Are Education Bureaucrats Putin’s Greatest Ally?

The Biden Administration is about to roll out new science education standards that introduce the concept of climate change at a much younger grade level and expand on the subject throughout middle and high school. The new standards, which have already been adopted by over half of the states (but not Texas), include plans for fifth graders to develop “an understanding that the earth is warming” [but not, perhaps, that this warming period began over a century ago].

The new mandate to “teach” climate change as dogma must be music to the ears of the American Federation of Teachers (and, yes, the National Education Association, which goes about its indoctrination business with a bit less fanfare).

Back in 2017, the AFT culminated phase 1 of its “climate change” campaign by passing a resolution urging all its affiliates to divest from all investments in fossil fuel companies. The call followed a 2012 AFT resolution to “educate” the public about climate change and lobby elected officials to discourage the use of fossil fuels.

In the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, teacher unions have used their clout first to force total shutdowns of public schools, outrageous mask mandates, and all manner of social engineering that lies far outside the traditional “reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic” palette for America’s schools. Dissenters were ostracized, banned, or even arrested for trying to attend mandatory classes, and in some cases separated from their parents by court orders.

Imagine what they will do to “climate obstructionists” if given the chance.

But we should not be surprised that the teacher unions have become an instrument of coercion, including “climate change” conformity, in the new America. It is, after all, part of the grand strategy of Karl Marx to destabilize free societies by declaring that “the quest for profit [from natural resources] is immoral and will ultimately destroy the planet unless ground to a halt.”

Marx was an environmentalist pioneer, first by demanding that government control all land use so that no individual could exploit the land for personal gain. Not even farmers. And, as The Epoch Times reports, Marxism pairs the conflict between productive forces and the relations of production with the conflict between the environment of production (the ecosystem) and the productive forces (capitalism). [John Dewey, championed by unions as the founder of modern American education, has been called “Stalin’s propagandist.”]

Perhaps people are awakening, thanks to the excesses of the lockdown movement stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet the COVID censorship, and the censorship by social media, news media, and cancel culture that has been so objectionable in regard to questioning the vaccines and mandates is little different from the censorship imposed by the so-called “scientific” community over dissent from the climate agenda.

Except that the COVID censors have opened new territory for climate censorship. As if de-platforming, cutting off research funds, firing from tenured university positions, and picketing of homes were not enough. The power elites now (thanks to Barack Obama and Justin Trudeau) have the option to cut off access to banking and credit. It seems clear enough that the totalitarians are afraid of “inconvenient truths” that depart from their orthodoxy and thus weaken their grip.

The American Left has long championed environmentalism as a tool for overthrowing capitalist societies. The fear factor worked so well to thwart “the peaceful uses of nuclear energy” (as touted by President Eisenhower) and bring heavy hatred of nuclear power plants that is rampant despite new generations of very safe modular reactors. So why not, they thought, use the same tactics against fossil fuels – by claiming they are “killing the planet” (rather than bringing billions out of poverty).

For decades, the American political establishment quietly acceded to increasing portions of the “green/red” agenda, giving the Environmental Protection Agency unchecked power to thwart development and punish landowners; using the Endangered Species Act to close off federal, state, and even private lands from “exploitation”; and at the same time empowering unfriendly nations to exploit their own resources at will (the Kyoto Protocols and Paris climate agreements are prime examples).

Ignored when first uncovered, Russia’s heavy role in supporting anti-fracking, pro-green efforts by Western nonprofits have resurfaced in the wake of rising gasoline prices and the Biden Administration’s dogmatic position against Americans’ production and use of fossil fuels. Biden is quite willing to purchase state-controlled oil and gas from Marxist nations (and even from the terror state of Iran). Just not from Texas, Pennsylvania, or Canada.

2018 report from the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology revealed a coordinated effort by Russia and its allies to funnel millions of dollars through the Sea Change Foundation to the Sierra Club, the Conservation Voters League, and others to suppress the widespread adoption of fracking in Europe and the U.S. One tactic was flooding social media with anti-fracking and anti-fossil fuel messaging. By limiting U.S. and European production (without any reductions in demand), the Russians sought – and won – increased market share for their own fossil fuels.

Curiously, Hillary Clinton complained during her 2016 campaign that “phony environmental groups” were funded by Russia to rail against fracking, pipelines, and even oil and gas leasing, then claimed falsely that President Trump was in Putin’s pocket even as he championed the fracking that the Russians had hoped to squelch. Then she supported a Biden Administration that would carry out the entirety of the Russian campaign to downsize the U.S. energy industry.

As the evidence mounts that the Biden shutdown of U.S. energy has both emboldened and enriched Putin’s Russia, Americans need to look at the institutions that have helped the Russian cause and clean house. Directly challenging the teacher unions and their anti-fossil fuels stance is a good place to start.


Duggan Flanakin

Duggan Flanakin is the Director of Policy Research at the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow. A former Senior Fellow with the Texas Public Policy Foundation, Mr. Flanakin authored definitive works on the creation of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and on environmental education in Texas. A brief history of his multifaceted career appears in his book, “Infinite Galaxies: Poems from the Dugout.”

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Net-Zero and ESG are Worsening the Energy Crisis – and Weakening the West

The day after President Biden announced that the United States would ban imports of Russian oil and gas, a group of eleven powerful European investment funds that includes Amundi, Europe’s largest asset manager, outlined plans to force Credit Suisse, Switzerland’s second largest bank, to cut its lending to oil and gas companies. The juxtaposition of these two events dramatizes the fundamental disunity of the West. At the same time as the Biden administration is sanctioning Russian oil and gas producers, Western investors are sanctioning Western ones. Under the banner of ESG (environmental, social and governance) investing, the West’s capital is being deployed to create an artificial shortage of oil and gas produced by its companies and reward non-Western oil and gas producers such as Russia and Iran with higher prices. In doing so, the West is undermining its own security interests.

Before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, energy markets were already extremely tight. In the past, high oil and gas prices stimulated a supply-side response leading to increased output and to prices falling back. This relationship has broken down. According to analysts at JP Morgan, capital spending by S&P Global 1200 energy companies peaked in 2015 at just over $400 billion and shrank to around $120 billion last year – less than half its previous trough of $250 billion in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, even though global demand is now around 15% higher than it was then.

Over the past decade and throughout the pandemic, investors could earn higher returns elsewhere, such as in tech – but with soaring prices, that assumption doesn’t hold any longer. In remarks to oil executives at the CERAWeek energy conference in Houston last week, Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm pointed the finger at Wall Street. “Your investors are demanding climate action,” she told an audience filled with executives of energy firms. To ESG investors, climate action means deliberately starving oil and gas producers of capital for non-financial reasons, leading to under-investment and rising prices.

Granholm is being a lot more honest than Fatih Birol, executive director of the International Energy Agency (IEA). “The current high energy prices are nothing to do with net zero,” Birol told The Guardian last month. “This is not a clean energy crisis, or a renewable energy crisis. These claims are irresponsible and are being used to attack public support for the net zero transition.” In fact, it is Birol who is being irresponsible. He understands as well as anyone that the net zero transition involves ramping up investment in renewable energy and throttling investment in new oil, gas, and coal production down to zero. He knows this, because in May of last year, the IEA released its Net Zero by 2050 roadmap for the energy sector, arguing for exactly this.

The IEA’s net zero scenario for 2050 relies heavily on “ever-cheaper” wind and solar. Nuclear barely gets a look in, and the IEA magically solves the intermittency problem of wind and solar by not mentioning the word “intermittency” once in the report’s 224 pages. By ignoring the inherent limitations of weather-dependent electricity generation, the IEA gave its imprimatur to a green fantasy of near 100% renewable electricity generation, with fossil fuels playing an insignificant role in keeping the electrical grid stable and the lights on. This fiction was necessary to justify the report’s most quoted passage. “Beyond projects already committed as of 2021, there are no new oil and gas fields approved for development,” it said of its net zero pathway, meaning that “the focus for oil and gas producers switches entirely to output – emissions reductions – from the operation of existing assets.”

ESG investors and climate activists seized on the IEA’s call to stop all investment in new oil and gas production. “This is a huge step forward for the IEA and an important signal that the world must move away from fossil fuels today – not tomorrow,” the World Resources Institute blogged. “1.5C means no new fossil fuels, says the IEA,” ShareAction, the group co-ordinating the Credit Suisse proxy fight, declared, referring to the 1.5-degree maximum warming target. “The new scenario will make uncomfortable reading for many companies – and those that finance them.”

This article originally appeared at Real Clear Energy


Rupert Darwall

Rupert Darwall is a Senior Fellow at the RealClear Foundation.

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Company Contrast:

Each week 2ndVote takes a look at popular companies that either score well or score poorly. We then provide alternatives that either better align with the 2ndVote values, or that should be avoided to the best of your ability. This weekly series is called The Company Contrast, and the company we will be focusing on this week is (3.23).2nd

Privacy on the internet and the security of users and their private data has become a hotter topic than anyone probably ever anticipated at the onset of the internet. Massive tech corporations commodify users as the “product;” frequently scanning, tracking, collecting, and storing user data in order to sell it to advertisers which then build profiles of who they think users are based on their activities and online behaviors. Before anyone ever had a chance to ask whether or not these practices had moral and ethical conflicts, the race for more and more user data was on. Fortunately, companies like recognize this problem and seek to offer a solution. offers users a secure and private email service that they can trust won’t mine their personal data like the large tech companies. It is a paid service, so users will need to weigh that factor when deciding to sign up. But many see it as a small price to pay for their privacy. Additionally, demonstrates conservative values by taking a stance in support of the 2nd Amendment, as well as publishing educational blogs to help users keep their data secure elsewhere on the internet.

On the other hand, email services like Yahoo (Verizon-owned – 1.43) and Gmail (Google-owned – 1.00) are owned and operated by the same Big Tech companies that seek to treat you like a product rather than a customer, and sell your data to the highest bidder for advertisement space. Not to mention that recent trends have shown that big tech companies have no qualms with canceling individual people based on their private emails and documents. Do yourself and your privacy a favor and avoid these services at all costs.

