U.S. Government Funding Killer Covid Research—Again

Just in case you thought Covid wasn’t bad or dangerous enough, Boston University is working to increase its lethality. In its latest defense of gain of function research, the university claims it is not that dangerous.

Oh, really? The work is summarized in the research paper:

The recently identified, globally predominant SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant (BA.1) is highly transmissible, even in fully vaccinated individuals, and causes attenuated disease compared with other major viral variants recognized to date. The Omicron spike (S) protein, with an unusually large number of mutations, is considered the major driver of these phenotypes. We generated chimeric recombinant SARS-CoV-2 encoding the S gene of Omicron in the backbone of an ancestral SARS-CoV-2 isolate and compared this virus with the naturally circulating Omicron variant. The Omicron S-bearing virus robustly escapes vaccine-induced humoral immunity, mainly due to mutations in the receptor binding motif (RBM), yet unlike naturally occurring Omicron, efficiently replicates in cell lines and primary-like distal lung cells. In K18-hACE2 mice, while Omicron causes mild, non-fatal infection, the Omicron S-carrying virus inflicts severe disease with a mortality rate of 80%. This indicates that while the vaccine escape of Omicron is defined by mutations in S, major determinants of viral pathogenicity reside outside of S.

In plain language, they took the Omicron variant of Covid-19, which is highly transmissible and can infect even fully vaccinated individuals and modified one of the genes in the virus so that it became much more dangerous. The subjects of the experiment were mice. Mice infected with regular Omicron had nonfatal infections.

The paper worked with the Spike protein of Omicron and the key finding was that pathogenicity (the ability to kill) occurs outside of the S or Spike protein. The new variant infected targets that had been vaccinated against Omicron and it caused serious disease mortality at a rate of 80%.

Unlike other scientific research papers that depend on outside funding, the published Boston University paper never mentions how the work was financed. And the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which in fact funded the work, says it did not know that the research was aimed at modifying the coronavirus.

If you were hoping the scientific community had learned something about lab security from the coronavirus outbreak in 2019, it appears not. The paper, entitled “Role of spike in the pathogenic and antigenic behavior of SARS-CoV-2 BA.1 2 Omicron,” included participation from 23 senior scientists and, no doubt, countless lab assistants.

Some of the scientists are concentrated in the Boston areas (including at Harvard University), one is at the University Hospital in Erlangen, Germany, one at a branch of the Cleveland Clinic in Florida, one from the University of Wisconsin and one from a medical center in Mainz, Germany.

NIAID plus the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and two agencies in the Department of Defense are the same organizations that funded coronavirus research in China, primarily at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, an institute organized under China’s Academy of Sciences.

The Wuhan Institute previously collaborated with the Galveston National Laboratory in the United States, the Centre International de Recherche en Infectiologie in France, and the National Microbiology Laboratory in Canada.

In 2021, two Chinese scientists at the Microbiology Laboratory in Canada were fired. At least one of these scientists had visited the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), the government’s most sensitive biological laboratory which includes highly classified research work.

All these institutes, including Wuhan’s, carry out classified research on bioweapons. USAMRIID and Wuhan are known as Level 4 (BSL-4 or Biosafety Level 4) labs, the most secure for carrying out dangerous research, especially gain of function. The National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories at Boston University is also a Level 4 (BSL-4) laboratory complex.

How dangerous is this work?  In the case of China, the US government was so concerned about the Wuhan Institute of Virology that it sent representatives there on two occasions in 2018 and interviewed the chief “bat” scientist, She Zhengli.

In 2019, the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC)  inspected and failed the USAMRIID laboratory in Fort Detrick, Maryland.  The lab there was closed for months so that a cleanup could take place and identified risks remediated.

Read more.

Originally published by Asia Times


Stephen Bryen and Shoshana Bryen

Senior Fellows

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EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Florida Votes To Ban Sex Change Procedures For Minors After Volatile Testimony

The Florida Board of Medicine has voted to ban sex change surgeries and hormone therapy for children under the age of 18 after hours of deliberation and testimony Friday.

The guidelines, first released April 20, 2022, state that anyone under 18 cannot receive hormone therapy or puberty blockers. It also bans “gender reassignment” surgery for children and adolescents.

The state surgeon general endorsed the move in June and called on the medical board to, “review the Agency’s findings and the Department’s guidance to establish a standard of care for these complex and irreversible procedures.”

The vote came after the board heard testimony from individuals who had detransitioned. One such individual, Chloe Cole, said she decided to transition after being “introduced to inappropriate content, and an echo chamber of far-Left ideology, such as that sex and gender are separate, women are inherently victims, men are inherently superior, and that dysphoric children need hormones and surgery in order to live.”

Chaos erupted as board members announced an end to speaker testimony, and gave attendees an email to submit testimony into the public record. As board members filed out before returning to vote, protestors screamed “Let them speak! Let them speak!”



Staff writer.

RELATED ARTICLE: Parents Mobilize as Culture War Rages

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

An Introduction to Politics for the Politically Clueless

If you have always felt somewhat lost on the political landscape, this primer is for you.

With midterm elections around the corner, many are undoubtedly trying to brush up on their knowledge of politics, having mostly ignored the topic since the last election. Maybe you know some of these people. Maybe you are one of these people.

For those trying to get a crash course in politics before they vote, the process can be a little daunting. You might try reaching out to a politically-knowledgeable friend, but chances are you’ll end up getting more of a rant than answers to your simple questions.

So, in an attempt to provide less of a rant and more of an introduction, here are some basic ideas that will help you get oriented on the political landscape. Note, this isn’t about specific platforms or candidates, nor is it a civics lesson—there are plenty of other places to get that information. Instead, this is more of an introduction to political philosophy. It’s about the principles and big ideas that motivate the various positions.

The starting point of politics is a very simple question: What should the government do? How you answer this question basically determines where you fall in the political realm.

Whether you’re a Republican or Democrat or somewhere in between (or somewhere else, or completely lost), there are certain things almost everyone thinks the government should do. For example, most people think the government should provide things like police, courts, roads, and national defense.

There are other government initiatives, however, that are more contentious. This would include issues like gun regulation, drug prohibition, public schooling, and business regulations like the minimum wage.

Another way of thinking about the fundamental question of politics is to ask “what decisions should the government make for us, and what decisions should individuals be allowed to make for themselves?” As Thomas Sowell said, “The most basic question is not what is best, but who shall decide what is best.”

Should the government have the final say as to whether people use cocaine, or should that decision be in the hands of the individual? Should the government raise taxes, meaning they decide what to do with a certain sum of money, or should they lower them, meaning the individual decides what to do with that money?

When framed this way, it becomes clear that the more the government does—that is, the more the government makes decisions on our behalf—the less we are free to make our own decisions. Every decision the government makes for us is a decision we can’t make for ourselves. In the words of Ronald Reagan, “As government expands, liberty contracts.”

This insight can be used to develop a very basic political spectrum. At one extreme you have the government making virtually all decisions for its citizens, to the point where the government has “total” control over its people. That would be totalitarianism. At the other extreme you have the government making absolutely no decisions, at which point you have no government, that is, anarchism.

Each political philosophy fits somewhere on that spectrum, and where it fits depends on how much it says the government should control our decisions.

