Biden’s Weakness on the Ukraine-Russia War is a Threat to America

Like Obama, Biden has dragged us through international humiliations to weaken us.

Putin invaded Ukraine under Obama in Feb 2014 and Biden in Feb 2022.

The invasions eight years apart to the month are not a coincidence. Both times Vladimir Putin was facing a lame duck Democrat who had just flinched away from a military engagement.

Each time Putin smelled weakness and he struck.

Obama, after declaring a red line in Syria, had panicked and backed away in 2013. He then cheered on Ukrainian protests against a pro-Russian regime in Kiev and Moscow responded by calling his bluff and seizing Crimea. Afterward, Obama called Putin to warn him that Russia’s actions were in “violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty” and that “in coordination with our European partners, we are prepared to impose additional costs on Russia for its actions.”

Those “sanctions” consisted of buying twice as much Russian oil in Jan 2015 as in Feb 2014.

The latest Russian invasion followed the Fall of Kabul and the pathetic spectacle of American forces abandoning their own citizens to Taliban terror which helped make Biden a lame duck.

Would we be watching a war in Ukraine if not for Biden’s disgrace in Afghanistan?

Apart from the questions of what we should have done in Afghanistan or Syria is the issue of basic national credibility. Nations can do smart or stupid things abroad, but the one thing they can’t afford is not to be taken seriously. When the president of the United States says something, the world should sit up and take notice, instead of yawn and change the channel.

Putin is, despite the claims from the administration and its media, a rational actor. Like every tyrant he sees no value in rhetoric except as assertions of strength or admissions of weakness.

Biden, like his former boss, keeps insulting and threatening Putin not from a position of strength, but as an admission of weakness. Biden calls for regime change and war crimes trials for Putin, and then slow walks shipments of weapons and refuses to transfer planes to Ukraine.

The message is the same as when Obama condemned Putin’s invasion of Crimea and then refused to provide meaningful armaments to Ukraine while slow walking shipments of boots.

Putin understands the message the same way a big dog understands when a little dog yaps.

Moscow isn’t paying attention to what Washington D.C. says, but what it does. And the real message from Biden is that he’s afraid of Putin, but looking to cover it up with tough talk.

Biden wants all the political benefits of siding with Ukraine, with none of the military risks. Like Obama, he’s trying to prop up an international order centered around the United States while pretending that it can be done through diplomacy and sanctions without the use of force.

The real world doesn’t work that way.

The false choice between globalism and isolationism is just that. Foreign policy is not an ideology, it’s a balance. When nations embrace ideological foreign policies, they court disaster. Putin’s disaster in Ukraine put ideology ahead of strategy, embracing wishful thinking that ignored the realities of the battlefield and the cost of war. That’s something we know about.

But whatever damage Putin inflicts on Russia in Ukraine, Biden has inflicted more on us.

Beyond the economic pain, Biden has once again wrecked America’s credibility, making public commitments and private disavowals, putting our honor on the line for a war he has no intention of winning or even getting involved in. Putin understands that even a partial victory in Ukraine means not just a defeat for that country, but for the United States and Europe as paper tigers.

And Moscow may be willing to sacrifice ten or twenty thousand men for that strategic objective.

Biden has put America in the terrible position of having committed to a war that only a third party can win. And he has no intention of properly arming that third party to win on the battlefield.

What that really means is that Biden and his administration have set up America to lose.

Like Obama, the Biden administration has dragged us through a series of international humiliations that appear calculated to weaken us as a world power and wipe out our credibility.

Biden has clumsily deployed sanctions and weapons shipments behind Putin’s strategic schedule, playing catch up with the pace of events while letting Russia take the lead. That hasn’t made the war any better or safer, instead it’s become more agonizing for everyone.

If Russia is defeated after all, Biden will claim all the credit and deserve none of it.

The administration’s fearful dithering gave Putin the impression that he could quickly take Ukraine and win. After giving Putin permission for a “minor incursion” as his version of Obama’s red line, Biden was confronted with a full invasion and after a month still hasn’t made it clear to either Russia or Ukraine, or any of our allies, what they can expect America to do about it.

These mixed signals convinced both sides that they can still win and have prolonged the war.

If Biden believes that it’s in our national interest that Russia be defeated, then he should say it and act like it, instead of empty babble about who should run Moscow, something he has no say in, or even more hollow threats of war crimes trials. If he wants to arm Ukraine, then he should do it properly or stop altogether because a halfway approach will just kill more people.

Washington D.C. can reduce Ukraine, like Boko Haram and ISIS, to a hashtag war, but China and Iran are watching and drawing their lessons from what is happening. And if we treat Taiwan and the Middle East, our tech and energy regional lifelines, as disposable, there will come a war that we will have to fight. And heaven help us if we try to fight it with hashtags and sanctions.

Strong nations make it clear what they will and won’t fight for. And they don’t send mixed signals that only communicate weakness. Nor do they talk about how fearful they are of a fight.

That doesn’t mean that foreign wars are a good idea or should be embraced as a policy.

But the best way to avoid foreign wars is by having meaningful red lines and doctrines that clearly lay out national interests, and by viewing war as a choice made from a position of strength, not the catastrophic conclusion to a series of inept entanglements that alternately convince our enemies we won’t fight and that they have nothing to worry about even if we do.

Instead Biden has continued the failed policy of ambiguous global commitments under the guise of international law and the even more implausible values of the international community that have no clear red lines for engagement or disengagement. In Ukraine, Biden, like Obama, is hiding behind the Europeans, who are hiding behind us, for a global show of cowardice.

