Immune from Reason: Biden’s Mandate Ignites a Nation [Video]

For most Democrats, creating political distractions is an art form. Not so much for Joe Biden, whose idea of changing the conversation on Afghanistan was starting a civil war over the COVID vaccine. Late last week, when the president threw down his national mandate, it was like taking people’s minds off burnt toast by setting your house on fire. Sure, it got Americans to stop talking about the Taliban, but only because they were on the phone with their attorneys looking for ways to sue the government.

For the White House, it was another catastrophic failure in a presidency littered with self-destructive choices. In just three months, Biden’s approval rating is in the place where he spent most of 2020: the basement. Down 16 points since the summer, the administration is taking on enough water to put out all of California’s wildfires. And yet, there’s no indication that this president understands or cares what’s happening to his country or credibility. He’s too busy wagging his finger at skeptical Americans like an exasperated parent whose “patience is wearing thin.” But Joe Biden isn’t our father, the government isn’t our doctor, and the Democratic Party isn’t our conscience. And until the White House starts treating Americans like adults, and not ignorant serfs, the resistance will only grow.

Dr. Greg Murphy (R-N.C.) has walked the halls of his local trauma center. He’s seen the packed ICUs. And he’s been very clear from the beginning that he believes in the science behind the vaccine. Would he recommend it? Absolutely. “But I do that because I’m a physician,” he pointed out on “Washington Watch.” “The fact that the Biden administration has felt the government needs to intervene between a doctor and their patient is blatantly wrong. It should not happen.” But it is, and we can already predict the fallout. “[The president] is destroying our economy as it is,” Murphy complained. And now, he predicts, we’re going to have thousands of people choose to walk away from their jobs because of a mandate that’s unconstitutional on its face. They’ll go back to taking unemployment, increase the worker shortage, and put employers–who are already dealing with inflation and higher costs–in a bigger bind.

And here’s the frustrating part in all of this, Murphy pointed out. The government isn’t even asking the right questions. While the administration issues these blanket commandments, they’re ignoring a major piece of the puzzle.

“It’s one thing to be vaccinated,” he said. “It’s another thing to be immune.” According to studies, most people who’ve contracted the virus already have antibodies that are just as effective–if not more so–than the man-made vaccine. “So instead of asking, ‘[Are you] vaccinated?’ they should be asking, ‘Are you immune?'”

But the Biden administration is willing to risk an entire workforce collapse to force their will on the American people. Already, hospitals are scrambling because so many nurses and health care workers are resigning. In Lewis County, New York, they’ve had to stop delivering babies because so many maternity workers have quit over the mandate. “We can’t lose our nurses,” Murphy agreed. “There has to be a discussion. An open, honest, and fair discussion… And unfortunately, this administration… doesn’t [care] about the needs of the individual. They only care about the bigger picture and their power and control.”

And they’re paying for it. According to the Trafalger Group, Americans are adamantly opposed to the president’s ultimatum. Almost 60 percent don’t think Biden has the authority to mandate the vaccine in the first place. Fifty-six percent support the governors fighting back–like Brian Kemp (R-Ga.). Of course, we already know the president’s cocky angle on federalism: “I’ll… get them out of the way.” Kemp could only shake his head. “I’ll tell you what, he’s talking tougher to the Republican governors and unvaccinated Americans than he did to the Taliban–which is disappointing, to say the least.”

Like a lot of states, Kemp doesn’t want the federal government bossing Georgia around. “I think folks should get vaccinated,” he agreed, but not because the president ordered them to. “This is all about freedom,” he warned, “because if you allow this to happen now, then what are [Democrats] going to do next? [Are they] going to tell your business what your hours are or when you need to give people vacation? … It’s just on and on. So I think it’s unnecessary. And you know, soon as we can get some details on what the rule is going to be, then we’ll know where the legal fight is [headed and] take our stand.”

Whatever happened to the Great Uniter, Kemp wondered? Instead, Biden is trying to cover up for all of the crises he’s created on the border and in Afghanistan with the most divisive policy in his young term. “I guess they’re just trying to change the narrative in the news media, but I think they’ve underestimated this. I think the more people really realize how much work it’s going to be, and how impossible it’s going to be to do this, they’re going to become just ready to pull their hair out.”

Maybe if the president had been straightforward from the beginning–instead of lying, backtracking, and reversing course–there wouldn’t be such a deficit of trust. But for Americans, who’ve lived through a year of mixed messages from this administration and its candidate before that, the White House has earned the skepticism it’s getting. “The president himself said, ‘Get vaccinated, take your mask off,” Kemp pointed out. “Now they’re mandating that you wear a mask again.” There aren’t enough closets in the White House to hold all of Biden’s flip-flops. Show us the science, and we’ll follow it. Until then, Americans value their freedom and liberty too much to roll over and surrender.


Tony Perkins

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action video and column are republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Americans Turned Away from Virginia Hospitals Because of Influx of Afghan Evacuees

My latest in PJ Media:

Old Joe Biden’s handlers are bringing 94,000 Afghan evacuees into the United States, at the cost of $6.4 billion of your money. The overall cost, however, may end up being even higher than that, and even the establishment media’s most committed far-Left propaganda organs are noticing. The Washington Post reported Tuesday that “[t]he mass arrival of Afghan evacuees last month, many in need of medical care, wreaked havoc on Northern Virginia’s hospital system — prompting a regional emergency response group to assume oversight after one hospital became overwhelmed with patients and federal officials lost track of where some Afghans were hospitalized, officials said.”

This has involved the denial of care to Americans: “a hospital near the Dulles Expo Center that federal officials designated as a go-to spot for medical treatment began running out of available beds, forcing the hospital to turn away non-Afghan patients who weren’t in need of critical care, said Nickerson, who also directs the Northern Virginia Hospital Alliance and declined to name the hospital.”

Here in a nutshell is the America-Last policy of Biden’s handlers: America’s infrastructure is crumbling, there are many people in need right here, working Americans are laboring under a tax burden that is already crushing and is about to get worse, and, as all this is going on, migrants are given priority over Americans for medical care and the American taxpayer is expected to foot the bill. “Area leaders have been asking the Biden administration to pay for the mounting cost of keeping track of the hospitalized evacuees and for giving them rides back to the Dulles Expo Center — where they have been temporarily housed — after a federal contractor took hours to retrieve some of the evacuees who were ready to be discharged.” In that sentence, “Biden administration” means hardworking Americans who have jobs and work hard to support their families while also paying for the resettlement and heathcare of Afghan evacuees, among whom is an unknowable number of jihad terrorists.

Kristin Nickerson, executive director of the Northern Virginia Emergency Response System, said: “Our hospitals are already almost at capacity. It’s not like they have tons of free beds available. We are still in the middle of a pandemic.” Oh yeah, that’s right, that pandemic for which Biden’s handlers are mandating vaccinations, except for migrants crossing the Southern border. Will the Afghan evacuees have to get the vaccine while they’re in hospitals for their free taxpayer-funded health care? The Post didn’t deign to say.

There is more. Read the rest here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon?

Foreword by Fred Brownbill. This is a longer article than normal but I believe an essential read. It has many links that are relevant and important for you all. Fauci’s guilt is clear. Why is he not in prison? Please share this valuable information far and wide.

  • In his book, “Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon? A Scientific and Forensic Investigation,” Dr. Richard Fleming documents evidence showing SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon created over the past two decades
  • Once you conclude that SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon, you must also recognize that the COVID shots are nothing more than the genetic reproduction of that bioweapon. In other words, they are bioweapons too
  • The same people involved in the funding of this bioweapon are the same people who have interfered with doctors providing treatment to patients, and the same people who have been involved in the development of these COVID shots
  • Health care workers are injecting people with something they cannot possibly give informed consent for, which means health care workers are violating their Hippocratic Oath
  • Health care workers who give these COVID shots are also violating the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Treaty, the Nuremberg Code, the Declaration of Helsinki and other legal statutes

Helping you take control of your health in these crazy times is Dr. Richard Fleming, a prolific author in addition to being a physicist, a nuclear cardiologist, researcher and attorney.

Here, we discuss his latest book “Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon? A Scientific and Forensic Investigation,” slated for release September 7, 2021. It’s currently available for preorder on Amazon. It’s an incredibly well-documented book and contains history that many of us aren’t aware of. As it turns out, the creation of this virus goes back not a year or two but two decades.

“My area of aptitude [is] physics and calculus, the mathematic language for that. Physics, and particularly high energy particle physics, is something that I find very fascinating. 

I eventually wound up doing some of that later on in life as a nuclear cardiologist. So, [I’ve done] 53 years of research in physics, and in medicine, I actually developed the inflammation in heart disease theory and presented it to American Heart in 1994. 

I joined American Heart in 1976 as the youngest faculty member at that time, and I got put in several standing committees as a result — basic and advanced cardiac life support as well as the physician cholesterol education faculty. 

I did a lot of research on dietary influences and factors that are critical, not only for in the end — heart disease — but other chronic inflammatory diseases, be that cerebrovascular diseases, strokes, diabetes or cancer,” Fleming explains.

Standing on Principles of Ethics

Fleming is also a scientific reviewer for more than 16 different journals. He was on the external clinical review board for The Lancet, but quit in protest of the fake hydroxychloroquine article they published — an act I believe demonstrates his dedication to scientific integrity. He also resigned from the British Medical Journal Open Quality due to similar concerns.

