Israeli Prime Minister to Meet Biden Today

The Israeli prime minister flies to Washington, D.C. for a Thursday meeting with a simpleton, our usurper president Joe Biden, and the main subject as far as Israel is concerned, of the arranged meeting is Iran, the worlds leading supporter of Islamic radical terror groups. They are also a chronic security risk to Israeli sovereignty and security.

Iran, as you all know, was a part of a very generous nuclear deal under traitor Barrack Hussein Obama who sent plane loads of cash to the strapped Iran allowing them to totally get further involved in developing their nuclear program including nuclear weapons.

Let us understand quite clearly that practically every Arab country in that troubled region DO NOT want a nuclear armed Iran. The whole region became mostly peaceful under the peace agreements signed between many countries with Israel under the great and strong leadership of President Donald J Trump. It was an amazing era. However, in the last 8 months Biden has done all he can to destabilize the region with his parties apparently irrational hatred of Israel.

So – Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett says he is coming to the States with a plan. I do not think Bennett is as strong a man as Netanyahu but I know he has to hold fast or he will lose his job. Israel is not in the mood for Biden’s antics. The deal put in place by Obama was stopped, wisely, by President Trump, but Biden wants to reinstate it on steroids. Dangerous policy for the entire western world.

Iran, knowing that now Trump has gone from power, knows or thinks it will be negotiating from a position of strength. Having seen the best America can do under Biden in Afghanistan they feel even stronger. They have constantly given the world the middle finger as regards keeping with the details of the original deal. They have enriched uranium to 60% purity, a short hop, skip and jump to the 90% needed for a nuclear bomb. They are producing uranium metal which is a material that has no other use than advanced nuclear weaponry. None.

Israel wants America to cooperate with them on stamping down on Iran’s abilities. They are looking to create a strong coalition against Iran but I am not sure that America really now wants to.

We, as a nation, have lost face due to the Afghanistan fiasco and the truth is that the majority of countries now understand this new Biden/Obama America is no longer a strong world leader. They will continue coming to us for money as always but with little to no respect.

Jusoor for Studies, an Istanbul-based research institute just released a report with the following highlights. All this is happening as Iran has more than doubled its number of bases and military outposts in southern Syria’s Golan Heights. Despite a 2018 agreement to reduce Iranian-backed operatives and affiliated militia in southern Syria’s Golan Heights, signed by Russia, Jordan, Israel, and the U.S., Iran has instead cemented its presence in the area. Iranian-backed and Hezbollah-affiliated military installations more than doubled, growing from 40 to 88, in the past two years. Syrian army bases are being used for logistical support for Iranian militias. Iran has recruited international fighters to advance its interests in Syria, training and arming Afghan, Pakistani, Iraqi, and Lebanese nationals throughout the country. Some Iranian agents are disguised as Syrian army officers and soldiers. The relative freedom enjoyed by Iran to establish military outposts in Syria is indicative of the overall chaos in the nation, which has been engulfed in a civil war for over a decade.

Trust me America, if Bennet fails to persuade Biden to clamp down on Iran, which he will not want to do as it would upset his extremist Democrat party members like the Squad and Bernie Sanders, Israel will have no other option than to take matters into their own hands. Militarily.

Make no mistake, the Taliban victory will have long lasting affects and has strengthened Iran, Russia, China and Pakistan. They know this and are flexing their muscles as we speak.

Israel has been working hard cementing friendships with surrounding Arab states and I believe they will not stand in the way of Israeli military actions against a common enemy.

Biden will not leave Israel any choice.

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

The 10 States Leading the Economic Recovery All Have One Thing in Common [And So Do the Worst Ones!]

The economy continues to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing government restrictions. But newly released Labor Department data show that the recovery isn’t equal across all 50 states and Washington, DC. Some parts of the US have almost or entirely returned to pre-pandemic unemployment rates—while others remain strangled in stagnation.

Here are the 10 states with the lowest unemployment rates as of July 2021.

  1. Nebraska: 2.3 percent
  2. Utah: 2.6 percent
  3. New Hampshire: 2.9 percent
  4. South Dakota: 2.9 percent
  5. Idaho: 3.0 percent
  6. Vermont: 3.0 percent
  7. Alabama: 3.2 percent
  8. Oklahoma: 3.5 percent
  9. Montana: 3.6 percent
  10. Georgia: 3.7 percent

Many different factors influence unemployment rates, but there’s one glaring thing these 10 states all have in common: Republican governors. Generalizing, GOP-led states had lighter government lockdowns on their economies and reopened sooner. So, too, except for Vermont, these states have all prematurely terminated the ongoing supplemental unemployment benefits that can pay unemployed households up to $25/hour. (More than what many workers made in their previous jobs.)

In stark contrast, here are the 10 worst states (counting Washington, DC) with the highest unemployment rates.

  1. Arizona: 6.6 percent
  2. Louisiana*: 6.6 percent
  3. Pennsylvania: 6.6 percent
  4. Washington, DC: 6.7 percent
  5. Illinois: 7.1 percent
  6. Hawaii: 7.3 percent
  7. New Jersey: 7.3 percent
  8. California: 7.6 percent
  9. New Mexico: 7.6 percent
  10. New York: 7.6 percent
  11. Nevada: 7.7 percent

With the exception of Arizona, these states struggling with high unemployment all have Democratic governors (or mayor, in the case of DC). Generally speaking, they had longer and harsher government restrictions on their economies than the top 10 states. And, except for Arizona, all of these bottom-ranking states continued to offer residents expanded payouts to stay on unemployment benefits. (*Louisiana ended the benefits on August 3, but the unemployment rates are for July 2021, before this change took effect).

The picture painted here is clear.

States that harshly restricted their economies and continue to offer expanded welfare programs are trapped in a labor market coma. Meanwhile, free states that eschewed long-term lockdowns and welfare excess are leading the recovery. That’s no coincidence—and the principle here is worth remembering long after the pandemic.

Like this story? Click here to sign up for the FEE Daily and get free-market news and analysis like this from Policy Correspondent Brad Polumbo in your inbox every weekday.

WATCH: I Went on The Young Turks to DEBATE Why Capitalism is Better Than Socialism


Brad Polumbo

Brad Polumbo (@Brad_Polumbo) is a libertarian-conservative journalist and Policy Correspondent at the Foundation for Economic Education.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

One of the Biggest Welfare State Expansions in U.S. History Just Got Approved By the House

And the whopping $3.5 trillion price tag could even be an underestimate.

It’s another day that ends in y, so, Congress just nonchalantly voted to spend trillions of taxpayer dollars. On Tuesday, the House approved a $3.5 trillion spending resolution on a party-line vote, with Democrats backing the measure and Republicans uniformly opposing it.

“House Democrats passed a $3.5 trillion budget resolution on Tuesday, 220-212, advancing the party’s effort to pass a sweeping economic package that would expand the nation’s social safety net,” Axios reports. “Democrats now will be able to use the budget reconciliation process to pass a bill — likely later this fall — by a simple majority, tackling key priorities like health care, child care and climate change.”

The so-called “Human Infrastructure” plan paves the way for further bills allocating these trillions toward enormous expansions of the welfare state across many different areas and industries. It includes education measures like taxpayer funding for “free” community college and “universal” pre-school, as well as healthcare expenditures like expanding Obamacare subsidies—even for the wealthy—and adding more people to government healthcare programs. It also has climate schemes like huge electric vehicle subsidies, the creation of a “Civilian Climate Corps” to supposedly create “green jobs,” and much, much more.

It would honestly be easier to list what’s not in the proposal than what is.

The expense here is truly mind-boggling. Remember that this spending plan comes on the heels of more than $6 trillion in ostensibly-pandemic-related welfare spending and in addition to a $1+ trillion transportation infrastructure bill. And this is all in light of a $28.6 trillion—and counting—national debt. This additional $3.5 trillion bill amounts to, roughly estimated, about $24,400 in new spending per federal taxpayer.

If enacted, this plan would be one of the biggest expansions of government and the welfare state in American history. To put it into context, consider President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal, the legendary set of government programs enacted in the 1930s that created Social Security and many other forms of welfare still with us today.

Well, the New Deal cost $41.7 billion at the time. And, roughly translated, that’s about $875 billion in today’s dollars. So, the welfare spending plan House Democrats just approved is several times bigger in total cost than the inflation-adjusted New Deal!

The crazy thing is that the $3.5 trillion price may actually be an underestimate.

One of the major provisions in the spending plan is further extending the recently-expanded “child tax credit,” an expensive welfare program that sends regular checks with taxpayer money to families based on how many kids they have.

The $3.5 trillion resolution, when eventually fleshed out into full spending legislation, is likely to reauthorize the tax credit for 2 to 4 years. However, the White House and leaders in Congress have openly said they want to make it permanent. So, we can expect them to simply re-extend it in a few years. They are most likely only doing a shorter extension in this bill to keep the sticker price of the legislation down.

