VIDEO OF CNN COLLUDING With Antifa/BLM Leaders To Incite Capitol Siege

Video shows CNN reporter and Antifa/BLM rioter celebrating and shouting “We did it!”

Followed up with Anderson Cooper giving them a national platform to then spew their lies.

CNN Was In On It! Reporter Disguised Herself As Trump Supporter And Plotted With BLM Member

On Thursday night, damning new footage showed CNN’s Jade Sacker inside of the Capitol with John Sullivan, the BLM member who was charged by federal prosecutors for inciting chaos on January 6th.

By Trending Politics, January 14, 2020:

Sacker co-conspired with the liberal activist in order to cause chaos and make Trump supporters look bad.

The shocking video shows her and Sullivan celebrating and shouting “We did it!” when they got the footage they were looking for. When she asked Sullivan if he was filming, he said was going to delete it. He never did.

As you can see, Sacker and Sullivan are overjoyed with the fact that they got footage of Trump supporters “rioting”.

Is this not gonna be the best film you’ve ever made in your life?!” Sullivan asks her.

Verified twitter user Amuse breaks everything down in further detail in a series of tweets.

“To make this clear. CNN was embedded with BLM/Antifa pretending to be Trump supporters taping them incite a riot. This is freaking huge. If CNN is allowed to maintain its press access anywhere in DC there needs to be a serious overhaul of our entire system,” he tweeted.

“According to sources she was working on a CNN project, but she’s done a lot of work for NBC and NPR. Sadly, as a ‘reporter’ she is exempt from every regulation and lockdown in the nation. She’s allowed to keep working while you and your children are stuck at home,” he concluded.

After helping to incite the wild protests, she was INTERVIEWED on CNN:

This is just more proof of how biased and evil the liberal media is.

Stay tuned for more from this fast developing story…



20,000 Troops Stationed in DC For ‘Inauguration’ With No Private Citizens

Wyoming Republican Party Condemns Representative Liz Cheney

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What Shakespeare foresaw about Donald Trump’s impeachment

‘Julius Caesar’ offers political lessons for Nancy Pelosi.

“What means that Trump?” asks Timon in Shakespeare’s play Timon of Athens. Good question, that, and one that all of America and all of the world is asking. But the answer is in another play, the oft-performed Julius Caesar.

It was written more than 400 years ago, but its story about a fight to the death over control of the Roman world has eerie similarities to the news coming from Washington DC. Its characters could be talking heads on CNN: an authoritarian leader, humiliated senators, a cynical elite, and the “rabblement”, the deplorables.


Begin with Caesar. High school English classes have transformed Julius Caesar into a noble martyr. But that is not how his contemporaries saw him. Rome was a kingdom once, like neighbouring nations. But — so the legends tell — the rape of Lucrece (narrated in one of Shakespeare’s long poems) by the son of a despotic king sparked a rebellion. Lucius Brutus — an ancestor of Marcus Brutus — established the Republic. The Romans had a visceral hatred of government by monarchs.

Times changed; Rome ruled over vast territories; powerful men were tempted to seize the reins. And chief amongst them was Julius Caesar. He was idolised by the mob. “If Caesar had stabbed their mothers”, the people would have forgiven him, observes Casca, one of the conspirators. This sounds very much like Trump’s boast that: “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters”.

Caesar was a clear and present danger to the ancient freedoms of the Republic. He had to be eliminated to stop him from mounting a coup. Sound familiar?

And the senators? Chief among them was Caesar’s dear friend Marcus Brutus, “the noblest Roman of them all”, a true patriot who thought only of the “common good” of the Republic. But his fellow conspirators, Casca, Cassius, Cinna, Decimus Brutus et al, are spurred on by spite and resentment.

Amazingly, what they lacked was a plan, any sense of how the assassination would alter the balance of power in Rome. With Caesar out of the way, they thought, their own privileges would be secure. They failed to craft a media strategy to win over the “tag-rag people” with their “stinking breath”.

That naivete is spectacularly exposed after the assassination. Brutus declares, in a moment of characteristic simplemindness:

Stoop, Romans, stoop,
And let us bathe our hands in Caesar’s blood Up to the elbows,
and besmear our swords:
Then walk we forth, even to the market-place, And, waving our red weapons o’er our heads,
Let’s all cry ‘Peace, freedom and liberty’!

His bumbling media strategy sets up the climax of the play. He addresses the people in logical, laboured prose, outlining the reasons why Caesar had to be killed. “Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more.” It all makes sense; it’s very rational. And it’s not persuasive.

When Brutus leaves, Marc Antony whips the crowd into a frenzy of rage against the honourable conspirators. He plays on the emotions of the rabble like a violin. Using every trick in classical rhetoric, he wins their sympathy; he makes them weep; he turns them against the senators. He even uses fake news about Caesar’s will to win them over. His media strategy is masterful.

What happens is perfectly predictable. The crowd goes wild, burning and looting. The conspirators flee for their lives. An innocent poet named Cinna is torn to pieces. He protests that he had nothing to do with the Caesar’s murder. No matter. “Tear him for his bad verses, tear him for his bad verses,” the enraged citizens shout.

There will be no peaceful return to the golden days of the Republic. Instead, in the last two acts an army led by Brutus and Cassius meets an army led by Marc Antony and Octavius on “the plains of Philippi”. The two conspirators quarrel on the eve of the battle; Caesar’s ghost warns Brutus that he is doomed. Both Brutus and Cassius end up committing suicide when their troops are overwhelmed.

“So call the field to rest; and let’s away, To part the glories of this happy day,” says the victorious Octavius. But as Shakespeare’s audience knew, there was no rest once Rome’s political conventions had been shattered. For 12 more years the Roman world was torn apart as Marc Antony and Octavius battled for supremacy. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers died. Marc Antony (and Cleopatra) committed suicide when he was defeated by Octavius, who ended up as Augustus, the first Roman emperor.

Shakespeare named the play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, but it is really The Tragedy of Marcus Brutus. A noble but clueless politician executes a tyrant and unleashes forces that he had never anticipated and is completely unable to control.

In 2017 Julius Caesar was staged in Central Park with a Donald Trump lookalike as Julius Caesar and an actress with a vaguely Slovenian accent as his wife Calpurnia. The theatre company explained that the play’s message was that “those who attempt to defend democracy by undemocratic means pay a terrible price and destroy the very thing they are fighting to save”.

