New York City Needs a Positive Transformation

When our first president under the Constitution was sworn in on April 30, 1789, it was in New York City. Back then it was our capital city. Today it is often called the cultural capital of the country.

George Washington took the oath of office in the common way it was done in his Anglican Church, by saying, “So help me, God.” He took the oath with his hand on an open Bible. Also in keeping with an Anglican tradition, Washington leaned over and kissed the Bible. Last time I checked (in 2014), that Bible is still on display (near Wall Street).

But, my, how things have changed.

George Washington was an active church-goer and a regular reader of the Bible and the Book of Common Prayer. Mayor Bill de Blasio, according to the National Catholic Reporter (1/16/14), “is now perhaps the nation’s most visible ‘none,’ an icon of one of the nation’s fastest-growing religious groups—those without any formal religious identification.”

De Blasio, an opponent of property rights and advocate for socialism, has been presiding over a disaster by virtually every criterion. Curtis Sliwa, a Republican candidate for the office of mayor, calls him “Comrade de Blasio.” In 1979, Sliwa founded the New York City-based group of Good Samaritans called the “Guardian Angels,” to help supplement the work of the police on a voluntary basis. These volunteers are still active and sorely needed.

These days, New York City is hemorrhaging residents left and right following the lockdown a year ago, the mistreatment of the police, and skyrocketing crime.

A symptom of NYC’s woes seems to be rather trivial, at first glance. Just the other day, a TV station in NYC reported that there is now a resurging problem of graffiti there. Fox5 reported (6/4/21): “Vandals have been targeting storefronts and buildings with more and more graffiti in SoHo [in Manhattan], leaving local shop owners frustrated.”

One building manager complained, “Four businesses on this block had their windows broken down…We were lucky that we had metal that comes down. I think that’s the only thing that saved us.”

Someone might say, “Who cares about graffiti in the big picture of things?” Well, yes, things much worse are taking place there. According to the NYC Daily News (12/19/20), gun violence doubled in NYC in 2020.

But graffiti, like rude manners, is an indicator of bad things. Part of the reason curbing graffiti is important is because the little things are important. When Mayor Rudy Giuliani cleaned up New York City in the 1990s, he managed to curb crime significantly by clamping down on such little things.

Riding the subway was very cheap then. So when unsavory characters would hop over the subway turnstiles to steal a ride, they were only stealing a few dollars. Yet the city hampered turnstile-hopping, and in the process greatly reduced crime on the subways.

Spraying graffiti was a relatively minor crime, yet they clamped down on graffiti and in the process, they greatly reduced crime. That’s because the graffiti could signal a welcome for bad guys to engage in more serious crimes.

In his book, The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell writes of the “Broken Windows theory,” postulated by James Q. Wilson and George Kelling: “If a window is broken and left unrepaired, people walking by will conclude that no one cares and no one is in charge. Soon, more windows will be broken, and the sense of anarchy will spread from the building to the street on which it faces, sending a signal that anything goes.”

I went to New York City on some work-related trips before Giuliani and after Giuliani. The difference was palpable. Part of his success was by paying attention to the little things.

As Jesus put it, we need to be faithful in the little things. If you can’t be trusted with a few things, why should you be trusted with more?

Manners may seem to be trivial. But ultimately there is a link between manners and morals.

William Wilberforce, the great 18th-19th century Christian statesman, who spent his lifetime championing the cause of abolishing slavery in the British Empire as a longtime Member of Parliament, was also engaged in a lesser-known crusade.

He and other Christian reformers in pre-Victorian England pushed for what they called “the reformation of manners.” The modern translation of that would be “the reformation of morals.” Often good manners and good morals go together.

When George Washington retired from public life, he issued his Farewell Address. In that document he said that “religion and morality,” (which meant in his day, Christianity and Judeo-Christian teaching like the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule) are “indispensable supports” for our happiness and political prosperity. His words are just as relevant for New York City today, as well as the rest of the country, as when he wrote them in 1796.

©Jerry Newcombe, D.Min. All rights reserved.

WATCH: Facebook Insider Morgan Kahmann Joins Candace Owens to Discuss Decision to Come Forward to Veritas

Brave Insider Morgan Kahmann was graciously invited onto Candace Owens’ new Daily Wire show this week, where they discussed Facebook’s “vaccine hesitancy” documents and what compelled him to come to Project Veritas.

You can watch the interview here:

It’s powerful to see how selfless Morgan was by sacrificing his job for the public’s right to know — and Candace was a fantastic host, as always.

What makes all of this even more incredible is that because of people like you, Rich, Morgan was able to hit his $500,000 fundraising goal in just 10 DAYS!

I want to personally thank the GiveSendGo team for working tirelessly to ensure this brave patriot was supported by the public.

This impressive achievement sends a message to all potential Insiders out there that the American people have their back.

Project Veritas encourages more people like Morgan Kahmann to come forward if they see wrongdoing taking place.

You can reply directly to this email with any tips that you think our team should pursue, or you can also send a secure message to

EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

ARIZONA: Youngest Black Republican Candidate Alex Stovall Kicks Off Campaign With Ad Calling Himself The “Anti AOC”

CHANDLER, Ariz. /PRNewswire/ Alex Stovall is a 26 year-old Army Reservist Chaplain candidate running for Congress to stand up to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who he sees as the biggest problem in the U.S. House. If elected, Stovall would become the youngest Black Republican ever elected to Congress in American history.

“We are proud to launch this historic campaign for Congress. Alex was spurred into running by seeing the actions of AOC and her squad. He knew that our nation needed a young Conservative voice in Congress to counter her socialist agenda. Alex loves this country and will fight to make sure that it continues to be the greatest country in the world,” said Stovall’s Press Secretary, Joel Bailey.

The campaign launched with a video that went viral gathering over half-a-million views in 72 hours and featured a memorable opening line addressing Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, “Socialists like AOC hate two things: God and America.” The video continues by outlining the grassroots approach Stovall is bringing to the campaign.

“To stop AOC and her cronies, we have to fight fire with fire. That’s why I’m running to become the youngest black Republican Congressman in U.S. history. I will be the perfect voice to cut through their B.S.”

The campaign has received a groundswell of support both online and offline after releasing the announcement video. He frequently posts pictures from drive-by rallies done in the district and memes targeting the embattled Congresswoman.

“We’ve seen a large increase in contributions from fans across the country that want to see us stand up to representatives like AOC, who claim they fight for minorities,” says Bailey. “People are tired of her radical policies. They don’t help anybody but her.”

Stovall is running in Arizona’s 9th Congressional district in Maricopa county in a seat held by Democrat Rep. Greg Stanton. The campaign says challenging the seat will be integral to taking back Arizona after the 2016 election.