According to American Enterprise Institute senior fellow and Rowe scholar Matt Weidinger, this means the spending plan could ultimately cost up to $1 trillion more than currently advertised. That’s right: the already-exorbitant $3.5 trillion price tag could really be more like $4 trillion or $4.5 trillion in practice.

“If they only extend something for two years but want to make it permanent, all that means is that in two years, someone else is going to have to figure out how to pay for the extension,” Weidinger told me in a phone interview. “But it’s no less of an expectation that they want to make it permanent… they can just only squeeze so much sugar into this 5-pound sack that they’ve created for themselves today.”

Yet, given the sad normalization of profligate spending in Washington DC, some people might unfortunately be unfazed by the prospect of trillions more going out the door. But we should still be alarmed.

“Money doesn’t grow on trees, and somebody has to pay for this,” Weidinger argued. “Whatever the spending promises are today, they will be matched by some tax hikes—including in this legislation—but not nearly enough to actually cover the true cost of this. So, if you want bigger government, more disincentives for people to be working and supporting themselves, and if you want to leave bigger bills for our children and grandchildren to pay, you’re going to love this plan. [If not], you should be quite skeptical of this plan.”

Of course, the headlines and Americans’ attention are understandably concentrated elsewhere, as chaos grips Afghanistan and the pandemic persists. But we cannot afford to lose sight of the fact that Congress is all the while voting away trillions from our pockets and expanding the scope of the welfare state to unprecedented new heights.


Brad Polumbo

Brad Polumbo (@Brad_Polumbo) is a libertarian-conservative journalist and Policy Correspondent at the Foundation for Economic Education.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Like this story? Click here to sign up for the FEE Daily and get free-market news and analysis like this from Policy Correspondent Brad Polumbo in your inbox every weekday.

Karl Marx’s Favorite Quote

It is incredible how a failed theory—Marxism—continues to make inroads into the hearts and minds of millions of fellow Americans. A new poll out the other week found that for the first time, a majority of Democrats say they prefer socialism over capitalism. (8/12/21) reports: “A new Fox News poll showed that more Democrats favor socialism over capitalism, in a sharp reversal from just a year and a half ago. The poll…showed that 59% of registered Democratic voters who participated had a positive view of socialism, compared to just 49% who felt that way about capitalism.”

It’s possible in some cases that they are just simply mistaken about definitions—that they think capitalism means greed, whereas socialism means sharing.

No, capitalism means freedom to earn, whereas socialism means the government is free to steal from those who earn.

Everywhere around the world, we see the bitter fruit of Marxism. Everywhere his ideas have been put into practice, death, misery, loss of basic freedoms, and poverty follow. Can anybody name a square inch spot on the planet, anywhere, where Marxism has brought anything good? Certainly not in China, Russia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Cuba, Venezuela, etc.

And yet there are millions of Americans who have been brainwashed into thinking that Marxism is good, that it means compassionately sharing with others. No, it effectively means the government stealing from its citizens…for the sake of the ruling class to be enriched.

Here’s an example: Most Cubans live on $44 (U.S.) per month. In contrast, when Fidel Castro died in 2016, his net worth was estimated at $900 million. In America, wealth is created by providing value in voluntary exchanges, and there is no inherent limit on it. But in a Marxist setting like Castro’s Cuba, the government controls the economy, and it’s a zero sum game. Castro’s wealth was at the expense of the Cuban people.

Even Critical Race Theory, which is tearing many school boards apart, is merely repackaged Marxism, enforcing the never-ending Marxist principle of “oppressor” versus “oppressed.”

And all of this gets back to a miserable anti-Christian man in 19th century Germany—Karl Marx. I recently learned from Dr. Paul Kengor something I didn’t know about Marx—his favorite quote. It speaks volumes. Kengor is a bestselling author and a professor of history and political science at Grove City College. I’ve interviewed him many times.

In his latest book, The Devil and Karl Marx, Kengor points out that Marx loved the line that comes from the devil character, Mephistopheles, in Goethe’s Faust: “Everything that exists deserves to perish.”

Dr. Kengor elaborates: “Friends said Marx would chant this. He would recite this—‘Everything that exists deserves to perish. Everything that exists deserves to perish.’ This is a philosophy that’s about tearing down, burning the foundation, leveling the house, to where you have Marx standing there in the smoldering embers, saying, ‘Now we are ready to begin.’ So anybody that thinks that this is a philosophy that is just about helping one another or sharing the wealth or redistributing wealth, they do not understand Marx and Marxism.”

And what do we see in our streets today? Destruction, riots, tear it all down. Let’s build a new and supposedly better world.

Ironically, Marx couldn’t even feed his own family. Even when he received a windfall of cash, he selfishly spent it all on himself. Marx couldn’t balance his own checkbook, but he presumed to tell the rest of the world how to run their economies. And everywhere his ideas have been implemented, they’ve driven their economies right into the ground.

Some people may naively assume that you can have socialism without the violence. But that is not the case. As Marx stated: “Socialism cannot be brought into existence without revolution.”

And what has been the results of atheistic communism because of Marx? Kengor writes, “A legacy of over one hundred million dead, not to mention the robbing of so many basic liberties and incalculable harm to so many souls has been nothing short of diabolical—truly a satanic scourge, a killing machine…It plagues us to this day.” (The Devil and Karl Marx, p. 402).

When there is no God to whom we must give an account, then the state can become god. That was certainly true in the minds of many a totalitarian dictator.

Why has America lasted all these years? For all the problems of America’s founding, the founders said our rights from God. The God factor is the key to America’s enduring success.

In contrast to Marx’s philosophy that everything should perish, Jesus said, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” What a better approach to the world—and with infinitely better results all around the planet.

©Jerry Newcombe. All rights reserved.

THE PURGE CONTINUES: Author of “Bronze Age Mindset” Banned From Twitter

Three years ago, a self published book entitled “Bronze Age Mindset” quietly became a best seller on Amazon, despite being written by the pseudonymous author “Bronze Age Pervert,” otherwise known as BAP, and despite a complete lack of marketing.

Since that time, “BAP” has been visible on his podcast, “Caribbean Rhythms,” a YouTube channel that hasn’t posted a new video in over a year, an Instagram account that’s been dormant for three years, a Facebook page that’s been dormant for nearly five years, and Twitter, where he has been making frequent entries.

Until now. BAP is banned from Twitter. For reasons unknown, BAP became too much for the censors at Twitter.

If you want to follow someone’s thinking, follow their reactions and analysis of current and random events, and just enjoy and hopefully benefit from connecting with their mind, Twitter remains the default platform. Parler is all but dead, Gab is good but let’s face facts, it’s a cul-de-sac, unlikely to ever attract the wider world of viewers. For that quick window into someone’s snippets of thought, their clever aphorisms and their announcements to the world, Twitter holds the monopoly.

Shortly after Bronze Age Mindset was written, I attempted to explain its significance to the growing populist movements around the world. These excerpts concerning Bronze Age Mindset were just part of a broader analysis of the populist response to globalism. But they are a humble attempt to do justice to what remains an important and original work.

The greatest relevance, perhaps, for BAP today in America is his early insight into the growing affinity that America’s nonwhite’s, especially nonwhite immigrants, have for American nationalism. This possibility, that Americans of all ethnicities will unite to demand policies to protect American workers, preserve American traditions, revere American institutions, and enable ongoing and broad based prosperity for all American citizens, is perhaps the biggest threat to the globalist agenda. It explains the incessant drumbeat from our establishment – America is racist, America is flawed, America must atone, America must reduce itself. But what if this divisive drumbeat is overwhelmed by the populist chorus of a unified people that value national solidarity over racial division?

Twitter has no business banning people like BAP. But we already knew that. Here, from 2019, are comments on Bronze Age Mindset, and its author:

A book that has quietly sold its way into influence and infamy is Bronze Age Mindset, self-published in 2018, written by a pseudonymous author “Bronze Age Pervert,” which he typically shortens to “BAP.” Bronze Age Mindset is a book that disrespects pretty much everything about modern life. Instead, the author exhorts readers to aspire to become the piratical, fearless figures of Bronze Age antiquity. Talk about reactionary!

The author, who in his book periodically dispenses with grammar, recently surfaced to publish a response to a review of Bronze Age Mindset written by Michael Anton. Both the review and the response are valuable reading for anyone trying to understand the evolving mindset of the anti-establishment. Because closely linked to the reactionary resistance to both cultural and economic annihilation is, obviously, a rejection of the so-called ruling class. This sentiment, and little else, unites the Yellow Vest Movement in France. A feeling of being betrayed by the ruling class also informs movements in the United States that are otherwise bitterly opposed to one another. BAP writes:

“What you are witnessing is the unraveling of the postwar American regime—or what is mendaciously called by its toadies the ‘liberal world order’—in a way that is far more thorough than the disturbances of the 1960s, and with consequences that will be far more dire. The ‘altright’ doesn’t exist and has nothing to do with the media representations of it as a form of ‘white nationalism,’ or even—and here is what is crucial to understand—just ‘white males’ or just the ‘right wing.’ The same phenomenon is taking place on the left, and there is much more crossover than older people realize: there is much more involvement also by nonwhite youth and particularly by Latino, Asian, and multiracial youth in this phenomenon than people want to admit.”

