Pandemic Monkeyshines

While Bill Gates trumpeted his so-called “Decade of Vaccines” in 2010—apparently given a new lease on life with Covid—he’s been understandably quieter about his planned Decade of Pandemics. Of course the two go hand in hand, or perhaps hand in glove, as both are merely tools to further the Davos elites’ two-pronged attack on We the People: genocide and subsequent enslavement of those who survive.

Plandemics and their subsequent mRNA vaccines can maim and kill millions of people, while providing the psychopathic elites with plausible deniability. Here’s Gates’ disingenuous warning: “Also, related to pandemics is something people don’t like to talk about much, which is bioterrorism, that somebody who wants to cause damage could engineer a virus. “ [Italics mine.] Hmmm…now why would anyone want to do that, Bill?

In case you were wondering, Stephen Luby, professor of medicine and senior fellow at Stanford’s Wood Institute for the Environment, informs us that: There will be a Sars-CoV-3.

Not one to be outdone by pundits across the Pond,  Sustainable Prince Charles offers this gem: There will be more and more pandemics, if we don’t do ‘the great reset’ now.

It seems the WHO is planning for ten solid years of pandemics, from 2020 to 2030. How does WHO know what, why and when? Unless, of course, Gates’ minions—the WHO included—are feverishly planning and executing these pandemics. What better way to accurately predict the future than by controlling it?


Among the dwindling numbers of literary classics students are assigned today, one often finds Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein. Written when Shelley was only eighteen, it is quite an achievement and brilliant in concept; although, in my view, far from a literary masterpiece and actually a bit of a slog to read. Nevertheless, students love it.

Unfortunately, they miss the point.

Instead of grasping what I consider to be the genius of the novel—its exposition of the truism that when man plays God, disaster inevitably follows—the kids derive the message that you should be kind to monsters. Many of them write essays to the effect that if only people had not rejected the poor monster—if only they had not hurt his feelings—he wouldn’t have gone on a killing rampage, which many students think was justifiable. I kid you not. This is how your children are being trained to think in public schools.

Perhaps their teachers also fail to point out the moral of this story. In fact, if it was clearly recognized and taught as a cautionary tale about hubris in schools today, I’d wager that the Common Core progressives who put together today’s pathetically weakened and subversive curriculum, would quickly remove it from the syllabi. After all, from man made viruses to gene-altering “vaccines” to transhumanism, we’re being besieged by legions of unleashed Dr. Frankensteins.


Of special note among the legions of domestic Frankensteins must be our own Dr. FauxChi, whom one might describe as a modern-day amalgamation of Josef Mengele, the Nazi’s mad scientist who conducted cruel experiments on prisoners, and Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi’s Minister of Propaganda.

The Fauch’s organization NIAID has given millions of dollars to crazed scientists to bioengineer new and deadly GMO viruses and retroviruses that previously apparently did no harm in bats or other creatures, and couldn’t infect humans, but now can cause worldwide pandemics.

This begs the question: Why perform “Gain of Function” research at all, since the function you gain creates a bioweapon?

Here’s the logic: in case those viruses were ever to naturally jump from bats to people, say in a Wuhan wet market, and make people sick, scientists would be able to recognize the pathogens and presumably make vaccines against them for the huge benefit of… patent holders, like Fauci’s NIAID, and Big Pharma.  And if thousands or millions were to die in the process? That’s just collateral damage.

Of course there’s an even more nefarious possibility—dare I say likelihood: that these Frankensteinian viruses and the genetically modified “vaccines” we’re told we must have to combat them, are both designed for genocidal “depopulation” purposes. Pick your poison.


Recently, Senator Rand Paul bravely stood up to Fauci, perhaps to make amends for having stabbed President Trump in the back along with the majority of his feckless fellow Senators on January 6th—but I digress.

Kudos to Rand for pointing out Dr. Fraudster’s lies and collusion with the Wuhan Institute of Virology to fund the dangerous, illegal and immoral viral-lethality-enhancing “research” that led to Sars-CoV-2 and Covid-19.

But Rand’s main concern, like that of so many others, is that these viruses could escape the lab and infect people. Well, accidents do happen.

Except, as FDR told us, in politics, where “…nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” And for those who refuse to believe Covid-19 was planned—in spite of Event 201 describing the precise scenario of the pandemic and worldwide lockdowns several months prior to the Wuhan outbreak, as well as the perfect timing of the “pandemic” to pull the plug on Trump’s economic miracle and pave the way for flagrant voter fraud through unprecedented national mail-in voting to keep, um, Biden voters “safe”—all I can say is I’m running out of bridges to sell.

Back to the bats.


Here’s the May 2021 cover of Stanford’s Alumni Magazine, illustrations by Catrin Welz-Stein:

The accompanying ghoulish articleOf Viruses & Vectors, by Deni Ellis Béchard, almost reads like a primer on Agenda 21/2030, full of warnings about global warming, climate change and the dangerous “edges where humans and animals come into contact” leading to “human-wild interface with less and less buffer between them.”  Who knows what dire diseases may emerge “…at the edge of human habitats.” Did you realize you live in a “human habitat” instead of a city or suburb or small town?

The passage quoted above obliquely refers to the Davos elites’ Wildlands Project, as they plan to make the “wildlands” as off-limits to us as our Capitol was for months after January 6th, while herding us into crowded high-density “districts” à la The Hunger Games.

In his article, Béchard  kills two bats with one stone: implying we should stay out of forests, etc., and presumably stop raising livestock (animals are “reservoirs” for “vectors” like mosquitos that spread viruses) though people have done this safely for millennia.  So what has changed? The addition of the elite cabal’s phony global warming/climate change psyop, along with their control of the media for propagandizing their mischief.

Referencing climate change and other spurious globalist claims, Béchard blithely assures us we’re in for more pandemics, sooner rather than later, and the next one could stem from the NIPAH virus, with a fatality rate of 75%. Yes, you heard that correctly. Seventy-five percent fatality rate. Compare that to Covid’s measly .1% for all but the frail elderly and those with serious co-morbidities who have a rate from about .2% to 2% or so.

And surprise, surprise, NIPAH is also bat-derived.

What is this fascination with bats?  The 2011 predictive-programming movie Contagion—and here’s your spoiler alert—featured a pandemic almost exactly like the one we’ve just endured, which was discovered to have originated from…you guessed it…a bat!

Here’s another unpleasant surprise for you: Look at the American quarter that came out in 2020, a year which should be rechristened by the Chinese as the Year of the Bat:

What a coincidence!

Perhaps the Globalist Cabal—billionaire Gates and Davos pals who can’t wait to depopulate, I mean vaccinate, the world—with their penchant for the occult and demonic, also had in mind the Mayan’s bat god, Camazotz, associated with death and sacrifice, as in the sacrifice of human beings.  Pretty remarkable that a spooky-looking pair of bats was the best that American Samoa could come up with in the way of an uplifting emblem.

Here’s another creepy picture of our dystopian virus-laden future by Catrin Welz-Stein from the same article Of Viruses & Vectors.


But it looks as if the monkey may have beaten out the bat, as the WHO is reportedly convening an “emergency” meeting on the Monkeypox which it claims is going global. Hmmm… I don’t recall ever hearing about monkeypox, which sounds as if it affects only, well…monkeys. Does that mean the WHO seeks to make monkeys out of us? If so, it won’t be the first time.

After the manner of Hollywood producers who often follow up a mediocre film with a sequel that’s even worse, it seems the Powers-That-Be are following the same template they used for Covid: First they claim to find a few scattered cases of some exotic or “novel” virus but reassure us that we have no cause for alarm…as yet. This way they can slowly build up a crescendo of fear, then suddenly crank it up to full-blown panic with projections of millions of deaths—ultimately terrifying people into getting a brand spankin’ new mRNA Chimp-22 vaccine that will magically be rushed to market to keep us, you know, “safe.”


Once laboratory scientists re-engineer a virus that has never infected people and/or is benign to humans, in order to make it malignant, they’ve engaged in bioterrorism research and development. There’s no polite way to say this—it’s evil.

On the one hand, as Mary Shelley showed us more than a hundred years ago, messing with nature to create new life forms is bound to be catastrophic.  On the other, since Dr. Faustus himself has both funded this kind of “research,” lied about having done so, and presumably gotten his co-conspirators at the Wuhan Institute of Virology to cover for him, we can take this as clear indication that FauxChi knew what he was doing was wrong. And like his fictional predecessor, Dr. Frankenstein, little Tony Fauci will surely pay the price for the hellishness he’s unleashed on the world.

But unfortunately, he’s not alone. Not only have a number of “scientists” been working on Gain-of-MalFunction “research,” some of these geniuses have been laboring to create bizarre new life-forms that have even more in common with Mary Shelley’s infamous doctor and his monstrous creation. In fact, transhumanists are busily remaking man in their own benighted image, as the globalist cabal’s plan is not only to do away with our liberty, economy and quality of life, but also with humanity as we know it. For these hubristic New World Order designers, We the Peons are already being described as “legacy humans.”  This is analogous to the heirloom tomatoes you may find at your local farmers’ market—the rare varieties from the good ol’ days.

The new human species they plan to create will be merged with AI and/or some form of technological machinery—that is, those who are slated to be the “smart ones,” a la Huxley’s Brave New World. The Epsilons—those at the bottom rung of the societal ladder—will be merged with animals as “chimeras.” Alex Jones was evidently right—these experiments have been going on for many years.

And now there’s a team of researchers at Tufts that supposedly successfully created… the first-ever, self-replicating living robots.

Perhaps it was inevitable that as man discovered more and more about the wonders of our universe and of our own bodies, some would trod this path. It seems there’s nothing new under the sun after all.  The Serpent’s promise to Eve in the Garden was if she’d eat the forbidden fruit, she—and her mate—would become “as gods.”

Perhaps the psychopathic Powers-That-Be and their malevolent university-trained cohorts have forgotten the upshot of a devil’s bargain. At the very least, they ought to reread Frankenstein. Either that or the Bible.

© 2022 Cherie Zaslawsky – All Rights Reserved


Fauci’s researchers find natural immunity superior to vaccines

Millions from Biden’s COVID relief bill went to museum, university programs pushing social, climate justice

Lyft and Uber: Fighting sexual assault in the transportation industry through transparency

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation is pleased to give the Dignity Defense Award to Uber and Lyft, two ride-sharing companies who have stepped up as industry leaders in the fight against sexual violence.

Sexual assault and harassment on transportation services is a far too common occurrence, so much so that Congress considers new legislation to help combat the issue.

Popular rideshare companies, Uber and Lyft, have not been immune to this tragic trendHowever, unlike other institutions that try to bury sexual assault cases, Uber and Lyft have taken the opposite approach: bringing the problem to light in order to root it out ad protect their clients and employees.

How Uber and Lyft are Combating Sexual Violence through Transparency

In 2018, Uber and Lyft both committed to releasing transparency reports that would publicly disclose statistics on sexual assaults occurring in their cars. Uber followed through with its first transparency report in 2019, and Lyft did so in 2021. Disclosing data on sexual assaults was a bold and admirable move that set a new standard for transparency in the industry.

Uber’s CEO, Dara Khosrowshahi, stated: “Most companies wouldn’t proactively disclose the bad things reported to happen on their platform, especially when it comes to sexual assault… [B]ut ultimately we came to the shared belief that being a true leader requires that we do the right thing, which means acting with transparency, embracing accountability, and making decisions without fear of bad headlines.

Transparency reports are crucial for holding companies accountable to improving safety on their platforms and allowing the public to inform themselves about the safety of the services they use. As Uber states, “People have the right to know about the safety records of the companies they rely on every day.” Uber and Lyft’s transparency reports contain data about the extent and nature of sexual assault occurrences the companies experience, as well as what safeguards they have put in place to combat the issue. Therefore, transparency reports also ensure that the data necessary for improving safety is collected and shared in a way that allows for the development of industry-wide best practices. Uber explains, “In order to improve something, you have to measure it. Yet data on serious safety issues, especially sexual violence, is sparse and inconsistent. By sharing hard data, we can hold ourselves accountable and share best practices with other companies for the benefit of everyone.”

A further way that Uber and Lyft embraced public accountability was through ending the widespread practice of mandatory arbitration for individual claims of sexual assault or harassment. The companies’ previous mandatory arbitration policies prevented survivors from pursuing justice in court, instead requiring that the case be settled privately by a third party called an arbitrator, and that survivors enter into confidentiality agreements. Forced arbitration policies have been criticized for how they silence survivors and allow a company to hide their failings. Fortunately, Congress passed a new law in March 2022 ending forced arbitration for sexual harassment and assault claims. While Uber and Lyft still had retained mandatory arbitration policies that prevent class action lawsuits for sexual assault and harassment (now invalid thanks to the new federal law), the voluntary repealing of mandatory arbitration for individual claims was a step in the right direction which we commend.

Of course, it is not enough for a company to simply be transparent about cases of sexual violence if they do nothing to solve these problems and prevent further cases. Therefore, we also applaud Uber and Lyft for the improvements they made towards safety and prevention.

