FLORIDA: Governor Ron DeSantis Appoints Renatha Francis and John Couriel To Fill Vacancies on Florida Supreme Court

(Orlando, FL) Today, Governor Ron Desantis announced the appointment of Judge Renatha Francis and South Florida attorney John Couriel to the Florida Supreme Court. These two appointments replace former Justices Barbara Lagoa and Robert Luck, who were both promoted to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta by President Trump last year.

Judge Renatha Francis currently sits as a trial court judge on the 15th Circuit Court in Palm Beach, a position she was appointed to by Governor DeSantis in 2019 and immediately prior to that served as a county court judge in Miami Dade County.

John Couriel is a is a highly respected lawyer and a partner at law firm Kobre & Kim LLP based in Miami where he specializes in the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, money laundering, extradition and cross-border frauds involving financial products and services.Florida Family Policy Council President John Stemberger issued the following statements today regarding these appointments:

Judge Renatha Francis is a woman with an extraordinary life story, solid character and deep faith.  She has a personal depth and a grace in that will serve her well. I know her personally and she is also clear on the limited and restrained role of the court and is a “textualist” in the tradition of Clarence Thomas in her judicial philosophy. As the first Jamaican / Caribbean American Justice on the Florida Supreme Court, Francis is an experienced and brilliant choice for Florida’s future.” She is highly qualified with the unique perspectives of having served as a County Court judge, a Circuit Court judge, and ten years as a judicial law clerk for the First District Court of Appeals in Tallahassee. As a wife, mother and former business owner Judge Francis will bring valuable real life experiences with her to the court.”

Attorney John Couriel is a highly respected lawyer with stellar credentials and a conservative judicial philosophy.  Born in Miami, Florida, Couriel graduated from Harvard Magna Cum Laude and received his J.D. from Harvard Law School.  He has served as a law clerk to the Hon. John D. Bates of the U.S. District Court, D.D.C.  He also served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the Southern District of Florida for five years. Couriel is a member of the Federalist Society and speaks both English and Spanish fluently.  Couriel is giving up an extremely lucrative salary to serve on our state’s highest court. When I served as a member of the Judicial Nominating Commission for eight years, we were always impressed when we found candidates who were not pursuing judicial positions motivated by an increase in salary.  This is not the first time a practicing lawyer who has never served as a judge to be promoted directly to the Florida high court.  Several past Florida justices have served coming directly from private practice.”

Renatha Francis’ and John Couriel’s appointments will fill the final vacancy left on the Court after Justices Lagoa and Luck left late last year. However, there is a legal nuance about Francis’ appointment.  The Florida Constitution requires a Florida Supreme Court Justice to be a member of the Florida Bar as a lawyer for at least 10 years. Judge Francis’ bar membership began on September 24, 2010, which means that she could not fill the seat until later this year after September 24, 2020. However, both conservative and liberal legal scholars say that she can legally be appointed and not assume the office until September. Of interest, Judge Francis’ appointment was supported by many prominent black lawmakers, including the Florida Conference of Black State Legislators and the Legislative Black Caucus.  The Supreme Court has been without either a woman or African-American member since Justice Peggy A. Quince resigned in 2019.

Personal Background and Professional Bio of Renatha Francis:

Judge Renatha Francis was born in Portmore, Jamacia, in 1977.  Francis is a past student of St Hugh’s High school and the University of the West Indies, Mona, where she obtained her Bachelor’s degree in law.  Afterwards, she migrated to the US, where she received her Juris-Doctor from Florida Coastal School of Law in Jacksonville, Florida in 2010. She primarily represented insurance providers in personal injury protection litigation matters, specializing in the interpretation and application of automobile insurance policies.  In 2017, Francis was appointed by Governor Rick Scott to the Miami-Dade County Court.  In 2018, she was appointed to the 11th Circuit Court, and in 2019, to the 15th Circuit Court.  She lives in South Florida with her husband Philip Fender and her two children.

Renatha Francis’ 59 page application to the Judicial Nominating Commission can be found here.

Renatha Francis’ interview before the from Supreme Court Judicial Nominating Commission can be watched on video 34:50 to 1:04:40 here.

Personal Background and Professional Bio of John Couriel:

John Couriel’s 68-page application to the Judicial Nominating Commission can be found here.

John Couriel’s interview with the Supreme Court Judicial Nominating Commission can be watched on video from 29:00 to 56:20 here.

©All rights reserved.

How the Founders Responded to an Epidemic in the Nation’s Capital

Even if the federal government possessed the power to jump into the crisis, it’s hard to conceive of any action it might have taken that would have better met the challenge than what Philadelphians did, crude though it seems by today’s standards.

Do not read this book before eating, or in the midst of a sleepless night. For it is a revolting book, filled with the disgusting details of a loathsome disease.

Sounds like the opening paragraph of a one-star review by a merciless critic, but it’s not. It’s from the 1949 preface to a book by the book’s author himself, J. H. Powell. Titled Bring Out Your Dead: The Great Plague of Yellow Fever in Philadelphia in 1793, it is “the story of a foul and fantastic pestilence, striking without warning in all classes of society,” a true account of “people sick in body and heart, astonished and fearful, paralyzed by the mysterious obscenity about them.”

I thoroughly enjoyed it—the book, that is.

Powell brings to life the people and events of the worst epidemic in American history—yes, worse than the Wuhan coronavirus of 2019-2020 and the Spanish Flu of 1918. Though it was localized in Philadelphia, it killed nearly ten percent of the city of 51,000 people between August 1 and November 9, 1793. That’s about ten times the death rate in the U.S. from today’s pandemic. More than 40 percent of Philadelphians fled into the countryside to escape a disease whose origin (a virus spread by the bite of a mosquito) no one would know for another hundred years.

New interest in historic health disasters is drawing attention to Powell’s book, as well as another good one from 2003, An American Plague: The True and Terrifying Story of the Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1793 by Jim Murphy. For this essay, I draw passages from both volumes.

Philadelphia was America’s national capital and headquarters of the federal government in 1793. By act of Congress, the capital wouldn’t move to what is now Washington, D.C. for another seven years. President George Washington had commenced his second term in March. Five months later, in the midst of a hot, wet summer, Philadelphians suddenly took sick in huge numbers, leading quickly to scores of deaths each day. What did the Washington administration do in response?

Nothing. That’s all it could do. It possessed no constitutional duty in the matter and even less experience and expertise. No one argued there were epidemiological exceptions to the First Amendment or, for that matter, to any other provisions in the document ratified just four years earlier. So the federal government never got involved.

Even if the federal government possessed the power to jump into the crisis, it’s hard to conceive of any action it might have taken that would have better met the challenge than what Philadelphians did, crude though it seems by today’s standards. The feds were there, on the scene, but possessed no special knowledge the locals did not also have. Yellow fever is not contagious from one person to another. The disease requires a mosquito in between and nobody knew that then. Lockdowns would likely have made little difference.

The one big issue the Washington administration had to decide—whether to convene Congress in the fall at its Philadelphia location or somewhere else—prompted sharp views on both sides. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison (both of an Anti-Federalist bent) told the President he had no authority to move the site where Congress met, so it would have to be Philadelphia, in spite of the crisis. Alexander Hamilton argued that if a foreign enemy occupied the capital or if any other kind of disaster in the city prevented Congress from assembling, then of course the President could bring it together elsewhere. Just weeks into the epidemic, Washington and his Cabinet members themselves skedaddled to Germantown, ten miles to the north, and they hoped Congress would follow.

Jefferson and Madison won that one but, in the end, the question was moot. The first frost in early November killed the mosquitoes and the disease with it. Congress met in Philadelphia in December but one of its first acts was to pass a law authorizing the President to convene it outside the national capital in the future, should conditions require it.

