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1475 search results for: Black Lives Matter


Exposed: The big donors behind open borders movement/refugee resettlement/Trump protests

Thanks to Ed for sending this great investigative piece by Lee Stranahan at Breitbart on Unbound Philanthropy and its big kahuna William Reeves (and wife Debbie Berger).  What a coincidence too, the pair is from Hawaii (BFF of Obama?). Stranahan tells us that when Trump was protested in Arizona and California a few months ago, […]


The new Sex Ed: Contributing to the Deliquency of a Minor

“We’ve come a long way, baby!” Education matters little if children learn in the classroom to engage in multiple partner, “normal” as well as more “deviant” forms of sex. A massive number will be and are permanently damaged, drinking, drugging, depressed and suicidal. So moving deviance right along, June 26, 2003 in Lawrence v. Texas […]


Militant Media and the ‘Global War on Terror’

The secret is revealed. The CIA funded and armed the world’s deadliest terrorist groups, including ISIS/ISL, al Qaeda, and others, now expanding like a plague loosed from Pandora’s box. This unnerving fact, unraveling the fraud in global politics, was purportedly “slipped” by Vice President Joe Biden on November 19, 2015. Almost instantly thereafter deeper truths […]


The Real Rogue Cop Problem

Over at PJ Media, I discuss where, and why, police are actually participating in the heinous targeting of certain population[s]: Do #InfidelLivesMatter? It’s open season on police officers these days, because many black Americans believe that it’s open season on them. And while some police officers are no doubt hateful, corrupt, and compromised to powerful […]


A Deadly Caution: How the FDA’s Precautionary Principle Is Killing Patients by Alexander Tabarrok

I have long argued that the FDA has an incentive to delay the introduction of new drugs because approving a bad drug (Type I error) has more severe consequences for the FDA than does failing to approve a good drug (Type II error). In the former case, at least some victims are identifiable and the New York Times writes […]


Why Liberals are Dangerous and Must Never be in Charge

The Left (liberal mainstream media) practically had a ticker tape parade for Ohio Gov John Kasich for answers he gave on two issues during the GOP debate. Liberals’ praise of Kasich shows they have chosen emotion over logical reasoned thinking. This makes liberals irresponsible and dangerous. These people must never be in charge. The Left praised […]


Geert Wilders Speaks at the Conservative Forum of Silicon Valley

Geert Wilders, leader of the Dutch Freedom party (PVV) spoke at a heavily guarded forum last night  at IFES Portuguese Hall in Mountain View, California in the heart of liberal Silicon Valley. The sponsor for Wilders event was the Conservative Forum of Silicon Valley where an appreciative audience of 300 showed up. The topic of wilders speech […]


Slate Writer: Freedom to Remove Eyebrow Hair Will Make Texas a “Dangerous” Place by Evan Bernick

Texas Court rules that regulations have to make some kind of sense; chaos is imminent. It’s a tremendous victory for individual rights and for the politically powerless. And progressives are terrified of it. Over at Slate, Mark Joseph Stern warns that a Texas Supreme Court decision invalidating a requirement that commercial eyebrow threaders undergo 750 hours of training — […]


Is There a Middle Road between Marijuana Incarceration and Marijuana Legalization?

As part of its special series titled Race Matters, an investigation by Miami’s CBS4 News this week, provides an opportunity to consider new ways to think about marijuana and racial imbalances in the way our laws are enforced. CBS4 News gathered and analyzed police records of every misdemeanor marijuana case in Miami Dade County between […]