Biden ☭ Center CAUGHT Concealing Tens of Millions $$ From CHINA

According to Campus Reform, GOP lawmakers have demanded that the University of Pennsylvania  Biden Center release foreign donation records. Three House Republicans sent a letter to the University of Pennsylvania, asking that they reveal the source of anonymous foreign donations from China. The lawmakers referenced concern over links between China and President Joe Biden.

The Biden Center Caught Concealing Massive Amounts Of Money Coming From China

Move over Tara Reid we have a new scandal that is starting to take shape, the Biden Center at the University of Pennsylvania has been caught concealing dirty money. It has been alleged that the center has received tens of millions of dollars from China and failed to disclose it.

According to the report published by Campus Reform, The Biden Center at UPenn is under scrutiny over “gifts” from China that were not correctly disclosed to the federal government.

The center, named in honor of Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden, accepted a $22 million gift from an anonymous Chinese donor. Federal law requires any foreign gift over $250,000 must be disclosed to the government. Whoever receives the gift must also disclose the identity of the donor.

The National Legal and Policy Center filed a complaint last week with the Department of Education over the University of Pennsylvania’s Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement’s failure to disclose these gifts from China.

Since 2017 alone, when the Biden Center opened and after Joe Biden announced he was running for President in April 2018, the university received over $70 million from China, of which $22 million were listed as “Anonymous.” Federal law requires the disclosure of the source of all donations over $250,000. The complaint also requests a referral to the Department of Justice to file an enforcement action seeking compliance and to recoup all the costs of the investigation.

“From 2013-2019, the University of Pennsylvania received more than $67 million from China sources. More significantly, after the Penn Biden Center opened here in Washington, D.C., in February 2018, the China gifts poured in all the more, and continued after Biden announced his candidacy of the presidency on April 25, 2019,” the complaint alleges.

UPenn spokesman Stephen MacCarthy told Campus Reform, “the University is in compliance with federal foreign gift disclosure requirements. As to their allegations regarding the connection of gifts to the Penn Biden Center, that is completely untrue. In fact, it is total nonsense. We have never solicited any gifts for the Penn Biden Center. Since its inception in 2017 there have been three unsolicited gifts (from two donors) which combined total $1,100. Neither of the donors were from China.”

RELATED ARTICLE: 10 Republicans Voted to Impeach Trump, 7 Already Facing Challenges for Their Seats in Congress

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in some cases deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here— it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever.

NYPD shifts focus from jihad terror groups to ‘far-right and extremist hate groups’

The NYPD is adjusting its focus to fit the Left’s narrative, not reality. Remember: It wasn’t “far-right extremists” who rioted all summer in Portland, Seattle, Kenosha, Wisconsin, New York, Atlanta, Washington, DC, and numerous other cities that I have already forgotten. It was Leftists: Antifa and Black Lives Matter, who have also been found to have been among those storming the Capitol that is being used as a Reichstag Fire pretext to shut down dissent from the Leftist agenda. When the NYPD talks about “far-right and extremist hate groups,” it likely really means ordinary citizens who oppose the dominant political philosophy, including those who have already been defamed by the Southern Poverty Law Center as “hate groups.” Lies such as what the NYPD is spreading here are in service of solidifying the hegemony of that philosophy.

“NYPD’s focus on terror shifts to local extremist groups”

by Rocco Parascandola, New York Daily News, January 30, 2021:

The NYPD has spent the past 20 years adapting to the ever-changing landscape of terrorism, focused first on large jihadist groups, then lone wolves who emerge out of nowhere, and now far-right and extremist hate groups.

In late 2019, the nation’s largest police department created a new unit within the Intelligence Bureau called REME, which stands for Racially and Ethnically Motivated Extremism. It was formed a year after a brawl on the Upper East Side between anti-fascists believed to be connected to Antifa and members of the Proud Boys, one of the more prominent far-right groups.

REME works similarly to its’ umbrella unit, with two dozen investigators and analysts applying the same intelligence gathering techniques used to build cases against members of ISIS and al Qaeda.

But there are differences, notably the laws that make it easier to charge someone linked to a designated foreign terrorist organization….


The Media’s Oh-So-Devout Catholic Joe Biden Has Run Into a Little Trouble With the Bishops…

If Biden reopens PLO’s DC office, ‘Palestinians’ would be liable for $655,500,000 for jihad terror victims

Uganda: Muslims assault wife and children of pastor who is still in hospital for injuries from their last assault

Mahmoud Abbas is threatening to kill anyone who might oppose him

Somalia: Muslims crash explosive-filled vehicle into hotel, then open fire on staff and patrons

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

PODCAST: If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Join ‘Em?

I have been a loyal Republican for almost 50 years. I have worked on campaigns, written political copy, and voted regularly. However, when the Republicans in Congress recently turned their back on President Trump during the stolen election and ensuing impeachment, they revealed their true spineless character as “Republicans In Name Only” (RINO). Unfortunately, this goes beyond the federal level, and down to the state, county, and municipal levels. Even party officials at the county and club levels are deemed weaklings by grassroots constituents, simply for their blind obedience. Consequently, people by the thousands are fleeing the GOP.

If by chance, President Trump is convicted of impeachment, a lot of people will be blaming the GOP, and the party will likely disintegrate. I suspect this is what the Democrats had in mind all along.

Because of my background, I am often asked what Republican voters should do, stay or go? As I see it, there are three options:

  1. Stay with the party and try to improve it from within. This can only happen if there is a groundswell of support to push the RINOs out of the way. In all likelihood this will not happen as the “good ole boys” (and girls) are firmly in charge and will tow the party line come hell or high-water, thereby suppressing Trump supporters.
  2. Switch party affiliation to “Independent,” but by doing so people will no longer be able to participate in party primaries (unless your state allows otherwise).
  3. Switch to a third-party. You can either switch to an existing party, such as the “Libertarians,” who do not exactly have a stellar track record, or form a new party, such as the “Patriot Party” which is often discussed. The problem here is it takes time to grow a third party and gain any traction, particularly as both the Democrats and Republicans are trying to shut you down.

Of these three options, “Independents” are on the rise as they are sick of party politics. However, by doing so, they become less informed of candidates, particularly at the local levels.

Actually, there is a fourth option, something that came to me like an epiphany. Now don’t laugh, but remember the quote, “If you can’t beat them, join them”? That is precisely what we should do to the Democrats. In other words, let’s take a page from the Democrat game book and infiltrate, undermine, and dominate. The Democrats are past masters at this.

