LinkedIn Joins the Social Media ‘Cabal’ Censoring the Truth about the 2020 Election, Covid Vaccines and Biden

Just when you thought that the thought police, no pun intended, couldn’t get more draconian we are learning that sharing the truth is now absolutely verboten on LinkedIn.

Our LinkedIn account was “restricted” due to “multiple violations of LinkedIn’s User Agreement and Professional Community Policies” against “sharing content that contains misleading or inaccurate information”.

Here are the content links we shared on LinkedIn that got us restricted (i.e. shadow banned, blacklisted):

  1. Content Creation Time: Wed, 09 Dec 2020 13:32:05 GMT, shared – ELECTION UPDATE: Chances of Biden winning PA, MI, GA, WI Independently after Trump ’s early lead is less than 1 in a quadrillion: – Dr. Rich Swier
  2. Content Creation Time: Sat, 07 Nov 2020 11:54:11 GMT, shared – a picture which said “We have put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” – Joe Biden, October 24, 2020
  3. Content Creation Time: Fri, 23 Apr 2021 14:17:27 GMT, shared – Covid Vax: Largest Human Biological Experiment in World History with Unknown Long-term Consequences – Dr. Rich Swier

Item #2 is most interesting in that we posted a picture of Biden based upon a statement on Twitter by Biden on voter fraud. Here’s the video:

Here is a list of “misleading or inaccurate information” posted on Twitter by the White House.

We wonder if LinkedIn fact checked this information?

The Bottom Line

Twitter is now the go to free speech platform since it was acquired by Elon Musk. Since taking over Elon has released what have become know as the “Twitter Files.”

The most recent release, Twitter File #7, exposed the following:

  • The FBI requested take action on what it determined to be misinformation, which included jokes from small Twitter accounts about voting dates.
  • FBI e-mails to Twitter asking for assessment of terms of service violations and “location information” about accounts that allegedly “spread misinformation about the upcoming election.” Some of those accounts were permanently suspended.
  • How the 2016 “Russian election interference” hoax influenced the FBI’s 2020 operations into reviewing American social media posts.

This pattern of determining “misinformation” appears to be the basis of our restriction on LinkedIn by their internal thought police (FBI handlers?).

Sadly, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms, are anything but free speech platforms. Rather they resemble the efforts of INGSOC to restrict and eliminate language that conflicts with the Democrat party’s and Biden White House’s narratives.

LinkedIn is now a part and parcel of the Biden’s “Ministry of Truth”, that is their truth and not the real truth.

Will there be a LinkedIn whistleblower who will bring out the truth on who is behind this? We certainly hope so.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

VAERS Shows a 4070% Increase in Miscarriages and Stillbirths Since mRNA Roll-out

The horror. The Democrats new form of birth control and abortion.

VAERS Shows a 4070% Increase in Miscarriages and Stillbirths Since mRNA Roll-out

By Brian Lupo, Gateway Pundit, December 19, 2022:

The vaccine is “safe and effective” according to our very own CDC, FDA and Federal government.

Nothing to see here.  Pay no attention to the 4,070% increase in miscarriages and stillbirths, as reported by the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS).  The VAERS system is the federal government’s method of monitoring vaccine injuries through real-time reporting.  As reported through

But what’s not getting a lot of attention is the unbelievable spike in miscarriages and stillbirths.  The following charts show the dramatic increases according to OpenVAERS:


Miscarriages as a result of a non-Covid vaccine seemed to spike in 2008 around the HPV vaccine.  That number was just over 160 cases (165).  In 2021 and 2022, we have seen 3,379 and 1,445, respectively, related to the COVID vaccines.


Miscarriages as a result of a non-Covid vaccine seemed to spike in 2008 around the HPV vaccine. That number was just over 160 cases (165). In 2021 and 2022, we have seen 3,379 and 1,445, respectively, related to the COVID vaccines.


It is worth mentioning that it is estimated by a Harvard study that only a small percentage of actual VAERS injuries get reported. The process is cumbersome for doctors and nurses and there are whistleblowers who have claimed they are “discouraged” for lack of a better term, from writing VAERS reports. The actual number is likely significantly higher.

Remember that anomaly in the number of injuries reported as well as the discouragement when you consider the increase in myocarditis cases as well as deaths:

Go, read the rest…..


RELATED ARTICLE: 15 More UK Doctors From Many Fields Come Out Publicly Against The Vaxx



Pfizer Has Stopped Its COVID Vaccine Clinical Trial in Pregnant Women

COVID Vaccines Increase Menstrual Irregularities Thousand fold, Fetal Abnormalities Hundredfold: Doctors’ VAERS Analysis

MIT Scientist Warns Parents NOT TO GIVE CHILDREN Vaccine, Could Cause ‘Crippling’ Neurodegenerative Disease In Young People

Researchers Prove Link Between Deaths and COVID-19 Vaccines

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden Claimed He Created 1 Million Jobs. Actual Number, 10,500

Come on, man. What’s a little rounding error between friends?

What’s a little rounding error between a corrupt hack and the country he’s running into the ground?

“In the second quarter of this year, we created more jobs than in any quarter under any of my predecessors in the nearly 40 years before the pandemic,” Mr. Biden said on July 8.

“The economy created more than 1.1 million jobs in the second quarter, or around 375k jobs per month,” the White House said in a statement on July 22.

A million or ten thousand. Come on, man. Who’s keeping track?

The Philadelphia Fed’s new assessment shows that employment numbers in 29 states and the District of Columbia were significantly lower than the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported for the March-through-June period.

The BLS, a division of the Department of Labor, estimated net job growth of 1,047,000 jobs in the second quarter. The Philadelphia Fed now says its data shows that 10,500 net jobs were created in that period.

Another reminder that anything from BLS or anything under the control of administration political appointees cannot be trusted. The Biden administration is actually worse than the Obama administration in this regard. Everything is corruptly politicized and appointees will flat-out tell the most outrageous lies.

Not that this comes as a surprise even to the media. How many times has this happened already?

Biden’s bogus boast of 1 million ‘construction jobs’ – Four Pinocchios – Washington Post

AP FACT CHECK: Biden’s fuzzy math on 1 million new auto jobs

Biden will still keep on lying anyway.



Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Open Borders): Only the ‘far right’ care about immigration

India: Muslim kills his daughter for constantly talking on the phone

Spain: Muslim migrant takes a hammer to a Nativity display

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘I am Giorgia, I am a woman, I am a mother, I am Italian, I am a Christian!’ Italy’s unashamedly, defiantly pro-family new leader

Who on earth possesses the unmitigated insolence to publicly assert a Christian, Italian and family identity?

In the wee hours of Monday, September 26, thousands of Italian patriots rallied in Rome. The star attraction was a diminutive down-to-earth family-friendly fireball who had just made history with a stunning election victory. She hurled a bolt of verbal lightning that electrified Europe and made headlines around the world:

Why is the family an enemy?… Because it is our identity… so they attack national identity, they attack religious identity, they attack gender identity, they attack family identity. I can’t define myself as Italian, Christian, woman, mother. No. I must be citizen x, gender x, parent 1, parent 2. I must be a number. Because when I am only a number, when I no longer have an identity or roots, then I will be the perfect slave at the mercy of financial speculators. The perfect consumer.

