Time for the Jews of Britain, Europe and America to Leave?

Tragically, I must agree with everything Melanie Phillips has written in her incisive article posted below..

As preposterous as the accusations against the Jewish people are in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and as libelous as the charge of deicide is against the Jews that persisted for 2,000 years and as horrific as the Nazi theories of racial supremacy were, they all take a back seat to the doctrine of annihilation against Israel and the Jews as set out in gruesome detail and without embarrassment in the Hamas Charter. More people should read it especially our leaders who, even now, seem to be on a vacation from reality with regard to the genocidal intentions of Hamas. The Hamas Charter is the most unabashed document of hatred ever written.

Now we are living in a time where truth, logic and reason appear to be unknown to this new age of irrational Jew-haters. Instead of sympathizing with and supporting the Jewish people for the genocidal attack of October 7th. these junior jihadis are championing the evil, brutal savages who committed the awful butchery. They are actually waving flags that proudly declare, “Long Live October 7th.” Let that sink in! They are supporting crazed murderers whose cause is built on the wobbly scaffold of historical revision and lies bigger than the planet Jupiter.

The real cause, the real goal, the real undiminished aim of Hamas’ Islamic triumphalism is the establishment of an Islamic caliphate in the Middle East which by definition requires the destruction of Israel and the death of every Jew in sight.

It is simply not possible to accommodate, to tolerate or to live in peace with people who seek this outcome. Talking about peace, no agreement that allows Hamas to survive and its leaders to live should be countenanced for a fraction of a second.

As for the Hamas supporting filth on college campuses and in faculty common rooms, they should be confronted with overwhelming force and cleared out root and branch from our institutions and universities particularly the Ivy League which does not stand alone in this subversion of reason and decency. It has devolved into the endless toilet roll of our educational system and constitutes the keystone in an arch of failure across America.

A singular and shocking lack of moral clarity was ably demonstrated by the presidents of Harvard, MIT and the University of Pennsylvania last January who, testifying before a congressional committee, were unable or, worse still, unwilling to say if calling for the genocide of Jews on their respective campuses constituted a violation of their codes of conduct.

It comes as no surprise, therefore, that this moral confusion and scholastic disgrace bears a significant responsibility for the national disgrace to which we are currently being subjected and will continue to endure until we act against it and reestablish the liberal, democratic ideals enshrined in our guiding light to freedom, the constitution of the United States. This constitution is anathema to the fascist, murdering scum of Hamas and its willing collaborators who infest the U.N., academia, our institutions, our government bureaucracy and our city halls.

If all of this is not bad enough, then consider this: in order to secure his reelection Joe Biden is pandering to the jihadi electorate in places like Michigan and Minnesota. These are people who actively support Hamas, an internationally recognized group of terrorists who committed the murderous obscenities of October 7th. Any politician, any party, any person who seeks the approval of these voters should be objects of public obloquy and derision. They are guilty of a spectacular moral failure and are unfit to live among the rest of us or ever to hold public office.

We must act forcefully before the screams of, “Intifada Now!” become our epitaph.

The looming choice for diaspora Jews

Apart from any dangers, the political choices they face will make for an uncomfortable ride

By: Melanie Phillips, Jun 14, 2024

Vandalism at home of Brooklyn Museum’s Jewish director, with Hamas death threat triangle

Is it time for the Jews of Britain, Europe and America to leave?

This question is increasingly being asked by diaspora Jews reeling from the volcano of antisemitism that erupted with the Palestinian pogrom in southern Israel on October 7 and has continued to spread its lethal effluent over the world.

To Jews in Israel, the answer is obvious. Of course, it’s time for diaspora Jews to leave, they say. How can this even be a question?

It’s certainly impossible to ignore the astonishing scale and nature of the Jew-hatred now manifesting itself across western societies.

This has progressed far beyond the pro-Hamas demonstrations in western cities and on campus that are continuing to spread incitement, intimidation and violence against Jews with minimal pushback from law enforcement, administrators or politicians. Jew-hatred and the campaign to destroy the Jewish state have become mainstream.

In New York this week, the homes of the Jewish director of the Brooklyn Museum and its Jewish board members were vandalised with red paint and graffiti that included inverted red triangles, the symbol by which Hamas marks its intended victims for murder.

Two days earlier, outside an exhibit in Lower Manhattan commemorating the hundreds who were slaughtered at the Supernova music festival during the October 7 atrocities, hundreds of Hamas supporters lit flares and shouted: “Long live the intifada” and “Israel, go to hell”.

On the New York subway, a keffiyeh-masked mob on a train shouted: “Zionists identify yourselves, this is your chance to get out.” When they declared: “OK, no Zionists, we’re good,” there were cheers.

In Britain, an opinion poll revealed that 54 per cent of respondents aged 18 to 24 agreed with the statement: “The State of Israel should not exist.”

When an El Al flight landed at London’s Heathrow Airport, a customs officer who noticed an Israeli flag on a piece of luggage pulled all the passengers from that flight into a room to have their luggage specially scanned. According to the UK Lawyers for Israel, when one of the passengers said: “We are Jewish, why are you doing this to us?” the official replied: “I am a customs officer, and I can do whatever I want.”

In the first three months of this year, French authorities registered 366 antisemitic attacks — a 300 per cent increase over the same period last year, while the number of antisemitic acts recorded in 2023 was quadruple the figure for the year before. In May, Normandy police shot dead a man suspected of attempting to burn down a synagogue in Rouen. In April, a Jewish woman in a Paris suburb was kidnapped, reportedly raped and threatened with murder by an attacker who wanted to “avenge Palestine”.

According to Sammy Ghozlan, president of the National Office for Vigilance against Antisemitism, almost all violent antisemitic acts in France for more than two decades have been committed by Muslims.

Left-wing parties across Europe are increasingly genuflecting to the Muslim agenda. In France, the main left-wing party La France Insoumise is virulently anti-Israel, and its leader, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, calls Hamas a “resistance” movement.

In Britain, Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer is attempting to balance his pledge to make the party safe for Jews with the vicious anti-Israel feeling rampant among his members and Britain’s Muslim community. His deputy was filmed grovelling to Muslims in her constituency and promising to “recognise a state of Palestine”.

The party’s election manifesto says “Palestinian statehood is the inalienable right of the Palestinian people” and that it is “not in the gift of any neighbour.” It commits Labour to recognising a Palestinian state “as a contribution to a renewed peace process which results in a two-state solution with a safe and secure Israel alongside a viable and sovereign Palestinian state,” which leaves up in the air the question of whether a Labour government would recognise “Palestine” unilaterally or not.

Regardless of such ambiguity, since British Muslims number some four million compared to a mere 280,000 affiliated Jews the idea that a Labour government would resist the increasingly brazen anti-Israel and anti-west Muslim agenda is a fantasy.

All of this obviously strikes a frightening historic nerve. The refusal of the Jews of Europe to realise the Nazi threat until it was too late is burned into Jewish consciousness.

Today’s situation, however, is different. Unlike in Nazi Germany, the antisemitism rampant in the west today isn’t state-sponsored. It is the product instead of an alliance between the hard-left, woolly liberals and the Muslim world. The threat is therefore not limited to a regime based in one specific country. It is instead something more insidious — a war from both inside and outside the west against both the Jews and western civilisation.

The second big difference is that a pushback against the wellspring of all this is now underway in Europe. In last week’s elections to the European Parliament, a variety of “populist,” anti-immigration or “hard-right” parties made record gains.

In Britain, where according to the opinion polls Labour is on course to win the general election on July 4 by a huge majority, a similar revolt is under way. This is spearheaded by Nigel Farage, who galvanised millions of British citizens to vote for Brexit and who stormed back into frontline politics less than two weeks ago as head of the hitherto insignificant Reform Party.

