Democrat Lawmaker Proposes Banning Kids From Attending Bible Camp

Democratic Nebraska state Sen. Megan Hunt proposed banning children from attending religious camps in an amendment to a bill banning minors from drag shows Jan. 23.

Banning bible camp as revenge for pushback against sexualizing children and exposing them to sex shows.

Describing America’s simmering civil war as a battle between good and evil is not hyperbolic, it could not be more clear.  Good versus evil.

The left is pure evil.

Dem Lawmaker Proposes Banning Kids From Attending Bible Camp

By: Laurel Duggan, Daily Caller,  January 31, 2023:

Democratic Nebraska state Sen. Megan Hunt proposed banning children from attending religious camps in an amendment to a bill banning minors from drag shows Jan. 23.

Hunt proposed the amendment to “make a point” and will withdraw it if it garners enough votes to pass, she wrote Saturday. Allage drag shows, sometimes featuring child performers, have become increasingly popular in recent years, and Democrats and LGBT activists have fought against efforts to restrict child attendance, portraying these efforts as anti-LGBT.

“There is a well-documented history of indoctrination and sexual abuse perpetrated by religious leaders and clergy people upon children,” her amendment read. “For purposes of this section, religious indoctrination camp means a camp, vacation Bible study, retreat, lock-in, or convention held by a church, youth group, or religious organization for the purpose of indoctrinating children with a specific set of religious beliefs. No individual under nineteen years of age shall be present at a religious indoctrination camp.”

Legislative Bill 371, which the amendment was proposed to, would ban anyone under 19 from attending drag shows and would make bringing a minor to a drag show a criminal misdemeanor. It would also ban anyone under 21 from attending drag shows where alcohol is served.

The legislation defines a performance as a drag show if “The main aspect of the performance is a performer which exhibits a gender identity that is different than the performer’s gender assigned at birth using clothing, makeup, or other physical markers; and The performer sings, lip syncs, dances, or otherwise performs before an audience for entertainment.”

“This is an amendment that I will use to make a point about the underlying bill, LB371, which bans all-ages drag shows. It won’t pass, I would withdraw it if it had the votes to pass. It’s a device to make a point. We need not clench nor worry,” she wrote. “I have introduced similar amendments in the past – e.g. in a session where we had a bill to require DNA collection of everyone accused of a crime, I amended DNA collection requirements on all kinds of other bills as devices to make a point. They aren’t meant to pass.”



Florida College Bureaucrats ‘Significantly Misreported’ Diversity Initiatives When Pressed By DeSantis, His Office Says

Joe Biden Celebrates Abortion in State of the Union Address

Jill Biden Will Have Abortion Activist Sit With Her at State of the Union


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Trump Was Impeached For A Phone Call—To Prevent Him From Finding Out What Biden Was Actually Doing In Ukraine

UPDATE: NEW Biden-Ukraine Phone Calls Indicate Cover-up

President Trump was impeached for a phone call – a ‘perfect phone call” – trying to get to the bottom of this. And it was bad, worse than Trump imagined. It’s why they had to impeach him, so he couldn’t get to the bottom of it.

Biden was covering up his criminality in Ukraine. And he was EXTREMELY concerned about Trump looking around. He didn’t want Trump to follow where all the funding was going because he would uncover the biological research, among other things.

Biden/Poroshenko 2016 Phone Call Proves DNC Malfeasance in Ukraine

Published: Jul 22, 2022 by Clandestine:


Rewind, to November 16th, 2016:

Then Vice President Biden made a phone call to former Ukrainian President Poroshenko, during the Trump transition after Trump won 2016. Link to video below:

Biden Transcript below:

“This is getting very, very close to what I don’t want to have happen. I don’t want Trump to get in a position where he thinks he’s about to buy on to a policy where the financial system is going to collapse and he’s going to be looked to pour more money into Ukraine.

That’s how he’ll think about it before he get sophisticated enough to know the detail.

So anything you can do to push that the PrivatBank closure so that the IMP loan comes forward, I would respectfully suggest is critically important to your economic as we as physical security.”

Now we know why Biden was MORTIFIED and threatened Poroshenko’s “physical and economic security” if he allowed Trump to find out the “details” of what the DNC were actually doing in Ukraine. If Trump saw the US funds going into Ukraine, Trump would look into it and find the entire DNC Deep State network in Ukraine, most important of which were the biolabs.

THIS IS WHY SHE WASN’T SUPPOSED TO LOSE! They knew that if Trump got in office, and he found what they were doing, they were all going to swing from nooses. It was always about Ukraine. That’s what it’s been the entire time. Covering up Ukraine.

This is the smoking gun. This adds significant validity to the Russian allegations that the US DNC are doing nefarious things in Ukraine. This confirms Biden is guilty of something, and confirms he was petrified that Trump would find out about it.

Just to be clear, if you are doing something you don’t want the incoming administration to be aware of, its only because you are doing something malevolent. This is not how an honest or good leader behaves. This is criminal.

This is also why the Dems in the House impeached Trump over a phone call to Zelensky, because Trump was getting too close to finding out.

Everything that the DNC/Globalist machine have done since Trump came down that escalator, was ultimately about covering up Ukraine.



Hunter Biden’s Metabiota Labs Received Tens of Millions of Dollars in DOD Contracts, Experimented with Bat Viruses

Zelensky Ordered Destruction of All State Docs Associated with Hunter Biden’s METABIOTA Labs

Hunter Biden Withheld Money from Employee Until She Performed Sexual Acts, Filmed Their Sex Sessions, Saved On His Infamous Laptop

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: NYC Hotel Mobbed by Illegals Refusing to Leave Hotel For Relocation

New Yorkers voted for this. They always vote Democrat. You reap what you vote.

The Democrats that opened the floodgates to these ingrates is the same party what refused entry to Jew fleeing

Migrants refuse to leave Hell’s Kitchen hotel for relocation to Brooklyn

By David Propper, Joe Marino, Larry Celona and Bernadette Hogan, January 30, 2023 12:15am Updated

Dozens of migrants stood their ground outside the Watson Hotel in Hell’s Kitchen on Sunday night and refused to leave for a new shelter at the Brooklyn Cruise Terminal.

Cops had mobilized around the hotel around 10 p.m. as more than 50 migrants were standing outside with activists assisting with food, water and translations.

Single men were supposed to be brought to the new shelter over the weekend that would provide the same services they’ve been receiving, city officials said.

At one point, a city bus arrived and a small number of migrants jumped on, though the vast majority stayed put in front of the hotel on West 57th Street. Activists argued the migrants were being forced out of the hotel.

One Manhattan activist told The Post the men outside were staying at the hotel and were prepared to stay outside overnight. Some were moved to the new shelter earlier this weekend, but opted to return to the Manhattan site, she said.

Keep reading.


RELATED ARTICLE: Migrants are ‘Drinking All Day,’ ‘Having Sex in the Stairs’ in Taxpayer-Funded Luxury New York Hotels: Whistleblower

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Sumter Gambit: How the Left is Trying to Foment a Civil War

Video: Robert Spencer on the Left’s Plan for Civil War

Here is a terrific FrontPage review by Bruce Bawer of my new book The Sumter Gambit: How the Left Is Trying to Foment A Civil War:

From birth, the United States was a house divided. Slavery had existed always, everywhere; but America was different – founded on a set of noble ideas with which the institution of slavery was utterly at odds. Still, in order to establish – and then to preserve – a union that was half slave and half free, America’s leaders repeatedly put off the day of reckoning. Jefferson condemned slavery in a draft passage of the Declaration of Independence, only to take it out to ensure passage. The Constitution’s framers dealt with the issue by concocting the three-fifths compromise. In 1820, the Missouri Compromise balanced the admission of slave Missouri with that of free Maine; the Compromise of 1850 admitted free California but also introduced the Fugitive Slave Act, compelling the return of escaped slaves to their owners.

