Human Rights Campaign Promotes CTRL+F for Pronouns

The leading backer of the misnamed Equality Act is our archrival, the equally misnamed Human Rights Campaign (HRC). The other day they put out guidance to Americans that before sending any electronic communication you should “first do a quick ‘CTRL+F’ and search for any incorrect pronoun use” to avoid “misgendering” the recipient.

This would just be more woke nonsense from the left except for one thing: if the Equality Act becomes law “misgendering” someone might lead to a federal discrimination charge that could be ruinous to your reputation and finances. This legislation is just one step away from passing and becoming law. We’ve stopped it so far in 2021, but the HRC and powerful Democrats in Congress are determined to push it forward next year.

Help NOM be ready for the coming fight. Until midnight on Friday night, every contribution to NOM will be matched dollar for dollar. Even better, every person who steps forward to become a monthly donor will see their monthly pledge be matched for an entire year. Will you act with a year-end tax-deductible donation now to help us get the full benefit of the match? Please be generous.

EDITORS NOTE: This NOM column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Arrest of Terror Suspect Highlights Nexus of Terrorism and Immigration

On December 20, 2021, the Department of Justice (DOJ) issued a press release stating, “Bowling Green Man Arrested on Multiple Terrorism Charges.”

From the title of that press release, you would never imagine immigration was an issue in the case.

The suspect, who was arrested as a suspected terrorist, was simply identified as “Bowling Green Man.”

However, the very first sentence of the release states that the suspected terrorist, Mirsad Hariz Adem Ramic, holds dual citizenship in the United States and Bosnia.

This is a common ploy used by the Biden administration to downplay the link between immigration-related issues and national security.

We will examine this nexus shortly, but first, here is how that DOJ press release begins:

A federal court in Kentucky unsealed an indictment today charging a dual U.S.-Bosnian citizen with providing material support to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), a designated foreign terrorist organization. The defendant is also charged with conspiring to provide material support to ISIS and receiving military type training from ISIS.

According to court documents, on June 3, 2014, Mirsad Hariz Adem Ramic, 31, of Bowling Green, Kentucky and two co-conspirators each departed the United States for Istanbul, Turkey in order to support ISIS. All three then purchased tickets with cash to fly to Gaziantep, Turkey, a city located near the border with Syria. From there, Ramic and the two co-conspirators crossed the Syrian border to join ISIS.

As alleged, after joining ISIS, Ramic attended an ISIS training camp where he received weapons and physical training and fired an AK-47. The FBI obtained photographs of Ramic in ISIS territory which depict him wearing camouflage clothing and standing in front of a pickup truck outfitted with an anti-aircraft gun and the ISIS flag. A second photograph of Ramic depicts him holding a rifle.

After joining ISIS, Ramic and his co-conspirators remained in contact with each other and discussed, among other things, Ramic’s presence in Raqqa, Syria, and his use of an anti-aircraft weapon to shoot at planes. Ramic and his co-conspirators also discussed jihad, martyrdom and fighting for ISIS. After joining ISIS, one of Ramic’s co-conspirators sent two e-mails to Western Kentucky University, stating that he had traveled to Syria to join ISIS and expressing his desire that ISIS conquer the United States.

Generally, there are only two ways for a person to hold dual citizenship in the U.S.

An alien who lawfully immigrates to the U.S. may become a naturalized citizen and may also retain his/her previous citizenship. Alternatively, a child born in the U.S. to alien citizen(s) acquires birthright citizenship and may claim the citizenship of a foreign-born parent(s), as well.

When an alien files applications for visas or immigration benefits to enable them to enter the U.S. and remain thereafter, statements concerning material facts must be truthful. Any lies could constitute immigration fraud. Immigration fraud is a very serious crime and one that, if it involves terrorism, can be punished by a jail sentence of up to 25 years and also result in stripping the alien of any lawful status, including citizenship. The relevant sections of law are: 18 U.S.C. § 1546: Fraud and misuse of visas, permits, and other documents, 18 U.S. Code § 1425: Procurement of citizenship or naturalization unlawfully, and 18 U.S. Code § 1015.

If Ramie was born in the U.S. he could not be charged with immigration fraud. However, if he was a naturalized citizen, his applications for various visas, immigration benefits, and even U.S. citizenship must certainly be scrutinized for possible fraud — not just to punish him, but in order to remove him from the U.S. after he completes his prison sentence for terrorism-related crimes, if he is found guilty.

This is vital because, as the press release noted, he expressed a desire for ISIS to conquer the U.S.

It is in the interest of national security and public safety that he should be removed from the U.S. if the situation permits, and this protective action should be taken.

If, on the other hand, he was born in the U.S. to foreign-born parents, their immigration applications must also be scrutinized to make certain that they did not commit immigration fraud to enter the country.

However, given statements made by Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, and given his checkered past wherein he ordered subordinate employees to “get to yes” when adjudicating applications for visas and immigration benefits, it is extremely unlikely that efforts to investigate and identify possible immigration fraud will be undertaken by the Biden administration.

Consider my recent article, “Biden Administration Plans to Protect Immigration Fraudsters,” which includes the following:

On October 13, 2021 the Washington Times reported, EXCLUSIVE: DHS drafts plan to allow fraudsters to keep citizenship: Memo would constrain ability to pursue denaturalization cases.

Here is how that report begins:

The Homeland Security Department is circulating a draft proposal that would severely curtail its attempts to strip citizenship from people who were naturalized based on fraud.

The Washington Times saw a draft of the memo, from Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to the heads of the three immigration agencies. The memo says people might not apply for citizenship because they worry about losing it in the future.

“Naturalized citizens deserve finality and security in their rights as citizens,” the memo says. “Department policies should not cause a chilling effect or barriers for lawful permanent residents seeking to naturalize.”

America’s borders and immigration laws are supposed to serve to protect and defend the United States and its citizens from foreign nationals who pose a threat to national security, public safety, and public health.

It would appear that Mayorkas, Biden, and Harris never got the memo — and never read the 9/11 Commission Report or the companion report, “9/11 and Terrorist Travel – Staff Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States.”

©Michael Cutler. All rights reserved.

What Does 2022 Hold in Store for our Greatest Generation of Floridians?

While many millions of Floridians and tourists from afar are celebrating the 2021 holiday season amongst family and friends, many thousands of Floridians are in lockdown terror inside of nursing home guardianships, wherein they are deprived of contacts and communications with the outside world, including their own spouses with whom scores of precious years were spent together. Floridians who bear the extreme weight of court-ordered professional guardianships alone cannot attend their own religious services ever again, rejoice in family events ever again, or even embrace their lifetime mates ever again.

Elder advocates say that this is not America; naturalized immigrants having fled to this land do not recognize her any more; military families cannot comprehend how their sacrifices were for naught in their old age; and patriotic homes grieve endlessly for their missing loved ones trapped inside of tiny rooms, like cells, without telephones, computers, envelopes and stamps, and any means of sending and receiving messages.