Talk about speaking truth to power! That’s boldly calling out the noxious globalist ideology driving Western decline! But there’s more:

We want to defend the value of the human being. Every single human being, because each of us has a unique genetic code that is unrepeatable. And like it or not, that is sacred. We will defend it. We will defend God, country and family… Because we will never be slaves and simple consumers at the mercy of financial speculators.

Wow. Western Christendom’s wake-up call!

Who on earth possesses the unmitigated insolence to publicly assert a Christian, Italian and family identity? Don’t we know that mere mortals are meant to be melded into a mammoth monetized multicultural mélange? Who dares resist?

Her name is Giorgia Meloni, a petite (5’4”) proudly Italian lady who unabashedly professes allegiance to “God, country and family.” Forty years ago that would be expected of anyone in public life. Today it is considered “controversial” by ruling elites.

Ms. Meloni heads Fratelli d’Italia (Brothers of Italy), the leading party in a family-friendly coalition that vaulted to victory in Italy’s elections. She’s on track to be the next Prime Minister.

How could somebody like that win a national election in Europe? One reason is that so many folks have had it with globalist economics and its relentless politically correct, anti-family, anti-Christian, anti-White, uber-woke propaganda.

Far out! No, “far right” says PC media. The New York Times: “Her proposals, characterized by protectionism, tough-on-crime measures and protecting the traditional family, have a continuity with the post-Fascist parties…” So protectionism, being tough on crime and protecting the traditional family are Fascist? To paraphrase Patrick Henry when he was accused of treason, “If this be Fascist, make the most of it.”

Whatever the New York Times calls it, any disagreement with the woke globalist narrative means the PC smear bund gins up the bile, screaming “racist,” “bigot,” “xenophobe,” “Fascist,” “Nazi,” whatever. That is meant to frighten us. It doesn’t work anymore. Fuhgeddaboudit.

Back to Italy, where a pro-family politician is in the saddle. Yours truly loves the place. But Italian heritage is fading as Italians slowly disappear. No matter how much they may believe in God, country, and family, they need to start practicing it. The loss of faith, globalist debt financing, materialism, consumerism, and all-or-nothing careerism have taken a grim toll. Italy’s population is projected to shrink 50 percent by century’s end.

Don’t believe it? According to Italy’s Ministry of Education, University and Research:

This year in Italy, 121,000 fewer students will enter school than last year. …Last year… 196 schools were closed. …Every year Italy loses 1-2% of its pupils. …During the last eight years, according to data published by the ministry, 1,301 schools have shut…

Italy’s future?

This crisis is not a projection, it is happening right now. By 2050, 60% of Italians will have no brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles or aunts. The Italian family, with the father who pours the wine and the mother who serves the pasta to a table of grandparents, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, will be gone, as extinct as dinosaurs.

Those who profess pride in their Italian heritage should look in the mirror. They are abandoning that heritage by not replacing themselves. Italy had just under 400,000 births last year, the fewest since Italian unification in 1861.

EU number-crunchers say that if current trends continue, by 2080, 50 percent of those living in Italy will be of African or Asian descent.

Ms. Meloni is aware of this:

I am Giorgia, I am a woman, I am a mother, I am Italian, I am Christian, you won’t take it from me. I’m ashamed… I’m ashamed of a state that doesn’t do anything for families, I’m ashamed of a state in which everyone talks about free day care but nobody makes them. Fratelli d’Italia submitted the proposal. Rejected.

A video remix of Giorgia Meloni’s fiery ‘I am Giorgia’ speech

Such a government undeniably deserves shame, and Ms Meloni’s stunning victory is bringing it on.

Then less than 48 hours after her victory speech, the evil empire struck back. The headline in the National Review was: “YouTube Removes Incoming Italian Prime Minister Meloni’s Passionate Speech on Family Breakdown”. Apparently it had violated YouTube’s community guidelines.

Ms. Meloni’s 2019 speech to the World Congress of Families had gone viral. Here is some of what she said now censored by Google’s YouTube:

They said it’s scandalous for people to defend the natural family founded on marriage, to want to increase the birth rate, to want to place the correct value on human life, to support freedom in education, and to say no to gender ideology.

[We fight for the] right of a woman to be a mother and not have to give up working as a result. The right to be a mother, choose not to work, and not starve to death as a result. The right of a woman forced to have an abortion because she has no alternatives.

Ms Meloni also voiced opposition to surrogacy and child gender transition hormone therapy. But what she said during her campaign really set the woke set ablaze:

Yes to natural families, no to the LGBT lobby, yes to sexual identity, no to gender ideology, yes to the culture of life, no to the abyss of death, no to the violence of Islam, yes to safer borders, no to mass immigration, yes to work for our people.

Far-right or family-friendly?

How did we get to where advocating for national identity and family values incurs the wrath of the establishment?

Let’s hope that Giorgia Meloni’s new government delivers. It will be a challenge, as Italy is a fiscal basket case. But if the state doesn’t champion families, what good is it?

Fear not, Italians. Our flesh and blood humanity is not valued by economic utility. Embrace tradition. Put family first. Turning the tide will be a very tall order. But if anyone can get it started, Giorgia Meloni can.

From her victory speech:

Chesterton wrote, more than a century ago… “Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two makes four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer.” That time has arrived…

Indeed it has.

Viva Italia!


Louis T. March

Louis T. March has a background in government, business and philanthropy. A former talk show host, author and public speaker, he is a dedicated student of history and genealogy. Louis lives with his family… More by Louis T. March

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Trans-Identifying HHS Official Admits Gender Transition Procedures Can Cause Sterility

Rachel Levine, a biologically male senior official at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) who identifies as a transgender woman, recently stated publicly that he was happy to have undergone gender transition procedures later in life because it allowed him to have children. Experts, however, are pointing out that the policies promoted by Levine favor allowing minors to undergo gender transition procedures despite the fact that such procedures can lead to permanent sterility.

At a recent public event, Levine stated, “If I had transitioned when I was young, I wouldn’t have my children. I can’t imagine a life without my children.”

Levine expressed relief about having not undergone gender transition procedures such as receiving puberty blocking drugs and cross-sex hormones as a minor, which can cause irreversible, permanent sterility. Notably, however, Levine publicly advocated for minors to in fact be able to undergo such treatment in July. “We really want to base our treatment and to affirm and to support and to empower these youth not to limit their participation in activities and sports, and even limit their ability to get gender affirmation treatment in their state,” he said.

The Biden administration has backed statements like this up with policies. In July, Biden’s HHS proposed a rule that revised Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to include “sexual orientation and gender identity” and “reproductive health care services” including “pregnancy termination” to existing “protections against discrimination on the basis of sex.” Critics say the rule would have forced conscientious-objecting health care workers to violate their religious beliefs, not only through having to carry out abortions but also having to carry out gender transition surgeries to remove healthy organs and administer puberty blocking drugs and cross-sex hormones. In December, a federal appeals court agreed, ruling that the proposed rule violates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

The administration has also endorsed gender transition procedures for minors in a series of documents, and administration officials have endorsed using taxpayer dollars to fund these procedures.

