2018: As Florida Goes, So Goes The Country

It’s showtime for the 2018 midterm elections, where polls and media contend a “Blue Tide” is going to sweep across the country and the Democrats will reclaim the House of Representatives. After all, the press insists, “the party in power historically loses the midterms.” The only problem is the media has never met a president like Donald Trump, nor do they understand the country’s sense of priorities, where the citizenry prefers peace and prosperity over turmoil.

Certainly, we haven’t already forgotten how horribly wrong the media and polls got it in 2016 by picking Hillary Clinton over Mr. Trump in a runaway election? These are the same people who are now predicting the “Blue Tide.” Frankly, they are as wrong as they were in 2016.

In 2016, I accurately predicted the outcome of the election, not because I am a polling genius or possess some sixth-sense intuition, but because I simply studied the early voting data in Florida and saw the Republicans rallying to victory. I also knew Florida was an important swing state and realized, as Florida goes, so goes the country. I believe this remains true in 2018. In other words, I have found the early voting data produced by the Florida Division of Elections to be much more reliable than any poll I have come across.

Before we examine the 2018 Florida data, here are some assumptions I have learned over the years:

  1. Republicans tend to cast more Mail-In votes (Absentee) than Democrats.
  2. Democrats typically cast more Early-Voting votes than Republicans.
  3. Democrats do less voting in Midterm elections than in presidential years.
  4. Republicans tend to cast more votes on election day than Democrats.
  5. There are more registered Democrat voters in Florida as opposed to Republican voters, yet Republicans are more inclined to vote.
  6. Independent voters are a key factor. Whoever sways independents, wins the election.
  7. The majority of votes cast are during pre-voting, not on election day. (Typically 70% vote early, and 30% vote on election day).

Here are the pre-voting numbers in Florida prior to election day:


  1. Pre-voting was approximately 60% of the votes cast in 2016.
  2. The GOP is winning in Tampa Bay area and Florida overall.
  3. GOP is running away with the Mail-In votes, Dems ahead in Early Voting (same as 2016).
  4. Although “Other” party affiliations are lacking far behind, “No Affiliations” (Independents) show a strong turnout.
  5. 42.1% of registered Republicans have already voted.
  6. 39.3% of registered Democrats have already voted.

Translation: Republicans are more aggressively voting than the Democrats.

The biggest difference is the total number of votes cast in Florida between Republicans and Democrats. The GOP took a commanding lead in pre-voting and never let go.

It is impossible to determine how independent voters are voting. Even if it is 50/50 Republican/Democrat split, the Republicans will win. However, we have to remember it was the independent voters who voted Republican in 2016. Floridians appear to be happy with our economic success, whereby the state is #1 in the country for Fiscal Responsibility, and #4 in the Tax Foundation’s State Business Tax Climate Index. Translation: they prefer peace and prosperity over turmoil and confrontation.

What does this all ultimately mean? There will be a “Red Tide” in 2018, not blue. Ron DeSantis will win the governorship, and Rick Scott will be our next U.S. Senator.

And as mentioned, “as Florida goes, so goes the country.” If this is so, it appears the Republicans will maintain control over the House, and will pick-up some Senate seats (I’m estimating five). When this election is over, the media, the polls, and the Democrats will once again wonder “What happened?” And as usual, they will have misunderstood the will of the people.

Keep the Faith!

EDITORS NOTE: The featured photo of Jacksonville, FL is by David Masemore on Unsplash. All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.

MUST WATCH: Two Powerful Videos On The ‘Complicit’ Open Borders Democrats

Donald J. Trump for President channel on YouTube has released two powerful videos focused on illegal immigration. Brad Parscale, Campaign Manager for  2020 Presidential Campaign, tweeted:

Our new ad starts tonight. Take a look at this ad running nationally for a 1.5MM dollar buy. BUT, will not let us buy on their network. Do they not want to show REAL news?

In a column titled “President Trump Releases Powerful Campaign Ad Against Open-Border Democrats” Steve Ahle writes:

President Trump has released a new campaign ad that demonstrates the folly of open borders with no controls, that features an illegal immigrant from Mexico, Luis Bracamontes, laughing and bragging about his murder of two Northern California sheriff’s deputies. Bracamontes said “I killed f***ing cops, they’re f***ing dead. I don’t f***ing regret that.”

He went on to say that he planned to break out of prison, so he could kill more cops. The ad makes the point that Democrats want completely open borders with no background checks like Americans who want to buy guns are subjected to. And as long as that happens we will have many more Bracamontes

Read more.

The second ad is titled “Complicit.”


Exclusive: 6-in-10 want troops to stop the migrant caravan, 51% Hispanics agree

CNN Refuses to Run Trump Campaign Ad – It’s Too Effective [VIDEO]

Senator Introduces Bill To Close Critical Loopholes and Fully Fund Border Wall

How Are These Members of the Illegal Caravan Allowed to File A Class Action Lawsuit?

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is by geralt on Pixabay.

Live Action Highlights Planned Parenthood’s “Money Laundering” Non-Profit Scheme

We recently urged 2ndVote followers to only support real charities. Yesterday, Live Action released a short report highlighting the — to quote the report — “Money Laundering Scheme” that is Planned Parenthood.

