OPERATION OVERLORD JUNE 7, 2022: MAGA Invades the Disinformation Governance Board

“[W]hen it comes to what we in the West have inherited all around us, this must count as one of the greatest gifts, if not the greatest gift, that any civilisation has left for those who came after. A gift not just in liberal order and beautiful cities and landscapes but in artistic achievement, cultural inheritance, and a wealth of examples of how to live.” – Douglas Murray, The War on the West.

“A former actor named Ronald Reagan received the Republican nomination for governor of California on June 7, 1966.”History.com

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. established the Disinformation Governance Board (DGB) as part of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on April 27, 2022. Click here to read the National Vetting Governance Board (Disinformation Governance Board) Charter.

On May 4th, 2022 Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. stated “The MAGA crowd is really the most extreme political organization that has existed in American history.” Watch:

On May 10th, 2022 White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said opposing the Supreme Court precedent set in Roe v. Wade was an example of an “ultra MAGA” position. Watch:

We have seen those who disagree with the way this country is currently governed, from parents to the 79 million make America great again (MAGA) voters, labeled as extremists. It is time that we the people, a.k.a. “super MAGA” extremists, band together and use the DHS’ Disinformation Governance Board to expose the real lies, myths, mis, dis and mal-information pushed from the school house to the White House.

It is time to tell the truth and contest the uncontested absurdities that are being taught in classrooms nationwide, by political leaders from school boards, to city and county commissions to state legislators to members of Congress, to the Executive Branch and even in the federal Judiciary.

History is repeating itself. America faced the dual threats of National Socialism and Fascism during WWII. To end the tyranny that overran Europe General Dwight David Eisenhower executed his Operation Overlord plan to defeat the Nazis and Fascists. Today, we the MAGAs must create our own Operation Overlord plan to defeat those Fascisti in America who are determined to take away our Constitutional Republican form of government.

We must launch another Operation Overlord plan on June 7th, 2022 to take America back again. To keep America great. To make America great again.

We chose June 7th because it was on that day in 1966 when former actor Ronald Reagan first entered politics and was elected as the Governor of California.

United and together we band of brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, men and women must save America.

Operation Overlord 2022

The Department of Homeland Security’s mantra is “If you see something, say something.” According to the DHS website,

Across the country, in our communities, we share everyday moments with our neighbors, family, coworkers, and friends. We go to work or school, the grocery store, or the gas station.

It’s easy to overlook these routine moments, but as you’re going about your day, if you see something that doesn’t seem quite right, say something.

By being alert and reporting suspicious activity to your local law enforcement, you can protect your family, neighbors, and community.

It is time, if you see something that doesn’t seem quite right, say something!

It is incumbent upon we the people to report suspicious activity to the DHS Disinformation Governance Board (DHS-DGB). At the moment that the DHS-DGB launches its website and establishes a reporting procedure, we the people are compelled to report on those we suspect are spread mis, dis and mal-information. Not to do so will only allow mis, dis and mal-information to continue.

We the people must flood the website with documented examples of mis, dis and mal-information being spread by teachers, government officials, elected officials, other citizens, public and private organizations, corporations, the legacy media, social media and members of all political parties.

Mis, dis and mal-information cannot survive when telling the truth is the national standard.

Here is a short list of mis, dis and mal-information that citizens must report to the DHS-DGB:

  1. The U.S. Constitution is and the Founding Fathers were racists as outline in Critical Race Theory (CRT). Any use of CRT from the public school classroom to the halls of Congress must be reported as a lie and myth.
  2. Those who promote, teach, spread to neighbors, family, coworkers, and friends the myth that there are more than two genders (male XX and female XY).
  3. Those that further the myth that the Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement is the “most extreme political organization that has existed in American history.”
  4. Those who promote diversity, inclusion and equity but do the exact opposite. Watch this video to understand that some profess to support diversity, inclusion and equity just not on their neighborhoods.
  5. That more government control of our lives (Fascism/Communism) is better than a free market system where one’s labors are rewarded based on ones efforts.
  6. Public schools teaching students what to think rather than giving them the skills to think for themselves. Teachers using tests, text books, films or other political materials to indoctrinate rather than educate.
  7. This who said that the 2020 election was the “most secure in American history.”
  8. Government at the local, state and federal level that pass laws to reward failure (welfare), rather than reward individual success (less regulation and taxation).
  9. Those that write, state, promote or pass a law promoting abortion and those who say or report that abortion is a Constitutional right.
  10. Those scientists, politicians, teachers, organizations and corporations that say, promote, advance the idea that mankind can control the climate and the weather, a.k.a. anthropogenic climate change.
  11. Those who label Israel as an “apartheid state” or support boycotting, divestment or sanctioning the state of Israel. This includes those individuals, organizations or corporations that support the myth of a “two state” solution.
  12. Those who do not believe that gun ownership is a Constitutional right that “shall not be infringed.” This includes efforts to limit or control the type of weapon, type of ammunition or magazines that American can buy or sell. This includes expanding the oversite of those who own guns and keep guns for self protection from criminals and their government.
  13. Those who corporations, doctors, media and social media personalities who promoted taking the Covid vaccine and supporting government mandates to get vaxxed.
  14. Those corporations, individuals, doctors, government officials and media and social media outlets that hid the truth about the negative affects of getting vaxxed.
  15. Those who via nebulous and ill defined “community standards” censor free speech, which is guaranteed under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
  16. Those who believe in government and not God.

Every American who loves liberty will join this effort to report mis, dis and mal-information to the DHS-DGB. If they respond then share their reply on social media and with friends. If they fail to respond then tell everyone you know that they aren’t doing their job. If you find that the DHS-DGB is a source of mis, dis or mal-information it may be time to take legal action and have the courts weigh in on the Constitutionality of the DHS-DGB.

The Bottom Line

President John F. Kennedy said, “The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.”

Ayn Rand warned, “The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow. They come to be accepted by degrees, by dint of constant pressure on one side and constant retreat on the other – until one day when they are suddenly declared to be the country’s official ideology.”

Today in America and globally we are facing uncontested absurdities (myths) that are now public policy.

It is time to fight back. It is time to send the truth to the DHS-DGB.

This is war. They have started it, just like the Nazis and Fascisti did in 1933. It is time for a full frontal attack on mis, dis and mal-information. It is time for Operation Overlord 2022 to tell the truth and take back our nation.

Super MAGAs rise up!

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: “Disinformation” & America’s Ministry of Truth – Unapologetic LIVE w/ Tony Kinnett



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VIDEO: Project Veritas Founder James O’Keefe’s Testimony Before Members of Congress

Project Veritas founder and CEO, James O’Keefe, testified today before Members of the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees regarding government overreach and spying on journalists.

The intent of the hearing was to defend Freedom of the Press and Journalists’ First Amendment Rights.

WATCH: James O’Keefe’s opening Statement

James O’Keefe’s Opening StatementCongressman Biggs and members in attendance, thank you for allowing me the opportunity this afternoon to tell my story. I especially want to thank all members of the House Judiciary Committee for the recent unanimous bipartisan support of new legislation, protecting journalists from government overreach. These are important first steps, but we face a government that in May of 2021 promised that the seizure of journalist data is simply wrong and quote, “will not happen” while simultaneously actively seizing journalists’ data…My home was raided by armed FBI agents in the pre-Dawn hours of November 6, 2021…There’s a sign when you walk into our [Project Veritas office] building, it says, “This Organization is Protected by Patriots,” referring to the millions of Americans who support our work and afford us the ability to defend the right of journalists to report on stories critical of even the most powerful people and politicians in the world…What steps you take now as Members of Congress to protect freedom of the press are essential. By the time they [FBI] come to your door with a battering ram, it’s already too late.”

WATCH: Question and answer session.