“Eventually we either stand behind principles or we acquiesce and become nothing more than the German doctors of Nazi Germany during World War II,” he says. “And as history showed us, they eventually paid a price at the Nuremberg Trials … 

There are people — powers that be — that think that they have things going their direction, but it’s very clear to me that they’re not confident that they’ve got everybody under control. The way in which this is all being handled demonstrates that they’re more worried about the truth coming out than not. And I think they’re worried about the consequences, as they should be.”

Digging Up the Truth

Early on in 2020, Fleming started researching treatment options for SARS-CoV-2 using the Fleming Method, which you can learn more about on Using this method, you can measure how a given intervention works on the tissue level, and how infection or inflammation is responding to the treatment.

He ended up developing 52 treatment combinations, and over the course of that study, the length of hospitalization stays went from five to six weeks down to one to two weeks. But he also learned something else.

“In the process of doing that research, I dug more and more and investigated what was going on, and that led me into the background of the research that many of these people had been doing,”Fleming explains.

“Tens of millions of dollars have been funneled out of the U.S., and Anthony Fauci has helped with that. He’s been on those committees. You can see the grant numbers in the book.”

Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon?

While gain-of-function can be used for benevolent purposes, it can just as easily be used for nefarious ones, “and that’s kind of what you see happening,” Fleming says.

“You see real efforts to produce viruses, coronaviruses, in particular. Spike proteins of coronaviruses to be even more specific, as I show in the book, paid for by the federal government by people who say they were not involved in gain-of-function research. 

Well, their fingerprints are on the documents, or on the published papers or on the grants or on the patents. You can’t say that you’re not involved in things when the documents show differently. They show the work and the money that came out of the federal government that went to Peter Daszak at EcoHealth, that went to Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina, Shi Zhengli at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and other places. 

For me, as a researcher, obviously, once I start to investigate something, the only way you can stop me from doing that is to put a bullet in my head. Otherwise, I’m going to stay after it. There are things that are not in the book that are going to come out in international criminal court, things I’m saving for that, because this virus is, by definition, a biological weapon. 

It violates the biological weapons convention treaty. You just have to look at the definitions. It provides nothing useful to humanity. It’s dangerous. When Fort Detrick is involved and the Department of Defense is involved … and you see these monies and you see the people that are involved, you realize that … the United States was playing China, China was playing the United States, and you saw who got caught in between. And they’re still playing the game.

For lack of a better term, this book is an indictment. That’s now my attorney hat going on saying that I have provided in this book evidence that I would take to a grand jury … I’m not somebody who is going to give up on having these people dealt with, because all the freedoms that we have lost, and the rights that we have lost as individuals, not to mention just the numbers of people who have died.

My argument is … the reason why they died is because they didn’t get treatment for the inflammation and the blood clotting that I and other doctors have shown works. The ultimate argument is that you can’t kill somebody more than dead … they can’t do worse than kill the patient. And we’ve already seen what doing nothing does. It kills the patient.

At no other time in American history have doctors looked at patients and said, ‘We can’t do anything for you. Go home and come back when you get sicker.’ We have always treated people with breathing problems with medications for breathing problems. We’ve always treated people with clotting problems with medicines to stop the clotting. 

And so, the reason why this is so critical to understand is because the same people who were involved in the funding of this bioweapon are the same people who have interfered with doctors providing treatment to patients, and the same people who have been involved in the development of these vaccines.”

While Fleming carefully lays out the evidence in his book, he leaves it up to you, the reader, to decide whether SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon or not. However, he says, if you do come to that conclusion (and he believes you will once you’ve seen the evidence), “then you have to recognize that the vaccines are nothing more than the genetic reproduction of that bioweapon.” Hence, the COVID shots are bioweapons too.

Warning to Medical Professionals

If you are a doctor, nurse, pharmacist or other health professional administering these COVID shots, you may be wise to reconsider your participation in this scheme. A significant problem is there’s no way to provide or obtain informed consent. As noted by Fleming:

“If you’re injecting someone with these drug vaccine biologics, you are injecting them with something that you cannot possibly give them informed consent for, which means you’re violating your Hippocratic Oath, you’re violating the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Treaty, you’re violating the Nuremberg Code, you’re violating the Declaration of Helsinki. 

It’s right across the board. It’s not even something that you can pretend doesn’t happen anymore. It’s just in everybody’s faces. And you can see that the powers that be are so stressed out right now that they are cajoling and coercing and manipulating and attacking. My friends in Italy tell me that vaccinated people are behaving in the same way that they did during World War II towards the Jews and the intellectuals. 

And let’s remember, the first people Hitler put in concentration camps weren’t the Jews. The first people were the intellectuals, because if you take the intellectuals and the doctors off the street, if you stop people from talking, you can control the people.

So, the pressure being put on the medical community in this country and in countries around the world to simply go along is nothing more than the equivalent of what Adolf Hitler and the SS did during World War II when they rounded up the intellectuals. One [thing] will lead to the next and there’s nothing about this that has been a successful campaign to control an infectious virus …

All you have to do is read the emergency use authorization documents. I’m just stunned at how many people have not read these. I’m stunned at physicians not having read these.”

On, you can find several video presentations and PDFswhere Fleming goes through the emergency use authorization documents. With that data in hand, Fleming suggests asking yourself some fundamental scientific questions, such as: “Is there any statistical difference in the number of people who developed COVID-19 or died among the vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated?”

The answer provided in the documents is no. There is no statistical difference between the two groups. The vaccines do not statistically reduce COVID-19 infection or death thereof. There are fewer cases in absolute numbers, but statistically there’s no difference. Add to that the risk of side effects. If you take the shot, you risk developing inflammation and blood clotting.

The same people that were involved in the funding of this bioweapon are the same people that have interfered with doctors providing treatment to patients, and the same people that have been involved in the development of these vaccines. ~ Dr. Richard Fleming

As noted above, coerced administration of these shots violate any number of laws. Fleming also cites supreme court rulings in which the court ruled people have the right to choose their own health care.

“Rochin versus California had to do with an individual who was forced to undergo emetic medications to force him to vomit, to bring up things in his stomach. The Supreme Court said, ‘You do not have a right to force this medication on people.’

Griswold versus Connecticut showed that the U.S. government cannot take away the personal rights of health care in individuals unless there’s some type of compelling and substantial reason, and then it has to be put into law. It can’t come out of the executive branch.

Cruzan versus Director of Missouri Department of Health in 1990, specifically stated that patients have a right to refuse any treatment. You cannot force treatment on people. Well, this is forced treatment. This is coerced treatment. 

And Doe v. Rumsfeld proved in 2004 that investigational drugs could not be forced upon people unless there is a presidential waiver or informed consent. Well, here’s the kicker on presidential waiver, which is what they’re going to go to.

Anybody who takes an oath of office — the president of the United States, senators, representatives to Congress, governors, police officers, judges, lawyers, administrative officials — cannot violate the U.S. Constitution. If they do, they’ve committed treason, by definition. 

In the U.S. Constitution, it states that Treaty Law and the Constitution and statutes are the supreme law of the land. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights specifically states that you cannot force people to take a drug; that they have to have informed consent, and that animal research has to have been done beforehand to prove it’s safe. 

So, if a president, including this one, issues an order that this is a mandate and is required, then he is violating the U.S. Constitution by violating Treaty and therefore has committed treason.

It’s not only an impeachable offense, it is punishable by death because that’s [the punishment for] treason. You can’t force U.S. citizens to undergo forced experimentation.

And you can’t get around that by doing something cute like having the FDA say, ‘Whoa, well, we’ve now approved it, OK?’ Because the Supreme Court has already ruled that you cannot force people to take a treatment and the only party that can change that is the Supreme Court.”

Moderna Has Been Aware of Risks for Years

You’ve probably heard that the mRNA in the COVID shots are designed to stay right around the injection site. However, Fleming points out that Moderna knew this wasn’t the case, as they published research in 2017 showing a lipid nanoparticle vaccine for influenza ended up in the brain, bone marrow, liver, spleen and just about everywhere else in the bodies of the test animals.

“So, for people to come up now and say, ‘Gosh, golly gee whiz, we just didn’t expect that’ is a little disingenuous, ”Fleming says. “And I think you have to ask yourself, why does the cardiologist know about the 2017 paper but the people responsible for the technology claim they don’t? 

And so, what you see are normal healthy people responding to a massive production of spike proteins and healthy people should make a massive immune response. What does that immune response do? It produces inflammation and blood clotting, and then the spike proteins go across the blood-brain barrier and cause prion diseases just like what’s been shown in humanized mice and rhesus macaque models.

I’m willing to bet that the people who made this gain-of-function virus already knew that, because one of the things that had the government and Big Pharma coming after me in the 1990s [and] early 2000s was the fact that the research I was doing in dietary and inflammatory disease had the same Neu-5-Ac raft receptor that the glycoprotein 120 of HIV — which Shi Zhengli put [into the virus] in 2004 — attaches to. 

So, the people that were doing this were paralleling my research … It turns out that that information is critical for getting this virus to be able to attach and to infect people like it’s doing. So, it’s interesting how you can be minding your own business and doing really good research, trying to answer some questions, and it might just expose the people that are doing nefarious things.”

