Teachers Unions Politicized U.S. Schools, Not Parents

Union leaders claim that “extremists” politicized US schools. This is blatant revisionism.

When voters were asked by Pew Research, prior to the 2020 election, what issues were most important to them, education wasn’t even among the top dozen.

But things have changed dramatically since then. Outlets ranging from The Washington Post, to ABC News, have identified education as a potentially significant factor in the 2022 midterms. Additionally, after education emerged as a defining issue in Virginia’s gubernatorial election last year — ranking as a top two or three issue — school choice became a litmus test issue for Republicans.

This is quite the swing in just two years.

Theoretically, education should not really be a political issue; but, as we have seen, it clearly has become one. Therefore, we must ask why exactly this has happened.

There are many possible answers to this question. One of them came from Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers — the second largest teachers union in the country. In a recent tweet, she blamed “extremists” who are “attacking teachers” and focusing on a culture war that is “intended to undermine teaching and learning.”

“The culture wars are intended to undermine teaching and learning,” Weingarten wrote. “Extremists are politicizing schools and attacking teachers. Attacking teachers doesn’t help kids, it undermines everything.”

If that was not clear enough, she also linked to a news article where she gets a bit more specific about the kinds of people she is talking about: “the anti-public schools crowd, the anti-union crowd, the privatizers, the haters.” In other words, she is referring to the conservatives, libertarians, liberals who believe in school choice, and even parents themselves.

But are these groups really the ones politicizing education? Or, alternatively, are they simply responding to the overtly political forces that have controlled education for a long time?

The 2020-2021 school year should be seen as critical when considering the politicization of education. Two events occurred in the months preceding that school year that led to the extreme stances that eventually launched schools into the political limelight: the Covid-19 pandemic and the police murder of George Floyd. The former was taken advantage of by teachers’ unions with backward incentives, while the latter led to a nationwide racial reckoning that some took so far as to actually begin promoting regressive racial ideologies in the name of progress.

First, when the Covid-19 pandemic began, there was understandably a lot of uncertainty. But one of the first things that was known about the virus was that kids were the least vulnerable to severe infection. We also soon found out that schools were not a hotspot of Covid transmission. Yet, many K-12 schools started the 2020-2021 school year online — largely due to cynical activism by teachers’ unions. Prior to the school year, Weingarten threatened a strike, stating that “nothing is off the table” if school districts decided to reopen, and the Chicago Teachers Union tweeted later that the push to reopen school was “rooted in sexism, racism and misogyny.” It is reasonable to point out that this is just rhetoric — not necessarily representative of what actual power the unions have to shape policy — but studies demonstrated that the strength of a district’s union, not the prevalence of Covid-19 in the community, was the best predictor of prolonged school closures.

More recently, the effects of these closures — caused by the exploitation of a crisis by public sector unions — have become clear. A study released by McKinsey & Company found that “by the end of the 2020-21 school year, students were on average five months behind in math and four months behind in reading.” The learning loss was even more severe among low-income students, as well as black and Hispanic students. Numerous studies — including the CDC’s own research — also show that the closures damaged students’ mental health, with rates of anxiety and depression rising.

Second, following our nation’s racial reckoning beginning in the summer of 2020, some schools began to include radical — regressive, even — teachings on race in their curriculum. Activist Chris Rufo has done deep reporting on this issue for City Journal, exposing example after example of racial essentialist messages surrounding race making their way into K-12 classrooms. Moreover, looking to spread this kind of instruction further, the National Education Association, which is the largest teachers union in the country, passed a resolution that explicitly endorsed the teaching of critical race theory in the classroom as a tool to understand America. And the American Federation of Teachers, which is the second largest teachers union in the country, announced a campaign to bring the writings of Ibram X. Kendi — a scholar who has written that “The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.” — into every single classroom.

In response to perpetual school closures driven by union power, as well as racially divisive curricula making its way into K-12 schools, a coalition of conservatives, libertarians, and liberals mobilized against such policies.

Parents showed up to school board meetings, politicians passed legislation, and heterodox news outlets reported on what was happening. So many people have left the traditional public school system recently that it is being referred to by some as an ”exodus” of sorts. This is the response that Weingarten is blaming for the politicization of schools. However, it should be noted that all of this came after both radical and unprecedented policies were implemented. So, while one may criticize aspects of the response — after all, I do not agree with every law passed or with every speech given by a parent at a school board meeting — it stretches credulity to claim that parents politicized schools when in fact it was the schools themselves, in tandem with the unions, who introduced these radical political elements.

Data show that more and more people are looking for alternatives to the traditional public school system. Earlier this year, PBS published a piece exploring the surge in homeschooling across the country.

“In 18 states that shared data through the current school year, the number of homeschooling students increased by 63% in the 2020-2021 school year, then fell by only 17% in the 2021-2022 school year,” wrote the Associated Press’ Carolyn Thompson.

The article tells the stories of multiple parents who started to homeschool their children over the past year, and they find that a common reason is that they were simply unimpressed by the quality of the instruction during school closures. Apart from homeschooling, the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools reported that enrollment went up by seven percent during the pandemic.

