Our Top Picks to Replace Elon as CEO of Twitter

Elon Musk is a man of his word. He put out a survey on Twitter asking if he should stay on as CEO. Twitterites voted that he should move on. So he announced that he will.

Our Editorial Staff thought that Elon might appreciate some suggestions on who he may wish to consider as his successor.

Here’s our Editorial Staff’s list of individuals who they deem to be consummate free speech warriors:

  1. President Donald J. Trump. We know that DJT is busy leading the MAGA movement and working to get elected in 2024 but who else knows more about being censored than him? DJT would be the proverbial wolf in the Twitter coup.
  2. Jared Kushner. If Jared can bring peace to the Middle East and create the Abraham Accords he can certainly run Twitter.
  3. Devin Nunes. Devin runs TRUTHSocial so why not take the reins of Twitter too? Freedom of speech and telling the truth makes for a good partnership.
  4. Melania Trump. The former First Lady is also a very savvy business woman. She and her family understand what it is like to be blacklisted, shadowbanned and dropped by the social media cabal.
  5. Tom Fitton. After all Tom understands that “no one is above the law” and as an American conservative activist and the president of Judicial Watch he gets things done.
  6. Kayleigh McEnany. As an American conservative, political commentator and author who served the administration of Donald Trump as the 33rd White House press secretary from April 2020 to January 2021. Kayleigh certainly understands the true meaning of freedom of speech.
  7. Jack Posobiec. Jack is a veteran Navy Intelligence Officer, political activist, reporter and the Senior Editor for HumanEvents.com. Jack is hated by the left for his support of freedom of speech and the MAGA movement.
  8. Kevin Sorbo. American actor, director and producer. Besides his successful career in entertainment, Kevin has always devoted a hearty portion of his time to causes he believes in. In 2005 he was named successor to Arnold Schwarzenegger as the national spokesperson for The Afterschool Alliance, a nonprofit working to ensure that all children have access to quality after school programs, and since ‘97 Kevin has donated his time as the spokesperson for the non profit organization, A World Fit For Kids. Kevin would definitely be against child trafficking, child porn and child abuse, Elon’s #1 priority.
  9. Dan Bongino. Daniel John Bongino is an American conservative political commentator, radio show host, and author. He served as a New York City Police Department (NYPD) officer from 1995 to 1999 and as a Secret Service agent from 1999 to 2011. The Dan Bongino Show is dedicated to free speech and speaking truth to power.
  10. David Clarke. David is called “America’s Sheriff”, that alone says it all. David Alexander Clarke, Jr. is an American former law enforcement official who served as Sheriff of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, from 2002 to 2017.
  11. James Woods. James Howard Woods is an American actor. He is known for his work in various film, stage, and television productions. James is a voice to be reckoned with on Twitter. Outspoken and a believer in free speech.

There’s our Editorial Board’s list for Elon to take a look at. Hoping he does.

Please feel free pick your favorite candidate or add another name to this list in the comments section below.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

Here’s The List of Sleazebag Republicans Who Betrayed Us and Voted For Obscene Omnibus

The Senate agreed to the motion to proceed to the obscene omnibus 70-25. Here are the craven quislings in the GOP who voted for this corrupt, crippling crushing debt.

GOP in favor:

Roy Blunt, Missouri
John Boozman, Arkansas
Shelley Capito, West Virginia
Susan Collins, Maine
John Cornyn, Texas
Tom Cotton, Arkansas
Lindsey Graham, South Carolina
Chuck Grassley, Iowa
Cindy Hyde-Smith, Mississippi
Mitch McConnell, Kentucky
Jerry Moran, Kansas
Lisa Murkowski, Alaska
Rob Portman, Ohio
Mitt Romney, Utah
Mike Rounds, South Dakota
Richard Shelby, Alabama
John Thune, South Dak0ta
Tommy Tuberville, Alabama
Roger Wicker, Mississippi
Todd Young, Indiana



OBSCENE SPENDING: “This “Omnibus” Is One of The Ugliest, Least Transparent…” “Extortion”

‘F*cking Insanity’: Massive Congressional Spending Bill Says Border Patrol Can’t Spend Funds On Border Security

Massive Omnibus Bill Earmarks DOJ Money To Prosecute Pro-Lifers


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Fed-Surrection: Emails, Texts Show Pelosi Office Directly Involved in Failed Jan. 6 Security

“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office was directly involved in the creation and editing of the Capitol security plan that failed during the Jan. 6, 2021 riot and that security officials later declared they had been ‘denied again and again’ the resources needed …” — REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: Security Failures at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021

It was a set-up. A coup. All suppressed by the Jan 6th kangaroo court. And lest we forget, Pelosi’s film crew she employed to be there.

House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved in failed Jan. 6 security

Democrat leadership blamed for “knee-jerk reaction” and failing to equip police in security staffer’s email after tragedy.

By John Solomon, Just The News, December 21, 2022:

House Republicans have gathered a trove of text and email messages revealing that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office was directly involved in the creation and editing of the Capitol security plan that failed during the Jan. 6, 2021 riot and that security officials later declared they had been “denied again and again” the resources needed to protect one of the nation’s most important homes of democracy.

The internal communications were made public Wednesday in a report compiled by Republican Reps. Rodney Davis, Jim Banks, Troy Nehls, Jim Jordan and Kelly Armstrong that encompasses the results of months of investigation they did of evidence that had been ignored by the Democrat-led Jan. 6 committee. The lawmakers were authorized by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy to do their own probe.

The report concludes the Capitol was left vulnerable on Jan. 6 as a result of failures by the Democratic leadership in the House and law enforcement leaders in the Capitol Police who allowed concerns about the “optics” of having armed officers and National Guardsmen visible to the public to override the need for enhanced security.

“Leadership and law enforcement failures within the U.S. Capitol left the complex vulnerable on January 6, 2021,” the report concluded. “The Democrat-led investigation in the House of Representatives, however, has disregarded those institutional failings that exposed the Capitol to violence that day.”

The report corroborated prior reporting by Just the News that Capitol Police began receiving specific warnings in mid-December that there could be significant violence planned against the Capitol and lawmakers by protesters planning to attend the certification of the 2020 election results.

“Prior to that day, the U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) had obtained sufficient information from an array of channels to anticipate and prepare for the violence that occurred,” the report determined.

You can read the full report here:

FINAL Report of Investigation.pdf

Banks said the GOP report helps counter a Democrat narrative that ignored security failures by police and political leadership.

“Our report exposes the partisanship, incompetence and indifference that led to the disaster on January 6 and it the leading role Speaker Pelosi and her office played in the security failure at the Capitol,” he said. “Unlike the sham January 6th Committee, House Republicans produced a useful report that will keep our Capitol and USCP officers safe with no subpoena power and no budget.”

Capitol Police said Wednesday they have been working to address the many failures the GOP report and other investigations have brought to light.

“For nearly two years our officers, officials and civilian employees have been working around the clock to address many of these findings and similar findings from a series of post January 6 reviews,” the department said in a statement. “We value everyone’s input and we are confident the U.S. Capitol complex is more secure because of the hard work of our brave men and women and because of the resources provided by the Congress to turn recommendations into results.”

But even as the department made the pledge to fix things, new failures were being unmasked. In an interview with CNN, Capitol Police Chief Thomas Manger acknowledged his department hadn’t checked security at Pelosi’s home for four years before the attack earlier this fall on her husband. He vowed his department would do a better job dealing with the growing threats of violence against lawmakers.

“Our responsibility is we’ve just got to deal with the growing number,” he said.

The report does not sugarcoat the behavior of pro-Trump supporters who stormed the Capitol.

“On January 6, 2021, criminal rioters assaulted police officers, broke into the U.S. Capitol, damaged property, and temporarily interfered with the certification of states’ presidential and vice presidential electors at the Joint Session of Congress — a typically pro forma event,” it noted.

But its most explosive revelations involved text and email messages showing that two key staffers in Pelosi’s office attended regular meetings to discuss the security plan for Jan. 6 dating back to early December 2020 and that Pelosi’s top aide even edited some of the plans. Most of those discussions and meetings excluded Republican lawmakers in the House, the report noted.

“Then-House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving — who served on the Capitol Police Board by virtue of his position — succumbed to political pressures from the Office of Speaker Pelosi and House Democrat leadership leading up to January 6, 2021,” the report said. “He coordinated closely with the Speaker and her staff and left Republicans out of important discussions related to security.”

After Pelosi forced Irving to resign following the devastating events of Jan. 6, a staffer in the House Sergeant at Arms office sent a stinging email suggesting the Democratic leadership had made Irving and Capitol Police Chief Steve Sund the fall guys to cover up the failure of lawmakers to provided adequate security resources.

“For the Speaker’s knee-jerk reaction to yesterday’s unprecedented event (and God knows how Congress lives for its knee-jerk reactions and to hell with future consequences … ). to immediately call for your resignation . . . after you have been denied again and again by Appropriations for proper security outfitting of the Capitol (and I WROTE several of those testimonies, dangit) … and to blame you personally because our department was doing the best they could with what they had and our comparatively small department size and limited officer resources … and because other agencies stepped in to assist just a fraction too late … again, for Congress to demand your resignation is spectacularly unjust, unfair, and unwarranted,” the staffer wrote Irving, according to the email included in the report.

“This is not your fault. Or Sund’s fault. If anything, Appropriations should be hung out to dry,” the staffer added.