Meanwhile, a number of individuals who have detransitioned out of the transgender lifestyle after having undergone irreversible procedures as minors have expressed disillusionment and regret at the prospect of how it will affect their future families. Chloe Cole says she was pushed into undergoing a double mastectomy at age 15, and is heartbroken that she will be unable to breastfeed her future children. “Adrian” has similarly been left “despairing and sterile.” Other examples of those who were pushed into transition procedures and have come to regret them abound.

Dr. Jennifer Bauwens, the director of the Center for Family Studies at Family Research Council, noted the disparity between what studies show and the actions of the Biden administration.

“Levine’s comments are illustrative of a psychological disconnect that is embedded in the approach and the implementation of transgenderism,” she told The Washington Stand. “Every front that you look at with the transgender ideology, you see this disconnect between science and the practice, the ethics and the practice, the knowledge of what we know about development and the practice. It is the most disassociated ideology.”

She continued, “Here we have from the very top someone who is illustrating this very dynamic by saying, ‘In my personal life, I’m so grateful that I didn’t transition as a child so that I was able to have what I wanted, but let me impose this on everyone else.’ It’s distressing and at the same time not surprising because it is such an apropos representation of an ideology that promotes disassociation — the right hand literally does not know what the left hand is doing.”

Bauwens, who formerly worked as a clinician providing trauma-focused treatment to children, pointed to a seemingly willful ignorance of science on the part of the Biden administration.

“For someone who is in Health and Human Services and isn’t aware of the studies that are going on in other government agencies that have clearly shown that most brains aren’t even developed until 25 — disregarding all of that knowledge and imposing your own view, which isn’t even your own experience,” she observed. “This approach is not rooted in science, so there’s no grounding in the scientific method onto practice, and everything we know about scientific ethics and protecting vulnerable classes of people — which children are included in that class — that’s just thrown by the wayside.”


Dan Hart

Dan Hart is senior editor at The Washington Stand.

EDITORS NOTE: This The Washington Stand column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Republican Cracks Down on Trans Bathroom Policies After High School Restroom Assault

The top education official in a heavily Republican state is cleaning house, demanding that all public school districts and charter school have policies respecting the privacy of female students, after a male who identifies as female allegedly beat up two teenage girls in a high school restroom.

No media outlet covered the altercation, which took place on October 26, until the website Reduxx got a copy of the police report on December 12. According to police, a teenage boy became enraged when a teenage girl ignored him when he initiated conversation inside the girl’s restroom of Edmond Memorial High School in Edmond, Oklahoma. The boy then asked if she “wanted to fight” and came at her with clenched fists, pulled her hair, and threw her to the ground. the police report says. The girl said she was too weak to fight back. An eyewitness said the boy then “kicked her in the head and the back 2 times,” then punched her repeatedly. Another female said she intervened to stop the fight, because the attacker “is a man,” but said the boy punched her in the face twice; the police report described the second girl as having sustained a “possible concussion.”

“This is unacceptable and will not be tolerated in the state of Oklahoma,” said Oklahoma Secretary of Education Ryan Walters (R) in an online video. Walters said he would launch a state-level investigation into Edmond Public Schools — but he would also require all Oklahoma public school districts to notify parents of their restroom policies and submit them to Walters for review. “Our legislature and governor passed and signed a bill that says boys cannot go into girls’ restrooms for this precise reason,” said Walters. “We will not allow the radical Left’s Woke ideology to endanger our girls by having boys in the girls’ restrooms, where assaults like this can happen.”

Walters previously critiqued public schools in Stillwater after outraged parents complained that administrators opened restrooms to teenagers of both sexes. “You have chosen radicals over your students, ideology over biology, and ‘wokeness’ over safety,” Walters wrote to Stillwater education officials on April 8. “Today I am asking you to work with your fellow board members to make it so that your students only use the bathroom of their God-given natural sex. Biological males should not receive unrestricted access to women’s restrooms, leaving our young girls uncomfortable and afraid to enter them during school.”

“It’s wonderful to see Oklahoma’s Education Secretary Ryan Walters prioritizing the safety of girls over the desires of boys to be accepted as girls,” Meg Kilgannon, senior fellow for Education Studies at Family Research Council, told The Washington Stand.

A month after Walters’s letter to Stillwater, Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt (R) signed S.B. 615, which requires schools to designate all restrooms or changing areas used by more than one person for the “exclusive use” of one sex. Schools must make a “reasonable accommodation” by providing a single-use restroom or changing area to students who do not wish to comply. Any school district that refuses to implement this policy would lose 5% of state funding in the next year, and parents would have a “cause of action” to sue noncompliant schools.

Three students, represented by the ACLU and Lambda Legal, sued the state Department of Education this fall, alleging in court filings that people who identify as transgender are “being singled out for discriminatory unequal treatment.”

“Education officials in school districts across the country have been pressured by outside agitators like the ACLU, SPLC, GLSEN, and the Human Rights Campaign to adopt progressive and dangerous policies that undermine children’s safety and learning. In the face of this relentless pressure, it takes leadership to restate the commonsense values that parents expect and under which all children can thrive,” Kilgannon told TWS.

Walters also criticized the legacy media for refusing to cover the story of the alleged transgender physical assault for nearly two months. A Google search found that, as of this writing, the Edmond transgender restroom assault had not been reported by The New York TimesThe Washington PostThe Wall Street Journal, the Associated PressNBC NewsABC NewsCBS NewsReutersAxios, or Vice News.

Local media also suppressed the story of the transgender restroom attack. “I don’t think it meets the threshold to be ‘news,’” wrote Wendy Suares, a reporter for the area’s Fox affiliate, KOKH. The incident came as Virginia’s Loudoun County public school officials found themselves embroiled in controversy — and ultimately indicted — for denying that a male student who identifies as “gender fluid” sexually assaulted a teenage girl in a school restroom. Instead, officials had the girl’s outraged father arrested at a school board meeting, after quietly transferring the student to another school, where he reportedly molested another female student.

“Schools are for educating children, not ‘fixing them,’ promoting politics, or virtue signaling,” Kilgannon told TWS. “Thanks to Secretary Walters for this effort.”

Edmond Public School Superintendent Angela Grunewald responded in an oddly upbeat video that the school did not know the alleged perpetrator was a male, because his birth certificate did not mark his gender. Grunewald said her school district follows all applicable state laws and punished the male for fighting, as well as using the restroom facilities of the opposite sex.

Walters, who is running to become State Superintendent for Education, has promised to thoroughly review all state schools for compliance with the law — and, most importantly, to protect the safety and privacy of underage girls.

Walters’s “review of school policies just might reveal additional work to be done in 2023,” Kilgannon told TWS. “Something tells me he’s ready to do whatever it takes to protect all the children in his charge.”


Ben Johnson

Ben Johnson is senior reporter and editor at The Washington Stand.

