taxpaying American feels the pinch. When the cost of fuel, food and services goes up, as it is under the Biden Build Back Better agenda, then everyone is getting taxed.
  5. Islam is our friend and Jews (and Israel) are our enemies. The struggle between Islam and the rest of the world has been going on for over fourteen hundred years. Perhaps the flash point is the Israel and Palestinian conflict. We have seen, since 9/11 a growing effort to embrace Islam as a “religion of peace” when the actions of the followers of Mohammed is anything but peaceful. Yet we see Jews who are Democrats embrace confirmation bias in fear that they will be called Islamophobic. Which is worse, being called a name or having your throat cut?
  6. Communism is better than free markets. We are seeing today how corporations in America are embracing Democrat policies over providing goods and services to their customers. In the first months of Hitler’s chancellorship, the Nazis instituted a policy of “coordination”—the alignment of individuals and institutions with Nazi goals. Institutions like: the public school system, corporations, social media platforms and even manufacturers have aligned themselves with the Democrat’s confirmation biases. Under Hitler culture, the economy, education, and law all came under Nazi control. So it is today with Biden and the Democrats’ Build Back Better agenda. EXAMPLE: Consider the 2019 controversy surrounding the Betsy Ross flag. When, shortly before Independence Day, Nike announced its plans to release an athletic shoe featuring the Betsy Ross flag, Nike spokesman Colin Kaepernick objected, condemning the flag as a symbol of racism and slavery. A social media storm followed. Consequently, Nike announced that it was halting production of the shoe. This controversy was trivial. But the episode points to something else. What is NOT trivial is the attempt to spread anti-American ideology into every area of American life and the fact that too many in positions of authority immediately retreat when confronted by “political correctness” and anti-Americanism.
  7. Confirmation bias in public schools. The FBI has declared that parents who oppose Critical Race Theory taught in public schools are domestic terrorists. We have reported that our public schools no longer teach our children how to think, rather they are determined to teach our children what to think. Public schools have become propagandists for the LGBTQ+ movement. Public schools are not the places to teach children about this kind of perverted behaviors. What happened to public schools teaching our children to read, write and do arithmetic? This is just the tip of the iceberg. John Brownbill from the  wrote: I have to tell you all if I had kids in public schools anywhere in this country I would remove them and home school them. I would have probably gone to jail had my kids been at any of the above scenarios. How do parents keep their hands off these sick people in positions of authority that seek to further their sick and perverted ideology on our kids?
  8. Confirmation bias in the Fourth Estate. Our government has three official branches—the executive, legislative, and judicial. But there is a fourth unofficial branch that is just as important. Thomas Jefferson once described what the fourth branch was. He wrote: “The basis of our government being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.” Today we have a biased government and a biased press. Perhaps no where else is confirmation bias more evident than in the Fourth Estate. The term “fake news” is the best description of media obsessed and biased against telling the truth. What we now have is political propaganda, not news. This is especially true with the social media platforms of Facebook, Twitter and Google. Some notable exceptions are: Breitbart, The Ledger Report and the soon to be launched app TRUTHsocial.


Some may say that Christians are biased toward their beliefs. This is true as it is with those who follow Mohammed. The difference is in their actions toward one another. Christians love their neighbors, Islamists kill them.

One could say that conservatives (i.e. Republicans) are biased in their beliefs. That is true. Conservatives believe that the U.S. Constitution is truly the law of the land and guarantees each American citizen with the God given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Which bias do you hold? How do you look at what is going on today in your home, community, city, county, state and nation?

Do you suffer from confirmation bias or do you seek the truth, which will set you free?

We believe that “extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice and moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.” We are conservatives with a conscience.

What are you?

Since the November 2021 special elections the Democrats are going through Kubler-Ross’ stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression. But will they accept what happened this November at the polls or continue their confirmation biases and party on as if nothing has changed?