The reason is clear: the traditional public school system has been riddled with failures for a long time, but events over the past few years made people more aware of them. And these failures do not just exist in the heads of parents, conservative ideologues or school choice activists, as Weingarten suggests. They are very real. Parents want their kids to attend school in person, and they generally don’t want their kids to be indoctrinated into a particular ideological system by strangers who work for the government. According to the American Federation of Teachers’ own poll, 60 percent of likely voters in battleground states are dissatisfied with the way traditional public schools are teaching about race and 58 percent are dissatisfied with how they are teaching about issues related to gender identity.

People vote with their feet; so, as more and more people leave the traditional public school system, it will become more and more clear that something fundamental needs to change in the way the U.S. handles education policy.

The reason something fundamental must change is that the failures we are seeing do not just happen by chance; rather, they are the natural byproduct of a government monopoly on education coupled with power in the hands of a public sector union. Therefore, any real reform to the education system must address these two things.

First, it is generally understood that monopolies are bad for consumers. They lead to higher prices, along with lower quality and quantity. Figuring out why this happens isn’t difficult: firms have no incentive to innovate, nor provide a high-quality product, when consumers have no other options. The economist Thomas Sowell was correct when he observed that education is truly an outlier when it comes to how it is treated, as traditional public schools — as opposed to a grocery store or a summer camp — do not have to convince anyone that attending them is in their best interest. People are simply forced to attend. However, moving to a model that is characterized by choice will 1) empower families to choose a school that best fits the needs of their individual children and 2) incentivize every school, including traditional public schools, to prioritize the quality of the education they are providing and to continually improve. After all, if they do not, then people will simply decide to attend elsewhere.

Second, the job of a union is to protect, and accrue benefits for, its members. This can clearly be a worthwhile goal; but, when it comes to public sector teachers’ unions, the problems arise when advocating for the interests of teachers means advocating against the interests of students. The truth is that what is best for students is not always best for teachers, and vice versa.

For example, when Covid-19 school closures were being considered, it was clearly in the interest of students to learn in an in-person environment; however, teachers’ unions advocated against opening schools because their job is to look out for the comfort and safety of members. Another example is when a teacher’s job performance is egregiously sub-par. In such a scenario, it is clearly in the interest of students for that teacher to be removed, while it is in the interest of the teacher and the union to retain the teacher’s job. This is why in New York City it takes an average of 830 days and $313,000 to fire a single incompetent teacher.

A successful educational system cannot include cornerstones that, due to their very nature, work to the detriment of children. The good news is that by enacting policies that advance school choice, the power of teachers’ unions to advocate backward policy will weaken for two reasons. First, if that policy is detrimental enough, it may encourage students to leave for a school that puts students’ needs first; this could certainly cause the unions to begin to tread a bit lighter in their advocacy. Second, most charter schools and private schools are not unionized, which means that more students will be learning in schools that are not unionized after there is school choice if unionized schools fail to provide the education consumers want.

Steven Levitt, who co-authored the bestselling book, Freakonomics, explained the current problem with schools aptly. He wrote that “the problem (…) is not too many incentives but too few.” Right now, the schools and the teachers can really just “do whatever they want” in the classroom, regardless of what is best for students, because political forces are protecting the government’s education monopoly and the power of the unions to influence policy. In other words, because there is no competition, there can be no accountability.

This is clearly correct. And so the only solution is greater educational freedom. More people recognize this than ever before, but the work is only just getting started.


Jack Elbaum

Jack Elbaum was a Hazlitt Writing Fellow at FEE and is a junior at George Washington University. His writing has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, The New York Post, and the Washington Examiner. You can contact him at jackelbaum16@gmail.com and follow him on Twitter @Jack_Elbaum.

RELATED ARTICLE: Parent Sues School Over Transgender Brainwashing

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Learning Styles Don’t Actually Exist, Studies Show

According to many researchers, the learning styles theory is the biggest myth in education.

Are you a visual, auditory, reading/writing, or kinesthetic learner? For millions of students, this question has become so familiar that they already have an answer ready to go. Some identify as visual learners, which means that, in theory, they learn best by seeing concepts in pictures and diagrams, perhaps on a blackboard or in a video. Others identify as auditory learners, which means they learn best by hearing, or reading/writing learners, which means they learn best by reading books and taking notes. Still others identify as kinesthetic learners, which means they learn best when they can physically engage with things, such as in a chemistry lab.

For most of us, the idea that different people have different learning styles is so obvious that it is simply common knowledge. But there’s a problem here, a big problem. No matter how hard scientists have looked, they haven’t been able to find any good evidence for the learning styles theory. Indeed, many academics who study this for a living consider learning styles to be one of the biggest myths in education.

“There is no credible evidence that learning styles exist,” write psychologists Cedar Riener and Daniel Willingham in a 2010 paper titled The Myth of Learning Styles. “Students may have preferences about how to learn, but no evidence suggests that catering to those preferences will lead to better learning.”

If that sounds far-fetched, well, there’s plenty more where that came from.

In a 2009 review paper entitled Learning Styles: Concepts and Evidence, researchers investigated the “meshing hypothesis,” which is the idea that students learn better when instruction is provided in a format that matches their learning style. Their conclusion is a hard pill to swallow. “The contrast between the enormous popularity of the learning-styles approach within education and the lack of credible evidence for its utility is, in our opinion, striking and disturbing,” researchers wrote. “If classfication of students’ learning styles has practical utility, it remains to be demonstrated.”

