Hatred At My Door

“Anti-Semitism is a noxious weed that should be cut out. It has no place in America.” — William Howard Taft

“The Palestinian Authority is ruled by Hamas, an organization committed to vehement anti-Semitism, the glorification of terror, and the total destruction of Israel.” — Ehud Olmert

“We want to live. Our neighbors want us dead. It leaves not much room for compromise.”  — Prime Minister Golda Meir

I recently met with a gentleman who wanted to speak about Israel and the Jews.  He made some statements to me that immediately stirred my ire.  I told him I wasn’t interested in discussing what he had to say.  A few days later, I received an email from him with links he told me I must read.  What he sent, I’ve seen countless times before and it is the same filth perpetrated by those who hate Israel and her people.

It was disappointing that a man of his prestige would fall prey to believing the lies and libel against the Jewish people.  The articles he sent me are filled with the same filth I’ve heard time and again from those who blame the Jews for every world catastrophe.

Here is what I wrote back to him…

The Unz website is run by anti-Semites and Max Egan is just another one of them.  I would discard anything Egan says regarding the Jewish people or Israel. Their hatred is satanically inspired.

The USS Liberty

The USS Liberty is a good way to use the Jews as the enemy, isn’t it!?  One should look closer at who our president was and what he was actually up to with his desire for a regime change in Egypt.  There is a far deeper story than what the anti-Semites spew, but their goal is hatred for the Jews and their God-given state, so they use at their convenience.  Look at LBJ.  A long time ago, one of the ship’s officers told my grandfather the truth.  My grandfather died in 1985; he was Army Cavalry in both WWI and WWII, and in charge of the MPs at Nuremburg.

The USS Liberty is another Jewish libel just as is 9/11, just like the libel that the Jews killed Jesus. (John 10:18) “No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.”

911 and the Twin Towers

There is far more involved in 9/11 and it has nothing to do with the Jewish State of Israel, but dig deep enough and you would see who was behind it.  USA’s intel should look in the mirror.  Shortly after September 11, 2001, false rumors began to circulate claiming that 4,000 Jews, or 4,000 Israelis, had failed to report for work at the World Trade Center on 9/11, supposedly because they had been warned to stay away by Israeli secret services, Shin Bet, Mossad, etc., which were allegedly responsible for the attack. The claim is totally false.

Jews inside the towers died with others.  This was an urban legend that swept the Arab world. Not a single fact in it has ever been substantiated. It appears to be based on concern expressed by the Israeli government for the fate of 4,000 Israeli residents in New York, a small number of whom worked at the World Trade Centre.  There were Jewish people in the towers and they perished along with others.  The false story was promoted by the mainstream Arab press as well as on neo-Nazi and white supremacist websites based in America.  Link

Like the JFK assassination, there are speculations and theories, and the government has never given us the details and probably never will.  Did Oswald kill Kennedy?  In most people’s minds, it is doubtful. Probably a patsy, but then there’s Ruby and he conveniently died of cancer.  Read Dr. Mary’s Monkey by Ed Haslam. In a lab at Tulane University, scientists and physicians were allegedly working on developing an instant cancer killer to rid Cuba of Castro.  (Dr. Mary was working in that lab to find a vaccine that would eliminate Simian Virus 40 (SV40) from the human body.  SV40 was in the polio vaccines and sugar cubes and causes soft tissue cancers that is genetically passed to offspring. Link  Dr. Mary’s murder was never solved.)

The same goes for 9/11; we all know something was rotten.  Building 7 alone gives us that, and what was in Bldg. 7?  And do we really know all the perps?  We might think we do, but what was everything revealed?  The same goes for the perpetrators of the Murrah Bldg. and countless other government coverups.  We know Mohammed Atta and his fellow terrorists were fully involved, but where was American intel, and why didn’t they notice what was transpiring long before 9/11?

The Ashkenazi Jews

As to the issue of the conspiracy of the Ashkenazi Jews, it is another antisemitic libel that is widely believed, even by some Jewish people. However, if proper research is judiciously executed, the proof is obvious.  It is another blasphemous attack against the Jewish people.

Academics and even some Israelis believe that Ashkenazi Jews are descendants of Khazars. It has been totally disproven.

The two largest denominations within Judaism are Sephardim and Ashkenazim.  The latter arrived in the Danube Valley and Rhineland area after the Roman exile about 321 AD.

Some call these historical events into question.

A hypothesis dating back to the late 1800s, states that Ashkenazi Jews are all descendants of the Khazars.  In 600 AD, in southeast Russia, a multi-ethnic conglomerate of Turkic people founded a powerful state made up of people from many different ethnicities.  It was the kingdom of Khazaria.  The theory goes that in the 8th century the Khazar ruling class converted en masse to Judaism on the instruction of their ruler.  So, according to this line of reasoning, these Jews didn’t migrate from Jerusalem and Babylonia into France and Germany, but migrated from modern Russia and Ukraine.

The lack of proof for this theory hasn’t prevented it from catching on with a number of geneticists, historians, linguists and lay people.  It even has support from academics in universities in Tel Aviv and Sheffield, England.

The problem is that the kingdom of Khazaria was destroyed sometime in the late first millennium and the next time we have records of Jews in that area, today’s western Ukraine and Belarus, is over 400 years later.  Additionally, DNA tests have shown a close relationship between Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews as well as the connection to other Middle Eastern people, but no connection between the Ashkenazi Jews and Khazars.

The Khazar theory is also dead on-arrival from a linguistic perspective.  The main language of the Ashkenazi Jews, Yiddish, shows no trace of Turkic origin.  Yiddish is considered a Germanic language with Hebrew and Aramaic words thrown in.  As the English linguist and author, Alexander Beider put it, “The personal names and surnames born by Jews in Eastern Europe during the last six centuries, as well as the Yiddish language as a whole, does not contain any link to Khazaria.”

So…who is promoting this theory?

Certain academics for one.  Their hypothesis got a big bump in 1976 when a writer and amateur anthropologist named Arthur Koestler, published the now debunked book, “The Thirteenth Tribe”.  Koestler thought that by proving Ashkenazi Jews were actually more European than Semitic, he would upend the foundations of European anti-Semitism.  Ironically, Koestler’s claims only served to feed anti-Semitism by accidentally resurrecting a theory that would only go on to serve the interests of bigots and the uninformed.

After its publication, supporters expounded upon his claims even further, while detractors called it anti-Semitic.  But why would the hypothesis be anti-Semitic instead of just another scholarly theory?  It makes more sense when you look at some of the recent supporters of the theory, especially those outside of academia.  These include online commentators who use it to delegitimize the Jewish people by classifying them as a “fake nation,” and even political leaders like the Palestinian Authority leader, Mahmoud Abbas.  It is just another lie in their quiver of arrows stoking the hatred for Israel and her people.

In a 2018 speech delivered to the Palestinian Liberation Organization’s legislative body, Abbas quoted Koestler and his theory that Ashkenazi Jews are descended from the Khazars, not the Biblical Israelites.  The allure of the hypothesis to someone like Abbas is clear.  It delegitimizes Jewish claims on the Land of Israel.

If Ashkenazim came from what is now Russia, then their assertions of an ancestral nationhood in the ancient land of Israel are easily dismissed.  Too bad for Abbas that the science is not on his side and that the genetic findings of Ashkenazi Jews point to people of Middle Eastern origin, not Turkic or Russian.  It is also worth stating that the theory, and the subsequent “not your land” accusations thrown at Jews, completely discounts Sephardi and other Jewish communities, and makes it seem as if Ashkenazim, and Ashkenazim alone, are the only Jews, which is of course, preposterous.

It is not a stretch to say that throughout the centuries, anti-Semitic, xenophobic, and racist tropes have followed a similar path, unfounded ideas that gain a foothold because they serve the interests of anti-religious bigotry, claims of genetic superiority, and political ostracism.

Ashkenazi Jews are definitely Jews, despite any debunked hypothesis that claim otherwise.