Along the way, some events upset the constant, desperate attempts at balance. Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) sparked anti-slavery passions. In 1854, abolitionists formed the GOP and the Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed slavery anywhere. In the 1850s, Kansans spent years warring over slavery, and in 1859 John Brown raided a Virginia arsenal in an effort to incite a slave revolt.

Viewing Lincoln’s 1860 election as a threat to their “peculiar institution,” Southern states began seceding even before he took office; in his inaugural address, delivered two weeks to the day after the formation, on February 18, 1861, of the Confederate States of America, Lincoln eloquently articulated the hope that even now, when a standoff between Union and rebel forces was brewing at Fort Sumter, an Army installation in the harbor of Charleston, S.C., further compromise was yet feasible: “Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.”

But no reunion was forthcoming. No angels materialized. On April 12, Southern forces began firing on Fort Sumter. As Robert Spencer puts it in his engaging, important, and wide-ranging new book, The Sumter Gambitthe war “started when the Confederate side forced it to begin.” Ordered to abandon the fort, the Yankees refused. “Then the South warned that even resupplying the fort with food would be considered an act of war. The choice was clear: surrender the fort and accept the secession of the Southern states or go to war.”

And so it was war. The longstanding divisions had finally split the house in two. Today, argues Spencer, America is in a not dissimilar fix – although, in his estimation, the divisions now are even wider. In 1861, North and South shared “a common culture, a common religion, a common heritage, and a common outlook”; today, left and right barely share “a common language.”

Can that be? Is the gulf greater now than then? My own sense is that in the mid-19th century there were significant disparities in culture and outlook – and, yes, even in religion – between North and South, and that today, conversely, red and blue voters can seem more divided than they really are, with millions voting Democrat because they’re clueless about what the party stands for today and because they get their “news” from corporate media that pour out progressive PR. Nonetheless, it’s true that today’s leftist ideologues, like the more rabid secessionists in the South of 1861, are indeed, as Spencer says, “edging the nation ever closer to a new civil war.” Spencer dubs this “the Sumter Gambit.”

Like the standoff in Charleston harbor, the present crisis follows decades of increasing tension between two Americas. This time it’s not about freedom vs. slavery, however, but about freedom vs. statist tyranny. And there are other divergences. One is that slavery was there from the beginning and was essentially (in the words of the old hymn) from age to age the same; by contrast, the left’s governing ideology has, over the decades, grown steadily more radical and hard to square with individual freedom, common sense, or (for that matter) the hard lessons of 20th-century totalitarianism. As late as 1960, JFK and Nixon were remarkably close to each other on the issues; a few years later, LBJ’s Great Society marked a great leap forward from federalist republic to welfare state; in 1972, George McGovern’s presidential run represented, in Spencer’s words, the “mainstreaming of…anti-Americanism in the Democratic Party.” In the ensuing years, the mainstream media, the D.C. swamp, and – most decisively – the schools and universities fell increasingly under the control of radicals who taught young Americans to hate liberty, capitalism, and their own country and to embrace globalism, multiculturalism, climatism, and, more recently, “anti-racism” and gender madness. And Congress welcomed members like Ilhan Omar, who makes McGovern look almost like Eisenhower.

Then there’s the longtime problem of the Deep State. As early as 1961, in his farewell address, Ike warned about the military-industrial complex. The CIA is now being seriously accused of having a hand in the JFK assassination. A generation grew up believing that Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein saved democracy by bringing down Nixon; now they look like unwitting tools of Deep State operatives eager to oust a strong-minded president who’d just won an overwhelming election victory. Almost half a century later, the same Deep State tried its darndest to bring down Donald Trump – and then, almost certainly, foiled his re-election.

In the Watergate era, to be sure, Democrats viewed Republicans as opponents. Now they’re seen as nothing less than enemies – a chilling attitude that found its ultimate expression in Joe Biden’s speech of September 1, 2022 (delivered, ironically enough, at Independence Hall in Philadelphia), in which he described Trump and his supporters as “extremists that threaten the very foundations of our republic.” Quite rightly, Spencer views that dark moment in Philadelphia as pivotal. “For the first time in American history,” he writes, “a president declared that his primary political opposition was outside the bounds of acceptable political discourse….Biden came closer to calling for war upon American citizens than any president since Jefferson Davis.”

But Spencer doesn’t leave it at that. He also compares Biden’s speech to one given by Hitler on March 23, 1933, in support of a piece of legislation called the Enabling Act. Of course, we’re never supposed to compare anyone to Hitler. Leo Strauss called it reductio ad hitlerum. But why is this so verboten? There have been tyrants as terrible as Hitler in the past – in the twentieth century alone we had Stalin and Mao – and there will be terrible ones in the future. If an American president stands in front of a blood-red background, with Marines at attention behind him, and demonizes his political opponents in fiery language that’s eerily reminiscent of a specific Hitler speech, is it unreasonable to note the similarity? When Biden and his flunkies routinely smear MAGA Republicans as fascists – even while his own regime, by covertly collaborating with Silicon Valley and other corporate cronies, is acting out the very definition of fascism – wouldn’t one be a fool not to point out the truth?

One thing’s for sure: Spencer, as he’s proven in over a dozen exceptional books, is no fool. In The Sumter Gambit, he perceptively examines the various fronts on which the left is pushing freedom-loving Americans to the brink, frequently focusing in on various obscure episodes that illuminate just what we’re up against. Did you know, for example, about January 6 “insurrectionist” Matthew Perna, a decent patriot who, on February 25, 2022, his heart and soul finally broken after more than a year of emotional torture at the hands of the Justice Department, committed suicide? Spencer contrasts the system’s cruel tormenting of Perna with the case of Quintez Brown, a BLM thug who, after shooting at a Kentucky politician who’s now the mayor of Louisville, was treated sympathetically in the media, welcomed on Joy Reid’s MSNBC show, “anointed as a rising star by the Obama Foundation,” and given a column in Louisville’s major daily.

A key difference between the first Fort Sumter moment and the current one is that slavery, in those immediate antebellum days, was out in the open – an unambiguous evil – while today’s Democratic tyranny is largely a matter of back-room machinations involving party hirelings, media hacks, and secret agents, all of whom seek to bamboozle the rest of us by turning virtually everything upside-down. In Orwell’s 1984,“war is peace” and “freedom is slavery”; in 2023, truth-tellers are “conspiracy theorists” and “saving our democracy” means suppressing free speech.  MAGA words are violence – but don’t dare call Antifa arson or BLM bloodshed by its real name.

And on and on it goes. The same establishment figures who pushed the lie of Trump’s Russia collusion dismissed Hunter Biden’s laptop as Russian dupery.  Joe Biden – who has weaponized the FBI and CIA, collaborated covertly with big tech, and been bought and paid for by the CCP – is depicted as a defender of “our democracy,” while Trump, a real champion of freedom, is painted as a dangerous authoritarian. Although multiple investigations (who in this country’s history has been probed more thoroughly?) have shown Trump’s finances to be remarkably above-board, while the colossal dimensions (and treasonous implications) of Biden’s corruption are becoming clearer and clearer, clueless clowns on the left can still say, as Joy Behar did on a recent episode of The View, that “we all know that Trump is a liar and a thief” but we “don’t think Biden is a liar and a thief.”

It’s hard to deny Spencer’s assertion that the left is actively seeking to provoke the rest of us into starting a civil war. Why, after all, did Nancy Pelosi’s office deny security officials the resources they requested so that they could safeguard the Capitol on January 6? Why did Capitol Hill police essentially stand down during the so-called “insurrection”? Why did some of them let “insurrectionists” into the building? Why have the Democrats kept most of the video recordings of the events of that day under lock and key?

