Deplorable Me

Brietbart’s Charlie Spiering in his column ‘Hillary Clinton’s 47% Moment: Calls Trump Supporters ’Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Xenophobic, Islamophobic’” reported:

During a fundraiser in New York City Friday evening, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton described half of the Americans supporting Donald Trump as a “basket of deplorables” made up of “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic” people.

Count me as one of the deplorables.

I have been called racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and Islamophobic long before Hillary’s 47% statement. Let’s look at each of these expressions of contempt and understand why I freely admit to being one of the “deplorables”:

  • RACIST – I am a racist because I have seen in my lifetime the black family destroyed and with it the black community. I weep when I see black single mothers who are dependent on government for their sustenance.  My heart breaks when I see young blacks killing other young blacks. I was angered watching blacks burn down black business in Ferguson, Missouri and Baltimore, Maryland. I am a racist.
  • SEXIST – I believe it is a woman’s right to choose to get pregnant. I do not believe that once pregnant a woman has a right to choose to kill her baby. I believe every life is precious and the unborn are a gift from God. Therefore it is morally right for a mother to carry her baby to term. If she does not want to raise her baby then others are waiting in line to do so. I believe adoption beats abortion every time! I am sexist.
  • HOMOPHOBIC – I believe that homosexuality is a life style choice, not a civil right. Homosexuality goes against the laws of nature, science and genetics. The color of one’s skin is immutable. Homosexuality is mutable. While I do not agree with this lifestyle, I do not condone the persecution and slaughter of homosexuals as is happening in majority Muslim nation states. I abhor what Omar Mateen did at the Pulse Gay Club in Orlando, Florida. Homosexuals need psychological and medical help because their behaviors are dangerous to themselves, their family and those they have intercourse with. I am homophobic.
  • XENOPHOBIC – I fear those from other countries who break our laws by illegally crossing our borders. Our sovereignty is at risk. Borders are like the front door of my home. I decide who can and cannot enter, so to it is with my country. It is our sovereign right and the duty of the U.S. Congress to decide who comes to America and under what circumstances. Open borders is the inextricable path toward the loss of the America I have known. It is wrong to allow people without respect for the rules and law breakers to come to America. We are a nation of laws, not of men. I am xenophobic.
  • ISLAMOPHOBIC – I have attended fifteen 9/11 memorial ceremonies. I have listened to speakers tell heart breaking stories of their pain and suffering because of what happened on 9/11/2001. But 9/11 was not just one attack by the followers of Mohammed. Since 9/11/2001 there have been tens of thousands of attacks by Muslims against non-Muslims and Muslims alike. September 11th, 2016 was not only the 15th anniversary of the attacks on the Twin Towers in New York, the attack on the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. and the downing of Flight 93. There was also the 9/11 attack which brought down Extortion 17 a helicopter carrying 33 SEAL Team members in Afghanistan in 2011 and the 9/11 attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya in 2013. The pattern is clear, to deny it is worse than to be labeled. I see Islam as evil. I am Islamophobic.

Yes, I am a deplorable, a supporter of Donald J. Trump for president.

I am an American worker, mother, father, son, daughter. I am an American soldier, sailor, airman and Marine. I am an American farmer, coal miner, oil rig worker, I have a gun and I am a small business owner. I am a police officer, fire fighter, gold star mother, blue star father. I am a Christian, a Muslim, a Jew, an agnostic, an atheist. I am straight, I am gay. I am not rich. I am not privileged. I am not an NFL quarterback. I do not hate America. I vote my values.

I am deplorable – a badge I wear with honor. I am an unhypenated American!

Toby Keith – American Soldier:

RELATED VIDEO: Deplorables

15 Years after 9-11: Has the Islamic Terror Threat Worsened?

On September 11, 2001, Islamic terrorists, 19 well educated young men – Saudi, Egyptian, and Yemeni nationals – hijacked four airliners (American Airlines Flight 11 and United Flight 175 from Boston’s Logan airport, American Airlines Flight 77 from Dulles airport and United Airlines Flight 93 from Newark Airport). They were part of a team of 26 Al Qaeda operatives inserted into the US. With captive passengers aboard, they flew into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in Manhattan and the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. Brave actions of the 40 passengers and crew aboard Flight 93 led to the first counter-attack within thirty minutes of the sky-jacking. The Flight 93 heroes overcame the Islamic terrorists diverting the aircraft from its ultimate target, either the White House or the Capital building in Washington, crashing into a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, 50 miles from Pittsburgh.

Sunday September 11, 2016 will be the 15th commemoration of the Al Qaeda suicide sky-jackings at the fateful twin towers in Lower Manhattan, the Pentagon in Northern Virgina and the diverted crash in Pennsylvania that took the innocent lives of nearly 3,000 Americans and others. Many who survived could tell stories about the valiant heroes from the storied ranks of New York’s Finest and Bravest.

Among the valiant fallen was Rick Riscorla, former Army officer, who survived the Battle of the Ia Drag valley in Viet Nam. He shepherded many hundreds of investment firm employees to safety on 9/11. He did not survive. There was the ironic case of John P. O’Neill, Former Deputy Director of the FBI, who had successfully investigated and brought to justice Ramzi Ahmed Yousuf and blind Sheik Abdul Rahman, the main perpetrators of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, a precursor to 9/11. He had warned about a possible 9/11-type attack. However, his warnings were ignored. Ironically he was killed on 9/11, his first day on the job as the World Trade Center Security Director. O’Neil’s quixotic counterterrorism effort and fate on 9/11 was memorialized in Lawrence Wright’s 2006 best seller, The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11.

Memorials will be held in lower Manhattan at the National 9/11 Museum in the shadow of the Freedom Tower that replaced the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center (WTC). Others will occur at the 9/11 Pentagon Memorial and the Flight 93 9/11 Memorial in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

Saturday, September 10th, a memorial was held in the southern tier New York State community of Owego to honor one of its own, who perished on an upper floor of the WTC towers. The memorial plaque in Owego cites Islamic terrorists as the perpetrators of this heinous crime on unsuspecting victims. It was objected to by Muslim advocates in the region. They wanted to expunge the reference to “Islamic terrorists” instead replacing it with either “terrorists” or “Al Qaeda terrorists.” The request was denied by the Owego town manager on the grounds that altering the plaque would be acceding to politically correct objections that were both historically and factually inaccurate.

What a number of us called the Pearl Harbor of the 21st Century was perpetrated by Sunni extremist Jihadists, facilitated in part by the Shiite Islamic Republic of Iran and its proxy Hezbollah. The 2016 memorial comes at a time when there is rising concern over global Islamic terrorism. In America we have experienced attacks perpetrated by Jihadist US citizens and immigrants in several massacres in Boston, Chattanooga, San Bernardino and Orlando. The Orlando massacre was the most significant mass shooting in American history. Over $1 trillion in taxpayer funding has been spent to create new homeland security and transportation safety agencies, and establish counterterrorism intelligence sharing among domestic and international groups. The FBI is tracking over 1000 cases of ISIS sympathizers.

A recent FoxNews poll revealed a heightened sense of unease among Americans who feel less secure after 9/11. Among the poll’s findings were:

Some 54 percent think the United States is less safe now than before the September 11 attacks. Thirty-nine percent say the country is safer. Last year, it was 53-38 percent. Prior to September 2014, more voters than not said the country was safer

Most voters, 80 percent, think it’s at least somewhat likely a major attack “causing large numbers of American lives to be lost” will happen in the near future.

What is concerning is that there has been a shift in the Islamic terror paradigm away from the costly, carefully planned, well executed and financed spectacular events like 9/11 to ones that are ideological driven by self-actualized fundamentalists. They are among thousands in a global network spawned by the Salafist Islamic State. They are attracted by the self–declared Caliphate’s conquest of territory in Syria and Iraq and the ability to “freely” practice a pure form of totalitarian political Islam. All in a territory administered under strict Islamic Shariah law by “Caliph” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi based on the example of the “Prophet” Mohammed. It is replete with rape, pillage, slavery and massacres of kuffars,unbelievers. These include Christians and other non-Muslim minorities including non-Sunni Muslims and even Sunni Muslims who dare to contest the Islamic State fundamentalism. They are deemed heterodox and subject to summary execution.

In this article we will explore what has given rise to this dangerous shift in Islamic terrorism and why it has arisen. Al Qaeda, still a threat, is consternating counterterrorism efforts both here and elsewhere in the West. We will also address possible bio-weapon and dirty bomb threats that have surfaced in discussions about ISIS. Then there is the matter of Iranian links to 9/11 compounded by the problematic nuclear deal, the JCPOA.

9/11- the Al Qaeda “Blessed” Event

As if on cue, Al Qaeda Central head, Aymen al-Zawihiri, who succeeded Osama bin Laden, issued a 20 minute video message on the 15th commemoration. He said:

We mark in these days the passage of nearly 15 years since the blessed invasions in Washington, New York and Pennsylvania.

According to a MEMRI translation, Al-Zawahiri:

focused on al-Qaeda’s reasons behind the 9/11 attacks and its impact on the U.S. He urged his followers to focus on targeting the U.S. and its allies, while bringing the battle to their own soil. Zawahiri also appealed to non-Muslim African-Americans calling on them to convert to Islam.

Al–Zawahiri’s whereabouts, while not verified, may be somewhere in Pakistan or possibly, in one of their North African affiliates. However, as events have worked out, Al Qaeda has been eclipsed by its affiliates that have operated independently – most dramatically by its offspring, the Islamic State, formerly Al Qaeda in Iraq.

The Rising Toll of Jihad in the US and Globally

With the constellation of Jihadi events in the run up to this 15th commemoration of 9/11, the cumulative number of deaths in U.S. since 9/11 due to domestic Jihadists is 94. The prosecution of Jihadists since 9/11 has climbed to 364 versus 184 for so-called non-jihadist extremist cases. In 2015, the Heritage Foundation reported more than 70 terrorist plots have been foiled since 9/11. The rise of ISIS as a self-declared Caliphate in the conquered territory in Syria and Iraq motivated many of the recent murderous Jihad attacks in North America and in Europe, The New York Times reported that the casualty toll of ISIS in the West had climbed to over 1,200 victims. The attacks in Paris, Nice, Rouen and Brussels raised the specter of bombing and other attacks from ISIS super cells among large émigré Muslim communities. Add to that, the threat from returning foreign fighters, trained by the Islamic State and also infiltrating the massive stream of refugees and migrants fleeing conflict zones from Syria and across the Muslim Ummah in the Middle East, South Asia and Africa. The Europol chief Rob Wainwright reported that upwards of 5,000 returning ISIS fighters are at large in Europe.

The irony of the rise of the Islamic State is that it was spawned by Al Qaeda in Iraq and now surpasses the parent organization that launched its successful mass terror operation in the West on 9/11. Some analysts indicate the rise of the Islamic State has diminished the original trans-global jihadist creed of Al Qaeda Central as the former holds territory and practices a pure form of Islam under Shariah. That has been the major attraction for the thousands of foreign fighters from across the Ummah teeming to join it. The Nigerian terror group Boko Haram which has pledged fealty to the Islamic State as the Islamic State’s West Africa Province (ISWAP) is rated by the Global Terror Index (GTI) as the world’s largest Islamic terror group surpassing the barbarous record of the Islamic State. Since 2009, Boko Haram has murdered over 15,000 since 2009, 7,619 in 2014 alone. Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan accounted for nearly four fifths (78%) of the 32, 685 deaths attributed to terrorists in 2014. A majority of these deaths are afflicted on Muslims. The takfiri Islamic doctrine of Salafist terror groups like the Islamic State considers them inadvertent casualties in the necessary pursuit of Jihad. They are the equivalent of non-Muslims or kuffars, if they reject ISIS’ fundamentalist doctrine.

Why the Islamic Terror Threat had Grown

Just before this 15th 9/11 commemoration, a symposium was held on the threat of Islamic terrorism at a conference of the Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA) and the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) in Washington, DC. As reported by the Washington Times, current director of the National Counterrorism Center (NCTC), Nick Rasmussen noted:

The dramatic rise of Islamic State and its ability to expand around the world presents a danger that is “considerably less predictable” than those posed by al Qaeda at the height of their power, shortly after the 2001 attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center.

The diverse and decentralized nature of the Islamic State has allowed the group to carry out attacks “much more quickly and with much less warning” than previous terror groups.

Islamic State’s dependence on so-called “lone-wolf” attackers, individuals either loosely affiliated or inspired by the group’s virulent jihadi ideology, has particularly confounded the U.S. intelligence community.

The lack of  linkages in contrast to those of sleeper cells of Al Qaeda central, especially by lone wolf attackers who were inspired by Islamic State’s impressive online propaganda operation, has opened up “a size and scale of the [U.S.] population” susceptible to radicalization.

Former NCTC director Michael Leiter suggested, “This will be a challenge for the incoming Administration.”

Further he noted:

The nature of the threat has become more complicated, the evolving methods used by Islamic State for its attacks on the U.S. and Europe are also posing its own set of challenges.

Osama bin Laden and his al Qaeda successors tried unsuccessfully — so far — to replicate the spectacular high-profile attacks of 9/11. Those types of attacks took immense amounts of planning, communication, financing and coordination and came with a high risk of failure.

Islamic State has shifted that paradigm. The group pursued far more basic tactics, such as last year’s mass shooting at an office party in San Bernardino, California, or the July attack in Nice, France, where an Islamic State operative used a truck to run down revelers at the seaside resort town.

Islamic State planners realized they did not need to hijack a plane or plant a truck bomb in Times Square to be effective. A heavy truck or easy access to semi-automatic weapons “is all you need” to carry out an attack.

The Shift in Fundamentalist Islamic Doctrine ‘inspiring’ US ISIS Jihadi Attackers

The Al Qaeda perpetrators came from Middle East countries heavily influenced by Muslim Brotherhood extremist doctrine such as that propounded by Sayyid Qutb, the Egyptian theological ideologue, who provided intellectual groundings for the trans-global jihad movement. The perpetrators of terror attacks in Garland, Texas, San Bernardino and Orlando, Florida were émigrés or immigrants from South Asia, Pakistan and Afghanistan. They attended mosques espousing the anti-Western Deobandi and Tablighi Jamaat creeds. In our August 2016, New English Review article on DHS whistleblower Phillip Haney, he connected the TJ ideology of the perpetrators in both the San Bernardino and Orlando massacres.

The TJ movement sprang from the Deobandi-influenced clerics from India and Pakistan. Haney indicated that TJ Islamic doctrine is the equivalent of ISIS Salafism or Saudi Wahhabism. The TJ movement aimed at proselytizing other Sunni Muslims and gaining converts from other religions. It is estimated to have between 70 to over 120 million adherents globally. Their influence spawned the Taliban and radical terrorist groups like Lashkar e Taiba, Army of the Righteous, whose adherents perpetrated the Mumbai jihad massacre of 2008. In the US, the TJ has a beehive Madrassa; the International Islamic Education School based in Chicago and affiliated with the Bridgewater Islamic Center. Haney suggested that the designation of mosques as “centers” usually was a tip off that it was a TJ doctrine group.

When news broke of the Orlando massacre, Haney went through an intelligence exercise. He demonstrated the TJ network that encompassed the Fort Pierce Florida “center” attended by perpetrator Omar Mateen and his father’s membership on the board. The Fort Pierce masjid or mosque had connections to the IIE in Chicago. Which in turn, had connections to the San Bernardino Dar-al-Uloom al-Islamiya of America mosque where terrorist Syed Rizwan Farook worshiped. The imam, Roshan Zamir Abbassi, a Pakistani, told FBI investigators that he barely knew Rizwan and his wife Tashfeen Malik. Malik had been a convert to TJ Deobandism while attending the al Hulda women’s seminary in Pakistan. Haney further noted that the choice to return to the US and with his Pakistani bride via Chicago and given their appearance in Sharia compliant attire was purposeful. It was deemed a safer port of entry than Atlanta.

The Deadly Threats of Bio-Terrorism and Dirty Bombs

Dr. Jill Bellamy, noted bio-defense expert and member of the UN Counterterrorism Task Force, warned that ISIS may be in possession of laboratories, staffed by scientists and backed by the caches of Saddam Hussein’s CBW weapons stockpiles. All funded by $2 billion in revenues from oil smuggling profits, taxes on conquered populations and illegal antiquities sales. There has been evidence that ISIS may have used chemical weapons against Kurdish forces in Syria and Iraq, as well as on civilians. Because an ISIS super cell planned to attack Belgian nuclear research facilities, she also drew attention to the possibility of terrorists obtaining radioactive materials for the creation of dirty bombs. There have been several arrests made in Moldova of nuclear materials smuggling rings that were alleged to be fulfilling orders for Middle East sources. The bio-weapon threat loomed in the wake of 9/11 when several were killed in anthrax attacks via mail and a US Senate Office Building and several US Postal Service facilities were shut and decontaminated costing several hundred million dollars.

Former National Security Administration (NSA) and ex-CIA director General Michael Hayden revealed in a Daily Beast interview, that many in his agency were concerned after 9/11 about “chatter” from Al Qaeda suggesting a possible nuclear attack in the metro Washington area. They also thought the NSA headquarters complex located at Fort Meade midway between Baltimore and Washington might be a vulnerable target for a possible Al Qaeda nuclear attack. In October 2001, Hayden had gone to the extent of contacting his opposite official at the UK NSA equivalent, GCHQ, regarding setting up transfer of global electronic intelligence surveillance as a contingency.

The bio-weapon attack and dirty bomb terrorist threats were the only plausible threats post- 9/11 raised by Steven Brill in an Atlantic article,”Is America Any Safer?”

Brill wrote about an inadequate bio-defense capability:

An [independent blue ribbon] panel offered a stinging indictment of America’s bio –terrorism security apparatus based on some simulations of terrorist attacks:

The report was written by an all-star bipartisan panel organized by Lewis “Scooter” Libby, who now works at the Hudson Institute, a conservative think tank. As Vice President Dick Cheney’s national-security adviser, Libby led the country’s bioterrorism-defense initiatives following 9/11 and the anthrax attacks.

What a difference 15 years makes. The bioterrorism threat hasn’t receded; if anything, as the panel pointed out, advances in science and technology have made it easier to launch these kinds of weapons. But the nation’s attention has receded—which is emblematic of the roller-coaster way our democracy and its leaders deal with risks. As suggested by the report’s rhetoric about “failures of imagination,” our imagination is limited to the day’s headlines. Policy makers fight the war that made those headlines, not the war that might come next.

On the matter of the dirty bomb threat, Brill addressed the dysfunctional regulations by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission of radioactive materials widely used in hospitals and in industrial applications, most prominently in the nation’s oil and pipeline industries. Note this comment from one critic of the current regulatory model and the attitude of the head of the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards office:

It’s just a matter of time until someone puts two and two together and sees that you don’t have to go to Syria or Iran for this material, that you can get it in New York.

Watch this PBS News Hour Interview with Steven Brill on these threats.

Someone whom Brill respects, former NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly, was interviewed on Yahoo News about the dirty bomb terrorist threat. He believes it is the “greatest threat” in the hands of a terrorist group. He considers it plausible and dangerous, not because of its immediate lethality, rather, he points out that a dirty bomb is an area denial weapon that could bring a bustling business center like Manhattan to a complete stop and make it a virtual deserted town while reclamation takes decades. Moreover it is cheap to make, something that ISIS knows and has worked on. It has, as Kelly points out, a devastating economic terror impact. Watch this Yahoo News video interview with former NYPD Commissioner Kelly.

The Iran Links to 9/11

Earlier, we made reference to Iran’s links to 9/11. In December 2011, New York Federal District Court judge George Daniel handed down a ruling awarding claims to survivors of victims of 9/11. In March, 2016, Daniels entered a default judgment against Iran on behalf of these plaintiffs in the amount of $10.5 billion. It was the subject of a recent Wall Street Journal op-ed piece by former US Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee Chairman, Senator Joe Lieberman, “Remember Iran’s Role in 9/11.”  This Wall Street Journal commentary by former Senator Lieberman corroborates Iran’s complicity in a Washington, DC federal court trial concerning survivors of victims in the 1998 bombings of the US Embassies in East Africa.  Iran and its proxy Hezbollah were actively engaged in the training, transportation and harboring of the 9/11 Al Qaeda operatives and the bin Laden family in Iran prior to and following 9/11. That was part of the evidentiary record of the Iran 9/11 links case, Havlish et al versus Osama bin Laden, Iran, et al. heard before the NY federal district court in Manhattan with findings of Iranian complicity in the 9/11 attack and awards handed down in 2011. Fiona Havlish, the lead plaintiff in the matter, was the wife of one of the 9/11 victims.

Affidavits were presented by experts like Ken Timmerman and others, including Iranian intelligence defectors presented during the trial. One of those involved in the training of the Al Qaeda “musclemen” engaged in over powering crews on board the ill fated sky-jacked flights was Hezbollah terrorist mastermind, Imad Mughniyah. He was involved with the 1983 Marine Corps Beirut barracks attack, the 1992 Israeli Embassy and 1994 AMIA Jewish Center bombings in Buenos Aires, and the 1996 Khobar Towers Bombing to name a few of his murderous exploits. Prior to 9/11, Mughniyah was the terrorist mastermind at the top of the FBI’s most wanted list. He was taken out in a 2008 bombing of his Mitsubishi Pajero SUV after he left the Iranian Embassy in Damascus, where he was celebrating the 1979 Islamic Revolution in February 2008, allegedly by Israel’s Mossad.

Extremist Muslim Shiite Iran has worked hand in glove with extremist Sunni Muslim Al Qaeda terrorists when they had a common enemy in their gun sights: the US, aka the “great Satan” and “little Satan,” Israel. As former Senator Lieberman pointed out, Iran is using funds released under the JCPOA nuclear deal to support terrorism in Syria and Iraq, wherever the Islamic regime in Tehran needs to threaten the US or Israel.


This 9/11 we must recall those who have lost their lives in the attack by Al Qaeda Islamic terrorists 15 years ago. We are now confronting a vastly more complicated threat than the well planned, coordinated and financed attack that took the lives of 3,000 innocent victims. It may be a terror war of a thousand cuts by ISIS sympathizers, not currently on counterterrorism watch lists. Moreover, these ISIS network sympathizers need only have access to readily available weapons, or crudely made dirty bombs to produce mass casualties. We expect that whatever Administration succeeds the current one after November’s election, it will need to undertake a thorough review of these threats and the means of preventing terror plots against us.