What You Can Do if Your Job Mandates the Jab is a real treasure trove of information that you can surf through. There, you’ll also find sample documents for medical, religious, legal and Constitutional exemptions to vaccination that you can present to your employer, educational institution or anyone else trying to bully you into taking an experimental COVID shot.

He also has fliers you can print out and distribute that lay out your U.S. Constitutional and statutory rights as a citizen, as well as petitions for the President of the United States, Senate, House of Representatives and state governors, calling on them to investigate those responsible for this gain-of-function bioweapon. You can find all of those petitions under the “Actions” tab at the top right corner. Fleming also encourages people to take legal action.

“I’m working with a number of attorneys to file suits in [the U.S.], [and I’m] one of the experts in the International Court and Italian courts for suits being filed for crimes against humanity. So, the bottom line answer to this is going to be everybody deciding that they need to take action and [hold those responsible] accountable. And yes, this may mean you lose your job …

You have to look at this, at this point in time, and ask yourself what type of world are you leaving your children and your grandchildren? This is never about you. This is never about me. This is about the children and the grandchildren.

Whatever we leave them, they’re going to essentially be stuck with it. If we abandon them — and the founding fathers did not abandon us — then we are responsible for allowing this to happen. It’s on us, so there’s no easy way … If you ever wondered what you would have done in 1930s Germany, today, you know.”

Cases Filed With International Criminal Court

According to Fleming, Italian lawyers have already filed a case in Italian Federal Courts and plan to file with the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. Attorneys from six different countries are also putting together a joint case. While the U.S. did not ratify the ICC, American citizens can still be held accountable in the ICC.

Laws and statutes being relied upon include the Biological Weapons Convention treaty, the Nuremberg Code, the Declaration of Helsinki and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. It’s now up to the ICC to decide what it wants to do, and when.

“It doesn’t really matter how long this takes or to whom this has to go. I’m a firm believer that there are enough good, honest people on this planet that if the people communicate and work together, the tide on this can and will be turned,”Fleming says.

“It’s the same story all over the world. All the people that I’ve talked to in the different countries that I’ve been working with have the same feeling. They’re coerced. Their citizens are being bribed, which, as a side note, anytime the government has to bribe the people to do it, you have to say, ‘If it was really a good idea, why would you have to bribe me? I would be lining up for it.’

I’m the ultimate, I think, research scientist. After 53 years, I really feel very strongly about being a scientist physician. And I am incredibly offended when Anthony Fauci says he is science, because he’s not …

If these ‘vaccines’ actually worked and there was scientific evidence, I’d be on here telling you to take it. What you’re hearing me tell you is, ‘Don’t take it.’ These things are biological weapons. They’re nothing more than a genetic code of a biological weapon that was made, that was paid for, and put together by nefarious people … I’m not anti-vaccine. I’m anti-stupid.”

We’re Battling the Biggest Propaganda Campaign in History

In closing, Fleming says:

“One of the things I do want to make a comment on now is for the people who have not been vaccinated. When you’re looking at people who have been vaccinated, step back for just a moment and recognize that many of those people got vaccinated because they were told that this was the only way to protect the people that they loved. 

What we need to do is have the intelligence and the compassion necessary to look at those individuals and say, ‘I get it. No judgment.’ If there’s a shedding problem or something like that that you’re dealing with, there are treatments available that you can look at. I put those on the website, too.

But come together and support those people, because they were just doing what they thought was right. Many of them are scared, and they have been made so scared. By the way, what type of country, what type of world, spends so much effort frightening the blazes out of its citizens? That says something.”

Indeed, this is undoubtedly the most effective propaganda campaign in the history of humanity, and it’s hard to blame someone for cracking under that type of a coordinated assault. The good news is that common sense has not entirely died yet. Fleming says:

“I think there’s a lot of people that are very concerned that things have gone south, so to speak. I’m actually encouraged. One of the things that I’ve noticed about being here in Texas is that common sense has not died … [and] what I’ve repeatedly gotten from people is ‘Don’t dumb it down.’

It’s not a matter of turning people into Ph.D., M.D.’s or whatever, it’s a matter of just being truthful and honest with them. People have a really good capacity, when they get away from all the nonsense happening, to look at the truth and realize it’s the truth and to listen to nonsense being thrown at them and realize that it’s just garbage and manipulation. So, common sense is a really useful tool for everybody to have. That and compassion …

We used to frequently sit down and have conversations with families and friends where you’d argue back and forth and you discuss things, and I can’t be the only person that would walk away from a conversation and go, ‘Well, I hadn’t really thought about that. Let me think about that’ because that’s kind of a different point of view. 

That exchange stopped when they quarantined people, when they isolated us, put us in our homes and controlled what you could see on the Internet and on television. Well, we’ve come far enough back out of it that that exchange has started again.

So People have had to fight to get that information out, but it’s that sharing of information and knowledge that is so critical to turning this around, and actually bringing all of this nonsense under control. Not just the virus, but the manipulation of people that has been going on and the lies and the deceit and the abuse of power. They used our money to do it. They used our lives to do it. They used our livelihoods to do it.”

RELATED VIDEO: Biden’s Red Terror Against the Unvaxxed.

RELATED ARTICLE: Two Key Senior FDA Officials Resign Over Vaccine Decisions

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

Mayo Clinic DIRECTLY Tied to World Economic Forum, Dominion Voting Systems!

Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.

Let him that would move the world first move himself.

Today’s blog is a reprint of an article from Stew Peters of the Stew Peters Show. Links and credits are shown below and the article is self explanatory.

As always please share this blog far and wide as we continue our fight against tyranny and the swamp – one and the same! Read on ….

Last week I told you about some of the brightest doctors at the Mayo Clinic. There’s cardiologist Courtney Bennett, whose advice to unvaccinated people who get sick is “please go die.” There’s general surgeon Mark Sawyer, who posted his lurid fantasies about getting to deny sick people health care, staring them in the eyes and saying “it’s too late” as they expire.

Well, we have more. I was recently pointed towards an interview featuring Doctor Gregory Poland, director at the Mayo Clinic’s Vaccine Research Group. He’s also a paid advisor to vaccine maker Johnson and Johnson. No conflict of interest there. But for all his degrees and all his supposed expertise, he’s still a nutjob about masks. He ended a recent video interview on Facebook live (sheltering at home, of course) by condemning schools that don’t have mask mandates. “Parents, please protect your precious children,” he said. Now keep in mind. There are no mask mandates in British schools when they’re otherwise much more restrictive than we have been. There’s no evidence that masks in schools do anything to change infection rates, and there’s still plenty of evidence that children are at almost zero risks of serious harm from COVID-19. This isn’t science and it isn’t medicine. It’s the cult of the mask.

And how about this: Doctor Gianrico Farrugia is the president and CEO of the Mayo Clinic, but that’s not his only job. He’s also a “health governor” with the World Economic Forum, which has been generating propaganda in favor of worldwide vaccine passports for travel. Oh, but don’t worry: In a May article about vaccine passports, a WEF writer noted there are civil liberties concerns about vaccine passports, and so any rules about them would have to be “fair.” So who did the WEF suggest could set those “fair” rules? Why, the World Health Organization, of course. The same World Health Organization that has repeated Chinese propaganda since the beginning of this pandemic. The same World Health Organization that denies the existence of Taiwan to avoid offending the People’s Republic. The same World Health Organization whose leader, Tedros Adhanom, covered up cholera outbreaks in his home country of Ethiopia.

Oh, and just because these connections are fascinating to discover, there’s another person, Matthew Horace, who currently serves as Chief Security Officer for Mayo. We’re pretty sure he doesn’t set vaccine policy, but who knows these days. Anyway, what’s Mr. Horace’s other job? What would be the most ridiculous job he could possibly have? If you guessed “chief of security for the DNC”…you’d be wrong, because there’s something even more ridiculous. Mr. Horace is also chief of security for Dominion Voting Systems. His LinkedIn biography notes that he “leads the companies IT security and cybersecurity initiatives.” And you can’t see it, but he actually misspells “company’s” in his profile. Also, his college degree is in English, with a Masters in “Leadership.” And this guy is in charge of organizing cybersecurity for one of this country’s largest voting machine companies. You can’t make any of this up.

See all of Stew’s content at StewPeters.TV.

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

Florida Gov. DeSantis Goes After Biden For Sweeping Vaccine Mandate ‘Not Based On Science’

Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis called President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate “unconstitutional” and argued it is “not based on science” during a Friday press briefing.

Biden announced Thursday that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration will require private businesses with 100 plus employees to mandate vaccines or test them weekly. The president criticized “elected officials”— particularly DeSantis and Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott— that have banned policies mandating COVID-19 protocols, threatening to “get them out of the way,” according to Newsweek.

“Generally, when you’re taking action that’s unconstitutional, that threatens the jobs of the people in my state, many, many thousands of jobs, I’m standing for them,” the governor said. “We’re going to protect their jobs and against federal overreach. And this is a guy who criticizes the state of Florida for protecting parents’ rights and he says ‘School boards should be able to eliminate parents’ rights and force five-year-old kids to wear masks all day.”‘

“Yet here he comes from Washington, D.C., instituting an unprecedented mandate which even his own people acknowledge in the past is not constitutional, that’s not leadership and I think the problem I have with Joe Biden more than anything, this guy doesn’t take responsibility for anything. He’s always trying to blame other people, blame other states.”