2006 study looking at multimedia instruction came to a similar conclusion. “There was not strong support for the hypothesis that verbal learners and visual learners should be given different kinds of multimedia instruction,” the authors concluded.

But perhaps this is just a few fringe studies? Perhaps there is still some debate on this within academia? Not so, says the American Psychological Association. “Many people, including educators, believe learning styles are set at birth and predict both academic and career success even though there is no scientific evidence to support this common myth,” the APA wrote in a 2019 press release titled “Belief in Learning Styles Myth May Be Detrimental.” The release goes on to say that “numerous studies have debunked the concept of learning styles,” and that there is a “lack of scientific evidence supporting them.”

This lack of evidence stands in stark contrast to popular opinion. Indeed, surveys show that 80-95 percent of people in the US and other industrialized countries believe in learning styles.

Having said all that, it’s important to be clear about what exactly researchers are criticizing when they talk about the myth of learning styles. They aren’t saying there are no differences between students, or that tailored teaching approaches can never be helpful. There are plenty of individual differences between students, such as talent, background knowledge, and interest in the field, and researchers agree that teaching with these differences in mind can have a positive impact.

There is also evidence that using multiple teaching approaches together (such as words and pictures) tends to improve learning across the board, a phenomenon known as the multimedia effect. Again, researchers don’t take issue with this. What they dispute is the idea that each student has a particular learning style, and that teaching to a student’s preferred learning style will improve their educational outcomes.

For many people, the idea that learning styles don’t have scientific support is likely a bit of a shock. How could we be so wrong about something so fundamental? And how could so many people believe this if it wasn’t true? These are good questions, and they’re worth exploring. But a more unsettling question also comes to mind.

If we could be wrong about this, what else might we be getting wrong about education?

What if there are other things we’re doing in the school system that are also seriously flawed, even though we don’t realize it? What if there are other widely-believed assumptions that would also prove untrue upon closer inspection? We fall so easily into habits and routines that we become slaves to the status quo. Is it really a stretch, then, to suggest that we might have missed something else as well? Is it a stretch to wonder whether we’re even getting this whole education thing right?

What if there are better ways to learn than typical schooling, ways we haven’t even thought of? What if we’ve been duped into thinking that what we have now is the best possible approach, but really the only reason we think that is because it’s all most of us have ever known? What if most of the stuff we think is “common knowledge” about education is actually straight-up wrong? These are questions worth seriously considering.

We’re told that sitting in a classroom 6 hours a day is what kids need. But is it really? We’re told that everyone should learn the same thing at the same age, but is that really best? We’re told that everyone needs at least 12 years of formal schooling, and that this schooling should take place between the ages of 6 and 18, but is that really true? Once you start questioning the fundamental tenets of schooling we all take for granted, you realize there’s a lot we might be getting wrong.

Fortunately, we live in the 21st century, with technology and insights that previous generations simply didn’t have. As such, now is a better time than ever to go back to the drawing board and question the fundamental assumptions that form the bedrock of the education system as we know it.

Change is hard, of course. When we start asking questions that no one has asked for decades, it can be uncomfortable. But in the end, not changing is harder. When we allow myths about education to fester, like the myth of learning styles, we only do a disservice to the next generation. So rather than seeking out validation for our pre-existing views, let’s be courageous and have an open mind about these things. Let’s put our theories about education to the test and see whether they stand up to scrutiny.

The education system has been stagnant for far too long, and the persistence of bad ideas like the learning styles theory is a testament to this fact. So rather than sticking with the status quo, perhaps it’s time to put our old education assumptions aside and seek out a better approach.


Patrick Carroll

Patrick Carroll has a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Waterloo and is an Editorial Fellow at the Foundation for Economic Education.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Democratic Operatives Control Voter Rolls In 31 States, Report Shows

Free and fair elections isn’t everything, it’s the only thing. Our once free country will not survive.

Democratic Operatives Control Voter Rolls In 31 States, Report Shows

By: Victoria Marshall, The Federalist, August 11, 2022:

Left-wing operatives are working overtime to accomplish their partisan goals and drive Democratic voter turnout.

A prominent voter-roll management system used by 31 states and the District of Columbia has politically compromised ties, according to a new report by independent research group Verity Vote.

The Electronic Registration Information Center, or ERIC, was sold to states as a quick and easy way to update their voter rolls. Started in 2012 by far-left activist David Becker and the left-leaning Pew Charitable Trusts, the program is ostensibly run by the member states themselves. But as public records show, Democratic operatives are working overtime under the cover of ERIC to accomplish their partisan goals and drive Democratic voter turnout.
David Becker, Far-Left Activist

Becker’s left-wing ties have long concerned Republican state officials participating in ERIC. Before he started ERIC, Becker worked as a lobbyist for People for the American Way, a George Soros-funded advocacy group best known for the Right Wing Watch project, a website that catalogs and attacks conservative politicians and movements.

Before that, though, he was a Justice Department attorney whom colleagues remember as a “hard-core leftist” who “couldn’t stand Conservatives.”

