DOJ Double Standards

Here’s a story about Hypocrisy and Duplicity: I lawfully received a copy of Joe Biden’s 40 year old daughter’s diary. In it, she alleged horrible things about her father, then a candidate for president of the United States. I didn’t publish the diary or any story about it.

Nevertheless, for a year a cowardly federal prosecutor in New York named Robert Sobelman secretly stole my emails, spied on my media company, and appears to have lied to federal judges to obtain secret covert spying orders.

He then appears to have lied again to federal judges to get a search warrant to invade my home and seize my First Amendment-protected reporter’s notes and source information.

Yesterday, Politico’s Josh Gerstein received a stolen copy of a draft U.S. Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade and published it — and yet he sleeps well in his own bed tonight, with no fear of being rousted at 6AM by short, loud, thuggish FBI agents as I was, and handcuffed.

It is right that he not fear prosecution. It is wrong that we must.

Welcome to America in 2022.

The American people want to know why rules apply differently to Project Veritas journalists.

Do we live in a country with equal justice under the law?

Without accountability from the DOJ, your freedom is an illusion.


EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

French voters re-elect President Macron and reject populists

Despite a low turnout (28% abstention), French President Emmanuel Macron was re-elected on April 24, 2022, beating second-round competitor Marine Le Pen by a margin of 58.6% to 41.4 %. Macron’s victory was the first re-election [without prior cohabitation] of a French president in two decades. In 2017, the dark horse Macron won a major victory over Marine Le Pen.

During his first term, Macron reduced unemployment, well questioned for his competent handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. and was praised for his diplomatic efforts in the current crisis of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. He met Russian President Putin in Moscow and was in constant telephone contact with Ukrainian President Zelensky. French voters appear to support efforts by the NATO alliance to arm Ukraine to repel unprovoked attacks on a sovereign nation aspiring to EU membership. Macron is the current rotating president of the European Union.

Le Pen had tried to airbrush her “extremist” positions and distance herself from her anti-Semitic father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, founder of the National Front. She changed the name of her custom party to Rassemblement National (NR). Le Pen, like populists Eric Zemmour on the far right and Jean-Luc Mélenchon on the far left, have agreed to step down as commander of NATO’s joint force. The outgoing president accused Le Pen of promoting a disguised Frexit and maintaining a close alliance with Putin’s Russia. The NR owes more than 9 million euros to a Russian-Hungarian bank. We’ll ask our Parisian colleague what she thinks of the claim by some British and American media that Le Pen actually won a victory while losing.

Macron has another “campaign” ahead, as he seeks a majority for the La République En Marche party in the June legislative elections. The trio of populist contenders, Le Pen and Zemmour on the far right and Jean-Luc Mélenchon on the far left, will try to take control of the National Assembly and thwart Macron’s second term agenda.

Macron now has the politically daunting task of appealing to a wide range of French regional voters who are likely to support populist agendas.

In this context, we held our seventh in a series of discussions with an American expat in Paris, contributor to  New English Review  , which provides English-language media resumes for  Tribune Juive  . We explore the implications of the French presidential election, the populist stance on the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, Israel’s need to turn a blind eye to Russia in Syria, Russia’s gas blackmail, and even more…

Jerry Gordon:  I’m Jerry Gordon, editor of  The New English Review  . And here we are with Nidra Poller reporting an interesting development with the second round of the French presidential elections. Nidra, what were the preliminary results of the second round?

Nidra Poller:  The results reported tonight are approximately: Macron 58%, Le Pen 42%. That might change slightly when the final results come in for major cities.

Jerry Gordon:  How does this compare to the 2017 election?

Nidra Poller: The difference was greater. It’s basically because Marine Le Pen, after losing miserably in 2017, did some sort of political Botox. She smoothed over her real agenda, her real intentions, and walked around with a big smile. By the end of the campaign, she was selling herself as “the mother of the nation.” This blunted the previous backlash that the far right should not be allowed to win. But, as you know, what I mean is that it would have been better if the commentators had shown it populist and explained populism. In any case, I am proud that France did not elect a populist. That’s the first thing. I wasn’t particularly impressed with Macron before, but he’s the president now, and that’s where I live, and I want him to succeed.

Interestingly, the losers did not give decent Democratic kudos. Well, I call them losers. Marine Le Pen lost to Macron. She phoned, as it should, to congratulate him. And then gave a speech that was a short version of his campaign, with insults and accusations, and blaming this and that, they didn’t treat her well, they won’t treat the French right, and so on. And then the candidates who didn’t even make it to the second round also had to put their face in front of us. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, whose bright new idea is that he should be elected Prime Minister, (I will explain later), and Zemmour, who says he will unite the right. It was really very sad. They just rehearsed…mumbling…just rehearsed their campaign pitches.

When candidates lose, they claim to love the country and the people. It’s sad to see them making a speech, basically saying that what the French want is what they had proposed. But the French have just voted, right? If people didn’t vote for them, stayed home saying how wonderful they are, the fact is they didn’t vote for them. You know, that’s the focus of my thinking right now: what we’re going through now is an uphill battle between democracy and tyranny. This is being played out in Ukraine with horrific brutality and suffering. And that is played out in our democracies, with elections and, sometimes, this refusal to accept the verdict. I have a lot of hope. I believe that the courage of Ukrainians in the defense of democracy will play an important role in strengthening democracy in what we called the free world. So, as I said,

But the idea that any intelligent and serious person can vote for Marine Le Pen, while the tyrant of tyrants is on the run in Europe, and we are witnessing unprecedented violence since the end of the Second World War. This violence has global repercussions. The idea that you could put a thoughtless, incompetent person, who walks around saying, “I’ve changed. I changed”… It looks like an alcoholic! “I’ve changed, I won’t do that again.” You cannot have a person without stature as President of France! France is very important in Europe. You know better than anyone that France is the strongest military power in Europe.

Jerry Gordon:  Yes.

Nidra Poller:  With Britain, right?

Jerry Gordon:  Yes.

Nidra Poller:  At a time when suddenly we know we have to defend ourselves, we can’t have… I mean, it would have been a terrible disaster for Europe if she had been elected. And I hope that Americans will wake up and pay tribute to us, as Europeans, for this choice.