How Uber and Lyft are Working to Make Users Safer by Preventing Sexual Violence

In 2018, Uber strengthened driver screenings by proactively committing to re-run criminal background and motor vehicle checks each year. In 2018 and 2019 respectively, Uber and Lyft both added a button in their app that directly connects riders or drivers to 911. Uber added an app feature that allows riders to share live trip information with up to five trusted contacts, while Lyft added a “check-in” feature, which would ask unexpectedly delayed drivers or riders if they are safe and prompt them to get emergency assistance if not.

In 2020, Uber and Lyft collaborated to launch an “industry sharing safety program”, through which the two companies and other transportation services share among each other the names of drivers who have been banned over sexual assaults or other serious safety violations. Uber’s Chief Legal officer, Tony West, stated: “I’ve often said that safety should not be proprietary… While Uber and Lyft are fierce competitors on many fronts, I think on this safety issue we agree that folks should be safe no matter what ridesharing platform they choose.”

Uber and Lyft have also both partnered with the Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network (RAINN) to develop and implement sexual assault education for their drivers.

As sexual violence continues to plague the transportation industry and as Congress deliberates the Stop Sexual Assault and Harassment in Transportation Act, it is especially important to elevate industry leaders like Uber and Lyft. They provide an example of the types of actions companies can take and they set minimum standards to which Congress and customers should hold the transportation industry as a whole. The National Center on Sexual Exploitation commends Uber and Lyft for taking sexual violence seriously, accepting responsibility for the role their services play in facilitating harm, and making substantive changes to become part of the solution.

More can be done to combat sexual violence across the entire transportation industry! If you are a U.S. Citizen, please take a moment to complete the action below, which asks Congress to pass the Stop Sexual Assault and Harassment in Transportation Act.

Contact your U.S. Senators and urge them to support the Stop Sexual Assault and Harassment in Transportation Act!

EDITORS NOTE: This  column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserve.

Biden Regime Announces Disinformer Michael Chertoff Will Lead ‘Disinformation Board’

You didn’t think the fraudulent regime was going to give up on their tyranny, did you? That is not what tyrants do.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has asked former Secretary Michael Chertoff and ex-U.S. Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick to take it on.

The two ex-federal officials will “lead a thorough review and assessment, conducted through the bipartisan Homeland Security Advisory Council,” wrote a DHS spokesperson in an email. The HSAC itself is an advisory group to DHS. Chertoff and Gorelick did not answer the WTE’s questions about the HSAC’s review process for the disinformation panel, and other members of the DHS advisory committee also did not comment.

“Disinformation Board” sounds like one of the dictatorial government agencies straight out of Atlas Shrugged.

“The principle of free speech is not concerned with the content of a man speech and does not protect only the expression of good ideas, but all ideas. If it were otherwise who would determine which ideas are good and which have been? The government?” Ayn Rand, America’s greatest political philosopher, eloquently explained.

Freedom of speech is the foundation of a free society. Without it, a tyrant can wreak havoc unopposed, while his opponents are silenced.

Putting up with being offended is essential in a pluralistic society in which people differ on basic truths. If a group will not bear being offended without resorting to violence, that group will rule unopposed while everyone else lives in fear, while other groups curtail their activities to appease the violent group. This results in the violent group being able to tyrannize the others.

If speech that offends a group is outlawed, that group has absolute power, and a free society is destroyed. A group that cannot be criticized cannot be opposed. It can work its will no matter what it is, and no one will be able to say anything to stop it.

The antidote to bad speech is more speech. But the left cannot permit the free exchange of ideas because their failed ideas cannot stand up to scrutiny and challenge.

Inoffensive speech needs no protection. The First Amendment was developed precisely in order to protect speech that was offensive to some, in order to prevent those who had power from claiming they were offended by speech opposing them and silencing the powerless.

A free society is by its nature one in which people put up with others being uncivil and offensive. The alternative is a quiet authoritarian society in which only one opinion is allowed and the others are silenced, and ultimately sent to the camps.




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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Mama, Don’t Let Your Kids Grow Up to Be CEOs

Well, here’s a switch.  Netflix just told its employees it now values individual creative freedom over the ideological conformity of Woke cancel culture.  The company won’t “censor specific artists or voices,” even if employees deem them “harmful”.  The company even told employees, in so many words, if you’re not on board with the company’s new direction, take a hike.  The company, which once pushed Woke programming like ‘He’s Expecting’ and “Anti-Racist Baby’, is now banking on un-Woke talent like Dave Chappelle and Ricky Gervais.

This is a welcome break from the typical news coming out of Corporate America recently which, otherwise, has been unrelentingly Left-wing.

While Netflix is tacking Right – at least for the moment, other companies continue to march Left.  Marvel Comics just introduced two new transgender heroes.  Target is selling transgender gear like chest binders and ‘packing’ underwear.  Fisher-Price rolled out three new drag queen-inspired dolls.  Not to be outdone, Taco Bell is bringing in actual drag queens to perform in its stores.  Calvin Klein celebrated Mother’s Day with a new ad featuring a ‘pregnant’ man, in homage to what it calls “the realities of new families.”  The New York Times, Washington Post, Vice, and other media outlets have been running stories sympathetic to pedophiles or the early sexualization of children.  Oreo’s is following up its rainbow cookies with ads telling people eating Oreos will give them the courage and love they need to come out as gay.  Internal documents now prove American Express awards executive bonuses partially on the basis of hiring minorities and women and, in fact, does teach employees the “systemic evils” of capitalism.  Amazon and Starbucks just joined the ranks of companies like Apple and Uber that pay employee travel expenses for abortions.  Fly on United Airlines and you will be forced to watch an ad about the company going green, investing in ‘sustainable aviation fuel’, carbon capture, and ‘electric solutions for short flights’.

One can only hope all of this goes the way of the Edsel and New Coke, as more companies like Netflix discover the truth of the maxim ‘Go Woke, Go Broke’.  Wasn’t it a Twitter employee who just got caught on undercover video basically saying it’s OK if Twitter doesn’t make a profit because ideology – meaning communism –  is the important thing?  With an attitude like that, you deserve to go broke – or get bought out by someone who takes fiduciary responsibilities to the shareholders of a publicly held company more seriously.

‘Woke’ is a bad business model, as Subway franchisees will tell you.  They think having LGBT activist and soccer star Megan Rapinoe as company spokesperson has been a disaster.  Exxon Mobil pulled back, no longer allowing gay pride or other affinity flags on its flagpoles.  Conservative investors are filing more shareholder resolutions against identity politics and climate change goals.  Which brings us to Disney – the Wokest of the Woke – that wants half of all its characters to be gay, transgender, or minorities.  That provoked new state laws to end special treatment for Disney in Florida.   Great business model – alienate half the country.

The economist Milton Friedman once said, the job of a corporation is to increase its profits while following the rules.  It’s time for Corporate America to get back to that, and stop pandering to splinter groups who hate America and are trying to destroy it.  Corporate CEOs should follow the lead of Netflix and tell their employees who want to play at being communists on company time and the company dime to take a hike.

Visit The Daily Skirmish and Watch Eagle Headline News – 7:30am ET Weekdays

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

Biden Soaring Gas Prices Are Part Of Green Agenda—Gas Stations Adding Extra Digit Expecting $10 a Gallon for Gasoline

President Joe Biden suggested record gas prices were part of an incredible transition away from fossil fuels Monday in Japan.

At the press conference in Tokyo with Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, a reporter asked the president if a recession in the United States was inevitable.

“When it comes to the gas prices,” the president stammered for a moment. “We’re going through an incredible transition that is taking place that God willing when it’s over we’ll be stronger, and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over.”

Biden then mentioned his decision to ease rising gas prices by releasing 180 million barrels of oil from emergency stockpiles in late March, though he noted it hasn’t been effective.

The Biden administration canceled the three remaining offshore oil and gas lease sales last week including the Cook Inlet in Alaska, and two in the Gulf of Mexico reportedly due to factors including conflicting court rulings.

Richard Spinrad, the head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reportedly said the backlog in permitting was from a miscalculation a sub agency found, according to a late April letter obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

The average pump price nationwide has surged to $4.59 per gallon of regular gasoline compared to $4.11 in April, according to AAA.



Contributor. Follow Chris on Twitter.

RELATED ARTICLE: Ever Wonder Why Our Leftist Government is Intent on Putting Us in Electric Cars?


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RELATED ARTICLE: Gas Stations Add Extra Digit To Pump Meters In Anticipation Of $10 Gas

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Déjà Vu All Over Again: China’s Wuhan Lab Does it Again. First Covid now Monkeypox!

We’re here because of China’s experiments. Is this Déjà vu all over again?

Here we go again. China, China, China. Wuhan Lab, Wuhan Lab, Wuhan Lab. Covid, Covid, Covid. Monkeypox, Monkeypox, Monkeypox.

The National Pulse in a May 22nd, 2022 article titled “EXC: The Infamous Wuhan Lab Recently Assembled Monkeypox Strains Using Methods Flagged For Creating ‘Contagious Pathogens’

The Wuhan Institute of Virology assembled a monkeypox virus genome, allowing the virus to be identified through PCR tests, using a method researchers flagged for potentially creating a “contagious pathogen,” The National Pulse can reveal.

The study was first published in February 2022, just months before the latest international outbreak of monkeypox cases which appear to have now reached the United States.

[ … ]

Monkey pox viruses – referred to as “MPXVs” in the paper – have strains that are “more pathogenic and [have] been reported to infect humans in various parts of the world.”

Read the full article.

Here is the research paper:

The Chinese are now the number one spreader of dangerous and deadly diseases.

What is interesting is that the Biden administration’s Center for Disease Control issued this warning to gay and bisexuals men:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Monday alerted gay and bisexual men that monkeypox appears to be spreading in the community globally, warning people to take precautions if they have been in close contact with someone who may have the virus and to be on the lookout for symptoms.

Dr. John Brooks, a CDC official, emphasized that anyone can contract monkeypox through close personal contact regardless of sexual orientation. However, Brooks said many of the people affected globally so far are men who identify as gay or bisexual. Though some groups have greater chance of exposure to monkeypox right now, the risk isn’t limited only to the gay and bisexual community, he cautioned.

“We want to help people make the best informed decisions to protect their health and the health of their community from monkeypox,” Brooks said.

Is this déjà vu all over again?

In a June 12th, 2003 National Geographic article titled “HIV Originated With Monkeys, Not Chimps, Study Finds” Stefan Lovgren reported:

Scientists now say that the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), which is believed to have been transmitted to humans to become HIV-1—the virus that causes AIDS—didn’t start its life in chimps.

Instead, it was a product of separate viruses jumping from different monkey species into chimps, where they recombined to form a hybrid virus, according to a new study.

Researchers believe the chimpanzee virus is a hybrid of the SIVs naturally infecting two different monkeys, the red-capped mangabey (Cercocebus torquatus) and the greater spot-nosed monkey (Cercopithecus nictitans). Chimps eat monkeys, which is likely how they acquired the monkey viruses. The hybrid virus then spread through the chimpanzee species, and was later transmitted to humans to become HIV-1.

The study suggests striking parallels between SIV infection of chimps and HIV infection of humans. Just as chimps acquired viruses from two different sources, humans are infected by two distinct AIDS viruses: HIV-1 and the less virulent HIV-2, which humans acquired from sooty mangabey monkeys.

“Because of the similarity between chimpanzees and humans, any virus that successfully adapts to spreading among chimps would be a candidate for a further jump to humans—a potential HIV-3,” said Paul Sharp of the Institute of Genetics at University of Nottingham in England, who led the study.

Read the full article.

So, China’s Wuhan Lab experimented again and created the Monkeypox that, like HIV/AIDS infects gay and bisexuals. Hmmmmm.

Hunter Biden, China and the Monkeypox

Perhaps it is time to sanction China, but wait, Hunter Biden has benefitted from China’s largesse.

NBC News reported on the exciting adventures of Hunter Biden.

Biden made $5.8 million, more than half his total earnings from 2013 to 2018, from two deals with Chinese business interests.


The underlying question is what was Hunter Biden and the larger clan doing to make all that money from these [Chinese] guys?

It’s implausible that Hunter Biden, an unstable crackhead with no self-control, was getting paid a fortune [by the Chinese] for any skill other than his political connections. If Joe Biden had been a retired Senate member, it’s unlikely that Hunter would have gotten this kind of payday.

There’s no scenario in which this was anything except an attempt to use Joe Biden’s crackhead son for his political connections. And those connections all go through Joe.

Thus ends the story on how and why the Chinese have gotten a pass on first creating the Covid pandemic and now exposing the world to the Monkeypox.

Monkey see, monkey do. No pun intended.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: CDC officials sound alarm for gay and bisexual men as monkeypox spreads in community

Family’s Inflation Parody of Meatloaf Hit “I’d Do Anything for Love (But I Won’t Do That)” Video Goes Viral

Sunday night a friend sent me a video produced by the Marsh family, an English singing group who shot to fame in 2020 making parody music videos while under lockdown. (Naturally, they were promptly dubbed the “Von Trapped” family. Get it?)