But what about Spencer’s concern that conservatives might resort, in significant numbers, to actual violence (as opposed to the imaginary violence of January 6)? Is he right to worry about that? Isn’t it the left that breeds rioters and rebels? Aren’t conservatives by nature law-abiding? Doesn’t the left’s desperate need to cast the Proud Boys as terrorists simply reflect the lack of real organized violence on the right to complain about? Yes, it would be thoroughly understandable if a large cohort of right-wingers were, at long last, after decades of left-wing violence – the Black Panthers, SDS, Weather Underground, M19, BLM, Antifa, etc., etc. – to go amok in reaction to the outrages cataloged in Spencer’s book. But how likely is that? I don’t know. Spencer’s far from alone in being concerned about a possible divorce – amicable or not – between the blue and red states. But even after everything that’s happened – and been revealed – in the last few years about the scale of the D.C. swamp’s perfidy, such a turn of events is hard for me to imagine. Perhaps I still haven’t shaken off my romantic boyhood ideas about America. Or perhaps I’ve lived abroad too long to be able to read the room.

In any event, I’m certainly on board with Spencer’s concluding exhortation to responsible-minded American patriots: if you’re moved to end affirmative action, bar biological males from women’s sports, secure the border, celebrate the Founding Fathers, pursue an “America First foreign policy,” and reverse the left’s innumerable other assaults on American liberty, peace, and prosperity, the time to do it is now. And the way to do it, however much you may be tempted to become the John Brown of the Biden era, is to act within the law – even though the administration of what used to be known as American justice is currently in the hands of a vile swamp creature of an attorney general whose loyalty isn’t to due process but to the Democratic Party. As Spencer observes at the close of this highly estimable addition to a truly magnificent oeuvre: “Our resistance and stand for freedom must be unshakable and indefatigable, without resorting to the violence the Left is relentlessly trying to goad us into committing.”

To Order Robert Spencer’s new book, The Sumter GambitCLICK HERE.


Bruce Bawer

Bruce Bawer is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.


What Drives the Left to Incite Civil War?

Here’s Something You Don’t See Every Day: The Government of Pakistan Has Charged Me With Blasphemy

Newark, N.J. Resolution Proclaims ‘World Hijab Day,’ and This Year, That’s Particularly Grotesque

New Jersey: Muslim migrant steals school bus, his journal says ‘Blood, blood, destruction, destruction. Allah.’

BBC filmmaker backtracks, now sees Islamic State bride Shamima Begum as a ‘narcissist’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

No God, No Rights

When Vice President Kamala Harris gave a speech on the 50th anniversary of “Roe v. Wade” about a week ago, she infamously left out the Creator—when talking about our rights. One wag told me, “Hey, at least Kamala didn’t say, we ‘are created by … you know, the thing,’” as did her boss on the campaign trail.

She also left out the “right to life.” But does this oversight matter? I addressed her “right to life” omission in a previous piece, but what about leaving out the Creator? Who cares?

We all should. The essence of America is self-rule under God. Leave out either part, and we end up with tyranny. Without God as the secure source of our rights, from whence come those rights?

Thomas Jefferson said, and you can see this quote in the Jefferson Memorial: “And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God?”

Why does God matter? The late Clay Christensen was a Harvard Business professor who hosted a 90-second video segment that brilliantly shows why He matters.

Christensen says that ultimately we must choose between internal versus external restraint. In explaining to a visiting student from China how religion benefits American society by bolstering morality, Christensen makes the point that we can’t hire enough police to make people good. But democracy has greatly benefited through the internal restraints that religion provides.

William Penn, founder of Pennsylvania, would concur. He once noted, “If we will not be governed by God, we must be governed by tyrants.”

Within a few years of America’s revolt against British rule, the French had their revolution. Some like to compare the American with the French Revolution. They were totally different because of the God factor. The American Revolution was pro-God. The French Revolution was anti-God. That is the difference in a nutshell.

For the documentaries in my Foundation of American Liberty series for Providence Forum, I had the privilege to interview Dennis Prager, the founder of PragerU. At one point in the interview, he contrasted these two turbulent events.

He told me, “The American Revolution and French Revolution is the battle in the United States.  Which revolution will prevail? … They loathe the idea of God in the French Revolution; the secular republic was the ideal. In America, they believed in secular government, but in a God-based society, because rights come from God in America. And you can only have liberty if you have God.”

Prager pointed out that this was not a “faith statement” so much as a “logical” one: “People will either feel accountable for their behavior to God or the state. Those are your two choices. It is an absurdity to believe they’ll be good if they’re accountable only to themselves. If you’re only accountable to yourself, you will always justify what you do.”

And so he concludes, “God is the ultimate issue.”

Take the issue of the value of human life. When you remove God from the equation, life becomes cheap. Because we’re made in the image of God, human life has value.

Human beings are different than the animals, says the Bible. Recently I read portions of a great book, The Death of Humanity: And The Case For Life” by history professor Dr. Richard Weikart, who wrote the classic book, From Darwin to Hitler.

Dr. Weikart writes, “Western society is in deep trouble today. Once we identify some segments of humanity as ‘life unworthy of life’ or ‘sub-human,’ to use phrases commonly used before and during the Nazi period, we have jettisoned any basis for valuing humans as humans. We have effectively undermined all human rights, because now we can decide which humans have rights and which do not.”

In contrast, the founders of America said in the Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, and among these are the right to life.” The first right they listed is the right to life.

In the Declaration, the signers mention God four times, including their appeal “to the Supreme Judge of the World for the Rectitude of our Intentions,” referring to Jesus, whom God, the Bible says, has appointed to judge us all one day.

But if there’s no Creator, as some politicians seem to think, why should there be any human right? As retired Congressman Ron Paul once noted, “There is only one kind of freedom and that’s individual liberty. Our lives come from our creator and our liberty comes from our creator. It has nothing to do with government granting it.”

©Jerry Newcombe, D.Min. All rights reserved.

House Speaker Paul Renner: ‘No More Government Permission Slips’ with Florida’s Constitutional Carry

“Florida was the pioneer in the modern carry movement in America and this historic legislation continues our proud tradition.” — House Speaker Paul Renner (R-Palm Coast). 

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (Jan. 30, 2023) — Today, House Speaker Paul Renner (R-Palm Coast) unveiled House Bill 543 to ensure that Floridians can exercise their Second Amendment rights without government interference. HB 543 will eliminate the need for a concealed weapons license (CWL) in the state of Florida. Constitutional carry allows Floridians who are currently qualified to obtain and maintain a CWL to carry a concealed handgun or weapon without a license.

“Floridians shouldn’t need a government permission slip to exercise their constitutional rights,” said Speaker Renner. “House Bill 543 will ensure Florida will remain a beacon of freedom. Florida was the pioneer in the modern carry movement in America and this historic legislation continues our proud tradition.”

“Through their service at home and abroad, Speaker Renner and Senator Collins have sacrificed to protect our constitutional rights,” said Senate President Kathleen Passidomo (R-Naples). “I stand with these brave warriors, with our law enforcement leaders, and with law-abiding Floridians across this state who should not have to ask the government for permission to protect themselves.”

Bill sponsor and Chair of the Justice Appropriations Subcommittee, Representative Chuck Brannan (R-Macclenny) added, “As a retired chief investigator with the Baker County Sheriff’s office, former Deputy U.S. Marshal, and gun owner, I filed this bill because I believe all Floridians have the right to bear arms to protect themselves, their families, and their property without any government interference.”

“As we stand here today, we have brave men and women in the farthest corners of the world safeguarding our freedom. As a retired U.S. Army Green Beret, I’ve been blessed to serve shoulder to shoulder with many of them. I believe we have an obligation here in Florida to respect their sacrifice by protecting our God-given and Constitutional rights here at home,” said Senator Jay Collins (R-Tampa). “I’m honored that President Passidomo has entrusted me with running this critical legislation in the Senate. I am also proud to stand with my fellow military veteran Speaker Renner, along with a 30-year law enforcement veteran, Representative Brannan, and with so many sheriffs from across our great state to make it clear that here in Florida under the leadership of Governor DeSantis, the government will not get in the way of law-abiding Americans who want to defend themselves and their families. I am looking forward to passing this vital legislation to codify our rights as U.S. citizens to keep and bear arms.”