Jerry Gordon:  I have to tell you that if you read the American press as the second round approached, it was: Oh, please, dire consequences, inflation will rise, NATO and the problems in Ukraine. And this result just confirms what you just talked about. This is, of course, a reaction against a rather reprehensible type of populism.

Nidra Poller:  Yes. And when you have a country as powerful as the United States that elects an incompetent populist president who has no sense of international relations… When Marine Le Pen spoke of international relations, it was laughable… if not tragic . It’s time people got serious. You cannot elect incompetent people on a whim. So, as I said, this is a lesson for the free world. And I think that’s a relief. I didn’t have time to read the  New York Times article  you sent me, “Marine Le Pen Has Already Wo”. … Isn’t this a magnificent victory? When losers say they’ve won. Well, I’m glad they lost, because their sense of reality isn’t very strong.

Jerry Gordon:  What was curious to me was that the author of that  New York Times article  was Rachel Donadio, a Parisian contributor to  The Atlantic  and former Rome bureau chief and European culture correspondent for  the New York Times  .

Nidra Poller:  What strikes me when I read about French politics in the American or Anglophone press is the lack of precise information given there. Sometimes, when I submitted articles to the American media, they said that there were too many details, the readers could not find their way. But if you don’t give specific details, there’s no way to figure out what’s at play here. What are we trying to do in our monthly conversation  , right  ?

Jerry Gordon:  Does this send another message to people similar to Marine Le Pen who had become Putin’s ally in the EU? And I’m talking about Victor Orban, who has just been re-elected in Hungary.

Nidra Poller:  Yes. As you see with their previous statements… In the past, when people lied, it was not easy to find proof of what they said. Today they lie, and two seconds later the video appears and the truth is out. Marine Le Pen was tripping over herself to say the invasion was terrible, and she doesn’t approve. But she had previously printed campaign posters showing herself shaking hands with Putin. So she had to throw them away. But everyone knows.

Jerry Gordon:  Do the French people, domestic concerns notwithstanding, be it inflation or some other excuse, support Macron’s position on the defense of Ukraine?

Nidra Poller: Yes, and they do it the French way. For example, the idea that the French can talk to everyone, and that it was good that Macron could talk to Putin. And they appreciate his refusal to use the term “genocide”. This pleases the French. But another point we will keep an eye on is that the legislative elections are approaching in June. And my prediction is that Macron’s party will get the majority. Tonight, the sore losers immediately put on their combat gear and took an aggressive stance: “Well, he won the election, but we’re going to give it to him, because we’ll win the parliamentary election.” I do not think so. Then, as the president says, he will have to consider all votes against him, right and left. This is what is expected of a president. Bad losers rack their brains saying how much they love France, and love the French. But when it comes to defending Europe against Putin’s aggression, we realize that these are empty words. Because they wouldn’t dare stand up to a dictator attacking us. What he does in Ukraine, he would do anywhere else. And, deep down, they won’t resist.

Jerry Gordon:  Where does that place Mr. Zemmour, whom some in the American press had said was the wind behind Marine Le Pen’s sails?

Nidra Poller: Yes and no. He acted so badly that she got to do that Botox. At first he said she couldn’t win. It inspired her to prove she could. This way he made her look good. On the other hand, if you do the arithmetic, you might figure out that he stopped her from winning. After the first round, they did polls to see where his voters would go in the second. They went massively to Marine Le Pen. So, if they agree with Marine Le Pen, why didn’t they vote for her in the first round? She would have had a much better result. Fortunately, they didn’t. This evening, there were the three grumpy ones, Marine Le Pen, Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Zemmour. They did not have the dignity to say that Macron won, he is our President, we will continue to express our positions, but he is our President and we want him to succeed. Zemmour gave a speech, he looked dejected and he said he was going to unite the right. It’s funny.

Jerry Gordon:  Nidra, you wrote an incisive article – and I mean incisive in a positive sense – for  Tribune Juive  , dealing effectively with the whole problem of populism. What was the reaction of those who read it in France?

Nidra Poller:  I have to talk to my editor to find out how people react to what I write, because TJ is not a site that attracts dozens and dozens of comments. Which is good, because most of the time they are not very enlightened and often they are quite cruel. Only one person has posted a reaction to this text. She ignored all the arguments I had given to show that populism is no more for the people than communism is for the sharing of wealth. She just made the same populist arguments: Macron is for the elite; ordinary people are ignored. And they’re fed up with it all. She said she was going to vote for Marine Le Pen because of my article. I hope, by the end of the year, to publish a collection of these chronicles that I write for Tribune Juive , because there is another dimension when you read them one after the other and see how they are linked. That’s what I did in the early 2000s. And maybe I’ll try to do an English version of those essays. In the column to which you refer, I said that they are populists and false nationalists. Populists never keep what they promise. Why do people believe them? They never deliver what they promise. They cling to a big social problem that no one can solve: immigration, drug trafficking, violence against women, and… What else…

Jerry Gordon:  Inflation?

Nidra Poller: Yes, the cost of living. And Islamic jihad in all its ramifications. Populists click on really problematic things that no one can fix. Their line is this: you elected one government after another and none of them solved these problems. I will do it. In fact, they have no experience to be judged. You remember: “We are going to build this wall and Mexico will pay for it. What they offer is a pie in the sky. I am proud and relieved that French voters did not get caught. If Putin’s Russia had not invaded Ukraine, the dangers we face would have remained theoretical. Russia has been getting a pass for 20 years. But the danger has now materialized, and it is obvious that we must have good leadership and responsible citizens. We don’t play on social media. Its a question of life or death.

Jerry Gordon:  Nidra, did the Franco-Jewish organization support Macron.

Nidra Poller:  No. That’s not what happened.

Jerry Gordon:  None?

Nidra Poller:  No. It was very controversial. Leaders of several organizations issued a warning: “Do not vote for the extremists, Zemmour, Le Pen or Mélenchon. For many Jews, people I respect, it was the unacceptable mixture of religion and politics. French Jews vote as French citizens. They shouldn’t be told how to vote.

Jerry Gordon:  Okay.

Nidra Poller:  But I see this warning as similar to what I wrote in the Tribune Juive article  you referred to. I find it appropriate that Jewish leaders speak out and educate Jews about the dangers of populism. And don’t forget, Marine Le Pen seriously intended, if elected, to ban kosher slaughter.