The GOP report directly challenges the story Pelosi gave in February 2021 that she had “no power” over Capitol Police or the security plan for Jan. 6. “Documents provided by the House Sergeant at Arms show how then-House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving carried out his duties in clear deference to the Speaker, her staff, and other Democratic staff,” it said.

It noted that Pelosi’s chief of staff Terri McCullough and another aide assigned to Pelosi’s staff, Jamie Fleet, had regular contact with police and the sergeant at arms over the security planning for Jan. 6 starting in early December 2020. At one point, McCullough was so involved she was asked to edit a security plan letter that was going to lawmakers a few days ahead of the tragic events.

“Irving sent the draft to McCullough and Fleet and requested any edits comments or concerns,” the report said “McCullough responded shortly afterwards with edits.”

The report faults Irving for being distracted by other responsibilities and a top intelligence official for the Capitol Police for making changes to intelligence analysis that kept frontline officers from knowing the dangers they were about to face that day.

“Officers on the front lines and analysts in USCP’s intelligence division were undermined by the misplaced priorities of their leadership,” the report said. “Those problems were exacerbated by the House Sergeant at Arms, who was distracted from giving full attention to the threat environment prior to January 6, 2021 by several other upcoming events.”

Keep reading…..




IT WAS ALL STAGED! Pelosi Brought in Daughter, Camera Crew to US Capitol Before the Protest, Son-in-Law Was Set Up Outside to Film

Pelosi Refuses to Hand Over Emails and Videos from Jan 6 Claiming “Sovereign Immunity”

Pelosi Congress Claims Sovereign Immunity in Federal Court to Keep Secret January 6 Videos and Emails

January 6th: ‘Someone Opened the Doors From the Inside’ (VIDEO)

WATCH Sen. Frank Church’s Stark Warning Of Intel Agencies Capability to Impose “Total Tyranny” In America on NBC’s Meet the Press 1975

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Son of Biden’s Iran Envoy Works for ‘Iran Lobby’

During the 2008 election, the Obama campaign dropped Robert Malley as an adviser over his work with Hamas on behalf of George Soros’ International Crisis Group. Once in office, Obama brought back his old buddy into the National Security Council.

Malley (pictured above) then became the lead negotiator for the sellout deal to legitimize Iran’s nuclear program.

Despite vocal criticism from Iranian dissidents and the country’s freedom movement, Biden chose Malley as his special envoy to Iran. Even as Robert Malley continues conducting outreach to the Islamic terrorist state on behalf of the Biden administration, his son works at a pro-Iran organization tied to a key figure in the Iran Lobby.

Robert was the son of Simon Malley, an adviser to PLO terrorist leader Yasser Arafat and the founder of a Communist party in Arafat’s native homeland of Egypt. Blaise Malley represents the third generation of the family’s leftist radicalism being used to prop up Islamist movements.

The son of Biden’s envoy to Iran spends his time undermining American efforts against Iran.

Blaise Malley is listed as a full-time reporter for the Quincy Institute run and funded by key figures in the pro-Iran movement. His most recently article agitates against further American involvement in the conflict against the Iranian-backed Houthi terrorists in Yemen whose motto is, “Death to America, Death to Israel, Curse to the Jews, Victory to Islam.”

Iran spends an estimated $20 million a year backing the Houthis. Their ability to hold parts of Yemen is crucial to the terror regime’s ambitions for the region. America’s first strike against the Houthis was actually in response to their cruise missile attack on the USS Mason.

The Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft was founded by George Soros and Charles Koch. Its donors include a roster of leftists and their foundations including the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Barbara Streisand, and Frank Giustra: the billionaire at the center of the Clinton Foundation scandal involving the sale of Uranium One to Russia.

The executive VP of Quincy however is Trita Parsi: a dual Iranian-Swedish national who founded the National Iranian American Council. NIAC, described by critics as the ‘Iran Lobby’, has been accused of violating tax laws and the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

Quincy’s board includes Francis Najafi. a wealthy Iranian real estate developer who is also a major funder of NIAC, and Amir Handjani, the exclusive broker for an American company doing business with Iran, and a Quincy Institute fellow, who also appears to be a donor.

Masih Alinejad, the Iranian-American dissident journalist targeted for kidnapping by the regime, tweeted that, “NIAC and Quincy are the Russia Today of the Iranian Regime. They spend all of their time defaming critics of the Islamic Republic, myself included. When the regime attempts to kill us they’re either silent or mealy-mouthed. ”

As an envoy, Robert Malley is in theory supposed to represent American interests. At a minimum, close family members of Biden’s envoy to Iran should not be employed by an organization that has a vehement pro-Iran agenda and ties to pro-Iranian financial interests.

But Blaise, who was nurtured by the same Islamist-internationalist network, who served as a managing editor at the Journal of Middle East Studies and wrote his thesis on “Is a Left/Right Coalition on Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy Feasible” is just the latest incarnation of the Malley family which seems to have been bred to undermine America and support its enemies. It’s only a matter of time until Blaise rises through the think tanks and then into the government.

And Blaise is benefiting from some of the same connections that followed his father around.

A recent letter in defense of Robert Malley fumed that, “those who accuse Malley of sympathy for the Islamic Republic have no grasp of – or no interest in – true diplomacy”. It was signed by, among others, Trita Parsi’s brother, a board member at NIAC, Amir Handjani, a board member and two fellows at Quincy. How better to dispute the accusation that Malley is on Iran’s side.

The difference between father and son is that the elder Malley is embedded within the government and has to be a bit discreet, while the younger Malley is free to do his best Tokyo Rose impression in the virtual pages of any publication that will run his propaganda.

In The American Prospect, a leftist publication, Blaise Malley warned that “Iran’s leadership may also have lost trust in an American government”, suggested that the Islamic terror state might be “keeping the door open to improving relations with the United States”, but cautioned that “it would be a mistake to assume that Iran doesn’t have a say in the deal’s future as well.”

Iranian propaganda could hardly be any more clearly packaged.

In The New Republic, Blaise Malley claimed that sanctions on Iran had killed 13,000 people despite the fact that food and medicine are not sanctioned. Malley quoted a Quincy official complaining that America had sanctioned Iran and “we won’t guarantee to lift the sanctions if they go back to doing what we wanted.”

“No good has come of trying to isolate other authoritarian countries, such as Iran, North Korea, and others,” Blaise Malley whined at the Washington Examiner.

Forget isolating them abroad, the question is how do we isolate them at home.

Foreign agents for Iran, Qatar, the Muslim Brotherhood and the entire network around them have overrun D.C. and the media. And top government officials are complicit in the corruption.

As Iranians protest for freedom in the streets, Robert Malley and the pro-Iran influence networks have been caught up in the backlash. Malley was forced to apologize for a tweet that he described as “poorly worded”. And NIAC, Quincy and their circle have tried to reject allegations that they are part of an ‘Iran Lobby’ by offering some concerned noises about the protests.

The Malley family has come a long way since the French Interior Minister stated that Robert’s father and Blaise’s grandfather was issuing “genuine appeals to murder foreign chiefs of state”.

But while the presentation may have changed, the underlying content remains the same.

The Biden administration is maneuvering to appear to condemn the Islamist regime’s brutal crackdown on the protests while covertly supporting it. But it’s hard to maintain that illusion when the son of Biden’s envoy to Iran is pushing Iranian propaganda for the Iran Lobby.



Saudi Arabia Welcomes China’s Xi as U.S. Snubs Allies, Courts Enemies

Far-Left Muslima who is member of Muslim Brotherhood group elected to Ohio state legislature

Sharia court top dog: ‘The pinnacle of Islam is jihad for the sake of Allah. They kill, they get killed.’

Australia: Premier of Victoria Spends Public Money to Spread Islam

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘Attempting To Discredit The Agency’: FBI Responds To ‘Twitter Files’

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) issued a new statement Wednesday following the latest “Twitter Files” dump.

The FBI accused the “Twitter Files” release as an attempt “to discredit” the agency by disclosing information on the FBI’s correspondence with Twitter in October 2020. Journalist Matt Taibbi revealed that the agency warned the previous executives at Twitter of a “hack-and-leak” by “state actors” surrounding the story of Hunter Biden’s laptop to influence the 2020 presidential election.

“The correspondence between the FBI and Twitter show nothing more than examples of our traditional, longstanding and ongoing federal government and private sector engagements, which involve numerous companies over multiple sectors and industries. As evidenced in the correspondence, the FBI provides critical information to the private sector in an effort to allow them to protect themselves and their customers. The men and women of the FBI work every day to protect the American public,” the statement began.

“It is unfortunate that conspiracy theorists and others are feeding the American public misinformation with the sole purpose of attempting to discredit the agency,” the agency concluded.

The “Twitter Files” revealed that the FBI and Twitter worked closely in the lead up to the 2020 presidential election. Internal documents published Monday found that the FBI paid Twitter nearly $3.5 million between October 2019 and February 2021 for managing its financial burdens caused while complying with the agency’s requests.

Taibbi reported he found no evidence that the FBI had involvement in Twitter’s suppression of the New York Post’s report on Hunter Biden’s laptop, though new reports released by author Michael Shellenberger indicated they may have, in fact, been involved.

Former FBI Deputy General Counsel James Baker argued Twitter’s then-head of trust and safety Yoel Roth’s claim that the Post’s report did not violate the social media site’s policies on October 14, according to Shellenberger. The agency had already been in possession of Biden’s laptop since December 2019, indicating that the agency knew the Post reported the story accurately.

Musk announced Dec. 6 that he fired Baker for allegedly withholding the release of documents related to the suppression of Biden’s laptop.