While at the DOJ, Becker became the subject of an ethics complaint after he contacted Boston and offered his help in defeating a lawsuit made against the city by his employer for voting infractions. According to Hans von Spakovsky, former counsel to the assistant attorney general for civil rights at the time, Becker “was supposed to be nonpartisan, but his emails uncovered in the Boston investigation revealed nasty, disparaging remarks about Republicans. Very unethical and unprofessional.”

After his stint at the DOJ and People for the American Way, Becker became the director of election initiatives at Pew Charitable Trusts, where he organized the creation of ERIC in 2012. Though Becker officially left ERIC in 2016, public records show he has continued to play a strong role in the organization, coordinating with state officials on ERIC-related activities and even running ERIC meetings. Documentation of that role is provided in Verity’s report. This is in violation of ERIC’s bylaws as Becker is a “non-voting board member” of ERIC and should not have the power to direct projects.

While Becker is a shrewd activist, ERIC member secretaries of state describe him as charming and brilliant. Becker is known to host swanky, all-access-paid election integrity conferences for state election officials and their spouses. Even during the pandemic, Becker courted ERIC members with Zoom catch-up calls. “Shane Hamlin and I have discussed doing another virtual get-together with the folks in the states (we did a small one last Friday) to catch up and hang out. No particular agenda, not about ERIC, just a good way to kick off the Memorial Day weekend (what’s a weekend?). I hope many of you can make it,” a May 15, 2020, email to ERIC members said.
ERIC, CEIR, and ‘Zuck Bucks‘

But now ERIC is undergoing scrutiny for its involvement with another Becker project, the Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR). That group was one of two leftist groups used to funnel Mark Zuckerberg’s $419 million that funded the private takeover of government election offices in 2020. This funding targeted the blue areas of swing states, allowing left-wing operatives to run Democrat “get out the vote” operations from inside the election apparatus.

ERIC shares voter roll data — including records of unregistered voters — it receives from the states with CEIR, according to public information requests detailed in the report. CEIR then develops targeted mailing lists and sends them back to the states to use for voter registration outreach. As part of their agreement with ERIC, states are not allowed to disclose any data they send to nor receive from ERIC, however, ERIC is not under the same constraints and is able to work with CEIR.

Participants also express concern that ERIC does more to inflate voter lists without scrutiny than to scrub those lists of people who have died, moved, or otherwise become ineligible to vote in a given jurisdiction. Per ERIC’s own statistics, in 2020, it identified 17 million new voters compared to identifying only about 3 million inaccurate voters on the rolls.

Some member states are beginning to worry the organization is being mismanaged. Earlier this year, Louisiana announced its withdrawal from ERIC due to “questionable funding sources and that possibly partisan actors may have access to ERIC network data for political purposes.”

Even more troubling is that some of the information shared — including the email addresses and cell phone numbers of voters — is now being used for a “disinformation” voter contact drive, according to reports.

ERIC’S Failure to Clean Voter Rolls

How does ERIC work? According to its membership agreement, every 60 days states are required to send “all active and inactive voter files,” “all licensing or identification records contained in the motor vehicles database,” and any state agency records that perform “voter registration functions” to ERIC, which matches those against data from all other member states and Social Security death data. From there it creates voter maintenance lists — lists of voters who have moved, died, or have duplicate registrations — and lists of non-registered voters called “eligible but unregistered.” States are then required to contact every person on the latter list and tell them how to register.

There’s much more.

Keep reading…



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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Gov’t Database Reveals 10,000% Increase in Cancer Reports Due to COVID Vaccines

The greatest medical crime against humanity in history.

Gov’t database reveals 10,000% increase in cancer reports due to COVID vaccines

Researcher Brian Shilhavy compared VARES reports of cancer after COVID vaccine injections over the last 20 months with the same query of all FDA-approved vaccines throughout the last 30 years.

By: Patrick Delaney, Aug 5, 2022:

(LifeSiteNews) – A researcher who queried the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) discovered a 10,661.4% increase in cancer reports as a result of experimental COVID-19 gene-base vaccines as compared with all FDA-approved vaccines over the last 30 years.

Brian Shilhavy, who is the editor of Health Impact Newstraced his steps in the search providing links to documentation of his various findings.

Having first queried the cases of “the most common cancers [that] had been reported following COVID-19 vaccines,” he found “837 cases of cancer, including 88 deaths, 66 permanent disabilities, and 104 life threatening events (Source).”

He emphasized that even these numbers were not exhaustive, and the VAERS database could not handle the larger search of “ALL cancers listed in VAERS” under this category of COVID inoculations.

“Using the exact same search terms for cancer,” he wrote, “I then searched ALL FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 30 years and found only 140 cases of cancer reported (Source).”

“That result is for 360 months (30 years), whereas the 837 cases following the experimental COVID-19 vaccines were reported in just 20 months, since the roll out of the COVID-19 shots beginning in December of 2020,” Shilhavy wrote.

“That is an increase of 10,661.4%!” he concluded.

Shilhavy, whose organization is located in Texas, also made note of the significant number of the cancer cases in the database that were of young people, from age 12 up through many young adults in their 20s.

Last October, a Swedish lab study found that the spike protein associated with the COVID-19 illness, and its experimental vaccines, enters the nucleus of cells and significantly interferes with DNA damage-repair functions, compromising a person’s adaptive immunity and perhaps encouraging the formation of cancer cells.