Jerry Gordon:  Right.

Nidra Poller:  I have to leave you now, because I’m going to listen to Emmanuel Macron’s speech at the Champ de Mars.

Jerry Gordon:  And I want to thank you for your comments on what seemed like a resounding victory for President Macron.

Nidra Poller:  Well, Marine Le Pen thinks it was a resounding victory for herself, but it was a resounding victory for democracy. And, as I said in that article you mentioned, now everything remains to be done.

Jerry Gordon:  So if I had to have a lead for this discussion, is it Macron’s victory over populism?

Nidra Poller:  I think it’s the victory of French voters against populism. Now Macron has to pull through. He’s very smart, he knows it’s not a resounding victory for him. It is a victory against the danger of electing an incompetent and dishonest person to the presidency of France in one of the most dangerous periods of modern times. People on the right are going to be angry when he does things to please voters on the left and vice versa. But that’s what he must do, rule. So we’ll follow it from there.

Jerry Gordon:  Nidra, following Macron’s victory, the French Jewish community organization CRIF applauded the result, but expressed concerns about the populist minority vote. What does this tell us about the fact that divisions in France are a threat to democracy?

©Jerry Gordon and Nidra Poller. All rights reserved.

House Republicans Introduce Legislation To Defund Biden’s Disinformation Board

Republican Louisiana Rep. Mike Johnson will introduce legislation Tuesday that would defund the Department of Homeland Security’s new “Disinformation Governance Board,” which is set to be led by Nina Jankowicz.

The Daily Caller first obtained the legislation spearheaded by Johnson, which has 50 cosponsors. The bill would completely bar federal funding for the DHS’ “Disinformation Governance Board,” something Johnson said the Republicans will do if President Joe Biden does not get rid of the board.

“The Biden Administration’s decision to stand up a ‘Ministry of Truth,’ is dystopian in design, almost certainly unconstitutional, and clearly doomed from the start,” Johnson told the Daily Caller before introducing the legislation. “The government has no role whatsoever in determining what constitutes truth or acceptable speech. President Biden should dissolve this board immediately and entirely. If he won’t then Republicans will.”


(DAILY CALLER OBTAINED) — … by Henry Rodgers

Jankowicz attempted to discredit the Hunter Biden laptop story in the past and is now in charge of the DHS disinformation board. Republican Sen. Ron Johnson sent a letter April 27 to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, saying Jankowicz is a “beacon of misinformation online” and mentioned that she has published multiple tweets “furthering the false media narrative” about the Hunter Biden laptop.

Both The Washington Post and The New York Times noted the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s laptop in March 2022, more than a year after the Daily Caller News Foundation (DCNF) first verified it on Oct. 29, 2020. The DCNF obtained a full copy of Hunter Biden’s alleged laptop from former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani in 2020 and had the emails forensically verified as real.

Just days before the DCNF verified the authenticity of the laptop, Jankowicz tweeted about the laptop, saying it “is a Russian influence op.”

During the second presidential debate, Jankowicz sent out a tweet which said that Biden cited “50 former natsec officials and 5 former CIA heads that believe the laptop is a Russian influence op.”

In a tweet from December 2017, Jankowicz also claimed the Steele dossier, which has been totally discredited, was funded by Republicans. Christopher Steele, the dossier’s author, was never funded by Republicans. The Washington Post reported in October 2017 that Marc E. Elias, a lawyer for the Clinton campaign and DNC, and his law firm, Perkins Coie, hired Fusion GPS last April to investigate Donald Trump — something Jankowicz failed to mention.

Jankowicz is currently a fellow at the Wilson Center. On her website, she calls herself an “internationally-recognized expert on disinformation and democratization.”



Senior Congressional correspondent. Follow Henry Rodgers On Twitter


Biden’s New Truth Czar Talks A Lot About ‘Disinformation Laundering.’ And Here She Is Committing That Very Sin

Sen. Ron Johnson Calls For Answers From DHS Over Biden’s ‘Disinformation’ Board, Slams Nina Jankowicz

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

7th Grade Science Should Not Include Climate Indoctrination

In my last article I exposed the outrageously alarmist 7th grade lessons on climate change just published under the so-called Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

There are now two fundamentally different systems of science education in American schools. The radical NGSS have been adopted by 20 States and so govern what about a third of our children learn in public schools. The other two thirds of America’s public school students are still under the regular standards, which have been developed over many years of practice.

To understand this strange situation it is useful to know what is taught to 7th graders under the regular standards. Several years ago I led a project that cataloged the average content of these standards for all grades. My sponsor was the US Energy Department’s Office of Science, the world’s biggest funder of research in the physical sciences.

Below are the topics that middle school students (grades 7, 8 & 9) typically cover. There is some variation from State to State but this list is a good indicator, especially because it is very different from what NGSS teaches. There is nothing at all about climate, much less scary made-up climate change.

A lot of important topics are covered, from a wide range of sciences. This is typical of every grade. There is a lot of real science to learn, without wasting time on climate alarmism.

Note that there is some redundancy because this list is used for a computer search algorithm that estimates the grade level of a science education document based on the terms used. Stemming is not used because in some cases the singular and plural occur at different grade levels. For example, moon versus moons. In many cases the singular and plural actually refer to slightly different things, so both occur frequently in the list.

Middle school topics typically taught in science education

nuclear reactions
nuclear reaction
nuclear reactor
nuclear reactors
nuclear fuel
nuclear fuels
nuclear waste
nuclear physics
nuclear physicist
alpha particle
alpha particles
magnetic fields
magnetic field
magnetic force
magnetic forces
magnetic induction
magnetic storm
electromotive force
elliptical galaxies
spiral galaxies
elliptical galaxY
spiral galaxY
spiral arms
irregular GALAXY
Milky Way galaxy
light years
solar nebula
solar system formation
solar nebular theory
planets formed
condensing GAS
planetary nebula
Theory of Gravity
gravitational pull
gravitational force
tidal pull
high tides
spring tide
neap tide
radio astronomer
radio telescope
radio astronomY

There is nothing about climate, much less alarming human caused climate change. The topic of climate is taught in high school, plus I know of no regular State standards that include alarmism when climate is taught. The NGSS are truly radical in this regard.