From the report:

At the same time Planned Parenthood’s political efforts try to ensure more and more taxpayer dollars keep flowing to it, many of Planned Parenthood’s services and its clients are declining. A look at the numbers shows that in the last 10 years of Planned Parenthood’s annual reporting (2006-2016),

• clients have decreased 23 percent (3.1 million in 2006 vs. 2.4 million in 2016);
• it closed 260 facilities (860 facilities in 2006 vs. 600 facilities in 2016);
• breast exams have decreased by 62 percent;
• cervical cancer screenings have decreased by 74 percent; and
• contraception services have decreased by 32 percent.

Yet while many services have decreased over the last 10 years, Planned Parenthood’s abortion numbers are up by 11 percent (to over 320,000 babies each year) and—shockingly—taxpayer funding has skyrocketed from $336 million to $543 million a year in 2016.

Doing less service to patients and getting more tax dollars isn’t enough for Planned Parenthood. Live Action highlights the abortion giant’s well-financed political activism. Their goal is simple: to increase abortion access across the country.

Planned Parenthood is just one of many examples which show the scam that is the U.S. federal non-profit “charity” system. Despite killing unborn children and hiding the abuse of minors, they receive more money than ever from U.S. governments. Meanwhile, many real charities such as adoption centers have been forced to close because governments wanted to force them to promote the LGBT agenda. Planned Parenthood’s most hated foes — pro-life pregnancy resource centers — help abortion-vulnerable women…and the vast majority are entirely privately funded.

As Benjamin Kraft of Life Advancement Group told us, “Out of all of the pregnancy centers that we work with, one key truth is shared: their commitment to providing essential services to women in need, all for free. Contrast this with Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer-funded business model, which generates hundreds of millions of dollars off of women in dire need.”

Live Action’s report draws attention to a well-known but largely ignored fact: Planned Parenthood does less good, and more bad, with more money from taxpayers. It’s long past time for Congress and state legislatures to yank their funding.

Be sure to see which companies finance Planned Parenthood’s scheme with your shopping dollars here.

Help us continue providing resources like this and educating conservative shoppers by becoming a 2ndVote Member today!

EDITORS NOTE: This column with images is republished with permission. The featured image is from Shutterstock.

Videos of Andrew Gillum Staffer: Florida a ‘cracker state,’ Gillum a ‘crazy progressive’

Sean Hannity covered the Project Veritas undercover video interview with Andrew Gillum’s staffer Omar Smith.

Watch the segment:

Omar Smith, after the revelations and racist comments, was fired by the Gillum campaign.

James O’Keefe did a followup interview with Omar Smith.

RELATED ARTICLE: Andrew Gillum and the Mystery of 311 East Jennings Street

EDITORS NOTE: This article with video and images are republished with permission.

BREAKING NEW VIDEO: Gillum campaign: that’s not for voters “to know”

Florida: Project Veritas Action Fund has released our newest undercover investigation featuring Andrew Gillum’s campaign for Governor of Florida.

This stunning investigation uncovers Gillum’s empty promises, controversial strategies, and the lies that shape his campaign.  The video exposes the campaign’s belief that in order to elect Andrew Gillum as Governor, they must hide his progressive values, exaggerate campaign promises of proposed government programs, and “whip” the poor and middle-income voters “into a frenzy”.

This is the seventh undercover video report Project Veritas Action has released in a series revealing the secrets and lies from high-level political campaigns in 2018.

  • Gillum campaign is shaped by falsehoods: “None of the programs that people are hoping for would happen” but “That’s not for [voters] to know.”
  • Gillum’s true values: “Gillum is a progressive.” “He is part of the crazy, crazy, crazies.”
  • Campaign election strategy: “You whip ’em up. The poor, the middle income. You have to whip them up into a frenzy in order for them to vote.”
  • Secret gun control agenda revealed: “three day waiting period for everybody,” “small steps” to ban assault rifles; “I don’t think he can say it [be]cause he’s trying to get the moderates”
  • Gillum’s not-so-classy staffers: “Florida is a “F***ed up,” “cracker state,” “you have to appeal to white guilt.”

View the full video and stay tuned for more investigations this week.


Andrew Gillum and the Mystery of 311 East Jennings Street

VIDEO: Andrew Gillum Goons – Jewish Woman NOT WELCOME in Synagogue

Andrew Gillum Plays the Race Card After Getting Caught in a Lie

#EnemiesWithin: Trevor Loudon Releases Mini-Documentary on Florida’s Andrew Gillum [Video]

PART TWO: Trevor Loudon Releases Mini-Doc on Florida’s Andrew Gillum #EnemiesWithin [Video]

EDITORS NOTE: This column with video and images is republished with permission.

I’m Jewish, and I Think the Biggest Increase in Anti-Semitism Is From the Left

All my life I have reminded fellow Jews in America that we are the luckiest Jews to have ever lived in a non-Jewish country.

I know what I’m talking about. I wrote a book on anti-Semitism, taught Jewish history at Brooklyn College, and fought anti-Semitism since I was 21, when Israel sent me into the Soviet Union to smuggle in Jewish religious items and smuggle out Jewish names.