“Our Constitution protects gun ownership rights and the ability to carry a firearm,” said Hernando County Sheriff and Florida Sheriffs Association President Al Nienhuis. “Violent career criminals are not applying for a state permit to carry a gun. Removing the permitting process will assist our law-abiding citizens with the protections they need to defend themselves and their families from those criminals who intend to do them harm. The Florida Sheriffs Association supports constitutional permitless carry, and we look forward to working with Governor DeSantis and the Legislature on this issue.”

A person carrying concealed without a license will still be required to obey existing laws prohibiting carrying in such places as schools, athletic events, and correctional facilities. The bill does not affect laws relating to the purchase of a firearm and will not allow anyone prohibited from possessing a firearm to carry concealed.

For more information and to follow the progress of HB 543, visit

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Gun-Control Groups Present a Demand List to Biden

Florida Republicans introduce constitutional carry bill alongside NRA

Speaker Renner: “No More Government Permission Slips” with Florida’s Constitutional Carry

Matt Gaetz Responds To Jerry Nadler Objecting His Request To Recite Pledge Of Allegiance Before Judiciary Hearings

Democratic New York Rep. Jerry Nadler shut down Republican Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz’s request to recite the Pledge of Allegiance before the House Judiciary Committee during a Wednesday hearing.

During the first Judiciary hearing with the new GOP-led Congress, Gaetz put forward an amendment to recite the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of each hearing, to which Nadler responded, saying, “I would oppose it simply on the grounds that, as members know, we pledge allegiance every day on the floor and I don’t know why we should pledge allegiance twice in the same day, to show how patriotic we are.” Gaetz mentioned he thought it would be a unifying and patriotic act.

Gaetz responded to Nadler’s opposition exclusively to the Daily Caller, saying, “Standing for the American flag isn’t controversial. Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance isn’t a waste of time. Democrats are so outraged at the idea of a daily dose of patriotism that they spent 30 minutes ranting and raving in opposition. Congress cannot expect the American people to believe they are fighting for their values when they don’t even care to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.”


“It’s absurd that Democrats on the committee don’t even want to say the pledge of allegiance. You would think it would be a simple request – not so for the Judiciary Democrats, who almost seemed allergic to reciting the pledge,” Republican North Carolina Rep. Dan Bishop told the Daily Caller.

In 2021, House Judiciary Democrats appeared to make fun of Gaetz’s request to have the committee recite the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of hearings on a hot mic.

At the time, the Daily Caller obtained a video file from the hearing which included audio of a group of Democrats joking about Republicans’ request to have the Pledge of Allegiance recited before committee hearings. In the video, Tennessee Democratic Rep. Steve Cohen and an unidentified House Democrat can be heard appearing to joke about the request. They were reminded by a staffer that their microphones were hot, according to the audio.

The Caller contacted Nadler’s office about his opposition to Gaetz’s move to say the Pledge of Allegiance before Judiciary Committee meetings, to which they did not immediately respond.



Chief national correspondent.



EXCLUSIVE: Judiciary Democrats Appear To Make Fun Of Gaetz’s Request To Recite Pledge Of Allegiance Before Hearings On Hot Mic

EXCLUSIVE: Democrats Are Blocking Republican Efforts To Digitally Upload Hunter Biden’s Laptop

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Utah Enacts Law with ‘Massive Loopholes’ for Minors Seeking Gender Transition Procedures

If the point was grabbing headlines, Utah’s SB 16 has done the trick. More than a dozen outlets, from Fox News to Newsweek to CNN, described the bill Utah Governor Spencer Cox (R) signed Saturday as a “ban” on “gender-affirming” procedures for minors. Unfortunately, the bill no more banned ideological experiments on children than cross-sex hormones are “gender-affirming.”

The bill imposed a “moratorium” on “hormonal transgender treatment to a patient who: (a) is a minor … and (b) is not diagnosed with gender dysphoria before the effective date of this bill.” But the moratorium will only last until the state Department of Health and Human Services conducts a “systematic medical evidence review,” the purpose of which “is to provide the Legislature with recommendations to consider when deciding whether to lift the moratorium.” The Health Department must submit its completed report to the legislature’s Health and Human Services Committee, which is chaired by the bill’s sponsor.

It’s unclear how long the moratorium will remain in effect. A sunset provision in an earlier bill draft would have repealed both the evidence review and the moratorium in four years (on June 1, 2027), but it was stripped out by a voice vote on the House floor. The final version of the bill contains no timeline or end date for the evidence review; it could last for four years, or it could be done in less than four months. Once the evidence review concludes, the legislature will be free to replace the moratorium with the Health Department’s recommendation — which will likely permit gender transition procedures on minors.

The study will likely reach a pro-transition procedure conclusion because the Utah Health Department will conduct it “in consultation with” three state licensing agencies, the University of Utah, and a Utah hospital system. Even in deeply conservative regions, universities and hospital systems are often deeply invested in lucrative gender-transition procedures. The University of Utah also prescribes gender transition hormones to adolescents. “You don’t want people who stand to make money off of transitioning kids in charge of determining that this is a safe procedure,” Joseph Backholm, FRC’s senior fellow for Biblical Worldview and Strategic Engagement, who has testified on SAFE Act-style bills before multiple state legislatures, told The Washington Stand.

Utah’s state agencies also support gender transition. During the period of the review, one involved agency, the Utah Division of Professional Licensing, will also be issuing “transgender treatment certifications” — essentially approving gender transition treatments for minors.

The Utah Health Department will find no difficulty in tipping the review towards the politically desirable outcome because “so much of the research is politicized,” said Backholm. A peer reviewed study published this month found that two studies which represent “the best available evidence for the practice of youth medical gender transition” are “methodologically flawed and should have never been used in medical settings as justification.” With the research playing to their bias, the Utah Health Department will find steering a scientific review towards their desired outcome to be easier than stealing futures from a child — which is exactly what they’re doing.

Even while the moratorium remains in effect, it won’t protect Utah minors from gender transition procedures. “Written into the law is a loophole so big that anyone who wants to get through it can,” Backholm told TWS. The law prohibits gender transition “surgeries and hormone treatments only until a minor is diagnosed with gender dysphoria,” Backholm explained. “These days, that is a very low bar.” All it takes is an “activist psychiatrist” willing to say that a minor has gender dysphoria, he said, and “everyone knows, ‘Hey, that’s the doctor you’re looking for.’”

Backholm compared the diagnosis exception to an abortion law with an exceptions for the “health of the mother.” Such a term is usually defined broadly to include mental health, which could include any form of stress, which telescopes the exception out to cover just about anything, he explained.

Nearly a quarter of the bill’s length is devoted to building an infrastructure to regulate the ongoing administration of gender transition procedures for minors. The bill directs the Utah Division of Professional Licensing to “create a transgender treatment certification” by July 1. It requires mental health professionals wishing to obtain this certification to complete “40 hours of education related to transgender health care for minors from an approved organization.” That requires the state to approve an organization with staff and curriculum providing training on transgender treatment of minors. It provides a system for individuals to renew their transgender treatment certification at the same time they renew their license to practice. Creating these new procedures hardly sounds like Utah intends to pause all gender transition procedures.

Utah established further transgender infrastructure via detailed treatment guidelines. To provide “hormonal transgender treatment” to a minor, a provider must first treat the minor “for gender dysphoria for at least six months,” including at least three sessions. The provider must “determine if the minor has other physical or mental health conditions” and consider whether “an alternative medical treatment … would provide the minor the best long-term outcome” (with the right activist, that answer is an automatic “no”). The provider must discuss risks, expectations, medical information, and “possible adverse outcomes” with the minor and his or her parents, and then obtain their consent. The provider must “document” this information “in the medical record.” Finally, the provider must obtain a mental health evaluation from a second credentialed provider — that is, from a second individual, who could work out of the same hospital or clinic. Far from obstructing gender transition procedures for minors, Utah Republicans seem to have merely regulated them.