But that misinterprets Julius Caesar. It’s not about the death of democracy; neither the Romans nor the Elizabethans had any experience of democracy. It’s about how the law of unintended consequences kicks in after violent political change. Brutus became a murderer to preserve the Roman Republic and paved the way for a tyrant who was revered as a god.

It’s a play that Nancy Pelosi ought to study carefully. She has managed to have President Trump impeached for “incitement of insurrection”. Her next move will be a trial in the Senate and blocking him from running for President in 2024. Much as Brutus thought about Caesar, Pelosi thinks that removing Trump will remove the discontents of the Republic. Good luck with that!


Michael Cook

Michael Cook is the editor of MercatorNet 

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. This content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license.

VIDEO: When The Wicked Seize a Nation

©Bill Finley. All rights reserved.

Wasted Lives

The Muslim Brotherhood produced The Project, a document that contains its plan for radical Islam to infiltrate and dominate the west.  Among their aspirations is to make “Palestinians” a cause célèbre, and to instigate a constant campaign of inciting hatred against Jews, by any means. As a member of BDS (Boycott Divestment, Sanctions) and SJP (Students for Justice in Palestine), Susan Abulhawa, a jihada, advocates the economic and civilizational destruction of Israel.  The inexact and skewed information in her book, Mornings in Jenin, is Da’wa, a strategy of silent jihad, designed to delegitimize Israel and invite non-Muslims to accept Islam as a peaceful religion.

Following their Prophet, Muslims may never accept the world’s transformation after the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire and birth of Israel.  To delegitimize Israel, they must maintain that Palestine and Palestinians have always existed, yet there is no documentation of any governance, language, customs, currency, artifacts, or date and cause of its demise.  These are Bedouin Arabs descended from nomads of the Arabian Peninsula and Syrian Desert living in Judea and Samaria, who yielded to the armies’ directions and were then abandoned, leaving their abused, traumatized children to wage jihad – Holy War.  Abulhawa’s book follows the lives of four generations of the fictional terrorist family of Yehya Mohammad Abulheja.

In each generation, the Abulheja family is bound to wage jihad and establish their god’s authority on the earth. “The Holy War (Islamic Jihad) in Islamic Jurisprudence is basically an offensive war. . . the duty of Muslims in every age . . .”  This story’s oldest generation, Grandfather Yehya traces his ties to the land since 1189, AD, its founding attributed to a general of Saladin’s.  Had he gone further back, he’d have discovered a Jewish Kingdom that lasted for thousands of years, beginning with the reign of King Saul, 11th c. BCE.  Had he gone forward, he’d have had to contend with the Saladin dynasty’s conquest by the Mamluks.

In 1953, Yehya dons his newly whitened clothes and his Bedouin kafiyyah.  As an aside, I recognize this as the same attire worn by U.S. Army Major Hasan on his murderous rampage at Fort Hood on November 5, 2009.  Despite his son’s plea to stay, Yehya leaves Jenin refugee camp for Ein Hod, returning with olives and fruit from property he owned years before.  On his second foray, he is killed by residents of the artists’ colony, hailed as a martyr as his body is returned to his home by the Red Crescent.  The author is deceptive with half-truths.  Yehye did not have his clothes whitened for harvest.  His first trip would have been an investigative mission.  Though not disclosed, we can be certain that he was armed for his second venture, dressed for holy war, and prepared to die as a shahada, a martyr.

The next generation is his two sons.  Darweesh is the first to meet beautiful Dalia, the 14-year-old Gypsy Bedouin, but her father prohibits the clandestine relationship and, to enforce his point, puts a hot iron to the palm of her hand, warning her not to scream or cry.  She pulls her pain inward.  In Islamic reality, her hand would have been chopped off or her father would have murdered her for his honor.  Dr. Tawfik Hamid explains the severe suppression of conscience and desensitization to or acceptance of violence without remorse, as displayed by Dalia’s father.

Before long, Yehya’s other son, Hasan, announces he will marry Dalia.  His mother blames the Zionists for his not accepting the family’s choice of bride and for the world’s turmoil.

Hasan’s best friend is Ari Perlstein who, with his parents, fled Germany in 1937, after his leg was permanently injured by a Brownshirt.  Ten years later, the author predictably uses Ari’s Jewish voice to announce that the Jews are heavily armed and on the attack.  Factually, Britain embargoed weapons for Jewish forces and surrendered strategic locations and arms to the Arab Liberation Army for Palestine.

Thousands of Jews arrived on the shores of what was then called Palestine.  Having survived torture, starvation and disease, the loss of loved ones and belongings, the war-damaged Holocaust refugees wanted only to return to their G-d-ordained sliver of land, two-tenths of one percent of the Islamic landmass. Ill-equipped to fight five armies with the remnants of WW II munitions, they suffered huge losses.

War is upheaval.  Those who reached Israel had to again fight for their survival.  By the 1948 War’s end, 400,000+ Arabs flee the area and 450,000 Jews flee Arab lands. Abulhawa’s information is deficient.

The Jews accepted and the Arabs rejected recommendations of the special UN General Assembly in November 1947.  When the British withdrew, the Arabs attacked the new state of Israel on May 14, 1948.  Abdul Rahman Azzam Pasha announced, “This will be a war of extermination and momentous massacre,” and Israel launched a (retaliatory) massive artillery and aerial bombardment of villages, which Abulhawa, in her fiction, mischaracterizes.  More than 400,000 Arabs heeded their leaders and evacuated, expecting to return victoriously.  The 1947 UN resolution would have meant two states, no refugees, and full and equal citizenship in Israel.  Cairo called for Holy War.

In her novel, as the Israelis enter Ein Hod, Arab families flee on foot and with carts.  Hasan carries five-year-old Yousef while Dalia follows, carrying  baby Ismail, when he is swiftly ripped from her arms.  She screams her deepest agony, but he is lost to them forever.  The author conjures up an Israeli soldier, Moshe, who “believes himself on a mission from G-d” and “envious” of the Arab women’s many children.  He impulsively snatches Ismail and flees home to his wife Jolanta, who’d been made barren by Nazi cruelty.  She embraces the child and names him David.  The author, in a moment of “creative genius,” calls the baby’s discerning feature, a scar on his cheek from a protruding crib nail, “the scar of David.”