“Since January 1, in the laboratory, I’m seeing a 20 times increase of endometrial cancers over what I see on an annual basis,” he said.

In regard to overall adaptive immunity, Cole describes, “post-vaccine, what we are seeing is a drop in your killer T-cells” that “keep all other viruses in check,” leaving the patient susceptible to a variety of illnesses.

In January, data leaks given by three “decorated high-ranking soldiers who are doctors and public health officials,” in sworn declarations under penalty of perjury, showed enormous spikes in dozens of diseases following COVID vaccine uptake in the U.S. military.

These included:

  • Miscarriages — 279% increase,
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure): 2,281% increase,
  • Diseases of the nervous system: 1,048% increase, and
  • Cancer: 296% increase.

VAERS data released July 29 from the CDC reported 1,357,937 total adverse events in the United States after injections of experimental COVID-19 gene-based vaccines, including 29,790 deaths and 247,686 serious injuries between December 14, 2020, and July 22, 2022.

These also include 55,719 permanent disabilities, 50,739 cases of myocarditis/pericarditis, and 14,374 reported cases of shingles.

As such figures are based on voluntary reports, it is important to note that they are very likely just “the tip of the iceberg” in actual figures.

A 2010 Harvard-executed study commissioned by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) revealed that “fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events” are reported to VAERS, and vaccine manufacturer Connaught Laboratories calculated at least a “fifty-fold underreporting of adverse events” in a confidential study.



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MIT: COVID Vaccines ‘Significantly Associated’ with Spike in Heart Attacks in Young People

Survey: More Than 750,000 Dead, 30 Million Injured Because of Covid Vax

Sweden Refuses Covid Vaccines For Children 5 – 11

Long-term disability claims are soaring among pilots

Leading Pathologist Speaks Out About Dangerous COVID Vaccine Effects

Shocking New Studies On The Dangers and Serious Side Effects Of Covid Vaccine

Antibodies From Vaccines Interfering Instead of Neutralizing Because of Spike Protein Changes: Dr. Risch

Vaccines Are Destroying People’s Immunity Through ‘Immune Imprinting’: Dr. Robert Malone [Part 1]

Shocking New Studies On The Dangers and Serious Side Effects Of Covid Vaccine\

COVID Vaccines Increase Menstrual Irregularities Thousandfold, Fetal Abnormalities Hundredfold: Doctors’ VAERS Analysis

75% Of Vaccinated Women Have Miscarriages In The First Trimester

Here’s Why Officials Are Desperate to Get COVID Vaccine on Childhood Schedule Before ‘Emergency’ Ends

CDC Caught Using False Data To Recommend Kids’ COVID Vaccine

Vaccines for 6-Month-Olds ‘Makes Absolutely No Sense’: Dr. Jeffrey Barke

Publix Publicly Announced Its Refusal To Offer Vaccinations For Children Under 5

MIT: COVID Vaccines ‘Significantly Associated’ with Spike in Heart Attacks in Young People

Data Proves ‘Sudden Adult Death Syndrome’ Fiction Is Death by Covid Vaccination

FDA Authorizes Emergency Use COVID Vaccine Boosters for Children Ages 5 -11

3-year-old girl dies of heart attack one day after taking COVID vaccine

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Twitter Launches Censorship Campaign to Suppress Some Political Narratives

Twitter Promotes Others and Propaganda Ahead of Midterm Elections, a.k.a. “Prebuttals.”

Naked Nazism. Brazen. They are not even pretending anymore.

Twitter terminated all of my personal and professional accounts. They are sick with power. Everyone who cares a whit for our most fundamental freedoms should abandon the platform.

Twitter Launches Campaign to Suppress Some Political Narratives, Promote Others Ahead of Midterm Elections

By Craig Bannister | CNS News | August 11, 2022 |

On Thursday, Twitter announced “Our Approach to the 2022 U.S. Midterms,” detailing its plan to suppress some speech regarding the elections, and to advance other narratives it deems acceptable.

Specifically, Twitter says it is will be using “prebuttals” to “get ahead” of political narratives it subjectively considers “misinformation” – and “proactively” promote other speech it endorses:

“In the lead up to election day, we’ll share prompts with information about how and where to vote, directly to people’s timelines.

“We’re also bringing back prebunks — in English, Spanish, and all other languages supported on Twitter — to get ahead of misleading narratives on Twitter, and to proactively address topics that may be the subject of misinformation. Over the coming months, we’ll place prompts directly on people’s timelines in the US and in Search when people type related terms, phrases, or hashtags.”

Twitter will also actively suppress and denounce comments of some of those who question the legitimacy or results of elections, the announcement says:

“The Civic Integrity Policy covers the most common types of harmful misleading information about elections and civic events, such as: claims about how to participate in a civic process like how to vote, misleading content intended to intimidate or dissuade people from participating in the election, and misleading claims intended to undermine public confidence in an election – including false information about the outcome of the election.”

When Twitter sees a tweet it considers “misleading” or “false,” it will suppress and label the tweet and prevent it from being liked or shared in order to “prevent the spread” of speech it doesn’t like:

“Tweets with this content may be labeled with links to credible information or helpful context, and Twitter will not recommend or amplify this content in areas of the product where Twitter makes recommendations.