Families and marriages are torn asunder every day by guardians’ decisions and corresponding judicial actions. In rural Suwanee County, Richard Herring has been separated and isolated from his wife for more than four years, suffering from medical crises alone in his forbidding cell. Near Tallahassee, capital of the Sunshine State, there is no sun shining and no Christmas visits or gifts for 92-year-old Victor Lambou. For Jews in professional guardianships, there are bitter isolations, restrictions, and religious and sensory deprivations – no contact orders, no kosher foods, no Jewish holiday observances, and court-ordered cremations instead of proper Jewish funerals and burials. Jewish Wards Al Katz, Jan Garwood, Marie Winkelman, and Idelle Stern all suffered such pronounced deprivations of their rights to freely practice their religion. Bradenton Guardian Anne Ridings took Alice Yaniscavitch’s adored rosary and cherished wedding rings from her before her death alone in guardianship lockdown, as her family begged to bring Alice home from Anne’s COVID-infested forced nursing home placement for Alice.

Beloved husband Hershel Harber died alone in guardianship lockdown forcibly separated for months from his wife, who ordered an autopsy of his body marked with multiple level four bed sores open to the bone. Beloved father Dr. Dale Kewitz lost his life to gangrene in a Manatee County guardianship, with photographs recording Dale’s excruciating last months of his life.

While it takes but moments for a probate court – completely unfamiliar with a potential Ward – to overturn a productive lifetime of achievements and familial relationships, it would take the rest of a lifetime to recover from the emotional traumas, medical neglect, and financial excesses and exploitations inherent in masses of Florida’s thousands of guardianships proliferating from coast to coast at the expense of human dignity and success.

Is this America? Is this the New Year 2022 for our truly “Greatest Generation” whose lives, loves, and limbs were lost to preserve our human rights to freely practice our religions and to protect the integrity of the American family? Let us pray for forgiveness of our collective sins in letting human blood spill from bed sores and gangrene that kill and all other manifestations of needless suffering through neglect, abuse, and exploitation of our elders. Let us pray steadfastly that no Floridians know any further heinous guardianship realities blood-staining the State of Florida.


©Beverly Newman. All rights reserved.

When all the nerds died, all the trans people appeared. Coincidence?

An American mother mourns the loss of her nerdy teenager in the transgender tsunami.

Do you know why it matters whether you use a 1.85:1 aspect ratio or a 2.39:1 aspect ratio? I don’t, because I refuse to learn. This is a long-running discussion in my marriage. My husband seems very insistent that the distinction between the two is critical. The more he insists, the less I care, and neither of us is backing down.

My husband is the definition of a nerd. Nerds will die on the hill of aspect ratios, even if it means clearing the room. We all know a nerd. We all know when we need them, and when we want to avoid them. They’re handy with fixing the Ethernet connection; not so much with jazzing up the conversation at a work party.

Married to a nerd? You’ll know. Even your sister knows the pros and cons of 1.85:1 and 2.39:1 by now. Your friends ask who’s going to come to your dinner party. Subtext: please, please God, not the husband’s friends. The husband I can cope with, but the husband and his friends are too much.

In my son’s early years, I hoped that I might have passed on some natural indifference towards aspect ratios. Maybe I would have an ally who cared as little as I did. Or even less!

But no. By the time he was a toddler, he was shaping up to be a regular clone of my husband. When the leader of the Mommy & Me class asked the kids to throw out a word for everyone else to repeat, my son didn’t say bear or rabbit. He said: “the War in Afghanistan”. Obviously my husband’s room-clearing ability was genetic. I dropped my dear child off at the elementary school, and watched the other kids run away, to avoid being trapped in an intensely detailed conversation about the latest thing he’d picked up on.

But nobody calls kids “nerds” these days. It’s a word you hear less and less. In fact, nearly a decade and a half later, my now-teenage son sits in classrooms full of kids who probably say “nerd” as much as they say “square” or “loser”. As a category, “nerd” seems to be disappearing. Are its members (once proudly split between Star Trek and Star Wars clans) being absorbed into the general population? Is there a new word I just don’t know? Or are they disappearing completely? Are we witnessing… nerdocide?

I don’t think it’s only the nerds. The same thing has happened to tomboys, too. Maybe I’m showing my age, but where are all the girls who dirt-bike? All the teenage girls I see these days look the same. Where are the girls in oil-stained overalls, talking about engine parts?

And then there’s lesbians. A recent Gallup poll gives us some (nerdy) stats on this. The number of lesbians went up, all the way through the 1980s, the 1990s, the 2000s… but then it hit the down slope. When I first saw this, it really didn’t make sense. We’re all getting more tolerant nowadays, right? So why the shift? I know that lesbians aren’t all tomboys (or vice versa), but it looks like they’re both heading in the same direction: south. I couldn’t help thinking it’s the same thing that’s happening to the nerds.

But LGBT identification overall is going up. Way up.

It’s not that there are more gay guys: it’s that there are more trans people, as well as categories we didn’t have until recently, like non-binary. There are even people who say they’re queer and straight, which really does make me feel old. So are these new LGBT people (even the straight queers!) actually just the nerds and the tomboys from back in the day? It feels like the two things at least might be linked.

To me, this fits. All these kiddos are obsessed with bodies. I love a good selfie, but these young people really take it to the max. All they think about is how they look. I hate that the young are blamed for this… as if my generation would do oh-so-much better in the world of PornHub and Snapchat filters. But it’s not just the vain fixation with appearance.

Nerds have nowhere to go. Nerds used to have transferable skills. One nerd was better at programming, the other at art. These skills were a sort of currency. Once they were free of the school’s grip, men like my husband went out into the world to nerd it up. They went from being the target of wedgies to the target of acquisition bids.

The nerds in my son’s generation don’t seem proud of their skills because they’re not visible.

So going back to my son. This kid had obsessive craze after obsessive craze. Thomas the Tank Engine was his universe. He knew where that train ate, slept and played: him, and all the other trains in the station. Trust me. I heard all about it. But then, he got to know so much about Thomas that he hit Peak Thomas, and suddenly lost all interest.

So then it was rollercoasters. He knew everything about them: where the biggest was, the tallest was, the fastest was. I could have used Thomas and his friends as doorstops and he wouldn’t even have noticed. He was an expert on rollercoasters. He wrote a song about roller coasters. He was going to grow up to be a roller coaster designer. He built roller coasters. He drew roller coasters (a lot of them). We’d watch videos of roller coasters. This lasted until about the age of eight, when I’d finally got my head around rollercoasters, and then it was suddenly Minecraft, and he was an expert in that, instead.

Here’s the important point: nerd is a genetic trait. My mother-in-law warned me about this on the day of my wedding. Would my husband even notice that you could read the print on his t-shirt underneath his white tuxedo shirt? No, because it wasn’t about aspect ratios. So we got him changed into a plain t-shirt. But then he put on a bright red watch, which he thought was just fine, because it wasn’t about aspect ratios. She told me: “if it’s not technical, he’s just not interested.”

Like father, like son, I learned. My son was all-or-nothing: and once he dug through every little fact to become the world’s expert, he moved on to the next thing. One day, I guessed, he’d find his own aspect ratio.

But the next thing didn’t make any sense. He suddenly decided he was trans, even though he’d never shown any sign of femininity at all. In fact, the opposite. It’s not as though I thought this was exactly like the roller coasters, or Minecraft: he was coming into puberty, and trying to make sense of his place in the world, and his new feelings about girls. It was important to him.