In BAP’s essay, titled “America’s Delusional Elite is Done,” he accuses the conservative intellectual establishment of failing to oppose “the violent racial hatred and other forms of unprecedented insanity coming from the new left,” including “the destruction of the family, and the new push to groom children on behalf of transsexualism and other supposed sexual identities.” He points out that “this one crucial matter extends the appeal of the ‘frog people’ far beyond that of any one racial or ethnic group.”

BAP sees resistance to cultural deconstruction as something that is unifying various ethnicities. Economic globalism and cultural deconstruction may have left France open to ethnic replacement and ethnic conflict, but in the United States, these same two mega-trends could form a reactionary and multiethnic solidarity. The difference is that the Yellow Vest Movement unifies a diverse assortment of factions based, so it appears, purely on economic grievances. In the United States by contrast, among the still gestating Bronze Age resistance, the economic factors are present but equally unifying are the cultural grievances.

In the long run, France and the United States face very different challenges with respect to mass immigration. Compared to America, France is a nation poorly equipped culturally to absorb and assimilate millions of immigrants, and—can we say this?—the immigrants entering France are not easily assimilated, insofar as they are mostly African and mostly Muslim. Moreover, France’s mostly secular native population will not find much common ground with the social conservatism practiced by Muslims, whereas a far higher percentage of white Americans are Christian, practicing variants of Christianity that overlap almost completely with those of immigrants to the United States from Latin America.

Until very recently, America’s dominant culture emphasized the importance of assimilation, and even in its atrophied, discredited current state, America’s ability to assimilate its immigrants remains robust. Asian immigrants entering the United States typically come from successful, developed nations, bringing a strong ethic for higher education and entrepreneurship. America’s Muslim immigrants constitute a far smaller fraction of America’s immigrant population, and on average they have more education and skills than the waves of Muslim immigrants entering France. For these reasons, America is far more likely than France to eventually absorb its immigrants while leaving its culture relatively intact.

But BAP isn’t done. Perhaps he offers further encouraging words to those conservative nationalists whose demographic awareness has made them give up when he writes the following: “Conservatives pretend to be able to recruit Latinos to their cause with the degraded ideology of Jack Kemp but Latinos see David French call forced ‘drag queen’ visits for schoolchildren ‘part of free life,’ and want nothing to do with it. We are far better at recruiting Latinos, and as the example of Bolsonaro among many others shows, this new, energetic and popular form of the right is a Latino movement, and it is the future.”

And where is the Davos-cracy in all of this leftist debauchery and conservative cowardice? BAP implicates the “large monopolies that promote mass immigration, mass surveillance, and the most bizarre type of speech restrictions, not only on its own employees, but now on American society at large.” In America, the NeverTrumpers and Libertarians, and all of what Michael Anton may have been the first to refer to as “Conservatism Inc.,” have been worse than useless, they have been puppets of the Davoisie.

Finally, BAP’s observes how the meaning of “equality” has been entirely perverted. BAP writes:

“It is indeed possible to oppose this vicious and exterminationist hatred on purely liberal and racially egalitarian grounds. But this didn’t happen, which puts the lie to the claims that traditional conservatives care about equality under the law or about any of the ideals they claim to espouse. We are now faced with a left that has embraced a dialectic of racial and class destruction in a context where belief in absolute human equality is professed at the same time that no one believes in it anymore.”

In the 21st century, the United States and Europe, France in particular, faces increasingly radicalized, politically disenfranchised, economically abandoned, embittered masses. What mindset they adopt, what alliances they form, may be the surprise of the century.

EDITORS NOTE: This Winston84 Project column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

“Biden” Democrats Abandoned 75,000 U.S. Vehicles, 600,000 Weapons, 208 Planes – Left To Brutal Taliban In Afghanistan

The Taliban Now Has More Black Hawk Helicopters than 85% of the World

The Taliban now have more Black-hawk helicopters than Australia.

The Wall Street Journal reported earlier this week that scores of videos have emerged of Taliban fighters rejoicing near abandoned American helicopters, carrying U.S.-supplied M24 sniper rifles and M18 assault weapons, stacking other small arms and materiel in unending piles and driving Humvees and other U.S.-made military trucks.

The Taliban have seized airplanes, tanks and artillery from Afghan outposts and from evacuating U.S. personnel, revealing one of the heavier costs of a U.S. troop withdrawal amid a collapse of Afghanistan’s government and army.

The U.S. sent nearly 600,000 small arms, 76,000 vehicles and 208 airplanes to Afghanistan’s military and police from 2003 to 2016, according to a 2017 Government Accountability Office report, one of the few such compilations. The most recent quarterly report of the U.S.-led military coalition documented deliveries of 174 Humvees, nearly three million rounds of ammunition, and nearly 100,000 2.75-inch rockets during the period.

The United States gave the Afghan military an estimated $28 billion in weaponry, including guns, rockets, night-vision goggles and even small drones for intelligence gathering.

Aircraft like the Blackhawk helicopters have been the most visible sign of U.S. military assistance, and were supposed to be the Afghan military’ biggest advantage over the Taliban.

CLICK HERE to view a chart of U.S.-Funded Military Gear Into Afghanistan 2003-2016. Source: GAO

Forbes: The U.S. provided an estimated $83 billion worth of training and equipment to Afghan security forces since 2001. This year, alone, the U.S. military aid to Afghan forces was $3 billion.

Putting price tags on American military equipment still in Afghanistan isn’t an easy task. In the fog of war – or withdrawal – Afghanistan has always been a black box with little sunshine.

Not helping transparency, the Biden Administration is now hiding key audits on Afghan military equipment. This week, our auditors at reposted two key reports on the U.S. war chest of military gear in Afghanistan that had disappeared from federal websites.

#1. Government Accountability Office (GAO) audit of U.S. provided military gear in Afghanistan (August 2017): reposted report (dead link: report).

Watchdog: 75,000 U.S. vehicles, 600,000 weapons, 208 planes left in Afghanistan

Watchdog group Open the Books says abandoned U.S. weaponry, vehicles, planes will fall in the hands of the Taliban.

By: Nicholas BallasyJust The News, August 23, 2021:

The U.S. military is leaving behind 75,000 vehicles, 600,000 weapons and 208 airplanes/helicopters in Afghanistan as the Taliban takes control of the country, according to the watchdog group Open the Books.

“We’ve made the Taliban into a major U.S. arms dealer for the next decade,” said Adam Andrzejewski, CEO & founder of Open the Books. “They now control 75,000 military vehicles. This is about 50,000 tactical vehicles, 20,000 Humvees they control about 1,000 mine-resistant vehicles, and even about 150 armored personnel carriers.”

In total, the U.S. government spent an estimated $83 billion of taxpayer funds on weapons, vehicles and airplanes for the Afghan military.

The Biden administration said recently that a “fair amount” of weaponry would land in the hands of the Taliban but it didn’t have an exact number.

Andrzejewski said his organization “found a Federal Audit that detailed up to $200 million worth of drones that had disappeared,” adding that “we don’t know where 600,000 weapons are within the country.”

The Taliban also reportedly has access to biometrics data of Afghans that helped U.S. forces during the war.

RELATED VIDEO: Arming the Enemy.


Staggering Costs –  U.S. Military  Equipment Left Behind In Afghanistan

Wolves in Wolves’ Clothing: The Myth of a Friendly Taliban

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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WALL STREET JOURNAL Questions COVID Vaccine Safety

Finally. Writing in an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal, UCLA Geffen School of Medicine Doctor Joseph Lapado and Yale School of Public Health Doctor Harvey Risch warn there are legitimate and serious concerns about the side effects of the Wuhan coronavirus vaccine. They also worry vaccine politics could be preventing officials from telling Americans the truth about the risks.

“One remarkable aspect of the Covid-19 pandemic has been how often unpopular scientific ideas, from the lab-leak theory to the efficacy of masks, were initially dismissed, even ridiculed, only to resurface later in mainstream thinking. Differences of opinion have sometimes been rooted in disagreement over the underlying science. But the more common motivation has been political,” they write.

Are Covid Vaccines Riskier Than Advertised?

There are concerning trends on blood clots and low platelets, not that the authorities will tell you.

 One remarkable aspect of the Covid-19 pandemic has been how often unpopular scientific ideas, from the lab-leak theory to the efficacy of masks, were initially dismissed, even ridiculed, only to resurface later in mainstream thinking. Differences of opinion have sometimes been rooted in disagreement over the underlying science. But the more common motivation has been political.