In addition, given that class time is very limited the NGSS must have dropped a lot of the real science that this regular standards list includes, to make room for the 18 extensive new alarmist lessons. I do not know what has been dropped but my impression is that the NGSS teach a lot less science in every grade.

The newly published alarmist lessons have yet to go into effect. We must try to stop them wherever possible.


David Wojick

David Wojick, Ph.D. is an independent analyst working at the intersection of science, technology and policy. For origins see For over 100 prior articles for CFACT see Available for confidential research and consulting.

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

NEWSMAX TV to Broadcast Climate Hustle 2

It is finally arriving. Grab the popcorn, gather your family. It will be a Mother’s Day to climatologically remember! The climate change debate is set to be rocked as CFACT’s skeptical film, Climate Hustle 2: The Rise of the Climate Monarchy, hosted by actor Kevin Sorbo, is set for it’s global broadcast release on Mother’s Day, May 8, 2022 at 8 PM Eastern Time.

The Newsmax network reaches 75 million cable homes and on streaming and digital media including on Pluto TV, The Roku Channel, Haystack News, Fubo TV, Sling TV, DirectTV and Vidgo, and more.

The film is the sequel to the smash hit Climate Hustle which was released in 2016 in 400 theatres nationwide and in Canada. The film torches Hollywood hypocrisy, climate financial corruption, media bias, kids’ classroom indoctrination, political correctness, and pulls back the curtain on the massive global warming establishment.

Climate Hustle 2 pulls no punches and goes right to the heart of the Green New Deal and the UN Paris climate pact and exposes the motives behind the climate agenda. The film features prominent scientists, and policy experts who explain how the agenda to control the climate is about controlling YOU.

Tune in this Sunday, May 8 at 8PM ET, to Newsmax TV on cable, satellite, Dish, or stream online at

It is a film Al Gore, AOC, and the United Nations DO NOT want you to see.

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

War on Parents: Federal Government Update

Yesterday, I told you how public schools across the country are violating parental rights by indoctrinating very young children, including preschoolers, in the radical gay and transgender agendas.  Today, unfortunately, I have to report to you that our federal government under the Biden administration has taken up these radical left-wing causes and is now a big part of the problem.

We start with Rachel Levine, a biological male transgender, who is Assistant Secretary of Health in Biden’s HHS.   Levine was pressed on transgender surgery and drugs for young children during confirmation hearings, but deflected the question. It’s no surprise Levine now talks openly about the “value and the importance of gender-affirming care” for young children.  Levine recently made the astounding claim “there is no argument among medical professionals” – including pediatricians – about this.  The fact of the matter is there is a great deal of argument.  A group of physicians called the Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine argues “the growing number of detransitioners” shows gender-affirming pediatricians don’t really know what they’re doing.  Moreover, the psychiatric profession does not agree with Levine.  The psychiatric manual DSM-5 recognizes a diagnosis for “gender dysphoria” in children calling for treatment as a sexual development disorder.  Rachel Levine is a far-left political hack and, indisputably, a colossal liar.

Levine’s boss, HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra told Congress last month he absolutely supports the use of federal funds to pay for mutilating, irreversible sex change surgery for minors.  He said he will defend the rights of children to undergo these gruesome procedures. This man is sick. Children cannot even consent to a car loan, and you’re telling me they possess the legal capacity to sign up for irreversible body-mutilating surgery and a lifetime of drugs and doctor visits to maintain the fiction they are now the opposite sex? If that’s what you think, YOU’RE sick, sick in the head. There’s lots of things children cannot legally consent to, like tattoos, and they need to be protected from the consequences of making choices when they can’t understand the ramifications.

The Biden White House doesn’t like the fact that Florida passed a law prohibiting the early sexualization of young children third-grade and below in Florida’s public schools.  The Biden administration is even investigating the new law as a federal civil rights violation.  Biden himself said last month the law will have a “tragic impact” and targets vulnerable students.  He dismissed parental rights with the wave of a hand.  That’s ironic.  Here’s who is targeting vulnerable students – far-Left school administrators across the country steeped in Marxist doctrine (I’ll get to that in a future commentary), teachers who pester kids to change gender while keeping it all secret from parents, and the transgender-industrial complex – the psychologists, surgeons, and drug companies who are all for artificially inducing gender dysphoria in young children so they can make a buck off of it.

All of this begs the question, “Whose Children Are They?” In previous commentaries, I’ve told you about a parade of Democrats, school administrators, and others who fervently believe children are state property and parents have no rights – including Democrat Terry McAuliffe who lost the governor’s race in Virginia last year because he said in a debate, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” The latest to join this parade is Joe Biden himself who told teachers just last week, “they are not somebody else’s children. They’re yours when you’re in the classroom.” Too bad somebody didn’t take Hunter Biden away from Joe Biden so Hunter could be raised properly.

There’s a powerful new documentary discussing the question “Whose Children Are They?”  The documentary contains compelling testimony from parents and educators about what the public schools are up to – no good.  It’s a powerful film and I highly recommend it to you.

Fortunately, most people don’t believe the far-left propaganda coming from Rachel Levine and Joe Biden.  Most people believe children are not property of the state and parents have rights and the say-so in the raising of their children.  But it’s not enough just to shake your head and say, ‘isn’t it a shame.’  People need to fight back and tomorrow, I will tell you about some parents who are doing exactly that.

Visit The Daily Skirmish and Watch Eagle Headline News – 7:30am ET Weekdays

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

Do the followers of Mohammed Believe in the Ten Commandments?

We have often wondered why those who follow the prophet Mohammed commit crimes against their fellow Muslims, Jews and Christians who also believe in an all powerful God that guides them in their daily lives.

Which led us to ask: Do the followers of Mohammed believe in the Ten Commandments?

Western Civilization embraced the Ten Commandments and all laws are fundamentally based upon the Ten Commandments as written in the Old Testament’s Exodus 20:2–17.

We decided to determine if Islam has what Jews and Christians have to insure moral behavior towards their fellow man and women.

We went to the Learn Religions website and found that the Ten Commandments are referenced twice in the Qur’an:

The Qur’an makes reference to the Ten Commandments twice. Quran Book 7:142–5 describes how Moses received the divine tablets. but doesn’t describe what was on them.