Q&A Highlights

Congressman Matt Gaetz: What Mr. O’Keefe’s circumstance designates is they [federal government] are willing to rip the Band-Aid off and use the government against journalism directly…Mr. O’Keefe, I learn something more every time I hear you speak about this. I had no idea that the [Justice] Department had tried to do an end run around a Special Master process. Would you mind taking a few moments to explain how?

James O’Keefe: Yes. Congressman, the Article Three Judge in New York, Southern District Judge Torres ordered a Special Master in my case in a two-page directive citing, and I quote, “First Amendment Journalistic Privilege.” After that, they [Justice Department] went around the judge to various magistrate judges in the Southern District to obtain secret warrants against Microsoft, to continue to gag Microsoft Corporation, which houses our emails. They tried to gag Microsoft after the federal judge, the judiciary appointed a Special Master citing the First Amendment. So, why would we trust the FBI and the Department of Justice to define who is, and who is not a journalist? Credit to Microsoft because Microsoft opposed the gag. And when they drafted that opposition, the Department of Justice backed down, and we went public with that in March.”

[ … ]

Congressman Michael Cloud: Mr. O’Keefe, in your case, you mentioned that you feel like you’ve been — you’re guilty until proven innocent in your case, and that you’re having to defend your journalistic practices. One thing that’s very troubling to me throughout this whole situation is the fact that all this is taxpayer funded. So, we have the intelligence agencies going after individuals. We have intelligence agencies going after political opponents. It’s all taxpayer funded to go after tax paying citizens. But there’s a phrase that’s been coined that I’d like you to speak to if you can. I first heard from Matt Gaetz over here, but it says the process is the punishment in the sense of, you could end up going through this whole process, proving your innocence, but the process ends up being the punishment. Could you speak to that? What you’re having to do to defend yourself?

James O’Keefe: Well, the whole idea of journalism is to get sources to trust you. And what do you think sources think when they put this journalist in handcuffs and take all their reporter notebooks? The chilling effect is self-evident. Maybe that’s what they’re trying to do either way. The legislative branch has to make sure that doesn’t happen. And the problem with probable execution of a search warrant, the ACLU lawyers were in my office, which was itself an extraordinary test fact to the principles involved here. And what they informed me is this has never happened before in American history. And I want to make sure that it never happens again to anybody. You don’t show up to a journalist’s home with a battering ram. As soon as they walk into your apartment with the battering ram and guns pointed at you, there’s no remedy. The constitutional violation is already too great. You’ve already passed the Rubicon. So, this can’t ever happen again…So now it’s upon you with your enumerated powers to do something about it so that they don’t do this to Josh Gerstein at Politico, or NBC News, or CBS News. They did it to me. I hope they never do it to anybody ever again.”

[ … ]

James O’Keefe:

1. I’m calling on all of you [members of the legislative branch] to create a Bartnicki hearing — a requirement that before subpoenas, warrants, or orders seeking journalists’ information, the government must first give notice and a hearing to the journalist with the burden of proof resting squarely on the government to clearly and convincingly — the clear and convincing standard above the probable cause standard — prove the journalist, in fact, played a part in committing the crime, rather than requiring the journalist to prove with a negative of innocence. Innocent until proven guilty. That concept is incompatible with probable cause against a journalist. 

2. Codify the right to challenge any subpoena, warrant or order seeking data from a third party where that data includes the journalists’ information. No more secret seizures of journalists’ information, period.

3. Fix the Privacy Protection Act and the 2703(d) process to provide for clear and meaningful damages to reporters who, like Project Veritas, have to spend millions in legal fees and legal bills to defend themselves from such egregious violations of the First Amendment. What steps you take now as Members of Congress to protect freedom of the press are essential. By the time they come to your door with a battering ram, it’s already too late. The violations of the Constitution are already too egregious. The battering ram was already at my door, but your work will save the unknown reporter, so that this never happens again on American soil.

The Project Veritas Team appreciates the concerns expressed by the Members of Congress present in today’s hearing.

Our hope is that REAL justice is served, and those who seek to undermine a journalist’s constitutional rights be held accountable.

EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

FLORIDA: America First Makes RINO Carlos Gimenez (FL-28) Top Target for Removal from Congress in August Republican Primary Elections

WASHINGTON, D.C. /PRNewswire/ — America First Political Committee today announced that Censured RINO Carlos Gimenez (FL-28 Congressional District) is the top target for removal from Congress in the August 23, 2022 primary election.

RINO Gimenez otherwise known as a Socialist Democrat, has a long record of supporting radical socialist policy, dating back to his time as Miami-Dade Mayor.

As Miami-Dade Mayor, RINO Gimenez locked down and destroyed small businesses during Covid. Gimenez was also tainted with corruption and ethics accusations including unauthorized business dealings with Communist China.

In Washington, D.C., RINO Gimenez has voted with Nancy Pelosi and the radical leftists. Gimenez defended disgraced Liz Cheney after she voted in favor of the ‘Sham Impeachment’ against Donald Trump. Gimenez doubled down in defending Cheney after the Republican Caucus censored and removed Liz Cheney from Republican Party Leadership.

RINO Gimenez has openly voted with Nancy Pelosi and the radical Democrats in Congress on critical ‘Unconstitutional Issues’ far too many times and continues to support a socialist agenda:

  • RINO Gimenez openly supported and Voted for Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Agenda in 2016;
  • RINO Gimenez also voted for the ‘January 6‘ Democrat ‘Witch Hunt’ against American Citizens and Republican voters;
  • RINO Gimenez voted with Nancy Pelosi on H.R. 550, to allow the federal government to create a database, track unvaccinated Americans, who could be targeted, segregated, discriminated against, and forced to comply with vaccination mandates;
  • RINO Gimenez voted with Nancy Pelosi on Anti-Second Amendment legislation HR-8, making it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to purchase, own, carry, and use a firearm and
  • RINO Gimenez voted with Nancy Pelosi on H.R. 6 for ‘Open Borders and Amnesty’ to over 20 million criminal illegal aliens, which would permanently avoid deportation, obtain a pathway to citizenship, and full voting rights;
  • RINO Gimenez also voted with Nancy Pelosi and the radical Democrats to strip Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of all Congressional Committee positions.
  • RINO Gimenez voted with Nancy Pelosi on the wasteful $1.5 Trillion wasteful socialist spending bill packed with billions in earmarks (Pork);

About America First Political Committee:

Our mission is to protect the integrity of the U.S. Constitution, promote conservative political candidates and policy that puts America First.

Are We Witnessing the Brick-by-Brick Demolition of Western Civilisation?

Modern Westerners, sundered from their roots, attack their own culture.

In recent years, Douglas Murray has established himself as arguably the most important conservative political commentator in the English-speaking world.

Given the rise of Black Lives Matter, the racial riots of 2020 and the upsurge in hostility towards Western history — exemplified by the determination of leftist activists to tear down statues of major historical figures — the focus of his new book is of little surprise.

The War on the West provides a thorough examination of the charges now levelled against Western (and for the most part, European and Christian) civilisation, along with a full-throated defence of what Murray argues is the positive cultural, social, religious and political inheritance of all those who belong to it.

The book’s structure is admirably straightforward, being divided into four main chapters with the titles of “Race”, “History”, “Reparations” and “Culture”.

Separate interludes also feature, each of which is devoted to a key topic which helps clarify the importance of the subject under discussion.

Cultural battles

In his usual engaging and provocative style, the author sets out his stall early on in stark terms. A highly-important cultural war, he writes, “is being waged remorselessly against all the roots of the Western tradition and against everything good that the Western tradition has produced.”

Academic courses dealing with Western civilisation are frowned upon, influential figures from history are being “cancelled” due to allegations that they held intolerable views by today’s standards, and demands for radical measures to counteract “systemic racism” in all sorts of areas are now routinely made, with dire social consequences for any who dare object to this in public.