Another reversal in thinking may be imminent. Some scientists have raised concerns that the safety risks of Covid-19 vaccines have been underestimated. But the politics of vaccination has relegated their concerns to the outskirts of scientific thinking—for now.

Historically, the safety of medications—including vaccines—is often not fully understood until they are deployed in large populations. Examples include rofecoxib (Vioxx), a pain reliever that increased the risk of heart attack and stroke; antidepressants that appeared to increase suicide attempts among young adults; and an influenza vaccine used in the 2009-10 swine flu epidemic that was suspected of causing febrile convulsions and narcolepsy in children. Evidence from the real world is valuable, as clinical trials often enroll patients who aren’t representative of the general population. We learn more about drug safety from real-world evidence and can adjust clinical recommendations to balance risk and benefits.

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or Vaers, which is administered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration, is a database that allows Americans to document adverse events that happen after receiving a vaccine. The FDA and CDC state that the database isn’t designed to determine whether the events were caused by a vaccine. This is true. But the data can nonetheless be evaluated, accounting for its strengths and weaknesses, and that is what the CDC and FDA say they do

The Vaers data for Covid-19 vaccines show an interesting pattern. Among the 310 million Covid-19 vaccines given, several adverse events are reported at high rates in the days immediately after vaccination, and then fall precipitously afterward. Some of these adverse events might have occurred anyway. The pattern may be partly attributable to the tendency to report more events that happen soon after vaccination.

The database can’t say what would have happened in the absence of vaccination. Nonetheless, the large clustering of certain adverse events immediately after vaccination is concerning, and the silence around these potential signals of harm reflects the politics surrounding Covid-19 vaccines. Stigmatizing such concerns is bad for scientific integrity and could harm patients.

Four serious adverse events follow this arc, according to data taken directly from Vaers: low platelets (thrombocytopenia); noninfectious myocarditis, or heart inflammation, especially for those under 30; deep-vein thrombosis; and death. Vaers records 321 cases of myocarditis within five days of receiving a vaccination, falling to almost zero by 10 days. Prior research has shown that only a fraction of adverse events are reported, so the true number of cases is almost certainly higher. This tendency of underreporting is consistent with our clinical experience.

Analyses to confirm or dismiss these findings should be performed using large data sets of health-insurance companies and healthcare organizations. The CDC and FDA are surely aware of these data patterns, yet neither agency has acknowledged the trend.

The implication is that the risks of a Covid-19 vaccine may outweigh the benefits for certain low-risk populations, such as children, young adults and people who have recovered from Covid-19. This is especially true in regions with low levels of community spread, since the likelihood of illness depends on exposure risk.

And while you would never know it from listening to public-health officials, not a single published study has demonstrated that patients with a prior infection benefit from Covid-19 vaccination. That this isn’t readily acknowledged by the CDC or Anthony Fauci is an indication of how deeply entangled pandemic politics is in science.

There are, however, signs of life for scientific honesty. In May, the Norwegian Medicines Agency reviewed case files for the first 100 reported deaths of nursing-home residents who received the Pfizer vaccine. The agency concluded that the vaccine “likely” contributed to the deaths of 10 of these residents through side effects such as fever and diarrhea, and “possibly” contributed to the deaths of an additional 26. But this type of honesty is rare. And it is rare for any vaccine to be linked to deaths, so this unusual development for mRNA vaccines merits further investigation.

The battle to recover scientific honesty will be an uphill one in the U.S. Anti-Trump politics in the spring of 2020 mushroomed into social-media censorship. News reporting often lacked intellectual curiosity about the appropriateness of public-health guidelines—or why a vocal minority of scientists strongly disagreed with prevailing opinions. Scientists have advocated for or against Covid-19 therapies while having financial relationships with product manufacturers and their foundation benefactors.

Public-health authorities are making a mistake and risking the public’s trust by not being forthcoming about the possibility of harm from certain vaccine side effects. There will be lasting consequences from mingling political partisanship and science during the management of a public-health crisis.

RELATED ARTICLE: Top Doctors Speculate a Reversal on COVID Vaccine Safety Could Be Coming

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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VIDEO: President Trump Releases Afghan Crisis Ad Titled “Surrenderer-In-Chief”

Trump video slams Biden’s handling of Afghan crisis Since Afghanistan has been taken over by the Taliban, President Joe Biden has faced a lot of backlash for the handling of the crisis. Watch “Surrenderer-In-Chief:

Danny Adivo reports:

Former president Donald Trump has also slammed him and now, taking his criticism to the next level for the Democratic leader, the Republican has released a new campaign-style advertisement on his website to lambast him. Since Afghanistan surrender in chief video has been surrender in chief taken over Surrender In Chief ad by the save America trump Taliban President trump new video Joe Biden trump video today has faced trump Biden video a lot trump Afghanistan video of backlash Donald Trump for the Trump news handling of trump rally Alabama video the crisis trump news today Former president Donald trump Trump has also Trump ad slammed him save America and now save America ad taking his trump new ad criticism to surrenderer in chief the next trumps new ad level for Newsmax the Democratic Breitbart leader the DuckDuckGo Republican has released a new campaign.

The advertisement refers to Biden as “surrenderer in chief” and presents a collection of still pictures and video clips showing the Taliban creating havoc in Afghanistan while the U.S. citizens and their Afghan allies struggle to escape from the at the crossroads of Central and South Asia Save America Trump political action committee has launched the ad.

©All rights reserved.



Obama Released Mastermind of Taliban Conquest

EXCLUSIVE: Internal Numbers Show “Biden” Poised To Leave Thousands Of Americans Behind Enemy Lines In Afghanistan

Pelosi Rages as Congressmen Go Rogue on Afghanistan, Expose True Horror of Biden’s Debacle

Republicans Call for Formal Pentagon Investigation Into Bungled Afghanistan Withdrawal

While Afghanistan Fell, Military and CIA Focused on Diversity

Milley should have studied Muslim rage, instead of white rage.

“I want to understand white rage, and I’m white,” Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, whined at a congressional hearing.

He might have done better to understand Muslim rage.

A week after his testimony, the Taliban had not only doubled their number of districts, but possessed hundreds of captured U.S. armored vehicles, along with artillery and drones.

The Pentagon’s spokesman told reporters to ask the Afghan military about the gear.

In May, Milley had shrugged off questions about whether the Afghan military would survive. “We frankly don’t know yet. We have to wait and see how things develop over the summer.”

The Afghan military was beginning to fall apart while Milley was defending critical race theory.

A week earlier, the New York Times had described “demoralized” Afghan forces “abandoning checkpoints and bases en masse.” Two days after Milley’s disgraceful performance, the media reported that even the Taliban were “surprised” at how fast they were advancing.

At the beginning of July, the Biden administration abandoned Bagram Air Force Base. A week later the Taliban reclaimed the Panjwayi District where the Jihadist movement had gotten its start, seized the largest border crossing with Iran and the millions in revenue that came with it.

The United States Army responded by announcing that it was putting “a renewed emphasis on diversity, inclusion, and equity” or DEI. Had the brass ordered it as diversity, inclusion, and equity, the resulting acronym would have been more reflective of the real world.

While the Taliban were conquering Afghanistan’s rural provinces and then moving on to besieging its cities, the Army was wrestling with the “effective messaging that demonstrates why DEI efforts are critical to the success of the Army”. The new messaging would explain how the “talents of a diverse workforce” that included “language, race, color, disability, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, and gender identity” were vital to whatever its mission was.

The Taliban, who were mostly Sunni Islamist Pashtun tribesmen, would spend the next two months demonstrating that diversity was not a strength, but a serious weakness.

While the Afghan government and its military were divided between diverse tribal factions, some of whom would flee to Iran and others to Uzbekistan (depending on whether they were Hazaras or Uzbeks) while the Pashtuns would surrender to their fellow Taliban tribesmen, the Taliban showed that unity would stomp diversity in the face and then dance on its grave.

Meanwhile the military brass in this country, as discussed in my recent pamphlet, Disloyal: How the Military Brass is Betraying Our Country, was busy dividing our own military from within in pursuit of diversity, pitting black and white service members against each other in “critical conversations” and urging them to accuse their country and services of “systemic racism”.

As the Army brass were striving to establish the “Army as a global leader in DEI”, America’s enemies were plotting to become global leaders in land, power, and military victories.

By late July, Milley admitted that, “Strategic momentum appears to be sort of with the Taliban.”

By “sort of”, Milley meant that the Taliban had more than doubled their territory again and were marching on half of the provincial capitals.

Few reporters asked follow-up questions about the “sort of” because the leading story in D.C. was an anti-Trump book which flatteringly portrayed Milley as preventing a Trump “coup”.

No one, from the media to Milley, cared about the actual coup underway in Afghanistan.

“This department will be diverse. It will be inclusive,” Biden’s Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin insisted. “I’m committed to that. This department is committed to that. The chairman’s committed to that.”