The spectrum above has the advantage of being simple, but it doesn’t always do a good job of representing where people stand. For example, if someone wants lots of government involvement in the economy (regulating businesses, minimum wage laws, high taxation, lots of government programs etc.) but also desires strong social freedoms (free speech, drug legalization, etc.) it can be hard to represent that position on a 1-dimensional axis. Thus, to make these distinctions somewhat clearer, political philosophers have come up with a 2-dimensional political compass that splits economic and social views into their own categories. Economic views are represented by the horizontal axis and social views are represented by the vertical axis.


Though there are two axes instead of one now, the premise is very much the same. At one extreme you have total freedom and no government interference (the far right economically and far down socially). At the other extreme you have lots of government and virtually no freedom (the far left economically and far up socially).

It’s worth noting that “socially liberal” views are sometimes called “libertarian” in contrast to “authoritarian” as in the graphic above. But this is different from the philosophy of libertarianism, which favors both economic and “personal” liberty.

It’s also important to clarify “socially liberal” in this context. The term is often taken to mean libertinism. In the political context, however, “socially liberal” does not mean condoning any particular set of lifestyle choices. It just means rejecting the criminalization of lifestyle choices that do not violate anyone else’s rights.

With some artistic license, the previous 1-dimensional spectrum could be overlaid on the political compass. It would essentially be a line running diagonally from the top left corner (totalitarianism) to the bottom right corner (anarchism).

Republicans (aka conservatives) and Democrats (aka liberals) are both near the middle of this compass. The main difference between them is that Democrats generally lean toward more social freedom and less economic freedom (bottom left quadrant) whereas Republicans lean toward less social freedom and more economic freedom (top right quadrant). So Democrats might push for higher taxes and looser drugs laws, whereas Republicans will push for lower taxes and more stringent drug laws.

Libertarians (bottom right quadrant) are often seen as a weird mix of some Republican and some Democrat positions (“socially liberal, fiscally conservative”), but the above framing hopefully makes it clear why this isn’t the case. Libertarians are simply for freedom in all its forms, and it is the liberals and conservatives who have the strange mixes, championing freedom in some areas while trying to restrict it in others.

Where you fall on the political spectrum ultimately comes down to what you value. If you want the government to provide lots of services but stay out of people’s personal lives, you’ll probably fit best with progressives/liberals. If, on the other hand, you believe there should be stricter social rules but that the government should largely leave the market alone, chances are you’re more of a conservative. And if you just want the government to leave people alone in every domain, you’re probably a libertarian.

These are only generalizations, of course. Every side has its nuances, and as you talk to people from different perspectives you’ll probably start to pick up on them. In fact, the best way to learn is to talk with people who disagree with you. Even if they are the ranting type, asking questions of political nerds can really help you understand where they’re coming from. You might still disagree, of course, but you will at least have a better grasp of the political landscape.

And who knows? They might actually change your mind.

This article was adapted from an issue of the FEE Daily email newsletter. Click here to sign up and get free-market news and analysis like this in your inbox every weekday.


Patrick Carroll

Patrick Carroll has a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Waterloo and is an Editorial Fellow at the Foundation for Economic Education.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Democrats: The Only Way To Save Democracy Is One-Party Rule

“Remember Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes exhausts and murders itself. There never was a Democracy Yet, that did not commit suicide. It is in vain to Say that Democracy is less vain, less proud, less selfish, less ambitious or less avaricious than Aristocracy or Monarchy.” — John Adams to John Taylor in a letter dated 17 December 1814.

Spoken like every evil regime ever.

‘Save Our Democracy’ is the new ‘arbeit macht frei.’

Democrats: The Only Way To Save Democracy Is One-Party Rule

‘Save Our Democracy’ is the new ‘Russia Collusion.’

By: David Harsanyi, The Federalist, October 25, 2022:

t this point, it would save everyone time if Democrats could simply point to a policy agenda item that isn’t going to save democracy — if such a thing exists.

If Republicans vote, they are killing democracy. If they don’t vote, they are killing democracy. The only way to “save democracy,” writes The Washington Post’s Max Boot, is to empower one-party rule — a position that probably sounds counterintuitive to anyone with a middle-school education. “Now you need to vote to literally save democracy again,” contends President Joe Biden, or we will lose our “fundamental rights and freedoms like the right to choose, the right to privacy, the right to vote — our very democracy.”

Chilling stuff. But it doesn’t end there. You will remember that by failing to “reform” the filibuster, which would entail authorizing the thinnest of fleeting majorities to shove through massive generational “reforms” without any national consensus or debate, we are also killing democracy. This has been the position not only of left-wing pundits and the New York Times editorial board, but also senators tasked with defending their institution. I wonder if they will support this democracy-saving fix next session, as well?

Then again, if we don’t nationalize the economy to avert a climate crisis, we are also killing democracy. “We’ve got to save democracy in order to save our species,” Jamie Raskin explains. And if we don’t empty the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to temporarily keep gas prices low to help Democrats win in 2022, we are killing democracy. “We find ourselves in a situation, where keeping gas prices low is key to preserving and strengthening the future of our democracy,” MSNBC’s Chris Hayes says.

We must allow the president to unilaterally create trillion-dollar spending bills and break existing private sector contracts by fiat. For democracy. We must pack the court to “save democracy.” We must create a Ministry of Truth to help with “strengthening democratic institutions.” We must vote for a Pennsylvania candidate who can’t cobble two consecutive coherent sentences together because the “fate of our democracy” is at stake, says our former president.

If you don’t support a partisan congressional investigation that’s circumvented basic due process norms, you probably hate democracy. If you aren’t self-flagellating and holding yourself accountable for the actions of Jan. 6 rioters, you are also bolstering the coming autocracy.

If the Supreme Court empowers the public to vote on an issue like abortion, unmentioned anywhere in the Constitution, it is “degrading” our “democracy.” If the court protects rights that are explicitly mentioned in the Constitution from the vagaries of the political process, it is also undermining democracy. Which is convenient.

The only way to save democracy is to allow one party (guess which one?) to federalize elections, so they can compel states to count mail-in votes that arrive 10 days late, legalize ballot harvesting, force the overturning of dozens of existing voter ID laws, allow felons to vote, create onerous burdens to chill speech, and empower bureaucrats to redraw congressional districts. Otherwise … well, you know.

You’ll remember last year, when left-wingers were arguing that Mike Pence’s support for basic voting ID — backed by around 80 percent of the American public and implemented in virtually every free nation — heralded a “Permanent Authoritarian Rule.” The president called Georgia’s moderate voter law, “odious,” “pernicious,” “vicious,” “unconscionable,” a “subversion” and “suppression,” the “21st-century Jim Crow” and the sure sign of an emerging “autocracy.” In 2022 early voting in Georgia is “shattering records.”

Then, of course, there are the nefarious “election deniers.” You know, “The Big Lie?” If Democrats believed “election denial” was an existential threat to American “democracy,” they probably wouldn’t be perennially engaging in it. The American left hasn’t accepted the legitimacy of a Republican presidential election win since 1988. Democrats “save democracy” by pumping millions into the primary campaigns of “election-denying” Republicans to try and set up a more favorable general election.

Keep reading.