EDITORS NOTE: Also see Jerry Gordon’s collection of interviews, The West Speaks.

Medical Ticking Time Bomb

America has been blessed in so many ways. One blessing has been a health-care system which is the envy of the world.

Not only is this blessing changing before our eyes, but our country is under assault by an increasing flow of third-world humanity who are bringing with them not only incredible needs in every respect, but arriving with incredible illnesses – many never before seen in America. This horrible fact is compounded by the sheer numbers who then remain untreated, and amongst unsuspecting ill prepared Americans.

Health officials, elected officials, school officials, and mothers in seventeen states now know all too well the truth of which I am writing.

The bacteria, parasites, worms, and ticks traveling across our borders illegally in the stomachs, in the hair, under the skin of third-world illegals being ushered into the United States should never be, but the same is happening with so-called “refugees” from Islamic countries deliberately being flown into America and then released into cities everywhere. Politicians and community “feel gooders” can pontificate all they want and strut around claiming to be true humanitarians.

In reality, lots of money, political power, and bragging rights are being exchanged while the American citizens remain ignorant to the hidden medical dangers about to come upon us, and in seventeen states already have. Just this week Riverside County, California discovered two grade school students with Leprosy, and in Manhattan, Kansas over 150-high school students contracted bloody explosive diarrhea, vomiting, and fever with no known common event or trigger cause.


See the report below by my colleague, Jean Rice, RN, BS/BA has developed as an answer.

Jean was my medical subject-matter expert for two recent Intelligence Briefings in the Arizona State Senate on the Medical Ticking Time Bomb – Illegals and Refugees. It may very well take more than what is being reported here, but it is a darn good start. I strongly recommend you read every word and consider carefully the counsel being given. If you are a MOM, contact your state’s School Nursing Association, or your State Department of Education and assertively seek further answers.

I also recommend purchasing the reference book: “Prescription for Nutritional Healing” by James F. Balch, MD and Phyllis A. Balch, MD (for the record, I do not receive a fee for this recommendation).


Take some action to improve your family’s health now! If you do not wish to follow the recommendations contained in the Attached Report, fine, but begin doing something to strengthen your family’s health. You will learn that America is already beginning to witness illnesses brought into our country that have no known response to antibiotic medications. Wake-Up America! The intention is to collapse our borders and allow an indiscriminate number of third-world humanity into America forever changing the United States. Until we obtain leaders in elected office and not mere political and government managers, citizens better begin taking better care of themselves because there just simply will not be reliable assistance coming if the illnesses continue, spread, and increase in numbers.

Infectious Diseases:  What Can Be Done to Protect Ourselves?

By  Jean Rice, RN, BS/BA

In the Beginning

In order to protect ourselves from any disease, the first thing we need is a healthy body!  It is our immune system that fights off disease.  In order to fight off the invading germs, bacteria, fungus, viruses and parasites that we are exposed to on a daily basis, our immune system must be functioning at its highest level.

What is the Immune System?

The immune system is a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to defend the body against attacks by “foreign” invaders. These are primarily microbes—tiny organisms such as bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi that can cause infections.

Overall (general) Prevention

Infectious agents can enter your body through:

  • Skin contact or injuries
  • Inhalation of airborne germs
  • Ingestion of contaminated food or water
  • Tick or mosquito bites
  • Sexual contact

How Do We Ensure That We Stay Healthy?

Follow these tips to decrease your risk of infecting yourself or others:

  • Wash your hands. This is especially important before and after preparing food, before eating, and after using the toilet. And try not to touch your eyes, nose or mouth with your hands, as that’s a common way germs enter the body. Keep antibacterial hand wipes in your vehicle to wipe down surfaces you touch and when you are unable to wash your hands.
  • Stay home when ill. Don’t go to work if you are vomiting, have diarrhea or have a fever. Don’t send your child to school if he or she has these signs and symptoms, either.
  • Prepare food safely. Keep counters and other kitchen surfaces clean when preparing meals. Cook foods to the proper temperature using a food thermometer to check for doneness. For ground meats, that means at least 160 F (71 C); for poultry, 165 F (74 C); and for most other meat, at least 145 F (63 C). In addition, promptly refrigerate leftovers — don’t let cooked foods remain at room temperature for extended periods of time.
  • Practice safe sex. Always use condoms if you or your partner has a history of sexually transmitted infections or high-risk behavior.
  • Don’t share personal items.Use your own toothbrush, comb and razor. Avoid sharing drinking glasses or dining utensils.
  • Travel wisely. If you’re traveling out of the country, talk to your doctor about any special vaccinations — such as yellow fever, cholera, hepatitis A or B, or typhoid fever — you may need.
  • See your Healthcare Provider. If symptoms of illness or fever don’t go away or lessen in 12-24 hours, contact your healthcare provider.

Other Thoughts on Building a Healthy Immune System or Maintaining It

If you are looking for alternative ways to build or improve your immune system to minimize the risk of acquiring infectious diseases, here is a starting list for your consideration along with links to do your own research and decide what is best for you and your health.

Garlic has long been used to detoxify the body, and it can also support healthy liver function so that the organ can carry out its important task of cleaning your blood.

Turmeric. With so many benefits, it would probably be easier to list the issues turmeric can’t help with. When it comes to detoxing, however, it is particularly powerful, thanks to its ability to stimulate liver function.

Cucumbers might be mostly water, but that doesn’t mean they should be overlooked. They help alkalize the body and flush toxins out, and are very easy to add to your diet.

Broccoli has a number of impressive health benefits, but when it comes to detoxing, it’s a superstar. It works with liver enzymes to help make toxins easier to eliminate.

Chlorella has long been acknowledged for its ability to flush toxic metals out of the body. This superfood can help boost antioxidants as well as immune system function.
Lentils contain plenty of zinc, which boosts your immune system and is necessary for your body’s metabolic processes. It helps with liver metabolism.

Beetroot can help to restore your body’s pH balance, while infusing it with nutrients such as iron, magnesium, zinc and calcium. Its strong detoxifying properties are supported by its high content of betaine and pectin.

Avocado. You simply can’t go wrong with this superfood. Avocados deliver from several angles. Their glutathione helps remove your body’s toxins while also lending some anti-carcinogenic properties. In addition, their high Vitamin K content is associated with good liver health.

Cabbage can help break down harmful chemicals in your body, such as those found in medications or pesticides, thanks to its sulfur-containing compounds.

Artichokes are full of prebiotic insulin, which your body uses to help form probiotics in your gut. This helps take the pressure off your liver to do all of the detoxing.

Mung beans. On a similar note to lentils, these powerful beans are known to absorb toxic residues from the walls of your intestines.

Green tea’s abundance of antioxidants make it well suited to washing toxins right out of your system. Moreover, it is rich in catechins, which boost liver function.

Watercress. This natural diuretic can protect cells from free radicals while boosting liver enzymes.

Lemon is truly one of the best foods for detoxification, thanks to its high content of liver-supporting pectin and betaine. Squeezing lemon juice into your water is an easy way to fit this into your daily routine.

What Are Superbugs and How Can I Protect Myself From Infection?

“Superbugs” is a term used to describe strains of bacteria that are resistant to the majority of antibiotics commonly used today. Resistant bacteria that cause pneumonia, Tuberculosis (TB), urinary tract infections and skin infections are just a few of the dangers we now face.

Antibiotic resistance is a naturally occurring phenomenon that can be slowed, but not stopped. Over time, bacteria adapt to the drugs that are designed to kill them, and change to ensure their survival. This makes previously standard treatments for bacterial infections less effective, and in some cases, ineffective.

Certain actions may accelerate the emergence and spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, such as:

  • Using or misusing antibiotics
  • Having poor infection prevention and control practices
  • Living or working in unsanitary conditions
  • Mishandling food

To protect yourself from harmful bacteria, wash your hands often with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Healthy lifestyle habits, such as eating a proper diet, proper food handling, getting enough exercise and establishing good sleeping patterns, can also minimize the risk of illness.

You can also help tackle antibiotic resistance by:

  • Using antibiotics as directed and only when needed
  • Completing the full treatment course, even if you feel better
  • Never sharing antibiotics with others
  • Never using leftover prescriptions

Airborne Germs

Because recent evidence suggests that inhalation of microscopic airborne particles may also transmit some diseases, it has been suggested that masks might reduce disease transmission.

Examples of Airborne Diseases – Many types of infections that can be a result of airborne transmission include: Anthrax, ChickenpoxInfluenza, MeaslesSmallpox, Meningitis, Influenza and Tuberculosis. Airborne diseases are caused by exposure to a source such as an infected individual or animal.

Face Masks:  Because recent evidence suggests that inhalation of microscopic airborne particles may also transmit some diseases, it has been suggested that masks might reduce disease transmission.

Two general types of disposable masks are available:

  • Disposable surgical masks (SM)
  • Protect from bacteria and other particles exhaled by sick individuals
  • Protect from contact with sprays or splashes that may contain infectious organisms
  • SMs are not designed to reduce the inhalation of small airborne particles that may contain infectious organisms.
  • Do not expect a SM to protect you from inhaling infectious organisms.
  • Disposable N95 filtering face piece respirators (FFR)
  • You should only use an N95 respirator that is certified by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).  Look for the NIOSH logo and the test and certification approval number on the respirator or packaging. Respirators that are not certified by NIOSH may not provide adequate protection to you. Respirators are typically available from your local drugstores, hardware stores or home improvement centers.
  • Use an N95 dust mask even if you cannot see the particles, because they may be too small to see. N95 dust masks do NOT protect you against chemical vapors, gases, carbon monoxide, gasoline, asbestos, lead or low oxygen environment.

What is Tuberculosis (TB)?

Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease caused by bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The bacteria usually attack the lungs. But TB bacteria can attack any part of the body such as the kidney, spine, and brain. If not treated properly, TB disease can be fatal.

TB is spread through the air from one person to another. The bacteria are put into the air when a person with TB disease of the lungs or throat coughs, sneezes, speaks, or sings. People nearby may breathe in these bacteria and become infected.

However, not everyone infected with TB bacteria becomes sick. People, who are infected, but not sick, have what is called latent TB infection. People who have latent TB infection do not feel sick, do not have any symptoms, and cannot spread TB to others. But some people with latent TB infection go on to get TB disease.

There is good news. People with TB disease can be treated if they seek medical help. Even better, most people with latent TB infection can take medicine so that they will not develop TB disease.

TB Prevention


Disease knows no boundaries and it can and will be exposed to the population at large, and those with a compromised immune system will be the first to succumb to illness. There is a short timeline and a narrow window of opportunity to know the scope of illnesses being released into the civilian population from immigration and poor health screening.

Dr. Lyle Rapacki, Intelligence and Threat Assessment Specialist has stated,

Our Nation is facing a very serious, very sobering set of challenges, and there are people in elected office who choose to do absolutely nothing but put a verbal political “spin” on these National Security challenges and threats and redirect your attention elsewhere. Point the finger, raise their voice, and convince the electorate they alone are standing in the gap to protect our fellow citizens; in reality, nothing is done!” 

Obama and crew are bringing into America Muslims by the thousands from mostly terribly underdeveloped and deteriorating Islamic countries.  This particular population has brought serious medical challenges with them that local and state governments will be forced to financially deal with on an emergency basis, and from which it is quite possible epidemics may occur.  State leaders need to seriously investigate this matter, and review contingency protocols for a response.  But citizen’s better do likewise.  Citizens need to begin taking seriously the threats being brought into our country, and would be wise to make their own plans to be preventative, to begin strengthening their children to naturally ward-off disease.

Prevention of disease begins with overall health.  Get healthy, maintain health, ask questions and be prepared since we don’t know what we don’t know.

Disclaimer:  This article is not to be construed as medical advice.  If you have specific questions or concerns, please seek the advice of your medical practitioner.

VIDEO: Fifteen Years

Five years ago, on September 11, 2011, The United West produced a unique ten-year reflective video that artistically compared Hitler’s evil system of hatred during the 1930’s and 40’s with another evil system that is impacting the world today. This comparison is frightening and graphically illustrated by the attack on America by religiously devout Muslims, September 11, 2001.

On this 15th Memorial Anniversary we re-release our 10-year memorial video, which is even more relevant today.

Please watch and share this unique piece with other patriotic Americans.

Florida: 9/11 Commemoration Facebook Page Hacked – Was it the Islamic State?

sarasota-ministerial-associationA malicious attack occurred against the Sarasota Ministerial Association’s Facebook page announcing their “Standing With the Fallen” 9/11 commemoration at the Sarasota National Cemetery. The hacker obtained administrative privileges and posted that the event was cancelled.

Additionally, the hacker sent out notifications to those who had “friended” the association’s Facebook page saying the commemoration was cancelled.

Why is this attack significant?

Because it was in Sarasota that Mohammed Atta, the leader of the attack on 9/11/2001, and two of the other pilots lived, planned the attack and trained to fly their deadly missiles into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

Is picking this Sarasota commemoration to hack happenstance or something more nefarious?

The following graphic replaced the one the hacker posted announcing the event was cancelled:


In an email to supporters and attendees, Chaplain Tom Pfaff, the event organizer, wrote:


Today [September 10,2016] the Sarasota Ministerial Association Facebook was hacked.

A false posting said that the 9/11 Commemoration was cancelled and sent e-mails out also saying the event was cancelled.

Let’s fight back, by everyone e-mailing saying the 9 / 11 Fifteen Year Commemoration at the Sarasota National Cemetery, 6 PM HAS NOT BEEN CANCELLED but hacked.

And please share the newly, redone event posting with your Friends publicly.

Evil shall not triumph, but will be then used for the good…

This kind of cyber attack using Facebook is unusual in that it targets a specific event commemorating the fifteenth anniversary of 9/11 that has historic significance. President George W. Bush was in Sarasota at Booker Elementary School when he was notified that a plane has struck the World Trade Center. Shortly after the second plane hit and the U.S. Great War on Terrorism began.

 from Heavy in an article titled “Is There an ISIS Terrorist Attack Threat for September 11, 2016?” reports:

15 years after 9/11 was committed by al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden, the United States is now at war with the Islamic State. Is there a credible terrorist threat for the 15th anniversary of September 11?

According to the White House’s top counterterrorism official, Counterterrorism Center chief Nick Rasmussen, the answer is “yes.” The Washington Post reports that on Wednesday, Rasmussen said that the “terrorist threat facing the U.S. and its European allies is ‘bigger, wider and deeper’ than at any point since the Sept. 11 attacks 15 years ago.”

However, no specifics were given.

Last year, Twitter accounts affiliated with the Islamic State threatened a September 11, 2015 hacking attack against the United States. No cyber attacks took place.

But without a doubt, ISIS is planning to capitalize on American fears of a repeated attack on September 11. [Emphasis added]

Did the Islamic State hack the Sarasota Ministerial Association’s Facebook page in remembrance of Mohammed Atta? Is there something more the hacker(s) might do?

The incident according to sources has been reported to Facebook and local law enforcement. Let’s hope this and the thousands of other commemorations go off without a hitch.

EDITORS NOTE: The 9/11 event will take place as scheduled. We will have staff at the event. Stay tuned for updates.

PODCAST: Obama Gave Iran $33.6 Billion in cash and gold? Trump On Putin!

A new report just out speculates that the Obama administration may have paid Iran $33.6 billion in cash and gold from the period of January 2014 and January 2015. Remember the considerable press that the $400 million cash ransom payment received? That, it seems, was just a drop in the bucket. Never doubt who Obama, and Valerie Jarrett, ultimately answer to…

Meanwhile, a presidential candidate forum this week sparked new controversy over Donald Trump’s comments regarding Russian President Vladimir Putin. We’ll do our best to demystify the media’s anti-Russian obsession. For a reminder of what really threatens the United States, just re-read the previous paragraph – billions in cash and gold to a state which refers to the USA as the “Great Satan.”Join us Saturday for these topics and more…

Topics of Discussion:

  • Obama’s alleged $33.6 billion payment to Iran
  • Trump’s take on Putin and Russia – What’s really going on here?
  • Wells Fargo’s massive account fraud
  • Obama admin’s international drone strike regulations
  • Handling the Clinton Foundation scandal – a suggestion
  • Mahmoud Abbas’s history as a KGB agent in Damascas

And more…

California: Migrants Bringing Leprosy to Primary School — Two Infected

A closed-door intelligence briefing I personally conducted in the Arizona State Senate on August 17th, 2016, with the assistance of a subject-matter medical expert, provided detailed intelligence and medical presentations depicting a growing number of states in the United States now confronting medical challenges never before needed to be confronted, in very large and direct measure due to the continuing and unchecked flow of illegals from many South American and South Central countries, as well as from Middle Eastern Islamic countries.

With virtually NO medical screening taking place, I reported at the August 17th briefing that (at that time) twelve states including Arizona were experiencing difficult and new medical challenges with parasites, bacteria, and skin lesions not previously known to our medical professionals. With school beginning I continued, school and community officials should brace themselves for an advent of medical challenges. It is imperative, I stated in my written brief, that State and local officials begin immediately preparing protocols to respond to unusual outbreaks, and even consider finding and setting aside funds to assist county and state health departments for a potentially large increase in activity.

My detailed briefing packet has since been distributed publicly by design to inform parents and citizens. Now below is an article published in the United Kingdom describing two cases of possible Leprosy in Riverside, California.

Prior to this public reporting, I and my medical expert submitted a full report privately to certain elected officials on this matter. We chose to not report on the incident until more conclusive evidence surfaced. Specimens from the exposed children have been rushed to a lab in Louisiana for formal diagnosis, which should be reached within two weeks. But have other children already been exposed?

Since my briefing, five additional states across the United States now have medical challenges for a total of seventeen states. Some of the challenges have been contained and even aggressively addressed. Other issues are still unfolding.

America is certainly undergoing “change” but the results are scary and not-so-good.


Primary school kids ‘struck down with Biblical flesh-rotting skin disease’

Parents have refused to send their children to Indian Hills Elementary after receiving a letter warning of two possible cases

By Brittany Vonow

Parents have now refused to send their children to Indian Hills Elementary in Jurupa Valley after notes were sent home warning parents that two students “might” be sick with leprosy.

Worried parents and kids, pictured, are demanding more info after letters were sent home warning of leprosy at Indian Hills Elementary

The school has now disinfected its classrooms

The school has now disinfected its classrooms with an information night set down for parents to find out more

Students at Indian Hills Elementary have been warned of a potential outbreak of leprosy

Parents express anger at meeting over suspected school leprosy cases

The school, about an hour’s drive from Los Angeles, sent out the warning on Friday, CBS Los Angeles has reported.

Jurupa Valley Unified Superintendent Elliott Duchon said the school’s classrooms had been decontaminated in response to the threat.

He said the two students, who had been warned of the potential diagnosis by a doctor, had alerted the school’s nursing staff.

Read more.

Intelligence Officer Wants Answers From Comey

Letter from Jim McKinney, recently retired Army Foreign Area Officer.

Dear Director Comey,

I respectfully ask you to please clarify some things for me, and for the tens of thousands of security professionals who serve our nation every day. In reference to the former Secretary of State Clinton’s private email server, I read on CNN that you claimed in a memo that “…there really wasn’t a prosecutable case.”   Would your position stand for me if I had done the same?

I am a retired intelligence officer. If I ordered my staff to place an un-cleared private server in my home, had them forward my official government emails to that server, used unsecure remote devices to access that server, wouldn’t I be in violation of law or government security policies? If in those emails, held on that server, I either received or sent classified material, knowingly or unknowingly, wouldn’t I be in violation of the National Security Act? Wouldn’t I be risking national security? If my predecessors did the same would that exonerate me, or them?

I served as a Senior Defense Official/Defense Attaché during Secretary Clinton’s tenure, twice as a Security Assistance Officer at US Embassies, and in Counter-Terror and Special Operations organizations. I served in some of our nation’s most sensitive programs under the NSA, the NRO, and I worked with the CIA, FBI, Treasury and allied nations routinely. In 2013, I received the National Intelligence Award from the Director of National Intelligence, GEN Clapper, for intelligence operations.

I was also trained as a Special Security Officer (SSO) in the control and handling of classified material. In fact, the FBI SSO was in my SSO training class at the Defense Intelligence Agency. Her training was the same as mine. She was a good student, and honorable person.  I am pretty sure the FBI, as with all U.S. government agencies, still keeps a pretty tight handle on classified information.

A few years ago, a State Department colleague was given a security “violation” from our Embassy’s regional security officer – 2 or more “violations” will get you relieved. He wrote the 4-digit code to his door on a sticky note in his wallet, in Chinese.

His door was behind three locked doors, a Marine Guard detachment, a guarded exterior gated wall and video surveillance – all to protect Confidential (C) and Secret (S) data in locked safes, often sent from HQ in SEC Clinton’s name. A little extreme, but this security violation met security requirements under then SEC Clinton.

From all my experience, all my professional training, and all my expectations that our leaders would do the right thing to protect the security of our nation and the integrity of our government, I am confident I would be removed from my position, my clearance would be suspended, I would face prosecution and a likely conviction if I acted the same as SEC Clinton. I hope this would be the case for anyone.

What changed in three years since I retired? Has Congress changed our national security laws to allow incompetence? Has our government changed so much that we are now willing to provide exceptions in handling our most sensitive relations with foreign governments?

I am one of those “…people no longer in government…” you referenced as chest beating. I am not chest beating. I am truly trying to understand. I wonder why you had to send a memo to your staff to explain your decision. Shouldn’t it stand on its own? I wonder why you referenced former government officials. Do former government officials have no knowledge of these lenient new laws, or no right to speak? Is this a warning to those still in government service to toe the line?

You are an intelligent man. You must understand that by sending such a memo you are indirectly (or directly) sending a message to your staff to shut up and follow, regardless of their legal knowledge of the rules for handling classified materials and national security.

There is grave danger when a leader enforces loyalty over integrity. It’s not the best form of leadership. Loyalty over integrity undermines organizations, and it undermines confidence in government.

For me, every policy I followed, every risk to life I took, and everything I defended under five presidents is called into question with your decision to not recommend penalties for one of our national leader’s negligent acts.