RELATED ARTICLE: Trans-Identifying HHS Official Admits Gender Transition Procedures Can Cause Sterility

EDITORS NOTE: This The Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

PODCAST: But there was no ‘insurrection’

The kangaroo court known as the House January 6 Committee has finally brought its serial miscarriages of justice to an end, predictably, by referring criminal charges alleging former President Donald Trump “incited” an insurrection that day.

But, there was no “insurrection.”

The Committee’s highly selective investigation notwithstanding, Mr. Trump bore no responsibility for two factors that principally enabled what were “mostly peaceful” incursions inside the Capitol that day. First, the building had a reduced level of security, not a heightened one – including several open doors. And second there were clearly provocateurs in the crowd, some of whom appear to have had ties to the FBI.

There may have been a conspiracy to influence the 2020 election certification proceedings. An honest investigation, however, would find evidence pointing to culpability among the congressional leadership, not those targeted by this rigged one’s trumped-up charges.

This is Frank Gaffney.


Frank Gaffney, Jr.

Founder and Executive Chairman of the Center for Security Policy.

RELATED TWEET: The political myth followed by the truth.

EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy podcast is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Do We Have to Accept Transgenderism If It’s ‘Inborn’?

Question: Is the following a good summation of the argument used, starting decades ago, to normalize homosexuality?

“Many researchers [are] taking a different view of homosexuality,” a newspaper wrote late last century. “Homosexuality once was thought to stem from psychological influences early in life. Now, many experts view it as a deep-rooted predisposition that does not change.” These “experts view it as a sexual orientation as immutable as heterosexuality…,” the periodical later added.

You may recognize this as the foundation of the “born that way” argument, with such claims regularly used to promote the idea that if something is innate, questioning it smacks of bigotry. But I have a confession to make: I told a little fib (for effect). The above quotation is not from decades ago but from the Los Angeles Times on January 14, 2013 — and the subject wasn’t “homosexuality.” I’d inserted that term in place of another: pedophilia.

The passage originally read:

“Many researchers [are] taking a different view of pedophilia. Pedophilia once was thought to stem from psychological influences early in life. Now, many experts view it as a deep-rooted predisposition that does not change.” These “experts view it as a sexual orientation as immutable as heterosexuality or homosexuality.”

Oh, what a tangled web we weave, huh?

This comes to mind, again, because the born-that-way argument is now also used to justify MUSSes (Made-up Sexual Statuses, aka “transgender” ones). But its use to whitewash pedophilia is illustrative: If the principle is valid, then anything — from the good to the bad to the ugly — is morally licit if it’s inborn. That way lies madness and civilizational death.

Note here that “experts” have also told us that psychopathy is inborn and that, similarly, genes may cause alcoholism. (We’re all just organic robots, some pounds of chemicals and water, whose behavior is explainable via hardware and software, don’t you know?) Does this mean that if someone is born with homicidal instincts, it’s okay for him to commit murder? Should we endorse a person’s liter-a-day gin habit if his urge to drink like a fish is innate?

This can be analogized to physicality. We know man can manifest a multitude of physical abnormalities; e.g., spina bifida, cleft palate, heart defects, microcephaly, cystic fibrosis. We recognize that they are in fact abnormalities and undesirable states of being, however, and correct or at least mitigate them when possible. Why, someone I know well was born with one foot turned inwards 90 degrees. But his physician father, understanding the malleability of babies’ bones, gradually corrected the problem by taping the foot appropriately. Should he have left it as it was because the kid was “born that way”?

The point is, again, that something’s status as inborn has no bearing whatsoever on whether it’s good from a human-health standpoint or, in behaviors’ case, its morality. As to the latter, the lesson here could be said to be that genetics doesn’t determine morality; however, espousing the born-that-way argument is, in fact, to act as if morality doesn’t even exist and replace it with biological determinism. And, once more, this principle could justify anything — as long as it’s considered innate.

Some may now say, referencing pedophilia and the homicidal instincts example, “But, wait, they’re not like ‘transgenderism.’ Those things are wrong!” Congratulations. By citing their “wrongness,” you’re instinctively recognizing the Truth: Morality exists and is above those supposedly biologically induced feelings (and corresponding behaviors) — for if it can be used as a yardstick with which to judge them, it is above them.

This said, even the Bible alludes to genetically influenced misdeeds; e.g., “The sins of the father will be visited upon the child.” There’s no question people are born with different characteristic weaknesses and temptation tendencies; one person may have a greater urge to drink heavily while another may be more inclined toward lust. This doesn’t mean they should give their darker urges free rein, however, but that they should cultivate the virtue (good moral habits) that can preclude their acting upon them.

If anyone still disagrees, note that many scientists now say we’re born “racist.” So if “born that way”=behavior a-okay, it must be bigoted to pejoratively call someone racist. Just pass out the white KKK hoods and New Black Panther party berets, and shut the heck up.

Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on MeWe, Gettr or Parler, or log on to

©Selwyn Duke. All rights reserved.


Pedophilia: Mental Disorder Resulting In Child Sexual Abuse

Trans-Identifying HHS Official Admits Gender Transition Procedures Can Cause Sterility

The FBI’s Sick Culture of Nondisclosure

The seventh release of the Twitter files on Monday showed the FBI and intelligence agencies worked at media outlets and social media companies to discredit true information about Hunter Biden’s laptop.  Unfortunately, this story is the latest in a long line of stories showing indisputably that the FBI has developed a sick culture of nondisclosure over time.

I’ve documented this culture in my Freedom of Information Act case against the FBI which is currently in federal court.  The case is more than four years old – still relatively young by FOIA standards – but one of the things I learned recently is that the FBI’s main database – the Sentinel system – is effectively off limits to FOIA researchers.  Sentinel contains millions of documents but can only be searched one word at a time, the FBI told the court in my case.  The FBI does not have the capability to combine search terms to narrow results, or so it claims.  So, if you put in a word like ‘mosque’, you get a million hits and the FBI says it has no duty to wade through a million records to look for anything specific FOIA researchers might be after.  The FBI’s refusal to acquire simple combination search technology makes a mockery of the Freedom of Information Act, as I’ve argued to the court.

My first pleading in the case documented the FBI’s sick culture of nondisclosure going back to Waco, where the FBI hid evidence and destroyed the crime scene so its actions could not be examined.  The sick culture continues to this day, with the FBI initially claiming it had no records regarding Seth Rich only to admit later it had 20,000 pages and his laptop.  In October, the FBI asked for 66 years to release the information, like the murder of Seth Rich was the JFK assassination or something.

The FBI’s sick culture of nondisclosure was transmitted to Twitter when the social media company was under Jack Dorsey.  Twitter employed a dozen former FBI officials in such positions as senior director of product trust.  That’s on top of previous revelations about Twitter deputy general counsel James Baker, a former FBI lawyer who recently got fired by Elon Musk for – you guessed it – hiding information.  There were so many former FBI officials at Twitter they formed their own Slack channel to communicate with each other.