The chorus of criticism for the past — for imperialism, colonialismslavery and much else besides — leaves little room for any acknowledgement of the positive contributions of Europe, the United States and other outposts of a civilisation which has been responsible for such an extraordinarily disproportionate amount of man’s achievements.

The word “civilisation” is important here. Murray notes how the BBC recently sought to emulate the success of Kenneth Clark’s glorious Civilisation series from 1969 by creating a far more self-consciously inclusive show titled Civilisations, in which the presenters had to try desperately hard “to make sure that they didn’t sound as if they were saying the West was better than anywhere else.”

Murray maintains that both the West’s Judaeo-Christian heritage (what he calls its Jerusalem pillar) and the secular Enlightenment (referred to as the Athens pillar) are under attack, and he goes to considerable lengths to defend both.

Historical wounds

Considering recent unrest sparked by the killing of several unarmed African-Americans by police in the United States, it is unsurprising that race occupies so much of this book.

Many of the cultural flashpoints in recent times have related to the slave trade and America’s difficult history.

In placing these issues in a broader context, Murray observes that limited historical education or awareness means that most people are unaware of the widespread racism which still exists in most societies, notably China.

China’s monoethnic leadership class — like similar tyrants elsewhere — are quick to denounce Western countries, while rejecting any criticism of historical or current abuses taking place in their own countries — such as the vicious persecution of China’s Uyghur minority.

Western self-criticism — Murray uses the example of President Biden’s ambassador to the United Nations, who has spoken at length before the General Assembly about racism in her homeland — does not encourage other countries to adopt a similar approach.

Furthermore, there is a particularly glaring double standard when it comes to topics like slavery.

While millions of Africans were sold to rapacious Europeans for use in their colonies, far more Africans were transported east as part of the Arab Muslim slave trade. The reason for this being widely unknown is particularly eye-opening: black slaves were routinely castrated by their Arab owners, and so no African population survived there long-term.

The liberal nature of Western countries, born of a political philosophy which first developed in Europe before being exported elsewhere, makes them naturally more vulnerable to this kind of attack.

Historically, this relative openness has also meant that Westerners have spent more time studying the cultures of others and incorporating aspects of them: which in turn can lead to risible charges of cultural appropriation.

A new religion

In the past, Murray — a British atheist who was raised as an Anglican, and educated in a Catholic school — has frequently pointed to the role of Christianity in shaping Western culture and values.

Here, he quotes the Columbia University Professor John McWhorter when describing how the decline of Christianity in the Western world has left a vacuum which is being filled by the “anti-racism” movement, which sees white privilege as the original sin.

Murray also describes how moribund religious institutions like the Church of England and America’s Episcopalian Church have adopted an increasingly self-flagellating tone when condemning their own historical records.

Unfortunately, the chapter titled “Religion” falls short on some counts.

Rather than being exclusively focused on the issue of the relationship between Christianity and the unique Western culture which it helped create, the discussion wanders on to how charges of racism are now being levelled against secular philosophers, coupled with an undeniably interesting critique of how the flaws and outright crimes of left-wing thinkers such as Marx and Foucault are being deliberately ignored by those who insist on deconstructing every other historical figure of note.

When pondering the willingness of those in today’s West to celebrate other traditions while ignoring their own, Murray points to “the trend that leads young Americans and Europeans to travel the world to find the temples of the Far East, while failing to spend any time in the cathedrals on their own doorsteps.”

Lost landscape

Concluding the book and emphasising one of his core points on gratitude, he again refers to Europe’s most aesthetically striking churches as an example of something important which we have inherited from those who went before us and laboured to build them.

It is a point he also made in “The Strange Death of Europe”, when considering what future lay in store for our continent. He wrote then that he could not “help feeling that much of the future of Europe will be decided on what our attitude is towards the church buildings and other great cultural buildings of our heritage standing in our midst. Around the questions of whether we hate them, ignore them, engage with them or revere them, a huge amount will depend.”

As an unbeliever, his discomfort in expanding on this point appears obvious — as was shown in his recent interview with Jordan Peterson, where he spoke of his “deeply complex, conflicted and inadequate answers,” while also describing how undeniably “God haunted, and Christ haunted” the West’s cultural memory is.

It is difficult in the long run for any society to engage with a cathedral or a great work of art focused on a religion which that society’s members no longer believe to be true.

Going further, we can also say that it is difficult for a faithless generation to relate to the ancestors who sacrificed so much to raise great churches in the very centre of each and every city and town.

When the shared bond of religious feeling between generations is ripped asunder, it becomes far easier to dismiss most or even all of what was achieved by our predecessors, while also making it easier to condemn them in unequivocal and needlessly dismissive terms for what are failings by today’s standards.

The collapse of religious belief is not just one of many factors responsible for the collapse in cultural self-confidence in the West, it is surely the pre-eminent factor, and it deserved more than the incomplete acknowledgement which is provided here.

At the same time, this book is an absorbing account of what we who are part of the Western world can be thankful for, while also being a clarion call for why the ongoing assault against our civilisation must be resisted.

“[W]hen it comes to what we in the West have inherited all around us, this must count as one of the greatest gifts, if not the greatest gift, that any civilisation has left for those who came after. A gift not just in liberal order and beautiful cities and landscapes but in artistic achievement, cultural inheritance, and a wealth of examples of how to live,” Murray writes. This theme of gratitude is keenly felt throughout this book, and anyone who believes in the Western tradition should be grateful that it has Douglas Murray as one of its most able and eloquent defenders.


James Bradshaw

James Bradshaw works for an international consulting firm based in Dublin, and has a background in journalism and public policy. Outside of work, he writes for a number of publications, on topics including… More by James Bradshaw

RELATED VIDEO: What happened when Lawrence Jones followed a bus of migrants.

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Disney hasn’t found itself in this much trouble since 1941

The family-friendly, controversy-averse Walt Disney Co. has walked into the buzz saw of the American culture wars, version 2022.

In April, officials at Disney objected to a Florida law prohibiting instruction in sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through third grade. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis responded by signing a bill revoking Disney’s self-governing status, a unique arrangement in which the company operated like an independent fiefdom within the state.

Traditionally, the custodians of one of Hollywood’s most reliable cash machines have been careful to sidestep political minefields that might remind customers of a realm outside the Magic Kingdom. Better to wallow with Scrooge McDuck in the Money Bin than be caught in the crosshairs of Fox News chyrons.

Only once before has the Disney brand gotten so entangled in a public relations briar patch – in 1941, when the original iteration of the company was confronted by an internal revolt that pitted the founding visionary against his pen-and-ink scriveners.

The characters in the showdown were as colorful as any drawn on the studio’s animation cels: union activists, gangsters, communists and anti-communists, and, not least, Walt Disney himself, who, dropping his avuncular persona, played a long game of political hardball and slow-burn payback.

Workers grumble as Disney’s star soars

Even then, Walt Disney inspired a special kind of awe around Hollywood.

Billy Wilkerson, editor of The Hollywood Reporter, declared Disney “the only real genius in this business” in the Dec. 17, 1937, issue of the periodical.

Disney was hailed as the father of the first sound cartoon, “Steamboat Willie” (1928); the first Technicolor cartoon, “Flowers and Trees” (1932); and the first feature-length cartoon, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” (1937).

“Snow White” marked the beginning of the extraordinary creative streak – “Pinocchio” and “Fantasia” in 1940, “Dumbo” the following year and 1942’s “Bambi” – on which the Disney mythos would be built forever.

In 1940, Disney plowed the profits from “Snow White” into a state-of-the-art animation studio in Burbank, California, where the comfort of his workers, so he said, was a high priority.

“One of Walt Disney’s greatest wishes has always been that his employees could work in ideal surroundings,” read an advertisement in the Oct. 10, 1940, issue of The Hollywood Reporter. “The dean of animated cartoons realizes that a happy personnel turns out the best work.”