The Utah legislature’s inaction appears more scandalous in light of the medical disclosures they require. Puberty blockers “are not approved by the FDA for the treatment of gender dysphoria,” people must say, who are prescribing them to minors for that very purpose. Not only that, but “possible adverse outcomes of puberty blockers are known to include diminished bone density, pseudotumor cerebri, and long term adult sexual dysfunction.” Oh, and there’s no “research on the long-term risks to children,” nor do we know “the full effects of puberty blockers on brain development and cognition.” That’s written into the law.

The medical disclosure for cross-sex hormones unveiled even graver consequences. For males, the risks can “include blood clots, gallstones, coronary artery disease, heart attacks, tumors of the pituitary gland, strokes, elevated levels of triglycerides in the blood, breast cancer, and irreversible infertility.” For females, the risks can include “erythrocytosis [a blood disorder], severe liver dysfunction, coronary artery disease, hypertension, and increased risk of breast and uterine cancers.” What is this, a commercial during a PGA tournament?

Somehow, Utah legislators acknowledged all these risks and concluded that it was fine for children to be exposed to them — so long as a couple of doctors filled out some forms and checked some boxes.

“This bill is politics,” said Backholm. “These legislators certainly heard from parents who are concerned about how this will affect children. [The legislators] want to tell the parents that they protected kids, but left a massive loophole written in the law. Politicians do this all the time.”

Utah’s feint against gender transition procedures stands in sharp contrast to bills introduced in other states, said Backholm, which say, physicians “may not do [gender transition procedures] under any circumstances.”

Backholm was concerned that other states would use Utah as an example simply because they got a good press cycle. “I am concerned that other states will see this as a way to quickly dismiss the issue, so they can tell the uninformed that they protected kids, without actually protecting kids.” Such a compromise is unacceptable.

Backholm said he is “inherently suspicious of Utah because they have mastered the art of compromise.” He said Utah moderates sold out conservatives by inventing the policy surrender known Fairness for All.

Governor Cox’s record is far from conservative on gender identity issues. In 2022, he vetoed a bill to protect women’s sports before the legislature overrode his veto. Yet Cox was willing to sign this bill on gender transition procedures. He described the weak measure as a “nuanced and thoughtful” strategic pause “as we work to better understand the science and consequences behind these procedures.”

“More and more experts, states, and countries around the world are pausing these permanent and life-altering treatments for new patients until more and better research can help determine the long-term consequences,” Cox said.

The question is, when will Utah?


Joshua Arnold

Joshua Arnold is a staff writer at The Washington Stand.

RELATED VIDEO: Chloe Cole’s Detransition Story

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Meet the Pro-Life Family Merrick Garland Tried to Rip Apart

“I’m George Bailey today,” were among the first words spoken by Mark Houck in the moments following his acquittal on Monday. The pro-life husband and father of seven had been subjected to months of torturous waiting under a looming prosecution by the Biden administration that could have resulted in a sentence of 11 years in federal prison. While the Department of Justice claimed that Houck had violated the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act outside of a Philadelphia Planned Parenthood, the Houck family and its faithful allies knew the Biden administration’s politically-motivated narrative was a far cry from the truth.

Houck was accused of pushing 72-year-old Bruce Love, an abortion facility escort, to the ground. Houck’s attorneys notified the DOJ that, though there was no legal foundation for a FACE Act charge, Houck would appear voluntarily if summoned. Rather than accept this responsible offer, Merrick Garland’s DOJ saw fit to arrest Houck in the most humiliating and traumatizing manner possible — by 25 federal agents, at gunpoint, in the early hours of the morning, in front of his terrified wife and crying small children, who will no doubt bear the psychological repercussions of this incident for years to come.

No objective observer could doubt the intentions behind the theatrical arrest of Mark Houck: Attorney General Merrick Garland and the Biden administration’s DOJ intended to make an example of the pro-life activist, no matter the cost to his life or family.

Unfortunately for the rabid abortion extremist in the Oval Office and his shameless henchman at the DOJ, the case against Houck rested on sinking sand. Houck’s attorneys with the Thomas More Society handily proved that the FACE Act did not apply in Houck’s case. Bruce Love had a proven history of such acts of aggression; the pro-life father was merely defending his son after Love aggressively harassed the 12-year-old boy with profanities while the father and son prayed together, far away from the entrance of the abortion facility.

After days of waiting, the jury pushed past deadlock to deliver a verdict: Mark Houck was not guilty of violating the FACE Act. Despite every effort from the federal government to paint Houck as a violent pro-life radical, the jury had seen the truth — Houck was not aggressing against an “enemy” for his beliefs about abortion. He was protecting his terrified child from an immanent threat, as any good father would do.

The Houck family’s prayerful defense against the oppression of an abortion-obsessed federal government is truly commendable. Houck’s 12-year-old son, whom Mark emotionally called the “star witness,” courageously took the stand during the trial to defend his father, truthfully setting straight the facts that adults had attempted to manipulate. May we all praise the Lord for empowering the Houck family to set an example for all pro-lifers who find themselves as the David facing down the Goliath of the abortion industry.

We must not forget, however, that, while God used for good that which men intended for evil, the suffering of the Houck family since Mark’s arrest in September 2022 was a needless perversion of the law to serve the Biden administration’s radical love of abortion. The DOJ has unquestionably been weaponized against the pro-life movement, even in the face of absurdly disproportionate violence against pro-life organizations, property, and people. Family Research Council has tracked at least 124 instances of such pro-abortion violence, harassment, destruction of property, and vandalism. So far, the DOJ has brought charges against only two pro-abortion activists under the FACE Act, compared to 26 pro-lifers.

Congressman Chip Roy (R-Texas) has previously stated in reference to the Houck case, “Attorney General Merrick Garland oversees an increasingly politicized FBI that seems hell-bent on making examples of average American citizens who don’t align politically with the administration. … Congress owes the American people transparent accountability for any and all wrongdoing by the FBI and Garland’s DOJ.” Garland has faced calls for impeachment on multipleoccasions.

The outcome of Mark Houck’s trial is a monumental victory for pro-lifers across the country, countless of whom regularly pray and sidewalk counsel outside of abortion facilities in hopes of sparing mothers and their children from the violence of abortion. However, Houck’s case should never have made it to trial in the first place. American citizens, regardless of their personal convictions and religious beliefs, should not be harassed or made examples of based on the radical whims of the federal government. The Biden administration’s abortion radicalism has gone too far — it is high time for accountability that brings justice for pro-life Americans.

As for Mark Houck, the pro-life movement’s George Bailey, no schemes of abortion radicals will keep him from sharing with moms and their unborn babies that it truly is a wonderful life.


Joy Stockbauer

Joy Stockbauer is a policy analyst for the Center for Human Dignity at Family Research Council.


Biden Administration Contemplates Declaring Abortion Emergency

How Silence Could Save Walmart from Abortion Controversy

Ex-ABC Producer Arrested On Child Porn Charges Months After The FBI Raided His Home

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Ilhan Omar Unfit for Foreign Affairs Committee

The House could vote as early as today on whether to remove Congresswoman Ilhan Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee.  The stated reason is that she cannot be an objective decisionmaker in foreign affairs given her anti-Semitism and her bias against Israel.   Omar doesn’t defend on the merits, as far as I can see from news accounts, but instead claims she is the victim of Islamophobia.  I checked her official website.  There’s nothing on there addressing her bias against Israel, so playing the Islamophobia card is her whole case.

Sorry, Representative Omar, not good enough, not even close.  The main voice for Islam in America – the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) recently came out with a statement that accusations of ‘Islamophobia’ require proof of bigoted intent.  CAIR said people should not be lightly accused of ‘Islamophobia’ without evidence they are bigots.  CAIR confirmed this position in a press release.

Where’s your proof, Representative Omar, that everyone who is set to vote against you today harbors bigoted intent?  Where’s your proof this is about bigoted intent and not your inability to be impartial toward an important U.S. ally, Israel?  She has no proof, so her claims of ‘Islamophobia’ can be thrown in the trash where they belong.

It’s not surprising she’s playing the ‘Islamophobia’ card on this.  She has a one-track mind about Islamophobia.  She sponsored a bill to monitor and combat Islamophobia that passed the House in 2021.  The bill did not attempt to define ‘Islamophobia’, but that’s where the rub is.