Denouncing the Conservatives for having failed to stop uncontrolled immigration and Islamisation, for having done nothing to combat intimidatory identity politics and for having committed Britain to the ruinous Net Zero green agenda, Farage is poised to pounce in the event of a predicted Tory wipe-out at the election and become leader of a transformed conservative movement.

Although these “populist” parties are all very different from each other, they have one big thing in common. Like Donald Trump in America, they represent an insurgency against an entire political establishment that ignores, scorns or punishes eminently reasonable and indeed necessary concerns over Islamisation and mass immigration, the growth of coerced cultural conformity and the erosion of the rule of law.

Diaspora Jews tend to hold their noses at anything on “the right” because they associate “the right” with antisemitism. They need to wake up fast. While there are certainly troubling increases in neo-fascist groups, the main threat to the Jews today is posed overwhelmingly by left-wingers and Muslims.

Some European “populist” parties are indeed unsavoury. Others are merely authentically conservative. Most support Israel, although some have troubling antisemitic roots.

In other words, this is a mixed picture. And as a result, the pushback against those determined to destroy the west is likely to be messy and complicated.

Whether or not it’s time to uproot is necessarily a personal decision. However, Jews remaining in the diaspora will find themselves having to choose between the devil and the deep-blue sea. Quite apart from any dangers, the political choices they face are likely to make for an uncomfortable ride.

This alarming situation didn’t suddenly burst out of nowhere on October 7. The writing has been on this particular wall for decades. But most diaspora Jews refused to see it.

In America, the majority of Jews have actually signed up for the liberal ideas that are driving anti-Israel hysteria and Jew-hatred. In Britain, most Jews have been too frightened, too craven or too muddled to talk publicly about the threat from Muslim antisemitism and mass immigration.

Of course, diaspora Jews can reasonably point out that, at present, Israel is hardly a safe haven. And unfortunately, there may well be yet more horrors for that beleaguered little country to endure.

But Israel is where everyone knows what they’re fighting for. It’s where there is zero ambiguity about their enemy or its genocidal intention. It’s where the overwhelming majority understand that they are living through another seismic moment in the sacred history of their people. It’s why they know they have no alternative but to win.

That’s why Israel will survive. The same cannot be said for the west.



WATCH: Young Jewish Boy Details Horrific Jew-Hatred Endured in Toronto School

Top Columbia Administrators—Including Dean of the College—Mocked, Laughed At Concerns about Antisemitism on Campus, Using Vomit Emojis to Refer to Columbia Rabbi

NYC: Jews Can’t Ride The Subways, Threatened and Beaten By Hamas Terror Mobs

Iran Defies Biden, UN by Enriching Uranium for Nuclear Weapons Program

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

EPA is Using Inflation Reduction Act Money to Pay Groups that Want to Abolish ICE

A highly weaponized partisan government plundering American taxpayer dollars to fund the destruction of our laws, our border, our law enforcement. Democrats’ cacophony of daily chaos is engineered so that any freedom loving American cannot address all things at once.

Look Who the EPA Is Funding Now

Inflation Reduction Act money is paying groups that want to abolish ICE.

By The Editorial Board, WSJ, June 14, 2024:

The Inflation Reduction Act is the political gift that keeps on giving—especially if you’re a lobby for progressive causes. We recently told you that the Environmental Protection Agency handed IRA money to an outfit backing anti-Israel protests. Turns out EPA is also funding groups that oppose immigration enforcement.

That’s the latest discovery by West Virginia Sen. Shelley Moore Capito’s office, which is probing IRA spending. The law appropriated $3 billion for Environmental and Climate Justice block grants. EPA is supposed to select “grantmakers” and “partner” organizations to spread around the largesse.

EPA tapped Fordham University as a grantmaker to distribute $50 million, in collaboration with the New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC) and the New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice (NJAIJ). What does immigration have to do with climate? Nothing, though progressives say the issues “intersect” in the oppression of minority groups.

According to the EPA, Fordham and its partners will take “an intersectional approach to place frontline communities in positions of power” to advance climate justice “in disadvantaged and hard-to-reach communities and communities disproportionately impacted by climate change, pollution, and other environmental stressors.” What does that even mean?

Perhaps abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), which is what NYIC advocates. NYIC condemned ICE as “racist and abusive” at a “Member Congress” in January. The group this month rallied with Democrats in Albany for a bill to prohibit local law enforcement from working with ICE.

Continue reading.


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

House Judiciary Committee Releases Empirical Proof of Biden’s Direct Collusion with Prosecutors to Take Down Trump

This is even beyond Orwellian….and what action do we get from the do-nothing Republicans?

Smoking Gun: Rep. Andy Biggs Releases Timeline Proving Biden’s Direct Collusion with Prosecutors to Take Down Trump (VIDEO)


In an explosive revelation, Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) disclosed a meticulously detailed timeline during a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Thursday, casting a glaring spotlight on a concerted effort between the Biden regime and key prosecutors to undermine former President Donald Trump.

The committee convened on Thursday to dissect the political motivations behind Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s legal actions against Trump.

Per the House Judiciary Committee’s webpage:

“On April 4, 2023, after campaigning on his experience in investigating President Trump and in response to intense pressure from left-wing activists, Bragg charged President Trump with 34 felony counts for falsifying business records. Falsifying business records is ordinarily a misdemeanor subject to a two-year statute of limitations, which would have expired long ago. While Bragg is systematically downgrading most felonies in Manhattan to misdemeanors, he used a novel and untested legal theory—previously declined by federal prosecutors—to upgrade the charges against President Trump to felonies. Bragg’s case against President Trump has beset by due process and procedural irregularities.”

During the hearing, Rep. Andy Biggs presented this timeline as evidence of an orchestrated collusion between the Biden regime and prosecutors to take down Trump.

Biggs suggests that the sequence of events—Biden’s controversial remarks, Trump’s presidential bid announcement, Colangelo’s resignation and subsequent move to Bragg’s office, Smith’s appointment, and Wade’s meetings with White House lawyers—indicate a coordinated effort to prevent Trump from becoming President again.

Timeline of Collusion:

September 9, 2022: President Biden made a divisive comment about ensuring Trump does not become president again, which many interpret as a call to action against Trump’s political future.

November 7, 2022: Trump teases a major announcement, hinting at his potential run in the 2024 election.

November 15, 2022: Trump officially announces his candidacy for the 2024 presidential race.

November 18, 2022: Key events unfold that suggest a coordinated effort to target Trump:

  • Matthew Colangelo, Joe Biden’s third-highest-ranking DOJ official, resigns and within days, joins Bragg’s office, a move that raises numerous eyebrows regarding its propriety and timing.
  • On the same day, Attorney General Merrick Garland appoints Jack Smith to oversee federal cases against Trump in a move that coincides suspiciously with other developments.
  • Nathan Wade, linked to another prosecutor targeting Trump, spends extensive time at the White House, further implicating direct connections.

December 2, 2022: Matthew Colangelo decided to join the office of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, starting his new position on December 5.




RELATED ARTICLE: Iran Defies Biden, UN by Enriching Uranium for Nuclear Weapons Program

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Islamic State terrorists who crossed open Southern border highlight U.S. vulnerability to jihad attack

If only someone had been warning authorities over the last 20+ years that something like this could happen.

‘ISIS isn’t done with us’: Arrested Tajiks highlight US fears of terror attack on US

by Katie Bo Lillis and Josh Campbell, CNN, June 14, 2024:

The recent arrest of eight Tajik nationals believed to have connections to ISIS has heightened concerns among national security officials that a dangerous affiliate of the now-splintered terror group could potentially carry out an attack on US soil, according to multiple US officials who spoke to CNN.

Members of the group initially entered the US at the southern border and requested asylum under US immigration law. It’s unclear whether they entered at the same time and place.

By the time intelligence collected on overseas ISIS targets connected the men to the terror group, they had already been vetted by immigration authorities and allowed into the country, officials said.

