Georgia Secretary of State accepts judges ruling. Effort to remove Marjorie Taylor Greene from the ballot fails.

The leftist group called Free Speech for People (LOL) sued the Georgia Secretary of State in state court to have United States Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene removed from the 2022 voter ballot.  The law suit alleges that Greene violated a constitutional clause, that was added after the U.S. Civil War of the 1860s, to prohibit politicians from running for Congress if they have engaged in “insurrection or rebellion” or “given aid or comfort” to the nation’s enemies.

Florida Family Association launched several email alerts starting on April 30, 2022 that asked people to send emails to urge Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger not to invalidate the candidacy of Marjorie Taylor Greene.

State Court Judge Charles Beaudrot ruled that  Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene can remain on the ballot.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger accepted Judge Beaudrot’s ruling.

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene will remain on the ballot.

The leftist efforts failed again to defeat voting rights through the courts.

RELATED ARTICLE: Leftist group fails to get Marjorie Taylor Greene banned from ballot for supposedly supporting ‘insurrection’

EDITORS NOTE: This Florida Family Association column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

How Government Created the Baby Formula Shortage—and a Black Market for ‘Unapproved’ European Imports

As Christina Szalinski reported in the New York Times, “baby formula is one of the most tightly regulated food products in the US.”

U.S. Baby Formula Crisis.

As many know, the US is confronting a shortage in baby formula that has grown quite serious. What started as complaints on Twitter of “out of stock” messages on Amazon purchases has turned into a national panic.

CBS News reports that at retailers across the country, some 40 percent of the top-selling baby formula products were out of stock as of late April, according to an analysis from Datasembly.

“This is a shocking number that you don’t see for other categories,” Ben Reich, CEO of Datasembly, told the news network.

The story got enough traction to finally get the attention of the White House.

On Monday, Press Secretary Jen Psaki said the government is doing its best to address the shortage, noting that manufacturers say they’re producing at full capacity following a product recall by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

“Ensuring the availability is also a priority for the FDA and they’re working around the clock to address any possible shortage,” Psaki said.

Psaki is not wrong that the product recall has made the baby formula shortage worse.

As Eric Boehm pointed out at Reason, part of the shortage stems from a suspected bacterial outbreak at an Abbott plant in Michigan, which prompted the recall of three major brands of powdered formula. Matters were made worse when the plant was subsequently shut down for FDA inspection.

Still, one could be reasonably suspicious of the idea that a single contamination could upend the entire US baby formula market. And for good reason.

A closer look at US trade and regulatory policies reveals the government itself is primarily responsible for the baby formula shortage.

Few may realize it, but baby formula is one of the most regulated food products in America. That’s not me saying it, but the New York Times.

As Christina Szalinski reported in March 2021, “baby formula is one of the most tightly regulated food products in the US, with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) dictating the nutrients and vitamins, and setting strict rules about how formula is produced, packaged, and labeled.”

Despite these regulations—more likely, because of them—many American parents buy “unapproved” European formula even though, Szalinski notes, it’s technically against the law.

“There are large Facebook groups devoted to European formulas, where parents share spreadsheets and detailed notes on ingredients and how these formulas compare to their US counterparts,” she notes. “Some caregivers report choosing them because European brands offer certain formula options (like those made from goat’s milk or milk from pasture-raised cows), which are rare or nonexistent in an FDA-regulated form in the US. Others seek out European brands because of the perception that the formulas are of higher quality and that European formula regulations are stricter.”

On this black(ish) market, it turns out Americans are willing to pay big bucks for European formula. Szalinski says that on one website selling EU baby formula, you’ll find German imports that run roughly $26 for a 400-gram box, which is about quadruple the price of the top US baby formulas recommended by the Times.

At times, these nefarious black market imports have resulted in high profile busts, like in April 2021 when US Customs and Border Protection agents in Philadelphia seized 588 cases of baby formula (value: $30,000) that violated the FDA’s “import safety regulations.”

Some may contend that the FDA is simply keeping Americans and their babies safe—which is no doubt what regulators want you to believe—but this overlooks an inconvenient fact: despite the FDA’s efforts, Americans are consuming vast amounts of black market baby formula, and the children are doing just fine.

The government’s regulatory war on baby formula imports isn’t the only way it has contributed to the baby formula shortage, however. Tariffs have also played a role. As Cato scholar Scott Lincicome pointed out on Twitter, the US government imposes a stiff levy on baby formula (technically a “tariff rate quota”) that amounts to 18 percent.

There’s general agreement among economists that tariffs create market distortions that harm domestic consumers over time, and there’s every reason to believe these taxes on imports have made it more difficult for Americans to access baby formula during this shortage (and hit their pocketbooks, too).

If the Biden administration is serious about addressing the baby formula, they’d forget about “working around the clock” and simply abolish the protectionist policies and regulations that are making it more difficult to purchase formula.

Some may contend that this would result in more foreign imports of baby formula of “questionable” quality, but it’s a mistake to believe that bureaucrats in Washington, DC (or anywhere else for that matter) have the “proper” formula that meets some universal standard.

Indeed, as Szalinski points out in her Times article, though the EU and the US both require a bunch of the same vitamins and minerals in baby formula, there are some striking differences as well, particularly in iron content and DHA (an omega-3 fatty acid).

Because the EU requires high levels of DHA, something that isn’t required at all in the US, nearly all American baby formulas fail to meet the EU standard.

“Currently, the only US formula that would meet the EU’s requirements for DHA is the new infant formula Bobbie,” writes Szalinski. “As a self-described ‘European-style’ formula, Bobbie is marketed as an FDA-regulated alternative to European formulas.”

Bureaucrats in DC no doubt will tell you their formula is the correct and healthy one, while bureaucrats in the EU almost certainly would contend they have the right mixture of ingredients.

This invites an important question: who actually has the best baby formula for infants, the EU or the US?

Many may think they know, but the economist Thomas Sowell reminds us this is the wrong question.

“The most basic question is not what is best, but who shall decide what is best,” Sowell says.

What Sowell was getting at is that consumers with skin in the game must ultimately decide what product or service is best for them, and government attempts to regulate that choice invariably make it more difficult for consumers to get the best product at the best price.

This is why the economist Ludwig von Mises noted that consumers—not politicians, CEOs, or bureaucrats—are the true captains of the economic ship in a free market.

“The real bosses, in the capitalist system of market economy, are the consumers,” Mises wrote in his book Bureaucracy. “They, by their buying and by their abstention from buying, decide who should own the capital and run the plants. They determine what should be produced and in what quantity and quality. Their attitudes result either in profit or in loss for the enterpriser.”

The baby formula shortage is the latest example that shows most people in Washington, DC need to crack open some Mises and stop trying to provide “solutions” to markets.


Jon Miltimore

Jonathan Miltimore is the Managing Editor of His writing/reporting has been the subject of articles in TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, Fox News, and the Star Tribune. Bylines: Newsweek, The Washington Times,, The Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, The Federalist, the Epoch Times.

RELATED ARTICLE: Amid Nationwide Shortage, Biden Regime Makes Sure Illegal Immigrants Get Baby Formula First

RELATED VIDEO: Rep. Kathryn Cammack, “Biden admin responsible for baby formula shortage.”

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Goodbye Deano!

Dear Deano,

I wanted to get one last open letter to you before you hand over the reigns of Executive Editor of your tabloid The NY Times, this June,  to Joey Kahn.  It has been an absolute pleasure corresponding with you over the last couple of years.   It has also been a pleasure corresponding with some of your underlings and getting some of their very spirited responses.

It all Began With Andy

It all started with a quick email discussing Governor Andy (what can I say, I’m Italian) Cuomo.  We discussed his flawless nursing home  Covid strategy; and his amiable, touchy-feely work environment.  Obviously, this environment was blown out of proportion by his accusers, with charges of sexual abuse and intimidation —seeing as though #metoo, and the usual outraged celebrities, Cher, Milano, Behar, Streep, Whoopi……never said a word about it.  Some have said though: if Andy had been a Conservative, there would have been 24/7 coverage from these seekers of “believe all women.”  Care to weigh in on this one, Deano?
Here is a quote from that era Deano.  “I believe them and I respect them, being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it.”  Sound familiar Deano?  It should, this is what Kamala Harris said about Joesph Robinette Biden and sexual harassment accusations against him during a Presidential campaign event on 4/3/19.  No worries though, after Kalamity garnered less then 2% of the vote in Democratic primaries, Joey selected her as his running mate due to her gender and skin pigmentation……..I mean her mental acuity and experience (not the experience with Willie Brown).  See, everybody is happy again, except “Dr.” Jill (Hunter’s babysitter, while dating Joey) we are told.