The agency also flagged certain tweets for Twitter to remove from the platform, the files found. Some agents were even employed at the social media company.

Republican Kentucky Rep. James Comer, the incoming House Oversight Chair, said Tuesday that Congress should block funding of the FBI until it disclosed the alleged involvement in Big Tech censorship.

“In the beginning, I thought that there were probably two or three rogue employees who were orchestrating this cover up of the Hunter Biden laptop story, but now we know the FBI had a division of at least 80 agents,” Comer said. “We also know that the FBI paid Twitter over $3 million for their time, all the time they took over the past couple of years in telling them who to suppress, who to ban. You know, it’s just things that the government has no role in.”

“The FBI was never granted the authority to create any type of disinformation task force that policed the social media sites. Now this we know with Twitter,” he continued. “We’ve heard similar stories from Zuckerberg. Who knows what went on at YouTube and Google. This is an agency that’s out of control.”



Media reporter. Follow Nicole Silverio on Twitter @NicoleMSilverio

RELATED ARTICLE: Twitter Gave ‘Special Protection’ To Pentagon Propaganda Accounts, Docs Show

RELATED VIDEO: Miranda Devine: The FBI Was Paying Twitter $3.4 Million ‘to Help Censor Americans’


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

We Have Been Betrayed

Americans are normal people, they tell the truth. They love freedom and don’t like those who want to take it from them. Don’t like does not mean understand or perceive. The enemy has a different mental outlook and the opposite agenda. The enemy was born as an aggressive usurper-invader and behaves that way the last hundred years. They are killing thousands of innocent people, drugging others, orchestrating car accidents, plane crashes, defrauding, cheating, and stealing money from millions. They are supplying a staggering supply of drugs. I am describing and writing about Socialism and I have been doing it for the last forty years…

Today you can see all of the crimes at Biden’s America: people are drugged by fentanyl, dying on the streets. Biden dismantled secure borders and open borders, threatening to bring 5-6 million foreigners, illegal migrants to the U.S. This is not the end, due to Biden’s lawlessness, crime is rising and the first historical colossal fraud took place in the American economy at the FTX: Crypto Collapse. In case you don’t know—SEMAFOR means in Russian-traffic light. TikTok is no less important issue, which has been directly connected to the Russian Intel, infiltrating and spying on America since the 20th century. That is the reason I had deliberately presented you the Russian Intel Apparatus in my presiding column, December 14, 2022.

I am now returning to Russia: all above mentioned events had been orchestrated, planned, and organized by the KGB’s Mafia/Army, I hope you know what it means: “If you want to know China, you have to first know Russia.”  I have already stated these words a hundred times. Nothing has changed in the world. It is still divided into Capitalism and Communism, and the latter is still an aggressive usurper-invader. Nothing has changed in Russia, only changing of names: the old KGB has become FSB to cover up an inhuman crime had committed by the KGB. So, Putin just adjusted the Soviet System to crony capitalism with the same KGB in power. China has repeated the maneuver, adjusting its crony capitalism to the same Communist Intel Apparatus. Don’t be confused—Soviet Socialism and Chinese Communism are the same ideological fraud, neither had ever worked productively. Their current name is GLOBALISTS.

The recent Twitter Musk’s revelation No. 6 and 7 are even more incredible than the preceding ones—The FBI/DHS and CIA have been establishing a Police State in the U.S. like in the Soviet Union. The Biden administration and FEDS had deep reach into Twitter and some other parts of Social Media through the FBI/DHS and CIA. The contact was constant and pervasive as if they were a subsidiary of the FBI. (That control reminded me of the Soviet KGB and the memory of the Obama administration sending the official personals’ info to Putin’s Russia.) There is now no question of interference of the FBI in the 2020 election. It is the Soviet behavior! Moreover, to prevent you from knowing the truth, the FBI had submitted my name to the FISA Court and the Court made me a Foreign Agent in 2002. Inevitably, the FBI banned and sabotaged all my writings.

At the same time, the Biden team had sponsored $1, 5 Billion to promote Woke, while watching how Woke is demolishing America in various directions. As I previously stated, Woke is a fraud, I recognize and called it a Sovietization of America. I am not alone, in fact, Brent Bozell was right in analyzing the later Musk’s revelation and called them, and “Elon Musk bought a crime scene.” Yes, I agree. This “crime scene” had been investigated by Special Prosecutor John Durham and by me for the last forty years. Read my book: What is Happening to America? The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction Part III, published October 2022

That “crime scene” is familiar to you for the last 6-7 years of Trump’s Witch Hunt. The FBI and Biden’s team were accusing Trump of the exact same crime, they have themselves committed, just like Stalin outlined. Please, recall my description of Socialist modus operandi: lies, deception, fabrication, and fraud. You will find all of that again in the Twitter “crime scene”—the predator is the same with the Soviets dirty tricks and psychological propaganda. Look at two Virginian Senators Tim Kaine and Mark Warner and listen to them. They are representing the “crime scene” and covering-up the crime committed by the Democrat leadership for the last several decades. I have described it in detail in my books and columns.

Joe Biden and the Democrat Party is the center of that “crime scene.” To grasp it the knowledge of Russia and its KGB’s Mafia/Army is imperative. I have been repeating this phrase for forty years. Russian KGB’s Mafia/Army had infiltrated and overturned the Democrat Party to Socialist one. So, why do we have such a similarity for more than 6-7 years? Because we are dealing with the same Socialist/Communist forces fighting for global control and power. President Donald J. Trump loved America and had been a convenient target to cover-up the “crime scene” and therefore the real Target—American Political System Designed and Left to Us by our Founding Fathers. In fact, we are in the process of Socialist Revolution in America implemented by Biden’s White House. Don’t put your faith and trust in the Democrat Party anymore, the Party has betrayed you…

Knowledge of Russian “Operation Disinformation” is a MUST

​ Let me prove it by three facts:

  1. There is no Mexican Cartel. It is the Russian Cartel. The Cartel had been established by Stalin in 1950-1960. Read my story about the thousands of Spanish Children of the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 taken by Stalin to the Soviet Union. Twenty years later, after training by the KGB, they were sent to Mexico and Central America as the KGB’s Mafia/Army. The Russian Cartels are now earning criminal money by destroying our border…
  2. The suspicions about the bio-weapon in Wuhan are correct. The bio-weaponry was researched in 1960-1970s in Russia and later the entire program was handed over to China. Read my columns. 3. In my knowledge, Joe Biden has been colluded with Putin since 2013-2014 as pointed out by Obama in Ukraine. Read the story of quid-pro-qword and the American $1 billion-both Biden and Putin tried to suffocate the new democratic Ukraine. Those are not conspiracy theories, but the Truth.
  3. Biden can’t hide Hunter’s e-males with Burisma in archives. The Biden ties with Putin is evidenced, by Joe Biden bragging at a Council on Foreign Relations that he demanded then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko fire prosecutor Viktor Sorkin or lose $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees. While in unknown to Hunter Ukraine, someone connected him with the pro-Russian owner of Burisma. It could be anyone from the Obama administration, but as I have already suggested it was the American Embassy in Kiev. The connection was an official and long-term one…

Today, America experiences Putin/Biden conspiracy in all directions, especially on the Southern border, where there is a global invasion orchestrated by Putin’s KGB the way he had been doing it with the Muslim invasion in Europe 2015, and now with Biden’s open border policy to destroy America. An organized invasion, with thousands of migrants lining up, waiting for title 42 soon expired. The chaos and catastrophe on the Southern border will not be solved until the Putin/Bide conspiracy is investigated and exposed…

Manipulations of Socialist Psychological Propaganda

Lt. General Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest-ranking KGB officer ever to defect to the U.S, tells us of a meeting he had with Yuri Andropov:

“In 1972, the Kremlin decided to turn the whole Islamic world against Israel and the U.S. As KGB Chairman, Yuri Andropov told me that a billion adversaries could inflict far greater damage on America than could a few millions. We needed to instill a Nazi-style hatred for Jews throughout the Islamic world, and to turn this weapon of the enflamed emotions into a terrorist bloodbath against Israel and its main supporter, the United States. No one within the American/Zionist sphere of influence should any longer feel safe.” (“Russian Footprints,” by Ion Mihai Pacepa, National Review Online, August 24, 2008.)

General Pacepa wrote in the same article:

“According to Andropov… the Muslims had a taste for nationalism, jingoism, and victimology. Their illiterate, oppressed mobs could be whipped up to a fever pitch. Terrorism and violence against Israel and her master, American Zionism, would flow naturally from the Muslims’ religious fervor, Andropov sermonized.”

I have written this piece many years ago describing the Russian infiltration and psychological propaganda of the Muslim world. It was the time, of Stalinist policy to marry Islam with the ideology of Soviet Socialism spread by Stalin’s devoted disciples. Pay attention to the words: nationalism, jingoism, and especially, victimology. The manipulation methods of the psychological propaganda by the KGB’s Mafia/Army have not changed since and applied to America today. Therefore, the knowledge of Russia, its Intel Apparatus and Security Service is a Must to understand how Russia has been demolishing us from within. The Paul Pelosi story illustrates it clearly:

Paul Pelosi caused a car accident. There are a lot of questions about Paul Pelosi’s alleged DUI. We don’t have any answers. It’s covered-up. The car was totaled, some injuries were supposedly sustained by both sides—we don’t have any answers. The name of the Dem Speaker Nancy Pelosi has definitely suffered as a result and the KGB’s Mafia/Army was coming to help the Pelosi’s family. Do you remember the word victimology in my above presented piece? Yes, victimology is one of the methods of Socialist ideological manipulation. That is the reason Paul Pelosi has been consequently attacked to become a VICTIM.