EDITORS NOTE: This 2ndVote column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

THE REAL PROMISES OF EASTER: A New Earth & A New Jerusalem are Coming!

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” – Revelations 22:13

On Sunday, April 17th, 2022 we will be celebrating Easter. In many countries, like Greece, Easter is a more important event than Christmas because it embodies the rising of Jesus from the dead and fulfills God’s promise of life everlasting to those who believe in His Son.

But Easter promises more than just life everlasting, it promises heaven on earth!

I remember celebrating Easter Sunday on April 14, 1968 while in Vietnam. I was serving as a forward observer with A-Company, 2nd Battalion, 501st Airborne Infantry Brigade of the the 101st Airborne Division. We were still engaged in heavy combat operations due to the North Vietnamese Tet Offensive.

God and soldiers walk hand-in-hand.

I remember after many battles to free the ancient city of Hue my unit finally took the western wall. Our company created its headquarters in a two story home that was on the corner of the Perfume River and the moat which surrounds Hue. Shortly after setting up our headquarters a Vietnamese man and his pregnant wife arrived and docked at the house we were in. Our Vietnamese translator said that the woman was giving birth and needed help to deliver her baby.

I stood there and watched as our medics helped this wonderful new life come into the world. This moment was especially poignant because we had all seen so much death and destruction since February and this birth was both transforming and transformative.

I thought to myself that this new Vietnamese baby boy was God’s way of saying that the world must go on.

I also remember that our brigade chaplain came to our location to conduct a service for those who wished to attend. It too, like the birth of the little boy, was a special, come to Jesus, moment in my life.

Fast forward to 2022 and my passion to write about Easter and what it really promises.

Today, I find that many people seem lost and without a real purpose in life. People don’t really know what to do next and are seeking advice in all the wrong places. Some people will celebrate this Easter Sunday by staying at home, or perhaps with family and friends looking for mythical easter eggs and giving children mythical chocolate easter bunnies. Easter isn’t about bunnies at all. So where did the myth of the Easter bunny come from?

According to,

According to some sources, the Easter bunny first arrived in America in the 1700s with German immigrants who settled in Pennsylvania and transported their tradition of an egg-laying hare called “Osterhase” or “Oschter Haws.” Their children made nests in which this creature could lay its colored eggs. Eventually, the custom spread across the U.S. and the fabled rabbit’s Easter morning deliveries expanded to include chocolate and other types of candy and gifts, while decorated baskets replaced nests. Additionally, children often left out carrots for the bunny in case he got hungry from all his hopping.

What is Easter Really About?

Easter and the rise of Jesus and his ascent into heaven is really about His second coming.

In his book “Face to Face with Jesus: Seeing Him as He Really Is” Randy Alcorn askes you and I,

Where is Christ? At the right hand of God (Hebrews 12:2). In terms of his human body, Christ is in one location, and only one.

But despite his fixed location at God’s right hand, Jesus is here now, living within us (Galatians 2:20). If he indwells those who are saints and yet sinners now, how much more will he be able to indwell us in the world to come when no sin shall separate us from him?

Mr. Alcorn then states,

On the New Earth, we might regularly hear Jesus speak directly to us in the unhindered two-way conversation, whether we’re hundreds of miles away in another part of the New Jerusalem, thousands of miles away on another part of the New Earth, or thousands of light years away in the new universe.

Mr. Alcorn is talking about the second coming of Jesus. You see if you believe in Jesus it’s just natural and realistic to believe in the second coming where Jesus will bring heaven to us on earth and beyond.

This isn’t science fiction, it’s Biblical truth.

You see not only is the Holy Bible the most read book in the world, it is the most sold and the most stolen book in the world. But why?

The Holy Bible is not only an historical book, it’s also  a deeply profound series of stories, parables, psalms and life lessons in addition to being a wonderful inspirational read.

There’s nothing you may have read yesterday, will read today or tomorrow that’s not told or foretold in the Holy Bible.

Today, in the Ukraine there is a thirst and overwhelming demand for copies of the Holy Bible. Why is this? Because there’s no other choice and no other book that brings one hope and true comfort like the Holy Bible.

The people of the world, like the Ukrainians, are now looking up to God for the answers! His answers. That’s His gift to us just as was His Son who is the truth, the light, the word and the vine. It’s not about us at all, it’s about Him!

Prayer is powerful. Praying can bring about miracles. Praying is comforting in troubling times and when faced with difficult circumstances.

Easter is powerful because of its promise of heaven on earth.

Remember, God and His Son are bigger than any and all of us. They’re our last best hope!

We wish you and your family a blessed Easter 2022. Remember He is the Alpha and Omega.

Believe it.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

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Things You Can’t Express Yourself About Because They Don’t Meet Others’ ‘Community Standards’

“If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all.” ― Noam Chomsky

Have you ever been punished by Facebook for violating its’ community standards? Have you ever been deplatformed, censored, told to shut-up, been banned, been shut out just because you honestly expressed your personal beliefs?

Many of our readers are concerned about freedom of expression or should we say the growing lack thereof.

Many are seeing their ability to express their beliefs hindered by the media, social media, friends, family, their neighbors and even their governments at every level.

Freedom of expression means the ability to communicate, argue, enunciate, declare, vent and speak freely. The opposites of freedom of expression are: suppression, silence, concealment, denial and just plain keeping your mouth shut and biting your tongue.

Today we find that freedom of expression is under attack like never before. Speaking truth to power has become a revolutionary act.

Benjamin Franklin said,

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

We are now in a world where some are more than willing to give up their liberty to speak freely in order to have temporary safety.

Things That You Cannot Express

We have compiled a list of expressions that will get you banned, demonized and even labeled as a domestic terrorist. It is important to do this because those who truly believe in freedom of expression must stand strong and say what they truly believe.

As they say the truth will set you free!

History tells us that if we don’t express ourselves then we, like others before us, will allow the tyrants take control.

Thing you cannot express:

  1. I believe that a nation without borders is no longer a nation.
  2. I believe there are two and only two genders, male (XX) and female (XY).
  3. I believe that sodomy is a sin.
  4. I believe that government is not God.
  5. I believe that illegal aliens must not be treated better than natural born citizens or those who immigrated and obtained U.S. citizenship legally.
  6. I believe I have the right to make my own healthcare decisions.
  7. I believe in the right to keep and bear arms.
  8. I believe, as a parent, I have dominion over what my child is taught in schools, public, private and parochial.
  9. I believe in God and His Son as my Lord, Redeemer and Savior.
  10. I believe I can make my own decision on what type of car to purchase.
  11. I believe in conservationism and that mankind has been given dominion over the world and all of its resources but we are tasked to use those God given resources wisely.
  12. I believe that the climate (weather) follows natural cycles and that mankind cannot change these natural cycles.
  13. I believe that government is here to protect my God given rights.
  14. I believe if my government fails to protect my God given rights then it is my duty to change that government and replace it with another.
  15. I believe in freedom of religion, speech, the press and my right to petition my government.
  16. I believe that only legal citizens must vote in any and all elections.
  17. I believe that voter IDs are absolutely necessary to insure free and fair elections.
  18. I believe that marriage is between one man and one woman.
  19. I believe in the traditional family of a husband, wife and their biological children.
  20. I believe in equal justice under the law.
  21. I believe that individuals must be judged by the content of their characters not the color of their skins.
  22. I believe I am not entitled to anything, rather that I must work for everything to be successful in life.
  23. I believe all lives matter.
  24. I believe in standing for our flag and kneeling before God.
  25. I believe that my local law enforcement must be fully funded and that our police, sheriffs and federal agents must be the best of the best and enforce the rule of law.
  26. I believe in our veterans, active duty military and Coast Guard.
  27. Finally, I believe I have a right to express myself freely and openly about all of the above, and many more of my beliefs.

Things I Don’t Believe

Thing I don’t believe:

  1. I don’t believe that the U.S. Constitution is a living document open to broad interpretation. Rather it’s language is clear, concise and written in stone.
  2. I don’t believe that mankind can change the climate in any way.
  3. I no long believe in my government at all levels to do what is right and lawful.
  4. I don’t believe what politicians tell me.
  5. I don’t believe what the media is telling me.
  6. I don’t believe everything you read about on the internet, in newspapers, watch on television or see on social media is unbiased.
  7. I don’t believe what scientists say is the absolute truth.
  8. I don’t believe that the world will end if I don’t purchase an all electric car.
  9. I don’t believe that the sea levels are rising.
  10. I don’t believe that Islam is the religion of peace.
  11. I don’t believe that people should lose their jobs because they don’t want to get a Covid vaccine.
  12. I don’t believe in welfare, rather I believe in work.
  13. I don’t believe that our public schools, colleges and universities are teaching our children and grandchildren how to think. Rather they’re all teaching them what to think.
  14. I don’t believe that those who are part of the LGBTQ+ community are mentally and emotionally healthy.
  15. I don’t trust those who stifle my freedom of expression.
  16. I don’t believe in carbon neutrality and net zero emissions.
  17. I don’t believe none of our political parties have our best interests in mind.
  18. I don’t believe in open borders.
  19. I don’t believe that illegals should receive any protections nor should they be allowed to vote.
  20. I don’t believe in those who want to silence me truly believe in freedom of expression.
  21. Finally, I don’t believe that I must follow someone’s or anyone’s community standards that stifle freedom of expression.

The Bottom Line

In a column titled “Freedom Means Crucifying Our Ego” 

There is a war going on inside each one of us daily. We struggle with a deep yearning for power, control, honor, and praise. All of which we falsely believe will bring us comfort, love, and peace. Without consciously knowing it, we constantly seek to satiate these aspects of our egos in large and small ways. This battle leads us to spend our days trapped in cycles of fear.

We all do it. It is a part of our fallen nature. This is precisely why Our Lord did battle against these tendencies in the desert when the devil came to tempt him after 40 days of fasting and prayer. We too are called to battle against these temptations, but often we don’t realize to what extent we must put these tendencies to death within ourselves.

