Global Warming-Cooling Explained

In cold years like these, climate change deniers always ask a trick question: “How come global warming can cause both heating and cooling?” The answer is actually quite simple.

We all know that sometimes it’s hot as Hell*, and sometimes it’s cold as Hell. Clearly, Hell can make it hotter or colder. The science is settled on the fact that global warming will be Hell on Earth, and since Hell can make it hotter or colder, global warming can, therefore, also make it hotter or colder.

Let’s go one step further. Things can also be boring as Hell, as in “nothing’s happening, it’s the same old same-old.” Thus, Hell can also mean that things don’t change. If you’ve followed the reasoning so far, you can clearly see that if it gets hotter, colder, or temperatures are flat, it’s due to global warming. Just as predicted.

Granted, the realization that warming can cause cooling takes a little imagination, and this is exactly what the deniers lack, or they wouldn’t deny imaginary science. Any way you cut it, warming is a catastrophe. Imagine if every day of the year it gets two degrees hotter. Tomorrow it will be 22 degrees instead of today’s 20. On a day six months from now it will go from 90 to 92 degrees. Can you imagine the carnage? Not if you’re a denier.

We’re talking about a return to the Medieval warm period. We certainly know what that entails. Viking raids will start up all over again. The polar bear will become extinct a second time. All peer-reviewed literature will be written in Latin. There’ll be no Obamacare and everybody’s four humors will get totally out of whack without the government managing our bodily functions. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg – except there’ll be no icebergs!

All because of CO2. You know what produces a lot of CO2? Climate change deniers, who just can’t stop breathing in and out. We must put an end to that.

Global Warming-Cooling reaches Mecca. Winter is coming!

*We capitalize Hell because it’s the name of a place. You know, like Washington, D.C. or Detroit.

RELATED COLUMN: Climate Change Disbelief Rises in America

Civil Rights Leaders Appalled by Obama’s Racism

In separate interviews with civil rights icons Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, both men called on President Obama to apologize for his “overtly racist” comments in criticizing Rush Limbaugh and FOX News. “It’s like we get the first African-American president,” stated a visibly disappointed Jesse Jackson, “and he goes out spewing all this racist hatred about white people who disagree with him. It’s like Selma all over again.”

Al Sharpton could hardly agree more. “We were looking for hope! We were looking for change! We were looking forward to ‘getting there‘ someday, and he throws it all away with vicious and hateful racist comments critical of Rush Limbaugh only ’cause he’s white. Is this what it means to ‘get there?'”

Juan_Williams.jpgPolitical commentator Juan Williams, who used to be black before joining FOX News, was also saddened. “I don’t know what went wrong. I was a huge Obama supporter, but his comments really hurt me as a former black man. And the timing is so ironic. After a public service announcement by some concerned citizens about racial harmony gets published on YouTube, it becomes apparent that the president has been drinking some strong blend of racist coffee.”

Farrakhan.jpgMinister Louis Farrakhan explained the matter in simple mathematical terms.

“I realized I was wrong to suggest he was the messiah,” Farrakhan said. “You see, he is America’s 44th president – 44! 44 is the caliber of Dirty Harry’s handgun, and Dirty Harry was played by a white man who was very intolerant. Now we have this intolerant president who’s half white and a racist. Let’s be intellectually honest here, if you criticize a white man for any reason, you hate white men. How can we achieve racial harmony with this kind of president?”

Minister Farrakhan could not be reached for further comment and has had his calls forwarded to the Mother Wheel.

In other news, Secretary of the Treasury, Jacob Lew, stated that the recent IRS auditing of Jackson, Sharpton, Williams, and Farrakhan is “purely coincidental.”

VIDEO: Don’t Drink that Racist Coffee.


Low Information Voters in Pictures: Adding 22 Faces to the Voices

You may have already seen these LIV thoughts here and here. But what a difference it makes putting a face to a voice make! The success of the Obamacare graphic (the first one below) made me want to do more with this concept.

I was for obamacare before

voting democrat i am still poor

voted for change peoples cube

too much cake peoples cube

free lunch peoples cube

save the planet peoples cube

unions peoples cube

free markets peoples cube

voting d is free stuff

work is what parents do

how do i sign a check

live in my own basement

my body is my business peoples cube

politicans run on mens issues

cosmo republicans want to ban sex

social security peoples cube

national socialist party peoples cube

safer if we disarm

immigration velvet rope

taxes are really popular

why read the constitution when you can watch the daily show

hollywood glamorize drug addicts and gays


50 Ways to Celebrate Michelle Obama’s Birthday

Comrades, our beloved First Lady’s 50th birthday is today, or tomorrow, or some time this weekend. But whenever it is, we can make every day her birthday by doing the exact same stuff she does!