CAIR is currently promoting a bill in New Jersey that would define ‘Islamophobia’ for purposes of establishing intent for hate crimes or violations of any anti-discrimination law, policy, or regulation.  It’s a bad idea, starting with the free speech problems it would create.  An anti-sharia activist I know wrote a letter to a New Jersey state senator stating, among other things:

This legislation would criminalize University cultural studies, political science, and criminal justice studies textbooks, discussions, research papers, theses, and dissertations. For example, see page 11, 38, and 93 of the attached text for World View discussions that would run afoul of Para 11 and 13….This legislation criminalizes scholarship and public debate.

Shutting down free speech is not the only problem with going after ‘Islamophobia’.   Defining ‘Islamophobia’ was under consideration in Britain, but the government recently abandoned the attempt.  B’nai Brith points out the problems with trying to define the term:  “The group says the broad definition could lead to students or staff being punished for expressing dislike for the Republic of Iran’s persecution of LGBTQ people or restrictions placed on women in Saudi Arabia.”   British government officials said defining the term would also hamper counterterrorism operations and stoke community tensions.  New Jersey lawmakers should reject the attempt in their state that would only serve to shield human rights abuses.

And members of Congress should reject Ilhan Omar’s Islamophobia bill, should she offer it again, for the same reasons.

I have another problem with Ilhan Omar.  She is the one who famously dismissed 9/11 as merely “some people did something.”  Until she owns up to the fact this was an Islamic jihad attack, carried out under standard Islamic doctrine found in the Quran, and squarely condemns the attack for killing 3,000 people, she should not be serving on ANY congressional committee.  In fact, she shouldn’t be in Congress at all.

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

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Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s Death Tracker As She Dances In The Streets

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot took hits for being “tone-deaf” and was slammed as the “Marie Antoinette of America’s mayors” on Monday’s “Outnumbered,” where the panel dissected footage of her dancing in the streets of The Windy City at Sunday’s Lunar New Year parade amid startling crime surges.

Murder and crimes spikes in Chicago while Lori Lightfoot dances in the street…quite literally.

Chicago has almost 3,000 homicides and over 11,000 shootings since Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s term began. She makes Nero look like a rookie.

Chicago is a literal hellscape.


Watch here. Start at minute 15:45:

NY Post reports:

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has been slammed for cheerfully dancing in the streets during a Lunar New Year parade, as violent crime surges and major retailers abandon the Windy City’s main drag.

Lightfoot, who is seeking re-election next month, was captured on video busting moves while surrounded by a drumline at Sunday’s parade.

Her carefree dancing prompted one Chicago news outlet to blast her as “detached from reality.”

“Since @chicagosmayor’s term began, Chicago has suffered 2,278 homicides and over 9,000 shot. Since January 1, the city has endured 41 homicides and 194 shot,” the Chicago Contrarian outlet said in a tweet.

“Yet here Lightfoot is blissfully dancing and asking voters to return her to office,” it added.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot was blasted for dancing during a Lunar New Year parade while the city is wracked by crime and businesses abandon the famed shopping district.

Crime rates in the city have skyrocketed by 61% in the first three weeks of 2023, compared to the previous year, according to data from Chicago police. Authorities received 4,844 crime reports, up from 3,013 in the same period last year.

Two people were killed and 13 others, including a 3-year-old boy, were wounded this weekend in shootings across the city, ABC7 reported. Last weekend, seven people were killed and at least 23 others were wounded in a similar manner.

Meanwhile, 13 robberies were carried out over two hours on the city’s South and West sides Saturday night into early Sunday, NBC Chicago reported. In each incident, one or more people riding in a vehicle drove up to the victims.


RELATED ARTICLE: Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot encourages businesses to go cashless amid surging crime

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

EMAIL BOMBSHELL: Hunter Biden Offered to Sell Intelligence on Russia To Alcoa Inc. for $55,000

This is not a political issue. This is matter of national security.

Hunter Biden Alcoa email promising Russian oligarch info raises fresh concern about Joe’s access

By Caitlin Doornbos, The NY Post, January 30, 2023:

Hunter Biden converted Delaware home with classified documents into second office

WASHINGTON –A Hunter Biden email sent to an American aluminum company and promising information on Russian oligarchs is raising fresh concerns about the first son’s access to classified documents recently discovered in his father’s Wilmington, Del., home as lawmakers prepare to investigate allegations of influence peddling.

Documents dating back to 2011 on his notorious “laptop from hell” showed Hunter offered to sell intelligence on Russian oligarchs to the US aluminum firm Alcoa Inc. for $55,000, according to The Post’s exclusive October 2021 report.

As his father served as former President Barack Obama’s second-in-command, Hunter Biden offered to provide a “statistical analysis of political and corporate risks, elite networks associated with Oleg Deripaska, the Russian CEO of Basic Element company and United company RUSAL,” which had just signed a metal supply agreement with Alcoa.

Hunter Biden also offered the company a “list of elites of similar rank in Russia, map of [Deripaska’s] networks based on frequency of interaction with selected elites and countries.”

The deeply detailed proposal has come under sharp scrutiny given recent revelations that Hunter Biden had access to the Delaware lake-front home where secret papers from his father’s time as vice president were discovered in a garage, basement and library — combined with Republicans taking control of the House of Representatives.

Rep. Jim Banks (R-Ind.), the high-profile former chairman of the conservative Republican Study Committee, told The Post that the Alcoa solicitation fits within a broader picture.

“The Biden family is the most corrupt family in the history of American politics,” he said. “The biggest question facing Republican investigators: Where to begin?”

Banks is not alone. Others, such as Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), have raised suspicions that Hunter Biden, who has previously listed the 6,850-square-foot mansion as his home, may have used the classified documents in business dealings.

Johnson said an April 12, 2014 Hunter Biden email to his business partner about Ukraine from 2014 looked “suspiciously” like it could have come from classified information.

“It reads like one of those scene-setters — highly detailed information in terms of Ukraine,” Johnson told Fox News Tuesday.

Hunter Biden has access to the Wilmington mansion where classified documents were found in several locations.

The email from Hunter to Devon Archer included a 22-point memo he described as “thoughts after doing some research” included prescient predictions that Petro Poroshenko would be elected Ukraine’s president and “some sort of decentralization will likely occur in the East.”

“If it doesn’t the Russians will continue to escalate there [sic] destabilization campaign, which could lead to a full scale take over of the eastern region most critically Donetsk,” Hunter Biden wrote. “The strategic value is to create a land bridge for RU[ssia] to Crimea.”

In hearings to start next week, the House Oversight Committee will investigate Hunter Biden’s alleged influence peddling, cashing in on ties to his then-vice president father to rake in millions from foreign companies, its chairman, Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), told the National Press Club on Monday.

With suspicions that first son Hunter Biden had detailed insider info from his dad – some of it evidenced on emails found on his notorious laptop – alongside curious foreign business dealings and transactions, Comer is vowing to shine a light on the matters.

“We have evidence that … we’ll continue to be transparent with as we start our hearings next week, where this family is taking in millions of millions of dollars from our adversaries,” he said. “And I think we need to determine what was that money for [and] who supplied that money?”

Keep reading.



DOJ Searches Biden’s Delaware Home For Second Time

WHISTLEBLOWER: US Election Data Stored In China

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Federal Judge Blocks Gavin Newsom’s War Against the Freedom of Speech

At times, frankly, it’s pretty slim pickings for every party, but this is ridiculous: Old Joe Biden is looking increasingly unlikely to repeat his president act after January 20, 2025, and California Governor Gavin Newsom is now the Democrats’ rising star.

Yes, that Gavin Newsom, the one who is relentlessly destroying California with ever more intrusive and expensive nanny state socialist measures that are leading Californians to flee in droves: the state is experiencing a population decline for the first time in recorded history.