Do you have a clear picture of Paul’s attacker and the scene of the attack? No. We don’t know many important details of the attack and the police had found Paul Pelosi, after opening the door, peacefully moving towards the attacker-a very strange picture. All of that, because everything is artificially orchestrated by the KGB’s Mafia/Army to help generate another image to the Pelosi’s family, an image of the VICTIM. Do you remember how Nancy Pelosi was ripping up Trump’s State of the Union Speech on TV? I was threatened by her arrogance. The KGB’s Mafia/Army has total control and power operating in Biden’s team—the Soviet Socialist Revolution is moving ahead in America. Look at this Statistic:

As of December 16, 2022, President Joe Biden (D) had signed 105 executive orders, 115 presidential memoranda, 369 proclamations, and 71 notices. Who do you think really wrote this enormous quantity of work? If you read my columns, you will know the answer. We are watching Socialist Revolution from the top in America. It is painful to tears watching foreign actors destroying America by the name of the country’s President. It is a Tragedy! But incompetent politicians are blind, they don’t know Russia, its Intel, and Security Apparatus, but they want control and power…I have given you the Paul Pelosi story for a reason: the same episode-fraud was attempted to create in Ian. 6. 2021 by the same Democrat-socialist forces with Molotov cocktail and other violence to accuse Trump in Insurrection. Jan. 6. 2021 is a weak political case, where nobody has been accused in Insurrection, but Trump. The case has no legal bearing. Read my columns about the real Insurrection prior to Jan. 6: Wake-Up Suburbia! Soviet/Socialist Inspired Insurrection! October 19, 2020 and Infiltration and Subversion – Communist-Inspired Insurrection! July 29, 2020/in Commentary, Courts & Law, Culture War, Elections, Policy, Politics, Waste, Fraud and Abuse/by Simona Pipko

The group of the Democrats representing Jan. 6. 2021 Committee is the group of incompetent Congressmen deceived by the Psychological Socialist Propaganda, they don’t know Russia, its Intel, and Security Apparatus. By their incompetents or ignorance, they are helping those Socialist forces to destroy the American Constitutional Republic. Look at the recent expose by Elon Musk: the FBI and CIA promoted the Democrat Party and confronted Republicans. It is a real American tragedy. We can trust neither the FBI nor CIA—we are left mute, deaf, and naked. Our national security has become Zero, thanks to the Democrat Party tirelessly “working” since the John F. Kennedy assassination…

At the same time Biden is escalating and prolonging war in Ukraine. That war is making us weaker and poorer and we won’t be able to continue helping for a long time. America spends 62% and the rest of the world 38% helping Ukraine–we are bankrupting ourselves. Biden does it to cover-up the Democrat leadership’s collusion with the Russian Intel for decades. The war will end tragically—Ukraine is unable to sustain the prolonged war. There is some kind of political operation with ploy and game by the White House, read my columns. Biden also minimizes the Chinese threat and continues allowing China to invest in America, which is a crime against all American interests. Biden’s America runs business like the Soviet Socialist State, where you can’t say the word American any more. Is this betrayal or treason?

To be continued www.simonapipko.com and at www.drrichswier.com/author/spipko/

©Simona Pipko. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Nancy Pelosi’s Capitol Evidence Spills Out – Republicans Release Investigation into Speaker Showing She Contacted Capitol Police

American Christmas, American New Year

The following is adapted from an online presentation recorded at Hillsdale College on October 18, 2022.

On the mezzanine floor of the Parker House Hotel in Boston hangs a mirror, still today. In the late fall of 1867, this mirror hung in the apartment at the hotel occupied by the great English novelist Charles Dickens, and he spent hours studying himself in it as he practiced for what would become immensely popular readings of his classic story, A Christmas Carol, which had been circulating in America for 25 years. Dickens gave his first public performance, with great success, on December 2, 1867, at the Tremont Temple in Boston. This was the same temple at which Frederick Douglass and thousands of others had waited for word of Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation just a few years earlier, in the midst of the Civil War.

After his Boston readings, Dickens traveled for months as far north as Portland, Maine, inland to Buffalo, New York, south to Washington, D.C., and always back to Boston, performing A Christmas Carol and other stories before enthusiastic audiences. Since that time, Americans have seen Dickens’ story adapted in every medium invention can imagine, from the stage to silent films, radio, talking feature films, and animations. There is a Mickey Mouse version, a Fred Flintstone version, and a Muppet version. There have been television musicals, HBO specials, and video games accessible in cloud-based gaming libraries.

As was noted in The New York Times in the 1860s, “Dickens brings the old Christmas into the present out of bygone centuries and remote manor houses, into the living rooms of the very poor of today”—and over time, Dickens’ Christmas became an inseparable part of American Christmas. Every year, the elderly miser Ebenezer Scrooge is transformed once again by visits, on Christmas Eve, from the ghost of his former business partner Jacob Marley and the spirits of Christmases Past, Present, and Yet to Come. Every year, Scrooge puts behind him his “Bah! Humbug!” response to Christmas and becomes as good a keeper of Christmas as any man alive and as good a man as could be found in good old London, or any other good old city, town, or borough in the good old world. And every year, Tiny Tim ends the story: “God bless Us, Every One!”

At the time of the American Founding, celebrations of Christmas in America varied widely, from Puritans and Quakers who shunned or ignored it, to other Protestant sects and Catholics who honored it in their own Christian ways, to those who spent the day in “riot and dissipation,” like an ancient Roman Saturnalia. But E Pluribus Unum—out of many one—was the American motto on the Great Seal, and over the generations, out of many ways of celebrating or ignoring Christmas, came a recognizably American way.

Washington Irving, renowned author of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle, contributed to this with Christmas sketches he published in 1819 describing the charms of old English Christmases, when all around is joyful, and sacred solemnity is blended with mirth and conviviality; where pious worship is joined by revelry, feasting, spiced wine, dancing, caroling, mistletoe, presents, decorations, Yule logs, and a “general call to happiness.”

Irving became a special advocate for St. Nicholas and helped found the Saint Nicholas Society of the City of New York. Independently of his efforts, in 1823, the anonymously published poem “A Visit from St. Nicholas” created rhymes and images that became part of American Christmas ever after:

’Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there. . . .
When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer,
With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.

As years went by, cities grew, and commerce flourished, the private celebrations of American Christmas became more public. City, town, and village centers were decorated for the season. Department stores like Macy’s and Woolworth found increasing numbers of customers shopping for Christmas gifts. They put on elaborate Christmas displays with lights, decorations, mechanical toys, and live Santas. By 1856, President Franklin Pierce put up the first Christmas tree in the White House. In 1870, President Ulysses S. Grant signed legislation declaring Christmas a federal holiday. In 1923, President Calvin Coolidge lit the first National Christmas Tree on the Ellipse.

Hollywood, of course, joined in the festivities. As America was just getting started in World War II, Bing Crosby, co-starring with Fred Astaire in Holiday Inn, sang Irving Berlin’s “White Christmas,” which went on to become—and remains—the most popular record ever made. The war was no sooner over than director Frank Capra gave us the Christmas classic It’s a Wonderful Life, in which protagonist George Bailey, in his own way, needs as much Christmas redemption as Scrooge. Miracle on 34th Street came out the next year—another Christmas classic. Soon Gene Autry was recording Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and selling two million copies during its first Christmas season. Later generations would get Home Alone and Die Hard.

And from Dickens to Die Hard, running through and making possible all these charming and uplifting stories that have become part of American Christmas, is the original Christmas story, which most Americans from the earliest days would have read in the King James Version—even as Linus did in the 1965 animated classic A Charlie Brown Christmas:

And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

New Year’s Day is the morning of the year. Like the mornings of mere days it inspires fresh hope, but on an immensely grander scale. Each morning we wake, after disappearing in sleep for a split second of eternity, surprised again to find ourselves still here. Like strong coffee, the discovery is rejuvenating. Then we reflect that we have once again successfully spun around earth’s axis; if we’re at a northern latitude somewhere between Santa Fe and Cheyenne, we have traveled 20,000 miles since yesterday, just spinning from day to night and back to day. We begin to wonder at ourselves and take on small but innocent airs. When we further reflect that without batting an eye or breaking a sweat, we have rocketed over a million and a half miles in our orbit around the sun since this time a day ago, and that we are now going to start over and perform these same mysteries and miracles again in a mere 24 hours, we become almost tempted to the sin of pride; we feel that the Frenchman might have stumbled onto something when he counseled that audacity is always the right approach, unless it is more audacity that is required.

So it is every New Year’s Day, but on a scale at least 365 times more inspiring. Now we reflect that just in our daily rotations, we have spun over 7,000,000 miles since last year, and in our orbiting, we have sailed an unthinkable 568 million miles through space. Once again, astonishingly and without mishap—leaving aside the odd war, depression, or plague—we have revolved around the sun and come back to where we started, to begin anew. Winter has turned to spring, summer to fall, and back to winter. This cosmic new beginning inspires no mere quotidian optimism, but a kind of Napoleonic ambition. It’s a new year with no mistakes in it! The world is ours to conquer! And this no doubt is what inspired the ancient custom of New Year’s resolutions.