I believe that we must all stop thinking about ourselves and serve a higher calling. We need to dump our egos and move to a higher plain.

We must allow others to express themselves and then have a real discussion on our differences.

You see, we are all different, we are not the same.

Equal people are not free and free people are not equal.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Google censors Tulsi Gabbard

Four Disney Employees Arrested in Human Trafficking Operation

Maybe now we see why the Disney chairman opposes a ban on teaching sexual practices and perversions to kindergarten through six graders.

‘This Is Huge’: 4 Disney Employees Arrested in Human Trafficking Operation

By: Jack Davis, The Western Journal, March 18, 2022:

Four Disney employees have been arrested in a six-day undercover sting by the Polk County, Florida, Sheriff’s Office.

Officials said 108 suspects were arrested in what authorities dubbed “Operation March Sadness 2,” which targeted human trafficking and prostitution, according to WFLA-TV. Four of those arrested were charged as child sex predators, according to Newsweek.

“This is huge,” Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd told WFLA. “Four arrests of this magnitude is simply remarkable.”

Disney employee Xavier Jackson, 27, of Kissimmee, Florida, was among those arrested, according to WKMG-TV.

“He thought he was chatting with a 14-year-old girl, and he sent photos of himself doing things that are totally inappropriate,” Judd said, according to the station.

Jackson faces charges that include three counts of transmission of material harmful to a minor and unlawful use of a two-way communication device.

“Did I mention that he just happens to be a lifeguard at the Polynesian Resort for Disney?” Judd said, according to WESH-TV.

“You think there’s a few children around there? That’s right, I didn’t stutter. He was a lifeguard at the Polynesian Resort. And was bragging about that.”

Other Disney employees arrested include a 24-year-old man who worked at the Cosmic Restaurant, a 45-year-old IT worker, and a 27-year-old software developer, Judd said, according to WTVJ-TV.

Disney said all of its arrested employees have been placed on unpaid leave.


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Disney CEO Iger Lives in Fantasyland

My letter to the CEO of Disney

Biden SCOTUS Nominee’s Sickening Record of Child Porn Leniency, Letting Them Off the Hook

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Ukraine: Money-Laundering Hub of the New World Order

Is this why the Uniparty is working so hard to save their dirty money?

Ukraine: Money-laundering hub of the New World Order

By Shari Goodman, WND, March 18, 2022:

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine about three weeks ago, our corporate media has been cheering on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and the Ukrainians while demonizing Russia and Putin as another Hitler. What the media fail to cover and identify is the New World Order, or NWO, Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum and the role each played in provoking Russia in a much broader conflict between the New World Order and the nationalists.

Zelensky won the presidency in 2019 after being heavily bankrolled by a corrupt Ukrainian oligarch by the name of Igor Kolomoiskly. Since his election, Zelensky has cleverly attempted to play the middle ground in a war between two superpowers.

In 2014, Ukraine’s democratically elected president, Victor Yanukovych, was toppled by our CIA in favor of a puppet who would serve the New World Order’s purpose for using the nation as a money-laundering hub.

Ukraine was hardly a democracy prior to the invasion. Opposition journalists are routinely jailed there. There is no freedom of the press in Ukraine. It is not by coincidence (and contrary to the paid for hire fact checkers) that the sons of Democrats in leadership positions (Biden, Pelosi, Kerry) either sat on the boards of energy companies in Ukraine or were doing business in Ukraine. When a new Ukrainian prosecutor, Kostiantyn Kulyk, opened an investigation into the business dealings of Burisma where Hunter Biden (with no energy experience) sat on the board, Joe Biden, as vice president, threatened to withhold financial aid to Ukraine and triumphantly bragged about it on camera. Imagine that! The very quid pro quo Democrats used to falsely charge President Trump is precisely what Biden is guilty of in Ukraine.

TRENDING: Ukraine’s Plan B – as in ‘Berlin’

It is widely believed the NWO, which appears to control the European Union, NATO, the Crown and the U.N., was instrumental in toppling the regimes of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, Gadhafi in Libya, the shipment of ammunition to ISIS in Syria in an effort to topple the regime of Syrian President Bashar Al Assad and the installment of Joe Biden here in the United States. Putin, who at one time attempted to work with the World Economic Forum, believed he was next in line. He suspected the NWO was using Ukraine as a proxy to create a color revolution in Russia while America was funding bioweapon labs with pathogens in Ukraine.

During the DNC’s General Session a week ago, intellectually challenged Kamala Harris triggered the already anxiety-laden Putin and the entire Russian military when she implied that Ukraine was already in NATO by proclaiming, “I will say over and over again the U.S. stands firmly with the Ukrainian people in defense of the NATO alliance.”

Additionally, while the Biden administration at first denied the existence of biological weapon labs in Ukraine, Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland later admitted under oath in a congressional hearing that there were in fact 20 to 30 bio labs in and around Ukraine. We are to believe that these labs with dangerous pathogens were there for scientific study in a highly unstable country that just happens to share a border with a nuclear arch enemy of ours.

Interestingly, throughout this conflict our media has not mentioned the existence of a New World Order as envisioned by Klaus Schwab and the role they may be playing behind the scenes. It is unsettling that our entire source of information is dependent on six corporations engaged in censorship largely due to their participation in the NWO. The six corporations are News Corp, Time Warner, Comcast, Sony, Viacom and Disney. All are funded by two major hedge funds, BlackRock and Vanguard. While our media has kept Americans in the dark when it comes to the New World Order and the power behind the movement, it is vitally important for Americans to learn about this new ruling class, the billionaire oligarchy behind it, its ties to the World Economic Forum, The World Economic Global Institute, it’s mission and the pivotal role it has played here at home and throughout the globe.

Klaus Schwab, a German economist, formed the WEF in 1971. Its mission is to erase national sovereignty as well as capitalism and replace it with a one-world centralized authoritarian communist government under the auspices of the billionaire oligarchy that meets in Davos yearly. Nearly every major political figure throughout the Western world in over 100 countries has graduated from the World Economic Forum’s Global Institute (the likes of Justin Trudeau, Macron of France, Angela Merkel of Germany, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Gavin Newsom, Pete Buttigieg, George Soros, Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand, among many others). In addition to the many global leaders, there have been nearly 20,000 Global Shapers placed throughout the world in positions of leadership in government, banking, education, corporations, the media and nearly all of our institutions. There are hundreds of Global Institute Hubs throughout the globe (one most likely near you) where Global Shapers are there to advance policies of a Communist global agenda. These shapers have not been elected to office, yet their policies, often at odds with the mores and values of the communities involved, are advanced and pushed upon an unsuspecting public.

As Schwab has openly stated, in his version of the future, “you will own nothing and be happy.” The notion that our private property rights are in jeopardy is a frightening vision and at odds with the right to pursue a life of liberty as enshrined in our Constitution. There is no freedom without private property.

A few months prior the release of COVID-19 from the Wuhan lab in China, Karl Schwab and Bill Gates held a simulation of a worldwide pandemic at a symposium they termed Event 201, envisioning millions of lost lives and the opportunity for a Great Reset to follow. They proclaimed a pandemic would present for the New World Order the perfect set of circumstances to reset the globe’s political and economic future by the year 2030.

Unfortunately for them, the virus proved to have a survivability of 99.8%, and now that the fear of COVID is no longer viable, masks are scientifically unworthy, and the need for lockdowns has been eliminated, the NWO has moved on to what they call Phase II of the Great Reset. By deliberately poking the Russian bear, the United States under the direction of the NWO has lit a match that has cost the lives of innocent Ukrainians and with it the possibility of igniting a worldwide nuclear World War III.

When a chorus of uni-party legislators (Lindsey Graham, Maria Elvira Salazar and many others) deliberately and callously call for the assassination of Putin and for a no-fly zone over Ukraine, they are not taking their talking points from a feeble Joe Biden. Instead, they are taking their marching orders from George Soros who has called for America’s involvement in Ukraine as a call to war. It should be a warning to the rest of us. They are willing to sacrifice America in Phase II of the Great Reset in their quest for global dominance. Standing in opposition to them is another alliance consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS).

This is not the first totalitarian movement seeking global domination, but unlike other evil movements in past years, today’s evil power grab carries the risk of global annihilation.

We would be wise to resist the call to war.


Biden Regime Preparing For ANOTHER Mass Migrant Influx of 170,000 Border Crossers After Suspending Trump’s Title 42

UN Votes to Establish Ties with Taliban Terror Org

Biden’s New Iran Deal Will Allow Putin To Circumvent Sanction While Paving The Pathway To A Nuclear Weapon For Iran

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Joe Biden’s Policy: Set up and blame the Jews for his own failure

Lee Smith, writing in Tablet Magazine, describes the situation that Biden finds himself in since Russia invaded Ukraine. Given his weakness, Israel is now at the front and center of Russian-Ukraine war negotiations. Biden is putting Israel in the line of fire, as Smith points out.

At the end of last month, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called upon the Israeli government to “be quiet on Russia” and focus on Iran, the archenemy of Israel. While Israel has indeed been focusing on its interests, since it shares with Russia the common goal of wanting to oust Iran from Syria, Israel now finds itself with an albatross of a responsibility in the middle of a war.

Biden is the most disrespected president globally in the history of the United States. He is mentally deficient and highly dishonest. He oversaw a fiasco in Afghanistan, as well as with his immigration policy, and is now on the brink of another with the new Iran nuke deal, for which he gave all negotiating power over to Russia. He is completely lost regarding the war, after making a fool of himself by talking big about standing up to the “bully” Putin and threatening that Putin’s “days of tyranny” would be over once he became president.

Now Biden is on the defensive and will throw anyone under the bus. The State of Israel is a prime target. I wrote on March 16:

Israel is faced with a bigger risk than any other country would be taking on, by undertaking the role of mediating the two sides: the constant historic threat of antisemitism, which frequently manifests itself in the Jewish state being unreasonably blamed for every problem that goes wrong.

