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176 search results for: grooming of children


Will Videos of FBI Raids replace ‘The Exorcist’ as the Top Horror Films for Halloween 2022?

As we approach Halloween 2022, and the November 8th midterm elections, we are witnessing something that is as scary as the 1973 horror film “The Exorcist.” In the film The Exorcist a young Regan (Linda Blair) starts acting odd — levitating, speaking in tongues — her worried mother (Ellen Burstyn) seeks medical help, only to […]


Florida, In 32 Days You Vote For A Builder Or Bullsh**er—Choose Wisely

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis leads a three day rebuilding of hurricane ravaged bridges. Watch as Governor Ron DeSantis came to Frank Rendon Park in Daytona Beach Shores on Friday, October 7 to give an update on Florida’s extraordinary recovery effort following the catastrophic damage left by the path of Hurricane Ian across the Florida peninsula. […]


21 Former Porn Performers Demand #ENDTEENPORN | Sign the Petition!

Sign the petition to #ENDTEENPORN. Exodus Cry recently published an open letter from 21 former porn performers, demanding an end to teen porn. To understand watch Beyond Fantasy Barely Legal—Episode 1 The letter reads, in part: “Dear porn industry, We, the undersigned former porn performers and survivors, are calling on porn producers, directors, and agents to stop recruiting […]


Why did the Community Foundation of Sarasota County fund ‘QUEERCON’ at the School of Arts and Sciences public school?

We recently had a number of concerns from our readers, including links, to troubling information about how public schools are grooming children to have sex with perverts, pederasts and pedophiles. These concerns bring up the hot-button topic of public schools “socially engineering’ pupils to be something that is scientifically impossible—becoming non-binary. This issue has led […]


Woke Corporations Can Abuse Us, But Not for Free

Last week, Texas put the investment company BlackRock on a list of firms that may not get to manage state pension funds because the firms boycott oil & gas stocks.  BlackRock is trying to get off the list, but the story shows you there are starting to be real-world consequences for companies that go Woke.  It’s a […]


FLORIDA: Miami’s Queer Club ‘R House’ Shut Down

In 2022 a complaint was filed by the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation to revoke queer club “R House’s” liquor license. The complaint argued R House violated a state public nuisance law by becoming “manifestly injurious to the morals or manners of the people.” According to Google, R House is located in the […]


Read Why Charlie Crist is Joe Biden’s ‘Lap Dog’

Well, well, well. Since the 2022 primary elections are over we the people of Florida know who’s the Democrat nominee to run against Top-Gov Ron DeSantis for governor of the sunshine state. My, my, my! It’s our former governor, you know that former republican, then independent and now Democrat, who’s representing Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. […]


MEDIA BALANCED NEWSLETTER: We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Welcome! We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections. Here is the link for this issue, so please share it on social media. Particularly note the *** asterisked*** items below… — This Newsletter’s Articles, by Topic — NEW SECTION: If You Only Have Time to Read a Few Select Articles: *** The […]


Education Consulting Firm Seeks to Promote ‘Queer Mathematics’ in K-12 Schools

Get your children out of government schools. Education Consulting Firm Seeks to Promote ‘Queer Mathematics’ in K-12 Schools An education consulting firm seeks to promote “Queer Mathematics” in K-12 education. By: Breitbart News, August 2022: A leftist organization called “The Queer Mathematics Teacher” is seeking to embed gender theory in K-12 math classes. Brandie Waid, the […]


War on Parents: Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah, Here I Am At Camp Gender-Change-You-Oughta

UPDATE 7/7/2022: TODAY’S DEMOCRAT PARTY: Democrat RI Senator TWERKS In Campaign Ad Rhode Island State Senator Tiara Mack (D) made this video encouraging people to vote for her. She also sponsored a bill for teaching kids “queer inclusive, pleasure-based sex ed” — Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) July 5, 2022 I told you about the […]


Get Woke, Go Broke: Netflix Massacre – 300 Employees Axed in Largest Layoff Since Subscriber Downturn

I generally do not applaud such news but these woke companies have so disabused their customers, this is well deserved. They can shove their relentless poisonous propaganda back down the hole they crawled out of. Jedimaster Trump tweeted to P Smith So not Cuties… I am shocked that the population is not 80% African American, […]


Head of Islamic Child Rape/Trafficking Gang Served as a Council Welfare Rights Officer While Raping Young Girls

Rest assured, this news story will die a quick death. This is what we have been up against for well over a decade. Twenty-plus years later… this has been going on for decades, Muslim gangs sex trafficking upwards of a million non-Muslims British tweens and teens. Anyone who spoke against this unfathomable evil was targeted, […]