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1480 search results for: LGBT


LGBTQ War On Chick-fil-A Is Failing Spectacularly

Chick-fil-A is vilified by the American left — and particularly the LGBTQ+ community — like few other American companies. The reason is clear: They are honest, biblical Christians in their beliefs and statements, including on marriage being between one man and one woman — because that is what the Bible explicitly says and what all […]


1987 LGBTQ Demands Would Become Law in the Equality Act

Remember when activists on the Supreme Court, in essence, made same-sex marriage the law of the land? Elated, Obama said, “Love wins!” He celebrated the unconstitutional destruction of the God ordained sacred institution of marriage by ordering that the White House be lit in rainbow colors. Leftists decreed that the LGBTQ lifestyle is a “beautiful thing” […]


Ignorance, Fear and LGBTQ

Mary and I met with several black relatives for dinner at a restaurant in Baltimore. The jovial conversation drifted to politics. I was stunned that they know nothing about several important political issues. Because they only watch mainstream media, my relatives are either misinformed or uninformed. For example: My relatives have never heard of Sharia […]


Colorado Sex Ed Bill Would Force Kids to Learn LGBT Ideology, Ban Talk of Abstinence

Colorado’s wildly controversial, comprehensive sex ed legislation has ignited national discussions about how far Americans want to expose their children to a radical social agenda. More than a few eyebrows were raised when Colorado passed its mandatory comprehensive sex education law in 2013, which required students undergo “culturally sensitive” lessons. “Culturally sensitive” meant that sex […]


Pelosi Is Hijacking the Civil Rights Movement to Force LGBT Ideology on Kids

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” Those aren’t just hollow words. Those words birthed a nation unlike any other and inspired its leaders and soldiers to give their very lives in the most sacred of blood oaths to uphold truth. Those words sustained a country during its deepest […]


Guess Which Abrahamic Religion Shut Down Public School ‘LGBT Rights’ Classes in England?

QUESTIONS: Who are the victims in this case, those who are gay or those who follow the teachings of Mohammed? Which is worse Islamophobia or Homophobia? It appears that in “tolerant” England there is a serious clash of cultures arising. Multicultural Great Britain created and funded the No Outsiders Project. According to the UK’s Economic […]


Tennis Great Navratilova Excommunicated from LGBT Group for Defending Basic Biology

Martina Navratilova, the most dominant women’s tennis player of all time, has been removed from the advisory board of Athlete Ally, an activist group for LGBT athletes. Her offense? Penning this op-ed that claims men who change their gender and compete in women’s sports have an unfair advantage based in biology. Navratilova, who is a lesbian, wrote: To put […]


Two Christians Discuss LGBTQ

Dear Brother in Christ, It was great talking with you. As per our conversation, I agree that we as Christians must love and pray for all people. However, there is an undeniable extremely aggressive campaign by LGBTQ activists to force biblical principles, values and Jesus underground. States and corporations are afraid to say no to […]


Pedophiles Believe They Should Be A Part Of The LGBT Community

Pedophiles are rebranding themselves as “MAPs” or “Minor Attracted Persons” in an effort to gain acceptance and be included into the LGBT community, according to several reportsfrom LGBT news sites. According to Urban Dictionary, the blanket term MAP includes infantophiles (infants), pedophiles (pre-pubescent children), hebephiles (pubescent children), and ephebophiles (post-pubescent children). Some MAPs also refer to themselves as NOMAPs […]


The LGBTQ Hart Attack is a Good Thing

I am not suggesting that we should experience schadenfreude (feel pleasure from witnessing someone’s troubles, failures or humiliation). However, LGBTQ enforcers viciously seeking to destroy the career of comedian/actor Kevin Hart for tweets he made 9 years ago is encouraging. Finally, even leftists are beginning to see the take-no-prisoners intolerance and bullying LGBTQ enforcers have […]


VIDEO: Planned Parenthood Minds Its Ps and LGBTQs

Imagine how upset you’d be to find out that your tax dollars were funding radical sexual propaganda targeted at your kids. Well, thanks to Planned Parenthood, you already are. Apparently, the nation’s biggest abortion business isn’t content with destroying innocent lives anymore. Now it wants to undermine your moral values too. Of course, Americans got […]


USCCB Gives $240,000 to Group Promoting Planned Parenthood, Prostitution, LGBTs

by Michael Hichborn  • Since 2010, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has made several large financial contributions to an organization in San Francisco that is actively promoting all manner of immorality. Through grants from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), which is an official project of the USCCB, the Coalition on Homelessness has […]


VIDEOS: Fresno Catholics Outraged at Diocesan LGBT Workshop

FRESNO, Calif. ( – Local Catholics in the diocese of Fresno, California are outraged over a workshop on homosexual inclusion during the 2018 Fresno Diocesan Congress. In a letter to Bp. Armando X. Ochoa, Fresno Catholics expressed “disappointment and dismay” that a workshop titled “Becoming a Welcoming Parish to LGBTQ Persons” would be included in the conference. The […]


LGBTQ Safe Sex Guide provides ‘alternative words for readers to use for their genitals.’ Feminists Outraged! Hillary responds…

The LGBTQIA safe sex guide states, “[W]e’ve chosen to include alternative [gender inclusive] words for readers to use for their genitals.” This has feminists, members of the Women’s March and Pussyhat Project outraged. Rebel Media explains what gender inclusive genital terms mean in the below video, no pun intended:  But wait comrades, the vagina is not […]