  • “And We ordained laws for him in the tablets in all matters, both commanding and explaining all things, (and said): ‘Take and hold these with firmness and enjoin thy people to hold fast by the best in the precepts’…” (Quran 7:142–5)

The other, in Book 2, says:

  • “Remember when we made a covenant with the children of Israel: You shall not serve any save God, and to be good to parents, and the near kinsman, and to orphans, and the needy, and speak good to all people, and perform the prayer, and pay the alms.” (Quran 2:83–4)

Here is what Learn Religions says about Islamic and Judeo Christian rules of behavior:

Early and classic Muslim commentators discussed the belief that the Israelites broke the Covenant made at Sinai, and conjecture what the tablets were made of: but in the end, to Muslims, it doesn’t matter what was written on those tablets, because the Quran is the perfect iteration of divine law. The Qu’ran’s commandments are found in (Quran 6:151–153), and although they are not completely in concordance with the Jewish Ten Commandments, there are some parallels.

Here’s a chart showing commandments in Islam (Quran 6:151-153) and Christianity (Exodus 20:2-17):

Similar Commandments in Islam and Christianity
Islam (Quran 6:151–153) Christianity (Bible Exodus 20:2–17)
Say, come, I will recite what God has made a sacred duty for you: Ascribe nothing as equal with God. You shall have no other gods before or besides me.
You shall not make for yourself a carved image, and bow down to them or serve them.
Be good to your parents. Honor your father and your mother.
You shall not kill your children on a plea of want; we provide sustenance for you and for them.
You shall not approach lewd behavior whether open or in secret. You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not take life, which God has made sacred, except by way of justice and law. Thus does God command you, that you may learn wisdom. You shall not kill.
And you shall not approach the property of the orphan, except to improve it, until he attains the age of maturity. Thou shalt not steal.
You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his ass, or anything that is your neighbor’s.
Give full measure and weight, in justice; no burden should be placed on any soul but that which it can bear.
And if you give your word, do it justice, even if a near relative is concerned; and fulfill your obligations before God. Thus does God command you, that you may remember. You shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.
You shall not not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.

Learn Religions concludes with this statement,

Thus, while Islam doesn’t exactly have its own “Ten Commandments,” it does have its own versions of many of the basic prohibitions given in the Ten Commandments. Because they accept the Bible as an earlier revelation of God they don’t object to things like displays of the commandments in public spaces. At the same time, though, they aren’t likely to see such displays as a religious duty or necessity because as described above they don’t accept the absolute authority of the Bible.

The Bottom Line

in a column titled “Crime and No Punishment” wrote:

What’s happening in America today with our crime wave is bad anthropology run amok. Biblical anthropology asserts that man is sinful and crimes need to be punished. Bad anthropology, like that espoused by Marxists, asserts that man is basically good—but that it’s society or structures that are bad and need to be torn down. Instead, the theory goes, we will rebuild these structures to be more just, affirming the goodness of man. We see the results now being carried out by coddled criminals on the streets.

The Democrat Party has fully embraced the idea of tearing down society and/or structures to further their idyllic policies of diversity, inclusion and equity.

Amongst those structures that must be torn down are synagogues, churches and mosques. For Marxists religion is the opiate of the people.

Those members of Congress and also followers of Mohammed have embraced and voted to move these myths forward.

On May 2nd, 2022 The Federalist’s Ryan Davison in a column titled “Bill Would Allow Feds To Purge U.S. Military And Local Police Using Charges Of Thought Crimes” reported:

H.R. 350 would give federal agencies the power to classify as ‘domestic terrorism’ whatever bureaucrats consider a ‘hate crime.’

A bill in Congress would create new domestic terrorism units within the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Justice, and FBI tasked with spying on Americans considered terrorist threats, then investigating and prosecuting them.

H.R. 350, also known as the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act (DTPA) of 2022, is making its way through the House Judiciary Committee. It would give federal law enforcement agencies the power to classify as “domestic terrorism” whatever the federal government considers a “hate crime.” One of the new “domestic terrorism” agencies the bill would create would focus on “domestic terrorism matters that may also be hate crime incidents.”

These new “domestic terrorism” agencies would also “ensure that such programs include training and resources to assist…law enforcement agencies in understanding, detecting, deterring, and investigating acts of domestic terrorism and White supremacist and neo-Nazi infiltration of law enforcement and corrections agencies.”

Of course, many of those in power consider the Constitution and patriotism to be acts of “white supremacy.” That is openly stated by purveyors of the 1619 Project and its effective champions in the federal bureaucracy.

If this bill passes two of America’s most important protectors of the U.S. Constitution and our laws would be fundamentally transformed.

Though crimes are the weapons of choice of those who want to change our culture, society, structures and Constitutional Republican form of government.

The followers of Mohammed and the followers of the Democrat Party are in tune with one another. They collectively want to replace America with a dystopian form of tyranny. If you do not bow down to Mohammed or Democrats then you are an enemy of the state.

It appears that Islam has become politicized and joined with Democrats in furthering policies that are against the Qur’an’s commandments.

For example the Qur’an states, “You shall not kill your children on a plea of want; we provide sustenance for you and for them.” Yet Muslims who are members of the Democrat Party do not speak out against not condemn abortion.

Herein lies the problem.

Islam, like Judaism and Christianity must be above politics.

God is greater than any government. Not to obey God and His commandments is sacrilegious. As both the Qur’an reads, “Ascribe nothing as equal with God.”

And thus ends the lesson on the fillers of Mohammed and the Ten Commandments.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED PODCAST: The Growth of Political Islam and How to Stop It


VIDEO: Suspected and Known Terrorists Walking Freely in the U.S.


A source within the Federal Government has come forward to reveal suspected and known terrorists are roaming freely in the United States following the Biden administration’s exit strategy in Afghanistan, and subsequent initiatives launched by the Department of Homeland Security [DHS] to shelter fleeing refugees, known as Operation Allies Welcome.

Here are some of the highlights from today’s video:

  • The records obtained by Project Veritas confirm numerous suspected terrorists are currently living throughout the country, many of whom have work visas despite being flagged by the Terrorist Watchlist for violent offenses like murder and using explosive devices and arms.
  • Project Veritas published redacted government records of suspected terrorists who fall under the “Tier 1” threat level which is labelled as “Armed and Dangerous.” Most of these individuals flagged by the Department of Homeland Security were admitted because of an initiative to shelter fleeing refugees called Operation Allies Welcome.
  • The whistleblower inside the Federal Government has identified numerous cases. The suspected terrorists verified by Project Veritas appear to only be a small sample size. These threats live throughout the country including the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C.