I present for your consideration the following link from ABC News:

50 Ways to Celebrate Michelle Obama’s Birthday

First Lady Michelle Obama turns 50 today, and although the big White House celebration planned by President Obama isn’t until Saturday, that doesn’t mean you have to wait to celebrate.

If your invite to Saturday’s dance party in Washington went missing, here are 50 other ways to honor the first lady on her big day — by doing some of her favorite things, from wearing stylish dresses to eating your veggies to doing the Dougie, preferably with Jimmy Fallon.

queen micheleYes, they include a list of 50 things you can do to get in touch with your inner Moochelle, from traveling the world on Air Force One to working out “yours arms.”

But we needn’t limit ourselves to 50. How many other ways can we honor the greatest First Lady to ever grace humanity by pretending to do what she does? I’ll even get things started:

1. Shop at Target and don’t worry about hackers stealing your credit info. After all, it’s not as if you’re spending your own hard-earned money.

2. When escaping the bubble to go incognito among the masses, never dress to blend in. Always wear the most outrageous get-up that will make you stand out like a big red zit on prom night. And always warn media outlets in advance of what you’re doing so they’ll respect your privacy by staying away.

3. Go sleeveless, even when most of the country is freezing, because you can jack up your thermostat as high as you want. Or just stay in Hawaii a few extra weeks.

4. Tell other people to eat their vegetables.

5. Have your staff plant a garden, then make them tend it. Never do it yourself unless the cameras are rolling.

6. Wear $450 shoes with sparkly pink toe caps while appearing for a photo-op at a homeless shelter.

7. Travel to military installations where you’ll tie up traffic and shut down most facilities to make speeches about how you really care about military families.

8. Empathize with the military wife whose husband is deployed to a war zone by talking about how tough you had it in your Chicago mansion with all those people to do things for you while your husband was in Springfield or Washington and only came home every weekend.

9. For the first time in your life, be proud of your country because they finally nominated a candidate based on his skin color instead his qualifications.

10. Tell someone else to give up their own piece of pie.

11. Sit between your husband and the Danish prime minister to stop them from flirting with each other.

12. Go on all those silly women’s talk shows to gab about all the things you dream of doing after you go back to being a private citizen in 2017—none of which seem any different from what you’re doing now.

13. Whine about what a huge sacrifice it is to be the most privileged woman in America.

14. Just keep on dancing…and partying…and shopping…and spending…and living it up on other people’s money!

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on The Peoples Cube.

Obama’s Uncle Probably Not Fed To Hungry Dogs

Earlier media reports that President Obama executed his half-uncle Onyango Obama by feeding him to hungry dogs are probably not true, a new report says.

The original story, which grotesquely claimed that Barack Obama’s half-uncle and half-aunt, Onyango (Omar) Obama and Zeituni “Auntie” Onyango, had been thrown into a cage and eaten alive by a pack of ravenous hounds, first appeared in The Pyongyang Times, a North Korean tabloid circulated in hotel lobbies, airports, and other places frequented by foreigners.

Given the newspaper’s close ties to the North Korean government, analysts believe the article had been planted by the dictatorial regime as a retribution for disseminating a similar story earlier this year, about North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s own uncle being executed by dogs  – an allegation that was widely circulated in the United States by The People’s Cube and other leading media organs.

In particular, The Pyongyang Times editorial stated that Barack Obama was getting increasingly frustrated with his two feckless relatives, who lived in the U.S. illegally, didn’t pay taxes, sponged off America’s housing, healthcare and welfare systems under multiple names, incessantly complained, got arrested repeatedly, and caused all kinds of trouble, thus tarnishing his otherwise impeccable reputation and stellar political career, which was why Obama decided to feed them to the dogs.

That turns out to be not true: latest reports indicate that Uncle Omar and Auntie Zeituni are still receiving government assistance.

According to the Pyongyang story, the President’s symbolic calls for the prosecution of his relatives and other attempts to distance himself from them didn’t work. So when Obama saw a report about Kim Jong-un feeding his own crazy uncle to the dogs, he knew what he had to do.

A firm believer that people overseas always know better and have superior customs and political systems, President Obama decided it was time to break with the barbaric tradition of throwing people under the bus and start executing them in style, according to these new international norms. The North Korean report further quoted him as saying, “I wish I hadn’t thrown my preacher, Jeremiah Wright, and my white grandmother under the bus; I could now feed them to the dogs.”