Vladimir Putin understands that wars are something you win, while the D.C. establishment doesn’t fight wars, but commits American forces to implementing multilateral values.

That’s why we never win. If you don’t fight a war, how can you possibly win one?

Putin understands why he’s in Ukraine. Do we? What are our national interests there or anywhere? How does our employment of military force make us safer, stronger, or wealthier? Are we involved to keep energy and bread prices low, or to avoid a future war on worse terms?

These are basic questions and the failure to answer them sets us up for defeat every time.

Two Democrat administrations have sent a message to our allies, enemies, and countries wondering which of these they might want to be that the American era has come to an end.


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.


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Why Were 2 Muslims Pretending To Be DHS Agents and Getting Close to Secret Service Agents?

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden Wants More Oil from Canada — But He Killed The Keystone Pipeline That Would Bring It

America hating lunatics are running the country.

From the story: Biden administration officials are seeking ways to boost oil imports from Canada, people familiar with the situation say, but with one big caveat—they don’t want to resurrect the Keystone XL pipeline that President Biden effectively killed on his first day in office… Longer term, Canadian officials and oil-industry analysts say expanding the existing Keystone pipeline network would offer a bigger, more efficient solution. The XL expansion was to carry 830,000 barrels a day of Canadian crude from Alberta to Nebraska, where the pipeline would meet up with the existing Keystone pipeline, and then on to refineries on the U.S. Gulf Coast (Wall Street Journal). From Breitbart: The Biden administration has defended its decision on Keystone XL by claiming that it would not have been completed on time to address the present fuel crisis. It has not answered the criticism that canceling Keystone XL sent a signal to oil and gas producers about the intention of the administration to limit future exploration and development, which it then duly did (Breitbart).

Report: Biden Desperate for Oil from Canada, Just Not Thru Keystone XL Pipeline

President Joe Biden is desperate to increase oil imports from Canada as the nation continues to struggle with high fuel prices — but is determined not to resurrect the Keystone XL pipeline, whose permit Biden canceled on his first day in office in 2021.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the Biden administration is seeking to increase Canadian oil imports through rail, which is dirtier and riskier for the environment than pipelines, as Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg has admitted.

The Journal reported Monday:

Biden administration officials are seeking ways to boost oil imports from Canada, people familiar with the situation say, but with one big caveat—they don’t want to resurrect the Keystone XL pipeline that President Biden effectively killed on his first day in office.

The people said deliberations are in early stages and that no clear-cut solutions have emerged.

[ …]Canada has ample reserves under its soil to meet U.S. demand, said Kevin Birn, an analyst with S&P Global Commodity Insights. It just doesn’t have enough pipeline capacity to pump it here, he said.

The Keystone XL pipeline was first shelved by the Obama administration despite passing an environmental review. President Donald Trump revived it, allowing construction to begin and creating thousands of jobs. But President Biden canceled it, in a symbolic gesture of support for environmentalists who want to wean the U.S. economy off fossil fuels due to climate change.

The Biden administration has defended its decision on Keystone XL by claiming that it would not have been completed on time to address the present fuel crisis. It has not answered the criticism that canceling Keystone XL sent a signal to oil and gas producers about the intention of the administration to limit future exploration and development, which it then duly did.

As Breitbart News noted at the time, Biden’s decision cost thousands of existing jobs and tens of thousands of future jobs — many of which were the “good, paying, union jobs” that Biden repeatedly promises will emerge from the “green” economy.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). He is the author of the recent e-book, Neither Free nor Fair: The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. His recent book, RED NOVEMBER, tells the story of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary from a conservative perspective. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

RELATED VIDEO: Biden Waives Sanctions on Russian Pipeline After Blocking Keystone XL in U.S.


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Beijing Biden to KILL Keystone XL Pipeline

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Will Disney Re-name their 12 Theme Parks and Resorts to Fit its ‘Adding Queerness’ Agenda?

When we were growing up with Walt Disney we all viewed him, and his company, as a producer of films, cartoons and products designed for little boys and girls, their parents, and those of us who are still kids, to make them and us joyful, happy and feel safe in our innocence.

Sadly, Walt’s ideal world for the innocent has all changed dramatically into a world that is aggressively working to sexually groom innocent children.

In the video below Disney Executive Producer Latoya Raveneau says her team has implemented a “not-at-all-secret gay agenda” and is regularly “adding queerness” to children’s programming.

After learning that it is Disney Corporate policy to fully support, embrace, promote and feature gays, lesbians and non-binary characters we thought that they may want to rename their 12 parks.

We sent our suggestions to Disney President Karey Burke who wants to “target millennials” to be “LGBTQIA+“, meaning Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning, Intersex, Asexual or Ally.

Get it? Got it? Good!

Time for Disney to come out of the closet by renaming all of its 12 theme parks and resorts in support of their LGBTQIA+ queerness. You know Mickey and Minnie would now become non-binary/gender queer.

Prince and Princess are gender specific pronouns and must be replaced with a LGBTQIA+ friendly princess named _________________ (please add your suggested name in the comments section below). And prince would also be replaced by a non-binary/gender queer character named _________________________ (please add your suggested name in the comments section below).

Here’s the list of all of the Disney properties and our recommendations for new queerness names.