Latina Republican blocked from joining Congressional Hispanic Caucus

Putin declares Taiwan is China’s, bashes ‘OLD WOMAN’ PELOSI’S visit

New PA Secretary of State Is Already Warning of ‘Delays’ in Counting Midterm votes

Hochul’s Criminals: Bus Hijacked in NYC

75 Referred for PROSECUTION For Voter Fraud in Ohio: Report

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

I’m leaving PayPal now, and you should, too

There has been a bit of confusion surrounding just how woke and fascist PayPal has become. They banned us back in 2018 for wrongthink, but backed down after a popular outcry and reinstated us. Recently, however, it came to light that they planned to charge users $2,500 per infraction for “the promotion of hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance,” and since the Left routinely smears opposition to jihad violence and Sharia oppression of women as “hate” and “racism,” it’s easy to see what’s coming.

After that policy came to light, PayPal announced that it was all a mistake, but this is still in their User Agreement as of this writing, Thursday, October 27, noon Pacific time:

If you are a seller and receive funds for transactions that violate the Acceptable Use Policy, then in addition to being subject to the above actions you will be liable to PayPal for the amount of PayPal’s damages caused by your violation of the Acceptable Use Policy. You acknowledge and agree that $2,500.00 U.S. dollars per violation of the Acceptable Use Policy is presently a reasonable minimum estimate of PayPal’s actual damages – including, but not limited to, internal administrative costs incurred by PayPal to monitor and track violations, damage to PayPal’s brand and reputation, and penalties imposed upon PayPal by its business partners resulting from a user’s violation – considering all currently existing circumstances, including the relationship of the sum to the range of harm to PayPal that reasonably could be anticipated because, due to the nature of the violations of the Acceptable Use Policy, actual damages would be impractical or extremely difficult to calculate. PayPal may deduct such damages directly from any existing balance in any PayPal account you control.

And the Acceptable Use Policy still says you cannot use PayPal for “the promotion of hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance,” which is, once again, Leftist code for “speech that contradicts our agenda and our fantasies about how the world works.”

So it’s time to go. If you have supported us through PayPal and still do so, we’re immensely grateful for your help in keeping us going, and if you have a regular monthly donation set up, we hope you will transfer it to Anedot here (click the “Monthly” option). That’s a tax-deductible donation. Please also consider supporting my Patreon page here; we want to keep going as long as possible, and every day the fascist Left finds more obstacles to throw at us to prevent people from seeing the truths we present. Once again, I’m immensely grateful for your help.

The fascists have us in a tough spot. They have worked hard to make their services indispensable, and are now increasingly moving toward making access to them based on political and social conformity. If they succeed, they will of course destroy America as a free society; that’s what they want to do. So we have to fight back in every way we can, and be willing to accept inconvenience in doing so. If PayPal is threatening to fine users who don’t conform politically, we must leave PayPal. I’m going to do so now. I hope you will do so as well.


EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘The Nation’ Laments Need to Care for ‘Miserable White People’

A Tuesday essay in the left-wing magazine The Nation laments the need to “care about miserable white people” simply due to their “disproportionate political power.”

The Nation national affairs correspondent Joan Walsh’s piece “Do We Really Have to Care About Miserable White People?” bears the subheading “Sadly, yes, because they wield disproportionate political power.”

It begins by describing the “endless stories about the white voters who elected Donald Trump dying ‘deaths of despair,’” with rising rates of suicide, drug overdose, alcohol-related liver failure, and COVID deaths in their voting districts.

According to Walsh, “when you perceive yourself as outnumbered, and somehow unfairly so, I guess it’s easier to give up on the promise of democracy—especially when your leaders are telling you to.”

She declared that “disabling racism afflict[s] so much of the white working class,” when in fact the white working class is the only demographic in the country that it is socially acceptable to target with racism.

She also went on to claim that “there are political and material conditions that are making the white working class more miserable, and more extremist,” Walsh wrote. “But there’s a feedback loop with its Republican leadership designed to stoke that extremism, and to make them see Americans who disagree with them as not merely wrong but evil.”

In response, some Twitter users slammed Walsh’s racism.

“What on earth is wrong with you? Would this be ok if you substituted any other race in your racist title, or is just anti-White racism acceptable these days?” asked one Twitter user.

“Tell me you’re racist without telling me you’re racist,” wrote another.

“While Kanye is swiftly condemned & contracts canceled for his comments, anti-white racism is unique in America in that it is 100% culturally acceptable, institutionally-backed and heartily applauded,” another user wrote.

The Nation (TN)

130 Known Connections

Founded in 1865 by politically radical abolitionists, The Nation is the oldest weekly magazine in the United States and the farthest Left of all popular American magazines.

According to David HorowitzThe Nation “supported every Communist dictator in their heyday — Stalin, Mao, Fidel, Ho, even Pol Pot – and on every issue involving conflict between the United States and any of its sworn enemies during the Cold War, invariably tilted towards (and often actively sided with) the enemy side.”

To learn more about The Nation, click here.


Stewart Admits Hunter B. Being on Burisma Board ‘is Corruption’

Sen. Bob Menendez Under Federal Investigation — Again

Conservative Super PAC Expands Map: Targets Blumenthal in CT

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

January 6, 2021—The Real Truth

The Truth About January 6, 2021, Washington, D.C.

Most of the following is verified in the documentary made by the EPOCH Times entitled

