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369 search results for: child pornography


The March to Nowhere

A day or two before the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump on January 20th,2017, I watched a reporter interviewing five attractive, intelligent, articulate women from California, who were all making the long cross-country trip to the Women’s March on Washington on January 21st. Amazingly, not one woman was able to express a persuasive or […]


The new Sex Ed: Contributing to the Deliquency of a Minor

“We’ve come a long way, baby!” Education matters little if children learn in the classroom to engage in multiple partner, “normal” as well as more “deviant” forms of sex. A massive number will be and are permanently damaged, drinking, drugging, depressed and suicidal. So moving deviance right along, June 26, 2003 in Lawrence v. Texas […]


Florida Pedophile Sentenced to 885 Years in Prison

This week, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi’s Office of Statewide Prosecution announced the sentencing of a Seminole County sex offender to 885 years in prison for possession of massive amounts of child pornography. According to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement investigation, multiple images containing child pornography were retrieved from a laptop in Shawn Ryan […]


Jared Fogle’s Rise to Infamy

Months ago, I published an article about Indianapolis teenagers being marketed in photos posted on the Internet – months before Indianapolis native Jared Fogle‘s arrest for child pornography and sexual relations with multiple minors.  How is it that Jared, reported to be worth 15 million dollars and at the top of the national hall of […]


FLORIDA: Collier County School Board Defends use of Pornographic Materials by Students

Two weeks ago, Florida Citizens Alliance reported that The Collier County School District was caught promoting pornographic material on its “Summer Reading List”. This list had been promoted as a PDF for several weeks on their trusted CCPS website to parents and students. Concerned citizens led by Parents ROCK, a local watchdog group, held a press conference, […]


Jihadist: ‘I view porn for the articles’

Having read Phyllis Chesler’s article in today’s New York Post, titled “Why are jihadis so obsessed with porn?” we decided to give voice to the other side, by interviewing Rabid Habibi, a self-described jihad addict, whom we found browsing the magazine rack at the local adult novelty shop, Sex Toys’R’Us.Cube: Mr. Habibi, we at the People’s […]


Fort Lauderdale TEA Party Leaders attacked for supporting the Republican Party Platform

Preserving and Protecting Traditional Marriage is a plank of Republican Party Platform. The What We Believe 2012 Republican Party Platform states, “The institution of marriage is the foundation of civil society. Its success as an institution will determine our success as a nation. It has been proven by both experience and endless social studies that traditional […]