Evil Exists

And yes, like every other ethnic background, there are evil Jewish people, just as there are evil Asians, Italians, Irish, Germans, Swedes, Greeks, Brits, Africans, etc. ad nauseam.  And no, I’m not fond of Schumer, Nadler, Schiff and the rest of the Stalinist Democrats, but there are plenty of gentile Republicans who are equally as deceptive and evil. Soros takes a leap ahead as he cast himself as a gentile in Nazi Hungary and led the SS to his fellow Jews in hiding.

Evil exists in Israel’s own government, just as it does in the government of America.  The Deep State seeks to destroy the freedom inherent in both countries and they’re doing a good job of it.

The following video by Caroline Glick explains the treachery and deception within the Israeli intelligence community which occurred on October 7th.  Despite the female IDF soldiers who monitor the computers and intel, every warning was ignored by IDF hierarchy. Caroline’s video is essential in understanding the Israeli Deep State.  We have seen the same thing in America time and again.


How is it that Israel has survived throughout history when so many other peoples have perished, despite having larger populations than those of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?  Because the Lord certainly has His hand on them.  The story of Hosea is the story of Israel, God’s wife.  Hosea 2:7 tells us, “And she shall follow after her lovers, but she shall not overtake them; and she shall seek them, but shall not find them: then shall she say, I will go and return to my first husband; for then was it better with me than now.”

There are 8 covenants in the Bible, five of which are to Israel.  The Abrahamic Covenant is unconditional and is not yet completed.  It doesn’t matter what happens between now and the millennial kingdom, the Abrahamic Covenant is forever.  It starts in Genesis 12:1-3 “Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee: and I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: and I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”

Throughout history this has been true.  Nations who have gone against Israel or her people have been cursed by God.  Look at Spain and Germany today.  And, we know that all the families of the earth are blessed, not only because of the brilliant inventions they’ve given us, but because our Jewish Messiah is from the Tribe of Judah.

God’s Word states that two-thirds of Israel will perish in the tribulation, but there will be one-third left.  Israel will call for Messiah to save them the last three days of the tribulation.  (Zechariah 12 and 13) As a nation, they will plead for Him to come.  The Jewish Messiah slaughters the armies of the antichrist and saves His people, Israel.

Satan knows the Bible better than most Christians and from the beginning of his fall, he knew that if he could kill the Jews, he could live and rule and reign on earth forever, but we know he will not succeed.  From the beginning, he has tried to kill them, and he loves it when people believe the anti-Semitic tripe because they play into his plans.

We are to love our Jewish brethren.  The New Testament book of Romans tells us three times in the first two chapters, “To the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”  In Romans 9:13 it says, “As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.”

In Isaiah 49:16 the Lord states, “Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me.

If the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has Israel carved into the palms of His Hands, those who stand against His people will never receive the blessings promised in Genesis 12:1-3.

©2024. Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.


CNN Journalists Flout Their Jew Hatred in Social Media Posts

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How U.S. Public Schools Teach Jew-Hatred

Who wants to destroy Israel? You might be surprised

A woke culture and a rigged economy are choking the American family

It’s been right chilly of late here in the Shenandoah Valley, so the other day I trashed the planet and fired up the wood stove. Global warming will arrive come spring. Then out of the blue, my auroral languor was rudely interrupted by a ping on my device. I decided to take a look.

What popped up was an intriguing essay in Aporia Magazine, “The Baby Boom: Causes, consequences and implications.” It is a thought-provoking page-turner under the byline Arctotherium, which I learned is a large bear that roamed about in the Pleistocene, a bit before my time.

Before we delve further: Aporia means a contradiction or impasse, e.g. “To be or not to be.” Aporia claims to be “the world’s only sociobiology magazine.” Sociobiology is about how biology influences social behaviour. That can be a contentious topic, but lest we forget, science and controversy have been joined at the hip for ages.

Contrarian view

Right off the bat the author debunks the conventional wisdom that falling fertility “appears to be the inevitable price of modernity.” The mid 20th century Baby Boom happened in the most advanced and affluent societies on the planet. So rising prosperity alone does not account for falling fertility. Something more is afoot.

You can have a rich, rapidly growing, technologically sophisticated, personally free and individualist, urban, long-lived and fertile society. There’s no need to choose between slow extinction and preindustrial poverty. [Emphasis added]

Bravo! Finally, somebody besides Elon is spreading the word.

The author continues: “[W]e can effectively reduce the Baby Boom to a marriage boom: more people getting and staying married at younger ages.”

So what caused this marriage boom? The answer appears to be a rise in young men’s status compared to young women’s. The marriage boom can be explained almost entirely by a combination of female labor force participation (down). young male wages (up), and male unemployment (down). [Emphasis original]

Kudos for the courage to let it slip that the well-being of men has anything to do with anything. Strike a blow for testosterone! Male Lives Matter!

Second wave feminism

But Arctotherium is just getting started. He strays even further from the “mainstream,” explaining why the Baby Boom ended:

In three words: second wave feminism. By this I mean the suite of changes referred to as the Sexual Revolution (no fault divorce, normalization of premarital sex, delegitimization of marriage as the normative form of the family), combined with a concerted political campaign to raise women’s relative economic and social status. Fertility in every Boom country, as well as in several countries that didn’t experience the Boom… cratered within a few years around 1970…

[S]econd wave feminism thoroughly redefined marriage. It shifted from a patriarchal institution in which husbands had social (and some legal, though this was mostly dismantled by first wave feminism) power over their wives to one in which wives had effective legal power over the husbands (through the mechanisms of feminist family courts, greatly expanded definitions of abuse, and the replacement of the marriage model of the family with the child support model), and from a lifelong contract to one dissolvable at will (though the institution of no-fault divorce). In JD Unwin’s terms, we shift from a regime of absolute monogamy to one of modified monogamy. This had obvious and immediate consequences on marriage rates.

That is way off the PC reservation. The chattering class continually bloviates about feminism. Oppression of women is a staple of public discourse. But rare it is when masculism makes the public square. That would be the mean old “patriarchy” talking. Little wonder the author dons a nom de guerre. ‘Tis best to avoid cancellation, doxing and public pillory. Speech police are everywhere these days.

In essence, Arctotherium concisely dissects the cultural metamorphosis from traditional values to wokeism (moral relativism, etc.). He understands the worrisome implications for humanity going forward. Dystopia beckons.

I agree. Changing values have had disastrous demographic consequences. I get it about second wave feminism, etc. But that is an incomplete diagnosis. Other factors also play into this transmutation of values. What are they? Revisit the comment that fertility “cratered within a few years around 1970.”

Monetary policy

In 1971 America abandoned the gold standard. That had tremendous demographic consequences. It took the American family to the cleaners.

How? In 1971 the dollar became a fiat currency. Economist Thorsten Polleit explains fiat money: The government (or its central bank) has the monopoly on production.

  1. It is created by way of bank credit expansion (i.e. out of thin air).
  2. It has no inherent value; it is simply brightly colored paper (or digital bytes) that can be produced whenever those in power deem it politically expedient.

The ability to print money out of thin air (quantitative easing) enables government to fund all manner of mischief and causes ruinous inflation. This has global repercussions because the US dollar is the world reserve currency. Note the half-century decline in American wages, beginning in 1971.

Click here to view Shares of gross domestic income: Compensation of employees, paid: Wage and salary accruals: Disbursements: To persons graph from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. 

The last year the US had above-replacement fertility was in 1972. Fertility has declined more that 50 percent in the last 50 years. The declines of real (adjusted for inflation) wages and fertility are not unrelated. They’re part and parcel of a squeeze play on the middle class and a major reason why having children has become prohibitively expensive.

Slowly, almost imperceptibly, fiat currency changed American family life. See “The US dollar has lost 87% its value since 1971.” Of course we’re not at the point where a wheelbarrow of currency is required to buy a loaf of bread, but that is the direction in which we are headed.