Lockdowns might be over, but the family of six is still producing songs—and some of them are nothing short of brilliant. One in particular is starting to go viral.

In April, they dropped a tribute to the recently departed Meatloaf and songwriting legend Jim Steinman based on their 1993 hit “I’d Do Anything for Love (But I Won’t Do That).” The song is titled “All Of The Prices Have Gone Up (But We Can’t Pay That)”, and it’s about an economic phenomenon that all of us are far too familiar with right now: inflation.

And all of the prices have gone up
Our budget’s into red, not black.
All of the prices have gone up;

It isn’t looking good but that’s a fact
And whenever we get a bill we squeal
Oh no! No way!

And all of the prices have gone up;
Family financing is rough.
Government help is not enough;

But I won’t pay that.

The lyrics are funny—and get much funnier as the song continues—but to truly appreciate the brilliance of the song, one must see it performed.

The music video colorfully captures the real pain families around the world are experiencing—”Everyone kicked in the balls in various states of scrotal pain”— but explores the theme through a song that is at once hilarious and beautiful.

The Marsh family sounds fantastic, and the different harmonies they strike with the range of voices is perfect for the Wagnerian-style rock opera music that made Steinman and Meatloaf such a magnificent duo. (The pair collaborated for both Bat Out of Hell in 1978 and Bat Out of Hell II in ‘93.)

I’ve watched the video three times already and get chills and laughs every time. It’s nothing short of beautiful. Maybe it’s partly because I grew up listening to Meatloaf in the car (my dad was a fan) and loving the songwriting of Jim Steinman, who also wrote power ballads like “Total Eclipse of the Heart,” “Holding Out for a Hero,” and “It’s All Coming Back to Me Now.

But I think there’s also something else at work here, something one commenter noted on YouTube.

“The cost of living now is a tragic tragedy,” a subscriber posted, “but…seeing this family, love is priceless, you have one another, you can’t buy that in any shop.”

That is well said. Inflation is painful. It harms the most vulnerable in society the most, people who are less likely to be able to store wealth in other places: land, houses, precious metals, etc.

But it’s important to remember that inflation is the rule of history, not the exception.

“With the exception only of the period of the gold standard, practically all governments of history have used their exclusive power to issue money to defraud and plunder the people,” the Nobel Prize-winning economist F.A. Hayek once noted.

This is why Hayek said it was imperative for people to find a peaceful way to take money “out of the hands of government.”

As the US and many other countries around the world struggle with the highest inflation we’ve seen in generations, expect more people to wonder whether giving government the ability to print endless amounts of money is a good idea or a road to more pain.

Either way, the Marsh family reminds us that even amid suffering there is room for love and laughter, and there are some things even inflation cannot touch.

This article was adapted from an issue of the FEE Daily email newsletter. Click here to sign up and get free-market news and analysis like this in your inbox every weekday.


Jon Miltimore

Jonathan Miltimore is the Managing Editor of His writing/reporting has been the subject of articles in TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, Fox News, and the Star Tribune. Bylines: Newsweek, The Washington Times,, The Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, The Federalist, the Epoch Times.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Social Justice Unionism Means Pro-Abortion Big Labor

Last week, Politico reported on a leaked draft of a Supreme Court opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade and return the question of abortion regulation to the states, ending the Court’s invention of a constitutional right to abortion. The draft opinion was greeted with predictable outrage from left-progressives, including those in organized labor.


Now, many people, especially those on the social-conservative right who are re-exploring aligning with organized labor, might not expect union bosses to be among the left-progressive leaders ready to jump on a leaked, not-finalized Supreme Court opinion, but they were. Examples include:

  • Liz Shuler, who ascended to the presidency of the AFL-CIO after the death of Richard Trumka, argued, “We must be able to control our own bodies—which has a direct impact on economic justice and the ability of working people to make a better life for themselves and their families.”
  • Mary Kay Henry, president of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), denounced an “extremist, anti-woman majority of the Supreme Court” (that, it should be noted, is suspected to include Justice Amy Coney Barrett, a woman) for taking away “a woman’s fundamental right to an abortion.”
  • Jean Ross, president of National Nurses United, said the opinion “should be viewed as part of the broader far-right assault on gender-affirming health rights in this country, including the laws targeting trans youth and their families, attacks on LBGTQ individuals, and homophobic bans on the word ‘gay’ in education,” presumably a deceptive reference to Florida’s Parental Rights in Education legislation, frequently misnamed in “objective” press accounts.

I Told You So

These statements and other pro-abortion activities by organized labor, such as SEIU Healthcare Illinois/Indiana rallying with Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D) and Planned Parenthood or the new Amazon Labor Union calling for protests in New York City, demonstrate that American labor unions are inseparable from social left-progressivism through an ideological practice known as “social justice unionism.” Back in 2021, we published a serial outlining how organized labor provided financial support to Washington State measures introducing Planned Parenthood–aligned sex education material into public school curriculums.

And what of the expressed hope of Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), that union organizations could provide a counterweight to “a requirement that the workers embrace management’s latest ‘woke’ human resources fad”? Well, I was skeptical, noting that “operatives who run the labor unions endorse woke H.R. fads. And to the extent they don’t, they support going even further.”

Now, I may enter into evidence the statement of Sara Nelson, head of the flight attendants’ union AFA-CWA and rumored candidate to challenge Shuler for the leadership of the House of Labor, last seen campaigning to extend the now-enjoined traveler mask mandate when it came up for renewal in March. Nelson explicitly called on her members’ bosses to engage in woke capitalism:

We call on airline management to stand with us and for equality, anti-discrimination, and mutual respect. It is not enough that corporations espouse these principles as core to their missions—now is the time to demonstrate this commitment to their employees and passengers. This is about our safety and our freedom. We cannot work if we are not safe.

Social justice unionism means that organized labor is an additional pressure point forcing capitalists to be woke, not a point of opposition. The reaction to the Supreme Court leak should prove that beyond doubt.


Michael Watson

Michael is Research Director for Capital Research Center and serves as the managing editor for InfluenceWatch. A graduate of the College of William and Mary, he previously worked for a…+ MORE BY MICHAEL WATSON

Foundations Destroying American Public Education: The Hydra

Summary: The world of K–12 education policy has long been dominated by philanthropic foundations. Much of the education “reform” sweeping across America has been financed and pushed by elite, well-heeled foundations. They have used the billions from their endowments to create various associations and activist groups to promote these changes. The Ford, Kellogg, and MacArthur Foundations commanded assets of nearly $27 billion and, between them, doled out more than one billion dollars in 2015. For example, it is philanthropic foundations who have injected critical race theory into society. The Ford Foundation spent $665 million on “racial equity” between 2011 and 2020.

Pierce Delahunt is a trust-fund baby with an inheritance in the millions, generated from a chain of successful outlet malls. By thirty-two, Delahunt took “nongendered pronouns” like “their,” was a self-styled anarchist and communist, and was directing the inheritance to nonprofit groups that advanced those causes. Their parents were socially liberal and Delahunt often heard things like “be kind to all, and mindful of those less fortunate.” But after learning “social justice throughout high school,” Delahunt realized that was not equity. They expressed distaste for concepts like “NeoLiberalism (an intentionally repackaged Capitalism), ‘Classical Liberalism’ (similarly repackaged Conservatism), Liberalism itself (as opposed to Leftism) . . . and other liberation-washed practices of oppression.”[1]

With time and money at their disposal, Delahunt “put a lot of energy into critiquing this country. I enjoy problematizing in general.” Though outlet malls provide name-brand goods at deeply discounted prices, allowing lower-income earners to enjoy the same luxuries as the rich, Delahunt was ashamed of the source of their wealth, saying, “When I think about outlet malls, I think about intersectional oppression.” They decided to donate their inheritance to anticapitalist groups that “tackle the externalities of discount shopping.”[2]

Delahunt now has a master’s degree in education and gives speeches to children, such as one geared toward middle and high schoolers called “Vegan Praxis in a Political Context of White Supremacy.” As a professional biography says: “Their research was a study of activist-education programs throughout the country. They grew up in occupied Lenape territories of New York and New Jersey, and . . . teach social emotional learning, activism, social justice, and Leftist eco nomics.”[3]

Key to Delahunt’s activities was a group called Resource Generation, a group funded by the Ford Foundation and the W. K. Kellogg Foundation to coax guilt-ridden young scions of millionaires into steering their families’ funds to activist groups that oppose capitalism. Delahunt is one of a thousand or so dues-paying members of Resource Generation, a network that stands to influence a combined $22 billion in inheritance. The group held “workshops on family dynamics” to train young inheritors how to siphon off their parents’ money on the premise that capitalism is based on “stolen land, stolen labor, and stolen lives.”[4]

This is typical of how philanthropic foundations like Ford and Kellogg work. Elite, well-heeled foundation executives use the billions from their endowments—amassed through capitalism—to create various associations and activist groups. Those nonprofits radicalize youth by associating racism with America, and America with capitalism. The foundation money serves as seed money that is eventually leveraged by another source. The foundations have created their own mouthpieces, and gotten others to pay for it.

There are hundreds of such activist groups, local and national, pushing complaints about “systemic racism,” equity, and the evils of capitalism to public schools and children. It is a veritable industry, breathtaking in its volume and complexity.

But like the Hydra of Greek mythology—the immortal, multi-headed snake monster that, if someone cut off a head, would grow two more in its place—these activist groups are all parts of one machine. Pick any one of them, and its funding is likely to tie back to the foundations, primarily Ford; Gates; W. K. Kellogg; Annie E. Casey; MacArthur; and Surdna. There is also the New Venture Fund, a group that pools money from all of these foundations and then distributes it.

The Ford Foundation spent $665 million on “racial equity” between 2011 and 2020. But foundations do not simply subsidize existing, independent nonprofits. They decide what they want to allocate their focus and money to, then a crowd of activist groups lines up with grant proposals promising to do just that, even if it means diverting from what those groups would have otherwise done. In October 2020, Ford announced $180 million in new funding for racial equity, with a focus on litigation—perhaps suing over racism and fighting for the likes of racial quotas in the courts. In making this decision, Darren Walker, the gay black former securities trader who leads the foundation, was like a coach calling the play, sending his players out into position, and setting the course of American activism.[5]

Equity grantee groups are professional outfits, but many operate in largely esoteric areas such as school board policy making and curriculum development, where the “other team” is simply regular parents, who rarely have the time or know-how to resist, or even notice these efforts. The obscurity of their work makes them harder to challenge.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton spent more than half a billion dollars on her presidential campaign. By comparison, the Ford, Kellogg, and MacArthur foundations alone commanded assets of nearly $27 billion and, between them, doled out more than one billion dollars in 2015.[6] Imagine having the resources of two presidential political campaigns without having to worry about expensive advertising, because the arena they were influencing was, to the average citizen, so small and arcane.

Then imagine that in this presidential campaign, there was no opposing candidate—essentially no organized faction presenting a competing choice.

Then imagine that the views being pushed by this campaign were far more extreme than a mainstream candidate like Clinton—ideas that, if Americans had been paying attention, most would oppose, regardless of political party.

Now imagine that the people behind this campaign were among the wealthiest, most powerful people in America, working in close coordination, and that their arena was the nation’s K–12 schools. This is how this game is actually being played.

In this framework, the foundations seek to transform America in ways few Americans would want, and to do it, they seek to transform your children, by influencing the largest and most intimate thing government does: operating America’s public schools. For some reason, this is viewed as an obscure policy arena by most people, who spend more time paying attention to things like presidential politics. But it shouldn’t be. And the philanthropic foundations should not be thought of as merely the rich families who paid for some art museums or public television programming. These rogue foundations are perhaps the most radical, powerful, and least understood force in American politics. And their aspirations go far beyond the outcome of an election.

In the next installment, learn which foundation are behind equity initiatives.

Foundations Destroying American Public Education (full series)
The Hydra | Equity Initiatives | Education | Youth Activism | Two Steps Ahead


Luke Rosiak

Luke Rosiak is an investigative reporter with the Daily Wire who broke stories that put Loudoun County Public Schools on the national stage. He previously worked as a journalist at…+ MORE BY LUKE ROSIAK

RELATED ARTICLE: New Book For New York School Kids Praises Socialist Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez








TAKE ACTION: Discovery+ Promoting Drag Queen Lifestyle to Children

Discovery+ is releasing Generation Drag. Produced by Tyra Banks, the show documents five young drag queens as they participate in a drag show, “Dragutante,” designed for LGBTQ kids ages 8-18. In celebration of Pride Month, Discovery+ plans to release the six-episode docuseries on June 1.

The Warner Bros.-owned streaming platform, Discovery+, is wrong to produce this type of program. Many would consider it child abuse to encourage these children to dress in drag, question their gender, and sexually exploit themselves.

The parents shown on camera who celebrate their child’s decision to become transgender should be ashamed. 1MM knows that God makes no mistakes. These children were designed in His image before they left their mother’s womb.