The Pyongyang Times editorial alleges that Barack Obama had his Uncle Omar and Auntie Zeituni delivered to an underground chamber beneath the White house, where he let a pack of dogs attack them until they had been completely eaten. The event was said to have been supervised by President Obama himself, along with his 300 czars, political consultants, campaign staff, and one OFA activist who had donated $3 and won a ticket to visit the White House.

Obama was later “greatly dismayed,” the article claims, when he discovered that the story about Kim Jong-un’s uncle’s execution by dogs was merely a satire originating in China. “Boy, do I have egg on my  face!” he was quoted as saying.

Barack Obama, believed to be around 53 years old and born in Hawaii, has been in power for five years and presided over a fundamental transformation of his country into an isolated dictatorship, while tightening his grip on the media, conducting total surveillance of citizens, and persecuting political opposition, The Pyongyang Times editorial claimed, adding that he also “planned and carried out a failed launch of a government website, which is banned under United Nations sanctions.”

The list of accusations included Obama’s persistent military threats and fiery rhetoric that have triggered an arms buildup in Mexico, Central America, and the Middle East.

The fictitious story of Obama feeding his uncle to the dogs was quickly picked up by global news agencies, creating an image that Washington’s audacious ruler is even more unpredictable than previously thought.

According to international observers, one of the pitfalls of reporting on Washington is the absence of independent media, while visiting media are tightly controlled in a city which ranks among the lowest in global surveys of press freedom. Because of the lack of first-hand information, many lurid stories about the Obama regime gain credence and are then repeated by media outlets worldwide.

The Pyongyang Times plans to capitalize on Washington’s lack of transparency even further, promising to publish a series of exposés concerning Barack Obama’s birth certificate, college transcripts, drug abuse, ties to radicals, and membership in uptown Chicago gay bath houses – all of which is being vehemently denied by Washington’s state-run media.

As expected, White House officials declined to comment.

Top Twelve Things that Didn’t Happen in 2013

Here are our Top Twelve Things that Didn’t Happen in 2013:

  1. November designated Ignorance Awareness Month; apathetic public doesn’t care
  2. Space-time expansion accelerates; clock faces change to 13 hours
  3. Y2K finally kicks in, is blamed for glitches
  4. Rhetoric reaches tipping point, grows exponentially, hits wall, goes over cliff, crashes and burns
  5. Newer Testament released, Commandments replaced with Executive Orders
  6. Government worker discovers untapped debt hidden in Capitol’s debt ceiling
  7. Post-modern era ends, neo-post-retro-revival era begins
  8. Hell’s Angels sue Wall Street to get 1% label back, Wall Street retaliates by selling Harley-Davidson to China
  9. More climate data lost due to a growing number and intensity of memory holes
  10. To raise revenue government begins charging for formerly free speech
  11. Tired old clichés replaced with fresh new clichés
  12. Earth’s magnetic field reverses, the South rises again

Things not likely to happen in 2014:

  • A headline that reads “Government program ends as its intended goal has been achieved.”

What is likely to happen in 2014:

  • All numbers will be in binary and ahl speling wil bee dun funnetiklee.

Hahpee 11101101010, komradz!

Happy 2014: The Sixth glorious year of the Five-Year Plan

This poster says it all. President Obama on 2014: “A Breakthrough Year“.

EDITORS NOTE: The above graphic originally appeared on The Peoples Cube.

Democrats Close Borders to Stop Illegal Light Bulb Trafficking

Once again Democrats, the Pioneers of Progress™, have led the way against the animalistic howls and cries of the Republican opposition and have secured the borders of our country. What was once a prosecutable hate crime for Republicans has become an act of Compassion™ and Caring™ by the forward looking Democrats. Republicans, at least a few of them, wanted to close the borders of America to keep undocumented voters locked up in the south, and deny Canadians access to affordable health care in the north. But now that incandescent light bulbs are as illegal as lemonade stands in all 57-61 states, the borders must be secured to prevent black market light bulbs, or black lights, from entering the country through our large and porous borders.

Wheezing from the floor of the Senate earlier today, a victorious Harry Reid could barely help congratulating himself.

“We have finally made our Republican colleagues see the light,” said the Senate majority leader, obviously delighted by his clever pun, “and now they too see the importance of border security. Millions of these incandescent light bulbs, identified by every responsible news outlet as the greatest environmental threat since George W Bush, are still available in Canada and Mexico. The potential damage to this country by the influx of illegal light bulbs would be incalculable and could cost billions, if not trillions, to undo.”