But I also knew my kid and knew that as soon as he was interested in something, he’d throw himself into it 100%. So I guessed the best thing to do was to let him figure it out in his own time.

Just like his father’s inability to move on to the next topic, my son was suddenly unable to stop talking about transition. But it didn’t make sense to me, because he wasn’t thinking about what came after transition. Usually, he’d know every single aspect of what something entailed, from start to finish: but with his sudden obsession with transition, he wasn’t willing to research what kind of body he’d have afterwards. It was such a weird gap, and it made it difficult to take the whole thing seriously. Why did he care so much about the process of transition, but not its result?

I kept on coming back to this point, over and over. My son seemed to be glitching. He was stuck on repeat. Normally, he’d be doing everything he could to get all the details, so no one was as expert as he was. But he didn’t want to be an expert in transgenderism in the same way that he wanted to be an expert in roller coasters or Minecraft. He couldn’t bring himself to look at the consequences of the changes he said he wanted to make to his body. It was a blind spot. He knew all about transition, but nothing about the people who’d transitioned: and he didn’t want to find out, either.

The people I’ve told about this seem to think he won’t change his mind, but I know his mind. I know how he thinks, and how his big obsessions suddenly resolve themselves away. And I can’t help but wonder how this connects to gaming. Just before he got obsessed with transition, he was always playing video games, which gave him avatars he could customize, where he could be this or that, boy or girl.

Is that what he thought he’d be doing to his body? Didn’t he realize his body didn’t come with a reset button?

I didn’t need to do much research into hormones to know just how powerful those little things can be. I’m in menopause right now, and taking HRT, but my doctor has said I can’t go beyond five years because of the medical risk. If I face that risk in only five years despite having a body which has naturally produced estrogen all my life, what happens to my son’s male body in five years? How about ten? Thirty? Surely this is the kind of thing you’d care about, if you care about the finer points of roller coaster design. It matters when roller coasters go wrong. Engineers get sued. It should matter when hormones go wrong, too. It’s like he can’t understand his own body as a machine, which it is.

I’m already sceptical about medication. My husband was once told by his doctor that his cholesterol was too high and got prescribed statins to bring it down.

But my husband hated the idea of being on medication for life, so he decided to deal with it by exercise and diet. He cut down on sugar and dairy, went jogging once, and even that made enough of a difference to bring the number down. It made me wonder how much money these big corporations are raking in from medications that just aren’t researched enough.

So when I looked into all these drugs my kid wanted to take as part of his transition, I genuinely got nauseous. I already knew about Lupron, because a friend of mine took a few doses of it for IVF. Now she has a life-long heart problem, requiring constant monitoring and medication. Apparently, 1-10% of people who take puberty blockers like Lupron get heart problems: but heart disease runs in our family, on both sides. My son is way more likely to be in that 1-10%.

I have also always fed our son hormone-free meat and dairy, so supporting the use of hormones goes against my basic health principles. It’s so hard to find any real science behind anything to do with these hormones. Why does this gap exist?

My HRT is prescribed on the basis of long-term studies: the hormones my son wanted to use seemed to be prescribed on the basis that they were available, so hey, why not? It would be one thing if my kid were suicidal, or had always had some problem with the idea of himself as a man. I know that’s a very real thing for some kids. But he seemed to think he could take estrogen just because he wanted to, and treated the whole thing like it didn’t really matter that much. The nerd-brain he got from his dad wasn’t connecting cause with effect.

I can’t tell you everything about my kid, because it’s his healthcare, and his life. But I will say this: he’s so ahead in so many ways, but so behind in others. And I can also tell you that the way he talks about transition is nothing like the way people sometimes talk about it on the news.

The trans people we hear about are nothing like my son. For them, the story is salvation. Transition rescues them from misery. For my son, it’s like some weird loop he’s stuck in, which doesn’t seem to have anything to do with sexuality, or even sex.

It took me a long time to piece this together, but here is my realization. If he grew up when I did, his sub-culture would be nerd. But nerd has gone, and so he had to find something else. That’s so tough for young men, with all the porn they’re exposed to, and all these beautiful people in adverts all around them. I wish I could get him to see that his brains matter more than his body. I guess being trans is a way to be visible, since being a nerd isn’t.

Right now, we’re trying to get him to understand the medical consequences, and hoping he shifts his attention onto the next thing. But that will be hard. There are so few places where nerds are welcomed these days.

Are we medicating the nerds away? Are we convincing them that their bodies are just like avatars they can try on, or get rid of once they get bored? After all, if he goes through with this, it might not just be hormones. It might be surgery, too. I genuinely don’t think my son gets how permanent that is. I know it sounds crazy, but I really don’t.

And what’s wrong with just being a nerd? It was good enough for Bill Gates, Charles Darwin, Steve Jobs, Mozart and Albert Einstein.

I always wanted a nerd. Nerds are smart. They earn good money. They’re safe. Or at least they used to be. I wish my son would stop talking about gender and start living! It’s making him boring. And if I want to be bored, I can talk to my husband about aspect ratios.

I am an American working professional and mother. We live on the West Coast. My son is on the autism spectrum and has become convinced that he is transgender. My belief is that much of this new identity is a rewriting of his history.


Anonymous author

In exceptional circumstances, MercatorNet allows contributors to publish articles anonymously. Sometimes the author’s privacy or safety might be at risk. More by Anonymous author

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Is it racist to say that 2+2=4?

Some educators claim that teaching the objective facts of mathematics and science is an imposition of Western imperialism.

Facts once assumed true by everyone are quickly becoming controversial. This is a trend we have all become aware of. There is, for example, increasing pressure to suggest that pregnancy can happen to women and men. People who wish to express that “all lives matter” may now choose to self-censor for fear of reprisal. You may have even heard that the American Cancer Society, well-meaning no doubt, recently called women “individuals with a cervix”.

In the latest development, it’s being suggested that we could be guilty of Western imperialism if we insist that 2+2=4.

In late 2019, Seattle Public Schools released a new draft curriculum aimed at “re-humanising” mathematics. It suggests that “Western” maths has been used to “disenfranchise people and communities of colour” by posing as “the only legitimate expression of mathematical identity and intelligence.” The document goes on to ask, “Who gets to say if an answer is right?”

This draft curriculum builds on the theory of ethnomathematics — the study of intersections between maths and culture — which began in the late 1970s.

While the historical oppression of minorities should by all means be covered in school curricula, using it to dismantle the universal facts of mathematics is highly questionable. But Seattle Public Schools seem quite serious.

So did many Twitter users in the online debate that followed. Nikole Hannah-Jones, founder of The New York Times’ controversial “1619 Project”, weighed into the debate, tweeting,

“I wonder if folks always talking about ‘standards’ ever stop to consider that it’s their so-called standards that are the actual problem.”

Brooklyn College professor also voiced her view that 2 + 2 = 4 “reeks of White supremacist patriarchy”. Laurie Rubel objected to “the idea that math (or data) is culturally neutral or in any way objective,” claiming that this is a myth. “I’m ready to move on with that understanding. Who’s coming with me?” she added. Several other academics from American universities and colleges went on to retweet and support her views.