  1. Disneyland to Queerland in California,  or is that an oxymoron?
  2. Disney California Adventure to Disney Queer Adventure or Adventures for Queers at Disney.
  3. Magic Kingdom to Pedophile Kingdom. Note there have been multiple arrests of staff at this theme park for sex trafficking.
  4. Epcot to the Center for Adding Queerness. 
  5. Disney’s Hollywood Studios to Disney’s Grooming Children for Pedophiles Studios.
  6. Disney’s Animal Kingdom to Disney’s Gay Animals Kingdom (all animals guaranteed to be non-binary).
  7. Tokyo Disneyland to Tokyo PedoLand.
  8. Tokyo DisneySea to Tokyo DisneySee My Queerness.
  9. Disneyland Park (Paris) to Disney Pedophile Park Paris.
  10. Walt Disney Studios Park to Wilma Disney Gay Studios Park. 
  11. Hong Kong Disneyland to Hong Kong Queerland+.
  12. Shanghai Disneyland Park to Non-Binary & Gender Queer Park Shanghai.

We would also recommend changing the names of some of the Disney resorts, as an example Walt Disney World Resort (WDWR) would be renamed to fit Disney’s queerness to Wilma Disney’s Pederast & Pedophile World Playground (WDPPWP).

It is time for Latoya Raveneau, Disney CEO Bob Chapek, Katie Barnes, a black, queer, trans staffer  and Disney Corporate President Karey Burke, the mother of two queer children, to come completely out of the closet and tell us what they really think your children should be exposed to at every Disney film, cartoon, resort and property.

While we anxiously await their collectivist “adding queerness” replies we will ask our readers to boycott Disney and all of its products, services and operations.


Don’t forget that the U.S. Senate voted to put a protector of groomers, pedophiles and pederasts on the Supreme Court. Parents and grandparents please protect your children and grandchildren from Disney and all of their “adding queerness” friends!

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Disney’s Business Model is Turning Kids Into Dysfunctional Adults | FrontpageMag

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CORPORATE PEDOPHILIA: Massive Protests Outside Disney After Meeting Leaked Of ‘Gay Agenda’ To Indoctrinate Children

Disney is a pedophile company.


Disney’s Business Model is Turning Kids Into Dysfunctional Adults | FrontpageMag

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A Letter from Concerned Disney Employees…..

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NOT THE ONION: Disney World Cancels ‘Boys and Girls’ Greeting to Be ‘More Inclusive’

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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PODCAST: How the GOP can still lose in November

Conventional wisdom, supported by recent polling, says Republicans will succeed in taking back the House and possibly the Senate in November’s elections. The Senate’s GOP caucus yesterday showed how they can still lose.

Rather than utilize the full thirty hours afforded them for post-cloture debate on the nomination of Ketanji Brown Jackson to be an associate justice of the Supreme Court, every single one of the fifty Republican Senators acquiesced to a sharply truncated discussion of her radical record and problematic judgment.

Three of them actually voted for Judge Jackson’s confirmation. Knowing they would, the rest opted to vote “No” quickly, and then go on vacation.

They thereby missed an historic teachable moment – failing to inoculate the Supreme Court against Justice Jackson’s expected hard-leftist activism and alienating voters seeking representatives who will relentlessly stand and fight for their values and freedoms.

This is Frank Gaffney.

The Secure Freedom Minute – the most interesting, informative and life-saving 60 seconds of your day.

EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy podcast is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Did Elon Musk Just Save Free Speech?

Elon Musk’s large purchase of Twitter could be exactly what champions of free speech have been waiting for.

Over the weekend, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey made comments that would seem to confirm some suspicions I’ve had.

For some time now, I’ve wondered if Jack has been experiencing a quiet awakening. (Those tweets on bitcoin, inflation, and Murray Rothbard haven’t gone unnoticed—at least not by us.) And comments Dorsey made Saturday indicate he, like Dr. Frankenstein, is beginning to see the monster he created.

“the days of usenet, irc, the web…even email (w PGP)…were amazing. centralizing discovery and identity into corporations really damaged the internet,” Dorsey tweeted. “I realize I’m partially to blame, and regret it.”

This realization is important but also complex. Corporate censorship has been a thorny issue for libertarians, who on one hand support free expression but on the other recognize the right of private companies such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube to remove content and users for whatever reasons they wish, even if it creates a culture that stifles inquiry, debate, and expression.

Unfortunately, this is precisely the culture Big Tech has created—in no small part because of corporate America’s abandonment of the Friedman Doctrine, which argued social responsibility falls on the shoulders of company shareholders, not executives. Dorsey seems to have recognized this.

It’s no exaggeration to say I’ve felt a sense of despair over Big Tech’s censorship, especially during the pandemic. There’s something dark and dystopian about a handful of corporations —working directly with the government, mind you—censoring and banning people for sharing “misinformation” (a term that increasingly appears to mean Wrongthink).

Dorsey’s reflection seemed a step in the right direction to a thorny issue—admitting the problem is the first step in the road to recovery. Then something much bigger happened.

On Monday, news broke that Tesla founder Elon Musk had purchased a 9.2 percent stake in Twitter. News of the purchase sent Twitter’s stock price soaring in premarket trading. More importantly, the purchase makes Musk the largest shareholder in the company.

This is a big deal because prior to the news of the purchase, there had been rumblings that Musk might be eyeing up Twitter to help correct the direction of free speech.

“Free speech is essential to a functioning democracy,” Musk tweeted on March 25. “Do you believe Twitter rigorously adheres to this principle?”

The responses to Musk’s poll were one-sided—more than 70 percent of the 2 million voters responded “no”—and analysts say Musk’s purchase is evidence that he intends to take an active role in how Twitter is run.

“I think he intends to go active and force change at Twitter,” Dan Ives, tech analyst at Wedbush Securities, told CNN. “This is a shot across the bow at Twitter’s board and management team to start discussions.”

This is significant because, as Dorsey alluded to, the internet has been centralized under an umbrella of a handful of corporations, which makes it easy for the government to effectively outsource censorship of problematic speech, usually under the guise of protecting Americans from “misinformation” or “hate speech.”

