Hell Hath No Fury….

Yes, Shakespeare said that of “a woman scorned.” But even the English bard could never have imagined the red-hot rage of multimillions of women who learned that the children they love and protect and would give their lives for were being taught by their local friendly teachers to hate themselves and hate their country.

As everyone now knows, there has been a massive eruption of nationwide protests as tens, no hundreds, no thousands of mostly Muslim women (and a few of their husbands) have descended on School Board meetings across the country to protest the fact that Critical Race Theory (CRT) is now being inflicted on their children, starting in kindergarten.

They are telling the powers-that-be how much they resent that their children will be taught that Muslims are evil and dangerous––going back to the problems President Thomas Jefferson had with the treacherous Muslim Barbary Pirates––and that this kind of information would be used to warp the minds of their innocent children.

These impassioned Muslim mothers (and some fathers) insist that they are upright and contributory American citizens who benefit America, have been elected to high public office, and pay their taxes. And they list the historical events they insist is their prerogative—and not the role of racist teachers––to explain to their children:

  • The deadly bombing of Marine headquarters in Lebanon in 1983, in which 240 American Marines and 21 American seamen were annihilated, thanks to a Muslim suicide bomber.
  • The September 11, 2001, attack on America, in which nearly 3,000 Americans were murdered by Muslims who brought down the Twin Towers, attacked the Pentagon, and sought to obliterate the White House.
  • The thousands of Muslim jihadist attacks around the world, going back decades and continuing to this day.
  • The existence––here in America––of female genital mutilation (FGM) performed on four- and five-year-old girls, ostensibly to suppress their sexuality.
  • The existence––here in America––of Honor Killings (i.e., murder) to punish Americanized Muslim high school girls who dare to date an American schoolmate.
  • The relentless propaganda their children are exposed to, for instance a cartoon that depicts the Koranic story of Jews being turned into apes.
  • And just the other day, a 27-year-old Muslim man who murdered his mother because she converted to Christianity.

Who can blame these Muslim women (and some husbands) for protesting and even yelling at the School Board members and even “threatening” to take their children out of school for contaminating their innocent children with what they define as racist misinformation against what even American presidents have called “the religion of peace”?


Right by the side of these inflamed Muslim women (and some husbands) are Black mothers (and some husbands) who are furious that CRT is determined to “teach” their children equally harmful things, such as:

  • Why, after over 70 years of Blacks voting Democrat and supporting unions like radical Randi Weingarten’sAmerican Federation of Teachers (AFT), their offspring are empirically, objectively, pitifully on the very bottom rung of educated children, that immigrants who come to this country––not even speaking English––routinely outperform the Black public-school victims of maleducation. And they are furious to hear that Ms. Weingarten tweeted support for an op-ed that said parents don’t have the right to shape their kids’ school curriculum!
  • Why cities run by Democrats are consistently, over decades, the highest in crime, unemployment, and widespread government dependency instead of prideful independence.
  • Why their “leaders” are so consistently anti-American and anti-Semitic racists like Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Rep. Ilhan Omar(D-MN), Rep. Rashida Tlaib(D-MI), Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO), and dozens of others, including their racist icon, Barack Obama! Not to omit Joe Biden’s clear contempt for Blacks and Jews, the latter of which I have documented in articles entitled “Joe’s Jews,” “More About Joe and the Jews,” and “The Oldest Hatred Now Fulminates and Flourishes at 1600.”
  • Why teachers don’t concentrate on Martin Luther King, Jr., Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, Jackie Robinson, Serena Williams, Quincy Jones, Justice Clarence Thomas, and other great black heroes and groundbreakers, but instead make folk heroes out of Communist murderers like Cuba’s Che Guevara, career criminals like George Floyd, and anarchist destroyers like Antifa and Black Lives Matter, who do nothing but set cars on fire, smash storefront windows, engage in grand theft and petty larceny, assault innocent citizens, and contribute nothing!


I left out the White parents who started what has now become a nationwide protest. The whole point of Critical Race Theory is to prove to innocent school children that the triple evils in America––the Constitution, Capitalism and Christianity––were all introduced by malevolent White men.

There may be Muslim or Black mothers (and some fathers) at these protests, but you can be sure that none of the above questions I’ve posed will ever be asked––or answered––in today’s leftwing propaganda factories, aka public schools, precisely because these mothers are considered in the protected “victim” category.

What Critical Race Theory is really all about is destroying big, bad Whitey! Whether its tearing down statues or burning books or telling the children of 72 percent of our population that they were born evil racists and the products of generations of evil racists, the goal is to omit from the classroom the fact that the White men they are vilifying are the same White men who created the freest, richest, strongest, most generous nation in world history, the nation that multimillions of illegal aliens––at this very minute––sacrifice everything to come to and live in and experience the American Dream!

You know, the same White men who banished the curse of slavery, although admittedly other White men––all of them Democrats––also created the viciously racist Ku Klux Klan, the Jim Crow laws, and uniformly voted against the Civil Rights legislation in the mid-1960s.

Come to think of it, Critical Race Theory should be renamed Corrosive Racist Training and be described as a course in systemic Democrat racism and its disastrous effect on our country.


Imagine how these protesting parents felt when they learned that Joe Biden’s pick of Attorney General, Merrick Garland, called these desperate mothers (and some fathers) “domestic terrorists” and ordered the Federal Bureau of Investigation to monitor them and punish them for exercising their Constitutional right to Free Speech and for the mortal sin of protesting peacefully!

Garland’s menacing directive to the FBI is what writer Justin O. Smith described as “a piece of real fascist garbage.”

Good to know that a government watchdog group has now launched an investigation of Garland for his threats against public school parents across America.

In addition, after grilling Garland in a Judiciary Committee meeting last week, a principled legislator, Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO), called for his resignation.

To add insult to injury, the parents then learned that Garland’s daughter is married to Alexander Tanner, the guy who co-founded––and is raking in multimillions of dollars from––Panorama, the company selling this racist junk to over 50 of the nation’s 100 largest school districts, or, as the company describes itself, as supporting “13 million students in 23,000 schools and 1,500 districts across 50 states.”

Talk about Garland’s conflict of interest!

Yet further evidence of the incestuous leftist push toward Communism that parents across the country are now protesting is provided by author and journalist Jack Cashill who reveals that a major essay for Panorama’s CRT “curriculum” was written by terrorist emeritus and Obama pal Bill Ayers!


This nationwide outrage of parents has been effective. As blogger Fred Miller documents, “It’s an encouraging sign that that the execrable National School Boards Association (NSBA) has blinked and apologized for joining Merrick Garland in villainizing anti-CRT parents as ‘terrorists.’

“Perhaps even awakened Democrat parents will be, in the long run, part of the most effective resistance we have against the Woke totalitarians. In the natural order of animals, vegetables & minerals, there is no more powerful force with which to reckon than angered Mama & Papa bears.”

The visceral anger of these parents is not only being expressed at School Board meetings across the country, but it has gone viral on social media. Even confirmed, lifelong leftists were horrified and disgusted when the far-left candidate for governor of Virginia, Terry McAuliffe, added his less-than-two-cents worth by stating: “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach”

Really? Here, Quisha King gets a standing ovation when she calls for a “mass exodus” from public schools.


In 1982, in LawrencevilleGeorgia, Tony Cavallo was repairing a 1964 Chevrolet Impala when the vehicle fell off the jacks it was propped on and trapped him underneath. His mother Angela miraculously summoned up such Herculean strength that she was able to lift the car high enough and long enough for two neighbors to replace the jacks and pull Tony to safety.

There is actually a name for this kind of astounding display of superhuman strength––it’s called Hysterical Strength and it’s no surprise that it often involves mothers.