The historic scourge of antisemitism has escalated globally in recent years. We see it blatantly every time the Palestinians launch rocket attacks on Israel. The world expects Israel to do nothing, to allow itself to be annihilated in accordance with the Palestinian National Charter, the Hamas Charter, and the ambition of every jihadist in the world.

Israel is busy enough as is without taking on the role of mediator between Russia and Ukraine. It is resettling many Jewish refugees, and going far beyond that as well: fully 90% of the refugees arriving in Israel are ineligible to immigrate according to Israel’s Law of Return. And Israel has already made it abundantly clear that it is not about to abandon its own interests, given the ever-present existential threat to its Jewish nation. As reported previously on the Left Column: Israel’s “strategic interests in the Russia-Ukraine crisis cannot be ignored. Four months ago, Israel and Russia were collaborating on the common goal of ousting Iran from Syria, and established a ‘deconfliction hotline to keep the sides from getting tangled up and accidentally clashing over Syria.’”

The saving grace for Israel is if Bennett manages to strike a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine. But the longer the war drags on with Israel remaining central to negotiations, the more the Jewish State risks being scapegoated by Joe Biden (and others). Israel’s enemies will be all too happy to join in Jew-bashing.

Biden Blames the Jews for His Ukraine Policy

by Lee Smith, Tablet Magazine, March 15, 2022:

Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine was precipitated by assurances from China, Germany, and the United States that each of Russia’s major trading partners either backed his position or had zero interest in getting in his way. President Joe Biden’s invitations to Putin to bite off more chunks of Ukraine made it clear that America was not interested in a fight with the Russian dictator in his own backyard. Surely, the mighty Putin would make quick work of the Ukrainians. After all, he helped put down the Syrian rebellion to preserve Iran’s stake in Syria, and thereby sealed Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with the clerical regime in Tehran. So why make a big fuss, especially since at the same time Putin is intent on breaking Ukraine, he is also brokering the new Iran deal with U.S. negotiators in Vienna?

The problem for Biden is that Putin is not winning his war in anything like the quick and easy fashion that the White House and other world powers apparently expected. Moreover, the prospect of a dictator murdering thousands of Ukrainians in Europe in a prolonged war may be a tougher pill to swallow for so-called Western elites than the same dictator helping to murder half a million Syrians.

Biden’s position has thus become difficult, even with a captive media eager to read from a script in which the president of the United States bravely rallies NATO to do something, while in fact doing as close to nothing as politically possible. Luckily, the White House has a playbook for situations in which the contradictions between appearance and reality threaten to overwhelm the ever-changing storylines about who is responsible for, say, $6 per gallon gas. The playbook, like the Iran deal, is a legacy of the Obama administration, and a variation on an age-old incantation: “Blame the Jews.”

In the case of Ukraine, blaming the Jews might seem like a stretch—the Jewish state is a regional power in a region far from Ukraine. But senior Capitol Hill sources told Tablet that the Biden administration is trying to put Israel in the line of fire by pushing Jerusalem to mediate between Kyiv and Moscow. The point is to position Israel to catch the blame if Putin doesn’t relent, or the stubborn Ukrainians prove unwilling to surrender enough territory to end the war on terms that the Russian president finds acceptable.

Sources explain that the Israelis have reluctantly relayed messages between the two states but don’t want to get further involved, for two reasons: First, with Russian forces on their Syrian border, the Israelis don’t want trouble with Putin; second, they see that the White House is setting them up for failure by forcing them into taking a stand against Putin.

Team Biden’s PR offensive blaming Israel for the failure of two-faced U.S. policy has included Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland’s warnings to Jerusalem not to help hide “dirty money” belonging to Putin-allied oligarchs. Nuland also said that Israel should join the international sanctions regime targeting Russian assets—a regime that notably does not include world powers like China and India, which Nuland failed to mention.

The administration’s misdirection campaign also relied on Biden validators from the foreign policy establishment. Richard Haass and Aaron David Miller tweeted to the effect that if Israel wants to be an American ally, it should stand with America’s values, embodied by its moral stance toward Russia, which includes impoverishing ordinary Russians by crashing the ruble.

The coordinated operation to embroil Israel culminated in a story last week pushed out by the White House’s communications infrastructure inside Israel, whose lead publicist, Axios reporter Barak Ravid, proved his value during the Obama years. The story, which quickly went global, claimed that Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett urged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to accept Putin’s terms of surrender. A “senior Ukrainian official claimed Bennett initiated the call,” according to an account sourced to an anonymous Ukrainian official and given to Ravid. The source claimed that Bennett “recommended Zelensky take the offer.”

Was the story true? The Ukrainian government said it was false, and moved to correct the record the next day. Zelensky adviser Mikhail Podolyak wrote on Twitter that Israel did not push the Ukrainians to accept the concessions Putin demanded to end the invasion. Zelensky’s adviser tweeted that Bennett, “just as other conditional intermediary countries, does NOT offer Ukraine to agree to any demands of the Russian Federation.” Instead, he wrote, “Israel urges Russia to assess the events more adequately.” He also pointed out that the source could not have been on the call, which was private, and was probably not in Ukraine.

But whether the surrender story is true or not, shouldn’t the Israelis be openly and proudly pro-Zelensky? Ukraine’s president has won the affection of decent—and smart—people the world over, who have festooned their Facebook pages and Twitter feeds with the blue and yellow Ukrainian flag. And he’s Jewish! Why doesn’t Israel join in?

The reality is that Israel has frequently stood up for Ukraine against Russia, and with little to show for it. But the issue in this case is simple: The Russian military is on Israel’s border, kind of like it was on Ukraine’s border before it invaded. The difference is that the Russian-Ukrainian border is a geographical fact. Russia is only on Israel’s border due to a geostrategic power play that Moscow implemented with the acquiescence of the U.S. political faction now trying to drive Israel toward conflict with Putin.

The purpose of the Biden team’s anti-Israel smear campaign is not just to make the Israelis look like they sympathize with a tyrant while offering to hide the blood money of their Russian co-religionists……..



Russia: Muslim leaders issue fatwa quoting Qur’an to justify Ukraine invasion, say Muslims killed in it are ‘martyrs’

Germany: Critical research results on Islam banned and criminalized at universities

UK: Greater Manchester Police endorse ‘community event’ at mosque attended by jihad mass murderer

Pakistan: Christians concerned that new government body will increase Islamization of the country

Scotland: Hijabbed Muslim women in their 40s learning to ride bicycles, no discussion of safety issues

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Senator Josh Hawley: SCOTUS Pick Jackson Has ‘Pattern of Letting Child Porn Offenders off the Hook’

In a series of tweets on Wednesday, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) called out President Biden’s nominee for the Supreme Court, Ketanji Brown Jackson, for having “a pattern of letting child porn offenders off the hook for their appalling crimes.”

Detailing Judge Jackson’s rulings, interviews, articles, and speeches, Hawley called attention to the “alarming pattern when it comes to Judge Jackson’s treatment of sex offenders, especially those preying on children.”

“As far back as her time in law school, Judge Jackson has questioned making convicts register as sex offenders – saying it leads to ‘stigmatization and ostracism,’” Hawley noted. “She’s suggested public policy is driven by a ‘climate of fear, hatred & revenge’ against sex offenders.”

Hawley cited a few cases as examples of her leniency towards the sentencing of child porn sex offenders.

“In United States v. Cooper, in which the criminal had more than 600 images and videos and posted many on a public blog, the Guidelines called for a sentence of 151-188 months. Judge Jackson settled on 60 months, the lowest possible sentence allowed by law,” Hawley tweeted.

“In United States v. Downs, the perp posted multiple images to an anonymous instant messaging app, including an image of a child under the age of 5. The Guidelines recommended 70-87 months. Judge Jackson gave him the lowest sentence allowed by law, 60 months,” he said in another tweet.

Hawley called Jackson’s record “disturbing,” and added, “sending child predators to jail shouldn’t be controversial.”

“In every single child porn case for which we can find records, Judge Jackson deviated from the federal sentencing guidelines in favor of child porn offenders,” Hawley wrote.

Ketanji Brown Jackson

8 Known Connections

Lamenting the Excessively Harsh Treatment of Sex Offenders

In 1996, Jackson anonymously wrote a “Note” for the Harvard Law Review in which she: (a) claimed that U.S. courts tended to treat convicted sex offenders too harshly, and (b) urged judges to “change their analytical framework for evaluating the constitutionality of certain state sex offender statutes.” “[I]n the current climate of fear, hatred, and revenge associated with the release of convicted sex criminals,” Jackson wrote, “courts must be especially atten­tive to legislative enactments that ‘use[ ] public health and safety rhetoric to justify procedures that are, in essence, punishment and detention.’” Arguing that the laws regarding punishment for sex crimes were excessively onerous, she added: “Although many courts and commentators herald these laws as valid regulatory measures, others reject them as punitive enactments that violate the rights of individuals who already have been sanctioned for their crimes.”

To learn more about Ketanji Brown Jackson, click here.

RELATED ARTICLE: Biden’s SCOTUS Pick Supports Critical Race Theory

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Data Reveal Disturbing Trend From COVID Jab — Dr. Robert Malone and Candace Owens Interviews

In part 1 of this bombshell exclusive, Candace sits down with Dr. Robert Malone to discuss the effects of the vaccine on women’s fertility, the corruption of Big Pharma and the truth about how medical data is manipulated. This is the interview that Big Tech doesn’t want you to see.