It turns out that this is no isolated discussion.

A New York-based group called Abolition Science was formed in 2018. The community produces a regular podcast and describes itself as “an anti-colonial project” with a mission to “undermine the racial capitalist logics of Western Science and Math”. Their vision statement explains that they are “an abolitionist project that envisions a science and math delinked from racial capitalism, imperialism, and oppression”.

In actual fact, key concepts behind mathematics came to the West from non-Western lands. The concept of the number zero — a revolutionary concept for mathematics — has roots in Mesopotamia and India, for example. Al-jabr, or “algebra” as we call it, came to us from the Middle East.

Moreover, mathematics is embraced far beyond the West today as the basis for just about every modern advancement — from smartphones to medical research to skyscrapers.

This is important context before dismissing mathematics, as we have always understood it, as being “oppressive”.

These are ominous signs of our times. For good reason do many describe ours a “post-truth” world. Social theorist Thomas Sowell, who is himself African-American, was sharp in his analysis that “we are living in an era when sanity is controversial and insanity is just another viewpoint”.

English philosopher G. K. Chesterton (1874-1936) saw the early signs of the West’s abandonment of objective truth, and in a cheeky tone, he warned:

We shall soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four, in which people will persecute the heresy of calling a triangle a three-sided figure, and hang a man for maddening a mob with the news that grass is green.

But there is another eerie backdrop to these developments.

The phrase “two plus two equals five” was made famous by George Orwell’s dystopian classic Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949). In that story, the totalitarian government that ruled Oceania brainwashed its citizens to say and believe absurd things. Under threat of torture, protagonist Winston Smith was forced to declare that two plus two equals five. This was part of the ruling Party’s push to replace “thoughtcrimes” with approved ideas known as “Newspeak”.

Could it be that in coming years, insisting that 2+2=4 will become as risky as saying that there are only two genders?

It is good to question our assumptions and challenge our biases. And yes, let’s continue to root out injustice and oppression if we encounter it. But sometimes fashion goes too far. In the all-consuming desire to critique Western civilisation, we may well end up dispensing with truth itself. That won’t help us — and it’s doubtful that sowing this kind of distrust among the next generation will bode well either.

With so much cultural upheaval that has taken place in recent years, now might be a good time to ask yourself: is 2 + 2 = 4 a hill you’re willing to die on?


Kurt Mahlburg is a writer and author, and an emerging Australian voice on culture and the Christian faith. He has a passion for both the philosophical and the personal, drawing on his background as a graduate… More by Kurt Mahlburg

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

God and Ego: Trump vs. Obama

A “great man knows he is not God,” observed the great and greater G. K. Chesterton — “and the greater he is the better he knows it.” This came to mind when hearing something President Trump said recently — and brought to mind something Barack Obama said many years ago, something a bit odd.

“Our country needs a savior right now,” said Trump while preaching for Pastor Robert Jeffress at Dallas’s First Baptist Church the Sunday before last. “And our country has a savior,” he continued. “And it’s not me. It’s somebody much higher up than me. Much higher.”

Of course, such an admission doesn’t require a heck of a lot of humility. What do you have to be, after all, to not realize you’re not God?

Answer: Maybe a Barack Obama.

Consider: While running for the U.S. Senate from Illinois in 2004, Obama was interviewed by Chicago Sun-Times religion reporter Cathleen Falsani, and what he revealed was striking, indeed.

Obama spouted boilerplate leftist philoso-babble for much of the interview. One interesting point, however, was when Falsani asked him, “What is sin?” Obama’s answer?

“Being out of alignment with my values,” he said.

Now, this is a bit like asking Dr. Anthony Fauci “What is pseudo-science?” and his answering, “Being out of alignment with my pronouncements” (which would be in character). But, of course, Obama’s is not the definition of sin. Sin is that which violates God’s laws, or, to put it in more modernistic terms, that which is out of alignment with God’s “values” (which are the Truth). And one could conclude that a person defining sin as being out of alignment with his values believes he is God.

An even more bizarre answer came earlier in the interview when Falsani asked Obama whether he prayed often. “Uh, yeah, I guess I do. It’s not formal, me getting on my knees,” the ex-president replied. “I think I have an ongoing conversation with God. I think throughout the day, I’m constantly asking myself questions about what I’m doing, why am I doing it [emphasis added].”

Well, now we see why he doesn’t get on his knees.

How, after all, do you kneel before yourself?

Obviously, praying involves imploring God for aid and perhaps asking Him questions; He is the prayers’ recipient. Thus, again, Obama was instinctively putting himself in God’s place.

Yet as I wrote in 2010, do “I say that Obama thinks he is a supreme being who created the Universe? Unless it’s a universe of programs, laws, regulations, and debt, no. But I am certain…that Obama is a typical leftist: self-centered and solipsistic. He has deified himself, in the sense that he believes he is above everyone else.”

So who has the bigger ego, Trump or Obama? Some may claim that at First Baptist, 45 was speaking to (and perhaps playing to) an audience very different from 44’s. Fair enough. But for certain is that with Falsani, Obama revealed his true self as he so often would off teleprompter, just as he did when telling an audience in 2008 that people in middle America clung to “guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them….” His comments were in the nature of a Freudian slip.

As for Trump, very much the playboy, he certainly for most of his life could not be mistaken for a desert mystic, and they do say “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” Yet I did sense (and I could have been wrong, of course) that he grew as a person as his presidency wore on. Given how he was assailed and maligned without reprieve, this wouldn’t be surprising. For “Pain is the megaphone God uses to get through to deaf ears,” as C.S. Lewis put it — trials and tribulations inspire us to grow.

But the deeper matter is that the self-deifying are dangerous because godlessness breeds the twin siblings of illusory human superiority and sinister superciliousness: Those who don’t look up at God with awe tend to look down on His children with ire.

That’s why any leader should ideally fit the description almost no leader does: Chesterton’s. As he put it in The Everlasting Man (1925):

Divinity is great enough to be divine; it is great enough to call itself divine. But as humanity grows greater, it grows less and less likely to do so. God is God, as the Moslems say; but a great man knows he is not God, and the greater he is the better he knows it. That is the paradox; everything that is merely approaching to that point is merely receding from it.

Of course, a prerequisite for approaching and receding from that point is understanding that the point exists in the first place.

Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on MeWe or Parler, or log on to

Joe Biden’s Big Political Flip Flop: Again Touts a ‘Federal Plan’ to Beat COVID

On December 27th, 2021 Biden said that there was “no federal solution” for the Covid pandemic. Not so fast, as we leap forward 24 hours.

Just one day after Biden’s declaring that the federal government had “no solution” in dealing with Covid, Biden does a completed political flip flop.

In a @POTUS tweet Biden touts, “We’re going to get through this by working together.”

What is going on?

We believe this flip flop is being driven by the Democrat Party’s concern of the falling approval ratings of the Biden administration and its impact on the 2022 midterm elections.

The Democrat Party is in trouble as the American people are waking up to the draconian efforts, particularly Covid mandates in Democrat Party controlled states, that they will lose seats in the U.S. Congress and with it the ability to pass legislation that furthers the Biden Build Back Better agenda.