While Biden’s brass were pledging allegiance to diversity, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi welcomed Taliban leader Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar to the People’s Republic of China. Yi praised the Taliban as a “a pivotal military and political force” and mocked the United States.

The United States Army was busy “developing and implementing a strategic plan to advance DEI across the Total Force” as the Taliban seized the capitals of Helmand and Herat.

But the Navy faced its own crisis when Chief of Naval Personnel Vice Adm. John Nowell Jr. warned at a DEI panel at the Sea Air Space conference that removing photos from promotion boards, a diversity measure from last year, actually undermined diversity because the brass no longer knew exactly how many minorities they were artificially promoting to fit diversity quotas.

While the Navy was grappling with this dark night of the soul, Staff Sgt. Nicholas Jones with the 2nd Marine Raider Battalion received the Navy Cross for his heroism during a six-hour battle with ISIS last year during which he rescued a French ally and risked his life to try and rescue two wounded comrades.

Jones “continued fighting until forcibly evacuated”.

Sadly, Jones is a straight white man from Kansas, and doesn’t really fit the DEI template, but in happier diversity defense news, the new Navy Secretary is an immigrant,  the first female sailor graduated from Naval Special Warfare training, and the Naval Institute published a confession by Lieutenant Commander David Elsenbeck that he was “unconsciously biased” and a “member of the dominant group in a society suffering from institutionalized and historically ingrained bias”.

Eisenbeck urged immediate “bias education”.

American POWs used to be starved, beaten, and had bamboo shoots driven under their fingernails without repeating the Marxist dogma they were being indoctrinated with. But hardly a week goes by now without another litany of Marxist confessions at military struggle sessions.

The Taliban, who actually are a member of the dominant group, began swallowing up a series of provincial capitals and marrying off young girls to their Jihadists. Back home, the Virginia Military Institute’s first-ever Chief Diversity Officer, Jamica Love, announced that she intended to pursue “institutional change” to transform the VMI’s culture. That’s what the Taliban were also up to.

While the Taliban advanced, CIA Director William Burns commented that increasing “diversity and inclusion” was among his top priorities. “We cannot be effective around the world if everybody looks like me,” he complained. To that end the CIA had unrolled an ad campaign featuring a Latina cisgender intersectional worker wearing a pink gender power clenched fist t-shirt. But the widely hated woke ad was only the tip of the agency’s diversity iceberg.

“At CIA, we don’t just leverage diversity, equity, and inclusion; we embrace and celebrate it,” an agency diversity report insisted. “This ethos must be woven in to our day-to-day tasks.”

How were diversity and equity woven into the task of monitoring the Taliban’s advance?

No one knows. But, like the military, the CIA went on holding “critical conversations” in which minority employees were encouraged to spout racism accusations.

Sonya Holt, Deputy Associate Director of CIA for Talent for Diversity and Inclusion, who had started out as a mere recruiter, assured that through DEI, “the Agency will be better prepared to address intelligence challenges and support its customers.”

While CIA officers were learning “how diversity, equity, and inclusion are essential to mission success”, the agency began belatedly considering how to extract its assets from Afghanistan.

Recent intelligence reports “warned that Kabul could fall to the Taliban within years”.

But while the CIA tried to figure out how it would collect intelligence on the Taliban after the withdrawal, its employees did have the benefit of 15 affinity groups including ANGLE (Agency Network of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Officers and Allies), DAC (Deaf Advisory Council) and SALAAM (South Asian Leadership and Advisory Membership.)

The CIA was also working to hire “neurodiverse” personnel, which it defined as people suffering from ADD, Dyslexia, or Tourette’s Syndrome. Or as the CIA ‘wokely’ put it “differences labeled with” these syndromes.

Key Afghan figures had warned that there was a conspiracy underway to hand Afghanistan to the Taliban. The drumroll surrenders of cities and much of the Afghan military appeared to confirm that backroom deals had been made. The obvious players able to pull off such deals were Pakistan’s ISI spy agency, the original backers of the Taliban, along with Turkey and Qatar.

Biden’s CIA director had turned to Pakistan in the hopes of allowing the agency to run a spy base in the country that had harbored Osama bin Laden. The Biden administration’s military and diplomatic response to the Taliban was being run out of Qatar. And it had handed security at  Kabul Airport over to Turkey before frantically taking it back when the Taliban took the city.

The CIA should have been on top of this, but it had better things to do with its time.

An unclassified intelligence community report did warn that the Taliban was “broadly consistent in its restrictive approach to women’s rights.”

The Taliban have now taken over Afghanistan, but it’s not all bad news on the military front

.”While Trump administration Pentagon nominees were overwhelmingly white and male, the Biden administration says 54% of its national security nominees ― to the Pentagon, State Department and U.S. Agency for International Development ― are women, 40% are people of color, and at least 7% identify as LGBTQ,” the publication thrillingly reports.

Better yet, “recent weeks saw two LGBTQ women confirmed to top military positions. Air Force Undersecretary Gina Ortiz Jones is the first out lesbian to serve as undersecretary of a military branch, while Shawn Skelly, the assistant secretary of defense for readiness, is the first out transgender person in the job and highest-ranking out transgender defense official in U.S. history.”

The State Department is doing its part by asking the Taliban to form an “inclusive and representative government.” And if they refuse to have as many neurodiverse black transgender defense officials as us, Biden won’t give them any more humvees, artillery, choppers, or drones.

The Taliban may have won Afghanistan, but we’re winning the diversity race. And since diversity is more important than winning wars or being a military superpower, we’re beating the Taliban. Not to mention Russia, China, and Iran in the field of transgender defense officials.

As I warned in the David Horowitz Freedom Center’s booklet, Disloyal: How the Military Brass is Betraying Our Country, wokeness is leading our military to disaster, disgrace, and defeat.

Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity, (sorry, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) is at “the heart of everything” that Biden’s military does and our performance reflects the focus on DEI.

Afghanistan is a disaster, but we’ll have the most diverse military in the world or DEI trying.


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.


Schiff Contradicts Biden: Intel Agencies Warned of Rapid Taliban Takeover

Canada: Muslim ‘Minister for Women and Gender Equality’ refers to Taliban as ‘our brothers’

Afghanistan: $2.26 Trillion of Your Money Spent, Much Squandered on Lavish Palaces for Corrupt Officials

University of Michigan Professor: Taliban Doesn’t Equal Islam, News Coverage ‘Disserves a Great Religion’

Our Mistaken Ideas About Human Rights Failed Us in Afghanistan

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Traitors for the Ages: Presidents 41, 42, 43 & 44

Over the last three decades, China has undergone an electrifying rags-to-riches ascent … at America’s expense. Its stunning rise could never have occurred without the willing assistance of four U.S. presidents who sold-out their country’s workers and then stood by and clapped as China ate America’s lunch.

A friend of mine who has raveled China extensively described what the country was like 30 years ago:

Its cities were sprawling, impoverished places with dirt roads and low-rise structures. With few automobiles in the country back then, the Chinese people got around mostly by bicycles and motor scooters. The country had only a few tall buildings and just two large airports, in Beijing, its capitol, and Shanghai, its financial center. China had no modern highways, bridges or high-speed rails, and the only trains that traversed the country were pulled by antiquated steam engines.

To see how dramatically things have changed in Wuhan, please watch this 40-sec. clip of the Chinese city where COVID-19 originated. The Wuhan of today bears no resemblance to the backward, desperately poor place it was just three decades ago, and the same is true of cities throughout the country.

Over the last 30 years, China has undergone a stupendous, caterpillar-to-butterfly transformation that has created some of the world’s most eye-popping roadways, bridges and architecture. Now within sight of overtaking the U.S. as the world’s dominate economy, China has also built a massively lethal military that poses a serious threat America’s long-standing combat superiority — as reported by the Washington Times, China’s military is forcing the Pentagon to confront the end of U.S. battlefield dominance.

From where did the money come that funded China’s dramatic makeover from a Third World backwater to an economic and military superpower? Trillions of dollars used to finance its spectacular ascendancy was willingly handed over by its greatest enabler: the United States of America.

Since the late 1980s, China was allowed — allowed — to extract trillions of dollars from the U.S. economy in the form of massive trade surpluses. As a result, the communist nation now has glistening cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Wuhan, while America is saddled with fading cities like Baltimore, Detroit and Atlanta, once-thriving metropolises now marred by urban blight, rampant crime, sorry schools, generational poverty and other canaries in the coal mine of a nation in steep decline.

And to rub salt in America’s self-inflicted wounds, Chinese nationals who were allowed — allowed — to attend our top research universities and work at our most sensitive high-tech companies stole America blind, surreptitiously sending many of our nation’s most vital technological and national defense secrets to the communist adversary hell-bent on chopping America off at its knees.

During the presidencies of George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama, China was allowed — allowed — to rip America a new one in what will go down as the most lopsided trade and stolen technology bludgeoning in the history of nations.