Pennsylvania state government was also domiciled in Philadelphia at the time. The capital wouldn’t be moved to Harrisburg until 1812. In 1793, Governor Thomas Mifflin and the legislature provided some money to Philadelphia to help handle the crisis, then they left town for the duration. So it all came down to Philadelphians. Fortunately, they were blessed with both public and private leadership talent in the persons of Mayor Matthew Clarkson, Dr. Benjamin Rush, and others. Rush was a signer of the Declaration of Independence and had served as Surgeon General of the Continental Army during the War for Independence.

To this day, no cure exists for yellow fever. Thanks largely to the work of U.S. Army physician Dr. Walter Reed (no relation) in 1901, we know that the virus is spread by a particular species of mosquito, Aedes aegyptiModern treatments and palliatives greatly reduce suffering and deaths. Draining swamps and pools of stagnant water remain the most effective preventative measures. But 230 years ago, what a victim endured and what “experts” prescribed were a medieval horror show. Powell writes,

Lassitude, glazed eyes, chills, fevers, headaches, nausea, retching, and nosebleeds would suddenly attack people in the best of health. These symptoms, more violent than any the doctors had ever observed, would be followed by a yellow tinge in the eyeballs, puking, fearful straining of the stomach, the black vomit, hiccoughs, depression, “deep and distressed sighing, comatose delirium,” stupor, purplish discoloration of the whole body [from liver damage], finally death.

In the panic that followed the onset of the epidemic, there was no end to the weird and ineffective treatments suggested and tried. They included dousing the afflicted with vinegar, “earth-bathing” (rolling in dirt), drinking molasses by the quart, burning tobacco in the streets. Purging and blood-letting were Dr. Rush’s favored remedies, which also included a concoction of mercury and jalap, the latter being a drug extracted from the tuberous roots of a Mexican climbing plant. As Murphy’s book reveals,

Ads appeared in the newspapers hawking Peruvian bark, salt of vinegar, refined camphor, and other concoctions, such as Daffey’s Elixir (which contained so much pure alcohol that a glass of it could put a person into a drunken stupor). The science of medicine at the end of the eighteenth century still relied a great deal on ancient myths and folk remedies.

Someone recommended that to purify the air of whatever was causing the disease, gunpowder should be liberally set afire. So for a brief time until residents complained of the noise and smoke, municipal workers pulled cannons through the streets and fired them every few yards or so.

Unaware that a mosquito was the carrier, many people thought they could catch yellow fever from proximity to someone infected. So “social distancing” became the norm. Powell writes,

People quickly acquired the habits of living with fear. Handshaking was abandoned, acquaintances snubbed, everyone walked in the middle of the streets to avoid contaminated homes. Those wearing mourning bands were obviously dangerous, as were doctors and ministers. People maneuvered in passing to get windward of anyone they met.

City government ordered a limited quarantine of arriving foreigners but to little effect because the source of the problem was not overseas. It was quickly lifted. When the city cleaned up the filth in and around the wharves on the river, it likely did more to help than the quarantine.

Afraid to leave their homes unless they had a place to flee to in the countryside, Philadelphians withdrew from commerce. Businesses closed. Mail delivery stopped. Newspapers were reduced to a single page for lack of advertising. Incoming vessels on the Delaware River couldn’t find dock workers so they sat in the water or on the docks while their cargo rotted.

Even clocks in the city went haywire. So many clockmakers and time-setters were sick, dead or gone that Philadelphians often couldn’t tell for sure what time it was.

Churches in Philadelphia never closed during the epidemic. Given the nature of the disease, it wouldn’t have made a difference either way. If government officials had ordered them closed, there’s good reason to believe that devout Philadelphians would have defied or resisted such orders.

To his credit, Mayor Clarkson responded with courage and good sense. He formed a committee of respected local citizens who organized makeshift hospitals, raised money for treatment, cleaned the streets and wharves, and looked after children suddenly orphaned when parents or guardians died from the disease.

Some white residents complained that black nurses in town were raising their fees in the midst of the crisis. They took their complaint to the mayor, hoping he would impose controls on those fees. He said no. Jim Murphy tells us,

The mayor knew he couldn’t order black nurses to refuse any fee over a dollar. If he forced them to hold down their costs, he would have to do the same with every merchant, laborer, and farmer doing business in town. How much food would be brought to market if he insisted that only pre-plague prices be charged? How many carters would haul away diseased corpses? What was happening with the black nurses was a classic example of demand exceeding supply, resulting in higher prices, and nothing more…He also had an ad published in the newspapers that admonished citizens to cease bothering the black nurses as they went about town to do their work.

Dr. Rush, though wrong about remedies, was right about his initial warnings that the illness was yellow fever; he also labored long hours to bring comfort to the afflicted. He died in 1813, widely esteemed a hero by his fellow citizens.

People in nearby cities and adjacent states pitched in to help the City of Brotherly Love while the illness raged. New Yorkers were first with a gift to Philadelphia of $5,000—a substantial sum in those days and the start of a cascade of philanthropy for Philly. According to Powell,

The news of $5,000 from New York spread about the city like a tonic. It was, Editor Brown proclaimed, an act of noble sympathy and generosity. And as other donations poured in, the Committee (of Mayor Clarkson’s creation) wisely gave publicity to them all, even the smallest. Brown’s columns soon were filled with letters from villages, townships, counties, congregations, and synods, all conveying gifts of some kind to the Mayor’s care. The distraught citizens could take heart. They were not alone in misfortune. All America was sharing their burden.

None of that giving was required by anybody. It was simply what Americans did, from the depths of their giving hearts, without mandates from on high. The Philadelphia epidemic of 1793 was one of the new country’s earliest and best examples of the cascade of private charity that defined the nation for the next two centuries.

Yellow fever outbreaks in Philadelphia occurred again during the last three years of the 1790s. None, fortunately, were as lethal and widespread as the 1793 episode.

All these many decades later, perhaps the applicable lessons for today of Philadelphia’s experience then are few and limited. For sure, it’s a tribute to the city that it rallied and prospered, thanks to the initiative of its citizens and the freedoms the nation as a whole enjoyed in its early decades. Half a century after the epidemic, Philadelphia was a bustling city of 122,000 people—two and a half times its size on the eve of the 1793 disaster.


Recent Honor Killings: ‘Even During Corona, No Respect for Human Life’

Nothing seems to stop honor killings. One would think that with COVID-19 gripping the world, there would be more compassion for human life and caring for each other –as well in the Muslim world, especially during the month of Ramadan during which there is an emphasis on kindness, compassion, self-reflection and charity.

However, some things never change as we read about the recent honor killings in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

When the Clarion award-winning documentary Honor Diaries was released in 2013, there was a surge of awareness and some changes did take place internationally which were a step in the right direction. In October 2016, Pakistan passed a bill that fixed a loophole that allowed killers to escape prosecution if pardoned by the victim’s family.

Previously, family members who were complicit in the crime could also forgive those who had committed it.

That new legislation came three months after Qandeel Baloch, a Pakistani social media star and feminist, was killed by her brother for “dishonoring the family.”

While honor killings in Pakistan now carry a life sentence, they remain common in Pakistan’s remote tribal areas — and the majority are against women perceived to have brought “shame” to their families.

In Pakistan, two women were murdered in a so-called “honor killing” after a video showing them kissing a man circulated online.

The cousins, aged 22 and 24, were shot and buried on May 14 in a remote village in Pakistan’s North Waziristan province.

In a statement, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) said that many people who had condemned the Waziristan murders on social media had been “threatened or ridiculed” and called on the authorities to “make it clear to all that it will not tolerate any support for this heinous practice.”