“I am proud to sign this bill into law,” reverberated President Obama at a signing ceremony. “Border security has been a top priority of this administration, and we will never rest until our borders are secure. I never said that if you like your light bulb you could keep your light bulb, somebody else said that,” grinned the president in a good-natured joke at his expense.

Looking over his shoulder at a small audience of citizens representing Democrats United for Limited Lighting (DULL), a young pregnant woman passed out, but was caught before falling to the floor.

North_Korea_Model_State.jpg Speaking from the UN building in New York, Mr. Kim O, the North Korean delegate to the UN Foundation to Limit Incandescent Kilowatt Refraction (UNFLIKR) overflowed with praise.

“At last, the backward tailless warmongering animals of the United States have followed the brilliant example of Dear Leader by choosing to rid their country of the threat of decentralized lighting. Just look at the progress our country has made,” said Mr. O, “which is clearly visible in any nighttime satellite photograph of our peninsula. We have no need of polluting incandescent light since the radiance of Dear Leader’s face lights up all of Pyongyang. Perhaps Americans can harness the brilliance of Joe Biden’s teeth to achieve a similar effect.”

Doctor Lily Snoot, speaking for MIT’s Durable Alternative Recyclable Chromatic Solutions (DARCS) Laboratory was thrilled with the news of the new legislation.

“Our data has shown that if this menace [the unregulated use of incandescent light bulbs] were allowed for even one year, the heat generated would alter the course of the jet stream, set fire to Mount Kilimanjaro, melt the arctic ice cap, cause the sea levels to rise, and quite possibly wash away all of Al Gore’s beachfront property. In a word, it would undo everything this president has accomplished to save the planet from the ravages of George W Bush. It’s a good thing we nipped this threat in the bud. A decade of incandescent light use by just one city would be enough to destroy the solar system. The science is settled and the debate is over,” said Dr. Snoot gesturing to a chart from atop a scissor lift.

But every change, even one as forward-looking as the elimination of incandescent light bulbs, brings temporary suffering.

Speaking from her California home, Nancy Pelosi wore several rows of newly commissioned ribbons to identify with the newly identified classes of suffering people. “My heart goes out to the millions of hard-working coyotes, drug traffickers, and sex traffickers of juveniles who will be affected by this legislation. But as I’ve always said, I’m trying to save the planet, and that comes first.”

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on The Peoples Cube.

The 2013 wrap-up: Republicans’ Hunger Games

Our friend, Mary Grabar, Ph.D., wraps up the year for The People’s Cube kollektive with this cultural fantasy.

Consider 2013 the year of the Apocalypse, as movie-goers spend the last of their dollars on a dramatization of a teen novel and its sequel with futuristic gladiatorial contests. The doomsday atmosphere is, no doubt, brought about by the Republican threats to destroy the country. Make no mistake, they can do it just by saying certain words, as we were reminded on the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination, which was caused by the “extremist rhetoric” in Texas.

Going beyond uncivil words, Republicans forced the Democrats to vote for cloture, having Obama sign a bill that had not one Republican vote. In a blatant display of “ideological intransigence,” Republicans were closing hospitals and blocked the expansion of Medicaid funds, as Sally Kohn claimed on, in a story that started with “The Obamacare website is open for business.”

According to Paul Krugman, Republicans were Scrooges causing 1.3 million American workers to lose unemployment benefits around Christmas “thanks to a perfect marriage of callousness – a complete lack of empathy for the unfortunate – with bad economics.” Ruth Marcus gave Paul Ryan the Scrooge of the Year Award, and Leon Panetta declared the Republican Congress “the most difficult I’ve seen in 50 years of public service.”

The apocalyptic tone was set by Maureen Dowd, the granddame of visionary writing at theNew York Times. Inspired by the Hunger Games, Ms. Dowd let her imagination run wild into the future, envisioning our nation’s post-sequester capital in 2084. (The model city of Detroit, in contrast, shows us how Democratic policies can succeed in the absence of Republican opposition.)

Upon reading Ms. Dowd’s column, this columnist too let her imagination run: what will our future look like if we let the academics and New York Times columnists run our world and make our decisions for us, I thought. The transformation would truly be fundamental. For an inspiring back story, read Ms. Dowd’s inspiring column, Welcome to Ted Cruz’s Thunderdome.

The Coming Apocalypse: Republicans’ Hunger Games


A chimp sits where Abe sat at a place once called the Lincoln Memorial. Under the reign of the Obama-Clinton dynasty in the year of Our Goddess 2084, all species are equal. So sayeth Peter Singer and Cass Sunstein.