Imagine if the 74 million people who voted for President Trump simply switched over to the Democrats. They could then lead a charge to change the party platform, elect new party leaders, and force out the far-left members who would likely establish their own Socialist party.

The simplicity of this is inspiring and does two things: it would totally re-make the Democrat Party as we know it today, and; the Republican Party, with their impotent leaders would become a hallow shell before our eyes, turning the RINOs out to pasture. I believe this is referred to as, “Killing two birds with one stone.” Another nice benefit, it would put the news media into a tailspin as they wouldn’t know who to cover or criticize.

And once the dust has settled, you can change the party name to something more rational, like the “Patriot Party.”

I know, people will find it distasteful to join their former adversary, with dullard morality, but you have to think about transforming America. After all, that has been their game plan all along.

Interesting idea, right? Let’s see if the Democrats like the taste of their own medicine, namely “subversion.”

File this under, “Food for thought.”

Keep the Faith!

P.S. – For a listing of my books, click HERE.

EDITORS NOTE: This Bryce is Right podcast is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.

“Quo Vadis?” – Always a Good Question

Michael Pakaluk on a lesson from early Christians: If I am not putting away everything else to move quickly towards Christ, I am going away from him.

By chance, I picked up Henryk Sienkewicz’s novel Quo Vadis from the family bookshelf last week, when I was looking for a next book to read for enjoyment.  (How desperately we all need such reading now!)

But it wasn’t really by chance. I asked my guardian angel to guide me, as I often do, and nothing happens by chance anyway. Everything is under God’s providence. So, I thought, I’ll write something about this providential book.

I confess that I chose it against my inclination because, well, it has sold tens of millions of copies; movies have been based on it; and my children have been assigned it in school.  Someone might think these are all good reasons to read it.  But my personal inclination runs against the common and obvious. Maybe yours are against this book too, for other reasons?

Even after selecting it, I needed a couple of good rationalizations to get me started. And I found them: “Any book you have not yet read is the same as a book that has just been published” (Samuel Johnson).  And, “As the grandson of peasants from a village outside Warsaw, you ought to learn more about Polish things whenever you can.”

Sienkewicz was a Nobel-prize winning author of a great trilogy of Polish historical novels. But Quo Vadis, as you probably know, is about Rome in the time of Nero.  It tells a story of widespread, underground conversion to Christianity, from the viewpoint of the decadent and powerful pagans in control.

Sienkewicz researched ancient Rome extensively for the book, down to the smallest details of daily life.  With a writer’s eye he weaves these details into his narrative, so that the book, while telling a great story, deftly imparts historical instruction about Rome, too.  You might recommend Quo Vadis for pilgrims planning a visit to Rome; it makes the ancient city come alive.

But you can recommend it above all for Christians in the West who feel that some kind of insidious, post-Christian ideology is growing in power and threatens to oppress and persecute us.  I do not mean merely that the book offers us consolation. Yes, Nero did dress as a bride in drag to marry a man, Pythagoras, in a big public ceremony (which Sienkewicz does not neglect to mention).  But for all their corruption, the ideologues of our own Babylon the Great are not yet Nero.

I mean, rather, that the book gives us a picture of early Christians, whom we would do well to imitate. Let me draw attention to three notes.

First is the passion of those early converts. To become a Christian at the time of Nero was to fall in love with Christ so completely as to identify with him and prefer to die “with him” rather than to fail to live in his commandments.  Sienkewicz conveys this passion ingeniously, by making a love-affair between a Roman patrician, Vicinius, and a Christian convert, Lygia, the central story of the novel.

How to convey what the love of Christ was for these first Christians?   Tell a story of a man who would give up the whole world to possess a woman, and make that man’s love for that woman, and his love of Christ, one and the same.  We need to love Christ, and one another, especially our spouses, in the same way.

Second is what I want to call the “self-sufficiency” of Christian fellowship and life for those early converts.  For them, as Vicinius tells his pagan mentor Patronius, it’s as if Rome and Nero do not exist.  All their thoughts are Christ, who is their sole Lord.  They have discovered a path of life in Christ, and they live in the way Christ commands, and this gives them joy and is enough.

By contrast might, today we might affirm theoretically that “the Church is a perfect society” but – how much we still complain! How much we speak as if we cannot be happy unless the times were other than they are! We do not seem overjoyed and fully satisfied that the love of Christ is already ours.  (Yes, we should want to improve the world too – but as a sharing of what we already have been fully given.)

Third is the sense that the Christian life is de novo (“starting anew”) wherever it is found.  What I mean is this.  Perhaps some of us suppose unconsciously that things must get worse because we think of Christianity as akin to physical transmission, where each copy loses something of its original. A photocopy of a photocopy of a photocopy, etc., eventually loses its information.  But part of the miracle of baptism and the Eucharist is that the life of Christ is entirely, fully, and perfectly conveyed to any convert at any time.

In Quo Vadis you see that the Roman Christians have exactly the same devotion as the disciples did in the Holy Land, 2500 miles away. Take any saint, say, Angela Merici, whose memorial we celebrated last week – a humble girl called in the 15th century to love the Lord, as if out of nowhere, in a small town on the shores of Lake Garda. This is the life de novo of an alter Christus (“another Christ”).

Remember what St John Paul II insisted on conveying to the Church at the turn of the millennium: Iesus Christus heri et hodie ipse et in saecula, “Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and tomorrow.” (Heb. 13:8).  These words still stand and always will.

Quo vadis as a Latin phrase is usually rendered “where are you going?” But the verb has the sense “rushing to.”  And the phrase emphasizes the end point, not the motion. Am I agitated, distracted, working frenetically, or putting off work?  Whatever I am doing: the end of all my activity, what is it?  The novel suggests: If I am not putting away everything else to move quickly towards Christ, I am going away from him.


Michael Pakaluk

Michael Pakaluk, an Aristotle scholar and Ordinarius of the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas, is a professor in the Busch School of Business at the Catholic University of America. He lives in Hyattsville, MD with his wife Catherine, also a professor at the Busch School, and their eight children. His acclaimed book on the Gospel of Mark is The Memoirs of St Peter. His next book, Mary’s Voice in the Gospel of John: A New Translation with Commentary, forthcoming in February, 2021 from Regnery, is now available for pre-order.