The governor blamed Biden’s policies for the 300% rise in COVID-19 cases from the previous year despite the president’s promises to “shut down the virus” during his campaign. He added that the mandate does not follow science since it does not exempt those with natural immunity. 

“Many of these people [COVID patients] have already recovered and they have immunity. The idea that somehow, you’ll have someone that gets a Johnson & Johnson and they can work but someone that’s got natural immunity somehow can’t, that natural immunity is strong,” DeSantis continued. “So it’s not based on science, and you can say, he says he’s ‘losing patience with people.’”

“At the end of the day, we don’t live with a one-person rule in this country, we live in a constitutional system which people’s rights are respected, but particularly in this juncture their livelihoods and their jobs have to be protected. Just think about what this mandate will do, it’s going to drive people out of work, out of hospitals, out of all this stuff where you have a need for people.”

“So it’s totally counterproductive and I think it’ll ultimately lose in court but before that there needs to be action taken to protect the people of our state and hopefully, of the entire United States. Nobody should lose their job based on their decision,” the governor concluded.

Several Republican state attorney generals threatened to take legal action against Biden’s new mandate Thursday, saying they are reviewing all legal protocols of the legislation. A new poll revealed that nearly three-quarters of unvaccinated Americans would prefer to quit their job than receive the shot.





Appeals Court Reinstates DeSantis’ Ban On School Mask Mandates

Denmark Lifts All COVID-19 Restrictions, Doesn’t Consider Virus ‘A Socially Critical Disease’

Psaki Refuses To Explain Why American Workers Are Required To Be Vaccinated But Migrants Are Not

Ben Shapiro Is Gearing Up For A Legal Fight Against Biden’s Vaccine Mandate

‘Okay, Daddy’: Megyn Kelly Slams Biden After He Attacked Unvaccinated In Vaccine Mandate Speech

RELATED ARTICLE: Only Mass Civil Disobedience Will Save Us’: JD Vance Shreds Biden’s Vaccine Mandate On American Businesses

EDITORS NOTE: This The Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

How Much More Are You Going to Take?

This morning I saw the news that our local hospital has shut down its maternity ward, due to multiple healthcare professionals quitting — rather than being forced to get an experimental injection!

They have bills to pay, a family to support — yet they have said: enough! Kudos to these brave, principled people, some of whom have resigned from a position that they have been involved with for decades.

How about the rest of us? At what point do we say that we’re not going to take it any more?

It seems like most citizens will tolerate a loss of their rights and freedoms, if it is done gradually — like slowly turning up the temperature of a pot with a lobster in it.

Most citizens have already looked the other way about innumerable recent liberty extractions:

  • like a state mandating that wind energy must provide 30% of the electricity. What happened to the free market?
  • like the federal government demanding adherence to “climate change” policies. What happened to real Science?
  • like universities forcing “woke” propaganda into the curriculum. What happened to critical thinking?
  • like the Attorney General attempting to block forensic election audits. What happened to election integrity?
  • like governments requiring that certain citizens must get an experimental injection. What happened to our body, our choice?
  • etc., ad nauseam.

When is enough, enough?

Maybe it’s when we realize that there is a pattern here, and that these are not random abuses.

Maybe it’s when we realize that the direction these are taking is towards Communism.

Maybe it’s when we realize that the only power that governments, etc. have, is what we have voluntarily granted them.

Maybe it’s when we realize that by tolerating these abuses, that it’s perceived as compliance and weakness — which invites more injustices.

Maybe it’s when we realize that good people are in the majority — and that working intelligently together, we can defeat these assaults on our rights.

Maybe it’s when we realize that we need to collectively and aggressively push back against these attacks on our freedoms.

Let’s start drawing some lines in the sand.

How about we begin with the unscientific FDA COVID-19 drug approval process involving Remdesivir and Ivermectin?

That issue may sound obscure, but it is that corrupted process —> that then illegally allowed experimental injections —> which led to subsequent mandates, etc., etc.  (For details see these two Reports (here and here),

Plus this powerful video.

Fix the FDA drug approval process, and the rest of the unscientific COVID-19 policies fall like a house of cards!

One way to fix it is to personally sue the FDA individuals whose negligence allowed this debacle to happen.

To pull this off, dedicated volunteers are needed!

(E.g., to coordinate this effort, to send information to social media, to research contact information for sympathetic media, to research contact information for like-minded organizations, to set up a fund-raising campaign, attorneys to prosecute, etc.)

It’s your life and your choice as to when you have had enough. Hope it’s not too late.

©John Droz, Jr., Ph.D.

RELATED ARTICLE: Senator Gregg Schmedes Drops Truth on COVID Hospitalizations!

Biden’s Abortion Fig Leaves and Masks Are [Finally] Off

Abortionist: Killing black babies is a “blessing”

Fr. Peter M. J. Stravinskas: It’s time for bishops to ban Joe Biden from Holy Communion in their dioceses in advance of his ever setting foot in their territory.

“My administration is deeply committed to the constitutional right established in Roe v. Wade nearly five decades ago and will protect and defend that right.” With that presidential response to the Texas heartbeat law, the “devout” and rosary-clutching Joe Biden finally tore away the fig-leaf he had been wearing for decades. Not long after, Nancy Pelosi, another self-proclaimed “Catholic,” echoed his remarks.

Even worse, the advocate of the perpetual mask unmasked himself, going so far as to say that pro-lifers are “un-American.” Like all the pseudo-devout “Catholic” hypocrites before him – the Cuomo Clan, Geraldine Ferrara, Ted Kennedy, etc. – Old Joe once used to beguile his audiences with the sophism that he accepted Church teaching that human life begins at conception and so was “personally opposed” to abortion but couldn’t impose that on the country. Now, he says he doesn’t believe even that – “respects” those who do, but is quite willing to impose the abomination of abortion even on states seeking to reject it.

A little clarity is in order.

First of all, the Church does not teach that human life begins at conception; science does. You can read it in any textbook of embryology. Having lectured us ad nauseam for a year about the need to “follow the science,” if Biden were sincere he should take his own advice. Because the Church takes science seriously, she teaches that life in the womb is to be held sacred and inviolable.

Second, those same pro-abortion politicians have never hesitated to say that their Catholic convictions impel them to oppose capital punishment – and to seek to abolish it.

For years now, the hierarchy has been embroiled in a debate regarding the application of canon 915, which holds that those “who obstinately persist in manifest grave sin” are not to be admitted to Holy Communion. No one can doubt that a public official who professes to be Catholic and yet promotes the abortion agenda is living in a state of “grave sin.”

Some bishops, however, have tried to duck controversy with a fig leaf of their own by suggesting that withholding the Holy Sacrament would cause an even more serious problem, “weaponizing the Eucharist,” as they put it. The real story,  however, is that the manifestly unworthy politico is the one who is “weaponizing the Eucharist” by daring to approach the altar, thus ignoring Paul’s warning that those who “eat and drink without discerning the body, eat and drink judgment against themselves.” (1 Corinthians 11:29)

Not a few of those same bishops have strenuously opposed the advancement of a document of the episcopal conference on “Eucharistic consistency.” Let’s hope those hierarchs now recognize their foolishness.

To be specific, we should take a look at Biden’s actual situation. Since Biden lives at the White House, the Archbishop of Washington could invoke canon 915. Cardinal Wilton Gregory, however, clearly stated that he has no intention of doing so. And in response to Biden’s recent remarks, Gregory could only mutter that the president is “not demonstrating Catholic teaching.”

Biden’s domicile in the Diocese of Wilmington (Delaware) offers another possibility. The recently installed Bishop William Koenig had a staunch pro-life reputation in the Diocese of Rockville Centre (from whence he hails). When questioned about his attitude toward his most famous parishioner, Bishop Koenig averred: “I certainly pray for him every day.”

Pressed further, he said: “I would certainly be open to having a conversation in the future with him.”

Pressed even further, he declared:  “As a bishop, I’m called to teach the fullness and the beauty of the Catholic faith.” It remains to be seen whether this Ordinary, unlike his predecessor, means business on this issue.

So, too, does Pious Joe’s pastor, Monsignor John Hopkins, at St. Joseph on the Brandywine. The parish bulletin regularly encourages parishioners to urge their Congressional representatives to preserve the Hyde Amendment. A brief – and strange – note emerged in the media after one presidential visit to St. Joseph’s: Biden emerged from the church after only  20 minutes.

Now, no matter how fast a priest speaks or how short his homily, no Sunday Mass with a Gloria and Credo can be completed in that time. Has Holy Joe already been told not to approach the altar and so leaves just before Communion?  Such conjecture should be pursued for confirmation.

And another line of investigation worth pursuing: rather than attending a public Mass in the District: Is he importing one of his Jesuit friends to celebrate a private Mass at the White House and at Camp David?

Privately, some bishops (and not a few other clerics and many pro-lifers) are calling for Biden’s excommunication.  Normally, this would fall to his proper Ordinary (in this case, the Bishop of Wilmington). However, the situation is complicated by the fact that Biden is a head of state, which means that only the pope could level that penalty. We know what that means.

So, where does that leave us?  I would suggest that a procession of bishops engage in a preemptive strike: Ban Biden from Holy Communion in their dioceses in advance of his ever setting foot in their territory. This would be a largely symbolic action, but symbols are important.

When this firestorm over double-talking Catholic pols first surfaced, Cardinal Francis Arinze, the indomitable Nigerian and former prefect of the Congregation of Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments, happened to be on a U.S. lecture tour. He was approached by a reporter and asked his opinion about the fracas.