How do I, and many Americans, keep faith in our government if there is such an appearance of gross inequality in our justice system on such a grand scale? I would humbly like to know. Your people in the FBI need to know. Those risking their lives for this nation today, and every day, need to know.

Mentally Ill vs. Zealot in Terrorism and Social Media

New York, NY – With the fifteenth anniversary of 9/11 upon us, terrorism and its perpetrators return to focus.  Forensic psychiatrist Michael Welner, M.D., Chairman of the Forensic Panel, is among featured speakers such as former CIA Director James Woolsey, former NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly, Egyptian activist Ahmed Meligy, and former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on September 18 & 19 at the Eyes Only counterterrorism and law conference presented by the Israel Law Center (Shurat Hadin) in New York City. The Israel Law Center is world renowned for its spectacular antiterror litigation successes in the United States and elsewhere.

Dr. Welner’s talk is entitled: Mentally Ill or Zealot: How Social Media Informs Understanding and Assessment.

On another front, recent release of the autopsy findings of the Orlando massacre similarly evoked the stark investigative shortcomings that not only preceded the Orlando tragedy, but followed it. The Clarion Project, an eminent academic and information resource to the anti-terrorism decision-makers, returned to Dr. Welner, to draw his forensic psychiatric input on a series of unresolved questions that piqued public interest.

Professor Ryan Mauro, whose interview earlier this year with Dr. Welner on myths of Islamist extremism can be found here, conducted the two part interview which follows..

Part One: How important questions about the wife of Omar Mateen, the attacker remain unanswered.

Professor Mauro: What’s the significance of Omar Mateen’s wife’s role in Mateen’s actions based on what we currently know?

Dr michael welner

Forensic psychiatrist Michael Welner, M.D., Chairman of the Forensic Panel.

Dr. Welner: Mateen’s wife, Noor Salman, was aware of his objectives to carry out a mass casualty attack, and she could have easily engaged his or her own support system to stop him from doing so.

Mrs. Salman accompanied Mateen during a visit to Disneyworld that caught the attention of Disney security in April. Salman knew Mateen was purchasing offensive weaponry. And not just any gun, but a firearm (MCX Sig Sauer) far more expensive than needed for a mass killing – even as Mateen was quite underemployed. Ms. Salman did not stand in the way of her husband’s activities that would “martyr” himself, knowing that her child would be fatherless and she would be without financial support. Or is there more?

The San Bernadino killers, who long planned the mass killing yet bore a child together, was the watershed of ISIS in America. ISIS has redefined Islamic feminism by embedding women in vital support roles in terror (martyrdom), recruitment and facilitation.

That Mateen was willing to leave a child behind and Salman accepting of same is an idea unthinkable to Americans and to terrorism in America. But it is a mindset indoctrinated in Palestinian life. Salman, born of Palestinian parents and raised with traditional Islamic restrictions, was first wed in an arranged marriage with a man from the West Bank. She divorced her first husband. Yet she stayed with Mateen, who long claimed aspirations to be a martyr.

Salman did more than stay with Mateen, she admittedly participated with him in preparations for his eventual attack, including driving him to Pulse to case the nightclub. She thus actively supported her husband’s efforts, even though she had family living nearby where she could separate herself. She agreed, with Mateen, to sign over the deed to their house two months before the attack on the Pulse nightclub.

Facilitators, collaborators, and handlers are the unseen support of Islamist suicide terror – especially in the Palestinian theater. How did Mateen get the resources for an MCX Sig Sauer? How did he pay for the upscale accommodations of his overseas travel? How does his wife anticipate supporting herself financially in the face of the attack – and having divested herself of her home?

Did he expect to survive, as had the San Bernadino attackers? And what then would have happened? How is it that we do not even know the identity of her first husband’s family? How is it that there is no public discussion about Mateen’s mosque or the influences who inspired him?

Professor Mauro: When Mateen had outbursts of extremism at work, such as declarations of support for terrorist groups, he blamed it on anti-Muslim discrimination by his colleagues, basically saying that Islamophobia casuses Islamic terrorism. Is this just a standard deflection tactic, or is there more involved with Islamists’ incessant use of the Islamophobia card?

Dr. Welner: The American dialogue about the Islamist supremacist movement and, in fact, all of Islam is not based in fact. This is because public impressions and the nature of the dialogue we have are carefully controlled by at least three sources of influence:

1) Unregulated and below-the-radar financial influence on American lawmakers by countries ruled by sharia law.

2) Intellectuals and other American media and thought-leader proxies funded by dogmatic Saudi Arabia and Qatari deep pockets. These funding resources, whose assets tie back to their respective governments, export the spread of sharia as a neoconservative would aim to export democracy. Funding now heavily influences university education, think tanks and media and promotes impression management by respected academia deliberately dissimulates and whitewashes Islamist terrorism and its broader goals.

3) CAIR, the Council on American Islamic Relations, who have been ceded standing by the press to speak for Muslims in America despite a legacy of terror apologia and of actively teaching the Muslim community to impede law enforcement’s investigations of terror inquiries.

Islamic supremacist advocates and, more importantly, the organizations empowered to speak for Islam are very sensitive to American public opinion and the buttons to push among social activists. At a time that enhanced interrogations and waterboarding came under scrutiny in Afghanistan and Guantanamo, for example, al-Qaeda was teaching its conscripts to assert that they were tortured when they went into custody. They could rely upon an academia-media complex that grasped at any opportunity to attack a Republican president through the safe space of declared “social justice.” Al-Qaeda exploited these willing opinion soldiers to fuel public sentiment against Guantanamo Bay and to delegitimize the U.S.-led war against the Taliban and al-Qaeda.

The Islamic supremacists have also cynically co-opted national sensitivities on other fronts. Recognizing the mainstream news media’s identification with black grievances against the police, the Islamists have successfully fused the idea of blacks targeted for their skin color to advance the notion that Muslims are victimized as a direct result of discussion of the centrality of Islam to Islamic supremacist terror incidents.

President Obama has been the highest authority to subscribe to this false canard. The President has famously disassociated Islamic supremacist terrorism from Islam, often with servile platitudes that embellish Islam’s history in America or submissive deference to “The Prophet.” The administration has promoted a CVE (Countering Violent Extremism) program that emphasizes the purported risks of “right wing terrorist” groups in America. While the facts demonstrate otherwise, an imposed groupthink has rooted out teaching and training from among law enforcement that engages the Islamist threat with any appreciation for its urgency and current relevance. References to Islamic terror have been literally erased, right down to “Allah” being airbrushed from transcripts of the Mateen 911 calls.

Political correctness extinguishes any criticism of Islam or its intolerance to alternative lifestyles. This includes speech laws in many otherwise free countries that equate criticism of Islam with hate speech, laws which are enforced particularly as they relate to Islam. With freedom controlled, even where expression is normally free, the public submits. The psychological intimidation by legal repercussion extends what is accomplished by terror or, if not, by threat of terror.

The consequences have filtered all the way through American life, as they have in Europe. A migrant gang sexual assault in Idaho of a small child is suppressed by the local authorities. Nidal Hassan’s advocacy of martyrdom is not sufficient to remove him from active military duty, and when he later embarks on a mass shooting of the troops to whom he was to apply a Hippocratic Oath, the military – which answers to the Commander-in-Chief – insists that it is a work accident. Unquestionably dangerous prisoners released from Guantanamo Bay, only to return to attack and kill American servicemen and Ankara airport-goers alike. Surveillance programs that would monitor mosques in which attendees are particularly poisoned to support terrorism shut down, despite court support of their legality and police respect for their effectiveness.

Americans who cared about their country reported concerns about Mateen to entrusted law enforcement agencies, only to have investigations shut down. All of these systemic errors feed back to the active thought control and stifling of free thinking about efforts of the Islamic supremacist movement to gain submission of non-believers.

The first of those affected are Muslims themselves, because open-mindedness is crushed by sharia advocacy as opposed to pluralism advocacy among Muslims.

The only solution is a nonviolent but defiant revolt of free speech that demands that leaders and the news and information media stop lying to our free society about terrorism and its origins.

Only from that point can collaboration then begin between the general public and Muslims who are invested in a pluralistic America to undertake a constructive anti-terror policy that wins the war that we are now losing.

We are currently losing not by terror, but by the success of our Machiavellian enemy, who has been able to buy the influence of those who do not appreciate that non-violent war is more destructive than terrorism and who exploit our inherent empathic nature as Americans as the first step on the road to submission.

Part Two: Homosexuality, the Orlando attacker, Pornography, & Islamist Terror  

Professor Mauro: The FBI says there is no evidence that Omar Mateen (who attacked the Pulse gay nightclub in Orlando, killing 49 and wounding 53) had a homosexual relationship, although attendees of the gay club say they’ve seen him there. What’s your take, as a doctor, on the possible connection between Islamist extremism, homosexual inclinations, and Islamist terrorism?

Dr. Welner: Ideological mass killings in the name of Islam are carried out principally by young men proving a commitment to their faith and who idealize destructive violence as a grand vehicle for doing so. The rewards of such ultimate sacrifice are particularly manipulated in an age group struggling with sexual deprivations so highlighted in traditional Islam.

Apart from relating to sex as unclean, Islam vehemently rejects homosexuality and condemns gays to death. Is bisexual curiosity or even experimentation necessarily incompatible with terrorism among the devout?

Precedent would demonstrate that it is not. Osama bin Laden, for all of his reputation of piety, was found to have a cache of pornography. Yasser Arafat, as noted by intelligence leaders from Romania and the United States, maintained a voracious homosexual appetite and, simultaneously, religious support for the waves of suicide bombing he organized in the name of martyrdom.

The key to both was the denial of their sexual indiscretions. Denial is very much a part of Muslim culture and of how men in particular relate to personal flaws. Denial serves psychological needs by eliminating one’s psychological conflict. This quality endows one with the ability to maintain earnest sincerity despite factual hypocrisy. Because denial erases torment and eliminates the need to resolve a personal conflict, homosexuality to have an unconscious linkage to Islamist terrorism when there is linkage at all.

Mateen’s father, Sediqque Mar Mateen, and his standing as a pro-Taliban political figure, inspire natural questions about whether Mateen killed to achieve absolution for the dishonor he brought to his father. Nevertheless, Mateen had a long history of inappropriate aggression from his earlier years. The shame his father experienced because of Mateen’s behavior was longstanding. There is no reason why Mateen would be so mindful of his father’s reputation as an adult in 2016 any more than he would be at any other time.

Like other ideologically-driven mass killers – indeed like all of them — Mateen made his agenda clear. He called a 911 operator and expressed official allegiance to the Islamic State “caliph,” Abu Bakr al- Baghdadi, called a television station to express anger towards the United States for bombing in Syria and in Iraq, and communicated with victims around him and with police. For hours, while murdering others around him, Mateen had every opportunity to express antagonism toward gays and did not. Therefore, there is no evidence for homosexual hatred as Mateen’s conscious motive.

Mateen’s presence at Pulse on previous occasions and his reported engagement of gay men through dating apps has not extended into any credible accounts of an active homosexual lifestyle. How then does one integrate Mateen’s online activity and repeated presence at Pulse with his later plundering of the club? It is best to remember that other Islamist terrorist incidents have been perpetrated by actors who specifically presented a false moderation in order to embed themselves with a target who would otherwise have been inaccessible. The scenario that Mateen engaged gay men in chatrooms or partied at Pulse may have had everything to do with making himself familiar enough to partiers at Pulse to diminish suspicions that he had destructive intentions.

The mass killer is typically inexperienced in death. Dehumanizing others is essential to the process of breaking down inhibitions to kill complete strangers. This is where the Pulse nightclub, in my professional experience, comes in.

Gays and lesbians are dehumanized in Muslim religious teaching. An attack on a nightclub full of Americans would be worthy of martyrdom. An attack on a nightclub full of gay Americans would be worthy of martyrdom but easier for the inexperienced if wannabe warrior to execute insofar as the victims would be considered subhuman to begin with.

Professor Mauro: One of the oddities of the Muslim world is that there is such hostility to homosexuality, but if you talk to people who lived there or troops who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, often you’ll hear about widespread homosexual activity in their society, even among Islamist extremists who believe in killing gays. Based on your studies, can you explain this apparent contradiction?

Dr. Welner: Unpredictable sexual exploration is the potential byproduct of pressure to deny and to repress teen and young adult sexuality. Children, both males and females, are commonly exploited by Muslim males as an alternative to forbidden premarital heterosexual sex.

Aggressors relate to their victims in detached and unemotional terms, as vessels for their relief as opposed to emotional and sexual intimacies. This mechanical relatedness to alternative and extramarital sex enables a Muslim to deny homosexuality.

Unpublished research on inmates in Guantanamo demonstrated that detainees who had more exposure to the West maintained the most ingrained hostility toward America. It is therefore not surprising that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed studied at North Carolina A&T, for example.

Hostility toward open gays emerges from similar demonization of others for tempting to blasphemy, rather than one’s own lack of discipline or even sexual inclinations.

Homosexuality is less a threat to Islam than the demonstrative message that homosexual lifestyles are an acceptable alternative. Gay pride is a direct threat to Islam, more so than homosexual tendencies that can be denied or displaced elsewhere.

Vocal hostility toward homosexuality by traditional religion is not exclusive to Islam. There are zealots in Christianity and Judaism who later prove to have their own sex practices that contradict their preaching. What distinguishes the Islamist supremacist movement today is its political mission of imposing its will on surrounding society, which includes the submission of all beliefs and practices deemed unacceptable to Islam.

Submission by force is well on display in countries controlled by Islamic supremacists. ISIS (the Islamic State) is only new in their spectacle, which has intimidated communities into submission for fear of the atrocities otherwise awaiting them. ISIS has used the shock of defenestration of homosexuals in territories it administers to impact sex practices among host populations. But institutionalized hatred and violence toward homosexuals is well-recognized from other Islamist societies such as Iran and Hamas-run Gaza. The sectarian rivalries between the Sunni and Shia do not yield daylight when it comes to homosexuality under Islamist rule.

Ryan Mauro is’s national security analyst, a fellow with Clarion Project and an adjunct professor of homeland security. He is a longtime consultant with expertise on a variety of national security issues, from maritime security to asymmetric warfare. 

For more information on the September 18-19, 2016 Eyes Only counterterrorism and law conference of Shurat Hadin, please click here

To read the articles on, click here and here

Maybe Kaine Thinks You Are Not too Bright

Either progressive Vice Presidential candidate Tim Kaine is stupid or he believes the American people are.  Progressive Senator Tim Kaine D-Va. Has portrayed presidential candidate Donald Trump as a xenophobe.  According to the word xenophobe is defined as a person who fears or hates foreigners, strange customs, etc.  Kaine went on to utter, “Look, this same speech has been given throughout our history, against the Irish, against the Italian-American immigrant (how one can be an Italian-American immigrant is beyond me) against Jews coming from Eastern Europe.  It is a deportation nation… That is not going to make our nation great.

“The continuous flow of new energy and new ideas has made our nation great, Kaine said Clinton, in the first 100 days of her administration, would announce an effort to reform immigration “in a comprehensive way.”  “And it’s going to have a couple of key pillars.  It’s going to have the pillar of trying to keep families together as a key value.  It’s going to have helping employers figure out the immigration status of people they hire.  “It is going to be providing a path, for people who are here if they pay their taxes and submit to criminal back ground record checks and follow the law, over a period of years, they can earn the right to citizenship, come out of a shadow economy where they’re being paid sub-minimum wages, hurting American workers and being treated more fairly.  “That will help American workers and help the economy.

“And finally, we’re going to do what we did in the Senate bill back in 2013, a significant investment in border security.  Your right, illegal immigration is a problem, and we have border security.  Kaine said, he thinks the American people will “send a mandate for comprehensive reform on November eighth.  When individuals such as Donald Trump runs for president, it would seem that one of the top requirements would be to place a high priority status to genuine border security.  That dear reader is what presidential candidate Donald Trump has been emphasizing almost since day one of his candidacy.  He has consistently spoken of the need to stop illegal immigration.

Trump has emphasized the need to protect our borders, not only from illegal immigration, but also from Islamic terrorists that many, including yours truly believe have been slipping into America among the throngs illegals sauntering into America.  I find Kaine’s accusation of xenophobe against Donald Trump to be both false and sinister in nature.  I have never heard or read about any authentic example of Donald Trump being full of hatred or fear against foreigners.

However, unlike many elected officials who are supposed to be in favor of protecting our nation against enemies, both foreign and domestic, but they are not.  Trump has consistently called for defending our borders.  There are two possible reasons that one can be foolish enough to equate protecting our borders and national sovereignty with xenophobic tendencies.

  1. Number one is quite common. There are now millions of high school and recent college graduates who were indoctrinated against American culture, American exceptionalism and American borders.
  2. Many political office holders who have vowed to uphold the United States Constitution actually govern in opposition to constitutional constraints upon government while seeking to make it easier for illegal immigrants to live unopposed in our republic.

Sanctuary cities are a perfect example where quite often American hating bigoted illegal immigrants have robbed, raped and murdered Americans.  Yet the globalist government officials look the other way or only seek to send the criminal illegal immigrants across the border.  Officials do nothing when the murderous illegals return into the United States to abuse our nation’s misguided generosity that American taxpayers are placed on the hook for.   In fact, there has been more expressed outrage from progressive democrats and globalist republicans over Donald Trump’s reaction to illegal immigrant atrocities than the actual criminal activities of the illegal immigrants.

It is a shame to have to mention this, but many black Americans and Latinos both legal and illegally in America equate protecting the U.S. border with racism.  What is scary is that there are many others as well who are actually dumb enough to believe that.  Also, many progressives use that mantra as part of a ploy to guilt America into not protecting her own border security and national sovereignty.  That is because, like many globalist republicans and most democrats they want the U.S. to be changed from powerful to pummeled so she will simply fold into a United Nations global union.

Tim Kaine weighed in about all the money spent on border security in 2013.  What a B.S. artist.  Yes, money was spent, but on what? Feeding and housing illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities.  He like many, talk about keeping families together.  I have a great idea.  When illegal immigrants decide to stroll into our republic, simply deport them with their entire family back to the country they came from.  We must also get rid of that awful anchor baby law.

If someone slips into the United States illegally has a baby and gets caught, Daddy, Mommy and little baby should not be rewarded with the American dream at taxpayer expense.  We should not be rewarding bad behavior with the American lifestyle. The incentive to get pregnant and come to America to have the baby must be eliminated.

The United States can do Mexico a huge favor by first getting our own economic house in order.  Then showing nations like Mexico how they can also be economically successful without the need to send their citizens into America for three hots and a cot, jobs, housing, education, etc.  This is the United States of America and we must govern ourselves accordingly and not allow globalists, and Islamic and illegal immigrant apologists like Kaine, Clinton, Kasich and others to change our republic into a United Nations outpost.


Clinton: It was wrong to call half of Trump supporters ‘deplorable’

A Cat and Mouse Game with State Over Clinton-Deleted Emails

Top Clinton Foundation Executive Sought Diplomatic Passport

EDITORS NOTE: Please join Ron every Friday as I Blow Away the Myths and Reveal the Truth on AM 1180 KCKQ in Reno, Nev. or at 2:00 PM PST, 5:00 PM EST.

The ‘George Soros Affect’ on American Politics and Culture

New York hedge fund manager George Soros is one of the most politically powerful individuals on earth. Since the mid-1980s in particular, he has used his immense influence to help reconfigure the political landscapes of several countries around the world—in some cases playing a key role in toppling regimes that had held the reins of government for years, even decades. Vis à vis the United States, a strong case can be made for the claim that Soros today affects American politics and culture more profoundly that any other living person.

Much of Soros’s influence derives from his $13 billion personal fortune,1 which is further leveraged by at least another $25 billion in investor assets controlled by his firm, Soros Fund Management.2 An equally significant source of Soros’s power, however, is his passionate messianic zeal. Soros views himself as a missionary with something of a divine mandate to transform the world and its institutions into something better—as he sees it.

Over the years, Soros has given voice to this sense of grandiosity many times and in a variety of different ways. In his 1987 book The Alchemy of Finance, for instance, he wrote: “I admit that I have always harbored an exaggerated view of self-importance—to put it bluntly, I fancied myself as some kind of god or an economic reformer like Keynes or, even better, a scientist like Einstein.”3Expanding on this theme in his 1991 book Underwriting Democracy, Soros said: “If truth be known, I carried some rather potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood,” fantasies which “I wanted to indulge … to the extent that I could afford.”4 In a June 1993 interview with The Independent, Soros, who is an atheist,5 said he saw himself as “some kind of god, the creator of everything.”6 Inan interview two years later, he portrayed himself as someone who shared numerous attributes with “God in the Old Testament” — “[Y]ou know, like invisible. I was pretty invisible. Benevolent. I was pretty benevolent. All-seeing. I tried to be all-seeing.”7 Soros told his biographer Michael Kaufman that his “goal” was nothing less ambitious than “to become the conscience of the world” by using his charitable foundations,8 which will be discussed at length in this pamphlet, to bankroll organizations and causes that he deems worthwhile.