The mid-term elections in 2022 may once again prove that we the people are fed up with the Democrat Party.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Is Biden Creating a ‘Fourth Reich’ in America?

Why I’m a Conservationist and NOT an Environmentalist

Does the ‘P’ in Public Schools stand for Perverted, Pederasts, Propagandists or All Three?

CARTELVILLE USA: Mexican Drug Cartels Take Over Small Town California

A Daily Caller undercover investigation has revealed Mexican drug cartels buying up land on the outskirts of Los Angeles to run illegal grow operations and training camps.

Join the Daily Caller’s Jorge Ventura as he ventures behind enemy lines in an American small town that’s become ground-zero for the new war on drugs and the losing battle against illegal immigration.

Watch as terrified citizens and an overwhelmed sheriff’s office struggle to keep control of their own backyards, within the borders of the United States, while Liberal leadership and corporate media turn a blind eye.

Going where others refuse to go, our reporters probe deep into the crumbling underbelly of California’s desert border towns as they feel the crush of lax drugs laws, unfettered illegal immigration and ruthless Mexican cartels.

Click here for a map of cartels near you in America.

Watch The Full Video On How Illegal Drug Cartels Have Seized Control In Small Town California


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Are Globalists Sabotaging Fertilizer Factories and Transport to Set Stage for a Crop Collapse in 2022?

Are globalists and environmentalists working to cause a collapse of our precious food chain? By harming the food chain they cause food prices to go up but even worse cause people to die of starvation. Is this the goal of the globalists and their environmentalist partners, population control? We have seen a major issue with the supply chain in the United States. Ships off of the Western seaboard are languishing because unions don’t want to work 24-7 to unload them.

Is this supply chain issue just the tip of a much bigger iceberg to undermine our food chain?

Health Ranger Report notes:

We now know that the globalist genocidal war against humanity is a multi-vectored assault on every system that sustains human life: Biology, energy, economics, freedom, self-ownership of your body and so on. Now, we have new information that reveals the food scarcity attack vector is targeting the fertilizer supply chain in order to unleash massive crop failures in 2022.

Fertilizer plants are being shuttered and freight trains that deliver fertilizer are being sabotaged. Energy prices are also forcing many plants to close down around the world, while China has put in place a phosphate export embargo against Western nations.

Crop production for 2022 is going to be catastrophic. The famine is “baked in” and now cannot be reversed until energy supplies are restored (and that’s not happening).

Watch this Health Ranger Report video and you be the judge.

©Health Ranger Report. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Why I’m a Conservationist and NOT an Environmentalist

It’s the culture war, stupid!

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.” ― George Orwell, 1984

Elections that follow a Presidential race routinely trend against the party in the White House, so Republicans were expected to do well in the assorted votes that took place around the country this week.

But no one quite expected Tuesday’s results.

In Virginia — a state Biden won by ten points last year and that has been blue since the Obama years — the GOP snatched the offices of Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Attorney General.

Glenn Youngkin defeated Democratic candidate and former Governor Terry McAuliffe, while Winsome Sears took the lieutenant governor position and Jason Miyares becomes the state’s new Attorney General.

Republicans are also on track to take back the state’s lower legislative chamber, erasing a ten-point Democrat majority.

Even more surprising was the GOP’s performance in New Jersey. Blue since the days of Bill Clinton, New Jersey was supposed to be a walk in the park for incumbent Governor Phil Murphy, who enjoyed a ten-point lead in the polls. While Murphy is still projected to win, Democrats are rattled: if Murphy succeeds, he will only be putting down his Republican rival by a thousand or so votes.

In another blow for New Jersey Democrats, former truck driver Edward Durr, who spent only $153 on his general election campaign, is set to oust Democratic Senate President Steve Sweeney. Sweeney is the longest-serving legislative leader in the state’s history.

Meanwhile, the Daily Wire reports that the New York GOP this week posted its best statewide results since 2016, and Republicans turned from blue to red a Texas seat that has a 75 percent Hispanic population.