Jan. 6—The Real Story

  1. The Rally was organized for the purpose of exercising 1st Amendment as the “Right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” The grievances were that the 2021 election was stolen from POTUS Trump by fraudulent means and that the Electoral College votes involved should not be certified by Congress.
  2. It is estimated by those who were there as well as POTUS Trump’s staff that between 7- 800,000 people attended the Jan. 6th Rally.  The vast majority of them were totally peaceful and did not participate in the events at the Capitol Building.  Those at the Capitol building were estimated to be approx. less than 1,000 or .00014%. This fact is rarely mentioned by the media who laughingly have stated there were only 20 -30,000 in DC on Jan. 6 but this is based on the National Park Service Permit.  MAGA Trump March & Protest Attendance in DC: Crowd Photos | Heavy.com
  3. There was no insurrection or attempt to overthrow the government by violence as contended by the Biden Administration. There was violence which moved beyond 1st Amendment protection but much was perpetuated by the brutal actions of Capitol or DC Metropolitan Police and/or planted instigators among the crowd.  The FBI confirmed that no firearms were found and little evidence of an organized insurrection. FBI confirms there was no insurrection on Jan. 6 | Washington Examiner.  Biden declared on national TV that there was an insurrection at approx. 2:22 pm the same day without most of the facts being developed.
  4. Speaker of House, Nancy Pelosi thru the House Sergeant at Arms and DC Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) refused prior offer by POTUS Trump for up to 20,000 National Guard Troops and Pelosi turned down requests to strengthen Capitol Police for Jan. 6th. It Was a Set-Up: Both DC Mayor Bowser and Nancy Pelosi Turned Down National Guard on Jan. 6 – Chris Wray Refused to Tell Trump Admin “There Could be Situation” (thegatewaypundit.com): On Jan 6, Pelosi and Schumer were calling the DOJ and others asking for national guard support. Pelosi was concerned that demonstrators were pooping on the capitol steps.  Video shows Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer react in real-time to Jan. 6 (nypost.com)
  5. No Law Enforcement officers, as widely erroneously reported, were killed as a result of Jan. 6 events. The only people to die that day were 4 Trump supporters. Joe Biden Falsely Claims Five Police Officers Killed in January 6 Protests (breitbart.com)
  6. 35 year old Air Force veteran Ashley Babbitt was murdered by Capitol Police Lt Michael Leroy Byrd. She was not a threat to him and was simply looking thru a broken window (which she did not break nor was she attempting to crawl thru it) outside the capitol floor when shot.  Byrd was not investigated by normal internal affairs LE procedures but was summarily exonerated by the Dept of Justice. Babbitt shooting internal police docs reveal ‘no good reason for shooting,’ according to Judicial Watch | Fox News
  7. 34 year old Rosanne Boyland was brutally beaten on the head by a Metro Police Officer using a stick after she had been knocked down near the entrance to a tunnel where tear gas had been deployed sucking out the oxygen causing protestors to panic trying to get out. No initial attempts were made by police to render her first aid.  Later attempts to resuscitate her were made but she died.  The media falsely reported she died of a drug overdose. Evidence Suggests Jan. 6 Victim Roseanne Boyland Beaten to Death by Police – Headline USA
  8. Two other Trump supporters died from natural causes Police identify 3 people in Capitol protest who died from medical issues during riot | Fox News
  9. Capitol and DC Metropolitan Police at the Capitol building were undermanned; not trained for crowd/riot control; did not use effective barricades; used excessive, brutal force on the protestors and were not supervised.
  10. Undermanned law enforcement did not form skirmish lines but rather allowed themselves to be surrounded which was ineffective in controlling the crowd. Standard Riot Protocols were not followed.
  11. Barricades used were light weight metal bicycle racks which were ineffective in keeping the crowd contained. Video coverage of LE actions shows very poor organization and an absence of supervisors.
  12. Law enforcement officers positioned on the terrace at top of stairs to Capitol building threw explosive devises indiscriminately down onto the crowd catching the clothing of some of protestors on fire. They also fired paint balls and/or rubber bullets into the crowd without regard for the fact that such projectiles can cause serious eye damage. One man who climbed up a wall leading to the terrace was shoved off and seriously injured from the fall. One particular officer ran around collecting additional explosive devices; angrily shouting and throwing them. Here is another link attesting to police brutality on Jan. 6 In Riveting Interview: J-6 Victim Victoria White Describes Unbelievable Bare-Fisted Beating by DC Police on Jan 6th and the Nightmare that Followed — MUST SEE VIDEO (thegatewaypundit.com)  Such brutality obviously helped incite the crowd rather than cause them to disperse.
  13. “Suspicious Actors” or instigators for violence were present in the crowd who were not really Trump supporters. They tended to operate in 2 man teams and many had small white hand held microphones. One such man was observed pulling glass out of a window and encouraging others to do so and when police arrived pointed to others blaming them for what he had done. This and other  actions were caught on videos and very suspicious that these instigators were not arrested or charged unlike others who were genuine Trump supporters. One such suspected FBI recruited operative was Ray Epps who was urging people to go into the capitol building at breach point but was not arrested. Ray Epps interview transcript with Jan. 6 panel to be public ‘at some point’ | Washington Examiner Also check this link Tucker Drops FBI Bombshell: Jan. 6 Organizers ‘Were Almost Certainly Working for the FBI’ (westernjournal.com)
  14. Capitol Police officers were videoed opening doors and inviting protestors into the capitol building and appearing to encourage trespassing. This appears to be entrapment. Watch The Capitol Police Open The Doors And Invite Protesters In (thefederalist.com) Video Proves Capitol Police Let Protestors In on Jan 6th | We the People Convention | wethepeopleconvention.org
  15. Oathkeepers like Jeremy Brown who came to the Capitol on Jan 6 for the purpose of providing security from violent groups like ANTIFA and BLM have been at the center of prosecution. Videos prove that these OCs provided protection not only for protestors but for police as well and actually prevented more violence. They were video taped actually helping LE officers in distress, Oath Keepers Trial: Former Capitol Police Officer Testifies No Protesters Offered Help on January 6 – [your]NEWS (yournews.com)   yet many were charged with “seditious conspiracy” to stop the EC vote certification

Shamefully, the Dept of IN-JUSTICE is using the vaguely worded “Patriot Act” (which was intended to be used against foreign terrorists) to arrest and detain US citizens as “domestic terrorists” without Due Process, Bail or even basic humane treatment for those being detained. This badly worded law (thanks George W. Bush) is also used to provide immunity to those in LE who have committed crimes on Jan. 6.  Justice is not served. The real terrorists including mass murderers being held at Guantanamo Bay Prison are treated better prompting 34 J6 Political Prisoners to pen a letter asking to be transferred to Guantanamo Bay   BREAKING: 34 US Political Prisoners in DC Gulag Demand Transfer to Guantanamo Bay to Escape Intolerable Conditions in Heartbreaking Letter (thegatewaypundit.com)

In conclusion there is much evidence that the violent parts of Jan. 6 were SETUP by the leftist Deep Staters and the Surveillance State we now live in.  You be the judge.

  1. So Much Evidence that January 6, 2021 was a Calculated Set-Up


So Much Evidence that January 6, 2021 was a Calculated Set-Up By Steve McCann Political persecution and isolation of vast swaths of the citizenry by the Justice Department, the Intelligence…

  1. Was January 6 a setup? – Renew Democracy Initiative

That’s the close to the second episode of Tucker Carlson’s new three-part series on the lead up to and aftermath of January 6th, Patriot Purge. Throughout the series, the mysterious “people in charge” come after true American patriots, armed with a massive surveillance state and a battle-hardened military trained in a 20-year war.

  1. January 6th Was A Set-Up – Geller Report

January 6th Was A Set-Up By Pamela Geller – on August 4, 2021 Deep state provocation. If You Don’t Suspect Deep State Provocation At The Jan. 6 Riot, Start Paying Attention It’s required to ask at the outset of leftists’ 1/6 ‘Truth Commission’: How much of what led to Donald Trump supporters ‘storming the capitol’ was a setup?

  1. January 6, 2021 was a Calculated Set-Up – Shift Frequency

January 6, 2021 was a Calculated Set-Up. Steve McCann – Political persecution and isolation of vast swaths of the citizenry by the Justice Department, the Intelligence Community, and the Judiciary in the wake of the January 6, 2021, Capitol incursion should bring a chill down the spine of every American. This same troika, but with different nomenclature, was mobilized by 20th Century despots to eliminate their political enemies and establish a police state.

  1. IT WAS A SETUP! FBI Admits Jan. 6 Was Deep State Operation …

It Was All a Set Up: Even NYT Admits Police Ordered to Stand Down on January 6th – Yet the DOJ and FBI Are Harassing and Indicting Innocent Americans Proving They are Corrupt Former DEA Agent Tells Tucker Carlson FBI Informant “Friend” Invited Him To Capitol On Jan 6, Pressured Him To Go Inside [VIDEO]

  1. So Much Evidence that Jan. 6th, 2021 was a Calculated Set-Up

So Much Evidence that January 6, 2021 was a Calculated Set-Up By: Steve McCann Political persecution and isolation of vast swaths of the citizenry by the Justice Department, the Intelligence Community and the Judiciary in the wake of the January 6, 2021 Capitol incursion should bring a chill down the spine of every American.