As the value of money declined, women could no longer afford to stay at home and care for children. Conveniently, along came feminism. Women’s “liberation,” or “empowerment,” as it was called, was a clever way to sugarcoat the new reality that the average household required two full-time incomes to make ends meet.

The establishment-sanctioned feminist movement distracted us from how millions of women were deftly manoeuvred into the workforce. Yes, this grew the economy. Women now had jobs – one within the home and at least one without. They may enjoy their work but work they must. Homes were reduced to dormitories. Divorce rates skyrocketed, breaking the proverbial glass ceiling and breaking up families.

To keep wages down, immigration laws were changed, bringing a tsunami of cheap labor. The cheap-labour regimen was peddled to the public as “diversity.” Ever wonder why Big Business funds diversity agitprop and pro-immigration candidates? “Celebrate Diversity” and “Diversity is our strength” sound much better than “Celebrate cheap labour.”

How to handle popular pushback? Marginalize the opposition to mass immigration and “diversity.” Call it “hate,” “bigotry,” “xenophobia,” etc. Get the academy on board. Build a surveillance state to safeguard the system. Sideline family issues by prioritizing class warfare.

Bottom line

Arctotherium is correct about the corrosive effect of second wave feminism. But there is more to the globalist assault on the family.

A rigged monetary system enables fiscal profligacy. Postmodernism (wokeism, moral relativism, etc.) poisons the culture. In tandem they’re a pincer movement choking the American family. This pernicious paradigm empowers globalist elites and fuels the empire. The family, the middle class and the Republic are dispensable in the pursuit of profit.

Always ask: Cui bono?  


Louis T. March has a background in government, business, and philanthropy. A former talk show host, author, and public speaker, he is a dedicated student of history and genealogy. Louis lives with his family in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia.


In the ‘culture of narcissism, lash excoriated a self-absorbed society – but its legacy is questionable

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‘The great debaters: The enduring arguments for meritocracy over minority appeasement

EDITORS NOTE: This Mercator column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Here’s Why the Florida Surgeon General Wants to Halt COVID Shots

  • With shockingly little data, questionable benefits and a high likelihood of adverse events, the continuing campaign for COVID-19 shots raises many red flags
  • The documentary “The Unseen Crisis,” detailed by investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson, scratches the surface of the many lives ruined by COVID-19 shots
  • For every 1 million shots, an estimated 1,010 to 1,510 serious adverse reactions, such as death, life-threatening conditions, hospitalization or significant disability may occur — but only about 75 hospitalizations would be prevented among those aged 18 to 49
  • Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo has called for an end to the use of COVID-19 mRNA shots, citing concerns about DNA fragments in the products
  • The FDA provided no evidence that appropriate DNA integration assessments have been conducted on mRNA COVID-19 shots; in a statement, Ladapo says, “DNA integration poses a unique and elevated risk to human health and to the integrity of the human genome”

As the number of people injured by COVID-19 shots rises, U.S. health officials continue to advise Americans to get more doses. Neither the U.K. nor Australia recommend repeated COVID-19 jabs for those who are under 65 and low risk.1 But in the U.S., official guidance suggests virtually everyone should get multiple COVID-19 shots, beginning at just 6 months of age.2

With shockingly little data, questionable benefits and a high likelihood of adverse events, the continuing campaign for COVID-19 shots raises many red flags. “The only clear winners are Moderna and Pfizer … they have convinced the CDC and the FDA that perpetual COVID vaccination is necessary without robust data,” writes Dr. William Ward in Sensible Medicine.3

The documentary “The Unseen Crisis,” detailed by investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson in the video above, scratches the surface of the many lives ruined by COVID-19 shots — and the ongoing efforts to keep their stories quiet. Meanwhile, Americans are expected to keep rolling up their sleeves, no questions asked.

Benefits and Risks of COVID-19 Shots Don’t Measure Up

After pushing multiple doses of COVID-19 shots on the American public for years, in September 2023 the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced the rollout of the updated 2023-24 COVID-19 shot. “CDC recommends everyone 6 months and older get an updated COVID-19 vaccine … Vaccination remains the best protection against COVID-19-related hospitalization and death.”4

While the updated shot boosts antibody levels against new COVID variants, there’s no proof that this translates to a reduction in severe illness and death. Further, the CDC’s estimated benefits from the updated shots were paltry at best. According to Ward, for every 1 million COVID-19 shots given in the following age groups, the following benefits were estimated:5

  • 6 months to 4 years — Avoid 103 hospitalizations
  • 5 to 11 years — Avoid 16 hospitalizations
  • 12 to 17 years — Avoid 19 to 95 hospitalizations, five to 19 ICU admissions and “perhaps one death”
  • 18 to 49 years — Avoid 75 hospitalizations

Meanwhile, randomized controlled trials estimate the risks of COVID-19 shots are much higher.6 For every 1 million shots, an estimated 1,010 to 1,510 serious adverse reactions, such as death, life-threatening conditions, hospitalization or significant disability, may occur.7 When compared to the flu shot, data from the European Medicines Agency Eurovigilance Database shows that COVID-19 shots cause more:8,9

Allergic reactions Arrhythmia
General cardiovascular events Coagulation
Hemorrhages Gastrointestinal, ocular and sexual organs reactions

A real-world case-control study from Israel10 also revealed that the Pfizer COVID-19 jab is associated with a threefold increased risk of myocarditis,11 leading to the condition at a rate of 1 to 5 events per 100,000 persons.12

As Ward points out, the CDC often states the risk of myocarditis is greater after COVID-19 infection than COVID-19 shots, but a JAMA Cardiology study refutes this. It found a higher rate of myocarditis in young men after a COVID-19 shot compared to COVID-19 infection.13,14 But by ignoring the real risks while continuing to push ongoing shots, health officials are quickly losing the public’s trust. Ward notes:15

“A large randomized trial to simultaneously evaluate the ongoing harms and benefits of boosters should be enacted. This was not required by the FDA for the newest vaccine. Instead, the FDA only required Pfizer to study the new vaccine on 10 mice. Moderna only studied theirs on 50 humans. One person (2%) had a serious adverse reaction.

… As the only country pushing boosters to healthy 6-month-old infants, we better produce the best data in the world. Instead, we get antibody titers from 10 mice. The CDC and FDA are whittling away at public trust by forgoing their duty to protect and inform. Meanwhile, their recent actions are aligned with the financial interests of Pfizer and Moderna. Consent to perpetual COVID boosters is not informed, it is manufactured.”

Past COVID Boosters Quickly Stopped Boosting

The updated COVID-19 shot targets the XBB.1.5 Omicron subvariant, which was the dominant strain in the U.S. for much of 2023. However, this strain “has since been overtaken as the virus continues to evolve,”16 raising questions about whether the “updated” shots are already out of date, which could render them ineffective, as we’ve seen many times in the past with flu shots and COVID-19 shots.

Even the CDC states, “When flu vaccines are not well matched to some viruses spreading in the community, vaccination may provide little or no protection against illness caused by those viruses.”17 SARS-CoV-2 is known to mutate rapidly, even faster than other human viruses like influenza.

Remember the last round of “updated” COVID-19 shots — the bivalent booster? They’re no longer available. “The 2022–2023 bivalent vaccines were designed to protect against the original virus that caused COVID-19 and the Omicron variants BA.4 and BA.5. These vaccines were replaced with the 2023-2024 updated vaccines that more closely target the XBB lineage of the Omicron variant,” according to the Illinois Department of Public Health.

At the time, there were questions about the bivalent boosters’ effectiveness. While Pfizer cited strong antibody responses from its retooled boosters, the booster shot studies did not reveal whether the shots prevented COVID-19 cases or how long they were effective.18 Even vaccination proponent Dr. Paul Offit, director of the vaccine education center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, was underwhelmed.