Moving on

We did cover so much since then Deano old sport.  Of course, the campaigning of Joey O’biden  from his basement—all the way up to his installation as the resident, at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.  It all seems like a fairytale (some, if not most, say nightmare) now. Don’t sell yourself short Deano old sport—you and your tabloid played a major role in getting Joey installed.  You must be brimming with pride right about now……with Joey’s outstanding track record.  I mean look at all that he has accomplished in 17 short months……..truly remarkable!  But for some unexplainable reason Deano, there is hardly a mention of all that he has accomplished in your iconic tabloid.  Your tabloid still seems to be consumed with elected President Trump, sort of like say….CNN.  Well, Conservatives have their own take on Joey’s accomplishments and of course your tabloids omission of them.  Let’s see what they have been saying.

O’Biden is a Mentally Addled Corrupt Puppet.

Yes, I know Deano, strong words indeed.  Conservatives say, at first they felt as though this installed corrupt pathological liar and his inept administration, were just grossly incompetent.  But as time goes on it has become very obvious, little Joey and his gang of misfits are intent on destroying this once great nation—with a little (a lot of) help from those behind the scenes.
People like Georgie Soros, Barry Soetoro (aka Barack Hussein), Susan Rice, the effervescent Hillary Clinton (she of Steele dossier fame), etc.

And those not so behind the scenes, like Chardonnay Pelosi (devout Catholic ), Chuckie Schumer, Adam Schiff (impeachment expert), Alejandro “I know nothing” Mayorkas —who I believe is in talks to play Sgt. Schultz in an upcoming Hogan’s Heroes remake, Pocahontas Warren, AOC and the squad, Maxine “get up in their face” Waters. Lapdog AG Merrick Garland, who looks like he is on the verge of a nervous breakdown, trying to cover for Hunter (former crack addict, now famous artist); in addition to incandescently labeling parents, “Domestic Terrorists,” for having a say in the garbage that is trying to be used to indoctrinate our children.  General “I’ll give China a heads up if we are going to attack” Milley, Defense Secretary Austin and Secretary of State Blinken.  Those last three orchestrated the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle (spearheaded by the pathological Liar-in-Chief), resulting in the deaths of 13 American troops and scores of Afghan refugees.  Who can forget the sight of Afghans falling to their death off of planes from hundreds of feet, trying to escape the Taliban. Conservatives say, all so the village idiot occupying the White House, could have a nice story and photo-op for the 20th anniversary of 9/11.  As usual, Joey’s plan failed spectacularly, a pattern he displays time and time again.  President Trump is a racist! (Diversionary tactic, I picked up from you Dean Baquet….how’d I do?)

Media was Complicit Also

I believe it was Joseph Goebbels who attributed the success of the Nazi movement to the control of the media with their propaganda.
Yes Deano, those right wing zealots are saying that those who are possibly most responsible for this whole nightmare  we are living through, is the media……..including you Dean Baquet, Executive Editor of the tabloid, The New York Times.  I’ll give you just a few of their examples.
-censorship by Twitter and Facebook of the Hunter laptop story, implicating Mr. 10%, aka the Big Guy, aka the buffoon residing in the White House; which was attributed to “Russian disinformation.”  I believe pathological liar and mentally disturbed Adam Schiff came up with that beauty.  Wasn’t it swell that Attorney General Billy Barr had all this information, but didn’t want to release it, because it may have influenced the election. How patriotic of ole Billy, putting his country first, what a guy.  Of course, your tabloid, as well as those morally corrupt “news” agencies  CNN, WAPO, MSNBC, and all major networks, joined with that popular guise of just omitting the story all together……very professional Dean Baquet, very morally professional indeed.
-Russian collusion farce, and Steele dossier nonsense orchestrated by the angelic Hillary Clinton.  Will your paper be returning the Pulitzers it garnered from this propaganda blitz, Deano?
– the omission of voter fraud, specifically in the 6 swing states, that elected President Trump was leading……..until the middle of the night, when a vast majority of mail in votes went for the great leader/orator/unifier  Joey Talibiden, some as high as 90+% Simply remarkable!  I believe the Times mantra with this was—nothing to see here move along.
– minuscule coverage  of violent crime, especially in DEMOCRATIC cities spiraling out of control, due to handcuffing the police and moronic no-bail polices and ultra liberal District Attorneys.   We tried to get a comment from defund police cheerleader, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, but we were unable to get by her 70 police officer security detail…..seems a tad hypocritical.   Care to comment Deano?

  • pushing climate change and white supremacy as the biggest challenges confronting American citizens.  Here’s an idea Deano, why not take a poll of average Americans and see what is more important to them—feeding their families and heating their homes or the onslaught of white supremacy?
  • hardly any mention at all by you Deano, of the highest inflation in over 40 years, or gas that is at its ALL TIME high….just another feather in Joey’s cap.  Yet, your paper day in and day out covers the “Insurrection,” no, no, not the real one on November 3rd, 2020, the one being orchestrated by Chardonnay Pelosi, Adam Schiff and the media to draw attention away from this (intentional, evidently) dumpster fire of an administration.  The old omission/deflection trick you use so well, Mr. Executive Editor.
  • oh, and that other never mentioned tidbit in your paper, the little issue of the southern border catastrophe.  I know Deano, I broke your cardinal rule of bringing up anything that is genuinely relevant to the safety and concern of our nation.  I’m referring to treasonous dereliction of duty to safely protect our country’s border, led by political stooge Mayorkas and of course the border czar, Heels Up Harris (where is the czar….possibly on holiday with Willie Brown?).

Fentanyl flowing into our country and catastrophic  overdoses, the number one cause of deaths for the 18-45 age group.  See Joey is number one for something.  Ok, ok, let’s get back on track Deano, let’s get some front page articles about elected President Trump’s tax returns.  This is what Americans really want, right champ? We must deflect or omit!  Pure journalistic integrity over there at The Times.

Where we Stand Now

Well, we now have the Houseplant-in-Chief using different catch phrases for his destruction of our country.  My personal favorite is, “Putin’s price hike.”  It has a nice ring to it, don’t ya think Deano? Maybe make it into a rap song.   Of course, we all know that the CPI was 7.9% (it was 1.4%, when he was installed), before Putin stepped foot inside Ukraine.  It presently sits at 8.3% down from the previous month of 8.5%.  Word is Joey was so happy about this monumental drop, that “Dr.” Jill said Joey can ride his big wheel for an extra 1/2 hour in the White House and have 2 scoops of ice cream for dessert.
We have gas at $4.40 a gallon and diesel currently at $5.50…..that should help with food prices, I’m sure.  These are just averages mind you, some states like the lovely state of California has prices a dollar or two more above that.

Supreme Court Leak?

We now have the Supreme Court compromised with the leak (wink,wink) of the possible overturning of Roe v Wade decision.  It almost seems like these are acts of desperation by a certain political party.  We now have protesters showing up at justices houses and neighborhoods, encouraged to do so by the likes of Chardonnay Pelosi, Jen Goebbels Psaki and the honorable  Chuckie Schumer.  The installed resident didn’t comment on it, as it was during his afternoon nap time of 2-4 (not to be confused with his morning nap time), we tried to reach him after his snooze but he already settled in for cartoons and pudding.  I’m sure you wouldn’t mind a peaceful protest at your residence in the East Village in NYC or your estate in the highly non-diverse hamlet of Larchmont California, eh Deano.  Of course, only if they were peaceful protests, as Peppermint Patti Psaki insists they are.

More Catchphrases

Let’s see what other catchphrases do we have….well, there is “transitory inflation,” that started early last year.  That one really didn’t work out too well, huh.  As far as inflation goes, Joey said it’s greed due to big oil, meat packing plants, etc….I’m sure q-tip companies will be lumped in there soon.  Some may say, it is a direct correlation with Joey’s (I mean his handlers) moronic polices to eliminate the fossil fuel industry, to placate Bernie, AOC and the gang.   Before that, he said inflation was just a sign that the economy was doing sooooo good.  I’m curious Deano, was Joey Bidenflation an economic professor in addition, of course, to being a big rig driver, coal miner, lumberyard worker, etc, etc? (Imaginary jobs made up by the sociopathic, mentally addled resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave).