While normalizing the drag queen lifestyle, Generation Drag attempts to make the lifestyle appear glamourous by using young cast members to lure a young audience. The reality show depicts transgenderism as the way a person is born but then glorifies this lifestyle as a decision. Tolerance is one thing, but acceptance or affirmation is another.

Obviously, Discovery+ is attempting to desensitize America’s youth by airing programs starring young people. This docuseries covers the real life of young people and will attract both young and old viewers. Children and teens are being desensitized, but parents can do something about this hidden agenda.

Take Action

Please sign our petition urging Discovery+ to drop plans to air the docuseries ‘Generation Drag’ immediately.

Let Discovery+ know that you and your family will not be watching ‘Generation Drag’ or anything else on the streaming platform in protest of this new show.

©One Million Moms. All rights reserved.


State Farm Launches Program to Distribute LGBTQ Books to Kindergartners

A church in Florida held an LGBTQ+ conference for children 12 to 18

CANADA: ‘Trans’ children given puberty blockers prior to medical consultation due to high demand

Transgender surfer trounces female competitors in surfing contest in Australia

U.S. Election Crisis Addressed in New Model Legislation

American Voter’s Alliance releases bipartisan roadmap for legislators to ensure free and fair elections.

AMHERST, Va. /PRNewswire/ — Election experts today released model legislation to address unprecedented voting irregularities in the 2020 election in an effort to ensure transparent, inclusive, and accountable elections and to restore public trust in elections.

Jacqueline Timmer, “This model legislation will better hold public officials accountable and correct the egregious irregularities and unlawful behaviors such as ballot harvesting seen in 2020.”

The Amistad Project and the American Voters’ Alliance have long investigated the causes for election failures in 2020 to develop an effective response. The model legislation creates bipartisan election oversight committees, expands transparency requirements to the USPS, requires voter marked paper ballots, creates penalties for ballot larceny, requires equal treatment of voters’ and ballots, and prohibits private monies from being used in government election offices.

“Amistad and The American Voters’ Alliance have a great understanding of the importance of transparent, inclusive, and accountable elections, and have fashioned a comprehensive approach that addresses the challenges of modern elections which deserves bipartisan support,” commented Ken Blackwell, former Secretary of State of Ohio.

“Good government requires connecting legal authority to public accountability and, unfortunately, state legislators across the nation have ceded their constitutional and legal authority to manage elections to unaccountable and unelected local bureaucrats,” stated Jacqueline Timmer, Executive Director of The American Voters’ Alliance. “Our model legislation makes legislators accountable through a joint-standing committee which must issue a public report after each election identifying all violations of law and irregularities after each election.”

“Nobody has done a comprehensive model law like this until now,” explained John Loudon, a former Missouri state representative and state senator who helped devise the model legislation. “We took a systemic approach that anticipates loopholes others have never imagined while also closing loopholes that have been exploited in past elections.”

“The American Voters’ Alliance and The Amistad Project have created a detailed roadmap for state legislators to protect all voters on a bipartisan basis which protects vulnerable voters,” said Lori Roman, President of American Constitutional Rights Union Action Fund. “The ACRU created the Vulnerable Voters Project in 2020 which revealed illegal or unethical intimidation of elderly nursing home voters and ballot harvesting in numerous senior care facilities. The AVA and Amistad proposals address these concerns.”

“In 2020 election officials kicked America out of the counting room and invited billionaires in while creating egregious breaches in ballot chain of custody and treating voters and ballots differently, creating unparalleled lawlessness in the election. The refusal of local election officials to be open to review of their management of the election and to respond to reasonable demands for transparency continue to diminish faith in the election process and violate a hallmark of democratic government by rejecting accountability,” added Phill Kline, former Kansas Attorney General and Director of the Amistad Project. “This legislation will once again allow American citizens to hold government officials accountable for how they manage elections.”

For more information, please visit: and follow @ProtectYourVote on Twitter and Instagram.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Elections Reform

Citizens have a right to secure and fair elections that are accountable, transparent, and inclusive.


U.S. election codes are largely antiquated and out of touch with the current technologies and procedures used in election administration.  It is essential that we enact meaningful and comprehensive reform that upholds our federalist system of government, protecting the proper jurisdictional authority in our institutions while addressing the needs and concerns of modern day elections.

  1. Standing Committee

The legislature should establish a Joint Standing Committee.  The Joint Standing Committee should include an equal number of representatives from both legislative houses and both major political parties. The Committee will stay in session during elections, certify final election results by a simple majority, must issue a report on the legality of the election, and possess investigative power, including subpoena power.  The Committee members shall be chosen at random rather than by the leadership of any political party.

The Committee’s role leading up to and during an election is one of oversight.  The Committee should act as a watchdog and accountability body overseeing local elections.  When localities are not following the law, the Committee may investigate and under serious circumstances, intervene and place a locality that disregards legal practices into receivership to ensure that the election is run properly.  Thus, the Committee must be funded to allow for investigations.  The Committee may also intervene in election challenges and suits filed by candidates and independent groups.  Finally, the Committee is responsible for receiving and announcing the total number of overall received ballots to be counted at the closing of the polls to ensure that fraudulent ballots cannot be submitted after the closing of the polls.

Election Report:

An election report shall be issued after each election that examines whether election laws and procedures were followed uniformly across the state prior to certification.  The report is best issued by a Joint Committee of the legislature.  Alternatively, the Secretary of State or state election’s office shall issue the report, with legislative approval.

The report should detail all facets of the election and whether statutes were complied with.  This should include:

  • Voter roll updates properly cleaned and implemented;
  • Written and verifiable chain-of-custody records of eligibility documents and ballots;
  • Ballot drop box records and live video footage of drop boxes in real time;
  • Poll watcher compliance and complaints;
  • HAVA compliance;
  • Any evidence of local officials amending the process contrary to state or federal  statute;
  • Allocation of private funding, etc.
  • A review of the implantation of the state election plan required by the Help America Vote Act and a statement post-election regarding any violations of the plan.  The report shall also include any recommendations to improve election accountability, transparency, and inclusion.  In all other areas, the committee shall operate under the normal rules of the House and Senate.

This information should be disclosed in public hearings.

Remedies for Violations:

Material violations of the state election law will render city or county officials responsible for funding forensic audits by disappointed candidates by the auditing firm of their choice.  Such provisions shall not replace criminal culpability.  Remedies may also include the power to stay election results or grant injunctive relief when necessary.  States should also have appropriate standing for those who need to intervene.  Receivership may also be an option as a last resort.

  1. Res Ipsa Loquitur (Civil Rights / Standing)

As part of the Joint Standing Committee, legislators shall issue a report on the election with a recommendation on whether to certify the election. If a recommendation is made not to certify the election, the burden to show that the election results were valid, and that the election laws and procedures were substantially followed, shifts to election officials. Such a recommendation also allows standing for the losing candidate to file an election challenge in the appropriate court.

  1. Polling Access: USPS Facilities, Preprocessing Facilities (clerk’s office), Counting Facility USPS facilities handle all mail-in ballots.

For this reason, the federal government should enable states to adopt legislation that allows observers to begin watching the process of ballot design, printing, and delivery to, and collection in federal mail sorting facilities.

  1. Citizen Avenue for Cleaning Voter Rolls

States should expand standing to allow a voter to challenge incorrect voter registrations in the appropriate court upon a showing of good cause.  A voter’s ability to challenge voter registrations upon a showing of good cause should be allowed to occur throughout the year.

States should also establish a citizen avenue for a registered voter to challenge the voter registration of another voter if evidence is brought to the appropriate governing elections official (generally the clerk) who finds, upon a showing of good cause, that a voter on the registration rolls is improperly registered. The clerk or appropriate official will take action to remove or revise the address of the voter registration in accordance with state and federal law.


Equality before the law and equal treatment by the law are foundational to a free society. The Constitution and federal legislation (HAVA) require all citizens be treated equally and given the same access to vote without undue burdens placed upon them.

  1. State Election Plan

Each state must submit a state election plan in accordance with the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) for national election contests.  This report shall serve as the basis for an annually published state elections plan.  This plan must be approved by the Governor, Speaker of the House, and Senate President.  The annual state election plan must be publicly posted and made available for public comment within a specified timeframe prior to implementation.

Additionally, the governing election authority must publicly publish any rule changes, guidance, and training manuals used at the local municipal level as part of the state election plan.  Any changes that need to be made to the plan must be done in accordance with HAVA and be approved by the Governor, Speaker of the House, and Senate President.  Any and all changes must be publicly posted and made available for public comment prior to implementation.

The state election plan shall be designed to promote the equal treatment of citizens and ballots and the promotion of transparent, inclusive, and accountable elections.

  1. Private Funding

No state or local government, government official, or elections board or authority, or any other government entity shall accept, receive, or appropriate private monies for election purposes, unless said funds are expressly received and appropriated by the state legislature.  This funding prohibition shall include but is not limited to the following: election administration, voter registration, get out the vote efforts, election training, election materials, designs, or technical assistance. Moreover, in-kind contributions and services are expressly prohibited in any and all election processes, procedures, and administration.  This section shall not be construed to prohibit the operation of a polling place in a facility furnished by a private individual or nongovernmental entity that otherwise meets the requirements for polling places provided by state law.

  1. Government Funding

Any state  or local government acceptance of federal funds and assistance in the administration of the election, voter registration, or to promote voter turnout shall only be accepted consistent with a state plan approved by the legislature detailing the equal and fair use of such funds so that all voters, constituent populations, and the ballots of all individuals within the state are treated equally under the law. No funds shall be accepted upon conditions which creates disparate treatment of citizens.

Any state effort to assist in voter registration and to enhance voter turnout shall also be consistent with a state election plan approved by the legislature which provides for the equal treatment of citizens in the expenditure of such funds and resources.

  1. Friendly lawsuits / Sue and Settle

Executive branch officials such as the Attorney General or Secretary of State sometimes enter into “consent decrees” wherein the government official agrees to a lawsuit that changes the practical application of the law.  These suits are usually filed by parties friendly to the executive branch official’s position, allowing the executive branch official to agree to a judicially made change to legislation that bypasses the legislature.  For this reason, these types of unilateral “sue-and-settle” agreements should be prohibited as a general rule.  If, however, consent decrees are adopted, such decrees must be approved by the Governor, Speaker of the House, and Senate President.

  1. Uniform Terminology and Treatment of Vote and Voter

All ballots and all voters within a state should be treated uniformly.

  1. Protected Persons: Incapacitated, Elderly, Citizenship / Non-Citizen

Voting is a citizen’s solemn right.  There are specific populations susceptible to exploitation, states must protect these vulnerable populations. It shall be illegal to coerce, mislead, and / or pressure any person to vote or to vote in any particular manner.

INCAPACITATED: It is unlawful for any person to cast a ballot on behalf of an incapacitated person, or coerce, mislead, and / or pressure any person under a diminished mental capacity that may be under the protection of a court ordered power of attorney.

NURSING HOME RESIDENTS: A nursing home resident’s next of kin or emergency contact on record shall be notified (a) when a nursing home resident requests an absentee ballot, and/or (b) when the local elections clerk’s office collects (or any other entity) ballots from the nursing home or residential care facility.

No one may request an absentee ballot on behalf of any person in a residential care facility who has not requested the ballot because of their diminished mental capabilities.  Furthermore, it is illegal to fill out the ballot for any person who is unable to fill out the ballot because of diminished mental capabilities.

When the elections clerk’s office collects ballots from a nursing home or residential care facility, it shall dispense two poll workers, one from each of the two political parties obtaining the most votes at the prior two consecutive statewide elections.  The local clerk or board of elections shall post 14 days in advance the date, time, and location of when and where the dual set of poll workers will collect ballots from residents, and furthermore maintain a list, available to the public upon request, of each home or facility where the two poll workers have been dispatched.

The residential care facilities may not turn over absentee ballots to any outside group whether for profit or nonprofit.  Absentee ballots should only be collected by election officials as prescribed above.

Observers must be able to confirm that proper procedure is used without in any way interfering or influencing or being noticed by voters while voting.

Defrauding a disabled or elderly person of their vote, whether by discarding the ballot or filling it out in an unlawful manner falls under the category of ballot larceny and shall be treated as such.

NON-CITIZEN: Non-citizens illegally present in the US are vulnerable to being taken advantage of by being incorrectly registered.  States should encourage immunity policies for illegal residents who report legitimate election fraud.  Harvesting a ballot from a person illegally present in the country and not eligible to vote is a crime.  The person voting has immunity from such charges if the person truthfully reports and/or cooperates with an investigation.  Harvesting a ballot from an incapacitated person is a crime, and immunity is available to any person truthfully reporting and/or cooperating with investigators regarding said crimes.

  1. Ballot Harvesting

Every voter shall transport and deliver his or her own ballot, with exceptions for the Post Office handling of ballots.  If a voter is not able to transport his or her mail-in ballot prior to election day, the voter may appoint a ballot transporter.  However, the transporter may not transport more than one ballot per election cycle and must fill out and sign an affidavit to do so and present ID at the time of ballot delivery.