Though there is no hard evidence indicating they were sent to the US as part of a terror plot, at least some of the Tajik nationals had expressed extremist rhetoric in their communications, either on social media or in direct private communications that US intelligence was able to monitor, three officials said….

Of particular concern to US officials was that the men hail from Tajikistan, a corner of Central Asia that in recent years has been a source of steady recruitment by ISIS-K, the Afghanistan-based affiliate of the Islamic terrorist group. ISIS-K is led primarily by Tajiks, who have carried out a series of recent attacks in Europe on behalf of the group, including the Crocus Hall attack in Moscow in March that killed more than 100 people.

National security officials fear that at least some of the eight Tajiks were ripe for radicalization by ISIS-K while they were inside the United States, potentially struggling with isolation, financial stress or discrimination — all things that could make a person susceptible to ISIS propaganda glorifying violence….

Continue reading.



Muslim student at U of Illinois Chicago: ‘America is the cancer. America, secularism, democracy, capitalism’

Views From The Front

Leftist thugs plan to ‘shut down D.C.’ when Netanyahu addresses Congress

Minnesota: Former Islamic State jihadi says he joined group ‘with the belief that it was my religious duty’

Hamas Demands U.S. Guarantee In Writing a Permanent Ceasefire and a Total Israeli Withdrawal from Gaza

Making the War About the Hostages Was a Mistake

Irish Lunatic Clare Daly Loses Her MEP Race

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Any religion that is taught their God wants them to murder a whole people and culture would be outlawed. But not Islam. Why not?

“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” — Thomas Jefferson

During my lifetime I have personally witnessed deadly attacks and slaughter by the followers of Mohammad.

While stationed as a U.S. Army officer in Neu Ulm, Germany in 1972 I witnessed the followers of Mohammad attacked the Olympic Village in Munich, Germany, slaughtering 11 Israeli athletes and one German police officer. The Munich massacre was carried out by eight members of the Palestinian militant organization Black September.

On April 21, 2023 I wrote,

As Americans begin holding ceremonies in remembrance of the terrorist attach by al Qaeda on September 11, 2001 perhaps it is important to go back and remember another attack, which took place in Munich, Germany in 1972. The attack was planned and executed by the Palestinian terrorist group Black September.

I was a young U.S. Army Captain and commander of a field artillery battery in Augsburg, Germany when this internationally televised terrorist attack happened. After the Munich attack my unit, the 1st Infantry Division (FWD), provided additional security for the Olympic village.

I learned a harsh lesson during those days, as Benjamin Franklin wrote, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Jeff Dunetz in his article “The Munich Olympics Massacre 45 Years Later” wrote:

Yassir Arafat sent five Palestinian Terrorists into an Olympic Village dedicated to peace and international cooperation. The funding for the terrorist team was arraigned by the future President of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas.  Their successful mission was to shock the world–kidnapping and killing the Israeli Olympic team. This was the first terrorist tragedy played out live and worldwide on TV which is probably why we all remember that picture of the Ski-masked terrorist on the balcony. The Olympic committee did not feel the massacre of 11 Israeli athletes were important enough to cancel or even delay the Olympic games, after all, they were only Jews.

“Incredibly, they’re going on with it,” Jim Murray of the Los Angeles Times wrote at the time. “It’s almost like having a dance at Dachau.”

In his book Abu Daoud, who was the mastermind behind the Munich attack stated:

“After Oslo in 1993, Abu Mazen [Mahmoud Abbas] went to the White House Rose Garden for a photo op with Arafat, President Bill Clinton and Israel’s Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres.

“Do you think that … would have been possible if the Israelis had known that Abu Mazen was the financier of our operation? I doubt it.”

When Abu Daoud died, Abbas has eulogized him as he has done with many terrorists since:

He is missed. He was one of the leading figures of Fatah and spent his life in resistance and sincere work as well as physical sacrifice for his people’s just causes.

Read more.

At 4:30 a.m. on September 5, 1972, a band of Palestinian terrorists took eleven Israeli athletes and coaches hostage at the Summer Olympics in Munich. More than 900 million viewers followed the chilling, twenty-hour event on television, as German authorities desperately negotiated with the terrorists. Finally, late in the evening, two helicopters bore the terrorists and their surviving hostages to Munich’s little-used Fürstenfeldbruck airfield, where events went tragically awry. Within minutes all of the Israeli athletes, five of the terrorists, and one German policeman were dead.

Why did the rescue mission fail so miserably? And why were the reports compiled by the German authorities concealed from the public for more than two decades?

Simon Reeve takes on a catastrophe that permanently shifted the political spectrum with a fast-paced narrative that covers the events detail by detail. Based on years of exhaustive research Reeve, in his book One Day in September gives a definitive account of one of the most devastating and politically explosive terrorist attacks of the late twentieth century, one that set the tone for 45 years of renewed conflict in the Middle East and beyond.

September 5th, 1972 set the stage for September 11th, 2001.

As George Santayana wrote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

Watch Simon Reeve discussing his book One Day in September.

October 7, 2023

I now am a witness to what happened in Israel on October 7, 2023 and its aftermath. On October 7th, 2023 Hamas showed the world the truth about what the followers of Mohammad really want.

If there ever was a defining moment in history it was October 7th, 2023—a date that will live in infamy.

There have been those who have been warning Americans, and the world, about what Islam truly wants—us all dead!

When any Muslim shouts “death to America” it isn’t merely a chant its their sworn religious duty and their personal, and in Muslim majority nations, a public policy to carry out this death threat.

When a Muslim shouts “Allah Akbar” they are dedicating themselves to martyrdom  with the goal to kill or convert every infidel in the world in the name of Allah.

This is not something that we made up. Watch:

This is something that they told us over and over again in their own words and actions for the past 1,400+ years.

It is in their Qur’an, Hadith and Sura. It is in their public statements. But most importantly it is in their actions.

Islam is ingrained in the minds of young Muslims at a very early age.

LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST: Propaganda in Palestinian Textbooks with Guest Itamar Marcus

What Islam Truly Wants

Perhaps two of the most defining videos produced on the goals of Islam are Geert Wilders’ 2009 film “FITNA” and the 2007 Clarion Project’s film “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West.

Watch what they say. What they truly believe. But most importantly watch what they do!

The current war in Gaza against the Muslim Brotherhood’s terrorist organization Hamas is just the tip of the Islamic iceberg.

This is a global jihad, a war against all non-believers in Mohammed. It is a war that one side, and only one side, will win!

We are now seeing those who support Hamas’ slaughter of innocents on the streets of Berlin, London, Amsterdam, Melbourne and New York City.

They are emboldened and the jihadists will not stop, ever.

WATCH: FITNA – Geert Wilders’ Unedited Film

WATCH: OBSESSION: Radical Islam’s War against the West

Please watch the AfD co-founder, Alice Weidel interview on Islam and Germany’s future.


After watching the above videos these are the key takeaways:

  1. There never was a palestinian state nor a palestinian people. Up to 133 AD the land was named Judea, the homeland of the Jewish people. In 134 AD the Romans, after defeating the last Jewish uprising, as an affront to the Jewish people they took the name of the ancient enemies of the Jews, the Philistines, from the Torah and renamed Judea palestine.
  2. It was the Soviet KGB in concert with PLO leader Yassir Arafat who in the 1960s came up with a propaganda campaign to create palestine. Up until that time Israel was beloved because it was the “underdog” facing the existential threat of 22 Arab nations surrounding it. The KGB deduced that the world needed a new underdog, hence they created the myth of a palestinian people and a state of palestine.
  3. Hamas is the bastard child of the Muslim Brotherhood. It is funded by the current administration, the United Nations, Iran, and others.
  4. Islam is not, and never has been a religion of peace. Rather it is bent on jihad, a never ending war against the infidels.
  5. The free world has been infiltrated by migrants from Muslim majority nations. It is this Muslim migration that is now causing all of the violence in the world.
  6. The only way to stop the jihad is to fight the jihad, just as we fought the former Soviet Union and won.
  7. Losing is not an option.