Why is that? It’s because bringing a child into the world––notwithstanding the creativity involved in law, medicine, architecture, astronomy, space travel, music, literature, art, gardening, et al––is the ultimate creative act. Nothing comes close.

Writer, editor, and international blogger Ruth S. King suggests the following: “Like other efforts which led to political victories, dissident parents should coalesce behind a new movement named My Child, My Choice!”

That’s exactly what is happening! Today, the mothers of America’s schoolchildren are now telling the powers-that-be that they will not allow their children to ingest the toxic, dishonest, racist brew of CRT.  They are telling the innovators of this theory, the teachers who purvey it, the Attorney General of the United States, the FBI, and the President of the United States: Don’t contaminate my child with your hateful, racist, anti-American, anti-White poison…. or else!

©Joan Swirsky. All rights reserved.

What My Mother Taught Me About Charity

The humanitarian impulse was so ingrained over the generations that Jews became known for donating more than any other group.

The commandments regarding charity are set forth in the Torah and elucidated in the Talmud. In Tractate Baba Batra (9b), Rav Yitzhak said: “Anyone who gives a coin to a poor person receives six blessings, and whoever consoles him with words of comfort and encouragement receives eleven blessings.”

And Tractate Brachot (58b) relates how Rav Chana always kept his hand in his pocket so as not to embarrass the poor by visibly reaching in when giving alms.

For many, charity is the embodiment of Torah values and service and is thus considered innately Jewish. The humanitarian impulse was so ingrained over the generations that Jews became known for donating more than any other ethnic or religious group.

But somewhere along the line charity became conflated with politics and giving patterns began to reflect ideologies that often diverged from normative Jewish tradition. As many Jews became secular and liberal, they began to eschew Jewish philanthropy and instead support political causes and institutions. In many households, charitable giving went to organizations advocating partisan ideals and progressive politics rather than traditional cultural and educational endeavors. Perhaps not coincidentally, support for religious institutions and Israel seemed to drop off as observance and affiliation declined.

Those who look to these trends for direction have forgotten the Jewish concept of charity or never learned it at all.

The Hebrew word for charity, “tzedakah,” derives from the word “tzedek,” which means “righteousness.” The word root implies more than simply donating to the needy – though that is certainly important – and has nothing to do with supporting political ideologies, particularly when they contravene Jewish law and tradition.

As expounded by the Rambam (Maimonides), one of the highest levels of tzedakah is to give anonymously so that neither giver nor recipient knows the other. This preserves human dignity while assisting those in need and fulfilling the Jews’ obligation to participate in G-d’s ongoing act of creation by infusing the mundane world with holiness. Dignity is paramount even when anonymity is impossible.

I reflected on this recently as my mother’s tenth yahrzeit approached.

My parents taught us the concept of tzedakah by example, freely donating resources and time to Jewish institutions. Though growing up in such an environment can make the charitable impulse familiar, it does not necessarily guaranty its internalization. That comes from consistent moral conditioning, which my mother accomplished by exuding empathy. Whether she and my father were contributing to institutions, or if she was putting a dollar in a panhandler’s cup, she always took care to respect human dignity. Whenever she gave money to a street person, she did so with kind words and a smile. If giving could not be done anonymously, she would do her best to validate the recipient’s humanity.

These are the kinds of lessons that mold the psyche.

When I quit my job as a health and medical reporter to attend law school in Washington, D.C., I arrived with a young family in tow and concerns about how to balance work and study. I was a fulltime student working as a freelance correspondent for two medical news publishers, and both pursuits competed for my time and attention. But despite the stresses of this existence, my daily encounters with Washington’s homeless showed there were greater problems out there.

Every day I would take the Metro downtown to one of two stops. The first one, Farragut West, was a long walk from school but took me through some trendy neighborhoods with good coffee shops. The second, Foggy Bottom, was two blocks from the university, and despite fewer prospects for good coffee it was the more logical stop in inclement weather. The above-ground pavilions at both stations teemed with homeless people begging for change.

On one crisp, autumn morning during my second year, I disembarked at Farragut West and noticed a man I’d never seen before. He had a sign that read “donations accepted,” so I reached into my pocket for loose change, gave him a nod, and went on my way. I saw him again the next day, but this time he made eye contact and said “hello,” which was enough to establish a relationship according to prevailing street etiquette. We exchanged pleasantries and chatted frequently thereafter.

A few weeks later, with winter approaching and the weather beginning to turn, he had a new sign that read, “will accept money or food.” Looking at the sign, I asked whether he would prefer a couple of dollars or breakfast instead. He chose the latter, so we went to a nearby coffee shop that advertised ninety-nine-cent breakfast specials. The counter waitress saw his tattered clothes and gave him a long look but seated him when she realized I would be paying.

I bought him the ninety-nine-cent special, which consisted of two eggs, toast, potatoes, and refillable coffee, but he hesitated before eating. When I asked why, he said it would be rude to start before I had my food. I then explained that as a Jew I only ate kosher food, but that my dietary restrictions should not stop him. Fortunately, there was a coffee takeout window that some of my observant classmates frequented, so I got a cup and we sat and talked while he ate. He asked a lot of questions about the laws of Kashrut and Jewish observance that day.

This became our morning ritual from then on. As the weather chilled with the changing seasons, I made a point of getting off at Farragut West because I figured he needed breakfast and warmth. I knew his first name, Bill, but he never told me his last name, perhaps out of shame regarding his situation.

During one breakfast a couple of months into our relationship, he fell silent while drinking his coffee. He seemed troubled. “You know, I wasn’t always like this,” he said without looking me in the eye. “I know,” I replied. He then said, “I won’t always be like this,” to which I responded, “I know that, too.”

And then he told me his story – about how he had worked in construction until getting injured on the job. He told me of being struck on the head by some falling stone and sustaining a traumatic brain injury, which he corroborated by displaying his horrific scars. He received a worker’s compensation settlement after his hospitalization, but the money eventually ran out leaving him homeless – forced to sleep in one shelter after another.

I told him I had no doubt his fortunes would change someday, and his mood improved with his coffee refill.

We continued our routine for more than a year until shortly before I graduated. A week before, I told him I’d be graduating and moving back up north, and he said he was going to miss me. I told him the same as I reached into my pocket and pulled out one-hundred dollars.

He looked at the wad of bills, then looked at me and said, “I don’t want your money.” But I told him, “I’m not giving you money; I’m giving you a gift of one-hundred breakfast specials. And after the last one you should have some change left over to put in somebody else’s cup.” He liked that, and only then would he accept the money.

We hugged and parted ways.

My mother came down a week later for graduation, and as my wife and I were packing up the apartment, she asked me whether I would miss living in Washington. I told her no, but that I would miss one particular friend. And then I told her Bill’s story. She regarded me silently for a moment, and then asked, “What possessed you to buy him breakfast in the first place?” I replied, “it didn’t occur to me not to.” And that’s when she revealed to me the true meaning of tzedakah. “You gave him something more important than just breakfast – you gave him back his dignity.”

I hadn’t considered that. I thought I was merely having coffee and spending time with somebody I had come to regard as a friend and whose company I truly enjoyed. I never considered any deeper meaning. Indeed, if there was any nobility, it came from my parents who instilled Jewish values in me, and especially my mother, who treated people respectfully regardless of station or circumstance. Given the same situation, she would have bought him breakfast as well; and so it was with me.

And that’s what people who confuse politics with tzedakah cannot understand. Conflating the two is ultimately narcissistic and only severs the connection between charity and “tzedek.” This is not what Rav Yitzhak, Rav Chana, or the Rambam taught, and it’s not what the Torah commands. Though I learned the laws of tzedakah by studying Torah and the Sages, I was only able to fully grasp its beauty and depth because of the insightful words of my mother, Hinda Etel bat Tzvi, z”l, and the example she set.