I recently bumped into a couple at my gym. The man was wearing a Boston t-shirt. I asked him how things were going in Massachusetts. He said that his company is doing great producing vaccine passports for the government that will be used to allow people to use restaurants, go shopping or just walk the streets. I said that if any business tried that in Florida it would be fined for doing so. He responded with yeah.

The Democrats are on the wrong side in this entire Covid pandemic issue and how to deal with it. They truly believe, and even idolize, people like Fauci.

Watch: MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace gushed Monday during a panel about how she is a “groupie” for White House chief medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci.

The Bottom Line

In a Save America Foundation column published on December 8th, 2021 column titled “Where Are the Government COVID Vaccine Safety Studies?” Fred Brownbill wrote:

Yesterday I reported to you the number of adverse reaction reports filed about COVID vaccines in the U.S. has topped 900,000 and the number of deaths shortly following COVID vaccinations now exceeds 19,000, according to official government numbers.  Today, we look at what happened in the first 90 days after the government approved the Pfizer vaccine and at additional evidence that’s come in regarding the withholding of information by Pfizer before its vaccine was approved.  Both of these add urgency to the question: Has the government conducted follow-up COVID vaccine safety studies and, if not, why not?

We start with the fact the FDA wanted to hide its records about adverse reactions which occurred in the early days after the COVID vaccines were approved.  A court disagreed, and the first batch of records has been released, with more to come.  One record already released is a smoking gun.  It’s entitled “Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports”.  [available here]  This document shows Pfizer received 42,000 adverse reaction reports, including 1,223 deaths in the first 90 days of vaccine use, originating from several countries.

Read the full article.

In a January 15th, 2021 U.S. State Department document titled “Fact Sheet: Activity at the Wuhan Institute of Virology” the Office of the Spokesperson wrote:

For more than a year, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has systematically prevented a transparent and thorough investigation of the COVID-19 pandemic’s origin, choosing instead to devote enormous resources to deceit and disinformation. Nearly two million people have died. Their families deserve to know the truth. Only through transparency can we learn what caused this pandemic and how to prevent the next one.

[ … ]

The CCP’s deadly obsession with secrecy and control comes at the expense of public health in China and around the world.

Read the full report.

Watch this testimony by Registered Nurse Collette Martin, a whistleblower exposing hospital failures and the side effects of the COVID Shot.

China lied and people died. Today people are dying and Biden is lying.

Covid is a virus that was weaponized in a military lab then transferred to Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in Wuhan, China.

As the U.S. State Department discovered, “The U.S. government has reason to believe that several researchers inside the WIV became sick in autumn 2019, before the first identified case of the outbreak, with symptoms consistent with both COVID-19 and common seasonal illnesses. This raises questions about the credibility of WIV senior researcher Shi Zhengli’s public claim that there was ‘zero infection’ among the WIV’s staff and students of SARS-CoV-2 or SARS-related viruses.”

The Biden administration is not telling we the people about the origins of Covid nor what is the actual long term health impact of getting jabbed. We the people do not know if the vaccines, and how the pill, are safe and without long-term negative health issues.

There have been some who have labeled the president as Beijing Biden. While we don’t label people we do criticize policies. It appears that Biden and his administration do not want us to know the truth behind the pandemic, the vaccines and their ability to deal with both.

Stay tuned it will get worse as we work to skin the onion on Biden’s pandemic repsonses.


COVID Enthusiasts Furious After Biden CDC Shortens Quarantine Requirements

Biden Touts ‘Federal Plan’ For COVID After Saying There’s No ‘Federal Solution’

30,000 Unvaccinated Students Throw Los Angeles District’s Mandate Into Limbo

Former Biden COVID Advisor Zeke Emanuel Opposes Helping Workers Fired Over Vaccine Mandate

COVID Crisis Weakened America’s Belief in God

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

Congressman Mike Garcia (R-CA): L.A. DA Gascón ‘Landing on the Side of the Criminals’

Monday on Fox Business Network’s Varney & Company, Rep. Mike Garcia (R-CA) called for radical Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón to resign over his handling of the rising crime in the area.

“I think the people need to make it happen,” Garcia said of Gascón’s resignation. “We have to first start by holding him accountable for his lack of accountability and charging these criminals. He’s effectively landing on the side of the criminals rather than the victims.”

That’s the Democrat way.

“We have folks who have committed murder against law enforcement officers who are now looking at an option of early parole because of Gascón,” Garcia added. “We have minors who are being charged with sexual felonies who are looking at potentially not even going through the court system because of his new what he calls the Ready Program, which is a rehabilitative program for minors.

“So, the people need to pay attention. We need to hold him accountable,” Garcia concluded. “We need all elected officials to call for his resignation and ultimately push for a recall if we need to do that, but he’s certainly not helping our county right now. The city of Los Angeles has effectively the Penguin operating like in Gotham City right now in the form of a DA, and it’s absolutely shameful. These are the policies we cannot allow to have uploaded to the federal government. This is the fight that we’re fighting, making sure that our nation doesn’t become what California has become.”

George Gascón

9 Known Connections

Gascón Lays out His Philosophy & Priorities As DA

On December 7, 2020 — the day he was sworn into office as DA of Los Angeles — Gascón wrote Los Angeles police officers an open letter in which he: (a) accused them of engaging in “unconstitutional policing” practices that had “severely hindered the standing and safety of us all”; (b) announced his intent to reopen several police shooting cases that his predecessor, Jackie Lacey, had declined to prosecute; (c) articulated his support for Black Lives Matter; and (d) expressed support for diverting funds away from police departments and toward community-based health and social-service programs that could serve as alternatives to jail and prosecution.

To learn more about George Gascon, click here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Jury is in the mRNA shots destroy your immune system – Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

A moving appeal by Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Doctors for Covid Ethics, on the urgent need to END the Covid vaccination program. Pathological findings show, says Bhakdi, that in all people who receive Covid vaccination, immune cells begin to self-destruct.


EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

NEW YORK CITY: Democrat Racism on Steroids

NYPD cops will soon have to start recording the race, gender and age of every person they pull over during a vehicle stop — even cyclists. This is the poison consequence of Democrat rule.

NYPD directive to record race, gender during traffic stops sparks officer concerns

NYPD cops will soon have to start recording the race, gender and age of every person they pull over during a vehicle stop — even cyclists, The Post has learned.

From Jan. 1, officers will be required to fill out a new form that notes the demographics of the person driving the vehicle or bike, and whether any police action was taken against them, according to an internal order obtained by The Post.

The forms have to be filled out even if no law enforcement action is taken.

Sources said the additional paperwork is meant, in part, to ensure cops aren’t wrongly profiling the people they are stopping.

But an NYPD officer with more than two decades on the job said it is just a “recipe for disaster.”

“As an officer, I’m definitely going to think twice about pulling anyone over. That’s the first thing they’re going to look at how many black and Hispanic people you pulled over,” the cop said.

The officer added that some cops were already hesitant to stop people — and the additional paperwork would just deter them even more.

Cops are already calling on incoming NYPD Commissioner Keechant Sewell to put a stop to the new rule.

“They’re all just saying, ‘I just won’t pull anybody over.’ Why would you when everything you do is going to be scrutinized? I’m black and I don’t even want to pull anyone over at this point,” the cop said.