You can watch the full video HERE.

The video includes never-before-seen footage of current Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services [USCIS], Ur Jaddou, touting the Biden administration’s efforts to expedite the adjudication process of Afghanistan refugees. USCIS is a division within the Department of Homeland Security.

In the footage, Jaddou appears to be giving a speech to other government employees saying, “I am so proud. So, so proud, of what we were capable of doing and what we did in Operation Allies Welcome. Thousands of our Afghan allies paroled into the United States swiftly received employment authorization.”

She goes on to add that the agency is “continuing to work with the State Department to improve the efficacy, integrity, security, and transparency of the U.S. refugee admissions program.”

To date, Operation Allies Welcome has brought over 84,000 Afghan refugees into the United States.


EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas video report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Will Peter Thiel and other Conservative and Libertarian investors buy Disney?

Peter Thiel may be buying Disney? Really?

Peter Thiel has been described by the Washington Post as, “The 54-year-old, whose contrarian and right-wing political views have made him one of the most controversial figures to emerge from Silicon Valley, will focus his time on helping pro-Trump candidates win in November’s midterm elections, according to a person familiar with his thinking who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive matters.

Listen to Peter Thiel’s remarks at the 2016 Republican National Convention:

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

PODCAST: GOP Grassroots demand bold action and Europe needs natural gas America could help



Jeff Crouere is the host of, “Ringside Politics,” which airs weekdays on WGSO 990-AM in New Orleans. He is a political columnist, the author of America’s Last Chance and provides regular commentaries on the Jeff Crouere YouTube channel and on

TOPIC: GOP Grassroots demand bold action.


Adam A. Millsap is a Senior Fellow for economic opportunity issues at Stand Together. Adam writes about state and local policy, urban development, population trends, and labor markets. His writings have appeared in national outlets such as USA Today, US News and World Report, Real Clear Policy, and The Hill, as well as regional outlets such as the Detroit Free Press, Las Vegas Sun, Cincinnati Enquirer, and Orange County Register, among others. Adam is the author of Dayton: The Rise, Decline, and Transition of an Industrial City.

TOPIC: Europe Needs Natural Gas And America Could Help

©Conservative Commandoes Radio. All rights reserved.

STUDY: Rise In Women’s Uterus Disorder Following Covid Vaccination

What they are not telling us about the vaccine, in effect hiding from us, is…destroying lives and in some cases killing people. 

(STUDY) Rise in women’s uterus disorder following Covid vaccination

By Sharyl Attkisson

A new scientific research paper published in The Gazette of Medical Sciences on April 21, 2022 showed an alarming, unprecedented spike in reported cases of a previously extremely rare gynecological condition called membranous dysmenorrhea, or “decidual cast shedding” (DCS).

This trend began in 2021, as Covid vaccines were being widely distributed to the U.S. population, according to the paper.

The uterus disorder DCS occurs when the entire lining of the uterus sheds and exits the body in one piece, say scientists. They say the process can be extremely painful.

Prior to Covid, there were fewer than 40 cases of the uterus disorder reported in the medical literature over the previous 109 years, according to researchers.

The authors of the paper conducted the MyCycleStorySM study in which 292 women reported having a DCS uterus disorder event over 7.5 months in 2021.

Three of the study’s co-authors, Dr. Brian Hooker, Dr. Sue Peters and Ms. Heather Ray, are part of the Children’s Health Defense (CHD) science and research team.

The study was designed after an extraordinary number of women began sharing their experiences of menstrual irregularities on various social media platforms following the wide-spread distribution of the COVID vaccinations, resulting in a survey with over 150,000 participants that suggested a remarkable increase in menstrual irregularities starting in 2021.

MyCycleStorySM was created and conducted by thirteen scientists and physicians to follow up on previous reports and to gather more extensive data on the unusual increase in menstrual issues after the Covid vaccines were introduced into the population.

The MyCycleStorySM study collected detailed data from 6,049 survey participants between May 16 – December 31, 2021, all of whom described having abnormal menstrual symptoms.

In addition to the survey data, the study authors looked at Google metadata during 2021 and found that there was a 2,000% increase in the search terms “decidual cast” and “decidual cast covid vaccine” during the first two quarters of 2021.

Read the rest……

RELATED ARTICLE: Why the Boosted Are Now at Highest Risk of COVID

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

DYSTOPIAN AMERICA: Bill Would Allow Feds To Purge U.S. Military And Local Police Using Charges Of Thought Crimes

A bill in Congress would create new ‘domestic terrorism’ units within the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Justice, and FBI tasked with spying on Americans considered terrorist threats. Considered by whom? By a fraudulent rogue regime?

Bill Would Allow Feds To Purge U.S. Military And Local Police Using Charges Of ‘Hate Crimes’

By: Ryan Davison, The Federalist, May 2, 2022:

H.R. 350 would give federal agencies the power to classify as ‘domestic terrorism’ whatever bureaucrats consider a ‘hate crime.’

A bill in Congress would create new domestic terrorism units within the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Justice, and FBI tasked with spying on Americans considered terrorist threats, then investigating and prosecuting them.

H.R. 350, also known as the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act (DTPA) of 2022, is making its way through the House Judiciary Committee. It would give federal law enforcement agencies the power to classify as “domestic terrorism” whatever the federal government considers a “hate crime.” One of the new “domestic terrorism” agencies the bill would create would focus on “domestic terrorism matters that may also be hate crime incidents.”

These new “domestic terrorism” agencies would also “ensure that such programs include training and resources to assist…law enforcement agencies in understanding, detecting, deterring, and investigating acts of domestic terrorism and White supremacist and neo-Nazi infiltration of law enforcement and corrections agencies.”

Of course, many of those in power consider the Constitution and patriotism to be acts of “white supremacy.” That is openly stated by purveyors of the 1619 Project and its effective champions in the federal bureaucracy.

According to critical race theory, anyone born with pale skin is a potential “white supremacist” by means of his or her inborn “white privilege.” That means this bill could ultimately give federal agents the power to charge local law enforcement officers who love the Constitution with the “domestic terrorist” crime of “white supremacy.” This use of racial division to transfer local police power to federal agencies is already underway.