An election is only as secure as the ballots.  The ballot as a representation of a citizen’s voice must be completely secured and protected throughout the process.

  1. Paper Ballot
  2. Voter-Marked Paper Ballot

Votes shall be marked on a paper ballot by the voter who is casting the vote.  Voting should not be on computers or touch screens.  All voters, unless there is an accommodation for disability, should vote on paper ballots.

All votes should be cast on voter-verified, hand-marked paper ballots.  The voter should be able to determine whom he or she voted for by looking at the ballot (or using an assistive reading device), and the machine should tabulate votes based on those hand-made markings.  This also provides for a permanent paper record suitable to be used in a manual recount.

Nothing in this section prevents the state or local election officials from making appropriate accommodations for the disabled or visually impaired who are unable to mark or read their selections on a paper ballot.

  1. Mail-In and No Excuse Absentee Ballots

Mail-in voting is prohibited without a legal exception. Exceptions are as follows:

(1)        Health exception or physical disability;

(2)        Age exception (65 or older);

(3)        Religious exemption, the days conflict;

(4)        Work-related travel will take the voter out-of-state, OR the voter is going to be an election worker on election day;

(5)        Is overseas, or away serving in the military;

(6)        A college student away at college

The following requirements must also be met:

SWORN WITNESS: The voting of an absentee ballot must be accompanied by a sworn witness verifying the voter’s identity and photo ID.

NO EARLY COUNTING: Eligibility decisions for remote voters may be performed upon receipt of the ballot packet but the enclosed ballots may not be removed for scanning until election day and aggregate results may not be reported until after polls close.

SAME DAY REGISTRATION ANNOUNCED: Voter name, residence address, YOB, and precinct split for remote voters and same-day registration voters (where applicable – never recommended), except for those in Address Confidentiality Programs, should be provided within 24 hours to the public.

SEPARATED BY PRECINCT: Remotely voted ballots must be organized and separated by precinct and transported to the precinct on the day that voting equipment is transported to the precincts.  Political parties must be given notice and opportunity to be present for transportation of these ballots.

NO PERMANENT LIST: There shall be no permanent list of absentee ballot voters.  Voters should request an absentee ballot each election cycle.

ENVELOPES: Absentee ballot return envelopes may not include any visible holes or openings once sealed that could allow observance of the ballot inside of the envelope. All voter ID (including return address, if for some reason used,) must be located on one side of the envelope. If a signature is required, the voter name must be placed adjacent to the place where the signature belongs.

PARTY DESIGNATION: Neither the originally mailed envelope nor the return envelope should identify the voter or ballot’s political party.

MARKING ENVELOPE: No absentee envelope should be marked to reflect a voter’s behavior by election workers.  For example, in the 2021 California recall election, the ballots of voters who did not wear a mask were marked “COVID.”

DOUBLE VOTING: In a state that allows absentee mail-in voting, a clear process should be established for when a voter is shown to have voted twice.  In the case of a voter being shown as voting by mail, who then presents in person to vote, a provisional ballot should be given to the voter.  The voter should then be given the opportunity to cure a returned in envelope ballot prior to the canvass and certification of the ballot.  All campaigns on the ballot should also be notified of the provisional ballot voters and given the opportunity to motivate a cure.  In order to ensure that all mail-in ballots can be found under these circumstances, absentee ballots must be segregated and sorted by precinct.

III. Ballot Larceny

It shall be illegal for any person to vote a ballot assigned to another voter.  This provision shall not preclude the assistance of a disabled voter to receive assistance in his/her precinct in the presence of a Republican and Democrat observer/worker.  Illegal ballot trafficking and intentionally voting under another registered-voter’s ballot shall be a felony offense

  1. Ballot Fraud Countermeasures

Ballots today lack modern, industry-standard security features, which leave ballots susceptible to being duplicated.  Each ballot should have at least a unique identifying number within a limited universe of ballots.  This should be done by “sheet-style” or other measures in order to protect voter privacy.  A state may consider a detachable number or separating challenged ballots to make these ballots easier to locate at the final canvas.  Paper ballot circulation and printing should be controlled, and the process should be transparent.  States should consider a combination of security measures to protect ballots from being illegally duplicated.

  1. Handling / Chain of Custody
  2. Ballot Storage and Transportation and Recording of Ballot Handling

A chain of custody must be established for every batch of ballots.  This will enable authorities to track a ballot at every stage of the election process.  In order to achieve this end, a mandatory record of (a) who handled a ballot, (b) the reason the ballot was handled, (c) where the ballot was transported, and (d) the date and time of the handling, should all be recorded and in the presence of a member of each political party.  An evidence form should travel with the box/batch of ballots so that the location and handling of the ballots can be accounted for at each stage of the process.  Additionally, there must be a mandatory recording of ballot handling with its video record maintained for five (5) years after the election. Uncompleted ballots, completed mail-in ballots, and completed early ballots being transported should be in the presence of a member of both of the two major political parties at all times.  The locations of all ballot storage facilities should be made public in advance and be staffed by a member of each of the two major political parties at all times when any person is present. Records of chain of custody should be stored adjacent to but not locked within the record containers.

  1. Drop Boxes

There shall be no unattended ballot drop boxes, for example outdoor 24/7 boxes.  Mail-in ballots can be dropped off through USPS mailboxes.  If an election office accommodates after-hour drop-off, then there shall be video, and a chain-of-custody log specifying the worker who handled the ballots, time, date, and number of ballots.  Preferably the video of the area around the box will be recorded from the box itself, and chain of custody started by logging the specific envelope dropped.  The log and recorded materials are subject to FOIA.  Failure to maintain records shall automatically subject ballots in question to 100% audit and recount.  A breach in the chain-of-custody creates an automatic challenge unless the ballots in question exceed the margin.  In that case, the losing party holds the burden of proof to demonstrate the ballots’ validity.

  1. Curing
  1. Mail-in Ballot Curing.

Manual “curing” or “fixing” of ballot envelopes shall be unlawful.  States should adopt statutory standing to allow suits to be filed on behalf of voters in neighboring jurisdictions, against non-compliant jurisdictions when ballot curing exceeds what is allowed under state law.  Envelope curing has a history of being unfairly and unequally applied.  Disparate treatment of a voter’s ballots violates the Voting Rights Act and should therefore be avoided.

Photo identification, voter signature, witness signature, privacy envelopes, and other identifying information of the voter are precautions taken to ensure that a voter’s sacred voting right is protected. When a mail-in ballot lacks a witness or voter signature, photocopy of a photo ID, privacy sleeve, etc., legal integrity measures have not been met.  When a voter fails to comply with the law, states must issue guidance that ensures that all voters are treated equally.  Curing ballots in one jurisdiction as opposed to another creates unequal treatment of voters resulting in disparate impact.  Accordingly, ballot curing shall be prohibited due to both security and equal treatment concerns.

If a state chooses to include ballot envelope curing measures, with envelope curing defined as the process of an election worker contacting the voter and having the voter confirm the details of the cure, then it must include the following measures:

(1)        Mail-in ballots cannot be held to a lower legal standard than in-person voting ballots.

(2)        Political party observers from both of the two major political parties are allowed to watch during the process.

(3)        Whenever ballots are being cured, each ballot duplication must be agreed upon by a member of each political party.

(4)        Duplicated ballots should have a corresponding number to the original ballot.

(5)        Duplicated ballots must be segregated from other ballots.

(6)        Any and all ballot curing measures shall be implemented identically within the state.

(7)        The disparate implementation of ballot curing measures shall be sufficient to justify an independent cause of action by any voter within the state and/or any agency of government, as a violation of that voter’s civil rights.

(8)        All cured envelopes, duplicated ballots, and challenged ballots shall be maintained and segregated in such a fashion that the envelope, duplicate and/or cured ballot or ballot image is accessible with the newly created ballot and challenged ballots accessible with any related challenge logs or forms.

  1. Military / Overseas Ballot Duplication

Oftentimes, military and overseas ballots are required to be duplicated in order to be counted.

In these circumstances:

(1)        Ballots must be duplicated on numbered paper ballots and kept segregated and recorded for later review.

(2)        Members appointed by both major political parties must be appointed to duplicate every ballot in consultation with each other in bi-partisan pairs.

(3)        Poll observers must be able to watch the process in a manner that allows the observer to witness the duplication process and with his or her own eyes that the ballot was properly duplicated

(4)        The duplicated ballot must have a number or identifying mark that allows the duplicated ballot to be matched to the original overseas or military ballot.

(5)        Duplicated ballots must be segregated from other ballots.

III. Military Ballot Access and Security

Every reasonable effort must be made to ensure overseas military personnel receive ballots in a timely manner suitable for the election. Additionally, ballot secrecy and chain of custody must be protected.


Verifying voter identity ensures all our voices are protected and equally heard.

  1. State-Issued Photo I.D.

Voter ID laws are only as good as the ID itself. A physical government-issued photo ID that indicates citizenship is required to be presented and verified to receive a ballot in-person or by mail/absentee for every election.

States should require a strong government-issued voter ID requirement for in person, absentee and mail-in ballots, with at a minimum, a photo, matching name, DOB, and physical (residential) address as well as his/her apartment number if applicable.  This provision applies to mail-in ballots and mail-in ballot applications – where mail-in ballots are permitted.  For voters without required ID, the voter is able to fill out a provisional ballot with the ability for the voter to cure later prior to certification of that contest.  States shall issue physical photo identifications at no-cost to low income residents.

  1. Wet Signature Verification

A voter must physically sign a wet signature – e.g. by ink- in front of an official] [prior to or as part of a request for a ballot delivered by mail. No mail-in or absentee ballot can be accepted without a comparison of two or more wet signatures for verification or another process that serves electors incapable of signature or replicates the integrity of the process of in-person check-in.

  1. “Motor Voter” / Opt-In Voting

Politicians in a growing number of states have made voter registration an extension of obtaining a driver’s license.  Some states have created an “opt-out” system where driver applications are presumed to be voters and must affirmatively take action to opt-out of voter registration.  This can lead to double registrations, registration of underage residents, and registration of illegal aliens, etc.  Accordingly, there should be no automatic voter registration.  Instead, residents must affirmatively opt-in to voter registration.


The individuals, processes, and procedures are accountable to the voter for being in accordance with law and the principles of accountability, transparency, and inclusion.

  1. Appointment of Local Election Boards

Some states allow the judicial branch or administrative bureaucracy to appoint local election officials to local city or county election boards.  When state law allows for the appointment of local election officials, appointments should be made by political parties and/or elected officials pursuant to state law.  Appointment of local members of boards of elections by judicial branch or unelected officials creates a veneer of “independence,” but very little transparency and accountability to voters.  Appointed election boards should reflect [equal] representation of major parties.

  1. Election Officials

Election officials should be bipartisan, with an equal number of the two major political parties being hired.  While most states have required both political parties to be present at in-person precincts, mail-in procedures have created layers of ballot handling without any bipartisan accountability.  All processes of ballot handling should take place in the presence of workers appointed by both political parties.  Additionally, a list of all election officials should be published 90 days before appointment, and the source of compensation must be disclosed to the state campaign finance authority.

  1. Consolidated Counting Centers

Mail-in ballots should be prohibited for persons not in one of the exempted categories of voter eligibility.  However, where mail-in ballots are allowed, the following processes should be followed.  Mail-in ballots should be processed and counted with in-person ballots to avoid disparate treatment of voters.   Therefore, mail-in ballots should be mailed back to their local clerk’s offices, collected and transported to the local precinct the day before the election along with the election machines.

Chain-of-custody must be maintained.  In light of this, there should be no central count centers where all the mail-in ballots for the entire jurisdiction are counted in one arena or community center.

Counting of ballots must occur at the precinct level by hand.  This will eliminate the need for central count centers and large warehouse storage facilities.

If mail-in ballots are to be used, they will be sent to the county clerk’s office and stored unopened until election day equipment is transported to the local precincts.  At that point, mail-in ballots can be transported, in the presence of appointed representatives from the two major political parties, to the precincts with the equipment.  Statutory right of poll observers is to be present and follow the transportation of ballots. All ballot handling should be recorded on ballot transfer sheets kept with but not locked inside ballot containers.

The number of outstanding ballots to be counted should be announced by 10 p.m. on election night.  If a state allows ballots to come in after closing of the poll.

  1. Same Day Voting

A single day of in-person precinct voting is the preferred election model.

  1. Early In-Person Voting

AVA recommends a system based around in-person, election day voting at one’s neighborhood precinct.  However, the move to expand opportunities to vote has led to the adoption of widespread mail-in voting.  Mail-in and other forms of remote voting are demonstrably more susceptible to voter fraud.  If states must expand the opportunity to vote beyond election day, early in-person voting is preferable to no excuse mail-in voting.  If a state has no-excuse mail-in absentee voting, early in-person voting should be encouraged as a method of voting which mitigates the chain of custody and eligibility determination issues present with mail-in voting.