Tuesday’s election results have been widely seen as a repudiation of the Biden agenda. Biden’s approval rating has fallen more at this point in his presidency than any other commander-in-chief since the Second World War.

Soaring inflation, worker shortages, a supply chain crisis, a collapsed southern border and the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal have seen Biden’s approval numbers bogged in the low 40s for several months.

Across the board, commentators have suggested that these results spell disaster for Democrats at next year’s midterms. Pollsters have echoed the same. “Needless to say, tonight’s results are consistent with a political environment in which Republicans would comfortably take back both the House and Senate in 2022,” tweeted Cook Political Report’s Dave Wasserman.

So whence the red tsunami?

If there is a single takeaway from this week’s results, it is that American voters are far more engaged in the culture wars now than in any past election. While the economy and Covid mandates were also on the table, the role of parents in education was a leading concern. This was especially true in Virginia.

“Republicans are looking to education as a winning issue ahead of next year’s midterm elections after putting it front and center propelled the party to a clear victory in Virginia on Tuesday,” reported The Hill.

The New York Times was even more blunt: “After Terry McAuliffe stumbled to defeat … a mild suggestion seems in order: Democrats probably need a new way to talk about progressive ideology and education.”

Virginia has been ground zero for a nationwide showdown between parents and school boards. For parents, the issues have been at least twofold: the sexualisation of their children through transgender bathroom policies and curriculum; and critical race theory which is souring race relations, especially in urban centres.

Youngkin stood with parents on these issues; McAuliffe stood in their way. The rest is history.

It also didn’t help that nationally, Democrats and their progressive institutions have been characterising dissenting parents as “domestic terrorists” and a threat to national security.

As conservative pundit Candace Owens put it, “I’m very surprised to learn that classifying parents as domestic terrorists for not wanting their children to learn racist and pornographic material in school is not a winning election strategy. Who knew.”

Clearly, calling Republican and Independent voters “racist” for harbouring such concerns was unsuccessful. But this hasn’t stopped progressive commentators from repeating the same slur in Tuesday’s aftermath.

Too bad for them that the face of “white supremacy” is now a son of Cuban migrants, and the first foreign-born black woman to assume a statewide office in Virginia.

Too bad for them that making race and gender incidental — not central — is how to win the culture war. And elections.


Kurt Mahlburg

Kurt Mahlburg is a writer and author, and an emerging Australian voice on culture and the Christian faith. He has a passion for both the philosophical and the personal, drawing on his background as a graduate… More by Kurt Mahlburg.

RELATED VIDEO: Rep. Jim Jordan On Republican Wins Last Night And The Future Of The Republic.

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: ‘Inside the World of Sharia’ by Anni Cyrus

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.” ― George Orwell, 1984

This new Glazov Gang episode features Anni Cyrus, an artist, founder of Live Up To Freedom and producer of The Glazov Gang.

Anni discusses Inside the World of Sharia, revealing how Sharia is a supremacist law system and a tool of war.


Iranian-born Anni Cyrus was married at 13 to a complete stranger in his middle 30s. When she didn’t do what he wanted her to, he beat her. Cyrus escaped to Turkey when she was 15 and made her way to the U.S. three years later. Now a U.S. citizen and human rights activist, she is speaking and writing to raise awareness and to help other girls and women like her.

Cyrus was born in the Islamic Republic of Iran after the 1979 Revolution, when the shah was overthrown and replaced by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. When Khomeini became supreme leader of Iran, he imposed sharia law, the legal code based on the Koran and other Islamic scripture. In his first speech upon his return to Iran, Khomeni decreed that the marriage age for women would change from 18 to 9.