The Biden administration has also already proven itself willing to apply the extremist label of “domestic terrorists” to parents who publicly disagree with critical race theory at local school board meetings. This bill is exactly in step with that view of dissent as not only merely criminal, but an act of domestic terrorism. So is the Biden White House’s new “Disinformation Governance Board,” which also classifies dissent as a concern for federal law enforcement.

Indeed, H.R. 3350 would also set up a potential federal purge of U.S. law enforcement and military units. It sets up a federal “task force” “to analyze and combat White supremacist and neo-Nazi infiltration of the uniformed services and Federal law enforcement agencies.”

No reasonable person opposes legitimate policing of actual terrorist activities. The problem with the DTPA is that it is being set up for use as a political weapon against conservatives, Republicans, concerned parents, and anyone else who opposes the ruling class.

That is clear also from reading press releases from the bill’s sponsors. In a 2021 press release, main bill sponsor Rep. Brad Schneider, D-Illinois, attempted to indict Donald Trump supporters as domestic terrorists and presented the DTPA as a tool to suppress them“Unlike after 9/11, the threat that reared its ugly head on January 6th is from domestic terror groups and extremists, often racially-motivated violent individuals.”

Judiciary Chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler also pushed the false idea that the 2021 Capitol riot was a domestic terrorist attack, as opposed to a riot: “In the wake of the domestic terrorist attack on our Capitol two weeks ago, it is painfully clear that the current approach to addressing the real and persistent threat posed by white nationalism and similar ideologies is not working.”

These politicians are not hiding their intentions. They are openly using disinformation and deception to brand anyone who dares question their activities as “domestic terrorists,” “white supremacists,” and “white nationalists.”

The act was first introduced in 2017, long before the events on Jan. 6, 2021. Past iterations have included a “findings” section that lists violent incidents the authors attribute to “white supremacists,” “white nationalists,” and “far-right-wing extremists.”

The 2020 version referenced a 2017 shooting in Canada and a 2019 shooting in New Zealand. It’s unclear why international cases were included in a bill that promotes the idea of a rise in U.S. domestic terrorism. Additionally, the 2020 shooting by Kyle Rittenhouse that a jury concluded was justified self-defense was added to the bill as an example of right-wing extremism.

Absent from the earlier bill version’s findings, however, were mass shootings and attacks by apparent left-wing extremists. No mention was made of the 2016 Pulse Nightclub massacre of 49 people by a Muslim domestic terrorist or the 2017 mass shooting of four white men by Muslim extremist Kori Ali Muhammed, nor the violent attacks across the country by Antifa in 2020.

The findings section was stripped out of the current 2021-2022 version of the bill, but it’s a good indicator of its underlying purpose. So are the events of the past several years, as the label “domestic terrorism” has been applied increasingly more often to Democrats’ domestic political opponents.

Perhaps the most notable of such examples is the January 6, 2021 riot at the Capitol. Leftist media and politicians continue to promote the false narrative that the riot was a planned and organized “insurrection,” a terrorist act during which multiple people, including police officers, were killed. They are keeping these lies alive in the minds of vulnerable Americans, providing a springboard for things like unusually harsh prosecutions and detainment, the partisan and possibly illegal January 6 commission, and legislation like H.R. 350.

The false premise of January 6 protesters being domestic terrorists has resulted in the justification of solitary confinement. It has also led to biased judges passing excessive sentences for misdemeanors. Giving federal law enforcement agencies more tools to brand certain groups of Americans as terrorists will likely lead to more such abuses…….read the rest.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Chinese Communist Party cited false claims about COVID origins from Biden’s Thought Police chief

“The CCP said, ‘Jankowicz said that putting the blame on a Wuhan lab helps the Trump administration find a scapegoat. It becomes more politically convenient for Trump and his administration, she said.’”

Now we see who exactly was retailing falsehoods for political convenience. Why, it was none other than Biden’s disinformation czarina herself.

Biden ‘disinformation’ chief’s criticisms of lab leak theory were boosted by CCP

by Jerry Dunleavy, Washington Examiner, April 29, 2022:

The Biden administration’s new “disinformation” czar was cited favorably by the Chinese Communist Party in 2020 for her criticisms of proponents of the hypothesis that COVID-19 emerged from a Wuhan lab, which she dismissed as a pro-Trump talking point.

The episode is another example in which Nina Jankowicz, the newly named executive director of the Department of Homeland Security’s new Disinformation Governance Board, either labeled claims as disinformation that were later found to have credibility or gave credence to assertions that were later discredited. Most notably, she also backed Trump dossier author Christopher Steele and cast doubt on the Hunter Biden laptop story during the 2020 election.

Jankowicz was cited in an April 2020 BuzzFeed article titled “Scientists Haven’t Found Proof The Coronavirus Escaped From A Lab In Wuhan. Trump Supporters Are Spreading The Rumor Anyway.”…

Jankowicz suggested that the lab leak theory helped the Trump administration find a scapegoat.

“It becomes more politically convenient for Trump and his administration the further we get into this maelstrom, especially in comparison to the Chinese response,” she said.

Chinese state-run media repeatedly cited Jankowicz’s comments.

China Daily, owned by the CCP’s Publicity Department, published two nearly identical pieces in early May 2020, one titled “U.S. right-wing media fan virus origin rumor” and the other “Western officials, researchers cast doubt on China lab virus leak theory.”

The first story asserted that “the U.S. right-wing media and supporters of U.S. President Donald Trump have fanned the latest round of speculation that the novel coronavirus of COVID-19 came from a laboratory in Wuhan.” The CCP attacked the “right-wing media machine,” including the Washington Examiner.

The CCP said, “Jankowicz said that putting the blame on a Wuhan lab helps the Trump administration find a scapegoat. It becomes more politically convenient for Trump and his administration, she said.”…

RELATED VIDEO: A Critical Look at Surah 96 from The Critical Qur’an, with David Wood and Robert Spencer


Blinken: From Iran, ‘There is an ongoing threat against American officials’

New Jersey: Muslim software developer scouted locations in NYC, DC and Boston for jihad massacres for Hizballah

Austria: Sunni Muslim migrant threatens to rape and behead Shi’ite woman, is acquitted

Morocco: General Directorate of National Security arrests 80 people for publicly eating during Ramadan

Afghanistan: Jihad suicide bomber murders over 50 people at mosque

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden Revoked Trump’s ‘Energy Dominance’ Agenda. Now It’s Coming Back To Haunt Him

President Joe Biden’s decision to reverse a series of Trump administration energy policies have harmed American consumers amid the Ukraine crisis, former Interior Secretary David Bernhardt said.