Often our New Year’s resolutions are lighthearted, and usually, the flesh being weak, they are fleeting. Before Valentine’s Day or maybe even before Epiphany, we have slipped back into our old ways. But these lighthearted resolutions reflect a deeper, more serious impulse. Inspired by the miracle of the New Year, we sense anew, as Thomas Jefferson put it, that “Almighty God hath created the mind free,” that this freedom of the mind equips and therefore obliges us to seek the truth that we should be guided by—that all nobility, all that is worthwhile in life, depends on finding this truth and living by it, and failing to seek it with all our heart, mind, and soul is to let our lives slip through our fingers like water.

Animated by something approaching such New Year’s Day ambition, Benjamin Franklin once conceived “the bold and arduous project of arriving at moral perfection.” Like most of us, he thought he knew well enough what was right and wrong and saw no reason why he shouldn’t be able always to do the one and avoid the other. He soon found that it was not as easy as he supposed it would be. On further reflection, it occurred to him that his effort to achieve perfection might even be what he laughingly called a kind of “foppery in morals.” Still, looking back on his efforts, he was confident that they had made him a better and a happier man than he otherwise would have been. So it is, I think, with our New Year’s resolutions. Even if we fall short, we are better men and women for having resolved to try.

“Resolution,” in fact, was one of the virtues Franklin listed among a dozen others he aspired to acquire in his effort to achieve moral perfection. He defined resolution this way: “Resolve to perform what you ought. Perform without fail what you resolve.” It was precisely this that he found most hard to do. And failing at this, of course, he could not succeed in achieving temperance, justice, moderation, or any of the other virtues he put on his aspirational list. Not even humility. Resolution seemed to be the key.

In his epistle to the Romans, St. Paul described what Franklin experienced and what we annually experience with our New Year’s resolutions: “[T]he good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.”

Shakespeare’s Hamlet assessed the problem memorably from another angle, reflecting how

the native hue of resolution
Is sickled o’er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pith and moment . . .
their currents turn awry
And lose the name of action.

When he was a relatively unknown lawyer in Illinois in his early 30s, Abraham Lincoln wrote a letter to his good friend Joshua Speed, showing that he had experienced what Franklin, St. Paul, and Hamlet had experienced:

I must regain my confidence in my own ability to keep my resolves when they are made. In that ability, you know, I once prided myself as the only, or at least the chief, gem of my character; that gem I lost—how, and when, you too well know. I have not yet regained it; and until I do, I can not trust myself in any matter of much importance.

Franklin was not wrong to aspire, however imperfectly, to be a man whose resolves are what they ought to be and who keeps his resolves. Such a man is worthy of complete trust. Lincoln was hesitant to trust himself in any matter of much importance until he knew he was such a man. And he became one; so that, in the greatest crisis of his country, he could with utter rectitude invite a whole people to join him and “highly resolve . . . that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” His example, which he learned from the original American revolutionaries, gives us eternal reason to hope that, though the flesh is weak, we might yet ourselves succeed in living up to the most needful New Year’s resolution, and highly resolve to live “with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right.”

On New Year’s Day 1863, after a sleepless night and three hours of shaking hands at a New Year’s reception in the White House, President Lincoln returned to his office to sign the document he had promised 100 days before. On September 22, Lincoln had proclaimed “That on the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free.” Now the day had come.

Allen Guelzo tells the story in his fine book, Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation. As Lincoln prepared to sign the historic document, at first his hand was trembling so much from all the handshaking that he couldn’t do it. He told those present, “I never in my life, felt more certain that I was doing right than I do in signing this paper. . . . If my name ever goes into history it will be for this act, and my whole soul is in it. If my hand trembles when I sign the Proclamation, all who examine the document hereafter will say, ‘He hesitated.’” When his hand recovered its steadiness, he wrote out his full name, as he did only for state documents. Then he smiled and said, “That will do.”

The Proclamation was the cause of great jubilation among many abolitionists, black and white. In Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Chicago, and other cities, salutes of 100 cannon were fired on New Year’s Day. In Tremont Temple in Boston, Frederick Douglass spoke to a mostly black crowd of 3,000. When the Proclamation was read aloud, “the joyous enthusiasm manifested was beyond description . . . the whole audience rising to their feet . . . shouting at the tops of their voices, throwing up their hats.” But the jubilation was far from universal.

Many—not just in the South—condemned the Proclamation as the act of a dictator. The newly elected Democratic Governor of New York denounced it as a “bloody, barbarous, revolutionary, and unconstitutional scheme.” There was talk that the people of the West would withdraw from a war they had entered for the sake of Union and which Lincoln had turned into an anti-slavery crusade. Many feared that Union armies would mutiny. The border states, on which Lincoln depended desperately, worried that the Proclamation would send tens of thousands of escaped slaves pouring across their borders.

No one understood the political vulnerabilities of the Proclamation better than Lincoln. Following his September announcement, the Democratic Party declared political war on emancipation and spoke of the Proclamation as the death knell of the Republican Party. On the other side, the radical Republicans were furious that Lincoln hadn’t made emancipation universal and immediate, and they threatened to cut off funding for the war.

Lincoln also understood better than anyone the constitutional challenge to emancipation. He took the greatest care to draft the Proclamation in terms that could be defended before the highest court in the land, and he knew well that it was vulnerable to a hostile or even a merely scrupulous Court. On New Year’s Day, in the reception just before signing the Proclamation, he had shaken the hand of Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger Taney, before whose Court emancipation would certainly not be safe.

In any case, Lincoln was keenly aware that it was far from certain he would win a second term as president, and his successor would in all likelihood be a foe of emancipation. Even if he won a second term, it was by no means certain that the Union would win the war. Failure to win would certainly put an end to emancipation. And even if the Union did win, when the war was over, what standing would the Proclamation have, given that Lincoln had felt constitutionally constrained to issue it as a matter of military necessity? Constitutionally and politically, the Emancipation Proclamation was a profound mixture of a great statesman’s goodness, caution, and daring.

As it turned out, Lincoln did win a second term and the Union did win the war. And so, in the last weeks of his life, he “left no means unapplied” to getting the Thirteenth Amendment, abolishing slavery, approved by Congress. A constitutional amendment, he said, would be “a King’s cure for all the evils. It winds the whole thing up.” He did not live to see the Thirteenth Amendment ratified. But this was the consummation, the completion, of the Proclamation he had signed on New Year’s Day two years before—the Proclamation he called “my greatest and most enduring contribution to the history of the war . . . the central act of my administration, and the great event of the 19th century.”

Merry Christmas America, and Happy New Year!


Christopher Flannery

Host, The American Story

EDITORS NOTE: This Imprimis Digest column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Removal of Criminal Illegal Immigrants Arrested by Local Police Drops 71% Under Biden

Besides smashing a record for apprehending a ghastly 2.4 million illegal immigrants along the Mexican border last year, the Biden administration is also making history for drastically slashing the number of criminal aliens that get deported. In its first nine months the administration removed 71% fewer criminal aliens arrested by local police compared to a comparable period in 2019 under President Donald Trump. Overall deportations also declined under Biden from 186,000 in fiscal year 2020 to 59,000 the following year, according to government data provided to the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The Washington D.C.-based nonprofit is the nation’s only think tank devoted exclusively to the research of U.S. immigration policy and has issued a multitude of informative reports over the years.

This month the nonpartisan group published the findings of its analysis of state and local statistics involving illegal aliens removed by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in fiscal years 2019 through 2021. The records include migrants identified by ICE with a biometric match under the Secure Communities program, which uses a federal information-sharing partnership between the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to identify aliens in custody without imposing additional requirements on state and local law enforcement. ICE uses fingerprint matching to flag illegal immigrants arrested by local police for state crimes and the agency removes individuals who present significant threats to public safety as determined by the severity of their crime and criminal history, according to ICE’s Secure Communities website. The agency stresses that “the federal government, not the state or local law enforcement agency, determines what immigration enforcement action, if any, is appropriate.”

Under Biden the number has nose-dived. Besides the 71% drop in removals of deportable aliens that came to ICE’s attention after a local criminal arrest, deportations of convicted felons also fell 25% from 36,000 in fiscal year 2020 to 27,000 in fiscal year 2021. CIS found that 51 jurisdictions “experienced acute declines” with criminal removals dipping an unbelievable 90%. Ten states—Connecticut, Georgia, Idaho, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Vermont—saw an “extreme decline in enforcement” of over 80% under Biden, the CIS report says, adding that of the 50 American counties that typically have the highest criminal alien removals 14 experienced the extreme 80-plus percent drop under Biden. About a third of the “high-volume counties” are in Texas, according to the figures obtained by CIS. One of them, Howard County in the state’s western region, is singled out as an example of the public safety implications of the Biden enforcement policies. “It is reasonable to conclude from these statistics that under the Biden policies, ICE is knowingly taking a pass on removing most deportable criminal aliens who have come to their attention after arrest in Howard County, and even knowingly taking a pass on some of the deportable criminal aliens who were convicted of serious or violent crimes in Howard County,” CIS writes in its report. “As a result, Howard County likely is experiencing some degree of repeated crime from those criminal aliens who continue to offend and victimize community members after ICE declined to take action to remove them.”

Researchers at the immigration think tank conclude that the public safety consequences of the Biden interior enforcement policies experienced in Howard County are undoubtedly occurring in hundreds of other jurisdictions around the nation. “State and local authorities should keep track of cases of criminal aliens who are not removed by ICE and bring these cases to the attention of ICE leadership, members of Congress, and the public,” according to CIS. “In addition, through appropriations or otherwise, the new Congress should clarify its expectations with respect to immigration enforcement in the interior, particularly involving criminal aliens, certain of whom are subject to mandatory arrest and detention under the Immigration and Nationality Act.”