Up to this point, Big Tech has mostly played along with Big Government. But Dorsey and Musk seem to recognize that something is rotten in Silicon Valley. And one of them, at least, appears to be taking steps to do something about it. This is vitally important, because free expression is integral to freedom and the human pursuit of truth.

“…if we truly wish to understand why freedom is necessary in a civilized society,” the great American reporter Walter Lippman once observed, “we must begin by realizing that, because freedom of discussion improves our own opinions, the liberties of other men are our own vital necessity.”

For years now, as Big Tech censorship grew more and more aggressive, champions of liberty have insisted that the market was the solution to the problem, not the government.

Musk’s large purchase of Twitter could be exactly what we’ve been waiting for.


Jon Miltimore

Jonathan Miltimore is the Managing Editor of His writing/reporting has been the subject of articles in TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, Fox News, and the Star Tribune. Bylines: Newsweek, The Washington Times,, The Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, The Federalist, the Epoch Times.

RELATED ARTICLE: PODCAST: Elon Musk and the Growing Populist Revolt!

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Puppet President Biden Mocked After Rock Star Barack Ignores Him at WH Reception

Hapless puppet President Joe Biden was mocked on Tuesday at a White House reception after leftist Messiah and former President Barack Obama publicly ignored him.

Video of the affair showed that after lauding himself repeatedly in a speech about “Obamacare,” Obama was swarmed at the reception by adoring attendees. Biden, meanwhile, seemed dazed and confused, as he has for the entirety of his presidency. Eventually he wandered off alone.

Later during the meet-and-greet, Biden tried to get Obama’s attention by reaching over his incompetent Vice President Kamala Harris and grabbing Obama’s shoulder from behind. Obama ignored him and continued speaking with his groupies while Biden looked on with a confused frown.

The Republican National Committee’s research team subsequently tweeted the video with the caption “Literally no one wants to talk to Joe Biden.” The video went viral on social media, as did the mockery of the purported Leader of the Free World.

One Twitter user joked that the snub was similar to when “friends say they’ll ‘be right back’ at the bar” but never return. Anothert tweeted that not only was “Biden completely ignored AGAIN, Biden tries to turn Obama around and Obama completely shrugs him off.”

As Tim Young put it, “If you want to know who’s really in charge, watch this video.”

Joe Biden

138 Known Connections

Biden Pledges to Restore Transgender “Access” in School Sports, Bathrooms, & Locker Rooms

On January 14, 2020, Biden promised that on “his first day in office” as president, he would fulfill his campaign website’s pledge to “reinstate the Obama-Biden guidance revoked by the Trump-Pence Administration, which will restore transgender students’ access to sports, bathrooms, and locker rooms in accordance with their gender identity.” That item on the Biden campaign website linked to the “Obama-Biden guidance” which had been issued by the Obama Justice Department and Department of Education on May 13, 2016 and said, in part:

“Gender identity refers to an individual’s internal sense of gender. A person’s gender identity may be different from or the same as the person’s sex assigned at birth…. A transgender male is someone who identifies as male but was assigned the sex of female at birth; a transgender female is someone who identifies as female but was assigned the sex of male at birth…. [A] school must not treat a transgender student differently from the way it treats other students of the same gender identity…. A school may not require transgender students to use facilities inconsistent with their gender identity or to use individual-user facilities when other students are not required to do so…. A school may not … adopt or adhere to requirements that rely on overly broad generalizations or stereotypes about the differences between transgender students and other students of the same sex (i.e., the same gender identity) or others’ discomfort with transgender students….

To learn more about Joe Biden, click here.

RELATED VIDEO: Senator Marco Rubio on Biden and his policies.


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Hillary on FL’s Parental Rights Law: ‘People Should Go Around Saying Gay All the Time’

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Ode to No Joy: A World Without Beethoven, Edison, or Van Gogh

I visited the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. over New Years’. I hadn’t been there in at least ten years. One of the exhibits that made a big impression on me on previous visits was no longer there – an ambulance with the windows painted black. The Nazis used ambulances like that to round-up disabled people and take them to the hospital to be killed without anybody seeing what they were doing.

Ten days ago, Oregon announced it would stop enforcing its residency requirement for assisted suicide. Now, anyone in the United States can travel to Oregon to have the government there help them kill themselves.  I’ve been tracking the assisted suicide issue for a long time, and I can tell you it is well-documented one of the motivating factors among promoters of assisted suicide is prejudice against the disabled.  It’s also well-known there are lots of cases where relatives and beneficiaries pressure people into assisted suicide. So you have to wonder how long it will be before disabled people from across the country are pressured to go to Oregon to be killed.

As for proof that prejudice against the disabled motivates assisted suicide supporters, a U.N. report two years ago noted “widespread prejudice and discrimination against persons with disabilities.” It went on to say, “From a disability rights perspective, there is a grave concern that legalizing euthanasia and assisted suicide could put at risk the lives of persons with disabilities. If assisted dying is made available for all persons with a health condition or impairment, regardless of whether they are terminally ill or not, a social assumption might follow that it is better to be dead than to live with a disability.”

Last month, disabled members of the House of Lords in the U.K. spoke out against an assisted suicide bill, firmly rejecting the notions they would be better off dead than disabled and their impairments make their lives less worth living.  A disability rights lawyer in Connecticut has been fighting for 40 years on behalf of disabled people she knows can live “productive and fulfilling lives,” lives assisted suicide would cut short.  Lives of the disabled are now being cut short in Austria, where assisted suicide became legal this year for people with debilitating conditions even though they are not terminally ill.