But even by the standards of exploitative Hollywood shop floors, Disney animators were overworked and underpaid. Forced to hunch over a drawing board for 10 hours a day, they had no desire to whistle while they worked. Instead, they wanted a strong union to negotiate on their behalf. Disney didn’t want any of it.

The animators opted to be represented by the confrontational Screen Cartoonists Guild rather than the pro-management “company union,” the American Society of Screen Cartoonists.

“Disney cartoonists make less than house painters,” charged the guild. “The girls are the lowest paid in the entire cartoon field. They earn from $16 to $20 a week, with very few earning as high as $22.50.” The guild demanded a 40-hour, five-day work week, severance pay, paid vacation and a minimum wage scale ranging from $18 a week for apprentices to $250 for cartoon directors.

To go nose to nose with Disney in the negotiations, the Screen Cartoonists Guild chose Herbert Sorrell of the Motion Picture Painters, Local 644, a longtime thorn in the side of studio management.

Sorrell was a broad-shouldered union man of the old-school variety. A former heavyweight prize fighter, he was not afraid to mix it up on the picket line with cops and strikebreakers.

Sorrell’s footwork in the boxing ring – not to mention the brass knuckles he carried – came in handy. In the 1930s, labor organizing in Hollywood could be more hazardous than stunt work. Many studio heads had already cut sweetheart deals with the mobbed-up trade unions, notably the International Alliance of Theatrical and Stage Employees, run by a Chicago-schooled gangster named Willie Bioff.

Animators put down their pens

On May 28, 1941, the Screen Cartoonists Guild called a strike, and hundreds of animators walked out on Disney.

Brazenly violating Disney’s copyright, the strikers repurposed Disney characters into pro-union spokesmen and paraded outside theaters playing Disney films.

There are no strings on me!” exclaimed Pinocchio in one placard. The slogans were as clever as the visuals: “Snow White and 700 Dwarfs,” “3 Years College, 2 Years Art School, 5 Years Animation Equals 1 Hamburger Stand” and “Are We Mice or Men?

Disney was enraged. He claimed that Sorrell had threatened to turn the Burbank studio into a “dust bowl” unless he caved to the strikers’ demands.

Behind the scenes, Disney offered the SCG a deal brokered by the gangster Willie Bioff.

Disney then placed ads in the trade press saying he had made generous offers to “your leaders” – that would be Bioff – and had acceded to most of the strikers’ demands.

“I am positively convinced that Communistic agitation, leadership and activities have brought about this strike, and has persuaded you to reject this fair and equitable settlement,” Disney said.

“Dear Walt,” Sorrell retorted, “Willie Bioff is not our leader. Present your terms to OUR elected leaders, so that they may be presented to us and there should be no difficulty in quickly settling our differences.”

Eventually, the feds, in the person of the National Labor Relations Board, intervened. On July 29, after 62 days of rage on both sides, Disney settled – through clenched teeth. Disney and the Screen Cartoonists Guild squabbled intermittently until the end of the year, but Sorrell had won on the big points: better wages, job security and a “closed shop,” which requires union membership as a condition for employment.

Disney’s revenge

To Disney, though, this wasn’t just a dispute between management and labor. It was oedipal rebellion against the father in his own house.

In October 1947, Disney got his chance for revenge when he testified before the House Committee on Un-American Activities, which was investigating Hollywood for alleged communist subversion in motion picture content and within the ranks of organized labor.

Disney was called as a friendly witness, and friendly he was: While waiting to testify, he good-naturedly sketched pictures of Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse for the children of the committee members.

At the witness table, Disney emphasized that while today “everyone in my studio is 100% American,” the percentage had not always been so high. He named the name that had stuck in his craw since 1941. “A delegation of my boys, my artists, came to me and told me that Mr. Herbert Sorrell … was trying to take them over,” Disney said. Sorrell and his cohorts, charged Disney, “are communists,” though admittedly, “no one has any way of proving those things.”

Proven or not, Disney’s allegations were career-killers. Many of the activist cartoonists of 1941 fell victim to Hollywood’s notorious blacklist era, when hundreds of workers on both sides of the screen were rendered persona non grata at the studios for their political affinities.

As a result, the Screen Cartoonists Guild softened its tone. In 1952, it voted to become affiliated with the firmly anti-communist International Alliance of Theatrical and Stage Employees – Bioff’s former outfit. As for Sorrell, he was hounded by charges of communist sympathies and ultimately barred from a leadership position in his own union.

Disney, you know about. After venting before the House Committee on Un-American Activities, he navigated the company back to the 50-yard line of America’s culture wars. There the entertainment conglomerate stayed – until recently, when it wandered off Disney World into the swampland of Florida politics.

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.


Thomas Doherty

A cultural historian with a special interest in Hollywood cinema, Thomas Doherty is a professor of American Studies at Brandeis University. He is an associate editor for the film magazine Cineaste and… More by Thomas Doherty

RELATED ARTICLE: Disney Actress and Husband Convicted of Child Sex Charges

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

All Swamp Creatures Great and Small

Alligators, snakes, and raccoons live in swamps.  They bite, but not as bad as the alligators, snakes, and racketeers who inhabit the D.C. swamp.

They say the fish rots from the head down, so let’s take a look at some swamp creatures who have strong ties to Joe Biden.  We start with Jen Psaki, White House press secretary who is moving on to MSNBC this week.  This humble public servant is already worth millions, and reportedly will earn millions more at MSNBC.  Jen, don’t let the revolving door hit you on the backside on your way out.

Longtime Biden ally Chris Dodd has been appointed to represent the U.S. at a Latin America summit, despite having a conflict of interest.  His lobbying and law firm has a Latin America practice which stands to benefit from Dodd’s appointment.

The brother of a senior White House official is lobbying for the drug industry.

Other Biden administration officials lower on the food chain are still feeding well in the swamp.  An inexperienced nonprofit was awarded a $530 million government contract to find hotel rooms for illegal aliens just months after it hired a Biden administration official.

Prior administrations had their own swamp creatures.  It was an open secret for years that a woman at the VA was mixed up with her husband’s employer, a veteran’s benefits group, while running the GI Bill program.

An Obama ambassadorial appointee has been criminally charged with soliciting foreign work while in office.  He is accused of having a role in an illegal lobbying campaign for Qatar.

A long-time FDA employee just went through the revolving door to work on regulatory compliance for a global drug company.

What would a swamp be without swamp water?  Lots of people are swimming in federal cash who shouldn’t be.  The Biden administration is steering federal funds to Democrat donors, including a $500 million federal loan to a solar company co-owned by a big Biden donor, and $3 million in federal contracts to a medical technology company owned by another big donor.  Meanwhile, a lot of federal COVID money has disappeared.  There was widespread fraud in the Paycheck Protection Program where funds went to buy Ferraris, yachts, jets, and jewels.  The fraud added up to more than $80 billion, ten percent of the entire program.

Tomorrow, I’ll tell you about the creatures who inhabit the other end of the swamp, the Congress critters whose feeding ground is Capitol Hill.  I’ll stop today with the observation that corruption and fraud is what we get for not being adequately engaged in our own governance.  Plato said, “One of the penalties of refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.”  The thing about our inferiors is, they make more money than we do, for no good reason, and that’s infuriating.

Visit The Daily Skirmish and Watch Eagle Headline News – 7:30am ET Weekdays

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

The Biden administration’s ‘Disinformation’ Board is a tool straight from Soviet Russia’s KGB

The Biden administration re-defined disinformation, sanitized the term of its KGB roots, and expanded the definition by applying the label to Americans.

AKGB term of tradecraft is now part of U.S. Department of Homeland Security governance.

The new Biden administration “Disinformation Governance Board,” Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told CNN, is a “small working group” to “address threats, the connectivity between threats and acts of violence” without “infringing on free speech” and while “protecting civil rights and civil liberties, the right to privacy.” The board has no “operational authority” of its own, Mayorkas said.