If early in-person voting is allowed, it should be at one central location for a city / county where voters adequately authenticate themselves in-person and present a state issued photo I.D.. Early in-person voting is an extension of the election administration process.  Accordingly, all laws and regulations pertaining to voters, ballots, election administration, etc. apply equally.  All laws pertaining to any polling place or election office apply to early voting center, including but not limited to observers, parity, etc.

The following requirements must also be met:

(1)        Early In-Person voting is not to exceed 45 days.

(2)        Ballots should be submitted by voter into a scanner and delivered to a secure ballot storage container. The scanner should in future reveal the ballot image to the voter and also the cast vote record for confirmation of accuracy. A digital signature should be created of the image that becomes a matter of public record to prevent any modification of the ballot image.

(3)        The ballot storage container should remain locked or tamper-proof sealed and votes not aggregated until election day.  On election day, early votes may be counted at early voting precincts, but not reported before polls are closed.

(4)        Daily Machine Ballots Counted Subtotal Report should be posted online which shows the number of ballots tabulated by each machine.

(5)        Daily Poll Book Report of the voters who voted, not including how the ballot was cast, will be made available to at least the two major political parties and the campaigns represented on the ballot.

(6)        Daily Public Poll Book Report should be posted online which includes the number of votes by precinct of residence.

(7)        The precinct report must distinguish and show as separate categories the number of election day, and early in-person ballots cast and the number of mail-in ballots received and approved for counting as well as those returned from other remote voting methods such as UOCAVA and disability and emergency and undeliverable.

  1. Poll Book Management

Poll Book management must be: (1) open and transparent for observers to physically read the name of the voter and address in the poll book during the check-in process of voting; (2) inputs and / or changes should be done by workers appointed by both political parties, (3) changes made in the poll books must create a historical record of the change, (4) poll books should track provisional ballots status.

  1. Challenges Made by Any Eligible Elector

The eligibility to vote on contests included on ballots may be challenged for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to, ineligible voter, late arriving ballot, incorrect ballot style, fraudulent ballot, suspected ballot harvested ballot, etc.  Observers may challenge eligibility decisions  upon a showing of good cause.

CHALLENGE OF REMOTELY VOTED BALLOTS: When a challenge is received, that ballot shall be segregated, left uncounted and unopened if applicable, logged into the poll book, and treated as provisional to be reviewed prior to and up until the end of canvassing  Challengers should be given an identification number for the challenged ballot/envelope; this identification number should be reflected in the poll book for ease of followup observation and verification.

CHALLENGE OF IN-PERSON VOTERS: The status of a person casting a ballot may also be challenged at in-person voting for non-compliance with eligibility requirements. For example, this includes but is not limited to illegal registration, or failure to prevent physical state-issued photo identification.


You can’t count or verify what you can’t see.  There will always be a barrier to assessing the accuracy of election results when machine[s are used to determine voter eligibility or interpret voter marks or tabulate and report interpretations of votes. Where machines are used there are mitigating strategies to prevent vulnerabilities and make systems more secure.

***If machines are used, the following (A-E) applies:

  1. Proprietary Ownership

Vendor contracts lack transparent accountability to voters.  Vendors often claim proprietary ownership over software and hardware and even ballots and other election artifacts and evidence that ought to be public record that inhibits the public’s understanding of the elections process.  Voters must be allowed to know how scanners and tabulator machines operate.  Therefore, no vendor contracts shall prohibit access to ballots or any other vote representations, software, hardware, or computer logs as part of election verification including public observation of process including any audit or any election challenge.

  1. Internet Connectivity / Capability

Tabulators, scanners, and optical ballot readers shall not have internet capability.  These machines should be air-gapped, having no network interfaces, wired or wireless, that could be connected to outside networks.  This applies to all tabulators, including but not limited to precinct tabulators / scanners and high-speed tabulators / scanners.  Precinct results should be agreed upon as certified in writing by every election worker in the precinct before transmission.  Precinct results should be transferred under bipartisan oversight to the county / city election office.  Precinct results should then be posted at the polling or tabulation location and online.  County results must also be agreed upon as certified in writing by at least one deputized representative from each major political party, manually reported  at a publicly accessible well known county location, and posted online.

  1. Logic + Accuracy Testing with observer access (prior to election)

Localities must hold public “logic and accuracy” tests of every tabulation machine prior to every election.  The county or applicable district party chairman of each of the two major political parties at the last two statewide elections must be notified of the testing and the same notification published on the applicable election website.  Prior to the testing, the elections office will load new ballot software for the upcoming election in full public view.  Then, designated testers with the optional participation of attending public must run a series of tests by running various completed ballots through the machine to test accuracy.  (This is already done as a matter of course in most states).

  1. Posted online (software / updates USB).

As part of the Annual State Election Plan, the state must collect and report on plans and schedules for software updates that will be uploaded onto voting machines, tabulators, and scanners prior to each election.  This will be published and approved as part of the annual plan.

  1. Optical Readers and Scanners.

Voting machines, scanners, and tabulators must rigorously comply with HAVA including the most recent Voluntary Voting Systems Guidelines of the Elections Assistance Commission.


Post-Election Day verification processes are necessary to ensure that all votes were properly counted and the final result accurately reported.

  1. Reconciliation

As a bank or business must account for every dollar in the safe, election officials must account for every ballot in and out of circulation.  Prior to the certification of elections, local precincts or county or city-wide canvassing boards must reconcile and report on all ballots.  This is simple fractional math: the numerator and denominator should match.  The locality should report how many ballots are produced.  That is the denominator.  The locality must then account for all these ballots.  Some of the ballots will be (1) voted; (2) other ballots will be left blank; (3) a number of ballots will show mistakes and be voided / spoiled; some ballots will be mail-in ballots that were not returned; (4) some ballots will be used in the duplication process.   These ballots should be tracked, reconciled, and reported.  The number of voted ballots + spoiled ballots + the amount of unused ballots + the number of unreturned mail-in ballots = the number of produced ballots.

In rare circumstances, print-on-demand ballots may be necessary when a precinct runs out of ballots.  These ballots, along with any test ballots in circulation must be accounted for and categorized appropriately in the reconciliation process.

  1. Forensic Audit

All data from election machine vote scanners/tabulators shall be available to audit including risk-limiting audits.

A post-election review and audit should include a review of voter roll procedures, ballot creation and handling procedures, the treatment of voters, and the use of machines.  Many of these items can be covered under the components of the JSC.  However, machines are best reviewed through the use of “Risk-limiting audits” or “RLA” with an appropriate level of ballots tested and from every precinct.  A small sample of ballots from a few precincts would not uncover a ballot harvesting scheme at other precincts.  An RLA must be thorough.  In addition, a much higher number of ballots should be chosen for review than in previous years.  This will provide mathematical certainty in election results. The same RLA process should be applied to a post-election door-to-door canvassing effort in the year after an election. By choosing neighborhoods to canvass and check against voter registration rolls, officials can determine whether rolls are being kept current or require further scrutiny.

Optical Readers and Scanners (audits):

The most efficient way to review machines is through Risk Limiting Audits. An RLA is an audit protocol that makes use of statistical principles and methods and is designed to limit the risk of certifying an incorrect election outcome.  By taking a sample of a number of ballots run through a certain ballot scanner/tabulator, and comparing the number to election night totals off of that machine, authorities can evaluate the accuracy of the count to a mathematical certainty.  Many recent RLA’s have under sampled races, machines, and ballots.  This yields the same results that an under sampled poll would produce — imprecise results.  RLA’s should adhere to general RLA principles of random sampling.  However, RLA’s should review 20-33% of machines in EVERY jurisdiction.

If an election jurisdiction uses machines to count ballots the jurisdiction shall, in each election, conduct a scientifically valid RLA of the election.  Candidates and representatives of both political parties shall have access to witness said audit.  If the audit is not conducted consistent with scientific principles and the margin of difference of the candidates is less than 7%, a hand recount of the ballots shall occur.


Citizens have a right to know how their elections are conducted.  Accordingly, all records, contracts, computer logs, and election reports must be maintained in a public online database.

  1. Tabulation + Machine / Computer Logs

Machine tabulators / scanner results must be made public.  This includes each tabulation device’s zero and results printout tape.  Precinct reports should not only be posted on the door of the precinct, but also online. Localities can contract with independent auditors to perform audits.  Election systems, ballot tabulators, etc., shall provide machine logs within 24 hours of the closing of the polls to political candidates and respective parties.  All computer data from vote tabulation shall be available to audit including risk-limiting audits.  Each local precinct shall print an election tally report off the machine at the end of election day and post the results online within an hour of the final tally.  If the final tally is not yet completed, the precinct shall report the number of counted ballots and candidates as tallied to that point, as well as the number of remaining ballots.

  1. Voter File Transparency

States should allow for transparent access to voter files by any political party or voting rights and / or election integrity organization free of charge.  Requesting party or organization must reside in or be based in the locality of the requested list.  List must include all voting designations, such as indefinitely confined, permanent mail-in (if applicable), etc.  The list should contain monthly updates that reflect who has dropped off of the list and who has been added.

Commercial use of the list for non-election purposes is expressly prohibited.  Upon request, voter’s name and / or address information can be redacted from the public list upon showing cause or if under a protective order.  Name, address, and other identifying information would be substituted with an anonymous Voter ID where applicable.

  1. Ballot Image

All ballot images as recorded by the voting tabulator/scanners should be uploaded on the state’s website within 24 hours of results being reported. In parallel a digital hash or signature of each side of each image should be created under public oversight and published as soon as practical after scanning. The ballot images should be identified by precinct split and tabulator.  The ballot images cannot and should not in any way identify who the voter of a certain ballot was.  These images should be searchable by precinct.  Ballot images are public record and subject to FOIA.

  1. Dual Reporting

Election reports are periodically reported incorrectly and subsequently corrected.  This can create the impression that election records have been altered.  Precincts should dually report results on election night to two different entities.  This will allow the public to track where mistakes were made and have confidence in the election outcome.  These final tallies are often posted on the door of the precinct, the only difference will be that these numbers will be reported directly to the public, posted on each state’s statewide elections website.

As election administrators upload election results on election night, the raw totals should be reported both to the statutorily recognized state election authority as well as a legislative committee formed to review incoming results.  This election records should also be made available in real time to the public.  As part of the public record, the information shall also be subject to FOIA.

  1. Record Retention

All election records shall be retained for a minimum of two years, in compliance with federal law. All should mean all.  This includes ballots, envelopes, affidavits, applications, ballot images, cast vote records, pollbooks, access logs, all physical precinct tally sheets, machine receipt/tape reports, video recordings, and manual chain-of custody record logs, etc.

“Election records” include records kept as software , or in digital form such as databases, and electronic pollbooks.  Subsequent machine software updates shall not overwrite any digital data that has not yet been separately archived in a manner suited to forensic evaluation.  Therefore the following must be maintained for a minimum of seven years: lists of active registrations, inactive registrations and voters actually voting by each election cycle, all ballot images or original ballots, publicly available (personal identifying data redacted), backup copies of all databases before every software update.

Lack of voting machine memory capacity is not an excuse to override, overwrite, or delete any data not adequately archived.

  1. Maintenance of Accurate Voter Rolls

Required Activities Include:

(1)        Withdrawing from ERIC and finding an alternative substitute.

(2)        Cleaning interstate double-registrants;

(3)        Cleaning Intrastate double-registrants;

(4)        Using the Social Security Death Index and publishing plan & names removed monthly;

(5)        Removing “USPS undeliverable” registered voters from the active rolls;

(6)        Using the federal “Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements” or SAVE database to remove illegal aliens;

(7)        Checking DOB’s & verifying against state records to ensure legal age to vote;

(8)        Publish monthly plan to remove felons;

(9)        Collect jury refusal data;

(10)      Report the number of registered voters 120 days before an election in a locality, that way it can determined if it exceeds 100%.

(11)      Each election jurisdiction creates access for one appointed custodian of the voter rolls to add/subtract voters.  Larger jurisdictions may allow an additional custodian for every 100,000 voters.  The appointed custodian would be in charge of list maintenance for the locality, further promoting transparency and government accountability. This work, as any election work, should be done with bipartisan oversight.

A state’s voter registration rolls should be regularly evaluated weekly to ensure that voters who have moved, passed away, or stopped voting for an extended period of time are removed from the master list of registered voters.  Persons who should no longer be registered to vote should be taken off  the voter rolls.  If persons are discovered who were ineligible due to non-citizenship, they should be flagged to prevent re-registration.

States and localities sometimes refuse to remove false voters from the voter rolls.  Therefore, states should create voter standing to file lawsuits in the appropriate court to remove false voters from the voter rolls upon a showing of good cause.

Localities should conduct periodic door-to-door field operations to canvass residences to confirm voter eligibility. and require a full canvass  within a 4-year cycle.  When localities fail to perform duties properly, they should automatically be put into receivership by authority of the state legislature.


Any agent conducting business on behalf of the government must be subject to the same laws and rules that apply to government actors performing that same function.