The new paperwork requirement for vehicle stops is reminiscent of the UF 250 form cops are required to fill out on suspects, which detected high profiling during stop-and-frisks across the Big Apple a decade ago.

The new forms are being implemented to comply with an amendment to Local Law 45 that requires the department to report precinct-level data on the number of vehicles stopped by uniformed officers.

Posters warning about the new vehicle report forms have been plastered in precincts across the city ahead of the rollout.

“We are complying with the requirements of Local Law 45 of 2021,” an NYPD spokesman said.

Furious cops are already calling on incoming NYPD Commissioner Keechant Sewell, who takes on the top job the same day the new form is rolled out, to put a stop to it.

“If this new commissioner wants to change things, this is definitely something she has to change,” the veteran cop told The Post. “I would hope that [Mayor-elect] Eric [Adams] gets rid of that because he knows it’s just a distraction.”

RELATED ARTICLE: Jewish Student Attacked for Wearing IDF Hoodie in NYC

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Florida Plans To Investigate State Holdings in Chinese and ‘Woke’ Companies

Florida is literally the leader of the free world thanks to DeSantis.

Florida Plans to Investigate State Holdings in Chinese Companies and ‘Woke’ Companies

By Jeremy Frankel | 27 December 2021 10:28 PM

Florida will be taking action against the Chinese Communist Party and “woke corporations” operating in the state.

After meeting with two other State Board of Administration trustees Florida’s Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis and Attorney General Ashley Moody, Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis announced that Florida will investigate the state’s holdings in Chinese companies and “retake control of its shareholder proxy voting from ideology-crazed investment funds,” according to Just the News.

DeSantis, Patronis and Moody comprise the state’s Board of Trustees and oversee the SBA, its two chief officials and its staff. All three voted to revoke all proxy voting previously given to outside fund managers and clarified that fund managers are only allowed to act in the financial interest of Florida’s funds. The three also said that they planned to conduct a survey of the Florida Retirement System’s investments to see how many assets the state has in Chinese companies.

DeSantis stated that “if you look at how these major companies behave when faced with Chinese disapproval, they censor what the CCP tells them to censor and we see groveling apologies. Go back a generation, and the idea of the American elites was, ‘If we allow China into the WTO and give them most favored nation status, that will make China more like us.’ This experiment has failed and it has endangered our nation’s national and economic security.”

Regarding his plan for the state legislature to pass laws preventing Florida from using taxpayer dollars to invest in China and to look for ways to bring jobs to the state, DeSantis said that “I also don’t think that our country as a whole, but certainly Florida, would like to see more production and manufacturing re-shored and we would be a great place to do that.”

Patronis said that “A sad reality is that too many federal leaders for too long have been missing in action when it has come to holding China accountable. As Americans got our cheap goods, the Chinese government wasn’t playing by the rules when it came to intellectual property or trade. Meanwhile, they’ve been busy buying influence in Hollywood and Washington. Unfortunately, between COVID and the supply chain issues, we’ve seen how reliant our country has become on China.”

Moody stated that “Chinese government control and influence over businesses operating in China should be a source of concern for anyone investing there. As fiduciaries, we should understand these risks and ensure they are being evaluated by the Florida Retirement System.”

RELATED ARTICLE: Poll: Joe Biden’s Job Approval Crashes to 36 Percent

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Senator Dr. Rand Paul Blames Fauci’s Vaccine Push for COVID-19 Deaths

Fauci’s emphasis on the failed vaccines rather than treatment fr the China flu has resulted in thousands of deaths.

Senator Dr. Rand Paul Blames Fauci’s Vaccine Push for COVID-19 Deaths

Sen. Rand Paul is blaming Dr. Anthony Fauci for the thousands of COVID-19 deaths that are happening monthly because of his emphasis on vaccines rather than other treatments.

By: Newsmax, December 28, 2021:

“I would venture to say that thousands of people die in our country every month now from COVID because [Fauci’s] deemphasized the idea that there are therapeutics,” the Kentucky Republican told his father, former Rep. Ron Paul, in an interview on the Ron Paul Liberty Report that was released on Monday.

The senator also said that Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, as well as President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser, has had a “bias” toward vaccines for years, dating back to his work during the AIDS epidemic.

“I think Fauci is of the philosophy that vaccines are incredibly successful and are the way to go versus therapeutics,” said Paul, who is an ophthalmologist. “So with regard to AIDS, he was involved as the AIDS epidemic came up, he wanted to develop a vaccine. There’s nothing wrong with that. He wanted to develop a vaccine. Vaccines can be great for polio or smallpox. … It didn’t actually work for AIDS.”

The senator has slammed Fauci often in recent months and has said he favors monoclonal antibodies as “one of the most promising treatments” for COVID.

Meanwhile, on Monday, Fauci told MSNBC that implementing a federal rule requiring vaccinations for people flying domestically would be “another incentive” to get more people to get their shots.

“If you want to do that with domestic flights, I think that’s something that seriously should be considered,” he said.

Paul, meanwhile, has claimed that Fauci lies about how natural immunity is effective against the virus, telling Fox Business’ Larry Kudlow this fall that Fauci “thinks it might slow down vaccination.”

He also said on the program that he is “for people getting vaccinated, particularly people at risk, but the thing is, if you ignore naturally acquired immunity then you’re saying we don’t have enough people, you have to force it on younger people.”

Paul recently told Newsmax that he thinks Fauci has become too powerful.

RELATED ARTICLE: OOPS! After Blaming COVID Deaths on Trump, Joe BACKTRACKS Says ‘No Federal Solution’ to Pandemic


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Democrats Unanimously Vote with Islamic State, Al Qaeda

On December 14, 219 Democrats voted to advance the strategic objectives of the Global Islamic Movement – which includes Al Qaeda, the Islamic State (IS), Iran, Hizbollah, Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood, and the entire Islamic world at the Head of State level – to impose the barbaric Islamic law called “Sharia” on American citizens.

By passing House Resolution 5665 by a vote of 219-212 votes straight down party lines, the Democrats openly and directly aligned themselves with foreign entities advocating for the overthrow of the American Republic and the enslavement of American citizens.

The bill was submitted and advocated for by Congresswomen Ilhan Omar (D-MN) who works directly with the designated Foreign Terrorist Organization Hamas doing business as CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations), as well as many other prominent U.S. Muslim Brotherhood organizations on an ongoing basis to subvert the U.S. government.

According to the House of Representatives website, co-sponsors of this traitorous bill include: “Ms. Schakowsky, Mr. Carson, Ms. Tlaib, Mr. Kim of New Jersey, Mr. Johnson of Georgia, Mr. Rush, Ms. Bass, Ms. Jackson Lee, Mrs. Watson Coleman, Mr. Green of Texas, Mr. Grijalva, Mrs. Dingell, Mrs. Carolyn B. Maloney of New York, Ms. Jacobs of California, Ms. Newman, Mr. Lowenthal, Ms. Norton, Mr. García of Illinois, Mr. Sires, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, Ms. Dean, Ms. Eshoo, Mr. Correa, Mr. Pocan, Mr. Payne, Mr. Jones, Mr. Bowman, Mr. Phillips, Mr. McGovern, Ms. Williams of Georgia, Ms. Pressley, and Mr. Pascrell.”

similar bill was put forward in the U.S. Senate by Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ).