Austria, where Mozart was born.  It is suspected Mozart suffered from Tourette syndrome.  Imagine a world without Mozart’s ‘The Magic Flute’, or without Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony.  Beethoven was deaf when he wrote it, and was actually going deaf while writing his first symphony.  Or a world where the light bulb, phonograph, or movies were never invented – Edison was also mostly deaf.  Henry Ford had a severe hearing loss, but he was still able to bring the automobile to the masses.  Van Gogh was mentally ill and suffered hallucinations and seizures, but that didn’t stop him from painting ‘The Starry Night’.  John Milton was blind when he wrote ‘Paradise Lost’.  I encountered blind lawyers, deaf lawyers, and lawyers in wheelchairs when I was practicing law.  The Austrian Paul Wittgenstein lost his right arm in World War I, but went on to a brilliant career as a concert pianist afterwards, playing specially commissioned works by Richard Strauss and other famous composers.  Imagine if he were living today and were being pressured by his fellow Austrians to end his life because he had a debilitating, non-terminal condition.

All of these stories about these and other less than perfectly formed people were brought to my attention by a wonderful disabled man, Mark Davis Pickup of Canada who, after many years in a motorized wheelchair, began to walk again.  Pickup recently wrote his mission in life is to help others bear their suffering and find hope.  Who are you to say that a man who has brought such beauty, grace, and joy to this world has no right to be here?  Or should be transported to Oregon in an ambulance with the windows painted black to be killed?  Read his blog at and be enlightened.

Visit The Daily Skirmish and Watch Eagle Headline News – 7:30am ET Weekdays

Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

Statement by President Donald J. Trump on Prosecutorial Misconduct in New York

President Trump issued the following statement on Mark Pomerantz:

What the Fake News Media doesn’t tell you, and they are doing everything within their power to force prosecutors throughout the Country to do a terrible injustice to our Nation and its people, is that a low-life attorney named Mark Pomerantz, who is a “Never Trumper” and a Hillary Clinton sycophant (together with his wife), left a Never Trumper, Crooked Hillary law firm, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison, with two young associates who were also Never Trumpers, in order to go into the District Attorney’s office to unjustly prosecute a man named Donald J. Trump, who also just happens to be the 45th President of the United States, and is leading in every poll to be the 47th.

The Fake News also didn’t reveal the fact that this is virtually unprecedented for private lawyers to take an unpaid leave of absence from an opposing party law firm in order to prosecute anyone, let alone a former President. They also didn’t tell you that a principal leader of the firm is Robert Schumer, the brother of Chuck Schumer, that the firm is a Never Trumper firm and works for the Democrat Party, that for lawyers to go into the New York City’s District Attorney’s office to prosecute an opponent is unprecedented in NYC history because the District Attorney’s office has hundreds of lawyers already working there, and that a number of Assistant District Attorneys refused to work on the case because they felt I was being treated extremely unfairly, and that indeed, there was no case.

Can you imagine a Never Trumper Democrat-only law firm sending a Never Trumper law partner with two associates to the District Attorney’s office to prosecute their political opponent, Donald J. Trump, and the firm represents the Democrat Party, and is headed by Robert Schumer, Chuck Schumer’s brother, and many other Never Trumpers?

What kind of Country are we living in?

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

Yale Law School Recruits and Trains Social Justice Warriors

Mission: Wage lawfare to effect change across every sector of society.

If practitioners of any profession would be expected to understand and honor the notion of Free Speech it would be lawyers.  In years past this would be a reasonable conclusion.  However, in so many ways traditional American values have been turned upside down and inside out!

Consider that on March 17, 2022 Fox News reported, Liberal Yale Law students derail bipartisan ‘free speech’ event in chaotic protest; police called to scene.

The report began with the following:

A bipartisan panel on civil liberties at Yale Law School was disrupted last week when more than 100 law students tried to drown out and intimidate the speakers, who eventually needed police to escort them out of the building, according to reports.

The school’s Federalist Society hosted the March 10 panel, which featured Monica Miller, of the progressive American Humanist Association, and Kristen Waggoner, of the conservative Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF). About 120 student protesters showed up with signs attacking the ADF to shout down the speakers, with one reportedly recorded on audio telling a member of the conservative group that she would “literally fight you, b——.”

“It was disturbing to witness law students whipped into a mindless frenzy. I did not feel it was safe to get out of the room without security,” Waggoner told the Washington Free Beacon.

The Fox News report also included this important observation by Waggoner:

Waggoner later tweeted: “My hot take: Good lawyers win with civility & persuasion, not physical intimidation and threats of violence. We aren’t afraid to engage with people and ideas we disagree with. Apparently many of the students missed this lesson.”

It is beyond disturbing that law students at one of America’s most prestigious and influential law schools would witness the sort of madness that occurred at the event described in the Fox News report.

Many of those Yale law students will not only go on to successful careers as attorneys but become judges, leaders in major corporations and law professors.

About a dozen years ago I was invited by the Federalist Society at Yale Law School to participate in a debate about Comprehensive Immigration Reform.

The debate was spirited and fair and all who attended were courteous and respectful.  But that was then.

Open debate is at the heart of a free society and is enshrined in the First Amendment of the Constitution.

Indeed, you can think of debate as an example of intellectual capitalism.  Competing concepts are provided to the audience who then decide which concept they are willing to “buy.”

On a personal note, I have a degree in Communications Arts and Sciences and had planned teaching speech and debate on the college level when I had the opportunity to make a career change and became a federal agent.