  1. Rudy Giuliani Claims Jan. 6 Riot Was ‘Put Together by Left to …

Rudy Giuliani Claims Jan. 6 Riot Was ‘Put Together by Left to Frame Trump’ Giulia Carbonaro 6/12/2022 Rudy Giuliani has alleged that the Jan. 6 riots were an insurrection secretly…

  1. 6 commission could prove the left caused the Capitol …

Ever since the insurrection of Jan. 6 at the nation’s Capitol there have been accusations by Republicans that the mob was not made up of Trump-inspired seditionists but had somehow been…

Links to Other Pertinent Articles on Jan. 6 including the Pelosi Kangaroo Court. 

©Royal A. Brown III. All rights reserved.

Elon Musk Finally Takes Over Twitter, Fires Top Executives

After a months long legal battle, SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk officially reached a deal with Twitter on Thursday to become the sole owner of the social media giant in a historic shakeup of the tech industry, according to multiple sources.

The deal, initially agreed upon in April, takes Twitter private at $54.20 per share, a roughly $44 billion transaction that the tech mogul has previously attempted to escape over claims that he was misled about the number of spam or “bot” accounts on the platform. As one of his first moves, Musk reportedly fired several top executives, including CEO Parag Agrawal, chief financial officer Ned Segal, and Vijaya Gadde, head of legal policy, trust, and safety, The Washington Post reported.

Gadde oversaw many content moderation decisions, drawing criticism from conservatives and Republicans for a censorship-heavy approach, and was heavily involved in the decision to kick off former President Donald Trump following the Jan. 6 Capitol riots.

While Musk’s exact plans for the platform are not yet known at time of writing, he has made several public comments, primarily on Twitter itself, stressing the importance of the medium as a forum that protects “free speech,” according to The Washington Post. However, Musk has clearly stated that he intends to reverse the ban on former President Donald Trump’s Twitter account, a decision he characterized as “flat out stupid,” at an event hosted by the Financial Times.

“For Twitter to deserve public trust, it must be politically neutral,” Musk tweeted on April 27, weeks after the initial deal was made. “which effectively means upsetting the far right and the far left equally.”

Musk has also reportedly told investors supporting his bid to purchase the company that he intends to lay off roughly 75% of the tech giant’s staff, cutting the company to just 2,000 workers, The Washington Post reported. Musk has publicly commented that he believes the company is overstaffed, but former Twitter employees and tech analysts have criticized the move as being too drastic, potentially exposing the company to security and moderation issues.

Musk has been vocal about his intention to use Twitter as a stepping stone to create an app known as X, which he describes as “the everything app.” When a Twitter user claimed that it would have been less difficult to simply build X from scratch, Musk countered that the purchase would shave 3 to 5 years of development time, although he hedged the claim by admitting “I could be wrong.”

Critics have argued that a Musk takeover will cause the platform to be more prone to spreading misinformation and incentivize or encourage dangerous practices that will harm women and people of color on the platform, The Hill reported. Angelo Carusone, president of left-wing media watchdog Media Matters, compared Musk’s attempted acquisition to the formation of Fox News, an organization he characterized as having a “distorting effect” on U.S. media, in an interview with The Hill.

“Elon Musk is about to rip open Pandora’s box and flood the internet once again with hate, misogyny, racism and conspiracy theories,” said Bridget Todd, communications director of feminist advocacy organization UltraViolet in an Oct. 4 statement. “We should all be terrified.”





Elon Musk Plans To Give Pink Slip To 75% Of Twitter Employees: REPORT

DEAL DONE! Elon Musk Owns Twitter! CEO, CFO, Head of Legal, Policy, Safety Have Been Fired

Major Companies Issue Huge Trump Threat Against Elon Musk: Report

Musk Gets Amazing Business Offer – He Shouldn’t Turn This Down

See the Look on Twitter’s Censorship Head’s Face Hours Before Being Fired


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.

National Poll Shows Hispanic Voter Shift to GOP may Spike in Midterms

MIAMI, FL /PRNewswire/ — A national survey of Hispanic voters released today by Americano Media, the nation’s first national conservative Hispanic network in Spanish, proves the Republican Party may be on the cusp of a profound Hispanic voter realignment, adding a last-minute burst of undecided voters worried about the economy.

“Our poll shows that while 14 percent of Hispanics are still undecided, half are leaning heavily toward voting for the GOP in the midterms,” Americano Media chief executive officer Ivan Garcia-Hidalgo said. “In some close races, how these still-undecided Hispanic voters break may decide the day. We think this indicates a very possible spike in Hispanic votes this year for Republican candidates.”

The Americano poll shows what Garcia-Hidalgo called “a perfect storm of frustration and pessimism among undecided Hispanics with the economic policies of President Joe Biden and the Democrat Party, and they are motivated to vote. While our poll confirms the rightward shift of Hispanic voters, we discovered that number seems set to jump on Election Day.”

With 43 percent of respondents self-identified as Democrats and 27 percent as GOP, Democrats lead the congressional generic ballot 50/36, with 14 percent undecided and split similarly among the two parties and independents. This is a remarkable finding, considering this 14-point margin is down from 30 percent in 2020 and 40 percent in 2018, according to exit polls.

Among this largely Democrat population, President Joe Biden is the only national politician with a positive image rating. Biden predictably wins a rematch with Donald Trump in a hypothetical 2024 race, 54/37 – remarkably, only half his margin over Trump with Hispanics in 2020. Biden also leads all other Democrats in a theoretical primary matchup, beating second place finisher former First Lady Michelle Obama, 36/14.

In a theoretical primary matchup Trump beats Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, 48/30. Still, according to Americano’s Florida-focused research, DeSantis beats his gubernatorial re-election opponent Congressman Charlie Crist among Hispanics 49/45. While DeSantis has a 52 percent favorable and 44 percent unfavorable rating with Florida Hispanics, Crist is at 40/46, proving many Hispanic Independents and Democrats plan to vote for DeSantis.

A significant majority of Hispanics (71%) consider the country headed in the wrong direction and that the economy is also headed in the wrong direction. The economy matters most to this demographic, with inflation and jobs logging in at 40 percent of people’s top priority. Among Hispanics, the economy completely eclipses the wedge social issues the media often focuses on. In fact, by a 65/31 margin, inflation is more important to deciding their vote than abortion.

The Americano poll, conducted October 11-20 by Fabrizio-Lee and Associates, interviewed 1,200 Hispanic registered voters and has a margin of error of 2.8 percent. The team also oversampled Florida Hispanic registered voters to discover valid answers to Florida-specific questions. Interviewers conducted the poll using landline, mobile phone and text-to-online methods. The poll was offered in English and Spanish, with 78 percent responding in English and 22 percent in Spanish.

For more information and topline findings, please go to www.AmericanoMediaPoll.com to download the Americano poll results.