Part 2 Candace Owens With Dr. Robert Malone | Interview Begins @ 26 Minute Mark


  • Dr. Robert Malone discusses COVID-19 shots’ effects on fertility and targeting children with social pressure and coercion to get jabbed
  • In this nearly four-hour discussion with Candace Owens, Malone touches on the global narrative that’s intent on hunting down physicians and taking away their licenses for providing early COVID-19 treatment and how Bill Gates and Big Tech have succeeded in creating monopolies and gained control of information
  • Malone describes three Department of Defense (DOD) whistleblowers who datamined the DOD health database, revealing disturbing increases in rates of miscarriage, cancer, neurological disease and stillbirths since COVID-19 jabs rolled out
  • Malone is dedicated to speaking out because he wants to protect future generations; he’s concerned about the pandemic response’s effects on children, stating that public policies have had a particularly strong adverse effect on the young
  • If people reconnect and come together once again for a real greater good, Malone believes we can avoid a Great Reset and instead experience a Great Awakening

I hope you enjoy this two-part interview of two intellectual giants by Candace Owens with Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology.1 They discuss some of the most important issues facing humanity today. In their nearly four-hour discussion, they touch on everything from COVID-19 shots’ effects on fertility to the “red line” that’s been crossed — referring to targeting children with social pressure and coercion to get jabbed.

Malone has been thrust into the spotlight for speaking out about the risks of COVID-19 shots, with his words going viral before quickly being erased from YouTube and Twitter. It doesn’t matter if what he’s saying is true; if it creates “vaccine hesitancy,” it will be censored. Toward that end, Malone has been targeted by the media and labeled an “anti-vaxxer,” which is ironic since he’s received COVID-19 shots.

That fact should make it all the more apparent that he’s speaking out not due to a predetermined agenda or because he’s getting rich — to the contrary, his reputation is constantly under attack — but because he believes it’s the right thing to do, and he feels morally obliged to help anyone he can.

COVID-19 Shots Are Affecting Fertility

Anecdotal reports of alterations in women’s menstrual cycles following COVID-19 shots have poured in around the globe. Changes include heavier and more painful periods2 and changes in menses length, as well as unexpected breakthrough bleeding or spotting among women on long-acting contraception or those who are postmenopausal and haven’t had a period in years or even decades.3

Health officials have tried to brush off the reports, and doctors have told women that it’s just a result of stress — something dubbed “hysteria” in earlier times. Upon hearing that so many women’s concerns were brushed off as hysteria, Malone said:4

“Is this the 1950s? Have I just gone back a century? This whole thing that women are being histrionic is so mid-century. But that’s how they rolled it out. And it’s not just younger women. It’s post-menopausal women that start having menstruation. That’s another big one, which is, for pathologists, which is part of my background, that’s a red flag for cancer.”

Sure enough, a study published in Obstetrics & Gynecology in January 2022 — funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Research on Women’s Health — confirmed an association between menstrual cycle length and COVID-19 shots.5

Pfizer’s biodistribution study, which was used to determine where the injected substances go in the body, also showed the COVID spike protein from the shots accumulated in “quite high concentrations” in the ovaries.6

A Japanese biodistribution study for Pfizer’s jab also found that vaccine particles move from the injection site to the blood, after which circulating spike proteins are free to travel throughout the body, including to the ovaries, liver, neurological tissues and other organs.7 Malone explained:8

“The thing that drives menstruation is the ovary. We know that the lipids — the synthetic, positively charged fats that wrap the RNA to get it to slip into cells — have never been administered to humans before. We know from the Pfizer data package that came out of Japan that these lipids go to the ovary … your children, your girls are born with all the eggs that they will ever have in their entire lives.

And we don’t know yet what the reproductive harm is going to be, but we do know that in young women, reproductive age women, we are seeing this phenotype, this characteristic.

And not only am I very worried about it, I did testimony — as did many others — with the Orthodox Jewish community … they made the determination and sent out a formal statement to their community that these vaccines should not be used in children and strongly discourage their use in adults.

And one of the reasons is they are very focused on reproductive health. What we’re talking about is a deep issue that is not treatable at all … I think we can say this with confidence that if we’re having menstrual irregularities, we are having alterations in fertility.”

DOD Whistleblowers Warn of Spike in Adverse Events

Thomas Renz, a lawyer that Malone knows personally, had three Department of Defense (DOD) whistleblowers come forward. They had datamined the DOD health database, which Malone states is one of the best in the U.S.9

They looked through data from 2015 to 2020, establishing a baseline of the number of cases of miscarriage, cancer, neurological disease and stillbirths. Then, they compared it to 2021, after the COVID-19 shots rolled out. Renz showed Malone some of the disturbing data:10

“I just skimmed the data. Thomas had his laptop open and showed me some of the things that are popping up. They pulled a massive amount of data out of the DOD databases and then did a whistleblower complaint. Ron Johnson has now extended Senate protection to them formally as whistleblowers.

So they came to Thomas Renz with this information, and from what I saw — now this is preliminary, we haven’t dissected it yet — but at the top level, I thought it was mind-blowing. The information about miscarriages, the information about cancers, which is validating what Ryan Cole has been concerned about, neurologic disease and the stillbirths is there.

And apparently, according to Thomas, these brave whistleblowers have captured examples and information, with the cardiac events, for instance, of the Department of Defense — whoever is doing this, the data management — is actually going in and deleting cases, manipulating the database.”

Owens also saw the data and said the lowest category increase was 248%, while others increased by 1,000%. “It’s not subtle,” Malone said.11

Experts Raise Cancer Concerns

Dr. Ryan Cole, the Mayo Clinic-trained, triple-boarded pathologist who Malone referred to, has stated that he’s seeing potential cancer-causing changes, including decreases in receptors that keep cancer in check, and other adverse events post-shot:12

“I’m seeing countless adverse reactions … it’s really post-vaccine immunodeficiency syndrome … I’m seeing a marked increase in herpetic family viruses, human papilloma viruses in the post vaccinated. I’m seeing a marked uptick in a laboratory setting from what I see year over year of an increase of usually quiescent diseases.

In addition to that — and correlation is not causation — but in the last six months I have seen — you know, I read a fair amount of women’s health biopsies —about a 10- to 20-fold increase of uterine cancer compared to what I see on an annual basis.

Now we know that the CD8 cells are one of our T-cells to keep our cancers in check. I am seeing early signals … what I’m seeing is an early signal in the laboratory setting that post vaccinated patients are having diseases that we normally don’t see at rates that are already early considerably alarming.”

In addition to the effects on the ovaries, the Japanese study found vaccine deposits were found in bone marrow, raising additional cancer concerns, Malone says:13

“Bone marrow is really sensitive to local environments … and produces a whole lot of different types of cells that are involved in bone metabolism. This is something that matters a lot to women, particularly as they move through menopause — bone density. I

So there are cells that regulate bone remodeling and bone density that come from your bone marrow. Much of your blood elements come from stem cells that sit in your bone marrow. Red cells and white cells.

There are many types of cancer that can occur when those stem cell populations that live in your bone marrow get changed so that they lose their normal controls on growth. So that’s really what cancer is. So lymphoma, leukemia, chronic myelogenous leukemia, all these things, are all bone marrow cancer diseases.”

The Silencing of Mass Formation Psychosis

If you’ve heard the term “mass formation psychosis” recently, it’s likely because Malone mentioned it on an episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience” December 31, 2021, which was viewed by more than 50 million people.14 January 2, 2022, mass formation psychosis reached a value of 100 on Google Trends,15 which means it had reached peak popularity, after previously being practically unheard of.

The technocrats quickly took action, manipulating search results and populating Google with propaganda to discredit Malone and the mass formation psychosis theory — even though Mattias Desmet, professor of clinical psychology at the University of Ghent in Belgium, who has 126 publications to his name,16 has been studying it for many years, and the phenomenon actually dates back over 100 years.

Those under the spell of mass formation psychosis obsessively focus on a failure of the normal world or a particular event or person, who becomes the focus of the attention and can effectively control the masses.

Mass formation can occur in a society with feelings of social isolation and free-floating anxiety among a large number of people, and provides a coherent explanation of why so many people have fallen victim to the unbelievable lies and propaganda of the mainstream COVID-19 narrative. The phenomenon leads to totalitarian thinking and, eventually, to totalitarian states, but as Malone told Owens, fortunately about one-third of people are resistant to it.

Speaking Out to Save Children

Malone is dedicated to speaking out because he wants to protect future generations. He’s concerned about the pandemic response’s effects on children, stating that public policies have had a particularly strong adverse effect on the young.

He called COVID-19 injection mandates “completely unjustified” for children17 and recommends that youths who have received COVID-19 injections have their hearts checked for damage,18 given the real risk of myocarditis and heart damage. Mask mandates in schools have also interfered with children’s psychological health, and Malone believes they’re causing developmental delays in children.

Further, a bill has now been introduced in California that would allow 12-year-olds to consent to COVID-19 shots, which Malone presents as another way the government is enforcing control where it doesn’t belong:19

“In terms of kids, moms and dads have to take ownership … it’s your job, it’s my job to protect the kids, and don’t let the government get in the middle of your family. That’s another thing that has been so wrong here, how we’ve allowed the government to insert itself into the family, and that has got to stop …

What we’ve learned is that children are being subjected to intense social pressure and pressure by their school teachers. So technically in the clinical research world, we call this coercion. Just like giving out ice cream to take jabs is enticement …

They’re seeking to create a situation in which children are going to be subjected to coercion by their school teachers and their peers to take an unlicensed medical product that they don’t need to take because they are not at risk from the disease, and which has real risks of causing them harm. That’s, to be blunt, where we’re at. What do I say to parents? I say get informed.”

Will There Be a Great Reset or a Great Awakening?

We’re at the point now where all media is being manipulated and information is being controlled. “There’s a school of thought,” Malone said, “that this happened long ago with the rise of the Rockefellers, and the perversion of the entire medical enterprise and medical schools.”20

In the immediacy, people who have been harmed by COVID-19 shots are being called crazy by their friends and family. Those who have banded together with other victims on social media, forming groups to share their experiences that even many doctors continue to deny, have also been shut down, their pages deleted. “It’s the ultimate gaslighting,” Malone said.21

He and Owens touch on much more in the interview, from the global narrative that’s intent on hunting down physicians and taking away their licenses for providing early COVID-19 treatment to how Bill Gates and Big Tech have succeeded in creating monopolies and gained control of information.