Even after the massacre of 11 Jews in a Pittsburgh synagogue, this assessment remains true.

But the greatest massacre of Jews in American history is a unique American tragedy.

It is a tragedy in part because America has finally made the list of countries in which Jews were murdered for being Jews. While this was probably inevitable, given that 330 million people live in America, it is painful—equally for me as an American and as a Jew.

And second, while there is no difference between the murder of Christians at a church and the murder of Jews in a synagogue with regard to the loss of life and the suffering of loved ones, there is something unique about the murder of Jews for being Jews: Anti-Semitism is exterminationist. Anti-Semites don’t just want to persecute, enslave, or expel Jews; they want to kill them all.

On Passover, Jews read the Haggadah, the ancient Jewish prayer book of the Passover Seder. In it are contained these words: “In every generation, they arise to annihilate us”—not “persecute” us; not “enslave” us; annihilate us.

So, when the murderer yelled, “All Jews must die,” he encapsulated the uniqueness of anti-Semitism.

There is another unique aspect to anti-Semitism: It destroys every society in which it grows. The animating force within Adolf Hitler was Jew-hatred. More than anything else—desire for German “Lebensraum,” hatred of Bolshevism, a view of Slavs as subhuman—it was anti-Semitism that invigorated him. Anti-Semitism was not a Nazi scapegoat; it was the Nazis’ raison d’etre.

The results of German anti-Semitism for Germans alone: more than 5 million dead, including half a million German civilians; 130,000 more civilians murdered by the Nazi regime; 12 million Germans expelled from East Europe, 2 million of whom died; innumerable rapes of German women; Germany divided in two for half a century—and the loss of a sense of self and reputation.

I have no idea if, outside the universities and the Israel-hating left, there has been an increase in anti-Semitism in America. I wish I could trust the Anti-Defamation League, other Jewish organizations, and Jewish community newspapers. Sadly, only Jews on the left do, because most of these organizations have a left-wing, anti-Trump agenda.

Here’s a perfect example:

The mainstream left-wing media, along with left-wing Jewish organizations and media, told us every day for months after Donald Trump’s election that anti-Semitism had greatly increased. They cited the great number of Jewish Community Centers that received bomb threats.

It turned out, however, that about 90 percent of those threats were called in by a mentally disturbed American Jewish teenager living in Israel, and the other 10 percent were made by a black radical seeking to frame his ex-girlfriend.

So, the claim eventually vanished from the news—with not one Jewish or non-Jewish organization or media outlet apologizing for crying anti-Semitic “fire” in a crowded theater.

The dishonest now have the Pittsburgh massacre to blame on Trump. But that’s as big a falsehood as blaming Trump for the bomb threats. In reality, the Pittsburgh murderer criticized Trump for his close connections to Jews and Israel.

For Jews to blame the most pro-Israel president since Harry Truman—the only president with a Jewish child and Jewish grandchildren, moreover—for increasing anti-Semitism is another example of a truism this Jew has known all his life: Unlike Jewish liberals, who get most of their values from Judaism, Jewish leftists are ethnically Jewish but get their values from leftism.

The biggest increase in anti-Semitism in the last 10 or so years has come from the left. Just ask young Jews who wear yarmulkes or are vocally pro-Israel on most American college campuses. And this generation’s threat of Jewish annihilation comes from Israel’s Iranian and Arab enemies.

As a Jew who attends synagogue every Shabbat, and as an advocate for the carrying of concealed weapons, I fervently pray we will not need armed guards at American synagogues. America’s uniqueness has been exemplified by the fact that Jews do not need armed guards in their synagogues.

May it always be so.

Even if you don’t love Jews—if you only love America—you need to fight anti-Semites. As the Jews go, so goes the fate of the nation in which they live.


Portrait of Dennis Prager

Dennis Prager is a columnist for The Daily Signal, nationally syndicated radio host, and creator of PragerU. Twitter: .


A Young Jewish Conservative Speaks Out: Trump Has Been ‘Aligned With the Jewish People’

Tree of Life Rabbi Says He Was ‘Surprised’ by President Trump’s Behavior During Pittsburgh Visit


Anti-Semitism on the Left – IPT

An ancient demon reemerges in Europe.


In the immediate aftermath of Saturday’s anti-Semitic attack, President Donald J. Trump condemned the shooting as an act of “pure evil” and called on the Nation to come together as one people united in a struggle for justice, safety, tolerance, and love.

Today, the President and First Lady visited Pittsburgh to meet with family members of the victims and mourn the loss of life with the entire community.

Their first stop was the Tree of Life Synagogue, where 11 Jewish Americans were murdered during a baby-naming ceremony Saturday morning. Accompanied by Rabbi Jeffrey Myers, President Trump and the First Lady walked alongside one another, placing a white flower and small stone on each of the 11 stars erected in a makeshift memorial outside the synagogue. Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner followed a few steps behind, pausing at each star.

Inside the synagogue, the President and First Lady lit candles for each of the 11 victims.

Before leaving Pittsburgh, President Trump visited with wounded law enforcement officers and injured victims at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center’s Presbyterian Hospital. “These were very brave officers. These are incredible people of law enforcement,” the President said after the attack on Saturday. “They’re really unsung heroes.”