“I realized [as a young man] that it’s money that makes the world go round,” says Soros, “so I might as well make money.… But having made it, I could then indulge my social concerns.”9 Invariably, those concerns center around a desire to change the world generally—and America particularly—into something new, something consistent with his vision of “social justice.” Claiming to be “driven” by “illusions, or perhaps delusions, of grandeur,”10 Soros has humorously described himself as “a kind of nut who wants to have an impact” on the workings of the world.11 The billionaire’s longtime friend Byron Wien, currently the vice chairman of Blackstone Advisory Services, offers this insight: “You must understand [Soros] thinks he’s been anointed by God to solve insoluble problems. The proof is that he has been so successful at making so much [money]. He therefore thinks he has a responsibility to give money away”—to causes that are consistent with his values and agendas.12


George Soros was born to Tividar and Erzebat Schwartz, non-practicing Jews, in Budapest, Hungary on August 12, 1930. Tivadar was an attorney by profession, but the consuming passion of his life was the promotion of Esperanto—an artificial, “universal” language created during the 1880s in hopes that people worldwide might be persuaded to drop their native tongues and speak Esperanto instead—thereby, in theory at least, minimizing their nationalist impulses while advancing intercultural harmony. In 1936, Tivadar changed his family surname to Soros—a future-tense Esperanto verb meaning “will soar.”13

When the Nazis occupied Budapest in 1944, Tivadar decided to split up his family so as to minimize the chance that all its members would be killed together. For each of them—his wife and two sons—he purchased forged papers identifying them as Christians; paid government officials to concealhis family’s Jewish heritage from the German and Hungarian fascists; and bribed Gentile families to take them into their homes. As for George in particular, the father paid a Hungarian government official named Baumbach to claim George as his Christian godson, “Sandor Kiss,” and to let the boy live with him in Budapest. One of Baumbach’s duties was to deliver deportation notices to Hungary’s Jews, confiscating their property and turning it over to Germany. Young George Soros sometimes accompanied the official on his rounds.14 Many years later, in December 1998, a CBS interviewer would ask Soros whether he had ever felt any guilt about his association with Baumbach during that period. Soros replied: “… I was only a spectator … I had no role in taking away that property. So I had no sense of guilt.”15

Soros today recalls the German occupation of Hungary as “probably the happiest year of my life.” “For me,” he elaborates, “it was a very positive experience. It’s a strange thing because you see incredible suffering around you and the fact you are in considerable danger yourself. But you’re fourteen years old and you don’t believe that it can actually touch you. You have a belief in yourself. You have a belief in your father. It’s a very happy-making, exhilarating experience.”16

In 1947 the Soros family relocated from Hungary to England, where George attended the London School of Economics (LSE). There, he was exposed to the works of the Viennese-born philosopher Karl Popper, who taught at LSE and whom Soros would later call his “spiritual mentor.”17 Though Soros never studied directly under Popper, he read the latter’s works and submitted some essays to him for review and comment. Most notably, Popper’s 1945 book The Open Society and Its Enemiesintroduced Soros to the concept of an “open society,” a theme that would play a central role in Soros’s thought and activities for the rest of his life.18

The term “open society” was originally coined in 1932 by the French philosopher Henri Louis Bergson, to describe societies whose moral codes were founded upon “universal” principles seeking to enhance the welfare of all mankind—as opposed to “closed” societies that placed self-interest above any concern for other nations and cultures.19 Popper readily embraced this concept and expanded upon it. In his view, the open society was a place that permitted its citizens the right to criticize and change its institutions as they saw fit; he rejected the imposed intellectual conformity, central planning, and historical determinism of Marxist doctrine.20 By Popper’s reckoning, a society was “closed”—and thus undesirable—if it assumed that it was in any way superior to other societies. Likewise, any belief system or individual claiming to be in possession of “ultimate truth” was an “enemy” of the open society as well. Popper viewed all knowledge as conjectural rather than certain, as evolving rather than fixed.

Thus, by logical extension, Popper did not share the American founders’ confident assertion that certain truths were “self-evident,” and that certain rights—such as the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” as referenced in the Declaration of Independence—were “unalienable” and thus not subject to doubt, because they had been granted to mankind by the ultimate authority, the “Creator.”21 We shall see that George Soros, as he grew to maturity, would likewise reject the founders’ premise. Indeed Soros would harbor great disdain for modern-day American political figures who displayed unshakable confidence in their own culture’s nobility, and who embraced the tenets of the Declaration and the U.S. Constitution as timeless, immutable truths. To Soros, “Popper’s greatest contribution to philosophy” was his teaching that “the ultimate truth remains permanently beyond our reach.”22

After graduating in 1952 from LSE, Soros joined the London brokerage firm Singer and Friedlander, where he became proficient in international arbitrage, which he defines as “buying securities in one country and selling them in another.”23 Four years later, he relocated to New York to work as a stock trader on Wall Street. Because Soros “did not particularly care for” the “commercial, crass” United States, he had no intention of settling permanently in America. Rather, he had devised a “five-year plan” to save some $500,000 and then return to Europe.24 His plan changed, however, when he found work as a portfolio manager at the investment bank Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder Inc., where his career—as if to fulfill the prophecy embedded in the family surname his father had adopted two decades earlier—soared to new heights.

In 1959 Soros moved to Greenwich Village, New York, where early stirrings of the Sixties counterculture were already being felt. In September 1960 he married Annaliese Witschak, who would be his wife until the couple divorced 23 years later.25 In 1961 Soros became a U.S. citizen, and two years later he and Annaliese had their first child, a son. In the Village, it is likely that Soros was exposed to the ideas of the prominent socialist Michael Harrington, who mingled with fellow radicals and socialists almost nightly at a tavern situated barely a stone’s throw from Soros’s residence.26 In 1962 Harrington wrote The Other America, a book lamenting the fact that a substantial “invisible” underclass continued to exist even as the country at large prospered, and suggesting that a “war on poverty” was needed to rectify this. President Lyndon Johnson read and admired the book, and its ideas greatly influenced his Great Society policies of government-imposed redistribution of wealth.

Another prominent Village personality of the era—the poet, New Left radical, and psychedelic-drug guru Allen Ginsberg—would eventually become a “lifelong friend” of Soros. Though Soros may not have formally met Ginsberg until around 1980—long after his years in the Village—the billionaire today credits Ginsberg for having opened his eyes to the benefits of drug legalization, which has been one of Soros’s pet projects throughout his philanthropic career.27

In 1969 Soros established the “Double Eagle Fund” for Bleichroeder with $4 million in capital, including $250,000 of his own money. Four years later, Soros and his assistant at Bleichroeder, Jim Rogers, set up a private partnership called Soros Fund Management. They subsequently changed the Double Eagle Fund’s name to The Soros Fund. In 1979 they renamed it again—The Quantum Fund; its value grew to $381 million by 1980, and more than $1 billion by 1985.28


It was in 1979 that Soros began testing the proverbial waters of philanthropy. Five years later he launched, in the country of his birth, the first of his many Open Society Foundations—named after the concept advanced by Karl Popper—to help “build vibrant and tolerant democracies whose governments are accountable to their citizens.”29 But it was not until 1987, the year he opened his Moscow office, that Soros began to disseminate truly large amounts of money to various groups and causes. “My spending rose from $3 million in 1987 to more than $300 million a year by 1992,” he said.30 During this period, Soros established a series of foundations throughout Eastern Europe and Central Asia.31 He happily observed that because of his extraordinary wealth, major political figures “suddenly became very interested in seeing me…. [M]y  influence increased.”32 Today Soros’s Open Society Foundations are active in more than 70 countries around the world.33

In 1993 Soros established the flagship of the Soros foundation network—the New York City-basedOpen Society Foundations (OSF), which went by the name of the Open Society Institute until 2010. While OSF’s philanthropy extends to a number of nations around the world, it is chiefly devoted to injecting capital into American groups and causes. In his book Open Society: Reforming Global Capitalism, Soros explains that the “open society” which he seeks to advance by means of philanthropy, “stands for freedom, democracy, rule of law, human rights, social justice, and social responsibility as a universal idea.”34 But of course, abstract concepts like these, draped in vestments of lofty rhetoric, can mean radically different things to different people.

Entrusted with the task of defining the foregoing terms for the OSF, and for articulating OSF’s agendas from the outset, was Aryeh Neier, whom Soros appointed to serve as president not only of OSF, but of the entire Soros Foundation Network. Thirty-four years earlier, Neier had created the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), which became the largest and most important radical group of the 1960s. SDS aspired to overthrow America’s democratic institutions, remake its government in a Marxist image, and undermine the nation’s war efforts in Vietnam. (A particularly militant faction of SDS would later break away to form the Weather Underground, a notorious domestic terror organization with a Marxist-Leninist agenda.) Following his stint with SDS, Neierworked fifteen years for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)—including eight years as its national executive director. After that, he spent twelve years as executive director of Human Rights Watch (HRW), an organization he founded in 1978.35


Both the ACLU and HRW have long promoted one of the central contentions of Soros’s Open Society Foundations: the notion that America is institutionally an oppressive nation and a habitual violator of human rights both at home and abroad—indeed, the very antithesis of the type of “open society” Soros reveres. Consider first the ACLU, whose advisory board once included the former Weather Underground terrorist Bernardine Dohrn.36 The ACLU has opposed virtually all post-9/11 national security measures enacted by the U.S. government, depicting those measures not only as excessively harsh and invasive generally, but also as discriminatory against Muslims in particular.37Moreover, the organization has filed numerous lawsuits seeking to limit the government’s ability to locate, monitor, and apprehend terrorist operatives. It consistently depicts American society as one that is rife with intractable racial injustice. And it works tirelessly to protect illegal immigrants against “governmental abuse and discrimination.”38 These (and many other) ACLU activities and policy positions are entirely consistent with those of Aryeh Neier and George Soros, as evidenced by the fact that between 1999 and 2008, OSF awarded $8.69 million in grants to the ACLU Foundation.39

Neier’s other training ground, Human Rights Watch, has a long history of pointing an accusatory finger at America’s allegedly numerous transgressions. Most notably, HRW has derided the U.S. war on terror as a foolhardy endeavor rooted in blindness to the realization that terrorism stems, in large measure, from America’s failure “to promote fundamental rights around the world.”40 In a March 2007 speech, HRW executive director Kenneth Roth charged that the United States, by routinely “using torture and inhumane treatment” to deal with its foes, had “severely damaged its credibility when it comes to promoting human rights” in other nations.41 Between 2000 and 2008, the Open Society Foundations awarded grants and other contributions to HRW that collectively totaled $6,386,477.42 Then, in September 2010, Soros announced that he would soon be giving HRW another $100 million.43 Notably, Soros himself once served on HRW’s Europe and Central Asia Advisory Committee.44

OSF’s total assets today exceed $1.9 billion. Each year, the Foundations award scores of millions of dollars in grants to organizations that—like the ACLU and HRW—promote worldviews and objectives accordant with those of George Soros.45 Following is a sampling of the major agendas advanced by groups that Soros and OSF support financially. Listed under each category heading are a few OSF donees fitting that description.

Organizations that accuse America of violating the civil rights and liberties of many of its residents:

  • The Arab American Institute impugns many of the “sweeping” and “unreasonable” post-9/11 counterterrorism measures that have unfairly “targeted Arab Americans.”46
  • The Bill of Rights Defense Committee has persuaded the political leadership in more than 400 American cities and counties to pledge noncompliance with the anti-terrorism measure known as the Patriot Act, on grounds that the legislation tramples on people’s civil liberties.47

Organizations that depict America as a nation whose enduring racism must be counterbalanced byracial and ethnic preferences in favor of nonwhites:

Organizations that specifically portray the American criminal-justice system as racist and inequitable:

  • The Sentencing Project asserts that prison-sentencing patterns discriminate against nonwhites, and seeks “to reduce the reliance on incarceration.”52
  • Critical Resistance contends that crime stems from “inequality and powerlessness,” which can be rectified through wholesale redistribution of wealth.53
  • The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights charges that criminal laws “are enforced in a manner that is massively and pervasively biased.”54

Organizations that call for massive social change, and for the recruitment and training of activist leaders to help foment that change:

Organizations that disparage capitalism while promoting a dramatic expansion of social-welfare programs funded by ever-escalating taxes:

  • The Center for Economic and Policy Research asserts that “the welfare state has softened the impact” of “the worst excesses and irrationalities of a market system” and its “injustices.”63
  • The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities advocates greater tax expenditures on suchassistance programs as Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, food stamps, and low-income housing initiatives.64
  • The Ella Baker Center for Human Rights was founded by the revolutionary communistVan Jones. This anti-poverty organization claims that “decades of disinvestment in our cities,” coupled with America’s allegedly imperishable racism, have “led to despair and homelessness.”65
  • The Emma Lazarus Fund: In 1996 George Soros said he was “appalled” by the recently signed welfare-reform law that empowered states to limit legal immigrants’ access to public assistance. In response to this “mean-spirited attack on immigrants,” he launched an Open Society Foundations project known as the Emma Lazarus Fund and endowed it with $50 million.66

Organizations that support socialized medicine in the United States:

  • Health Care for America Now (HCAN) is a vast network of organizations supporting, ideally, a “single-payer” model where the federal government would be in charge of financing and administering the entire U.S. healthcare system.67 During the political debate over “Obamacare” in 2009 and 2010, HCAN’s strategy was to try to achieve such a system incrementally, first by implementing a “public option”—i.e., a government insurance agency to “compete” with private insurers, so that Americans would be “no longer at the mercy of the private insurance industry.”68 Because such an agency would not need to show a profit in order to remain in business, and because it could tax and regulate its private competitors in whatever fashion it pleased, this “public option” would inevitably force private insurers out of the industry. In August 2009, Soros pledged to give HCAN $5 million to promote its campaign for reform.69

Organizations that strive to move American politics to the left by promoting the election of progressive political candidates:

  • Project Vote is the voter-mobilization arm of the notoriously corrupt ACORN, whose voter-registration drives and get-out-the-vote initiatives have been marred by massive levels offraud and corruption.70
  • Catalist seeks “to help progressive organizations realize … electoral success by building and operating a robust national voter database.”71
  • The Brennan Center for Justice aims to “fully restore voting rights following criminal conviction”72—significant because research shows that ex-felons are far likelier to vote forDemocratic political candidates than for Republicans.73
  • The Progressive States Network seeks to “pass progressive legislation in all fifty states by providing coordinated research and strategic advocacy tools to forward-thinking state legislators.”74
  • The Progressive Change Campaign Committee, to which George Soros personally donated$8,000 in 2010, works “to elect bold progressive candidates to federal office … more often.”75

Organizations that promote leftist ideals and worldviews in the media and the arts:

In May 2011, the Media Research Center reported that from 2003-2001, Soros had spent more than $48 million “funding media properties, including the infrastructure of news — journalism schools, investigative journalism and even industry organizations.” Among the beneficiaries of Soros’s money were such entities as: ABC, The American Prospect Inc. (the owner and publisher of The American Prospect magazine), the Center for Public Integrity, the Center for Investigative Reporting, theColumbia Journalism Review, the Columbia School of Journalism, the Committee to Protect Journalists, Free Press, the Independent Media Center, the Independent Media Institute, The Lens, theMedia Fund, Media Matters For America, the Nation Institute, the National Association of Hispanic Journalists, the National Federation of Community Broadcasters, National Public Radio, NBC, the Organization of News Ombudsmen, the New York Times, the Pacifica FoundationProPublica, and the Washington Post, . Below are some brief descriptions of a few of these organizations:

  • The American Prospect, Inc. is the owner and publisher of The American Prospectmagazine, which tries to “counteract the growing influence of conservative media.”76
  • Free Press is a “media reform” organization co-founded by Robert McChesney, who callsfor “a revolutionary program to overthrow the capitalist system” and to “rebuil[d] the entire society on socialist principles.”77
  • The Independent Media Institute aims to “change the world78 via projects like AlterNet, an online news magazine calling itself “a key player in the echo chamber of progressive ideas and vision.”79
  • The Nation Institute operates synergistically with the far-left Nation magazine, whichworks “to extend the reach of progressive ideas” into the American mainstream.80
  • The Pacifica Foundation owns and operates Pacifica Radio, awash from its birth with the socialist-Marxist rhetoric of class warfare and anti-capitalism.
  • Media Matters For America: For a number of years, the Open Society Foundations gave indirect funding—filtering its grants first through other Soros-backed operations81—to this “progressive research and information center” which “monitor[s]” and “correct[s] conservative misinformation in the U.S. media.”82 In October 2010, Soros announced that he would soon donate $1 million directly to Media Matters.83
  • Sundance Institute: In 1996, Soros launched his Soros Documentary Fund to produce “social justice” films that would “spur awareness, action and social change.” In 2001, this Fund became part of actor-director Robert Redford’s Sundance Institute. Between 1996 and 2008, OSF earmarked at least $5.2 million for the production of several hundred documentaries, many of which were highly critical of capitalism, American society, or Western culture generally.84 In 2009, Soros pledged another $5 million to the Sundance Institute.85

Organizations that seek to inject the American judicial system with leftist values:

  • The Alliance for Justice consistently depicts Republican judicial nominees as “radical right-wing[ers]” and “extremists” whose views range far outside the boundaries of mainstream public opinion.86
  • The American Constitution Society for Law and Policy seeks to indoctrinate young law students to view the Constitution as an evolving or “living” document,87 and to reject“conservative buzzwords such as ‘originalism‘ and ‘strict construction.’”88
  • Justice at Stake89 promotes legislation that would replace judicial elections with a “merit-selection” system where a small committee of legal elites, unaccountable to the public, would pick those most “qualified” to serve as judges. OSF has spent at least $45.4 million on efforts to change the way judges are chosen in many American states.90

Organizations that advance leftist agendas by infiltrating churches and religious congregations:

Think tanks that promote leftist policies:

  • The Institute for Policy Studies has long supported Communist and anti-American causes around the world. It seeks to provide a corrective to the “unrestrained greed” of “markets and individualism.”96
  • The New America Foundation tries to influence public opinion on such topics as healthcare, environmentalism, energy policy, and global governance.97
  • The Urban Institute favors socialized medicine, expansion of the federal welfare bureaucracy, and tax hikes for higher income-earners.98

Organizations that promote open borders, mass immigration, a watering down of current immigration laws, increased rights and benefits for illegal aliens, and ultimately amnesty:

  • The American Immigration Council—formerly known as the the American Immigration Law Foundation—supports “birthright citizenship” for children born to illegal immigrants in the U.S.99
  • Casa de Maryland periodically sponsors “know your rights” training sessions to teach illegals how to evade punishment in the event that they are apprehended in an immigration raid.100
  • The Immigrant Legal Resource Center belongs to the sanctuary movement that tries to shield illegal aliens from the law.101
  • The Migration Policy Institute advocates a more permissive U.S. refugee admissions and resettlement policy, as well as more social-welfare benefits for illegals residing in the U.S.102
  • LatinoJustice PRLDF is a legal advocacy group that “protects opportunities for all Latinos … especially the most vulnerable—new immigrants and the poor.”103
  • The Immigration Policy Center states that “[r]equiring the 10-11 million unauthorized immigrants residing in the U.S. to register with the government and meet eligibility criteria in order to gain legal status is a key element of comprehensive immigration reform.”104
  • The National Immigration Forum opposes the enhancement of the U.S. Border Patrol and the construction of a border fence to prevent illegal immigration.105
  • The National Immigration Law Center works to help low-income immigrants gain access to government-funded welfare programs on the same basis as legal American citizens.106

Organizations that oppose virtually all post-9/11 national-security measures enacted by the U.S. government:

  • The Center for Constitutional Rights, founded by four longtime supporters of communist causes,107 has condemned the “immigration sweeps, ghost detentions, extraordinary rendition, and every other illegal program the government has devised” in response to “the so-called War on Terror.”108
  • The National Security Archive Fund collects and publishes declassified documents (obtained through the Freedom of Information Act) to a degree that compromises American national security and the safety of intelligence agents.109

Organizations that defend suspected anti-American terrorists and their abetters:

  • The Constitution Project has supported such notorious figures as Salim Ahmed Hamdan (Osama bin Laden‘s bodyguard and chauffeur) and Jose Padilla (an American Islamic convert and terrorist plotter). Moreover, the Project contends that it is illegal for the U.S. government to detain terror suspects if the evidence against them was obtained through “torture.”110
  • The Lynne Stewart Defense Committee was established to support Lynne Stewart, who is a criminal-defense attorney and an America-hating Maoist. Stewart was convicted of illegally helping her incarcerated client, the “blind sheik” Omar Abdel Rahman, pass messages to an Egypt-based Islamic terrorist organization. In September 2002, the Open Society Foundations gave $20,000 111 to this committee; OSF vice president Gara LaMarche characterized Ms. Stewart as a “human rights defender.”112

Organizations that depict virtually all American military actions as unwarranted and immoral:

  • Amnesty International: In 2005, this group’s then-executive director William Schulzalleged that the United States had become “a leading purveyor and practitioner” of torture.113Schulz’s remarks were echoed by Amnesty’s then-secretary general Irene Khan, who chargedthat the Guantanamo Bay detention center, where the U.S. was housing several hundred captured terror suspects, “has become the gulag of our time.”114
  • Global Exchange was founded by Medea Benjamin, a pro-Castro radical who helped establish a project known as Iraq Occupation Watch for the purpose of encouraging widespread desertion by “conscientious objectors” in the U.S. military.115 In December 2004, Benjamin announced that Global Exchange would be sending aid to the families of terrorist insurgents who were fighting American troops in Iraq.116

Organizations that advocate America’s unilateral disarmament and/or a steep reduction in its military spending:

  • The American Friends Service Committee, which views America as the world’s chief source of international strife, has long had a friendly relationship with the Communist Party USA.117 Lamenting that “the United States spends 59% of the discretionary federal budget on military-related expenses,” the Committee seeks to “realig[n] national spending priorities and to increase the portion of the budget that is spent on housing, quality education for all, medical care, and fair wages.”118 In 2000, George Soros himself was a signatory to a letter titled “Appeal for Responsible Security” that appeared in The New York Times. The letter called uponthe U.S. government “to commit itself unequivocally to negotiate the worldwide reduction and elimination of nuclear weapons,” and to participate in “the global de-alerting of nuclear weapons and deep reduction of nuclear stockpiles.”119(NOTE: OSF is a member of the Peace and Security Funders Group.)

Organizations that promote radical environmentalism:

Groups in this category typically oppose mining and logging initiatives, commercial fishing enterprises, development and construction in wilderness areas, the use of coal, the use of pesticides, and oil and gas exploration in “environmentally sensitive” locations. Moreover, they claim that human industrial activity leads to excessive carbon-dioxide emissions which, in turn, cause a potentially cataclysmic phenomenon called “global warming.” Examples of such Soros donees include the Alliance for Climate Protection, Earthjustice, the Earth Island Institute, Friends of the EarthGreen For All, and the Natural Resources Defense Council.

Another major recipient of Soros money is the Tides Foundation, which receives cash from all manner of donors—individuals, groups, and other foundations—and then funnels it to designated left-wing recipients. Having given more than $400 million to “progressive nonprofit organizations” since 2000,120 Tides is a heavy backer of environmental organizations, though its philanthropy extends also into many other areas.