He responded, “Why are you asking me?”

“Because you are the head of Catholic worship for the whole world.”

“No, don’t ask me. If you have a parish school, go the second-graders preparing for their First Holy Communion.  Ask them if someone who wants to kill babies should receive Holy Communion. Ask them. They’ll tell you.”

Indeed, ask a second-grader.

You may also enjoy:

Robert Royal’s Our First Anti-Catholic Catholic President

Fr. Gerald E. Murray’s President Biden and Public Scandal 


Rev. Peter M.J. Stravinskas

Father Peter Stravinskas holds doctorates in school administration and theology. He is the founding editor of The Catholic Response and publisher of Newman House Press. Most recently, he launched a graduate program in Catholic school administration through Pontifex University.

EDITORS NOTE: This The Catholic Thing column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. © 2021 The Catholic Thing. All rights reserved. For reprint rights, write to: The Catholic Thing is a forum for intelligent Catholic commentary. Opinions expressed by writers are solely their own.

VIDEO: Proof of Genocidal Hospital Protocol

Our First Hand ICU Story – What is ACTUALLY Killing People In The Hospital.

TruthINRADIO published the following commentary and video:

My husband WALKED out of the ICU in just 3 1/2 days. Fastest ICU patient in history of Cov. What we did. What to tell others. It’s not “blovid”- the protocol is what is killing people in the ICU. Here is what to do and how to do it. What to demand. What treatment. Please Share This! More at in show notes on entire story. My husband had 4 major “risk” categories- so by their “blovid” standards, should be dead. We changed THEIR protocol and saved his life. This is how we did it. ( I look puffy and terrible here on vid because I was brought to tears on the air on my syndicated radio show.)

©TruthINRADIO. All rights reserved.



Must Read New Major COVID-19 Report

Covid Lockdowns & Vaccine Passports are Transforming USA into Chinese-style One-party State

Members of Congress, Staff Exempt From Biden COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

Covid Lockdowns & Vaccine Passports are Transforming USA into Chinese-style One-party State

“For decades the progressive movement has tried to impose and sought a one-party state in America. Climate activists from Tom Friedman on the pages of the New York Times extolled the virtues of China’s one-party system. UN climate chiefs talked about a centralized transformation and praised china for getting it right on climate. So what happened was they spent decades trying to scare us about overpopulationglobal cooling, the amazon rainforest (allegedly disappearing), and finally, climate change, and they failed. A virus comes along and they realized that this cut across ideologies, cut across political affiliation and they were able to declare an emergency and suspend normal democracy. They were able to achieve their one-party state with an unelected bureaucracy.”


Broadcast September 9, 2021 – 8pm ET

Sebastian Gorka Host
Marc Morano of
Grant Stinchfield Show
Newsmax TV
Full Segment below: 

Newsmax TV host Sebastian Gorka: “Let’s talk to the man who I consider to be the anti-Al Gore. Morano has done more to educate the world on the con that is the environmentalist movement than anyone else. His new book, (Green Fraud) of course, has AOC on the cover. Morano is the founder of the website, a superb website. Marc Morano, welcome to Stinchfield (show)

Marc Morano: Thank you very much, Sebastian. Happy to be here.

Sebastian Gorka: Marc, explain just in a thumbnail sketch why none of this should surprise people who are students of history as a child of parents who escaped socialism who understands the horrors of Stalin of Lenin of the quote-unquote ‘workers paradise’ that Karl Marx promised that actually led to the deaths of a hundred million humans in the last century. How do we understand the Green New Deal, the mask mandates, the vaccination mandates, as really a new form of socialism?

Marc Morano: Well that’s a great question and here’s a simple thumbnail: For decades the progressive movement has tried to impose and sought a one-party state in America. Climate activists from Tom Friedman on the pages of the New York Times extolled the virtues of China’s one-party system. UN climate chiefs talked about a centralized transformation and praised china for getting it right on climate. So what happened was they spent decades trying to scare us about overpopulationglobal cooling, the amazon rainforest (allegedly disappearing), and finally, climate change, and they failed. A virus comes along and they realized that this cut across ideologies, cut across political affiliation and they were able to declare an emergency and suspend normal democracy. They were able to achieve their one-party state with an unelected bureaucracy.

So the climate activists became very jealous of COVID because everything COVID did depressed the economy, locked the economy down, kept people from moving, limiting travel, micromanaging every level of your life, weddings, funerals, whether you could go out, whether it was a justified reason, imposed curfews, bans on backyard barbecues. This is the kind of control they wanted for climate and the environment left for decades — COVID gave them that that’s why Jane Fonda said COVID was God’s gift to the Left.

Fast forward: The reason Joe Biden can try to impose a vaccine passport system in the United States is because of the COVID emergency health declaration where democracy is suspended. We are now in a Chinese-style one-party state. This is not something that’s going to happen in the future, it is being imposed on us now using the COVID 19 emergency declaration. They don’t want hearings in Congress, they don’t want to vote, they don’t want town halls, this is raw authoritarian power that they’ve sought for decades and they never thought in their wildest dreams that in a year and a half of COVID they could have this kind of success — but here we are.

China’s one-party state

Sebastian Gorka: So let me be clear, let me repackage what Marc Morano just told us: They’ve succeeded for a year and a half to shut down America, to tell you what you can do and now they’re going to use the same tactics the lockdowns, the shut-ins, the quarantines, the business closures, not for covid or COVID 20 or COVID 21 the excuse is going to be the climate. It’s all a watermelon it is green on the outside but a deep red communist on the inside. Educate yourself. Get Marc’s book about the Green New Deal and go today to the that he founded.

Related Links:

NYT’s Friedman lauds China’s eco-policies: ‘One party can just impose politically difficult but critically important policies needed to move a society forward’ – Freidman 2009 excerpt: “One-party autocracy certainly has its drawbacks. But when it is led by a reasonably enlightened group of people, as China is today, it can also have great advantages. That one party can just impose the politically difficult but critically important policies needed to move a society forward in the 21st century.”

UN Climate Chief Christiana Figueres laments U.S. democracy is ‘very detrimental’ in war on global warming — Lauds one-party ruled China for ‘doing it right’ on climate change

Bloomberg News: The political divide in the U.S. Congress has slowed efforts to pass climate legislation and is ‘very detrimental’ to the fight against global warming, she said.

‘China, the top emitter of greenhouse gases, is also the country that’s “doing it right” when it comes to addressing global warming, the United Nations’ chief climate official said.’ ‘China is also able to implement policies because its political system avoids some of the legislative hurdles seen in countries including the U.S., Figueres said.’

Former Harvard Physicist Dr. Lubos Motl of Czech Republic Comments on UN’s Christiana Figueres: ‘The totalitarian system rocks while democracy sucks!’ – Motl: ‘The actual goal of the climatism is to liquidate democracy, freedom, and prosperity in the world.’ – ‘Figueres’ totalitarian advertisements are indefensible by the struggle to reduce the CO2 emissions because China’s CO2 emissions were actually growing significantly more quickly than America’s emissions in recent years – and China overtook the U.S. as the world’s #1 producer of CO2 six years ago or so’ – ‘The goal of these “people” is to stop democracy, freedom, and prosperity regardless of the fate of Nature, the temperatures, or the CO2 concentrations.’

Flashback: UN climate chief Christiana Figueres seeks ‘centralized transformation’ that is ‘going to make the life of everyone on the planet very different’– ‘The Industrial Revolution was also a transformation, but it wasn’t a guided transformation from a centralized policy perspective. This is a centralized transformation that is taking place because governments have decided that they need to listen to science. So it’s a very, very different transformation and one that is going to make the life of everyone on the planet very different’

The ‘Great Reset’: Rule by Unelected ‘Experts’ – COVID-Climate Technocracy has arrived – ‘The danger of letting lab coats run the world’ – Special Report

Morano: ‘COVID lockdowns have brought progressive dream of a one-party state to Western democracies’ – Canadian PM Joins Calls to Apply COVID Lessons to Climate Change

Watch: COVID lockdowns morphing into climate lockdowns – Morano on Tucker Carlson
Watch: Jane Fonda says ‘COVID is God’s gift to the Left’

‘Fantastic’ for the climate: Activists See Coronavirus Lockdowns As A Dress Rehearsal for ‘Climate Emergency’

Marc Morano, author of ‘Green Fraud’: ‘Lockdowns’ Are ‘Essentially a Model’ for Green New Deal’s ‘Planned Recession’– “What is a lockdown but a planned recession?” he asked. “I’ve been to multiple U.N. summits where they actually openly talked about — years ago, long before anyone heard of COVID — [how] we need planned recessions in order to fight global warming. The less economic activity, the better for the planet. … When you now hear that they want a lockdown every other year to fight climate change, that’s consistent with what they’ve been saying since the 1970s.”

©Marc Morano – Climate Depot. All rights reserved.

Members of Congress, Staff Exempt From Biden COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

Rules for thee but not for me. This is totalitarianism. The Democrats did this with Obamacare, too.

“Biden’s” new vaccine mandates for federal employees don’t apply to members of Congress or those who work for Congress or the federal court system.

Members of Congress and Their Staff Are Exempt From Biden’s Vaccine Mandate

By Darragh Roche 

President Joe Biden‘s new vaccine mandates for federal employees don’t apply to members of Congress or those who work for Congress or the federal court system.