Adding to the horror of the act, the father of one of the victims and the other victim’s brother confessed to killing the women.

This clearly shows that the concept of honor is more important to the men than the lives of the women they kill.

In Afghanistan, with the departure of U.S. troops, there was always fear that the Taliban would go back to their inhuman practices. Yet, the latest honor killing in Badakhshan, Afghanistan was not even Taliban related.

Nazela, an 18-year-old woman, was strangled with electric wire and then stabbed to death by her brother on May 1. She allegedly ran away with her boyfriend, taking refuge in a police station. Her brother came and had her released, took her home and killed her. The brother then escaped to an area where Islamist militants live. He has now taken refuge with the Taliban.

The Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission writes in its 2018/2019 Summary Report on Violence against Women that violence against women in 2019 was about 8.4 percent higher than in 2018.

According to this report, while various types of violence against women are on the rise, “one of the shocking forms of physical violence that leads to the killing of women is honor killings. The Commission has documented about 238 incidents of murder of women separately during this period [2019], 96 of which constitute honor killings. This figure was about 261 in 2018.”

Until the time that men and women in rural areas are educated about respect for human life and especially for women, this horrific cycle of honor-related killings will not go away.

Unfortunately, the perpetrators are not afraid of prison or death because they have been brainwashed into believing that the honor of the family, tribe and village is embodied in the actions and bodies of women whom they treat like second-class human beings, and that preserving the so-called honor of the family is more important than a human life.


Pakistan’s ‘Kim Kardashian’ Murdered by Brother For ‘Honor’

The Sight of Female Flesh

Rashida Tlaib: Deflecting Blame for Horrific Palestinian Honor Killing

EDITORS NOTE: This Clarion Project column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Mark Zuckerberg Finishes Another Long Day Of Deciding What People Should Believe

MENLO PARK, CA—Giving his arms and legs a nice little stretch while reclining in his office chair Tuesday afternoon, Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, confirmed that he had successfully completed another long day of deciding what people around the world should believe.

“We’ve got over two billion users now, so it’s never been more important to show them only what we want them to see, while throttling to death of all content that we don’t think they should be consuming for whatever reason,” the Facebook chief said. “My days are longer than ever.”

The tech titan, worth $71 billion, went on to describe the weight that comes along with being the arbiter of moral fitness and objective truth, able to make or break nearly any website on the internet by lowering the organic reach of their posts or outright banning them, based upon Facebook’s opinion of the views expressed in their content.

“It’s hard work, dictating which worldviews are acceptable and which are not. But someone has to do it,” he said. “We can’t just let people consume whatever they want.”

At publishing time, Zuckerberg confirmed that he was smothering the reach of this very article.

RELATED POLITICAL SATIRE: Confirmed: Facebook ‘Likes’ Redeemable For Treasures In Heaven

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Black Man Votes Republican, Immediately Turns White

SANTEE JUNCTION, MO—At an early voting location this morning, African American citizen Conroy Ferguson turned white after voting Republican. Witnesses also claim he aged about 10 years and become perceivably more stuffy and unpleasant. Upon checking his wallet, Ferguson found his name had also changed to Clinton Hemsley.

Hemsley attempted to return to his family but when he explained what had happened he was cast out—not for his new skin color but for voting Republican.

There are now signs up at the voting location warning black voters that if they vote Republican they may also suddenly turn white.


Defying Health Orders, Trump To Move Republican Convention To Golden Corral

Scholars Claim Jesus Actually Told Lepers ‘Stay Home, Save Lives’

China Issues Stay-At-Home Order To Hong Kong To Prevent Spread Of Democracy

Biden Covers Body In Tattoos To Constantly Remind Himself Who He Is And What He’s Doing

Mark Zuckerberg Finishes Another Long Day Of Deciding What People Should Believe

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

FLORIDA: Congressional Candidate Laura Loomer To Resume Campaign Activities Amongst Growing Support

PALM BEACH, Fla. /PRNewswire/ — Laura Loomer, Republican candidate for Congress in Florida’s 21st District, home to President and Mrs. Trump, will officially resume campaign activities on June 1st, 2020 as Florida, under Governor DeSantis’ leadership, moves into Phase 2 of the reopening process following the Chinese Virus Pandemic.

Laura Loomer stated, “My campaign is looking forward to safely resuming campaign activities to win Florida’s 21st Congressional seat.  Governor DeSantis is doing a great job setting an example for the nation’s governors by leading Florida into Phase 2 and ending the lockdown. Just as Florida’s businesses are eager to get back to work and Floridians are waiting in anticipation to venture outside, so are we!”

On March 9thLaura Loomer for Congress was the first federal campaign in the nation to temporarily halt events and public activities like door knocking due to the Coronavirus pandemic.  Loomer instructed volunteers and staff to assist with community needs such as blood drives and mask making for first responders.

Karen Giorno, President Trump’s 2016 Florida State Director and chief strategist for the Loomer campaign commented, “Laura is running against Lois Frankel who advocates for an indefinite shutdown while abdicating her duties with proxy votes in Congress.  Moreover, Frankel is more interested in pushing for easily manipulated absentee voting in November, instead of focusing on rebuilding Florida’s economy.  Florida needs and deserves better, and that’s Laura Loomer.”

In addition to endorsements from Roger Stone, Rep. Paul GosarMichelle Malkin, and Judge Jeanine PirroLaura Loomer has secured endorsements from Rush Limbaugh’s producer “Bo Snerdley”, Hollywood conservative Chuck Woolery, and comedian Roseanne Barr.

Last month, President Trump retweeted support for Laura Loomer’s campaign, which he has now done twice since Loomer filed to run for Congress in the Mar a Lago district.

Loomer closed by saying, “While my opponent Lois Frankel continues to socially distance herself from the concerns and needs of Florida 21 voters, I’m excited to listen to the voters around the district including 2020 graduates who were forced to have virtual graduations and were robbed of meaningful life milestones. Additionally, Florida 21 small businesses need our help and my campaign will do all that we can to assist their efforts to rebuild while we work to flip this seat red!”

Contact: media@lauraloomerforcongress.com

Related Link: lauraloomerforcongress.com

State Authorized Killing of Civilians is a War Crime

“America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual Life. If you can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.” — Joseph Stalin.

That statement by Stalin was pronounced after WWII, when America and Russia had been Allies. Those words were said after the Nuremberg trials and Tokyo trials, revealing the Evil of National Socialism. The statement was especially noticeable when Stalin invited members of the Muslim Brotherhood to the Kremlin in celebration of his 70th anniversary in 1949. Unlike his actions, it was the time after WWII, when the Geneva conventions adopted additional protocols to protect human life. With knowledge of Stalin’s order forming the groundwork for the Project of 1955, his statement demonstrates the USSR’s threatening intent towards America.

Considering the time after WWII, “…numerous international treaties and conventions attempted to devise a comprehensive and enforceable definition of war crimes. The four separate Geneva conventions, adopted in 1949, in theory made prosecutable certain acts committed in violation of the laws of war.” Encyclopedia Britannica.

