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1474 search results for: LGBT


Almost Everything the Media Tell You About Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Is Wrong

A major new report, published today in the journal The New Atlantis, challenges the leading narratives that the media has pushed regarding sexual orientation and gender identity. Co-authored by two of the nation’s leading scholars on mental health and sexuality, the 143-page report discusses over 200 peer-reviewed studies in the biological, psychological, and social sciences, painstakingly […]


‘Perpetually-Offended’ ESPN’s Latest Facepalm

“On Tuesday evening, ESPN (AKA MSNBC with footballs) went full-on parody when they pulled an announcer named Robert Lee, an Asian man, from a game at the University of Virginia because the network thought his name, apparently too close to dead Confederate general Robert E. Lee, might offend their viewers,” writes The Daily Wire’s Amanda Prestigiacomo. “For real.” Clay Travis […]


Truth about Race-Based Nationalism

Any political movement based upon ethnic race alone is a “racist” movement. Only those who benefit from our endless list of engineered divisions, political beasts, are well served by the divisions they create and perpetuate. Everyone else loses… If it is wrong for someone to be a “White Nationalist,” then it is equally wrong for […]


I Don’t Want Anyone Forced to Bake Me a Cake by Pierre-Guy Veer

Being a gay libertarian is like being a black conservative: you are a pariah among your peers. It couldn’t be clearer in the Charlie Craig and David Mullins V. Masterpiece Cakeshop case, which the Supreme Court will hear soon. Back in 2012, the plaintiffs went to the defendant’s bakery to have a cake for their wedding, which […]


The Humanitarian Hoax of Transgenders in the Military: Killing America With Kindness

The Humanitarian Hoax is a deliberate and deceitful tactic of presenting a destructive policy as altruistic. The humanitarian huckster presents himself as a compassionate advocate when in fact he is the disguised enemy. Obama, the humanitarian huckster-in-chief, weakened the United States for eight years presenting his crippling transgender policies as altruistic when in fact they […]


VIDEO: ‘Dangerous’ Author Milo Yiannopoulos tells all on i24NEWS

Conservative firebrand Milo Yiannopoulos sits down with i24NEWS for an in-depth interview with Michelle Makori, discussing, among others, his “sloppily phrased” remarks on age-gap relationships and Simon & Schuster’s “caving in to mob mentality” by dropping his book, which has since gone on to top the Amazon best-sellers chart. RELATED ARTICLES AND VIDEOS:  Ex-Professor: ‘Cadre […]


Atlanta’s Democrat Mayor Kasim Reed led by stupidity? $198,000 for a gay crosswalk!

Let me see if I understand this. $196K, to do ONE, standard, 4-lane intersection? At least, that’s what the picture above shows and the article below describes. If we assume 15 ft wide lanes, that’s 60 linear feet/crosswalk.  If we assume a 10 ft wide walkway, that’s 600 sq ft/crosswalk. Times 4 crosswalks/intersection = 2400 sq ft […]


U.S. Military is Not a Petri Dish for Transgender Experiments

The United States military has one, single purpose: To destroy an enemy’s ability to wage war against the United States. Period. That’s it. Among other things, this requires cohesive teamwork, focus, reliability and mental and emotional toughness. The presence of transgender individuals in military units undermines each of those requirements — overwrought transgender protestations notwithstanding. […]


President Trump: The military will no longer allow transgender people to serve ‘in any capacity’

The Washington Examiner’s Melissa Quinn reports: President Trump announced Wednesday morning the military will no longer allow transgender individuals to serve in “any capacity” in the military. “After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the […]


The Humanitarian Hoax of Bullying: Killing America With Kindness

The Humanitarian Hoax is a deliberate and deceitful tactic of presenting a destructive policy as altruistic. The humanitarian huckster presents himself as a compassionate advocate when in fact he is the disguised enemy. Obama, the humanitarian huckster-in-chief, weakened the United States by bullying America for eight years into accepting his crippling politically correct policies as […]


ECUMENISM OF HATE: The ‘hate’ is all coming from the Left by Michael Voris

So the international fallout from the Vatican’s hit piece against Trump, America’s political conservatives and us, here at Church Militant, continues. Father Antonio Spadaro’s bloated and nonsensical article last week made the almost unprecedented move of actually singling out this apostolate as an example of what is wrong in the Church these days. TRANSCRIPT So […]


Illinois Bishop Calls Out Gay Lobby by Rodney Pelletier

SPRINGFIELD, Il. ( -Bishop Thomas Paprocki, head of the diocese of Springfield, Illinois, is calling out the gay lobby in the Church. In a decree dated June 12, 2017, and titled, “Decree Regarding Same-sex ‘Marriage’ and Related Pastoral Issues,” Paprocki declared that clergy or representatives of the diocese cannot bless so-called same-sex unions or provide church facilities or objects […]