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1476 search results for: Black Lives Matter


The Threat of Radical Islam

Change does not come swiftly to the Roman Catholic Church.  For example, prior to Galileo’s publication of his 1632 book, Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, Church leaders firmly believed that the Earth was the center of the universe and that all other heavenly bodies, including the Sun, orbited around it.  Galileo disagreed.  As […]


The Industrial Manifesto

In the wake of two recessions following two fleeting, largely service-sector bubbles—the dot-com bubble and the housing/financial bubble—America’s intellectual and political leaders are championing the need for industrial progress. The ubiquitous Thomas L. Friedman takes on the subject of industrial progress in his latest book, That Used to Be Us, coauthored by political scientist Michael […]


Reign of Terror: Inside the Islamic State

In FrontPage today, I discuss new gruesome details that have emerged of life inside the Islamic State. The Islamic State’s caliphate turns one year old on June 29, and few inside its domains, aside from the true believers who have traveled all over the world to live in the Islamic promised land, are likely to […]


7 Stages of the Progressive Agenda

STAGE 1: Identify the issue.  Any Progressive can make an issue out of anything. That’s the Power of the People! Just name it and blame Republicans. Many issues never go beyond Stage 1 because they are so readily and widely embraced by the masses. Examples include free cell phones, free gas, and free Obama money […]


UK Elections: Conservatives Win, Israel-hating MP George Galloway Defeated

The results of  the Westminster Parliament  elections in the UK appear to be a victory, Prime Minister, David Cameron and his  Conservative Party trouncing Labor’s Ed Milliband. Milliband may  have been done in by the resurgent Scottish National Party copping all but one of the 59 seats in the Westminster Parliament, previously a Labor bastion […]


Earth Month: 22 Ways to Think about the Climate-Change Debate

Reasoned agnosticism is a welcome antidote to hysteria by MAX BORDERS. Reasonable people can disagree about the nature and extent of climate change. But no one should sally forth into this hostile territory without reason and reflection. “Some scientists make ‘period, end of story’ claims,” writes biologist and naturalist Daniel Botkin in the Wall Street Journal, “that […]


The Betrayal Papers: A New Genocide

Part I of The Betrayal Papers explained the history and context of the Muslim Brotherhood’s influence in the American government. Part II looked at the associations of seven Obama officials with Muslim Brotherhood front organizations in the United States. Part III traced the Muslim Brotherhood’s and the State of Qatar’s influence on domestic policy and […]


Ferguson is NOT America

The wounding of two police officers in Ferguson, Missouri, and earlier in New York City the assassination of two police officers are disturbing events for all Americans as they represent a hostility that threatens a safe, secure society wherever one lives. Shooting police is an invitation to anarchy. That there have been protests and parades […]