The logicality of a soldier carrying a baby while dutifully looting the village with his unit is more than ludicrous; it is a case of projection.  It was Mohammed’s warriors who kidnapped for slavery, conversion, and booty.  Realistically, Moshe and Jolanta would have welcomed one of the many parentless children who were brought to Israel.

Considering her father’s brutality, her shock by an explosion and minor leg injury, and the kidnapping of her six-month-old son, Dalia begins displaying symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.  She rallies with the birth of her daughter, Amal, in 1955, but gradually sinks into dementia, as her husband and first-born Yousef join the wars.  Dalia eventually becomes unraveled, needing Amal’s constant care, and dies before Amal turns 14.

Returning to real facts, in 1966, Soviet Intelligence incorrectly reported Israel’s imminent campaign against Syria, heightening tensions and causing fledgling Palestinian guerilla groups to increase in Syria, Lebanon and Jordan, and Israel retaliated in the Jordanian West Bank in November.  On May 14, 1967, Abdel Nasser mobilized Egyptian forces in the Sinai, requested that UNEF (UN Emergency Forces) leave, and, joined by Jordan and Iraq, blockaded the Gulf of Aqaba to Israeli shipping. To the endless overt threats, Israel launched a preemptive assault against Egyptian and Syrian air forces on June 5, and captured Sinai Peninsula, Golan Heights, Gaza Strip, and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

In the fictional account, Hasan mobilizes to defend against Zionist aggression, and that contrary to reason and truth, Israel singlehandedly attacks Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq.  After removing his cache of 20 weapons from beneath the kitchen floorboards, Hasan and Yousef leave the twelve-year-old Amal and her friend Huda behind, hidden under the floor, with only each other for comfort through the terrifying sounds of war.  It is this act that haunts Yousef for the rest of his life, the guilt that he was unable to stay and comfort them as they trembled until the bombing abated.  Abulhawa fails to perceive that these children are steeped in dread, their lives consumed with war and death.

Part Two

1967: Despite being outnumbered, Israel regained Judea and Samaria.  In the story, when Yousef returns briefly, he tells Amal that he has seen a scarred Israeli soldier, undoubtedly their lost brother Ismail, called David.  David hears his own friend remark about their likeness, and Moshe is burdened with his secret, admitting it to David only on his deathbed, begging forgiveness.  He is haunted by Dalia’s cries, the awful evictions, killings and rapes.

The rape accusation is projection, customarily a Muslim action against their enemy’s women.  Islam teaches and justifies violence against women.  Quran 2:223, “Women are your fields, go, then unto your fields when and how you please.”  Quran 8:60: “Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power . . . to strike terror (into the hearts of) the enemies of God.”  Islamic rape is steeped in hatred and vengeance. Jihadis are trained to dehumanize and inflict great physical harm on women, one method being Taharrush.  Islamic apartheid also fosters rape of boys by older men “of status,” an age-old, self-perpetuating Islamic practice of humiliation and emasculation.

Strangely, in 2017, an anti-Israel activist declared that Israelis are racist because they don’t rape Palestinian women!  Notwithstanding military purpose, Israelis pursue a high moral culture, attested by Colonel Richard Kemp.  All capable Israeli youths are required to serve in the armed forces, re-enter society to become devoted spouses and parents, and contribute to their country’s growth.

Abulhawa has her creation, Amal, riding through Jerusalem and witnessing the destruction of ancient houses, but omits clarifying that this is not senseless injustice, but Israel’s way of punishing residents responsible for deadly terrorist attacks.

It is 1982, and the author brings her family to the next accusation, that Israel provoked the PLO to strike.  The historical facts are that Israel had been  harassed, shelled, attacked and raided by PLO guerrillas in Lebanon, a major component of the Lebanese Civil War, which triggered Syria’s intervention and limited occupation.  Israel provoked the PLO actions that would justify their full-scale invasion of Lebanon, in order to bomb the PLO targets in Beirut and southern Lebanon, headquarters for 14,000 armed fighters.

In August, the Christian Phalangist militia, the PLO’s bitter enemies, massacred as many as 3,500 Palestinians, Lebanese, Pakistanis, Iranians, Syrians and Algerians in Sabra and Shatila, 400,000 made homeless, infrastructure devastated.  Women and children were evacuated to Lebanon, the PLO exiled to Tunisia.  Had there been no raid, the Palestinians would have continued their homicidal jihad unimpeded.  The author appears to be lacking in understanding.

Amal, now living in Philadelphia, receives a call from her brother, Yousef, screaming vengeance for the massacre in both refugee camps.  He screams that his wife and daughter have been killed, as was Amal’s husband, Majid.    Amal gives birth to Sara, and suffers from depression, remaining a traumatized, emotionally distant mother, as Dalia had been.

Amal is next contacted by her long-lost brother Ismail, now called David, who has come to America to meet his sister for the first time, and the author has a field day inventing unfound slurs against Israel.  David is convinced that “Israel is a lie,” and that “Palestinians paid the price for the Jewish Holocaust,”  the author’s vicious trope.   No.  Palestinians are paying the “price” for Mohammed’s desire for world triumph and the  Palestinian all-or-nothing conquest strategy, with a strong faction that is unable to live in peace. The women suffer desperately for their inferior position in Islamic societies.  Amal and David promise to meet again soon.

Amal and 19-year-old Sara visit “Palestine” and are met by David and his son, Jacob.  They visit Dr. Ari Perlstein who suggests that Hasan was killed in the 1967 war and that Yousef bombed the US embassy in 1983.  Amal sees the “Judaizing of Jerusalem,” never alluding to Jerusalem’s (Yerushalayim in Hebrew) being one of the oldest cities in the world, est. 4th millennium BCE), and the religious and administrative center of the Kingdom of Judah in 10th C BCE.

The four continue their drive to Jenin, population 45,000, an infamous den of terror, and visit Huda, whose husband and mute son, Mansour, were taken by Israelis for terrorist activities.  Suicide bombings and attacks had been increasing in intensity, followed by two Israeli incursions, arrests, demolitions and curfews.  They hear destruction of nearby homes and buildings, proving the Israeli policy of bulldozing homes of terrorists, when an Israeli soldier enters this terrorist home, aims his weapon at Sara and Amal runs to take the bullet.   Amal is killed.