George Soros presents himself as an environmentalist of the first order and is quick to condemn industrial corporations for allegedly trampling recklessly over the earth’s ecosystems in pursuit of the almighty dollar. But in fact, Soros himself has proven to be quite willing to despoil Mother Nature in exchange for profits of his own. Consider, for example, his involvement in the Argentine beef industry, which environmentalists claim is responsible for massive levels of water pollution and deforestation. Argentina’s biggest landowner is none other than George Soros, with some 500,000 hectares of land and 150,000 head of cattle to his name.121 Moreover, Soros is a part owner of Apex Silver Mines, which operates in a remote and ecologically sensitive region of Bolivia.122

Organizations that oppose the death penalty in all circumstances:

In 2000 George Soros co-signed a letter to President Bill Clinton asking for a moratorium on the death penalty, on grounds that it tended to be implemented disproportionately against black and Hispanic offenders.123

Consistent with the billionaire’s opposition to capital punishment, his Open Society Foundations have given millions of dollars to anti-death penalty organizations such as New Yorkers Against the Death Penalty, Witness to Innocence, Equal Justice USA, the Death Penalty Information Center, People of Faith against the Death Penalty, and the Fair Trial Initiative.

Organizations that promote modern-day feminism’s core tenetthat America is fundamentally a sexist society where discrimination and violence against women have reached epidemic proportions:

Organizations that promote not only women’s right to taxpayer-funded abortion on demand,128 but also political candidates who take that same position:

Organizations that favor global government which would bring American foreign policy under the control of the United Nations or other international bodies:

According to George Soros, “[W]e need some global system of political decision-making. In short, we need a global society to support our global economy.”129 Consistent with this perspective, the Open Society Foundations in 2008 gave $150,000 to the United Nations Foundation, which “works to broaden support for the UN through advocacy and public outreach.”130 Moreover, OSF is considered a “major” funder of the Coalition for anInternational Criminal Court,131 which aims to subordinate American criminal-justice procedures in certain cases to an international prosecutor who could initiate capricious or politically motivated prosecutions of U.S. officials and military officers.132

Organizations that support drug legalization:

Dismissing the notion of “a drug-free America” as nothing more than “a utopian dream,” George Soros says that “the war on drugs” is “insane” and, “like the Vietnam War,” simply “cannot be won.”133 “I’ll tell you what I would do if it were up to me,” says Soros. “I would establish a strictly controlled distribution network through which I would make most drugs, excluding the most dangerous ones like crack, legally available.”134 In 1998 Soros was asignatory to a public letter addressed to United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan, declaring that “the global war on drugs is now causing more harm than drug abuse itself.”135 The letter blamed the war on drugs for impeding such public health efforts as stemming the spread of HIV, hepatitis, and other infectious diseases, as well as human rights violations and the perpetration of environmental assaults. Other notable signers included Tammy Baldwin, Rev. William Sloan Coffin, Jr., Walter Cronkite, Morton H. Halperin, Peter LewisKweisi Mfume, and Cornel West.

Soros and his Open Society Foundations have given many millions of dollars to groups supporting drug-legalization and needle-exchange programs. In 1996, former Carteradministration official Joseph Califano called Soros “the Daddy Warbucks of drug legalization.”136 According to a Capital Research Center publication, “It’s no exaggeration to say that without Soros there would be no serious lobby against the drug war.”137

A leading recipient of Soros funding is the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA), which seeks toloosen narcotics laws, promotes “treatment-not-incarceration” policies for non-violent drug offenders, and advocates syringe-access programs “to help prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS.”138 Soros himself formerly sat on the DPA board of directors.139 As recently as 2010, Soros contributed $1 million to support a California ballot measure known as Proposition 19, which would have legalized personal marijuana use in the state; the measure, however, was rejected by voters on election day.140

Peter Schweizer, author of Do As I Say (Not As I Do), speculates on the possible reasons underlying Soros’s support for drug legalization:

“One very possible answer is that he hopes to profit from them [drugs] once they become legal. He has been particularly active in South America, buying up large tracts of land and forging alliances with those in a position to mass-produce narcotics should they become legalized in the United States. He has also helped fund the Andean Council of Coca Leaf producers. Needless to say, this organization would stand to benefit enormously from the legalization of cocaine. He has also taken a 9 percent stake in Banco de Colombia, located in the Colombian drug capital of Cali. The Drug Enforcement Administration has speculated that the bank is being used to launder money and that Soros’s fellow shareholders may be members of a major drug cartel.”141

Organizations that support euthanasia for the terminally ill:

Soros has long promoted the cause of physician-assisted suicide in an effort to change public attitudes about death. Toward that end, in 1994 he began giving money to the (now defunct) Project on Death in America (PDA), whose purpose was to provide “end-of-life” assistance for ailing people and to enact public policy that will “transform the culture and experience of dying and bereavement.”142 Over a 9-year period, the Open Society Foundations gave $45 million to PDA.143

Notably, PDA’s mission was congruent with the goals of those who support government-run health care, which invariably features bureaucracies tasked with allocating scarce resources and thus determining who will, and who will not, be eligible for particular medications and treatments. Such bureaucracies generally make their calculations based upon cost-benefit analyses of a variety of possible treatments. Ultimately these decisions tend to disfavor the very old and the very sick, because whatever benefits they might gain from expensive interventions are likely to be of short duration, and thus are not judged to be worth the costs. Soros himself has suggested that “[a]ggressive, life-prolonging interventions, which may at times go against the patient’s wishes, are much more expensive than proper care for the dying.”144 Additional pro-euthanasia groups funded by Soros and OSF are the following:

  • The Death with Dignity National Center seeks to allow “terminally ill individuals meeting stringent safeguards to hasten their own deaths” by way of lethal drug prescriptions.145
  • The Compassion in Dying Federation of America advocates “aid-in-dying for terminally ill, mentally competent adults.”146

Organizations that have pressured mortgage lenders to make loans to undercapitalized borrowers, a practice that helped spark the subprime mortgage crisis and housing-market collapse of 2008:

  • The Greenlining Institute 147—by threatening to publicly accuse banks of racially discriminatory lending practices—has successfully negotiated loan commitments of more than$2.4 trillion from America’s financial institutions.148
  • The Center for Responsible Lending, according to Americans for Prosperity vice president Phil Kerpen, has “shak[en] down and harass[ed] banks into making bad loans to unqualified borrowers.”149

Organizations that exhort the U.S. and Israel to negotiate with, and to make concessions to, Arab terrorist groups and regimes that have pledged to destroy America and Israel alike:

  • The International Crisis Group‘s (ICG) Mideast director, Robert Malley, has pennednumerous articles and op-eds condemning Israel, exonerating Palestinians, urging the U.S. to disengage from Israel to some degree, and recommending that America reach out to negotiate with its traditional Arab enemies such as Syria, Hezbollah, and Hamas. Soros himself is a member of ICG’s executive committee.
  • J Street has cautioned Israel not to be too combative against Hamas, on grounds that the latter “has been the government, law and order, and service provider since it won the [Palestinian] elections in January 2006 and especially since June 2007 when it took complete control.” In the final analysis, J Street traces the Mideast conflict chiefly to the notion that “Israel’s settlements in the occupied territories have, for over forty years, been an obstacle to peace.”


Apart from the more than $5 billion that Soros’ foundation network has donated to leftist groups like those cited above, Soros personally has made campaign contributions to such notable political candidates as Joe Biden, Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Jon Corzine,Howard Dean, Richard Durbin, Lane Evans, Al Franken, Al Gore, Tom Harkin, Maurice HincheyJohn Kerry, Dennis KucinichPatrick Leahy, Barack Obama, Charles Rangel, Harry Reid,Ken Salazar, Charles Schumer, Joe Sestak, and Tom Udall. He also has given large sums of money to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the Democratic National Committee Services Corporation, and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.


Around the time that George Soros initially launched his Manhattan-based Open Society Foundations, he established what would prove to be a warm and enduring relationship with Bill andHillary Clinton, the new American President and First Lady. When the Clintons took office in early 1993, they faced the daunting task of helping the collapsed Soviet empire rise from its ruins and cultivate a harmonious relationship with the United States. To lead this endeavor, President Clinton appointed three men: Treasury Department official Lawrence Summers, Vice President Al Gore, and soon-to-be State Department official Strobe Talbott. Talbott in particular was given a large degree of authority, prompting some observers to dub him as Clinton’s “Russian policy czar.”150 It so happened that Talbot had an exceptionally high regard for the financial expertise of George Soros—describing him as “a national resource, indeed, a national treasure”—and thus he recruited the billionaire to serve as a key advisor on U.S.-Russian matters.151

Soros, in turn, had connections with a young economist whom he had been funding—Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Harvard Institute for International Development. The U.S. Agency for International Development assigned Sachs’ Institute to oversee Russia’s transformation to a market economy after more than seven decades of communism. As a consequence of this assignment, Sachs and his team essentially represented the United States as official economic advisors to Russian President Boris Yeltsin. Soros worked closely with Sachs on this project, and the pair held enormous sway over Yeltsin.152 So great was their influence, in fact, that on one occasion Soros quipped that “the former Soviet Empire is now called the Soros Empire.”153 But before long, members of Sachs’s team became involved in massive corruption, exploiting for personal gain their access to Russia’s political and economic leaders. Their actions contributed to the collapse of the Russian economy and to the diversion of some $100 billion out of the country.154 Though Sachs himself was not accused of profiting personally from these activities, he resigned as director of the Harvard Institute in May 1999, under a dark cloud of scandal.155 The U.S. House Banking Committee investigated the matter and called Soros to testify. The billionaire denied culpability but admitted that he had used insider access in an illegal deal to acquire a large portion of Sidanko Oil.156 Soros further acknowledged in Congressional testimony that some of the missing Russian assets had made their way into his personal investment portfolio.157 House Banking Committee chairman Jim Leach characterized the entire sordid affair as “one of the greatest social robberies in human history.”158

As the Nineties progressed, it became increasingly evident that Bill and Hillary Clinton embraced virtually all of the values and agendas that George Soros was funding through his Open Society Foundations. “I do now have great access in [the Clinton] administration,” said Soros in 1995. “There is no question about this. We actually work together as a team.”159

Soros and Mrs. Clinton in particular held one another in the highest esteem. In November 1997, when Hillary was in Central Asia for a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the newly built American University of Kyrgyzstan, she delivered a speech in which she lavished praise on Soros’s Open Society Foundations, which had financed the school’s construction.160 One source close to Mrs. Clinton’s inner circle, Center for American Democracy director Rachel Ehrenfeld, reports that Soros visited Hillary at the White House during the Bill Clinton impeachment proceedings of 1998-99, when the First Lady was receiving only her most trusted confidantes.161 A few years later, at a June 2004 “Take Back America” conference in Washington, Mrs. Clinton introduced Soros as a courageous man who loved his country deeply. “[W]e need people like George Soros,” she said, “who is fearless, and willing to step up when it counts.” Soros, in turn, indicated that he was “very, very proud to be introduced” by someone for whom he had such “great, great admiration.” He described Hillary as someone who had been “more effective than most of our statesmen in propagating democracy, freedom, and open society.”162


September 11, 2001 was a watershed moment not only in American history but also in George Soros’s philanthropic career. Soros viewed the 9/11 terrorist attacks as confirmation that U.S. foreign policy—particularly under President George W. Bush, who had taken office eight months earlier—was moving in a dangerous direction, giving rise to anti-American hatred in the hearts of people all across the globe. By Soros’s reckoning, Bush embodied the very antithesis of the “open society” ideal. Specifically, the billionaire detested what he viewed as the arrogance the President displayed when he publicly branded America’s enemies as “evil”; when he unapologetically expressed his faith in the exceptionalism of his own culture; and when he seemed disinclined to consider the possibility that the terrorists may have had something valuable to teach Americans about how the rest of the world perceived the United States. Moreover, Soros considered terrorism to be, in large measure, a consequence of economic inequity and the exploitation of poor countries by their wealthier counterparts.

Reasoning from these premises, Soros—while conceding that the retaliatory U.S. invasion of Afghanistan was justifiable163—maintained that the proper long-term response to 9/11 would be for America to launch a global war on poverty. Such an undertaking would be modeled on the Great Society programs which the Johnson administration had instituted in the 1960s—on the theory that by pouring rivers of taxpayer dollars into the nation’s violence-torn ghettos, the presumably justified rage of the rioters could be quelled. In a similar vein, Soros now held that the best way to fight international terrorism would be for the affluent USA to send massive amounts of aid to impoverished regions around the world where the phenomenon tended to originate. Indeed, he had long maintained that the “root causes” of terrorism were “poverty” and “ignorance.”164 Just eight days after 9/11, Soros gave a speech where he said that the “cornerstone” of his “plan” was to “address the social conditions that provide a fertile ground from which [terrorist] volunteers who are willing to sacrifice their lives can be recruited.” This plan would call on “rich countries” to boost their levels of “international assistance,” which—while unlikely to “prevent people like bin Ladenfrom exercising their evil genius”—would “help to alleviate the grievances on which extremism of all kinds feeds.”165

On subsequent occasions, Soros would reiterate his belief that terrorism was caused by a dearth of “international income redistribution” and a “growing inequality between rich and poor, both within countries and among countries.”166 “A global open society,” Soros stressed, “requires affirmative action on a global scale.”167 By contrast, Soros was largely silent on the issue of Islam’s longstanding tradition of jihad, which predated by many hundreds of years any potentially objectionable U.S. foreign-policy initiatives. Rather, he called for a “radical reordering” of American “priorities,” where “[i]nstead of devoting the bulk of the budget to military expenditures to implement the Bush doctrine, we would engage in preventive actions of a constructive nature.”168“The United States cannot do whatever it wants,” he scolded. “… Our nation must concern itself with the well-being of the world.”169

In Soros’s calculus, 9/11 represented “an unusual opportunity to rethink and reshape the world.” Observing that the recent attacks had “shocked” Americans “into realizing that others may regard them very differently from the way they see themselves,” Soros posited that his fellow countrymen were “more ready to reassess the world and the role the United States plays in it than in normal times.”170 And acknowledging that “[t]his awareness may not last long,” he said: “I am determined not to let the moment pass.”171

The urgency which Soros felt with regard to seizing the moment was further heightened on the night of January 29, 2002, when George W. Bush delivered his State of the Union address. In that speech, the President made his first controversial reference to Iraq as part of an “axis of evil” that posed a potentially deadly threat to America. Bush intimated that he would soon turn his foreign-policy attention toward Saddam Hussein‘s regime, which continued to “flaunt its hostility toward America,” “support terror,” and violate its international agreements. As the President pledged not to “wait on events while dangers gather,” nor to “stand by as peril draws closer and closer,” speculation about a possible U.S. invasion of Iraq began to coalesce.172 In Soros’s view, such an invasion would be yet another misguided and senseless endeavor, and he was determined to do whatever he could to prevent it.

The very next month, Soros appointed former Clinton administration official Morton Halperin to the post of Open Society Foundations director. Halperin, whom some State Department officialssuspected of being a communist agent,173 had been instrumental in derailing America’s war effort during the Vietnam era, when President Johnson put him in charge of compiling a classified history of U.S. involvement in Southeast Asia. Halperin’s labor ultimately bore fruit—in June 1971—with the publication of the notorious “Pentagon Papers.”174 Thereafter, Halperin went on to serve (from 1975-1992) as director of an ACLU project called the Center for National Security Studies, which sought to slash U.S. defense expenditures and undermine the nation’s intelligence capabilities.175 InTarget AmericaJames L. Tyson’s 1981 exposé of the Soviet Union’s elaborate “propaganda campaign designed to weaken and demoralize America from the inside”—the author stated:

“Halperin … and his organizations have had a constant record of advocating the weakening of U.S. intelligence capabilities. His organizations are also notable for ignoring the activities of the KGB or any other foreign intelligence organization…. A balance sheet analysis of Halperin’s writings and testimonies … gives Halperin a score of 100% on the side of output favorable to the Communist line and 0% on any output opposed to the Communist line.”176

Like Halperin, George Soros stridently counseled against military intervention in Iraq, warning that an invasion “would actually be a victory for the terrorists”—because the inevitable killing of “innocent civilians” would give groups like al Qaeda “the kind of radicalization that they are looking for” in order to justify “a vicious cycle of escalating violence.”177 “War is a false and misleading metaphor in the context of combating terrorism,” said Soros. “Treating the attacks of September 11 as crimes against humanity would have been more appropriate. Crimes require police work, not military action.”178 Moreover, Soros characterized the so-called “Bush doctrine” of preemptive military action against those who may pose a threat to the U.S. an “atrocious proposition.”179

By the time the U.S. invaded Iraq in early 2003, Soros’s contempt for President Bush’s “imperialist vision” had reached a fever pitch.180 Accusing Bush of “deliberately foster[ing] fear because it helps to keep the nation lined up behind the president,” Soros added cynically: “Terrorism is the ideal enemy. It is invisible and therefore never disappears. An enemy that poses a genuine and recognized threat can effectively hold a nation together.”181 In August, Soros warned that the very “fate of the world depends on the United States, and President Bush is leading us in the wrong direction” with his “false and dangerous” doctrine.182 In the fall, Soros referred to Bush administration officials and Republicans generally as “extremists” who “don’t believe in the system of democracy as we know it”; and who embraced “a very dangerous ideology” which held that “the United States … should impose its power, impose its will and its interests on the world.”183

Soros routinely condemned Bush for his “unabashed pursuit of self-interest”;184 for “equat[ing] freedom with American values”; for holding the “simplistic view” that “[w]e are right and they are wrong”;185 and for harboring a “false sense of certitude” that Americans had “right on our side.”186Each of these transgressions, Soros explained, violated the “principles of open society, which recognize that we may be wrong.”187 “The supremacist ideology of the Bush administration,” he added, “is in contradiction with the principles of an open society because it claims possession of an ultimate truth.”188

As the Iraq War took an increasing toll in terms of both American and Iraqi lives, Soros wrote that the U.S. military response to 9/11 had actually turned out to be a greater moral atrocity than the original “crime” that prompted it, because the war “has claimed more innocent civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq than have the attacks on the World Trade Center.” In short, Soros characterized the Bush administration’s “pursuit of American supremacy” as more dangerous than Islamist terror.189

Not only did Soros believe that Bush was following a mindless and perilous policy, but he saw the President’s motives as wholly dishonorable. Soros repeatedly accused Bush of using intelligence that had been “exposed as exaggerated or even false” to justify the invasion of Iraq under “false pretenses.”190 He denounced “the exploitation of September 11 by the Bush administration to pursue its policy of dominating the world in the guise of fighting terrorism.”191 He expanded on this theme by accusing Bush of seeking “to justify repressive measures” on the home front while “establish[ing] a secure alternative to Saudi oil” in the Mideast.192 “The other important consideration,” Soros added, “was Israel.” He intimated that Bush, by flexing U.S. muscle in the Middle East, was signaling his readiness to intervene in affairs that could potentially affect America’s closest ally in the region. By so doing, said Soros, the President was catering to “the traditional pro-Israel lobby” which included “the evangelical right—and that is the core of the president’s constituency.”193

As Soros saw things, the President’s arrogance and corruption had filtered down perceptibly into the ranks of the military personnel who were carrying out Bush’s mission. Thus Soros likened the conduct of American troops to that of communist and fascist thugs, asserting that “the picture of torture in Abu Ghraib” was proof that “the way President Bush conducted the war on terror converted us from victims into perpetrators.”194 Soros charged that not only had America “violated international law” by “invading Iraq … without a second UN Resolution,” but that it had “violated the Geneva Conventions” by “mistreating and even torturing prisoners.”195

On numerous occasions, Soros drew parallels between the Bush administration and some of history’s most infamous totalitarian regimes. Bush’s view that “there is only one model of democracy,” said Soros, was “as false, and potentially as dangerous, as that of the Communists’ belief that there is only one way to organize society.”196 Soros further likened Bush’s “Orwellian” assertion that “[y]ou can have freedom as long as you do what we tell you to do,” to Soviet rhetoric about “people’s democracies.”197 “When I hear President Bush say, ‘You’re either with us or against us,’ it reminds me of the Germans,” Soros stated. “My experiences under Nazi and Soviet rule have sensitized me.”198 “Who would have thought sixty years ago,” asked Soros, “when Karl Popper wrote The Open Society and Its Enemies, that the United States itself could pose a threat to open society? Yet that is what is happening, both internally and internationally.”199

In a September 29, 2003 interview with BBC radio, Soros said it was imperative that there be “a regime change in the United States”—meaning that President Bush must be “voted out of power.”200In November, Soros said that because “America, under Bush, is a danger to the world,” the outcome of the forthcoming year’s presidential race had become “the central focus of my life.” “And I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is,” Soros added, declaring that he would willingly trade his entire multi-billion-dollar fortune if doing so could be “guaranteed” to unseat Bush.201 To his litany of grievances against the President, Soros now added the infamous Florida recount debacle of 2000 and called into question the very legitimacy of Bush’s election victory. “President Bush came to office without a clear mandate,” said Soros. “He was elected president by a single vote on the Supreme Court.”202

The types of changes America needed were crystal clear to Soros. Above all else, he wished to steer the country, politically and ideologically, in a direction that was consistent with the agendas of the groups that he had been funding for a decade through his Open Society Foundations. Those agendas could essentially be distilled down to three overriding themes: the diminution of American power, the subjugation of American sovereignty in favor of global governance, and the implementation of redistributive economic policies—both within the U.S. and across national borders. Toward these ends, Soros saw “the forthcoming elections” as “an excellent opportunity to deflate the bubble of American supremacy.”203 He would employ his wealth and his ideological fervor to capitalize on this opportunity, knowing that the best time to implement radical change is during times of upheaval and crisis—i.e., times like the aftermath of 9/11. “Usually it takes a crisis to prompt a meaningful change in direction,” Soros himself had written in his 2000 book Open Society: Reforming Global Capitalism.204


By no means was this the first time that Soros had aimed to engineer the fall of a government which he deemed oppressive. On several previous occasions, he had used his extraordinary wealth to bankroll popular movements seeking to undermine communist and authoritarian regimes in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Specifically, Soros had funded the training, organization and mobilization of many millions of demonstrators who took part in a series of bloodless political revolutions—commonly known as “velvet revolutions” or “color revolutions”205—that ultimately brought down governments in those regions. Typically, these mobilizations consisted of massive street rallies (sometimes with hundreds of thousands of participants) and carefully coordinated acts of civil disobedience such as sit-ins and general strikes. In several instances, such Soros-funded protesters challenged the results of popular elections and accused incumbent leaders of election fraud—charges which were then echoed by Soros-funded exit pollsters and Soros-funded media outlets, thereby greatly amplifying the effect of the accusations. A brief survey of Soros’s most noteworthy foreign interventions will be useful at this point.