Writing this column in May 2020, when civilians and members of the military are dying in cities and villages around the globe; poisoned by Covid-19, Stalin’s statement is a guide to actions and requires broader analyses of the ideology we know as Socialism/Communism, bearing in mind the International Law and the Geneva Convention. The precedents are known:

“The importance of the Geneva Conventions and their additional protocols was reflected in the establishment of war-crimes tribunals for Yugoslavia (1993) and Rwanda (1994) and by the Rome Statute (1998), which created an International Criminal Court.” Encyclopedia Britannica, Geneva Convention by Malcolm Show. Considering the recent Global Pandemic the U.S. government should establish a war-crimes tribunal for the ideology of Socialism/Communism and the regimes based on that ideology. The first regime of Socialism/Communism was established in Russia and spread as the Soviet System to North Korea, China, Venezuela, and others. The collapse of the USSR handed over the leadership of the ideology to China…

The history of the CCP in reducing its population is well-known. After the revolt of the Chinese people, the CCP stopped the policy of one child in the family. Yet, the desire to reduce the population definitely stays. Knowing the mentality of the Socialist/Communist regime, gives me the following idea. The production of Wuhan virus initially was aimed at the elderly Chinese population—to get rid of the elderly Chinese civilians, who were a burden. The attempt to kill the elderly Chinese population has had a tremendous result. As usual, the CCP hid the real numbers, but it is possible that 21 million Chinese civilians were killed by Covid-19. Read The Epoch Times.” Uncensored Chinese Report May Have Accidentally Revealed Millions of New COVID Deaths, WJ, by Ben Marquis, Published March 27, 2020

The analyses of the events during the last five months showing that “Covid-19 kills an estimated 13.4% of patients 80 and older, compared to 1.25% of those in their 50s and 0.3% of those in their 40s. It starts with preexisting conditions: Data from China show that such comorbidities dramatically raise the risk of dying from Covid-19.” Logical explanation of elderly lethality is a mark of biological aging and declining immunity. Chinese scientists in the CCP knew it. That is the proof of a deliberate design and production of the Covid-19, which by itself constitutes a war-crime against humanity…

The Pandemic in America coincides with the appalling treatment of General Michael Flynn and other Republicans, violating all norms of American Law by the Obama administration. Those events require a separate column to describe another front of the war waged against Western civilization and American capitalism. Only people who know the regime of Socialism/Communism can see an inextricable connection between the two events and the statement made by Comrade Stalin in the 20th century, after WWII… Read Socialist Lies: From Stalin to the Clintons, Obamas, and Sanders by Simona Pipko, Xlibris, 2016. This book was initially titled: From Communism to Terrorism.

Socialism/Communism – Enemy of Humanity

History is the Mother of all sciences and the only way to find truth. The 40th U.S. President Ronald Reagan found this truth—Socialism doesn’t work, it can’t produce— the Socialist economy collapsed in 1991 Russia. That collapse was a victory of Capitalism over Socialism. Yes, it was a victory, yet the war has not ended, because the Soviet System designed by Stalin wasn’t crushed, wasn’t put on trial, the war I called WWIII has continued. The design of the Soviet system was twofold consisting of two main parts: Socialist economy and the forces of the Security apparatus to safeguard it.

Though Socialism proved itself unable to improve humanity’s situation, the term has nonetheless been reincarnated by the Soviet Security Services. In writing about them, I use the term KGB. So, Socialism was dead, but the KGB began using the term Socialism to hide their dirty methods and tricks and continued fighting in many different fronts against civilization, destroying and killing globally in WWIII…

In fact, the collapse of the Soviet Union has not been interpreted correctly, as it was the collapse of the Socialist economy not the collapse of the entire Soviet System. The collapse itself, nevertheless, has changed a geopolitical landscape in the 21st century. Russia as leader of the Socialist Camp has lost its position, China grasped it. China and Russia belonged to the same Stalinist ideology and China continued moving in the same aggressive Russian direction in Africa and the Middle East. Just compare the Russia’s aggressive behavior in the 20th century and that of the Chinese in the 21st century—they are identical—both are the ideology of Socialism/Communism. Consider this—the Director of W.H.O. Tedros Adhanom was recruited by the KGB in the 1970-80s, today he is serving China.

The old Soviet conduct of disinformation, concealing, spying, steeling ideas, threatening, and intimidating, will be continued by China… To forecast China you have to know Russia and her Security apparatus, to predict Chinese actions, you have to know the character and nature of the Socialist/Communist ideology. Like Russian aggression in Georgia and Crimea, China will attack Hong Kong and Taiwan. The only difference is that China uses new technology more successfully. Both countries have an aggressive and expansionist war-crime regime. Read my columns in this magazine www.drrichswier.com/author/spipko/

Talking about Russian aggressive behavior, I am obliged to give you information I have. As a matter of fact, The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, an independent, bipartisan commission created by congressional legislation and the signature of President George W. Bush in late 2002, is chartered to prepare a full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, including preparedness for and the immediate response to the attacks. The Commission is also mandated to provide recommendations designed to guard against future attacks.

The 9/11 Commission failed to find the real organizers of the 9/11 attacks and prevent it in the future. I have the information that the handler and leader of the attacks, Mahammad Atta had a meeting with the KGB in Prague. Beside Atta ties to the Russian Chechnya, a fact that is giving me a complete picture of the design and the people who committed the attacks on 9/11. Russia had a close connection with Islamic militants, it was easy to put together 14 of them to make Saudi Arabia the guilty party, which is the usual KGB dirty manipulation of events in the world. The Atta meeting with the KGB in Prague is the Red Flag to understand the entire essence of the 9/11 attacks against the United States.

For thirty-five years I have been writing about this WWIII, an asymmetrical war with multiple fronts, waged by the ideology of Socialism/Communism against Western civilization and American capitalism. The time has come to expose the ideology of Socialism/Communism as a fraud-fallacy with a utopian concept. Marxism gave us the theory of Socialism/Communism with Socialism being the first phase and Communism as a second phase based on achievements of Socialism to create a classless Communist society. By confiscating private property and usurping all means of production by the Soviet government, Russia had established Socialism. It was born and practiced in Russia for seventy years and collapsed in Russia in 1991…

As you know, Socialism is a dead end ideology today. Therefore, Communism will never come and the Chinese Communist Party is a fraud, covering-up their war-crime regime of ‘Security’ apparatus by the ideological term. As in the events in Russia, it is Chinese Security apparatus that is running the country of China and waging WWIII against humanity. Covid-19 has been produced under the supervision of the Chinese Security apparatus, like HIV was in Russia. As in Russia, the ideology is becoming a disguise to camouflage the aggressive military forces of the Chinese Security apparatus fighting and poisoning humanity globally…

As leader of the Free World the United States is obliged to react accordingly. WWIII will never end until the ideology and regimes of Socialism/Communism are exposed globally and the war-criminal regimes prosecuted, and convicted! Otherwise, there will be another pandemic with Czar-virus to kill as many people as possible, especially in America—the leader of the Free World. Humanity is looking for you America, for your decisive and brave action against war-criminal regimes to save the world! In this Memorial Day, the U.S. must act in the sacred memory of Americans who sacrifice their lives for our Freedom!

To be continued www.simonapipko1.com and at www.drrichswier.com/author/spipko/.

©All rights reserved.

Biden: ‘If You Don’t Let Me Sniff Your Hair, You Ain’t A Woman’

WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a recent interview with a female representative of the segment of the human species identifying as female, Biden made a strong case for why all women everywhere should vote for him without question, or at least let him sniff their hair.

“Look, the thing, you know what it is,” Biden said. “The womenfolk know what’s at stake in this election. It’s hairy simple. Just let me vote on you, or you vote for me, the vote, b-b-b-blond applesauce baloney. Simple choice. If you don’t let me smell your hair, you ain’t a woman!” Biden then sat back in his chair with a smile, having “totally nailed” another interview.

The female interviewer blinked a couple of times and followed up with some clarifying questions. “Mr. Vice President Biden, sir, if I may follow up on that, did you just say that if a woman doesn’t let you stick your nose in her hair then she’s not a real woman?”