Mayorkas denied that the board will cause American citizens to be monitored, saying, “we, the Department of Homeland Security, don’t monitor American citizens.”

That might be true. But Mayorkas went on to say the Disinformation Governance Board is mandated to provide “best practices and communicate those best practices to the operators” in agencies that do have “operational authority.”

Never before has “disinformation governance” been part of the official U.S. government terminology for defending the internal security of the country.

“Disinformation” is not a word from the English language. It is a direct translation of the Russian word dezinformatsiya. It is a KGB form of tradecraft from the Red Banner Institute of the KGB First Chief Directorate, otherwise known as the KGB foreign spy academy.

Disinformation is definition 159 in the KGB’s “Lexicon of KGB Terms,” published internally by the Soviet foreign intelligence service before 1984. Here it is: “Misleading by means of false information; A form of intelligence work in the Active Measures field, which consists of the secret channeling towards an adversary of false information, especially prepared materials and fabricated documents designed to mislead him and prompt him to take decisions and measures which fit with the plans and intentions of the Intelligence Service.”

“Active measures” is another KGB term of tradecraft. The KGB lexicon defines active measures as “Agent operational measures aimed at exerting useful influence on aspects of the political life of a target country which are of interest, its foreign policy, the solution of international problems, misleading the adversary, undermining and weakening its positions, the disruption of his hostile plans, and the achievement of other aims.”

Disinformation is a component of active measures. Foreign “agent operational measures” make the defense against disinformation and active measures a counterintelligence function, not a homeland security one. DHS has no statutory counterintelligence authority. That authority, as well as the authority to combat foreign disinformation and propaganda, rests by law with the FBI.

Whether the FBI remains fit for this role is another matter. The point is that combating foreign disinformation domestically is counterintelligence, which by law is not a DHS responsibility.

Even if the Disinformation Governance Board did have such a legitimate purpose, it would rest in the DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis. Instead, this disinformation board is housed in the very political DHS Office of Strategy, Policy, and Plans, and therefore is a potential domestic political instrument.

Thus the board, as Mayorkas explained it, will not spy on American citizens’ free speech per se, but will provide the “best practices” and policy guidance to those who do.

“Disinformation” did not enter into widespread use in English until the 1980s, when the Reagan administration, with bipartisan support in Congress, launched a State Department-led Office to Counter Soviet Active Measures and Disinformation to combat Soviet political warfare worldwide, without impinging on the free speech of American citizens. (References to that office have been practically wiped from online search engines.) The State Department retains a small office to monitor foreign disinformation.

KGB Major Anatoliy Golitsyn, Czechoslovakian intelligence officer Ladislav Bittman, KGB Major Ladislav Levchenko, and others shed more light on disinformation after they fled to the United States between 1961 and 1979 during the Cold War. All agreed that disinformation was a purely KGB term of tradecraft. All wrote books on the subject.

The origin of disinformation as an operational word is rooted in Joseph Stalin’s NKVD secret police, with some references to the earliest days of World War II. The Oxford English Dictionary has no definition of the word prior to 1947, when the Cold War began. Merriam-Webster traces “disinformation” to hearings on Communist subversion in 1953, and to Nazi and Soviet techniques as early as 1940. Occasional usage of the word appeared in the 19th century as an infrequent, contrived, “non-standard synonym of misinformation.”

“Misinformation,” of course, isn’t the same as disinformation. It is a mis-statement, or the inadvertent or careless spreading of inaccuracies or untruths, without malign intent. Yet Mayorkas and others have used the two terms interchangeably. So have many public “experts.”

Under the Trump administration, DHS created a Countering Foreign Influence Task Force within the department’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. The Biden administration morphed it into the “Mis- Dis- and Malinformation” (MDM) team whose stated job is to build “national resilience to MDM and foreign influence activities.”

Note the modification: keeping the old countering foreign influence function and adding what MDM calls “false or misleading information” in general. MDM thus became a federal government influence operational entity of its own. The Disinformation Governance Board is an interagency add-on within the DHS policy shop.

While it does explain the distinctions between misinformation and disinformation, the DHS MDM Team has sanitized the origins of “disinformation” as a KGB term of tradecraft. Indeed, it erased the distinction between disinformation as a foreign active measures technique and the simple use or abuse of words in domestic American political discourse.

Last year, DHS re-defined disinformation as follows: “Disinformation is deliberately created to mislead, harm, or manipulate a person, social group, organization, or country.”

So DHS re-defined disinformation, sanitized the term of its KGB roots, and expanded the definition by removing the foreign element and applying the label to First Amendment-protected political discourse. DHS then officially adopted the KGB word as its own to create a political board for “governance” of disinformation — whatever that is — to guide agencies to monitor American citizens’ free speech.


J. Michael Waller

Senior Analyst for Strategy.

RELATED ARTICLE: Europe moves many steps forward to mass surveillance

EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

U.S. Faces Electricity Shortages Heading Into Summer, as Grid Operators Warn of Limits of Green Energy

Evidence shows America’s power grid is increasingly unreliable and struggling to keep up with energy demand.

With more than 25 years of executive experience in the utility industry, people tend to listen when MISO CEO John Bear talks about energy.

And the message he’s sending about electricity shortages as Americans head into summer is clear.

“I am concerned about it,” Bear told The Wall Street Journal in an article exploring why power-grid operators are worried that electricity supplies may struggle to keep up with rising energy demands.

Bear is not some lone prophet foretelling doom.

From California to Texas to the Midwest, the Journal spoke to grid operators warning that conditions are ripe for outages, as plants pivot to new renewable energy sources.

These concerns are not unfounded. Evidence shows America’s power grid is increasingly unreliable and struggling to keep up with demand, and operators are bracing for rolling blackouts that could be arriving as soon as this year during heat waves and cold snaps.

Politicians and policy wonks often speak of “quitting” fossil fuels, as if they are a filthy habit or a narcotic like crack. But the reality is humans could not survive without coal, natural gas, and oil.

Despite their impressive growth, renewable energy sources—solar, wind, hydro and biomass combined—account for just 20 percent of US utility-scale electricity generation.

Fossil fuels, on the other hand, provide 61 percent of utility-scale electricity generation in the country. They heat and cool our homes, run our appliances, and feed the Teslas we drive.

While there is a great deal of excitement around the potential of renewable energy, one cannot simply replace a coal plant with a wind or solar farm and expect things will go just fine. These are intermittent energy sources, for one, but their construction and expansion has also been hit with delays for a variety of reasons, including inflation and supply chain bottlenecks.

“Every market around the world is trying to deal with the same issue,” Brad Jones, interim chief executive of the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, told the Journal. “We’re all trying to find ways to utilize as much of our renewable resources as possible…and at the same time make sure that we have enough dispatchable generation to manage reliability.”

The shift from filthy coal to clean energy has not always been smooth.

Last year, for example, Hawaiian officials were stunned to learn the coal plant they had killed had been replaced with a massive battery powered by oil, which one public official described as “going from cigarettes to crack.

It’s true that fossil fuels come with tradeoffs. They can be messy and they emit greenhouse gasses. But the idea that “green” energies do not come with similar environmental tradeoffs is simply not true.

That electric car your neighbor just bought probably isn’t as green as he thinks. It takes tens of thousands of pounds of CO2 emissions to produce those fancy Tesla batteries, research shows.

Jason Hickel, an economic anthropologist, argues that renewable energy has the potential to be just as destructive to the environment as fossil fuels. While the phrase “clean energy” might conjure up images of beaming sunshine, rainbows, and gales of wind, the reality is far different.

Writing in Foreign Policy, Hickel noted the transition to renewable energy sources exacts a serious toll on the environment; it requires massive amounts of energy, not to mention the extraction of minerals and metals at great environmental and social costs.