Israel had endured approximately 16 bombings, many of them suicide attacks.  Following the Battle of Jenin, in 2002, however, there were cries worldwide of massacre and genocide, when Israel conducted two waves of incursions with ground troops, helicopters, tanks, and fighter jets.  Of the camps’ 15,000 residents, 25 terrorists, 26 civilians, and 25 IDF soldiers were killed, far fewer than the thousands killed in Kosovo by Muslims or from the suicide bombing at an Israeli hotel (28 killed, 140 injured) by Palestinians.  The IDF were ambushed with explosive devices in the Jenin homes and on the roads, and women helped to lure the soldiers into traps.

The next generation will live in Philadelphia.  Sara and Jacob return to her mother’s home in Philadelphia, and Mansour, Huda’s only surviving son, will join them while also studying art.  Yousef to remain unidentified and kill no more. Still, this author’s inaccuracies or misinformation, accusations, and slander, are stealth jihad, intended to encourage violent jihad.  The ambition of a depraved warlord of the 5th century continues to waste the lives of Muslims and their victims in the 21st century.

After visiting Israel, John LeCarre wisely said, “No nation on earth was more deserving of peace — or more condemned to fight for it.”

©Tabitha Korol. All rights reserved.

The Final Attacks On Trump Are Aimed At Trump Supporters

President Trump’s remarks last Thursday were everything anyone could want out of an American President following Wednesday’s Capitol mob. As presidential as presidential comes, as have been his following statements. Exactly what the coastal media glitterati have been clamoring for.

But it doesn’t mean a wit to the Democrat leaders and media howling for Trump’s head since November 2016, who even with only 12 days left in his presidency are screaming at the sky for impeachment or the 25th Amendment, completely out of touch with reality and certainly disconnected from what would be good for America. Healing? Please. What Democrat leaders ultimately still want is submission. Submission from Trump supporters. Submission from Republicans. Deleting President Trump’s personal Twitter and Facebook accounts started the wave of purges of conservatives on censor media platforms.

What is driving all of this is what is key. Sure, there is vitriolic hatred of Trump. But it always has been, and remains, a growing, deep disdain for the America that Trump and the emerging GOP represents. Working Americans. Middle class Americans. Traditionalist Americans. Religious Americans. Non-college Americans. Skilled trades Americans. Flyover Americans. Deplorables, in a word.

I know there are exceptions to this among my Democrat and media friends. And I still have many of both, though our divisions increase the strain and the tribalism. But those exceptions are among basic voters who are Democrat, not the hard-core Democrat and leadership. As it pertains to Democrat leadership in Washington, D.C., in the media, in academia, in Hollywood, in public education, in the permanent bureaucratic state.

It was the Democrat leadership in Congress that officially changed House rules to the most idiotic form of woke speech, eliminating all genders and replacing them with vomitous nonsense. From Aunt Mary to Parent’s Sibling Mary and so on. It was the same leadership that brought in a man who ended the opening Congressional session prayer with amen and awomen. My rank-and-file Democrat friends agreed those were stupid and wrong. But my friends are not Democratic leaders.

It’s the same leadership that still wants to institute the Green New Deal, which is a fantasy that would turn to a dystopian nightmare. Sheer insanity, unhinged from reality. This is not about tax rates or health care coverage or level of military spending or even abortion; those traditional differences between right and left. This is something terribly different from the Democratic Party.

That’s why the Democrat direction is more and more frequently associated with radical elitists, not regular Democrats, certainly not old-line Democrats. Trump represented the opposite of those elitist interests — and they despised him because of those he represents. “They” in this case are an amalgamation of the extremists like AOC, the power-crazed like Nancy Pelosi, the dishonest media and the entrenched permanent staters protecting their turf, such as James Comey and Andrew McCabe.

So the culmination at the Capitol is blamed by all those folks solely on Trump. But while his incautious language on the day of the event was not helpful, it was obviously not incitement. The reaction is so much bigger than Trump, and growing. But the incalculably damaging actions of a handful last week will allow Democrats and the media to ignore the underlying dynamic.

Trump realized it is bigger than him with his speech following the mob actino, which was pitch perfect and needed. But it is irrelevant because in the end, as we will see in coming months and years, it was never about Trump in the end. He was just the willing lightning rod.

None of the “elites” have made any attempt to understand what the hundreds of thousands of peaceful demonstrators last week represented. By Democrats and the media focusing on the few who acted illegally and should be prosecuted, just like BLM and Antifa should be — people that Democrats frequently defended — they will perpetuate the two Americas. Maybe that is actually what they want. I doubt it is what most Democrats want. I know it is not what Republicans want. But perhaps open warfare on the supporters of their political opponents is precisely their goal.

Learning no lessons, making no attempt to understand, will doom us to deepening the divides and repeating this terrible dynamic with worse and worse outcomes. Because they are not seeking unity or reconciliation in any way other than complete submission.

EDITORS NOTE: This Revolutionary Act column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.


As most of you have heard by now, at the opening of the 117th Congress on Sunday, January 3rd, Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO), who also happens to be a United Methodist pastor, was asked to do the invocation at the start of the meeting, as is customary. However, he surprised a lot of people when he ended his prayer by saying “Amen and Awomen.” Awomen? I think this was done by design, not by accident, nor was it intended to be a joke. At first, this triggered a lot of puns, such as “A-moron,” and “Maniac” vs. “Wo-maniac,” and I’m sure we’ll hear many more in the days ahead.

The term “Amen” is gender neutral and is an ancient expression used by the Israelites to mean “it is true” or “so be it.” Frankly, “Awomen” is a nonsense word without meaning. Trying to introduce gender into the description simply doesn’t make sense.

There is something more sinister going on here. As part of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) agenda for the new Congress, she introduced and passed legislation to eliminate what the Democrats consider gender-specific terms, such as: “father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, first cousin, nephew, niece, husband, wife, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother, stepsister, half brother, half-sister, grandson, or granddaughter.”

I interpret this as a refutation of the family unit. Are they trying to make us feel ashamed of our mother, father, and all our other relatives? Instead, the Speaker proposes to use more “inclusive” terms, such as, “parent, child, sibling, parent’s sibling, first cousin, sibling’s child, spouse, parent-in-law, child-in-law, sibling-in-law, stepparent, stepchild, stepsibling, half-sibling, or grandchild.” This is just plain silly, and something I certainly will not be adopting.

