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371 search results for: child pornography


Biden’s Gender confused SCOTUS female Nominee can’t define the word ‘woman’

Just when you thought that it couldn’t get any worse with Biden and his nominees, it does. Watch as Senator Marsha Blackburn, a woman, asks Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson, a woman, to define the word “woman”: SEN. BLACKBURN: "Can you provide a definition of the word 'woman'?" JACKSON: "No, I can't" BLACKBURN: "You […]


Poland sends thousands of texts to illegal Muslim migrants at Belarus border telling them to go back

Poland declared a state of emergency at the border with Belarus earlier this month and revealed that some of the migrants “had radical Islamic propaganda in their possession.” The jihadist infiltration through unvetted refugee streams has been a major threat to the security of Western countries across the board, although globalists refuse to acknowledge this. […]


Texas Moves To Ban Social Media Banning

On September 9, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed HB 20, a law designed to keep social media companies with more than 50 million subscribers from blocking users whose viewpoints the company disapproves of. Scheduled to take effect in December, the law has already attracted controversy and threats of lawsuits to keep it from going into effect. Currently, if […]


Wikipedia Co-founder SLAMS site’s far-left bias, its ‘neutrality long gone,’ ‘it’s is a joke’

Wikipedia is a far-left propaganda resource and has been for years. We have long known, and railed to no avail. Wikipedia is a joke and no one with a measure of integrity and/or scholarship goes near it. Wikipedia is but one cog in an immense propaganda machine inundating the body politic with lies and disinformation […]


Dems Are In Full Panic Mode

After the 2016 presidential election, Democrats were consumed with anger, indignation, and a burning unquenchable fury. They had basked in smug satisfaction during the previous eight years as Barack Obama began to fulfill his campaign promise of October 28, 2005 of “fundamentally transforming the United States of America” from our Democratic Republic into a socialist utopia. And […]


WATCH LIVE: Massive Crowds as Trump holds campaign rally in Mosinee, Wisconsin

 President Trump Holds a Campaign Event in Mosinee, WI — RSBN 🇺🇸 (@RSBNetwork) September 17, 2020 It is 4.5 hours before Trump will speak in Mosinee, WI, and there is a massive crowd already waiting. — The Federalist (@FDRLST) September 17, 2020 HUGE line already forming in Mosinee, #Wisconsin for President @realDonaldTrump […]


VIDEO: ‘I hope they f—— die!’ Left-wing ‘protesters’ show up at LA hospital treating ambushed cops shot in the head

Democrat sponsored. Update: The gunman walked up on the deputies and opened fire without warning or provocation. — LA County Sheriffs (@LASDHQ) September 13, 2020 WARNING: GRAPHIC LANGUAGE  ‘Y’all gonna die one by one,’ a man could be heard shouting. “Outrageous cruelty. This is what ANTIFA, BLM and the nitwit faddists of the […]


Unfit To Print Video Episode 69: Netflix’s ‘Cuties’ Is Worse Than We Thought

The French film “Cuties” was finally released on Netflix this week and it is much worse than anyone thought it would be. Netflix tried to lie to American viewers by telling them the hyper-sexualized promotional poster that showed pre-teen girls in seductive poses was not representative of the film.  The film contains numerous inappropriate […]


Here’s the List of Democrats and Republicans connected to Jeffrey Epstein

The State of the Nation published the following: Ghislaine Maxwell’s list became unsealed some time yesterday [August 10, 2020] and here’s what happened while y’all were strategically distracted by the Covid mess. Shows connection to Epstein over the years. Submitted by Anders Pedersen Democratic Illinois State Representative, Keith Farnham, has resigned and was charged with […]


VIDEO: Democrats introduce ‘New Way Forward Act’ the Most Anti-American legislation in U.S. History

Legislation for those who don’t think there are enough criminals in the United States already.  The Center for Immigration Studies published a detailed analysis of H.R. 5383 New Way Forward Act introduced by the Democrat majority in the House. Andrew R. Arthur wrote a column titled “The ‘New Way Forward Act’: A Roadmap for […]


Call for Credit Card Freeze on Porn Sites

Major credit card companies should block payments to pornographic sites, according to a group of international campaigners and campaign groups who say they work to tackle sexual exploitation. A letter seen by the BBC, signed by more than 10 campaigners and campaign groups, says porn sites “eroticise sexual violence, incest, and racism” and stream content […]


While US Focuses on Corona, New Bill Threatens to End All Encrypted Apps

With all media eyes focused on the COVID-19 crisis, a bill that threatens to end the era of encrypted messaging is being proposed in the Senate. The EARN IT Act (Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technologies) is a bipartisan effort to combat child sexual abuse material (CSAM) online. Introduced by Senators Lindsey Graham and Richard Blumenthal, the […]


Epidemic of Government Employees Watching Porn on Taxpayer Time

An epidemic of federal employees watching porn on taxpayer time has reached a new low at one agency where a veteran staffer “viewed child pornography on a government computer on multiple occasions,” according to an audit. The unidentified employee worked at the Bureau of Land Management, which operates under the Department of the Interior (DOI) and […]


Election Irregularities Persist in Palm Beach County 20 Years After Bush-Gore Standoff

You would think that after being one of the centers of the election storm in 2000 when the hotly contested Florida recount determined whether George Bush or Al Gore would be president of the United States, Palm Beach County would have gotten its act together. But as is evident from a recent report from the Public Interest […]