Arizona is now a battleground swing state that Republicans and Conservatives need to win. Electing Alex is a huge chance to take back a seat that the Democrats are afraid to lose and win back a state that Republicans need to take back in 2022,” continued Bailey.

Stovall has focused his campaign on advancing job creation, championing education reform, and stopping illegal immigration. He is a Reservist Chaplain Candidate in the Army and has been enlisted for eight years. Stovall holds a bachelor’s degree in theology and a Master in divinity from Grand Canyon university.

He experienced seeing domestic violence, child abuse, and gang activity growing up and wants to make sure that kids in his district never have to go through the same thing. His campaign features the tagline “Faith, Family, and Freedom.”

You can contribute to Alex Stovall at his website here

©All rights reserved.

The lefts Planned destruction of the U.S. Military

“Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.” – Marilyn vos Savant.

I am not shocked at the dangerous stupidity being bought to the United States Military by its new black Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ( who has not suffered because he is black by the way! ) and the Joe Biden/Barrack Hussein Obama Socialist administration as they seek further weakening and destruction of our once amazing and all powerful military. The military that guaranteed our freedoms and liberties. The military that protected our constitution and defended other countries from tyranny.

So what has got me all riled up?

The new diversity and inclusion training being forced upon them.

This is basically just Anti-American indoctrination. Pure and simple.

I bet the Russians, the Chinese, the North Koreans and the Iranian leaders plus all our other detractors and enemies around the globe are rubbing their hands together in glee. This as they increase spending tremendously to strengthen their own military forces.

Critical Race Theory Training has NO place in the military. In fact it has no place anywhere in your or my America. It is decisive. It is racist. It is wrong.

Sen. Tom Cotton, ( R-Ark. ) introduced legislation to ban this communist style destructive Critical Race Training from the US Military. He and Rep. Dan Crenshaw, (R-Texas ) also set up a website for whistle blowers to report instances of this training to him.

They have received (surprise surprise) hundreds of reports from serving members who report falling morale, early retirements and what should be most worrisome, a total distrust between white and black members.

Being a former active duty military member in the Rhodesian Bush War from 1973 to 1980, I can say that over 70% of our military was black. My life was saved several times by my black brothers. Color was irrelevant. We were all a strong unit that trained and fought together and had the highest kill ratio of all military forces to that date. We were truly men among men. No openly gay soldiers, no trannies, no weirdos and no perverts. Just a military machine designed to protect the country, its citizens and destroy a communist and Marxist enemy terrorist force. We were trained like all military to kill. To fight to our last breath. Not to pick up trash or hold hands and sing Kumbaya!!

This America is unacceptable.

Reports from one US Marine informed the senator that a previous course on military history was being replaced with a course on systemic racist police brutality against blacks, white privilege and why and how whites are only capable of systemic racism.

There is also a required reading of a book titled “White Fragility” by Robin DiAngelo which claims all western whites have internalized white supremacy!

Lloyd Austin stated recently, just after undoing the Trump ban on transgender soldiers, that he sought to ensure the military was “welcoming to everyone who can qualify and who is fit to serve.” What he didn’t state was how the standards would be reduced to ensure full inclusiveness of all who felt a need to join up or maybe just thought they would look good in the uniform.

He also stated that the military has done a good job at diversifying itself but now under this administration it would become more open and accepting of all minorities regardless of color, costs or sexuality claims.

He further stated “Diversity, equity and inclusion is important to this military and it will be important in the future.” Huh? Would that make them more suited to pick up trash on the borders left by illegals like the Texas National Guard recently was forced to do by this Administration?

Would that make them easier to defeat in a war as those trannies may be more worried about breaking a nail than watching the other soldiers sixes?

Would the reduction in training standards to make room for these pitiful examples like transgenders make it a stronger military?

Or are they all just a plan to weaken our own military to enable a one world military made up of weak and pitiful unicorns and fairies led by weak and leftist politically motivated international brass?

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

Why do Biden and Harris get a free pass on migration but not Trump?

Criticise Trump if you will, but when Biden and Harris adopt the same policies, be consistent: criticise them, too.

You can be for or against open borders; immigration is a difficult debate, and I respect anybody who sensibly argues for either side.

But you have to be consistent. I have no respect for people who demonise a politician for having a position on immigration and laud another politician when she defends exactly the same position.

Sadly, this is precisely what the liberal media in the United States have been doing for years. President Donald Trump was persistently portrayed as a bogeyman who hates immigrants because of their skin colour. But, this narrative leaves aside that his predecessor, President Barack Obama, had deported more people than any other previous US President, to the point that some sensible critics called him the “Deporter in Chief”.

Not to be outdone, in a recent visit to Guatemala, Vice-President Kamala Harris told citizens of that impoverished Central American nation: “Do not come. Do not come. The United States will continue to enforce our laws and secure our borders.”

So, why do Obama and Harris get a free pass, whereas Trump doesn’t?

Because the “medium is the message”. This concept goes back to Canadian literary critic Marshall McLuhan, who argued that the way a message is conveyed, rather than its actual content, is what really influences people. Two people can say exactly the same thing, but if they use different media to convey the same message, people will perceive it differently.

When McLuhan came up with this concept in his 1964 book Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, he had in mind differences in mass media (print vs audiovisual, etc). But we are now entering a new era of “the medium is the message.” The differences between, say, newspaper and television are not so important as the differences between the identities of the people who convey messages.

In our day and age, identity politics reigns supreme and that is what really determines how messages are perceived.

Consequently, it is time to point out the elephant in the room: Obama and Harris get a free pass because of their skin colour. Obama used illegal drone warfare in Pakistan, bailed out banks, and massively increased surveillance control­— the kind of policies that the Left has always found disturbing. But very few progressives managed to point out the obvious. They ran the risk of being called “racists” for daring to criticize the first black President in American history, so they mostly kept their mouths shut.

To his credit, Obama never went as far as to say: “Vote for me because I am black”, but many voters (including some celebrities) did unashamedly admit that they voted for him simply on the basis of identity. The actor Samuel L. Jackson, for instance, told Ebony in 2012: “I voted for Barack because he was black. Cuz that’s why other folks vote for other people—because they look like them.”

Whether consciously or unconsciously, Obama used that to his advantage. He knew that his skin colour would be the message itself. The American people cared little about the content of the message and were in search of a medium to free themselves from the burden of guilt for a long history of racial injustices. They found it in the hip Obama who would smile, play basketball, and walk the right way, but who would do the very same objectionable things many of his predecessors had done.

To a large extent, Kamala Harris is Obama 2.0.

Once the US had finally its first black President, it was time for its first black woman Vice-President (presumably as a platform to reach the presidency four years later). With Harris, her identity became even more salient. In Obama’s case, one still had to read inbetween the lines to see how race played to his advantage. For Harris, the pretense was over. Joe Biden explicitly said that he would choose a woman for his electoral ticket, preferably a black woman.