“I b-didn’t think I could possibly be more not clear!” Biden said with a perplexed look on his face. “If you don’t let me personally walk up behind you unannounced and bury my shnozzola deep within your flowing locks of cascading curly hair, YOU AIN’T A REAL WOMAN! NO MALARKEY!”

Witnesses then walked in on Biden conversing with a Cabbage Patch doll who he mistook for a female interviewer. After hearing the news, feminists around the country responded by lining up outside Biden’s house to get a complimentary hair sniff, thereby affirming their statuses as real women.


To Save Time, The Babylon Bee Will Now Just Republish Everything Biden Says Verbatim

Ancestry.com Revokes Genealogies Of African Americans Who Don’t Support Biden

Governor Whitmer Orders Citizens To Barbecue Indoors

Baptists Pledge To Use Only Non-Alcoholic Hand Sanitizer

Trump Refuses To Wear Mask At Michigan Plant Since They Got Him The Wrong Ninja Turtle

For Safety, The Scooby Gang Won’t Unmask The Swamp Beast Until After Lockdown

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

YouTube bans channel for sharing trailer to movie that is critical of Islam

After uploading four different trailers for the new documentary-movie Art Of Imposture, the “Isaac Marshall” YouTube channel, which was paired with my Google account, was suspended. The trailers, which included no graphic content, are already readily available on YouTube on the channel of the movie’s creator and were mirrored by my channel.

WATCH: Art of the Imposture.

This is not the first time trailers for Art Of Imposture have been wrongfully removed, however, as YouTube had previously taken down the trailers on the original creator’s channel, but after he appealed, they found the videos to be in accordance with their guidelines. As my channel was deleted immediately with a one-time triple strike, there was no chance for the verdict to be overturned, despite the fact that one of the videos was reinstated to the non-existent channel.

The anonymous filmmaker says that Art Of Imposture is “eye-opening, [there’s] nothing quite like this film at the moment, a definite must-watch. Footage like this has never been released before in a non-fiction film; these are not actors. It is a documentary so shocking regardless of your politics that it cannot fail to move your sense of humanity. Pulling no punches, this is not for the faint of heart; it is very real. It commands attention as an object lesson in the banality of evil and provides an incredible insight into the mindset of Islam. It is a frequently difficult film to watch, but it remains an essential historical document.”

Some of Art Of Imposture, although all gore is extensively blurred, involves haunting footage. It covers boys casting lots and children learning the Qur’an in a Sharia institute, goofing around, drinking coffee; yet only minutes later, in real time, getting into a vehicle, driving to a target and blowing themselves up. Describing Art Of Imposture as a “study of evil,” the filmmaker admitted that some of the images made for uncomfortable viewing, although “The visuals are stunning and the narrative compelling. If you put this stuff into a drama, you wouldn’t believe it. You’d say that it’s not plausible, that it doesn’t make sense — unless you read their religious book. It is disturbing, terrifying, enlightening, captivating, frightening and horrific.”

Art Of Imposture is a brave and unrivalled film. The movie is no-holds-barred, combining the doctrine of Islam, those teachings in practice, and a speech by Usama Dakdok. The film takes the viewer through the speech by Dakdok while showing footage of Islam’s teachings in action, although the gore is heavily blurred. Watch the full movie now at via this link and download it via this link. The links are also included on my new website, Islam Refuted. Viewer discretion is advised.



Minnesota: Hamas-linked CAIR succeeds in pushing St. Paul City Council to declare government of India “Islamophobic”

UN top dog says countering “Islamophobia” is his “top priority”

Philippines President to Muslims on Eid al-Fitr: May you be “living examples of what is best in the Islamic faith”

Over 100 Islamic State jihadis return to Germany, number of those under investigation only in “two-figure range”

Iran’s Khamenei: Fighting for “liberation of Palestine” is “Islamic duty”

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Decoration Day, A Day of Remembrance

“The soldier above all others prays for peace, for it is the soldier who must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war.” – Douglas MacArthur

“Americans never quit.” – Douglas MacArthur

“I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.” – Douglas MacArthur

There are only two holidays a year that bring me to tears.  The first is Decoration Day (now Memorial Day) and the second is Independence Day, July 4th.  In 2011, I wrote an article entitled Real Americans.  I told of the loss and heartbreak I felt when I saw the flags waving and heard the firecrackers.  The loss of what we once had and what we have become was overwhelming.  I regained hope with the election of President Donald J. Trump, but I still fear for my nation because so many who wish to destroy our freedoms are now political leaders.

Commemoration to Soldiers

Decoration Day started with a commemoration to the fallen Union soldiers of the Civil War.  In the South, southern ladies’ groups commemorated the fallen soldiers on different days than the holiday of the north.  However, by the 20th century, all American soldiers who had fallen in war were remembered on the last Monday in May, originally May 30th.

Decoration Day meant placing flowers on the graves of the fallen, but soon became a memorial for all family members who had passed.  Those who know the real meaning of the holiday visit the cemeteries not only to decorate the graves of fallen American soldiers, those who served our country, but also to remember our deceased ancestors.

Decoration Day was officially changed to Memorial Day by Federal law in 1967.  On June 28, 1968, the Congress passed the Uniform Holidays Bill, which moved four holidays, including Memorial Day, from their traditional dates to a specified Monday in order to create a convenient three-day weekend. The change moved Memorial Day from its traditional May 30th date to the last Monday in May. The law took effect at the federal level in 1971.

This has no doubt changed the tenor of the Remembrance Day into one of a spring-into-summer three-day weekend holiday, which has caused the solemn honor of the original commemoration to be lost.  Japanese Nisei, Daniel Inouye, Hawaii’s former Senator, and a WWII veteran had tried every year to return the holiday to May 30th.

The three day holiday of commemoration has become one of barbeques, picnics, baseball and swimming.  It is no longer a day of solemn remembrance of our nation’s loss.  When I think of all those who have served, I remember those in my own dear family.

Old Glory

The Memorial Day flag is to be raised briskly to the top of the pole at dawn and then lowered to half-mast until noon.  This is done in remembrance.  At noon, the flag is again raised to the top of the pole for the remainder of the day.

My maternal grandfather served in the Army as a cook in WWI.  His two sons, my mother’s older and younger brothers both served in WWII in Europe and in Germany respectively.  I remember my uncle Bob telling me about how he hitchhiked across Czechoslovakia to see his cousin, Norm, who was also in the Army.  Uncle Bob was a medic and he would never talk about his service in WWII.

My paternal grandfather graduated from the Presidio (officer’s training) in 1917 with the Army Cavalry. I still have the humorously written program for his graduation dinner.  His degrees were in international law and French.  He married my grandmother that same year and went off to war.  His older brother, James, was also a soldier in WWI.  In a nine-page typewritten letter my great-grandfather, who was a Baptist preacher and physician, wrote to the church he founded in Bozeman, Montana, he mentioned how his wife worried and prayed for her two sons in France.  Here is a photo of my grandfather on his beloved horse, O’Hara.

My grandfather remained in the military for many years.  I obtained his military records through my former congressman.  He was retired prior to WWII, but after Pearl Harbor and at the age of 50, he re-enlisted.  He was in charge of a German prisoner-of-war camp for a year or so.  The photos of this camp and the inmates look as though it was a great holiday for the Germans.  These original photos were at my friend, Harry Mazal’s Holocaust Library in San Antonio, Texas, but after Harry’s death, the University of Colorado Jewish Studies bought the library.  At the close of WWII, my grandfather, Colonel George Byron Morse, was in charge of the MPs at Nuremburg.  His Army Cavalry uniform and his boots are also in Colorado along with documents and photos.  Here is a photo of my dear friend Harry in his beloved library.  My library is filled with books that Harry sent me that no one else could get.