Biden issued two executive orders on Thursday requiring vaccination against COVID for federal workers and contractors who work for the federal government. He also asked the Department of Labor to issue an emergency order requiring businesses with more than 100 employees to ensure their workers are vaccinated or tested on a weekly basis.

However, Biden’s order on federal workers applies to employees of the executive branch. The House of Representatives and the Senate belong to the separate legislative branch, and the courts to the judicial branch of the federal government.

Biden’s COVID action plan – “Path Out of the Pandemic” – published on the White House website makes the effect of the vaccine mandate clear.

The plan says: “Building on the President’s announcement in July to strengthen safety requirements for unvaccinated federal workers, the President has signed an Executive Order to take those actions a step further and require all federal executive branch workers to be vaccinated.”

“The President also signed an Executive Order directing that this standard be extended to employees of contractors that do business with the federal government,” the plan goes on.

“As part of this effort, the Department of Defense, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Indian Health Service, and the National Institute of Health will complete implementation of their previously announced vaccination requirements that cover 2.5 million people.”

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said at a press conference on April 29 that the House couldn’t require members to be vaccinated. Video clips of those remarks gained renewed attention online following Biden’s announcement.

“So—so here is the thing. We are—we cannot require someone to be vaccinated. That’s just not what we can do. It is a matter of privacy to know who is or who isn’t,” Pelosi said.

“I can’t go to the Capitol Physician and say, ‘Give me the names of people who aren’t vaccinated, so I can go encourage them or make it known to others to encourage them to be vaccinated.’ So we can’t—we can’t do that,” she said.

Pelosi’s office reiterated that position in a statement to Newsweek on Friday, saying the speaker’s April 29 remarks were “referring to the institution in which she serves.”

“She’s saying she cannot force Members to be vaccinated, which is true,” the statement said.

In August, a group of 19 Democrats in the House wrote a letter to the Capitol’s attending physician, Dr. Brian P. Monahan, asking him to consider a vaccine requirement or a minimum of two COVID tests per week for members and staff who can’t show proof of vaccination. No requirement has yet been put in place.


Biden’s Vaccine Mandate May Be Doomed Thanks to 1 Mistake Made By Top WH Official

FREEDOM! Court Rules for Florida Gov. DeSantis, REINSTATES BAN on Obscene School Mask Mandates

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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VIDEO: Biden WH/CDC Political Corruption Exposed

Biden’s UNCONSTITUTIONAL Vaccine Mandates, Fauci Perjury? Judicial Watch Fights for 1/6 Videos

Teachers Unions Gave Guidance to CDC Director on School COVID Restrictions

The all too powerful teacher unions have been throwing wrenches into efforts to reopen schools amid the pandemic, making all manner of demands with little regard for the students or parents.

Now we know how they have exerted their influence on public officials, particularly in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

We received 12 pages of records showing the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and National Education Association (NEA) influencing the director of the CDC and the White House with their own “embargoed vaccine research,” as well as school reopening policy.

Additionally, the CDC Director states that she used the unions’ language in the CDC’s school reopening policy. (Some of these emails have been previously disclosed.)

We obtained the documents through a FOIA request to the CDC asking for:

  • All emails exchanged between CDC Director Rochelle P. Walensky and email accounts ending in and/or
  • All emails exchanged between CDC Principal Deputy Director Anne Schuchat and email accounts ending in and/or
  • All emails exchanged between CDC Acting Associate Director for Communications Abbigail Tumpey and email accounts ending in and/or
  • All emails exchanged between CDC Associate Director for Policy and Strategy Robin M. Ikeda and email accounts ending in and/or

The records, some of which had been previously released, reveal:

  • On February. 8, 2021, Rebecca Pringle, president of the National Education Association (NEA), emailed Director of the CDC, Rochelle Walensky, requesting an advance copy of the CDC school-related COVID-19 guidance:

I am writing to request an advance copy of CDC school-related COVID-19 guidance that I understand are to be released this week. We will, of course, keep them confidential until they are public. I want to be prepared for any media or internal questions that come after they are released.

Any other information you can offer about the timing of their release is appreciated….

P.S. Our team will be briefing the CDC and White House staff today on our embargoed vaccine research. I will be sure you receive the research memo with our findings after they meet today.

  • In an email exchange on February 1, 2021, American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Senior Director of Health Issues, Kelly Trautner to CDC officials, White House officials, and AFT colleagues, Trautner thanks everyone for the “rich discussion about forthcoming CDC guidance:”
Thank you again for Friday’s rich discussion about forthcoming CDC guidance and for your openness to the suggestions made by our president, Randi Weingarten, and the AFT. We are hopeful that lines of communications will remain open, and that we can serve as a true thought partner as you continue the important work toward safe reopening of schools.

We crafted the language below using a NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) document, as well as language in some of our agreements with school employers. Thank you for considering it

White House official Carole Johnson forwards Trautner’ s email to Walensky writing, “AFT followed up w suggested lang[uage] on accommodations per your exchange with Randi.”

On February 3, 2021, Walensky replied to CDC, HHS, White House, and AFT officials:

I just wanted to circle back and extend my gratitude for the language you have provided below. Regrets for my delay in reply but I wanted to be certain you knew it is being worked into (with just a few small tweaks) the school reopening guidance. We have also included the executive summary you suggested.

Please know that we are listening and working hard to ensure your confidence and partnership in this endeavor.

Within the “language” provided by Trautner to the White House officials, she suggested adding,

Employers should provide reassignment, remote work, or other options for staff who have documented high-risk conditions or who are at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19 to limit the risk of workplace exposure. Options for reassignment include telework, virtual teaching opportunities, modified job responsibilities, environmental modifications, scheduling flexibility, or temporary reassignment to different job responsibilities.

Trautner replied to Walensky:

Thank you so much for your responsiveness to the suggestions made by Randi and our team. We are immensely grateful for your genuine desire to earn our confidence and your commitment to partnership. We will pass this message along to Randi. She will certainly be most grateful.

On February 11, 2021, Trautner continued the exchange, emailing Walensky:

Thank you for your continued openness to our suggestions and input. We would like to share some thoughts regarding the paragraph below which was apparently leaked from the imminent guidance on reopening schools:

“At any level of community transmission, all schools can provide in-person instruction (either full or hybrid), through strict adherence to mitigation strategies. Recommended learning modes vary to minimize risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in school by emphasizing layered mitigation, including school policies requiring universal and correct mask use. The recommended learning modes (in-person, hybrid) depend on the level of community transmission and strict adherence to mitigation.”

It would be great to see the insertion some variation of the following: “In the event high-community transmission results from a new variant of SARS-CoV-2, a new update of these guidelines may be necessary.”

We are deeply concerned about likely implications this language will have in schools where strict adherence to mitigation strategies is lacking or is impossible to implement, particularly those schools in high-density, crumbling infrastructure areas, and particularly when community transmission is high. We don’t believe that any current research has demonstrated that all schools in those areas can safely reopen.

  • On March 17, 2021, Trautner emailed Walensky about a call from Weingarten, saying: “Randi is hoping to schedule a call with your folks about reopening issue, including maintaining mitigation protections and what might be needed in the context of higher vaccination numbers.”
  • On March 23, 2021, AFT President Randi Weingarten emailed Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona and Walensky, saying that she had noted the “shift” in CDC’s guidance regarding physical distancing in schools with “keen interest.”
  • On March 20, 2021, the CDC issued new “guidance” reducing suggested physical distancing from 6 feet to 3 feet for students.

Weingarten stated:

[A]lthough I was very worried about the implications of the shift, I reserved judgment until we could review the new studies that were presented….

[W]e are not convinced that the evidence supports changing physical distancing requirements at this time. Our concern is that the cited studies do not identify the baseline mitigation strategies needed to support 3 feet of physical distancing.

[W]e conclude that any shift from 6 feet to 3 feet must be accompanied by, at a minimum, universal and correct masking; effective ventilation; thorough cleaning of buildings; regular COVID-19 testing of teachers, staff and students; effective contact tracing and quarantine/isolation protocols; and the availability of vaccines to all people in schools who are eligible.

Weakening one layer of layered mitigation demands that the other layers must be strengthened. We strongly urge you, in any discussion of this shift, to forcefully insist on strict and strengthened adherence to the other mitigation strategies….

After months of mixed messaging and misinformation, consistency from our public health officials is a welcome change. But as educators with the expertise on how physical distancing works in schools, we have immediate logistical questions….

Weingarten added a list of questions regarding how school personnel can move about, whether simulcasting lessons was still necessary, and what the government’s mitigation strategies timeline was.

  • On April 9, 2021, Weingarten emailed Walensky about “Requesting Meeting about Variants,” stating: “On behalf of the AFT we would request a meeting with the CDC on the impact of the Covid variants, particularly what we are seeing in schools and communities.”
Walensky replied, “Dear Randi, Many thanks for reaching out. I’ll connect with my team and work to make this happen.”

What qualifies partisan teachers unions, other than generous contributions to allied politicians, to provide the CDC with public health guidance on reopening schools? The CDC is corrupted by politics and is dishonest when it suggests it is merely “following the science.”

Judicial Watch Seeks Evidence in Lawsuit against U.S. Capitol Police for January 6 Videos

Nancy Pelosi and her U.S. Capitol Police must have something to hide about January 6. Why else would they be hiding evidence from the American people?