The distressing CIS report comes on the heels of a record-breaking year for illegal immigration along the southern border. Besides arresting 2.4 million migrants in fiscal year 2022 (up from 1.73 million in 2021), Border Patrol agents apprehended hundreds of gang members—mostly from the famously violent Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13)—and dozens of people on the national terrorist watchlist. Federal agents also confiscated thousands of pounds of drugs, mainly methamphetamine.

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Hackers Tied to China’s Government Steal $20 Mil in U.S. COVID Relief Funds

Nearly a year after Judicial Watch launched an investigation into the theft of U.S. COVID relief funds by foreign hackers, the Secret Service confirms that cyber criminals connected to China’s government stole $20 million in benefits. This includes Small Business Administration (SBA) loans and unemployment insurance money in multiple states, according to a national news story that identifies the perpetrators as a APT41, a hacking group based in Chengdu. The report cites U.S. law enforcement officials and cybersecurity experts who believe the multi-million-dollar theft of government pandemic funds by the Chinese faction “may just be the tip of the iceberg.”

Back in February Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the SBA as part of an ongoing investigation into the pervasive fraud associated with the government’s COVID-19 cash giveaway. Specifically, Judicial Watch requested memoranda, reports, email communications, investigative reports, and other communications or data concerning the following: COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) deposits originating from a foreign Internet Protocol (IP) address, account holders attempting to transfer funds to foreign accounts of any type and loans approved utilizing a fraudulent social security number. On February 23, the SBA acknowledged via electronic mail that it received Judicial Watch’s FOIA request and issued an official tracking number. So far no records have been provided to Judicial Watch and the SBA is in violation of the federal deadline—20 working days—to produce the information.

Most government agencies practice similar stonewalling tactics and Judicial Watch has repeatedly been forced to file lawsuits to compel the release of records. Our goal as a nonpartisan educational foundation is to promote transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics, and the law. Pandemic relief has been a colossal multi-billion-dollar debacle rife with fraud and corruption. The problem is so bad that the Department of Justice (DOJ) created a COVID-19 Fraud Enforcement Task Force to “enhance efforts to combat and prevent pandemic-related fraud.” The special unit has been quite busy prosecuting a multitude of scams, false statements, and money laundering related to pandemic relief. Earlier this year House Republicans issued a report documenting 500 days of massive waste, fraud, and abuse in the American Rescue Plan. It includes more than $783 million in stimulus checks for convicted prisoners including the Boston Marathon bomber, $40 million to expand libraries in Delaware, $2 million for a Florida golf course and $16 million for electric vehicle charging stations in Maine and $20 million to modernize the state’s fish hatcheries. The list goes on and on.

The SBA got on Judicial Watch’s radar because it has disbursed approximately $390 billion to nearly four million small businesses and nonprofits under its COVID-19 EIDL. The program provides up to $2 million in financial assistance to help small businesses recover from the economic impacts of the pandemic. Like many of the other COVID relief initiatives, the government made it way too easy to obtain cash and failed miserably to implement adequate vetting protocols. Officials cited in the recent news article confirm that other federal investigations of pandemic fraud also seem to point back to foreign state-affiliated hackers. The Secret Service admits there are over 1,000 ongoing investigations involving transnational and domestic criminals defrauding public benefits programs and Chinese hackers are key among them. As if it were not serious enough that Chinese hacks are stealing American taxpayer funds, one senior Justice Department official points out the cybercrimes also have serious national security implications.

Besides the SBA’s EIDL, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, passed by Congress to provide over $2 trillion in “fast and direct economic aid” to Americans negatively impacted by the pandemic, also launched another fraud-infested initiative known as the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). In addition to the DOJ’s special task force, federal prosecutors across the nation have charged dozens of individuals with crimes associated with PPP scams. A recent example includes a father and son convicted of illegally obtaining $1.7 in loans. A federal jury in North Carolina convicted the men of money laundering and other offenses with the father sentenced to four years in prison and the son three years. This month the top federal prosecutor in the Eastern District of Virginia revealed that in 2022 her office has charged more than 50 defendants in 26 cases of fraud schemes connected to COVID relief that defrauded the government out of nearly $125 million.

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

President Trump reacts to Twitter Files: Musk is a ‘hero’

In his first interview since the release of The Twitter Files, 45th President Donald Trump spoke with OAN’s Chief White House Correspondent Chanel Rion. Here’s part of that discussion as well as Trump’s reaction to Elon Musk’s Twitter Files release.

©One America News Network. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Elon Musk Sticking By His Word


Intelligence Briefing: Healthcare Issues Directly Related to Illegals and Refugees Flowing into the U.S.

Attached is an Intelligence Briefing on Healthcare directly related to Illegals and Refugees flowing into the United States. The briefing is a portion of both an oral presentation and a longer version delivered directly to Donald Trump and Dr. Ben Carson. The attached was requested by a senior member of the Trump Presidential Campaign, and with additional information not mentioned here, President Trump read all content which helped lead to the focused decision to build the wall along the southern Border of the United States.

The oligarchy now running American politics and national decision-making have not simply overlooked the southern Border or incompetently managed the crisis at the border. A deliberate and diabolical work is at hand to collapse the border and integrity of the United States, and bring America into the global order of government no longer respecting national sovereignty. Groupings of countries divided into ten regions world-wide comprising the New-World Order is taking place in plain sight. A clear example is the southern Border of America. Illegally streaming into America are people from over 160 countries; many are single young males, gang members, children shipped as sex slaves, and traffickers of various kinds. None have been checked for medical conditions. This heinous pending crisis is not discussed or reported in any manner or platform but is waiting to raise its’ ugly head.

Jean Rice, RN, BSN nationally known medical subject-matter specialist was a co-author on the final Intelligence Healthcare Briefing that was delivered to President Trump and Dr. Ben Carson. Jean joined me making the oral presentation to a closed-door, invitation only briefing at the Arizona State Capitol in September 2016. Medical specialist Jean Rice has appeared on ARIZONA TODAY discussing the probable medical crisis given the influx of illegals simply being passed into our country. Border Patrol and related law enforcement are extremely limited in multiple ways, and cannot accomplish their job! Border Patrol and related law enforcement are commanded to “stand down” and not perform their main function, which is, to protect our border and national sovereignty, and to screen each individual attempting entrance into the United States.

Make no mistake…our nation is under assault, and such attack is allowed by Biden and his entire group in power along with sold-out members of Congress.

We have almost come full circle to what our founders experienced. They, too, were being “played” by a despot and alcoylites who detested what God had ordained here in North America and our Forefathers were developing. I pray Americans fall to their knees quickly and seek God’s intervention.

Intelligence Briefing/Healthcare Issues Medical Time Bomb – Illegals and Refugees flowing into the United States



TO: Mr. Donald J. Trump
Republican Nominee for President of the United States

Dr. Ben Carson
Senior Advisor to Republican Nominee Donald Trump

RE: Medical challenges spreading across the United States traced to illegals and Refugees

DATE: September the 9th, 2016

While the rhetoric regarding illegal crossings flowing into America and the concomitant influx of Middle Eastern “Refugees” into targeted States rages, the intelligence contained in this Briefing Summary transcends the debates, issues of political correctness, and politics in general. The content herein stated is already at a critical stature, and could quickly spiral out-of-control and represent a pandemic set of circumstances. You will receive unvarnished candor about the growing concerns health care professionals already are confronting in over twelve states, and multiplying.

This memorandum stems from a formal closed-door Intelligence Briefing I provided at the Arizona State Senate on August 17th, 2016. We are now about one month later, and the conditions in multiple states, including the Border States of Arizona, California, and Texas are reportedly more challenging, and purposefully kept under the public radar.

Among the most remarkable acute diseases arriving with illegals are: scurvy, measles, chicken-pox, acute explosive diarrhea with third-world bacterial agents, and unknown bacteria and parasites attempting to resist antibiotics, as well as pernicious and new forms of lice and worms. It is well known, but concealed and not reported to local and State health officials by the Federal Government, large segments of the unaccompanied children coming into America are seriously ill coupled with remarkable malnourished syndrome. Additionally, numbers of TB cases are increasing rapidly, including treatment resistant TB.

The Federal Government has now increased the speed and volume of third-world populations into the United States; interestingly, especially into politically conservative states. The calculated work of the Feds has led to Muslims by the thousands from mostly terribly underdeveloped and deteriorating Muslim countries, including those Islamic Nations hostile to the United States, now arriving. The U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest has presented official figures depicting a massive spike in Green Cards for Middle Easterners; most notably, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, and Iran. In 2014 (the most recent year for which data is available) the U.S. awarded Green Cards to 103,901 immigrants from Middle Eastern countries entitling the holder to permanent legal status, federal benefits, and a direct path to US citizenship. This is a 32% increase from the 78,917 given the year prior. These numbers do not reflect the numbers of illegals and Middle Easterners successfully entering America from our unsecure southern Border. There are unknown numbers of third-world humanity stemming from Haiti, Central America, and South America.

The influx of humanity that is being discarded by these third-world Muslim countries is astounding, and fearful. These people bring nothing of value with them; no skills, no education, no work ethic or even moral framework. In point of fact, the preponderant majority of these people are hardened

criminals, many purposefully released from prisons, and warriors who have only known civil war and strife by opposing gangs and warlords. Their health conditions are terrifying which will demand a response to stem epidemic.