Soros helped bankroll “Charter 77,” a 1976 document demanding that the Czech government recognize some basic human rights—most notably the freedom to express religious beliefs or political opinions without fear of retributive discrimination—that were already guaranteed by the nation’s constitution. This Charter and the political movement that grew from it ultimately culminated in the velvet revolution that brought down Czechoslovakia’s Communist regime in late 1989.206

Soros funding played a critical role in promoting other upheavals in the former Soviet bloc as well. “My foundations,” boasts Soros, “contributed to Democratic regime change in Slovakia in 1998, Croatia in 1999, and Yugoslavia in 2000, mobilizing civil society to get rid of Vladimir Meciar, Franjo Tudjman, and Slobodan Milosevic, respectively.”207

Meciar, for his part, was a hardline nationalist whose authoritarian government—characterized by demagoguery, corruption, and hostility toward the Hungarian minority—brought instability and isolation to Slovakia in the mid-1990s.208 Croatian president Tudjman was likewise an autocrat infamous for his brutality, extreme nationalism, indifference to civil rights, and manipulation of electoral processes.209 And Milosevic, who served as president of Serbia and Yugoslavia in the 1990s, was an infamous architect of military aggression, war crimes, and ethnic cleansing.210 British journalist Neil Clark reports that from 1991 to 2000, Soros and his Open Society Foundations methodically laid the groundwork for the movement that ultimately led to Milosevic’s resignation, “channel[ing] more than $100m to the coffers of the anti-Milosevic opposition, funding political parties, publishing houses and ‘independent’ media…”211 In a 1996 speech, Croatian President Franjo Tudjman offered a profound insight into how Soros typically injected his influence into the political workings of a given nation by patiently and systematically infiltrating strategic organizations and governmental agencies:

“[Soros and his allies] have spread their tentacles throughout the whole of our society. Soros … had approval to … gather and distribute humanitarian aid.… However, we … allowed them to do almost whatever they wanted.… They have involved in their network … people of all ages and classes … trying to win them over by financial aid.… [Their aim is] control of all spheres of life … setting up a state within a state.…”212

Soros also funded Soviet Georgia’s “Rose Revolution,”213 a popular movement that forced Georgian president Eduard Shevardnadze to resign in November 2003.214 According to Canada’s Globe and Mail, in February of that year Soros “began laying the brick work for the toppling” of Shevardnadze. “That month, funds from his Open Society Foundations sent a … [Georgian] activist … to Serbia to meet with members of the [resistance] movement and learn how they used street demonstrations to topple dictator Slobodan Milosevic.”215 That summer, Soros brought some of those Serbian activists to Georgia to train student activists there. Meanwhile, a Soros-funded television station aired weekly broadcasts of the documentary Bringing Down a Dictator, which presented a step-by-step account of the overthrow of Milosevic and played a crucial role in training Georgian insurgents.216 In the autumn months, Soros spent some $42 million preparing the overthrow movement to mobilize. Then, in mid-November, large-scale anti-government demonstrations spread like wildfire in most of Georgia’s major cities. Shevardnadze, able to read the proverbial writing on the wall, resigned within a matter of days.217 Soros later told the Los Angeles Times, “I’m delighted by what happened in Georgia, and I take great pride in having contributed to it.”218 In November 2003, the editor of an English-language daily based in Georgia said, “It’s generally accepted public opinion here that Mr. Soros is the person who planned Shevardnadze’s overthrow.”219 Notably, some people who worked for Soros’ organizations—including two of the Open Society Georgia Foundation’s former executive directors—later assumed influential positions in the new Georgian government.220

Soros thereafter would go on to fund the “Orange Revolution,” a series of protests and political events that took place in Ukraine from late November 2004 to January 2005, ultimately forcing Moscow’s favored candidate, Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, to lose a controversial and hotly contested presidential election.221 Also in early 2005, Soros helped finance the “Tulip Revolution”—a massive protest movement that led to the overthrow of President Askar Akayev and his government in the Central Asian republic of Kyrgyzstan.222


But right now, in 2003-04, Soros’s primary focus was on the United States, whose government he considered to be at least as dangerous and oppressive as those of the aforementioned communist and authoritarian regimes. “I believe deeply in the values of an open society,” Soros said. “For the past 15 years I have focused my energies on fighting for these values abroad. Now I am doing it in the United States.”223 Asserting that he could “do a lot more about the issues I care about by changing the government than by pushing the issues,”224 Soros set out to “puncture the bubble of American supremacy.”225 To accomplish this, he would create a political apparatus of extraordinary influence.

Soros had quietly laid the groundwork for this apparatus during the preceding eight years. Between 1994 and 2002, the billionaire had spent millions of dollars promoting the passage of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act—better known as the McCain-Feingold Act 226—which was signed into law in November 2002 by President Bush. Soros began working on this issue shortly after the 1994 midterm elections, when for the first time in nearly half a century, Republicans won strong majorities in both houses of Congress. Political analysts at the time attributed the huge Republican gains in large part to the effectiveness of television advertising—most notably the “Harry and Louise” series (which cost $14 million to produce and air) where a fictional suburban couple exposed the many hidden, and distasteful, details of Hillary Clinton’s proposals for a more socialized national health-care system. Indeed the 1994 election became, to a considerable degree, a referendum on this attempted government takeover of one-sixth of the U.S. economy—and on the Democratic President who had tacitly endorsed it. George Soros was angry that such advertisements were capable of overriding the influence of the major print and broadcast news media, which, because they were overwhelmingly sympathetic to Democrat agendas, had given Hillary’s plan a great deal of free, positive publicity for months. Three weeks after the 1994 elections, Soros announced that he intended to “do something” about “the distortion of our electoral process by the excessive use of TV advertising.”227 That “something” would be campaign-finance reform.

Starting in 1994, Soros’s Open Society Foundations and a few other leftist foundations began bankrolling front groups and so-called “experts” whose aim was to persuade Congress to swallow the fiction that millions of Americans were clamoring for “campaign-finance reform.” This deceptive strategy was the brainchild of Sean Treglia, a former program officer with the Pew Charitable Trusts.228 Between 1994 and 2004, some $140 million of foundation cash was used to promote campaign-finance reform. Nearly 90 percent of this amount derived from just eight foundations, one of which was the Open Society Foundations, which contributed $12.6 million to the cause.229Among the major recipients of these OSF funds were such pro-reform organizations as the Alliance For Better Campaigns ($650,000); the Brennan Center for Justice (more than $3.3 million); the Center For Public Integrity ($1.7 million); the Center For Responsive Politics ($75,000); Common Cause ($625,000); Democracy 21 ($300,000); Public Campaign ($1.3 million); and Public Citizen($275,000).230

The “research” which these groups produced in order to make a case on behalf of campaign-finance reform was largely bogus and contrived. For instance, Brennan Center political scientist Jonathan Krasno had clearly admitted in his February 19, 1999 grant proposal to the Pew Charitable Trusts that the purpose of the proposed study was political, not scholarly, and that the project would be axed if it failed to yield the desired results:

“The purpose of our acquiring the data set is not simply to advance knowledge for its own sake, but to fuel a continuous multi-faceted campaign to propel campaign reform forward. Whether we proceed to phase two will depend on the judgment of whether the data provide a sufficiently powerful boost to the reform movement.”

The stated purpose of McCain-Feingold was to purge politics of corruption by: (a) putting restrictions on paid advertising during the weeks just prior to political elections, and (b) tightly regulating the amount of money that political parties and candidates could accept from donors. Vis à vis the former of those two provisions, the new legislation barred private organizations—including unions, corporations, and citizen activist groups—from advertising for or against any candidate for federal office on television or radio during the 60 days preceding an election, and during the 30 days preceding a primary. During these blackout periods, only official political parties would be permitted to engage in “express advocacy” advertising—i.e., political ads that expressly urged voters to “vote for” or “vote against” a specified candidate. Equally important, major media networks were exempted from McCain-Feingold’s constraints; thus they were free to speak about candidates in any manner they wished during their regular programming and news broadcasts. This would inevitably be a positive development for Democrats, who enjoyed the near-universal support of America’s leading media outlets.231

In addition to its limits on pre-election political advertising, McCain-Feingold also placed onerous new restrictions on the types of donations which candidates, parties, and political action committees (PACs) could now accept. Previously, they had been permitted to take two types of contributions. One of these was “hard money,” which referred to funds earmarked for the purpose of express advocacy. Federal Election Commission (FEC) regulations stipulated that in a single calendar year, no hard-money donor could give more than $1,000 to any particular candidate, no more than $5,000 to a PAC, and no more than $20,000 to any political party.232

The other category of pre-McCain-Feingold donations was “soft-money,” which donors were permitted to give directly to a political party in amounts unlimited by law. But to qualify for designation as “soft money,” a donation could not be used to fund “express advocacy” ads on behalf of any particular candidate. Rather, it had to be used to pay for such things as “voter-education” ads or “issue-oriented” ads—political messages that carefully refrained from making explicit calls to “vote for” or “vote against” any specific candidate. So long as an ad steered clear of uttering such forbidden instructions, there was no limit as to how much soft money could be spent on its production and dissemination.

McCain-Feingold raised the per-donor maximum for certain hard-money donations: A donor could now give up to $2,000 to a candidate, $5,000 to a PAC, and $25,000 to a political party.233 But the new law banned soft-money contributions to political parties altogether.

Historically, Republicans had enjoyed a 2-1 advantage over Democrats in raising hard money from individual donors. Democrats had relied much more heavily on soft money from large institutions such as labor unions.234 Thus it seems counter-intuitive that Soros, who clearly favored Democrats over Republicans, would seek to push legislation whose net effect—the removal of soft money—would be unfavorable to Democratic Party fundraising efforts.

But Soros’s motive becomes clear when we look at the types of organizations whose fundraising activities were left unaffected by McCain-Feingold. These were “527 committees”—nonprofits named after Section 527 of the IRS code—which, unlike ordinary PACS, were not required to register with the FEC. Run mostly by special-interest groups, these 527s were technically supposed to be independent of, and unaffiliated with, any party or candidate. As such, they were permitted to raise soft money—in amounts unbound by any legal limits—for all manner of political activities other than express advocacy. That is, so long as a 527’s soft money was not being used to pay for ads explicitly urging people to cast their ballots either for or against any particular candidate, the letter of the McCain-Feingold law technically was being followed. Practically speaking, of course, such things as “issue-oriented ads” and “voter-education” ads can easily be tailored to favor one party or candidate over another, while carefully steering clear of “express advocacy.”

Once McCain-Feingold was in place, Soros and his political allies collaborated to set up a network of “527 committees” ready to receive the soft money that individual donors and big labor unions normally would have given directly to the Democratic Party. These 527s could then use that money to fund issue-oriented ads, voter-education initiatives, get-out-the-vote drives, and other “party-building” activities—not only to help elect Democratic candidates in 2004, but more broadly to guide the Democratic Party ever-further leftward and to reject the “closed” society that Bush and the Republicans presumably favored. By helping to push McCain-Feingold through Congress, Soros had effectively cut off the Democrats’ soft-money supply and diverted it to the coffers of an alternative network of beneficiaries—which he personally controlled.235 As Byron York observed, “[T]he new campaign finance rules had actually increased the influence of big money in politics. By giving directly to ‘independent’ groups rather than to the party itself, big-ticket donors could influence campaign strategy and tactics more directly than they ever had previously…. And the power was concentrated in very few hands”—most notably Soros’s.236


While Soros’s 527s were clearly devoted to Democratic Party agendas and values, they publicly professed to be independent of any party affiliations. Their partisanship was somewhat shrouded in proverbial shadows. Gradually, a number of journalists began to make reference to the emergence of certain pro-Democrat “shadow organizations” that seemed geared toward circumventing McCain-Feingold’s soft-money ban. In time, the term “Shadow Party” came into use.237

George Soros set in motion the wheels of this Shadow Party when he gathered a team of political strategists, activists, and Democrat donors at his Long Island beach house on July 17, 2003, to discuss how President Bush could be defeated in the 2004 election. Attendees included such luminaries as OSF director Morton Halperin; EMILY’s List founder and abortion-rights activist Ellen Malcolm; former Clinton chief of staff John Podesta; Sierra Club executive director Carl Pope; labor leader and former Clinton advisor Steve Rosenthal; former Clinton speechwriters Jeremy Rosner and Robert Boorstin; and major Democrat donors such as Lewis and Dorothy Cullman, Robert GlaserPeter Lewis, and Robert McKay.238

The consensus was that voter turnout—particularly in 17 “swing” or “battleground” states239—would be the key to unseating President Bush. Steve Rosenthal and Ellen Malcolm—CEO and president, respectively, of a newly formed but poorly funded voter-registration group called America Coming Together (ACT)240—suggested that voters in those swing states should be recruited and mobilized as soon as possible. Agreeing, Soros told the pair that he personally would give ACT $10 million to help maximize its effectiveness. A few other attendees also pledged to give the fledgling group large sums of money: Soros’s billionaire friend Peter Lewis, chairman of the Progressive Corporation, promised to give $10 million; Robert Glaser, founder and CEO of RealNetworks, promised $2 million; Rob McKay, president of the McKay Family Foundation, committed $1 million; and benefactors Lewis and Dorothy Cullman pledged $500,000.241

By early 2004, the administrative core of George Soros’s Shadow Party was in place. It consisted of seven ostensibly “independent” nonprofit groups—all but one of which were headquartered in Washington, DC. In a number of cases, these groups shared one another’s finances, directors, and corporate officers; occasionally they even shared office space.242 The seven groups were:

1) America Coming Together (ACT): Jump-started by Soros’s $10 million grant, ACT in 2004 ran what it called “the largest voter-contact program in history,” with more than 1,400 full-time paid canvassers contacting potential voters door-to-door and by phone.243

2) Center For American Progress (CAP): This entity was established to serve as a think tank promoting leftist ideas and policy initiatives. Soros, enthusiastic about the Center’s potential, pledged in July 2003 to donate up to $3 million to help get the project off the ground.244 From the outset, CAP’s leadership featured a host of former high-ranking officials from the Clinton administration.245Hillary Clinton predicted that the organization would provide “some new intellectual capital” with which to “build the 21st-century policies that reflect the Democrat Party’s values.”246 George Soros and Morton Halperin together selected former Clinton chief of staff John Podesta to serve as president of CAP. Podesta said his goal was to develop CAP as a “think tank on steroids,” featuring “a message-oriented war room” that “will send out a daily briefing to refute the positions and arguments of the right.”247

3) America Votes: This national coalition coordinated the efforts of many get-out-the-vote organizations and their thousands of contributing activists.248 Soros’s support for America Votes would continue well past 2004. Indeed he would donate $2.15 million to this coalition in the 2006 election cycle,249 another $1.25 million in advance of the 2008 elections,250 and yet another $1.25million in 2010.251

4) Media Fund: Describing itself as “the largest media-buying organization supporting a progressive message” in the United States, this group produced and strategically placed political ads in the print, broadcast, and electronic media.252

5) Joint Victory Campaign 2004 (JVC): This fundraising entity focused on collecting contributions and then disbursing them chiefly to America Coming Together and the Media Fund. In 2004 alone, JVC channeled $19.4 million to the former, and $38.4 million to the latter.253 Soros personally gave JVC more than $12 million that year.254

6) Thunder Road Group (TRG): This political consultancy coordinated strategy for the Media Fund, America Coming Together, and America Votes. Its duties included strategic planning, polling, opposition research, covert operations, and public relations.255

7) This California-based entity was the only one of the Shadow Party’s core groups that was not a new startup operation. Launched in September 1998, MoveOn is a Web-based political network that organizes online activists around specific issues, raises money for Democratic candidates, generates political ads, and is very effective at recruiting young people to support Democrats.256 In November 2003, Soros pledged to give MoveOn $5 million to help its cause.257

According to Ellen Malcolm of America Coming Together (ACT), the financial commitment which Soros made to these Shadow Party groups in 2003 “was a signal to potential donors that he had looked at what was going on and that this was pretty exciting, and that he was going to stand behind it, and it was the real deal.”258 As Byron York observed, “After Soros signed on, contributions started pouring in.” ACT and the Media Fund alone took in some $200 million—including $20 million from Soros alone. This type of money was unprecedented in American politics.259

Harold Ickes, who served as White House deputy chief of staff in the Clinton White House, had a hand in creating every Shadow Party core group except MoveOn. He was also entrusted with the vital task of making these organizations function as a cohesive entity. In 2004, Democratic strategist Harold Wolfson suggested that outside of the official campaign of presidential candidate John Kerry, Ickes “is the most important person in the Democratic Party today.”260

In addition to its seven core members, the Shadow Party also came to include at least another 30 well-established leftwing activist groups and labor unions that participated in the America Votes coalition. Among the better-known of these were ACORN; the AFL-CIO; the AFSCME; theAmerican Federation of Teachers; the Association of Trial Lawyers of America; the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund; EMILY’s List; the Human Rights Campaign; the League of Conservation Voters; the NAACP; NARAL Pro-Choice America; the National Education Association; People for the American Way; Planned Parenthood; the Service Employees International Union; and the Sierra Club.261

New Mexico’s then-governor, Democrat Bill Richardson, observed that “these groups” were “crucial” to the anti-Bush effort. “Now that campaign-finance reform is law,” he said, “organizations like these have become the replacement for the national Democratic Party.”262 And no donor was more heavily invested in these organizations—or in defeating President Bush—than George Soros, who contributed $27,080,105 to pro-Democrat 527s during the 2004 election cycle. The second leading donor was the billionaire insurance entrepreneur Peter Lewis ($23,997,220), followed by Hollywood producer Stephen Bing ($13,952,682) and Golden West Financial Corporation foundersHerbert and Marion Sandler ($13,007,959).263


When President Bush won re-election in 2004, George Soros was devastated; his massive financial investments and herculean organizing efforts had all gone for naught. Adding insult to injury, the hated Republicans had retained control of both houses of Congress. As Soros contemplated what course of action he ought to pursue next, the answer came to him—somewhat unexpectedly—in the form of Democrat political operative Rob Stein, former chief of staff to Commerce Secretary Ron Brown during the Clinton administration. For the preceding two years, Stein had been busy devising a strategy by which Democrats might reclaim supremacy in the executive and legislative branches of government. He began working on this strategy shortly after the Republicans had gained eight House seats and two Senate seats in the 2002 midterm elections. Lamenting that he was “living in a one-party [Republican] country,”264 Stein at that point resolved to study the conservative movement and determine why it was winning the political battle. After a year of analysis, he concluded that a few influential, wealthy family foundations—most notably Scaife, Bradley, Olin, and Coors—had spearheaded the creation of a $300 million network of politically influential organizations. Stein featured these facts in a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation—titled “The Conservative Message Machine Money Matrix”—which mapped out, in painstaking detail, the conservative movement’s networking strategies and funding sources.265

Next, Stein set out to show his presentation—mostly in private meetings—to political leaders, activists, and prospective big-money donors of the left. He hoped to inspire them to join his crusade to build a new organization—a financial clearinghouse to be called the Democracy Alliance (DA)—dedicated to offsetting the efforts of conservative funders and injecting new life into the progressive movement. At each presentation, Stein asked the viewer to pledge that he or she would keep confidential the substance of the proceedings, so as to give the project a chance to coalesce and gain some momentum without excessive public scrutiny.266

Stein officially filed DA’s corporate registration in the District of Columbia in January 2005.267 By that point, he had shown his PowerPoint presentation to several hundred people.268 Stein recalls that during those sessions, he consistently observed “an unbelievable frustration” by big Democrat donors who felt hopelessly unconnected to one another even as they longed to be part of a strategic coalition that could work collaboratively and cohesively.269 This was particularly true of George Soros, thus it was most significant that Soros quickly and enthusiastically embraced Stein’s concept. In April 2005, Soros brought together 70 likeminded, carefully vetted, fellow millionaires and billionaires inPhoenix, Arizona, to discuss Stein’s ideas and expeditiously implement a plan of action.270 Most of those in attendance agreed that the conservative movement represented “a fundamental threat to the American way of life.”271 And, like Soros, a considerable number of them looked favorably on Stein’s analysis and concept. Thus was born the Democracy Alliance.