Remember that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Stop the slaughter before it is to late.

Remember when President Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.” 

We are now, in 2024, a generation of patriots who are fighting to keep our freedoms under our Constitutional Republic.

Pray that we are not the last generation!

©2023. Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

New EPA Rule Is a Death Sentence for American Energy

The Environmental Protection Agency plays judge, jury, and executioner—and its newest-issued rule is a death sentence to American energy and energy-producing states.

Meanwhile, states like Pennsylvania, which will be disproportionately harmed by the rule because of our abundant natural gas production, hold the key to America’s increasing energy needs, generating immense economic development and reducing the very emissions targeted by this heavy-handed agency.

The EPA unilaterally issued a final rule establishing draconian emission standards that target existing coal and new natural gas power plants nationwide. It requires 90% carbon capture for power-generating facilities by 2032.

Aside from its questionable legality, the new rule is unfeasible. The EPA proposed impossible standards. Current carbon-capture technology—a water- and energy-intensive process that filters and sequesters emissions—neither meets this standard nor projects to do so in the next decade.

Research suggests that current technology could achieve, at best, 10% capture, which still doesn’t factor in the immense implementation costs. No utility-scale natural gas carbon capture plant exists today, so forcing a transition to nonexistent technology within a decade is unreasonable.

This egregious federal overreach will not stand in court. In West Virginia v. EPA, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the agency lacked the legal authority to devise such emissions caps. As the current legal challenge works through the courts, our highest court will likely strike down this new rule, too.

National energy forecasts show rising demand with a plummeting capacity for our existing energy infrastructure to deliver. Because of bad policies in the name of climate radicalism, early retirements of fossil fuel-based power-generating facilities are already catapulting us to an electrical grid reliability crisis. Meanwhile, utility bills increase as power generators chase federal subsidies to overbuild unreliable, weather-dependent wind- and solar-based electrical generation facilities.

Because of this, two-thirds of the United States risks major blackouts in the next few years. Yet, the EPA doesn’t consider grid reliability when creating its regulations, much less safeguard it.

Per agency protocol, the EPA “does not conduct operational reliability studies,” meaning the agency ignores the widening gap between supply and demand.

The failure to defend grid reliability is a recipe for disaster.

Unfortunately, disaster has already struck. In 2022, a winter storm in Texas caused 4.5 million people to lose power, killing 246 people who couldn’t heat their homes in subzero temperatures. Increased capacity—namely, more natural gas pipelines—could have saved lives in Texas. The North American Electric Reliability Corp. warned lawmakers that the lack of pipelines and infrastructure leaves the country susceptible to similar tragedies.

Natural gas remains the most economically feasible option to meet that demand in time. (Meanwhile, work must continue to leverage other energy sources, such as nuclear, to accommodate our growing need for baseload power, which is the minimum amount needed to maintain and power our grid.)

To understand the benefits of natural gas, Pennsylvania, the second-largest producer of natural gas and the largest energy exporter in the nation, provides ample evidence.

In the last two decades, the Keystone State’s energy generation sector has increased energy production and reduced emissions—all thanks to natural gas.

The share of Pennsylvania’s electricity production that comes from natural gas increased from 5% in 2005 to 59% in 2022. During that same period, overall energy production emissions dropped 46%, including the most significant year-over-year decline on record.

Transitioning to natural gas proved to be a boon to public health in Pennsylvania. This transition removed about 12.5 million tons of nitrogen and sulfur oxides—emissions associated with respiratory ailments like asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, and lung cancer.

Using the EPA’s methodology for quantifying the health impact of removing these emissions from the atmosphere, Pennsylvania’s increased use of natural gas yielded between $450 billion and $1.04 trillion in public health benefits for residents.

Despite natural gas’ benefits, Pennsylvania still endures the same worrisome trend of pernicious eco-fundamentalist policies. Pennsylvania lawmakers flirt with onerous “cap and trade” schemes, such as the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative or the newly proposed Pennsylvania Climate Emissions Reduction Initiative. By slapping a carbon tax on energy production, these two initiatives guarantee increased utility bills for inflation-weary Pennsylvanians.

The EPA’s rule is like these initiatives on steroids. The rule will not only lead to blackouts and brownouts nationwide but also will force the economies of energy-producing states to forego supporting—and benefiting from—our ever-growing energy demands.

Instead, policymakers must remove the regulatory barriers that hamstring energy-producing states and prevent the energy industry from providing reliable, clean power.

Moreover, Congress must advance the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act, a policy supported by 68% of Americans, to boost accountability and transparency with federal regulators. The act would require Congress to approve administrative rules that would have significant financial impacts before they could take effect.

A future without fossil fuel-generated power is a myth. Almost 80% of the world’s energy comes from fossil fuel sources. Rather than obstruct clean, reliable energy, the EPA must allow natural gas to light the way to American energy independence.


André Béliveau is the senior manager of energy policy at the Commonwealth Foundation, Pennsylvania’s free-market think tank. On X: .

Amy O. Cooke is president and chairwoman of the Board of Always on Energy Research. On X: .

AOC and progressives can’t hide their role in stoking anti-Semitism

The liberal Jewish establishment applauded her condemnation of extreme haters. But the roots of the current surge run deep in leftist ideology.

If you were wondering whether Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) was just a publicity-hungry leftist provocateur or a serious politician determined to do everything to advance her career on the national stage, you now have your answer. In an act of political triangulation worthy of former President Bill Clinton, the founding member of the leftist congressional “Squad” popularly known as AOC managed to take a stand against antisemitism and earn the applause of the liberal Jewish establishment while being bashed by even more extreme Jew-haters.

That AOC did this after repeatedly employing rhetoric about Israel’s war against Hamas, including falsely accusing the Jewish state of genocide that has helped fuel the current surge in antisemitism throughout the United States, illustrates not just her hypocrisy and chutzpah but also that she is a savvy political player. For years, she’s been an avid supporter of the stands of “Squad” colleagues Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) as their open antisemitism became a national disgrace, as well as an indication of how she and fellow “progressives” were taking over the Democratic Party.

Her ability to flip the narrative about her anti-Israel incitement and demonization of the Jewish state is a testament both to her political acumen and the willingness of some of the people whose job it is to fight antisemitism to stay in sync with their allies on the Democratic left wing. But it’s also a sign of her ability to take advantage of an opportunity to position herself closer to the mainstream, thanks to the intolerance of left-wing extremists.

Pushing Biden to betray Israel

Since the Oct. 7 massacres in southern Israel, AOC has been a reliable Israel-basher and a key part of the left-wing coalition that has been pushing President Joe Biden and his administration to betray the Jewish state and let Hamas win the war. But for some on the far left, that wasn’t good enough. Videos of the congresswoman being harassed by extremists for supposedly not being sufficiently anti-Israel went viral and wound up getting more publicity than her positions and statements making it clear that she was firmly in the anti-Zionist camp, along with her pals Omar and Tlaib.

Such attacks were annoying, but they also served her purpose as she eyes a future in national politics. That might mean an attempt to challenge Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer, also of New York, when he runs for re-election in 2028 or even a longshot run for the presidency that year or in the future.

Having staked out ground as a fierce opponent of Israel and an inveterate basher of the AIPAC pro-Israel lobby in terms that are indistinguishable from traditional antisemitic tropes, AOC ought to be radioactive to mainstream Jewish groups. But even after the events of the last eight months as the anti-Israel progressives did all they could to help Hamas and to undermine support for the Jewish state’s right to self-defense, some of the people tasked with defending the Jews are still eager to help their erstwhile allies.

Providing cover for an extremist

A prime example of this is Amy Spitalnick, head of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, the umbrella of Jewish community-relations groups across the nation. As I predicted when she was chosen for her job last year, Spitalnick is, even after Oct. 7, still more interested in fighting for the progressive political agenda and partisan Democratic goals than defending Israel and the Jews. So, it was unsurprising that she joined AOC, along with Stacy Burdett, a former ADL official, on a livestream webinar broadcast on X titled “Antisemitism and the Fight for Democracy.”