Malone, however, wants to empower people with information and tools to think so they can make their own decisions about the world around them. If that occurs, and people reconnect and come together once again for a real greater good, he believes we can avoid a Great Reset and instead experience a Great Awakening:22

“There’s the Great Reset, which is often tied to this language of ‘build back better,’ because that’s the approved language from the World Economic Forum. So there’s this Great Reset toward a world where we own nothing and we’re happy … and we’re told what to do and we do it.

And there’s the Great Awakening, where it could be a renaissance. If we use the metaphor of Europe in the 1400s, 1500s and 1600s, moving from a dark age into a renaissance … there was a period of intense explosion when people got intellectually engaged …

If we allow ourselves to start thinking again and engaging with the world and engaging with each other, could we get to a point where we have a Great Awakening instead of a Great Reset? Where we become committed to each other and to a life of the mind and the body? I think that is a possibility. I don’t think that we’re too far gone.”

EDITORS NOTE: This MERCOLA column with videos is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

FACT: All Electric Vehicles (EVs) Are Powered by Coal, Uranium, Natural Gas or Diesel-Powered Energy

The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie – deliberate, contrived, and dishonest, but the myth – persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic.” – John Fitzgerald Kennedy

“There are three facts about the climate (weather): 1. the climate changes, 2. the changes in the climate follow natural cycles (i.e. summer, fall, winter, spring), and 3. there is nothing mankind can do to change these natural cycles.” – Dr. Rich Swier, Ed.D.

One of the greatest persistent, persuasive and unrealistic myths is the idea that the United States must abandon coal, fossil and nuclear fuels in favor of windmills and solar panels. This persistent, persuasive and unrealistic myth is now public policy!

The The Biden-⁠Harris Electric Vehicle Charging Action Plan states,

President Biden has united automakers and autoworkers to drive American leadership forward on clean cars, and he set an ambitious target of 50% of electric vehicle (EV) sale shares in the U.S. by 2030. Now, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will supercharge America’s efforts to lead the electric future, Building a Better America where we can strengthen domestic supply chains, outcompete the world, and make electric cars cheaper for working families.

[ … ]

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law makes the most transformative investment in electric vehicle charging in U.S. history that will put us on the path to a convenient and equitable network of 500,000 chargers and make EVs accessible to all Americas for both local and long-distance trips. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law includes $5 billion in formula funding for states with a goal to build a national charging network. 10% is set-aside each year for the Secretary to provide grants to States to help fill gaps in the network. The Law also provides $2.5 billion for communities and corridors through a competitive grant program that will support innovative approaches and ensure that charger deployment meets Administration priorities such as supporting rural charging, improving local air quality and increasing EV charging access in disadvantaged communities. Together, this is the largest-ever U.S. investment in EV charging and will be a transformative down payment on the transition to a zero-emission future. [Emphasis added]

Read the full plan here.

QUESTION: What exactly will charge the chargers and the batteries in these clean cars?

EVs Are Not So Green

A reader send us a link to this post on Reddit:

Not so Green

This is an excellent breakdown.

Batteries, they do not make electricity – they store electricity produced elsewhere, primarily by coal, uranium, natural gas-powered plants, or diesel-fueled generators. So, to say an EV is a zero-emission vehicle is not at all valid.

Also, since forty percent of the electricity generated in the U.S. is from coal-fired plants, it follows that forty percent of the EVs on the road are coal-powered, do you see?”

Einstein’s formula, E=MC2, tells us it takes the same amount of energy to move a five-thousand-pound gasoline-driven automobile a mile as it does an electric one. The only question again is what produces the power? To reiterate, it does not come from the battery; the battery is only the storage device, like a gas tank in a car.

There are two orders of batteries, rechargeable, and single-use. The most common single-use batteries are A, AA, AAA, C, D. 9V, and lantern types. Those dry-cell species use zinc, manganese, lithium, silver oxide, or zinc and carbon to store electricity chemically. Please note they all contain toxic, heavy metals.

Rechargeable batteries only differ in their internal materials, usually lithium-ion, nickel-metal oxide, and nickel-cadmium. The United States uses three billion of these two battery types a year, and most are not recycled; they end up in landfills. California is the only state which requires all batteries be recycled. If you throw your small, used batteries in the trash, here is what happens to them.

All batteries are self-discharging. That means even when not in use, they leak tiny amounts of energy. You have likely ruined a flashlight or two from an old, ruptured battery. When a battery runs down and can no longer power a toy or light, you think of it as dead; well, it is not. It continues to leak small amounts of electricity. As the chemicals inside it run out, pressure builds inside the battery’s metal casing, and eventually, it cracks. The metals left inside then ooze out. The ooze in your ruined flashlight is toxic, and so is the ooze that will inevitably leak from every battery in a landfill. All batteries eventually rupture; it just takes rechargeable batteries longer to end up in the landfill.

In addition to dry cell batteries, there are also wet cell ones used in automobiles, boats, and motorcycles. The good thing about those is, ninety percent of them are recycled. Unfortunately, we do not yet know how to recycle single-use ones.

But that is not half of it. For those of you excited about electric cars and a green revolution, I want you to take a closer look at batteries and also windmills and solar panels. These three technologies share what we call environmentally destructive production costs.

A typical EV battery weighs one thousand pounds, about the size of a travel trunk. It contains twenty-five pounds of lithium, sixty pounds of nickel, 44 pounds of manganese, 30 pounds cobalt, 200 pounds of copper, and 400 pounds of aluminum, steel, and plastic. Inside are over 6,000 individual lithium-ion cells.

It should concern you that all those toxic components come from mining. For instance, to manufacture each EV auto battery, you must process 25,000 pounds of brine for the lithium, 30,000 pounds of ore for the cobalt, 5,000 pounds of ore for the nickel, and 25,000 pounds of ore for copper. All told, you dig up 500,000 pounds of the earth’s crust for just – one – battery.”

Sixty-eight percent of the world’s cobalt, a significant part of a battery, comes from the Congo. Their mines have no pollution controls, and they employ children who die from handling this toxic material. Should we factor in these diseased kids as part of the cost of driving an electric car?”

I’d like to leave you with these thoughts. California is building the largest battery in the world near San Francisco, and they intend to power it from solar panels and windmills. They claim this is the ultimate in being ‘green,’ but it is not. This construction project is creating an environmental disaster. Let me tell you why.

The main problem with solar arrays is the chemicals needed to process silicate into the silicon used in the panels. To make pure enough silicon requires processing it with hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrogen fluoride, trichloroethane, and acetone. In addition, they also need gallium, arsenide, copper-indium-gallium- diselenide, and cadmium-telluride, which also are highly toxic. Silicon dust is a hazard to the workers, and the panels cannot be recycled.

Windmills are the ultimate in embedded costs and environmental destruction. Each weighs 1688 tons (the equivalent of 23 houses) and contains 1300 tons of concrete, 295 tons of steel, 48 tons of iron, 24 tons of fiberglass, and the hard to extract rare earths neodymium, praseodymium, and dysprosium. Each blade weighs 81,000 pounds and will last 15 to 20 years, at which time it must be replaced. We cannot recycle used blades.

There may be a place for these technologies, but you must look beyond the myth of zero emissions.

“Going Green” may sound like the Utopian ideal but when you look at the hidden and embedded costs realistically with an open mind, you can see that Going Green is more destructive to the Earth’s environment than meets the eye, for sure.

The Bottom Line

EVs are neither carbon-neutral nor powered by batteries. The batteries in EVs are all powered by other energy sources. The truth is that mankind cannot become carbon neutral without hurting mankind itself.

We have long recommended that America go all nuclear power. Nuclear power is clean, carbon free, reliable and cheap.

As we wrote in our column “America’s Energy Future: Oil, Natural Gas and Nuclear“:

America’s power lies in its ability to provide power to the engines of our current and future economic growth.

Starving America of power, makes America powerless. Starving our citizens of cheap and reliable power is a direct threat to our fiscal and national security.

To be powerful America needs powerful sources of energy. Nuclear, oil (for gasoline, diesel and aviation fuels) and natural gas are the best and most accessible means to energy independence.

Energy independence translates into life, liberty and the pursuit of our collective happiness.

Without cheap and reliable power sources the lights in that city on the hill will most certainly go out – for everyone.

Powerup America.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

International Energy Agency Urges Energy Lockdowns Due to Russian War — Bans use of private cars on Sundays, SUV tax

‘Banning use of private cars on Sundays…Reducing highway speed limits…more working from home…cutting business air travel’ & SUV ‘tax’. – IEA Report 

IEA report ‘A 10-Point Plan to Cut Oil Use’ excerpts:

“Reducing highway speed limits by about 6 miles per hour; more working from home; street changes to encourage walking and cycling; car-free Sundays in cities and restrictions on other days; cutting transit fares; policies that encourage more carpooling; cutting business air travel; and more.” … “Governments have all the necessary tools at their disposal to put oil demand into decline in the coming years, which would support efforts to both strengthen energy security and achieve vital climate goals.” …

Restricting private cars’ use of roads in large cities to those with even number-plates some weekdays and to those with odd-numbered plates on other weekdays

Car-free Sundays in cities: Banning the use of private cars on Sundays

‘Tax’ SUVs: “Sales of SUVs also keep increasing…policies to address the rise in sales of such vehicles – such as specific registration and road taxes – are key.” … Ban installation of new oil boilers

Climate Depot’s Morano: 

“COVID 2.0 has arrived?! The 2022 International Energy Agency’s (IEA) report sounds an awful lot like an energy version of COVID lockdowns. Instead of opening America back up for domestic energy production, we are told to suffer and do with less and are prescribed the same failed lockdown-style policies we endured for COVID.

It is odd how COVID ‘solutions’ also allegedly helped the climate and now the same solutions are being touted to deal with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.  As a bonus, IEA tells us these measures will also help ‘achieve vital climate goals.’