DA members, called “partners,” include individuals and organizations alike. Partnership in the Alliance is by invitation-only.272 These partners pay an initial $25,000 fee, and $30,000 in yearly dues thereafter. They also must give at least $200,000 annually to groups which the Alliance endorses. Donors metaphorically “pour” these requisite donations into one or more of what Rob Stein refers to as DA’s “four buckets” of fundraising: ideas, media, leadership training, and civic engagement. The money is then apportioned to approved left-wing groups from each respective category.273

The Democracy Alliance is known to consist of at least 100 donor-partners but historically has been quite secretive regarding their identities. Nevertheless, the Capital Research Center has managed to compile the names of some of the more significant current and former DA partners (in addition to George Soros and Rob Stein).274 A large percentage of them have significant ties to Soros that extend well beyond their shared membership in the Democracy Alliance. Among these partners are the following:

No grants were pledged at the Democracy Alliance’s April 2005 gathering in Phoenix, but at an Atlanta meeting three months later, DA partners pledged $39 million—about a third of which came directly from George Soros and Peter Lewis.294 Because the Alliance has largely refrained from providing information about its giving, only a small percentage of its donees are known to the public.295 Thus it is impossible to determine precisely how much money DA has disbursed since its inception. Most estimates, though, place the figure at more than $100 million.296 One source—Alliance member Simon Rosenberg—claimed in August 2008 that DA had already “channeled hundreds of millions of dollars into progressive organizations.”297 Below are the names of a number of DA’s known donees 298—and in certain cases the sums they have received from the Alliance. Again, the Capital Research Center was instrumental in identifying these donees, many of whom have financial and ideological ties to Soros and the Open Society Foundations that long predate their connections to the Democracy Alliance.299

  • ACORN: DA founder Rob Stein has called this pro-socialist, notoriously corrupt“community organization” a “tough-minded” and “very responsible” group.300
  • Air America Radio: When this left-leaning radio station was on the verge of bankruptcy in early 2006, it received a funding commitment of $8 million from DA.301
  • America Votes: This voter-mobilization coalition has received at least $6 million in DA-approved funding commitments from George Soros.
  • Center for American Progress: By January 2008, DA grants to this leftist think tank totaled at least $9 million—most of which came from George Soros, Peter Lewis, and the Sandlers.
  • Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington: This Soros-funded group bringsethics charges against (mostly conservative) “government officials who … betray the public trust.”302
  • Election Administration Fund: Housed at the Tides Foundation in San Francisco, this entity has received at least $2.5 million in DA money for its voter-registration and get-out-the-vote efforts—plus some $1 million from Soros’s Open Society Foundations.
  • EMILY’s List: This group raises money for Democratic, pro-choice, female candidates.303
  • Media Matters For America: By January 2008, DA-approve grants to Media Matters totaled at least $7 million.
  • Mi Familia Vota: This group seeks to naturalize new citizens and register them to vote.304
  • New Organizing Fund: This group, which “train[s] prospective progressive campaign workers in online campaign and organizing techniques,” has accepted donations directly from DA members George Soros and Deborah Rappaport.305
  • Progressive Majority: Working to help “promising progressive candidates” get elected to state and political offices, this group has received at least $5 million in DA grants.306
  • United States Student Association: This group is “dedicated to training, organizing, and developing a base of student leaders” who will become “social justice” activists.307
  • USAction: This group favors increased government spending on social-welfare programs and public education.308

Additional DA grant recipients include such previously cited Soros donees as Catalist, the Center for Community Change, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Democracy: A Journal of Ideas, theDrum Major Institute for Public Policy, the New Democrat Network, People for the American Way, and the Progressive States Network.309

Since approximately 2006, Democracy Alliance members and staff have been working to establishsubchapters of their organization in all 50 states. Their most successful effort to date has been in Colorado, where the local DA has funded such varied enterprises as liberal think tanks, media “watchdog” groups, ethics groups that bring forth so-called public-interest litigation, voter-mobilization groups, media outlets that attack conservatives, and liberal leadership-training centers. The results have been striking: Whereas in 1998 Colorado had a Republican governor, two Republican U.S. senators, and four Republican House members (out of six), by 2009 the state had a Democratic governor, two Democratic U.S. Senators, and five Democratic House members (out of seven).310


In August 2005, when the Democracy Alliance was just getting off the ground, George Soros’s Open Society Foundations helped establish yet another new organization—the Progressive Legislative Action Network, or PLAN. Furnishing state legislatures with prewritten “model” legislation reflecting leftist agendas, this group was part and parcel of Soros’s methodical campaign to shift American politics and public attitudes toward the left—by gaining a foothold inside the corridors of power on a state-by-state basis.311

Then, in July 2006, Democracy Alliance partner Michael Kieschnick collaborated with Becky Bond (who also had affiliations with the New Organizing Institute and Working Assets) and James Rucker (who co-founded Color of Change and formerly served as director of grassroots mobilization Political Action and Civic Action) to launch a major new initiative called the Secretary of State Project (SoSP). This “527 committee” was devoted to helping Democrats win secretary-of-state elections in crucial “swing” states—i.e., states where the margin of victory in the 2004 presidential election had been 120,000 votes or less.312 One of the principal duties of the secretary of state is to serve as the chief election officer who certifies candidates as well as election results in his or her state.313 The holder of this office, then, can potentially play a key role in determining the winner of a close election. Numerous Democracy Alliance partners became funders of SoSP. Soros was one of them. In 2008, for instance, he personally gave $10,000 to the Project.314


Just two months after the Democratic Party had won control of both houses of Congress in the November 2006 elections, George Soros and then-SEIU president Andrew Stern created Working For Us (WFU), a pro-Democrat PAC. This group does not, however, look favorably upon Democratic centrists. Rather, it aims “to elect lawmakers who support a progressive political agenda.” Originally proposed by Stern as a way to prevent moderate Democrats from gaining too much influence over the party, WFU publishes the names of what it calls the “Top Offenders” among congressional Democrats who fail to support such leftist priorities as “living wage” legislation, the proliferation of public-sector labor unions, and the provision of government-funded healthcare for all Americans. Targeting congressional Democrats whose “voting records are more conservative than their districts,” WFU warns that “no bad vote will be overlooked or unpunished.”315

In an effort to promote large-scale income redistribution by means of tax hikes for higher earners, WFU advocates policies that would narrow the economic gulf between the rich and poor. The group’s executive director is Steven Rosenthal, a longtime Democrat operative with close ties to the Clintonadministration and a co-founder of Soros’s America Coming Together. According to Rosenthal, WFU “will encourage Democrats to act like Democrats—and if they don’t—they better get out of the way.”316

In November 2007, Soros joined fellow Democracy Alliance members Anna Burger and Rob McKay, as well as John Podesta of the Center for American Progress, to help form the Fund for America (FFA), a “527 committee” designed to work on what Roll Call characterized as “media buys and voter outreach in the run-up to the 2008 elections.” The leading early donors to FFA were Soros ($3.5 million), the SEIU ($2.5 million), Hollywood producer Stephen Bing ($2.5 million), and hedge fund executive Donald Sussman ($1 million). But when FFA failed to meet its overall fundraising goals by early 2008, DA donors cut off their contributions and the group was disbanded in June. Among the organizations it had bankrolled before shutting its doors were America Votes, Americans United for Change, ACORN, and the Center for American Progress Action Fund.317

Meanwhile, Soros’s regard for President Bush remained as low as ever. “Indeed,” wrote Soros in 2006, “the Bush administration has been able to improve on the techniques used by the Nazi and Communist propaganda machines by drawing on the innovations of the advertising and marketing industries.”318 Soros would elaborate on this theme at the January 2007 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, where he told reporters: “America needs to … go through a certain de-Nazification process.”319


While George Soros was busy bankrolling his battalion of established activist groups and launching a few new ones of his own, he quite naturally looked toward the upcoming presidential election of 2008 with great anticipation, eagerly awaiting the day when George W. Bush would finally leave office. The question was, who would replace him? In recent years, all indications had been that Soros favored Hillary Clinton above most, if not all, other potential Democratic candidates for President. But now there was a new face on the scene—a young, charismatic U.S. senator from Illinois namedBarack Obama—who seemed not only to share virtually all of Soros’s values and agendas, but also appeared to be a highly skilled politician who stood a good chance of getting elected to the nation’s highest office.

In December of 2006, Soros, who had previously hosted a fundraiser for Obama during the latter’s 2004 Senate campaign, met with Obama in Soros’s New York office. Just a few weeks later—on January 16, 2007—Obama announced that he would form a presidential exploratory committee and was contemplating a run for the White House. Within hours, Soros sent the senator a contribution of $2,100, the maximum amount allowable under campaign-finance laws. Later that week, the New York Daily News reported that Soros would support Obama rather than Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination, though Soros pledged to back the New York senator were she to emerge as the nominee.320 But it was clear that Soros considered Obama to be the more electable candidate of the two. Most importantly, Obama’s economic and political prescriptions for America were wholly accordant with those of Soros.

For an in-depth look at the shared agendas of Soros and Obama, click here.


In January 2009, Anatole Kaletsky—a Times of London economics writer who opposed the “noninterventionist model of capitalism” and favored deficit spending and “stimulus packages” as bulwarks against economic depression—discussed with George Soros “the unique opportunity to reshape economics in the wake of the financial crisis.” Eight months later, Soros assembled 25 economists, financiers, and journalists in Bedford, New York to brainstorm the idea. This “Bedford Summit” resulted in a “unanimous agreement that our economic paradigm must change,” and a “recognition of the importance of empowering the young generation of economists to rethink” the field of economics. Toward that end, the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) was created as a nonprofit foundation in October 2009; its initial funding came from a $50 million pledge by Soros’s Open Society Foundations.


The so-called “Arab Spring,” which began in late 2010, was a momentous series of popular uprisings that swept—in rapid succession and with varying degrees of intensity and effect—through a host of countries in the Middle East and North Africa: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon,Libya, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, and Yemen. By February 2011, Tunisian president Zine al-Abedine Ben Ali had stepped down after 22 years in power, and Egyptian president Hosni Mubarek had abdicated after 30 years. For the most part, the Western media—and the American left in particular—promoted the notion that the events in the Arab world were organic eruptions of rebellion launched spontaneously by oppressed populations who would no longer tolerate political tyranny and economic deprivation, and who longed to quench their own thirst for freedom and democracy.

Over time, it would become apparent that however strong the popular support for the Arab uprisings may have been, the hidden hand of an Islamist movement was also at work in fomenting and sustaining the revolts. This reality was driven home dramatically in the political events that took place where regimes had fallen. In post-Mubarak Egypt, this meant the rising influence of theMuslim Brotherhood—the ideological forebear of both al Qaeda and Hamas, and the spearhead of a movement aiming to establish a worldwide Islamic caliphate (or kingdom) ruled by strict Islamic Law (Sharia). And in Tunisia, the first free elections following the longstanding regime of President Zine al-Abedine Ben Ali resulted in the triumph of the al-Nahda party, an Islamist movement which had opposed, sometimes violently, the existing regime. In short, the Arab Spring evolved into aMuslim Winter.

Notwithstanding these developments, Soros in late 2011 said: “A lot of positive things are happening. I see Africa together with the Arab Spring as areas of progress. The Arab Spring was a revolutionary development.”


In the fall of 2011, Soros denied any connection to the anti-capitalist Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement which was then in high gear, though he said: “I can understand their sentiment.” An October 2011 Reuters report noted that from 2007-09, Soros’ Open Society Foundations had given grants totaling $3.5 million to the Tides Center, which in turn gave more than $309,000 to theAdbusters Media Foundation — a key organizer of OWS — between 2001 and 2011. Aides to Soros, however, claimed that the billionaire had never before heard of Adbusters.


In July 2012, it was reported that Soros was among a group of donors who had already pledged their financial support for “Dump West,” a Democratic Super-PAC that planned to raise at least $5 million for the purpose of defeating conservative black Republican Allen West‘s bid for reelection to the House of Representatives. A key player in”Dump West” was national Democratic operative Charles Halloran, a former aide to President Bill Clinton. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi asked lobbyist Larry Smith (a former U.S. congressman) to help line up initial funding for the Super-PAC.


In March 2013, Soros pledged to give, through his Open Society Foundations, $1 million to theNAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund. This was the largest grant that organization had received from a named donor in recent decades. The purpose of the grant was to help the NAACP fight challenges to the Voting Rights Act and oppose the implementation of Voter ID laws. In a statement, Soros said: “We need bold and courageous civil rights strategies if we are to achieve racial equality in this country.”


In October 2013, Soros signed on to co-chair the national finance council of Ready For Hillary, a political action committee established nine months earlier to lead a nationwide grassroots movement encouraging Hillary Clinton to run for U.S. President in 2016. “George Soros is delighted to join more than one million Americans in supporting Ready For Hillary,” said Soros’s political director, Michael Vachon. “His support for Ready For Hillary is an extension of his long-held belief in the power of grassroots organizing.”


In August 2013 Soros endorsed Bill de Blasio for Mayor of New York City, and he contributed the legal limit of $4,950 to de Blasio’s campaign. Soros also gave financial support to Talking Transition, a two-week project launched in early November 2013—immediately after de Blasio’s election victory—to “help shape” the latter’s “transition” to City Hall. Soros’ relationship with the mayor-elect actually dated back to 2011, when the billionaire had given $400,000 to de Blasio’s Coalition for Accountability in Political Spending.


In 2014, two separate white-police-vs.-black-suspect altercations that resulted in the deaths of the blacks involved became the focal points of a massive, nationwide protest movement alleging that white officers were routinely targeting African Americans with racial profiling and the unjustified use of force:

(a) On July 17, 2014, a 43-year-old African American named Eric Garner died in Staten Island, New York, after having resisted several white police officers’ efforts to arrest him for illegally selling “loosies,” single cigarettes from packs without tax stamps. One of the officers at the scene put his arms around the much taller Garner’s neck and took him down to the ground with a headlock/chokehold. While he was being subdued, Garner reportedly told the officers a number of times, “I can’t breathe.” A black NYPD sergeant supervised the entire altercation and never ordered that officer to release the hold. Garner subsequently suffered cardiac arrest in an ambulance that was taking him to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead approximately an hour after the initial altercation. City medical examinerslater concluded that he had died as a result of an interplay between the police officer’s hold and Garner’s multiple chronic infirmities, which included bronchial asthma, heart disease, obesity, and hypertensive cardiovascular disease. “I Can’t Breathe” became a popular slogan of demonstrators who later protested Garner’s death in rallies across the United States.

(b) On August 9, 2014, a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri shot and killed an 18-year-old black male named Michael Brown in an altercation that occurred just minutes after Brown had perpetrated a strong-armed robbery of a local convenience store. Brown’s death set off a massive wave of protests and riots in Ferguson, and eventually grew into a national movement denouncing an alleged epidemic of police brutality against African Americans. The protesters claimed, falsely: (a) that Brown had been shot in the back while fleeing from the officer, and (b) that Brown at one point had raised his hands in the air submissively in an attempt to surrender but was shot anyway. Thus, “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” became a popular slogan of the demonstrators who later protested Brown’s death. When compelling ballistic, eyewitness, and forensic evidence eventually (in late October 2014) indicated that Brown in fact had assaulted the officer and had tried to steal his gun just prior to the fatal shooting, the protesters’ outrage over the incident was undiminished. A grand jury announced on November 24, 2014 that it would not indict the officer who had shot Brown — because of overwhelming evidence indicating that the shooting was done in self-defense. This announcement, too, touched off protests and riots.

Through his Open Society Foundations, Soros in 2014 gave at least $33 million to support already-established groups that, as The Washington Times puts it, “emboldened the grass-roots, on-the-ground activists in Ferguson” and helped lead the anti-polce protests. “The financial tether from Mr. Soros to the activist groups gave rise to a combustible protest movement that transformed a one-day criminal event in Missouri into a 24-hour-a-day national cause celebre,” says the Times.

Among these activist organizations funded by Soros were the Advancement Project, the Center for Community Change, Colorlines, the Don’t Shoot Coalition, the Dream Defenders, the Drug Policy Alliance, Equal Justice USA, the Gamaliel Foundation, the Hands Up Coalition, Make the Road New York, Millennial Activists United, Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (the rebranded Missouri branch of ACORN), the Organization for Black Struggle, PICO, and the Samuel Dewitt Proctor Conference (where Jeremiah Wright was a trustee), the SEIUnational LGBT organizations, climate environmentalists, amnesty groups, pro-Palestinian organizations, andChristian social justice groups.

“The plethora of organizations involved,” explains The Washington Times, not only shared Mr. Soros’ funding, but they also fed off each other, using content and buzzwords developed by one organization on another’s website, referencing each other’s news columns and by creating a social media echo chamber of Facebook ‘likes’ and Twitter hashtags that dominated the mainstream media and personal online newsfeeds.”


In June 2015, the New York Times reported that “a Democratic legal fight against restrictive voting laws enacted in recent years [since 2010] by Republican-controlled state governments is being largely paid for by a single liberal benefactor: the billionaire philanthropist George Soros.” Indeed, Soros had already agreed to contribute as much as $5 million to that litigation effort, whose major objectives were to: (a) discredit and overturn Voter ID laws in as many states as possible; (b) eliminate or loosen time restrictions imposed on early voting (prior to Election Day); and (c) change election rules that could nullify ballots cast in the wrong precinct. The attorney spearheading this initiative was Marc Elias, who also served as a lawyer for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. Describing himself as “proud” to be part of the legal battles, Soros said: “We hope to see these unfair laws, which often disproportionately affect the most vulnerable in our society, repealed.” At the time, Soros was supporting a lawsuit that had been filed the previous year in North Carolina, as well as suits that had been filed in Ohio and in Wisconsin in May 2015.


In October 2015—while hundreds of thousands of Middle Easterners were flooding into Europe as “refugees”—Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban warned that this mass influx of foreign Muslims was endangering Europe’s “Christian roots” and creating “parallel societies.” Asserting that Europeans should “stick to our Christian values,” he stated that “Europe can be saved” only if its leaders “take seriously the traditions, the Christian roots and all the values that are the basis of the civilization of Europe.” Moreover, Orban accused Soros—whose charitable foundations support numerous pro-immigration non-governmental organizations (NGOs)—of deliberately encouraging the migrant crisis. “This invasion is driven, on the one hand, by people smugglers, and on the other by those (human rights) activists who support everything that weakens the nation-state,” Orban said. “This Western mindset and this activist network is perhaps best represented by George Soros.”

In response, Soros issued an email statement to Bloomberg Business, claiming that his foundations helped “uphold European values” while Orban (according to Soros) aimed to “undermine those values.” “His [Orban’s] plan treats the protection of national borders as the objective and the refugees as an obstacle,” said Soros. “Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle.”


On August 13, 2016, an anonymously-run website ( released more than 2,500 confidential files from Soros’s Open Society Foundations (OSF), containing evidence of funding that OSF had given to anti-Israel and pro-Islamist organizations. Among the leaked files was an OSF internal memo from 2011 titled “Extreme Polarization and Breakdown in Civic Discourse,” which lamented America’s rising “xenophobia and intolerance,” and discussed a $200,000 grant that OSF had awarded to the Center for American Progress (CAP) to “research and track the activities” of groups (like the Middle East Forum) which contend that radical Islam poses a grave threat to America. Later in 2011, CAP published a 138-page report, Fear, Inc.: The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America, whose stated objective was to “expose—and marginalize—the influence of” the “sinister,” “hateful,” “purposively deceptive,” “bigoted,” and “racist” individuals and groups that, according to CAP, are part of an “Islamophobia network in America.” These include what CAP describes as “misinformation experts,” “anti-Muslim bigots,” “political players,” “right-wing media,” “religious right” zealots, and “radical ideologues” who intentionally “mischaracteriz[e] Islam,” “peddl[e] hate and fear of Muslims,” and “rav[e]” about the “overhyped dangers” of Sharia Law, so as to “fan the flames of Islamophobia.”


Another OSF email made public (in August 2016) by asserted that the refugee crisis which was causing countless thousands of people from war- and terrorism-ravaged nations in the Middle East and North Africa to relocate to Europe and the United States, should be accepted as “the new normal.” Entitled “Migration Governance and Enforcement Portfolio Review,” this memo was written by Anna Crowley, the Program Officer of OSF’s International Migration Initiative, and Kate Rosin, a Program Specialist for the same initiative. These authors wrote how the refugee crisis was not only “opening new opportunities” for “coordination and collaboration” with other wealthy donors, and they praised efforts to “take advantage of momentum created by the current crisis to shape conversations about rethinking migration governance.” They had in mind “institutional reforms to global migration governance.” To that end, their International Migration Initiative helped fund the work of the Columbia Global Policy Initiative, host of the secretariat for Peter Sutherland, the UN Secretary General’s Special Representative on International Migration. (Sutherland is an open-borders fundamentalist who, at a reception held on October 22, 2015 to honor the 70th anniversary of the United Nations, claimed that caps on refugees enforced by certain countries in Europe were “directly reminiscent of the type of caps that took place under the Reich [against] the Jewish population.” In an October 2015 interview with UN News CentreSutherland derided the very notion of national sovereignty, saying that governments must “recognize that sovereignty is an illusion … that has to be put behind us,” and that “the days of hiding behind borders and fences are long gone.”) Crowley and Rosin praised the “elite-level behind-the-scenes advocacy through Peter Sutherland,” which they believed would influence the outcome of the September 2016 summits on migrants and refugees at the United Nations, one of which was to be led by President Obama.

Yet another leaked memo made it clear that Soros’s group was considering using journalists to push out the narrative on Ukraine that Soros wanted in support of the Kiev regime. It discussed the pros and cons of offering selected journalists “long stay reporting trips in Ukraine” while retaining “a veto on stories we think are counterproductive.” Other leaked documents revealed that Soros, behind the scenes, was simultaneously pushing for the U.S. to provide more lethal weapons to the Kiev government while offering to use his influence to help prop up the country’s finances.

In one draft memo, which Soros signed “George Soros–A self-appointed advocate of the new Ukraine, March 12, 2015,” Soros advocated that “Ukraine’s allies should treat Ukraine as a defense priority.” He also pushed for a “radical reform program,” offering very specific political and economic prescriptions, backed by “the Ukrainian branch of the Soros Foundations.” This Ukrainian branch, known as the Renaissance Foundation, was reportedly paying headhunters to find suitable individuals to work in the Ukrainian government, even if they came from Ukrainian communities as far away as the U.S. and Canada. Soros’s foundation may also have been helping to pay the salaries of some Ukrainian ministers.

Soros was also looking for the U.S. and the European Union to help bail out Ukraine’s financial system. In a letter dated December 23, 2014 to Ukraine’s president and prime minister, Soros discussed the need to pull together a multibillion dollar commitment from the European Council, which could then be used to persuade the Federal Reserve to extend a three-month swap arrangement with the National Bank of Ukraine. “I am ready to call Jack Lew of the US Treasury to sound him out about the swap agreement,” Soros wrote.

In the meantime, Soros was making sure that he would be in a position to profit from a more stabilized Ukraine. In November 2015, it was announced that Soros’s Ukrainian Redevelopment Fund would be investing in a fund sponsored by Dragon Capital to invest in Ukraine. Through that vehicle, Soros’s Ukrainian Redevelopment Fund invested in Ukrainian software developer Ciklum Holding Ltd.  It acquired the stake from Horizon Capital, an investment firm founded by Natalie Jaresko, who was serving at the time as Ukraine’s finance minister. Jaresko was a U.S. citizen of Ukrainian descent who had once worked in the U.S. State Department. She became a Ukrainian citizen in December 2014, the same time she became finance minister.

Finally, to bring things around full circle, some leaked emails revealed that Soros saw an opportunityfor Ukraine to help the European Union alleviate its refugee crisis by taking in some of the refugees in return for financial aid.


On August 29, 2016, the The Daily Caller reported: “An internal proposed strategy from George Soros’s Open Society Justice Initiative calls for international regulation of private actors’ decisions on ‘what information is taken off the Internet and what may remain.’ Those regulations, the document notes, should favor ‘those most supportive of open society.'” According to the OSF website, “The Open Society Justice Initiative uses law to protect and empower people around the world, supporting the values and work of the Open Society Foundations.” The proposal cited by The Daily Caller was part of a 34-page document titled “2014 Proposed strategy,” which spelled out the Initiative’s goals for 2014-17.