Undeterred by their stonewalling, we filed a motion for discovery in our lawsuit against the United States Capitol Police (USCP) for videos and emails and videos concerning the disturbance at the U.S. Capitol on January 6 (Judicial Watch v. United States Capitol Police (No. 1:21-cv-00401)).

Congress exempts itself from the Freedom of Information Act, we brought this case under the common law right of access to public records. The US Capitol Police declined to produce any records about the disturbance, however, arguing that the requested videos and other records are not “public records” and the public interest doesn’t warrant their release.

We asked the court to grant us the ability to gather evidence about the preservation and use of the infamous January 6 videos:

This case concerns whether the public has a right of access to records about what Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi has describe as “one of the darkest days in our nation’s history,” “an attack on our very democracy [,]” and “an attack on the peaceful transfer of power.” Speaker Pelosi also has stated, “It is imperative that we find the truth of that day and ensure that such an assault on our Capitol and Democracy cannot ever again happen.”

To find out the truth about what took place at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 and to understand how Defendant United States Capitol Police and other government entities responded on that day, Plaintiff Judicial Watch requested access to certain communications and video recordings.
(Judicial Watch) therefore moves for limited discovery to seek evidence to prove that the requested records are public records subject to the common law right of access and that the public’s interest in disclosure outweighs the government’s interest in keeping the records secret.

We filed the lawsuit for:

  • Email communications between the U.S. Capitol Police Executive Team and the Capitol Police Board concerning the security of the Capitol on January 6, 2021. The timeframe of this request is from January 1, 2021 through January 10, 2021.
  • Email communications of the Capitol Police Board with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the U.S. Department of Justice, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security concerning the security of the Capitol on January 6, 2021. The timeframe of this request is from January 1, 2021through January 10, 2021.
  • All video footage from within the Capitol between 12 pm and 9 pm on January 6, 2021

As the Pelosi House seeks the confidential phone and social media records of countless Americans concerning January 6, its U.S. Capitol Police is covering up 14,000 hours of video about what really happened that day. The U.S. Capitol Police should be required to explain under oath its reasons for refusing to turn over even one second of January 6 video to the American people.

U.S. Invests Millions to Bring Racial, Ethnic ‘Equity’ to STEM Education

You will be forgiven if you think operating a computer has nothing to do with race. And you would be wrong, at least according to the leftist-controlled National Science Foundation, which is pushing extremist and racist Critical Race Theory. Our Corruption Chronicles blog has the story.

Weeks after giving a private college hundreds of thousands of dollars to “identify any existence of systemic inequities” in science, technology, engineering, and math fields (STEM), the U.S. government is doling out nearly $2 million to address racial and gender disparities in high school computer education. The money will come from the National Science Foundation (NSF), which was created by Congress seven decades ago to promote the progress of science, advance national health and prosperity and secure the national defense. With an annual budget of $8.5 billion, the NSF funds more than a quarter of research conducted at American colleges and universities, where theft of intellectual property by Communist China is pervasive.

While the NSF is one of the government agencies that has long permitted Chinese Communist scientists to steal billions in taxpayer-funded research, it is also keeping up with the current climate of political correctness. A few days ago, the agency awarded two public universities a total of $1.9 million to “address the historical and current racial and gender disparities in participation in high school computer science education.” The project is part of a broader program called Researching Equity and Antiracist Learning in Computer Science (REAL-CS) that focuses on expanding participation for black, indigenous, “Latinx” (the new, politically correct gender-neutral term for Latino or Latina) and Pacific Islander students by addressing systemic barriers in high school computer science education. REAL-CS is designed to sustain another publicly-funded, “equity-focused” initiative called Exploring Computer Science (ECS) dedicated to “democratizing” the field by increasing opportunities for “traditionally underrepresented” high school students after a study identified disparities along “race and socioeconomic lines.”

The recent NSF allocations will go to the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) and the University of Oregon. UCLA, which has its own CS Equity Project, is getting $1,026,000 from the NSF to help prepare teachers nationwide to reach thousands of minority high school students to take “an equity-focused CS course,” according to the grant announcement. The University of Oregon will receive $873,999 to do the same. “Overall, the key goal of REAL-CS is to create the necessary conditions and capacity in high schools that lead to equitable participation of students of color in high-quality computer science classes,” according to the NSF. The agency assures the costly program will create systemic change by increasing the use of racially and culturally inclusive practices, refreshing existing curriculum and supplementary curricular materials with antiracist design tenets, and conducting deep qualitative research nationwide that investigates equity-oriented teacher beliefs and practices.

Weeks before awarding the UCLA and Oregon grants, the NSF gave a private liberal arts college in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania more than a quarter of a million dollars to uncover “any existence of systemic inequities and advancement barriers related to gender, race, and ethnicity in STEM faculty.” The $271,594 grant will fund a project at Bucknell University, which has an enrollment of 3,724, that uses quantitative and qualitative data to develop and implement a plan to remove such barriers. “This project will bring significant insights into issues facing women and underrepresented minority faculty that are unique to STEM disciplines and in a primarily undergraduate institution that strives to enhance diversity in students, faculty and staff,” the NSF writes in the grant announcement. The project is part of a larger initiative called Self-Assessment of Gender, Racial, and Ethnic Equity (AGREE) in STEM Faculty that aims to uncover systemic inequities centered around recruitment, retention, and promotion processes facing women and faculty members underrepresented in STEM disciplines.

The NSF has been embroiled in its fair share of scandals over the years. Most recently, the agency was outed along with several others, including the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Energy’s national laboratories, for long permitting Communists working in the U.S. to steal scientific research. This was the subject of a scathing U.S. Senate report that determined billions of dollars in scientific research funded by American taxpayers have been stolen by China and the U.S. government has no viable plan to stop the ongoing theft of the highly valued intellectual property, which congressional investigators assure “has contributed to China’s global rise over the last 20 years.” The NSF was also embroiled in a porn scandal years ago in which employees spent significant portions of their workdays watching, downloading and emailing pornography on government computers without ever getting caught.

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch video and column are republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Must Read New Major COVID-19 Report


Some Scientific Observations about the Medical Establishment’s Handling of COVID-19 to Date

America has long been an exemplary beacon of freedoms and economic prosperity.

Due to its stature, America also has powerful enemies — e.g., large communist countries.

However, great people (like Abraham Lincoln), have warned us that our biggest threat is actually from within!

One of the largest internal assaults we are experiencing, is that real Science is being replaced with political science.

What has happened with COVID-19 is a textbook example of that substitution — to the detriment of all citizens.

Here is the official Press Release of a powerful unpublicized COVID-19 Report.

©John Droz, Jr., physicist. All rights reserved.

New Study Vindicates States that Canceled Expanded Unemployment Welfare Early

This new study simply confirms what common sense and basic economics alike always predicted.

ebate over the welfare state is once again making headlines. On Monday, the expanded unemployment welfare system was finally allowed to expire after more than a year. Originally created as a “short-term” measure authorized for a few months in March 2020 then repeatedly extended, these benefits paid many of the unemployed more than their former jobs, with benefits reaching up to $25/hour in dozens of states.

Dozens of Republican-led states chose to end the benefits early. This week’s termination of enhanced benefits was in the Democrat-run states that maintained the expanded payouts, and with their lapse, the debate over whether these benefits were disincentivizing work was reignited.

The Wall Street Journal even published a news article, widely circulated among welfare advocates, claiming that “states that cut off enhanced unemployment benefits early didn’t see a significant boost in job growth.” This was a bizarre spin given that the article itself notes that “economists generally agree the enhanced benefits caused some people to stay out of the labor market” and contains several pieces of evidence suggesting they did have a significant effect. But the skewed reporting is consistent with a broad pattern in media coverage and political commentary that has attempted to downplay and deny any drawbacks of the welfare expansion.

New research makes the obvious work disincentive even more difficult to deny. A new report by Mercatus Center economist Michael Farren and Christopher M. Kaiser analyzed data from the Current Population Survey and found that states which ended the expanded benefits saw twice as much job growth compared to states which maintained them.

The results “show that higher UI benefits tend to discourage employment, whereas the end of UI eligibility appears to motivate more workers to become employed,” the Mercatus researchers note. They pointed out that this is consistent with a long and extensive economic literature finding that unemployment benefits—which effectively subsidize joblessness—lead to increased unemployment.

This new study simply confirms what common sense and basic economics alike always predicted. States that ended ultra-generous benefits earlier had more job growth, while those which continued to disincentivize work had weaker job growth. But don’t expect welfare state advocates to acknowledge this reality any time soon, lest their big-government worldview begin to fall apart.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Like this story? Click here to sign up for the FEE Daily and get free-market news and analysis like this from Policy Correspondent Brad Polumbo in your inbox every weekday.


You are our Peace, God, from the thousand weariness’s of our daily life, from the disappointments from the nervous and senseless haste, we turn to you and are at peace.   Clamour dies, and we are alive in the sunshine of your presence. Even so, please come, to this soul of mine……

Telling people to stay calm, overcome, do the right thing during any type of trauma is almost an anathema to most human souls.   Since the falling away of a connection to the real God mankind has become very self-reliant on their own thoughts, desires, understanding and emotions to solve a problem.   They are deeply embedded.  Some people call it our ego, a false sense of who we really are.    In this state, we fail to see the importance of staying calm and objective in the ‘present’ moment.