RELATED VIDEO: The Solution to Stop Islam

RELATED ARTICLE: Knife Wielding Muslim Screaming “Allahu Akbar! “France Is Ruled By The Islamic State” Is Shot By Paris Metro Guards

EDITORS NOTE: This The Glazov Gang video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

A Premeditated Crime Against America’s Most Disadvantaged Children

Why are America’s prisons filled with so many young black men? Are they inherently bad? Too shiftless to succeed? Too stupid to learn? Actually, none of the above. Most black men who do time were cheated out of a decent education by the inexcusably sorry public schools they had no choice but to attend.

And why do so many young black women fall into the demeaning lifestyle of government dependency? Are they inherently bad, too shiftless to succeed, too stupid to learn? In every case, no. Like their male counterparts, they too were robbed of a decent education by the grossly substandard public schools that failed to give them even a minimally acceptable education.


The harm America’s biggest school systems have inflicted on urban kids who want to learn has gone on for so long that it’s tantamount to a premeditated crime against the most disadvantaged children in our society.

Consider the plight of minority students who have no choice but to attend the horrendous public schools in the nation’s capitol. For the school year 2010-2011, the District of Columbia Public School District spent nearly $600,000 per classroom of 20 students—$29,345 per pupil, to be exact—yet 8th graders in the District finished dead last in a national proficiency test in math and reading. Dead last!

For that school year, DC’s public schools were the uncontested winner in the race to the bottom, with every other urban school district in America breathing a sigh of relief that they were edged out as the worst of the worst. From border to border and coast to coast, inner-city children are being robbed of a chance to learn by school systems that give little more than lip service to providing disadvantaged kids with a good education.


Since the 1960s, urban school districts have received astounding sums from the U.S. Department of Education, yet their abysmal results have repeated like a broken record year after year after year. The 2009 stimulus bill signed into law by President Obama allocated $98 billion of additional funding to the DOE, nearly all of which went to the same Democrat-run school systems that have failed decades on end to adequately educate minority children.

Despite that intolerable failure, their answer to the problem is always more money.

But while children who want, need and deserve a decent chance to learn are getting the educational shaft, school superintendents and legions of other lavishly-paid, off-campus administrators are taking gargantuan bites out of school budgets:

  • From 1999-2010, Beverly Hall was superintendent of Atlanta Public Schools, a system that habitually graduated less than half its high school students. The year before she resigned, Hall’s compensation package included a chauffeured limousine and a salary of $389,000, more than twice the salary received by Georgia’s governor. Atlanta is not alone—many big-city school superintendents are paid more than their state’s governor. As head of one of the worst-performing school districts in American history, the superintendent of Baltimore City Schools is paid $320,000$50,000 more than Maryland’s governor.
  • When federal grants—also known as political slush funds—land in their lap, urban school districts squander much of the money on lavish junkets disguised as “education conferences.” With one of the lowest high school graduation rates in the Atlanta area, the DeKalb County School District blew through a $382,000 grant from Obama’s 2009 stimulus spending by treating 184 senior administrators to a relaxing four-day stay at a luxury resort hotel & spa in Hollywood, California.


The surest way to ensure that inner city children receive a quality education is through federally-funded school choice vouchers. Established in 2004 as a school choice pilot project by President George W. Bush and a Republican Congress, the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program provided thousands of minority students in the nation’s capitol with $7,500 scholarships.

The program enabled 1,700 black and Hispanic kids from low-income families to get out of DC’s notoriously sorry and unsafe public schools, and into the same kind of safe, high-performing private academies attended by the likes of Chelsea Clinton and the Obama daughters. Although the program was enthusiastically supported by eager-to-learn minority kids and their parents, President Obama and Democrats in Congress terminated it in 2010 at the behest of teachers unions, the Democratic Party’s most loyal constituency.

Sixty years ago, a black baby who would never set foot in a public school was born to a mother who chose to enroll him in top-rated private academies as he grew up. So what impact did private schooling have on his life? He’s done quite well. His name? Barack Hussein Obama, who exercised school choice for his own children, but denied it to disadvantaged children in the nation’s capitol.