The Twitter files show deep ties and weekly meetings between the FBI and Twitter executives designed to suppress true information in the run-up to the 2020 election.  Some of the information was about the Hunter Biden laptop story, which Twitter went on to censor.  The FBI also pressured Twitter to take down specific accounts to silence bothersome individuals.

The sixth release of the Twitter files, plus supplementary material, shows an FBI making so many demands on Twitter for censorship a Twitter executive was becoming uncomfortable with the arrangement.

But there’s nothing like a little cash to soothe doubts.  We now know the FBI paid Twitter millions of dollars to suppress information and keep it from the public.  It was all carried on through emails and back channel reporting platforms, all of which have now been exposed.

The FBI had 80 agents working on this and says they were just after bad foreign actors and subversive or criminal conduct.  But the Bureau’s words don’t match its actions, starting with the Hunter Biden laptop story.  We need look no further than the seventh release of the Twitter files which shows the FBI worked with Twitter to discredit “factual information about Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings.”  That information was embarrassing to Joe Biden and could conceivably have cost the Big Guy the election.  It was embarrassing to a political favorite and that’s why the FBI wanted it suppressed.

My FOIA case has been pending for more than four years.  The FBI won’t tell me what it’s up to regarding the questions I’ve asked.  But they’re going to have to take subpoenas from the House Republicans more seriously.  The Republicans will be investigating the Bureau’s collaboration with Twitter to suppress information.  There are more files – secret files which the FBI doesn’t want to release – that the Republicans know about and will be demanding.  The Republicans believe the FBI’s claims about foreign actors are just a pretext and a full-blown censorship operation against the American people was underway.  They’ve threatened to use the power of the purse to get answers.  I will be watching closely as the FBI’s sick culture of nondisclosure is held up to the cold light of day.  The FBI is supposed to be working for us and it shouldn’t have to take 66 years – or even four years, as in my case – for it to tell us what it’s up to.  The day of reckoning is coming.

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

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RELATED ARTICLE: One Month Before Hunter Biden Laptop Story, Twitter Execs And Journalists War-Gamed An Eerily Similar Scenario


Analysis of RNC Spending Since 2017 Shows Millions Were Spent on Private Jets, Limousines, Luxury Retreats, Broadway Shows

This is disgusting. All while the Republican Party loses elections due to a lack of funding and weak ground games for it’s candidates. Ronna McDaniel needs to be removed as RNC Chair ASAP. President Trump never should have endorsed her. The Republican Party leadership is killing the Republican Party, because they are alienating the Trump-base with corruption like this. This is just the latest example.

Breakdown is below.

EXCLUSIVE: Analysis of RNC Spending Since 2017 Shows Millions Were Spent on Private Jets, Limousines, Luxury Retreats, Broadway Shows

By The Right Scoop, Dec 19, 2022

Back in 2010, RNC Chair Michael Steele was heavily criticized and eventually lost his position because donors were angry about what they believed was luxurious spending on private jets, floral arrangements, chauffeur services, and member meetings in expensive tropical locales. Donors were used to frugality from the RNC under the George W. Bush administration, when “Karl Rove would bitch if there were flowers on the tables” and staff holiday parties were catered by Chick-fil-A.

Despite Joe Biden’s economy and three straight cycles of election losses, the RNC’s big-spending days are back with a vengeance.

Perhaps because of these losses both RNC donors and committee members are intensely interested in the committee’s finances, particularly the spending. Late last week, RedState was provided a report dated October 7, 2022 that examined RNC’s 2021-22 spending. It calculated more than $500,000 in private jet expenses, $64,000 at clothing retailers, and $321,000 in floral arrangements.


To determine how that compared with the rest of Ronna McDaniel’s tenure, RedState examined RNC expenditures from 2017 through 2022. In addition to a review of Federal Elections Commission (FEC) data, RedState spoke with current vendors, state party officials familiar with the workings, former staffers (some from McDaniel’s tenure, and some who worked for prior chairs), and several current RNC members to verify numbers and dates. Most were only willing to discuss the matters on background, and all were promised anonymity to avoid potential retaliation.



Jan. 6 Quisling Committee Makes Criminal Referral Against Donald Trump and Associates

Democrats Move To Bar Trump From Office

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

TWITTER FILES 7: FBI Was Directly Working As An Asset For The Biden Crime Family

This is treason. This is an insurrection.

Techno Fog sums up:

More Twitter Files: Intelligence Community Pressure Campaign against Twitter

By Techno Fog

Michael Shellenberger has just published the latest batch of what has come to be known as the Twitter Files. It’s a follow-up to Matt Taibbi’s recent Twitter Files release concerning FBI’s pressure campaign against Twitter to remove content the agency found objectionable.

Today’s release provides more details on the relationship between Twitter and the FBI, the suppression and removal of the Hunter Biden story from Twitter the FBI’s desire for Twitter to confirm a “foreign interference” narrative that didn’t exist, and how the FBI sought user location information for tweets that weren’t remotely criminal.

For a refresher, here are the highlights from the one of the most recent releases from Taibbi, who has done excellent work on this continuing story:

  • The FBI requested take action on what it determined to be misinformation, which included jokes from small Twitter accounts about voting dates.
  • FBI e-mails to Twitter asking for assessment of terms of service violations and “location information” about accounts that allegedly “spread misinformation about the upcoming election.” Some of those accounts were permanently suspended.
  • How the 2016 “Russian election interference” hoax influenced the FBI’s 2020 operations into reviewing American social media posts.

Today’s thread by Shellenberger expands on what we have learned.

Some findings of note:

  • The FBI continued its requests of location and VPN IP data from Twitter users, done without a warrant and without a subpoena: “would Twitter be open to sharing which service provider(s) those VPN IP addresses resolved to?” To its credit, Twitter pushed back on this request.
  • In one case, the FBI requested user data for an account that was critical of BLM and the Democrats. Twitter responded by confirming “the account in question is domestic in origin.”
  • The US intelligence community was pushing Twitter to “share more information” and change its user privacy settings.
  • Approximately 6 weeks before the 2020 election, the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force requested a classified briefing for Twitter general counsel James Baker (who, as you might recall, was involved in the FBI’s “botched” Russian collusion investigation).

Baker, who was recently fired by Elon Musk, will come to be an important player in the Hunter Biden laptop saga, telling his Twitter colleagues the laptop materials were potentially hacked. Interestingly, on the day the Hunter Biden story was published, James Baker would have a telephone call with FBI general counsel Matthew Perry.

“The unnecessary FBI briefing provided the Democrats and liberal media the vehicle to spread their false narrative that our work advanced Russian disinformation.”

Read more.


The FBI & the Hunter Biden Laptop

How the FBI & intelligence community discredited factual information about Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings both after and *before* The New York Post revealed the contents of his laptop on October 14, 2020



One Month Before Hunter Biden Laptop Story, Twitter Execs And Journalists War-Gamed An Eerily Similar Scenario

Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad

Elon Musk Conducts Poll To Oust Him, Promises to “Abide By The Results”

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Christmas 1967: Remembering Bob Hope and Raquel Welch in Cu Chi Vietnam

I vividly remember Bob Hope coming to Cu Chi, Vietnam in December of 1967. I was with the 2nd Battalion 2/501st Airborne Infantry, 101st Airborne Division when he and his team of great personalities, including Raquel Welch, came to entertain us.