But Newsom is popular among Leftists because he is a socialist, and even better (as far as they’re concerned), an authoritarian who eagerly tramples upon the First Amendment in his lust to crack down on dissent. As the Left grows ever more open about its opposition to our Constitutional rights, Newsom’s disdain for the freedom of speech makes him look increasingly like the Democrat of the future, if the future belongs to Mao. But now he has encountered a small obstacle, in the form of a federal judge.

Back in September 2022, Newsom signed Assembly Bill 2098, a law prohibiting the dissemination of “misinformation” on the COVID hysteria. Specifically, according to a Thursday report in the San Francisco Gate, it established penalties for physicians who departed from “the contemporary scientific consensus” regarding COVID. Now that this “consensus” is being shown to have been based more on groupthink and political objectives rather than dispassionate and objective scientific analysis, Newsom’s bill appears to be particularly insidious. And it is: “misinformation” and “disinformation” are labels that today’s enemies of freedom use in order to suppress speech that gets in the way of their agenda while fooling Leftist rubes into thinking they’re performing a valuable public service. Newsom, not surprisingly, is an enthusiastic proponent of such deceptions.

According to the governor himself, of course, this fascist little bill was perfect, as it was “narrowly tailored to apply only to those egregious instances in which a licensee is acting with malicious intent or clearly deviating from the required standard of care while interacting directly with a patient under their care.” However, the Gate notes that “in an SFGATE op-ed last year, California physician Dr. Tracy Beth Høeg argued that AB 2098’s definition of ‘misinformation’ was too broad and that ‘the contemporary scientific consensus’ is always changing.” Indeed. If anything is obvious about COVID at this point, it’s that. And so “Høeg and other doctors sued the state, alleging that the law violates the First Amendment’s free speech protections and 14th Amendment’s due process protections.” Obviously it does.

Now a federal judge has recognized that fact. On Wednesday, Judge William B. Shubb shot down Newsom’s free-speech-destroying measure, and had strong words for it in his opinion: “Defendants argue that while the scientific consensus may sometimes be difficult to define, there is a clear scientific consensus on certain issues — for example, that apples contain sugar, that measles is caused by a virus, or that Down’s syndrome is caused by a chromosomal abnormality. However, AB 2098 does not apply the term ‘scientific consensus’ to such basic facts, but rather to COVID-19 — a disease that scientists have only been studying for a few years, and about which scientific conclusions have been hotly contested. COVID-19 is a quickly evolving area of science that in many aspects eludes consensus.”

Imagine if Gavin Newsom had had the marvelous opportunity to be walking on this planet in the year 1632. There is no doubt whatsoever about it: he would have been one of those insisting that Galileo obey the clear scientific consensus that the sun revolved around the earth, and would happily have burned him at the stake if he continued to insist otherwise. The contents of the orthodoxy and the heresy have changed, but otherwise the situation is the same: Gavin Newsom would have been a zealous Inquisitor. And Judge Shubb further embarrassed California’s Grand Inquisitor by pointing out that the definition of “misinformation” included in AB 2098 was “grammatically incoherent” and consequently thus “unconstitutionally vague.” The Gate adds that Shubb “had signaled he would grant the doctors’ request at a Monday hearing, in which he told California’s lawyers that their definition of ‘misinformation’ was ‘nonsense.’”

Totalitarians don’t give up when they encounter obstacles, and so Newsom will persist. The Gate notes that Shubb’s ruling was “not a final judgment on the constitutionality of the law but rather a temporary halt against enforcement while litigation continues. California can appeal to have the injunction lifted,” and you can be sure that it will. Although little noted among patriots, the war against the freedom of speech is the Left’s primary focus at this point. If Leftists can destroy it, under the guise of protecting the public against such trumped-up bogeymen as “hate speech” and “misinformation,” they will have a free hand to implement the rest of their sinister agenda. That’s why this small victory against AB 2098 should be celebrated, and imitated.



Gavin Newsom’s ‘Suicide Pact’ With the Truth

London School of Economics cancels Christmas, Lent and Easter to be more ‘inclusive’

Ilhan Omar claims Republicans don’t want a Muslim on foreign affairs committee, are ‘OK with Islamophobia’

Colorado: Muslim who murdered ten people in supermarket once again ruled incompetent to stand trial

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

House Votes To End COVID-19 Emergency

The House of Representatives voted Tuesday along party lines to end the COVID-19 emergency, though the legislation is likely dead on arrival in the Senate.

All 220 voting Republicans supported the Pandemic is Over Act, ending the emergency, and all 210 voting Democrats opposed it. The White House has said that President Joe Biden will allow the public health emergency to expire in May, but that ending it via an act of Congress could eliminate pandemic-era programs like Title 42, student loan forgiveness, and a Medicaid expansion.

President Joe Biden said in September 2022 that the COVID-19 pandemic is “over,” but that “we’re still doing a lot of work on it.” The Biden administration has renewed the public health emergency twice since the president made the claim.

“This action is long overdue. This week we are voting on several bills designed to do what we all in America have known for some time, that the emergency declaration should be gone away,” Republican Florida Rep. Kat Cammack said in a floor speech. “Why would the president declare that the pandemic is over but not rescind the emergency declaration? In fact, many of our colleagues on the other side of the aisle seem more concerned with keeping the public health emergency in place rather than addressing the problems we are now being faced with.”

Despite keeping the public health emergency in place, the Biden administration has attempted to end Title 42, the Trump administration order that allows federal officials to more rapidly deport illegal immigrants. The Supreme Court temporarily ordered the Biden administration to maintain the policy, and will hear oral arguments in the full case in February.



Congressional correspondent.



Biden Regime Extends “Covid National Emergency” and “Public Health Emergency” To May 11

NIH gave EcoHealth Alliance money for risky coronavirus research without proper oversight, watchdog finds

Documents Show Wuhan Lab Asked NIH Official for Information on Disinfectants; Nine Fauci Agency Grants for EcoHealth Bat Coronavirus Research

NIH Records Reveal FBI Inquiry of Wuhan Grant Records Show ‘Gain-of-Function’ Concerns about Wuhan Lab Going Back to 2016

Fauci Agency COVID Emails Detail Discussions about Wuhan Institute; Describe Gates Foundation Placement of Chinese Representatives on ‘Important International Counsels’

Rep. Murphy, House Republicans Call On Biden To End COVID Public Health Emergency

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction: WWIII

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we lose our freedoms it will be because we have destroyed ourselves from within.” — Abraham Lincoln

History is a biography of each country, its culture and mindset of its people. History has a catalog of facts over the centuries. History is the story of whatever Man has done, with emphasis upon institutional and group activities on a certain territory. “History is the most inclusive and pervasive of the social studies and partakes of the nature of each of the others when it records activities which fall within their scope.” You can read history, walking along the city and admiring the monuments, old buildings and the beauty of the history presented to you from the past. There’s no country without history, it controls the past, present and future of the country. We are now in the present of our history under Biden’s team.

Yes, we are at WWIII, but Biden’s government hasn’t recognized it, yet despite the fact that I’ve been writing about the war for the last forty years. 71% of the American people know and feel it, as the real overwhelming nationwide crime defines humanity. Mass shootings could leave you speechless, and the open border policy helps the terrorists-enemies to infiltrate our land and deprive us of our sovereignty. We are in chaos and catastrophe, let alone that Biden’s team is earmarking and cataloging executive orders to bankrupt the U.S. History will help you to understand the current mess in America. Please, read my column A Global Spy Ring: Obama, Putin, and Biden, July 9, 2020

I am watching all of that in fear and revulsion, because I know the enemy-terrorists who are waging WWIII against us. It was officially waged by the decision of the Soviet government in 1955. Living in the Soviet Union for fifty years and serving in a legal community as a defense attorney, I know the enemy-terrorists armed with Socialist/Communist ideology. Unfortunately, most people don’t know that ideology and only realized that Russia is a terrorist state on October 24th, 2022 with Russia’s unprovoked aggression against Ukraine. Make no mistake, Russia is the enemy. You don’t know that Russia has been drugging America since 1955—Socialist California illustrates it loudly. Here is my definition of WWIII: Recruitment, Infiltration, Drugs, and Assassinations.