Why should we privilege linear thought and language that signifies? The howls of the chimp convey more meaning than the Gettysburg Address to the younger-aged humans here on a civic engagement field trip to the capital of the True Community Democracy. Common Core dictates a common style of reading of all “texts”–the EPA directives that have saved the Planet are as important as a president presiding over a civil war. But if war is something that need not be remembered, do we need to keep open veterans monuments? The Leader in 2084 in his wisdom simply dispatches drones to eliminate those who disrupt the Peace Plan. We have no need for war, no need for veterans. The veterans memorials have been razed for statuaries of Che, Hugo Chavez, the Ayatollah Khomeini, Medea Benjamin, and Oprah. And of special interest to students: Bill Ayers in marble stands atop the old flag, thrusting a dagger into a recumbent Bill Bennett.

When the chimp from Abe’s chair hurls feces at the field trip group, the children turn to their facilitator who explains through her face covering that one type of communication should not be privileged over another. The hemisphere has adopted Helene Cixous’s precepts. Speech is no longer “governed by the phallus,” no longer seeks truth in its old linear, logical, goal-oriented manner. When little Barrachus (for many are the variants of Barack the First) starts to cry when the chimp feces hits him, the facilitator praises him for his authentic communication. “Barrachus, I am so proud of you,” she says, “You are finally coming around to interspecies communication and getting in touch with your feminine side. All hail to the Goddess and her daughters.”
When they return to their learning-community centers, and before the facilitator-aides tuck them into bed with a glass of soymilk and wheat-germ/molasses bran bars (all hail to the First Lady of Health, foremother Michelle Obama, who has wiped out obesity once and for all), they will discuss the significance of this act in their groups.

The facilitator now comes to wipe the chimp shit from the sense-o-meter strapped to Barrachus’s neck. The devices directly transmit to the Gates-Pearson-Hewlitt Center any social or emotional adjustment problems. The younger-aged get feedback on the readings every night in their groups, where they are encouraged to confess non-acceptance and cry with relief. Group hugs are mandatory. Those refusing are known as bullies and are sent to the Southern Poverty Law Center for re-education.

“This is herstory,” their facilitator reminds her young charges as she points to the monuments. The chimp has now shifted his attention and is quietly concentrating on a mid-torso flea.

The facilitator then points to a group of women in burqas who take small steps like pensive nuns. “This is the Truth Team,” she says. Through their cloth screens they affirm to each other, “Be the change, sister.” They have emerged from the Ministry of Truth and Change, where they have been correcting truths, all maintained in the computers of the Minister of Education, Bill Gates.

From the National Mosque comes the call to prayer. All drop to the mulch-paved ground and bow towards Mecca.

When prayers are done a tall one says to a short one, “Blessed be the liberation.” “Yes, all praise to Allah,” says the short one.
They are thankful for the new Freedoms instituted by beloved Leader. They have freedom from anxiety and worry, thanks to the Department of Mental Health and Welfare. They have freedom from argument, debate, and polarizing talk radio. But most importantly for the female-gendered, they are no longer oppressed by the gaze.

They are the cloned daughters of the childless foremothers, when the first Barack had decreed that cloning of the “thought leaders of America” would be covered under universal health care. Hence, Peter Singer and Cass Sunstein still live.

These women see each others’ faces only in their quarters (as do the community security on their cameras). One has the washed-out look of a 1970s Playboy bunny. The other has the pinched look of a bitter columnist, of someone who resents the fact that the approved mode of communication is non-linear. No longer does she enjoy power in a large building in Manhattan (for it now is a model organic city under Bill de Blasio, maintained by Central American peasants who work two hours each day to raise free-range pigs and chickens).

No longer does the columnist sit at a keyboard, delighting in her transgressive wit, chuckling over insults about the powerful politicos with zingers that zap all the pretenses of the male-gendered, word for signifying word. Now above her cubicle, identified by a red heart, is engraved the inspirational line from Cixous’s 1975 “Laugh of the Medusa,” a text once reserved for the super smart in English graduate seminars: “Language conceals an invincible adversary, because it’s the language of men and their grammar.” It has now been made accessible to all by Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond, Secretary of Non-Testing, who has ended the “achievement gap.”

For those who are auditory learners, there are recordings that trill out the sayings of the foremothers Cixous, Julia Kristeva, and Betty Friedan in Spanish, Arabic, and English. The former columnist must communicate in the feminine mode now. But shuffling truths into piles indicated by pictograms on the computer screen just does not provide the same kind of satisfaction for her. She cannot even snidely compare the Commanders of the Faithful of the classic, The Handmaid’s Tale, to old white men of the Grand Old Party.

The question of the columnist’s own classic tome Are Men Necessary? has been answered. Roman columns line the paths in dedication to Barack Hussein Obama, the first Mufti, Hillary, the first womyn president, her daughter, the second womyn president, Huma Abadeen, the first Muslim Brotherhood Secretary, Oprah Winfrey, the first Race Relations Secretary.

The columnist casts her eye through the slits, surveying the utopian scene and then to the Museum of the Old Patriarchal Order, where the bad guys, Ronald Reagan, George Washington, Allen West, are preserved in wax. There the younger-aged are shown images of hate-filled ancestors: the tea party, VFW, Eagle Forum, and the Rotary Club—all eliminated. Most of the members were old already, anyway. They expired at their computers, waiting for the health care exchanges to accept their applications.

The facilitator of the young scholars (whose wisdom is within them) wipes a tear from her eye and then laughs hysterically. She suddenly shouts at the top of her lungs: “Hate is gone. No more hate. Universal love!” (This is not unusual in the Age of Authentic Communication when feelings are no longer repressed.)

The facilitator begins dancing like a dervish, laughing and crying tears of joy. For the Founding Mother, Helene Cixous, wrote, “Listen to a woman speak at a public gathering (if she hasn’t painfully lost her wind). She doesn’t speak, she throws her trembling body forward; she lets go of herself, she flies; all of her passes into her voice, and it’s with her body that she vitally supports the ‘logic’ of her speech. Her flesh speaks true. She lays herself bare. In fact, she physically materializes what she’s thinking; she signifies it with her body.”

The flea has been squashed. The chimp jumps off Lincoln’s chair. He joins her in the dance. He screeches and jumps up and down.

The facilitator cries out, “Oh, the universal dance of interspecies peace. Come my fellow primate. Let us commune.”

She holds out her arms in the interspecies signal of peace.

The chimp jumps up and down even higher, baring big yellow teeth, as he gives an ear-splitting chimp cry. Then with a huge hairy hand he rips off the facilitator’s face-covering.
And there is revealed Womyn, someone who at one time may have used the oppressive language of the patriarchy, burdened with facts, and an oppressive unjust “history.” Or she could have dealt with capital and money that robbed other citizens of the globe, for profit, in a very un-maternal way.

At one time Womyn had been burdened with lookism, with doing her hair and make-up before going into the public arena, concerned about what the male-gendered thought of her appearance. She had been burdened with worries about right and wrong, how to schedule her day, and how to walk in high heels. That was so much like Sarah Palin, who was also burdened with the care of her own progeny, before the 24-hour community center-schools (all hail to Arne Duncan).

The former columnist of the old patriarchal communicative form, as she stands with her sisters, peers from behind her own cloth shield and ponders as she watches the primate/primal dance. She ponders in spite of her belief in the New Community Order, when all such burdensome activities as weighing evidence and checking for logic are provided by the Sister State. She ponders in spite of the mental health warnings emerging daily about such risky activity, once done in logic classes.

In the old days she would have pondered freely and for hours about how to express herself, how to figuratively throw monkey feces at the Enemy. But now the Enemy, Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld and their followers, have been killed off. “Figuratively” has no meaning. Nor does “irony.” She thinks hard. Her face becomes even more pinched and sour under her covering. What is there to mock now, now that there are no more College Republicans even with their pathetic and ineffectual affirmative action campus bake sales?

She looks upon the scene, with the little learners, all equally capable, all geniuses, now that facilitators have learned how to draw out their innate intelligence. They stand open-mouthed, horrified.
The ape is becoming more excited as the facilitator dances faster and faster. The columnist notices that in spite of communicating in a manner that goes beyond “phallic mystification,” the chimp does have a phallus.

But the facilitator does not seem to notice. She is dancing the Universal Dance of Peace, her bare face now thrown up towards the overcast, humid sky. She has faith–faith that under the New Order all conflict can be eliminated, even interspecies conflict, through such authentic communication. It is a new era.

The former columnist looks on, now trying to repress her look of fear, squelching an urge to comfort the little scholars now looking stricken as the chimp jumps closer to their facilitator. Rainbow, a smallish female-gendered person, begins to cry.

The former columnist cannot help herself, and emits what is now forbidden in the time of Universal Peace: a bitter smirk. She lets out a cackle, like an old witch.

The chimp turns at the new, strange sound and leaps away from the facilitator towards her.

The former columnist watches the hairy hand come closer to her face. Then she roars as she never did before, for she is Womyn.

Freedom Duck: Our designs help rally Duck Dynasty supporters

national campaign in support of Phil Robertson has asked me to do some promotional banners.

It all started when Mrs. Red Square, who is a HUGE fan of Duck Dynasty, decided to participate in a December 24th national conference call to strategize the defense. At some point she started talking into the phone and the next thing I knew, she volunteered my graphic services for their campaign of mailing thousands of rubber ducks and postcards to A&E studios.

More about this action on WNDSend message to A&E: Censorship won’t work

Here are the banners I made so far (including the one above):

These cards and many other satirical columns may be found at The Peoples Cube.

God Responds to Lawsuit Against the Word “Sin”

america duck yeah

For a larger view click on image. Courtesy of The Peoples Cube.

“I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other.” – Intolerant, bigoted hick, Phil Robertson

With the fires barely extinguished on their Barilla pasta boxes, GLAAD has found a new victim to harass: Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty.

GLAAD’s beef with Phil is that Phil’s Bible says the gay lifestyle is “sinful.” Phil does not use the New Progressive Bible co-authored by GLAAD and other liberals, but instead chooses to study the outdated traditional Bible.

This is a big deal, because everyone in this country must have a religion that embraces gayness. New, approved Groupthink™ teaches that as long as the parties involved LOVE each other, it doesn’t matter what God says. All religions must comply to receive tax-exempt status (Muslims excluded).

Phil calmly responded, “I didn’t write the Bible. If you have a problem with the Bible, take it up with the Lord.”

GLAAD then filed an Offensive Religion lawsuit against God for the continued H8 and bigotry implied in the word “sin.” They released the following statement:

“We want God to stop smiting us and our lifestyle. We have dealt with the smiting for centuries and we are done – DONE! God’s orders are very discriminatory and do not progress with the changing times. His morals are inflexible and rigid.”

After the Colorado bakers were forced by the courts to make a cake for a gay wedding, GLAAD was hopeful that the courts could also force God to make a new Bible.

GLAAD asked to be compensated with a new kinder, gentler version of the Bible – novelized over centuries by multiple authors – with a 10% tithe going to sex-change charities.

God, a very high-tech deity, responded to GLAAD through email with an updated PDF of a form that used to circulate around the internet. The People’s Cube was able to get a copy of GLAAD’s response through the Freedom of Information Act:


Obviously, God is being non-compliant, which presents a problem. If God does not show up in court, the NSA has been authorized to track down God’s IP address through the PDF upload, and bring him in to answer for the global crime of calling gayness a “sin.”

We expect GLAAD will have their panties in a bunch, no matter what the outcome.

EDITORS NOTE: Further investigation has discovered that the PDF submitted by God contains layers that are not consistent with technology used at the time of the writing of the Bible, as well as the fact that back flaps may be the reason behind GLAAD’s panties-in-a-bunch problem. This column originally appeared on The Peoples Cube.

Miss Duck Dynasty? Try QUACK DYNASTY with the Obamas

Since A&E’s Duck Dynasty proved to be a lot more popular with Americans than their messianic president, the A&E Network is now working on a substitute series that will be just like the indefinitely suspended Duck Dynasty, only with the Obamas – a progressive Washington family running a growing government business out of the White House while pretending to have American values.

David Axelrod says about the new show, “If this doesn’t improve the President’s failing ratings, nothing will.”

EDITORS NOTE: This column with graphics originally appeared on The Peoples Cube.

Duck Dynasty’s Robertson Angers Alcoholics, Philanderers

Phil Robertson’s recent controversial comments have drawn criticism from a wide spectrum of offended minorities.

Most inflammatory in his remarks was this infamous passage: “Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men…Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers — they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.”

First to weigh in was Patrick O’Malley of the Alliance of Alcoholics and Philanderers. “What is wrong with this man?” asked an astonished O’Malley between sips of whiskey. “Everybody knows this nation was built on alcohol and infidelity. I was hurt more by his comments than my wife when she found out about my 11th affair. I can’t help it if I was born adulterous, and along comes this bigot acting like it’s a choice and a wrong one at that. We have no place for judgmental people like that in today’s society.”

phil robenson suspendedO’Malley’s sentiments were echoed on MSNBC by former president Bill Clinton, who said, “As a fellow Southerner, sportsman, and Christian, I am deeply disappointed by Phil’s hurtful rhetoric. There are serial rapists and adulterers out there who feel really marginalized by this kind of exclusive language. I’m here to tell them that I feel their pain.”