As a member of the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC), Offit sat in on the June 28, 2022, presentation, when Pfizer and Moderna presented data on their bivalent shots:19

“The results were underwhelming. Bivalent boosters resulted in levels of neutralizing antibodies against BA.1 that were only 1.5 to 1.75 times as high as those achieved with monovalent boosters. Previous experience with the companies’ vaccines suggested that this difference was unlikely to be clinically significant.”

Soon, data rolled in showing the bivalent boosters did not offer better protection than the former COVID-19 booster shots,20 which were already failing.21 Steve Kirsch, executive director of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, pointed out that the data is crystal clear that boosters aren’t working and are dangerous.

“Paul Offit is no dummy; he’s not getting any more boosters,” he says. “Neither should you.”22 Yet, here we are a year later, being sold another promise that another round of “updated” COVID-19 shots is necessary.

Florida Surgeon General Calls for Halt on COVID Shots

Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo has called for an end to the use of COVID-19 mRNA shots, citing concerns about DNA fragments in the products.23 In a December 6, 2023, letter sent to the U.S. FDA and CDC, Ladapo outlined findings showing the presence of lipid nanoparticle complexes and simian virus 40 (SV40) promoter/enhancer DNA.

“Lipid nanoparticles are an efficient vehicle for delivery of the mRNA in the COVID-19 vaccines into human cells and may therefore be an equally efficient vehicle for delivering contaminant DNA into human cells. The presence of SV40 promoter/enhancer DNA may also pose a unique and heightened risk of DNA integration into human cells,” according to a news release from the Florida Department of Health (DOH).24

In a 2023 preprint study, microbiologist Kevin McKernan — a former researcher and team leader for the MIT Human Genome project25 — and colleagues assessed the nucleic acid composition of four expired vials of the Moderna and Pfizer mRNA shots. “DNA contamination that exceeds the European Medicines Agency (EMA) 330ng/mg requirement and the FDAs 10ng/dose requirements” was found.26

So, in addition to the spike protein and mRNA in COVID-19 shots, McKernan’s team discovered SV40 promoters that, for decades, have been suspected of causing cancer in humans, including mesotheliomas, lymphomas and cancers of the brain and bone.27 Fact checkers have called out the preprint study for using expired vials, but as McKernan tweeted:28

“Factchokers keyboards will melt as they regurgitate the same fake taking [talking] points. 1) vials were old Wrong- newer studies used good vials. RNA integrity was measured and fine. Expired vials were used on people. Expiration doesn’t spontaneously generate DNA.”

Further, the FDA published guidance on DNA in vaccines in 2007, which outlines important points that must be considered. According to the Florida DOH, the FDA’s 2007 guidance states:29

  • “DNA integration could theoretically impact a human’s oncogenes — the genes which can transform a healthy cell into a cancerous cell.
  • DNA integration may result in chromosomal instability.
  • The Guidance for Industry discusses biodistribution of DNA vaccines and how such integration could affect unintended parts of the body including blood, heart, brain, liver, kidney, bone marrow, ovaries/testes, lung, draining lymph nodes, spleen, the site of administration and subcutis at injection site.”

FDA Didn’t Perform DNA Integration Assessments

The FDA responded to Ladapo’s letter on December 14, 2023, but provided no evidence that appropriate DNA integration assessments had been conducted on mRNA COVID-19 shots. In a statement, Ladapo calls for a halt in their use as a result:30

“The FDA’s response does not provide data or evidence that the DNA integration assessments they recommended themselves have been performed. Instead, they pointed to genotoxicity studies — which are inadequate assessments for DNA integration risk. In addition, they obfuscated the difference between the SV40 promoter/enhancer and SV40 proteins, two elements that are distinct.

DNA integration poses a unique and elevated risk to human health and to the integrity of the human genome, including the risk that DNA integrated into sperm or egg gametes could be passed onto offspring of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine recipients. If the risks of DNA integration have not been assessed for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, these vaccines are not appropriate for use in human beings.”

Ladapo, a graduate of Harvard Medical School, previously issued an alert about a “substantial increase” in reports of adverse events from COVID-19 mRNA shots in Florida. He also recommended against COVID-19 shots for healthy children in 2022 and, in 2023, suggested that those under age 65 should not get COVID-19 booster shots.31 Board-certified internist and cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough states:32

“The Florida State Surgeon General’s announcement today is a milestone as more government officials join a chorus calling for recall of COVID-19 vaccines including myself (US Senate, multiple State Senates, EU Parliament, UK Parliament), 17,000 physicians representing the Global COVID-19 Summit, Australian scientists, the World Council for Health, and the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.”

In the meantime, considering their questionable effectiveness and significant health risks, it would be wise for most to “just say no” to further boosters. Should you develop symptoms of COVID-19 infection, remember there are safe and effective early treatment protocols, including I-MASK+33 and I-MATH+,34 which are available for download on the COVID Critical Care website in multiple languages.

 Sources and References

Houthi Missile Strikes U.S.-Owned Cargo Ship In Red Sea

UPDATE 1/15/2024: Houthi attack another U.S. ship with missiles Monday

The Iranian-backed Houthi rebel group struck a U.S.-owned cargo ship with a missile on Monday.

The Houthis fired an anti-ballistic missile from Yemen toward the Gibraltar Eagle cargo ship on Monday, damaging the ship but not incapacitating it, according to U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) and the United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO). The Houthis have launched dozens of attacks against commercial vessels in recent months in a show of support for Hamas’ ongoing war against Israel.

“On Jan. 15 at approximately 4 p.m. (Sanaa time), Iranian-backed Houthi militants fired an anti-ship ballistic missile from Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen and struck the M/V Gibraltar Eagle, a Marshall Islands-flagged, U.S.-owned and operated container ship,” CENTCOM said in a statement on Monday.

The attack took place roughly 100 miles southeast of Aden, Yemen, a region that sits near the mouth of the Red Sea, according to UKMTO. The missile struck the port side of the Gibraltar Eagle from above, causing minor damage and starting a fire in the hold of the vessel, according to UKMTO and Iran International.

The ship is still seaworthy and no injuries have been reported.

The Houthis have launched missile and drone attacks against commercial vessels and Western naval forces in the Red Sea since Nov. 19, as part of an effort to support Hamas, another Iranian-backed terrorist group that launched attacks against Israel on Oct. 7 that resulted in over 1,200 civilian casualties. The U.S. created a coalition of Western forces to guard the Red Sea region in December in response to the Houthis aggression.

The coalition carried out two retaliatory sets of strikes against Houthi-controlled areas last week, destroying weapons repositories, launch sites and radar facilities.




RELATED ARTICLE: U.S. Fighter Aircraft Shoots Down Houthi Cruise Missile Flying Toward Navy Ship


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Airlines Prioritize Wokeness Over Safety: But at What Cost?

My dad is a certified physician assistant. As such, he often shares spontaneous medical advice with me (although part of that is just because he’s my dad and cares about my wellbeing.) For instance, some advice he’s given me that he would give to anyone is if you or someone you know needs surgery or a medical procedure, be sure to ask the doctor in charge two questions: “How many times have you performed this operation? And when was the last time you did it?”

According to my dad, these questions are crucial to ask because you want to make sure you can fully trust the person who’s handling your safety and survival. And that can be said about nearly anything, right? The fear of flying, for instance, is extremely common. But I’m sure more people will come to feel the same as the pilots and airlines responsible for passenger safety and survival are increasingly untrustworthy.

Last week, an Alaska Airlines flight had to make an emergency landing after loose parts caused a portion of the plane’s body to blow off less than 20 minutes after takeoff. Passengers on that flight were terrified, and many thought they were “going to die.” Thankfully, there were no casualties, and even the boy closest to the danger was left relatively unharmed. Some, perhaps, consider it a miracle.

But here’s the reality: “To an incredibly dangerous extent,” wrote Daily Wire host Matt Walsh, “The airline industry is in the process of actively making itself less competent and reliable.” But why? It’s simple. The airline industry is prioritizing wokeness — in the name of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) — over safety and qualified personnel.