Bernhardt, who led the Department of Interior (DOI) between 2019-2021, said Biden’s energy policies reflect activism rather than a coherent strategy to ensure low prices and sufficient supply for Americans. Fossil fuel industry groups and Republican lawmakers have repeatedly blamed the Biden administration for rising energy prices slamming consumers in recent weeks.

The average price of gasoline ticked up to $4.19 a gallon on Monday, remaining near its all-time high of more than $4.30 per gallon set in April, according to Energy Information Administration data.

“As a candidate, President Biden was very, very clear that he had a different energy vision than the vision of energy independence — even energy dominance — that Trump had,” Bernhardt told the Daily Caller News Foundation in an interview.

“President Biden campaigned with a very different vision,” he continued. “His vision, I think to say fairly, would be a vision of climate activism over energy independence or energy dominance.”

Bernhardt added that Interior Secretary Deb Haaland has filled the DOI with “some of the most activist folks that could have possibly been chosen.” He said the agency is largely crafting energy policies based upon Biden’s directives.

Shortly after taking office in January 2021, Biden issued a series of climate-related executive orders, canceling the Keystone XL pipeline permit and issuing a moratorium on new federal oil and gas leasing, following up on a campaign promise to “get rid of fossil fuels.” The Biden administration has yet to hold an onshore lease sale even after a federal court ruled the moratorium was illegal.

Haaland revoked a dozen key Trump administration energy policies in compliance with Biden’s executive orders in an April 2021 secretarial order. The DOI’s “American Energy Independence,” “Supporting and Improving the Federal Onshore Oil and Gas Leasing Program and Federal Solid Mineral Leasing Program” and “Executive Committee for Expedited Permitting” were among the policies reversed.

“I’m hopeful that these steps will help make clear that we, as a Department, have a mandate to act,” Haaland said at the time.

But Bernhardt pointed to both the lack of drilling and decline in applications for permit to drill (APD) issued by the Biden administration.

“If you look at the number of APDs issued in December 2020 and then compare that to December of 2021, you will see a nearly 80% reduction in APDs issued even though over 4,000 APD requests,” Bernhardt told the DCNF. “And if you look at the length of time it currently takes to do the processing of APDs and let’s say you looked at it between fiscal year 20 and fiscal year 21, you will see a lengthening.”

The U.S. increased domestic oil production during the Trump administration from 8.9 million barrels of oil per day to nearly 13 million barrels of oil per day between 2016-2019, according to Energy Information Administration data. The nation became a net exporter of total energy in 2019 — factoring in oil, coal and natural gas trade — for the first time in nearly eight decades.

The U.S., though, is projected to return to net oil importer status under the Biden administration in 2022. Production has decreased since November to about 11.3 million barrels a day.



Energy and environment reporter. Follow Thomas on Twitter

RELATED ARTICLE: Biden Admin Says Oil Production Is At Historic Levels. But There’s One Problem

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact

Riiight: Mayorkas Says Disinformation Board Won’t Monitor Americans

Sunday on CNN’s State of the Union, Secretary of Homeland Security and open-borders fanatic Alejandro Mayorkas claimed that the newly-launched “Disinformation Governance Board” would not infringe on free speech or monitor Americans.

Asked about criticisms that the Board is Orwellian, Mayorkas proceeded to gaslight CNN’s few remaining viewers:

“It’s clear, I mean, those criticisms are precisely the opposite of what this small working group within the Department of Homeland Security will do. And I think we probably could have done a better job of communicating what it does and does not do.”

They could have started by not calling it the Orwellian-sounding “Disinformation Governance Board.”

“So, what it does, it works to ensure that the way in which we address threats, the connectivity between threats and acts of violence are addressed without infringing on free speech, protecting civil rights and civil liberties, the right of privacy,” Mayorkas continued. “And the board, this working group, internal working group, will draw from best practices and communicate those best practices to the operators because the board does not have operational authority.”

Draw from and communicate best practices? That word salad is absolutely meaningless.

Asked if American citizens will be monitored, Mayorkas said, “No, no, the board does not have any operational capability. What it will do is gather together best practices in addressing the threat of disinformation from foreign state adversaries, from the cartels and disseminate those best practices to the operators that have been executing and addressing this threat for years.”

Translation: the Disinformation Governance Board absolutely will monitor Americans and infringe on free speech.

Alejandro Mayorkas

14 Known Connections

Mayorkas Says That Mis- & Dis- Information Can Cause Domestic Terrorism

On February 7, 2022, Mayorkas and DHS issued a “National Terrorism Advisory” saying:

“The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information (MDM) introduced and/or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors. These threat actors seek to exacerbate societal friction to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest, which could potentially inspire acts of violence. […] The primary terrorism-related threat to the United States continues to stem from lone offenders or small cells of individuals who are motivated by a range of foreign and/or domestic grievances often cultivated through the consumption of certain online content. […] For example, there is widespread online proliferation of false or misleading narratives regarding unsubstantiated widespread election fraud and COVID-19. Grievances associated with these themes inspired violent extremist attacks during 2021.”

In a press statement regarding this same issue, Mayorkas said: “Since January 2021, DHS has … increased efforts to identify and evaluate MDM, including false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories spread on social media and other online platforms, that endorse violence.”

To learn more about Alejandro Mayorkas, click here.


CNN Calls for Social Media Regulation

Biden’s New Thought Police Chief Really, Really Loves Her Job

‘Would You Be Okay If Donald Trump … Created This Disinformation Governance Board?’: CNN’s Dana Bash Grills Mayorkas

Disinformation And Wizard Rock: Meet Biden’s New ‘Minister Of Truth’ At DHS

Biden’s New Truth Czar Talks A Lot About ‘Disinformation Laundering.’ And Here She Is Committing That Very Sin

‘Read The Bill Of Rights Again’: Tulsi Gabbard Calls Out Both Parties For Their Silence On The ‘Ministry Of Truth’

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.