Here is an oldie but a goodie— “it’s the virus of the unvaccinated.”  This as several high profile politicians such as Heels Up Harris, Governor Kathy Hochul and the like, who have been double vaccinated and doubled boosted have gotten Covid.   They are sure to immediately say though (almost on cue, and scripted) that the symptoms are much less severe due to them having the shots and boosters.  One question though: if they never had Covid before getting all these shots… do they know the symptoms are less severe?   Personally, I’m going to wait until they start offering free pizzas, say after the 5th booster to start getting mine.

How about “winter of severe illness and death.”  By the way, didn’t Joey campaign from his basement, that he had a plan to stop Covid in it’s tracks?  Any idea Deano when he is going to let us in on those plans?  I mean he said elected President Trump should have resigned, due to over 200,000 deaths attributed to Covid.  Doesn’t that mean little Joey should have resigned at least twice already, as his death toll is reaching 500,000.  I used to like when CNN (highly regarded news network) used to have the death meter 24/7 when elected President Trump was in office.  For some reason, they removed that when Joey was installed, very puzzling.

Now the newest slogan being used by the great deflector.  Ultra-Maga, is being used as some sort of condemnation.  I guess putting your country first and making it great is a bad thing Deano?  Well, if that is not the case Joey Bidenflation is doing an outstanding job, because his handlers are absolutely destroying this once great country.  Yes, he certainly is not putting America first….by any means.  Maybe he could get his own acronym, perhaps MASA—Make America Suck Again, or MEBAGA—Make Everybody But America Great Again.  You see Deano the possibilities are endless, when you are purposely sabotaging your own country.

Personal Note

Well Deano, on a personal note I want to say it has been an absolute pleasure communicating with you over the last couple of years.  You are truly the consummate professional when it comes down to moral, upstanding, objective, apolitical, unbiased reporting. You are an absolute gem, always living by Times mantra, “printing all the news that is fit to print.”  I can only hope that that karma pays you back tenfold for all that you have done.

Conservatives Disagree

But of course, those Conservatives vehemently disagree.  They call you a morally corrupt political hack, just a propaganda machine for extreme treasonous, liberal ideologies. Someone who has taken double standards and hypocrisy, to a new level. They want to know how you can actually look at yourself in the mirror, and more importantly how you look at family, the lovely Dylan and young Ari, all the while knowing you are spewing political propaganda.  Your ridiculous attempt to deflect and omit, to cover the destruction of our country is reprehensible and you and your tabloid are in fact, morally bankrupt. Conservatives question how much AG Sulzberger, your boss is paying you? They want to know what the going rate is to sell your soul?  Or they say, you could be of the same ilk as Biden, Pelosi, Schiff, Mayorkas, Harris, Clinton, Sanders, AOC, Warren and the like………those with true sociopathic tendencies and have absolutely no conscience, and are able to lie at will.  ‘Printing all the news that is fit to print”……absolutely hilarious, Conservatives say!

Retirement Party

Hey Deano, could you shoot me the information in regards to your retirement party?  I would love to have a drink with you and reminisce about the old days.  I’ve been hearing Barack Hussein may be hosting it at his seaside estate, no, not the multimillion Hawaiian estate, the 26 acre $14,000,000 one on Martha’s Vineyard, or his $12,000,000 Washington enclave.  To keep it green, I though we could take an electric Uber or limo.  Maybe you, me, the Boss, Colbert, and Bernie “millionaire” Sanders could chip in on one.  We do have a problem once we get to the ferry though.  I believe the ferry runs on diesel.  Hey, what the heck, we could just swim to Martha’s Vineyard from there.  I mean if Liberal icon Teddy Kennedy can do it, why can’t we…..and we won’t be drunk.  We don’t even have to call the police the next day to report a car crash (not to mention the drowning victim).  Yep, Teddy Kennedy, the “Liberal Lion,”  the quintessential highly moral face of the Democratic Party.

One last thing: when is “Dr.” Fraudci going to announce the most deadly variant yet.  I mean November is only a few months away.  We need to have the the voting centers shut down and make this a total mail in election process………just to keep it on the up and up of course.  I mean for the safety of the American citizens, they must be confined to their homes.  Obviously, Barack Hussein birthday bashes and Chardonnay Pelosi’s hair appointments are exempt, we’re not Nazis  here…….I think!


Chris Cirino

©Christopher Cirino. All rights reserved.

FLORIDA: Sarasota County School Administration Answers Ours Questions — Sort of. Read on…

We recently asked the Superintendent of the Sarasota County Public Schools a series of questions about teachers lying to their students and using their classrooms to push a political agenda. We wanted to find out if the district ever took action against a teacher for violating either of these two key points: 1. lying to students and 2. pushing a particular political agenda(s) in their classrooms.

We noted that the Sarasota County Schools Employee Handbook states,

Employees shall refrain from participation in partisan politics on school property during the hours school is in session.

The Sarasota County Schools Employee Handbook also states,

Political literature shall not be distributed in schools or on school property.

We received answers to our questions from Assistant Superintendent Jody Dumas (see the answers below with references).

What we learned from Assistant Superintendent Dumas’ answers are the following:

  1. Florida’s Principles on Professional Conduct in Education require that educators must teach in “the pursuit of truth.”
  2. Florida’s Principles on Professional Conduct in Education require that teacher to “nurture of democratic citizenship.”
  3. That educators: “Shall not intentionally suppress or distort subject matter relevant to a student’s academic program.”
  4. That educators: “Shall maintain honesty in all professional dealings.”
  5. That educators: “Shall not intentionally distort or misrepresent facts concerning an educational matter in direct or indirect public expression.”
  6. That the primary objective of the school’s educational media center is: “to implement, enrich, and support the educational program of the school and the representation of different points of view.”
  7. That school media specialists: “the media center which places principle above personal opinion and reason above prejudice in the selection of materials of the highest quality…Materials that will stimulate growth in factual knowledge…Materials shall be considered based on the accuracy of the content.”
  8. That: “Each district school board must adopt a policy regarding an objection by a parent or a resident of the county to the use of a specific instructional material, which clearly describes a process to handle all objections and provides for resolution…must provide the parent or resident the opportunity to proffer evidence to the district school board.”
  9. And: “If the district school board finds that an instructional material does not meet the criteria under sub-subparagraph a. or that any other material contains prohibited content under sub-subparagraph b., the school district shall discontinue use of the material for any grade level or age group for which such use is inappropriate or unsuitable.”
  10. On the issue of responsibility for after school clubs/organizations we learned: “All clubs and organizations must be approved by the principle…Qualifications for membership shall be clearly stated in the club/organization by laws approved by the principal.”
  11. ZERO teachers, librarians or other school level staff have been fired or suspended for any of the above in the past 5 years lying to students or using, distributing or sharing political information in the classroom or media centers.

Given all of the above you would think that the Sarasota County School Board, the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent, principles, district staff, teachers and media specialists are all squeaky clean but you would be wrong.

As they say is only takes one bad apple to spoil the whole barrel or in this case the Sarasota County School District.

We have come into possession of some disturbing people that the students at Pine View School a school for the gifted and rated as #6 Magnet school in America, have been exposed to via a program named PINC. In a December 20th, 2018 edition of the Pine View Student newspaper titled “The Torch” we found that this school hosted a man named Christiaan Triebert who works for the New York Times. Accoriding to Christiaan Triebert’s bio:

Christiaan Triebert is a journalist on the Visual Investigations team, which combines traditional reporting with open source methods to break news and hold the powerful to account.

[ … ]

He co-produced “Day of Rage,” one of the most complete pictures to date of what happened during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, and why.

Here’s Triebert’s Day of Rage: How Trump Supporters Took the U.S. Capitol video:

So in December of 2019 the #6 Magnate School in the nation, Pine View, hosted a misinformation specialist. According to the answers we received from Assistant Superintendent Jody Dumas this event and all other PINC events had to have been approved by Dr. Stephen Covert, Pine Views’ Principal.

BTW, Triebert is also a contributor to Bellingcat which did a video titled “White Boy Summer, Nazi Memes and the Mainstreaming of White Supremacist Violence.” Hmmmmm.

But it doesn’t end there. In the same newsletter there was an article titled “The Torch analyzes vaping and its growing popularity” by Ben Gordon, Sci & Tech Editor. Really an article in a school newspaper on vaping?