This reminds me of the Coneheads from Saturday Night Live who described themselves as “Parental Units” to their daughter Connie. Then again, the Coneheads introduced a lot of terms the Democrats would embrace, such as “Zythron the Insistent” (to supplant American historical figures), “Fiberglass” (something people like to bite), “consuming mass quantities” (of beer and eggs, a well balanced source of food), and of course “France” (a deceptive reference to their true love and home planet, “Remulak.”)

Is the Speaker suggesting the Ten Commandments is wrong when it states, “Honour thy father and thy mother”? Is she saying we should change it to “Honour thy Parental Units”? Maybe Democrats are nothing more than Coneheads in disguise. I am also confused on how she should be addressed; e.g., “Mister or Madam Speaker”? Perhaps, “Transgen Speaker”? How about her personal life, is she “Mr. or Mrs. Pelosi” or even “Ms.”?

Seriously, now that the Democrats are in control of the government, they are stepping up their war on American culture. This will include attacks on religion, history, vocabulary, family, race, and any group or person opposing their agenda. All of this is intended is to keep Americans in line, suppress independent thought, and promote Socialism.

As for me, I’ll borrow an expression from the late, great George M. Cohen, “My mother thanks you, my father thanks you, my sister thanks you, and I thank you.”

Keep the Faith!

P.S. – For a listing of my books, click HERE.

EDITORS NOTE: This Bryce is Right podcast is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.

President Trump supporters flock to MeWe, Gab, and Rumble after Parler goes offline

Millions of Americans are joining the alternative social media platforms, in response to Twitter and Facebook censoring President Trump. Once President Trump migrates to these social media platforms it’s game on. That is because millions of President Trump’s followers will join him. We must support platforms such as Parler (when they are live), MeWe, Gab, Rumble, and others who believe in freedom of speech and freedom of expression. That is the only way we will be able to circulate conservative content.

Trump supporters flock to MeWe, Gab, and Rumble after Parler goes offline

By, January 13, 2020

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Trump supporters are flocking to social media sites MeWe, Gab, and Rumble amid a crackdown by Big Tech on violent posts.

Gab, a service that claims to champion free speech, said it added 600,000 new users over the weekend. Meanwhile, MeWe, a similar service, said it has added 400,000 users every day since Saturday and now has more than 14 million members.

The gains follow Sunday’s shut down of conservative social network Parler, which went offline after Amazon web hosting service dumped Parler as a customer because of violent posts and threats in wake of the Capitol riot. Shortly before, Apple and Google had banned Parler from their app stores.

Adding to the increased interest in alternative social media sites are bans by Twitter and Facebook on President Trump and other high-profile conservative personalities. After the Capitol riots, Twitter and Facebook both booted Trump from their services for inciting the violence.

On Monday, Facebook went to the additional step of removing content containing the phrase “stop the steal” in hopes of preventing future violence. The phrase is a popular rallying call of Trump supporters who falsely believe there was widespread fraud in the presidential election.

“It’s almost like the perfect storm,” said MeWe CEO Mark Weinstein. “The melting pot of people coming to MeWe are coming from all directions.”

MeWe was the fifth most popular free app on Apple’s App Store and Google Play on Monday. Weinstein hammered home the point that his goal is to be “more vigilant” in moderating content on his service, and that he does not want to be an “anything goes” app—a thinly veiled swipe at Parler’s lax approach.

He said that MeWe has just shy of 100 content moderators who review posts on its service, and that they actually adhere to “strict” terms of service that includes the possibility that they’ll alert authorities about any concerning posts. But on Monday, several QAnon and “patriot” private groups could be found, one of which called Patriots Unleashed asked users if they were “armed and ready” before allowing them to join. MeWe removed Patriots Unleashed from its service after Fortune‘s story published.

Weinstein acknowledged that some of MeWe’s user growth has been due to Parler shutting down. But he added that the app was growing prior to the election and riots. As a result, he said MeWe’s users have a wide array of political views, and are not just Trumpists.

RELATED ARTICLE: Rep. Jim Jordan calls for Liz Cheney to be removed as conference chair

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in some cases deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here— it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever.

PEOPLE WILL DO WHAT THEY DO: The Story of Nervous Nancy

I am proud to come from Baltimore despite the crime and theft

we’re proud of our folks even the ones that left

Lord knows it’s poor and nothing fancy

And for us Dems we’re proud of our feisty Nancy.


But from the time she moved to the San Francisco estate

She seems to see herself as the Queen of hate

Every time she attacks our President Trump

It is like she is taking all our votes to throw in the dump.


She keeps saying that Trump thinks he is above the law

But our Nancy made her hair-stylist break the lockdown, ha, ha

Impeaching the President is more important than reigning in the Chinese

Of course her husband and Joe Biden both are into the sleaze.


She loves to keep impeaching the President until his last day

But about the riots of Antifa and BLM she had nothing to say

To those who tore down Baltimore’s Columbus statue

Her brilliant response was that “People will do what they do.”

©Howard Rotberg. All rights reserved.

THE BEST DEFENSE IS A GOOD OFFENSE: Time for All American Patriots to Go on the Offensive!

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”  –  Edmund Burke

“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” – Isaac Asimov

As we approach January 20, 2021 I have been asked by many of my readers: What now?

My answer: The best defense is a good offense!

There comes a time when all those who love America and have prospered because of their beliefs in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to stand up and be counted. Doing nothing is not an option. Doing something has become an imperative.

It is now clear that members of Congress are not willing or able to do anything about the obvious 2020 election fraud. The judiciary has shown that it will do nothing to investigate election fraud. The Democrat Party and its leadership are pleased that they got away with murder. The murder of our free and fair election process. The murder of our Constitutional Republic.

The Democrats will continue to lie, cheat and steal from We The People. That’s what they do to gain and keep power.

The Forces Against All Good Men and Women

There are great forces arrayed against good and moral men and women in America and across the globe. This is not new. It is just history repeating itself.

What is new is that this is the first time since 1775 that we have seen this kind a tyranny in our nation. This tyranny is one where they tyrants have been elected to the highest offices in our federal government. The federal government is now a wholly owned subsidiary of the Democrat Party and its media, technology and globalist factions.