Bob was a man who put men in war as ease. He put hope (no pun intended) in all of our hearts that we would be home the next Christmas.

He was a welcome respite from the battlefield. May God bless him and the work he did to entertain our troops until the day that he passed over.

I also remember “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” a Christmas song written by the lyricist Kim Gannon and composer Walter Kent and recorded in 1943 by Bing Crosby. Originally written to honor soldiers overseas who longed to be home at Christmas time.

The film below is a composite of Bob Hope’s 1967 Vietnam tour for our men and women in the military produced by the U.S. Airforce:

Here’s Elvis Presley singing I’ll Be Home For Christmas

May God bless those soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines who won’t be home for Christmas 2022. May He bless and keep them and their families safe from harm.

Bob Hope is looking down from heaven along with Bing Crosby and Elvis upon our nation. I wonder what they are seeing and saying, don’t you?

I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas!

©Dr. Rich Swier, LTC U.S. Army (Ret.). All rights reserved.

Biden Reinstates Security Clearance of Physicist Who Passed Nuke Secrets to USSR

“Without the intelligence contribution, there could have been no Soviet bomb that quickly.”

You’ve got to give the Left credit. It has an extensive agenda, a long memory and when it seizes power, it rolls as many of its agenda items, even the ancient ones, through the gate. Compare that to how little conservatives get done when in office. And how little of the things the Left does they reverse.

This is a seemingly unimportant example, but also a reminder of how comprehensive the Left’s agenda is, how it encompasses the past, present and the future. Lefties never let anything go.

And never pass up an opportunity to rewrite history.

The Biden administration has reversed a decades-old decision to revoke the security clearance of Robert Oppenheimer, the physicist called the father of the atomic bomb for his leading role in World War II’s Manhattan Project.

U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said the 1954 decision by the Atomic Energy Commission was made using a “flawed process” that violated the commission’s own regulations.

“As time has passed, more evidence has come to light of the bias and unfairness of the process that Dr. Oppenheimer was subjected to while the evidence of his loyalty and love of country have only been further affirmed,” Granholm said in a statement on Friday.

The actual evidence that came out was that Oppenheimer did it.

A Soviet spy chief’s memoirs published here today claim that the late J. Robert Oppenheimer, head of the U.S. atomic bomb project during and after World War II, passed nuclear secrets to Soviet agents.

The allegations were made by Gen. Pavel Sudoplatov, who was in charge of efforts to obtain atomic secrets from the West, and excerpts of them ran in the Sunday Telegraph. Time magazine will print excerpts in today’s issue.

The memoirs charge that Oppenheimer, a University of California physicist known as “the father of the atomic bomb,” condoned and assisted in the flow of vital nuclear secrets.

Sudoplatov charges that Elizabeth Zarubina, wife of the Soviet intelligence head in Washington, cultivated Oppenheimer socially.

Zarubina persuaded Oppenheimer to share atomic secrets with “anti-fascists of German origin,” Sudoplatov says.

The memoir, “Special Tasks,” declares: “We received reports on the Manhattan Project from Oppenheimer and his friends in oral form, through comments and asides, and from documents transferred through clandestine methods with their full knowledge that the information they were sharing would be passed on.

“In all there were five classified reports made available by Oppenheimer describing the progress of work on the atomic bomb.”

The Russians also received photos of the facilities at Oak Ridge, the book says.

“The Soviet bomb was constructed in three years,” Sudoplatov says. “Without the intelligence contribution, there could have been no Soviet bomb that quickly.”

Oppenheimer’s actions could have led to the deaths of millions of people and eventually far more than that.

Long before that, Edward Teller put his career on the line to denounce Oppenheimer. That helped marginalize Teller, the father of the H-bomb, and made him a pariah among lefties to whom the highest possible honor was helping the USSR and the highest possible disgrace was informing on Communists.

And then there’s the Merkulov letter which also revealed Oppenheimer’s complicity with the USSR.

In short, all of the “new evidence” actually makes it clear that Oppenheimer was collaborating with the USSR.

And all of this will also be ignored by the Biden administration and the media who don’t actually know any of the history or care.

And watch for some media fact checkers to issue a ruling of ‘false’ or ‘lacks context’ on this post to block it from Facebook and Google.

We live in a new leftist empire. An empire of lies.



Biden apologizes to African leaders for the ‘unimaginable cruelty’ of slavery, pledges $55 billion for Africa

ems Complain About Qatar Gay Ban Without Ever Saying ‘Islam’

Islamic Republic of Iran arrested famous actress after she said execution of protester was ‘disgrace to humanity’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

All I Want for Christmas Is My Two Front Breasts

All I want for Christmas is my two front breasts.  You see, I dabbled in political transgenderism.  I believed what the communist transgender activists told me, in what the doctors and psychologists were selling me so they could line their own pockets, and in what my supposedly supportive school counselors were pushing me to do even though I wasn’t sure.  But now I regret it – big time.  It’s the worst mistake I’ve ever made and I’ve screwed up my life.

I was 13 when it started.  I started thinking maybe I was in the wrong body.  “If you don’t like your body, that’s a sign you’re trans,” social media influencers said.  I thought transitioning would help me with my depression and suicidal thoughts.  Change my name and pronouns and all my troubles would disappear.  Lots of girls around me were transitioning, it was contagious.  One visit to Planned Parenthood was all it took.  They acted like they had the answer to my every problem even though they didn’t even know me from Adam or Eve.  I started taking testosterone and it was like some monster took over my life.  I was irritable.  I wanted to hurt people.  I hurt myself, instead, and ended up in the emergency room.  I started to grow a beard.  My voice changed into a squeak.  I didn’t go out socially, anymore.  I stopped taking testosterone 18 months later and this whole cycle stopped, but not one adult tied my personality changes to the testosterone in all that time.  They just told me I had ‘internalized transphobia’.  What a crock.

I had my breasts removed.  I remember feeling awful when I looked down and saw the gashes on my chest.  But I believed once I was a boy, I would have the self-confidence I had always craved.  The drugs, the surgery – none of this was really making me a man.  I was just kidding myself.  I was living a lie.  I was trying to pass as male but was scared to death every moment I would be found out, that my new genitalia was just a prosthetic.  I considered surgery for a real one, but then I would have ended up with urinary problems and loss of all sexual feeling.  And it still wouldn’t have been real, just a piece of my arm muscle relocated down south.

The trans community lied to me.  They told me feeling uncomfortable in my own body was about transgenderism when it was just a normal part of growing up.  They didn’t tell me the damage I was doing to myself was irreversible.  They told me my family didn’t understand me so they were my family now, just like a cult.  The trans influencers on YouTube looked really cool.  They told me top surgery would bring me so much joy.  So I was meeting all these attractive, confident transitioners online but felt lonelier than ever.  They kept me from making real friends and finding other ways to cope with the feelings I was having.  The path they laid out for me was really very confusing.  My attraction to men didn’t go away, so what was I going to be – a gay trans guy?  I was more confused than ever.  I was in such a broken place.  But the doctors and mental health professionals told my parents that, unless I were affirmed in transitioning and in finding my true ‘gender identity’, my ‘authentic self’, I would kill myself.  I hear pushy professionals like that are starting to get sued for malpractice and for ruining young lives for their own profit.  Good.  It’s about time.