Ben wrote:

Vaping has become so mainstream among teenagers and young adults in the United States that it was labeled an epidemic as of September 2018.

According to the Food and Drug Administration, roughly 2 million teenagers have said they have vaped or juuled at some point in their life.

What differentiates e-cigarettes from normal cigarettes is that while e-cigarettes heat liquid, they do not burn anything like cigarettes
or cigars. This means users are not exposed to the carbon monoxide and other toxins found in conventional cigarettes.

[ … ]

So what are the benefits of e-cigarettes? Some users explain that they can help you curb cigarette addiction. But, with e-cigarettes being somewhat new technology, it would be incorrect to assume that the benefits outweigh the risks without proper research supporting that claim.

Although e-cigarettes may help current smokers quit using tobacco, they also cause younger people to begin smoking and spark a nicotine addiction. Viewing the new technology as a way to sustain their business, big tobacco is investing in advertisement towards young people. This effectively causes a new epidemic of addictions to nicotine, and should be avoided at whatever costs necessary.

Sounds like Ben and Pine View are all into promoting vaping or julling doesn’t it?

Finally The Torch published an article titled “Go Green goes the extra degree with environmental outreach efforts on campus” by by Tricia Saputera, News Editor. Tricia wrote:

Pine View’s environmental club, Go Green, has recently taken strides to expand their club and to educate fellow students on the
simple ways they can help the environment. Within the past two months, they have conducted a cleanup, taught elementary
students and invited guest speakers to further education efforts.

[ … ]

The club additionally invited three members of the Florida Conservation Corps as guest speakers Dec. 10 to speak to the club. With a mission “to develop natural and cultural resource leaders by connecting them to areas of critical need in conservation, preservation, interpretation and resource based recreation,” as stated on their website, the Florida Conservation Corps discussed the harmful effects of invasive species.

The 24-year-old Florida Conservation Corps (FLCC) AmeriCorps program is administered by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). Which is good. But when Pine View’s Environmental Club wants student to “Go Green” it sounds very much like the current administrations efforts to fully implement the Green New Deal.

We continue to be concerned that what happened in 2019 is happening today not only in Pine View but across the district. We have received another lead about a student questionnaire sent home that has politically motivated questions on it. We will publish another column with our findings.

©Dr. Rich Swier, Ed.D. All rights reserved.


Bombshell Revelations Show FBI Did Label Parents With Counterterrorism “Threat Tag”

FBI Used Terrorism Laws to Investigate ‘Dozens’ of ‘Concerned Parents’ Who Attended School Board Meetings


Question: The word refrain is defined as “stop oneself from doing something.” Who is ensuring teachers, school staff and administrations are refraining?

Answer: Each employee has a reporting structure. Compliance with policy is an expectation of all employees and is monitored by their supervisor.

Question: What action is taken if these individuals don’t refrain?

Answer: See classified and instructional bargaining agreements posted on our website under Human Resources.  These contracts outline our discipline process when employees violate policy.

Question: What is the policy on teachers lying to their students?

Answer: There is not policy but teachers are guided by the code of professional conduct as defined by the State of Florida.

The Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida states,

(1) Florida educators shall be guided by the following ethical principles:

(a) The educator values the worth and dignity of every person, the pursuit of truth, devotion to excellence, acquisition of knowledge, and the nurture of democratic citizenship. Essential to the achievement of these standards are the freedom to learn and to teach and the guarantee of equal opportunity for all.

(a) Obligation to the student requires that the individual:

4. Shall not intentionally suppress or distort subject matter relevant to a student’s academic program.

8. Shall not exploit a relationship with a student for personal gain or advantage.

(c) Obligation to the profession of education requires that the individual:

1. Shall maintain honesty in all professional dealings.

2. Shall not intentionally distort or misrepresent facts concerning an educational matter in direct or indirect public expression.

Question: What is the policy on teachers teaching a political agenda in the classroom?

Answer: Teachers are required to stick to the curriculum and standards for the classes they are teaching as outlined by the Florida DOE.

Question: What is the policy on librarians and teachers obtaining recommending or using pornographic materials or age inappropriate material in libraries and the classroom?

Answer: School Board policy 4.22


I. Objectives of Selection – The primary objective of the school’s educational media center is to implement, enrich, and support the educational program of the school.

The center shall provide a wide range of materials on all levels of difficulty, with diversity of appeal, and the representation of different points of view. The School Board asserts that the responsibility of the media center is to provide:

A. Materials that will enrich and support the curriculum, taking into consideration the varied interest, abilities, and maturity levels of the students served.
B. Materials that will stimulate growth in factual knowledge, literary appreciation, aesthetic values, and ethical standards.
C. A background of information enabling students to make intelligent judgments in their daily life.
D. Materials representative of the many religious, ethnic, and cultural groups and their contributions to the American heritage.
E. A comprehensive collection appropriate for the users of the media center which places principle above personal opinion and reason above prejudice in the selection of materials of the highest quality.
F. Provide materials on opposing sides of controversial issues in order that young citizens may develop, under guidance, the practice of critical analysis of all media.
II. Criteria for Selection of Educational Materials

A. The standards to determine the propriety of the educational materials shall be pursuant to Florida Statutes.
B. First consideration shall be given to the needs of the individual school based on knowledge of the curriculum, of the existing collection, and of the needs of children and youth. Requests from users of the collection, i.e., administrators, faculty, parents, and students shall be given high priority.
C. Materials shall be considered based on the accuracy of the content, overall purpose, timeliness, importance of the subject matter, quality of the writing/production, readability and popular appeal, authoritativeness, comprehensiveness of material, reputation of the publisher/producer, reputation and significance of the author/artist/composer/producer, format and price.


D. Gifts of media or money shall be accepted with the understanding that their use or disposition shall be determined by those persons having the responsibility for acquisitions, according to the same selection criteria and procedures as purchased materials.

III. Procedures for Selection

A. In selecting materials for purchase, the school media specialist or designee shall evaluate the existing collection and shall consult with:

1. Reputable, unbiased, professionally prepared selection aids such as those published by the American Library Association and other reputable publishing companies generally accepted by the educational media profession.
2. Media staff, curriculum consultants, faculty, students, and community representatives.
3. Media committee appointed by the principal to serve in an advisory capacity in the selection of materials.
B. In specific areas, the media specialist shall follow these procedures.
1. Purchase multiple copies of outstanding and frequently used materials;
2. Replace periodically worn or missing basic items; and
3. Withdraw out-of-date or unnecessary items from the collection.

Question: What is the policy on librarians ordering pornographic or age inappropriate materials?

Answer: Same as above

Question: What is the policy on suspending or firing teachers for doing any of the above?

Answer: See Instructional contract language.

Question: What is the policy of suspending or firing librarians for doing any of the above?

Answer: See Classified contract language.

Question: How many teachers, librarians or other school level staff have been fired or suspended for any of the above in the past 5 years?

Answer: Zero

Question: What is the role of the school principal and superintendent in supervising these activities and where can I find them in School policies?

Answer: Florida Statute 1006.28 guides instructional materials oversite

Florida Statute 1006.28 states,

1. Each district school board is responsible for the content of all instructional materials and any other materials used in a classroom, made available in a school library, or included on a reading list, whether adopted and purchased from the state-adopted instructional materials list, adopted and purchased through a district instructional materials program under s. 1006.283, or otherwise purchased or made available. Each district school board shall maintain on its website a current list of instructional materials, by grade level, purchased by the district.

2. Each district school board must adopt a policy regarding an objection by a parent or a resident of the county to the use of a specific instructional material, which clearly describes a process to handle all objections and provides for resolution. The process must provide the parent or resident the opportunity to proffer evidence to the district school board that:

a. An instructional material does not meet the criteria of s. 1006.31(2) or s. 1006.40(3)(d) if it was selected for use in a course or otherwise made available to students in the school district but was not subject to the public notice, review, comment, and hearing procedures under s. 1006.283(2)(b)8., 9., and 11.
b. Any material used in a classroom, made available in a school library, or included on a reading list contains content that is pornographic or prohibited under s. 847.012, is not suited to student needs and their ability to comprehend the material presented, or is inappropriate for the grade level and age group for which the material is used.

Question: Who specifically is responsible for policing the use of age inappropriate or pornographic materials in schools and libraries?

Answer: See Florida Statute 1006.28

Florida Statute 1006.28 states,

If the district school board finds that an instructional material does not meet the criteria under sub-subparagraph a. or that any other material contains prohibited content under sub-subparagraph b., the school district shall discontinue use of the material for any grade level or age group for which such use is inappropriate or unsuitable.