©Mathew Hausman, J.D. All rights reserved.

Florida Sues Over Vaccine Mandate

Florida filed a suit Thursday against President Joe Biden, NASA and several other agencies alleging the Biden administration’s vaccine mandates requiring government contractors to get vaccinated is “unlawful,” according to Fox News.

Attorney General Ashley Moody and Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis filed the suit in U.S. District Court in Florida’s Tampa division arguing NASA and others “frequently contracts with Florida, has current contractual relationships with Florida, and is and will continue to seek to impose the Biden administration’s unlawful requirements to Florida,” according to Fox News.

The suit also lists NASA Administrator Bill Nelson, White House Office of Management and Budget officials, and Department of Defense officials due to the coronavirus vaccine mandate. The mandate requires workers within those branches and federal contractors be fully vaccinated by Dec. 8.

“Because the government’s unlawful vaccine requirement seeks to interfere with Florida’s employment policies and threaten Florida with economic harm and the loss of federal contracts, the State seeks relief from this court,” the suit reportedly reads. 

The suit argues the administration is “relying on a statute” that gives Biden the authority to “‘prescribe policies and directives that the president considers necessary to carry out’ the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949” to “compel millions of Americans who work for government contractors to receive a COVID-19 vaccine,” according to Fox News.

“Nothing in that statute authorizes such a radical intrusion on the personal autonomy of American workers – especially, as is the case here, when many of those workers are officials of a sovereign state,” the suit reads.

The state argues the administration “misread [the] Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949,” arguing the act “does not authorize the government to use its contracts to impose social policy not authorized by Congress,” Fox News reported.

“We said we’d take action and we did,” DeSantis said Thursday while announcing the suit. “People should be able to work.”

DeSantis has been outspoken against the mandate, saying Sunday “what Biden’s doing is unconstitutional. He does not have the authority” to impose the vaccine mandate. DeSantis said he’s working on legislation to provide a $5,000 bonus to law enforcement personnel who relocate to Florida to evade vaccine mandates.

Biden said in September getting the vaccine is “not about freedom or personal choice,” before mandating all employers with 100 or more employees require employees to be vaccinated or submit to weekly testing.



Reporter. Follow Brianna on Twitter


19 States Sue Biden Administration Over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

Thousands of Air Force troops set to reject vaccine mandate

Exposing Vaccine Passports

Irish county with 99.7% vaccination rate has highest COVID case rate

In-N-Out Burger Location Forced To Shutdown Because Employees Refused To Check Vaccination Status

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Poll Shocker: Trump Beats Biden In Presidential Poll In Every U.S. Region But One

Buyers remorse indeed. President Biden’s poll numbers are plummeting. Millions of Americans voted for Joe Biden, because they disliked President Trump’s demeanor. Now they are paying the price. And watch China and Iran in the months ahead.

“Political watchers note that the sharp jump in inflation, failure to stem the COVID-19 pandemic, surging illegal immigration, the Afghan withdrawal debacle, the supply-chain collapse, surprisingly weak job growth and soaring energy prices have all contributed to a growing sense among many that Biden — at 77 the oldest president in history — is not up to the job of being president.”

I&I/TIPP Poll Shocker: Trump Beats Biden In Presidential Poll In Every U.S. Region But One

By Tip Insights, October 28, 2021

When it comes to President Biden, are voters starting to have a serious case of buyers’ remorse? It sure looks that way. A new I&I/TIPP Poll limited to those who voted in the 2020 election shows former President Donald Trump sharply narrowing the gap between him and Biden and leading across most of the country if the election were held today.

For all intents and purposes, based on current voter sentiment and the margin of error, it’s a virtual dead heat between Trump and Biden, with Trump having all the momentum.

The data come from the October I&I/TIPP Poll of 1,308 adults was conducted online from Sept. 29 to Oct. 2 by TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence, I&I’s polling partner. The analysis for this story is based 955 Americans who voted in 2020 and revealed their 2020 vote.  The margin of error for the analysis is +/-3.3 percentage points.

In it, we asked: “If the presidential election were held today, and the following were the candidates, for whom would you vote?” Respondents were given the choices of “Donald Trump,” “Joe Biden,” “Other,” or “Not sure.”

Overall, Biden still leads Trump by 45% to 44%, with 6% choosing “other” and 5% saying “not sure.”

But amid growing questions over his leadership in just the ninth month of his presidency, Biden’s slender lead looks tenuous at best. In September, it was Biden 46%, Trump 42.1%. Since then, overall, Biden lost 1.2 percentage points, while Trump gained 1.8 points.

Key demographic groups also show a swing away from Biden toward Trump. The breakdown shows a major swing from Biden to Trump in the last month.

Trump leads in the Midwest (45.9% vs. 44.9%), the South (45.8% vs. 44.6), and the West (42.4% vs. 39.7%).  Biden leads Trump in the Northeast 53.6% to 39.1%.

Trump now leads Biden among those aged 45-64 (45.8% support Trump vs. 41.8% Biden), those 65 and older (50.7% vs. 39.3%), women (44.9% vs. 41.9%), Whites (50.2% vs. 38.4%), independent voters (46.2% vs. 36.9%), suburban voters (47% vs. 39.4%) and rural voters (54.8% vs. 37.2%), and married women (52.2% vs 40.0%).

Moreover, even among those who still favored Biden in October, Trump realized some significant gains. Among Black voters, for instance, Trump moved from 18.1% support in September to 20.3% in October.

Among Hispanic voters, the fastest-growing voting bloc in the U.S., Trump gained a hefty 14.6 percentage points, from 24.2% to 38.8%. That’s more than the 33% of the Hispanic vote that Trump garnered in the 2020 election.

Moderates, often identified with independents and other key swing voters, tacked on 5.8 percentage points to their overall support of Trump, from 32.4% to 38.2%.

Among married women, often viewed as a heavily influential voting group, the shift toward Trump was particularly notable: In September, this group favored Biden (42.4%) to Trump (42.1%). In October, they gave Trump 53.2% of their vote, versus just 40% for Biden, a huge swing.

What’s behind the steep decline in Biden’s popularity with voters?

Political watchers note that the sharp jump in inflation, failure to stem the COVID-19 pandemic, surging illegal immigration, the Afghan withdrawal debacle, the supply-chain collapse, surprisingly weak job growth and soaring energy prices have all contributed to a growing sense among many that Biden — at 77 the oldest president in history — is not up to the job of being president.

This bad news, coming early in Biden’s first term, underscores other recent polls showing a shocking loss of public confidence in Biden’s presidency.

A new Gallup Poll taken from Oct 1. to Oct. 19, for instance, shows Biden suffering the biggest decline in favorability of any president since World War II, plunging from 56% in the first quarter to 44.7% in the third quarter. That’s a 20.2% decline.


Poll Shows Glenn Youngkin Beating Terry McAuliffe By 8 Points

Poll: Voters Have ‘Biden Remorse,’ Republicans Lead in 85 Battleground Congressional Districts

PATEL: Democrats May Regret Messing With America’s Moms

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Leftists Are Pushing Fake Facebook ‘Scandal’ to Justify Censorship of Conservatives

The Democrats loved the censorship of political opposition. For years the enemedia ignored the banning, blocking, shadowingbanning, suspension of my colleagues and myself until …. it could no longer be ignored.

Leftists Are Pushing Fake Facebook ‘Scandal’ to Justify Censorship of Conservatives

By: Allum Bokhari, Breitbart News, 25 Oct 2021:

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) said on Twitter today that leftists are pushing a fake “scandal” about Facebook making exceptions to its rules to justify censorship of conservatives.