Photo: President Trump and the First Lady pay respects to each of the 11 victims.

More: President Trump talks with Laura Ingraham about Saturday’s attack

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EDITORS NOTE: This column with images is republished with permission. COPYRIGHT 2018 CREATORS.COM. The featured image is of President and Mrs. Trump laying lay a stone and flower for each of the 11 victims at the memorial outside the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA. Photo courtesy of Press Secretary Sara Sanders on Twitter.

PART TWO: Trevor Loudon Releases Mini-Doc on Florida’s Andrew Gillum #EnemiesWithin [Video]

Originally published on trevorloudon.com:

This week, Trevor Loudon presents Part Two (See Part One) of a series exposing the radical ties of Florida Gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum. Gillum, the current mayor of Tallahassee, Florida, has a long history with hard-core socialist activists.

Andrew Gillum is a threat to national security.


In 2016, New Zealand author and film-maker Trevor Loudon released his full-length documentary The Enemies Within, which exposed a shocking number of United States Senators and members of Congress who pose a security risk to America. These elected officials were all tied to hostile foreign powers, anti-American Marxist groups or fronts for the pro-terrorist Muslim Brotherhood.

The radical group “Dream Defenders” endorses Andrew Gillum (Screenshot of tweet)

Please embed these videos on your blog, tweet them to your followers, post them to Facebook, or personally email them to friends, relatives and colleagues. Every American voter needs to see these videos. If more Americans understand how badly they are being betrayed by their own elected representatives, they can help “drain the swamp” themselves, directly through the ballot box.

Part Two:

EDITORS NOTE: This column with images and videos is republished with permission.

The Left Goes Full Open Borders

It wasn’t long ago that both sides of the aisle believed America’s border laws should be enforced.

As President Donald Trump pointed out on Twitter, even former President Barack Obama, at least rhetorically, said that illegal immigrants couldn’t be let into the country en masse and without restrictions. (He said that as a senator.)

“We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, and lawfully to become immigrants into this country,” Obama said.

This dynamic has dramatically shifted, as the American left now increasingly sees any level of border enforcement as beyond the pale.

The migrant caravans originating in Honduras and heading north to the U.S. border are testing just how far the left will go in embracing this new narrative.

The position Obama held just over a decade ago is now considered offensive in some circles. Some are even demanding that the U.S. let the caravan into the United States.

“Every one of these people are coming from a real fear. These are refugees,” Cambridge, Massachusetts Mayor Marc McGovern said, according to the Boston Herald. “These are people who really are facing real problems and we have to let them through.”

The left is sending a message that concern over unchecked immigration is illegitimate.

Yet this is out of step with the American people in general.

Americans are clearly divided when it comes to the issue of immigration. Some want more high-skilled immigrants, others don’t. Some think a wall is necessary for border security, others don’t.

But one thing that Americans tend to agree on, strongly, is the idea that we have a right to control our border and determine who comes into the country. This belief flows from the concept that we are a sovereign nation that must maintain law and order for the safety of everyone.

The idea that thousands of people can just arrive at the border, demand entrance to the United States, and possibly force their way in by overwhelming U.S. authorities offends our idea that America is a nation of laws, and it undermines the idea that the American people have the right to set their own immigration policies.

America has very specific laws regarding legal immigration and asylum—which generally only applies in cases of state-based repression. Allowing a gaggle of thousands of people into this country with little oversight and little legal standing would only encourage more of this sort of tactic.

This worry is fueled by an increasingly aggressive left-wing stance that any level of border enforcement is tantamount to racism and nativism. This view is no longer held by just a few radicals. It is increasingly the stance of more mainstream progressives and Democrats.

Earlier this year, the call to abolish U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, morphed into a mainstream movement embraced by prominent Democrats like Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y.

One can see how this public position actually encourages more illegal immigration, including the massive caravans.

As The Heritage Foundation’s senior policy analyst for Latin America, Ana Quintana, noted, many of these migrants have been manipulated by South American left-wing parties into believing this is their path to the United States.

It’s a political tactic used to sow chaos, and unfortunately puts lives at risk—including the migrants who travel thousands of miles through dangerous locations to get to the U.S. border.

“This caravan antic is right out of the left’s disorder and chaos playbook,” Quintana wrote. “The timing before the U.S.’s midterm elections and the change of presidency in Mexico is not coincidental. It is also clear the caravan organizers are more interested in creating turmoil than the well-being of the migrants.”

We are paying the price of the world believing we won’t enforce our border laws.

The issue now at stake with the caravan is not merely immigration, but whether the United States is in fact a sovereign country—whether the American people have the power to decide their immigration laws, and whether our government will enforce those decisions.

All of this shows just how far progressives have moved away from the mainstream when it comes to immigration.


Portrait of Jarrett Stepman

Jarrett Stepman is an editor and commentary writer for The Daily Signal and co-host of “The Right Side of History” podcast.Send an email to Jarrett. Twitter: .

RELATED ARTICLE: Military to Deploy 5,000 Troops to Border

Judge Bans Enforcement of California Law Requiring Pro-Life Groups to Promote Abortion

A federal judge in San Diego has permanently barred enforcement of California’s Reproductive FACT Act, which requires pro-life crisis pregnancy centers to disseminate information about abortion.