3. Each district school board must establish a process by which the parent of a public school student or a resident of the county may contest the district school board’s adoption of a specific instructional material. The parent or resident must file a petition, on a form provided by the school board, within 30 calendar days after the adoption of the material by the school board. The school board must make the form available to the public and publish the form on the school district’s website. The form must be signed by the parent or resident, include the required contact information, and state the objection to the instructional material based on the criteria of s. 1006.31(2) or s. 1006.40(3)(d). Within 30 days after the 30-day period has expired, the school board must, for all petitions timely received, conduct at least one open public hearing before an unbiased and qualified hearing officer. The hearing officer may not be an employee or agent of the school district. The hearing is not subject to the provisions of chapter 120; however, the hearing must provide sufficient procedural protections to allow each petitioner an adequate and fair opportunity to be heard and present evidence to the hearing officer.

Question: Has the School Board or any school hosted an “Anti-Racism Fight Club” presentation by Doyin Richards?

Answer: Not able to answer at this time.

Question: Does the district have in its classrooms or libraries the Fist Book?

Answer: No

Question: What after school clubs  approved by staff, are promoting political agendas?

Answer: Clubs are student driven and must comply with School Board Policy 4.5

School Board Policy 4.5 Student Clubs and Organizations states,


(1) All clubs and organizations must be approved by the principle before they can operate within a school, and must comply with the following procedures:

(a) membership in clubs and organizations shall be available to all students who qualify. Qualifications for membership shall be clearly stated in the club/organization by laws approved by the principal.

Omar Accused of ‘Shilling for Iran’ After Call to ‘Finalize’ Deal

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) took heat online after posting a message on Monday in support of an immediate finalization of the disastrous Iran Deal, which she claimed would avert a Middle East war.

“We are running out time in making peace in the Middle East and avoiding war,” Omar tweeted. “It’s time to finalize the Iran deal!”

“Making peace in the Middle East has much more to do with expanding the #AbrahamAccords, allowing Israel to work together with her Arab neighbors on tourism, economic growth & diplomacy, rather than making a bad deal in Vienna to fund the #1 State sponsor of terrorism in the world,” wrote media contributor Joel M. Petlin.

“We had peace in the Middle East, but then you elected Biden,” wrote conservative writer and commentator Chad Greene.

“On behalf of Iraqis, Syrians, Lebanese, Yemenis, Saudis, Emiratis, Bahrainis, Israelis, Egyptians, Iranians oppressed by their own regime and all people who will affected by Irani regime terrorism EMPOWERED by this deal, Please SHUT UP!!!” wrote former Miss Iraq Sarah Idan. “Tell me you’re a pro-terrorism without telling me you’re pro-terrorism,” she added in another tweet.

“Ilhan Omar opposes the #AbrahamAccords and *actual peace* in the Middle East while shilling for Iran,” wrote social media activist Emily Schrader. “Can’t make this up.”

“Nothing says a stable middle east like giving terrorists nukes,” another wrote.

Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA) blasted Omar in June after the congresswoman equated the U.S. and Israel to Hamas terrorists and the Taliban: “Omar is an antisemite who hates America and hates American troops,” he said. “She has no place serving in Congress.”

Ilhan Omar

63 Known Connections

Omar Emphasizes That America Is a Racist Nation

On May 3, 2021, Omar told MSNBC host Joy Reid that she and her fellow black Democrats were becoming exhausted by people who refused to concede that America was a racist nation. “I think there is a lot of emotional exhaustion that many of us who are black lawmakers and black people in public service are experiencing,” said Omar. “Because every single day you know that there are ways to transform the justice system, the policing system, and you have to have conversation[s] with people who want to turn a blind eye to the injustices that exist within our systems, who continue to insist that this country is not a country that is racist, that our systems don’t have racism embedded in them.”

To learn more about Ilhan Omar, click here.


EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

PODCAST: MEGA MAGA Invasion of the Disinformation Governance Board and Biden’s Stealth Disarmament


DR. RICH SWIER, ED.D., LTC, U.S. ARMY (RET) @40:18 minute mark

Dr. Rich Swier is a “conservative with a conscience.” Rich is a 23 year Army veteran who retired as a Lieutenant Colonel. He was awarded the Legion of Merit for his years of service. Additionally, he was awarded two Bronze Stars with “V” for Valor and Heroism in ground combat, the Presidential Unit Citation, and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry while serving with the 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam. Dr. Rich now publishes the the “ report“. A daily review of news, issues and commentary!

TOPIC: OPERATION OVERLORD JUNE 7, 2022: MEGA MAGA Invades the Disinformation Governance Board


Frank Vernuccio serves as editor-in-chief of the New York Analysis of Policy & Government, providing objective coverage of key issues facing the United States today. Frank is the co-host of the Vernuccio/Novak Report, nationally both on broadcast radio and the web at FRANK also co-hosts of the “The American Political Zone,” Broadcast on the AUN-TV Network and on cable in eastern Connecticut.

TOPIC: Biden’s Stealth Disarmament

©Conservative Commandoes Radio. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: This Guy takes ‘Stopping Disinformation’ to the Streets

Biden In The Box

Biden is operating inside of an ideological box, hindering his ability to be practical with his policy decisions

By Jason A Brown

Why do progressives run things into the ground when they take control of government?  Let’s look at Biden and the disasters that have occurred on his watch.  First let’s take the Department of Justice (DOJ).  At the DOJ they have a problem with consistency, as they only enforce federal law if the perpetrators are Republicans/Conservatives or anyone else that doesn’t subscribe to their national suicide pact with extremists that involves America speeding toward a brick wall at 120 MPH.  When leftists commit crimes, our government officials as high up as VP Harris, start raising money to bail them out of jail.   When conservatives commit crimes, and even sometimes when they don’t, they are arrested and threatened with decades in federal prison.

Just recently the DOJ suggested that some of the January 6th protesters serve a life sentence. Meanwhile, BLM is buying multi-million-dollar houses with money that they raised stoking the fires of racial conflict, and openly advocating for the destruction of the nuclear family as stated on their own website.   National suicide is being committed here in real time, the media is asleep at the wheel, as they look toward 2022 midterms.  The DOJ is an extension of the executive branch and is not an independent agency.  The DOJ operates at the discretion of the President.  This includes the FBI.  But Biden is beholden to leftist extremists as they insist that any law broken in pursuit of the cause, should be excused because as Karl Marx used to say, “the end justifies the means”.  Biden is confined to this ideological box that he cannot, under any circumstances operate outside of.

Let’s look at another Biden Disaster, gas prices and the overall price of energy.  The false claim that oil is scarce and in limited supply as oil is the second most abundant liquid on the planet next to water, that is naturally replenished.  This view is held by most people as this is not common knowledge, although it should be.  The fossil fuels label was a scam concocted by lawyers of Rockefellers that sought to convince the masses that oil was scarce as to create demand for their product on a global scale due to perceived limited supply.  They have a similar scam with the mining and sale of diamonds, but that is a different discussion.  On day 1 of the Biden Administration domestic exploration and drilling was brought to a halt because, “we have to do it for the environment”.  2020 America is energy independent and we are world’s largest net exporter of oil and gas is under 2 dollars a gallon.  2022, we are having to get on our knees in front of Saudi Royalty and OPEC, and even get some oil from Russia to meet domestic demands as prices skyrocket.  Biden says that gas prices are the result of price gouging.  Biden, never having to run anything or deal within the market, doesn’t realize how ridiculous that accusation is.  I’m not even going to go into it here, other than pointing out that we have a President that doesn’t understand how capitalism works.  In order to stay within his ideological box, Biden must appease the climate cult.

But let’s not forget the globalists, as they need love too.  Biden is stuck in Ukraine as you have Ukrainian government corruption, a Ukrainian military swarming with neo-Nazis, some complete with swastika tattoos on various regions of their bodies.  Is this who we are giving weapons too?  We are not sending another 40 billion to Ukraine.  Where is this taxpayer money going?  All this money going to a corrupt government on the other side of the world while we have record inflation, and babies that do not have access to the formula that they need for nourishment.  Ukraine has been shelling its own people for years.  So, have they stopped, or have they just now found a suitable scapegoat in Russia?  Not saying Putin is not a bad dude but I think that the anti-Russia narrative is a convenient and plausible one to most people that are not following events closely.  After all, we are conditioned in the West to hate Russia.  Here we are again inside Uncle Joe’s box that he cannot step outside of because he has to pander to his supporters, even if they may be few.  So, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, and others hell bent on global control through one world government and the great reset, must be pleased with Biden and his actions.  This is why there is no consistency in this administration’s policies.  You cannot be consistent when you are constantly pandering to multiple special interests, that all want different things.  Eventually, special interests start to clash.