“The Facebook “scandal” is a false flag intended to justify an oncoming wave of censorship against the Right,” said Rep. Gaetz on Twitter.

The Florida congressman was responding to allegations from leftists at Facebook that the site makes exceptions to its rules in order to protect political figures on the platform.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) speaks during testimony by constitutional scholars before the House Judiciary Committee in the Longworth House Office Building on Capitol Hill December 4, 2019 in Washington, DC. This is the first hearing held by the Judiciary Committee in the impeachment inquiry against U.S. President Donald Trump, whom House Democrats say held back military aid for Ukraine while demanding it investigate his political rivals. The Judiciary Committee will decide whether to draft official articles of impeachment against President Trump to be voted on by the full House of Representatives. (Saul Loeb-Pool/Getty Images)

This is a complaint made by leftists inside the company, whos constant agitation to censor Breitbart News and other conservative publications was recently revealed by the Wall Street Journal. 

Via Breitbart News:

In a discussion thread called “Get Breitbart out of News Tab,” the company’s employees brainstormed new policies that would see Breitbart News ejected from the feature, which distributes news stories to users from a curated list of websites while maintaining the appearance of neutrality. One employee suggested removing websites that saw their internal “trust score” (as measured by Facebook) decline, but expressed concern that the policy might also affect CNN.

As the Wall Street Journal notes, Facebook already punishes Breitbart News in relation to its competitors by relegating it to a “second tier” of the News Tab, which only delivers news tailored to user’s interests. In other words, only users who are already interested in content similar to Breitbart’s will receive its stories, limiting Breitbart’s ability to reach new readers.

The same Wall Street Journal story revealed that Facebook introduced tools after the 2016 election that reduced the traffic of Breitbart News and other conservative publications.

The story highlighted internal Facebook research showing that if both tools were removed, it would increase traffic to Breitbart News by 20 percent, the Washington Times by 18 percent, Western Journal by 16 percent, and the Epoch Times by 11 percent. Facebook eventually removed one of the tools while keeping the other — but it is unclear which of them had the most impact on traffic.

RELATED ARTICLE: Pamela Geller: Why I Am Suing Facebook

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Quick note: Tech giants are shutting us down. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense, Pinterest permanently banned us. Facebook, Google search et al have shadow-banned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. We will not waver. We will not tire. We will not falter, and we will not fail. Freedom will prevail.

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What the Murder of a Five-Year-Old Yazidi Girl by Muslims Tells Us

A judge in Munich has just sentenced a German woman, one Jennier Wenisch, a convert to Islam who was an ISIS bride, to ten years in prison for her part in the murder of a five-year-old Yazidi girl, whom she and her husband had enslaved. An earlier Jihad Watch report on this atrocity is here, and a detailed report here: “German ISIS bride who chained up five-year-old Yazidi slave girl in the sun and let her die of thirst as punishment for wetting the bed is jailed ten years for ‘war crime,’” by David Averre, MailOnline, October 25, 2021:

A German ISIS bride was sentenced to 10 years in prison by a Munich court today over the war crime of letting a five-year-old Yazidi ‘slave’ girl die of thirst in the sun.

Jennifer Wenisch, 30, from Lohne in Lower Saxony, was found guilty of ‘two crimes against humanity in the form of enslavement’, as well as aiding and abetting the girl’s killing and being a member of a terrorist organisation.

Wenisch converted to Islam in 2013 and made her way to Iraq to join the Islamic State, where she and her husband ‘purchased’ a Yazidi woman and child as household slaves according to the Court.

‘After the girl fell ill and wet her mattress, the husband of the accused chained her up outside as punishment and let the child die an agonising death of thirst in the scorching heat,’ prosecutors said during the trial.

‘The accused allowed her husband to do so and did nothing to save the girl.’…

Wenisch’s husband, Taha al-Jumailly, is also facing trial in separate proceedings in Frankfurt, where the verdict is due in late November.

When asked during the trial about her failure to save the girl, Wenisch said she was ‘afraid’ that her husband would ‘push her or lock her up’.

Identified only by her first name Nora, the Yazidi girl’s mother has repeatedly testified in both Munich and Frankfurt about the torment allegedly visited on her child.

The defence had claimed the mother’s testimony is untrustworthy and said there was no proof that the girl, who was taken to hospital after the incident, actually died.

The hospital tried unsuccessfully to revive her. Isn’t her lifeless body, that had been found chained – to what? — outside, enough proof that she had died?

Wenisch’s lawyers had called for her to receive just a two-year suspended sentence for supporting a terrorist organisation.

Wenisch herself claimed she was being ‘made an example of for everything that has happened under ISIS’ at the close of the trial, according to the daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung, and appeared to show remorse for the crimes for which she was found guilty….

Full of self-pity, this monstrous woman claimed she was being punished for “everything that has happened under ISIS.” Nonsense. She is being punished for exactly one thing: her role in the murder of a five-year-old girl. We are told that Wenisch “appeared” to show remorse. That’s easy to feign. But In prison isn’t it likely that Wenisch, who apparently has not turned her back on ISIS or on Islam, will continue to proselytize among the inmates?

Prominent London-based human rights lawyer Amal Clooney, who has been involved in a campaign for IS crimes against the Yazidi to be recognised as a ‘genocide’, was part of the team representing the Yazidi girl’s mother….

What do this atrocity, and Wenisch’s punishment, tell us?

First, it reminds us that in Islam it is deemed licit to hold slaves, like the little Yazidi girl whom the couple had enslaved (it’s hard to imagine what tasks she was given). Muhammad himself bought, sold, and owned slaves, which has made the practice permissible for Muslims ever since, for Muhammad was the Perfect Man (al-insan al-kamil) and Model of Conduct (uswa hasana).

Second, it reminds us that Muslims are taught in the Qur’an that while they are the “best of peoples” (3:110), Infidels are the “most vile of created beings.” (98:6) Not all Muslims accept, much less act on, that view. But fanatical Muslims such as Wenisch’s husband, Taha al-Jumailly, felt he could treat this helpless little girl, a non-Muslim, with as much cruelty as he wished. She was, after all, an Infidel, and therefore he could do anything he wanted to do with her. And his wife was too afraid to protest, or try to rescue her.

Third, Jennifer Wenisch saw her husband fasten the little girl to a chain, attaching her to something – a tree, a pole – so that she could not move about, or seek shade, but was made to endure without relief the scorching heat of the sun. She died of thirst. If Jennifer Wenisch had any qualms about this, she did not dare to express them to her husband, because she knew that he could punish her; the Qur’an gives Muslim husbands the right to “beat” their wives if they even suspect them of being disobedient (4:34); what might she expect from a man as demonstrably cruel as Taha al-Jumailly?

Fourth, the girl’s mother will obtain a kind of justice for her martyred daughter, because Germany is one of several dozen countries with laws that include aspects of universal jurisdiction, ”a legal principle that some crimes are so grave — such as genocide and war crimes — that impunity and normal territorial restraints on prosecutions should not apply.” The crime in this case – the murder of the little girl — was committed in Iraq, but was understood, properly, as part of the Islamic State’s genocidal treatment of the Yazidi people. Hence German courts believed they could invoke “universal jurisdiction” and try her murderers.

Fifth, the justice in this case might not have been obtained, had the murdered little girl’s mother not had as her lawyer Amal Clooney, who is now, for obvious reasons, the most famous human rights lawyer in the world. That led to media attention that insured the case would not disappear from view, but would be decided by German judges. Who knows how many other Yazidis have been tormented and murdered, but their families never obtained justice because they lacked the services of someone like Amal Clooney?