For the first-time, medical professionals this past June found a person in Pennsylvania carrying a bacteria resistant to antibiotics. This finding is highly disturbing, and health officials are sobered and alarmed. In the past two weeks, a high school in Manhattan, Kansas experienced an outbreak of unknown type of bacteria or parasite creating bloody diarrhea, coughing and fever in over 150-students. Parents were asked to collect specimens from their children for lab exams. Refugees dumped in Vermont, North Dakota, Nebraska, Maryland have acute TB. This past week in Riverside, California, two cases of Leprosy have now been found on grade-school age children; Lab samples were sent to a specialty lab in Louisiana for confirmation but it will take 2-weeks for a definitive diagnosis. Here in Arizona, over 100-cases of chlorine resistant bacteria were discovered in a couple of city operated pools.

At the federal level there is silence coupled with denial. At the state level, for at least upwards of fifteen states, there is horror as to what they are challenged with now, and concerned with in months ahead.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and other agencies coordinating mass refugee resettlement are quick to reassure the public that NO problems exist, that speculation is merely politically motivated. But data from health services in the States of Florida and Indiana belie that claim. These two states have aggressively been combatting the out-of-control refugee resettlement program fully underway in America. The health services in these two states have confronted the political hogwash and typical political speak oxymoron spilling out from various federal agencies, especially CDC. As an example, State of Florida Health Officials caught the
listing refugees as diagnosed with TB as, “Active Tuberculosis – noninfectious.”

Among the most serious responsibilities an Elected Official has upon being sworn into office is the responsibility to provide for the protection and welfare of the citizens to whom he/she serves. A ticking medical time bomb exists across America with the ever increasing rise of illegals from third-world countries, and the refugee relocation program sponsored by the Washington establishment. A Clear and Present danger that knows no political ideology or party or candidate, but is stealthily spreading seeking new places to hide and take up residence. The chance for contracting a vicious disease mentioned in this report becomes ever significant, and this statement is NOT political rhetoric.

Respectfully submitted,


Protective Intelligence and Assessment Specialist
Consultant at Behavioral Analysis and Threat Assessment
Private-Sector Intelligence Analyst
U.S. Border Intelligence Group
ASIS International
Association For Intelligence Officers
Association of Threat Assessment Professionals – Arizona ATAP
International Association Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysts

Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

‘F*cking Insanity’: Massive Congressional Spending Bill Says Border Patrol Can’t Spend Funds On Border Security

The massive congressional spending bill released Tuesday would bar Customs and Border Protection (CBP) funding from going toward border security as the agency sees record numbers of illegal immigrants.

The bill states that the $1,563,143,000 in funds allocated to CBP for “Operations and Support” can’t be used “to acquire, maintain, or extend border security technology and capabilities, except for technology and capabilities to improve Border Patrol processing.” The bill was introduced in the Senate Tuesday and needs to be passed in order to avert a government shutdown.

Former CBP Acting Commissioner Mark Morgan called the funding restriction “fucking insanity,” in a statement to the DCNF.

“They finally put down in black and white what we’ve been saying for two years- they don’t care about securing our borders or stopping their deadly open border policies. Just throwing money at the crisis to get better and more effective at processing and releasing illegal aliens,” Morgan said.

The lack of funding for border security comes as illegal immigration, drug seizures and encounters of individuals on the terror watchlist are surging at the southern border.

CBP officers encountered a record of more than 2.3 million migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal year 2022. During that time, CBP also caught a record of 98 individuals on the terror watchlist and seized more than 14,000 pounds of illicit fentanyl.

Federal border authorities have also encountered a surge in illegal immigrants of “special interest,” who come from countries of particular national security concern and “possibly have a nexus to terrorism.”

“At this point, they might as well change the name of U.S. Customs and Border Protection to U.S. Customs and Border Processing. Seriously, all the Biden administration wants CBP to do is process migrants or watch them come across with a drone or camera,” Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) Head of Government Relations and Communications RJ Hauman told the DCNF. “Every border security funding stream in a spending bill needs firm conditions to use the money properly, rather than enabling a system that functions as a lawless, greased up turnstile into the United States.”

CBP didn’t respond to a request for comment.



Investigative reporter.


Massive Omnibus Bill Earmarks DOJ Money To Prosecute Pro-Lifers

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Unacceptable’: Texas GOP Rep Demands Mayorkas Answer To Data ‘Miscalculations’ After DCNF Reports

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.

Fight Back and Win

A year ago, I wrote a commentary about how the Left was giving up its War on Christmas and was trying to convince people it had never started the War in the first place.  I haven’t seen any War on Christmas articles this year and I attribute that to how effective the political Right can be when it decides to fight back.

The Right is fighting back, now, in other areas, and winning.  Hate to break it to you Lefties, but you are NOT on the two-yard line and total victory is NOT in your grasp like you think.  You are losing on a number of fronts, starting with abortion.

Everybody knows the Left was smashed in the Dobbs case, but fewer people know about the pro-life flight attendant who sued Southwest Airlines for wrongful termination after she criticized her union president for taking part in the Women’s March.  The March was sponsored in part by Planned Parenthood.  A jury awarded the flight attendant $5 million and a judge ordered Southwest to rehire her.  In a new court fight, a Texas nurse sued to stop the Biden administration from turning VA hospitals into abortion clinics in violation of federal law.

Legal fights on other fronts are underway.  Two flight attendants sued Alaska Airlines for firing them for commenting that expanding federal law to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity would raise religious liberty concerns.  Actor Kirk Cameron threatened to sue libraries that host drag queen story hour but won’t rent him a room on the same terms for a reading of his own children’s book about the Christian faith.  Writer Chris Rufo threatened to sue teachers’ union president Randi Weingarten if she does not retract a quote she fabricated regarding Rufo’s position on school choice.

One last fight on the legal front: state lawmakers in Texas plan to introduce legislation to allow district attorneys around the state to bring charges against people who provide abortions against state law where the local prosecutor has vowed not to act.

On other fronts, another piece of the ‘patriot economy’ is getting built.  We have seen conservatives start social media platforms, a mobile phone company, and even a shaving club.  Now comes country singer John Rich announcing the creation of a new bank for people worried about Woke banks punishing them for their political beliefs.  He pointed to the Canadian banks that froze the accounts of truckers who took part in protests against the COVID vaccine mandate.  He also cited PayPal which, earlier this year, started fining its customers for what PayPal deemed ‘misinformation’.

Another battleground is the minds of the young.  A Massachusetts mother worked with cult specialists to retrieve the mind of her daughter who went away to college and came back raving about the patriarchy, systems of oppression, and other leftist claptrap.  A women’s soccer player at Virginia Tech refused to kneel during the national anthem at games.  The coach benched her and verbally abused her, so she sued.  A high school football team in California was ordered by a local superintendent not to carry the Thin Blue Line flag onto the field for pregame ceremonies because it might upset some players on the team who don’t support law enforcement.  The team complied with the order for a few weeks, but then rebelled and reinstated the tradition.  Lastly, conservative students around the country – fed up with the dominant liberal line on their campuses – are starting their own college newspapers.

So you see, Leftists, you’re not even close to the goal line and won’t ever be.  They only way you can win is to make your stupid ideas ubiquitous and shut out all other voices.  But you will never succeed in controlling our thoughts.  There will always be people with common sense who see right through your insanity about abolishing prisons and 57 genders.  You are losing ground among blacks, Hispanics, Asians, women, and the young.  The tide is turning; you just don’t know it yet.

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

Prevalence of GSE Appraisal Waivers

This report tracks trends for GSE appraisal waivers monthly and provides data on the risk characteristics of these loans.

To download the most recent data, please click here.

To read our comment letter to FHFA on appraisal-related policies, practices, and processes, please click here.

PDF to most recent report

Slide deck on GSE Appraisal Waiver Report


Edward J. Pinto

Senior Fellow and Director, AEI Housing Center

Tobias Peter

Research Fellow and Assistant Director, AEI Housing Center

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EDITORS NOTE: This American Enterprise Institute report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

U.S. Media Outlet Has Extensive Partnerships, Financial Dealings With Orgs Tied To Chinese Communist Party Influence Operations

  • Approximately 20 organizations that may be headed by members of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) or members of alleged Chinese influence operations have sponsored or partnered with The China Project (TCP), a China-focused New York media outlet, the Daily Caller News Foundation determined.
  • TCP recently denied working for or with the CCP after a former employee sent an Oct. 21 declaration to the Department of Justice and Congress accusing the outlet of harboring a pro-CCP bias. 
  • “We must help defend our fellow citizens and lawful permanent residents from pressure — and in many cases, transnational repression up to and including assassination attempts — by the Chinese Communist Party,” New Jersey Republican Rep. Chris Smith told the DCNF.

The China Project (TCP), a New York-based media outlet renowned for its China reporting, has had professional and financial ties with organizations that may have been headed by members of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) or members of alleged Chinese influence operations, a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation found.

Over 20 organizations that may have been led by such individuals have apparently partnered with or financially sponsored TCP, including the China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF) and the Confucius Institute, the DCNF found. Both groups apparently began professional relationships with TCP after the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission (USCC) identified them as CCP influence operations in 2018. Furthermore, the DCNF found that TCP’s “board director,” Clarence Kwan, may have been simultaneously serving as a director of an alleged CCP front group at the time he joined TCP’s board and provided initial equity in the company.