But don’t blame China for the trade imbalances. Its leaders were just doing what a nation’s leaders are expected to do: negotiate the best deal they can get. If the country on the other side of the table is willing to absorb an epic thrashing in the process, so much the better. And the voluntary thrashing America took lasted 28 consecutive years, from 1989 to 2017, a period when much of America’s manufacturing base was allowed — allowed — to sell-out its workers by offshoring production to China and other low-wage nations.

With America’s worn-out infrastructure badly in need of replacement, our political class instead ran up crushing debt and deficits, squandering trillions of dollars stolen from future generations on endless foreign wars and failed social programs.

Meanwhile, China was using its trade-surplus windfall and stolen technology bonanza to build some of the world’s most impressive cities and a fearsome military.

When President Trump took office in 2017, the U.S. began a strategic shift in its approach to China.  Unless its relationship with the communist superpower is redefined, America’s days in the sun will be over, and the 21st century will be known as the “Chinese Century.”

Videos you do not want to miss …

Below are nine videos, each a visual reminder that China’s stunning rise at America’s expense could never have occurred without assistance from the four U.S. presidents who stood by and clapped as the communist nation ate America’s lunch. Viewing the videos will take a while, but doing so will help you see with your own eyes that while America was inching along on its hands and knees, a house of cards propped up by ruinous debt and deficits, China was making the most impressive great leap forward the world has ever seen.

  • Click here to see China’s stunning road network. In 1988, China had no modern highways; today, its world class road network extends an astounding 84,000 miles, the longest and most impressive road system in the world.
  • Click here to see China’s magnificent Beipanjiang Bridge, the highest bridge in the world. Of the world’s ten tallest bridges, eight are in China, zero in America.
  • Click here to see China’s incomparable Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, the longest ocean crossing bridge in the world. Designed to last 120 years, the $15 billion bridge-tunnel structure is a testament to China’s engineering might.
  • Click here to see China’s jaw-dropping 9-tower “horizontal skyscraper” in Chongqing. Known as “The Crystal,” the complex’s horizontal sky bridge straddles four 60-story skyscrapers, 820 feet in the air. Built at a cost of $3.6 billion, the mixed use mega structure has a shopping mall with 450 stores. Is there anything like this in America? Of the world’s 25 tallest skyscrapers, 14 are in China, only two in the U.S.
  • Click here to see a dynamic chart of China’s meteoric ascendancy to the world’s No. 2 economy. What this 3-min. video shows will blow your mind.
  • Click here to see China’s stupendous Beijing Daxing International Airport. The world’s largest airport, Daxing can handle up to 250 takeoffs and landings per hour. By comparison, America’s busiest airport, Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson, accommodates just 100 total movements per hour. Business Insider’s 2018 list of the 14 most beautiful airports in the world includes three in China, zero in the U.S.
  • Click here to see how the U.S. auto industry was allowed — allowed — to sell-out its workers by offshoring jobs to China and other countries with dirt-cheap labor, a betrayal that propelled Trump to the presidency in 2016.
  • Click here to see China’s most powerful weapons, including nuclear-armed ICBM’s that can reach the U.S. in 30 minutes. Three decades ago, China’s military was primarily land-based; today, it boasts a 2-million-man army, the world’s largest blue-water navy, the world’s third largest air force and advanced cyber and anti-satellite weaponry that could be the deciding factor in a war against America.
  • Click here to see Chinese female soldiers on dress parade, as impressive display of military precision as you’ll likely ever see.

Finally, my friend believes America’s best days are behind it. Having done business throughout China for many years, he observed that Chinese workers are intensely proud of their country, eagerly working as tirelessly as a colony of ants toward a common goal of national ascendancy.

America once was blessed with widespread patriotism, but over the last half-century has been polarized into two camps with diametrically opposite objectives. One side believes America should continue as a two-party constitutional democracy, the other wants that system scrapped in favor of single-party socialist rule.

With our country more bitterly divided than at any time since the Civil War, half of America will continue working at cross purposes with the other half. A country at irreconcilable odds with itself is not a recipe for national ascendancy; it’s a recipe for national decline. The winner? China.

©John Edison.

The Taliban will rule by Sharia Law. What is it?

Sharia is a unique legal system based on the sources of Islam. But there are many versions.

With the world still in shock over the Taliban’s lightning-fast takeover of Afghanistan, Afghan people, especially women, wonder what kind of life awaits the nation. When pressed about preserving the rights of women, a Taliban spokesperson said the Taliban would not discriminate against women and would give them their rights “within the bounds of sharia”.

These seemingly moderate messages from the Taliban give the impression they might have changed. But their track record in the 1990s, their interpretation of Islam, and the events that transpired in the past two decades give us a good idea of how they are likely to implement sharia.

What is sharia and how did it come about?

Sharia literally means “the way to a watering source” in Arabic. It came to denote a unique legal system based on the sources of Islam.

When Prophet Muhammad established the first Muslim community in Medina in 622, there was a need to have a legal system better than the crude customs of the tribal Arabian Peninsula. The revelations of the Quran and the Prophet’s own reforms set out the legal principles and practices that laid the foundations of sharia.

The legal approach of the Prophet was progressive and moderate for its time. Prophet Muhammad’s wife Ai’sha said whenever he was confronted with a matter regarding people, he would always choose the easier option for people and he never took revenge. This is an important point for the Taliban to keep in mind.

When Islam grew rapidly from Spain to India by the end of the seventh century, the need for a common legal system became paramount. Instead of replicating the Roman and Persian legal systems, caliphs and Muslim scholars built a complex and detailed legal system on the foundation laid by the Quran and Prophet Muhammad.

Scholars identified higher objectives of the law. In the 14th century, influential Muslim jurist Abu Ishaq al-Shatibi identified the highest objective of law as:

to promote good and to benefit human beings and to protect them from evil, from harm and from subsequent suffering.

Muslim jurists deduced five basic human rights for Islamic law to guarantee – the right to life, property, freedom of religion, freedom of mind (including speech) and to raise a family. Caliphs and sultans could not violate these individual rights.

Legal pluralism was also practised in the Muslim world. Many schools of law were established, having developed over centuries, and implemented in much of the Muslim world. Five such schools survived – Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’i, Hanbali and Jafari. The last is for Shiite Muslims, and the others for Sunnis.

Sharia became the most sophisticated and developed legal system in the world from the eighth to the 17th century. It served as the common legal code across the vast Muslim lands and populations characterised by racial, cultural, religious and geographic diversity.

Why does sharia appear backwards today?

Why, then, does Islamic law appear to have a medieval flavour and appear backwards when it is implemented in modern times? There are five main reasons.

First, from the 11th century onwards, Muslim scholars declared the closure of the gate of ijtihad (legislation) and discouraged new legal interpretation. The 11th through to the 14th centuries was the era of the Crusades, Mongol invasion of Muslim heartlands and the plague. It was not the time to make new interpretations with so many crises taking place. Anyway, scholars reasoned, Islamic law was quite developed.

Second, European colonisation of the majority of the Muslim world from the 19th century onward collapsed the political, legal and religious institutions. Busy with independence movements and dealing with the onslaught of modernity on conservative society, Muslim leaders and scholars had no time to develop Islamic law.

Third, when Muslim nations gained their freedom, mostly after the second world war, they began nation-building. The political leadership were mainly secular modernists who wanted to westernise and modernise their nations. There was no place for sharia in their vision. The new Republic of Turkey, for example, implemented direct translations of Swiss civil codes instead of sharia.

Fourth, the historical role of Muslim scholarship has shifted. Newly established secular nation states nationalised rich endowments that belonged to religious institutions. Muslim scholars were persecuted for fear of dissent and opposition. Islamic scholarship was reduced to a small, underfunded university faculty. Talented Muslims chose professions other than Islamic law.

The result is a major loss in the quality of scholarship and a gap of at least 150 years with no practical development in Islamic law.

The last attempt to align Islamic law with a modern legislative framework was made by the Ottoman Empire in its Majalla civil code project. Completed in 1876, Majalla consisted of 16 volumes and 1,851 articles. Since then, the world has changed dramatically without an adequate theoretical and practical response from Islamic law.

A fifth factor is the influence of puritanical Salafism among jihadist groups such as Al-Qaeda, the Taliban and Islamic State. These groups often ignored the vast sharia legal literature, scholarship and historical experience. They cherry-picked and implemented certain Quranic verses and prophetic traditions as Islamic law.

So, Islamic law appears relatively underdeveloped when compared to other legal systems. It simply did not have a chance to develop in the modern era.

Contemporary Muslim views on sharia

Muslims have differing views on the contemporary application of sharia law.

One view held by secular and modernist Muslims is that sharia was more suited to classical agrarian societies. Given the world and Muslim societies have changed dramatically, sharia is no longer applicable.

The opposite view is held by ultra-conservative Muslims and Islamists. They insist sharia is complete and perfect as it is, and modern societies should be changing to conform with sharia.

A third group, holding perhaps the majority view, believes sharia is applicable at all times. The key is to know how to apply it correctly, given the changes in time and place.