The title was the tip-off that the purpose of the program was to promote the Democratic Party’s main 2024 talking point rather than doing something about Jew-hatred. The point being that liberal groups like the JCPA agree that the only way to defend democracy is to keep the Democrats in power and regard the fact that it is the political left that is the main source of contemporary antisemitism as an inconvenient fact that may be an obstacle to achieving that objective.

So, Spitalnick and Burdett were happy to provide cover for AOC to try and wiggle the progressives out of their current dilemma where there is no longer any doubt about their being primarily responsible for an unprecedented surge in antisemitism. In order to do that, AOC had to be willing to do something that the leader of her party—the supposedly moderate pro-Israel President Joe Biden—has not been willing to do: Denounce the antisemites in his own party. As I noted earlier this year, Biden has been unwilling to have a “Sister Souljah moment” with the antisemitic wing of his party and has instead been kowtowing to the Democrats’ far-left and Arab-American elements as he sought to shore up support for his re-election effort among his party’s base.

Sensing an opportunity to position herself closer to the political mainstream without actually having to moderate her positions, AOC pounced. During the course of the webinar, she made a statement that made her appear as if she is an opponent of antisemitism while not budging an inch in her anti-Zionism and willingness to smear Israel as a monstrous country guilty of “genocide” against innocent Palestinians.

“Antisemitism, hate and violence against Jews because of their identity is real, and it is dangerous,” said Ocasio-Cortez, earning herself praise not just from her accomplices Spitalnick and Burdett, but even from a pro-Israel stalwart like Abe Foxman, the former head of the Anti-Defamation League in the days when it prioritized the fight against antisemitism rather than the cause of the Democratic Party, as is the case with his successor, CEO and national director Jonathan Greenblatt.

Indeed, Foxman wasn’t the only one duped by AOC into lauding her stand because of the belief that even the most minimal acknowledgment that antisemitism exists on the left seemed a breakthrough.

However, her point was that antisemitism undermined the progressive agenda. “Antisemitism is an assault on our values as Americans and especially as progressives,” she said. “Antisemitism is also a threat to a community that is a vital partner in our struggles against injustice. So, when the Jewish community is threatened, the progressive movement is undermined. That is why we reject it as fiercely as we reject and look for misogyny, Islamophobia or any form of bigotry or discrimination in any space that we occupy. Right now, antisemitism is on the rise in America and across the world. Acknowledging that fact does not take away from fights for liberation, it actually advances them.”

Still opposing Zionism

The congresswoman made clear that she was merely distancing herself from the more vulgar forms of Jew-hatred, like the rampage of “pro-Palestinian” demonstrators outside the White House, anti-Israel mobs protesting in front of a Wall Street exhibit about the Oct. 7 murders at the Nova music festival, the targeting of Jews during a “day of rage” on the New York City subway and the red-paint vandalization of the homes of officials associated with the Brooklyn Museum.

In essence, what she was trying to do was to separate herself from the thugs on the streets while still opposing the existence of the one Jewish state on the planet. She also essentially backs efforts to ensure that the genocidal and fascist terrorists of Hamas are allowed to escape accountability for atrocities on Oct. 7, and go back to governing Gaza and working towards their goal of destroying Israel.

“It is also important to say here in this moment and during that conversation that criticism of the Israeli government is not inherently antisemitic and criticism of Zionism is not automatically antisemitic,” AOC added.

Of course, criticism of any Israeli government is not antisemitic. But “criticism of Zionism” is indistinguishable from an effort to deny Jews rights that no one would think of denying to anyone else. This statement gave her—and by implication, other “progressives”—a pass for engaging in the worst kind of libels against Israel and demonizing its efforts to defend itself against those who see Oct. 7 as just a trailer for what they wish to do to the rest of Israel.

No responsible Jewish leader should be providing cover for a member of Congress who has done so much to advance the anti-Israel cause. But more important is the need for those who pretend to lead the Jewish community to understand that the ideological basis for the open antisemitism in the streets of America’s cities and on college campuses is to be found in the beliefs about critical race theory and intersectionality that an avowed Marxist like AOC calls “fights for liberation.” A condemnation of antisemitism that doesn’t acknowledge that the extremism and violence against Jews so ubiquitous right now can be directly linked to the promotion of these ideas is useless.

As has been abundantly clear for years but can no longer be ignored since Oct. 7, the mindset that sees the world divided into two groups of “white” oppressors and “people of color” who are their victims, locked in a perpetual race war, inevitably falsely labels Israel and Jews as the former. The fact that the JCPA and ADL have refused to renounce their endorsement of these toxic woke progressive agenda items, even as they acknowledged the spike in antisemitism from their former allies on the left, shows just how morally bankrupt these organizations and leaders like Spitalnick and Greenblatt have become.

The future of the Democrats?

There should be no pass given to politicians, academics or anyone who pretends to oppose antisemitism while still opposing Israel’s existence and right to exist. And none for those, like AOC, whose main goal since Oct. 7 has been to prevent the elimination of Hamas. Those progressives who don’t want to dirty their hands in the way the masked thugs do aren’t opposing antisemitism. The mobs in the streets may have gone farther than the congresswoman and other progressives are comfortable with in expressing their hatred for Israel and the Jews. Still, their end goals are no different from hers and anyone else who is working for victory for Hamas. Her advocacy advances their cause, whether or not she or they are willing to admit it.

Those who see AOC as the future of the Democratic Party probably aren’t wrong. Most Democrats aren’t in agreement with her extreme positions on foreign policy, or even the environment and “green new deal” measures that would impoverish the nation and harm middle- and working-class Americans while elites like AOC remain untouched. But the progressives dominate the younger generation of Democratic activists and the party base.

That she is disassociating herself from the worst excesses of her allies while still engaging in antisemitic tropes about AIPAC and Zionism is no reason for Jews who purport to speak for American Jewry to back her deception. Indeed, it says more about the collapse of Jewish leadership at a time when it’s needed most. Either way, AOC’s determination to act in a matter that will allow her to advance her toxic causes and personal ambitions is a warning for those who care about not just Israel and the Jews, but the future of America. The more influential a Marxist extremist like her grows, the more dangerous a place this country will be not just for Jews but for the cause of liberty itself.

EDITORS NOTE: This JNS – Jewish News Syndicate column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

ARAB VOICES: When will we address the anti-Semitism being taught to Muslims?

NEWSRAEL: Any religion that is taught that their God wants them to murder a whole people and culture would be outlawed. But not Islam. Why not?

This is from the X account of Miss Iraq Sarai (Sarah Idan) – who lives in exile in America. She fights against Muslim hatred of Jews.

For those who are not familiar, Sheikh Al-Sha’rawi is the most renowned Islamic preacher of modern times.

Millions, if not hundreds of millions, of Muslims have relied on his interpretation of the Quran.

This particular video has garnered over 2 million views on YouTube.

As Muslims, we need to be truthful with ourselves: if we desire an end to the conflict, we must tackle the root cause that initiated it.

This includes acknowledging the long history of dehumanization of Jewish people, perpetuated by our religious leaders.

EDITORS NOTE: This Newsrael News Desk column with video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

WATCH: PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s special message to the people of Israel

At the end of Shabbat, and the announcement of 8 IDF troops killed in action in Rafah, PM Netanyahu turns to the people of Israel in a special message.


“Citizens of Israel. Today we paid another heartbreaking price in our just war for the defense of the homeland. In deep sorrow, in heavy mourning, I bow my head together with all the citizens of Israel and mourn the fall of our heroic warriors: Deputy Company Commander in the Engineering Battalion, Captain Wasim Mahmoud, and other heroic soldiers whose names have not yet been allowed to be published.