If your grandfather needed heart surgery, you want to know, as much as humanly possible, that you can trust the cardiothoracic surgeon holding the life of your loved one in their hands. Yes, tragedies do still occur sometimes, but the difference is taking every precaution you can up to that point. This same concept should apply to the pilots flying hundreds of people across oceans and continents. Pilots are very much responsible for the lives of those on board. And yet, airlines such as United and Alaska have decided their priorities must be fixated on skin color.

United, Alaska, and other airlines aren’t focused on hiring qualified individuals — those who not only received their pilot license, but truly earned it. Instead, these airlines only seem to care about what their employees look like. Or as Walsh put it, “[I]n their various public statements and press releases, United Airlines has made it very clear that they’re mainly interested in hiring pilots on the basis of skin color and gender, rather than competence.”

I find it hard to fathom that a staple in the industry, Boeing, cares more about scoring perfectly on tests that evaluate LGBT policies than whether their aircrafts are equipped to take off without crashing. Which, by the way, Boeing did score perfectly on the Human Rights Campaign’s 2023 Corporate Equality Index. Oh, and so did American, Southwest, Alaska, and some 545 other businesses. And while not everyone scored perfectly on their radical gender and sexuality quiz, most airlines at least share the same DEI goals. But at what cost?

The trend seems to be that any time woke principles are prioritized, people get hurt — physically or mentally. The transgender movement is a perfect example. Minors are told they’re born in the wrong body, and that the puberty they’re experiencing is actually a sign to defy basic biology. So, they proceed with the hormone blockers and the “gender-affirming care.” So-called medical professionals sign off on double mastectomies and testosterone for healthy teenage girls. And in the end, they suffer the consequences of constant pain, rashes, and infections for the rest of their lives.

Too often, it’s permanent, life-changing damage. It’s heartbreaking. And that’s the reality of prioritizing wokeness: It destroys lives. And the companies like Boeing thatemphasizing wokeness over safety will perhaps, sooner or later, be responsible for ending lives. That is, if they continue to hire pilots who don’t know how to fly and engineers who don’t know how to build.

Paul Fitzpatrick, president of 1792 Exchange, shared with The Washington Stand, “It’s time to free Boeing from their captivity to political activist groups so they can get back to building safe and innovative aircraft. Distractions are many at Boeing when they are pleasing and funding divisive and extreme ideologies.”

He continued, “To score 100% on Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index, Boeing allowed a political stakeholder to dictate policies on personnel, marketing, operations, and lobbying. Whether it is that issue set, divisive DEI policies, or climate extremism, Boeing should reject stakeholder capitalism and return their financial and mental focus to hiring the most qualified talent to produce the safest airplanes possible.”

To Boeing and all other companies who have misplaced priorities, Fitzpatrick reiterated, “[T]heir duty [is] to shareholders and customers. They must get back to business.”


Sarah Holliday

Sarah Holliday is a reporter at The Washington Stand.


EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Memo to Democrats — Lawlessness Started Long Before January 6

With nothing but three years of failure to campaign on, President Biden has made it clear that he intends to use January 6 as the theme of his reelection bid. The first evidence of that was his speech in Charleston on Monday, when he told the audience, “Let me say what others cannot: We must reject political violence in America. Always. Not sometimes — always.” Conservatives agree — we just didn’t wait until January 6 to say so.

Like most Americans, I thought the chaos created in the Capitol was foolish, and in some cases, criminal. But it was a riot, not an insurrection. You don’t stage an insurrection with signs, placards, and flags. The difference between many Republicans and President Biden is that we’ve been talking about the destructive nature of lawlessness for the last several years. But apparently, the burning down of major cities, the lobbing of Molotov cocktails, and destruction of federal property all went down the memory hole for the Left.

Now, suddenly, the legacy media has decided to care about these things, running headlines like The Washington Post’s, “Violent Political Threats Surge as 2024 Begins Haunting American Democracy.” The article starts with the story of Rusty Bowers, former speaker of the Arizona House and the latest victim of “swatting” that we’ve seen across America. “It was one of many violent threats and acts of intimidation that have defined the lives of various government officials since the 2020 election,” they claimed.

According to them, these political attacks just started. That’s interesting, since it was eight years earlier when, inspired by the radical Southern Poverty Law Center, a gunman followed SPLC’s “hate map” to Family Research Council and shot one of our employees. Armed with 100 rounds of ammunition, Floyd Corkins said his goal was to “kill as many people as possible.”

Despite that and so many other horrifying incidents, Steven Levitsky, a Harvard professor, suggested in the article that “while violent threats span the political spectrum, the ‘vast majority’ come from activists on and others on the far right.”

Does the entire Left suffer from clinical amnesia? When then-House Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) was shot at a congressional baseball practice in 2017, it wasn’t a threat from the “far right.” It was a politically-motivated attack that almost took my good friend’s life. And after it happened, what did Democrats do? They fanned the flames.

High-ranking officials like former Attorney General Eric Holder seconded Hillary Clinton’s call for incivility, telling a rowdy crowd to start roughing up conservatives in 2018 — two years before the supposed genesis of all political violence. “Michelle [Obama] always says, ‘When they go low, we go high,’” Holder told the audience. “No. No. When they go low, we kick them!”

This is the same party who told Americans to get up in people’s faces. “You have to be ready to throw a punch,” former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said. “Push back on them,” Democrat Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) coached the crowd. “Tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere!” “[We’ll] fight Trump… in the streets,” Congressman Joaquin Castro (D-Texas) vowed. “Get up in their face,” Senator Cory Booker (D-N.J.) demanded. Even the Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, encouraged the Left to loot, burn, and torment their opponents. “I support them,” she said.

And what about the hostility toward the newest members of the Supreme Court? Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) openly declared that Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh “will pay a price” for not supporting abortion. “You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions,” he fumed, escalating tensions that were already evident outside the justices’ homes. But sure, it’s Trump supporters who “embrace political violence.”

Over at Reuters, reporters claims this all started with Biden’s predecessor. “Incidents of political violence began rising in 2016,” Gary LaFree argued, “around the time of Trump’s first run for the presidency.”

But let’s consider the context. In the summer of 2020, 140 American cities were torched in the most expensive explosion of civil disobedience, rioting, and looting that’s ever taken place in the country. As many as two dozen people died as a result of the mayhem unleashed after George Floyd’s death, causing $2 billion dollars worth of damage. But the media doesn’t factor in any of this. Nor do they take into account the hostility against pro-lifers since the overturning of Roe v. Wade, which has yet to earn a footnote in their distorted reporting.

In The Washington Times, experts on violence called for bipartisan solutions. Here’s a solution. This one goes back to the very first president of the United States, George Washington. In his farewell address, he says, “Of all of the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.” He continues, “And let us with caution, indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion …”

In other words, the very thing our country needs is being driven out, and that is a recognition of God and religion — allowing people to live out their faith in such a way that it affects the world around them. That, my friends, is the answer to incivility, lawlessness, and division.


Tony Perkins

Tony Perkins is president of Family Research Council and executive editor of The Washington Stand.

RELATED ARTICLE: They Push BS Lawfare & Trump Rises In The Polls

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Democrats Talk About Illegal Aliens The Same Way They Used To Talk About Slaves

Who will pick our cotton?

Democrats Talk About Illegal Immigrants The Same Way They Used To Talk About Slaves

By: Evita Duffy-Alfonso, The Federalist, January 14, 2024:

“We need immigrants in this country,” Democratic Rep. Jerrold Nadler said Thursday during a House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement hearing. “Our vegetables would rot in the ground if they weren’t being picked by many immigrants — many illegal immigrants.”

“The fact is, the birth rate in this country is way below replacement level,” he continued. Nadler is adamantly anti-life, and given that abortion is responsible for the deaths of millions of unborn American children, it’s unlikely that he’s sincerely concerned about the United States’ replacement rates.