Biden Admin on Afghan Evacuations: ‘Err on the Side of Excess’

Israel or Biden Admin: Who’s Telling the Truth About Terror-Linked Groups Crackdown?

Canada: Muslim convicted of plotting jihad massacres at multiple locations whines about computer restrictions

EDITORS NOT: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

FLORIDA: Report from Polk County Legislative Delegation Meeting on October 26th, 2021

I want to thank all the Patriots from Winter Haven 912 who were present at the Polk County, FL Legislative Delegation Meeting on October 26th, 2021 which started at 1:30 p.m. including those who spoke besides me e.g. Glynnda, Maureen M, David C, George B, Nancy W, Fred, D and Kay M and those who came to support us e.g. Boyd R, Del L, Mitchell B., Rocky & Dietz A, Danny & Dy K, Lisa C, Alice K, Pixie. R, Lee A, Bobby , Lorraine J, Denise & Harry K, and one other Gentleman whose name I don’t know for total of 21 WH 912ers, by far the largest group present. If I missed anyone please let me know.

Other constitutional conservatives whom I know and were present were Rebecca Ricks and Amber Lang from Mom’s for America & Medical Freedom who both spoke and several ladies wearing CCDF hats.

The Polk County Legislative Delegation consists of Senators Albritton, Burgess and Stargel and Representatives Bell, Burton, Hawkins, Killebrew, and Tomkow whose districts represent portions of Polk County.

All of our speakers received applause despite being admonished for doing so every time – little bit of proper civil disobedience going on there. Chair Rep. Burton claimed applause takes up too much time which is just not true since the applause occurred during the short period between the last speaker departing and the next speaker coming up to talk. I really don’t understand this protocol which is also present at other public meetings like the Board of County Commissioners and School Board. At least we weren’t repeatedly threatened to be escorted out by Sheriff’s Deputy like the County Manager and Rick Wilson do at BOCC meetings.

On a positive note and with thanks to the Delegation, the meeting was well planned, advertised and conducted including holding all speakers to the 3 min limit, which was not always practiced in past. The Delegation were respectful and seemed attentive to public speakers although few questions were asked except to local government and college officials who made reports, mostly dealing with funding.

County Commissioner George Lindsey was present which was good because he got to listen to several of us mention his, Commissioner Wilson and Santiago’s refusal to sign the letter by Commissioner Neil Combee to Governor DeSantis asking to remove road blocks to access of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine to prevent and treat COVID. They refused despite the overwhelming testimonies and presence of supporters of the letter at the meeting where Lindsey brought in two CDC Protocol supporting doctors to counter our support including PC Health Dept Director Dr. Joy Jackson who condescendingly stated we were “like the wild west of anything you can get your hands on and take it.”

The topics covered by our WH 912 speakers covered a broad range but often reinforced each other and included:

  • Relief from Medical Tyranny by facilitating access to inexpensive, FDA approved Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine along with Gov. DeSantis’s push for monoclonal antibody outpatient infusion.
  • Demand for 100% forensic audit of 2020 election in FL – we know there was election fraud and the closeness of the margins for Gov DeSantis and POTUS Trump emphasizes this; current PC Supervisor of Elections stated to Ledger there was no voter fraud in 2018 as alleged by Candidate DeSantis and in 2020 by many.
  • The experience of a Poll Watcher revealed outrageous voter fraud at the poll she observed.
  • Unconstitutional FL Red Flag Law, the Risk Protection Order codified within the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Public Safety Act, SB 7026 must be eliminated or changed to provide Due Process for law abiding gun owners – over 6,000 have been issued FL-wide with 1,000 of these in PC. Also that the 2A Rights of 18-20 year olds to own/possess long guns need to be restored.
  • Legislators were asked to co-sponsor/support/file companion bill of a list of good bills and to oppose a list of bad bills.
  • Constitutions (both US & FL) should always be consulted and used whenever Legislators are making decisions on political actions like bills and laws – We are a Constitutional Republic rooted in God’s laws not man’s laws and are not a Democracy which is rule by mob. Our Constitution limits the power of the Federal Govt. and our Bill of Rights confirm the Rule of God’s Laws and guaranty they will not be broken by government. Unfortunately our Rights are being usurped by the Fed Govt meaning states must fight back with the 10th Amendment and nullify unconstitutional federal edicts/rulings.
  • Abortions must be stopped and the Heartbeat Bill passed by our Legislature.
  • A Legislator’s Bill of Rights is needed to stop the biased, undue influence of House and Senate Leadership including punishment for Legislator’s who speak their own minds, submit bills wanted by their constituents, etc. which may not fit leaderships desired mold. Removing Republican Legislators from Committees or keeping them off committees, moving them to “time out” rooms in basement; supporting other Republican candidates in primaries for sole purpose of defeating those who don’t tow the line is unfair and unethical.
    Note: Some of us also provided the Delegation with copies of documents providing more details to back up our presentations.

Observations on other speakers:

  • 8 speakers represented groups asking for funds – 2 such groups were artist/art groups looking for money to pay for programs and to pay artists – guess they don’t get enough form Pelosi’s over funded endowments for Arts and Humanities.
  • 3 speakers in row advocated to repeal the current law banning transgenders from athletic competitions & for transgender rights (pure identity politics).
  • A Useful Idiot leftist speaker from PC Democratic Environmental Caucus of FL told us, among other falsehoods, that if we don’t do something about climate change soon, all our FL beaches will be destroyed as Iceland melts; we should go to 60% solar power and should support the Paris accords (meaning US shells out trillions $ to pay for the pollution of others) with no mention about the major polluters of the world e.g. Communist China, India and Indonesia.
  • 3 speakers spoke out against what they called the “FL Kill Bill”. 2 of the impassioned speakers had lost relatives (father, brother) to medical malpractice without recourse because their loved ones were widow/widowers and/or, had no children under 25 etc. The other was a nurse who had dealt with such patients. Support was asked for SB 262 (Damages Recoverable by Parents of an Adult Child in Medical Negligence Actions; Deleting a provision prohibiting parents of an adult child from recovering damages for mental pain and suffering in a medical negligence suit, etc.) and SB 560 (Recovery for wrongful Death; Deleting a prohibition on adult children of certain decedents recovering specified damages, etc.).
  • 1 angry and loud speaker complained about 80% of homeowners in Poinciana who didn’t want Spectrum services having to pay for services anyway making the cost to the 20% who did want it lower and that this extra expense for those on social security could “put them out on the street.”
  • Another speaker preceded her talk by asking if there were any limits to the scope of presentations and being told no, spoke out against Lakeland Electric’s meter. She claimed the frequency emitted by the meter caused her medical problems and changes in appearance and was asking for a different kind of meter which she claimed they had refused to provide.

If you can attend the session of the PC FL Legislative Delegation’s Annual meeting in 2022 (usually held from 1:30 – 6 pm),I highly recommend you consider doing so. Even better if you sign up to speak and express your view (s) on issues in the 3 mins you’re allotted and you can also provide backup documentation.

Thank you.


Royal A. Brown III
President, Winter Haven 912

©Winter Haven 912. All rights reserved.

ACTION ALERT: Protect Children from Pornography

How Can We End the Cycle of Child Exposure to Porn?

Sign the petition here.

Do you believe in building a world free from sexual abuse and exploitation? Do ever feel like that world is so far away?

It can feel difficult to hold on to hope when looking at statistics and hearing stories about how pervasive the online sex industry is becoming. It’s likely that a majority of children have seen pornography on the internet. Now it’s not a matter of “if” your child will be exposed, but “when.”