The Friday order follows a June 26 Supreme Court decision that found that the FACT Act likely violates the First Amendment.

“The government has no business forcing anyone to express a message that violates their convictions, especially on deeply divisive subjects such as abortion,” said the Alliance Defending Freedom’s Michael Farris, who represented a coalition of pro-life groups challenging the law.

“California disregarded that truth when it passed its law forcing pro-life centers to advertise for the abortion industry. The district court’s order puts a permanent end to that law in light of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in June, which rightly found that ‘the people lose when the government is the one deciding which ideas should prevail.’”

“The outcome of this case affirms the freedom that all Americans have to speak—or not to speak—in accordance with their conscience,” Farris added.

There are some 200 pro-life pregnancy clinics in California, many of which have a religious orientation. The FACT Act required clinics licensed by the state to post a bulletin relaying information about abortion access in a “conspicuous place” within the facility. Unlicensed clinics—which provide various support services but do not offer advanced medical care—must disclose that they are not credentialed to practice medicine on site and in all advertisements.

The National Institute of Family and Life Advocates (NIFLA) challenged the law on constitutional grounds, arguing it violated the First Amendment because it forces a private speaker to spread a message with which they disagree.

California countered that it has a legitimate interest in ensuring its citizens are well-informed about the range of reproductive health options available to them. The state also feared many pro-life clinics conceal their anti-abortion mission from unwitting patients.

On appeal to the Supreme Court, a five-justice majority led by Justice Clarence Thomas found the law likely violates the First Amendment. The case then returned to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California, which entered final judgment against the FACT Act. The plaintiffs may also ask to recoup the cost of the litigation.

In one of his last opinions on the court, Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote a concurrence “to underscore that the apparent viewpoint discrimination here is a matter of serious constitutional concern.”

“Governments must not be allowed to force persons to express a message contrary to their deepest convictions,” Kennedy wrote. “Freedom of speech secures freedom of thought and belief. This law imperils those liberties.”


Candace Owens launches BLEXIT website — Calling for Blacks to Set Themselves Free and Exit the Democrat Party

Candace Owens. Twitter: @RealCandaceO

In a Breitbart article titled “BLEXIT: In My Own Words” Candace Owens writes:

I have been branded a self-hating black, Nazi-sympathizer and rather astonishingly — a white supremacist.

The underlying sentiments are clear; black people are meant to think and act within the confines of what white liberals deem acceptable.

[ … ]

Across America, black people are beginning to question political orthodoxy. We have been quietly building an ecosystem of free thinkers and at long last, the intellectual dam is breaking.

This unique moment will come to be known as BLEXIT: the black exit from the Democrat party. [Emphasis added]

Read more.

The BLEXIT website states:

BLEXIT is a frequency for those who have released themselves from the political orthodoxy. It is a rebellion led by Americans wishing to disrupt the simulation of fear.

BLEXIT is a renaissance. It is our formal declaration of independence.

BLEXIT is fueled by individuals who are questioning political dogma and choosing freedom over tyranny. These are their stories.

Knowledge is the root of freedom. Learn more about America’s forgotten history.

The following video is on the BLEXIT website:

BLEXIT is a movement like #WalkAway to leave the orthodoxy of liberal thinking and begin thinking for oneself.


Black Voters Will Save America With The #WalkAwayCampaign And BLEXIT

Fake News Threatens Our National Health and Wealth

Watch: Sharpton Sees Black Crowd with MAGA Hats, Loses His Mind

Meet 5 Young African-Americans Who Want to Give Trump a Chance

Stacey Dash Claims Democrats Divide Black Men and Women to Divide and Conquer


Why I Left Liberalism & The Democratic Party, which the started the #WalkAway movement.

Crowd Full of Young Black People Erupts When Trump Walks In.

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is courtesy Candace Owens/Mike Lerner.

The Democrats’ 5-Point Pitch For Voters Summed Up

Remove all of the nonsense spun up daily by the media, peel back the coverage spin, and what is revealed is a series of five Democratic positions that are, not to put too fine a point on it: Absurd and unpopular.

And most Americans find them to be absurd, damaging, crazy, annoying or all of these.

Of course, the shifting polls are showing this. As Americans are paying more attention to political positions and actions, particularly those swing voters who are not too involved with politics generally but who will vote in November, we’re seeing a swing toward more Republican support.

The GOP is now broadly thought to be able to pick up two to three Senate seats, after the Democrat-Media Establishment made a real push to retake the Senate. And the House, which was at one point a foregone conclusion to flip Democratic because of normal midterm responses to the party in power, the (former) unpopularity of the President, and the polls, now appears to be in play with the actual possibility that Republicans could maintain control.

The violence done by Democrats against the bedrock American principle of a presumption of innocence and concept of fairness during the Kavanaugh hearings certainly pushed some swing voters away from Democrats. And the roaring economy surely is moving politically middle Americans toward Republicans.

But the actual issues Democrats are running on are also driving away those in the middle as they actually become aware of them.