President Trump pushed hard for a federally funded, 50-state school choice program for urban kids from low-income families, but was obstructed at every turn by the unholy alliance between the Democratic Party and teachers unions. Democrats eagerly subsidize Planned Parenthood so the lives of unborn urban babies can be snuffed out by abortion, yet are fiercely hostile to providing a first-rate education to disadvantaged minority children whose mothers chose to give them a shot at life.


The following quote is attributed to Albert Shanker, former president of the American Federation of Teachers: “When school children start paying union dues, that’s when I’ll start representing children.” Whether Shanker said that is disputed. But even if he didn’t, that’s the attitude teachers unions and Democrats have about where children stand in the public school pecking order.

The mutually back-scratching alliance between Democrats and teachers unions has cynically exploited urban school children for six consecutive decades. The harm they have inflicted on generations of America’s most disadvantaged young people has been so thorough, so devastating that it’s hard to conclude anything other than they couldn’t care less about the fate of the very children for whom they piously profess infinite concern.

Below are links to short videos that will break your heart. The first shows eager-to-learn minority students in the nation’s capitol literally begging President Obama to save their opportunity scholarships; the second shows a bewildered African American mother asking why oh why did the president she’d enthusiastically supported kill her daughter’s school choice scholarship. Who gives a damn about urban school children who want, need, and deserve to learn? Not Democrats or teachers’ unions.

WATCH: Disadvantaged kids beg President Obama …

WATCH: Bewildered mother asks Obama why …

©John Eidson. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Big-City Schools: Where America’s Most Vulnerable Kids Get Shafted

Did Virginia Save America from Civil War?

“Always make a total effort, even when the odds are against you.” – Arnold Palmer

It appears that Americans, many of whom had voted illogically for a mentally challenged criminal pervert because of an inane hatred of President Trump, have come to their senses.

Was it buyers remorse? I am sure that played a huge part as they have witnessed 10 months of Biden’s agenda as it destroyed this country faster than anyone envisaged.

Was it Scott Smith, who was arrested during a raucous June 22 school board meeting in Virginia when he protested the violent rape of his daughter by a pervert, supposed transgender freak in a skirt, in a neutral gender school bathroom.

Was it when the school district said it never happened as they moved the transgendered freak to another school where he did the same thing?

Was it the lies Virginia’s Governor told about CRT not being taught in Virginia school districts? ( knowing full well it was!)

Was it the Virginian Governor staying parents shouldn’t have an opinion on what is taught to their kids in tax payer funded schools?

Was it Virginia’s choice of Lt. Governor, a black former marine born in Jamaica , who ran as a Republican with a conservative pro America agenda?

This last Tuesday saw the beginnings of the hopeful demise of the extreme left of the Democrat Party, as candidates supported by the AOC Squad were demolished. Defund the police candidates were soundly beaten. The Clinton influence was expelled.

We witnessed the total nervous breakdown of the lefts favorite MSNBC and CNN political hosts. The weeping and gnashing of teeth could be heard all over this beautiful Constitutional Republic! It was sheer joy to watch them becoming unhinged!

We also saw the big names like Obama, the idiotic VP Kamala Harris and Biden’s influence severely curtailed. Interestingly I thoroughly agreed for the first time ever with something Kamala Harris said, “What happens in Virginia will in large part determine what happens in 2022, 2024 and on,”. IT SURE WILL!

So, I give Virginia a huge shout out because it was a bad day for Democrats but a great day for the United States of America. A great day for freedom. Unfortunately, bad days for Democrats and good days for America are synonymous of each other. The truth is the Democrats truly hate the United States of America and everything it has ever stood for whereas conservative patriots love the United States, it’s constitution and everything that it has ever stood for with a deep passion and a willingness to die should it be needed to preserve it all. 

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.


The Pilgrims Learned of Socialism’s Worthlessness: Why Can’t We?