The third view considers the complexity of the world and proposes committees made up of Islamic scholars alongside scientists and sociologists to fully examine Islamic law. Using the principles and methodology of sharia, old legal rulings could be evaluated and, if there are grounds, modified. New issues not found in classical Islamic law would also be responded to.

Taliban’s idea of sharia and women

Almost certainly, the Taliban holds the second view – society has to change in line with the sharia. This means a move away from the liberalism Afghans grew accustomed to in the past two decades.

The next important question is whether the Taliban will follow the puritanical Salafism or a more traditional Islamic legal school?

In the 1990s, with its support of Al-Qaeda and use of harsh punishments, the Taliban appeared to follow puritanical Salafism. Their fall in 2001, Islamic State’s demise in 2019, and regression of Al-Qaeda after Osama bin Laden’s death would suggest they have learned a lesson or two.

Muslims of the subcontinent and central Asia traditionally follow the Hanafi legal school, which is one of the more liberal of the four Sunni Islamic legal schools. Even if this legal school is implemented, its most recent form is the 150-year-old Ottoman Majalla legal code. It will be curious to see if Taliban will consider Majalla at all.

An important consideration is the degree of change the world and Afghanistan have gone through since the first Taliban rule. The Taliban were isolated when they first came to power. But now all of their officers have smartphones connected to the internet and social media. Most importantly, they are using them effectively. Online access to the world would certainly have a moderating effect.

In the first Taliban rule, women had almost no rights. Women had to cover their body and face with the burqa, and they could not get education or work. They could only travel with a male chaperone.

The Taliban today claims to be more inclusive and tolerant of women. While wearing the burqa may not be imposed, women (and men) will be required to cover the rest of their bodies, much like in Iran.

Girls would be allowed to receive an education in girls-only schools staffed by female teachers and administrators. Women would be able to work in a narrow list of professions where there will be limited or no mixing of genders.

In short, life for women in Afghanistan will be better than during the first Taliban rule, but worse than the liberal rights they enjoyed in the past two decades.The Conversation

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.


Zuleyha Keskin

I am the Course Director at the Centre for Islamic Studies and Civilisation, Charles Sturt University. I am a lecturer on Islamic spirituality and contemporary Islamic studies. I am also the managing editor… More by Zuleyha Keskin

Mehmet Ozalp

Mehmet is an Islamic theologian and public intellectual. He established the Centre for Islamic Studies and Civilisation at Charles Sturt University in 2011. He is the founding Director of Islamic Sciences… More by Mehmet Ozalp

RELATED ARTICLE: There is Only One Truth: Basic Facts on Afghanistan Catastrophe

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

STUDY: Vaccinated Individuals Carry 251 Times the Load of COVID-19 Viruses in their Nostrils Compared to the Unvaccinated

We recently wrote a column titled “FACT CHECKING THE CDC: SARS-COV2 Vaccines and Shedding” We stated:

There is growing debate on whether or not the SARS-COV2 vaccinated shed. Shedding occurs after someone is vaccinated and then transmits the SARS-COV2 disease to others that they come into contact with. There is serious discussion about individuals shedding after receiving their shots (vaxx).

Proof That Vaccinated People Transmit the SARS-COV2 Virus

Peter A. McCullough, M.D., MPH in a The Defender Children’s Health Defense column wrote:

A groundbreaking preprint paper by the prestigious Oxford University Clinical Research Group, published Aug. 10 in The Lancet, includes alarming findings devastating to the COVID vaccine rollout.

The study found vaccinated individuals carry 251 times the load of COVID-19 viruses in their nostrils compared to the unvaccinated.

While moderating the symptoms of infection, the jab allows vaccinated individuals to carry unusually high viral loads without becoming ill at first, potentially transforming them into presymptomatic superspreaders.

This phenomenon may be the source of the shocking post-vaccination surges in heavily vaccinated populations globally.

The paper’s authors, Chau et al, demonstrated widespread vaccine failure and transmission under tightly controlled circumstances in a hospital lockdown in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.

Read more.

Read the full study by clicking here.

Science dictates that this issue of vaccinated individuals shedding the SARS-COV2 virus must be studied in depth in order to understand if getting vaccinated is a good thing or bad thing.

Sadly, this “shedding” issue has taken on a political twist that is not helpful to understanding the positives and negatives of getting vaccinated.

Get VAXXED or Else

They are coming for us:

in a column titled “’YOUR PAPERS PLEASE’ Is Only the Beginning” wrote:

Last week Devvy Kidd emailed me that Pfizer’s clot shot will be licensed this week and that means the demand will rise for vaccination to enter stores, go to work, see a movie, have a surgery, or attend a wedding or funeral.  The first thing I heard Monday morning was that the FDA had licensed the Pfizer jab.  This is the end of all medical freedom. “Your papers please,” is only the beginning.  As for the Food and Drug Administration, Devvy’s comments were spot on when she said, “If anyone had any doubts about the FDA being owned by big pharma, this should hammer it home.”

Wayne Allen Root writes, “We have suicide bombers in the White House. We have suicide bombers in our governor’s mansions. Worst of all, we have suicide bombers directing the U.S. economy. Call this suicide by Democrats.”

He’s right, we are headed for disaster, far worse than the Hindenburg and Titanic.  New York City, Los Angeles and San Francisco are all demanding “Your papers please,” to go into any restaurant, bar, nightclub, gym, even retail stores.  I would assume that means groceries as well.  They’ll starve the people who want nothing to do with their medical nihilism.  What’s next?  A patch on clothing that says “unvaxxed?”

And yes Wayne, the Democrats are asking for an economic disaster because 50% of Americans refuse the vax. They will stop attending functions, eating out, and spending their money where it counts.  They’re not just morons, they’re Red Fascists.

Leo Hohman’s latest article spells it out.  The Department of Homeland Security has issued a terror alert equating Americans who oppose government COVID restrictions with 9/11 terrorists.

“DHS will continue to identify and evaluate calls for violence, including online activity associated with the spread of disinformation, conspiracy theories, and false narratives, by known or suspected threat actors and provide updated information, as necessary.”

In a help-wanted ad posted to the National Guard’s website it is looking for men and women between the ages of 17 and 35 and in good physical shape to serve in its military police units as internment and resettlement specialists.

The E31 classification jobs will involve working in “Search/Restraint.”

Wake up America!

Israel is one of the countries that has mandated their citizens to get Vaxxed. How is this working out for Israelis? Noga Tarnopolsky in a column titled “Ultra-Vaxxed Israel’s Crisis Is a Dire Warning to America” reports:

The massive surge of COVID-19 infections in Israel, one of the most vaccinated countries on earth, is pointing to a complicated path ahead for America.

[ … ]

The complex and sobering truth is that no single policy or event brought Israel to this crisis, Hagai Levine, a Hebrew University of Jerusalem professor of epidemiology, told The Daily Beast. A deadly set of circumstances came together to put Israel on the precipice, most of which can be summed up as: “We are still in the midst of a pandemic, and there is no silver bullet.”

“All the vectors have influenced the rise in morbidity,” he said.

Read the full article.


Peter A. McCullough, M.D., MPH concludes:

Vaccinated individuals are blasting out [shedding] concentrated viral explosions into their communities and fueling new COVID surges. Vaccinated healthcare workers are almost certainly infecting their coworkers and patients, causing horrendous collateral damage.

Continued vaccination will only make this problem worse, particularly among frontline doctors and nurses workers who are caring for vulnerable patients.

The SARS-COV2 vaccines are new, in scientific terms. Some of the vaccines used and distributed in the United States are currently not fully FDA approved. The exception is the Pfizer vaccine.

We are years if not a decades away from understanding the long term effects of taking the SARS-COV2 vaccines.

Many have taken the SARS-COV2 vaccines and are doing fine, others are suffering and some dying from the effects of taking the vaccines.

The problem is that the federal government, companies, hospitals and social media are doing their best, using fear, to force individuals to take the vaccine. The idea of doctor patient decision making on taking or not taking the SARS-COV2 vaccine is almost moot.

To make matters worse, the federal government is now saying that individuals who have been vaccinated need a booster shot. Why? If the vaccine is truly effective why the booster shot?

The World Health Organization’s (HWO) website on Covid states:

Will COVID-19 vaccines provide long-term protection?

Because COVID vaccines have only been developed in the past months, it’s too early to know the duration of protection of COVID-19 vaccines. Research is ongoing to answer this question. However, it’s encouraging that available data suggest that most people who recover from COVID-19 develop an immune response that provides at least some period of protection against reinfection – although we’re still learning how strong this protection is, and how long it lasts.

Even WHO doesn’t know if the SARS-COV2 vaccine is effective.

So, there it is. Science is never settled, even though there are some who believe it is. We are a long way from knowing the truth about COVID-19 and SARS-COV2 vaccines.