You never understand your side of an argument more than when you have to defend it against an opponent- in fact, one of my debate coaches would have us prepare to argue both sides of a debate and then not tell us which side we would take until 30 minutes before the debate!

The Radical Left however, knows that they cannot win a fair debate so they now seek to shut down debate as they sought to do in that debate at Yale Law School in February.

Laws can be thought of as the rulebook by which society functions.  Laws control human conduct and behavior and regulate the way that corporations function.

Without laws or law enforcement anarchy follows.  However, overbearing laws and law enforcement can create a dictatorship that strips the citizens of their freedoms.

It is clear that those who write the laws, along with those practice law and those who enforce our laws are at the foundation of our society and government.

For decades radicals and globalists have sought to wrest control over our government to gain control over America and Americans and strip our nation of its sovereignty.

In point of fact, Radical Democrats Have Become ‘Adversaries of Freedom’.

When Obama was elected President, in his victory speech Obama declared, “Change has come to America!’

It would appear that today, Lawfare is being waged against America and Americans.

Lawfare has been defined as:

Legal action undertaken as part of a hostile campaign against a country or group.

We will explore how this is being implemented shortly, but first, consider that in the wake of the death of George Floyd riots broke out across the United States in which innocent people were killed and buildings were reduced to rubble and ashes in so-called “peaceful demonstrations” as reported on by supposed “news organizations.” These supposed news organizations were thinly veiled propaganda machines that could have been part of Orwell’s “Ministry of Truth” straight out of the pages of his novel, 1984.

The Radical Left began demanding “Criminal Justice Reform” and the defunding of police.”

Anarchistic enclaves sprung up in cities such as Seattle, Washington.  In short order Americans rejected this lunacy, so the Left distanced themselves from the Defund Police movement, but their goals did not change.

Radical Leftists have simply taken a different approach to achieve the same anarchistic goals.

“Bail Reform” was implemented in many cities controlled by the Leftists under the guise that this would only involve those charged with non-violent crimes.  It quickly became apparent, however, that many violent thugs were released without bail and went on to commit more violent crimes that injured or killed more innocent victims including children.

New York City, which had been the safest big city in the United States, quickly descended into violence and chaos as the newly-elected Manhattan District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, implemented new bail policies and established prosecutorial discretion policies that encouraged not deterred violent crimes.

Effective law enforcement is a system with a number of important elements.  When dedicated laws enforcement officers make arrests and conduct criminal investigations, they must be supported by dedicated prosecutors who are on the same page, seeking the effective prosecution of criminals.

Today, unfortunately, in many jurisdictions, prosecutors who are supposed to work in close coordination with law enforcement officers are now acting as though they are criminal defense attorneys.

George Gascon, the infamous Los Angeles District Attorney became the veritable “poster child” of such prosecutors who sought to protect criminals and not their victims.

It has become clear that the vast majority of Americans reject the lunacy of defunding the police and many politicians who had advocated for this policy are now denying that they support this madness.  However, their goals of creating anarchy, likely in order to subsequently fill the void created by anarchy with their notion of control over government and hence society.

Now we come to the issue of “Lawfare” I raised earlier in my commentary.

A news release that was issued by Yale Law School on February 21, 2022 announced:  Yale Law School Announces Tuition-Free Scholarships for Highest Need Students.

The idea of providing free college education for American students is a concept I personally approve of.  Children growing up in poverty are not likely to be able to afford tuition for college or to attend graduate schools and therefore scholarship for such students of appropriate academic standing could be a way to help combat endemic poverty.

Yale Law School is not, however being altruistic in this case- it is clear that their actual goal is to enlist an army of lawyers who will practice Lawfare.

Consider this final paragraph in that Yale news release:

At Yale Law School, we prepare lawyers and leaders to face the most critical challenges of the future and effect change across every sector of society,” said Gerken. We are committed to ensuring every student can fully immerse themselves in our vibrant intellectual experience and has the tools and resources they need to leave their mark on the world. The Hurst Horizon Scholarship Program cements our commitment to access and equity for all.”

The motivation is clear- Yale Law School is not as benevolent it may may appear to be.  Yale Law School is clearly determined to create an army of lawyers who are literally indebted to Yale who will engage in “Lawfare”

In his famous Iron Curtain Speech Winston Churchill delivered on March 5, 1946 at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri  Churchill spoke of:

…communist fifth columns that were operating throughout western and southern Europe. Drawing parallels with the disastrous appeasement of Hitler prior to World War II, Churchill advised that in dealing with the Soviets there was nothing which they admire so much as strength, and there is nothing for which they have less respect than for military weakness.”

That concern voiced by Churchill about communist fifth columns” (and other adversaries of freedom), should also have included the United States.

©Michael Cutler. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Professor Suspended After Refusing to Grade Students Based on Race Gets Huge News from Judge

VIDEO: Tommy Robinson joins the For Britain Party to Save England

Tommy Robinson sent out the following in an email:

As you all know, I have decided to join the For Britain Party, as we must politicise our movement to create the change we all want to see in our great country.

I trust Anne Marie Waters, she has stuck to her principles for many years when others have let us down, and the party is full of great people who all love this country and want the best for it. This week after attending a local meeting, I sat down and went through the signup process, it only takes two minutes, with various options after the fiver signup fee including free lifetime membership for veterans, something I think is brilliant and shows what we are all about.

The more people who become members, the bigger the political movement, the more we can do and the more candidates we can stand in local elections. I met with candidates this week who are bravely putting themselves out there to represent all of us in their local community, the least we can do is join and show them our support.

Do as I did, it couldn’t be any easier, watch me sign up.