Socialism, one of history’s worst ideas, has been disproved repeatedly and without exception. Yet it keeps rearing its ugly head—constantly being rebranded as a good idea.

Socialism only benefits the ruling class who implement this form of government theft.

Amazingly, early America had an experiment in socialism. The Pilgrim settlers tried socialism for two years–and it nearly killed them.

In his book, Socialism: The True History from Plato to the Present, William J. Federer quotes the socialistic bylaws imposed on the Pilgrims by those London merchants who funded the creation of their colony.

Under this agreement with these investors, the members of Plymouth Colony agreed to pool all their goods, and all the rewards of their labor, with each person being entitled to an equal share of it. No matter how hard or little you worked, you would get the same.

For our Providence Forum documentary, “The Pilgrims,” we interviewed Leo Martin, the founder of the Jenney Museum (Learning Center) in Plymouth.

Martin told me, “So now the Pilgrims come over here virtually in a socialistic situation, a communal living, where everybody at the plantation worked in the same field, grew their food, then at the end of the season, they simply evenly split with each other what they produced.”

We also interviewed Dennis Prager, founder of PragerU, for this special. He told me, “The Pilgrims did experiment with socialism or communalism, and they realized it didn’t work. It is against human nature. The moment you tell people that the community will take care of you, they work less. It undermines character.”

And that is precisely what happened. Governor William Bradford, the leader of the Pilgrims, who was their governor for about three decades, was also their key chronicler. His book, Of Plymouth Plantation, documents their amazing story, which includes the first Thanksgiving—the 400th anniversary of which we celebrate this month.

Bradford called some of the Pilgrim leaders together to, in our modern parlance, brainstorm on how to increase production of their corn. The conclusion was to abolish this “common stock” stipulation, instead giving each person or family their own land and letting them enjoy the fruits of their labor without being forced to work for others, so “that they might not still thus languish in misery.”

It worked. Abandoning socialism and implementing private land ownership and free enterprise increased production dramatically.

Bradford writes, “This had very good success, for it made all hands very industrious…The women now went willingly into the field, and took their little ones with them to set corn; which before would allege weakness and inability; whom to have compelled would have been thought great tyranny and oppression.”

Bradford admits that they had fallen for “the vanity of that conceit of Plato’s…as if they were wiser than God.” Plato is credited with being the first to present socialism—holding property in common.

When the Ten Commandments say, “Thou shalt not steal” (which implies private property). God does not add the stipulation, “unless thou art the government.” Socialism is theft by the government, taking by force what one has earned to redistribute it to one who has not earned it.

We give thanks that the Pilgrims learned of the bankruptcy of socialism before it was too late.

Leo Martin says it is a great thing that the Pilgrims abandoned socialism when they did because it helped them become productive and prosperous. Martin notes, “Did you know that today ten percent of the population of the United States are Mayflower descendants? Thirty million people from fifty-one.”

The Pilgrims were so grateful for what God had done for them that they set aside time to thank Him for His many blessings. Thanksgiving is an annual holiday reminding us of our nation’s Christian roots.

But socialism not only undercuts productivity. It undercuts thanksgiving to God.

Jesus said we are to pray to “Our Father which art in heaven.” Socialism teaches in effect, we should pray, “Our Father which art in Washington” as we depend on the government to provide for more and more of our needs.

The Pilgrims were godly people who sacrificed all their comforts so they could worship Jesus in the purity of the Gospel. They were very caring people who sought to fulfil the command to “love thy neighbor as thyself.”

If the Pilgrims found that socialism didn’t work for even them, how can we expect socialism to work for anybody, including those who are just selfish and waiting to get by off of the sweat of their neighbor’s brow? In short, once again, socialism proved to be a bad idea.

Isn’t it time humanity learned this repeated lesson from history once and for all? Socialism never ceases to fail everywhere it is tried.

©Jerry Newcombe. All rights reserved.