Whatever you think of Trump, good or bad, the one thing that you can say about the 45th President is that he was pragmatic when it came to solving a problem. He did not make political calculations to determine what direction he would go.  That’s why he frequently upset people on in both parties.  He wasn’t trying to appease anyone, and was always looking for the most practical, efficient solution.  Most politicians are not capable of this.  That is what set Trump apart and that’s why there was bipartisan hate for him.

So, we have the mob, that advocates for arrests of conservatives by federal law enforcement to intimidate and punish political opposition ala the doctrine of Karl Marx. We have climate cultists that would rather see us go back to living in the dark ages, than promote use of modern energy sources. All while pushing unrealistic, truly unsustainable sources of energy like solar and wind. Then the NWO crowd that want to strip away national sovereignty and replace national government with one central world government. Anyone that thinks that Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 is conspiracy theory, needs to wake the hell up and find a red pill to swallow quickly. You have a lot of catching up to do. As for those of us in the know, we just need to put our trust in God and know that He is in control. Remember, that nothing happens without his consent, and that sometimes you have to walk through the darkness, before you can see the light.

©Jason A Brown. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Joe Biden Declares Trump ‘The Great MAGA King’

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Protestors: ‘We certainly continue to encourage that outside of judges’ homes’

According to the Biden regime, Federal law no longer applies to mobs of Biden voters. They to harass, threaten, intimidate all the Supreme Court justices they want as long as they are on the side of the totalitarian Democrats.

18 US Code §1507: “Whoever…with the intent of influencing any judge…in the discharge of his duty, pickets or parades…in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge…shall be fined under this title or imprisoned.”

Arrest the Terrorists. Release the Decision.

From the story: 

White House press secretary on Tuesday refused to condemn the mob protests that have converged outside the six conservative Supreme Court justices’ homes in the last week in response to the leak of a draft opinion that would reverse Roe v. Wade, the 1973 landmark ruling that legalized abortion on the national level (National Review). Townhall: Psaki on “protests that have been peaceful to date.” “We certainly continue to encourage that outside of judges’ homes” (Twitter). Eugene Volokh cites Cox v. Louisiana (1965). The notion of a fair trial excludes: influence or domination by either a hostile or friendly mob. There is no room at any stage of judicial proceedings for such intervention; mob law is the very antithesis of due process (Reason).


Biden DOJ Is Threatening Jan. 6 Defendants With Life in Prison For Walking Inside US Capitol and Taking Pictures

Warren, Omar, Tlaib Refuse To Condemn Protesters Ignoring Federal Law

Police Stand Guard As Protesters March On Justices’ Homes

Media’s Spin On Who Leaked SCOTUS Opinion Doesn’t Hold Water, Legal Experts Say


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Baby Sex Education

This is pedophilia.

Pull your kids from government schools.

United States Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra Defends Trans Surgeries For Kids.



Pride Fest ‘Kiddie Korner’ Includes ‘Affirming Books,’ ‘Lots Of Crafts,’ And ‘Drag Kids Dress-Up’

More articles on public schools sexually grooming underaged students.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

New Mexico Audit Identifies Feature in Dominion Voting Machines that Allows Ballots to be Filled Out by Machine Itself

On Monday, the Otero County Commission held a special meeting on the 2020 election audit sanctioned by the County exposing shocking results from the 2020 election. The auditors  ound a feature within Dominion machines that would allow ballots to be filled out by the machine itself. They also found material issues with the voter rolls in the county. Furthermore, all of the ballot images from the 2020 Election were deleted and this occurred after Dominion worked on the voting machines in the county in June 2021.The Pinion Post is reporting that all of the ballot images disappeared from the machines after Dominion worked on them in June of 2021. Those images must be saved for over a year.

One commenter: “Dominion is an international criminal organization whose purpose is to deliver a result to those who pay for it.”

New Mexico Audit Identifies Feature in Dominion Voting Machines that Allows Ballots to be Filled Out by Machine Itself

By Joe Hoft, Gateway Pundit, May 10, 2022:

On Monday night in Alamogordo, Otero County, New Mexico, individuals involved in a 2020 Election audit presented results from their audit to date. They identified a number of issues and some very shocking issues as well.

The auditors found material issues with the voter rolls in the county.

The Pinion Post reported that per the auditors, all of the ballot images from the 2020 Election were deleted and this occurred after Dominion worked on the voting machines in the county in June 2021.

These Dominion errors come after the county auditors reported last week that the Dominion voting machines had an erroneous code in them that would force ballots to move to adjudication where the selections on the ballots are manually determined.

The Pinion Post reports:

Erin Clements was joined by her husband, David Clements, and expert witness Jeffrey Landberg, who was involved in finding apparent fraudulent activity in Antrim County, Michigan, during the 2020 election. Landberg has been helping with the data side of the audit after Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai of EchoMail, Inc. was intimidated out of participating in the audit by “threats from up high” from Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives.

David Clements opened up his testimony on the apparent fraud by saying, “We’re told that the Lord abhors inaccurate weights and measures. What we’re finding is inaccuracy after inaccuracy after inaccuracy.” He added, “You have a potential crime scene in Otero County.
Clements said, “It appears you’re being held at gunpoint.” He said the County is a casualty of “lawfare” from “Congress and a bunch of operatives.”

Landberg echoed David Clements’ sentiments, saying, “If you even question election integrity, you get canceled.”

There were project files missing for the 2020 election in Otero County, according to Landberg. The voting machine company, Dominion Voting Systems, came out to “service” the units in June 2021, according to Otero County Clerk Robyn Holmes. Landberg concluded that Dominion “definitely had the possibility of erasing stuff.”

Landberg also noted how models of Dominion machines in Otero County had the capabilities of remote access from outside sources. He said manufacturers, such as Dominion “have led people to believe they don’t have that capability.” But they do have this capability, according to evidence provided by the Clements.

Landberg also noted that the Otero County audit found a feature within Dominion machines that would allow ballots to be filled out by the machine itself.

The audit team will present their work from their review of ballot images at a later date.

Every day we learn something new about the 2020 Election. Every single day. 

Read the rest.….




EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Follow Pamela Geller on Trump’s social media platform, Truth Social.

LISTEN: Audio Of Lindsey Graham Saying Biden Is ‘Best Person’ To Lead The Country

Our party has been so deeply betrayed by these craven quislings. The loyalists, the true Americans, must purge these treacherous dogs from our ranks.

LISTEN: Audio Of Lindsey Graham Saying Biden Is ‘Best Person’ To Lead The Country After January 6

By Rusty Weiss 

Audio has surfaced of Senator Lindsey Graham suggesting Joe Biden was the “best person” to lead the country after the January 6th riot at the Capitol.

The news comes from another audiotape released by New York Times reporters Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns for their new book titled, “This Will Not Pass.”

Graham’s comments suggest those in attendance at the Capitol that day do not represent the Republican Party and that Biden would unify the nation and make us stronger. That didn’t exactly pan out.

“We will actually come out of this thing stronger. Moments like this reset. It’ll take a while. People will calm down,” Graham (R-SC) can be heard remarking.

“People will [say] ‘I don’t want to be associated with that.’ This is a group within a group,” he added.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Follow Pamela Geller on Trump’s social media platform, Truth Social.

Biden Blames Putin, COVID, and ‘Ultra MAGA’ GOP For Biden Inflation — NOT Himself

“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.” ― Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda, Nazi Germany

Naturally President Biden blamed Trump, Putin, and COVID for inflation. When President Trump was in office inflation was 1.4 percent. Biden came into office and viciously attacked the American energy industry, while spending trillions of dollars to pay people not to work. Once again, the Biden Administration is a dangerous joke. Every decent and rational American must vote the Democrats out of office in 2022 and 2024.

Another depraved display of the Democrats’ contempt for the American people.

Biden Blames Putin, COVID, and ‘Ultra MAGA’ GOP Addressing Inflation — NOT Himself

By Todd Starnes, May 10, 2022

President Joe Biden, under pressure to tame high inflation, sought to assure Americans on Tuesday that he understands what they are grappling with and that the Federal Reserve is working to resolve the top issue weighing on his administration.