Here’s a quick look at those:

  • TRUMP: The primary animating issue Democrats have led with in their agenda is fueled by Trump hatred, and it means stopping, investigating, crippling and if possible removing Trump. But most Americans don’t really want that. And this shows. Despite the ongoing onslaught of negative reporting on President Trump by the media and the daily drumbeat of criticism, Americans feel pretty good about the country and the direction of the country. Astonishingly, given the comparative media coverage, Trump’s approval rating is now at an all-time high of 47 percent — two points above President Obama’s at this exact same point coming up on the midterms.
  • IMMIGRATION: In a nation with more than 20 million illegal aliens, and a massive caravan of now 14,000 Guatemalans and other foreigners marching toward the U.S. southern border (“coincidentally” right at election time,) the Democrats want to abolish the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency. This is deeply unpopular because it is rightly seen as deeply stupid and counterproductive. Democrats fight every effort to secure the border and to control immigration. In practice, they are pushing for de facto open borders. Again, a disastrous policy in a country with generous welfare provisions. This general open-border stance, along with the abolishment of ICE, is overwhelmingly opposed by the American people.
  • MEDICARE: Democrats are in the starting gates and ready to bust out to spin up a quick $20 trillion entitlement called “Medicare for All,” which will not only be more than $20 trillion, but which would rob those who worked a lifetime and contributed to Medicare — while buying their own health care insurance — of true Medicare coverage when their turn comes. It would throw everyone into government healthcare, grind to a halt medical innovation in this country (which means medical innovation in the world,) require crippling tax increases and end with rationed care. This last part is why older people, who had paid in through their lifetimes, would not receive the level of care they paid for others to receive. Basically, it destroys Medicare. When American voters understand this, the polls turn sharply.
  • SOCIALISM: The Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez wing of the Democratic Party is promoting the idea of Democratic Socialism, a colossal expansion of the welfare state in which Medicare for All is only a portion, and would require the nationalization of the healthcare industry and much more, and of course massive tax increases. Millennials may not fully grasp the destruction this would wreak on the American economy and American way of life, but most voters do.
  • GUNS: Democrats not running in red districts or states have given up on the 2nd Amendment. Their efforts at banning undefinable “assault weapons” and attempts to whittle away at Americans’ gun rights have now turned into an increasingly full-throated call to repeal the 2nd Amendment. Yes, repeal it. Americans are very divided on assault weapons, particularly after an egregious mass shooting. But there is little support for ridding the U.S. Constitution of the 2nd Amendment.

When the unpopularity of these five points are combined with the #walkaway movement and the shift in black voters’ support for President Trump, it suggests that the vaunted blue wave may never materialize — media hyperventilating aside. And part of it will actually be policy-based.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in The Revolutionary Act. The featured photo is by Franck V. on Unsplash.

Trump Got The Bomber! The Law & Order President Protects Democrats! Will they thank him?

It is ironic that it was President Donald J. Trump who saved the lives of countless Democrat Party leaders on the eve of the midterm elections 2018.

It this the October surprise? Law and order trumps the Democrat Party?

The Democratic Party, the media and its leadership have been vehemently anti-Trump and anti-law enforcement to the point of the New York Times recently printing a fictional piece fantasizing about the assassination of the President.

Now we have a President who cares more about protecting the Democrats than they care about protecting him or American citizens. Amazing how the world of politics turns.

Cesar Sayoc Jr. (Broward County Sheriff’s Office)

The Trump administration’s efforts to find the culprit behind the bombings is nothing short of amazing.

The first bomb was sent to the home of George Soros, the mega-donor of the Democrat Party, on October 23rd. Within 72 hours the culprit, who allegedly sent the bombs, has been captured and is in custody.

Now due process sets in, something that Democrats don’t always believe in. The alleged bomber Cesar Sayoc Jr. is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

QUESTION: Will George Soros, Hillary and Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Corey Booker and Maxine Waters thank the President for capturing the bomber?

I will wait to see the Democrats’ public statements and the CNN headlines that show their collective gratitude for the law and order President of the United States Donald J. Trump.


Live Updates: FBI Arrests Man in Connection to Mail Bomb Campaign

Dept. Of Justice Announces 5 Federal Charges Against Mail Bomb Suspect

‘Swift and Certain Justice’: Trump Throws Down the Gauntlet on Mail Bombing Suspect

Why Are Fake Bombs Sent to Democrats More Shocking Than Real Ricin Packages to Republicans?

The Empty Promises of Socialism

What are the costs of adopting socialism? It’s a good question, and one not asked frequently enough.

But a new report by the Council of Economic Advisors at the White House does ask the question. The answer? Socialism destroys lives and societies.

The historical record is clear: Everywhere it has been tried, socialism has done harm. It’s a cautionary tale that should be taught to every new generation.

American socialists like Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez overlook the misery socialism has wrought in countries like the U.S.S.R., North Korea, and Venezuela. They maintain that they want socialism without dictatorship or state brutality.

But even if that were achieved, socialism would still fail. As the White House report points out:

[P]eaceful democratic implementation of socialist policies does not eliminate the fundamental incentive and information problems created by high taxes, large state organizations, and the centralized control of resources.