A number of years back, probably 10 years ago, I got a call from an elderly woman in California.  I had written something about my grandpa moving to CA.  She said when she was a young girl, she was one of the equestrians in the Rose Bowl parades, and it was my grandfather who taught all of them how to ride in that parade.  She told me they all loved him.

The Nisei

After the war, my paternal grandparents were very concerned about the second-generation Japanese Americans who fought on our side during WWII, the Nisei.  My grandmother, Stella Dolan Morse, was the inspiration for a veteran’s hall for them and the Nisei Veterans’ Memorial Hall was born.  My grandfather brought it to fruition and his picture still hangs prominently in their veteran organization.

The 100th/442nd Regimental Combat Team, composed of approximately 14,000 Japanese American soldiers, became the most decorated unit for its size and length of service in American history. Among their many awards, they earned eight Presidential Citations, over 9,000 Purple Hearts, and 21 Medals of Honor.

The 100th/442nd fought many battles. One of the most historic was the Rescue of the Lost Battalion in October 1944, when the unit led a heroic drive through German lines in the Vosges Mountains to rescue 211 surviving soldiers of the 36th Texas Division. For this the governor of Texas named the Nisei soldiers “Honorary Texans.”

In 1945, the courageous actions of the 100th/442nd were critical in breaking the German Gothic Line. They fought the Germans through intense combat and liberated towns such as Bruyeres, Biffontaine, and Belvedere. They also helped free Holocaust victims from Dachau concentration camp.

Approximately 6,000 Japanese Americans served in the Pacific Theater in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) of the US Army. These soldiers utilized their knowledge of the Japanese language and culture to defeat the Japanese military in the Pacific. General Douglas MacArthur’s intelligence chief, Major General Charles A. Willoughby, estimated that these contributions shortened the war by at least two years and saved countless lives in the process. For this, the MIS was awarded a Presidential Unit Citation.

When my retired, aging, California grandparents needed assistance, the Japanese were there to help them in every way.  At their funeral masses, the priests were both Japanese.  The eulogies from these brave Nisei are simply beautiful and showed what great love these Japanese American war heroes had for my paternal grandparents.

The Presidio Today

The Presidio today is nothing like what my grandfather would envision.  Congress voted in 1989 to end the Presidio’s status as an active military installation and on October 1, 1994, it was transferred to the National Park Service, ending 219 years of military use and beginning its next phase of mixed commercial and public use.  Sadly, that use is now part and parcel of the UN Agenda 2030 program of destroying national sovereignty and our liberties.  In 1996, the United States Congress created the Presidio Trust to oversee and manage the interior 80% of the park’s lands, with the National Park Service managing the coastal 20%.

In 1993, the Gorbachev Foundation USA was invited to sink roots at the Presidio as part of the post’s conversion from the headquarters of the 6th U.S. Army to a national park.

From the website, Mikhail Gorbachev, Creatively Marketing Global Communism, comes this statement regarding Gorbachev’s State of the World Forum, “Former Soviet Communist Party boss Mikhail Gorbachev, founder of the State of the World Forum six years ago, used a $5,000 per person gathering of the world’s political and business elite to plea for the United Nations to adopt a Soviet-style “central authority” to manage the world’s business and environmental concerns.” 

And this,

“The collapse of the Soviet Union as presented in the western media was a fraud. The Soviet Union didn’t collapse and communism didn’t die. They just reorganized, and we see it today in our American Congress. This is Gorby’s goal for the United States…and that’s what the UN program of regionalization is about. The movement is to dissolve the United States as a nation and then to break it up into areas of regional governance under an unelected continental government similar to the European Union.”

If my grandparents on both sides, who fought in WWI and WWII for American freedoms knew of Gorbachev’s group in the Presidio, they would roll over in their graves.  They would never have believed it would happen, nor would they ever have believed we’d be fighting undeclared wars and passing unconstitutional laws.  Think about Obamacare, The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), Homeland Security, Transportation Security Administration (TSA), and the Patriot Act, to name just a few of the hundreds of thousands of illegal and unconstitutional laws, acts, and executive orders.  My mother would never have believed it, much less my grandparents.  In fact, my grandparents never even heard of a “Trillion-dollar debt,” which is now as high as $30 trillion.

Undeclared Wars

To say it more succinctly, here is a letter my dear friend Ruth wrote in comment of the article, The Price of Freedom, “This Memorial Day, I mourn the lives of the tens of thousands of our troops, who are maimed and disfigured. I mourn the lives of the troops still stuck in the hell holes of Afghanistan and Iraq and those engaged all around the world in illegal interventions and wars of aggression, greed and empire building. I grieve for the returning veterans, whose minds are so broken, upon contemplating the horrors they have witnessed and the true nature of these wars, they are committing suicide in shocking numbers. Those who gave all, may be the lucky ones.

Unfortunately, these brave young men and women are not fighting for our freedom; they know it, and you know it. They are fighting to stay alive. They are mere pawns of the Military Industrial Complex. We need to follow what President Trump said, and bring all of them home now.”

This is what President Trump said he wanted to do, and it is why when he said the troops in Syria were to come home, General Mattis signed the order, but then resigned from the Trump administration.  We have an enemy on our soil, and we are not fighting that enemy.

We need those soldiers not just on our southern border, but we need them educated by men like General Michael T. Flynn who knows how we can win the global war against radical Islam and its allies.  Former FBI Agent, John Guandolo of Understanding the Threat is an amazing resource who can help us save our country from infiltration and destruction.


I grieve for my nation, for her soul, and for her people who are too busy watching Dancing with the Stars and American Idol to see what has happened to our beloved country and who daily fail to fight to keep the freedoms our founders gave us.

I grieve because we’ve thrown God out of every facet of American society.  I grieve because we think nothing of murdering 64 million babies in their mothers’ wombs.  I grieve because I see the losses.  I grieve because I know too much, and I grieve because so few are fighting to save her…our once great America and her God-given freedoms.  I grieve, I mourn, and I weep and I’m still fighting to save her.  Unless more Americans stand up for truth, righteousness, liberty and freedom, I’m afraid all is lost.  Dear God in heaven, I grieve, and I keep working and praying.  With the Chinese flu virus, we are seeing what the communists within our country desire for her future.

This Decoration Day, remember all those who gave everything, remember those who came home hurt both physically and mentally, remember all our veterans, and help them, not just with prayers, but with funds that care for these men and women who have served our country willingly.  There are countless wonderful organizations that help our soldiers…give to them, and in so doing, you give to those who need it the most.

©All rights reserved.

TEXAS: Roman Catholic bishop condemns Corpus Christi jihad attack, pledges to be ‘force for peace’

This is just dandy for all those who were worried about Michael Mulvey’s virtue; it has now been abundantly signaled. But the bitter irony here is that no matter how hard he tries to be a “force for peace,” he will find his efforts unable to persuade jihadis to lay down their arms and stop waging war against unbelievers, because those jihadis consider that war a divine command (cf. Qur’an 9:29). What’s more, the Roman Catholic Church in general is indefatigably committed to Pope Francis’ ridiculous claim that “authentic Islam and the proper reading of the Koran are opposed to every form of violence.” That is, the Catholic Church is institutionally committed to ignoring and denying the ideological wellsprings that give rise to attacks such as that of Adam Salim Alsahli. Consequently, no matter how much Mulvey works to be a “force for peace,” he will find himself confronted with jihadis who, in his view, persistently misunderstand their own religion. But he can’t deal with that problem in any realistic manner; to do so would be to deny one of the modern-day Catholic Church’s most cherished new dogmas, that Islam is a religion of peace.