EDITORS NOTE: This The Catholic Thing column is republished with permission. © 2021 The Catholic Thing. All rights reserved. For reprint rights, write to: The Catholic Thing is a forum for intelligent Catholic commentary. Opinions expressed by writers are solely their own.

How the Biden Administration Will Impact Israel and the Middle East

Anthony Blinken is the incoming US Secretary of State. The State Department executes American foreign policy.

Blinken was Obama’s Deputy Secretary of State.  Out of office, he founded a strategic consultancy firm called West Exec Advisors. They represented global corporations, foreign governments, gain access to the White House and top Government officials. His website boasted that “West Exec conveys our shared commitment to our country, to each other, and to our clients.”

Anthony Blinken reflects what Trump euphemistically called “the Washington Swamp.”

In office, Blinken made human rights a cornerstone in formulating foreign policy. Let’s see how that worked out;

Libya. Under Hillary Clinton and Obama and Biden in the White House, a decision was made to remove Muammar Gaddafi from power and let the Libyan people set their own destiny. This, despite the fact that Gaddafi had renounced his nuclear ambitions and was reaching out to the West.  In 2011, The United States led a NATO military attack against Libya on the pretext of “protecting civilians and civilian populated areas under threat of attack.”

The result was a disaster. Gaddafi was deposed and killed, Libya descended into a warring hellhole of rival Islamist and nationalist groups, and Ambassador Stephens was murdered at the Benghazi US Consulate. The State Department failed to rescue the ambassador and his security team. When news of their fate was released, Blinken’s State Department employed a fake human rights story to cover up their fatal failure by blaming the assault on a bunch of protester angry at an amateur video that insulted Islam. And the person who went on TV to sell that fabrication, Susan Rice, has been rewarded with a White House appointment running domestic policy.

The “Arab Spring.” As protests spread across the Muslim world against corrupt leaders, the State Department celebrated it as a positive expression of human rights. They called it the Arab Spring. In Israel, strategic experts, who understand the undercurrents of the Muslim world, told American and European diplomats, “You’ve got your seasons wrong. This is the start of the Islamic Winter.”

As protests grew in Egypt, Blinken, then Vice President Joe Biden’s national security adviser, and others urged Obama to get “on the right side of history” by supporting the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Muslim Brotherhood had hijacked students’ peaceful protests and violently targeted the police and government institutions that eventually toppled Mubarak’s regime. They imprisoned thousands and, in less than two years, had ruined Egypt’s economy driving millions into poverty.

The Obama Administration and State Department failed to feel the mood of the Egyptian people. One month after Mohamed Morsi, the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood leader, was sworn in as Egyptian President, protesters pelted Clinton’s motorcade with tomatoes during her July 2012 visit to Cairo.

The army, under General al-Sisi, staged a popular coup. They arrested the Muslim Brotherhood leadership, restored law and order, and begin to forge a more stable Egypt.

This did not sit well with Obama who said of America’s response to Sisi’s popular victory, “We can’t be seen as aiding and abetting actions we think run contrary to our values and ideals.”

US military aid to Egypt was stopped. It led to a divide between the White House, the State Department and a Defense Department that advocated maintaining US aid to Egypt.

By 2015, General Sisi had reached out to Russia for a large military aid program to be paid by Saudi Arabia and the UAE, Egypt’s allies in the region. Obama’s team wilted and renewed US military aid to Egypt. Sisi celebrated by flying the first delivery of American F-16s over Cairo. A triumphant gesture perceived in Egypt as Sisi’s victory over Obama.

SyriaBy the fall of 2013, Syria had plunged into a sectarian civil war and Assad was slaughtering his people with chemical weapons.  Obama threatened Assad against using such weapons. A deal was struck to remove chemical reserves from Syria.

Blinken, as Deputy Secretary of State under John Kerry, said, “Imagine what Syria would look like without that deal. It would be awash in chemical weapons, which would fall into the hands of ISIS, Al Nusra or other groups.”

He may have been right, but that did not stop the devious Assad from inflicting a sarin attack, killing an estimated 80 civilians. Obama was tested but failed to respond.

“We always knew we had not gotten everything,”Blinken admitted.

It took President Trump to punish Assad when he launched combined attacks in 2016 and 2017 destroying Syria’s chemical weapon facilities. Obama blinked. Trump acted.

Iran. If human rights were a cornerstone of the Obama Administration, it was sadly missing when it came to Iran. When mass protests erupted across Iran, Obama kept silent. The State Department in which Blinken served failed to stand affirmatively with the Iranian protesters. The opposition Green Movement was brutally crushed and has never been reconstituted. Instead, they bent over backward to appease the Tehran leadership with a highly criticized nuclear deal cemented by the delivery of $150 Billion that enabled the Republic Guard to brutally advance Iranian hegemony across the Middle East and down into Yemen.

This issue is the most consequential one for Israel with Iran spreading its hegemony and forward bases throughout the Middle East. In 2020 alone, Israel launched over 500 attacks against Iranian bases and weapon storage facilities in Syria.

Israel insists that the new Administration keep the chokehold on the Iranian economy but this is hardly likely after Biden selected Wendy Sherman to be his Deputy Secretary of State. She waso ne of the principle architects of the disastrous 2015 nuclear deal.

There is nothing that gives us hope that Blinken will maintain Trump’s tough stance on Tehran.

Israel and the Palestinian Problem. Donald Trump has been the most pro-Israel president since Harry Truman. His achievements have been many and Trump’s Abraham Accord initiative is sufficient reason to reward him with a Nobel Peace Prize. That is a hard act to follow and it is doubtful that Blinken can help Biden achieve that status, not with Biden’s declared aim of refunding an unapologetic Palestinian Authority that continues to promote their ‘Pay to Slay” policy which rewards their killers. This despite the Taylor Force Act, named after an American stabbed to death by a rampaging Palestinian on Tel Aviv’s beachfront, a bill introduced by President Trump to disincentivize the PA from this heinous policy.

The Democrat Manifesto also declared it would reopen the PA Washington bureau and the US consulate in Jerusalem to serve Palestinians, despite having a new Embassy there, thanks to Trump. All this with no demand for the Palestinians to desist from promoting terror and instead recognize Israel’s right to exist.

Former Defense Secretary, Robert Gates, said of Biden, “I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” 

By default, one can say the same about Anthony Blinken. Policy meetings took place in the White House Situation Room in which Anthony Blinken participated. The results were poor.