Let’s simplify this: The proposed ‘solutions’ to climate change, COVID, and now the Russian war are all exactly the same — hammer the poor and middle class with more restrictions on travel, less freedom, and even more surrendering of power to unelected government regulators.

This new 2022 report from IEA comes follows their 2021 report urging a form of climate lockdowns to battle global warming. The 2021 IEA report called for ‘behavioral changes’ to fight climate and ‘a shift away from private car use’ and ‘upper speed limits’ and thermostat controls; limits on hot water & more!.

From COVID Emergency to War & Back to ‘Climate Emergency’: House Dems want Biden to declare national ‘climate emergency’

By: Marc Morano – Climate Depot – March 18, 2022 11:16 AM

Via Axios

Russia crisis spurs push to cut oil use

By Ben Geman

The International Energy Agency just unveiled ideas for quickly cutting oil demand at a time when Vladimir Putin’s war on Ukraine could bring substantial loss of Russian barrels from global markets.

Why it matters: The 10-point plan comes amid IEA warnings that the war could become the biggest supply crisis in decades as countries look to isolate Russia.

  • It’s part of a wider reckoning in Europe — Russia’s largest market — and elsewhere over how to curb reliance on Russia while keeping markets supplied and avoiding even greater economic shocks.

Zoom in: The plan says that “immediate actions” in advanced economies could reduce global oil demand by about 2.7 million barrels per day within four months.

They include…

  • Reducing highway speed limits by about 6 miles per hour; more working from home; street changes to encourage walking and cycling; car-free Sundays in cities and restrictions on other days; cutting transit fares; policies that encourage more carpooling; cutting business air travel; and more.

The big picture: Russia is the world’s largest combined exporter of crude and oil products combined and the second-largest crude exporter.

  • The plan arrives two days after IEA projected that Russian exports could fall by around 2.5 million barrels per day next month and maybe more “should restrictions or public condemnation escalate.”

Our thought bubble: This all seems … maybe hard to imagine? The idea of coordinated adoption of mass behavioral changes on a compressed time frame sounds like an uphill climb.

IEA PRESS RELAEASE: Emergency measures can quickly cut global oil demand by 2.7 million barrels a day, reducing the risk of a damaging supply crunch

In the face of the emerging global energy crisis triggered by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the IEA’s 10-Point Plan to Cut Oil Use proposes 10 actions that can be taken to reduce oil demand with immediate impact – and provides recommendations for how those actions can help pave the way to putting oil demand onto a more sustainable path in the longer term. …

If fully carried out in advanced economies, the measures recommended by the IEA’s new 10-Point Plan to Cut Oil Use would lower oil demand by 2.7 million barrels a day within four months – equivalent to the oil demand of all the cars in China. This would significantly reduce potential strains at a time when a large amount of Russian supplies may no longer reach the market and the peak demand season of July and August is approaching. The measures would have an even greater effect if adopted in part or in full in emerging economies as well. …

The new report also includes recommendations for decisions to be taken now by governments and citizens to transition from the short-term emergency actions included in the 10-Point Plan to sustained measures that would put countries’ oil demand into a structural decline consistent with a pathway towards net zero emissions by 2050. …

The short-term actions it proposes include reducing the amount of oil consumed by cars through lower speed limits, working from home, occasional limits on car access to city centres, cheaper public transport, more carpooling and other initiatives – and greater use of high-speed rail and virtual meetings instead of air travel.

Most of the proposed actions in the 10-Point Plan would require changes in the behaviour of consumers, supported by government measures.

The new report also includes recommendations for decisions to be taken now by governments and citizens to transition from the short-term emergency actions included in the 10-Point Plan to sustained measures that would put countries’ oil demand into a structural decline consistent with a pathway towards net zero emissions by 2050.

[ … ]

The short-term actions it proposes include reducing the amount of oil consumed by cars through lower speed limits, working from home, occasional limits on car access to city centres, cheaper public transport, more carpooling and other initiatives – and greater use of high-speed rail and virtual meetings instead of air travel.

[ … ]

Several of the measures can be implemented directly by other layers of government – such as state, regional or local – or just voluntarily followed by citizens and corporates, enabling them to save money while showing solidarity with the people of Ukraine. …

The IEA report notes that reducing oil use must not remain a temporary measure. Sustained reductions are important not only to improve countries’ energy security but also to tackle climate change and reduce air pollution. Governments have all the necessary tools at their disposal to put oil demand into decline in the coming years, and the report sets out the key ones to achieve this goal, including hastening the adoption of electric vehicles, raising fuel economy standards, boosting alternative fuel supplies, accelerating heat pump deployment, and producing and consuming plastic more sustainably.

Full Report: A 10-Point Plan to Cut Oil Use

Alternate private car access to roads in large cities Using high-speed and night trains instead of planes where possible Avoid business air travel where alternative options exist
Reinforce the adoption of electric and more efficient vehicles Banning the use of private cars on Sundays
[ … ]

Restricting private cars’ use of roads in large cities to those with even number-plates some weekdays and to those with odd-numbered plates on other weekdays is a measure with a long track record of successful implementation. During the first oil shock, the Italian government substituted car-free Sundays with an odd/even number plate policy. Since the 1980s, such schemes have been deployed in many cities to tackle congestion and air pollution peaks, including Athens, Madrid, Paris, Milan and Mexico City. …
But governments must also consider accelerating their clean energy transitions and building on their net zero emissions strategies. To reach net zero emissions by 2050, oil demand in advanced economies in 2030 must be more than 15 million barrels a day lower than in 2021.

[ … ]

Yet sales of SUVs also keep increasing, with the vehicles accounting for nearly 10% of oil use in advanced economies. Policies to address the rise in sales of such vehicles – such as specific registration and road taxes – are key to achieve steady overall fuel economy progress and oil savings …

Accelerate the replacement of oil boilers with heat pumps and ban installation of new ones:

  • Alternate private car access to roads in large cities
  • Using high-speed and night trains instead of planes where possible
  • Avoid business air travel where alternative options exist
  • Reinforce the adoption of electric and more efficient vehicles


Flashback May 2021: Climate lockdowns!? New International Energy Agency’s ‘Net-Zero’ report urges ‘behavioral changes’ to fight climate: ‘A shift away from private car use…. upper speed limits’ & thermostat controls; limits on hot water & more!

BBC claims ‘climate lockdowns’ are nothing but ‘conspiracy theories’ – Reality Check: ‘Climate lockdowns’ touted by Gates & Soros funded professors, Govts, media, & academia

Google & Big Tech now treating Russia like climate skeptics: ‘Google has now suspended monetization on YouTube for all users in Russia’

“Google has now suspended monetization on YouTube for all users in Russia. Applies to other services, as well.”

Climate Depot Morano: “Big Tech does not differentiate between Russia & climate skeptics. (See:Google has demonetized skeptical meteorologist Dr. Roy Spencer’s website for allegedly ‘unreliable & harmful’ climate information)To all of you cheering on Big Tech and corporations banning and de-platforming anything ‘Russian’ right now, you may want to think again. If you ever find yourself on the wrong end of the official state narrative on climate, war or COVID policies, this could be your free speech and your personal bank cards being banned. The coordination and speed of the censorship cancel culture are frightening and will be used against anyone including private citizens who dare dissent. Will electric car drivers one day have their vehicles ‘deactivated’ if their views diverge from the official government claims?!” (See: Elon Musk urged to deactivate all Teslas in Russia, following the country’s invasion of Ukraine)

Alert! Covid 2.0?! Biden urged to ‘essentially nationalize private industry’ to ensure lower energy prices & ‘a tool to combat climate change’ – ‘Invoke Cold-War Powers’

Climate Depot’s Morano: “Here we go again! Wartime emergency powers granted to the executive branch to battle a ‘crisis’ without the messiness of market forces or democracy. Can anyone say more Chinese-style one-party rule?!”
Watch: Morano on One America TV: ‘Intended consequences’ – ‘John Kerry & Biden admin aren’t that upset that Americans & Europeans are getting hammered with’ high prices

Nation Mag: ‘The Case for Declaring a National Climate Emergency’ – ‘There is no greater emergency’

From COVID Emergency to ‘Climate Emergency’: House Dems want Biden to declare national ‘climate emergency’

Celebrate?! War can help solve climate change! Biden Energy Sec. Jennifer Granholm: War in Ukraine ‘creates a moment,’ an ‘urgent moment’ to transition to ‘clean energy’

©Marc Morano. All rights reserved.

Deep State Ukraine: It’s All About Oligarchs, Money & Power

It’s not as simple as Russia invading Ukraine or Putin vs, the world.

There is massive deep state corruption in that region of the world, some of which ties back to the U.S. government and Joe Biden himself. In this edition of the Ledger Report, Graham Ledger speaks with George Papadopoulos about what is really going on in Ukraine.

Ledger also speaks with Legendary economist Art Laffer about the Economic Illiterates driving U.S. economy into financial calamity and with Dr. Carole Lieberman about how politicians have damaged generations of children all in the name of Covid.

Please subscribe free to The Ledger Report by clicking here:

©The Ledger Report. All rights reserved.

Authoritarian Left-Wing Nazis Get Their Comeuppance

I love it when people stick up for themselves against The Man.

A public school teacher in Kansas sued her school district which had suspended her for refusing to use a transgender student’s preferred pronouns. The district did not have a pronoun policy at the time. The suit alleges, among other things, free speech and due process violations.

A University of North Texas music professor sued the school after it removed him from an academic journal he founded and defunded the journal.  A black professor in New York had given a speech complaining that music theory is inherently “white” and too many music professors and scholars are white.  The Texas professor set up a debate on the issue in a symposium and in the journal, but the University started investigating and took action against him without giving him a chance to respond to the findings. He sued the school on free speech grounds.

The stakes are going up in these fights. In another case involving the University of North Texas, a federal judge ruled school officials can be held personally liable for firing professors in free speech cases.  Good!  Maybe that will get budding academic tyrants on campus to think twice before acting on their authoritarian impulses.  In addition, alumni associations are starting to organize to push back on free speech violations and thought control at their alma maters.  The organizing efforts already involve about a dozen groups from different schools, and dozens more have expressed interest.  The groups are jawboning schools into allowing more free speech and intellectual diversity on campus.   There is nothing like the threat of withholding alumni donations to focus the mind.