The heart breaks into pieces in the face of the enormous loss. The entire nation of Israel hugs the dear families in their difficult time. I strengthen our brave warriors and commanders, who are engaged in the sacred mission of defeating our enemies and returning our hostages.

When the price is so heavy, we will remember what we are fighting for: we are fighting to ensure our existence and our future, we are fighting to return all our abductees.

The hard war was forced upon us by a loathsome and murderous enemy. On the holiday of Simchat Torah, the monsters of Hamas infiltrated our kibbutzim, our settlements, our cities, to a nature party of young people who only wanted good. They slaughtered and raped, butchered and burned, butchered and kidnapped our brothers and sisters. Babies and children, women and men, young and old.

This monstrous enemy has no intention of stopping here. Along with the rest of Iran’s axis of evil, he will continue to try to destroy us. If we don’t stop him – he won’t stop. Therefore, there is no substitute for victory.

Dear citizens of Israel, don’t let anyone divert you from the simple and clear fact – despite the heavy and staggering cost, we must stick to the goals of the war: destroying the military and governmental capabilities of Hamas, returning all our abductees, making sure that Gaza will no longer pose a threat to Israel and returning our residents safely to their homes – both in the north and in the south.

We are in the midst of a very difficult war. The war is being waged on several fronts, including the international front. Many more challenges await us. Precisely at this time, we need the greatness of the soul that is contained in our people, and thanks to which we overcame all our enemies. It will be the same this time. “A time of trouble is for Jacob and from it he will be saved.”

Together we will fight, and with God’s help – together we will win.’

VIDEO: Government Press Office

EDITORS NOTE: This Newsrael column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Mosques and The Islamization of America

Disguised as religion, Islam has penetrated democracies intending to replace civility and liberty with the barbarism of 7th-century Islamic theocracy and Sharia law. Islam’s multi-pronged attack aims to destroy all that liberty offers.

America, with a long tradition of protecting religious freedom, still clings to the “hands off” practice of leaving alone any doctrine or practice billed as religion. A thorny problem is deciding what constitutes a religion and who will make that call. We must remember that to be a loyal and faithful Muslim, a Muslim must adhere to and perform many obligatory acts, as specified in the Quran by Allah and the Hadith/Sunna, during his entire life.

The mosque serves as a house where Muslim devotees gather together for salat (prayer) and worship Allah and his messenger, the prophet Muhammad. Aside from worshiping Allah, a mosque is used for a variety of reasons. These meeting places are perfect warehouses of not only indoctrination but future terrorists, who are made to read and understand the principles of Jihad, martyrdom, and Dar ul Harb (“land of war”—any place not Islamized.) Mosques cost money, and the money for these warehouses of intolerance is coming straight from Saudi Arabia, the number one terrorist state in the world.

These mosques are being infused with an activist strain of Islam, Wahhabism. If you have to ask where the Saudis are getting their money, you are not paying attention…it’s coming from you. Not to mention, the current U.S. administration, in its continuous war against the American people, is doing everything it can to accommodate the “Cordoba Initiative” project at taxpayers’ expense “that is spearheading plans to build a $100 million Islamic center at Ground Zero, the site where nearly 3,000 Americans were killed by jihadists on 9/11.” A CNN Poll shows that 68% of American voters oppose the Ground Zero Mosque.

Those useful idiots-non-Muslims who support the building of the mosque near the 9/11 site or anywhere else by invoking the ideal of religious freedom are empowering a creed that is devoted to stamping out freedom of religion or any other form of freedom.

In this relentless campaign, the Islamists have a vast cadre of “experts,” “talking heads,” and for-purchase politicians who keep endlessly broadcasting the false mantra that Islam is a religion of peace. This latter bunch is criminally complicit in making the populace complacent and furthering the work of the Islamists.

When mosques are built, imams, mullahs, or mosque elders tend to be sent to the U.S. with one clear mission: Make Islamic religion, laws, and life supreme within the United States or any other host country, using any and all tactics necessary. Next, from within the safety of their local mosques, they began to use their revolting practices and wild sermonizing to force the genteel Americans to relocate to safer, less threatening neighborhoods and cities, as is the case in England and other European countries.

They will elect Muslims to all positions of local influence, who will create and enforce policy according to the Sharia law. Once they have control over a town, they will begin to establish informal Sharia, and there’s nothing the government can (or will want to) do about it.

Sharia is the brutal means by which Islam controls its populations by force, intimidation, and punishments for offenses to Allah. Already, in many European countries, national governments have, out of fear, given Islamic fascists the right to establish their own shadow governments within the borders of countries like Sweden and England, where they can control their own populations without accountability. Proposals for Sharia are being taken seriously by many Western countries.

“According to early Muslim historians, towns that surrendered without resistance and made treaties with the Muslims permitted the Muslims to take their churches and synagogues. One of the earliest examples of these kinds of conversions was in Damascus, Syria, where in 705 AD, Umayyad caliph Al-Walid I bought the church of St. John from the Christians and had it rebuilt as a mosque in exchange for building a number of new churches for the Christians in Damascus. Overall, Abd al-Malik (Al-Waleed’s father) is said to have transformed ten churches in Damascus into mosques.”

“Turning churches into mosques was especially intensive in the villages where most inhabitants converted to Islam. The Abbasid caliph al-Ma’mun turned many churches into mosques. Ottoman Turks converted nearly all churches, monasteries, and chapels in Constantinople, including the famous Hagia Sophia, into mosques immediately after capturing the city in 1453. In some instances mosques have been established on the places of Jewish or Christian sanctuaries associated with Biblical personalities who Islam also recognized.”

Again, Muslims first make their mark by establishing mosques in as many towns and cities as possible. These mosques range from the ostentatious, such as the one in Washington D.C., to the academically cloaked university Islamic centers, to the innocuous storefront types and even prison chapels. One and all have the same aims: Hold the faithful in line, recruit as many new adherents by any and all means, and indoctrinate one and all in the imperative of Islamic conquest.

It is in these Islamic places that the impressionable young and the fanatical adults are drilled with the duty to carry out Jihad against the Dar ul Harb (“land of war”—any place not completely under the rule of Islam.)

Operating this vast network of Islamism requires significant financing. Saudi Arabia has spent over $80 billion on these operations since 1970. The other Persian Gulf States, with their treasuries, flush with oil money, have done and continue to do their share of financing.

Not to be outdone by the virulent Wahhabism of the Saudis and their co-sectist Sunnis, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been bankrolling its own array of clientele in the Middle East, much of Africa, and as far away as Southeast Asia and Latin America in a push for Shiism. The non-Muslim world is literally caught in a pincer of the two rabid Islamic forces.

Some still delude themselves by preferring to believe that Islam has not made as many inroads into the United States as it has in other parts of the world, such as Europe. Facts prove otherwise.

According to a National Portrait survey released in April 2001, there were at least 1,209 mosques in the US. According to the latest report, this number has skyrocketed to as many as 6,000 mosques in 2008.

“The official Saudi website reported a donation of $6 million in 1995 for a mosque in Cincinnati, Ohio. The website further stated, in 2000, “In the United States, the Kingdom has contributed to the establishment of the Islamic Center in Washington DC; the Omer Bin Al-Khattab Mosque in western Los Angeles, the Los Angeles Islamic Center, and the Fresno Mosque in California; the Islamic Center in Denver, Colorado; the Islamic center in Harrison, PA, New York City; and the Islamic Center in Northern Virginia.”

This entire guesstimate aside, a recent report from the FBI estimates that of the 2000 mosques in the United States, 10% preach Jihad. Welcome to the religion of peace as it is invading the land of the free to make it the land of submission. This is not some Islam-hating crackpot group reporting. It is the FBI.

In addition to the mosques already built in the land of the free, Islam is advanced by a large cadre of auxiliaries. Dr. Paul Williams (former FBI consultant, best-selling author, and investigative journalist) reports that many Muslim businesses around the country conduct their regular business during the day and turn their stores into Islamic gathering places in the evening. There are several thousands of these makeshift “Taqqyehs.”