“According to a 2020 survey, the majority of children were exposed to porn by age 13, with some as young as seven. Most of the time it was unintentional or unwanted.”

British Board of Film Classification

But it’s important to remember that 1) we must understand the scope of the problem in order to effectively address it and that 2), as Martin Luther King, Jr. put it, “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”

Our friends and allies Exodus Cry and Magic Lantern Pictures have released a documentary film Raised on Porn that addresses this problem. Dawn Hawkins, CEO of the National Center on Sexual Exploitation, is an Executive Producer of the film.

Exodus Cry says they “feel a sense of urgency regarding the dangers children are facing online and the lack of awareness of so many parents” and they are hoping that this film helps to sound the alarm on a global scale.

In this 35-minute documentary, the stories of multiple people are told with candor but the one story that is followed through from beginning to end is the story of Richie. The film follows Richie’s story from when he was a young child to where he is now—happily married with children—and explores his journey from first exposure to pornography to compulsive use to buying sex and, ultimately, to recovery. Richie talks about how pornography was the influence that shaped the way he approached relationships and eventually what he desired sexually, leading him to hold secrets from his wife.

“You’re socializing men into thinking that women will consent to anything.”

Dr. Gail Dines

Richie confesses to his wife that he has a problem and in a quiet moment with his kids—now the same age as he was at his first exposure to porn—realizes that he doesn’t want them to go through this same cycle he did.

So, how can we end that cycle? How can we teach our children to reject the messages they will get from pornography?

“The internet has made porn not only accessible, it’s really made it inescapable. Now everybody has access to porn on their smartphone… including children.”

Jean Kilbourne

Of course parents have the responsibility to open a dialogue with their children about pornography and what their children should do when they come across it. For these types of conversations, especially with very young children, we recommend “Good Pictures, Bad Pictures” from Kristen Jensen of Defend Young Minds.

Solutions don’t stop there, though.

If children are accessing pornography on smartphones and other devices, we believe Big Tech should be held accountable to implement measures that help protect children.

Big Tech has billions of dollars and nearly limitless resources—not something that all parents can offer. We aren’t asking that Big Tech take the responsibility completely, but that they help parents by proactively mitigating the many and severe risks to which their platforms and devices expose children.

Defaulting devices with safety controls is one way to protect kids. It’s then easy for parents to let kids use devices without having to struggle with instruction manuals and unfamiliarity with tech.

Furthermore, sites with sexually explicit material can require age verification. Right now, we wouldn’t let kids walk into an “adult store” in person. So why do “adult sites” featuring pornography not require ID or verify age?

Raised on Porn offers a stark reminder that “We are in the midst of the single largest unregulated social experiment in human history.” That experiment is the inundation of brains of young children with content that they’re not prepared to deal with—content that is normalizing harmful behaviors.

We can end this cycle. Help us protect children, not porn.

Sign the petition here.

EDITORS NOTE: This column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Conversion of the Great C.S. Lewis—Captured on Film

America’s founders said our rights come from God. This is enshrined in our national birth certificate, the Declaration of Independence. And yet many of the intellectual elites in the West (including in America) in the last century or so have abandoned belief in the Creator.

The theory of evolution helped grease the skids toward unbelief. In 1860, a year after the publication of Darwin’s On the Origin of the Species, there was the “Great Debate” in a building at Oxford University that now houses a science museum and collection.

It is generally held that the evolution side won, and this debate did much to cement the idea that evolution was true.

That in turn did much to help undercut faith in God and the Bible. In the wake of this and many other intellectual streams in the West, belief in God and the Bible became virtually untenable to those who valued their intellectual integrity.

But now comes a new movie—which, in my humble opinion, is destined to become a classic—that’s opening scene is set in that very same science museum in Oxford. And rather than push people away from God, the film provides an encouraging story of one famous intellectual’s journey from skepticism to Christianity.

I got to see a sneak peek of the film, and I thought it was well done and is a breath of fresh air in our day of seemingly endless bad news.

The Most Reluctant Convert tells the story of the conversion of C.S. Lewis, who was a professor at Oxford and later Cambridge. His outstanding books make him perhaps the single greatest Christian writer of the 20th century.

Lewis wrote such books as Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters (for which TIME magazine put him on the cover in the 1940s), The Problem of Pain, and The Chronicles of Narnia series, including The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

Actor Max McLean plays the part of the older C. S. Lewis who narrates the whole story. The film also includes two other actors portraying Lewis, one as a boy (about age 10) and the other in his 20’s.

I spoke with Max recently on the radio about the movie. He noted that in making the film, they got the rights from the C. S. Lewis estate to quote him deeply and vastly from a variety of sources. The chief source is Lewis’ autobiography (detailing his conversion), Surprised by Joy.

The film was a challenge to make because they made it “during the heart” of the COVID pandemic, when virtually everything was shut down.

Max said that the British government allowed films to be made in mid- to late-2020 “under very strict COVID protocols.” Once things were lined up, he flew to England and was quarantined for two weeks. Then he and his team were able to film in and around Oxford (in 18 separate locations) from mid-September to mid-October.

Max told me of Lewis’ change of heart: “His mature atheism came to the point where he believed that there was either no God behind the universe, a God of indifference to good and evil, or, worse, an evil God…The story of the film is how he moved from that very rock hard position, vigorous debunker, to become, as he said, ‘the most reluctant convert in all England.’”

Lewis had objected to the problem of pain. How could there be a good God in a universe with so much pain? Of course, the answer is that this is a fallen world because of man’s sin.

Max noted that Lewis realized that to even acknowledge pain as a problem involved Christian insight: “Christianity creates rather than solves the problem of pain. For pain would be no problem unless side by side with our daily experience of a painful world, we have good assurance that ultimate reality is righteous and loving. And that’s what belief in God gives us. It gives us purpose and meaning as opposed to a world that is capricious, unrighteous, and unloving.”

Max, quoting Lewis, continued, “I call a line crooked because I have some idea of a straight line. What was I comparing this universe with when I called it cruel and unjust?”

Ironically, once Lewis realized that God was God, and his need to submit his heart to Christ, he expected that his life would become miserable: “My experience is I didn’t want it [Christianity] to be true.” But to his delight, Lewis found himself “surprised by joy.”

Max quotes Lewis (again): “If I find in myself a desire that no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is: I was made for another world.”

I found this movie very encouraging, and I trust others will too. To get more information on how to see the movie, which premieres in this country November 3, see www.cslewismovie.com.

©Jerry Newcombe. All rights reserved.

New Report Shows Growth of the Welfare State Has Fueled Long-Term Declines in the Labor Force

A massive labor shortage continues to grip the nation and hold back our economic recovery. With countless pandemic and policy factors influencing the shortage, there’s a heated debate over what’s keeping so many workers out of the labor force. But a new study confirms that the growth of the welfare state is playing a massive role—and that this trend began long before the pandemic.

Published by experts on the Republican side of the Senate Joint Economic Committee, the analysis reports, “the U.S. has witnessed an unprecedented rise in disconnected prime-age workers over time.” As shown in the graph below, the men’s labor force participation rate has fallen from more than 97 percent in 1955 to 89 percent prior to the pandemic, while the women’s labor force participation rate has declined in recent decades as well (View chart here).
What’s causing this decline? Well, the study examines popular explanations like displacement from immigration and technological advancements and finds that they do not account for this drastic drop. Rather, it suggests that the biggest factor is that “many would-be workers are voluntarily disconnected from work, and government programs and policies have likely made work less attractive for these Americans.”

There has been tremendous growth in the welfare state over these decades. Per the committee, in 1998 about 20 percent of working-age Americans living in households between the 20th and 50th income percentiles were benefiting from government programs. As of 2014, that figure was up to 30 percent.