And when I started to question my transitioning, all my supposed friends became toxic and turned against me.  Now that I’m detransitioning, they just call me a bigot.  I see now they never did care about me.  They only cared about burning up people like me to build their political movement.  I wasn’t a person; I was a battleground.  I’ve reached out to a couple of people I knew from those days, but they’ve shunned me entirely.

I’d like to have children, someday.  I don’t know if that will be possible.  I certainly won’t be breast-feeding them, that hope burned up in a medical waste incinerator.  Breast implants make my clothes fit better.  I might have reconstructive surgery, I don’t know.  But what is better now is that I accept myself as myself.  I am what I am.  I found a community of detransitioners, and that’s helped.

Santa, I destroyed my life.  I’m not going to tell you I’m a victim.  I did this to myself, but I did have help.  I got used by a lot of people for their own agendas – the activists, the social media influencers, the profiteers, all of them.  They knew exactly what they were doing and they manipulated me every step of the way.  Tell a psychologist you’re a tomboy and they say right back, ‘Oh, you’re transgender’ and put you on hormones the next day.  It’s not right, telling children that right off the bat.  It’s sick.  People need to wake up.  This whole communist political transgenderism trip is intended to tear society apart and it’s doing a good job of it.

Santa, I know you can’t give me my life or even my breasts back.  But you can warn people political transgenderism is about the worst lump of coal they could ever wish on anybody.

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.



Touch Not The Apple Of His Eye

“Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shall be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee: and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” — Genesis 12:1-3

“Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me.” — Isaiah 49:16

“…for he that touches you touches the apple [pupil] of His eye.” —  Zechariah 2:8

“We are not to simply bandage the wounds of victims beneath the wheels of injustice, we are to drive a spoke into the wheel itself.” — Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Lutheran Pastor and anti-Nazi

In her book, The Hiding Place, Holocaust survivor Corrie ten Boom remembers:

“One day as Father and I were returning from our walk we found the Grote Markt cordoned off by a double ring of police and soldiers. A truck was parked in front of the fish mart; into the back were climbing men, women, and children, all wearing the yellow star…

“Father! Those poor people!” I cried.

“Those poor people,” Father echoed. But to my surprise I saw that he was looking at the solders now forming into ranks to march away. “I pity the poor Germans, Corrie. They have touched the apple of God’s eye.”

Corrie ten Boom and her family helped over 800 Jewish people escape the Nazi Holocaust.  They harbored hundreds of Jews to protect them from arrest by Nazi authorities.  Betrayed by a fellow Dutch citizen, the entire family was imprisoned for standing against evil.

Standing Against Evil

Singer-songwriter Sean Ono Lennon, son of Beatles founder John Lennon, unequivocally stood with Jews the first week in December 2022, condemning the massive spike in hate crimes directed at the community.

The December 7, 2022 United With Israel article stated, “Sean Ono Lennon, son of Beatles founder John Lennon and acclaimed artist Yoko Ono, posted clear statistics from the FBI showing the extent to which Jews are disproportionately targeted by hate crimes in the U.S. The statistics show that Jews are more than twice as likely to be targeted for hate crimes as Muslims, and close to three times more likely to be targeted than Blacks.”

Lennon continued, “A surprising number of people don’t even know that more hate crimes are committed against Jews than any other minority group. Racism in all forms is abhorrent and must be condemned. I don’t know if Ye truly understands how dangerous and evil his words were.”

Kanye (Ye) West

Lennon’s comments were directed at Kanye (Ye) West and Nick Fuentes, both of whom have uttered the most virulent and noxious anti-Semitic and Holocaust denying statements.

In 2016, Kanye was hospitalized for exhaustion, but was held under a 5150 72-hour psychiatric hold according to the Washington Post. (Questionable source, but still apparently valid.)  In 2020, Kanye claimed his wife, Kim Kardashian West tried to have him committed.

The New York Post commented on West’s appearance on Alex Jones’ Info Wars program where West claimed he loved Hitler and hated Bibi Netanyahu.  Jones said of the West interview, “I can’t bring myself to watch it again — I can’t stand to watch it.”

West was suspended from twitter by Elon Musk allegedly for posting a picture of the Star of David with a swastika inside it.  He’s lost his partnership with Adidas and he and his wife have divorced.

Nick Fuentes, head of the Groypers, who I mentioned in a previous article, seems to be behind West’s anti-Semitic diatribes.

Nick Fuentes

Fuentes has made a number of racist and antisemitic comments under the guise of being provocative and ironic. On a livestream episode, Fuentes “jokingly” denied the Holocaust and compared Jews burnt in concentration camps to cookies in an oven.

On May 24, 2021, Fuentes participated in a debate on Alex Jones’ Info Wars with Robert Barnes, a man described as a “constitutional lawyer” who has legally defended both Jones and Kenosha’s Kyle Rittenhouse. During the debate, Fuentes made numerous antisemitic remarks, including, “I don’t see Jews as Europeans and I don’t see them as part of Western civilization, particularly because they are not Christians.”

Uh, Nick… Jesus of Nazareth was a Jew from the Tribe of Judah.

Silence in the Face of Evil

Obviously, this 24-year-old hasn’t a full grasp of American or world history.  Jewish folks were here long before the Revolutionary War.  Haym Salomon actually helped to finance the War for Independence.  He served as the broker to Superintendent of Finance, Robert Morris, from 1781 to 1784. He immigrated to colonial New York in the mid-1770s, where he first served as a sutler to the Continental Army.

Read Simon Wiesenthal’s Sails of Hope: The Secret Mission of Christopher Columbus.  Columbus knew that Queen Isabella’s ultimatum for the Jews to get out of Spain had run out.  On board the ship that sailed for the West Indies were a very large number of Jewish folks.  Many disembarked at various stops, but there’s a good chance many of them came to America.

So, where are the rest of the famous musicians and actors like Sean Lennon?  Why aren’t they all speaking out?  Where are the politicians who love to talk, but never do a thing to help their country?  Where is the church, why aren’t they preaching to the congregations to stand against this evil?  Where are the university and college leaders?  Why aren’t they taking a stand against anti-Semitism to protect their Jewish students?

Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer was so very right when he said, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”

The Wife of Jehovah

The relationship of Israel as the wife of Jehovah is viewed throughout the Scriptures in various ways and facets.  Essentially, this relationship can be broken down into six distinct stages which the relationship undergoes.  Four of these stages are history.  We are now living in the fifth stage of the relationship between Israel and God.  The sixth stage is the future.  That future holds the final and completed promises to Israel.