The tyrants talk about saving democracy when in fact all they want is power and an American autocracy of the new ruling class. This new autocracy wants to control you and me. As German–American poet, novelist, and short story writer Charles Bukowski stated:

The difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is that in a democracy you vote first and take orders later; in a dictatorship you don’t have to waste your time voting.

The only thing that will save our Constitutional Republic is to go on the offensive against the ruling class.

Who Is Our Quarterback?

Who will lead us in this offensive? There are doubts about any of those elected to the U.S. Congress, with some notable exceptions, who can lead this offensive.

Clearly Donald J. Trump, and his family, have the gravitas to be the team that we need. There are also others who have been fighting the battles for decades. They are the generals, colonels, sergeants and soldiers of this new team.

America is MAGA country. Donald J. Trump is its leader. Period.


The Democrats, and some Republicans in name only, are hell bent on destroying our Constitutional Republican form of government. We are already seeing some Republicans cave to the false flag of what happened in the U.S. Capital on January 6th.

Biden is filling his cabinet with extremists hell bent on revenge. They will attack anyone who has supported President Trump.

Corporations are falling in line because they have no stomach or more courage and strength to fight what will become a Communist doctrine slowly, but surely, implemented in the US if A.

The only ones who can stop this are American First Patriots. If we do not stand up for the truth then who will.

Today people sleep peacefully in their beds at night only because rough men and women are willing to stand ready to do violence on their behalf. Now is the time if there ever was as time to do violence in order to protect our Republic from the tyrants in Washington, D.C.

As President Thomas Jefferson wrote in a letter to William S. Smith, a diplomatic official in London, on November 13, 1787,

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.

The American patriot spirit is alive and well. We’ve had enough. It’s time to refresh the tree of liberty.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

WARNING: Do Not Attend Supposed ‘Armed’ Protests Leading up to Biden’s Inauguration!

Whoever these people are, and I believe they are involved in a massive psyops operation to further suck decent, patriotic and angry Trump supporters into legal trouble, they are not Patriots.

Frankly, I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw that the FBI was warning that rally goers in all 50 states and at the US Capitol would be armed.

What!  Is the FBI trying to instigate trouble?

Here at the Baltimore Sun  (breathlessly reporting the news):

FBI warns of plans for armed protests at all 50 state capitals next week

WASHINGTON — The FBI is warning of plans for armed protests at all 50 state capitals and in Washington, D.C., in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, stoking fears of more bloodshed after last week’s deadly siege at the U.S. Capitol.

An internal FBI bulletin warned, as of Sunday, that the nationwide protests may start later this week and extend through Biden’s Jan. 20 inauguration, according to two law enforcement officials who read details of the memo to The Associated Press. Investigators believe some of the people are members of extremist groups, the officials said. The bulletin was first reported by ABC.

“Armed protests are being planned at all 50 state capitols from 16 January through at least 20 January, and at the U.S. Capitol from 17 January through 20 January,” the bulletin said, according to one official. The officials were not authorized to speak publicly and spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity.

Fortunately the word has gone out to true members of the Patriot movement to stay away.

I saw many alerts on Twitter from reputable people warning that these events (likely fictitious) are not connected to the President but involve shadow groups whose mission it seems is to destabilize the government (as if it isn’t destabilized enough), and to further paint Patriots as wild gun-toting crazies.

Here is what Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit is saying:

Who Is Behind the Planned “Armed March on Capitol Hill” and Is It a Deep State Plot? –UPDATED

WARNING! There are several armed protests at state capitols across the country before inaugural ceremonies next week.


Think about this– The far-left tech giants took away President Trump’s ability to communicate freely to the American public following the storming of the US Capitol by Trump supporters, Antifa and other individuals.  [Be sure to follow that Antifa link—ed]


For the record, these “armed protests” in the coming days ARE NOT sanctioned by the Trump Campaign.

We are looking more into who is behind this movement.

CLICK HERE: This is the flyer you may have seen.

Hoft continues…

Notice there is no organizing group listed on the flyer.
That’s weird.

And The Sun posted a social media post on Parler by “Kenneth Brooks” @KennethBrooks1911 who posted the flyer.

Kenneth includes the hashtag “boogaloo” in his announcement.

That is suspect in itself.

The “boogaloo” group is a mysterious group that popped up in the last few years since Trump became president. Although, it does not appear to be a large group, its name pops up frequently in liberal media reports.

More here.

After seeing that the AP reported that MOST of the 120 arrested in the immediate aftermath of the Capitol riot were “longtime” Trump supporters I wanted to know who are the others who are not Trump supporters, how many and why were they there.

I do believe that some Patriots were sucked into the chaos, but clearly something else was going on.

For example, why was Black Lives Matter activist John Sullivan there? Why was he released after taken in for questioning? Very interesting that he was near the scene of the only murder victim.

I was planning to write about Sullivan and some of the others involved, but realized the media morass was too complex for lowly me to unravel.

Will we ever see a thorough and honest investigation of what happened that day?  I’m afraid we might not. Trump’s enemies are making sure that Trump will forever be blamed for the violence.

My recommendation to Patriots is to stay away from any rallies this week.

Read, read, read!  Keep investigating and exposing where you can through social media, the bias, the fraud and corruption that mainstream media refuses to cover.

LOL! I know we aren’t James O’Keefe, but you must do what you can to spread his superb work far and wide.

Like this news yesterday:

SUCCESS: James O’Keefe catches PBS lawyer inciting violence, PBS quickly fires him [VIDEO]

James O’Keefe published a video today where his operatives caught a lawyer working for PBS inciting violence and wanting to take the children of Trump supporters put them in a re-education camp.

And, quietly find like-minded people in your communities and make plans to support each other if the Leftwingers make their move now that they control the government.

I’m looking forward to having a laugh (Leftists do not like to be ridiculed!)  next week as Biden is installed surrounded by a veritable Army of National Guardsmen from all surrounding states and even from as far away as Nevada.  And, they will be armed we are told!

Heck, they might likely out-number legitimate Biden voters.