“Leave them; they are blind guides. And if a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.” (Matthew 15:14)

“Corpus Christi bishop condemns naval base shooting,” by Christine Rousselle, CNA, May 22, 2020:

Washington, D.C. Newsroom, May 22, 2020 / 02:11 pm MT (CNA).- Bishop Michael Mulvey of Corpus Christi offered prayers for a sailor who was injured in a terrorist attack in his diocese on Thursday, and pledged to be a force for peace in the face of evil.

Early on May 21, a 20-year-old man named Adam Salim Alsahli drove to the entrance of the Naval Air Station Corpus Christi and shot a member of the base’s security forces, who was wearing a bulletproof vest. He then proceeded to crash his car into a barrier, and continued to fire shots. Alsahli was shot and killed, and the base was locked down.

“I condemned the act of terrorism that was perpetrated this morning at Naval Air Station Corpus Christi,” said Mulvey in a statement released shortly after the attack. “These acts of violence are heinous, but they will not undermine our resolve to work for peace in our hearts, and our society. Our prayer is with the sailor who was injured this morning.”

Mulvey prayed for “the Lord to sustain those on the front lines who courageously confront this evil,” and for “calm and peace to our community and the world.”…

Alsahli’s vehicle was checked for explosives, but none were found. Authorities said that “electronic media” was found at the scene, but did not elaborate as to what this meant.

The FBI’s Houston office confirmed Alsahli’s identity shortly after 1 p.m. local time May 22, following the notification of his family ….

By Thursday afternoon, law enforcement had declared that the shooting had been “terrorism related.”

Law enforcement told Texas media that they believed Alsahli, who lived in the United States but was born in Syria, had expressed online support for various terrorist groups, including the Islamic State and al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula….


Germany: Church opens its doors for Muslim prayers

UK: Muslims enraged at plan to open bar next to mosque, claim it will lead to “drink-fueled Islamophobia”

Turkey: Man attempts to burn down Istanbul church, blames Christianity ‘for spread of coronavirus’

Ramadan in Afghanistan: Muslims raid maternity hospital, murder 11 mothers, including 3 with unborn babies

Nigeria: Muslim cleric says coronavirus a “lie,” bans on public gatherings are war on Islam, calls for resistance

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Democratic Leaders Call For New Investigation To Investigate The Investigators Investigating The Investigators

WASHINGTON, D.C.—After House Republicans formally called for an investigation into the investigators investigating the Trump campaign, congressional Democrats quickly responded by calling for a new investigation into the investigators investigating the original investigators.

The investigation will center around claims that the investigators assigned to investigate the investigators may show significant bias, with the new investigators investigating the investigation investigators attempting to determine if there has been any prejudice or corruption in the investigation investigation.

“We now know who will investigate the investigators, but who will investigate the investigators investigating the investigators?” Senator Chuck Schumer said in a press conference. “We must hold the investigators investigating the investigation accountable if we are to retain our faith in the justice system.”

At publishing time, Republican leadership had called for a fourth investigation to investigate the investigators who were tasked with investigating the investigators assigned to investigate the investigators.


Stacey Abrams Says She Will Step Down As Governor If Asked To Run For VP

Florida Ruled To Be In Violation Of Science For Not Having More People Die

Facebook To Begin Fact-Checking Misleading Avatars

CDC Admits They’ve Been Looking Through Microscope Upside Down This Whole Time

Fictional Characters Rated For Their COVID-19 Preparedness

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Pennsylvania: Case Study In Exploiting A Crisis

We have two America’s happening right now guided by two completely different ideologies.

States run by red Governors are largely working to open their states from the shutdown or have already done so. Western Journal reports, “15 days after restrictions started being lifted, (Georgia Gov. Brian) Kemp indicated on Twitter that the emerging evidence supports his decision and proves his critics wrong.

“Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th,” he posted Saturday. “Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available). We will win this fight together!” he added.

On the blue side is the ongoing deterioration of the state of Pennsylvania, with its citizens suffering under dictatorial-like leadership. I mentioned previously how Gov. Tom Wolf was ignoring representative government traditions in dealing with the potential of a major health crisis and was dictating policies with no input from legislators or the private sector.

Wolf continues the same heavy hand, acting as if he is the Supreme Leader in Pennsylvania, answerable to none. He has no sense of urgency to help citizens regain lost time and revenue for business owners. Many counties in Pennsylvania have either not had a single case of COVID or 10 or less cases. But they’re all still shut down.

I spoke with Rep. David Zimmerman (R-District 99) concerning the overall handling of the COVID-19 situation in Pennsylvania. He told me that the lesson that must be learned is that Democrats cannot hold public office in this country. They do not respect representative government and defy the rule of law, with little or no consequences.

The Governor does have (questionable) power granted to him in health emergencies. Are we still in a health emergency? We are seeing data manipulated and used and some of it later exposed for being false.

The Republicans hold the majority in both the House and Senate in Pennsylvania. Rep. Bryan Cutler is the House leader and has reached out, without success, to have Wolf meet jointly in planning sessions on how to get Pennsylvania moving again. This has been Wolf’s way of “leading” throughout most of his two terms. Cutler is considering stopping payment on some of Wolf’s pet projects in order to force a conversation. Interestingly, before COVID-19, the state had close to a $1 billion surplus, $800 million of that is gone. Even more interesting, the money was directly appropriated by Wolf himself, entirely bypassing the legislation process. He just issued directives and spent it, with no accountability or balance of powers.

I asked Rep. Zimmerman where the money went. He listed human services projects and what appeared to be help for Wolf’s campaign. It’s unknown where large chunks went.

And still Wolf drags on the high-handed shutdown. On March 19, the state was put into a 90-day lockdown. The latest day of reopening is now June 4 — two days after the Pennsylvania primary.

In fact, as I reported here April 14, Wolf has used the crisis to try to cram down socialism that the people’s representatives would never go for.

And then there is the corruption side in the Wolf administration.

Zimmerman told me that he is in complete agreement that Health Secretary Rachel Levine should step down and face criminal charges. Levine, who is transgender, owns several retirement communities in Lancaster county. One of them in Ephrata, Fairmount Home, was ordered by the Department of State to take a patient from a hospital who had COVID-19. That is not the jurisdiction of the government. It’s a completely illegal demand and it never should have happened. Dr. Levine should be held accountable for this.

Zimmerman also supports Rep. Daryl Metcalfe’s call to impeach Wolf.

In a memorandum circulating to Pennsylvania House members to support a resolution of impeachment of Gov. Wolfe, Metcalf outlines the tyranny inflicted on the people of Pennsylvania and the need to impeach:

“Gov. Wolf’s orders in response to the COVID-19 outbreak have violated a number of our God-given rights affirmed in the United States Constitution. In particular, his order mandating the closure of physical locations of all businesses that he has deemed ‘non-life sustaining’ has violated our citizens’ rights in many devastating ways.

“His order constitutes a taking of property from business owners without just compensation. The lack of due process and judicial review permitted under his order also violates the Constitution. In addition, this order coupled with the stay-at-home order, has violated our rights to free speech and assembly.

“Another troubling aspect of his mandates is the utter lack of transparency demonstrated by the administration during this time, as agencies under his control have stopped responding to requests for records and his office has refused to provide vital information. The waiver process established under the Department of Community and Economic Development resulted in arbitrary and capricious decisions about which businesses may stay open.

“The public, press and General Assembly all have the right to know about these decisions and how they have been made. While the Wolf administration has finally slowly begun to release some of the relevant information regarding which businesses received waivers, they have yet to release any information about how or why these decisions were made. His delays and obfuscation have been, and continue to be, entirely unacceptable.

“His failure to adequately administer our unemployment compensation system has made it so that countless Pennsylvanians who have recently become unemployed due to his orders have been unable to collect the benefits they require to meet their basic needs.