A little-noticed World Bank study examined just the amount of material it would take to get to a “zero emission” economy.

“[The] results are staggering,” Hicekl noted, extrapolating using some basic arithmetic, “34 million metric tons of copper, 40 million tons of lead, 50 million tons of zinc, 162 million tons of aluminum, and no less than 4.8 billion tons of iron.”

It’s easy, of course, not to think about such matters, just like it’s easy to not think about the fact that there’s a good chance the lithium-ion battery powering your EV was made with cobalt mined by a child in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where the vast majority of the world’s cobalt is mined.

These are unpleasant realities, but they are realities nevertheless, and they remind us of an important economic adage popularized by economist Thomas Sowell: there are no solutions, there are only trade offs. (In economics, this idea is sometimes expressed as opportunity cost. It’s the idea that you must sacrifice something to obtain a product or service or experience, even if it’s simply your time or attention.)

When it comes to fossil fuels, many Americans tend to ignore their benefits and focus on their costs. When it comes to green energy, however, many of the same people do the opposite; they focus on the benefits and ignore the costs.

To be fair, in some ways it’s easy to forget just how fortunate we are to have fossil fuels. They are provided to us on a daily basis through the invisible miracle of the market, which sees them provided in seemingly infinite amounts, often (though not always) at relatively little cost.

If John Bear’s concerns prove founded, however, Americans may soon get a rather rude reminder this summer about the importance of fossil fuels.

“As we move forward, we need to know that when you put a solar panel or a wind turbine up, it’s not the same as a thermal resource,” Bear told the Journal.

This is good advice. Let’s hope the right people hear it.


Jon Miltimore

Jonathan Miltimore is the Managing Editor of FEE.org. His writing/reporting has been the subject of articles in TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, Fox News, and the Star Tribune. Bylines: Newsweek, The Washington Times, MSN.com, The Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, The Federalist, the Epoch Times.


EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Enemies on the Left False Friends on the Right – Part 1

This article was originally published, May 19, 2014

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.” —MARCUS TILLIUS CICERO

In 1963, I was a junior in high school and a Goldwater Girl with Hillary Rodham who was a year behind me. We lived in the Village of Park Ridge, Illinois. I was raised by a mother who was an old right Constitutional conservative. My mother constantly read to me as a child, and one of my first memories is of her reading the very conservative Chicago Tribune to me every night after dinner. At age five, I didn’t do much listening, but I remember the articles that provoked her anger. One that sticks in my memory is of the government spraying a flu virus over the area where we lived to see how it would travel through the population. Mom was furious. She was a single mother, and if I got sick, she couldn’t send me to day care or to school. That was the beginning…

It’s been a great many years since 1951 and 1963. I’ve watched my country become something totally unrecognizable from their founding as a representative Republic. I wonder, how many of you are still registered Republicans? How many of you even remember Barry Goldwater? And, how many of you are disgusted with the impotence of the Republican party, and their total lack of chutzpah with the Democrats, especially with this dictatorial Obama administration?

After all these years, I don’t spend every day immersed in the nation’s troubles. No one can, to do so would drive a person mad. God and family take precedence, and occasional good movies and good books divert from the tragedy of our nation’s downfall.

We all know what the left represents, outright communism and collectivism. However, the purpose of this series of articles is to help others understand what has happened to our nation as well as the old right Constitutional conservatives who no longer exist. First a true story, and then I’ll get at it.

In 1995, Charlotte Iserbyt, author of The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, and former Senior Policy Advisor in the Reagan education department met with her good friend, Rosalind Kress Haley, who was a member of the secretive Council for National Policy (CNP). Charlotte and Rosalind decided to try to get the US out of the United Nations. So they printed up postcards containing information regarding same, and put them in their bills, on car windshields at the grocery store, in store windows, etc.

Then, Rosalind had an idea. She thought that if they sent a letter to all 435 members of the Council for National Policy, who she thought were her friends, that they would help in the effort. The gals decided Rosalind should write the letter since many of the people in the CNP were not very pleased that Charlotte Iserbyt had blown the whistle on Reagan’s US/Soviet education agreements of 1985 and 1988, which brought to American schools, the Skinner/Pavlov dog training rather than academic teaching.

See Back to Basics Reform or Skinnerian International Curriculum on Amazon, or download it free on Charlotte’s website. So Rosalind prepared and sent out 435 letters requesting help with their project. Months went by. Only one group returned a letter offering to help. It was Lou Sheldon of Traditional Values Coalition. As this series continues, you’ll see just why only one organization within the CNP answered Rosalind’s letter.

To see the US/Soviet agreement, click on this PDF file.

In 1966, Carroll Quigley wrote his massive book Tragedy and Hope, A History of the World in our Time. Tragedy being that so many people have to die, and Hope being the New World Order. He was the official historian for the CFR and was privileged to study the elites’ plans for the world for nearly two years. Quigley taught at the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University from 1941 to 1976, and was Bill Clinton’s mentor. On page 1247 of his book, he wrote this:

“The chief problem of American political life for a long time has been how to make the two Congressional parties more national and international. The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can “throw the rascals out” at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. The policies that are vital and necessary for America are no longer subjects of significant disagreement, but are disputable only in details of procedure, priority, or method …..Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but WILL STILL PURSUE, with new vigor, approximately the SAME BASIC POLICIES.”

This is what exists today in America! We have one party with one agenda! This book had its first printing in 1966. The powers that be (Milner, Rhodes, the CFR, etc.) were so horrified that Quigley had told so many secrets, the book was not reprinted, and Macmillan Publishing destroyed the plates. It wasn’t until 1974 that Jack Meserole got permission from Quigley, reprinted the book, and sold it for his cost. Quigley laughed at the elitists because he knew the noose was so tight around the necks of Americans that even with the truth of his book, nothing would change.

There are no true old right conservative groups today who could lead our country back to a Constitutional Republic. Stay away from groups…and stay away from group think and do not send any of them your money. The most powerful organization of groups on the right who is holding the door open for the left, is the Council for National Policy. Never heard of them? Most haven’t. They are false friends, and false friends are more dangerous than open enemies. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing.

In part 2, we’ll discuss when and who founded this influential rightwing organization. For part two c;ick below.

Click here for part —–> 123,

©Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.

Conservative Parents Sweep School Board Elections Across Texas, CRT and Mask Mandates Defeated

It’s happening. It’s happening. The candidates’ sweep shows a large swath of voters across the county responded to their calls to eradicate so-called critical race theory from classrooms and remove books discussing LGBTQ issues, which concerned parents have described as pornographic.

Candidates backed by conservative PAC sweep Tarrant County school board elections

All but one of the 11 Tarrant County conservative school board candidates, who were backed this year by several high-profile donors and big-money PACs, defeated their opponents during Saturday’s local elections, according to unofficial results.

RELATED ARTICLE: Fuel Prices Hit Record Highs After Biden Promised To Lower Costs

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Follow Pamela Geller on Trump’s social media platform, Truth Social.

California Admits that 65,000 Students in its Community Colleges Are Fake – Costing the State Millions

These fake students get financial aid. And the poor, beleaguered, abused American taxpayer foots the bill for all this graft, corruption and treachery. And no doubt these ‘fake students’ also voted for Biden and Newsome in their last respective elections too.

California Admits that 65,000 Students in its Community Colleges Are Fake – Costing the State Millions

By Joe Hoft, Gateway Pundit, May 7, 2022:

The state agrees that there are 65,000 cases of ghost students in the California community college system but some say there may be as many as 180,000 ghost students.  This is costing the colleges millions in lost dollars while preventing real students from receiving the education they desire.

Professor Kim Rich believes that there may be some classes with 50% of the students who are fake.