I have been writing about Socialism for forty years. It wasn’t the Socialism of Marxist theory. Marxist theory has never been tried in practice, but it was used by Dictator Joseph Stalin to establish and promote his own politico-economic system on a federal one party framework. The first Socialist Revolution in 1917 Russia had given Stalin the opportunity to create the governmental regime of Soviet Socialism. I called it Soviet Fascism and discussed the subject matter in my books and columns. Soviet Socialism is a two-fold system: government ownership of all means of production secured by force of Secret Police. This is the reason I was writing about the KGB’s Mafia/Army for forty years to show you the difference, to expose the Evil/Doer—the KGB’s Mafia/Army…

Let me give you a couple of words about my knowledge of Marxism and Soviet Socialism. Marxism was my favorite subject at Law School for four years, it was the only information from the West, living under the Iron Curtain in Russia. I never thought that knowledge of Marxism would make me a writer. It has happened in America. Unfortunately, America missed a chunk of the 20th century history—Stalin’s dictatorship and his Soviet Socialism, which has now spread across the world by the KGB’s Mafia/Army. This knowledge is a must to save the American Constitutional republic. To learn about the Putin/Biden collusion, read my book Socialist Revolution in America. XLIBRIS, 2021,

A Global Spy Ring: Obama, Putin, and Biden

The past has always determined the future. To show the immense value of knowledge about Russia and its Intel, I’ll give several examples of actual events that I predicted: judge for yourself. Let’s start with the alleged attack on Paul Pelosi. The body cam footage recently released shows the actual picture of the event. I had commented on the attack on Paul Pelosi in my column December 22, 2022. Here it is:

”Pay attention to the words: nationalism, jingoism, and especially, victimology. The manipulation methods of the psychological propaganda by the KGB’s Mafia/Army have not changed since and applied to America today. Therefore, the knowledge of Russia, its Intel and Security Apparatus is a Must to understand how Russia has been demolishing us from within.”

The Paul Pelosi story illustrates it clearly:

Paul Pelosi caused a car accident. There are a lot of questions about Paul Pelosi’s alleged DUI. We don’t have any answers. It’s covered-up. The car was totaled, some injuries were supposedly sustained by both sides—we don’t have any answers. The name of the Dem Speaker Nancy Pelosi has definitely suffered as a result and the KGB’s Mafia/Army was coming to help the Pelosi’s family. Do you remember the word victimology in my above presented piece? Yes, victimology is one of the methods of Socialist ideological manipulation. That is the reason Paul Pelosi has been consequently attacked to become a VICTIM.

Do you have a clear picture of Paul’s attacker and the scene of the attack? No. We don’t know many important details of the attack and the police had found Paul Pelosi, after opening the door, peacefully moving towards the attacker-a very strange picture. All of that, because everything is artificially orchestrated by the KGB’s Mafia/Army to help generate another image to the Pelosi’s family, an image of the VICTIM. Do you remember how Nancy Pelosi was ripping up Trump’s State of the Union Speech on TV? I was threatened by her arrogance. The KGB’s Mafia/Army has total control and power operating in Biden’s team—the Soviet Socialist Revolution is moving ahead in America.” We Have Been Betrayed December 22, 2022/in Commentary, Culture War, Hot Topics, News, Policy, Politics, Social Issues, Waste, Fraud and Abuse/by Simona Pipko

I have to add to my piece that the attack happened a week prior to the 2022 midterm election. I would recommend you to read the column. Now we had the opportunity to see the video and listen to the audio. My prediction was right on the money, however, some questions are still not answered. After breaking-in the back door David De Pape entered the house. How long did two men peacefully chat, before the Police had arrived? The word peace is unreal, Paul Pelosi knew that a criminal wanted to “kidnap Nancy” and broke the back door: a criminal was in front of him.

The conversation with the police dispatcher was too long and didn’t show the emergency and threat of the predicament. The picture of the actual attack was skillfully choreographed in front of the Police—a typical fabricated spectacle. If you know the KGB’s Mafia/Army, you will recognize its design to demonstrate the spectacle instantly—it was a theatrical performance for the Police… That is the reason the Dems and their defenders-protectors didn’t want you to see the actual events and scene of crime. David De Pape is a usually recruited pawn or toy exploited by the KGB, whether he mentally ill or not doesn’t matter: the KGB uses everyone. His audacity to ask for forgiveness is a joke, he doesn’t understand Russian Racket and he doesn’t know the KGB’s Mafia/Army…

Here is another example of WWIII by the KGB’s Mafia/Army in America: Florida Microsoft executive father of 4 gunned down in ‘targeted ambush’. Jared Bridegan was gunned down on a Florida road in what authorities called a ‘targeted ambush.’ Bridegan was driving with his then-2-year-old daughter in Jacksonville Beach on Feb. 16, 2022 and he came upon a tire blocking his path. When he stepped out of the car he was “gunned down in cold blood.” Though I don’t know the name of the criminal, I am sure that the KGB’s Mafia/Army is behind that crime. Raising crime and mass shootings in America has the same foundation. The FBI and CIA have been infiltrated for decades and currently dysfunctional by allowing Russian/Chinese espionage operations and propaganda campaigns in America. We are not protected, our government, the FBI, CIA and DOJ are weaponized against the American citizens like in Stalinist Russia…

WWIII has multiple fronts–it is an ideological war of Socialism/Communism against Capitalism by the tandem Russia/China. Russia uses its cadres implanted for 40-60 years in America, China provides money. The tandem has a complex connection to all three Manchurian Presidents, the Biden presidency shows it by a special ties to the Universities in a current classified Docs scandal. Universities are the places to learn not to dump top-secret Dogs there. Yes, there are some systemic problems, but look at the history and the massive leftist movement within the Universities and Colleges that produced the army of Millennia helping Socialist Revolution in America. Everything is connected. Our youngsters don’t know real Socialism that corrupts everything it touches, and it always involves the use of force. Only knowledge of the enemies can help us revitalize the American Constitutional republic!

Biden’s Mafia-Family: Isn’t This Treason?

I have been following the Biden family since 2013-2014 and write about their crime. For me it started with Ukraine by “criminal cabal” of the three: Obama, Biden, and Hunter. In my opinion, Obama initiated it and Ukraine is the state to begin the investigation of the Dems collusion with Putin. To do it correctly, there is a prerequisite to know Stalinist Socialist/Communist enemy. Here it is:

First, the State Security Apparatus of Russia and China are identical—both had been formed by Stalin and worked like hand and glove since. All espionage activities are under their supervision. Second, the money Hunter got from the wife of Moscow’s Mayor had brought the KGB to the White House the next day. All Hunter’s activities in China are under the Chinese State Security Apparatus’ jurisdiction. Don’t be surprised that Joe and Hunter have been sharing the dwelling with Chinese—they are the partners. Third, it is imperative to know the KGB’s Mafia/Army, which acts on behalf of both countries: China and Russia…

Watching what is going on in the country, I am obliged to give some advice to the Republican leadership. I agree with Harmed Dhillon, but there is more. The FBI and CIA have been infiltrated by Russian Intel for decades and we were not protected all that time. We are dealing with a “criminal cabal” of the Dems three Manchurian Presidents who colluded with Russian Intel. America can’t exist without a professional FBI and CIA at the time of a war. As a result, we have the Russian spies in Biden’s team like Mayor Pete and some others.

Republicans are trapped in the vicious circle of their own mistakes. It is not Marxist theory, but developed by Stalin Socialist modus operandi: lies, deception, fabrication, and fraud, used by the Democrat Party against Republicans for decades. Biden’s team constantly demonstrates it. Republicans don’t know Marxism and confuse all Americans by talking about Marxist America. It is wrong. Republicans are helping the Dems to fool America and cover-up the Dems TREASON. Read my columns for free and learn the Truth. I hope that two Special Counsels will read this column and their final product of investigation will deliver the Truth.

To be continued and at

©Simona Pipko. All rights reserved.