  1. Private Consultant Disclosure

All private party vendors and consultants who assist in elections in any way must be disclosed to the public within thirty days.  Contracts should also be posted on the state board of election / Secretary of State website within thirty days of being awarded.  Private experts and consultants must be disclosed to the public in a similar manner to comparable government roles such that their activities are made subject to open records requests.  Additionally, any associations of election officials shall also be subject to FOIA.

  1. Private Parties and Administrative Access to Voter Registration List

No third parties should have administrative access to a state’s voter registration database.  No third parties are allowed to use a Web Application Programming Interface that allows access to voter registration lists.  If third parties obtain applications for voter registration, these applications should be presented to local election offices who will then register (or not register if improper) the voter.

Voter registrations shall only be entered by election officials designated by law with such authority.  The state and local officials shall not enter into any data-sharing agreements or other contracts allowing private parties to alter or enter data into the state’s voter registration database.

Nothing in this act prohibits private parties from conducting voter registration drives and providing such information to election officials for data-entry.  Election officials shall maintain any data provided for voter registration from private entities in a manner that allows a third-party to identify voter registrations created with the private group providing the information.

No election official or government agency shall enter into any contract with any vendor for services in managing the election or the counting of votes which prohibits candidates, the media or the public from having access to any information, computer logs, documents, etc. that are necessary to validate the proper completion of the contracted services and/or the election result.

  1. Vendor Performance + Accountability

Vendors must be more accountable to voters and taxpayers.  Vendors should be more transparent about what ballot software is loaded onto scanners/tabulators, ballot printers, and electronic eligibility devices such as epollbooks and signature verification or envelope scanner/sorter devices.

Outside consultant assistance must be disclosed.

Any organization receiving appropriated funds by the legislature to perform government functions is subject to FOIA in all services rendered to perform said functions, including contracts, agreement, communication with government officials, equipment, and software.

Any organization receiving appropriated funds by the legislature to perform election administration processes is subject to the same rules of transparency, accountability, and access that applies to that service as though the government were performing that function, including citizen observers, etc.


Citizens have a right to be in the counting room.  Government accountability increases with citizen and multi-partisan observation and involvement.

  1. Poll Observers’ Bill of Rights and Responsibilities

All states must have a poll observer provision that allows voters access to witness and verify the integrity of the handling and counting of all ballots, not only to observe, but to challenge decisions and process that in good faith that should have been handled differently.

FUNCTION AND PURPOSE: Poll observers are a vital part of the American election process to provide transparency, accountability, and citizen participation. Elections are becoming more centralized and mechanized. These trends, along with increased remote voting means the average voter never sees and understands the process and likewise the system does not see the voter and therefore is unable to protect the integrity of voting and casting. For all these reasons, deliberate access for citizens to the election process behind closed doors is increasingly needed.

PUBLIC OBSERVERS: General citizen observers unaffiliated or not appointed by a party, candidate, or issue committee shall have access to observe without the power to challenge a ballot.  Where capacity limits are reached, observers from the official slate from the parties will be given preference and ensured equal access.  Observers from outside the local jurisdiction shall be allowed.

OBSERVERS WITH POWER TO CHALLENGE: If a state chooses to distinguish between a public observer and a party / campaign appointed observer with the power to challenge ballots, it shall allow: observers from the two major political parties with the most votes in the last two consecutive statewide elections, observers from the two local major political parties with the most votes in the last two consecutive statewide elections, and observers from the campaigns on the ballot.  Observers from outside local jurisdiction shall be allowed.

DISCRIMINATION: Poll observer applicants may not be discriminated against based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, creed, disability, vaccination status, or decision whether or not to wear a mask.

EVIDENCE COLLECTION: Poll observers shall be allowed to possess and use cell phones and/or cameras in all areas of the elections process.  Observers should not photograph a voter while voting or record a voter’s information, unless a challenge is made to an individual voter registration upon a good cause belief and shall cover the social security number.

ACCESS: Election observers shall have access to all areas where completed ballots are being printed, stuffed, labeled, delivered, received, accepted for counting, pre-processed, counted, cured, duplicated, audited, recounted etc.  Access shall mean that observers can see what the election worker can see on the paper ballot and see and hear the actions the election worker is taking with respect to any election artifact such as a ballot envelope,] a ballot and the poll book  or other equivalent eligibility determination process.

CHALLENGES: Election observers should have the ability to challenge a ballot’s ability to be counted.  Challenges don’t have to be accepted if the challenge is not proper.  However, the challenge must be logged in the poll book, and the ballot must be identifiable and accessible at the canvass.  When a challenge to a ballot is accepted, the challenged ballot shall be segregated.  An accepted ballot challenge requires the ballot be segregated and recorded as challenged, but not counted in the tabulation.  The voter has a right to appeal the challenge during canvassing.

HARASSMENT: Observers shall not harass other observers or election officials or staff.  Violators will be denied access.  Election officials shall not harass anyone including voters and observers.

RECOURSE: Evidence of the intentional or wrongful exclusion of observers shall be immediately reported to the special standing committee, which shall have the authority to appoint a special master to manage observer access at the location engaged in the improper conduct.  Special master appointment shall be made by a tie or majority vote.  If both the Chair and Vice-Chair of the standing committee declare an emergency under this section, the Chair and Vice-Chair shall have the authority to appoint a special master.  The selection of the person to serve as special master shall be by a majority committee vote or by agreement between the Chair and Vice-chair if an emergency is declared.  If the committee cannot agree, or if in the case of an emergency the Chair and Vice-Chair cannot agree, two special masters shall be appointed, one each by the party members of the two major political parties.  States may require observers to obtain credentials by an appointing authority to enter into rooms with the most sensitive voter data.  Observers should not be required to stand in limited locations with poor visibility or ability to hear and should not be required to be escorted.  Observers must be allowed to speak with and ask questions to obtain answers from designated elections officials.

  1. Media

A rotating press pool shall be allowed for recording of the ballot handling process. The process must allow observation and recording by a wide cross-section of print, podcast, and television media to observe ballot counting and the process at any and all ballot counting areas or locations where there is a presence of election staff. Special considerations to preserve voter privacy are needed when voters are present and when voter intent is in the vicinity of voter identity information.


All systems have points of vulnerability.  Mitigating that vulnerability ensures a secure election.

  1. Voter Registration

Voters should register to vote in-person with a state-issued photo identification that indicates citizenship.  Voter registration should close one month prior to election day.  Voters who will be 18 years of age by Election Day will be allowed to register to vote in that election.

  1. Hotline

A statewide hotline maintained by the JSC/AG/SOS should be established to receive tips of illegal election and voter fraud issues.

  1. Machine Accessibility.

Poll observers are allowed to observe software update and attachment of security seals during the Logic & Accuracy Testing. Poll observers must also be allowed to observe certification testing if applicable and all other election software updates up until, through, and after election day.

  1. Physical Server Presence.

Jurisdictions including states should store and report election results on internal government-operated servers physically located within the United States. Other devices used for central eligibility determination and vote count should likewise be under government control and preferably in facilities operated by the appropriate governing authority.


When a law is not being followed, citizens have a right to seek remedy in order to hold officials accountable to the rule of law.

  1. Expand Standing

Standing to file election challenges should be expanded.

(1)        Election challenges when a result is in doubt may be filed by local or statewide political parties, candidates, and incorporated election integrity organizations.

(2)        Voting rights are civil rights.  When a voter is denied the right to vote or observe an election, it should be viewed as a civil rights violation.  States should ensure statutory standing to be filed on behalf of voters that are denied their right to vote, observe, or challenge illegal processes.

(3)        Legislatures should define “harm” to enable these suits.  If the citizenry loses faith in its election system, harm results.  If one illegal ballot is counted, or a legal ballot is voided — this represents a legal harm.  Standing for civil rights claims should be expanded.

  1. Rocket Docket

Once early voting or mail-in ballots are sent out, election challenges and all suits related to elections should take precedence in court.  Courts must prioritize these suits by scheduling preliminary hearings within 24 hours and holding the hearing within 72 hours of the challenge.  Challenges should be heard within 24 hours of filing in the week before and after election day.  Injunctions should be issued stopping the challenged conduct until the court can rule.  Localities should consider creating a specific docket dedicated to these challenges during election season.  Courts should be empowered and encouraged to issue injunctive relief upon good cause.  Challenging candidates should have legal recourse to demonstrate harm as harm is occurring.  No state should require the certification process to be completed prior to allowing a challenge or presentation of proof of harm. State legislatures should all review statutes and regulations to ensure that they do not obstruct the opportunity for potential litigants to obtain the evidence that would be needed to establish standing for purposes of election litigation.

  1. New Election

In criminal law, a constitutional violation of a citizen’s Fourth Amendment rights may result in the exclusion of evidence.  Constitutional and statutory violations must present the opportunity in law to be remedied. State law should allow for a new election in circumstances where the appropriate authority (JSC, legislature, appropriate court) orders a new election.

  1. Law Enforcement Investigations and Multijurisdictional Investigative Grand Juries

Failure to follow election law and / or election fraud impacts more than only the locality in which it occurs.  An illegally cast ballot on one side of the state undermines and erases a legally cast ballot on the other side of a state.  For this reason, jurisdiction for the investigation and prosecution of election fraud should be broadened.  Prosecutors should be given jurisdiction to investigate and prosecute election fraud claims that could impact election outcomes in their jurisdiction.

For example, a prosecutor may live in a state house district that consists of two separate counties.  If voter fraud is alleged in the prosecutor’s neighboring jurisdiction, the prosecutor should be allowed to investigate and charge in the prosecutor’s county.  While the fraud may not have occurred within the boundaries of the prosecutor’s county jurisdiction, the voter fraud is likely to impact the election held within the prosecutor’s jurisdiction.


  1. Ballot – A piece of paper or paper equivalent that is used to record someone’s vote.
  2. Election – A formal and organized choice by vote of a person for a political office or other position.
  3. Election Challenge – When an observer formally calls into question a voter’s credentials to vote or the legality of a ballot. The challenger may be questioning the eligibility of the voter to cast a ballot in an election. Challenges can be lodged against voters in both in-person and absentee/mail-in voting settings.
  4. Machines – A mechanical device used for recording and counting ballots or votes cast in an election.
  5. Cast – To record a vote in an election.
  6. Reconciliation – the action of making precinct ballot counts consistent.  All ballots – voted, unvoted, spoiled, etc., must be accounted for following an election.
  7. Envelope Curing – the process of an election worker contacting the voter and having the voter confirm the details of the ballot envelope that may have appeared missing or incorrect.
  8. Ballot Curing – the process of an election worker or preferably a team of election workers interpreting the vote of an absentee voter who is not present, based off of the markings on the ballot.  This often arises in the case of a damaged ballot that is unable to be read by the tabulator.  The ballot will be cured by having election workers transpose the voter’s original markings from the damaged ballot, onto a new ballot that is not damaged.
  9. Sheet – a “sheet” is a piece of paper that is used in creating a paper ballot. Some ballots are composed of a single “sheet”, while others contain multiple sheets.”  Sheet, as used in this document, refers to a single sheet of paper that serves as a component of the ballot.

Censored by Twitter for Stating Transgenders are Mentally Ill

I’ve been censored by Twitter for telling the TRUTH about Transgenders – come on Elon Musk – we need you to make Twitter an honest information forum. Here’s Twitter’s rationale for censoring me.

Violating our rules against hateful conduct.

You may not promote violence against, threaten, or harass other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease.

Here is my tweet:

Transgenders are mentally ill Maher accuses trans movement of literally experimenting on children @BIZPACReview –

The first link in my tweet is to an article titled “Transgenders, 4 Studies Say It’s Mental Disorders” by . Mr. Heyer wrote:

Perhaps it’s time to pound the drums more loudly than ever about what I think as the greatest medical fraud in our nation’s history. 30% of transgenders commit suicide because their mental disorders remain undiagnosed, and as such will not be treated.

I have long held that individuals who suffer from gender distress have one of handful of unresolved mental illnesses that exists side by side with their gender stress. The gender distress is not acting alone but binds with an additional co-morbid mental illness. “We found 90% of these diverse patients had at least one other significant form of “psychopathology” says a study reported in 2009 by the Department of Psychiatry, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. The psychopathologies they found in their study were “mood and anxiety regulation and adaption in the world”. (1)

Everywhere we see the constant rhetoric about gender change success and yet not one sound media report that acknowledges 30% of transgenders commit suicide because of untreated mental illness. states that 90% of all suicides are the direct result of untreated mental illness.

What other treatment focuses on surgery while 30% of the patients commit suicide?

Read the full article.

The second link in my tweet was to a May 21st, 2022 by  article titled “‘Someone needs to say it’: Maher accuses trans movement of ‘literally experimenting on children’.” wrote:

Joining the argument that conservatives have presented all along, comedian Bill Maher with the same scientific backing that the “trendy” trans movement is “literally experimenting on children.”