Tommy concluded with, “We will be sending out more information on events and activities in the days and weeks ahead! If you want to take a look at their manifesto CLICK HERE!


Thanks for all your support!

©Tommy Robinson. All rights reserved.

What’s Wrong With The West?

Dutch politician Thierry Baudet produced this high quality video. He is a controversial man, but this video is superb. That doesn’t mean that he himself should be promoted. Can’t The United West produce a video in the same line as this one?

The problem with much work of conservatives these days is, that they focus on the day to day issues, and Thierry has a more holistic approach.

Please write me your comments/reaction to the video.

Watch the Forum for Democracy’s 9-minute video titled “What’s Wrong With The West?” The Forum for Democracy asks:

What is happening in the West? Why are we observing a trend of collapse and decay in all Western societies? In this episode of The Movement, Thierry Baudet shares his views about the current problems plaguing the West and identifies the three major trends that are responsible for what we are witnessing today: immigration, supranational legislation, and climate change. Thierry explains that these trends have emerged from Marxist ideology, sold to the public as a higher and utopian state of existence, but that is eventually dystopian and doomed to fail. He further illustrates that we, as humans, are beings in need of a sense of community but that this very foundation of our humanity is being undermined by these three major projects.


VIDEO: Parents Nationwide, They’re on Kids’ Side

Waukesha, Wisconsin conservatives went three-for-three in Tuesday’s school board elections, shutting out the progressive “slate” opposing them. A third of the nine-member school board stands for election each year, with the seats going to the three candidates who receive the most votes. Current incumbents finished in 5th and 6th place on election day; the third incumbent was eliminated in the February primary. “The Waukesha community — and others around our county — have spoken loud and clear,” said newly elected school board member and Waukesha dad Mark Borowski. “They want change, so we are charged with giving it to them.”

Recent elections in the Milwaukee suburb are only the latest skirmish in a nationwide but local war for control of education. When parents became de facto teachers during the unscientific Covid school closures, they saw firsthand how the Left has captured education, and now they’re standing up and fighting back. FRC Action Vice President Brent Keilen noted “a host of issues” galvanizing parent engagement. “Critical Race Theory has gotten a lot of attention, but it’s not just that. It’s masks on students… reopening of schools… the sexuality issue.” In response, the Justice Department “tried to dub these parents as domestic terrorists,” he continued — an unforced error earning more backlash than Will Smith’s slap.

Keilen said increased parental engagement was first evident last summer in Texas, and has resurfaced again and again in Iowa, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, and Virginia (who can forget the surprising Republican sweep). Public schools are even facing criticism up and down the Left Coast. In Florida, state officials were emboldened to ignore the Left’s hysterics and pass a law guaranteeing Parental Rights in Education, which is already working to remove immoral books from libraries and classrooms. Key to that engagement are resources like FRC Action’s School Board Boot Camp, which help train parents to run for local school board.

Parents aren’t fighting alone; churches have engaged, too. “Ten, fifteen years ago, the church was defined a lot by apathy,” said David McDonald, global lead for the Third Education Revolution Team. Now, “the church is awakening to a lot of the problems.” The evidence is that “moms… are showing up at school board meetings;” time was when school board meetings had virtually no community interaction.

For McDonald, the “fight being carried out for the heart and soul of America” goes deeper than personality or politics, or even ideology. At root is a spiritual battle. He cited John 8:44, where Jesus says “the devil… does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” Today’s application, said McDonald, is that those who lie about biological sex, good legislation, or anything else are simply behaving as Satan does. Knowing this, he said, “gives me comfort, because we need to remember who the enemy is.”

Churches have engaged because education is critical for the church. McDonald pointed out “the first two major educational reformations” accompanied spiritual reformations. Reformation Christianity in particular has always sought to promote education so that every person can read the Bible for himself or herself. As much as the try to ignore it, universities like Harvard and Yale were initially founded to train ministers of the gospel.

Paul exhorts Timothy, “what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also” (2 Timothy 2:2). McDonald warned secular universities practices their own model of teacher and disciple, capable of propagating itself indefinitely. If Christians aren’t engaged, the secular culture will be. That’s why McDonald is partnering with FRC’s Center for Biblical Worldview for a webinar on reclaiming education for the gospel (which you can register, for free). The Bible teaches that “apathy invades,” said McDonald. “Even in Judges… another generation that comes after [has] to learn these things again.”

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

We Must Acknowledge the Damage Inflicted by Transgender Ideology

There are at least 24 international LGBTQIA+ awareness days in addition to Pride Month. Some of these days are Drag Day, Pronouns Day, Trans Awareness Week and Month, and Trans Parent Day. No other subject known to humanity has been afforded such a salute on our yearly calendars as the LGBTQIA+ issue. Of course, these occasions provide political proponents ample opportunity to commemorate the day with a legislative agenda.

This was no less true last week on International Transgender Day of Visibility, which is now turning into days and weeks, with comments and legislative directives continuing from the White House, the Department of Justice (DOJ), the State Department, and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), just to name a few.

On the day, President Biden stated, “Affirming a transgender child’s identity is one of the best things a parent, teacher, or doctor can do to help keep children from harm.”

Biden’s misleading statement that transgender procedures are the best practice for children was soon followed by a letter addressed to state attorneys general from the DOJ’s Civil Right Division. The DOJ’s letter basically stated that withholding hormones and surgical procedures from children is tantamount to bullying and should therefore be considered a civil rights issue.

Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke said, “The Department of Justice is committed to ensuring that all children are able to live free from discrimination, abuse and harassment.” She continued, “Today’s letter reaffirms state and local officials’ obligation to ensure that their laws and policies do not undermine or harm the health and safety of children, regardless of a child’s gender identity.” In the letter, Clarke claimed, “gender-affirming care for transgender youth is not only appropriate but often necessary for their physical and mental health.” Necessary?