Nadler’s remarks recall the Democratic party’s past reasoning for supporting slavery. Federalist Senior Editor Mark Hemingway pointed out that Democrats in 1823 were backing slavery because if there were no slaves, “Who would pick our cotton?” Today, Democrats are making the argument that low-wage working illegal migrants are necessary to pick “our vegetables.”

Another striking comparison is the Democrats’ past support of slave traders and their current aiding of human trafficking at the southern border. As Federalist CEO Sean Davis explained, “Before the Civil War, Democrats bought their slaves from human traffickers who kidnapped them and then shipped them across the Atlantic. In 2023, they use cartels to smuggle illegal immigrants across a border Democrats refuse to close.”

Indeed, human trafficking at our southern border is now a multi-billion dollar business, and Democrats have no plan to stop the abuse. In December alone, over 300,000 illegal immigrants crossed into the United States.

Now, illegal immigration isn’t just a problem for border states but the entire nation. Massive influxes of aliens are now invading places like New York City and Chicago, putting massive strain on city resources. Meanwhile, the fentanyl crisis created by the open southern border is taking countless American lives in all corners of the country — both urban and rural.

This week, citizens were given some hope after the Texas Military Department took over a 2.5-mile long stretch along the Rio Grande River, supposedly to stop illegal immigration in the high-traffic crossing area and keep out federal border officials who “perpetuate illegal immigrant crossings in the park and greater Eagle Pass area.”

However, as my colleague Jordan Boyd explained, the move appears to be nothing more than political theater. “Yet despite the addition of personnel, barriers, gates, concertina wire, and military Humvees’ to the area,” Boyd wrote, Texas Gov. “Abbott has not authorized the Texas National Guard to detain and deport illegal immigrants, who are still being turned over to Border Patrol for processing and, in most cases, release.”

“So, while the move prompted an outcry from the Biden administration and federal border officials who say the state’s interference prevents them from doing their jobs,” she added, “Abbott’s move won’t fundamentally change the dynamic at the border.”

Keep reading.


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Massive Pro-Terrorist Rally in D.C. Was a Real Insurrection

Protestors have breached the reinforced gate and riot police confronted them – other protestors began scaling the fence White House staffers were evacuated when the pro-terrorist horde swarmed the White House.

If they were wearing red MAGA hats the Democrat regime would have opened fire on them.

You Could Say the Massive Pro-Terrorist Rally in DC Devolved Into an Insurrection

By: Matt Vespa | Townhall January 13, 2024 10:05 PM

Hordes of pro-terrorist supporters invaded Washington, DC, to voice support for a ceasefire in Gaza, which will only benefit the barbaric animals that call themselves Hamas. This terror group launched a heinous attack against Israel on October 7, murdering 1,200 Israeli men, women, and children. The genocidal assault sowed the seeds for Hamas’s destruction as Israeli forces invaded the Gaza Strip later that month.

The IDF has one goal: the destruction of this terrorist organization that’s dominated the Gaza Strip since 2007. Despite protests from Arab leaders of the Israeli operation, they’re reportedly encouraging Israel’s campaign against the terror group behind the scenes, even going so far as to say Israel shouldn’t stop until Hamas is destroyed. Everyone sees them as a domestic threat (via Washington Post):

There is no genocide, you idiots. And we don’t know the real death toll. Hamas runs the Gaza Health Ministry. The Left has taken a nasty liking to Hamas, which is fueled by virulent antisemitism. Based on the Left’s rules, the terrorist sympathizers fomented an armed rebellion outside the White House:

And this right here is why I couldn’t care less about the so-called pro-Palestinian side. They’re just terrorists:

White House staffers were “relocated” when the pro-terrorist horde swarmed the White House



Pro-Palestinian Rioters Force Partial Evacuation of White House

Israel’s Official International Website on Hamas’ Crimes Against Humanity Launched

WATCH: Melanie Phillips Won the Case for Israel with this Interview

Blinken: Hey, You Know What Would Fix This Problem? A Palestinian State

Democrats Talk About Illegal Aliens The Same Way They Used To Talk About Slaves


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

WATCH Prominent Muslim Writer: ‘We Must Normalize Massacres’

Feted by the West and honored by numerous prominent left wing institutions, Mohammed El Kurd is “an internationally touring and award-winning poet, writer, journalist,. In 2021, He was named as one of the 100 most influential people in the world by TIME Magazine.”

Just to give you an idea of how these vicious savages are legitimized by left elitists, El-Kurd serves as the first-ever “Palestine Correspondent” for The Nation. His “poetry” was named “a masterpiece” by The New Arab and a “remarkable debut” by the Los Angeles Review of Books, it was one of Middle East Eye’s “Best Books of 2021” and was shortlisted for the 2022 Forward Prize for “Best First Collection.”

El-Kurd holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Brooklyn College (CUNY) and a BFA in Writing from Atlanta’s Savannah College of Art & Design (SCAD). He is the recipient of numerous honors and awards, including the Arab American Civil Council’s “Truth in Media” Award (2022), as well as the Cultural Freedom Fellowship from the Lannan Foundation (2023). He is currently a Civic Media Fellow at the Annenberg Innovation Lab at the University of Southern California. El-Kurd was the keynote for the 18th Annual Edward Said Memorial Lecture at Princeton University.

WATCH: ‘We must normalize massacres as the status quo’

By: World Israel News, January 14, 2024

Palestinian poet, Mohammed El Kurd, demanded massacres against Jews be normalized at a rally in London.





Pro-Palestinian Rioters Force Partial Evacuation of White House

Israel’s Official International Website on Hamas’ Crimes Against Humanity Launched

WATCH: Melanie Phillips Won the Case for Israel with this Interview


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Israeli Intelligence Aides in Arrests of Hamas-Connected Terrorists in Europe

Despite the unending libels and hatred from the world, the Jewish nation continues to save lives across the world, aiding countries that tolerate death-to-Jews marches and vicious, violent genocidal riots. How long before these jihadis conduct a similar October 7th massacre in a Western nation – like the Bataclan music hall slaughter?

We love life and we battle the dark forces of evil and those that worship death.

Israeli intelligence aides in arrests of Hamas-connected terrorists in Europe

Hamas has been operating through European street gangs that tried to obtain drones and attack Jewish targets, including the Israeli embassy in Sweden.

By Vered Weiss, World Israel News, January 14, 2024

Israeli intelligence and its counterparts in Europe have joined forces combatting Hamas connections in Europe and arresting suspected terrorists, the Israeli Prime Minister’s office announced.

Hamas has been operating through European street gangs and even planned to obtain drones to attack Jewish and Israeli targets, including the Israeli embassy in Sweden.

In mid-December, Danish and German law enforcement announced the arrest of Hamas-connected suspects who are subject to judicial proceedings.

Additional arrests of suspected terrorists in Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands occurred in the last week.

Many terror organizations work under the façade of street gangs, such as the Danish gang LTF or “Loyal to Familia” which was banned in Denmark in 2021.

LTF’s ties with Hamas were recently exposed, and in addition to operating in Denmark, it also has a presence in Sweden and Germany.

Read more.



Pro-Palestinian Rioters Force Partial Evacuation of White House

Israel’s Official International Website on Hamas’ Crimes Against Humanity Launched

WATCH: Melanie Phillips Won the Case for Israel with this Interview


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

For South Africa, an inconvenient truth: The Muslim Arab slave trade in Africa.

In a shameful and deeply immoral act, the embattled nation of Israel, which suffered an unprovoked invasion by the Palestinian Muslim Hamas terrorists on October 7, 2023, is being forced to defend itself at the International Court of Justice in the Hague against outrageous and false charges brought by South Africa claiming that Israel’s war in Gaza against Hamas constitutes genocide. That South Africa’s government has chosen to accuse the victim – Israel – of the very crime of genocide which it suffered at the hands of Palestinian Hamas shows a degree of turpitude that forever will stain it in the history of immoral politics and jurisprudence.