“People on Twitter will see a prompt prior to liking or sharing labeled tweets, and in cases where there is potential for harm associated with the false or misleading claim, the Tweet may not be liked or shared to prevent the spread of the misleading information.”


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Leading Children’s Hospital Promotes ‘Gender-Affirming’ Hysterectomies, Sex Change Surgeries

Suffer the children. This unspeakable horror is lauded and touted by the Democrat party of evil, punishing those of us who oppose these monsters.

Children’s Hospital Promotes ‘Gender-Affirming’ Hysterectomies, Sex Change Surgeries

Children’s Hospital Promotes ‘Gender-Affirming’ Hysterectomies, Sex Change Surgeries

By: Laurel Duggan, Daily Caller, August 10, 2022

Boston Children’s Hospital posted a video promoting hysterectomies as a form of “gender-affirming” medical care, along with several other clips explaining vaginoplasty, facial feminization surgery and other medical treatments they offer.

The term “gender-affirming care” refers to sex change treatments to help people with gender dysphoria to present as the opposite sex, including puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries. The video featured a doctor describing hysterectomies — the surgical removal of the uterus — as a form of “gender-affirming” treatment while smiling as upbeat music played in the background.

“A gender-affirming hysterectomy is very similar to most hysterectomies that occur,” Dr. Frances Grimstad of Boston Children’s Division of Gynecology explained in the video. “A hysterectomy itself is the removal of the uterus, the cervix — which is the opening of the uterus — and the fallopian tubes, which are attached to the sides of the uterus.”


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Everything ‘Demolition Man’ Got Right about the 21st Century—so Far

The 1993 film Demolition Man saw some parts of our future clearly—and reminds us there are many shades of dystopia.

I haven’t thought about the movie Demolition Man in a long time, but this changed recently when it was brought to my attention that the film is now nearly 30 years old.

Made by filmmaker Marco Brambilla in his directorial debut, Demolition Man is one of those movies that manages to be simultaneously campy and ingenious. Featuring a star-studded lineup that included Sylvester Stallone, Wesley Snipes, and Sandra Bullock—not to mention up-and-comers like Denis Leary and Benjamin Bratt, as well as stage actor Nigel Hawthorne and the guy who played the warden in Shawshank Redemption (Bob Gunton)—the movie was a hit, raking in $159 million worldwide.

The movie has a delicious if ludicrous plot. Stallone plays John Spartan, a Dirty Harry-style police officer whose life takes a sudden turn when his attempt to rescue a bunch of hostages goes awry. When all the hostages are found dead following an explosion, Spartan, along with the criminal he was trying to stop, Simon Phoenix (Snipes), is sentenced to be cryogenically frozen.

Both Spartan and Phoenix are unthawed in 2032—36 years after being frozen—in a world that looks much different.

I had to rewatch Demolition Man after the release of an Out of Frame short that explored all the ways Demolition Man predicted the future. The movie was even campier than I remembered, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t also impressed by just how much of our future Demolition Man got right.

Self-driving electric cars? Check.

Humans using computers to increase their self esteem? Check.

Zoom meetings? Check.

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s entry into politics? Check.

Attention spans the length of goldfish? Check.

Voice-activated search in homes? Check.

Digital currency? Check.

Tablets? Check.

Portable phones that access the internet? Check.

Anti-smoking laws, language police, germaphobia, and gun control? Check. Check. Check. Check.

This list is by no means exhaustive, mind you. And as impressive as it is, the list doesn’t include what is in my opinion the most prophetic (and best) part of Demolition Man: Edgard Friendly’s soliloquy on why he’s living as a criminal underground (literally in the ground) rather than on the surface.

Friendly (portrayed by Leary), explains to Spartan why he’s viewed as the enemy by Dr. Raymond Cocteau, one of the creators of the CryoPrison and an architect of the paternalistic society.

See, according to Cocteau’s plan, I’m the enemy. Cause I like to think, I like to read. I’m into freedom of speech and freedom of choice. I’m the kind of guy who wants to sit in a greasy spoon and think, “Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the jumbo rack of barbecued ribs with the side order of gravy fries?” I want high cholesterol. I want to eat bacon, butter and buckets of cheese, okay? I want to smoke a Cuban cigar the size of Cincinnati in a non-smoking section. I wanna run through the streets naked with green Jell-O all over my body reading Playboy magazine. Why? Because I suddenly might feel the need to. Okay, pal? I’ve seen the future, you know what it is? It’s a 47-year-old virgin sittin’ around in his beige pajamas, drinking a banana-broccoli shake singing “I’m an Oscar-Meyer Wiener”.

Friendly, Spartan discovers, isn’t a master criminal. He just wants to think for himself, live as he wishes, and be left alone—and that’s something he can’t do on the surface.

“You wanna live on top, you gotta live Cocteau’s way. What he wants, when he wants, how he wants,” he explains. “Your other choice: come down here, maybe starve to death.”

Friendly’s speech invites an important question: If dystopia arrives, what will it look like?