To get vaxxed or not to get vaxxed is a personal decision. It’s your body and your choice. Choose wisely, in consultation with your doctor.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED PODCAST: FDA vaccine “approval” leads blue states to order the mass slaughter of teachers and workers

RELATED ARTICLE: There’s a bad smell coming from medical research

STUDY: Majority Of Masks Only 10% Effective Against Virus

It’s all about control with no concern for actual science. It’s all power and breaking America in order to remake it into a communist hellhole.

Virtue signaling on steroids. Damn the mask pollution.

Blue surgical face masks are only 10% effective in preventing COVID infection, new study finds

  • University of Waterloo researchers find most cloth masks are only 10% effective
  • Researchers warn most cloth masks do not cover the face properly  
  • N95 or KN95 masks were found to be the most effective at filtering aerosols
  • Study also found that even ‘moderate ventilation’ matches the best of masks in terms of protection against COVID-19
  • Mask debate remains contentious in the country as delta variant spreads 

Most blue surgical face masks used by many during the pandemic are not enough to avoid people from being infected with COVID-19, an alarming new study has found.

The study from the University of Waterloo in Canada showed N95 or KN95 masks did the best job in containing aerosol droplets from the wearer’s mouth.

The blue, cloth surgical masks that have become popular during the pandemic were found be only 10 percent effective as it doe not cover the face properly.

The study from the University of Waterloo revealed that N95 masks did the best job in containing aerosol droplets, making them the go-to mask for indoor events.

The guidelines revolving around mask have continuously changed over the past year and a half as federal and local governments struggle to set mandates.

Yarusevych and team said that many people wear masks that don’t fit their faces properly, unlike the N95, which straps itself tightly around the wearer.

This causes aerosol droplets to escape through multiple openings between a person’s face and the cloth mask, which could spread COVID-19 in populous areas.

The N95 was conversely able to filter over 50% of aerosol droplets while the other half is dispersed above the wearer’s head.

‘A lot of this may seem like common sense,’ Yarusevych comments. ‘There is a reason, for instance, that medical practitioners wear N95 masks – they work much better. The novelty here is that we have provided solid numbers and rigorous analysis to support that assumption.’

Yarusevych team added that ventilation tests revealed even modest ventilation rates provide about the same level of protection as the highest quality masks.

Earlier this month, President Joe Biden’s former COVID-19 advisor and top epidemiologist warned Americans ‘that many of the face cloth coverings that people wear are not very effective’.

Michael Osterholm spoke with CNN saying that people need to start wearing N95 respirators which are more effective against COVID-19.

Michael Osterholm explained that he dislikes the term masking as it suggest that any face covering will protect from the spread of Covid-19 which is not accurate

‘We’re in a very unfortunate situation, we’ve really brought this country to a point of confusion which really misses the main point that we should be focusing on vaccine, vaccine, vaccine,’ said Osterholm, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota.

He explained his contention with the term ‘masking’ saying, ‘You know I wish we could get rid of the term masking because in fact it implies that anything you put in front of your face works and if I could just add an nuance to that which hopefully doesn’t add more confusion is we know today that many of the face cloth coverings that people wear are not very effective in reducing any of the virus movement in or out.’

The CDC has been criticized for its confusing stance on masks after it reversed its mask guidelines. But cities and states say they need to see the evidence before revising their own policies.

Federal officials say unpublished data showed vaccinated people infected with COVID-19 may be able to transmit the virus, leading them to recommend that everyone should wear a mask indoors in areas of high transmission.

Texas and Florida have championed mandates banning mask requirements in the classroom, but on Friday, the Supreme Court of Texas rejected Governor Greg Abbott’s latest bid to scrap mask mandates.

Abbott, who tested positive for the virus on Tuesday, is leading the anti-mask charge along with his Republican colleague, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

School boards and local officials are wary of rapidly increasing COVID infections in Texas as the delta variant plagues the nations, arguing that masks are needed for children too young to take the vaccine.

It comes despite the virus posing almost zero risk to kids, as well as evidence which shows that masks inhibit learning in children and cause psychological harms.

Texas has confirmed nearly 19,000 new cases as of Saturday with 190 new deaths, according to the Texas Department of State Health Services.

Florida reported more than 150,000 new cases for the week and nearly 1,500 new deaths.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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CALIFORNIA: Police find HUNDREDS Of Recall Ballots, GUN, Drugs, Multiple Driver’s Licenses Found In Vehicle Of Passed Out Felon

Is America going to stand by again while the Democrats steal our freedom, our nation, our way of life?

300 recall ballots, drugs, multiple driver’s licenses found in vehicle of passed out felon: Torrance police

By: KTLA, August 24, 2021:

Torrance police are investigating the discovery of hundreds of recall election ballots in a vehicle where a felon was found passed out with drugs, a loaded firearm and multiple driver’s licenses one week ago, authorities said Monday.

Approximately 300 ballots were recovered from the vehicle, which was parked in the lot of a 7-Eleven convenience store on the night of Aug. 16, according to the Torrance Police Department.

Officers also discovered a loaded firearm, methamphetamine, thousands of pieces of mail, a scale, and multiple California drivers licenses and credit cards that were in other people’s names, a police news release stated. Xanax pills were also located on the unidentified male subject, who authorities described as a felon.

He was arrested on suspicion of a number of offenses, including weapons violations, narcotics and forgery violations.

Providing an update on the case Monday, police said the department’s Special Investigations Division has partnered with the U.S. Postal Service and the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Offices Public Integrity Unit to look into the matter.

“Investigators are trying to figure out how the election ballots ended up in the suspect’s vehicle and what their intent was in having them,” police officials said in a statement. “This is an isolated incident and is not related to any additional thefts of election ballots.”

No further details about the incident have been released.

The discovery came the same day that absentee ballots were mailed out to registered California voters for the upcoming Sept. 14 recall election of Gov. Gavin Newsom.

Any voter whose ballot was determined to have been taken in the theft will get a new one prior to the election, according to police.

They reminded community members to report any suspicious election activity by calling 310-328-3456.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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At Least 2,500 Afghan Refugees Are in the U.S. Already, and Many More Are on the Way. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

My latest in PJ Media:

Monday morning at the Defense Department briefing on the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan, Army Maj. Gen. Hank Taylor found something to boast about amid the catastrophe of the Biden administration and its woke military: Taylor touted the military’s efficiency in getting Afghans out of the Taliban’s clutches and into the United States. At least 2,500 Afghans are already here, and many more are coming.

“As of this morning,” Taylor said proudly, “within the last 24 hours, 25 U.S. military C-17s, three U.S. military C-130s, and then a combination of 61 charter, commercial, and other military flights departed Kabul. The total passenger count, uh, for those flights, was approximately 16,000. Uh, of that number, the U.S. military transported just under 11,000 personnel.” These people were flown to various American bases around the world, which Taylor oddly presented as a sign of the marvelous cooperation that the U.S. gets from our allies: “Our mission remains focused on ensuring a steady flow of evacuees out of Kabul to the intermediate staging bases and safe havens, and our installations, uh, continue to rapidly build out capacity as needed to ensure reception and providing humanitarian, uh, assistance. The use of temporary safe haven locations across Europe and the Middle East, uh, to — in areas that include U.S. installations in Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Italy, Spain, and Germany. We deeply appreciate the support, uh, from those countries. This is truly a testament, uh, to the importance of our alliances and our partnerships.”

Those “safe havens” are evidently only temporary, with the United States being the ultimate destination. Many Afghans are already here. Taylor continued: “In the past 24 hours, uh, five flights landed at Dulles International Airport, with approximately 1,300 passengers. At this time, four military installations, as well as Dulles International, are receiving Afghans as they, uh, come into the United States. These installations include Fort McCoy, Wisconsin; Fort Lee, Virginia; Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, New Jersey; and Fort Bliss, Texas. The total number currently at these installations is approximately 1,200, and NORTHCOM continues to build out capacity, uh, to ensure they are prepared to receive more flights that will come in the next few days.” That’s 2,500 Afghans already here, and many more on the way.

Asked by a reporter named Bob about the military’s current airlift capacity, Pentagon press secretary John Kirby took the opportunity to assure the American public that these Afghans are being carefully vetted: “We had set a goal of 5 to 9,000 a day. Yesterday we exceeded that. We’re not taking anything for granted, Bob, uh, we’re taking this day by day. We’d love to see those numbers continue to rise, uh, but we’re gonna just take it day by day. There’s a lot of factors that go into being able to reach that output capacity, to include, uh, temporary safe havens that you can bring these individuals to as they complete their screening, uh, and the screening is a big part of that. We have, uh, intelligence and law enforcement personnel, uh, at these sites, making sure that robust screening is done of these individuals, so that nobody comes into the United States that hasn’t been, uh, screened in a robust manner.”

There is more. Read the rest here.


The Afghanistan Evacuation Didn’t Have To Be Hard. Biden Made It So.

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Biden’s Long History of Betrayals in Afghanistan

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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.