At the same time, the Democrat went on the offensive, attacking the Republican agenda. He slammed what he called “the ultra-MAGA plan put forward by congressional Republicans to raise taxes on working families, lower the income of American workers, threaten the sacred programs Americans count on like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, and give break after break to big corporations and billionaires just like they did the last time they were in power.”


Biden Cancels More Oil And Gas Leases As Fuel Prices Skyrocket

Biden Refers To Inflation As Our ‘Strength’

Green Beret PAC launched to expose ‘how President Biden has failed to defend our interests time and time again.’ 

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Quick note: We cannot do this without your support. Fact. Our work is made possible by you and only you. We receive no grants, government handouts, or major funding.

Tech giants are shutting us down. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense, Pinterest permanently banned us. Facebook, Google search et al have shadow-banned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here.

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Global Warming Was Going to Destroy Skiing, Then the Snow Fell

Vail, Colorado concluded its skiing season on May 1 a year after the Denver Post warned that “climate change is shrinking the Colorado ski season.”

It’s almost as if some higher power has made a point of mocking doomsday predictions by climate pagans who think the weather can be changed by raising taxes and driving Teslas.

But like a Gore-Tex parka, the climate consensus is impermeable to mere snowfall.

A week after Vail Mountain announced that it was extending its skiing season for “the longest continuous season in Vail Mountain history” just after 9 inches of snow fell in early March, a local news station wondered, “With warmer winters, what will happen to the ski industry?”

It may have to extend to June.

In February 2022, Denver broke weather records to hit the coldest temperature in 109 years. At a balmy -7 degrees, the latest outbreak of global warming plunged the city down to a low that had not been seen since 1899.

Still not done mocking Al Gore, March temperatures at Denver International Airport broke a new low with -3. The last time that happened was 1932. Or back before Gore Sr. had even graduated from law school to begin his family’s long slimy political career.

Talk about an inconvenient truth.

Even as activists and resort owners were crying to the media that the entire skiing industry was about to disappear because there would be no more snow, it snowed for the first 9 out of 10 weeks of the year. That was the most starting snow that there had been in 63 years.

“It’s supposed to snow in Denver — but maybe not quite like it has this year,” a local media outlet reluctantly conceded.

This is what happens when the weather makes a mockery of the climate consensus.

The climate must “hate science”.

So what’s a good lefty to do? Ask Facebook and Twitter to deplatform the sky? Fact check the winter? Denounce the disinformation on the slopes? Ask the UN to condemn the snowpack?

Just ignore the facts and continue lobbying to outlaw cars, home heating, and all life on earth.

“Climate change threatens the future of ski resorts,” Quartz warned in January.

“A business-as-usual path to a warming planet impacts industries beyond fossil fuels. At this point, there are about as many jobs in coal mining as there are jobs at snow-sports facilities. Coal miners, however, have an outsized influence in US politics,” it grumbled.

O, those mighty coal miners, and the poor oppressed ski resort owners who are furiously lobbying to destroy Appalachia to save Aspen.

The National Ski Areas Association had already demanded a “transition to an equitable clean energy economy” by taxing those filthy carbon emitters. Since all life on earth, except members of the NSAA, emit carbon, that would be bad news for you and me. And our survival.

The industry, which has almost as many minorities as a Burlington Communist Party meeting, also demanded “justice and equity” for “communities of color”.

Auden Schendler, the VP of “Sustainability” at the Aspen Skiing Company and board chair of Protect Our Winters, ranted to the New York Times, “The outdoor industry is bigger, wealthier, crazier and more influential than the N.R.A. We need CEOs and trade groups and leadership to wield that power ruthlessly.”

Protect Our Winters is fighting against domestic drilling so that Americans can pay $6 a gallon for gas. Eliminating car ownership by the poor and the middle class to protect Aspen is a hell of a platform. Almost as compelling as protecting the home values of Oprah and Jerry Seinfeld.

“Home values in mountain towns like Vail and Aspen are some of the highest in the nation, and those values are at risk. By 2050, home values near ski resorts could drop by at least 15 percent due to warmer winters,” CNBC warned during what turned out to be the 5th coldest winter in Colorado’s history.

Ignoring the science of reading thermometers, CNBC instead quoted a worried realtor who sells “multimillion dollar homes in the Vail area” who was deeply concerned about his “livelihood”.

“So we do certainly worry that we wouldn’t be able to sustain one or two or three consecutive years low snow volume due to climate change,” he complained. “And as far as the real estate business that I own and that I also am a broker within, what will happen? You know, where is my livelihood in the future, in three to four, five years?”

That was in 2019. Housing prices in Eagle County, where Vail is located, shot up 54% since 2019. Over February alone, there were $347 million in real estate transactions.

Would that things were as good in coal country as they are on slopes of the rich and famous.

The Left wants to economically destroy some of the poorest parts of the country in Appalachia to protect some of the wealthiest, like Vail and Aspen, from a crisis that isn’t even real.

Now that’s actual class warfare.

The good news is that snow, like Aspen real estate values, isn’t going anywhere. The bad news is that neither are the lies.

In 2000, an article in The Independent claimed that “Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past”

Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit of the University of East Anglia, was quoted as saying that in the United Kingdom, “within a few years winter snowfall will become ‘a very rare and exciting event’”.

“Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he falsely claimed.

Dr. Viner has since become a lead author for the UN’s IPCC climate change reports, considered the official scientific consensus for governments, businesses, and unhinged climate lunatics.

Next time the media hypes an IPCC report about the end of all life on earth, go look at the snow.

Over the next decade, not only did British children still retain the lost knowledge of what snow is, but the UK was hammered with record snowfalls. Eight years later over 3,000 schools had to be closed and much of the country was shut down by the heaviest snowfall in 18 years.

Snow is still very much around, but the article has been removed from The Independent’s site.

In 2018, the isles were hit by the “heaviest snowfall in decades”. The New York Times described  “Mediterranean beaches blanketed in white”, “blizzards and ‘life threatening’ conditions in normally snowless areas of Britain”, and dozens of people dead in a “Siberian weather pattern.”

“It was like coming in from a ski resort,” one Briton trying to get to London described.

Instead of ski resorts looking like cities, cities are looking like ski resorts.

But two years later, the BBC and the Met Office falsely claimed that “snow will virtually disappear for much of the UK by the end of the century because of climate change.”

The Met Office’s Lizzie Kendon told the BBC that, “We’re saying by the end of the century much of the lying snow will have disappeared entirely.”

It’s not the snow that’s lying.

But like any good doomsayers and conspiracy theorists, the warmunists have learned to postpone the apocalypse to a distant future when everyone will be dead.

Meanwhile springtime in London was interrupted by a March snowstorm.

And in April, Denver recorded the coldest temperature since 1953, of only 10 degrees.


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

CLICK HERE: To read more climate change and global warming columns.

NYT Explores What Happens When Democrats Have All the Power. The Answer May Surprise You

It turns out voters and lawmakers in progressive states arrive at decisions like everyone else: on self-interest. But that’s not all.

Last week New York Times video journalist Johnny Harris asked a simple question.

“What do Democrats actually do when they have all the power?”

It turns out that 18 states in the US are effectively run by Democrats, who control both the executive and legislative branches. As Harris notes, Democratic leaders tend to blame Republicans for foiling their progressive plans, but that’s hardly the case in these 18 states where Republicans stand well away from the levers of power.

To answer his question—what do Democrats do when they have power?—Harris teamed up with Binyamin Appelbaum, the lead writer on business and economics on the Times editorial board and author of The Economists’ Hour.

What they found may surprise you.

First, Harris and Applebaum drilled into the 2020 Democratic Party Platform to see which values were most important to Democrats. They then focused on a particular state: California, the “quintessential liberal state” where Democrats rule with ironclad majorities and control the government in most major cities. Finally, the journalists decided to look at one specific policy: housing.

As Harris notes, housing policy is not exactly sexy stuff. But Applebaum stresses just how important housing is in battling inequality.

“Looking at California, you have to look at housing,” Applebaum says. “You cannot say you are against income inequality in America unless you are willing to have affordable housing built in your neighborhood….The neighborhood where you are born has a huge influence on the rest of your life.”

Moreover, Harris points out that Democrats overwhelmingly agree on its vital importance, noting that the word housing is mentioned more than 100 times in the Democrats’ platform. Indeed, Democrats are shown repeating a common mantra in the Times video.