If only the masses of Muslims arise and carry out the orders of Allah, then we would have the promised paradise of Islam on earth as exemplified by such rules as that of the Taliban, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, and, of course, the Shiite nirvana of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

In these model Islamic societies, freedom of expression, worship, and assembly are taken away. Women are treated as chattel. Young girls are subjected to barbaric genital mutilation to make them sex slaves and birth channels without the ability to enjoy intercourse. Minors are executed, adulterers are stoned to death, thieves have their limbs amputated, and much much more. Isn’t that everyone’s idea of paradise?

What a travesty and how ironic indeed to have as many mosques as we already have in the U.S., yet we intend to help the Islamists, building more training camps for future suicide bombers and endangering the safety of the American people and generations to come. With the average citizen, and not the devious and for-purchase politicians, rests the solemn obligation to act and act now to compel our government to stem the tide of Islamism before it is too late.

It is tragic indeed that while our courageous service members are losing life and limb in far and away places fighting Islamofascism, useful idiots and servile politicians of the highest rank at home bend over backward to accommodate, even promote, Islamism.

There is a glimmer of hope that the American people are finally waking up to the deceit and the menace of the creed called Islam. Their opposition to the building of the mosque shows that the creeping Islamization of America is indeed something to stand against and prevent before it is too late.

©2024. Amil Imani. All rights reserved.

TAKE ACTION NOW: Biden’s Voter Drive Scandal involves 600 Agencies and Left-Wing Partnerships

SCOTUS Won’t Hear Challenge UNTIL Sept!

The Supreme Court’s decision, announced on June 12, not to consider a Republican challenge to President Joe Biden’s executive order on voter registration and mobilization through 600 federal government agencies until September 30 has raised concerns. This decision made perilously close to the November 5 elections, could potentially have a significant impact on the electoral landscape.

The delay in Supreme Court action, resulting from the challenge to Biden’s executive order, is a significant setback for those contesting Biden’s overreach. The challenge, rooted in Biden’s Executive Order 14019, which mandates all federal agencies to use government resources for voter registration and get-out-the-vote activities, has been dubbed by Republicans as “Bidenbucks,” a term that echoes the controversial ‘Zuckerbucks’ of 2020, now outlawed in 27 states.

TAKE ACTION NOW: Stop Biden’s Federal Takeover of Elections!

Pennsylvania state Rep. Dawn Keefer (R), backed by 27 state lawmakers, argues the executive order is unconstitutional, claiming voter registration drives are not a legitimate government function.

The Republican lawmakers contend that Biden’s order infringes on state powers. They argue that the order violates the U.S. Constitution by circumventing Congress’s power of the purse, effectively implementing government-funded partisan voter drives without legislative approval.

The Republicans argue this executive overreach directly benefits Biden, especially since it targets 600 federal agencies, including the prison system and HUD, likely to skew voter registration efforts towards Democratic strongholds. This tactic mirrors the controversial 2020 elections, where Zuckerbucks funding swayed elections in battleground states and counties by 20% or more.

President Joe Biden’s abuse of power reached new heights this March as he brazenly tapped the DOJ and AG Garland to get out the vote in the prison system. Biden signed an executive order on March 7, radically altering federal election protocols by expanding voting and registration access for criminals in prison and on probation and directing the Attorney General to establish procedures for providing voter registration and voting educational materials to all eligible individuals in federal custody. It also mandates efforts to help former prisoners obtain identification necessary for state voting requirements. Further, Biden is instructing the U.S. Marshals Service to include clauses in its contracts to facilitate voting by mail and distribute voter information to eligible criminals. This blatant overreach not only undermines the integrity of our elections but also prioritizes criminal votes over law-abiding citizens.

Led by U.S. Rep. Dan Meuser (R-Pa.), a coalition of federal lawmakers filed a friend-of-the-court brief emphasizing the danger of the executive branch’s unilateral actions. They argue such overreach undermines fair elections and distorts the democratic process, turning federal agencies into partisan tools. Their brief insists the U.S. Constitution’s Elections Clause mandates state legislatures, not federal agencies, oversee election rules, ensuring checks and balances against executive overreach.

President Biden’s Executive Order 14019 is nothing short of a federal takeover and blatant overreach of state elections.

Mobilizing voters is inherently political, and federal agencies with public interactions could easily pressure recipients to vote for certain candidates, undermining the Hatch Act’s prohibition on federal election activities.

While conservatives remain in the dark, left-wing activist groups like Demos have been actively working with federal agencies. Demos has publicly admitted to organizing agency-based working groups and meeting with agency staff to ensure voter registration plans align with their priorities.

TAKE ACTION NOW: Stop Biden’s Federal Takeover of Elections!

©2024. ACT For America! All rights reserved.

A Little History of Karl Marx and Perhaps the Central Motivation for the Dialectical Method

The following video is a discussion between Jordan Peterson, and a historian who has made it his mission to chronicle the life and motivations of the person credited with inventing communism, Karl Marx.

I say credited, because it appears that in fact what he did was weaponize the Hegelian dialectical method.

The Hegelian dialectical method, once you get right down to it, is nothing more and certainly nothing less, than a method to destroy everything. Yes, everything. not to create something better, although it could be argued that persuading people to join the mission by making the claim that it was to make a better world, might be a dialectic all on its own. But to destroy everything. In the big picture, things like feminism to destroy the family, male-female relations and ultimately, as Stephen Coughlin points out. to destroy women as autonomous people in the way in which Plato described as desirable.

Much of the deep dive into dialectics is understanding its mechanics. Which is in fact a different system of thought, and does twist the brain around trying to understand it in our own Western terms. Which is partly why it works so well. No one believes that people can or would think like this, and no one wants to take the effort to understand it.

As an example when one tries to explain Trudeau in these terms, everyone rightly says they don’t think he is smart enough to understand this stuff. But like the Chinese 5 year old who speaks Chinese, it doesn’t take a genius when that is how you are raised.

But the basic fact is that dialectics is about destruction. The Trans-sexual thing being one of the most obvious dialectics in several ways.

In the following video, Marx’s favorite quote is revealed. It is a quote attributed to Mephistopheles.

“Everything that exists deserves to perish.”

And there you have it. Perhaps this is at the heart of why leftists are so full of hate and rage. Why debate is anathema. Why non-applicable insults and accusations are made against those who support Western Civ and especially perhaps, people who maintain Jewish and Christian beliefs.

Communism is the practical application of Hegelian Dialectics. Hegelian dialectics is simply opposition to all. And even as communists manage to replace the healthy and normal with their own warped and destructive constructs, once it becomes normalized, it too comes under fire from Marxists. This is already happening to transsexuals as we saw it happen to normal homosexuals who otherwise are happy healthy participants in Western Civilization.

Communism is a never ending revolution against the normal at every level.

And perhaps now we know why.

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column with video posted by Eeyore is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

AI Chatbots Are Already Interfering In Elections

Leftist Democrats at OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini 1.0 Pro are writing the AI code.

How AI Chatbots Are Already Interfering In Elections

By: M.D. Kittle, The Federalist, June 13, 2024

The tech titans and bureaucrats producing and regulating artificial intelligence also have created a deficit of trust.

If you’re looking to artificial intelligence for answers to election-related questions, chances are you’re getting the wrong answers. A study by data analytics firm GroundTruthAI found that the most widely used chatbots, including OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini 1.0 Pro, provided incorrect information more than a quarter of the time.

“Researchers sent 216 unique questions to Google’s Gemini 1.0 Pro and OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 Turbo, GPT-4, GPT-4 Turbo and GPT-4o between May 21 and May 31 about voting, the 2024 election and the candidates. Some questions were asked multiple times over that time period, generating a total of 2,784 responses,” NBC News reported.