The war came in response to the horrific and depraved Hamas slaughter of over 1,200 Israeli civilians, the rapes of countless women, the mutilations and beheadings and Israeli civilians brutally murdered in their homes or at an outdoor music festival. In addition, the forced imprisonment in Gaza of 250 Israeli hostages.

The South African legal team never uttered one word about the Hamas terrorist invasion of October 7th nor made any reference to the Jewish hostages being held in the hundreds of miles of terror tunnels built by Hamas with wasted foreign aid funds.”

They ignored the way Hamas deliberately uses Gazan civilians as human shields and places weapons and rocket launchers in schools, mosques as well as in hospitals. And, predictably they were silent about all the extraordinary measures the IDF takes to protect civilians in Gaza, such as the millions of phone calls and dropped leaflets warning them to flee the area due to impending military operations.

The South Africa team dared not speak about Hamas’s own genocidal, jihadist agenda, which is openly spelled out in its founding charter as a sacred Islamic duty to murder Jews both in Israel and worldwide. They also were deathly silent about how UNRWA and other UN agencies have aided Hamas in brainwashing the entire population of Gaza with this genocidal agenda and death cult mentality.”

The South African government chooses to ignore Security Council Resolution number 1373 which requires all UN countries, including South Africa, to take steps against, let alone support, terrorist organizations like Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the deeply corrupt so-called Palestinian Authority which pays blood money to Palestinian supporters who murder Israelis in the evil ‘Pay to Slay’ outrage.

Those of us who know history are familiar with accounts of man’s inhumanity to his fellow man. Indeed, over the last 2,000 years each century has been more murderous than the previous one.

We understand that Marxism is a ruthless killing machine and ideology that must be resisted at all costs, even as so many of our youth foolishly embrace it under the mistaken guise of “social justice.”

There are historical and modern events that cast Islam equally as ruthless and deadly: A pitiless “ideology wrapped in a religion,” to quote Winston Churchill.

Traveling back in time, we must acknowledge the abiding horror of the slavery practiced by Muslims upon hapless black Africans – a searing crime which has existed since Islam’s founding in the 7th century. It is passing strange that the South African government or its legal team at the International Court of Justice in the Hague remain clueless at Islam’s persecution of Africans down the dark centuries. Or are they truly clueless?

While the anti-slavery abolitionist movements in Europe and North America began their epic movement to end slavery during the 19th century, there was barely any opposition to slavery as practiced within the Muslim world. Thus, in terms of numbers, black slaves sent to Arabia numbered some 9.85 million which is not far behind the conservative estimate of nearly 12 million African victims of the Atlantic slave trade. Some African historians, though, reject these figures on the grounds that they are too low.

It is particularly sad also that so many African Americans in the United States routinely espouse Islam and take Arabic names while ignoring or being utterly ignorant of the Muslim Arab slave trade; even though it led to the deaths and slavery of untold millions of their African ancestors.

Even after Britain outlawed the slave trade in 1807 and Europe abolished the slave trade in 1815, Muslim slave traders continued their ghastly commerce and enslaved millions of Africans. Throughout African villages the ever-present threat of approaching Arab slave traders sent terror into the hearts of men, women and children.

David Livingstone, the British explorer was so horrified at the way Muslim Arabs treated African slaves that he wrote this account when back home in 1870:

“In less than I take to talk about it, these unfortunate creatures — 84 of them, wended their way into the village where we were. Some of them, the eldest, were women from 20 to 22 years of age, and there were youths from 18 to 19, but the large majority was made up of boys and girls from 7 years to 14 or 15 years of age.

“A more terrible scene than these men and women as well as children, I do not think I ever came across. To say that they were emaciated would not give you an idea of what human beings can undergo under certain circumstances.

“Each of them had his neck in a large, forked stick, weighing from 30 to 40 pounds, and five or six feet long, cut with a fork at the end of it where the branches of a tree spread out. The women were tethered with bark thongs, which are, of all things, the cruelest to be tied with. Of course, they are soft and supple when first stripped off the trees, but a few hours in the sun make them about as hard as the iron round packing-cases. The little children were fastened by thongs to their mothers.

“As we passed along the path which these slaves had travelled, I was shown a spot in the bushes where a poor woman the day before, unable to keep on the march, and likely to hinder it, was cut down by the axe of one of these slave drivers.

“We went on further and were shown a place where a child lay. It had been recently born, and its mother was unable to carry it from debility and exhaustion. The slave trader had taken this little infant by its feet and dashed its brains out against one of the trees and thrown it in there.”

Of the 12 million or so Africans who were transported across the Atlantic, some 95% went to South and Central America, mainly to Portuguese, Spanish and French possessions while some 5% of the slaves went to the United States.

In our politically correct (PC) colleges of ‘lower learning,’ criticism of whites because of their involvement in slavery has become obligatory. But try to find a university that even teaches about the killing and enslavement of Africans by Muslim Arabs. Few if any exist.

According to Bill Warner, Director of the Center for Studies of Political Islam, most Blacks will only acknowledge the slave trade by Whites. He wrote:

“They fail to admit to the broad scope of world slave history that includes the slavery by Islam of Europeans and Hindus. For them, slavery of millions of Hindus by Muslims never happened. White and European slavery by Muslims? It never happened. Slavery on the East coast of Africa and the transportation of millions of blacks to the Muslim world? It never happened. A massive slave trade through the Sahara into North Africa? It never happened. Black eunuchs at the Medina mosque? It never happened.”

College and High School students are thus never informed about the enormous catalog of misery and enslavement perpetrated by Muslim slavers over the centuries; that would be too much of an inconvenient truth.

For instance. you will never hear the anti-American and Somali born, Ilhan Omar (D-MN), ever condemn the horrors of Islam’s atrocious enslavement of black Africans. Nor would she and fellow Muslim, Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), ever denounce the depravity and utter cruelty perpetrated by Palestinian Hamas terrorists as they gleefully raped, beheaded and burned alive Israeli men, women, children, and babies on that fateful day of October 7, 2023 – the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust.

One thing whites and blacks have in common is that their ancestors were enslaved by Islam, but today both are mostly too ignorant to know about it or wary of criticizing Islamist organizations and pressure groups like CAIR, the Council on American Islamic Relations. Meanwhile the leftwing media and leftist intellectuals line up in pretend ignorance. I have often come to the realization that being an intellectual does not necessarily confer either a passing degree of morality or of intelligence.

In America, most political ‘thinkers’ refused to recognize Islam as a political and ideological force and too many Americans thus slid into dangerous ignorance and apathy. All this while Islamic Sharia law increasingly infiltrates our Republic and subverts the Constitution.

Americans now are seeing the malign power of Islamic influence as university students here in America — many of them from Arab countries — routinely engage in often violent demonstrations in support of Palestinian Hamas depravity while all the while our leading universities are awash with immense wealth given to them by tiny Qatar, the Arab nation which has the highest GDP per capita and the highest energy reserves per capita in the world.

Money talks it seems, be it in academia or, perhaps, in South Africa.

Victor Sharpe is a prolific conservative writer and author. He has written seven published books including the acclaimed four volume work titled, Politicide, the attempted murder of the Jewish State.

©2024. Victor Sharpe. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: History of Arab Slave Trade

Society-wide Corruption in Epstein Case is Just the Tip of the Iceberg

Jeffrey Epstein and his ongoing ability to orchestrate a massive scheme to facilitate and breed the corruption of powerful individuals to sexually exploit others is finally surfacing to the public eye, trickling through the no longer impenetrable gates of unattainable elite society.

It is right and just for our society to demand accountability and transparency about those who sexually abused people through Jeffrey Epstein’s networks. At the same time, while the media and public are in a frenzy about recent releases of names associated with Epstein, the same attention and care is not given to others – women, children, and men – being currently exploited in less high-profile cases.

We, as an everyday nation, are experiencing the absolute power of corruption with the free-flowing flood of over 400,000 youth who go missing in America every year, over 80,000 unaccompanied minors at our nation’s borders, and the countless number of children who are groomed and exploited online all while within their own home. All of this in the Land of the Free. Many of these innocent children are far removed from the interest of high-profile media or promised power of freedom as they tragically are delivered into the atrocities of human sex trafficking.