Kwan did not respond to the DCNF’s request for comment.

These revelations come over a month after journalist Shannon Van Sant, a former TCP business editor, delivered a sworn declaration to Congress and the Department of Justice (DOJ) on Oct. 21, alleging TCP fired her in June 2020 for being out of “alignment” with the organization’s alleged pro-CCP bias.

Van Sant’s declaration also stated that after being fired she “conducted open source research and found links between the organization and China’s Communist Party,” however, Van Sant’s declaration did not provide any documentation to substantiate her claim.

“It is important to me to provide transparency and shed light on my experiences,” Van Sant’s declaration stated. “That is why I am doing this disclosure.”

Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio and New Jersey Republican Rep. Chris Smith — both of whom sit on the Congressional-Executive Commission on China — recently told Semafor that TCP “should be forced to register” under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), which requires the disclosure of service to foreign entities.

In response, TCP’s attorneys at Boies Schiller Flexner sent a 12-page letter to Semafor on Oct. 31, demanding Semafor retract their piece on Van Sant’s allegations. TCP’s attorneys allege Van Sant had been fired for “poor work performance” and had “an axe to grind.”

“Nothing in Ms. Van Sant’s ‘sworn declaration’ comes close to providing evidence, direct or circumstantial, that TCP is working for or has worked for the Chinese government,” Boies Schiller Flexner wrote to Semafor.

Neither TCP nor their attorneys at Boies Schiller Flexner responded to multiple requests for comment from the DCNF. Van Sant declined the DCNF’s request for comment through her representatives at Whistleblower Aid.

‘A Jewel In The Crown Of China Reporting’

TCP — which until September was known as “SupChina” — is a multimedia group that claims to reach “more than two million people per month” through a variety of platforms including news articles and podcasts. Former Ambassador to China Max Baucus — who recently came under fire for Nov. 11 and 12 meetings with alleged Chinese influence operatives — called TCP “a jewel in the crown of China reporting,” according to the outlet’s website.

The multimedia outlet also runs a nonprofit arm, Serica, which seeks “to educate and cultivate empathy around the issues of Sinophobia and anti-Asian hate,” according to its website. TCP also maintains a “United States Sinophobia Tracker” that’s collected numerous articles on CCP espionage allegations, such as a 2020 NBC News piece about the growing number of FBI counterintelligence cases, which TCP tags on its website as “paranoid rhetoric.”

TCP has also published articles and podcasts critical of the DOJ’s China Initiative — an anti-espionage program launched during the Trump administration which was ultimately terminated in February 2022 after the “civil rights community” expressed concern that the program had “fueled a narrative of intolerance and bias,” Assistant Attorney General Matthew Olsen said at the time.

China’s United Front

In her declaration to the federal government, Van Sant claims to have discovered links between TCP and the China Overseas Exchange Association (COEA), an organization which billed itself as an “important platform and bridge for people-to-people exchanges,” according to an archived version of COEA’s website.

China intelligence analyst and former senior analyst at the Canberra-based Australian Strategic Policy Institute Alex Joske identified COEA as a “key” United Front Work Department (UFWD) front group that merged with the China Overseas Friendship Association (COFA) in 2019 — an organization which USCC also identified as a UFWD front group.

Joske is the author of “Spies and Lies: How China’s Greatest Covert Operations Fooled the World” published in October 2022, which was well-received by the international press.

The UFWD is a Chinese government agency, which oversees CCP influence operations and reports directly to the CCP’s Central Committee, according to USCC. General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized the importance of the UFWD. He even described the agency as the CCP’s “magic weapon” for “realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation” in a 2015 speech.

“The UFWD is essentially an intelligence agency of the CCP tasked with infiltrating different communities and organizations, co-opting and influencing them,” Salih Hudayar, Uyghur prime minister of the East Turkistan Government in Exile, told the DCNF.

While TCP’s attorneys conceded in their October letter to Semafor that Kwan formerly served as a COEA “director,” they claim his involvement with the group “was limited to participating in two trips to China in 2013 and 2014.” TCP’s attorneys also claimed Kwan’s COEA tenure preceded his joining TCP’s board and his providing nearly 2% of the outlet’s initial equity.

Yet, the DCNF discovered that archived versions of COEA’s website — which was deleted after the organization merged with COFA around 2019 — list Kwan as a “director” for two consecutive four-year terms running from 2013-2017 and 2017-2021. This appears to indicate that Kwan’s time at COEA overlapped with his $150,000 purchase of SupChina First Notes in September 2016, according to Security and Exchange Commission filings. Likewise, this indicates Kwan may have been serving as COEA’s director when he assumed the role of “director” of SupChina — now called TCP — in May 2017.

Kwan is currently listed as an “advisory board member” on TCP’s website.

Additionally, Kwan appears to have also held leadership positions in several companies that have financially sponsored TCP, including KCY Family OfficeEast West Bank and Piermont Bank, the DCNF found.

The Committee Of 100

TCP also appears to have partnered with, and donated $25,000 to, a New York-based organization called the Committee of 100 (C100) — a nonprofit that claims to seek “constructive dialogue and relationships between the peoples of the United States and Greater China.”

Yet, C100 members appear to have included Chinese government advisers and 10 COEA directors, including Kwan, who, based on the committee’s website, may have served as C100’s chairman while simultaneously serving as COEA’s director.

Moreover, in addition to TCP’s founder, Anla Cheng — a hedge fund manager by trade, who apparently is also a trustee and former C100 director — seven of TCP’s 23 advisory board members appear to belong to C100, including John LongS. Alice MongFrank WuLi ChengTed WangJanet Yang and Lesley Ma.

TCP’s attorneys accused Semafor’s article of relying on “racial profiling and stereotypes” by citing a C100 report which claimed “Asian defendants are more than twice as likely to be falsely accused of espionage” without acknowledging any financial or personnel ties between the two organizations.

C100 did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

‘CCP Agents Often Target The Chinese Diaspora’

Van Sant also claims in her 11-page declaration that the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) told TCP’s founder, Cheng, in June 2020 about a Chinese scientist whom the U.S. government had charged with espionage, prompting Cheng to direct staff to “protect him.”

CAST is a unit of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), which oversees the UFWD, according to USCC. The CPPCC “operates as a way for the CCP to falsely claim that it represents the full breadth of Chinese society,” according to a 2020 report written by Joske, the intel analyst.

“In practice, those organizations are controlled by the CCP,” Joske wrote. “Their leaders are often party members, and, historically, some have been manipulated through inducement and coercion, including blackmail.”

Although TCP’s attorneys did not deny Van Sant’s allegation in their letter to Semafor, they claimed that “protecting a ‘wrongly investigated’ Chinese scientist” did not amount to “evidence of espionage.”

Yet, TCP listed CAST as a “partner organization” on flyers from a 2022 “Women’s Conference,” the DCNF found.

Furthermore, TCP appears to have partnered with around 10 organizations that may be led by members of the CCP or alleged UFWD fronts, the DCNF found. For example, the “About Us” tab on CAST’s website includes a section on “Leading Party Members” and features CAST’s Party Secretary Zhang Yuzhuo and five other Communist Party members.

Likewise, TCP partnered with another organization called NYO China for its 2019 “Women’s Conference.” NYO China appears to be headed by He Meivice chairman of the Center for China and Globalization (CCG), which was identified by USCC as a UFWD front back in 2018.

The year before the State Department designated the Confucius Institute as a UFWD “foreign mission” in 2020, TCP also partnered with the Chinese government-run propaganda center to host an event on “China’s Food Revolution.” Li Changchun, former CCP propaganda chief, once called Confucius Institutes “an important part of China’s overseas propaganda setup,” according to the State Department.

“Confucius Institutes are the United Front’s most well-known overseas outreach program,” Helen Raleigh, author of “Backlash: How China’s Aggression Has Backfired,” told the DCNF.

“Confucius Institutes have been noted to present students with only the CCP-sanctioned version of Chinese history, which omits the CCP’s human rights violations, and Chinese teachers at Confucius Institutes are all thoroughly vetted by Beijing,” Raleigh said.

In total, about 10 organizations that appear to have been headed by CCP members or alleged UFWD front members financially sponsored TCP, the DCNF determined. These organizations paid as much as $50,000 to sponsor events hosted by the multimedia outlet, according to various flyers.

Youhe Invest — whose website identifies its chairman Su Jie as a member of the CCP and CPPCC — is listed on TCP’s website as a sponsor of past events. Likewise, the China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF) sponsored a TCP screening of a documentary on “the history and evolution of Afro-Chinese relations in America” in 2021.

CUSEF is a Hong Kong-based nonprofit registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act that is involved in UFWD “influence operations,” according to USCC.

Several companies run by individuals from CUSEF’s leadership have also sponsored TCP, such as Wisdom Valley — whose founding director, Victor Fung, is listed as CUSEF’s vice chairman — and Value Partners — whose co-chairman, Cheah Cheng Hye, is one of CUSEF’s “counsellors.”

Rep. Smith told the DCNF that once Republicans take control of the House it will become a priority to investigate Chinese influence operations.

“Beyond national security concerns, we know that CCP agents often target the Chinese diaspora in the United States,” Smith said. “We must help defend our fellow citizens and lawful permanent residents from pressure — and in many cases, transnational repression up to and including assassination attempts — by the Chinese Communist Party.”



Investigative reporter.

RELATED ARTICLE: EXCLUSIVE: CIA Director’s Former Think Tank Hired Experts From Nonprofits Controlled By Chinese Spy Agencies

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