And perhaps even more so than Obama, Harris’s identity has become the message itself. She is all too aware of this, and very smartly uses it to her advantage. She knows that she can get away with presenting a campaign video with radical Left ideas of equity, and only a few months  later deliver in Guatemala an anti-immigration speech that is almost verbatim the same as those delivered by a former President who is portrayed by liberal media as a white supremacist.

It is time to go back to the basis of common sense. Ideas are to be judged on their own merits, regardless of the skin color ­— or genitals— of those who profess them. Opening borders to immigrants may or may not be a good idea. But, for crying out loud, be consistent! What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

This content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license.


Gabriel Andrade is assistant professor of medicine at Ajman University, in the United Arab Emirates. He received a PhD from University of Zulia (Venezuela), in 2008. He worked as Titular Professor at University… More by Gabriel Andrade

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

A Look Into OnlyFans: Child Sexual Abuse Material and Trafficking

OnlyFans markets itself as a social media platform where “influencers” can sell their content to a subscriber base. However, it is no secret that the overwhelming majority of the content sold on OnlyFans is in fact pornography. OnlyFans has thus become the latest iteration of the commercial sex industry—and its popularity is rapidly escalating. What is perhaps most concerning is that OnlyFans is even growing in popularity amongst children.  

Recent news stories (also see stories herehere, and here) have highlighted cases of minors creating and selling sexually explicit content of themselves on OnlyFans. The child sexual abuse material (CSAM, the more apt term for “child pornography”) found on OnlyFans also includes instances where children are exploited by traffickers. 

Thus far, OnlyFans’ Age Verification systems have failed to detect and prevent these cases of CSAM. What’s more, their marketing strategies and attempts to normalize the commercial sex industry are contributing to the allure children feel towards webcamming through OnlyFans. 

Children Selling Self-Generated CSAM for “Easy Money”

A recent BBC article offers a very thorough investigation into the issue of minors creating and selling CSAM of themselves on OnlyFans. A common theme emerged among multiple cases: children are enticed by the promise of easy money, as well as the hope of growing in popularity and social influence.

As one 13-year-old said: “I know it’s not appropriate for kids my age to be doing this, but it’s an easy way to make money. . . Some of the girls have thousands of followers on Instagram and they must be raking it in—I wanna be just like them.” 

Another 16-year-old bragged to her school career advisor about the money she was making through OnlyFans, asking why she should listen to any career advice from her.  

OnlyFans’ marketing strategies are contributing to this dangerous allure for children. By branding themselves as an “influencer” platform, OnlyFans has helped fuel these children’s tragic notion that the way to become popular and influential is to sell their bodies. OnlyFans intentionally blurs the lines between the commercial sex industry and mainstream social media, saying, “As far as we’re concerned, if you use social media and produce your own content, you should be using OnlyFans.”

This serves to further normalize the commercial sex industry amongst young people, who likely don’t understand the extensive short and long-term harms and risks inherent in the industry. OnlyFans promises easy money to new and amateur “content creators” with their slogan: “Anyone can earn.” They declare on their website that earnings could be between $1,499 and $7,495 per month.  

Even if OnlyFans is not deliberately targeting children, or designing their market strategies with minors in mind, a dangerous consequence of their marketing has been to attract many minors into the commercial sex industry, many of whom likely would not have been attracted to the industry in other forms. 

Lesser Known Risks Associated with Webcamming

As the commercial sex industry becomes increasingly normalized in society, many adults—let alone children—may enter the industry without properly understanding the risks or harms involved. Webcamming in particular is often lauded as being harmless and especially empowering, and an increasing number of young people consider it to be normal

Research and anecdotal evidence from survivors shows that the webcamming sector of the commercial sex industry is still rife with potential psychological, socio-emotional, and physical harms.

Participants in studies have described webcamming as psychologically traumatic or distressing. For example, in one study a participant named Jessica describes sitting in a corner traumatized for the entire day after her first webcamming performance, while a participant named Ken says he did not leave his room for an entire week. This psychological trauma is a common theme in studies on all forms of prostitution; the online nature of webcamming does not appear to erase the trauma.  

There are also other risks and harms which are in fact heightened by the unique nature of the webcamming industry. For example, the online nature of webcamming leaves performers extremely vulnerable to doxxing, stalking, extortion, blackmail, and “capping” (ie. customers filming the webcammer’s private “shows” and posting them online without her consent). Webcammers in one study state that capping is “pretty much inevitable” and is “one of the risks you’ll have to come to terms with in this line of work”. Some researchers argue that the risks of stalking or other forms of harassment are heightened by the interactive nature of webcamming and the fact that webcammers are encouraged to communicate directly with subscribers. 

In addition, the ease with which anyone can start webcamming and the increased normalization and popularity of webcamming has turned it into a highly competitive industry, as it is flooded with content and content-creators. As a result, studies find that webcammers often must escalate to performing more and more dangerous, extreme, or degrading acts, to stay ahead of the competition. Finally, the risk of being trafficked is not eliminated in webcamming, as numerous studies show. Which brings us to the other form of CSAM found on OnlyFans: instances in which children are being exploited by traffickers. 

Cases of Trafficked Children on OnlyFans

While much of the CSAM on OnlyFans is a product of minors uploading their own self-produced content, police and child protection agencies are also uncovering cases of children being trafficked or exploited on the platform. 

For example, the Vice President of the National Centre on Missing and Exploited Children, Staca Shehan, states: “In 2019 there were around a dozen children known to be missing being linked with content on OnlyFans. Last year the number of those cases nearly tripled.”

Police forces have also received complaints from children who had others upload intimate images of them to OnlyFans without their consent. In another case, a minor had her face edited onto someone else’s body (i.e. “deepfake”), and the resulting pornographic content uploaded to OnlyFans. Yet another minor complained to the police that she was blackmailed into posting images on OnlyFans. 

Insufficient Age Verification Systems in Place

Although OnlyFans claims to have robust, constantly improving Age Verification systems to prevent CSAM from being uploaded to the site, these systems have failed in all of the aforementioned cases. 

Minors have been able to cheat the Age Verification systems by using fake ID’s or ID’s owned by older relatives. In one case, a minor named Leah used a fake driving license to create an OnlyFans account and upload sexually explicit material. Leah’s age was anonymously reported to OnlyFans at a later date, but after reviewing the account, the company decided that it “appeared legitimate”, and no further action was taken. Leah’s age was also stated on numerous other social media sites; OnlyFans claims to check other social medias as part of the account verification process, but this evidently did not stop them from allowing Leah’s account. OnlyFans finally shut down Leah’s account after being contacted by BBC News, but by that time CSAM from her account had been downloaded and uploaded in numerous other places, all across the internet. 

OnlyFans claimed that Leah’s case, and others like it, happened during a transition “from one effective ID age verification system to a new exceptionally effective” system. However, BBC News tested this supposedly “new exceptionally effective” system in April, and succeeded in creating an OnlyFans account for a 17-year-old by using her 27-year-old sister’s passport. 

OnlyFans is putting children at risk with their lack of sufficient age verification and their dangerous influence on culture. That is why OnlyFans was named to the National Center on Sexual Exploitation’s 2021 Dirty Dozen List. We must work collectively to prevent platforms like OnlyFans from further normalizing sexual exploitation and causing harm to women and children.

EDITORS NOTE: This NCSE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Vaccine Remorse — Got the Shot? Judy Mikovits On What to Do About It

So, you’ve received one of the covid “vaccines” but now have buyer’s remorse because you now understand reality. These are not vaccines at all; this is a giant, unprecedented biological experiment that could have many, crippling and/or deadly side-effects. Graham Ledger talks with scientist Judy Mikovits about what the vaccinated can do now to inoculate from this experimental inoculation.


©The Ledger Report. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Tiny Bistro In Very Blue State Standing-up to Government Tyranny

The Marxist Governor of California is lying and bragging simultaneously about a phony, rosy economic picture in the once Golden State. Gavin Newsom has crushed business and only a few Constitutional Americans have had the guts to say “no” to his unconstitutional attacks.

Graham Ledger speaks with the owner/operator of the Apple Bistro, Jennette Waldow, in Placerville, CA. about the price one restaurant is paying for standing up to a tyrannical government.


©The Ledger Report. All rights reserved.

Trump Legacy-Greater & Stronger Than Those Attempting to Destroy It

Joe Biden will attempt to undo so much constitutional good that President Trump has done for the sake of the American people. However, no man can change the wonderful, pro-America, pro-liberty, pro-free market, pro-founding documents legacy that the 45-th President has indelibly etched upon on landscape. THANK YOU Mr. President! Thank you for keeping your promises…and then some.

Graham Ledger outlines just a few glorious portions of the Trump record that will outlive the radicals who wish to kill it.

©The Ledger Report. All rights reserved.

Yoo Hoo, Patrisse

“If we don’t step up to end the imperialist project that’s called Israel, we’re doomed,”  proclaimed one of three co-founders of Black Lives Matter. She also supports the Boycott-Divest-Sanction (BDS) program that seeks to strangle Israel economically.

This tiny red sliver is what threatens Cullors and her ilk:

Jews like me have seen this rage all our lives––this pitiful, largely impotent rage, as if a cabal of slogan-driven, hate-fueled faux revolutionaries is even remotely capable of destroying or even diminishing the Jewish people. But they keep trying. Here is what they all feel:

  • Every time Ms. Cullors sees a Jewish person, she feels bad.
  • Every time she sees a map of Israel, she feels enraged.
  • Every time she becomes aware of the Mt. Everest of Nobel Prizes won by Jews in literature, medicine, physics, chemistry, et al, she feels sick.
  • Every time she sees or hears about a Jewish person’s wild success in media, commerce, the arts, science, medicine, literature, on and on, she feels murderous.
  • Every time she thinks about blacks being slaves in America for about 100 years and realizes that Jews were brutally enslaved in Egypt for 210 years, she conveniently puts that fact out of her mind.
  • Every time she hears of colleges like Harvard imposing quotas on Jews and Asians because such great numbers of them meet the exacting qualifications for admission, it makes her blood boil.
  • Every time she reminds herself that blacks comprise almost 14 percent of America and Jews comprise only 2.2 percent, she feels blind with fury.

In fact, she feels as bad and angry and as obsessed with hatred as…who else in American history?


After the Republican President Abraham Lincoln enacted The Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, freeing Negro slaves from the indentured servitude and humiliation they had endured for a hundred years, the Democrats took action by creating the Ku Klux Klan in 1865 with the intention of hunting, hurting and hanging the former slaves with homemade nooses.

You can read about this sordid history here, here, and also here, where journalist, author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza reminds us that “the main point of the Klan’s orgy of violence was to prevent blacks from voting…for Republicans. [Yet] leading Democrats––including at least one president, two Supreme Court justices, and innumerable Senators and Congressmen––were Klan members.”

Among them was Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV), who died in 2010, and was lavishly eulogized by President Obama and former President Bill Clinton.” Hillary Clinton called the vicious racist Byrd her “mentor.”

Byrd, who unselfconsciously used the “n” word several times on national TV, rose to the status of Grand Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops in the KKK. Were those titles like notches in a cowboy’s belt, only these denoting the numbers of Negroes he was responsible for killing? He was very proud of recruiting 150 of his friends and associates to create a new chapter of the Ku Klux Klan in Sophia, West Virginia.

D’Souza also writes that “progressives like Margaret Sanger—founder of Planned Parenthood and a role model for Hillary Clinton—supported such causes as eugenics and social Darwinism [and] backed forced sterilization for ‘unfit’ people…her Negro Project was specifically focused on reducing the black population.”

And writer Kimberly Bloom Jackson, in her blockbuster article, The Secret Racist History of the Democratic Party, reinforces this dishonorable history: “There’s even a thirteen-volume set of Congressional investigations dating from 1872 detailing the Klan’s connection to the Democratic Party.”

“In the vote for the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution––which abolished slavery in 1864––of the 118 Republicans in Congress (House and Senate) at the time, all 118 voted in favor of the legislation, while only 19 of 82 Democrats voted likewise,” Jackson added. “Then there’s the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments guaranteeing rights of citizenship and voting to black males. Not a single Democrat voted in favor of either Amendment.”

  • You can bet that every time a member of the KKK saw a Negro, he felt bad.
  • Every time he saw an accounting of runaway slaves, he felt enraged.
  • Every time he became aware of the increasing numbers of people fighting against the KKK, he boiled with fury.
  • Every time he saw or heard about Republican politicians supporting the abolition of slavery, he felt murderous. And, in fact, acted on that malign impulse toward Negroes!
  • Every time he thought about Negroes being slaves in America for about 100 years, he wished it were for 200 years!
  • Every time he learned about a successful slave rebellion, his blood ran cold.
  • Every time he even imagined or heard about intermarriage, he prepared another noose.


Yet there is a profound difference between the rage of Patrisse Cullors and the wrath of the KKK Klansmen.

Her own and her fellow travelers’ rage is fueled by the notion that those big bad Jews are superior to her and other Blacks in their educational achievements, prominence in society, wealth and influence, while members of the KKK believed that the Negroes they targeted were so inferior that they were worthy of extinction.

Two powerful emotions––green-eyed envy and cruel-hearted contempt.

Right now in Democrat-run America, there is a lot of hatred of white people, all driven, as Gina Aveni points out, by the empirically systemic racism of the Democrat Party, its degenerate and racist history, and its current––pardon the expression––leadership.

Cullors must be pained that the efforts of generations of leftists have failed her community so grievously for decades on end. Yet she clings pitifully to the same failed political party that, no doubt, her parents and grandparents clung to as well, still believing their empty promises, still thinking that their policies will result in a “fair” system, preferably a Communist America, even though that brutal form of government has failed thunderously throughout history.


Clinging mindlessly to her self-proclaimed Marxism, Cullors stubbornly refuses to utilize her energies and her anger in productive ways to target the Democrats who have mal-educated generations of Black children. She knows––according to cold hard facts, objective reports, and empirical data––that their failed attempts at Affirmative Action and their failed attempts at Common Core––have left millions of those children illiterate, unemployable, and too often imprisoned,

Yet the rigid ideologue in her prevents Ms. Cullors from embracing the spectacular success of Eva Moskowitz’s Charter Schools in NY City, which since 2006 have succeeded in sending thousands of impoverished, single-parent children––whose role models are drug pushers, prostitutes, and pimps––into highly-esteemed colleges throughout the country based on merit, test scores, accomplishments and motivation.


In 2020 alone, Black Lives Matter raised $90-million dollars!––money donated by cowardly corporations afraid of massive protests by community organizers and by individuals apparently attracted to the organization’s year-long rampage through American cities, all run, not coincidentally, by Democrat mayors.

Apparently, what these donors found irresistible was witnessing about $2 billion in property damage, lethal arson, grand theft, the injuries of more than 240 police officers and destruction of hundreds of police precincts, a record number of mass shootings, upward of 30 murders, and the defacement and vandalizing of synagogues, at which they screamed “F… the Jews and Kill the Police.”

All, ostensibly, to help the lives of Black people who Patrisse Cullors cares about, right?

Well, how utterly inconvenient. Along comes Rashad Turner, who said he quit BLM over the ‘ugly truth.’

“I am living proof that no matter your start in life, quality education is a pathway to success,” Rashad explained. “I want the same success for our children in our communities. That’s why in 2015, I was a founder of Black Lives Matter in St. Paul, MN. I believed the organization stood for exactly what the name implies: Black lives do matter. However, after a year on the inside, I learned they had little concern for rebuilding Black families, and they cared even less about improving the quality of education for students in Minneapolis.”

And now this! It looks like Ms. Patrisse may have, ahem, diverted quite a few of those millions, as Monica Showalter details in depth, including spending “cash on Malibu conferences and spa stays… funneling money to her baby daddy, more than $150,000, and a mansion-buying binge—reportedly in Compton, Georgia; Los Angeles; the Bahamas; and tony Topanga Canyon…” which is predominantly white.

Strange, isn’t it, that this woman who exudes contempt if not hatred for white people, would not buy a home in one of the 10 richest black communities in America? Was the venue she chose instead to prove something to whitey or to assuage her jealousy?

Ultimately, widespread outrage and accusations of theft and fraud––and not an indictment!–– finally forced her out of the organization. “If you did nothing wrong “Why Quit!?” one critic exclaimed!


At 37, Ms. Cullers is young…also pretty, famous and rich. But by any measure, support for BLM has fallen significantly, just as support for the police has risen. This comes as no surprise, given that the American public has watched in horror as cities and homes and businesses just like theirs––again, all run by Democrats––have been vandalized, burned to the ground, and robbed, and people just like them have been sucker-punched, smashed in the face, kicked and pummeled and raped and murdered––all in the name of the phony-baloney construct called social justice.

Of course, that hasn’t stopped leftwing cesspools like the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs from inviting Ms. Cullors to be their commencement speaker this month, an invitation she accepted.

This prompted the Executive Director of Stop Antisemitism, Liora Rez, to state that, “There are currently millions of African slaves in Libya, Qatar and Saudi Arabia and daily slayings of the Igbo people in Nigeria. Rather than addressing these atrocities, Patrisse Cullors and BLM chose to vilify Israel (a nation which proudly boasts a brown and black Jewish majority)…”

But before she tackles the challenges of the racist Arab states, Cullors should address what Parker Beauregard describes as “2021’s stratospheric murder rates in America’s five blackest cities. Blaming the system is a Marxist approach for taking blame off the individual. It is the opposite of the Judeo-Christian philosophy that helped shape the United States from its inception.” 

“According to the FBI,” Beauregard adds, “over 90 percent of these murders come at the hands of another Black.” (Read the article for the jaw-dropping breakdown of cities, crimes and racial makeup.)

Yoo hoo, Patrisse….it looks like your work is cut out for you! Charity really does begin at home!


“To my Jewish brethren who in their heart of hearts think they are being virtuous,” writes   EileenToplansky, “you must understand that the Black Lives Matter movement that so many of you marched for, sent money to, and still support with admiration, has at its core the deep desire to annihilate Jews and destroy Israel.

“It does not matter what denomination of Judaism you belong to or if you even believe in G-d,” Toplansky continues, “but as a thinking being you must begin now to acknowledge that supporting a group that calls for the annihilation of your fellow Jews should go against every fiber of your moral compass.

“American Jews,” she beseeches, “where is your indignation….?”

Unfortunately, I know the answer to this impassioned question, and it’s not pretty.

American Jews have been spoiled by the unlimited freedom they’ve enjoyed, thanks to our country’s Founding Fathers. For the first time in Jewish history, they’ve had the ability to redress grievances through the rule of law, to go outside their once-threatened circle to mix comfortably with all ethnic and political and religious groups, and to abandon the demands of a religion that survived thousands of years of relentless persecution. Of course, that persecution is aflame today, but leftist Jews think that their assimilation confers some kind of magical immunity on them.

They believe that they are unlike the Jews who suffered through––and survived!––over 3,500 years of persecution:

  • The barbaric Crusades,
  • The savage Inquisition,
  • A cruel and tortuous Diaspora,
  • The forced conversions in Spain and Portugal,
  • The brutal persecution of the Egyptian and Babylonian and Persian and Roman empires,
  • And the genocidal Holocaust of the 20th century by the subhuman Hitler and his subhuman henchmen throughout the entire continent of Europe––in which half the small number of Jews in the world were gassed to death as America’s president, FDR, did nothing!

Yet here we Jews are again, besieged but unbowed, harassed but not intimidated, and yet still the targets of people and groups like Black Lives Matter that should be emulating us instead of displaying their psychotic––and therefore bellicose––jealousy.

But guess what? When all the enemies of the Jewish people––like BLM, Antifa, the Obamas, the Biden regime, et al––have written their own flowery, self-aggrandizing, narcissistic eulogies, Israel will still be here, Jews will have increased their numbers, and other jealous anti-Semites like Cullors will still be trying––and failing––to destroy us.

©Joan Swirsky. All rights reserved.


VIDEO: Biden Administration Turning America Into Unconstitutional Sanctuary Country

The Biden administration’s Executive Orders to end interior enforcement of our immigration laws are in direct opposition to the findings and recommendations of the 9/11 Commission and undermine national security, public safety, public health and the jobs and wages of Americans.


The Truth About Immigration Can Unite All Americans

America has become dangerously polarized and immigration has become one of the most divisive issues.

In this climate of strident and aggressive confrontations, Americans are reluctant to engage in an open discussion. They have been intimidated by the radical left.

Who could ever forget Congresswoman Maxine Waters exhorting her followers to confront members of the Trump administration in public, or New York’s Governor Cuomo vilifying ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) agents, calling them thugs, inciting attacks on ICE agents.

Providing the truth about immigration would unite all Americans irrespective of their political orientations, in the understanding that border security and fair but effective immigration law enforcement are vital for national security, public safety, the livelihoods and wages of American workers, and a host of other issues.

The acrimonious arguments about immigration are not based on facts but on a fiction created by globalists whose tactics and use of deceptive language come directly from George Orwell’s “1984,” blurring the distinction between illegal aliens and lawful immigrants. This is damaging and insulting to lawful immigrants.

To provide a bit of clarity, the difference between an illegal alien and a lawful immigrant is comparable to the difference between a houseguest and a burglar.

We often refer to America as a “nation of immigrants” and, in point of fact, last year the United States, even under the Trump administration that has been falsely accused of being “anti-immigrant,” admitted more than one million lawful immigrants — that is more than the rest of the world combined.

President Jimmy Carter cynically mandated that INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) employees substitute the bogus term “Undocumented Immigrants” for the term “Illegal Aliens.”

The term “Alien” is not a pejorative. It is a legal term that simply means, “Any person, not a citizen or national of the United States.”

Over time Carter’s deceptive language profoundly skewed public perceptions about immigration law enforcement.

I addressed these tactics “sleight of tongue” in my article, “Language Wars: The Road to Tyranny Is Paved with Language Censorship.”

The immigration system has become a highly efficient delivery system that delivers an unlimited supply of cheap and exploitable labor, an unlimited supply of foreign tourists, a nearly unlimited supply of foreign students, and a limitless supply of clients for immigration lawyers.

Consider that a massive amnesty program would not get the illegal aliens “out of the shadows” but into the waiting rooms of immigration law firms across America.

This why both the Democrats and the Republicans claim that since we cannot arrest and deport 11 million illegal aliens, ostensibly, the best “solution” is to provide them with lawful status.

This is a “bait and switch” tactic that takes immigration law enforcement off the table as a means of countering massive levels of immigration law violations, replacing it with a debate about whether to place these heretofore illegal aliens on pathways to citizenship or “only” provide illegal aliens with lawful status, permission to work, and the right to bring their families to the United States.

The Democrats have created Sanctuary Cities and called for dismantling of ICE. However, neither party has ever proposed hiring more ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) agents to address the immigration crisis. Currently there are about 6,000 ICE agents for the entire United States of America and more than half of ICE’s resources are focused on customs law enforcement and other law violations that have nothing to do with immigration.

Contrast that ridiculous number with the 45,000 employees of the TSA and the NYPD’s more than 37,000 police officers to protect New York City.

Mandatory E-Verify has been proposed but never approved. However, even with mandatory E-Verify, without ICE agents to conduct field investigation, unscrupulous employers could simply successfully hire their illegal workforce “off the books.”

As Americans we all share common goals. We must emphasize those common goals in discussions with our fellow Americans to combat the “divide and conquer” strategies of the globalists of both parties.

All Americans, irrespective of superficial factors such as race, religion, or ethnicity, want our military to keep our enemies as far from our shores as possible, our police to keep our communities safe, and our schools to effectively educate our children so that any child willing to study hard, work hard, and benefit from a bit of luck can write the next success story.

Many decent and compassionate Americans have been conned into believing that those who support secure borders and effective but fair immigration law enforcement are bigots, xenophobes, and racists when nothing could be further from the truth.

Our fellow Americans are not our adversaries but our allies, if we can win them over. The truth, the facts, laws, commonsense, and morality are all on our side.

Effective but fair immigration law enforcement is essential for all of those goals noted above.

Let the fact-based discussions begin!

©Michael Cutler. All rights reserved.

Guatemala, El Salvador, Mexico: “Biden” at Fault For Border Crisis

Every rational, loyal American thinks the same thing……

Guatemala, El Salvador, Mexico: Biden at Fault for Border Crisis

By, Edwin Mora, Breitbart, June 10, 2021:

Mexico, Guatemala, and El Salvador, three Latin American countries vital to addressing the migrant surge, have all blamed the Biden administration’s promise of better treatment and policies for the border crisis.

On the eve of Kamala Harris’ visit to Guatemala Monday, marking her first foreign trip as vice president, Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei repeated his position during an interview that aired Sunday on CBS News’ “Face the Nation” that the Biden administration’s more welcoming tone is responsible for attracting the historic migrant surge overwhelming resources and personnel at the U.S. southern border.

The Biden administration’s promise that it will “reunite” migrant families and children with their relatives in America are incentivizing his compatriots to emigrate, Giammattei told CBS News.

“The message [for migrants] changed [under Biden] too: ‘We’re going to reunite families, we’re going to reunite children,’” he added.

“The very next day [after the Biden administration’s welcoming message], the coyotes were here organizing groups of children to take them to the United States,” Giammattei, who has blamed President Joe Biden’s lenient border security policies for the surge in the past, declared.

The Guatemalan government did not respond to Breitbart News’ request for an unedited video or transcript of the CBS News interview. CBS News did not provide an unedited version of the interview or the full transcript of the exchange.

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) has also repeatedly indicated his American counterpart Joe Biden’s overwhelmingly more welcoming tone that began to develop during the U.S presidential campaign near the end of the Trump administration, when the migrant surge began, has “created expectations” among migrants from Mexico and Central America that crossing the border is almost guaranteed under the new American commander-in-chief.

Critics such as the Mexican government and Republicans believe Biden’s move to rescind the Trump-era border security policies and measures to enforce immigration laws in the interior of the country are at fault for the humanitarian crisis unfolding at the U.S.-Mexico border. The U.S. President denies the allegations, insisting the border is closed even as his administration continues to release illegals and asylum-seekers into American communities.

In May, the Washington Post reported:

Mexican officials, including Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard, have been privately frustrated with Biden’s rapid-fire rollback of Trump policies, according to current and former U.S. and Mexican officials, because Mexico thought Biden’s moves incentivized migration in the short term while his proposed solutions consisted of long-term measures [such as addressing the root causes of migration and providing $4 billion in assistance over four years] that could take years to make a difference.

Central Americans from the Northern Triangle countries of Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras, the primary source of  the surge, and migrants from outside the Americas, traveling from as far as Africa and Asia, have taken these policy changes, as well as the more lenient border security approach under Biden as a sign this president is inviting them to cross the border.

In an interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson that aired in March, Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele attributed the surge at the U.S.-Mexico border to three reasons:

  • A lack of economic opportunities
  • The absence of security in Latin America
  • Incentives provided in the United States

He stressed that it is his country’s responsibility to provide better economic opportunities and security to prevent people from leaving. Bukele has previously said he favors commerce with the United States private sector over U.S. taxpayer-funded foreign aid that has failed to make any changes in the years the U.S. has been sending assistance to Central America.

The lack of economic opportunities is “bad for the United States because immigration will go up, and it’s bad for our country because [of] people leaving the country … so it’s bad for both of us,” he proclaimed.

Bukele emphasized that U.S. incentives for migrants are gutting El Salvador of people who could contribute to the economy in their home without leaving.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), citing overcrowded and sometimes unsanitary conditions at processing centers and detention facilities, is releasing the detainees to American communities without court dates, granting them the opportunity to reunite with their loved ones without any mechanism to ensure they will report to immigration authorities.

Apprehension of illegal migrants from places such as Africa, Asia, and other regions outside the Americas by Panamenian authorities suggest that details behind Biden’s tolerant border policies have reached places all over the world.

The New York Times reported in May that the U.S. is now releasing most of those migrants who are apprehended into the United States where they are reunited with loved one despite the Trump-era pandemic control protocols (Title 42) kept in place by the sitting president. Title 42 allows the government to remove any illegal immigrants amid the pandemic to stem the spread.

However, the Biden team is not applying Title-42 removal exemption to unaccompanied children, mainly from Central America, and vulnerable single adults persecuted for their sexual orientation, among other reasons.

Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez, who U.S. prosecutors have accused of being involved in state-sponsored narco-trafficking activities along with his brother, has been silent about the border crisis, unlike other times.

RELATED ARTICLE: EU Study Finds Incitement to Violence and Murder in ‘Palestinian’ Textbooks, Kept From Public

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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VIRAL VIDEO: Fierce NY Mom Goes Off On Racist, Anti-Christian School Board

This woman (Tatiana Ibrahim) is everything of the sort. I’d got to war with her anywhere, anytime. We need an army of these heroes.


RELATED ARTICLE: Florida Board of Education Approves DeSantis’ Rule Banning ‘Critical Race Theory’ From Its Classrooms

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

©Actively Unwoke. All rights reserved.

Sorry BLM, but Palestinians have nothing in common with Native Americans or oppressed Black Americans


Is that so?

According to the world Facebook (1), Gaza 2019 GDP per capita was $6,220. Yes, Israel’s GDP is $43,589 and that’s looks like a hell of an inequality of income. But comparing Gaza to Israel, at least in regard of economic inequality, make no sense. Black American GDP per capita is $ 23,000 (2), and Mexico is only $ 9,863. Would you find the comparison acceptable? Of course not, it doesn’t make any sense. Nor is the comparison between Gaza and Israel. Gaza is as far from Israel than Mexico is from Afro-Americans in term of infrastructure, socio-economics, education, culture and work environment.

To compare inequality, we must compare how two different groups are doing in the same environment – Blacks in America to White in America, not to Blacks in Mauritania, and Arabs in Gaza to Arabs in Egypt or Jordan, not to Jews or Arabs in Israel or New York. Egyptian Arabs GDP is $11,763. Jordan’s $4,405. At $6,220, Palestinians from Gaza fall in the middle: no inequality here.

Are Native Americans comparable to Native in Palestine, ie the Bedouins, in the sense that Jews stole the land of the Bedouins the same way American stole Indian land?

Let’s take a closer look.

Pro-Palestinian activists and BLM claim that there is a similarity between the situation faced by the American Indians over a century ago as a result of American colonization of their land and the situation which exists today in the state of Israel as a result of Israeli occupation of what was formerly Palestinian territory.

They tell us that when you have a massive immigration of one population into a region occupied by another population, such as happened with European immigration into North America and the later American migration westward, you are going to have a massive relocation and disenfranchisement of the indigenous peoples of that region.

What we need to look at first is the international recognized definition of indigenous people, also called native.

According to the UN definition (3) Indigenous peoples are “inheritors and practitioners of unique cultures…They have retained social, cultural, economic and political characteristics that are distinct from those of the dominant societies in which they live,” and “Indigenous peoples have sought recognition of their identities, way of life and their right to traditional lands, territories and natural resources…”

Indigenes are descendants of the people who were first in a particular territory. They have lived on the land “from time immemorial”‚Äî thousands, and even tens of thousands of years. The Australian aborigines, for example, have lived in their territory for anywhere between 40,000 and 60,000 years while Native Americans claim a history of thousands of years.

North America’s Indian are arguably Indigenous populations. They were removed from their traditional hunting and gathering territories that they‚Äôve known, literally for thousands of years prior to the introduction of private property, as if they had no right to be there in the first place.

Native Americans were once peoples who occupied vast territories throughout what is today the U.S. and Canada. Not anymore. They now are among the poorest people.

Native Palestinians are the Bedouins. Like the Indians, they are a minority. Like the Indians, they are the poorest. And like the Indians, they are “inheritors and practitioners of unique cultures” and they have “retained social, cultural, economic and political characteristics that are distinct from those of the dominant societies in which they live”.

That is where the comparison stops. This is where the similarities end, at a fundamental point: the land.

In some areas, when the colonists arrived from Europe, they did steal some Native American land, though it is murky in other areas.

This is why Palestinian situation is not similar to that of the “First Nation”, the original inhabitants of America.

In Israel, explained Havatzelet Yahel, Ruth Kark, and Seth J. Frantzman in an academic piece published in 2012 (4), “the indigenousness claim has been raised over the past few years by the country’s Bedouin citizens, a formerly nomadic, Arabic-speaking group centered in the southern arid part of the country, the Negev. They argue that Israel denies their basic indigenous rights such as maintaining their traditions and owning their own lands.”

The Bedouin of Israel’s Negev claim that Israel is like other colonialist regimes: they stole their land, dominated their territory, refused to admit their lengthy presence in their native land, and denied their rights.

Their argument doesn’t hold waters:

  • To begin with, the Bedouin are by no means the only people who can claim to be “first people” in Palestine. Jewish presence in the land predates Arab presence there by millennia.
  • Moreover, countless other groups have lived in Palestine way before them, since antiquity (Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Idumeans, Samaritans, Nabateans, Romans, Christians, Ottomans…)
  • The Jews are the only nation that can claim an uninterrupted presence on the Palestinian land. It started from biblical times to date.
  • Three millennia ago, a kingdom of Israel was established in the landmass from the Negev in the south to the Golan Heights in the north, making the Jews the real Native people, not the Bedouins.
  • Then, regarding territories, what characterizes the Bedouin is their relationship to the tribe, rather than to a specific place or territory (5).
  • And regarding to their “lengthy presence”, most of them arrived during the late eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries, from the deserts of Arabia, Transjordan, Sinai, and Egypt (6) in the wake of Napoleon’s invasion of Egypt and Palestine in 1798-99 and subsequent Egyptian rule under Muhammad Ali and his son Ibrahim Pasha (r. 1831-41).
  • Ottoman tax registers demonstrate that the tribes which lived in the Negev in 1596-97 are not those residing there today: they cannot claim, as the native Indian do, to have live in Palestine from immemorial times (7). I mean, unless they have a memory problem. The Jews can.
  • Even Clinton Bailey, a scholar of Bedouin culture, could not find any evidence in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries of the continuity or existence of Bedouin tribes, which later lived in the Negev in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries (8).
  • The Bedouins themselves stole the land from other people. Their foothold in the Negev was achieved through armed intertribal struggles as well as raids on established Arab settlements that caused the latter’s to run away or die (9).

And regarding to their more recent claim for land ownership, The Ottoman law – that still apply since it wasn’t canceled by Israeli law after the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, have decreed that the lands they claim were never allocated for private use, and that they are of the category of mewat (defined by the Ottoman land law as the area of waste land that lies beyond the carry of the human voice when uttered from the nearest habitation). For the Ottoman law, it is public land and cannot be assigned as privately owned.

Their claim of ownership over the land are nothing more than conspiracy theories. Because a bunch of White people and a bunch of Jews traveled from Europe, the first one to America, the other group to Palestine ; because both the Native Indian and the Bedouins are a minority ; and the two groups maintains their old tradition, separate and different from the majority, and because they both are very poor, doesn’t allow to project and equate their condition more than the tribes in the Andaman Islands off the coast of India.






(5) Clinton Bailey, Ha-Beduim (Sede-Boqer: Midreshet Sede-Boqer, 1969), pp. 1, 6.

(6) Moshe Sharon, “Ha-Beduim Be-Eretz Yisrael Bameot Ha-Shmone Esre Ve-Ha-Tsha-Esre,” M.A. thesis, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1964, pp. 21-4.

(7) Wolf-Dieter Hütteroth and Kamal Abdulfattah, Historical Geography of Palestine, Transjordan and Southern Syria in the Late 16th Century (Erlangen: Palm and Enke, 1977), p. 3.

(8) Clinton Bailey, “Dating the Arrival of the Bedouin Tribes in Sinai and the Negev,” Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 28 (1980): 21-4; idem, “The Negev in the 19th Century,” Asian and African Studies, 14 (1980): 42, 45.

(9) Sharon, “Ha-Beduim Be-Eretz Yisrael,” p. 49; Joseph Ben-David, “Od Al Ha-Konflict Ha-Karkai bein Beduei Ha-Negev Levain Ha-Medina,” Karka 44 (1998): 64; Emanuel Marx, Ha-Hevra Ha-Beduit Ba-Negev (Tel Aviv: Reshafim, 1974), p. 15; Emanuel Marx, Bedouin of the Negev (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1967), p. 7.



EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden to Celebrate 20th Anniversary of 9/11 by Freeing Gitmo Terrorists

Biden is restarting every terrible Obama project. And he’s trying to finish those that Obama couldn’t.

Obama’s big dream was freeing all the terrorists and closing Gitmo. One of his first executive orders addressed Gitmo’s terrorists. He forced out Secretary of Defense Hagel over it, and terrorized Secretary of Defense Ash Carter to such an extent that at one point Obama actually asked a Republican Congress for the power to override him on this. The Osama mission wasn’t about killing the terrorist leader, but detaining him for a civilian trial so he could justify dismantling Gitmo and the military court system.

Biden is following in Obama’s footsteps, but he’s chosen to be less confrontational about it. That’s a matter of tactics, not ends.

Unlike Hagel and Carter, Biden picked Lloyd Austin as a guy who will rubber stamp the worst possible abuses and crimes against national security.

It began with prioritizing Gitmo terrorists for vaccines.

9/11 vets expressed their fury at Joe Biden after the Pentagon approved giving Covid vaccines to Guantanamo Bay terror inmates before most Americans.

Tom Van Essen, who was New York City Fire Commissioner during the September 11 attacks, called the move “f**king nuts.”

“The fact that the 9/11 community can’t get the vaccine and the terrorists can show how backward our government is,” John Feal, who was a demolition supervisor at Ground Zero, said.

“It’s the most ludicrous thing I’ve ever heard. It’s an insult to the people who ran into the towers and were killed and those who worked on the pile for months and are ill.”

Last month, I wrote about one of Biden’s more outrageous Gitmo release parties.

Biden’s newest charity case wanted something bigger. The dossier describes the 9/11 mastermind’s associate and Paracha chatting about Al Qaeda getting some “radiological or nuclear items several times” because Paracha wanted “to help al-Qaida ‘do something big against the US.’”

Paracha “also discussed nuclear attacks and attacks against nuclear power plants” and had an idea for “al-Qaida to attack a nuclear power plant”.

So you can see why Joe Biden is letting him go.

But the overall strategy is keeping Biden’s plot against America on the down-low.

President Joe Biden has quietly begun efforts to close the U.S. detention facility at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, using an under-the-radar approach to minimize political blowback and to try to make at least some progress in resolving a long-standing legal and human rights morass before the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

And then Biden can have a party to celebrate the 20th anniversary with his new Taliban, Al Qaeda, and Iranian terrorist buddies.

But he’s trying to keep it secret.

After initial plans for a more aggressive push to close the facility — including rebuffed attempts to recruit a special envoy to oversee the strategy — the White House changed course, sources said. The administration has opted to wait before it reaches out to Congress, which has thwarted previous efforts to close the camp, because of fears that political outcry might interfere with the rest of Biden’s agenda.

“They don’t want it to become a dominant issue that blows up,” a former senior administration official involved in the discussions said of Biden officials. “They don’t want it to become a lightning rod.”

Don’t tell the Americans what we’re up to. Let the media keep posting pictures of Biden with dogs or kids, while the nation is betrayed.



‘The leaders of Hamas will get together to divide among themselves the money that will be poured into Gaza’

Israeli ambassador meets with Associated Press top dog, tells him Hamas had Iron Dome jammer in AP building

Pakistan: Muslims kidnap Christian, repeatedly rape and beat her, threaten to murder her children if she escapes

India: Muslim repeatedly rapes 15-year-old Hindu girl, then kidnaps her on pretext of marriage

UK: Muslim writer says the only no-go zones in the country are ‘posh’ areas where Muslims fear to enter

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.