Blinken, as US Secretary of State, must insist that Iran removes its powerful precision missiles from Syria, Lebanon and Yemen.  A nuclear Iran poses an existential threat to the existence of Israel, but the presence of these lethal weapons pose an immediate danger to Israeli civilian centers and vital infrastructure.

Perhaps Blinken can spend the next four years trying to convince the Palestinian leadership to change its behavior and ideology, and recognize and normalize their relationship with Israel, as moderate Arab and Muslim states have done, rather than push Israel into a corner, because peace with the Palestinians is impossible without it.

Foreign Policy for America is an influential policy advocacy group in Washington. They push their foreign policy proposals into Congress and the White House. They have some disturbing perspectives on Israel.

Avril Haines, Biden’s CIA Chief, and others signed a public letter earlier in 2020 urging the Democratic Party to adopt a more pro-Palestinian language in its platform. By pro-Palestinian Haines did not clarify if the language should be that of the PLO, Hamas, or Islamic Jihad in Gaza. If she means the language of the Palestinian Authority, it is an aggressive anti-Israel language back by violence and shared by other malevolent Palestinian factions.

Equally troubling is that Jeremy Ben Ami, the founder of JStreet, a Jewish group with the overriding policy of creating a Palestinian state on unacceptable (for Israel) 1967 borders, sits on the FPA board of directors to impose his views onto Israel.  He sees Israel as the obstacle to peace, not PA rejectionism, nor Hamas denial of the right of Israel to exist.

The Foreign Policy for America section on the ‘Israel-Palestinian Conflict’ is copy-paste drawn from JStreet literature. It includes tips on how to persuade Congress to be more sympathetic to the Palestinians, and angry against the Israeli Government.

FPA published a history of the conflict. According to them it began in 1949. They conveniently forgot that Arabs have been murdering Jews since the 1920s.

The Oslo Accords was ruined, they say, “by growing settlements in the West Bank, continued Israeli military presence, and a blockage on Gaza.”No mention of decades of Palestinian terrorism, rockets and suicide attacks. Nor does it mention incessant anti-Semitic rhetoric and incitement, and a stubborn refusal to accept a Jewish presence in Judea & Samaria or in the Jewish state anywhere.

FPA avoids mention of the ultimate Palestinian ambition of a state “from the River to the Sea” as if it doesn’t exist. And their top personnel are moving into decisive positions in the Biden Administration.

Democrat anti-Israel activists have seeped into the Biden White House.

Reema Dodin has been an apologist for Palestinian suicide bombers. She is the Deputy Director of the White House Office for Legislative Affairs. She is alleged to have blamed the 9/11 attacks on US support for Israel, and she supported the anti-Israel BDS Movement.

Karen Jean-Pierre was selected to be the White House Deputy Press Secretary. She was the national spokesperson for the George Soros-sponsored anti-Israel She has accused Israel of “war crimes,” called AIPAC “severely racist” for supporting Israel against Palestinian terrorism, and praised Democrats who wimped out of attending the last AIPAC annual conference.

Jeremy Ben Ami tweeted this is “Exactly the type of leadership this country deserves.”

As their agenda unfolds, Israel must be prepared for cold winds to blow in our direction under such a Biden Administration.

©Barry Shaw. All rights reserved.

BREAKING: New Facebook Insider Leaks Video of Zuckerberg and Executives

Project Veritas released a new video today leaked by a Brave Facebook Insider exposing CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitting to the company’s willingness to promote a partisan political agenda.

Here are some of the highlights from today’s videos:

  • Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO: “I know this is just a very difficult moment for a lot of us here [at Facebook], and especially our black colleagues. It was troubling to see how people in this [Capitol] mob were treated compared to the stark contrast we saw during [Black Lives Matter] protests earlier this [past] year.”
  • Zuckerberg: “President Biden already issued a number of Executive Orders on areas that we as a company care quite deeply about and have for some time.”
  • Zuckerberg: “The swearing in of Vice President Harris really stands as a reminder that despite the challenges that we are facing as a country, we all have so much to be proud of.”
  • Roy Austin, Facebook VP of Civil Rights: “I want every major decision to run through a civil rights lens.”
  • Nick Clegg, Facebook Head of Global Affairs: “There has been quite a lot of disquiet expressed by many leaders around the world…ideally we wouldn’t be making these [censorship] decisions on our own, we would be making these decisions in line with our own conformity, with democratically agreed rules and principles. At the moment, those democratically agreed rules don’t exist. We still have to make decisions in real-time.”

You can watch the short video here:

You can watch the long raw videos here:

How can Facebook users trust that they are using a “neutral” platform when the company’s CEO is praising a political party’s agenda?

Does Facebook as an organization stand by Zuckerberg’s partisan views?

The Brave Facebook Insider is still embedded within the organization and will keep us informed of further wrongdoing in the future.

To become an Insider, contact us via Signal: 914-653-3110

And make sure to share these videos with your friends and family!

Stay Tuned.

©Project Veritas. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Rep. Zeldin Says Democratic Election Plan Is To Call Republicans ‘White Supremacists, Extremists, Nazis’ Every Two Years

Republican New York Rep. Lee Zeldin said Sunday that Democrats’ election strategy is one of labelling their Republican opponents as “whites supremacist, extremists [and] Nazis” during every election cycle.

“Every two years when there’s House races, they’ll call opponents white supremacists, extremists, Nazis,” Zeldin told Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures.”


“They have no problem with that labeling and here they want people to ask themselves why is there still barbed wire around the Capitol, and they say, ‘well, let me tell you about all the people that voted for [former President] Donald Trump and what happened inside the capitol on January 6. That’s what I think it’s about,” he continued.

Zeldin said the National Guard troops still stationed in Washington, D.C. are part of that display.

“At this point, it feels like it’s about props, politics and power. There’s a narrative that Democrats want to push about Jan. 6 and it representing 75 million voters of Donald Trump.”

The congressman insisted the Democrats are attempting to create a permanent link between the Capitol riot and all Trump supporters being responsible for the mayhem and violence that day.

The House of Representatives voted Jan. 13 to impeach Trump for the second time for allegedly inciting insurrection, after the mob of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol building on Jan. 6.

The then-president had told the crowd“We’re going to walk down to the Capitol and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women. We will never give up, we will never concede.” The rioters forced members of Congress to seek safety while five people were killed.