Indeed the study notes that “only 12 percent of inactive, prime-age, able-bodied men said they wanted a job or were open to work.” Why? It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the widespread availability of robust welfare benefits is a key part of the explanation.

“A significant body of empirical evidence suggests that government transfers— especially those without work requirements—tend to lower employment,” the study reports. “For example, labor force participation and earnings fall after receiving housing assistance, losing Medicaid coverage increases employment and gaining the coverage can reduce it, and the introduction of the food stamp program in the 1960s and 1970s decreased employment significantly.”

We can’t overlook these troubling findings. Yes, there’s no doubt that the pandemic and pandemic-specific policies are contributing to the particularly acute labor shortage currently facing our economy. But in the bigger picture, our long-term labor problems are driven particularly by a bloated welfare system that disincentives work and traps people in poverty.

Yet some are learning the opposite lessons. With their $3.5+ trillion spending plan, progressives in Congress are trying to make the welfare state even bigger! This is bad for the economy and actually bad for the supposed beneficiaries, too—the anti-poverty, mental, emotional, health, and social benefits of being employed are widely and extensively documented. Policies should incentivize employment; not discourage it.

“As the number of Americans who receive government assistance has grown, more Americans have voluntarily left their jobs,” Republican Senator Mike Lee commented in light of this report. “Congress’ plan to spend an additional $3.5 trillion to provide households with new subsidies and fewer incentives to work would only make things worse.”

Indeed it would. Hopefully, this new study injects some much-needed insight into the ongoing conversation about labor shortages. In the big picture, our labor participation problems can’t be fixed without serious rollbacks of the welfare state.



Why a Capital Gains Tax Increase Would Be a Massive Jobs (and Wealth) Killer

Meet the Biden Nominee Who’s Sympathetic to Soviet-Era Socialism—and Wants the Fed to Pretty Much Take Over Private Banking
EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Facebook Censors Christian Podcast Post: ‘Shout Out Patriots!’

Here’s the podcast Facebook evidently doesn’t want you to see:

It’s not unusual for Facebook censors to leave a person scratching their head raw over its censorship decisions unless, of course, that person’s pronoun is ze, xim, or they. Conservatives are used to fickle FB moderators messing with their content – labeling it as false, misleading, misinformation or a violation of their vague community standards.

But this one really has me puzzled.

Shortly after posting an image of our newly produced podcast at Christian Action Network, ‘Shout Out Patriots!’, Facebook deleted the photo from our news feed. They also told us we could not ‘boost’ the podcast to our followers. No explanation was given.

What offended them, I have no idea. And I refuse to scratch my head over this because it’s already sore from other Facebook decisions that are never explained.

Last year, we applied for a business account from Facebook during the presidential elections. We went through every laborious step. One of those steps required me to send them a photo of my driver’s license, where they then mailed me a secret code needed to finish setting up the account.

I complied with every step of this three-month-long process. My actual Facebook account even said I completed every step. Still…we were never approved before the November elections. Why? Once again. Who really knows (other than FB employees)? Though one suspects.

But what could be wrong with ‘Shout Out Patriots!’? Did they deem this to be a secret code to start a revolution? Are they now censoring certain words or phrases because they might carry a ‘domestic terrorist’ connotation in their highly imaginative minds?

Look, if Facebook doesn’t want us to post a photo of our podcast to our news feed, fine. It’s their business. And as a conservative organization, we’ll respect their right to dictate how they run it. Let the market decide.

But that doesn’t mean we can’t also criticize the platform for its open, blatant and harsh discrimination against conservative voices.

Facebook could have at least informed us why the photo was deleted and why we are forbidden from boosting it to our followers. They could have at least informed us of the community standard violation we committed. Or…

…they could have deleted the entire post instead of showing a blank image where a photo was supposed to be!

As it stands, who do you think FB users will blame for a picture less picture in a post? Are they going to point their fingers at FB moderators who actually deleted it? Or are they going to think we employ a bunch of amateurs who don’t know how to put up a posting?

Sinister. Head-scratching. Bush league. Petty.

If we were big enough, I’m sure Facebook would return the photo to the news feed. But, of course, they would also issue another famous apology stating it was ‘just an accident’ – which seems to only happen against conservatives.

With so many reoccurring accidents, we must be grateful that Facebook employees are not in charge of running a nuclear facility.

©Christian Action Network. All rights reserve.

McAuliffe in 2019: Teaching Diversity ‘Just as Important’ as Math, English

Amid a gubernatorial race in Virginia centered on the conflict between outraged parents and far-left school boards that promote the racist tenets of Critical Race Theory (CRT), comments from big-government candidate and former governor Terry McAuliffe are resurfacing that are adding fuel to the fire.

Appearing as a guest on C-SPAN’s Book TV in 2019 to promote his race-mongering book Beyond Charlottesville: Taking a Stand Against White Nationalism, McAuliffe stated, “We’ve got to go back – K to 6. Early on, we’ve got to start teaching, talking about these issues much earlier than we’ve done it before. And we don’t do a good job in our education system talking about diversity, inclusion, openness and so forth. We don’t. We got our textbooks, but, you know, that has to be a big part of how do you fit into the social work of our nation and our fabric. How we deal with one another is to me as important as, you know, your math class or your English class and so forth.”

This is the same candidate who falsely claims CRT is a conspiracy theory of the right and literally does not exist. This is the same tone-deaf candidate who declared in a debate in September, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”

His Republican opponent Glenn Youngkin, by contrast, asserted, “I believe parents should be in charge of their kids’ education.”

McAuliffe and his Democrat comrades have intentionally done everything in their power to destroy education in this country. They don’t want an educated electorate — they want social justice activists. That’s why, in McAuliffe’s fanatical mind, obsessing over “diversity” is a more important aim for schools than teaching math or English.

Terry McAuliffe

23 Known Connections

In December 2018, McAuliffe blamed President Trump for the partial government shutdown which was in effect at that time. “The Democrats should not give an inch on this,” said McAuliffe. “Donald Trump owns this. He has been in the White House. He has been isolated. He is too emotional. He is too unstable. And he has now forced people to go through the holidays without a paycheck…. Donald Trump, because of his tricks and Republican radio hosts pushing him, challenging his manhood, he has caused so many problems for so many people in this country. He is an angry, emotional, unstable man sitting in the White House.”

McAuliffe expanded upon these remarks in a January 2019 appearance on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports, when he portrayed President Trump as “an emotional, moody mess.” “He is a compulsive liar, throwing temper tantrums every day,” said McAuliffe. “He has emotional mood swings constantly. That’s why we’re in the mess with the shutdown that we are in today. I think with that going on with the White House. He [Trump] says we have a crisis on the border? We have a crisis in the White House, and it’s named Donald Trump.”

To learn more about Terry McAuliffe, click here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: How the White House Will Steal Christmas

The Grinch may have stiff competition in President Biden. Retailers, industry leaders and labor groups aren’t sending their requests to the North Pole — they are sending them to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, asking the president to push pause on the deadline for workers to comply with the COVID vaccine mandate, which has been set for December 8.

Christmas is the “biggest season” for businesses and retailers, Congressman Randy Weber (R-Texas) explained on “Washington Watch.” They typically operate in the red for 11 months of the year and turn a profit (get “in the black”) starting on Black Friday. Many businesses are already short-staffed after having had to compete all year with excessive unemployment benefits approved by Congress. Many already plan to hire additional workers to accommodate the rush of holiday shoppers. They fear a vaccine mandate would force workers to quit just when they need them most. In fact, in one survey, 30 percent of unvaccinated workers said they would leave their job over a vaccine mandate, while only 12 percent said they would be likely to get the vaccine.