In a socialist county, most of the wealth created by workers is controlled by the government, not by those who toiled to create it. The incentive problem is obvious: If what you earn is going to be spent by the government rather than by you, why bother to earn it in the first place?

Secondly, as pure-hearted as government bureaucrats might be, are their spending choices likely to be as beneficial for workers as if they had made the decisions for themselves? That’s a big leap, even if you discount completely the possibility of bureaucratic greed or corruption.

Again, the historical record is instructive. When small family farms were taken over by the government and repackaged in giant government administered cooperatives in China and the U.S.S.R., less food was produced, not more, and both countries suffered mass starvation.

Moreover, when government taxes wages at exorbitant rates, workers take a direct hit and are more likely to lose their jobs. The more people are able to retain the fruits of their labor, the more they will be able to improve their own lives and the lives of their families.

Economic freedom is connected to a host of other benefits. As documented by The Heritage Foundation, countries with higher levels of economic freedom enjoy higher per capita gross domestic product, lower levels of poverty, educational and technological advancement, cleaner natural environments, business dynamism and innovation, better health outcomes, longevity, and social progress.

But socialism works directly against economic freedom, and therefore threatens each of these accompanying benefits.

The historical record does not look kindly upon socialism. During the 20th century, millions of people starved to death in socialist systems, and millions more were exterminated by socialist leaders desperate to maintain control.

Socialism promises much, but delivers little. The proven solution for eliminating poverty and creating sustainable prosperity is to adopt free market reforms. Capitalism is the way to go.

Kay Coles James, the president of The Heritage Foundation, recently wrote:

From Albania and Angola to Vietnam and Yemen, socialism has produced little but violence, starvation, and misery. … Contrast that with the experience of those who live in capitalist societies, where rights are protected, life spans are longer, and people enjoy a higher standard of living.

The allure of socialism is a mirage that each new generation will be tempted to run toward—unless they are told the truth about its legacy of failure.

But instead, young Americans are bombarded with disingenuous portrayals of the failures of capitalism, as recently seen in Teen Vogue magazine and frequently depicted in cartoons, movies, and throughout pop culture.

The White House report concludes:

The  [Council of Economic Advisors] does not expect that socialist policies would cause food shortages in the United States, because socialists are no longer proposing to nationalize food production. Rather, the historical experience with agriculture is relevant because it involved economic disincentives, central planning, and a state monopoly over a sector that was large when socialism was introduced similar to health care today. The historical evidence suggests that the socialist program for the U.S. would make shortages, or otherwise degrade quality, of whatever product or service is put under a public monopoly. The pace of innovation would slow, and living standards generally would be lower. These are the opportunity costs of socialism from a modern American perspective.

An old expression says, “You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.” That may soon apply to economic freedom in the United States unless truth-tellers begin pushing back on the narrative coming from our cultural elites who favor socialism.

The new White House report is a worthy effort toward that end.


Portrait of Patrick Tyrrell

Patrick Tyrrell is a research coordinator in The Heritage Foundation’s Center for International Trade and Economics.

Portrait of Anthony B. Kim

Anthony B. Kim researches international economic issues at The Heritage Foundation, with a strong focus on economic freedom. Kim is the research manager of the Index of Economic Freedom, the flagship product of the Heritage Foundation in partnership with The Wall Street Journal. Read his research. Twitter: 

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EDITORS NOTE: This column with images is republished with permission. The featured image is of a Venezuelan grandmother cares for her granddaughter in Caracas. (Photo: Claudia Guadarrama/Polaris/Newscom)

Desperate Acts of the Deep State — Vote Red

Sending fake bombs and then reporting fake news. Acts of the evil and insane. “No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is doing is worse than you imagine.” – William Blum (former U.S. State Dept. employee)

There is a system in place, a clandestine, sophisticated network that controls the world we live in. It creates the narrative that permeates throughout the world and becomes the false reality we have all come to know as our way of life. Our civilization is entering the beginning stages of a major collision, and a much-needed course correction is in order. President Trump and we the people must meet this challenge. Failure is not an option. And so we see Desperate Acts of the Deep State – Vote Red and get others to do so.

Psychopaths and Sociopaths

The world is run by insane people with insane objectives. These individuals are living in a chronic state of fear and believe that everyone is a threat to them and to their very survival. They are crazy. They seek to dominate. They seek absolute control over every aspect of our lives. They seek to suppress and to destroy. They are warmongers and dictators. Many of the men are dressed in expensive business suits and the women in expensive pant suits. Unlike most of the human race, they carry out their acts with absolutely no conscience whatsoever as they are deranged and detached from the light of God to such an extent that evil permeates through them. You should know by now who these individuals are, and if you don’t you will be able to identify them soon, once you come to learn about False Flag Operations, Problem-Reaction-Solution, and the Hegelian Dialectic.

These psychopaths and sociopaths are hard to detect, as they are intelligent, clever, artful, and often rise to positions of power. Many of these individuals are sexual deviants, pedophiles, and belong to demonic groups as recently released by WikiLeaks. They are very manipulative and have seized power and control over every aspect of our lives, our speech, and even our thoughts. They have infiltrated and corrupted our education system, health-care system, religious in-stitutions, the media, and most all forms of entertainment. They have seized control over and poisoned our food supply and all natural resources. Yes, it is this shadow government and deep state that controls the world in which live, making Earth and its inhabitants prisoners on a prison planet.