The book of Deuteronomy seems to be merely a repetition of what Moses had written earlier in Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers.  Deuteronomy actually means “repetition” or
“a second time around.”  But the entire format of the Book of Deuteronomy is that of both an ancient treaty and an ancient marriage contract.  What Moses does in Deuteronomy is to take all the various facets of the three earlier books and present them in the form of an ancient marriage contract.  In Deuteronomy, we find the marriage contract signed between Israel and God—where Israel becomes the wife of Jehovah.

Deuteronomy 5:1-3, 6:10-15, 7:6-11

The prophets always looked at this covenant relationship as a marriage contract, and one example is found in Ezekiel 16:8, the words of Ezekiel being the words describing the wedding night.

Israel may wander and stray, she may go against the statutes the Lord gave, but in the end there will be a greater remarriage and restored blessings.  Ezekiel 16:60-63 and Isaiah 54:1-8.

Jeremiah 3:14 makes it clear.  “Turn, O backsliding children, saith the Lord; for I am married unto you: and I will take you one of a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion.”

The Lord loves His Wife, Israel.

The Eight Covenants

There are eight covenants in God’s Word.  Two are conditional and six are unconditional.  Of these eight covenants, five were made exclusively with Israel while the others were made with mankind in general.  Only the Mosaic Covenant is conditional.  The Abrahamic, Palestinian, Davidic and the New Covenant are unconditional.  These are literal covenants and their contents must be interpreted literally as well, The covenants God made with Israel are eternal and are not in any way restricted or altered by time.  These covenants being unconditional are totally dependent upon God for fulfillment.  Therefore, their fulfillment can be expected.  These covenants were made with a specific people…Israel!  Ephesians 2:11-12 points out that Gentiles were considered strangers from the covenants.

Space disallows a thorough discussion of all eight covenants, but the unconditional Abrahamic Covenant is of great import.  There are six different passages of Scripture that pertain to this Covenant.  Genesis 12:1-3, Genesis 12:7, Genesis 13:14-17, Genesis 15:1-21, Genesis 17:1-21 and Genesis 22:15-18.  And in the New Testament Book of Galatians Chapter 3, Paul states that the Abrahamic promises were made to Abraham and to his seed.

Note that the very first portion of the Abrahamic Covenant is Genesis 12:1-3 wherein our Creator states, “And I will bless them that bless thee: and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”

So, anti-Semites beware.  Throughout history, the Lord has kept his promises and those who have cursed Israel are cursed, those who bless her are blessed.

Hatred for Israel and Her People

I am a gentile, and I am a believer in Messiah Jesus.  As such we who believe are called Christ’s bride, but we have never been called God’s wife.  His wife is Israel.  Why is she so hated and besmirched?  Because it is she, God’s wife, who will call for Moshiach to come and save them from the armies of the evil one in the last days of the tribulation.

Lucifer, Satan, Beelzebub, whatever you call him, he knows what is in the Word, and from the beginning of his fall from grace, he has tried to destroy the Jews so that he could live and rule and reign on earth forever.  But it won’t happen because our Creator’s promises are forever.  In Genesis 15:5 the Lord said to Abram, “Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be.”

Those who have hatred for Israel in their hearts, not only curse themselves according to God’s Word, but they are filled with demonic entities.

To the Jew first and also to the Greek appears three times in the New Testament and all three appear in the first two chapters of Romans.

Poking God’s Eye

Genesis 12:3: I will bless them that bless thee, and curse them that curseth thee.

Zechariah 2:8: …for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple (pupil) of His eye.

The first verse is a promise to Gentiles, all the nations of the world, on what we can expect from the Lord God based on our treatment of the Jewish people and the nation of Israel.  What kind of blessings and curses has God reserved for us based on how we treat the Jewish people whom He loves?

The second verse is an ominous statement of warning to all who would stand actively or passively against Israel, whom He calls the “apple of His eye,” expressing His devotion, affection, and protectiveness towards Israel and the Jewish people.

The two verses are linked together and their commonality is God’s promised reaction

Hanukkah and Christmas

Christians observe December 25th as a day to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Our Jewish brethren also have a celebration during the same time period that commemorates God’s deliverance of them from a period of terrible oppression 165 years before the birth of Jesus.  This year Hanukkah is from December 18th to 26th.  Both are joyous Holy days.

This feast or celebration is called Hanukkah, a Hebrew word that means dedication. Accordingly, in the Gospel of John it is called “The Feast of Dedication” (John 10:22-23). And, it is also referred to as “The Feast of Lights.”

This Jewish festival was established in 165 B.C. to mark the rededication of the Temple after the Israelites, under the leadership of Judah Maccabee, toppled their enemy, the Syrian dictator Antiochus Epiphanes.  When the Jews sought to relight the lampstand in the Temple during the rededication ceremony, they discovered only enough oil for one day.  It would take eight days to make a new supply, but the people decided to kindle and burn up what they had anyway.  According to legend, a miracle occurred, and the oil lasted for eight days.

Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth and we believe He is the light unto the world.

Saving God’s People

Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer was hanged by Hitler just days before liberation.  His life was one of loving the Jewish people and battling the evil of Naziism.

The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum states:

One of Bonhoeffer’s most famous texts was his April 1933 essay, “The Church and the Jewish Question.” Addressing the challenges facing his church under Nazism, Bonhoeffer in this essay argued that National Socialism was an illegitimate form of government and hence had to be opposed on Christian grounds.  He outlined three stages of this opposition. First, the church was called to question state injustice. Secondly, it had an obligation to help all victims of injustice, whether they were Christian or not. Finally, church might be called to “put a spoke in the wheel” to bring the machinery of injustice to a halt.

The good pastor was involved in smuggling Jews out of Germany and in the attempt to kill Hitler.

In February 1945, he was taken to Buchenwald and in April moved to the Flossenburg concentration camp. On April 9, 1945, he was hanged with other conspirators. His brother Klaus Bonhoeffer was also executed for resistance activities, as were his brothers-in-law Hans von Dohnanyi and Rüdiger Schleicher.

The Fuhrer had them hanged out of spite and hatred.

Corrie ten Boom and her entire family loved the Jewish people and set about to save them.  Through the Dutch Resistance, the ten Boom family home became a safe haven for Jews and resistance fighters.

For two years the ten Booms housed, fed, and relocated Jews and others passing through, miraculously obtaining enough ration cards and other supplies despite the watchful eyes of the SS headquarters nearby. The resistance built a secret room with a sliding panel in Corrie’s bedroom.

On February 28, 1944, the Gestapo raided the ten Boom home. Six people living illegally in the house survived in the hiding place, but Corrie, her siblings, father, and nephews were arrested and transferred to Scheveningen. Her father died there, and her sister, Betsie, died at Ravensbrück.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Corrie ten Boom, both devout Christians, loved their Jewish brethren enough to risk their own lives for God’s people.

As Corrie said, “Lord Jesus, I offer myself for Your people. In any way. Any place. Any time.”


In Deuteronomy 32:10, Moses declared that all God’s people, could confidently ask God to keep them a reflection on God’s iris. The words of the Prophet Zachariah promise that those who hurt God’s people will pay, for God constantly keeps His people in the iris of His eye.

Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas!

©Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.