According to the official Congressional website, the bill is summarized as follows:

Combating International Islamophobia Act

This bill establishes within the Department of State the Office to Monitor and Combat Islamophobia and addresses related issues.

The office shall monitor and combat acts of Islamophobia and Islamophobic incitement in foreign countries. The bill establishes the position of Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating Islamophobia, who shall head the office.

The bill also requires certain existing annual reports to Congress about human rights and religious freedom in foreign countries to include information about Islamophobia, such as information about (1) acts of physical violence or harassment of Muslim people, (2) instances of propaganda in government and nongovernment media that attempt to justify or promote hatred or incite violence against Muslim people, and (3) actions taken by a country’s government to respond to such acts. The office shall coordinate and assist in preparing these portions of the reports.

“Islamophobia” is a term coined by the Muslim Brotherhood’s strategic planning center known as IIIT – International Institute for Islamic Thought – in the late 1990’s. It is a term used to keep people from speaking truthfully about the barbaric and enslaving nature of Islam’s Sharia, as such speech is considered to be in violation of the Islamic law of slander.

Slander” in Islam is legally defined authoritatively among the U.S. Muslim community in the most widely used published Islamic legal manual as:

…to mention anything concerning a person (MUSLIM) that he would dislike

Violating the Islamic law of slander in Islam is a capital crime, and many people have been killed for it…just ask Theo van Gogh.

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is the largest voting bloc in the United Nations, and is made up of every Islamic nation on earth (56 nations) plus something they call the “State of Palestine.”

Every year representatives of every Islamic nation in the world, under the banner of the OIC, gather to discuss the Global Islamic Movement’s progress, and every three years, the Heads of State/Kings of all OIC nations come together and make decisions which are legally binding on the entire Islamic world.

In 2005, the OIC published its “10 Year Programme of Action to Meet the Challenges Facing the Muslim Ummah in the 21st Century.”

The language of HR 5665 passed by Democrats on December 14 is nearly verbatim to the OIC’s 10 Year Plan.

Compare the above language of HR 5665 with the OIC language below:

The entire Muslim world defines the phrase “Human Rights” as the imposition of Islamic sharia according to the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam, which was served as an official document to the United Nations in 1993.

This means that every Islamic nation on planet earth officially has the same objective as Al Qaeda, the Islamic State, Hizbollah, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, and every other Islamic jihadi organization – to impose sharia on everyone on earth.

It is also worth noting that in Islam, “terrorism” is to kill a Muslim without right under Sharia, and is nothing like the definition of that word as it is understood in the West.

To Summarize

On December 14, 219 Democrat members of the U.S. House of Representatives voted to impose the Islamic law of slander on U.S. citizens, therefore making it a crime to freely express the truth about the barbaric and enslaving nature of Islam’s sharia.

For their part, Republicans did not fiercely fight against this bill; instead, Texas members of Congress including Michael McCaul said he agreed with the “spirit and intent of the bill,” and others such as Dan Crenshaw brushed it off as something Americans do not care about, instead of identifying it as the act of sedition and war against the Republic that it is.

Action Items

  1. Contact all U.S. Senators and tell them to vote NO on this bill. Click HERE to find Senators.
  2. Share the link to this article on social media and with all of your contacts.


John Guandolo is a US Naval Academy graduate, served as an Infantry/Reconnaissance officer in the United States Marines and is a combat veteran, served as a Special Agent in the FBI from 1996-2008, and was recruited out of the FBI by the Department of Defense to conduct strategic analysis of the Islamic threat. He is the President and Founder of Understanding the Threat (UTT).


‘I Want To Kill My First Jew’

Taliban: No Hijab, No Taxi

India: Assam government shuts down hundreds of madrassas, jihad recruitment taking place in many of them

Iran: Soccer player sparks outrage for playing in match with Israeli coach, told to ‘openly express his hatred’

Palestinian jihad alliance launches military exercises in Gaza

Afghanistan: Taliban implements ‘no travel for women’ rule unless accompanied by male guardian

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Missing the Point: No, Satanic Christmastime Displays Are NOT Constitutionally Required

What does it say about a civilization when it feels compelled to place a satanic display next to baby Jesus at Christmastime? As a general question, you can answer that for yourself. But among other things, in our case it means too many Americans — including judges — wouldn’t know the Constitution from the Communist Manifesto.

The story here is that the baby Baphomet, a goat-like creature worshiped by Satanists, has been placed alongside a Christmas tree, a Nativity and a menorah in Springfield, Illinois State Capitol Rotunda. This isn’t just a one-off, either, but reflects now common insanity. It also isn’t just limited to “liberal” states.

For example, at the Florida Capitol in 2015, a display showing “an angel falling into flames with the message ‘Happy Holidays from the Satanic Temple’,[sic] had been erected…as a satire by an atheist group to counter a nativity scene which had already been taken down,” reported Fox News at the time.

What’s more, the display the previous year, Fox tells us, “included a Festivus pole in tribute to a holiday created on ‘Seinfeld’ that satirizes the commercialism of Christmas and a display by the Church of The Flying Spaghetti Monster, which mocks beliefs that a god created the universe and argues instead that the universe was created by a plate of pasta and meatballs.”

Of course, these generally aren’t sincere manifestations of belief but are designed, first, to mock faith. Second, the instigators likely hope to bring an end to public-arena Holy Day displays entirely by overwhelming the system with insanity and inanity. It’s the Cloward-Piven strategy applied to religious observances.

Now, the Illinois Capitol Rotunda includes a sign from the government claiming that the  “State of Illinois is required by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution to allow temporary, public display in the state capitol so long as these displays are not paid for by taxpayer dollars.” Yet while judges have certainly thus ruled, the “First Amendment” requires no such thing.

To analogize this, the First Amendment protects freedom of speech along with that of religion. So if a state-funded, faith-oriented display on public property would violate freedom of religion — which is the implication here — wouldn’t state-funded, speech-oriented displays violate the freedom of speech?

Yet we do have state-funded, speech-oriented displays, such as at the Lincoln Memorial, where the 16th president’s Gettysburg and Second Inaugural addresses are inscribed. The former includes the words that our nation was “conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”

Now, question: Should it be required that the display of such speech be privately funded, lest the government be guilty of “infringing upon speech”?

Furthermore, should the same “anti-infringement” imperative also mean that we must allow contrary opinions to be displayed alongside Lincoln’s words? How about the 1619 Project proposition that our nation was not conceived in liberty but in slavery? How about Nazi (or today’s leftist “equity”) sentiments about how all men are not created equal?

If you’d say it’s ridiculous to equate government display of speech with its infringement upon speech, you’re right. But it’s equally silly to equate government display of “religion” with the infringement upon exercise of religion. Public-property Christian displays don’t force a person to attend church any more than public-property equality-dogma displays compel him to espouse equality.

The mistake made here is as simple as it is common, and this holds whether some publicly displayed speech or religion is government- or privately-funded: We have a right to the freedom of speech and religion.

We do not have a right to the equal government or public-square showcasing of our speech or religion.