Then, to give the appearance that these statements are based in sound empirical evidence, SAMHSA released remarks declaring that LGBTQIA+ youth “deserve evidence-based care.”

To this last statement, I couldn’t agree more. The youth of America do deserve evidence-based care. They deserve to know the long-term physical and psychological effects of delaying puberty through pharmaceuticals, taking the opposite sex’s hormones, or surgically removing their body parts. They deserve to know about the quality of evidence and whether there is enough to justify a claim that these invasive practices will bring peace to their mental distress.

The problem is, there’s more evidence to show the harms of transgender “medicine” than to support the claim touted by politicians and big medical and mental health groups that these practices are saving lives. After years of research, we can see where it’s possible to say that there are medical procedures that save the life of a cardiac patient. This is not the case with gender-affirming care, and yet claims are made all the time that trans-identifying children are saved by removing healthy organs and pumping them with hormones. The basis of these claims comes from the results of web survey data that is used to capture attitudes about these practices.

This is a profoundly dangerous premise for such a radical physiological intervention. It must take nerve for advocacy groups, practitioners, and politicians to rest their careers and, more importantly, the lives of American children and families on scientific evidence thinner than rice paper. One thing is clear, the scientific literature on transgenderism shows that there’s more opinion from big mental health and medical groups than there is sound scientific evidence to undergird the idea that these practices benefit children.

Among the internationally recognized 24+ days and full month dedicated to LGBTQIA+ issues, there’s no governmentally sanctioned day that recognizes the harms done to people who underwent gender transition procedures or who were delayed in receiving the proper care that is truly necessary to address the real issues behind gender dysphoria.

When the house of cards that built the transgender ideology falls, we will need at least one day to recognize the growing number of children and families who have been ignored, experimented on, and have experienced permanent damage to their minds and bodies from those who lead the charge towards destruction.

In the words of Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke, “Thank you for your continued commitment to improving the well-being of children and their families.”


Jennifer Bauwens

Director of the Center for Family Studies

Dr. Jennifer Bauwens serves as Director of the Center for Family Studies at Family Research Council. In her role, she researches and advocates for policies that will best serve the health and well-being of families and communities.

Jennifer has a Ph.D. from New York University, where she was bestowed the Robert Moore Memorial Award and granted valedictorian for her dissertation on Hurricane Katrina.

Dr. Bauwens has worked extensively as a clinician providing trauma-focused treatment to children in foster-care and behavioral health settings and to adults who’ve experienced interpersonal traumas, such as sexual abuse and assault. She created programs to mitigate the effects of traumatic events for survivors of domestic violence and abuse, and she’s trained on violence prevention for youth and adults in both national and international contexts.

Her scholarship has focused on the effects of psychological trauma, including man-made and natural disasters. She’s worked on projects to investigate the long-term psychological sequalae of witnesses and survivors from September 11, 2001, and other acts of community violence. Additionally, Jennifer has taught on psychological trauma and research methods in several graduate programs, including Rutgers University and Princeton Seminary. She has also served as an editorial consultant for, and published in, peer-reviewed journals focused on clinical practice and traumatic stress.

RELATED ARTICLE: Biden’s Trans Obsession: A Tough Fact to Follow?


EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Company Contrast: The Daily Wire

Each week 2ndVote takes a look at popular companies that either score well or score poorly. We then provide alternatives that either better align with the 2ndVote values, or that should be avoided to the best of your ability. This weekly series is called The Company Contrast, and the company we will be focusing on this week is The Daily Wire (4.01).

The Daily Wire is an American conservative news outlet that’s based in Nashville, Tennessee. Ben Shapiro and Jeremy Boreing, in partnership with Caleb Robinson, launched the DW in 2015 with the original episodes of The Ben Shapiro Show and The Andrew Klavan Show. Since its inception, the company has seen huge success, largely in part due to the Ben Shapiro Show which is one of the most popular podcasts in the nation. At this time the DW boasts five hit shows and is even starting its own children’s tv network, DW Kids.

The Daily Wire scores a 4.01 with 2ndVote primarily due to their unwavering support of life, basic freedoms, and the 2nd Amendment. Additionally, in response to Disney’s policies on forcing the LGBT lifestyle on children, the CEO of the DW announced it will be starting a children’s tv network. The aim is to allow kids the opportunity to enjoy appropriate material for their age without being subjected to the twisted liberal left attacks on the traditional family structure. According to CEO Jeremy Boreing, the Daily Wire will commit $100 million to the kid-friendly network and already has two shows in production.

Unfortunately, every hero has a nemesis, and today that nemesis is Disney (1.55.) The Walt Disney Company is a leading international “family” entertainment and media enterprise with five business segments. Disney scores a 1.55 with 2ndVote due to their support for pro-abortion organization, their blatant disconcern for Christian values, attacks on the American right to bare arms, and support of sanctuary cities. What’s worse is that as the parent company to numerus mainstream brands such as Pixar, Marvel, and ESPN, it has the full attention of children around the world. While their innocent eyes are simply looking to them for cartoons or superheroes, Disney seems hell bent on exposing children to inappropriate content. As highlighted in last weeks “In the News” article, such actions include exposing kids to the sexual preferences of the gay community and sexualizing children’s characters. Don’t let Disney get away with its immoral action, stop supporting their services and let them know you are informed thanks to 2ndVote.

RELATED ARTICLE: Made in America Series: ActivWall

EDITORS NOTE: This 2ndVote column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.