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Amazon Banned From Amazon Servers For Selling Trump’s Art Of The Deal

SEATTLE, WA—In a devastating move to the multi-billion dollar company Amazon, the entire Amazon website has been kicked off Amazon Web Services. This happened after it was found that was selling President Donald Trump’s book The Art of the Deal, a book that financially contributes to the menace Donald Trump while also causing people to think like the deranged maniac.

“Our policies are very clear,” said Steve, an admin for AWS who made the decisions. “They’re on a webpage somewhere, and they say something like, ‘Don’t do bad stuff.’ So we had no choice but to kick that website off of AWS until they stop being bad.”

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos denounced the decision. “Huh?” he said, quickly adding, “Wait… what just happened?”

The ban is likely to have a huge, deleterious effect to, as it’s unlikely to find servers big enough to host the world’s biggest commerce site anytime soon. As for the impetus of the ban, President Trump is said to be isolated and alone in the Oval Office, his almost complete internet ban meaning he has no electronics to play with except the nuclear launch button.

Critics are saying this is censorship, while opponents of the move are just saying Amazon should build their own web servers.

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘Let’s All Remain Peaceful,’ Says Trump In Clear Incitement To Violence

WASHINGTON, D.C.—A review of Trump’s statements last week made it clear that he was inciting violence, as he very clearly told people to “remain peaceful” and not carry out any violence.

The dangerous cult leader encouraged his followers to protest at the Capitol, but to remain peaceful, which is an obvious instance of inciting violence, according to leading language experts and journalists.

“Let’s all remain peaceful,” he said, which clearly meant, “Go burn down the Capitol Building.”

“No violence!” added the deranged lunatic, which, according to the New York Times, was a dog whistle for “Minions, attack!”

“Go home,” he added, which meant, “Keep pressing the attack! We will not be defeated! Blow stuff up!”

At publishing time, Trump had said, “I’ve always encouraged peaceful protesting,” which meant he wanted his followers to go ransack an Arby’s.


Amazon Banned From Amazon Servers For Selling Trump’s Art Of The Deal

Trump Hides Nuclear Codes In Bible Where Pelosi Will Never Find Them

After Capitol Riots, Sesame Street Pulls All Episodes Featuring The Letter ‘Q’

Evil Fascist Dictator Censored And Voted Out Of Office

FBI Finds Buffalo Guy Grazing At Yellowstone Park

In Devastating Blow, Trump Banned From Sun Tan City

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Restricting free speech on social media may be a slippery slope

The market may soon offer an alternative that will lead Facebook and Twitter to regret their authoritarian impulses.

On Monday, Facebook blocked former presidential candidate Ron Paul from his own page. The move came hours after the longtime congressman and libertarian hero shared an article he wrote criticizing Twitter and Facebook for banning President Donald Trump from their platforms.

“Last week’s massive social media purges — starting with President Trump’s permanent ban from Twitter and other outlets — was shocking and chilling, particularly to those of us who value free expression and the free exchange of ideas,” Paul wrote. “The justifications given for the silencing of wide swaths of public opinion made no sense and the process was anything but transparent. Nowhere in President Trump’s two ‘offending’ Tweets, for example, was a call for violence expressed explicitly or implicitly. It was a classic example of sentence first, verdict later.”

Paul shared the article on Facebook sometime around 10.00 am EST. Hours later, on Twitter, Paul said he had been blocked by Facebook.

“With no explanation other than ‘repeatedly going against our community standards’, Facebook has blocked me from managing my page,” Paul announced on Twitter. “Never have we received notice of violating community standards in the past and nowhere is the offending post identified.”

Paul said the only material posted to Facebook on Monday was the article previously noted, his weekly “Texas Straight Talk” column, which he has published every week since 1976.

The question of social media censorship, a phenomenon that has grown steadily in recent years, is a thorny issue, especially for libertarians.

As private companies, Twitter and Facebook have the legal right to decide who and what to allow on their platform. On the other hand, many see the cultural values of free expression and viewpoint diversity as the cornerstones of a liberal (in the classical sense) and tolerant society.

For years, the media generally and libertarians particularly discussed how bans on controversial figures should be handled. The debate began in earnest in the summer of 2016 following the ban of Milo Yiannopoulos, a right-leaning provocateur who had gained an immense following on social media.

Many at the time were shocked to see Yiannopoulos banned following a spat with actress Leslie Jones, but there was general agreement in many circles that Twitter, while wrong on principle, was within its rights.

“Twitter is a private company. It can set its own speech policies, and those policies don’t have to be fair. There’s no universal human right to own a Twitter account,” Reason’s Robby Soave pointed out. “But if Twitter wants to live up to its stated commitment to maintaining a public forum where provocative, controversial, and even occasionally rude or hurtful speech is tolerated, then it should consider restoring Yiannopoulos’s profile.”

Two years later, a similar conversation took place with Alex Jones, the far-right radio show host and conspiracy theorist, who ultimately found himself banned by Twitter and Facebook. The responses were not surprising.

Many left-leaning pundits cheered the move, pointing out Jones was not entitled to First Amendment protection, since Twitter and Facebook were private companies.

“This move is an important step toward setting reasonable, and badly needed, precedent around free speech,” wrote Washington Post columnist Christine Emba. “Companies don’t have to defend the indefensible. Alex Jones can do that all on his own.”

The right, however, warned the bans were unlikely to end with Jones.

“Next they’re coming for you,” Jesse Kelly wrote in The Federalist. “Their goal is to silence dissenting voices. Look down at where you’re standing at this very moment. That is where you draw your line in the sand. Do not give them another inch.”

Restricting speech — a slippery slope

The censorship was never going to end with Alex Jones and Milo Yiannopoulos, of course. Still, the eagerness with which Big Tech is silencing dissent might have surprised even those who warned it would not end with Jones.

Banning the president of the United States was shocking. Banning Ron Paul is horrifying. It is senseless. Paul is a man of principle and peace. He is 85 and not active in politics. Paul does not incite violence and is a threat to no one.

How did we go from banning Alex Jones to Ron Paul in the space of two years? The answer is not hard to find. It lies in a principle abandoned.

“Once you start making exceptions to a universal principle/general rule, you begin to undermine it; it becomes easier to make further exceptions,” FEE’s Dan Sanchez pointed out in 2017. “If the hate speech of Nazis are to be restricted, why not the hate speech of traditionalist conservatives? If the violent, seditious rhetoric of Nazis are too dangerous to allow, why should the violent, seditious rhetoric of communists be tolerated, or any fundamental criticism of the government?”