Speaking from the Senate floor this morning, Harry Reid commented, “I especially take offense at his comment that the greedy and the swindlers, and I quote, “won’t inherit the kingdom of God” end quote. Just what authority is he claiming here? One higher than the Senate of the United States? I urge my Republican colleagues to join me in a bipartisan effort to support a bill repealing I Corinthians 6:9 and assuring swindlers their place in Heaven.”

Achmed al-Tikriti, president of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance of Muslims (GLAM) spoke out passionately on the Piers Morgan Show: “As a member of the most progressive and tolerant religion on earth, I urge Phil Robertson to reconsider his damaging statements and to declare jihad on his bigotry. It was enough that A&E would not ban “in Jesus’ Name” at their unclean mealtime prayers, but this, this is more than we can bear. By the prophet, the pain is so hurtful! Make it stop!”

A message released by A&E’s Department of Tolerance stated, “We have long been strong and proud supporters of adultery, bestiality, idolatry, drunkenness, greed, slander, and swindling. We deeply regret Mr. Robertson’s slanderous libel against our minority citizens and urge him to shut up until he learns a little tolerance.”

Completely unrepentant, Mr. Robertson says he’s “happy, happy, happy” to take a stand for Christ.

EDITORS NOTE: The column originally appeared on The Peoples Cube.

US & UK Create New State of Kidnapistan in Southern Syria


The USSA and her subsidiary, the United Socialist Kingdom, have formed a new state in territory formerly held by the reactionary imperialist regime of Syria, which will henceforth be known as the Islamic Socialist Republic of Kidnapistan.

Once the Jihadi Salafists were categorized as a minority group in Syria, they immediately became eligible for special protection, similar to what the Party and the State extend to minority groups at home. It was decided, therefore, that in the interest of the unity of the word proletariat, the workers and peasants of the Sunni Islamic Fundamentalist minority are entitled to a redistributive state of their own.

The Supreme Council for International Peace and Security has allocated funding and military assistance to this fledgling peace-loving entity in the Middle East, which will soon outshine all other nations in the region in its commitment to equality and redistributive justice, while maintaining its unique Islamic identity.

It is unclear at this time whether the USSA will assist the soon-to-be-formed government of Kidnapistan in religious cleansing and deportations of the non-Jihadist, non-minority current residents who are not in full compliance with this territory’s new status.

However, the Party has been assured by Comrade John McCain that non-Salafist elements in the area will continue to be shown the same courtesy and kindness that Syria’s progressive Jihadist minority has been long known for.

EDITORS NOTE: This satirical column originally appeared on The Peoples Cube.

Mandela Crashes Obama Johannesburg Appearance

An international incident was touched off yesterday in Johannesburg, South Africa, when a goodwill appearance by President Obama was interrupted by an impromptu funeral.

Mr. Obama was generously posing for souvenir pictures of himself with fawning admirers at the FNB Stadium (Soccer City), when security people rolled in Nelson Mandela’s casket and demanded to have a memorial service. When questioned as to why they were disrupting Mr. Obama’s appearance, the security men offered no explanation aside from “we reserved the stadium last week for this.”

“This kind of thing is a constant problem for Mr. Obama” said one of his staff. “Everyone wants to bask in his sunshine, even the deceased.”

“Then again, it’s not surprising that the life-challenged are attracted to him as he was a fierce advocate for voting rights for the dead when he lived in Chicago.”

Other staff members told us that similar “crashing” incidents have become such an annoyance for the president, he has ordered his staff to avoid having him appear anywhere where there could possibly be a memorial service of a minor political figure going on.

“He was all set to go to London last June when we found out that whats-her-name Thatcher had died,” said a White House travel planner. “We just knew her people would be rolling her casket into the camera shot while Mr. Obama was signing autographs. After all, he won the Nobel Peace Prize. What did she ever do besides running a drug store?”

Reluctantly, the president agreed to cancel the trip. “It was hard to deny London the privilege of being with Barack, but what could he do? Suppose one of those idiots ran over his foot with the hearse; he could’ve been out of action for weeks!”

Despite his staff’s efforts, such episodes are likely to increase as Mr. Obama’s presidency comes to a close with the success of his crowning achievement – universal health care – even as more anonymous, relatively unimportant people continue to die.

Ironically then, Barack Obama finds himself a victim of his own success; but in a racist society like this one, how could it be any other way?

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on The Peoples Cube.