Big Tech is an exponential digital version of all the same patterns of networks of those with power, age, and privilege grooming and exploiting the innocent, just as we see in the Epstein case. Predators don’t only network and collaborate to abuse on private jets or private islands, they can do so from the comfort of their own homes, laptops, or phones.

Alas the documents. The names. The media coverage. As it should be.

It is crucial that we take action and care just as much about what is happening every moment in every neighborhood as it is about exposing those that chose perversion and abuse of their positions of power. What a devastation to the human race. Imagine where the world would be if human dignity is what everyone protected and fought for, and anything less was unacceptable to all.

Demand Congress make this the Child Protection Congress!

The take action form is at the end of the column.


EDITORS NOTE: This NCOSE column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Israel’s Official International Website on Hamas’ Crimes Against Humanity Launched

Here is the official Israeli website “Oct. 7 2023” launched by the Office of the Prime Minister.

The Oct. 7 2023 website was uploaded on Sunday, January 14th, 2023 in preparation for the opening of the hearing on the petition against Israel at the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

Click here to visit “HAMAS MASSACRE: Documentation of Crimes Against Humanity.”

Head of the National Information System Moshik Aviv wrote, “We are putting up a website that will commemorate and remember the horrible massacres that were committed against the citizens of Israel on the Black Sabbath of October 7th. This is an important explanatory and political tool, which presents the serious crimes against humanity and this website will help the State of Israel in its mission to remind the world that we are the victim of the unprecedented terrorist incident we experienced.”

Prime Minister Netanyahu’s announcement to the foreign media before the debate in The Hague int’l court:

“Israel has no intention of permanently occupying Gaza…Gaza can be de-militarized and de-radicalized.”

WATCH: Hamas using Palestinians as human shield video announcement

©2024. Udi Geva. All rights reserved.

RELARTED VIDEO: Barry Shaw The View from Israel Biden just declared war on Jewish settlers

Exiled Prince Pahlavi: President Biden made two critical mistakes

While the Islamic Republic is financing and training its Houthi proxies, the American administration is facilitating this terror group’s continued access to capital.

When he took office, President Biden made two critical mistakes: Delisting the Houthis and refusing to implement oil sanctions on the dictatorship in Tehran.

This capitulation has brought about the latest regional conflagration by legitimizing this terror group and doubling the oil exports of their patron in Tehran— which has sold more than $100 billion worth since this administration took office.

While Khamenei’s Houthis are sowing conflict, the only long-term solution lies in re-imposing maximum pressure on the Islamic Republic and offering maximum support to the Iranian people in their fight against the regime.

Source:  X account


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EDITORS NOTE: This Newsrael News Desk column with video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Released hostage recounts horrors of Hamas captivity: ‘They loaded me into a truck full of dead bodies’

Filipino-born Noralin ‘Nataly’ Babadila clung to hope during captivity, only to learn after her release her husband Gideon murdered on October 7; she shares her enduring fear, commitment to Israel and her hardest Gaza moment.

“On the morning of October 7, we woke up early. We were visiting good friends in Nirim, and we had plans to spend the day and have a barbecue. So, at five in the morning, my husband Gideon and I were already awake. At six-thirty, we heard the rocket sirens. Gideon told me there was nothing to worry about, but I found it suspicious because I had already heard shots from outside. I told him to come to the safe room, but at some point, he said he just wanted to see what was happening outside. I asked him, ‘What is there to see outside?’ but he went out – and then I heard two shots.”

Noralin “Nataly” Babadila, 60, also known as Noralin Agojo, and her husband Gideon lived in Yehud and would visit Kibbutz Nirim almost weekly for the past two years to visit their friends: Tess, who was also born in the Philippines like Noralin, Tess’s Israeli husband Doron Meir, and their daughters Shelly and Mor. That particular Saturday was special as Kibbutz Nirim celebrated its 77th anniversary.

Noralin and Gideon arrived as usual at their friends’ home and borrowed their daughter Shelly’s apartment in the youth housing on the Kibbutz. “I heard the shots, and I’m inside the house screaming, ‘Gideon, come in. Gideon, where are you? Why did you leave me alone?’ But he didn’t answer and didn’t come in, and then I heard our car exploding,” she recounts.

A short time later, the apartment caught fire. The safe room’s door was not closed, and smoke began to enter. The terrorists were already inside the house. She decided to try to escape through the safe room window. “I jumped from the window straight into the hands of the terrorists, who stood there with their guns drawn,” she recalls.

“There were six terrorists there who started arguing about what to do with me. I understood from their hand gestures that one wanted to kill me, and the other wanted to kidnap me. I told them, ‘I’m Filipino, not Israeli, please don’t kill me,’ and I showed them the cross necklace around my neck.” Noralin was loaded into a small truck. “They loaded the bodies of murdered Israelis in the back, piled them in the rear seat, and on the car’s roof,” she said.

The terrorists asked her to wear a head cover, and they drove her to Gaza. “After several stops on the way, we reached a hideout apartment in Gaza, where two more kidnapped women, Karina Angel, and Irena Tati, were already there,” Noralin recalls. “The first thing I remember is a large picture of Gilad Shalit on the wall of the apartment. I asked one of the kidnappers: ‘What am I doing here? And for how long?’ He replied that it could take weeks, a month, or a year. I started crying.”

Five terrorists guarded them. “We were in darkness all day, no electricity, no water, and almost no food,” Noralin says. “Sometimes they gave us a biscuit in the morning, and that was all we had to eat that day. The water had a bad smell. There was nothing to talk about in terms of a shower; we didn’t bathe for 23 days. You’re constantly in fear. The men were shouting all the time and every moment I thought they would come in and shoot us all. I couldn’t sleep there at all. There were also bombings by the IDF and rockets fired by Hamas. The floor shook every time, and the house felt like it was going to fall apart.”

For 23 days, she stayed there, believing that her husband was kidnapped like her, holding onto the hope that they would soon be released and reunited. “One day, the terrorist in charge arrived and told us to wear head covers because we were being moved to another place. We went outside and passed through the market, which was crowded with people. At any moment, we could have been exposed.”

In the end, they did not go to an apartment but to a separate facility at Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis, where they encountered additional kidnapped individuals. “They brought us into a room where the Konio family was – parents Sharon and David, and their 3-year-old twin daughters Emma and Yuly, and also Hanna Katzir was there. With time, we became a sort of family. When Sharon had a hard time with the daughters, we took them so they could rest. Over time, we understood that more kidnapped individuals were held in the hospital compound. I met several older women there, and also the children Erez and Eitan.”

Staying at the hospital was much easier until a dreadful moment arrived. “Three days before the release of Sharon Konio and the twins, they separated David from the family,” Noralin recounts. “That moment shattered all of us. The daughters screamed and cried; there was a final hug, a very difficult moment.”

When the ceasefire took effect, Noralin waited for her turn. On November 29th, it happened. “I was with Ofelia Roitman in a car; we stopped on the road, the terrorists said there was a delay, and suddenly a bunch of people arrived and started banging on the windows. I was sure they would kill us any moment,” she recounts. “Only when I saw the soldiers at the Rafah checkpoint, I was able to breathe normally again. I hoped to reunite with Gideon shortly, but when I arrived at the hospital, my brother was waiting for me, telling me that he was already murdered on October 7th. I felt like cold water was poured on me. At that moment, she also learned that her friend Tess, also lost her husband and daughter who were murdered that Saturday. Since then, the two widows support each other.

With teary eyes, Noralin talks about the immense pain of losing her husband and the decision to stay in Israel. “Despite everything, I didn’t consider leaving,” she says. “I don’t want to leave Gideon. It’s tough. I talk to him every day, asking him to look after me, to help me from above.”

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EDITORS NOTE: This Newsrael News Desk column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.