3 George Soros, The Alchemy of Finance (1994 edition), p. 362

4 George Soros, Underwriting Democracy, p. 3


6 “The Billionaire Who Built on Chaos – George Soros (The Independent: June 3, 1993)



9 Faisal Islam, “Rich Man, Wise Man” (Observer: March 10, 2002)

10 Anthony Gottlieb, “Who Wants To Be A Billionaire?” (The New York Times: March 3, 2002)

11 Michael T. Kaufman, Soros: The Life And Times Of A Messianic Billionaire, 2002, p. 293


13 “The Mind of George Soros; Meet the Esperanto Enthusiast Who Wants to Save the World from President Bush” (The Wall Street Journal: March 2, 2004)

14 Connie Bruck, “The World According to Soros” (The New Yorker: January 23, 1995); Peter Schweizer, Do As I Say (2005), p. 157.


16,2933,602163,00.html#ixzz19pFJsPwd; Michael Lewis, “The Speculator,” New Republic (January 10-17, 1994).

17 George Soros, Underwriting Democracy (1991), p. 170.


19David Horowitz and Richard Poe, The Shadow Party (2006), p. 67

20 Nicola Chalton, ed., The Philosophers (2008), p. 159.

21 David Horowitz and Richard Poe, The Shadow Party (2006), pp. 67-69; The Philosophers, pp. 158-159; George Soros, Soros on Soros (1995), p. 33.

22George Soros, The Bubble of American Supremacy (2004), p. 193

23 George Soros, The Alchemy of Finance (1994 edition), p. 13; George Soros, Soros on Soros(1995), p. 39.

24 Michael T. Kaufman, Soros: The Life And Times Of A Messianic Billionaire (2002), p. 83


26 ; David Horowitz and Richard Poe, The Shadow Party (2006), pp. 84-85

27 Michael T. Kaufman, Soros: The Life And Times Of A Messianic Billionaire (2002), p. 180.

28; Peter Schweizer, Do As I Say (2005), p. 157.


30 George Soros, The Bubble of American Supremacy (2004), p. 136


32 Connie Bruck, “The World According to Soros” (The New Yorker: January 23, 1995)


34 George Soros, Open Society: Reforming Global Capitalism (2000), p. 120



37 ;

38 ;




42 This figure derives from OSF’s IRS Forms 990 for the years 2000-2008.


















60 ;


62 Stanley Kurtz, Radical In Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American Socialism(2010). (The Midwest Academy received $10,000 from OSF in 1997.)




66 Maria Puente, “Philanthropist Pledges $50M For Immigrants,” USA Today (October 1, 1996)






72 ; (The Brennan Center received $12 million from OSF from 1999-2008.)


74 (PSN was formerly known as the Progressive Action Legislative Network.)

75 ;




79 ;


81 (OSF poured millions of dollars into the coffers of, the Center for American Progress, and Democracy Alliance – Soros-funded operations which then funneled some of that money to Media Matters.)







88 ;

89 ; (This organization received $2.815 million from OSF during 2006-2008.)



92 (Sojourners received $325,000 from OSF during 2004-2007.)























115 Robert Patterson, War Crimes: The Left’s Campaign to Destroy Our Military and Lose the War on Terror (2007), p. 181.






121 Jim Freer, “George Soros,” Latin Trade (October 1998); Peter Schweitzer, Do As I Say (2005), p. 167.

122 Gene Marcial, “A Bright Gleam on Apex,” Business Week (June 14, 2004)







129 George Soros, The Crisis of Global Capitalism (2000), p. xxix




133 George Soros, “A Look At … The Drug War Debate,” The Washington Post (February 2, 1997)

134 George Soros, Soros on Soros (1995)


136 Joseph A. Califano Jr., “Devious Efforts To Legalize Drugs,” The Washington Post (December 4, 1996)


138 ;



141 Peter Schweizer, Do As I Say (2005), p. 169.



144 David Horowitz and Richard Poe, The Shadow Party (2006), p. 135






150 David Horowitz and Richard Poe, The Shadow Party (2006), pp. 89-90

151 Connie Bruck, “The World According to Soros” (The New Yorker: January 23, 1995)

152 David Horowitz and Richard Poe, The Shadow Party (2006), pp. 91-93



155 David Horowitz and Richard Poe, The Shadow Party (2006), pp. 93-94




159 Interview with George Soros, The Charlie Rose Show, PBS (November 30, 1995)

160 David Horowitz and Richard Poe, The Shadow Party (2006), p. 55

161 David Horowitz and Richard Poe, The Shadow Party (2006), p. 54

162 David Horowitz and Richard Poe, The Shadow Party (2006), pp. 53-54

163 Byron York, The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy (2005), p. 69; George Soros, The Bubble of American Supremacy (2004), p. 42.

164 George Soros, The Crisis of Global Capitalism (1998), pp. 168, 179

165 David Horowitz and Richard Poe, The Shadow Party (2006), p. 222

166 George Soros, The Bubble of American Supremacy (2004), p. 94


168 George Soros, The Bubble of American Supremacy (2004), p. 123

169 George Soros, The Bubble of American Supremacy (2004), p. 30

170 George Soros, George Soros on Globalization (2002), p. xi

171 George Soros, George Soros on Globalization (2002), p. 155



174 These documents were intended to discredit America’s war effort as both immoral and unwinnable.

175 David Horowitz and Richard Poe, The Shadow Party (2006), p. 24

176 James L. Tyson, Target America (Chicago: Regnery Gateway, 1981), pp. 2, 200

177 David Horowitz and Richard Poe, The Shadow Party (2006), p. 11. (Interview with George Soros by Andrew Stevens, “The N.E.W. Show,” CNN (September 19, 2001).

178 George Soros, The Bubble Of American Supremacy (2004), p. 18

179 Byron York, The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy (2005)

180 Greg Pierce, “Inside Politics,” The Washington Times (March 3, 2003)

181 George Soros, “Bush’s Inflated Sense Of Supremacy,” Financial Times (March 13, 2003)

182; Thomas Hargrove, “Financier Donates $10M To Defeat Bush,” The Record [Bergen, NJ] (August 10, 2003)

183 “Soros Calls For ‘Regime Change’ In US,” BBC News Website September 30, 2003);

184 George Soros, “Bush’s Inflated Sense Of Supremacy,” Financial Times (March 13, 2003)

185 George Soros, The Bubble Of American Supremacy (2004), p. 12

186 George Soros, The Bubble Of American Supremacy (2004), pp. viii, 10

187 George Soros, The Bubble Of American Supremacy (2004), pp. 12-13

188 George Soros, The Bubble Of American Supremacy (2004), p. 10

189 George Soros, The Bubble Of American Supremacy (2004), p. 4

190 George Soros, The Bubble Of American Supremacy (2004), p. 26;×3136

191 Mark Gimein, “George Soros Is Mad As Hell,” Fortune (October 27, 2003)

192 George Soros, The Bubble Of American Supremacy (2004), pp. 26, 53

193 George Soros, The Bubble Of American Supremacy (2004), p. 53


195 George Soros, Remarks At National Press Club (Washington, DC: September 28, 2004)

196 Bernard Besserglik, “Soros Cuts Open Society Aid To Russia, Targets US,” Agence France Presse (June 9, 2003)

197 Mark Gimein, “George Soros Is Mad As Hell,” Fortune (October 27, 2003);

198 Laura Blumenfeld, “Soros’s Deep Pockets vs. Bush,” The Washington Post (November 11, 2003)

199 George Soros, The Bubble Of American Supremacy (2004), p. 13

200 Greg Pierce, “Inside Politics,” The Washington Times (October 1, 2003)

201 Laura Blumenfeld, “Soros’s Deep Pockets vs. Bush,” The Washington Post (November 11, 2003)

202 George Soros, The Bubble Of American Supremacy (2004), p. 9

203 George Soros, The Bubble Of American Supremacy (2004), p. 74)

204 George Soros, Open Society: Reforming Global Capitalism (2000), p. 337

205 The term was derived from the fact that the movements designated specific colors or flowers as their symbols.


207 George Soros, The Bubble Of American Supremacy (2004), p. 132

208 ;


210 ; ;

211 Neil Clark, “NS Profile—George Soros,” New Statesman (June 2, 2003)

212 “President Tudjman Criticizes Foreign Inyerference in Croatia’s Media,” BBC (December 11, 1996)

213 In this case and a few others, the rebels identified themselves with a color or a flower.


215 Mark MacKinnon, “Georgia Revolt Carried Mark of Soros,” Globe and Mail (November 26, 2003)

216 Franklin Foer, “Regime Change, Inc.: Peter Ackerman’s Quest to Topple Tyranny,” New Republic (April 25, 2005); David Horowitz and Richard Poe, The Shadow Party (2006), pp. 236-237


218 David Holley, “Soros Invests in His Democratic Passion: The Billionaire’s Open Society Institute Network Is Focusing on Central Asia Now,” Los Angeles Times (July 5, 2004)





223 Thomas B. Edsall, “Liberals Form Fund to Defeat President: Aim Is to Spend $75 Million for 2004,” Washington Post (August 8, 2003)

224 Mark Gimein, “George Soros Is Mad As Hell,” Fortune (October 27, 2003)


226 Laura Blumenfeld, “Soros’s Deep Pockets vs. Bush,” The Washington Post (November 11, 2003)

227 David Horowitz and Richard Poe, The Shadow Party (2006), pp. 131-136

228 ; Ryan Sager, “Buying ‘Reform’: Media Missed Millionaires’ Scam,” New York Post (March 17, 2005)

229 ; Ryan Sager, “Buying ‘Reform’: Media Missed Millionaires’ Scam,” New York Post (March 17, 2005). (The other seven major contributors were the Pew Charitable Trusts ($40.1 million); the Schumann Center for Media and Democracy ($17.6 million); the Carnegie Corporation of New York ($14.1 million); the Joyce Foundation ($13.5 million); the Jerome Kohlberg Trust ($11.3 million); the Ford Foundation ($8.8 million); and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation ($5.2 million).

230 Byron York, “The Soros Agenda: Free Speech for Billionaires Only,” Wall Street Journal(January 3, 2004); Byron York, “Democrats Throw The Spirit Of Reform Out The Window,” The Hill (November 5, 2003); Byron York, The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy (2005), p. 62.



233 ; David Horowitz and Richard Poe, The Shadow Party (2006), pp. 175-176

234 David Horowitz and Richard Poe, The Shadow Party (2006), p. 176

235 Republicans, meanwhile, did not build any comparable network of independent fundraising nonprofits to circumvent McCain-Feingold – probably because they historically had been successful at raising hard money.

236 Byron York, The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy (2005), p. 8

237 Richard Poe, “The Shadow Party: History, Goals, and Activities” (


239 (These 17 states were: Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.)


241 Laura Blumenfeld, “Soros’s Deep Pockets vs. Bush,” The Washington Post (November 11, 2003)

242 David Horowitz and Richard Poe, The Shadow Party (2006), p. 182

243 David Horowitz and Richard Poe, The Shadow Party (2006), pp. 196-198

244 Laura Blumenfeld, “Soros’s Deep Pockets vs. Bush,” The Washington Post (November 11, 2003)

245 David Horowitz and Richard Poe, The Shadow Party (2006), p. 189. (Among these were Clinton’s national security speechwriter Robert Boorstin; former head of Clinton’s National Economic Council, Gene Sperling; and former senior advisor to Clinton’s Office of Management and Budget, Matt Miller.)

246 Matt Bai, “Notion Building,” New York Times Magazine (October12, 2003)












258 Byron York, The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy (2005), p. 61

259 Byron York, The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy (2005), pp. 86-87.

260 ; Michael Crowley, “Shadow Warriors,” New York Magazine (August 12, 2004).

261 David Horowitz and Richard Poe, The Shadow Party (2006), pp. 193-194

262 Jeffrey H. Birnbaum, “The New Soft Money,” Fortune (October 27, 2003)

263 Byron York, The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy (2005), p. 8




267 ;

268 (By August 2005, Stein had shown his PowerPoint presentation to more than 700 key people in private meetings.)


270; Among the attendees were former Clinton White House aides Mike McCurry and Sidney Blumenthal, and Schumann Center president Bill Moyers.


272 ;


274 ;




278 ; ;

279 ;


281 ;







288 ; ; ;







295 ;

296 ;



299 ;; Unless otherwise specified, information about DA grants made to these entities was furnished by the Capital Research Center.

300 ;









309 ;

310 (Note: In the 2010 congressional elections, when Republicans captured more than 60 House seats, two of Colorado’s Democratic House members lost to Republicans.)

311 Louis Jacobson, “New Organization to Push Liberal Measures,” Roll Call (June 23, 2005)










Trump in Mexico Recalls Reagan in Geneva by Phyllis Schlafly

trump-poll-commander-in-chief-forumDonald Trump’s surprise visit to Mexico, where he met the Mexican president and discussed the many contentious issues between our two countries, reminds me of President Reagan’s important trip to Geneva in 1985. Reagan was more than willing to sit down with the Communist leader in an effort to build a personal connection between the two men without sacrificing America’s vital interests in the Cold War.

The 1985 Geneva summit was highly advertised as a potential showdown between Reagan and Gorbachev, the supposedly reasonable new Soviet leader. When it was over, Americans realized that behind Reagan’s genial affability was a steely determination to protect our country against the threat from Soviet nuclear missiles.

Just as today’s mainstream media is bent on undermining Trump’s call to put Americans first in our dealings with Mexico, the media of the 1980s (led by ABC’s Sam Donaldson and CBS’s Dan Rather) were overwhelmingly pro-Gorbachev and anti-Reagan in their daily coverage.

Left-wing celebrities from around the world converged on Geneva to support the media narrative that a stubborn President Reagan was refusing to consider Gorbachev’s reasonable proposals for world peace. Congresswoman Bella Abzug, actress Jane Alexander and the inevitable Jesse Jackson were giving daily interviews.

I led a delegation of 25 distinguished women leaders to Geneva to support Reagan and American nuclear superiority. The media didn’t give us much coverage, but President Reagan telephoned me afterwards from the White House to thank me for our support.

Reagan had been elected on a promise to “win” the Cold War against the Communist forces arrayed against America. Before Reagan, our country’s foreign policy was controlled by men like Henry Kissinger, who thought victory was impossible and that his job, as he famously told Admiral Zumwalt, was “to negotiate the most acceptable second-best position” for the United States.

After three decades of steady deterioration of America’s place in the world, Trump is the first candidate since Reagan who is comfortable using Reagan’s vocabulary of winning. Trump has pledged to make America “win” again, instead of being cheated and outmaneuvered by our adversaries and even our so-called allies.

Trump’s visit to Mexico recalls Reagan’s trip to Geneva in other ways, too. At both meetings, there was one signature position on which the American refused to budge.

Reagan’s no-surrender pledge was his unwavering commitment to the Strategic Defense Initiative, that is, to build and deploy a system to shoot down Soviet nuclear missiles headed for our cities. With Trump, it’s his rock-solid promise to build “an impenetrable physical wall” on our southern border.

Both Reagan’s and Trump’s signature ideas were purely defensive weapons to which no country could have any legitimate complaint. Reagan’s SDI was a non-nuclear weapon whose only function was to destroy or deflect incoming nuclear missiles.

Reagan stuck to that non-negotiable position at the summit with Gorbachev the following year in Reykjavik, Iceland. As we now know, that’s when Gorby realized he could never win an open competition with the United States, so that his “acceptable second-best position” was the dissolution of the USSR over the next five years.

Likewise, Donald Trump’s wall is not a provocative, but a neighborly idea to stop the rampant illegality that harms both nations along the U.S.-Mexico border. With no legitimate objection to erecting a fence, wall or other physical barrier between our two countries, Mexico should be grateful for Trump’s leadership and even agree to help pay for it.

The value of a wall begins with stopping “murderers” and “rapists” from freely entering and re-entering our country with impunity, as Trump mentioned when he announced the start of his campaign last year, but it doesn’t stop there. Felony assault by motor vehicle is another deadly crime that seems to be rampant by illegal aliens driving recklessly without the licenses or insurance that law-abiding Americans take for granted.

The wall would also stop the plague of heroin that has exploded during the last few years of the Obama administration. Deaths from heroin overdoses surpassed deaths from car crashes last year and will hit a new record this year. Most U.S. heroin is delivered by Mexicans working for the drug cartels.

Of course, most Mexican immigrants are not murderers, rapists, drunk drivers or drug dealers. But even the good, hard-working people who come here from south of the border, both legally and illegally, have such low education and skills that they can’t survive economically without massive public subsidies to provide for the care, food, shelter, health care, education and welfare of their children.

Voters finally have the opportunity to choose a president who will make America first by securing our border and ending one-sided trade deals that favor foreign workers rather than our own. Trump’s strong stance in his meeting with the Mexican president demonstrates that Donald Trump is the “choice, not an echo.”

‘Thou Shalt Not Speak…’

Not to bear false witness is the Ninth Biblical Commandment, and for journalists it should be the first; yet, 10 words used daily and even hourly by the media have for decades permeated the written and spoken word, all of them patently false:

  1. “settlers”
  2. “Palestine”
  3. “West Bank”
  4. “died”
  5. “attacker”
  6. “Palestinians”
  7. “occupied territories”
  8. “refugee camps”
  9. “settlements”
  10. “insane.”

Instead, the accurate terms are:

  1. “Jews” or “Israelis,” referring to people building permanent residences, neighborhoods, schools, hospitals, businesses, public amenities, and houses of worship
  2. “Israel,” being the only independent nation in the particular area, with a long-established body of laws, history of commerce and industry, and being formally recognized by the countries of the world (No independent nation of “Palestine” has ever existed in history.)
  3. “Judea and Samaria,” being the legal names for the regions of Israel where Jews have lived for thousands of years
  4. “murdered,” referring to Jews from infancy through elderly whose lives are ended through acts of Arab or Muslim violence committed upon them
  5. “Islamic terrorist,” being a person whose religious ideology compels him to commit acts of violence against persons of other religions and their property
  6. “Arabs” or “Muslims,” referring to stateless peopleliving in the region of present-day Israel  and whose fellow Arabs and Muslims slaughtered and/or rejected their entry into existing Arab and Muslim nations, with sizes many hundreds of times larger than the tiny State of Israel
  7. “Judea and Samaria,” being regions administered by Israel through her victory in the defensive 1967 War and lawfully recognized under international law, historical precedent, and Biblical rights
  8. “cities” and “towns,” referring to the places where the Arabs and Muslims rejected for generations by their own people live in apartments and homes with full amenities and standards of living often better than in American inner cities
  9. “communities,” being areas of development for residential and commercial purposes under the laws of the State of Israel, including public governmental institutions, medical facilities, well-maintained neighborhoods, public utilities, private enterprises, and international industries
  10. “Islamist,” referring to a person whose religious doctrines drive him to commit acts of violence against those who are not of his own Muslim persuasion, their family members of all ages, and their property.

“Thou shalt not bear false witness” against the Jewish State through fallacious and inflammatory terms that re-write history and re-define a miraculous nation and its People, Divinely established and blessed, using words and images to make news rather than to report it as it truly is.  In truth, every news coverage that uses the word “Palestine” is ab initio false; since no nation of “Palestine” ever existed. Likewise, every news report about the “West Bank” has renamed geographic regions of Israel legally called “Judea and Samaria.”

When reporters have become falsification wordsmiths and historical revisionists, the world loses, as is certainly the case in this epoch of time.  Words matter, and history matters.  Lies matter especially when they determine history.

Lest we forget the horrific lessons of history’s lies, all of us, be we journalist or not, must use the words of truth to tell Israel’s story.  As it was explained to me by my student, Robbyn, like Joshua and Caleb, who corrected the false reports of their 10 fellow spies sent by Moses to survey the Holy Land before entering it to give an accurate assessment to the Jewish People, “We have to correct a bad report …. We have an obligation to fight a bad report” lest we will wander and be buried in a desert of lies.  

VIDEO: Hillary Clinton’s Illness Connecting-the-Dots

Videos constructed from public sources that show the true Hillary Clinton. All video used under the doctrine of FAIR USE.


Hillary likely has Parkinson’s Disease

Hillary Abruptly Ended Press Questions When a Reporter Brought This Up [VIDEO]

Islamic State bans burqa for ‘security reasons’

Well, the Islamic State has demonstrated that it is much smarter a group than Western leftists. They showed up every leftist supporter of the burqa by banning it for security reasons.

Another blow to burqa supporters who think they are “defending” women’s rights:

Women who have not worn conservative Islamic garments that cover their bodies or eyes have been beaten or killed in Syria and Iraq by ISIS’s “morality police.”

And it is not only the Islamic State that opposes women for not wearing the burqa, a symbol of female subjugation and oppression. Deliverance from the burqa drew celebration among Muslim women in Syria last month:

Last month, after the liberation of Manbij in Syria, women were seen burning burkas in celebration.

IS burka ban

Pictured are women in niqabs, which are far more common in the West than actual burqas, and are often confused with them. When the Western press and Western officials speak of the burqa, they usually are referring primarily to the niqab, as well as to the burqa itself. “Bye bye burka: ISIS bans burka in Iraqi city after killings by veiled women”, Jerusalem Post, September 5, 2016:

The so-called Islamic State terror group has allegedly banned women from wearing the burka at security centers in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul despite harsh enforcement of a law requiring them to be worn, according to the UK’s Daily Mail.

Following the murders of several commanders of the terror group by veiled women, the group has purportedly banned females from entering buildings in the city while wearing the full-body covering.

Women who have not worn conservative Islamic garments that cover their bodies or eyes have been beaten or killed in Syria and Iraq by ISIS’s “morality police.” …..

It is understood that women in the rest of Mosul and all other areas controlled by ISIS will still have to abide by the veiled dress code.

Last month, after the liberation of Manbij in Syria, women were seen burning burkas in celebration.

Manjib was a strategic city that served as a transit for foreign jihadists and its liberation by Syrian and Kurdish forces came as a blow to the terror group.


Robert Spencer in PJ Media: DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson Speaks at Convention of HAMAS-LINKED Group

France: Far-Left Antifa writer and 12-year-old son savagely attacked by Muslims shouting ‘filthy white’