The stakes are also rising for the COVID Nazis among us. A father in Rochester was arrested for not wearing a mask at his son’s baseball game. The father was standing hundreds of feet away from anyone else, there was no governmental mask mandate in place, and a sign at the stadium said masks were optional when six feet apart. He was acquitted, but he’s not letting it go.  He wants a public apology or he will sue.

Hundreds of students across California showed up to school without masks to protest the state’s school mask mandate. Dozens of suspended students showed up at a school board meeting in Virginia to serve school board members with affidavits supporting an end to “unconstitutional COVID-19 mandates”, among other things.  A doctor in Rhode Island who was ordered to stop practicing medicine because he refused COVID vaccination on account of a medical condition brought suit against the state.  He’s already had COVID, so he has natural immunity.  He’s also willing to meet masking and testing requirements, but that’s not good enough for the COVID Nazis in Rhode Island who want to play politics instead of following the science.

Democrat Nazis in government want to force health care providers to render services against their conscience.  A group of Christian doctors sued California for trying to force them to provide information about assisted suicide to their patients and make referrals in violation of their religious beliefs.  “No health care professional should be forced to act against their religious beliefs and medical ethics, and the state of California is wrong to enforce such coercion,” the director of the legal foundation representing the doctors said.  A pro-life nurse in Illinois was awarded $374,000 in damages after she was fired by her health clinic for refusing to provide abortion information and services to women.

We end where we began, with free speech. Pro-life advocates won a settlement from public officials in North Carolina after being arrested for praying on a public sidewalk outside an abortion clinic.

So here’s my message to all you pompous, self-satisfied authoritarian left-wing Nazis out there.  You don’t get rid of us that easily.  We know we’re right.  Mess with us and you’ll pay the price.

Visit The Daily Skirmish and Watch Eagle Headline News – 7:30am ET Weekdays

©Christopher Wrights. All rights reserved.

EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE OF: Stop World Economic Forum GREAT RESET/End Covid Fraud Rally in NYC

Tuesday March 1, 2022
Outside NYC World Economic Forum Headquarters

“If a few people want to control many, how can you get the sheep into the slaughterhouse without them realizing and resisting?

“The perfect thing is invisible enemies, like viruses.17 This ramps up fear so the public believes they need the government to protect them.

Another effective tactic is “divide and conquer,” and the media plays an important role in this, dividing people over shots and masks, for instance.” [Planet Lockdown film]

The WEF was founded on January 1971, 51 years ago, by Klaus Schwab, a German engineer and economist. The WEF (originally called European Management Forum) is based in Geneva (with offices in New York, Beijing and Tokyo); European business leaders are drawn to Davos for the annual meetings each January. (WEForum)

The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), is a global initiative to fight epidemicsthat launched at WEF in Davos on January 19, 2017.

“The internationally funded initiative aims at securing vaccine supplies for global emergencies and pandemics and to research new vaccines for tropical diseases that are now more menacing … funded by private and governmental donors, with an initial investment of US$460m from the governments of Germany, Japan and Norway, plus the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Welcome Trust … [75]

CEPIbetween January 21 and 24, 2020, at the early stages of the COVID-19 outbreak, met with leaders from Moderna at the Davos gathering to establish plans for a COVID-19 vaccine; with a total global case number of 274 and total loss of life the virus at 16 (sic) the WHO declared a global health emergency 6 days later. [WIKI]

 In May 2020,the WEF and the Prince of Wales’s Sustainable Markets Initiative launched “The Great Reset” Project, a five-point plan to enhance sustainable economic growth following the global recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic lock downs.”

What COVID-19 is …. the institution of controls necessary to convert the planet from the democratic process to technocracy. So what we’re watching is a change in control and an engineering of new control systems. So think of this as a coup d’état. It’s much more like a coup d’état than a virus.”18  [Planet Lockdown  film]

In August 2021, The Great Reset” was to be the theme of WEF’s Annual Meeting.

“According to forum founder, Klaus Schwab, the intention of the project is to reconsider the meaning of capitalism and capital. The role of corporations, taxation, and more, should be reconsidered. International co-operation and trade should be defended and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, also.”  [Wiki-WEF]

“A revolution is occurring, and the experts are hopeful that people will awaken to common sense and resist the totalitarian control that is threatening to take over the globe. Instead, society can be regenerated if people come together and fight back against the encroachment on our liberties.  [Planet Lockdown  film]

Planet Lockdown – the Film“. This Banned Film Exposes the Real Reason for the COVID Pandemic. (1 hr 52 min)

”Civil disobedience, boycotting businesses that are requiring vaccine passports, participating in rallies and fighting illegal mandates in court are ways that everyone can get involved in protecting freedom. If they want to make us a machine, if they want to make us slaves, we say no.  We don’t need you anymore, we are many … we don’t have to be afraid of any pandemic.”20 [Planet Lockdown  film]

Video 1 (3/1/22) Outside WEF Headquarters in midtown Manhattan. (Did not get this speaker’s name) He warns of gene editing, neurological testing, trans humanism: the great RESET. Mentions Dr. James Giordano. Duel use technology. Nano-tech. The next frontier. Technology as a weapon….

Protest World Economic Forum Part 1- – March 1, 2022

VIDEO 2  (3/1/22) The WEF doesn’t want you to feel pride. Michael Kane, Teachers for Choice addressed the controversy. This is not a war that has ended war. This is the end of the first battle. They are coming after our freedoms. Our sovereignty. Celebrate our victories, but we must be ready to fight more. Peacefully.

.”There’s much talk of a “Great Reset” favored by global capitalists more or less unapologetically admiring of the efficiency of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The day’s headlines demonstrate that what is needed instead is a  “Freedom Reset.. That’s especially so if U.S. States – including Republican-run ones – introduce China’s odious social credit system for surveilling and controlling their people in the guise of digital health cards.”(Frank Gaffney  – CSP)

.” People are being forced into the shots due to mandates and loss of jobs and personal freedoms, like the ability to travel freely and attend business and social events.” [Epoch Times].

In the current climate of extreme censorship, people are not being informed about the full risks of the shots — which are only beginning to be uncovered. [Epoch Times]

Outside New York City Hall, on March 7, I heard 3 speakers (excerpted) addressing the mandates, the jabs and the threat of the WEF techno-digital reset.

Mayor Adams had announced, as coronavirus infections continue to drop statewide, that starting on Monday March 7 New Yorkers will no longer need to show proof of vaccination for indoor activities (like dining) and kids won’t have to wear face masks in school anymore; children in K-12 will no longer have to don face coverings indoors. (For now we had a win)

However, there are complications. Seems individual businesses can decide to enforce their own rules. NOW they can CHOOSE to continue the mandates. But, NEVER were they given the choice to END the mandates.

Part 1 speaker:

2nd speaker:

3rd speaker:

Unfortunately, there were more complications.

 NYC kids under 5 will still have to wear masks in school when the mandate lifts. “Mayor Adams said, “In daycare, in pre-k, in those areas where children are not vaccinated…we have to still take the precautions that’s needed.”[NY Daily News]

SO, NYC will face a lawsuit over the mask mandate for school kids under 5.

These political tyrants should pay attention to the Free State of Florida …

  “The head of Florida’s Department of Health Joseph Lapado, the state’s surgeon general, and a Gov. Ron DeSantis appointee, said Monday during a panel that Florida officially was not recommending children receive any of the approved COVID-19 vaccines. Florida “is going to be the first state to officially recommend against the COVID-19 vaccine for healthy children,” Ladapo said.” [NY Daily News]

The Experts, Science, Medicine––All Amazing, All Fallible By Joan Swirsky []

”TRUTH has a way of insinuating its way or erupting its way into the public’s consciousness. This is what happened when contradictory or negative data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), from the World Health Organization (WHO), and from “experts” like Dr. Fauci himself were published by courageous media outlets, and frightening information by the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) made its way to the larger public.

And what was that frightening information?”


”Airline and military pilots falling ill or dropping dead mid-flight after being vaccinated.

Last year, 400 athletes collapsing unexpectedly with heart problemsthe Covid vaccine being the greatest common denominator.

Attorney Tom Renz made worldwide headlines after disclosing explosive data from the Department of Defense DMED database at Senator Ron Johnson’s Second Opinion Hearing. DMED is the official database of the 1.4-million active-duty DoD servicemen and it showed shocking increases in medical conditions from the mRNA “vaccines” after the military demanded injections for all service members.”

Here are the data:

  • 279% SPIKE in Miscarriages
  • 487% SPIKE in Breast Cancer
  • 1048% SPIKE in the Nervous System
  • 155% SPIKE in Birth Defects
  • 350% SPIKE in Male Infertility
  • 369% SPIKE in Testicular Cancer
  • 2181% SPIKE in Hypertension
  • 664% SPIKE in Malignant Neoplasms
  • 680% SPIKE in Multiple Sclerosis
  • 551% SPIKE in Guillain-Barre Syndrome
  • 468% SPIKE in Pulmonary Embolism
  • 302% SPIKE in Tachycardia
  • 452% SPIKE in Migraines
  • 471% SPIKE in Female Infertility
  • 437% SPIKE in Ovarian Dysfunction
  • 269% SPIKE in Myocardial infarction
  • 291% SPIKE in Bell’s palsy
  • 467% SPIKE in Pulmonary Embolism

You are the science, Dr. Fauci? God help us all!”

Is this our future? The Global Great Reset. Annihilate/Destroy to Build Back Better.”

The WEF (the oligarchs of the world economic forum) are still coming after our freedoms. Our sovereignty.

“COVID is the TOOL to bring in the One World Government.”

“FEAR is the tool to get you to accept it. The Vax says you have no autonomy. The government is in charge of your body.”


[Where indicated pictures and video property of Pamela Hall]