Oftentimes dystopia is depicted as malevolent and totalitarian, like in Orwell’s Nineteen-Eighty Four. Sometimes it’s a desolate wasteland of violence, like in Cormac McCarthy’s The Road or Mad Max. But sometimes, like in Aldous Huxley’s novel Brave New World, on which Demolition Man is very loosely based, dystopia is soft, prosperous, and caring—but just as sinister.

The Christian philosopher C.S. Lewis once wrote that of all the tyrannies on earth, none was as oppressive as that which was exercised for the benefit of its victims.

“It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies,” Lewis observed. “The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

This was the tyranny Edgard Friendly couldn’t stomach. It wasn’t Big Brother that drove Edgar Friendly underground, it was something closer to the Nanny State.

And if we’re being honest, many of Friendly’s grievances speak to our world today. When he says he’s the kind of guy “who wants to sit in a greasy spoon and think, ‘Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the jumbo rack of barbecued ribs,’” I don’t think he was referring to the synthetic beef Bill Gates wants to shift the world to to save the planet.

When Friendly talks about free speech, it’s hard not to think about the growing hostility to free expression on social media, university campuses, and in corporate workplaces. When he says he’s into freedom of choice, the last two years of the pandemic loom large, as the Cocteaus in our world made decisions for billions of people. Wear the mask. Stay home. Get the shot. And do not complain or protest; because we’re all in this together.

Demolition Man is a reminder that there are many shades of dystopia. It’s not always about the stuff you have or don’t have. It’s much more about freedom. And if, like Edgard Friendly, you’re living in a place that wants to use coercion to control what you say, think, and eat, you might be living in a dystopia without even knowing it.


Jon Miltimore

Jonathan Miltimore is the Managing Editor of FEE.org. His writing/reporting has been the subject of articles in TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, Fox News, and the Star Tribune. Bylines: Newsweek, The Washington Times, MSN.com, The Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, The Federalist, the Epoch Times.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

For the rule of law to reign, the Bureau must be destroyed

The FBI cannot be saved. It must be rendered into component parts and distributed to the four winds.

From the time I was 7-years-old until I was about 20, I was in love with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. In second grade, while other kids wanted to be firemen, I wanted to be a special agent (and I could have told you what one was, what they did, and what the requirements were to become one). In the early 1990s, my favorite show was “FBI: The Untold Stories,” and if we were not home from Cub Scouts in time for it to air, there was a tantrum on the way. I did a book report on a J. Edgar Hoover biography in middle school.

My zeal mellowed as I grew older but never entirely disappeared. As I began my career looking at counterterrorism policy, I meticulously studied the FBI’s extensive investigation of the Holy Land Foundation, the largest Islamic charity in the country, which was successfully convicted of financing the terror group Hamas after more than a decade of FBI investigation (I’ve written two short monographs about aspects of the case).

Later I had the pleasure of providing a three-hour briefing on the ideology of Islamist terrorists for an FBI-led group of Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTF) agents, which included one of the agents who worked the Holy Land Foundation case. Several of my colleagues have signed certifications from the FBI in recognition of their work in counterterrorism education.

I say all this to establish that I am not some dyed-in-the-wool civil libertarian who has always had it in for federal law enforcement. I have spent most of my adult life trying to educate people about the serious national security threats this country faces. The United States has very real enemies, both foreign and domestic, and it requires defending.

Nevertheless, the FBI must be abolished.

The solution to the abuses we now endure is not just to subject the FBI to another fruitless inspector general investigation but to dismantle it completely. The bureau cannot be the focus of yet another congressional hearing. FBI Director Christopher Wray, like his predecessors, is more than happy to sit smirking while a handful of grandstanding congressmen and senators pound the table and yell on C-SPAN. Then he’ll jet off for a holiday vacation on a taxpayer-funded private jet while the same congressmen vote to increase his budget. Again.

No, the FBI must be rendered into component parts and distributed to the four winds.

The bureau has always had its problems and its detractors. Since the days of J. Edgar Hoover keeping his own “private” files on elected politicians and famous persons, the FBI has had a political streak. As an agency it has always been savvy about its reputation, bureaucratically out-dueling federal departments that sought to infringe on the bureau’s perceived preeminence in the fields of federal law enforcement and counterintelligence. But most of the FBI’s politicization had to do with maintaining its own administrative superiority and independence, not serving as muscle for a particular political party.

That’s no longer the case.

The FBI’s actions over the past six years make perfectly clear that the FBI is more than willing to serve as the enforcement arm of the Democratic Party. It serves as its patron’s shield in matters large and small. It exonerated Hillary Clinton for her illicit server. It raided James O’Keefe and Project Veritas when Joe Biden’s daughter lost her diary. It eliminated investigation into Black Lives Matter and other black identity extremists because those pursuits annoyed the Democrats’ Congressional Black Caucus. It refuses even to utter the word “Antifa” while churches and pregnancy centers are fire-bombed. It continues to cover up for Hunter Biden’s corrupt dealings with enemy nations, along with his indulgence in criminal prostitution and drug abuse.

But the FBI has also served as the Democrats’ sword as well. It knowingly laundered the Russian collusion hoax, lying in order to secure FISA warrants. It ambushed the president’s sitting national security advisor in a nonsense perjury trap. The FBI hunts down January 6 protesters while dodging congressional inquiries about the role of federal agents in provoking the incident. The FBI ginned up a fake kidnapping plot in Michigan to instill fear of right-wing terrorism, manhandled the former president’s lawyer, and shackled one of his former high-level aides.