©AmericanoMediaPoll. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Ocasio-Cortez Issues Insane Claim About The Democratic Party And Latino Voters

Survey: Health of Democracy and Rising Costs Are Leading Midterm Voter Concerns

WASHINGTON, D.C. /PRNewswire/ — As the midterm elections near, a new national survey released today by Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) shows a society divided between moving toward a more inclusive democracy and turning back the clock to the 1950s, as well as grave concerns about the health of our democracy.

PRRI’s 13th annual American Values Survey, released in partnership with the Brookings Institution, examines the dissatisfied state of American public opinion regarding the direction of the country and illuminates the partisan and cultural divides on midterm election priorities, abortion, immigration, education, gender identity, and LGBTQ rights.

“On questions related to American identity, the parties today are worlds apart—not just politically, but culturally. They increasingly defend different histories, live in different realities, and promote two essentially incompatible views of America’s future,” says Robert P. Jones, president and founder of PRRI. “The survey shows a hardening rightward stance among Republicans, anchored by a white evangelical base, which is increasingly out of step with the values of most other Americans.”

The following are highlights from the 2022 American Values Survey:

  • Consensus that America is headed in the wrong direction, but large partisan and religious divides about the future: Nearly three-quarters of Americans (74%) feel the country is going in the wrong direction, including almost all Republicans (93%) and a majority of Democrats (53%). Americans are divided, however, about whether the country’s culture and way of life has changed for the better (49%) or worse (49%) since the 1950s. Additionally, nearly a third of Americans (31%) say that God intended America to be a new promised land for European Christians, including approximately half of Republicans (49%) and white evangelical Protestants (50%).
  • Health of democracy and economy top voter priorities in the midterm elections: Among Americans who plan to vote in this year’s midterm elections, the issues most critical to them are the health of our democracy (57%) and the increasing costs of housing (57%) and everyday expenses (57%). However, the parties have very different ideas of what safeguarding our democracy means. Partisans hold mirror-opposite opinions, with 85% of Republicans saying voter fraud is the bigger problem and 83% of Democrats saying voter disenfranchisement is the bigger problem. One especially troubling finding is that one third of Republicans who say they are most concerned with the health of our democracy (33%) say true American patriots might have to resort to violence to set things right; among Democrats most concerned with the health of democracy, only 7% agree.
  • Americans oppose the Dobbs decision, Republican support for abortion bans drops by half: In June 2022, the Supreme Court issued its ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organiza­tion, which overturned Roe v. Wade. Six in ten Americans (61%) oppose overturning Roe, while 35% favor it. More than eight in ten Democrats (82%) oppose the court decision, including 71% who strongly oppose it. Only 40% of Republicans oppose the decision, compared to 58% who favor it. Majorities of all major religious groups except white evangelical Protestants (37%) oppose the decision to overturn Roe. Nearly four in ten Republicans (37%) say abortion should be legal in most or all cases, compared to 86% of Democrats and 62% of all Americans.
  • Republicans are outliers on immigration and educational curriculum: More than three quarters of Democrats (77%) support a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, up six percentage points since 2013. By contrast, only four in ten Republicans (40%) support a path to citizenship, a 13-point drop since 2013. On education, two thirds of Americans (66%) say public school teachers and librarians provide students with appropriate curricula and books that teach the good and bad of American history. A majority of Americans who most trust Fox News (60%), Republicans (54%) and white evangelical Protestants (51%) believe public school teachers and librarians are indoctrinating children with inappropriate material. Conversely, only 7% of Democrats believe this.

To view the full report, including survey methodology, visit prri.org

About PRRI

PRRI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to conducting independent research at the intersection of religion, culture, and public policy.

©PRRI. All rights reserved.

Poll: Kari Lake Leads Dem Opponent By 11 Points

Republican Kari Lake leads Democrat Katie Hobbs by 11 points in the Arizona gubernatorial race with less than two weeks left before the midterm elections, according to a new poll released Wednesday.

Fifty-four percent of respondents said they would vote for Lake as opposed to 43% who said they would vote for Hobbs, according to the FOX 10 InsiderAdvantage poll. Only 2% of respondents were undecided, and the new poll shows an 8 percentage-point uptick for Lake compared to an InsiderAdvantage poll from early October that placed the candidates 3 points apart.

Pollster Matt Towery pointed to Hobbs’ hesitation to debate Lake as a key factor responsible for the large jump, according to InsiderAdvantage. Despite the newly reported 11-point lead, a recent Trafalgar Group/Daily Wire poll places the candidates within the poll’s 2.9% margin of error at 49.2% Lake to 46.4% Hobbs, and an aggregated poll from RealClearPolitics (RCP) places the candidates 3.2% apart with Lake in the lead.

Earlier this month, Hobbs came under fire for allegedly orchestrating a “slave day” in high school as a student council member at Seton Catholic Preparatory School. During the event, documented in the school’s yearbook, freshman, or  “slaves,” would submit to seniors, or “masters.”

Lake has received her share of controversy as many Democrats have critiqued her continued belief that the 2020 election was stolen. In a June debate on Arizona PBS, Lake asserted that Biden “lost the election and shouldn’t be in the White House,” calling the election “corrupt.”

This InsiderAdvantage poll was conducted with 550 likely voters from Oct. 24 to 25 with a margin of error of 4.2%.

Lake and Hobbs did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.





Arizona Democrat Won’t Say If She Supports Any Limits On Abortion

Catholic Group Slams Dems’ ‘Disgraceful’ Positions On Parental Rights In Massive Ad Buy

Pelosi Intervenes In Out-Of-District TV Merger After Taking Money From Rival Bidder

Biden’s Messaging Shows Democrats Are Already Planning To Lose The Midterms, Economists Say

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.

Parents Mobilize as Culture War Rages

A flood of recent field reports shows the nationwide attempted hijacking of the nation’s school children by the Gay Gestapo and Transgender-Industrial Complex has kicked into in high gear.

It’s been reported in recent weeks a book turned up in an Oklahoma middle school instructing kids in the fine arts of anilingus, cunnilingus, and sexual intercourse.  Except it didn’t use those terms.  It used the vulgar vernacular that can’t be repeated here, instead.  Excuse me?

Democrat lawmakers want to make it felony child abuse for parents to stand in the way of sex change drugs and surgery for their minor children.  Excuse me?

The CDC – your federal government all hepped up on Democrat control – handed out $85 million in grants requiring schools to start LGBT support groups.  Excuse me?

That’s just a small sample of what’s going on out there.  But today I want to focus on the most recent developments in how parents are fighting back.

Twenty parents spoke out at a school board meeting against the “Queerest Free Halloween Party for Youth & Families” planned at an elementary school near San Diego.  A hundred more cheered them on.  The party is sponsored by a sex-change surgery center and a gay bar – the Gay Gestapo and Transgender-Industrial Complex in action.  The party is to feature a ‘family-friendly’ drag show, as if there is such a thing.  One mother called school board members “groomers and activist pimps”.   She’s a domestic terrorist, according to our esteemed Democrat Attorney General.  I’ll tell you who the real domestic terrorists are:  the Gay Gestapo and Transgender-Industrial Complex who are attempting to destroy children and break down the country into nothingness, using sex to do it in true communist fashion.  They are the subversive ones.  It’s no accident communist theorists like Herbert Marcuse and Wilhelm Reich ushered in the sexual revolution.  It’s no accident another communist theorist Georgi Lukacs called the use of sex for these purposes “cultural terrorism”.    And it’s no accident transgender activists openly talk about using transgenderism to usher in communism.