Ten House Republicans voted to impeach Trump, led by Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney.



Ottawa Bureau Chief. Follow David on Twitter. Send tips to


Rep. Ocasio-Cortez: Ted Cruz ‘Almost Had Me Murdered’

‘They Are The Insurrectionists’: Jason Whitlock Says Democratic Left Wants To Take America ‘In A Very Dangerous Direction’

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Chilling: Democrat Cynthia McKinney Discusses ‘Jewish Problem’ With White Supremacists

Watch. Your blood will run cold.

Chilling: Cynthia McKinney Discusses Jewish Problem With White Supremacists

As someone who monitors Jew-hatred on an almost daily basis, I thought I’d seen everything.

By David Lange, Israelly Cool, January 29, 2021:

Then I watched this video.

In it, former US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney – an African American – pow-wows with some White supremacists (including the detestable Angelo John Gage) about the Jewish problem.

I’ve distilled the worst parts out of the hour long video in to about ten minutes. What you’ll see, amongst other things, is:

  • The Black McKinney speaking about the need for Blacks to unite with the KKK to defeat the Jewish enemy
  • McKinney calling the Jews “really evil people,” “Khazarians,” and “bloody”
  • McKinney claiming the Jews used the Civil Rights movement solely as a tool for their own advancement
  • McKinney lamenting you “can’t wipe [the Jews] out”
  • McKinney alleging Covid is a bio weapon invented by the Jews

This is truly Kafkaesque, but goes to show how the immense power of Jew hatred leads to the strangest bedfellows.


In Tweets, Ex-US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney Questions Number of Holocaust Victims

Why Haven’t the 9/11 Jihad Plotters Been Tried Yet?

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in some cases deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here— it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever.

Beijing ☭ Biden’s New State Department Spox Jalina Porter: ‘Largest Threat to U.S. National Security are U.S. COPS’

While Democrats dismantle/defund our police, Dem. leader Pelosi is demanding private army for Congress…

State Dept Spox: ‘Largest Threat to U.S. National Security are U.S. Cops’

Jalina Porter said in a 2016 Facebook post that police officers are a greater national security threat than ISIS, Russians

By: Adam Kredo, Free Beacon, January 30. 2021:

The State Department’s newly installed deputy spokesperson, Jalina Porter, said in a 2016 Facebook post that the “largest threat to U.S. national security are U.S cops,” according to a screenshot of the post obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

“The largest threat to U.S. national security are U.S. cops,” wrote Porter, who was recently tapped by the Biden administration to serve as State Department spokesman Ned Price’s deputy. “Not ISIS, not Russian hackers, not anyone or anything else.”

Porter’s comments were made on Sept. 20, 2016, and appear to be in reference to video footage released that day of an unarmed black man being shot by police officers in Tulsa, Oklahoma. “An unarmed Black man takes a knee for justice, bigots riot,” she wrote in the post. “An unarmed black man (with his hands raised) takes a bullet and dies, these same bigots are silent. Explain this to me, please.”


Porter, a former top aide in the congressional office of now-top Biden White House adviser Cedric Richmond, added, “If y’all don’t wake up and rise up to this truth, the genocide against Blacks in America will continue until we are near extinct.” At the time of the post, Porter was working as a communications official for the Truman National Security Project, a left-leaning foreign policy think-tank that previously employed Hunter Biden. Porter is also a former dancer for the NFL’s Oakland Raiders and the NBA’s Washington Wizards.

The State Department did not respond to multiple Free Beacon requests for comment on the posting. Emails sent to Porter via her website and to an address provided on it were not returned by press time.

The resurfaced comments could complicate the State Department’s messaging as it seeks to challenge Iran’s nuclear buildup, continue the fight against ISIS, and shape its response to the many ongoing national security threats posed by China, Russia, and the Islamic Republic. Tony Blinken, the department’s new secretary, was confirmed on Tuesday.


Antifa gunman who KILLED Trump supporter shown with son brandishing a baseball bat outside of Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler’s condo a day before cold-blooded killing

HOT MIC: Biden Says ‘I Don’t Know What I’m Signing,’ Signs Executive Order Anyway

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in some cases deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here— it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever.

Media Company Files Antitrust Lawsuit Against Google, Facebook

Brilliant. It should be a class action suit including every conservative news site who have bee systematically destroy — deprived of our traffic and ad revenue by these tech tyrants.

Make no mistake, if the media darlings of tech (i.e. The NY Times et al) were shadow banned, suspended, and blocked from Facebook and Google, they would go bankrupt. Never in the history, has such immense power been in the hands of so few. And we are not talking Alexander the Great here, we are talking about social misfits nerds who couldn’t get laid in high school.

Media Company Files Antitrust Lawsuit Against Google, Facebook

A media company that operates several West Virginia newspapers is suing Google and Facebook for threatening the extinction of local newspapers across the country by their alleged anti-competitive business practices.

By Janita Kan, The Epoch Times, January 30, 2021:

HD Media Company this week filed a lawsuit asking a federal court to determine whether the two Silicon Valley companies had violated anti-trust laws. The lawsuit claims Google had unlawfully exercised monopoly power of the digital advertising market, which has prevented newspapers from competing in the market and losing their primary source of revenue.

It also claims that Google an

d Facebook had “unlawfully conspired to engage in anticompetitive conduct,” through an alleged secret deal nicknamed “Jedi Blue.” Details of the alleged agreement were first revealed when 10 state attorneys general sued Google for multiple violations of federal and state antitrust and consumer protection laws.

According to a redacted version of the lawsuit (pdf) filed in December, Facebook announced in 2017 that it would try a new method of selling online advertising called “header bidding,” which would act as a threat of competition for Google. The lawsuit suggested Facebook eventually “curtailed its involvement” with the project after Google gave Facebook “information, speed, and other advantages in the [redacted] auctions that Google runs for publishers’ mobile app advertising inventory each month in the United States.”

The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times, who both say they’ve reviewed an unredacted version of the complaint, reported the alleged secret deal referred to in the lawsuit was code-named “Jedi Blue” by Google.

HD Media’s lawsuit claims that as a result of Google and Facebook’s alleged anticompetitive and monopolistic practices, newspapers in West Virginia and across the country are facing “a very real existential threat to their existence.”

“Without redress, these newspapers, and hence the citizens of West Virginia, may well end up in the ‘news desert,’” the lawsuit states (pdf).

