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176 search results for: grooming of children


Saul Alinsky’s Eight Steps to Topple a Nation Matches Perfectly Biden’s Build Back Better Agenda

A reader sent us a link to Vassar Bushmills website that listed Alinsky’s eight steps to topple a nation. We realized after seeing them that they match the policies of the current administration and the Democrat Party. According to Discover the Networks Alinsky: Identified a set of very specific rules that ordinary citizens could follow, and […]


Disney’s Quiet Plan for Revenge Unleashes a DeSantis Firestorm

In the feud between Disney and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R), one thing’s clear: tempers haven’t cooled. The two sides, who’ve been at odds since the company openly attacked parents’ rights in education, are back at each other’s throats now that CEO Bob Iger secretly undermined the state’s plans to have a seat at the company’s table. […]


‘Bouncy Houses’ and ‘Goodie-Bags’: Inside the Military’s Drag Queen Events for Kids

The U.S. military under President Joe Biden has hosted numerous drag queen events for children on military bases, advertising the story hours alongside promises of “bouncy houses,” face painting, and “goodie-bags.” After public backlash, one base’s spokesman called gender-bending events “essential” to military morale and readiness. Now, a conservative Republican congressman plans to hold the […]


How Lori Kuykendall Is Combatting Cultural Lies in Sex Education

This week, at Family Policy Alliance’s SoConCon Social Conservative Policy Conference, I sat down with Lori Kuykendall, president of Beacon Health Education Resources. In this conversation, we explore how her organization is fighting back against exploitative progressive sexual education curricula — and teaching kids about the beauty of God’s creation. JOY STOCKBAUER: Why don’t we start […]


TENNESSEE: Bill advances to ban drag shows, other adult entertainment on public property

A society is in a moral crisis when it becomes necessary for a bill to be sponsored to safeguard kids in public places. Although the bill is aimed at “go-go dancers, exotic dancers, and strippers on public property,” it is hardly a secret that the trans agenda has come to include grooming children in vulgar […]


New Documentary Sheds Light on Disney’s Sexual Engineering

A new documentary on the Walt Disney Company is making crystal clear how the once family-friendly company is today one of the most serious peddlers of radical ideology in America. Released last week by the Catholic League, “Walt’s Disenchanted Kingdom” is a 50-minute film that highlights how Disney went from entertaining and inspiring kids to indoctrinating […]


CHOP! A Searing Indictment of Islam’s Inhumane Criminal Justice System Under Sharia Law by Tober Mory

Stoning for adultery.  Amputation for thievery.  Death for apostasy.  These cruel and unusual punishments for criminal offenses under Islam’s sharia law strike Westerners as barbaric.  Yet they have been and continue to be the law of the land for countless Muslims in numerous countries right up to the present day.  Criminal justice under sharia law […]


Noem’s Pro-Trans Ties Spark Protests, 2024 Skepticism

Even the frigid temperatures couldn’t keep angry South Dakotans away. Despite the blistering, nine-degree cold, as many as 150 people gathered in the snow outside the 2023 Midwest Gender Identity Summit in Sioux Falls Friday morning to protest Sanford Health’s unwelcome presence in their state. Standing by snow drifts, with a long convoy of cars heading to join them, organizer Adam […]


A horrifying report on sexual abuse in Chicago public schools sank without a trace last week. Why?

In what has become a familiar and dismal ritual, the Archbishop of Kansas City, released an apology for sexual abuse by Catholic clergy last week. He joined “bishops across the state of Kansas in offering his deepest apologies to the victims, their families, the faithful of the church, and the Kansas Catholic community at large” He was […]


Democrats Won’t Talk About Biden’s ‘Accomplishments’—So We Will

It seems that Democrats don’t want to discuss what they, and the Biden administration, have accomplished since January 20th, 2021. If Democrats don’t want to talk about it, we will. Here’s our list of Biden, the Democrat Party and the Biden administrations accomplishments: Canceled the Key Stone XL pipeline via Executive order on the first […]


At Least 269 K-12 Educators Arrested on Child Sex Crimes in First 9 months of 2022

Who is hiring these pedophiles. Pull your children out of government schools. Democrats hate you. What more effective way of destroying and our wonderful country then by abusing your children and shredding the family? At least 269 K-12 educators arrested on child sex crimes in first 9 months of this year 74% of the arrests […]


Watch as Biden does it again cozying up to and grabbing a underaged girl

Biden is pushing polices that are harmful to underaged boys and girls. These policies include using tax dollars to pay for gender surgery for minors, government subsidized abortions, and pushing transgender ideology in our public schools, colleges, universities, hospitals, government agencies and even in our military. We even have the U.S. State Department weighing funding […]


WATCH: The Red Wave is Becoming a Tsunami Against Democrat Bullies Biden, AOC, Pelosi, Schumer, et. al.

The Democrats have nothing to run on and they’re running out of gas, no pun intended. There is a rising dissatisfaction with all things Democrat from Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Watch this town hall meeting held by New York’s Democrat Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. AOC humiliated at a Town Hall: "You ran as […]