Accepting otherwise would create a situation in which we could be asked to showcase literally thousands of sentiments or religious symbols ranging from the rational to the bizarre to the wicked. It could crash the entire system. And, again, that’s the whole idea.

It should also be noted that the “establishment” of religion, prohibited by the First Amendment, only refers to compelling people to belong to a state-sanctioned church. Activist judges have perverted the concept and have illegally (jurists violate law when trampling the Constitution) expanded the prohibition far beyond its true meaning. Thus are we told that school prayer is verboten and the Ten Commandments mayn’t be displayed at a courthouse.

Ironically, though, as it has since its 1789 inception, Congress opens with prayers — primarily Christian ones at that — and the judges utter not a peep. So apparently it isn’t just good laws/judicial overreach, such as the Ethics in Government Act, from which Congress gets a special dispensation. It’s bad ones, too.

Speaking of which, the First Amendment states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” (emphasis added). It’s quite clear that if the Founding Fathers had intended for the prohibition to apply to all levels of government, they would have written “government” and not specified Congress.

In fact, reflecting this correct understanding is that at our nation’s birth, states tended to have their own official churches; this was considered right and proper and is why the Framers never would’ve prohibited such via the national constitution.

Since then, courts have claimed, using a judicial rationalization known as the Theory of Incorporation, that the Bill of Rights must be applied to the states. Yet even if we believe this, how could anyone possibly suppose such application includes a constitutional provision that specifically states it constrains only the federal government?

This doesn’t mean we legally could have official state churches today, as states tend to have constitutions that mirror our national one and thus prohibit establishment. But all these constitutional misunderstandings and unconstitutional standards — reflected in court rulings — illustrate how far we’ve drifted from our founding and how muddle-headed, and sometimes malevolent, so many judges have become.

In fact, Christmastime displays featuring Baphomet, a Festivus pole and everything from soup to nuts to the nutty do perfectly represent our age’s spirit. They reflect a society awash in relativism and Equality Dogma and fatally confused morally, philosophically and spiritually. This should be obvious when you’ve reached a point where you fancy that Satan deserves equal time with God.

Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on MeWe or Parler, or log on to

Biden’s oil price heading to $100 a barrel. Read on …

“Dreams are the seeds of change. Nothing ever grows without a seed, and nothing ever changes without a dream.” – Debby Boone

Unless the treasonous usurper in The Peoples House and his evil, satanic administration changes course on the insane energy agenda of theirs, oil will reach at least $100 a barrel in 2022. Right now it is hovering around $72 a barrel as the oil market weighs up if there will be massive closures and shutdowns universally due to the new China Virus Omicron variant which will affect consumption.

You will all remember that under the last fairly elected president, Donald J. Trump, the U.S. became a net exporter of oil. We could supply all our own needs and had plenty left over to export. Now however, due to the communist green policies of these extremists who stole the 2020 election, we are now buying approximately 37% of our oil needs from OPEC ( Not our friends ) and Russia ( Not our friend ) both of which are making huge profits from us as they ship their overpriced oil to us. Russia especially is ecstatic as it now has billions of extra income coming in to pour into their military. This as Pervy Joe is weakening ours.

Both OPEC and Russia can control the spigot to shorten our supply at will and manipulate the price we pay. Biden has begged them to increase production but they just laugh at the pathetic little man he is. They have us under their thumb.

2021, under the aforementioned Biden, has seen inflation soaring as supply chain issues, unconstitutional covid lockdowns and restrictions, whole sectors of businesses being destroyed, has given us inflation not seen since 1982 – and it is growing. Understand when the Government says inflation rose by 6.8% in November, that doesn’t include fuel, energy and food increases which we all know have gone up well into double digits. Hyper-Inflation is almost upon us. Pay increases nationally which were substantial, have all fallen behind the inflator figures and in many cases people are worse off now. Unfortunately the poorer, the middle class and all ethnic minorities have suffered the most under the illegal dictatorship in stolen power. That is the opposite of what happened under President Trump.

Saudi Arabian energy minister Abdulaziz bin Salman has hinted that they may cut production by 30 million barrels a day which would be catastrophic for our economy and our people. It would however enhance that cartels dominance in the global market for oil and gas energy.

Under President Trump, my President, inflation was kept low, contrary to many experts predictions, because the shale Revolution we created produced plentiful cheap oil and energy. Increases in normal businesses were kept offset by low energy costs. Simple!! Small and large businesses and corporations benefitted by our low cost oil and gas.

However, this administration made up of traitors, imbeciles, corrupt officials ( I am trying to be diplomatic here! ) are obsessed with the lies of Global Warming and supposed Climate Change. Alternative energy sources are just not ready for prime time!! We saw that in Texas. They cannot produce reliable energy in enough volume competitively priced to compete or replace fossil fuels. Period. Simple as that.

Since Biden took over the reins investment and much needed work and development in the fossil fuel industry has dried to a trickle. Biden holds responsibility for that and the resultant rises in the energy prices we have seen and are facing. Fears of new regulations, taxations and aggressive anti fossil fuel activities politically by this administration energy sector corporations are not willing to invest at the percentage needed. Right now investment is running just over 42% of what is needed. John Kerry, another slimeball politician and cowardly former Vietnam war liar on his non existent so called heroism, and now the climate czar, have been pressuring Wall Street, banks and financial institutions to cut investment and future investing in any fossil fuel and join or create a “Net-Zero Banking Alliance” Banks like BOA, Wells Fargo and JPMorgan Chase among others hastened to join this alliance. There is a story about one large oil company being asked to close their account so that bank could reduce its carbon footprint. Insanity.

The climate control rules and regulations in Europe have forced prices of energy sky high. With the shorter production there is a distinct possibility that there may very well be major shortages of fuel this winter.

Combine that with the Russian oil economy booming and with their troops massing on the Ukrainian border readying for a likely invasion, Russia knows, despite feeble Joes pathetic threats about oil and energy sanctions should Russia invade, that a weakened Europe heavily relies now on Russia for gas and oil and will not risk their own countries by supporting energy sanctions on Russia energy supply’s as they will not want to be going without. Russia is in a great position greatly aided by Biden’s energy policies.

I guess Sniffer Joe likes to see our enemies strengthen while we contract.

Another aspect of our reduced oil production is other countries like China are being forced to burn dirtier fuel which increases pollution and counteracts any reductions in so called carbon footprint reductions by countries like America.

Nobody I know wants to harm planet earth but cyclical weather changes have been going on since the beginning of time. This whole green new deal and climate change rubbish is just about money, power, control and destroying the middle class and lower class citizens of the world. It is about a one world nation where the rich will become richer and more powerful and the rest of us will become property of the world government.

The above scenario is not something I could stand still and give into. I know all my friends and millions of Americans feel the same.

Let’s put a stop to this insanity in the mid term Elections. Let’s send the corrupt and extremist politicians where they belong. We know where that is America. Now let’s find the fortitude to accomplish that simple goal and let’s get on with Building a truly Better America, where capitalism trumps socialism and criminals, political included, are held accountable. Where we lead the world again in every aspect and we bury this insanity once and for all.

Do what needs doing America. It’s time to do the right thing by our Founding Fathers, the constitution and our kids.

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.