During Friday’s episode of “Real Time with Bill Maher” the HBO host took an at-length look at many of the knowns and unknowns surrounding the trans movement that, he expressed, has come to prominence more out of a youthful rebelliousness than any serious conviction. As such, the fact that adults are validating kids going through a phase should be a concern to everyone.

“The answer can’t always be that anyone from a marginalized community is automatically right; trump card, mic drop, end of discussion. Because we’re literally experimenting on children,” Maher contended.

Watch Bill Maher’s commentary:

Time to tell the truth because the truth will set you free. Remember that tyranny hates to be questioned!

©Royal A. Brown, III. All rights reserved.

DHS: ‘Domestic violent extremists’ are ‘infiltrating’ the abortion debate

What would we do without the Department of Homeland Security? Those intrepid defenders of our liberties are showing these days how richly they deserve our taxpayer billions, as DHS officials, ever on the watch, warned on Monday that “domestic violent extremists” are “infiltrating” the national debate over abortion, with nefarious plans to “incite violence amongst their supporters.”

Now, I must admit, I’m not as sharp as the all the knives in the drawer over at the DHS, and I don’t have my finger on the pulse of threats to “our democracy,” which Leftists are constantly telling us is in imminent peril from people who believe in the U.S. Constitution and the basic goodness of the American experiment. So I hope that Alejandro Mayorkas and his henchmen, that is, colleagues, at the DHS will forgive me for not realizing that domestic violent extremists have only recently infiltrated the abortion debate. I had the crazy idea that domestic violent extremists had actually infiltrated the abortion debate decades ago; in fact, I thought they had been there from the very beginning. After all, there are people out there who think that those who dismember babies in the womb are performing a decent and righteous act; if that’s not domestic violent extremism, what is?

But that is, of course, not the kind of domestic violent extremism that the DHS has in mind. To be sure, our intrepid defenders didn’t specify exactly what kind of domestic violent extremism they did have in mind. ABC News reported that the DHS official who disclosed this warning “did not specify which side, if any, the extremists were taking.” However, it’s not hard to figure out which side the DHS has in mind. The FBI, as well as DHS officials, have quite frequently repeated the claim that “white supremacists” are the most formidable “domestic extremist” threat that the nation faces today.

This is an administration that has likened parents who have protested at school board meetings against Communist indoctrination and transgender propaganda in public schools to terrorists, while not saying a thing about genuine Antifa violence and thuggery, so when the DHS warns that “domestic violent extremists” are infiltrating the abortion debate, it’s absolutely certain that the people they are tarring with this label are pro-lifers. And while there have been a handful of pro-lifers who were violent in the past, it’s far more likely that DHS is equating dissenting words with violence.

Why do I say that? Because it has happened to me. Last year, the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT), an organization created by Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, and YouTube to police terrorism on the Internet, bizarrely designated my organization Jihad Watch a “violent extremist” group, despite the fact that pretty much all we do is type and report on jihad activity in the U.S. and around the world. In response to a letter from my attorney demanding a retraction, the GIFCT refused to back down. Those who designated Jihad Watch as a “violent extremist” group explained that we reported on violent activity — terrorist bombings, murders, etc. — and that this in some way “dehumanized” Muslims.

How we did this was left unexplained; it would have been impossible to explain, as it was absurd on its face. If reporting news that puts some group in a bad light is “dehumanizing,” the GIFCT and DHS should go after the establishment media for “dehumanizing” Trump and his supporters. The response to my attorney’s letter was essentially the increasingly common Leftist argument that speech that dissents from its party line is violence, and hence must be shut down.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, fresh from defending his sinister and Orwellian new Disinformation Governance Board, promises that his department is right on top of this alleged “domestic violent extremist” threat: “Over the past year, we in the Department of Homeland Security have improved and strengthened our approach to combating this dynamic, evolving threat.”

How reassuring. Meanwhile, Leftist pro-abortion ideologues have been demonstrating at the homes of the Supreme Court Justices who are likely to vote to overturn Roe v. Wade in a naked attempt to intimidate them into changing their vote. Despite the fact that it is a felony to demonstrate at private homes, the Biden administration has applauded these protests. The government is presently in the hands of thugs who believe that bullying and frightening people into submission is an acceptable political tactic. Can the DHS, in such an environment, spare even a few agents to try to head off any possible Leftist violence regarding a possible overturning of Roe? After all, Leftists are much, much more likely to be violent than pro-lifers. This is true both historically and recently and is indicated by the nature of what they’re so avidly defending.


Robert Spencer

Senior Fellow.

EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Do Not Sell Your Gas Vehicle Yet! Read: The Electric Vehicle Scam

We have written about the issues with all electric vehicles (EVs) and the current push to build 500,000 EV charging stations (EVSEs) by 2030 at a cost to taxpayers of $5billion.

Here’s Biden admitting that it is because of the Green New Deal’s transition away from fossil fuels that America is seeing increases in gasoline and diesel prices:

America Out Loud published an article by on January 15th, 2022 titled “The Electric Vehicle Scam.

Here are the key points made by Dr. Lehr and Tom Harris:

  1. The utility companies have thus far had little to say about the alarming cost projections to operate electric vehicles (EVs) or the increased rates that they will be required to charge their customers. It is not just the total amount of electricity required⏤but the transmission lines and fast charging capacity that must be built at existing filling stations.
  2. In order to match the 2,000 cars that a typical filling station can service in a busy 12 hours, an EV charging station would require 600, 50-watt chargers at an estimated cost of $24 million and a supply of 30 megawatts of power from the grid. That is enough to power 20,000 homes.
  3. The government of the United Kingdom is already starting to plan for power shortages caused by the charging of thousands of EVs. Starting in June 2022, the government will restrict the time of day you can charge your EV battery.
  4. The average used EV will need a new battery before an owner can sell it, pricing them well above used internal combustion cars. The average age of an American car on the road is 12 years. A 12-year-old EV will be on its third battery. A Tesla battery typically costs $10,000 so there will not be many 12-year-old EVs on the road. Good luck trying to sell your used green fairy tale electric car! 
  5. Although the modern lithium-ion battery is four times better than the old lead-acid battery, gasoline holds 80 times the energy density. The great lithium battery in your cell phone weighs less than an ounce while the Tesla battery weighs 1,000 pounds. And what do we get for this huge cost and weight? We get a car that is far less convenient and less useful than cars powered by internal combustion engines.


The electric automobile will always be around in a niche market likely never exceeding 10% of the cars on the road. All automobile manufacturers are investing in their output and all will be disappointed in their sales. Perhaps they know this and will manufacture just what they know they can sell. This is certainly not what President Biden or California Governor Newsom are planning for. However, for as long as the present government is in power, they will be pushing the electric car as another means to run our lives. We have a chance to tell them exactly what we think of their expensive and dangerous plans when we go to the polls in November of 2022.

To make matters worse we recently received a link to a study on all electric vehicle (EV) charging stations (EVSEs) in the San Francisco Bay Area. The study was titled “Reliability of Open Public Electric Vehicle Direct Current Fast Chargers” done by David Rempel, Carleen Cullen, Mary Matteson Bryan and Gustavo Vianna Cezar from the Department of Bioengineering, University of California, Berkeley. The study found,

“the cable was too short to reach the EV inlet for 4.9% of the EVSEs and 22.7% of EVSEs that were non-functioning were unresponsive or unavailable screens, payment system failures, charge initiation failures, network failures, or broken connectorsThis level of functionality appears to conflict with the 95 to 98% uptime reported by the EV service providers (EVSPs) who operate the EV charging stations.”

So, 27% of the EVSEs had serious enough issues that you could not charge your EV.

CLICK HERE TO READ: The Electric Vehicle Scam

In a January 11th, 2022 article titled “Ever Wonder Why Our Leftist Government is Intent on Putting Us in Electric Cars? pointed out:

There is not now, nor ever will there be, sufficient electric power for us to travel hither and yon with battery-powered vehicles. So, who decides who gets what electricity will be available? Answer: your friendly liberal, “progressive,” leftist government who we, mistakenly or not, placed in power.

The electric vehicle (EV) is clearly one of the most hyped innovations of our lifetime. While our federal government and the state of California think that the internal combustion engine will soon end up in the dustbin of history, it just isn’t going to happen for a variety of reasons:

  • The most obvious is that the expense of EVs will not allow the average American to own one. The alternative will always be far cheaper and will transport you much farther.
  • EVs can never be produced in the numbers the government wants because of a lack of necessary rare earth minerals held hostage in China.
  • Availability of charging stations will never be adequate either. And the time required to recharge on a long trip will make you cancel any long trip. 
  • The cost of a battery replacement will be a significant turn-off as well.

Read the full article.

Dr. Jay Lehr is a Senior Policy Analyst with the International Climate Science Coalition and former Science Director of The Heartland Institute. He is an internationally renowned scientist, author, and speaker who has testified before Congress on dozens of occasions on environmental issues and consulted with nearly every agency of the national government and many foreign countries. After graduating from Princeton University at the age of 20 with a degree in Geological Engineering, he received the nation’s first Ph.D. in Groundwater Hydrology from the University of Arizona. He later became executive director of the National Association of Groundwater Scientists and Engineers.

Tom Harris is Executive Director of the Ottawa, Canada-based International Climate Science Coalition, and a policy advisor to The Heartland Institute. He has 40 years experience as a mechanical engineer/project manager, science and technology communications professional, technical trainer, and S&T advisor to a former Opposition Senior Environment Critic in Canada’s Parliament.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Ever Wonder Why Our Leftist Government is Intent on Putting Us in Electric Cars?

RELATED VIDEO: Diesel prices up 100 percent…

Global Warming: The Great Deception

A new book is now available titled “Global Warming: The Great Deception.” The book askes the key question: Why do the U.N. and certain politicians in the U.S. and Western Europe continue to promote the fraudulent global warming hypothesis?

The answer is: With regards to the U.N., it is all about the money – money for research and to affect socio-economic change. For many politicians, it is all about the power – the power to control the lives of the electorate. Power is the ultimate narcotic. And money follows power in politics. In his new book, Guy Mitchell addresses all of these issues in detail and explains why you should care about the triumph of dollars and politics over science.


Global Warming: The Great Deception-The Triumph of Dollars and Politics Over Science and Why You Should Care” is the definitive new work on the subject of anthropogenic (man-made) global warming. Guy Mitchell, a businessman with the mind of a scientist, takes a holistic approach and combines scientific analysis with an in-depth review of the political and economic aspects of the subject. He uses proven science and scientific facts to refute every claim of the climate alarmists and proponents of the man-made global warming hypothesis. He exposes the true reasons that the UN, certain politicians and global investment firms promote the global warming fraud. His analysis is an unbiased, scientifically based, insightful, no holds-barred approach to the subject.


There has been no significant warming of the world’s oceans, atmosphere or land mass since accurate satellite measurements were initiated in 1979. The average temperature of the Earth is an abstraction; it is a figment of the imagination of climate scientists, conjured up in an effort to support a fraudulent hypothesis. The concept has no validity in scientific analyses of the Earth’s climate. Increased concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere does not cause global warming or climate change; the geometry of the Earth’s orbit about the Sun and the Sun-spot cycle are the primary fundamental natural causes. Man has had no measured impact on the Earth’s climate. The melting of polar ice is the result of a natural oceanic cycle and is not affected by man’s activities. Empirical evidence of global warming is the result of local atmospheric conditions that have nothing to do with so-called climate change.

Mitchell employs his keen sense of business acumen to expose the real drivers behind the claims of man-made global warming: research funding, politics and global economics. Over $1 trillion world-wide has been spent on global warming research with nothing of substance to show for it. UN climate models are fundamentally flawed; they can not predict historical results or the future. Certain politicians in the US and Western Europe embrace the fraudulent hypothesis with no apparent understanding of the science or the socioeconomic impact that the abandonment of fossil fuels would have on the world economy or the reliability of the power grids that drive it. The man-made global warming hypothesis has been declared an existential threat and some US politicians want to use the “crisis” to erode fundamental civil liberties that are protected in the US Constitution. They want to use global warming to limit consumer choice, economic freedom and usher in socialism.

During the term of the failed Kyoto Protocol, world-wide CO2 emissions increased by 32%! The results of the Paris Climate Accord will be no different.The stated objective of UN climate treaties is to address socioeconomic inequalities world-wide within the context of climate change by transferring wealth from the developed nations to the developing nations. The vehicles involved include the trading of carbon credits. The world-wide market for trading carbon credits was over $200 billion in 2020; it is projected to exceed a trillion dollars in the near future. The practical effect of trading carbon credits is not to reduce the emission of CO2; it is to enrich those individuals and global investment firms who engage in the activity.

Why do the U.N. and certain politicians in the U.S. and Western Europe continue to promote the fraudulent global warming hypothesis? With regards to the U.N., it is all about the money – money for research and to affect socio-economic change. For many politicians, it is all about the power – the power to control the lives of the electorate. Power is the ultimate narcotic. And money follows power in politics. In his new book, Guy Mitchell addresses all of these issues in detail and explains why you should care about the triumph of dollars and politics over science.


©CFACT. All rights reserved.