Actions of the Evil and Insane

They send fake bombs and then report fake news. They poison our food, air, land, and water. They who force dangerously laced vaccinations on us and rain toxic heavy metals down on us from the sky (geo-engineering / chemtrails). It is they who build nuclear power plants on top of earthquake faults and in tsunami zones. They (as recently released by WikiLeaks) are satanic pedophiles. They start and fund all wars. They murder, rape, and pillage with no conscience and without consequence. They violate laws, racking up scores of felonies by keeping vital secrets of a nation on a private server in the bathroom with no firewall or security of any kind, yet escape justice. We must know who our enemy is and label them. We must not permit our enemy to define for us who our enemy is, as this is a diversion. This is divide and conquer.

The Big Club

They formed, own, and control the “big club” and like the comedian George Carlin  said, “You and me, we ain’t in it.” We are nothing more than pawns on the chessboard of life being used as they so choose. They think of us and describe us as useless eaters. So who is part of the big club? The big club can be described as an intricate, interconnected web of organizations, corporations, religions, and governments mostly made up of unelected leaders, many of whom are inbred.

Global Governance and the NWO

Global governance is about power and control over everything, including life itself. These tyrannical psychopaths are in fact the shadow government, weaving their web of chaos and destruction. They use the front groups, treaties, institutions, and governments they established as well as the puppets they put in place to man these. Puppets like the Bushes, Obama, Merkel, Clinton, Blake, Trudeau, to name but a few. It is not Israel; it is not the U.S., Russia, or China. It is not any identifiable government. It is this shadow government and its henchman and accomplices who are the enemies of freedom. These are our true enemies. Know your enemy well.

Due to the rising awareness of the New World Order and its objectives to control every aspect of our lives, they have gradually over the years changed the name and are now better known as globalism or global governance. Sure sounds nice but make no mistake about it, the New World Order is in full force, and so, meet the new boss—same as the old boss.

Remember this announcement from “Papa Bush”? This is a very short video clip of then President George Herbert Walker Bush telling the American people about the stated goal and implementation of the New World Order.

Watch the clip. Share it on social media with those who call you a conspiracy theorist. Well, that vision of a NWO is here and almost completely implemented, up until now. There is a chance that we can begin to reverse this dwindling spiral but not without a battle, a deadly serious battle at that.

Global governance is aimed at controlling every aspect of our lives, whether it’s financial through the World Bank, the Federal Reserve, the Central Bank, International Monetary Fund, or the large inter-governmental institutions like the United Nations, World Health Organization, and World Trade Organization, which are pushing Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 to end property rights for everyone and push us into nation less states. They are pushing the growth of NATO (Thank you Presidnet Trump for taking this on) and a supranational military organization. The government is out of control, and that’s all a part of global governance.

National sovereignty is falling apart but with our brave and brilliant Nationalist President Donald Trump things are changing. Thus fake bombs, fake news and the midterm mayhem. Throughout the world, national sovereignty structures are crumbling under a global governance push and this is why they threw everything they had at Donald Trump in an attempt to prevent his election and they are doing so today to affect the mid-term election. They will fail. Why? God is on our side, that’s why. We operate from within the light with love and compassion. We are dealing with good, not evil and truth, not lies. We are on the right side of history. Vote red and get others to do so.

Important Applicable Links

Midterm Mayhem and False Flag Ops

Deep State is Exposed

Military Tribunals

Was this a False Flag?

False Flags – A Conspiracy Theorist Fantasy?

Hegelian Dialectic

RELATED ARTICLE: Recent Incident: Was It Red Flag Operation or Committed By Someone Really Stupid?

FLORIDA: Palm Beach Post refuses to run political advertisement about Democrat candidate Andrew Gillum

The Palm Beach Post refused to run our political advertisement, which was a full page, color expose’ of Democrat candidate for governor, Andrew Gillum.

Our advertisement:

Download, print, and share this banned ad exposing Socialist Andrew Gillum!

Here is the Ad that was BANNED:  Download (PDF, 94.45MB)

The Post has already endorsed Gillum, and is running political interference on his behalf, by rejecting our ad. The media is already biased in its “reporting”, now they are refusing to allow us to pay to get the truth out!

Andrew Gillum is a doctrinal socialist, wants to abolish ICE, allow unfettered immigration and raise taxes.

RELATED ARTICLE: Is The Left’s Blue Elitist Bubble Hurting Its Chances for a Big Blue Wave in 2018?

RELATED VIDEOS: WFLA NBC News Channel 8 did a one on one interview with Ron DeSantis.

Vote for Ron DeSantis on November 6th!

EDITORS NOTE: With less than two weeks left before Election Day, Republican Florida Gov. Rick Scott leads incumbent Democrat U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson by less than two points in Florida’s critical U.S. Senate race, while Democratic nominee Andrew Gillum maintains a narrow lead over Republican nominee Ron DeSantis in the battle to be the state’s next governor, according to the statewide survey by the Florida Atlantic University Business and Economics Polling Initiative.

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