“His focus on restraining business is particularly disturbing, as the majority of deaths due to the pandemic have been residents of long-term care facilities. The governor should have focused his attention there, but he has entirely failed to implement a comprehensive state plan to protect our most vulnerable citizens who reside in nursing homes, which have had inadequate supplies of Personal Protective Equipment and testing kits throughout the outbreak.

“As Gov. Wolf has violated so many of our fundamental rights as citizens of the Commonwealth, I will be introducing a resolution impeaching the governor and exhibiting Articles of Impeachment to the Senate. His actions plainly constitute the misbehavior in office required for his impeachment under the Pennsylvania Constitution.

It is clear that this Governor intends to rule Pennsylvania as if he were Sovereign Lord. He is not. We are a representative government. All Americans need to know this and be aware, this can happen anywhere!

Some tips for being a proactive citizenry:

  • Take responsibility for your own liberty
  • Participate in peaceful, public demonstrations
  • Constantly write to leadership and tell them what is happening in your life as they take their time opening the state. Remind them that you vote!
  • Exercise your Constitutional rights. Learn what they are here.
  • Pray! “The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: he turns it wherever he wills.” Proverbs 21:1



Kimberly Kennedy is Founder of Restoretheculture.org and can be reached at kmmrgroup@gmail.com.

EDITORS NOTE: This Revolutionary Act column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Phase Two in the Battle to Reopen America

I was thrilled to hear that the Michigan militia said they will prevent police from enforcing wacko Gov. Whitmer’s unconstitutional demand that 77 year old Karl Manke close down his barber shop. https://bit.ly/2XblSvR

We the people finally rising up to say this is America and we’re not gonna take this crap makes me extremely proud to be an American. Thank God that we have not become a nation of metro-sexual wimps, allowing power-drunk Democrats to behave like our parents. They demand that we stay in our homes. When we ask why, their response is, “Because we said so!”

Several weeks ago when the national lock down began, I had a conversation with two political activist buddies. They were concerned that Democrats would force the lock-down to continue until election day in November. I said I could not imagine the American people putting up with it that long.

Seeing that Democrats are using covid-19 to implement their dream list of extreme leftist initiatives, many of you were frustrated that Trump appeared to surrender to Dr Fauci’s keep-America-closed recommendations. I told you guys to chill out, trust Trump and God. Trump is a master deal-maker in a crazy situation. While you were annoyed at Trump for listening to Dr Fauci, Democrats and fake news media continue to spread the lie that thousands have died and will die because Trump refuses to listen to Dr Fauci.

Weeks ago, a large chunk of the country believed fake news media and health-experts’ lie that covid-19 is the worst thing that ever hit the planet. They said 2 million would die if we did not close down the country. It would have been foolish for Trump to push against the tsunami of fear sweeping the country. Trump wisely waited for evidence to begin surfacing that the predicted doomsday numbers of deaths were proven false.

In April, Trump announced his plan to reopen America. As expected, Democrats and fake news media responded in outrage, hysterically claiming that over 100 thousand will die. Trump realizes a large percentage of Americans are over the fear and ready to begin living again. Dr Fauci wants the lock-down to continue. After expressing his respect for Dr Fauci, Trump said he will proceed forward in reopening America.

Now is the time for more Americans to step up and rebel big-time against power-drunk evil Democrats. My two political activist buddies played a major role in making the May 1st ReOpen California protest a huge success. But we can’t stop there. That was only phase one. Democrat governors continue to dig their long claws deep into the walls of their lock-down, implementing more absurd covid-19 restrictions. They will not loosen their chains around the necks of their constituents. They must be forced to let their people go.

Joe Wierzbicki, a true patriot, is president of the Conservative Campaign Committee. He posted this on Facebook.

Nevada’s disgraced Democrat Governor Steve Sisolak’s actions cause closure of famed Colorado Belle in Laughlin, NV. Another 400 jobs lost. Folks – we must RECALL these Democrat governors who are destroying our economy.”

Folks, this cruel insanity should make every American extremely angry. The Bible says, “Be angry, but sin not.” The Bible also speaks of “righteous anger”. Seeing Democrat tyrants punish and destroy peoples’ lives should make righteous Americans angry. Conservative Campaign Committee is laser-focused on helping Republicans take back the House.

Wicked Nancy Pelosi must be unseated from her role as House majority leader. From her illegal impeachment scheme to exploiting covid-19, she will use anything to remove Trump and dictate the behavior of the American people. She has zero compassion for U.S. citizens.

The Pelosi controlled House recently approved a new $3trillion covid-19 relief bill, polluted with funding for extreme leftist initiatives and give-a-ways to illegals. While 30 million Americans have lost their jobs, Pelosi’s bill allows illegal aliens to work. Pelosi’s bill also gifts illegals stimulus checks and amnesty.

Her bill includes huge tax cuts for rich liberal donors in Democrat controlled states.

Pelosi’s bill mentions cannabis 68 times while only mentioning jobs 52 times.

Taxpayers oppose funding abortion 55% to 29%. And yet, Pelosi’s relief bill includes taxpayer funded abortion. What the heck does abortion have to do with covid-19? Pelosi’s bill includes blocking voter identification laws even-though 80% of Americans want such laws. Again, what does voter ID have to do with covid-19? Pelosi’s bill includes $20 million for arts and humanities. Pelosi stuffed much more crazy evil leftist garbage into her bill calling it covid-19 relief.

In New York, police wrestled a woman with a toddler to the ground and arrested her for not wearing her mask properly. This is too much folks. There is something seriously wrong when one person can mandate brute force to implement their unconstitutional decrees. https://bit.ly/36ecZpp For this reason, we must never allow Democrats to ignore the Second Amendment to confiscate our guns.

Phase two of the battle to restore our constitutional freedoms require that we lawfully and rightfully push back. I would love to be a part of a national ReOpen America bus tour.

Similar to the Tea Party movement, the grassroots ReOpen America movement does not have one charismatic leader. It has numerous courageous lovers of freedom and America saying, “I will fight and suffer the consequences”. My mind flashed back to that scene in the movie, “Spartacus”. Soldiers came to arrest Spartacus, but did not know his identity. Each of his men boldly proclaimed, “I am Spartacus”. The soldiers crucified all of them. We have small business owners from beauty salons to gyms to restaurants and more, in essence, saying, “Take me, I am Spartacus.

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State Governors Flee In Terror As Hairstylists Wielding Shears Lead Mass Uprising

U.S.—Most people seemed to be pretty content just sitting in their homes watching their jobs disappear and having the government send them money every month, as long as more content keeps getting added to Netflix.

But hairstylists aren’t most people. They have begun what is being called the “Second American Revolution,” descending on state capitol buildings wielding scissors, shears, hairdryers, and curling irons. Governors of Democrat-controlled states fled in terror as the hairdressers, supported by barbers, bulked-up gym owners, and bizarrely strong Swedish masseuses, gathered to begin the fight for liberty.

“The hairstylists are here — run away!” cried California Governor Gavin Newsom as a woman charged him with a pair of swivel scissors. “The gun nuts don’t intimidate me, but these women — they scare me. Start the Prius!”

He leaped into his waiting hybrid, closing the door just in time as 17 different designer shears flew at him and stuck into the outside of the door.

“You may take our lives, but you’ll never take our salons! FREEDOM!” cried one woman wearing a blue face mask treatment and wearing a plaid skirt outside the Michigan state capitol in Lansing. “Chaaaaaarge!”

Governor Whitmer was forced to go into hiding but issued a statement saying any hairstylist who defies the crown and cuts hair will be drawn and quartered for treason, except, of course, her own hairstylist.


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EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. All rights reserved.