The current ‘fear driven’ pandemic is obviously not the only trauma which is also affecting millions.  It is being succinctly pointed out via the media that suffering is also taking place in many other areas of human life.   However, in some areas of suffering the media will never report the real devastation being created by people who may make the wrong choice in life whilst they are shrouded in false facts, beliefs and fear.

Good News is rarely reported.

Therefore, the first March for Life march in London, over the weekend of September 4th attended by thousands, was again under-reported by the mainstream media.

The pro-life message, usually viewed as some sort of abuse or critique against women who choose abortion has been seriously disfigured.    Contrary to some condemnation by radicals, it is mainly value and support which is extended to women by the pro-life movement, along with the promotion of value and the human rights of the unborn.

Despite recent research that most women are relived after having an abortion, it is reported that many women suffer deep regret and post abortion recovery groups have multiplied in churches nationwide.   Parents are being helped by these ministries and the power of forgiveness is being promoted.

It is also very encouraging that Caroline Farrow, Campaign Director of Citizen Go, reported the following in relation to the march:

“As I walked past the ‘Extinction Rebellion’ climate-change protestors at Trafalgar Square, I noticed that far from being aggressive or abusive they were interested and engaged by our message. One photographer from the press remarked on the demographics of our march, with plenty of young people and families and commented on what a ‘wholesome picture’ we made, by comparison with other recent protests.

A handful of pro-abortion protestors doubtless concerned by the huge crowd (one policeman estimated the numbers as 4,000 people) attempted to scream offensive and abusive slogans but quickly realised that they were vastly outnumbered and moved on”

It appears to me that people are really waking up to the culture of organized and controlled fear and returning to the spirit of life and ‘wholesomeness’ as indicated in her quote.

I also noticed that the opposition moved away when they realized they were ‘outnumbered’

Is it possible that more light is coming to the earth to expose the darkness? I think so

You can watch scenes from the march here:

Snakes and Ladders

If you have ever played the game of snakes and ladders you will know that on the throw of a dice you can be moved forward one minute but down the next depending on which square you happen to land on and life can be very much like that.   Bad news, divorce, death, illness, can sometimes see you slipping down the slithering snake of despair, depending on your own reaction and attachment to an outcome, and before you know it you are in a cobra crush of crippling confused thoughts, making bad and embarrassing decisions and wondering and doubting what the future will hold.   Resentment grows, and the ladder back up can be out of reach and a game of chance.

However, it doesn’t have to be this way if you view life from a spiritual perspective, have faith in God and remain calm.   Being still inside in the present moment instead of hoping or dreading in some far-off unseen future amidst many battling thoughts appears to be the key to finding the right way through.

If you are currently suffering, besides your own thoughts, you must also be very objective and careful who you listen to.

In the bible, Job endured the analysis of well-meaning friends who had no idea about the real plans of God and why Job was suffering.   We are sometimes those friends who can’t resist to think and then articulate the reason why someone is suffering.

Therefore, it is wise to be aware. Stay focused and calm in troubled water.  The best you can do is advise your friends to do the same.   Never believe your own thoughts or the thoughts of others. Who is the snake and what is the ladder is not always obvious?   Patience and forgiveness appear to be a corrective quality which only God can impart when you go through painful times.

Counting it a joy can be difficult, I’m embarrassed to say I have tried and failed miserably at times, irritated by the ‘cheer up it might never happen’ statement, but it should be remembered that God corrects those he loves and even flippant statements can be factored into your well-being if you don’t over-react and just notice your resentment.

British born Milo Yiannopoulos well known for his political views and openly gay statements has also been extolling the virtue of prayer and how God reveals the truth and correction to those he loves.   Milo now declares himself as ex-gay and how he has found his true identity.

His you tube interview with Life Site News (which is now banned) was so informative and interesting.   In the honesty of his revelation on the trauma he had experienced during his youth, it was impossible to judge him or see him as anything but brave.   His past did not exist.  You can find his interview through the link below:

Sam Salter, is also one of many who has been interviewed on finding his true identity and giving up the gay lifestyle.   It can be no coincidence that his story is very similar to Milo’s and that he has turned to Christianity and prayer.  He quotes:

“I’d say, isn’t change in identity a fundamental principle of Christianity? Dying to self, shedding the old to make way for the new, beating the flesh and receiving the spirit, on our journey back home to the father…?

The London March for Life for me was indicative of a movement in our world which is exposing darkness with light on many issues and reaching others who are waking up.  We have much to be thankful for.  The light of God will also dispel the darkness inside us

If you’d like to see more photos from the day, they can be found here:

Keep Calm – Choose Life


Newsletter2.pdf (

Abortion Regret Isn’t a Myth, Despite New Study…… | News & Reporting | Christianity Today

CitizenGO joined the March for Life UK – YouTube04.09.2021 London March for Life

Ex-gay Milo Yiannopoulos delivers message of hope: ‘Born this way’ is a lie. You can change – LifeSite (

Born gay? Sam Salter: ‘Finding my true identity’ – Christian Concern

New Study Finds Mask Mandate Failed to Reduce COVID Deaths, Hospitalizations, or Cases

A study published by the Southern Medical Journal and reviewed by the US Army Institute of Surgical Research found mask mandates did not reduce COVID transmission or severity in the fourth largest county in Texas.

Anew study published in the The Southern Medical Journal (SMJ) found that a county-wide mask order in Bexar County, Texas, did not lead to a reduction in COVID-19 hospitalization rates or deaths.

The study, which was peer reviewed, analyzed data before and after mandates were imposed at both the state level (July 3, 2020) and in Bexar County (July 5, 2020), Texas’s fourth largest county.

“We defined the control period as June 2 to July 2 and the postmask order period as July 8, 2020–August 12, 2020, with a 5-day gap to account for the median incubation period for cases; longer periods of 7 and 10 days were used for hospitalization and ICU admission/death, respectively,” the study authors wrote. “Data were reported on a per-100,000 population basis using respective US Census Bureau–reported populations.”

Authors of the study, which was reviewed by the US Army Institute of Surgical Research, analyzed the daily average number of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, ICU visits, patients on ventilators, and deaths, and concluded the policy did not reduce any of these metrics.

“All of the measured outcomes were higher on average in the postmask period as were covariables included in the adjusted model,” the researchers said. “There was no reduction in per-population daily mortality, hospital bed, ICU bed, or ventilator occupancy of COVID-19-positive patients attributable to the implementation of a mask-wearing mandate.”

The SMJ research results come four months after the CDC published a large-scale study that found there was no statistically significant difference in COVID spread among children in schools where masks were optional compared to schools where masks were required.

That study analyzed roughly 90,000 elementary school students in 169 schools in Georgia in November and December 2020.

Other studies, however, have found masks reduce the spread of COVID-19, including a large-scale analysis from Bangladesh currently in preprint and under peer review at the journal Science.

“We now have evidence from a randomized, controlled trial that mask promotion increases the use of face coverings and prevents the spread of COVID-19,” said Stephen Luby, a professor of medicine at Stanford and co-author of the study.

Others, however, contest this conclusion.

“The Bangladesh mask study does not show a statistically significant difference in the efficacy of cloth masks vs surgical masks,” Harvard epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff recently observed. “Based on the confidence intervals, both could be around 0% or both could be around 20%.”

A recent New York magazine article said conflicting research on mask mandates, combined with the absence of outbreaks in Europeans schools that do not require children to wear masks, suggests the science on masks “remains uncertain.”

In light of the unclear efficacy of masks and mask mandates as a mitigation to slow the spread of COVID-19, many would argue it seems both unscientific and unhelpful to compel people to wear masks. (People, of course, are free to wear face coverings if they wish.)

This, perhaps, is why many people are beginning to resist measures that require them to wear face coverings to attend local gatherings and public meetings.

However, fewer may realize that mask mandates fall out of the purview of science even if research concluded they were effective at reducing the spread of COVID-19.

As the economist Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973) once observed, in the modern world science has long been invoked by the state to coerce and dictate the actions of individuals.

“The planners pretend that their plans are scientific and that there cannot be disagreement with regard to them among well-intentioned and decent people,” Mises wrote in his 1947 essay “Planned Chaos.”

Science, however, cannot answer moral questions or provide answers in the realm of subjective value judgments. It cannot tell us what we should do or what we must do.

“[T]here is no such thing as a scientific ought,” Mises wrote, echoing a famous argument by the philosopher David Hume. “Science is competent to establish what is.”

Much of the debate surrounding COVID-19 stems from the fact that public health officials have overstepped the boundaries of science. Instead of making public health recommendations based on scientific evidence, the state has begun to use the power of the law to coerce individuals into actions.

The results have been disastrous—and frightening.

Masks mandates, lockdowns, and other state-enforced “non pharmaceutical interventions” may very well reduce the spread of COVID-19—though an abundance of scientific evidence suggests they do not do so effectively and come with unintended consequences, some of which are dangerous and deadly.

But don’t call these interventions “science.” As Mises rightly understood, there’s no such thing as a scientific ought.


Jon Miltimore

Jonathan Miltimore is the Managing Editor of His writing/reporting has been the subject of articles in TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, Fox News, and the Star Tribune. Bylines: Newsweek, The Washington Times,, The Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, The Federalist, the Epoch Times.

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EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.