“Housing is a human right.”

“Housing is a human right.”

“Housing is a human right.”

Democrats may say housing is a human right, but Applebaum notes their actions say something else, at least in California.

“You know those signs where you drive into a state and it says ‘Welcome to California’?” asks Applebaum. “You might as well replace them with signs that say KEEP OUT. Because in California the cost of housing is so high that for many people it’s simply unaffordable.”

As the Los Angeles Times noted in 2019, California has “an overregulation problem,” which is why nine of the 15 priciest metro areas in the US are in California and the median price of a house in San Diego is $830,000. In some cases, people have had to wait 20 years to build a pair of single family homes. (Applebaum, it’s worth noting, appears to misdiagnose the problem. He complains that “the state has simply for the most part stopped building housing.” Perhaps Applebaum simply misspoke, but it’s worth noting the state doesn’t need to build a single unit of housing; it simply needs to step back and allow the market to function.)

Regulations, however, aren’t the full story. As Harris notes, Californians themselves have fought tooth and nail to keep higher-density affordable housing out of their neighborhoods. Palo Alto is cited as an example, where voters in 2013 overturned a unanimous city council vote to rezone a 2.46-acre site to enable a housing development with 60 units for low-income seniors and 12 single-family homes.

“I think people aren’t living their values,” Applebaum says. “There’s an aspect of sort of greed here.”

Housing isn’t the only area the Times journalists find where progressives fail to “live their values.” Washington state having the most regressive tax rate in the US is cited as another example, as are the “gerrymandered” school districts in states like Illinois and Connecticut that consign low-income families to the least-funded schools because of their zip code.

The journalists are left with a gloomy conclusion.

“For some of these foundational Democratic values of housing equality, progressive taxation, and education equality, Democrats don’t actually embody their values very well,” Harris says.

Applebaum is even more blunt.

“Blue states are the problem,” the economics writer says. “Blue states are where the housing crisis is located. Blue states are where the disparities in education funding are the most dramatic. Blue states are the places where tens of thousands of homeless people are living on the streets. Blue states are the places where economic inequality is increasing most quickly in this country. This is not a problem of not doing well enough; it is a situation where blue states are the problem.”

Harris says affluent liberals “tend to be really good at showing up at the marches” and talking about their concerns over inequality. But when rubber meets the road, they tend to make decisions based on a different calculus: what benefits them personally.

For some, the findings and claims of the Times journalists could be jarring. But they are likely no surprise to FEE readers.

One of the pillars of public choice theory—a school of economics pioneered by Nobel Prize-winning economist James Buchanan—is that people make decisions based primarily on self-interest. (People act out of concern for others, too, but these interests tend to be secondary to self-interest.) Buchanan’s theory rests on the idea that all groups of people tend to reach decisions in this manner, including people acting in the political marketplace such as voters, politicians, and bureaucrats.

Many believe that self interest is part of the human condition, something as natural as hunger, love, and procreation. Harnessing the instinct of self-interest in a healthy way—through free exchange—has long been considered a cornerstone of capitalism and a key to a prosperous society.

“It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest,” Adam Smith famously observed in The Wealth of Nations. “We address ourselves, not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our necessities but of their advantages.”

For many progressives, however, self-interest has become a kind of heresy. The idea that individuals should be motivated by such things as profit and self-interest is anathema; these are values to be found in Ayn Rand novels, not practiced in 21st century America.

But as Applebaum notes, progressives are in fact making decisions based on self-interest—he uses the word “greed”—not altruism. This should come as little surprise, and it would be perfectly fine if progressives were acting on self-interest in a market economy; but they are not. They are using the law in perverse ways to their own benefit—all while maintaining the belief that they’re acting out of altruism.

The Times article makes it clear that voters and politicians in progressive states still arrive at decisions like everyone else: on self-interest. The results are just far worse when those decisions are made in the political space, not the marketplace.


Jon Miltimore

Jonathan Miltimore is the Managing Editor of His writing/reporting has been the subject of articles in TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, Fox News, and the Star Tribune. Bylines: Newsweek, The Washington Times,, The Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, The Federalist, the Epoch Times.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Are AR-15 Rifles a Public Safety Threat? Here’s What the Data Say

Is it true that the AR-15, a popular firearm owned by millions of Americans, is a unique threat to public safety?

From Parkland, Florida, to San Bernardino, California, the semi-automatic AR-15 rifle and its variants have seemingly become the weapons of choice for mass shooters in the United States.

Many people simply cannot believe that regular civilians should be able to legally own so-called “weapons of war,” which they believe should only be in the hands of the military.

According to Pew Research, for example, 81 percent of Democrats and even 50 percent of Republicans believe the federal government should ban “assault-style rifles” like the AR-15. Given the massive amount of carnage AR-15s and similar rifles have caused, it makes sense that the civilian population simply cannot be trusted to own such weapons, right?

Perhaps, but is it really true that the AR-15, a popular firearm owned by millions of Americans, is a unique threat to public safety, so dangerous that it deserves to be banned or even confiscated by the federal government?

It cannot be emphasized enough that any homicide is a tragedy, but in order to get a sense of how dangerous to public safety “assault-style” rifles are, it’s useful to compare their usage in homicide to other methods.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are the two authoritative sources for homicide statistics in the United States.

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), the CDC reports “produce more accurate homicide trends at the national level” because they capture less under-reporting than the FBI statistics.

However, the homicide data recorded by the CDC includes all homicides committed by civilians regardless of criminal intent. The FBI data instead focuses on intentional homicides (i.e murder) known to law enforcement and excludes non-negligent homicide (i.e. manslaughter.)

According to the BJS, the FBI data is “better suited for understanding the circumstances surrounding homicide incidents.” This is especially true given that the FBI, but not the CDC, records the type of firearm used in a given homicide. For the purposes of this analysis, the data from the FBI will be used.

There are two further limitations of FBI data worth noting.

Firstly, the FBI reports do not look at “assault-style” rifles specifically, but rather, murders involving all types of rifles, whether they are committed with an AR-15 or a hunting rifle.

Secondly, each year there are a few thousand homicide cases where the type of firearm used goes unreported to the FBI. This means that some murders listed under “unknown firearm” may, in fact, be rifle murders.

To account for this under-reporting, we will extrapolate from rifles’ share of firearm murders where the type of weapon is known in order to estimate the number of “unknown” firearms that were in actuality rifle homicides.

If we take the time to look at the raw data provided by the FBI, we find that all rifles, not just “assault-style rifles,” constitute on average 340 homicides per year from 2007 through 2017 (see Figure 1.). When we adjust these numbers to take under-reporting into account, that number rises to an average of 439 per year.

Figure 2 compares rifle homicides to homicides with other non-firearm weapons. Believe it or not, between 2007 and 2017, nearly 1,700 people were murdered with a knife or sharp object per year. That’s almost four times the number of people murdered by an assailant with any sort of rifle.

Figure 1. The Relative and Absolute Frequency of Rifle Homicides 2007-2017

Figure 2. Homicides per year by weapon 2007 – 2017

In any given year, for every person murdered with a rifle, there are 15 murdered with handguns, 1.7 with hands or fists, and 1.2 with blunt instruments. In fact, homicides with any sort of rifle represent a mere 3.2 percent of all homicides on average over the past decade.

Given that the FBI statistics pertain to all rifles, the homicide frequency of “assault-style” rifles like the AR-15 is necessarily lesser still, as such firearms compose a fraction of all the rifles used in crime.

According to a New York Times analysis, since 2007, at least “173 people have been killed in mass shootings in the United States involving AR-15s.”

That’s 173 over a span of a decade, with an average of 17 homicides per year. To put this in perspective, consider that at this rate it would take almost one-hundred years of mass shootings with AR-15s to produce the same number of homicide victims that knives and sharp objects produce in one year.

With an average of 13,657 homicides per year during the 2007-2017 timeframe, about one-tenth of one percent of homicides were produced by mass shootings involving AR-15s.

Mass shootings involving rifles like the AR-15 can produce dozens of victims at one time, and combined with extensive media coverage of these events, many people have been led to believe that such rifles pose a significant threat to public safety.

However, such shootings are extremely rare, and a look at the FBI data informs us that homicide with these types of rifles represents an extremely small fraction of overall homicide violence. Banning or confiscating such firearms from the civilian population would likely produce little to no reduction in violent crime rates in America.


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EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.