Normally, the alternative to retailers is online shopping. But that requires someone to ship and handle the orders: truck drivers. “For years,” said Weber, “the trucking industry actually had a bumper sticker that said if anything got delivered to your door, it came by truck.” American Trucking Associations President and CEO Chris Spear warned the Office of Management and Budget (which is reviewing the private employer mandate) in a letter last Thursday, “placing vaccination mandates on employers, which in turn force employees to be vaccinated, will create a workforce crisis for our industry.” He estimates 37 percent of truck drivers could retire early, resign, or switch to smaller companies.

The problem is worse for companies with federal contracts like UPS and FedEx because they are covered by the federal contractor mandate that has already been issued. Last Monday, members of the Cargo Airline Association expressed “significant concerns with … the ability of industry members to implement the required employee vaccinations by Dec. 8, 2021” in a letter to President Biden. All of these delivery obstacles simply compound the supply chain problems created by the bottleneck at America’s ports.

President Biden promised to end the coronavirus pandemic within his first 100 days as president. Now, his increasingly grasping attempts to deal with it may just cancel Christmas. Perhaps that will awaken the 42 percent of Americans who still approve of the job he is doing.

My empathy is for the workers and their families, not for big business. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and their allies spend their time and money advocating for the Left’s social policies, fund their left-wing candidates for office, and then they come crying to conservatives to save them from left-wing economic policies. Their lobbying to postpone the vaccine mandate deadline until after the holidays “makes sense from a business standpoint,” as Weber pointed out. But it shows they care more about their bottom line than for their workers. Those workers will still care about their freedom come January. “Sure, they would get a reprieve for 90 days,” said Weber, but the businesses will leave those workers and their families out in the cold as soon as their own warm pockets are lined. America’s big businesses, so often given to moralistic crusading, have taken a hard pass on defending the rights of their workers to make their own health care decisions.

RELATED VIDEO: Glazov: The Left’s Endgame in The Great Reset.

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

INSANITY: Biden Releases ‘National Gender Strategy’

There’s no end to Democrat madness and their war on G-d.

Biden released a ‘National Gender Strategy,’ and it is every bit as ridiculous as it sounds

By: Conn Carroll,  Washington Examiner, October 26, 2021:

If the Babylon Bee had been asked to write a “National Gender Strategy” to be posted on the White House’s website, it wouldn’t look any different than the document the Biden administration actually released last Friday.

The “fact sheet” contains every buzzword and policy that you would expect to hear from a progressive activist with a degree in gender studies

The four-page document begins by identifying “gender equity” as a “moral and strategic imperative.” Thanks to COVID-19, “we are at an inflection point,” the statement reads, as the pandemic has “magnified the challenges” that women and girls face — “especially women and girls of color.”

Given that the document asserts without any evidence that women of color have been hit hardest by COVID, it isn’t surprising that the document also promises “an intersectional approach” that “considers the barriers and challenges faced by those who experience intersecting and compounding forms of discrimination and bias related to gender, race, and other factors, including sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, disability, age, and socioeconomic status. This includes addressing discrimination and bias faced by Black, Latino, and Indigenous and Native American people, Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders, and other people of color.”

To improve “economic security,” the document calls for investments in “care infrastructure,” but nowhere is any real infrastructure ever mentioned.

The document promises to “dismantle the barriers to equal opportunity in education” so that women can “compete on a level playing field.” Never mind that women now make up 60% of all college students and are awarded two out of every three college degrees .

Abortion is, of course, absolutely essential for the “health care” of women, according to the document, which also promises to “defend the constitutional right to safe and legal abortion in the United States, established in Roe v. Wade.”

If there is one document that best encapsulates how out-of-touch the Biden White House is with everyday concerns of voters, this “National Gender Strategy” may be it.


State Department Issues First Gender-Neutral Passport

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Harvard Professor of Medicine: ‘Children Should NOT Get COVID-19 Vaccines’

Martin Kulldorff, is a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and a biostatistician at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital. He serves on scientific advisory committees to the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control. Kulldorff said children should not get vaccinated against the virus that causes COVID-19, according to Harvard University professor of medicine Martin Kulldorff.


FDA panel votes 17-0 to start giving vaccine to young children

FDA panel member Dr. Eric Rubin called the vaccine “pretty safe” in one article (NBC News) but in a separate interview said “We’re never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it” (Twitter).

From Karol Markowicz: Gotta say, not a comforting comment. Doesn’t make me want to run right out and get it for my kids for some reason (Twitter).

Children Shouldn’t Get COVID-19 Vaccines, Harvard Professor Says

By Zachary Stieber and Jan Jekielek, October 26, 2021:

Children should not get vaccinated against the virus that causes COVID-19, according to Harvard University professor of medicine Martin Kulldorff.

“I don’t think children should be vaccinated for COVID. I’m a huge fan of vaccinating children for measles, for mumps, for polio, for rotavirus, and many other diseases, that’s critical. But COVID is not a huge threat to children,” he said on EpochTV’s “American Thought Leaders” program. The full episode can be watched on EpochTV.

“They can be infected, just like they can get the common cold, but they’re not a big threat. They don’t die from this, except in very rare circumstances. So if you want to talk about protecting children or keeping children safe, I think we can talk about traffic accidents, for example, which they are really at some risk.

“And there are other things that we should make sure [of] to keep children safe. But COVID is not a big risk factor for children.”

Vaccinating older people and people of all ages with compromised immune systems against the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, which causes COVID-19, has drawn support from most medical experts. But vaccinating healthy young people, particularly children, has triggered more opposition, in part because of how little risk COVID-19 poses to them.

Children are more likely to contract serious disease or die from the annual influenza, or the flu, than COVID-19, according to data and studies that Kulldorff has reviewed. Just 195 children under the age of 4 and 442 between 5 and 18 have died from COVID-19 in the United States as of Oct. 20, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Children are 15 times less likely to be hospitalized with the disease than individuals who are 85 or older, and 570 times less likely to die, the agency says.

“One example is from Sweden, during the first wave in the spring of 2020, which affected Sweden quite strongly,” Kulldorff said. “But Sweden decided to keep daycare and schools open for all children ages 1 to 15. And there are 1.8 million such children who got through the first wave without vaccines, of course, without masks, without any sort of distancing in schools.

“If a child was sick, they were told to stay home. But that was basically it. And you know how many of those 1.8 million children died from COVID? Zero. Only a few hospitalizations. So this is not a risky disease for children.”

When weighing whether to vaccinate children, the risk of vaccine side effects must also be taken into account, Kulldorff said. The main risk to young people seen so far is heart inflammation, which has occurred post-vaccination at much higher than expected rates. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) added a warning label to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines over the summer about myocarditis and pericarditis, two types of heart inflammation.

“If you’re 78 years old, then it’s the no-brainer, in my view, because the benefits are so great that even if you have a small risk for some adverse reaction, the benefit far outweighs the risk,” Kulldorff said. “On the other hand, if you have already have immunity from having had COVID, then the benefits of the vaccines are much, much smaller. If you’re a child, even if you haven’t had COVID, the risk of serious disease or death is minuscule … So it’s not at all clear that the benefits outweigh the risks for children.”

Kulldorff was speaking ahead of an FDA advisory panel meeting. Members on Oct. 26 decided to advise drug regulators to authorize Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for use in children between 5 and 11. They said the benefits of vaccinating the age group, such as the predicted decrease in hospitalizations, outweighed the risks, including estimated incidence of myocarditis.


Illinois Bill would remove ‘conscience’ as basis for refusing vaccine

Here’s how the media is deliberately misreporting COVID-19’s death toll in America

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