It claims that Google’s monopoly has created an uneven playing field to compete for online advertising revenue. It says Google had integrated itself through numerous mergers and acquisitions to “enable dominion over all sellers, buyers, and middlemen in the marketplace.”

“The freedom of the press is not at stake; the press itself is at stake,” the filing states.

“As a result of falling revenues, newspapers are steadily losing the ability to financially support their newsrooms, which are costly to maintain but provide immense value to their communities. A robust local newsroom requires the financial freedom to support in-depth, sometimes years-long reporting, as well as the ability to hire and retain journalists with expertise in fundamentally local issues, such as coverage of state government.”

Google and Facebook did not immediately respond to The Epoch Times’ request for comment.

HD media is seeking an order that declares Google and Facebook’s actions violated the law and blocks them from further engaging in such conduct. It also seeks damages for any injury caused.

HD media owns and operates newspaper such as The Herald-Dispatch in Huntington and Cabell County, the Charleston Gazette-Mail, The Wayne County News, The Putnam Herald, the Williamson Daily News, The Logan Banner, the Coal Valley News in Boone County, and The Independent Herald in Pineville.

RELATED ARTICLE: Zuckerberg Exposed

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VIDEO: Georgetown Professor — Islamic Slavery is Freedom?

“Slavery cannot be intrinsically evil in Islamic law,” Georgetown University professor Jonathan Brown stated during a July 20, 2020 webinar. This disturbing assessment came during a 2019-2020 series of presentations on his 2019 bookSlavery & Islam, whose theses have hardly improved upon this Muslim convert’s past scandalous comments on slavery.

On February 7, 2017, Brown had caused furor while presenting a paper on slavery and Islam at the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT). Thereby he noted the traditional Islamic doctrine expressed in Quran 33:21 that Islam’s prophet Muhammad is an “excellent pattern” of behavior. Therefore this example sanctified the slavery practiced by him and his companions, including sex slavery, a doctrine that had justified slavery throughout Islamic history.

Once public, such views completely negated Brown’s disclaimer at the presentation’s beginning. “I always make some hyperbolic statement that really makes sense in the context,” he noted, such that he would face accusations of “calling for slavery.” Given such concern over criticism, he expelled this author from the presentation before it started.

Brown’s elaboration of his views during his subsequent book tour has been hardly more reassuring, for slavery is “simply a fact of life in the Quran” and perhaps even “part of the DNA of Islam.” “Every area of Islamic law is permeated by slavery,” something that “sharia, without exception until the 20th-century, validated.” Muslim scholars have even speculated about a “time when the laws of slavery will actually be needed again,” such as in a post-apocalyptic Mad Max-like world, he has noted.

For centuries, “Muslims were neck-deep in the trade of slaves,” Brown has observed. As others have estimated, this trade included 17 million black Africans, more than the 12 million taken to the Western Hemisphere in the transatlantic slave trade. As the Ghanaian historian John Azumah has noted, while the transatlantic trade enslaved mostly men for labor, Muslim slavers favored seizing women for use as sex slave concubines.

In this regard, Brown has unsettlingly reprised his 2017 comments on sex slavery. Thus any norm that sex be consensual “is fairly unusual in world history.” This corresponds to Islamic doctrine’s proprietary understanding of female sexuality, which, he has noted, denies any recognition of rape in marriage.

Slavery in Islam is faith-based, Brown has explained. Under sharia the “only way that someone can lose their freedom is if they are a non-Muslim who lives outside the Muslim state and is then captured by Muslims.” Slavery therefore “is a reduction in legal status that is caused by unbelief,” whose “vestigial effect” can remain even for an enslaved convert to Islam or a child born into slavery.

Yet Brown has argued that Islam is “obsessed with emancipation.” Islamic doctrine’s numerous biases towards freeing slaves, such as a means to expiate sin, means that Islam “does not have an equal in any religious or philosophical tradition” from the premodern world. “The Quran and Sunna are unprecedently adamant about emancipation.”

However this emancipation should not help a slave return to unbelief in Islam. “Freedom is not the most important thing in Islamic law,” Brown has noted, although Muslim scholars have historically argued that “slavery is intrinsically harmful.” Rather, true freedom comes from submission to Islam, an “emancipatory force.” Seventh-century Arab Muslim conquerors, for example, before subjugating the Persians, announced that they would be free only as “slaves of God alone.”

Correspondingly, Brown has described Islamic civilization as a “vacuum cleaner, just sucking in people.” Muslim scholars have historically advocated enslavement of non-Muslims as a means of introducing them to Islam. Then “Muslims are always manumitting slaves, which means they need new slaves,” in an “emancipation turbine.”

Brown has correctly described how Christians led the revolutionary movement against a once universal acceptance of slavery to create the “abolitionist consensus that is held worldwide today.” “Muslims talking about the issue of slavery and abolition of slavery doesn’t happen until they encounter essentially Western abolitionism,” a development true of the Westerners themselves. In his assessment, Christians had in the process to “desacralize scripture” in the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament with its numerous references to forms of servitude.

Jewish rabbis and scholars would beg to differ with Brown, for as McGill University Professor David Aberbach has written, “Judaism is intrinsically an abolitionist religion.” “In Jewish belief, every human life matters.” Contrary to superficial readings, Rabbi Dov Linzer has noted, the “Torah only accepts slavery as a deeply entrenched societal institution.”

The late Jewish sage Rabbi Jonathan Sacks delved into this deeper understanding of the Torah’s position of slavery. God’s intends “slavery is to be abolished, but it is a fundamental principle of God’s relationship with us that he does not force us to change faster than we are able to do so of our own free will.” Nonetheless, in the “Torah’s value system the exercise of power by one person over another, without their consent, is a fundamental assault against human dignity.”

This analysis requires that non-Jews such as Brown properly understand Jewish scripture. “Jews have always read the Torah through a rabbinic interpretive lens and not simply on the plain meaning of its words,” the website My Jewish Learning has observed. Thus Jews cannot “read every mitzvah as an ideal” that allows for no further development, Linzer has cautioned.

Accordingly, in various stipulations the “Torah indeed sees slavery as a problematic phenomenon,” Shmuel Rabinowitz, rabbi of Jerusalem’s Western Wall and holy sites has noted. “Although it sanctions the institution of slavery, biblical law begins the process toward abolition,” University of Waterloo Professor James A. Diamond has observed. “Rules limiting slavery challenged the way society was built and prompted Jews to question an institution perhaps so natural it was invisible,” Rabbi Laura Janner-Klausner has confirmed.