“According to their analysis, Google’s Gemini 1.0 Pro initially responded with correct answers just 57% of the time. OpenAI’s GPT-4o, which is the latest version of the [learning] model, answered correctly 81% of the time.”

All told, the five chatbots answered incorrectly 27 percent of the time. What kind of questions are we talking about? Pretty important ones for November’s extremely important presidential election.

Asked, “Can I register to vote on Election Day in Pennsylvania?,” the GroundTruthAI study found two of the AI models replied yes. Wrong. The last day to register to vote in the Keystone State before the Tuesday, Nov. 5 general election is Oct. 21., according to the Pennsylvania Department of State.

Speaking of Election Day, the models were unable to correctly answer, “How many days are left before the 2024 General Election in the United States?” NBC News reported. AI math is hard.

“Most of the time, it was not, ‘Oh, it keeps getting that same question wrong.’ It was three out of four times it got it wrong, or three out of four times it got it right,” GroundTruthAI CEO Andrew Eldredge-Martin told the news outlet. “But there was that fourth time, it just got it wrong. And that type of inconsistency suggests to me that these models don’t really know this information.”

That’s worrisome.

Eldredge-Martin previously worked for Democrat political campaigns and left-leaning organizations. “In 2020, he led the more than $30 million digital paid media campaign for Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign, using ad analytics to inform overall campaign strategy and resource allocation throughout the early states and into Super Tuesday,” his professional bio notes.

He says he’s “helped elect” Presidents Barack Obama and Joe Biden, and U.S. Senators Raphael Warnock, Mark Kelly, Jeanne Shaheen, and Tammy Duckworth. Eldredge-Martin told NBC News his new startup is “independent and nonpartisan, and the study used the same questions for both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.”

Continue reading.



Dozens of Senators stand behind President Trump in a show of strength in Washington, D.C.

NYC: Muslim Terrorist was Caught at Major Airport With MASSIVE ARSENAL as New Details Emerge of Major ‘Disaster’ Averted

Demented Biden Wanders Away From G7 Group

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Supreme Court Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban

The Supreme Court tossed out a Trump administration-era ban on bump stocks Friday.

In a 6-3 ruling, the Supreme Court held that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) exceeded its authority when it issued a rule classifying firearms equipped with bump stocks as machine guns. The case, Garland v. Cargill, challenged the ban enacted following the 2017 Las Vegas concert mass shooting, which the ATF implemented by interpreting a federal law restricting the transfer or possession of machine guns to include bump stocks.

“Semiautomatic firearms, which require shooters to reengage the trigger for every shot, are not machineguns,” Justice Clarence Thomas wrote in the majority opinion. “This case asks whether a bump stock—an accessory for a semiautomatic rifle that allows the shooter to rapidly reengage the trigger (and therefore achieve a high rate of fire)—converts the rifle into a ‘machinegun.’ We hold that it does not and therefore affirm.”

A bump stock device can be added to a semi-automatic rifle to assist the user in bump firing, using the weapon’s recoil to help “bump” the trigger against the finger and fire more quickly.

Under the National Firearms Act, a “machine gun” is defined as a weapon that automatically shoots more than one shot “by a single function of the trigger.”

The majority’s opinion, which includes diagrams showing the internal mechanisms of the trigger, explains that “nothing changes when a semiautomatic rifle is equipped with a bump stock.”

“The firing cycle remains the same,” Thomas wrote. “Between every shot, the shooter must release pressure from the trigger and allow it to reset before reengaging the trigger for another shot.”

In a concurring opinion, Justice Samuel Alito wrote that the “horrible shooting spree in Las Vegas in 2017 did not change the statutory text or its meaning.”

“There is a simple remedy for the disparate treatment of bump stocks and machineguns,” he wrote. “Congress can amend the law—and perhaps would have done so already if ATF had stuck with its earlier interpretation.”

Justice Sonia Sotomayor, in a dissent joined by Justices Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson, wrote that the majority’s ruling “will have deadly consequences.”

“When I see a bird that walks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck,” Sotomayor wrote, arguing that Congress’ language naturally encompasses bump stocks.

Mark Chenoweth, president of the organization behind the case, the New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA), said in a statement that his firm is “delighted that the Court has vindicated our client’s position that ATF does not have the power to rewrite criminal laws.”

“The statute Congress passed did not ban bump stocks, and ATF does not have the power to do so on its own,” Chenoweth said. “This result is completely consistent with the Constitution’s assignment of all legislative power to Congress.”

This is a breaking news story and will be updated.




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There is No Such Thing as Social Justice Here

Another element of the secular value system.

Where is it promised (and by who) that Life is FairThere is no such promise!

In fact, the exact opposite is true: Life is guaranteed to be unfair and unjust!

In addition to just bad luck, every citizen of the planet will have unfairness and injustice repeatedly thrust upon them due to one or more of their: nationality, age, gender, weight, height, appearance, intellect, sexual preferences, economic status, health, language, associates, education, beliefs, habits, etc., etc.

In other words, we are continuously treated unjustly due to perceived dissimilarities.

Wouldn’t it be great if people had no biases, and didn’t engage in inequitable treatment for fellow travelers with any of these differences?

If we are going to have an aggressive campaign for “social justice,” then why stop at the nationality issue? (BTW, the claim that US minorities are being disproportionately harmed by law enforcement isn’t supported by statistics.)

So why not: Seniors Matter, Women Matter, Intelligence Matters, Height Matters, etc?

The bottom line is that (even assuming good intentions) this business of trying to make Life “fair” (i.e., social justice) is pounding a round peg into a square hole. It’s tackling an impossible challenge. This means that the leaders of such movements: 1) are ignorant about life’s realities, or 2) have a very different agenda.

Another MAJOR matter here is that current “social justice” campaigns are NOT about individual injustices, but rather purported group injustices. These groups are amorphous categories like “minorities.” And there is also the insidious time factor: are we talking about current injustices, or things that happened 500 years ago?

Further, the proponents of social injustice have no qualms about causing new individual injustices, supposedly to deal with a group injustice. What is happening in women’s sports is a perfect example of this hypocrisy. What these campaigners are creating is a new maligned group (women athletes) who in the future will have to be compensated for the absurdities imposed by today’s social justice alarmists!

This is typically what happens when humans fabricate value systems on the fly. As explained in a prior commentary, this is really about establishing a secular religion (value system) to replace the Judeo-Christian standards America was founded on. Please watch this excellent short video on Social Justice


There is nothing wrong with trying to improve our lot and our society — as long as we keep things in perspective. So what should we do when faced with an apparent social injustice? How about:

  1. Make sure we understand all the facts. These days we are inundated with rumors, one-sided stories, misinformation, and outright deception.
  2. Once a response seems appropriate, start by assuming the best about the apparent transgressor. That person may actually be the bigger victim.
  3. Begin with a positive response. The adage that we get more with a drop of honey than a gallon of vinegar has great merit.
  4. In responding, don’t cause another social injustice in the process. Don’t get caught up in a group response that may well have a completely different agenda.
  5. Often the most effective response is setting a good example (e.g., consistent with the new Testament). Make sure your own house is in good order before casting a stone.
  6. Pray for the perpetrator. They are likely a sad soul in need of help.

What do we do when such remedies and changes are slow, or ineffective?

It comes down to having reasonable expectations. If we expect that Life can be made to be fair and just for everyone, then we have bought into an illusion and are guaranteed to live a life of frustration and unhappiness.

On the other hand, if we accept that Life is always going to be unfair, then we focus on saving our own soul so that we get to the place where everything will be fair and just.

Put another way: God is the only hope we have for Social Justice.

Our attempts to substitute human standards for God’s, are laughably incompetent.

©2024.  All rights reserved.

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WiseEnergy.orgdiscusses the Science (or lack thereof) behind our energy options.

C19Science.infocovers the lack of genuine Science behind our COVID-19 policies.

Election-Integrity.infomultiple major reports on the election integrity issue.

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