Hundreds of parents also protested against a transgender teacher wearing gigantic fake breasts with protruding nipples at a high school in Canada.  A hundred and fifty more protested against an American Academy of Pediatrics convention in California.  That doctor’s trade association proudly stands up for “gender-affirming care” to transition minors.  That’s a euphemism for life-altering irreversible sex-change drugs and surgery for kids too young to consent to a car loan.

Some parents, not willing to stop at protesting, have pulled their kids out of schools that harp on sex, gender, and race.  Standing up for parents, 19 Republican state Attorneys General sued the Biden administration for violating state laws and exceeding its authority for acting against schools that refuse to allow transgenders into girls sports or the restrooms of their choice.  In Virginia, Governor Youngkin stayed true to the parental rights stance that got him elected and issued new model policies requiring public schools to defer to parental decision-making and to align school facilities and sports by biological sex, not gender identity.  The new policies reverse the actions of a previous Democrat-controlled legislature and are scheduled to go into effect soon.

There’s something you can do.  Moms for Liberty has created a candidate pledge affirming that “parents have that fundamental right to direct the education, the medical care, the moral and religious upbringing of their children in their character development.”  Bring the pledge to candidates in your area and ask them to sign it.  Publicize it if they won’t.   That’s one way to get involved in the fight against the Gay Gestapo and Transgender-Industrial Complex that plenty of gay and transgender adults want no part of.  Make no mistake: this is a fight to the death and it’s time to choose what side you’re on.

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

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Here’s Our Top 11 Examples of the Democrat Party’s Double Standards

Double Standard: a rule or principle which is unfairly applied in different ways to different people or groups.

We have decided that the “D” in Democrat stands for double standard.  They consistently apply different principles to different groups.

We decided to list 11 examples of Democrats using double standards this year. If you our readers have any that you want to add just put them in the comments section below.

Here’s our short list of Dem Double Standards:

  1. Stolen Elections: Democrats blame Republicans for stealing elections but when President Donald J. Trump and True the Vote, in it’s film 2000 Mules, proved that the 2020 election was in fact stolen in five states which would have overturned the election, the Democrats cried foul. The 2000 Mules video was banned on YouTube, social media, not carried on any streaming service and was only available on DVD. Recently, Hillary Clinton in a political ad, as she did in 2016, claims Republicans are going to steal the 2022 midterm elections. Remember that before the 2020 election Biden stated, “I believe we have put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”
  2. Equal Justice Under the Law: The Democrat Party and the Biden administration have weaponized our FBI and DOJ to apply the laws unequally. They use the law to accuse their political opponents of what they are doing. Examples abound and include: ignoring violent attacks on pro-life clinics while arresting pro-life advocates, the FBI for the first time in American history sent armed agents to Mar-a-Lago the home of a former President of the United States and took documents that were personal and covered by client attorney privileges, the Biden administration sent armed secret service agents to force an Amish organic famer to use GMOs on his livestock and crops, when he refused to do so they shut down is business which served healthy food to his 4,000 customers.
  3. Kill, imprison and torture innocent peaceful protestors who attended the Save America Rally in Washington, D.C. because the Democrat Leadership failed to protect the U.S. Capitol: The J6 Select Committee has held numerous closed door meetings concerning the Save America Rally held on January 6th, 2021 to trying prove that those who attended the rally were insurrectionists. What the J6 Committee ignores is the fact that President Trump requested that the National Guard be called out to protect the capitol building but his request was denied by Speaker Nancy Pelosi who has the responsibility to provide security of the U.S. capitol. New video released indicated that Speaker Pelosi had a video crew that taped her during the J6 rally in order to make a documentary. Read more here, here, here and here. President Donald J. Trump’s ‘Our nation is SUFFERING‘ letter to the J6 Committee here.
  4. Accuse others of insurrection while ignoring violence by domestic terrorist organizations Jane’s Revenge, Antifa and BLM: Jane’s Revenge has been linked to multiple insurrectionist acts including the fire bombing of  pregnancy clinics here, here and here. Antifa is a revolutionary Marxist/anarchist militia movement that seeks to bring down the United States by means of violence and intimidation. As a September 2017 report in The Atlantic notes, Antifa is responsible for “a level of sustained political street warfare not seen in the U.S. since the 1960s.” BLM is Founded by Marxist revolutionaries in 2013, Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a movement that depicts the United States as a nation awash in racism, sexism, and homophobia. Demonstrators at BLM events have been known to: smear white police as trigger-happy bigots who are intent upon killing innocent, unarmed black males; taunt, and direct obscenities at, uniformed police officers who are on duty; throw rocks at police and threaten to kill them; and celebrate in the streets when a police officer is killed. Click here for information on BLM’s close ties to the Democratic Party.
  5. Support Defunding the Police while Democrats hire armed guards to protect themselves: Defund the Police was created by BLM. The Defund the Police website states, “Our intention is for this site and defundpolice.org, which provides organizing tools to defund the police in the United States, to be read together as a shared tapestry of resistance.” This movement has lead to increased crime in those cities, like New York, Chicago and Detroit, which have in fact defunded the police. See #4 above.
  6. Democrats demand that American to “go green” while they live in mansions, drive in bullet proof limousines and use private jets that scream pollution: Congressional testimony shows that the Green New Deal = Redistribution of Wealth. The Green New Deal mirrors Mao’s Great Leap Forward. Here are 44 things Americans should know about the Green New Deal. Finally because of Biden’s war against fossil fuels U.S. has ONLY 25 DAYS OF DIESEL SUPPLY LEFT. Finally Biden and the Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg have called for the elimination of all internal combustion engine vehicles and replacing them with all electric vehicles. One problem, FinalTelegraph.com reported in an article titled LOL New EV Completely Fails, Less Than 80 Miles Later, Attempt to Drive at Highway Speeds Ends in Miserable Failure wrote, “Do you want an electric vehicle? Well, you might want to reconsider driving the improved golf cart more than a few miles to work and back, especially if you plan to go at average highway speeds. Such is what Car and Driver found in its hilarious review of the new, electric Mazda MX-30.  And that’s not an outdated EV that ought to be consigned to the garbage right now. The automobile is the 2022 model.”
  7. Biden and Democrats promised unity while they set about dividing the nation into groups and then pitted them one against the other: Democrats use their core ideals of diversity, inclusion and equity to divide Americans into different classes of citizens. Learn more about the myths of diversity, inclusion and equity (DIE) here, here, here and here. Finally, we learn that Democrats don’t really care about embracing minority races as the Democrat controlled Congressional Hispanic Caucus has rejected fellow Hispanic Mayra Flores because “she is not a Democrat.”
  8. Democrats scream about how voter IDs harm minorities and election fraud while they are caught stuffing ballot boxes: After the 2020 presidential we have learned according to a Dominion voting machines audit that ballot error rate was at least 85,000 times higher than FEC allows. How the documentary “2000 Mules” exposed ballot traffickers who stole the 2020 election and how Biden’s USPS Chief in Mail-In Ballot Unit was arrested after trying to meet a teenaged boy for sex.
  9. Mandate everyone get vaxxed while they make millions off of their big pharma investments: Here are a series of columns on the legality, effectiveness and outcomes of vax mandates by the Biden administration, Democrat governors and members of congress: Vax Mandate Stabs Constitution in the Back; The Plain Truth about Biden’s Vaccine Mandate; 50% Increase in Miscarriages; 50% Decrease in Fertility After COVID Vax; Texas Hospital Faces Closure Over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate; and STANFORD Tells Doctors To Give False Information In Order to Overcome Vaccine Resistance. Recently the New York Supreme Court ordered New York City to reinstate unvaccinated employees, and give them backpay.
  10. Democrats and Biden are pushing the LGBTQIE+ agenda in public schools, colleges, universities and in our federal government: Biden wants underaged children to be ‘Gender-Transitioned’ whether parents like it or not. Here are a series of column on the queering of America’s children in order to have sex with pedophiles, pederasts and perverts. For example a Nevada doctor who killed woman in botched abortion, and has been accused of sexually assaulting a minor, was featured in Democrat campaign ad. Learn how LGBTQIE+ groups are quietly dismantling norms, and changing public education. A shocking report found that of the 1,000 LGBTQIE+ U.S. Elected Officials 75% are Democrats. Even the U.S. Department of Energy is promoting dog collars and hosted drag queen Sam Brinton and other LGBTQ+ Activists. To say that Democrats are all into queering our children is putting it lightly.
  11. Biden’s Open Borders Policy: Perhaps the most important issue is the security of a nation’s borders. A nation without borders is no longer a nation. According to FAIR a record 2.4 million migrants illegally crossed the U.S. Mexico border in FY2022, and almost 4 Million total have illegally entered under Biden. A former border Commissioner stated, “We Have Lost Control of the Southwest Border.” The situation has gotten so bad that the Border Council President has called for Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Mayorkas’ impeachment. Finally, today drug cartels now have “operational control” of the U.S. border with Mexico.