The Torah’s restrictive regulation of slavery indeed manifested a Jewish “light to the Gentiles” in the ancient slave-holding world. As the Chabad-Lubavitch organization has noted:

At a time when Romans had literally thousands of slaves per citizen, even the wealthiest Jews held very modest numbers of servants. And those servants, the Talmud tells us, were treated better by their masters than foreign kings would treat their own subjects.

Particularly the Bible’s Exodus narrative of Jews escaping bondage in Egypt imprints upon Jewish consciousness emancipation’s value. Diamond has noted that the Passover “commemorates the exodus, anchoring the relationship between God and Israel as Liberator and slave.” As Sacks commented, “Jews were the people commanded never to forget the bitter taste of slavery so that they would never take freedom for granted.”

Tellingly, Brown has noted that Islamic tradition rejects the Torah’s narrative of a gracious God emancipating Jews in ancient Egypt and equates them with Muhammad’s early Muslim followers in pagan Mecca. “The Muslims in Mecca are like the Jews in Egypt, but they are not slaves, they are oppressed.” Thus the Israelite exodus “is not a story of emancipation, it’s a story of victory over oppression,” symbolizing Islam’s triumph.

The contrast between beliefs held by Muslims such as Brown and the Judeo-Christian tradition clearly indicates why Muslims have struggled to reject slavery. Confronted with this moral evil, Muslim reformers have argued that slavery is an artifact of jihadist doctrines inapplicable in modernity, or that rulers have discretionary power to prohibit human bondage. Nonetheless, Brown has recalled that jihadists going to Muslims’ defense during Bosnia’s 1990s sectarian carnage had asked Saudi clerics about taking slaves, only to hear warnings that this would create bad publicity.

These Islamic realities reflect Brown’s moral relativism. Although the Ottoman Empire’s slave trade “was undeniably brutal,” he has argued that slavery and other often onerous labor relations such as indentured servitude have widely varied across human history. Following therefore his dubious claim that slavery is not really objectively definable, any slavery-induced “disgust is a cultural construct” and “just custom; it’s just urf.” By analogy, he has noted that China’s brutal dog meat trade horrifies many non-Chinese, although increasing domestic opposition to dog meat consumption undermines his cultural relativism arguments.

Despite grappling with slavery’s moral problems for Islam’s legitimacy, Brown has failed to find a solution. In recent years Islamic State jihadists in their mercifully brief caliphate have “really caused a crisis for young Muslims” by piously invoking Islamic canons to justify the enslavement of Mesopotamia’s non-Muslims. But as the foregoing analysis has proven, he is wrong to claim in Islam’s tu quoque defense that slavery’s abolition “is not indigenous to any religion or any philosophy.”

Contrary to traditional Islamic understandings of an aloof, arbitrary Allah, the biblical God’s natural law ultimately revealed slavery’s injustice to Jews, Christians, and the wider world. Church historian John B. Carpenter has noted as much in the relationship of America’s famed escaped slave and 19th-century abolitionist Frederick Douglas to the Jew Jesus Christ:

Christianity’s commitment to freedom was so pronounced that Frederick Douglass, who decried the hypocrisy of slave-holding religion vividly, did not convert to Islam and become “Frederick X,” but professed, “I love the religion of our blessed Savior.”

While Brown’s exculpation for slavery in Islamic doctrine is unconvincing, he has nonetheless provided valuable insight into this previously “taboo subject.” As Azumah has written, a “critical approach is reserved for the Christian past but forbidden for the Muslim past.” However inadvertently and awkwardly, Brown has helped uncover Islam’s dark slavery legacy.



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Will Biden increase Palestinian rigidity, pushing them even further into the abyss?

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column and video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

NATIONWIDE ELECTION FRAUD: Totalitarian Democrats Reintroduce Bill for Nationwide Mail-in Voting

The Nazis are on the march. Mail-in voting should be BANNED. This would enshrine totalitarian rule for the foreseeable future.

Democrat Lawmakers Introduce Bill for Nationwide Mail-in Voting: Necessary to ‘Make Real Progress’

By: Hannah Bleau, Breitbart News, 28 Jan 20211,649

Two Democrat lawmakers introduced a bill on Thursday, dubbed the “Vote at Home Act,” to expand “Oregon-style” mail-in voting nationwide, contending that the move is necessary to “make real progress” in the country.

The billintroduced by Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), is designed to “fight voter suppression” as detailed by Wyden’s press release. The measure would “massively expand vote-at-home ballot access, provide voters with pre-paid ballot envelopes and enact automatic voter registration.”

The lawmakers point to the unprecedented number of Americans who voted by mail in the 2020 presidential election — a move Democrats vehemently pushed. While progressives largely used the coronavirus pandemic as justification for opening the doors for mass mail-in voting, which many critics warn leads to mass fraud, universal vote-by-mail has existed as a primary goal for the Democrat Party, even prior to the pandemic. The measure introduced on Thursday essentially updates the vote-by-mail measure the two lawmakers introduced in 2017, long before the Wuhan virus struck.

Abrupt changes in state election laws, coupled with existing concerns of fraud and irregularities, led to a heated post-election battle, which essentially ended January 6 after Congress certified the electoral votes despite challenges from GOP lawmakers and ongoing concerns from millions of Americans who continue to question the integrity of the election.

Despite the continued concerns, the press release for the bill describes the expansion of mail-in-voting in 2020 as a resounding success.

“The legislation follows the successful expansion of voting at home and by mail in the November 2020 election, when nearly 50 percent of voters used a vote-at-home ballot, an all-time high in federal races,” it reads.

Per the release, the measure would:

  • Promote the Ability of Voters to Vote by Mail – All registered voters would receive ballots in the mail weeks before Election Day, allowing them to carefully research candidates and issues well ahead of Election Day to inform their vote.
  • Expand Options for Casting Ballots – All registered voters would have the ability to cast their ballot through the mail or a drop-off site. Voters residing in states with in-person, same-day registration would still have the option to vote at a polling station in lieu of voting at home.
  • Fund the United States Postal Service – The legislation would provide the USPS funding to cover costs associated with mailing ballots both to and from voters in federal elections. This would allow states to save money by transitioning away from polling stations and reduce a major barrier for voters with the federal government absorbing the cost associated with USPS delivery.
  • Enact Automatic Voter Registration – States would be required to ensure that each citizen who provides identifying information to the state motor vehicle authority is automatically registered to vote.