Indeed. Of course, Twitter and Facebook have long since abandoned the notion they are free speech platforms. They openly state it’s their mission to keep users “safe,” which they do by enforcing “rules” and community standards when and how they choose.

This mission was flawed to begin with. (I don’t need Facebook or Twitter to protect me from ideas or discussion, thank you very much, and I suspect most individuals would offer similar sentiments.) But by booting Ron Paul, it becomes clear that “safety” is not the true goal of Big Tech. I suspect it never was.

Paul’s deplatforming should anger and perhaps even frighten us. The widespread silencing of dissent is a serious matter; there’s no denying that. And matters are further complicated by the fact that Amazon, Google, and Apple have taken steps that will hinder social media platforms competing with Facebook and Twitter.

But what should be done?

As it happens, Paul himself asked this very question in the column that apparently led to his Facebook exile.

“So what is to be done? Even pro-free speech alternative social media outlets are under attack from the Big Tech/government Leviathan. There are no easy solutions. But we must think back to the dissidents in the era of Soviet tyranny,” Paul wrote. He continued:

They had no Internet. They had no social media. They had no ability to communicate with thousands and millions of like-minded, freedom lovers. Yet they used incredible creativity in the face of incredible adversity to continue pushing their ideas. Because no army — not even Big Tech partnered with Big Government — can stop an idea whose time has come. And Liberty is that idea. We must move forward with creativity and confidence!

Liberty is indeed the idea. And if we’re patient, I suspect the market will soon offer a genuine alternative that may soon make Facebook and Twitter regret their authoritarian impulses.


Jon Miltimore

Jonathan Miltimore is the Managing Editor of His writing/reporting has been the subject of articles in TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, Fox News, and the Star Tribune. Bylines:… 

RELATED ARTICLE: As I was saying …

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Congress Upset As They’re The Only Criminals Allowed In The Capitol

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Congress people from both parties condemned the attack on the Capitol that occurred Wednesday, pointing out that they’re the only criminals allowed in the building.

Capitol police removed the unauthorized criminals from the Capitol Building, allowing the officially voted-in criminals to resume operations.

“We would like to remind Americans that we are the only looters allowed in here,” said Nancy Pelosi after order was restored to the House. “Remember, you must show your official congressperson identification to prove you’re an approved looter to get in here. Unauthorized looters will be removed from Capitol grounds.”

“Now, who wants to start some foreign wars?”

After the violent criminals and looters had left the building, Congress resumed voting on acts to inflate our currency, steal more money from Americans, and continue aggression against foreign countries for no reason.


Trump Sneaks Back On Twitter By Disguising Self As PR Rep For Chinese Communist Party

Biden Says First Act As President Will Be To Impeach Trump

Antifa Accuses Trump Supporters Of Cultural Appropriation

Liberals Tell Everyone To Calm Down About The Siege Since The Capitol Has Insurance

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Media and Corporate Censorship in the USA Just Like it is in Totalitarian Communist Countries

By now, you’ve seen how the leftist Socialist Democrat illegal victories in both the 2020 Presidential election and Georgia Senate races have led to the same kind of totalitarian actions that Communist countries take including total control of and by the media and even by influencing corporations to stop donations to anyone on the right. Specifically so far we have:

  1. Facebook and Twitter permanently banned POTUS Trump from using their social media outlets with snide remarks to those complaining like – start your own website or network if you don’t like it. It’s time for all conservatives to Stop using FB & Twitter.
  2. During the Jan. 6th Trump Rally conservative groups like The Right Side were cut off from broadcasting the truth. In the case of the Right Side it was You Tube that cut them off. Stop Using YouTube!
  3. Parler, a conservative alternative social media site has been cut off by Amazon, their broadcasting entity. Boycott Amazon!
  4. Marriott Corp, Blue Cross, Blue Shield and Commerce Bank have all announced they will curtain any donations to Republican candidates in the future.
    Boycott all 3 of these corporations if you can especially Marriott!

Just about all media sources including social media have prohibited the playback of POTUS Trump’s peaceful speech to the hundreds of thousands of of supporters in DC on Jan 6 – his speech did NOT incite a riot – just the opposite, he called for peaceful demonstrations under the 1st Amendment which did not include the storming of the capital (which we all know was Antifa). BIG TECH and the Media know his speech doesn’t support their false narrative reflected in Beijing Biden’s words at press conference where he blamed POTUS Trump for encouraging “insurrection”, “sedition”, and “subversion.” Nothing could be further from the TRUTH but they are hiding the truth once again by lies and omissions of facts. Stop using cable news and leftist social media – go to live streaming & pick your own channels!

-Where the hell was Biden and Kamala Harris during all the rioting, looting, burning, assaults, murders, etc. in their own Democrat controlled cities over the past year and the cries for violence against the the de-funding of police ? They actually encouraged these actions which are not only illegal but also examples of real insurrection, sedition and subversion. They and all their ilk are serial liars and pathological HYPCRITES !

And the beat goes on – I’m sure there will be many more cave ins to the left by traitors to conservative values including those we’re already seeing from the likes of GOP RINOs like Bill Barr, Lisa Murkowski, Tom Cotton, Mitt Romney, Ben Sasse, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham and many others. VP Pence hasn’t been helpful either. Let’s start a 3rd Party & encourage POTUS Trump to lead it – we can call it the America First Party, the Conservative Party, the Constitutional Party or whatever we want to call it but we can’t keep supporting the GOP when they continue to fail us as bad as they have in fighting this election fraud and joining the left in expressing disappointment in us in regard to the events of Jan. 6th. We have tried to change them by our conservative, tea party movement helping to elect and re-elect them but what do we get in return ? Failed promises.

In Florida we have exceptions like our Governor, Ron DeSantis, who we should continue to support. However, we have far too many RINOs in our Legislature, especially in the Florida Senate, who continue to collude with or compromise with the left to ram more gun control down our throats like FL’s Red Flag Law; grant driver’s licenses to illegals (a recommendation by new Senate President); won’t fight the left on issues like abortion and textbooks containing porn and Islamic propaganda, etc. and this is all unacceptable !

©Royal A. Brown, III. All rights reserved.