The Bottom Line

The MARCO POLO REPORT listed 140 business-related crimes, 191 sex-related crimes, 128 drug-related crimes committed by the Biden family.

When a criminal family is in the White House what else can we the people expect except more lies, myths and half-truths to gain power, money and remain in office.

Double standards are the only way Democrats believe that they can win.

Project Veritas has exposed via an FBI whistleblower who leaked a document showing that our federal law enforcement agency is now targeting “misinformation.”

Click here to view this leaked FBI document.

Click here to tweet out this document.

Who gets to decide what is misinformation? Clearly not we the people. It will be the Democrats, legacy and social media giants like Facebook.

Today, Americans identified the media as Democracy’s biggest threat. The media, including social media, has become the propaganda arm of the Biden administration and Democrat Party.

Biden and Democrats have focused on social issues for the 2022 midterm elections while Americans are focused on the economy, crime, parental rights and inflation.

November 8th, 2022 will be a tipping point for our Constitutional Republic.

Vote wisely!

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


RELATED ARTICLE: Biden says the price of gas was ‘over five dollars’ when he took office, data shows it was $2.39

Islamic Republic of Iran: Security forces target girls school, fire tear gas as girls clash with staff

Forces of the Islamic regime in Iran have been raiding schools and targeting schoolgirls with increasing frequency; this is is causing even more public fury than there already was. One girl was recently beaten to death by security forces in her classroom for refusing to sing a “pro-regime song.” In mid-October, it emerged that 23 children were murdered by the regime.

Iranian security forces fire teargas as girls clash with staff at Tehran school

Guardian, October 24, 2022:

Iranian security forces fired teargas outside a girls’ school in Tehran when clashes broke out after staff attempted to inspect students’ mobile phones amid ongoing anti-government protests.

Iran’s Ministry of Education said several students were treated by emergency services for a drop in blood pressure, but denied that security forces had entered the school.

But videos circulating on social media showed heavily armed security forces outside the school. One clip showed them on motorbikes and firing at least one teargas canister. The authenticity of the footage could not be independently verified.

Unrest ignited by the death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish-Iranian woman who was detained by the Islamic Republic’s morality police for “improper attire” and died in police custody, has swept Iran for five weeks. Rights groups say nearly 250 people have been killed in the crackdown.

Women and girls have played a prominent part in the protests, removing and burning veils. The deaths of several teenage girls reportedly killed during protests have fuelled more anger.

Demonstrations continued on Monday, with a rally at a university in the western city of Hamedan, and students shouting down a government spokesperson who visited a Tehran university, according to students’ and rights groups…..



NYC Issues ‘Halal Guide’ Featuring Terror Mosques

ran: Islamic State claims responsibility for jihad massacre at Shi’ite mosque, at least 15 dead

Greece: Muslim migrant rapes 11-year-old girl, deputy mayor says ‘we cannot psychoanalyze every refugee’

UK: Tough on migration Suella Braverman reinstated as Home Secretary amid opposition calls for inquiry

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

CRISIS: Pennsylvania Democrat Officials Mailed Out 255,000 Ballots to Unverified Voters

If the bonkers neck lump wins it’s over. We have no chance – our elections are pure show for the totalitarian party. They cheat with absolute abandon knowing there are no repercussions or penalties. Just more power.

Pennsylvania Democrat Officials Mailed Out 240,000 Ballots to Unverified Voters! …UPDATE: Now at 255,000 Unverified Voters!

By Jim Hoft, October 26, 2022:

Pennsylvania Democrat officials sent out 240,000 255,000 ballots to people they could not verify either by their Social Security or Driver’s License numbers.

The ballots should NEVER have been sent out to these voters.

Fifteen Republican State Representatives sent a letter to Acting Secretary of the Commonwealth Leigh Chapman after they discovered that over 240,000 illicit ballots were sent out in the state prior to the 2022 midterm elections.

Deputy Secretary Jonathan Marks testified in September before the Pennsylvania House that counties are responsible to verify the voter ID when a completed ballot arrive to the county. The counties argued that this was nonsense. The ID must be verified before a ballot is even sent out.

Read more.



Pennsylvania Dem John Fetterman Wants To “LEGALIZE HEROIN” And Allow Taxpayer-Funded Drug Dens, Refuses to Take Media Questions

In unearthed clip, Dem Senate candidate Fetterman says ‘I agree with’ cutting prison population by one-third

Pa.’s acting Secretary of State warns of possible delays in election results

‘Hi, Goodnight Everyone’: Unflappable Dr. Oz Lets Fetterman Self-Destruct in Debate

John Fetterman Saw a Black Man Running (a Jogger) and Decided to Grab his Shotgun…..

Democrat PA. Senate Candidate Fetterman “Happy” To Free Murderer Who Hacked Innocent Man to Death With Garden Shears

PA Senate Dem. Candidate John Fetterman’s Campaign Press Secretary: ‘Its Funny to Tweet Quotes by Hitler’

Fetterman Appointed Cop Killer Ally to Pennsylvania’s Board of Pardons

PA Dem Senate Candidate Fetterman Voted To Free Convicted Murderer Who Killed 18-Year-Old for Heroin Money

Fetterman has two convicted murderers on his campaign staff

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.