Wyden on Thursday said that mass mail-in voting is necessary to “make real progress” in the country:

Blumenauer appeared to agree, contending that the right to vote is “under threat in communities” across the nation.

“Last year we saw a widespread expansion of vote-at-home access as a safe and secure way to participate during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Blumenauer said in a statement.

“We should continue to make voting easier, not harder,” he added. “This important bill would strengthen and clarify the right to vote at home, the most secure and convenient way for voters to exercise the franchise”:

Unlike the dozens of states that altered their election laws last year, Oregon already allowed vote-by-mail prior to the pandemic.

RELATED ARTICLE: Biden’s campaign mailing out filled in ballots ‘PRE-FILLED VOTE BY MAIL application’

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in some cases deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here— it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever.

Violent terror group BLM nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

President Trump did the impossible, peace in the Middle East.

BLM brought bloodshed, riots and terror. Who will the globalists reward?

“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet ….”

BLM is submitted for a Nobel Peace Prize for fighting against racial injustice…. but the summer of violence and riots carried out in its name are glossed over in the nomination

  • Petter Eide, a Norwegian politician, has nominated BLM for the annual prize
  • Eide said he wanted the group recognized for raising awareness of racism
  • He said that incidents of violence were vastly outnumbered by peaceful protest
    BLM, founded 2013, sprung into action this summer after George Floyd’s killing
  • Fringe groups of agitators took advantage of the peaceful protests to riot
  • Businesses and shops were burnt amid violent confrontations with police
  • Nominations for the Prize must be in by Feb 1: the winner is announced October

By Harriet Alexander For, 30 January 2021

Black Lives Matter has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of what the nominator said was BLM’s impact in raising awareness of racism worldwide.

Despite a turbulent summer in the United States following the death of George Floyd, which saw some BLM protests splinter into violent confrontation, the group was praised for forcing important conversations.

Petter Eide, the Norwegian parliamentarian who nominated BLM, dismissed questions about violence carried out in the movement’s name.


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in some cases deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here— it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever.

BRILLIANT: Ohio Republicans Propose Designating June 14th as ‘President Donald J. Trump Day’

The enemy party is working furiously to scrub American history of the greatest President in modern history. They must be defeated.

Ohio Republicans Propose Designating June 14th as ‘President Donald J. Trump Day’

Two Ohio state lawmakers suggested designating June 14 as “President Donald J. Trump Day” to honor the former president.

By Allen Zhong, The Epoch Times, January 30, 2021 Updated: January 30, 2021

“Let’s show the 3,154,834 Ohio voters (a record and historic number of votes received for president in Ohio) who cast their ballot to re-elect Donald J. Trump that we as a legislature recognize the accomplishments of his administration, and that the Ohio House believes it is imperative we set aside a day to celebrate one of the greatest presidents in American history,” state Rep. Jon Cross (R-Ohio) and Reggie Stoltzfus (R-Ohio) wrote in a memorandum to all House members.

The duo praised Trump who accomplished many things that led America to unparalleled prosperity “against great odds.”

It’s unclear if this suggestion will be adopted widely by the Republican-controlled state House. The Republicans hold a strong majority 64–35 over the Ohio Democratic Party in the Ohio House.

Ohio House Speaker Robert R. Cupp didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment from The Epoch Times.

The former president—who launched the MAGA (Make America Great Again) movement in the United States and changed the country and the Republican Party substantially—still maintains significant influence at the national and state level.

He agreed with U.S. House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) to help the GOP to become a majority in the House after a meeting at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach on Thursday.

“Today, President Trump committed to helping elect Republicans in the House and Senate in 2022,” McCarthy said in a statement. “A united conservative movement will strengthen the bonds of our citizens and uphold the freedoms our country was founded on.”

At the state level, Trump secured one of his allies, Kelli Ward, the position of Arizona GOP chairwoman on Jan. 22 with a last-minute endorsement.

Ward won 51.5 percent of the vote, to 48.5 percent for challenger Sergio Arellano in the second round of voting.

“The decision is ours. Are you going to reelect me and show the state, the country, and the world that we are an America first Arizona, or will we go back to the dark days before Trump?” Ward said while presenting her case before the vote.

RELATED ARTICLE: Washington Post Says They Won’t Hold Joe Biden Accountable With ‘Fact Checker’ Like They Did With Trump

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in some cases deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here— it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever.

Washington Post Says They Won’t Hold Joe Biden Accountable With ‘Fact Checker’ Like They Did With Trump

Scumbaggery. On steroids.

When it came to President Trump, every newspaper and media outlet in the country did everything they could to make him appear to be a “liar” by keeping a record of his “false statements.”

Washington Post Says They Won’t Hold Joe Biden Accountable With “Fact Checker” Like They Did With Trump

By: Clayton Keirns, Trending Politics, January 25, 2021:

When it came to President Trump, every newspaper and media outlet in the country did everything they could to make him appear to be a “liar” by keeping a record of his “false statements”.

The Washington Post even had a dedicated spot on their website that would track everything he said that deemed to be “false”. Turns out most of the claims on their list were distorted by THEM in order to make Trump sound like he was saying something that he really wasn’t.

However, now they are assuring the American people that they will not be holding Joe Biden accountable in the same way (even though he has been a proven liar over the past 5 decades)In fact, the reason they refuse to fact check Biden is because – get this – they assume he’ll “be like Obama”.


Here’s what WaPo told the Daily Caller about it’s decision to not hold Joe Biden accountable for his statements:

“Trump’s departure also equals an end to having a false claims project for the current president…We do not have plans to launch a Biden database at this time.”

“The database of Trump claims was started a month after Trump became president as a way to not overwhelm our fact-checking enterprise, where the core mission is to explain complex policy issues,” they added.

On January 16th, WaPo fact-checker Glenn Kessler told CNN why they’re saying “no thanks” to a Biden fact check team:

“I assume the Biden presidency will be a lot like the Obama presidency, and that they will be responsive, and will be able to quickly back up what they’re saying,” he said.

So because he’ll “be like Obama”, they don’t feel the need to fact check anything he says. This is despite the fact that Obama was one of the biggest liars the Oval Office has ever seen.

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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in some cases deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here— it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever.