Operation Depopulation: Dissecting the Death Dart Series

This is the first in a series of columns I am writing on the Covid jab.

Most of us have heard reports of the jab injuries coming out. Whether myocarditis, blood clots, the newly discovered “SADS” (sudden adult death syndrome), immune disorders and the uptick in cancers; the Covid shot is clearly not safe nor does it work. Every jabbed person I know has also gotten the virus, most multiple times. So, all these people got an experimental shot of a novel technology that has obvious risks for absolutely no reason at all. We can thank our politicians and the worthless media for this atrocity.

So why did the mainstream media, and our elected and unelected officials push this experiment on the American people without the proper safety data or trials needed to justify a mass vaccination campaign in the middle of the pandemic?

This question I will cover later in the series. Well, we can speculate for several reasons, but the most evident reasons are depopulation, money, and control. Let us break these down.

First, depopulation is an obvious reason. In 1992, at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, 178 world leaders signed the United Nation’s document called Agenda 21. The name has changed quite a few times to keep the public confused and give it a nice spin. It has also been called Agenda 2030, Smart Growth, Substantiable Development, Growth Management, among others. However, all those names are describing the original document, Agenda 21, or agenda for the 21st century.

The term Sustainable Development was coined in 1987 in a document called Our Common Future, produced by the U.N Commission on Environment and Energy Development. That committee was chaired by Gro Harlem Brundtland, the former Prime Minister of Norway, former head of the W.H.O. and the Vice President of the Socialist International organization. This document led to the Earth Summit which created the global plan included in Agenda 21.

Agenda 21 calls for a profound reorientation of human society and collective decision making, unlike anything we have ever seen before. It consists of an unprecedented deployment of human and financial resources that will affect every human interaction and will be integrated in every person’s day-to-day life. It was signed by George H.W. Bush in 1992 as a soft treaty and every president except Trump has reaffirmed its goals.

Agenda 21 can be broken down into three parts: economic equality or redistribution of wealth, social justice, and environmentalism. It calls for the elimination of private property and private transportation and replaced with urban housing and public transit. This plan was slow growing for the next thirteen years. Cities and towns worldwide joined ICLEI, a UN accredited organization that encourages smart growth. But the housing crash of 2007-2008 opened the door for Agenda 21. President Obama gave us a glimpse of this in his campaign speech in Rosenburg, Oregon. He said, “we can’t drive our SUV’s, and you know, eat as much as we want, and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times, whether we live in the desert or we live in the tundra, and just expect that every other country is going to say, “oh, okay, you go ahead and keep on using 25% of the world’s energy even though you only account for 3% of the population. We will be fine, do not worry about us.”

Since 2008, our government has been actively implementing Agenda 21 using federal grants, the HUD, and the EPA. Agenda 21’s goals are not new; they are old school Marxism repackaged.

Another goal of Agenda 21 is depopulation. The goal is to depopulate the planet by 90% to lessen the environmental impact and protect the planet for the future. So how convenient that the man made Covid pandemic comes along which has continued to kill people going on now for three years. If they do not get you with the deadly hospital protocols, then they will kill you with the genetic vaccines. The virus and the jab are both manufactured bioweapons that serve the purpose of wiping out as many people as possible. The numbers are clearly under reported, but according to the worldwide ticker, so far, the virus has killed almost seven million and the jab deaths are increasing daily.

One study stated that the jabs were killing up to 10,000 a day and that is only the start. Not to mention the reports of miscarriages and infertility in both women and men among the so called vaccinated. The rising death toll can be attributed to the following, all which will be covered in future columns of my Death Dart series:

  1. Mass vaccination in the middle of the campaign which keeps the virus mutating,
  2. The jab being made of deadly heavy metals and not effective against the virus,
  3. Denial and a disinformation campaign of safe early treatments,
  4. and Deadly, experimental hospital protocols.

We can only imagine the total number of innocent humans that these bioweapons will kill before this dark time in our history is over. But we do know this goes right in line with Agenda 21’s goals and the desires of the globalist elites, such as Bill Gates.

“If we do a really good job on vaccines, health care and reproductive services, we can at least lower the population perhaps by 10 to 15 percent.” Bill Gates

We must move quickly and create our own agenda, an agenda to destroy Agenda 21.

©2023. Carolyn Blakeman. All rights reserved.


HARD EVIDENCE Confirms Covid Shot Killed The Unborn and Massively Injured Babies

CDC Travel Mask Mandate Decision: Judge Rules Mask Mandates exceed the CDC’s Statutory Authority

Trump Says Fear-Mongering About New COVID Variants a ‘Lunatic’ Ploy to Rig 2024 Election

AWED MEDIA BALANCED NEWS: We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Welcome! We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Here is the link for this issue, so please share it on social media.

Checkout the 2023, 2022, 2021 & 2020 archives, plus ***asterisked*** items below.

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— This Newsletter’s Articles, by Topic —

If You Only Have Time to Read a Few Select Articles:

*** Math for Dummies

*** America’s schools are becoming training grounds for climate change activists

*** Zoom is entangled in an AI privacy mess

*** Google’s AI Bots Tout ‘Benefits’ of Genocide, Slavery, Fascism, Other Evils

*** What Will Happen When the Grid Goes Down

*** Epstein: How I would debate energy and climate if I were running for President

*** A good review of the “Smart Cities” conspiracy

*** The Biggest Environmental Scandal In The World

*** The Disastrous Potential of The EPA’s Proposed Rule for Model Year 2027

*** The Anti-Nuclear Industry Is A $2.3B-Per-Year Racket

*** Don’t believe the renewables myth: Wind and Solar are not cheap

*** Is It Time to Ban Electric Vehicles?

*** The Daily Chart: Total Climate Craziness

*** Montana Republicans lost Held v Montana

*** China Makes a Mockery of John Kerry

*** Last Year’s Nobel Physics Laureate Signs World Climate Declaration Stating ‘There is No Climate Emergency’

*** How We Win With Election Integrity

*** Little California, But Lots of Fire at GOP Debate

*** Corrupt Media Fight Election Accountability with Democrat-Manufactured Lies

*** FEC Records Reveal Democrat Dark Money Group Paid $11,254,919 To Commit ‘Voter Registration Fraud’ In Michigan

*** Top Law Schools Promote Ditching the Constitution

*** Dershowitz slams GA Trump indictment

*** Trump and 18 Others Charged in Georgia

*** On Hearing President Trump In Person — And Not Hating It

*** Mitchell: President Trump’s Indictment Is Based On Politics Not Law, RICO Lacks Underlying Crime

*** Video: The Global War on Farming — Control the Food, Control the People

*** Accountability means CHANGE: Part 1

*** Lahaina, a Modern-Day Pearl Harbor

*** Elite Crackdown on Free Speech Worldwide Intensifies

*** An NAS Statement on Mis/Disinformation

*** Dr. Kory: A survey of my religious community asked if our attitudes or views about government had changed because of Covid. This is what I wrote.

*** Catholic orchard owner wins court case against liberal city that barred him from farmer’s market

*** The Occult is the Spiritual Foundation of the United Nations

*** Doctor Sues Medical Board Over Long-Term License Suspension for Prescribing Ivermectin

*** Dr Campbell: FDA and Ivermectin

Secondary Education Related:

*** Report: The Key to Fixing the US Education System

*** America’s schools are becoming training grounds for climate change activists

*** Math for Dummies

*** California’s Weapons of Math Destruction

Weekend Wisdom Of Our Founding Fathers: Education In America

Keeping Kids Safe From Predatory Teachers

After Years in the Wilderness, Conservative Christian Education Is Being Born Again

Artificial Intelligence:

*** Zoom is entangled in an AI privacy mess

*** Google’s AI Bots Tout ‘Benefits’ of Genocide, Slavery, Fascism, Other Evils

Al Toolkit for Election Officials

AI Revolution: Paralyzed Woman ‘Speaks’ via Digital Avatar

Greed Energy Economics:

*** Don’t believe the renewables myth: Wind and Solar are not cheap

Chinese manufacturers dominate wind power, taking 60% of global market

Unreliables Energy Health and Ecosystem Consequences:

*** Video: Assoc Prof Simon Michaux – The quantity of metals required to manufacture just one generation of renewables

*** Carnage of Child Labor and Ecological Destruction Elsewhere acceptable to Wealthy Countries

Unreliables (General):

*** Residents vs Town Council re Solar and Wind Facilities

*** Green Breakdown—The Coming Renewable Energy Failure

*** The Grid as an Energy Weapon — Massive Lithium Storage Centers Spread

*** The Prophet of Power Density

*** There is no green ‘transition’ to renewable energy. China and India are playing us for fools

Micron vs. New York Energy Policy

Climate Cult Consequences – Part II, Solar and Wind

PA Governor’s Wrong Approach to Grid Reliability

Canada’s Alberta Province Halts Renewable-Energy Projects

Is “Degrowth” Now The New Green Growth?

Wind Energy — Offshore:

*** The Biggest Environmental Scandal In The World

New Jersey Democrats Tacking Away from Wind Turbines, so Should Virginia

Save Right Whale Coalition Sickened Over Government Response to Deaths of Whales

Facebook Censors Accurate Information Linking Wind Energy to Whale Deaths

Why This Documentary May Save The Whales

The Biden Administration Can’t Ignore This Whale of a Problem any More

Wind Energy — Other:

*** Taking the Wind Out of Climate Change (referencing 60± studies)

Nuclear Energy:

*** The Anti-Nuclear Industry Is A $2.3B-Per-Year Racket

Book: The Case for Nukes: How We Can Beat Global Warming and Create a Free, Open, and Magnificent Future

Duke Seeks Approval for SMRs at Former NC Coal Facility

Sweden to lift ban on uranium mining, plans to build 10 nuclear power plants

Fossil Fuel Energy:

*** The Disastrous Potential of The EPA’s Proposed Rule for Model Year 2027

From Poverty to Moon Landing: How Coal Propelled the Indian Economy

Battery Storage Replacing Natural Gas Plants Will Cost Tens of Billions in Ontario

Electric Vehicles (EVs):

*** Is It Time to Ban Electric Vehicles?

*** Short Video: The EV Market Is On Fire… No Really

Tesla created secret team to suppress thousands of driving range complaints

The truth about EVs and fire risk in our cities | Auto Expert John Cadogan

I Rented a Tesla for a Week and am Totally Sold on Gas-Powered Cars

Giant machine required to make one lithium car battery

Misc Energy:

*** What Will Happen When the Grid Goes Down

*** Epstein: How I would debate energy and climate if I were running for President

*** A good review of the “Smart Cities” conspiracy

*** Battery System Capital Costs, Operating Costs, Energy Losses and Aging

The Iron Law Of Power Density, Part 2

What Really Happened During the 2003 Blackout?

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology

Duke Energy unveils new energy proposals

Manmade Global Warming — Some Deceptions:

*** The Rise and Rhetoric of the Climate Chicken Littles

*** Two Princeton, MIT Scientists Say EPA Climate Regulations Based on a ‘Hoax’

*** How Science is Done These Days

Graphical Misinformation

The Global Warming Scam: Save The Planet?

First Annual NY CLCPA Report Indicates High Costs, Low Benefits

Undeniable Proof that Alarmist Climate Scientist Michael Mann is Misinforming the Public About a Climate Crisis

A whistleblower shares shocking details of corruption of peer review in climate science

Hot Summer Due to Many Factors—Carbon Dioxide Emissions are Not One of Them

Manmade Global Warming — Misc:

*** The Daily Chart: Total Climate Craziness

*** Montana Republicans lost Held v Montana

*** China Makes a Mockery of John Kerry

*** Last Year’s Nobel Physics Laureate Signs World Climate Declaration Stating ‘There is No Climate Emergency’

New Scientist: How worried should we be about climate change?

The return of animal sacrifice

Happy End of the World Day, Part One

Growing Warnings: Biden Could Get Scorched by Green Dependency on Red China

Climate Change is Natural: The Proof is in the Hemlock!

Climate Change Misinformation Wins in Montana

Calling Climate Skeptics ‘Climate Deniers’ is an Admission You’ve Lost the Argument

US Election:

Election-Integrity.info (10 major election reports by our team of experts, plus much more!)

*** How We Win With Election Integrity

*** Corrupt Media Fight Election Accountability with Democrat-Manufactured Lies

*** Report: Engineers Discover Nationwide Cellular Network Connecting Election Equipment and Gives Federal Gov’t Access to Election Systems at Precinct Level

*** Video: Live with Edward Solomon

‘Nonpartisan’ Voter Registration Org is Actually a Dem Get Out the Vote Machine

A Young Congressman is Sounding Alarms About Election Security

How Can Mail-In Voting Be ‘Secure’ When Postal Theft Is Rampant?

US Election — State Issues:

*** FEC Records Reveal Democrat Dark Money Group Paid $11,254,919 To Commit ‘Voter Registration Fraud’ In Michigan

NC Republicans Hijack their own Election Integrity Bill to Eliminate Closed Primaries

Federal Judges Gut GOP-Backed Election Integrity Laws in Georgia, Texas

The FBI and Attorney General Nessel Hid These from the People of Michigan – Piles of Fraudulent-Manufactured Ballot Registrations from the 2020 Election

Misc US Politics:

*** Little California, But Lots of Fire at GOP Debate

*** NC Senate Successfully Overrides Six Governor Vetoes

*** Victor Davis Hanson video: We Have Never Seen Anything Like This

Vivek Ramaswamy Unveils Foreign Policy Rollout

Why the Media Fears RFK Jr.

The Biden Clan’s Con is Coming to an End


*** What Really Happened in Maui?

*** Maui Times editor on the media and the Maui fires

*** Accountability means CHANGE: Part 1

*** Lahaina, a Modern-Day Pearl Harbor

‘Bet they all know their pronouns though’: Maddening revelations grow surrounding Maui officials

Hawaiian couple sues power companies over historic Maui wildfires


*** Dershowitz slams GA Trump indictment

*** Trump and 18 Others Charged in Georgia

*** On Hearing President Trump In Person — And Not Hating It

*** Mitchell: President Trump’s Indictment Is Based On Politics Not Law, RICO Lacks Underlying Crime

*** Letters from an American

Destruction of Rule of Law in Fani Willis’ Georgia Star Chamber

Delusional Jack and Dems Haven’t Learned

The Most Ridiculous Lawfare Narrative Pushed by Special Counsel Jack Smith Portends the Weakness of the Mar-a-Lago Case

Republicans Should Unite Against Georgia Travesty

Carlson interview with Trump

Censorship US:

*** Elite Crackdown on Free Speech Worldwide Intensifies

*** An NAS Statement on Mis/Disinformation

JAMA study on misinformation… spreads misinformation!

Misinformation wars: The flawed research driving bad policy

Facebook censors posts that show offshore wind farms as a threat to whales’ survival

Soros-Funded NGOs Demand Crackdown on Free Speech as Politicians Spread Hate Misinformation

Societally US:

*** How to Think about the Drug Crisis

*** Can Alternative Media Really Save America?

This US Military Branch Has the Most Women

John Rosemond, Best Selling Author and Revered Parenting Coach, Links ‘Father-Absent’ Homes to Anti-Social Behavior

US Politics and Socialism:

*** Top Law Schools Promote Ditching the Constitution

*** Video: The Global War on Farming — Control the Food, Control the People

Report: Biden’s ‘unlawful food stamp expansion’ is driving ‘massive spikes in grocery prices’


Four Billionaire Technocrats Are Creating an Alternate, Autocratic Reality

The Coming Death Throes of Capitalism and Free Market Economics

Religion Related:

*** Dr. Kory: A survey of my religious community asked if our attitudes or views about government had changed because of Covid. This is what I wrote.

*** Catholic orchard owner wins court case against liberal city that barred him from farmer’s market

*** The Occult is the Spiritual Foundation of the United Nations

*** Why I Am No Longer an Atheist

God is Real

Short video: James’s Brother Is Always With Him


The Case Against Public Science

Minding the Sciences — Spinning Out of Control

The Theory of Science

  1. Edgar Lysenko, aka Dr. Anthony Fauci


Nearly all hospital pharmacists say drug shortages are negatively impacting care; a third say impacts are ‘critical’

The American Board of Internal Medicine’s Longstanding War on Doctors is Escalating


*** Pray for the safety of the Ukrainian people

*** A well-rated source to make a Ukraine donation

*** Latest Developments in Ukraine: August 27th

John Mearsheimer – US. vs China – The Ultimate Geopolitical Clash

COVID-19 — Therapies:

*** Doctor Sues Medical Board Over Long-Term License Suspension for Prescribing Ivermectin

*** Dr Campbell: FDA and Ivermectin

Peer-reviewed Study: Ivermectin Use Had 74 Percent Reduction in Excess Deaths

COVID-19 — Masks:

*** Secret Letter to CDC: Top Epidemiologist Suggests Agency Misrepresented Scientific Data to Support Mask Narrative

Atlanta college reinstates COVID-19 mask mandate as students return to city

Three Conservatives ousted from WA school board after facing recall for mask mandate defiance

COVID-19 — Injections:

*** Biden plans to ask Congress for funding to develop new COVID vaccine, may require shot for all

COVID-19 Vaccine Provider Incentive Program

Kaiser Family Foundation Finds Many Believe COVID-19 Mass Vaccination Responsible for Sudden Deaths

COVID-19 — Misc:

*** On the Current Covid “Surge”: Misinformation from the Media and the Experts

Fauci declares lockdowns were ‘absolutely justified’ and suggests they should be used again to force vaccinations

COVID-19 — Repeated Important Information:

My webpage (C19Science.info) with dozens of Science-based COVID-19 reports

*** FDA Claims that they can Say or Do almost Anything

*** Study: Measuring the COVID Mandates

*** World Council of Health: Early COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines

*** FLCCC Long COVID Treatment Protocol

*** COVID-19: What You Need To Know (Physicians for Informed Consent)

*** If you have received a COVID-19 injection, here’s how to Detox

*** Status of US At-Home COVID-19 Tests

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Note 2: For past Newsletter issues see the archives from: 2020 & 2021 & 2022 & 2023. To accommodate numerous requests received about prior articles over all thirteen plus years of the Newsletter, we’ve put this together — where you can search ALL prior issues, by year. For a background about how the Newsletter is put together, etc., please read this.

Note 3: See this extensive list of reasonable books on climate change. As a parallel effort, we have also put together a list of some good books related to industrial wind energy. Both topics are also extensively covered on my website: WiseEnergy.org.

Note 4: I am not an attorney or a physician, so no material appearing in any of the Newsletters (or any of my websites) should be construed as giving legal or medical advice. My recommendation has always been: consult a competent, licensed attorney when you are involved with legal issues, and consult a competent physician regarding medical matters.

Copyright © 2023; Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (see WiseEnergy.org).

U.S. Proposes New ‘Programming’ to Queer Up Foreign Nations

While Americans struggle to meet their daily needs and obligations, this is what the Democrats are squandering our money, our taxpayer dollars, on.

U.S. proposes new ‘programming’ to queer up foreign nations

‘Some countries have experienced significant backsliding’

By WND News Services, August 6, 2023 at 6:23pm

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) released new guidelines and recommendations for addressing and promoting LGBTQ programs in foreign nations.

Some of these programs include appointing LGBTQ “focal point” leaders and aiming to support youth during their “self-identification.”

“USAID plays a crucial role in agenda setting, promulgating norms and precedents, and encouraging multi-sectoral investments that support LGBTQI+ inclusive development globally,” the framework reads.

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) recommended new LGBTQ advancements and programs for its 100+ locations across the globe, according to a new policy framework released Wednesday.

The USAID aims to promote pro-LGBTQ policies and increase the presence of LGBTQ “programming” via its mission locations throughout the world, which include Africa, South America and the Middle East, according to the 2023 “LGBTQI+ Inclusive Development Policy.” These programs include appointing LGBTQ “focal point” leaders, integrating LGBTQ “inclusion” into crisis response and working with foreign local LGBTQ groups to influence and drive policy.

“USAID plays a crucial role in agenda setting, promulgating norms and precedents, and encouraging multi-sectoral investments that support LGBTQI+ inclusive development globally,” the framework reads. “While recent momentum in some countries toward repealing and reforming laws that criminalize same-sex conduct—including many anti-LGBTQI+ laws inherited from colonial powers—is cause for cautious optimism, some countries have experienced significant backsliding.”

Keep reading.


RELATED ARTICLE: Subsidized Uterus Transplants for Biological Men

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: The Five Steps to Force a Nation into Communism

“Communism must be built with non-Communist hands.” — V.L. Lenin

This is very good and very simple. May be worth watching a few times and then sending it around with a note as to how this has happened in your area.

Here are the five steps:

  1. Divide the people.
  2. Create the appearance of popular support.
  3. Neutralize the opposition.
  4. Precipitate mob violence.
  5. Create a semblance of revolution.

Sound familiar?

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog post published by Eeyore is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Montana Climate Decision No Big Deal

Much ado is being made from the supposed win of a kid’s climate lawsuit in Montana. The alarmists call it a victory, the skeptics a tragedy, but it is neither. What was won is almost funny, while the big ask was in fact denied. The climate kids won a little, but lost a lot.

On the win side the judge merely ruled that the Montana law forbidding consideration of GHG emissions in permitting was unconstitutional. How it is considered is up to the agency or legislature. This need not slow down or stop any project.

The Montana constitution says there is a right to a healthful environment. Alarmism says emissions are harmful which all Courts to date have bought, including this one. So given the possible harm, one cannot simply ignore emissions which the law said to do. Hence the decision to kill the law.

I had no idea there was actually a law forbidding agencies from even talking about emissions. That kind of gag order strikes me as preposterous. Killing it merely takes us back to business as usual. For example an agency could simply say that the emissions associated with a project are too small to have a discernible impact.

This decision is in no way a victory for alarmism. There might be one pesky problem, however. The Court Order says that all actions taken under the unconstitutional law are themselves unconstitutional. Presumably this applies to every permit granted since the law went into effect. It might be interesting to see how Montana handles this, if at all.

Nor is this decision a precedent for other States, except those with similarly strange gag laws, which I doubt are many, if any. So by and large it is a very small win that goes nowhere. Works for me.

What is not reported is what was rejected. The kids asked the Court to require Montana to make and implement an emissions reduction plan, all under Court supervision. The Court properly rejected that monster request.

The reason given for the rejection is correct and becoming the standard. This is that emission reduction is a legislative decision, not a judicial one. As far as I know every failed kids climate suit has been thrown out on similar grounds.

This is the big loss that is not being reported. In realistic terms this suit went nowhere important.

Even the small win, killing the GHG gag law, is based on these two features of the Montana constitution:

Its A2 (Inalienable rights) §3 specifically includes “the right to a clean and healthful environment.”

Its A9 (Environment and natural resources) §1 states “The state shall maintain and improve a clean and healthful environment for present and future generations.”

These are very big hooks that the kids easily hung their suit on. Mind you I do see how the folks in Montana get an inalienable right to be free of large hail, damaging wind, lightning and drought, or grasshoppers and ticks, but I am not a student of their constitution.

That the judge opted for alarmism is no surprise and certainly not big news. If there is any Court that has rejected AGW I would love to hear about it. At the federal level all of the legal challenges to EPA’s ill conceived Endangerment Finding have been rejected.

Apparently Montana did not fight the claims of alarmism. Leading skeptical scientist Judy Curry was scheduled to be an expert witness, even undergoing 8 hours of adversarial deposition. Then the defense decided not to go that way. That interesting story is told here.

To sum up the kid’s lawsuit won a small victory over a strange law based on a wacky constitutional provision. They lost the big one, asking the Court to mandate and enforce emission reductions. Not much to see here.


David Wojick

David Wojick, Ph.D. is an independent analyst working at the intersection of science, technology and policy. For origins click here. For over 100 prior articles for CFACT click here. Available for confidential research and consulting.

RELATED ARTICLE: New study shoots down Biden’s claim that transition to green energy will create jobs

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The 5 Worst Lies of the Biden Administration

For the Biden administration, pushing abortion and transgender ideology is a top priority at all levels of government. Sometimes, this priority even overshadows their commitment to the truth. And the Biden administration has told some real whoppers. But don’t take my word for it; consider the facts for yourself. Here are the top five lies of the Biden administration regarding abortion and transgender ideology.

1) Weakened safety standards for the abortion pill regimen does not pose a threat to women.

On January 3, 2023, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) permanently removed a “requirement that mifepristone be dispensed only in certain health care settings, specifically clinics, medical offices, and hospitals (referred to as the ‘in-person dispensing requirement’).” At the same time, it created a new program under which pharmacies such as Walgreens and CVS can become licensed to distribute mifepristone.

Mifepristone is the first of two drugs taken to induce a chemical abortion. FDA in 2011 placed mifepristone under the Risk Evaluation and Mitigation System (REMS) due to reports of adverse events up to and including death. REMS is reserved “for certain medications with serious safety concerns.” By removing the in-person dispensing requirement from the REMS governing the use of mifepristone, FDA enabled abortion pill dispensaries to ship the pills to women without any oversight from a health care practitioner.

On December 16, 2021, the FDA had “determined that the data support modification of the REMS to reduce burden on patient access and the health care delivery system and to ensure the benefits of the product outweigh the risks.”

On January 22, 2023, President Biden issued a memorandum endorsing FDA’s action, saying that it was “evidence-based” and taken “after an independent and comprehensive review of the risks and benefits.” He directed the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to work together to further advance distribution of the abortion pill regimen. In compliance with this directive, Attorney General Merrick Garland and HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra both denounced an April court decision blocking the distribution of mifepristone (the decision is currently on hold).

In reality, the best available evidence shows that “chemical abortion has led to a surge in emergency room visits and higher rates of complications,” according to the Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI). According to a peer-reviewed, 17-year longitudinal study of Medicaid claims data, in the 30 days following a chemical abortion, women have a 22% greater risk of visiting the emergency room for any reason, and a 53% greater risk of visiting the emergency room for an abortion-related reason, when compared with a surgical abortion.

Peer-reviewed studies of comprehensive datasets in Finland, Sweden, and California also show higher complication rates from chemical abortion. In Finland, a study of 42,619 abortions found that one fifth of all chemical abortions resulted in complications, a rate four times greater than for surgical abortions. In California, a study found the major complication rate for chemical abortions was four times greater than for surgical abortions. In Sweden, a study found complications of chemical abortions “increased significantly during 2008-2015 without any evident cause.”

Although President Biden called the FDA review “comprehensive” and “evidence-based,” the data they reviewed was far less robust than these peer-reviewed studies. “Starting in 2016, the FDA chose to only require reports of death associated with the abortion pill, making their dataset woefully incomplete,” said Dr. James Studnicki, CLI’s vice president of Data Analytics. The FDA review ignored this substantial evidence of high complication rates when it freed the distribution of chemical abortion pills from professional oversight.

2) Military readiness requires taxpayers to cover abortion-related expenses for servicemembers.

On October 20, 2022, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin issued a memorandum titled, “Ensuring Access to Reproductive Health Care,” which directed the Department of Defense (DOD) “to ensure that our Service members and their families can access reproductive health care.” On February 16, 2023, the DOD finalized the policy, granting up to 21 days of “administrative absence to non-covered reproductive health care,” subsidizing “travel for non-covered reproductive health care services,” and loosening “command notification of pregnancy” to benefit abortion.

DOD has claimed the policy will “increase readiness.” After Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) announced he would block senior-level military promotions until DOD ended the policy, President Biden accused Tuberville of “jeopardizing our national security over domestic social issues. Pentagon Spokesman John Kirby was asked last month, “Why is the new DOD policy on abortion critical to military readiness?” He responded that paying for abortion-related travel was a “foundational, sacred obligation of military leaders.”

In reality, federal law prohibits the DOD from using taxpayer funds to promote abortion. Under 10 U.S. Code § 1093, DOD funds and facilities “may not be used to perform abortions except where the life of the mother would be endangered if the fetus were carried to term or in a case in which the pregnancy is the result of an act of rape or incest.” On December 15, 2022, 66 members of Congress wrote to Secretary Austin notifying him that “funding travel and transportation to obtain non-covered, elective abortions through the DOD would, in and of itself violate federal law. It also contradicts DOD’s past recognition, interpretation, and implementation of this law.”

3) Self-perceived gender identity always overrides biological distinctions between the sexes.

On January 20, 2021, President Biden issued an executive order directing federal agencies to interpret all “laws that prohibit sex discrimination” to “prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation,” extending the Supreme Court’s Title VII-specific reasoning in Bostock v. Clayton County to every federal law. A separate executive order on this date ordered the president’s Domestic Policy Council to “coordinate efforts to embed equity principles [including with ‘respect to … gender identity’], policies, and approaches across the Federal Government.”

In the months that followed, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the U.S. Department of Education, the DOJHHS, and other agencies have faithfully implemented this directive to expand the presence of biological males in women’s shelters, women’s locker rooms, and women’s sports, reinterpreting the Fair Housing Act, Title IX, and Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act. FRC Action has compiled a full accounting of the dozens of actions taken by Biden administration in pursuit of this goal.

In reality, physical differences between men and women are too important to ignore. Biological males are, on average, taller, heavier, and stronger than females, which gives them an upper hand in many types of sports — not to mention a predatory advantage when they win admission into women’s-only spaces. Males have won over 30 championships in women’s-only sporting events dating back to 2003. These distinctions are so obvious that even pro-LGBT Democrats cannot entirely ignore them. Last month, a Democratic congressman suggested erecting “barriers” in women’s locker rooms to protect women who felt uncomfortable changing next to a biological male with fully intact anatomy. And a Democratic senator tweeted, “We cannot avoid the biological/evolutionary differences between men and women.”

4) Civically engaged American citizens are violent domestic terrorists.

On October 4, 2021, Garland directed the FBI to investigate a “disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff.” That directive came five days after the National School Boards Association asked President Biden to investigate parents who spoke out at school board meetings for “domestic terrorism and hate crimes,” in a letter prompted by Education Secretary Miguel Cardona. Earlier this year, the House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government determined that the FBI had, in fact, used counterterrorism resources to investigate parents. Needless to say, the “spike” in violence was entirely fabricated.

On September 23, 2022, 25 heavily armed federal agents conducted a pre-dawn raid on the home of pro-life activist Mark Houck to arrest him in front of his wife and seven children. The DOJ indicted Houck under the FACE Act, alleging that two years ago he violently pushed an abortion facility escort to the ground, when he was only defending his 12-year-old son from an aggressive, profanity-laced tirade. Houck had offered to voluntarily surrender months earlier, but apparently the DOJ’s resources were better spent on a SWAT-style raid. This January, a jury acquitted Houck of the charges brought against him.

In February 2023, a leaked memo from the FBI field office in Richmond, Va. revealed the bureau was spying on “radical traditionalist” Catholic communities. After months of FBI stonewalling, the Weaponization Subcommittee finally obtained documents proving that the Richmond field office coordinated with at least two other field offices, and that the investigation had gone as far as seeking to embed undercover sources.

In reality, each of these episodes simply involved ordinary citizens peacefully living their lives, practicing their faith, and properly engaging in the democratic process. In contrast with the previous lies, once caught, the Biden administration could muster no defense against the obvious impropriety of their behavior except pretending it never happened, Nevertheless, the fact remains that the Biden administration has weaponized federal law enforcement resources to investigate private citizens for nothing more than being civically engaged.

5) Protecting minors from harmful, irreversible gender reassignment procedures is illegal discrimination and potentially fatal.

On July 25, 2022, HHS announced a proposed rule under Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, which would force health insurers to cover gender reassignment procedures for minors and could financially coerce doctors to perform them.

Far from an isolated affair, promoting gender reassignment procedures is official Biden administration policy — although the federal role is less direct than states. The DOJ has intervened in lawsuits to block laws protecting minors from gender reassignment procedures in Alabama and Tennessee. The DOJ also tried to force two Catholic hospital associations to provide and insure gender reassignment procedures, in violation of their religious beliefs.

State actions to protect minors from gender reassignment procedures “callously threaten to harm children and their families just to score political points,” alleged President Biden in a March 2022 statement. He appealed to the political conclusions of “respected medical organizations” to argue that “access to gender-affirming care for transgender children can benefit mental health, lower suicide rates, and improve other health outcomes.”

HHS Secretary Becerra agreed in a June 2022 press release, “This year, we have unfortunately seen an alarming rise in state laws and other actions that discriminate against our LGBTQI+ children and youth. … We as a Department recommit to ensuring every American can access health care — including gender-affirming care.” This remained the official White House position as of April 2023, when Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said gender reassignment procedures for minors is “something for a child and their parents to decide” and certainly “not something we believe should be decided by legislators.”

In reality, confused children are often “given no choice” about pursuing gender reassignment procedures, according to detransitioner Prisha Mosley. “They said it was transition or suicide. … I was told, ‘You will kill yourself if you don’t go through with these treatments.’” A whistleblower account from one transgender center said the providers even disregarded the refusal of the custodial parent and proceeded with gender reassignment procedures anyways.

The physical reality of gender transitioning is even more brutal. One young detransitioner said the reassignment procedures performed on him did not make him a woman, but they did make him a “patient for life.” Young people who begin puberty blockers almost universally proceed to cross-sex hormones and often mutilating surgery. Cross-sex hormones can cause “irreversible infertility, while surgeries cause irreversible loss of healthy, functioning organs. Yet Biden said those opposing these gruesome procedures are the ones harming children.

On each of these five points, the Biden administration is driven more by ideology than by the truth. Abortion-by-mail is not safe for women. Taxpayer-funded abortion travel is not necessary for military readiness. Biological sex does matter more than gender identity in many contexts. Citizens aren’t domestic extremists just because they advocate policies the Biden administration doesn’t like. And gender reassignment procedures are good for nobody, especially not minors. With the constant drumbeat of fiction to the contrary, we must keep telling the truth — and saying it loud.


Joshua Arnold

Joshua Arnold is a staff writer at The Washington Stand.


Biden Admin Opposes Protecting Women From Dangerous Abortion Pills

Nurse Found Guilty of Murdering Seven Premature Babies in Neonatal Unit

Court’s Ruling Holds Biden Admin Accountable for Hiding How Abortion Hurts Women

Poll Shows 73% of Americans Oppose Unlimited Abortions


EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2023 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Michigan Investigation Shows FBI Hiding Real 2020 Election Fraud

The Muskegon, Michigan Investigation

In the lead-up to the 2020 general election, an alarming incident unfolded in Muskegon, Michigan, regarding election irregularities in the voter registration process. On October 8, 2020, just a month prior to the election, Muskegon City Clerk Ann Meisch noticed at least 8,000-10,000 suspect voter registration applications being dropped off.

Upon the observation of irregularities, Muskegon City Clerk Ann Meisch and Deputy Clerk Kimberly Young reported their concerns to the Muskegon Police Department. The subsequent investigation led to the formation of an investigative task force. The investigation was based on reports that multiple voter registration forms had suspicious qualities, such as repeated handwriting, invalid addresses, erroneous phone numbers, and mismatched signatures.

One of the most notable aspects of this case was the allegation that an organization named “GBI Strategies”, a Tennessee-based group heavily connected to the Biden campaign and various Democrat campaigns, was implicated in the suspicious voter registration activity. The investigative report suggested that this group had been operating since 2014 and had been involved in various election-related activities, including campaigns for Democratic candidates and committees. Notably, the report indicated that this organization had been paid substantial sums of money for its services, raising concerns about the nature of its involvement.

Further investigation revealed that the suspect who delivered up to 10,000 suspected voter registrations to the clerk’s office in one day, who identified herself as Brianna Hawkins, claimed to be paid for finding unregistered voters and assisting them in registering or obtaining absentee ballots.

  • GBI Strategies paid the suspect $1150 a week, provided a rental car, and reloadable pay cards.
  • One Police raid found dozens of burner phones, hundreds of pre-paid payment cards, and legal automatic weapons and silencers.



Interestingly, the investigation expanded beyond Muskegon, as suspicions arose that the alleged voter fraud operation might extend to multiple cities.

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel and the Michigan State Police joined forces to explore the potential scope of this operation, encompassing a multi-city voter fraud scheme.

Curiously, despite her involvement, AG Dana Nessel’s Criminal Investigation Division was assigned to the operation, she chose not to disclose the investigation to the public. Even as time has passed, Nessel maintains the assertion that there is no substantial evidence of widespread voter fraud in Michigan. This stance appears perplexing considering that she was privy to the large-scale investigation coordinated between her office, the office of her associate, Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, and the Michigan State Police. This operation spanned across the state before being handed over to the FBI. The evidence unearthed by this investigation paints a picture of criminal election fraud, revealing the potential involvement of an organization that established temporary offices in various swing states leading up to the 2020 election.

Michigan State Senator Ruth Johnson, a former Secretary of State, expressed her concerns, estimating that upwards of 800,000 ballot applications were sent to individuals who did not meet the qualifications to vote in Michigan. Her claims encompassed cases of individuals who had moved, passed away, or were underage or non-citizens, even reaching those who had relocated out of state. These applications, if returned, could potentially trigger the issuance of live ballots to these addresses by election clerks. Johnson further highlighted that both the ballot applications and the live ballots were not rigorously scrutinized for signature matches due to the alleged guidance of Democratic Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, who purportedly instructed clerks to unlawfully assume that signatures were a match.

Interestingly, in Michigan, Trump secured victory by 15,000 votes in 2016, standing in stark contrast to his suspicious loss to Joe Biden by a margin of 150,000 votes four years later. This disparity is especially notable given that Trump increased his vote share in neighboring Ohio. Adding to the complexity, 16 Trump Presidential electors in Michigan are currently undergoing prosecution by the state’s Attorney General, Dana Nessel, who has been labeled ‘far-left’ by some observers. Nessel claims that these electors ‘fraudulently’ believed in the presence of systemic voter fraud that was allegedly being inadequately investigated.

Trump lost Muskegon County by only 510 votes. Was there an audit? 

Democrats reportedly voted 67% ‘Absentee’ compared to 32% of Republicans. As Dem’s work very hard to ‘find’ unregistered voters and register them for absentee, combined with switching all Dem voters over to ‘absentee’, it makes it very hard to spot ballot stuffing, harvesting, and trafficking election fraud.

If it weren’t for an honest election clerk and a brassy democrat operative who overplayed their hand, this fraud may not have been detected.

It seems the Dem’s are smart enough to create a multi-state get-out-the-vote scheme that will be covered up by the partisan FBI if a local election office detects election fraud.

Ban Ballot Harvesting and Trafficking:

No All-Mail Voting, Strict Absentee Only, No Automatic Voter Registration, No Ballot Harvesting, Touring, Trafficking

Voter ID in Every State

Stop Zuckerbucks and Private Funding

Secure US Elections

Join Us and Help Prevent Election Fraud and Secure Our Elections Today!

©2023. ACT for America! All rights reserved.


RELATED VIDEO: Lindsey Graham on Trump indictment: They are criminalizing contesting an election

PODCAST: Great Reset Menu—GMO Food, Bugs and Solar Panels

I am the expert. You will believe me and support me. If you disagree, you will go to jail. Do I tell the truth? NO!  Do I get to make up my own facts regardless. Yes! After all I am from the government and we will now decide your future. You will now get rid of all fossil fuels and all of their products. You will eat what I tell you. Everything I decide you want will be in a 15 minute walk from your home.  Say hello to your new police force of illegal aliens who will make sure you stay in your zone, your new prison.  Are you hungry? You may have to move to Afghanistan where the Taliban converted the heroin producing poppy fields to food while in America we convert our food to solar farms.

Our Marxist Affirmative Action graduates of experts have worked hard to develop your new menu: GMO Food, Bugs and Solar Panels.

You will eat as you are told or face the consequences. Welcome to the new Marxist/Communist/Globalist America.

Think this won’t happen?  Think again.

Florida used to be in the top 5 states producing a variety of food products. Today as I travel through Florida where I used to see corn, peanuts, tomatoes and citrus, I now see solar and wind farms.  So I ask you Gov DeSantis, what do solar panels and wind blades taste like?  Today when all we hear is, there will be food shortages, I want to know, why are you cutting food production? We need more food not less? Why are you cutting CO2 when you know it is needed for plants aka our food? Oh I forgot, “Less people, less problems.”

As I was investigating the stupidity of cutting food production when more food is needed I discovered:

The OBiden administration with the help of the RINOS is subsidizing energy companies guaranteeing them a 10% profit while hamstringing them with regulations and insane permitting so they are forced to turn to inefficient, ineffective expensive renewables.  By outlawing or over regulating appliances and vehicles that rely on natural gas and fossil fuel Globalists insure the fact that their donors who have invested in Green will recoup their investment. We the people will be overcharged.  We will receive overly expensive, inefficient, ineffective electricity and products made with slave labor. (Think Sound of Freedom). Some of those children depending on the country they wind up in, go to the cobalt mines so the Globalists can get their expensive EV batteries.

Of course they tell you this must be done to save the planet and protect Mother Earth (GAIA) You must sacrifice for the common good. You must do your part to make up for all the destruction HUMANS caused Mother Earth.  Wait a minute, No one asks, What harm? I didn’t cause hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, etc. I guess Affirmative action graduates never learned fossil fuel is necessary to produce about 1000 products including solar panels and wind turbines.

According to the World Economic Forum (WEF) Globalists, Humans are users. Their addiction is to CO2.  WEF will tell the school children that use of CO2 will cause the destruction of Mother Earth (GAIA). Students will force their parent to abstain from fossil fuel or pay a fine.  OBiden even said he didn’t know why the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was named that when it was really all about funding Green projects.

Globalists will either bankrupt corporations or regulate them out of business or will pay them a subsidy for Green. Globalists will make up new categories to restrict humans and business.  Social Credits aka Personal Carbon Allowance (PCA) for humans and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) scores will give credits or take credits.  Not enough credits, too bad no food or gas for you. As long as we allow the WEF to think they  are the experts the humans will be forced to listen and obey. WEF messages in elementary school so by the time students are adults, they will believe CO2 is destroying the planet, while wind and solar are reliable.

WEF/Globalists/DNC/RINOS know batteries, wind and solar won’t work in extreme cold or heat? WEF doesn’t care. I haven’t figured out how to get solar panels on a jet so they will still have their gas vehicles, jets and ships run on fossil fuel..  Bottom line: Globalists do not want us mobile or talking. Mobility and free speech are freedom and that is out of the question.

Why would you want to make this country dependent on what’s going on in China? In Florida seems as though our absentee, part time Governor taking a full time salary,  DeSantis, would rather hand Florida to China than feed the Florida taxpayer.  Under his public service commission, Florida has no real common sense energy policy. The plan brought to you by the Affirmative Action graduates will give you the inefficient, part time  renewable wind and solar. According to Mike Davis,  $8.6 billion, in the last 3 years spent on solar farms with about $6 billion going to China Chico for solar panels and for battery storage. 16 years of solar plant conversions by the State will cost about $600Billion+ to China instead of American inexpensive reliable natural gas.

Floridians are already stretched with a 29% increase.  By the target of 2045  energy will be  4 times what you pay now. As for Ron’s donors Nextera, PSE, etc. they are covered with a 8 to 10% guaranteed return on that Capital spend to destroy Florida’s current sensible energy plan. The only guarantee Floridians have is all of the energy policies in Florida are pro China. and we will have 70% unreliable energy guaranteeing brownouts, blackouts and higher rates. Why would anyone vote for this policy for America?

Florida rate payers have seen approximately 29% rate hikes in their existing electric bill. Florida currently has 74% of usage of natural gas to generate electricity and natural gas is at record lows. But instead of rates going down or remaining the same they have gone up 29% in order to fund this extremely expensive program of renewables that only comprise less than 4% of our energy today. By 2045 we will be down to less than 30% of stable energy. Instead Floridians will be using 70% of unstable renewable energy. Imagine how lovely it will be during a Heat Alert , or dangerous thunderstorm both which we in Florida have been experiencing for the last 3 months. Do solar panels work when the sun doesn’t shine?

Since I am not an affirmative action graduate I know nothing will work. So we will go back in time when we had NO air conditioning in Florida. Better buy your fans and generators now.

We already have energy shortages today. So we are replacing inexpensive American natural gas with expensive Chinese solar panels and wind blades and lithium-ion batteries. Who is DeSantis paying off with this stupid policy which is harming Floridians? Nextera is one of his largest donors, why are we not surprised?  Florida is only the Sunshine State 80% of the time what happens when it’s cloudy? Florida is only windy part time what happens when there’s no wind? OBiden wants to use Bill Gates’ technology to block the sun. Will solar panels work?

Look at your electric bill times it by 4. Still want to vote for DeSantis?

How much land will be lost to solar farms instead of food? Not to worry, since there is no place to dispose of those useless panels that stopped working, they will be on the menu. Ketchup anyone?

Please read and share Mike Davis article…

Is America Worth Saving?  Its up to you.

Get your kids out of the indoctrination clinics masquerading as Public Schools. Check out goflca.org  MicroSchools.

Remember: Everything is connected. Nothing is random, Everyone follows the same plan. ALL PLANS ARE BASED ON LIES. Globalists must control opposition. Globalists must take away our voice.

Globalists only care about MONEY, POWER and CONTROL. Don’t give them yours. Boycotts work. Stop using their services and products.  Vote the RINOS out. Vote with your fingers and with your wallet. There is a lot you can do.

©2023. Karen Schoen. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Asian Hornet, Cousin Of Infamous Murder Hornet, Found In United States For First Time Ever

Show: Sat and Sun 7AM ET and 9PM ET on AmericaOutloud.com

Podcasts and Articles: Karenbschoen.com, karenschoen.substack.com,

Biden: Already Declared Climate Emergency ‘Practically Speaking’

President Biden has “practically speaking” already declared a national emergency on climate change, the president said in an interview with The Weather Channel published Wednesday. “We’ve conserved more land. We rejoined the Paris Climate Accord, we passed a $368 billion climate control facility.” At first, he said he had declared an emergency, but when pressed he said he had done so “practically speaking.”

The point of an emergency declaration is so that executives can exercise special powers to respond to an emergency, which would be unlawful under normal circumstances. However, due to the enormous powers they unlock, federal emergency declarations are limited by three federal laws.

Under the Public Health Service Act, the Health and Human Services Secretary can declare a public health emergency that grants the secretary extensive powers to respond to the public health emergency.

Under the Stafford Act, a state governor or tribal area chief executive can request federal assistance, allowing the president to declare a disaster or emergency; such a declaration enables the federal government to disburse financial assistance and other relief, coordinated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Under the National Emergencies Act, the president may declare a national emergency without a request from a specific state, which confers 123 powers granted in other laws, although the president must specify which authorities are activated.

The law does not recognize a method of declaring an emergency, “practically speaking,” without an official declaration. Thus, even CNN acknowledged, “President Joe Biden incorrectly claimed in an interview with The Weather Channel that he has already declared a national emergency on the climate crisis.”

Biden elaborated on what he meant regarding a climate change emergency. “It’s the existential threat to humanity,” he stated. A threat to humanity’s existence would logically involve a threat to American lives, and a natural event that threatens American lives would typically be an appropriate subject for an emergency declaration. In that sense, it’s possible to follow Biden’s logic.

But while the logic is certainly clear, the solution is not. To protect lives during a hurricane, tornado, or manhunt, a governor could order citizens to evacuate, shelter in place, or avoid a certain area, as well as stockpiling emergency resources. Then, once the emergency is past, citizens can resume their normal lives. These are not only inadequate but meaningless responses to something as ill-defined as “climate change.” Evacuate to where? For how long? The current climate change narrative identifies a global crisis extending for lifetimes.

In fact, the lack of workable solutions might explain why President Biden has so far declined to declare a climate emergency. Biden has labelled climate change an “emergency” in speeches and vowed to combat it through executive actions, but he has stopped short of declaring an official emergency. If he did declare an emergency, what powers would he invoke, precisely?

Another possible reason for Biden’s delay is the inevitable legal and constitutional challenges, which he might then lose. Under normal circumstances, emergency powers are as short-lived as the crisis. But a climate emergency would be practically endless, enabling a presidential administration to sweep away America’s normal operating procedure forever, “practically speaking.” The courts have already struck down a number of Biden administration executive actions on the climate — from stopping offshore drilling to redefining inland waters — and they might not look too kindly on what would amount to a massive power grab.

But climate change is not the only issue on which emergency powers allure Biden. Biden has been contemplating an abortion emergency declaration since last year. He contemplated declaring an emergency over monkeypox, which primarily affects a very specific subset of the population. And he kept extending the COVID-19 emergency until long after he declared the pandemic over, and Congress had forced him to let it end. Somehow, under the president who promised to restore normalcy to Washington, everything is an emergency.

But President Biden’s track record with emergency declarations — specifically, considering them but not declaring them — suggests they serve a purpose other than good governance. That purpose is politics. When the chief executive is constantly mulling an emergency declaration, that stokes fear and alarm in the public, who assume he has alarming information they don’t. Fear can be a powerful motivator, driving people to vote, protest, or answer polls in the desired way. And many politicians today traffic almost exclusively in the rhetoric of fear. Even 70% of churchgoers have a growing sense of fear, although the Bible repeatedly exhorts them to “fear not.”

Biden is not the only figure to misuse an emergency declaration to advance a political agenda. In May, North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper (D) officially declared a state of emergency because the legislature was considering a school choice bill. In June, the Human Rights Campaign — an activist organization with no governmental or emergency power — declared a state of emergency for people in Florida who identify as LGBT because the state government enacted measures to check the inroads of transgender ideology in education and medicine. These nakedly political emergency declarations cheapen the whole concept, so that people are tempted to take it less seriously in the event of an actual emergency.

Today’s progressives are apparently trying to improve on former Obama advisor Rahm Emanuel’s slogan, “Never let a crisis go to waste.” After lurching society to the Left, their worry is not that they might waste a crisis by failing to achieve their agenda, but that there aren’t enough crises to accommodate it all. Thus, they are proactively looking for crises to exploit or, if necessary, manufacture. “Is this a crisis?” they ask themselves. “Or rather, would people believe it is?”

Healthy representative governments don’t flit breathlessly from crisis to crisis, nor do they replace mature deliberation for fear-driven urgency. This is unacceptable, and it must not continue.


Joshua Arnold is a staff writer at The Washington Stand.

RELATED ARITICLE: Two Princeton, MIT Scientists Say EPA Climate Regulations Based on a ‘Hoax’

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. ©2023 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

TAKE ACTION: End the ‘ESG War’ on Energy Freedom

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” — President Abraham Lincoln

Take Action to Abolish Partisan ‘ESG’…It’s Time to End the War on Energy Freedom and Abolish the Partisan ESG Transfer of Wealth and Power


ESG’s primary function is to cut off capital to the oil and gas industry and direct it to ‘green’ energy.

A groundswell of resistance is emerging in the United States as elected officials, shareholders, and the public coalesce against the perceived undemocratic implications of the “Environmental, Social, and Governance” (ESG) investment framework, which critics argue has been wielded as a tool by the elite left.

This movement is characterized by multiple fronts of action. On the legislative front, federal lawmakers have put forth proposals mandating that investment advisers prioritize financial gains over non-monetary interests, seeking to ensure a focus on economic returns. Criticism has arisen, particularly from a recent study showing that ESG funds underperformed the broader market by 6.3% to 8.9% over the last five years.

Simultaneously, state treasurers are stepping up to challenge financial institutions that seem to discriminate against essential industries within their respective states.

Amidst this, consumers are pushing back against what they perceive as “Woke Corporations,” expressing their displeasure with companies that adopt socially and politically charged stances.

Shareholders are taking a more direct approach by engaging CEOs, questioning the rationale behind investment firms channeling substantial American pension funds into China’s economy, potentially bolstering communist leaders.

Critics contend that ESG operates as more than just an environmental initiative; they view it as an underlying wealth transfer scheme that operates under the façade of a green agenda.

The ESG framework provides a strategic means for those in power to exert control and influence over economic sectors, particularly targeting industries that hold opposing political or energy viewpoints to disproportionately disadvantage certain sectors and favor others, ultimately redistributing wealth and power within the market.

By leveraging environmental and social concerns as a cover, this approach allows the wielding of influence to advance specific political agendas while effectively marginalizing industries that do not align with the prevailing narrative.

ESG has proven elusive to a precise definition due to its subjective nature. With over 600 ESG raters and rating systems globally in 2018, its interpretation varies widely. The surge in ESG reporting and investing has led to the creation of dedicated financial products by brokerage firms and mutual fund companies, resulting in almost 700 ESG exchange-traded funds in the United States alone. Over 90% of S&P 500 companies and 70% of Russell 1000 Index companies offer ESG reports, indicating its growing importance.

The Biden administration has prioritized ESG, allowing environmental and social factors to influence investment decisions for retirement funds of millions of Americans. A group of 25 states has filed a federal lawsuit against the Department of Labor’s ESG rule, asserting violations of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. This lawsuit raises concerns that the rule could jeopardize retirement plans for millions of Americans, affecting assets totaling around $12 trillion.


RELATED ARTICLE: August 8th-Ratings agency S&P Global stops grading borrowers’ ESG credit risk amid political backlash over ‘woke capitalism’

EDITORS NOTE: This ACT for America column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

EPA’s New Climate Rule Would Cause Rolling Blackouts In Huge Swath Of America, Analysis Finds

  • Proposed Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations for power plant emissions could spur blackouts in the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) power grid region and cost stakeholders nearly $250 billion in the coming decades, according to comments filed in response to the rule by the Center of the American Experiment (CAE).
  • The average annual cost to stakeholders of building enough capacity to stave off the blackouts CAE projects in the MISO region is greater than the average annual benefit the EPA estimates its proposals will bring for the entire country by 2055, according to CAE’s analysis.
  • “This is the regulatory equivalent of studying the structural integrity of the top floor of a 100-story building without doing so for the preceding 99 floors,” Isaac Orr, policy fellow for the CAE and coauthor of CAE’s comments, told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Proposed Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rules regulating carbon dioxide emissions for power plants would lead to blackouts in a large slice of the Midwest and impose costs of nearly $250 billion, according to new analysis by the Center of the American Experiment (CAE).

The EPA’s proposed regulations would require fossil fuel-fired power plants to adopt developing technologies, such as carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) and hydrogen blending, in order to significantly bring down their greenhouse gas emissions over the coming decades. CAE filed comments this week in response to the EPA’s proposals, highlighting in its analysis that the EPA has overestimated the efficacy of wind and solar while exposing the 45 million people living in the area served by the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) power grid to elevated blackout risks.

The EPA “does not appear to have the expertise necessary to enact such a sweeping regulation on the American power sector,” CAE wrote in its comments.

CAE’s analysis found that the EPA’s modeled MISO grid could result in massive blackouts across the 15 states it serves, with one stress test scenario estimating that nearly one in five MISO-served households would be without power. Additionally, CAE calculated that building up enough capacity to avoid its projected blackouts in the MISO region would cost $246 billion in total by 2055.

That figure breaks down to $7.7 billion annually on average through 2055, a number which is greater than the EPA’s projected $5.9 billion annual benefit to the entire country if the proposals are finalized.

“For EPA’s RIA on the proposed rules, EPA assumes 99 percent of the emissions reductions resulting from changes to the electric grid are driven by the subsidies in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which is called its ‘Post-IRA’ Base Case and only 1 percent is from the proposed rules,” Orr continued. “But EPA never studies whether its base case, which accounts for 99 percent of the changes, maintains enough reliable power plants on the grid to meet electricity demand, as they only looked at that last 1 percent,” Orr said, adding that “this is the regulatory equivalent of studying the structural integrity of the top floor of a 100-story building without doing so for the preceding 99 floors.”

“EPA is required to justify any proposed regulations from a scientific and economic standpoint in a document called a Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA). Unfortunately, EPA used misleading assumptions in its analysis to justify the rules that don’t accurately reflect their impact on the reliability of the grid or their cost,” Isaac Orr, policy fellow for the CAE and coauthor of CAE’s comments, told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The Edison Electric Institute, a leading trade group for U.S. energy companies, also filed comments in response to the EPA’s proposals this week, highlighting that the EPA’s assertion that the efficacy of hydrogen blending and CCS has been adequately demonstrated is legally insufficient.

“The proposed rule does not require that plants go offline,” an EPA spokesperson told the DCNF. “The proposed rule would require plants to install proven technology to abate greenhouse gas emissions. The proposal provides owners and operators of power plants with ample lead time and substantial compliance flexibilities, allowing power companies and grid operators to make sound long-term planning and investment decisions, and supporting the power sector’s ability to continue delivering reliable and affordable electricity.”

The EPA “looks forward to reviewing comments and constructively engaging with stakeholders as we work to finalize the proposed standards,” the spokesperson continued.

Two of the “proven” technologies cited by the EPA in its proposal are CCS and hydrogen blending. A considerable majority of CCS projects have underperformed or failed across the world, according to a 2022 report by the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis, while hydrogen blending is a technique that is neither completely safe nor effective, according to a 2022 report by the Pipeline Safety Trust.

The EPA is seeking to impose these new regulations under the Clean Air Act in a way that accords with the limits to its authority clarified by the Supreme Court in West Virginia v. EPA, decided in June 2022. The proposals align with the Biden administration’s wider push to achieve net-zero carbon emissions in the American power sector by 2035 and to have the American economy reach net-zero by 2050.

Some aims of the new proposals are “more aggressive” than those of the Clean Power Plan (CPP), an Obama-era attempt to impose stiff regulations on fossil fuel-fired power plants that ultimately formed the basis of West Virginia’s successful legal challenge in West Virginia v. EPA, according to comments filed in response to the rule by the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI).

Mark Christie, a top official for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) warned in June that “catastrophic consequences” could await the U.S. if the premature retirement of fossil fuel-fired power plants continues before green energy alternatives are ready to supply large amounts of power to the grid.

MISO did not respond immediately to a request for comment.




RELATED ARTICLE: Blue State That Pushes Green Energy Delays Closing Power Plants Amid Blackout Concerns

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.

Biden’s Build Back Bust: Electric Car Company Proterra Goes Belly-up Bankrupt

The center piece of Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.’s Build Back Better all electric vehicles GREEN agenda is a BIG bust.

Biden’s Build Back Bust economy has led to, among others, the bankruptcy of Proterra the maker of all electric buses.


The New York Post’s reports,

President Biden frequently extolled an electric vehicle company — in which his energy secretary heavily invested — before it declared bankruptcy on Monday.

Bay Area-based electric bus and battery maker Proterra filed for Chapter 11, with CEO Gareth Joyce citing “various market and macroeconomic headwinds that have impacted our ability to efficiently scale.”

The EV firm, which sold more than 1,300 electric buses to public transit systems in the US and Canada, was valued at $1.6 billion when Biden, 80, took office in January 2021 — but closed with a market value of $362 million, according to Reuters.

In 2021, the president pledged more than $10 billion from his $1.9 trillion bipartisan infrastructure plan toward zero-emission transit and school bus programs.

He has promoted Proterra several times since taking office, and once virtually toured a facility.

Read full article.

It is a fact that all Electric Vehicles (EVs) are powered by coal, uranium, natural gas or diesel-powered energy sources.

One of the greatest persistent, persuasive and unrealistic myths is the idea that the United States must abandon coal, fossil and nuclear fuels in favor of windmills and solar panels. This persistent, persuasive and unrealistic myth is now public policy!

The The Biden-⁠Harris Electric Vehicle Charging Action Plan states,

President Biden has united automakers and autoworkers to drive American leadership forward on clean cars, and he set an ambitious target of 50% of electric vehicle (EV) sale shares in the U.S. by 2030. Now, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will supercharge America’s efforts to lead the electric future, Building a Better America where we can strengthen domestic supply chains, outcompete the world, and make electric cars cheaper for working families.

[ … ]

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law makes the most transformative investment in electric vehicle charging in U.S. history that will put us on the path to a convenient and equitable network of 500,000 chargers and make EVs accessible to all Americas for both local and long-distance trips. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law includes $5 billion in formula funding for states with a goal to build a national charging network. 10% is set-aside each year for the Secretary to provide grants to States to help fill gaps in the network. The Law also provides $2.5 billion for communities and corridors through a competitive grant program that will support innovative approaches and ensure that charger deployment meets Administration priorities such as supporting rural charging, improving local air quality and increasing EV charging access in disadvantaged communities. Together, this is the largest-ever U.S. investment in EV charging and will be a transformative down payment on the transition to a zero-emission future. [Emphasis added]

Read the full plan here.

QUESTION: What exactly will charge the chargers and the batteries in these clean cars?

EVs Are Not So Green

A reader send us a link to this post on Reddit:

Not so Green

This is an excellent breakdown.

Batteries, they do not make electricity – they store electricity produced elsewhere, primarily by coal, uranium, natural gas-powered plants, or diesel-fueled generators. So, to say an EV is a zero-emission vehicle is not at all valid.

Also, since forty percent of the electricity generated in the U.S. is from coal-fired plants, it follows that forty percent of the EVs on the road are coal-powered, do you see?”

Einstein’s formula, E=MC2, tells us it takes the same amount of energy to move a five-thousand-pound gasoline-driven automobile a mile as it does an electric one. The only question again is what produces the power? To reiterate, it does not come from the battery; the battery is only the storage device, like a gas tank in a car.

There are two orders of batteries, rechargeable, and single-use. The most common single-use batteries are A, AA, AAA, C, D. 9V, and lantern types. Those dry-cell species use zinc, manganese, lithium, silver oxide, or zinc and carbon to store electricity chemically. Please note they all contain toxic, heavy metals.

Rechargeable batteries only differ in their internal materials, usually lithium-ion, nickel-metal oxide, and nickel-cadmium. The United States uses three billion of these two battery types a year, and most are not recycled; they end up in landfills. California is the only state which requires all batteries be recycled. If you throw your small, used batteries in the trash, here is what happens to them.

All batteries are self-discharging. That means even when not in use, they leak tiny amounts of energy. You have likely ruined a flashlight or two from an old, ruptured battery. When a battery runs down and can no longer power a toy or light, you think of it as dead; well, it is not. It continues to leak small amounts of electricity. As the chemicals inside it run out, pressure builds inside the battery’s metal casing, and eventually, it cracks. The metals left inside then ooze out. The ooze in your ruined flashlight is toxic, and so is the ooze that will inevitably leak from every battery in a landfill. All batteries eventually rupture; it just takes rechargeable batteries longer to end up in the landfill.

In addition to dry cell batteries, there are also wet cell ones used in automobiles, boats, and motorcycles. The good thing about those is, ninety percent of them are recycled. Unfortunately, we do not yet know how to recycle single-use ones.

But that is not half of it. For those of you excited about electric cars and a green revolution, I want you to take a closer look at batteries and also windmills and solar panels. These three technologies share what we call environmentally destructive production costs.

A typical EV battery weighs one thousand pounds, about the size of a travel trunk. It contains twenty-five pounds of lithium, sixty pounds of nickel, 44 pounds of manganese, 30 pounds cobalt, 200 pounds of copper, and 400 pounds of aluminum, steel, and plastic. Inside are over 6,000 individual lithium-ion cells.

It should concern you that all those toxic components come from mining. For instance, to manufacture each EV auto battery, you must process 25,000 pounds of brine for the lithium, 30,000 pounds of ore for the cobalt, 5,000 pounds of ore for the nickel, and 25,000 pounds of ore for copper. All told, you dig up 500,000 pounds of the earth’s crust for just – one – battery.”

Sixty-eight percent of the world’s cobalt, a significant part of a battery, comes from the Congo. Their mines have no pollution controls, and they employ children who die from handling this toxic material. Should we factor in these diseased kids as part of the cost of driving an electric car?”

I’d like to leave you with these thoughts. California is building the largest battery in the world near San Francisco, and they intend to power it from solar panels and windmills. They claim this is the ultimate in being ‘green,’ but it is not. This construction project is creating an environmental disaster. Let me tell you why.

The main problem with solar arrays is the chemicals needed to process silicate into the silicon used in the panels. To make pure enough silicon requires processing it with hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrogen fluoride, trichloroethane, and acetone. In addition, they also need gallium, arsenide, copper-indium-gallium- diselenide, and cadmium-telluride, which also are highly toxic. Silicon dust is a hazard to the workers, and the panels cannot be recycled.

Windmills are the ultimate in embedded costs and environmental destruction. Each weighs 1688 tons (the equivalent of 23 houses) and contains 1300 tons of concrete, 295 tons of steel, 48 tons of iron, 24 tons of fiberglass, and the hard to extract rare earths neodymium, praseodymium, and dysprosium. Each blade weighs 81,000 pounds and will last 15 to 20 years, at which time it must be replaced. We cannot recycle used blades.

There may be a place for these technologies, but you must look beyond the myth of zero emissions.

“Going Green” may sound like the Utopian ideal but when you look at the hidden and embedded costs realistically with an open mind, you can see that Going Green is more destructive to the Earth’s environment than meets the eye, for sure.

The Bottom Line

EVs are neither carbon-neutral nor powered by batteries. The batteries in EVs are all powered by other energy sources. The truth is that mankind cannot become carbon neutral without hurting mankind itself.

We have long recommended that America go all nuclear power. Nuclear power is clean, carbon free, reliable and cheap.

As we wrote in our column “America’s Energy Future: Oil, Natural Gas and Nuclear“:

America’s power lies in its ability to provide power to the engines of our current and future economic growth.

Starving America of power, makes America powerless. Starving our citizens of cheap and reliable power is a direct threat to our fiscal and national security.

To be powerful America needs powerful sources of energy. Nuclear, oil (for gasoline, diesel and aviation fuels) and natural gas are the best and most accessible means to energy independence.

Energy independence translates into life, liberty and the pursuit of our collective happiness.

Without cheap and reliable power sources the lights in that city on the hill will most certainly go out – for everyone.

Powerup America.

©2023. Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


As Other Automakers Push EVs, This Luxury Brand Drove Laps Around Them In 2022

Which Burns Faster, Wind Turbines or EVs?

Ford Burns Through Billions, Expects to Lose $12 Billion on Electric Vehicle Line

Biden Raves Over Expensive Inefficient, Electric Ford F-150 Truck

U.S. Authorities On Alert After Discovering New Chinese Migrant Smuggling Route in Florida

Federal authorities are growing increasingly concerned about a route Chinese migrants are utilizing to make their way to Florida illegally, according to an internal federal intelligence report obtained exclusively by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The report states that law enforcement lacks information regarding who is coordinating the smuggling between the Bahamas and Florida, where the migrants are being staged in the Bahamas and why Chinese migrants are choosing the Caribbean island. It also references recent incidents of Chinese nationals entering Florida illegally via the Bahamas.

There have been five such incidents of Chinese migrants attempting to “self-smuggle” from the Bahamas, according to the report. One incident took place on July 16 and involved a group of six Chinese migrants.

View Document #1 obtained by Jennie Taer//Daily Caller News Foundation

“The Chinese purchased a Bahamian registered vessel in GBI and tested the capabilities before leaving and being interdicted in Palm Beach. All 6 Chinese migrants were repatriated to the Bahamas,” the report stated of the latest interdiction.

Document #2 obtained by Jennie Taer//Daily Caller News Foundation

Border Patrol agents stationed in Florida have seen a spike in arrests of illegal migrants from China, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data.

Agents apprehended 27 illegal migrants from China in Florida between October 2022 and June, up from 5 in all of fiscal year 2022 and 7 in fiscal year 2021, according to the data. It is unclear, however, how many of the total number of Chinese migrants caught by Florida authorities used the Bahamian smuggling route.

Federal authorities at the U.S.-Mexico border also recorded a recent uptick in encounters of Chinese migrants crossing illegally. Between October 2022 and June, Border Patrol agents apprehended more than 14,000 illegal migrants from China at the southern border, compared to roughly 1,900 in all of fiscal year 2022, according to federal data.

“Right now in China there’s extreme pessimism, especially among people in their 20s about the future of their country, so it’s understandable that they’re leaving and they’re trying to get into the United States. And, you know, these are people who are relatively middle class, so it shows you the problems in Chinese society are severe,” China expert Gordon Chang previously told the DCNF of the surge in Chinese migrants crossing the southern border.

“When I first saw that the surge in Chinese migrants, that’s the thought that came to my mind that these are either Ministry of State Security agents or Chinese military, who are coming to this country to commit acts of sabotage against the US,” Chang added.



Investigative reporter.

RELATED ARTICLE: Illegal Immigration Surges After Biden Admin Takes Victory Lap Over Border Numbers

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.

It’s Official! Climate PSYOP replaces COVID PSYOP – Global ‘boiling’ replaces ‘warming’ – NYT declares end of summer vacations

NYT: ‘Climate change’ May Make Summer Vacation A Thing of the Past!

NYT warns of “scorching heat…fires, floods, tornadoes and hail storms”- August 5, 2023“This year, everything from scorching heat to fires, floods, tornadoes and hail storms driven by climate change have disrupted the plans of travelers around the world. A summer getaway remains a powerful desire, but it’s at a tipping point…For decades, science has confirmed that unabated climate change will cause more misery, more hardship and cost millions of lives in the years to come. We’re getting a taste of the results this summer. Our relationship to travel has reached a tipping point. What happens when we can’t just vacation through it?”

Watch: Morano on Fox & Friends – The climate ‘psychological operation’ is beginning – NYT claiming vacations are a thing of the past due to climate is an attempt to restrict ‘freedom of movement’

Morano: “This is the COVID PSYOP ending and the climate PSYOP beginning. This is the New York Times signaling that the ruling class is telling us that vacations are now a thing of the past. They’re trying to set our mindset to give up on vacations. And they’re giving up our freedom of movement…What the New York Times is claiming is that somehow people have to stay home, and it is literally in the article suggesting people need to huddle around their air conditioners at home because the weather is too extreme — because our previous travel has made the earth uninhabitable. this is insane, unscientific, silly.”


‘It is terrifying’: UN chief declares: ‘The era of global boiling has arrived’ – ‘The era of global warming has ended’ – ‘Children swept away by monsoon rains’

Flashback: UN Picks former president of Socialist International As New Secretary-General (Antonio Guterres)

Top climate scientists rubbish claims July was the hottest month ever – Public being ‘misinformed on a massive scale’

Meteorologist Dr. Ryan Maue mocks study claiming heatwaves were ‘virtually impossible’ without ‘climate change’ – ‘I guess politicizing the weather means we have to suspend disbelief and erase the past’

No, the Earth Did Not have an ‘Unprecedented and Terrifying … All-Time High Temperature’ on July 4th – Not the hottest in 100,000 years – NOAA & AP back away from claim

Analysis: Antarctic sea ice extent ‘record low’ due to ‘wind patterns’ – ‘Sea ice is actually thicker than normal’ as ‘the ice edge’ being ‘squeezed closer together’ – Sea ice volume ‘is NOT lowest on record’

Extreme Weather Expert Pielke Jr. rips Wash Post claim of hottest ‘world record’ ocean temp – ‘No it is not a world record. It’s not even highest at that station in past 6 years’

Extreme Weather Expert Dr. Roger Pielke Jr.:  “Science journalism is broken. No it is not a world record. It’s not even the highest at that station in the past 6 years. When did journalists and editors stop doing journalism and start turning incorrect but viral Tweets into headlines? Recipe for misinformation.”

Florida Meteorologist Jeff Berardelli told CNBC:  “These buoys that are inside Florida Bay — so that’s to the north of the Florida Keys and to the South Florida peninsula — they’re all in very shallow, murky, dark water…it’s contaminated with sediment, the water temperatures are reflective of the fact that darker surfaces absorb more heat…“it’s not really comparable to most water measurements…“there are no official records that are kept on water temperature.”

Even though CNBC debunked the ‘hot tub’ ocean temperature claims, its sister organization MSNBC went full alarmist, ignoring CNBC reporting. See: MSNBC Warns of ‘Boiling Seas’ from Climate Change – MSNBC warned Monday of “boiling seas” due to climate change, citing ocean readings of 100ºF off the coast of Florida. Never shy about employing incendiary rhetoric, MSNBC seems to have forgotten that while the boiling point of water is 100º Celsius, it is actually 212º on the Fahrenheit scale.

LA Times says quiet part out loud: ‘Would an occasional blackout help solve climate change?’ – ‘We might not have a choice’

Climate Depot’s Marc Morano: “The LA Times question is not theoretical. Blackouts are happening globally due to the inhuman climate agenda demanding an end to reliable and affordable fossil fuel energy.” See:Bloomberg News: ‘South Africa Beats Climate Goal as Blackouts Slash Emissions’ – ‘Unintentional…power plant breakdowns are reducing industrial activity’

Watch: Morano debunks Media Hysteria on heatwaves & ‘Global BOILING’ – O’Connor Tonight

Depot Ranked #2 in 2023 Survey of Top 11 ‘Climate Deniers’: ‘Morano’s influence in shaping public opinion on climate change is significant’ – 2023 ‘Climate Denial’ Ranking by the website Before The Flood

Watch: Morano on Fox News w/ Jesse Watters on how arsonists are responsible for ‘climate’ wildfires – Not ‘climate change’ – ‘There are other forces at work’

Fox News Channel – Jesse Watters Primetime – Broadcast July 28, 2023 – Are arsonists responsible for global wildfires? ‘The Green Fraud’ author Marc Morano says there are ‘other forces at work’ as wildfires rage across the planet on ‘Jesse Watters Primetime.’

Watch: Morano on Real America’s Voice TV: RFK Jr. had ‘a red-pill moment’ on climate agenda – He now realizes ‘the same sausage that the UN,WHO & WEF make for COVID claims were also made for climate claims’

Watch: Fox host Stuart Varney challenges Morano over heatwave-climate link

Watch: Morano’s 1-hour Updated Great Reset & Climate Lockdown Speech – ‘This is the Sovietization of America to meet climate compliance rules!’ – Presented in person in Tucson Arizona

Copyright © 2023 Climate Depot, All rights reserved.

Inflation is NOT Gone or Reduced – Just Another Biden Regime Lie

Wayne Allen Root on his great Saturday Show Americas’ Top 10 on Real America’s Voice (a livestream program) tells the TRUTH about INFLATION — see article below.  The Biden regime is lying to us by saying inflation has gone/eased up.  Remember this as well – food & fuel costs are way undercalculated in the govt’s CSI and Inflation statistics.

Highly recommend you watch the Real America’s Voice (RAV) channel on livestream TV featuring real conservatives shows where hosts tell the truth rather than spread Obama 3/Biden lies like the LameStream media (including Fox) do every day.   All you need is your internet and a smart TV to bring up RAV or a dumb TV and a livestream device like ROKU or Firestick.  Consider saving big $$$ by getting off of cable TV (which supports many leftist apps and programs at your expense) and switching to livestream and watching only what you want to at little to no cost.

WAYNE ROOT: The Government & Media are Lying: If Inflation is Gone, I Have a Bridge to Sell You Over the Pacific…in Las Vegas!

By Wayne Allyn Root

You’ve heard it all. “Inflation has peaked.” “Inflation is no longer a problem.” “Disinflation is now a greater threat.” “Inflation is 0.” These are the greatest hits of government propaganda and misinformation.

But this is serious fake news. This kind of lie affects the lives of the entire American middle class. The middle class is being sacrificed. This is the murder of the middle class.

I’m not a politician, economist, or member of the mainstream media. I’m a businessman in the real world. And in the real world where I live inflation is alive and well. Inflation is still roaring and soaring.

Let me give you just a few examples…

*When I go grocery shopping, the bills are through the roof. It doesn’t matter if the cost of bread, butter, eggs, cream cheese, meat, chicken, fish, and a hundred other items has stopped rising. That’s where the fraud comes in. The media quotes economists who say, “inflation has peaked.” Let’s assume that’s true.

Let’s assume in the past three years a cart of groceries has risen from $80 to $120 to $180 to $220. Which it has. So, does it matter if so far this year it hasn’t gone up? None of us could afford it when the groceries were $120, or $180. We certainly can’t afford it when they sit at $220. Whether they’re up this year is of no consequence.

  • My electric bill is soaring. Last July, my electric bill was $780.13. This July my bill is $989.20. I know because just paid it today. My math says this is an increase of over 25% in one year. Isn’t green energy great! Our electric company is using more and more green energy. That’s precisely why electric bills across the country are soaring. Green energy is simply unaffordable. It will drive us all to the poor house.
  • My natural gas bill for my home is soaring.
  • My water bill is soaring.
  • My fuel bill for my car is up again.
  • My property tax bill is up.
  • Since everything I buy at the supermarket, and big box retailers, and at online stores, and all the other places I shop are up dramatically, and we all pay sales tax on every item we buy, my sales taxes are up dramatically.
  • Have you gone out to eat at a restaurant lately? I’m a businessman. I go to business lunches and dinners 10 times a week. Every one of my meals is up dramatically from three years ago. Meals that used to cost $70 to $80 three years ago, now cost $125 to $150. Sometimes at the nicer restaurants in Vegas those same meals are hitting $200. And I don’t drink.

These prices are insane. I don’t know if they’ve gone up this year. But I know A) These prices are unaffordable…and B) They are ridiculously higher than three years ago.

  • My storage unit cost $1,200 per year only three years ago. And they gave me a 13th month free. Then last year they jacked up the price to $1,920 for the same storage unit- and eliminated the 13th month free. This year they jacked the price up to $2,208 per year. My math says that’s an increase of over 80% in three years.
  • My business P.O. Box fee is up dramatically.
  • My legal and accounting fees are higher than ever.
  • My health insurance, home insurance and car insurance are all soaring.
  • And thanks to Obamacare, my health insurance SUCKS. It seems every bill is on me (for me and my children). The bills are overwhelming. Every minute there is a new medical expense. And very little or nothing is ever covered.

I already paid for two kids in college. Soon two more will be starting. College costs are up through the roof.

I haven’t even discussed rent, or mortgage, or car payments, or credit card bills. Because of much higher interest rates, those are all up too.

And I just got back from my first vacation in a year. Every year I rent a home in Park City, Utah for my big family to fly in from all over the country. The cost to rent a vacation home was up by 50% over last year.

So, explain to me how “inflation is gone”…or “has peaked”…or “is no longer a problem”…or “deflation is the bigger threat.”

Those are all lies, fraud, propaganda and misinformation to protect the biggest fraud, liar and spreader of misinformation in world history…President Joe Biden.

Only three things are fact…

1) Every bill that matters to the typical American family is sky high…and up dramatically from three years ago. Inflation is destroying the great American middle class. That’s “Bidenomics.”

2) All of these costs were dramatically lower under President Donald J. Trump.

3) We had the perfect “goldilocks economy” under Trump: inflation was close to zero…interest rates were among the lowest in history…unemployment was among the lowest in history…economic growth was soaring…stocks were fantastic…taxes were lower…and we had peace throughout the world.

I’m a businessman living in the real world. Those are the facts.

Here’s one more fact…

Now, more than ever, we need President Trump back in the White House.

Wayne Allyn Root is known as “the Conservative Warrior.” Watch Wayne’s TV shows- “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Real America’s Voice TV Network on Saturdays at Noon ET…and Wayne’s daily TV show on Lindell TV 2 at 7 pm ET at FrankSpeech.com. He is also host of the nationally-syndicated “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” on USA Audio Network, daily at 6 pm ET. Wayne’s latest book is a #1 bestseller, “The Great Patriot BUY-cott Book.”

©2023. Royal A. Brown III. All rights reserved.