Fake bots are now signing up for California community colleges, seemingly to get financial aid dollars for her online courses. That is money that was lost and will never be repaid. A professor of criminal justice at Pierce College, Kim Rich said about a third of her class were fake students. She said some classes had 5% fake students, others 10%, and some had 50%. It’s costing millions of dollars. Rich discovered students were submitting plagiarized work and that led her to search for the students via google. That’s when she discovered they were fake students.

CEO and founder of OpentheBooks.com, Adam Andrzejewski, was on a local news program where he discussed the situation in California.

Once you’re enrolled you’re eligible for federal and state student aid…They’ve [the colleges] have known about this for at least a year and have moved too slow for too long.
Some students have the names of Barack Obama and Donald Trump.  These fraudsters are costing the state and country millions.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Follow Pamela Geller on Trump’s social media platform, Truth Social.

Left Condones Violence in Hysteria over Roe — Biden’s DHS, DOJ, FBI do Nothing

Where is Law Enforcement in these examples of leftist violence and harassment? Since O’Biden condones it, does this make it okay?

Following excerpt from the Family Research Council article below:

“At the White House, where Joe Biden refused to condemn the protests against the Supreme Court justices last week, Press Secretary Jen Psaki finally put out a tepid tweet Monday morning, reiterating the president’s support for the demonstrations but finally acknowledging that judges should be “able to do their jobs without concern for their personal safety.” As usual, it was too little, too late. Justices like Samuel Alito have already had to cancel events, move to undisclosed locations, and cope with their entire family’s movements now involving “heightened security details.”

“In a pointless gesture, Google finally removed the map of the justices’ houses from the protestors’ website — but not until Sunday, when the harassment was already well underway. Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-Ind.) could only shake her head. “I’ve never seen an insatiable desire for a culture of death in this country like what we’re seeing right now… There is nothing sacred left in this country that the radical Left will not go after. If it doesn’t line up with their crooked thinking, then they’re going to oppose it. They’re over the top. They’re extreme… And Americans just don’t agree with [them]… I think we’re going to find that out when all is said and done.”

Unrest Assured in Left’s Hysteria over Roe

For Justice Brett Kavanaugh, it probably feels like 2018 all over again. With a hundred protestors outside his home, screaming at his daughters’ windows, the parallels to his ugly confirmation hearing were everywhere. And thanks to the angry mob’s ringleaders, the family’s flashbacks aren’t going away any time soon. “We’re about to get doomsday,” neighbor Lacie Wooten-Holway said, justifying her decision to share the Kavanaughs’ address, “so I’m not going to be civil to that man at all.”

Long before the Supreme Court leak, Wooten-Holway has stood with her signs on the sidewalk, a one-woman demonstration against a justice she can’t stand. In Facebook posts over the last several months, she’s urged area families to join her. Few have. They “worry about lines being crossed,” one told the Washington Post. “This constant escalation,” another neighbor argued, “makes it dangerous.” In January, when Wooten-Holway moved her vigil to Chief Justice John Roberts’s house, a neighbor drove by, rolled down the window, and yelled, “I may agree with you, but leave the justice alone!”

Months later, the hostile movement she belongs to isn’t about to leave anyone alone. Across the country, churches braced for the Left’s Sunday service threats to come true. In Los Angeles and New York, parishioners were swarmed by anti-life crowds, who either interrupted mass or “swarmed” churchgoers outside. That was tame compared to what happened in Madison, Wisconsin, where a state family policy council, Wisconsin Family Action, was set on fire and then vandalized. “If abortions aren’t safe,” the arsonists spraypainted, “then you aren’t either.”

Julaine Appling, who’s worked with FRC for years, couldn’t believe the damage. “There’s nothing we have done to warrant this,” she told reporters afterward. “We ought to be able to take different sides on issues without fearing for our lives.” The blaze, which was apparently set by a Molotov cocktail thrown through Appling’s window, could have hurt any number of people if the office had been open. “Apparently, the tolerance that the Left demands is truly a one-way street. Violence,” she insisted, “has become their answer to everything. This is what happens when leadership… implies that violence is okay,” Appling said in a nod to the state and federal Democrats who’ve stood by while the situation spirals out of control.

At the White House, where Joe Biden refused to condemn the protests against the Supreme Court justices last week, Press Secretary Jen Psaki finally put out a tepid tweet Monday morning, reiterating the president’s support for the demonstrations but finally acknowledging that judges should be “able to do their jobs without concern for their personal safety.” As usual, it was too little, too late. Justices like Samuel Alito have already had to cancel events, move to undisclosed locations, and cope with their entire family’s movements now involving “heightened security details.”

In a pointless gesture, Google finally removed the map of the justices’ houses from the protestors’ website — but not until Sunday, when the harassment was already well underway. Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-Ind.) could only shake her head. “I’ve never seen an insatiable desire for a culture of death in this country like what we’re seeing right now… There is nothing sacred left in this country that the radical Left will not go after. If it doesn’t line up with their crooked thinking, then they’re going to oppose it. They’re over the top. They’re extreme… And Americans just don’t agree with [them]… I think we’re going to find that out when all is said and done.”

Even so, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) is plowing ahead anyway, forcing a second vote on a bill that already failed this past February. But that’s how desperate the party is. They’re willing to force Democrats back out on the limb of a wildly unpopular abortion measure that cannot pass — or even muster the full party’s support. At the end of the day, Walorksi said, “Schumer can do what he wants to do… But I think we’ll see the forces of life will win no matter what resistance [he] and [House Speaker Nancy] Pelosi put up.”

In the meantime, things aren’t exactly looking up for the leadership duo. Despite the Left’s hysterical reaction, party strategists were probably unhappy to learn that this entire fiasco is adding up to a big fat nothing for Democrats this November. As much as it must have pained CNN to admit it, the network’s polling shows that nothing about the controversy so far seems to “have shaken the midterm landscape.” In fact, if either side has been galvanized, it’s conservatives, where the number of Republicans energized about voting this fall rose nine percent to the Democrats’ seven. Even more telling, 38 percent of voters said that overturning Roe would make them “happy” — double digits over the number (20 percent) who said it would make them “angry.”

So while Pelosi calls for national prayer to protect the killing, and justices like Clarence Thomas refuse to bend (“We can’t be an institution that can be bullied into giving you the outcomes you want”), the only thing that’s clear to anyone is what the Wall Street Journal’s Kimberly Strassel spelled out last week: abortion is all the Democrats have to run on. And so far, it’s turning out to be just as much of a political loser as the rest of Biden’s extreme agenda.

Royal A. Brown, III. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Purging, not packing, the Supreme Court

In South Dakota schools, ‘Marxist propaganda designed to divide kids from their parents’ and ‘from their country’

That’s exactly what it is.

South Dakotans flame school board meeting over ‘pornographic’ books: ‘This is the Marxist global revolution

by Hannah Grossman, Fox News, May 6, 2022:

South Dakota locals expressed outrage during a school board meeting Tuesday over novels they deemed inappropriate and “pornographic” that were once slated to be taught in Rapid City Area Schools’ (RCAS) 12th-grade English.

For example, a graphic novel called “Fun Home” depicts nudity and sex acts, and “Girl, Woman, Other” follows the journey of women of various sexual and gender identities.

“The pictures in [‘Fun Home’] … are graphic and depict two women performing oral sex, images of masturbation and drug usage. I do apologize if there are children [present],” a local woman said. “There is a difference between teaching what sex is and teaching how to engage in it. And that’s what’s happening in this book.”…

Another speaker at the meeting said the books “have merit in our curriculum” because they highlight marginalized voices such as “Black and brown characters … [and the] LGBTQIA+ community.”

Florence Thomas, the president of South Dakota Parents Involved in Education, said, the overall picture was that of a “Marxist revolution.”

It’s not this little issue. It’s not this little book or this little school or this little district. This is all going on all over. And these books are not here by accident,” she said. “Our education system has been taken over to a large extent from the federal level … and we need to start saying no at the local level. We’re not going to do this to our kids. We’re not going to do this to our community.”

Thomas, who is also a former school psychologist, continued, “Where’s all this coming from?  … This is the Marxist global revolution – it’s the Cultural Revolution – and this is what is coming into our schools. It is Marxist propaganda. It’s designed to divide the kids from their parents, divide the kids from their country, divide the kids from their culture, and even in many cases, divide them from their very selves. So it is very dangerous.”

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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

A 75-Year-Old Warning about Those Who Say ‘Listen to the Science’

When people say “follow the science,” often what they’re really saying is “follow our plan.”

On his first day as president, Joe Biden, flanked by a portrait of Ben Franklin, called on the federal government to “advance environmental justice” and “be guided by the best science.”

In many ways, Biden’s words came as no surprise.

Throughout the 2020 campaign and after, Biden had often repeated the phrases “listen to the science” and “I believe in science,” presumably to contrast himself with his opponent.

Biden didn’t stop there, however. He included the mantra in one of the first executive orders he signed, noting that it would be his administration’s official policy to “listen to the science.”

The phrase seems harmless enough. The scientific method is highly trusted, and for good reason. It has been a boon to humanity and helped bring about many of the marvels of our modern world.

Yet distinguished thinkers new and old have warned us to proceed with caution when confronted with pleas to “listen to the science.”

The economist Ludwig von Mises once observed the problem with using scientific claims to shape the modern world. He suggested that in many cases people invoke science simply to tell people what they must do.

“The planners pretend that their plans are scientific and that there cannot be disagreement with regard to them among well-intentioned and decent people,” Mises wrote in his 1947 essay “Planned Chaos.”

Most people agree that science is a useful tool, and Mises was certainly one of them. The problem Mises was getting at was that science can’t actually tell us what we should do, which is the realm of subjective value judgments. Science can only tell us what is.

“[T]here is no such thing as a scientific ought,” Mises wrote, echoing a famous argument by David Hume. “Science is competent to establish what is.” (For a deeper dive on the is-ought problem, read Hume’s celebrated 1729 work, A Treatise on Human Nature.)

The economist continued:

“[Science] can never dictate what ought to be and what ends people should aim at. It is a fact that men disagree in their value judgments. It is insolent to arrogate to oneself the right to overrule the plans of other people and to force them to submit to the plan of the planner.”

As Mises correctly saw, oftentimes when people say “follow the science,” they’re really saying “follow our plan.”

When teen activist Greta Thunberg exhorts us to follow the science on climate change, she’s not saying we should acknowledge that the planet is warming and that humans play a role in the Earth’s climate. She’s saying people should adopt her plan and that of other climate activists, which includes transitioning off meat, giving up flying (something to be achieved either through shame or coercion), taxing fossil fuels, and myriad other proposals.

Billionaire climate activist Bill Gates explained in February why changes like moving off meat should be done, and how.

“I do think all rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef,” Gates remarked in an interview with Technology Review, noting that emissions per pound of beef are not quite optimal. “You can get used to the taste difference, and the claim is they’re going to make it taste even better over time. Eventually, that green premium is modest enough that you can sort of change the [behavior of] people or use regulation to totally shift the demand.”

The proposals offered by Thunberg and Gates—who also said government should just listen to the scientists—may be good ones; they may be bad. The key is to understand that their proposals entail value judgments, not just science.

Similarly, in 2020 we repeatedly saw pleas for Americans to “listen to the science.” But the fundamental disagreement over COVID-19 was not over science (though there was certainly some, evidenced by the CDC’s flip-flops, modeling disasters, and widespread confusion over the lethality of COVID-19).

Nearly everyone understood the overarching science: a new and deadly virus had emerged from Asia and was spreading across continents. The primary disagreement arose over what actions should be taken to limit the spread, who should execute them (individuals or the state), and whether people should be coerced into action.

Many of the questions Americans faced were complicated.

If social distancing saves lives, should businesses be ordered closed? If so, which ones? What should be done if people aren’t social distancing in public? Should sick people be physically confined in their homes? What about healthy people? Assuming that face coverings limit the spread, should they be recommended or forced? What happens when people refuse?

These are important questions. But again, they are ethical ones, not scientific ones. Sound science is merely a tool that can help us reach decisions on these matters. The point is that Americans should heed Mises’s warning and beware planners who say we must listen to them because their plans are scientific.

Complex ethical problems demand solutions, and, as journalist H.L. Mencken pointed out, “for every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.”

Outsourcing our complex ethical problems to people with prestigious degrees may be simple, but it’s also wrong. Ethical questions are about what we ought to do, and, as Mises saw, there is no ought in science.


Jon Miltimore

Jonathan Miltimore is the Managing Editor of FEE.org. His writing/reporting has been the subject of articles in TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, Fox News, and the Star Tribune. Bylines: Newsweek, The Washington Times, MSN.com, The Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, The Federalist, the Epoch Times.

RELATED ARTICLE: Reuters Director of Data Science: I Was FIRED For Showing Police Do Not Kill More Black Suspects

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Pelosi: Alito’s Roe Opinion Poses ‘Severe Danger’ to Constitution

Friday on MSNBC’s Deadline, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) fear-mongered that Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito‘s legal reasoning in a leaked draft opinion overturn Roe v. Wade is a “severe danger to the Constitution of the United States.”

Pelosi said, “We have to have clarity in what this draft decision means so that the final decision doesn’t go that far. The chief justice has said this is authentic, but it is not final. I don’t want to use the word authentic. It’s real but not final. Again, Lincoln said public sentiment is everything, and with it, you can accomplish almost anything, and without it, nothing. Women just have to weigh in. I don’t think there’s a good outcome here, but I think there’s a better outcome than what we have seen in the first draft, which is radical. It dispenses with precedent even though some of these candidates for when they were candidates for confirmation said they support it as what you’ve seen over and over and they support the precedent and what it means especially the precedent that has repeatedly been reinforced.”

She added, “We’re talking about your life, the life of women in our country, and how we have again, a calibration of all of this in Roe v. Wade and how we must have it be enshrined as the law of the land. They will make charges about it, and we have to stay very clear and very focused about what it is and what it means in people’s lives. This is a severe danger to women. It is a severe danger to the Constitution of the United States. It’s a severe danger to other rights of privacy that are in the Constitution, but again, it’s the here and now. The here and now and the focus that we must have.”

Fact checks: overturning Roe v. Wade will not ban abortion. It will simply kick the decision back to the states, many of which will vote to keep abortion legal. The decision is not a severe danger to women, the Constitution, or other rights of privacy, but that is the narrative Pelosi and her fellow radicals must hype in order to stoke panic across America.

Nancy Pelosi

140 Known Connections

Outraged by Supreme Court Decision to Overturn Roe v. Wade

On May 2, 2022, Politico reported that an unidentified individual had leaked an initial draft majority opinion, written by Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, in which the Court had decided to strike down the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. “No draft decision in the modern history of the court has been disclosed publicly while a case was still pending,” said Politico. Whereas Roe had guaranteed federal constitutional protections for abortion rights, the new ruling would return responsibility for those rights to each individual state. “Roe was egregiously wrong from the start,” Alito wrote in his opinion, adding: “We hold that Roe and Casey [a 1992 decision that largely reaffirmed the rights set forth in Roe] must be overruled. It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.” In response to the Court’s decision, an outraged Pelosi joined with Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer in issuing the following statement:

“If the report [in the leak] is accurate, the Supreme Court is poised to inflict the greatest restriction of rights in the past fifty years – not just on women but on all Americans.

“The Republican-appointed Justices’ reported votes to overturn Roe v. Wade would go down as an abomination, one of the worst and most damaging decisions in modern history.

To learn more about Nancy Pelosi, click here.


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EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.