And it has now raided the former president’s home under a mere pretext, while the Democrats openly crow on cable news about using a political prosecution to prevent Trump from ever again being able to serve in office.

Other attempts to rein in the FBI short of its abolition have failed. The FBI shows nothing but contempt for those authorized to oversee it. It routinely ignores inspector general investigations. It fails to prosecute or punish those who overtly violate established policies. It refuses to answer legitimate questions from Republican committee members. It doesn’t even respond to congressional letters of inquiry. It punishes FBI whistleblowers and seeks to purge from its midst those agents who aren’t in lockstep with its new praetorian guard role.

Break It Up Responsibly

Assuming the political will existed to do so, how might the FBI be dismembered in a way that would not expose the country to unnecessary security risks?

Begin by separating out the FBI’s component parts. The FBI’s crime lab, statistical services, and National Crime Information Center service could be pulled out and left as independent agencies with the sole job of supporting other federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies with their scientific and data capabilities.

Parcel out the FBI’s criminal justice division and its tasks to the various state-level bureaus of investigation. Provide direct federal funding to compensate for the extra workload. Let them primarily make state-level cases, in state court, for the crimes committed within the physical boundaries of their states. It’s not as though kidnapping, bank robbery, drug dealing, or racketeering went unpunished before the FBI came along. White collar, financial, and cybercrimes can be handled by the U.S. Secret Service. Federal crimes whose perpetrators directly cross state lines can be given to the U.S. Marshals Service to track down. Unlike the FBI, the U.S. Marshals are largely scandal-free, and have a long history of cooperating successfully with state and local law enforcement.

For the disgraced national security division, divide up the FBI’s counterterrorism portfolio among the remaining federal law enforcement and homeland security agencies with a role to play, and the various state and regional JTTFs.

Who Has the Stomach for This Work?

The FBI’s stranglehold on counterintelligence is perhaps the most important to break. It is within this division that the FBI spied on the Trump campaign at the behest of the Democratic Party.

Even before it willingly embraced the role of partisan opposition researcher, FBI counterintelligence had few memorable successes (Anna Chapman and Operation Ghost Stories being a recent one) but multiple crushing failures, the most notable of which was Robert Hanssen. The struggle to conduct professional counterintelligence has always been driven by a tension between the FBI’s responsibility as a law enforcement agency with the intent and the authority to jail citizens for crimes, and the practice of counterintelligence, a discipline that requires strategic patience and analysis.

The FBI’s responsibility for counterintelligence should be taken away and vested in the National Counterintelligence Executive (NCIX). Its mandate should not be targeting American citizens (especially elected officials!), but rather policing the intelligence services themselves, rooting out evidence of foreign penetration within their ranks, exploiting and manipulating foreign intelligence services for American national security interests. They do not need law enforcement powers or wide-ranging FISA Court warrants for this job.

Admittedly, a GOP-majority Congress may not have the stomach for even the lightest pushback against the bureau. Expect even the promise of ineffectual hearings to fade as soon as the midterm elections are over. After all, few congressmen are as popular with their voters as Donald Trump is with his base, and if the FBI can slander and investigate a sitting president, what couldn’t it do to a freshman congressman?

But imagine how the walls of the deep state might begin to show cracks were Congress to hold fast and declare at the outset, one way or the other, the FBI is finished, with no quarter given. Then you might see bureaucrats looking for soft landings, crawling out of the woodwork with tales about FBI bad behavior and who to hold responsible. You might have a few good apples stand up and speak out if they knew with certainty that their superiors would no longer hold the keys to some future employment. Indeed, there may be any number of agents in far-flung field offices across the country who might rejoice to see themselves rehired by another law enforcement agency that actually cares about enforcing the law. But the FBI itself, as an institution, cannot be saved.

To save the rule of law, the bureau must be destroyed.

Originally published by American Greatness


Kyle Shideler

Director and Senior Analyst for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism.

EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

A Tribute to WWII Veteran and Merchant Mariner Lee Franklin Spitzer 1907-1999

The following is taken from the handwritten memoir of Lee Franklin Spitzer, a WWII veteran who served in the Merchant Marines. It is republished with the permission of his loving daughter Joan. 

Click here to view of photo of WWII veterans (left to right) Lee, Carol and Paul Spitzer

When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, we were on a farm of I believe 92 acres and I worked in town at the furniture factory.  A law was passed by the U.S. Congress that anyone who had control of as much as 85 acres must farm them to the best possible and not work in industry.  We had only about 40 acres of good low land plus the rest was high land with a shale base.  Not very productive.  We had I think 6 milk cows and produced milk for Hershey Creamery in Pennsylvania, we were in Maryland just about 3 or 4 miles south of the Pennsylvania border.

We were not able to obtain enough income on our anchorage.  One evening a friend who was on the draft board came and told me Lee, we have placed you on as A1 subject to immediate call up.  We had four children and my wife and I talked about this for a few days.  Realizing my brother was in Merchant Marine and could come home after each trip we decided I too could join that service.  So, wife and I went to Baltimore, and I enlisted.  Wife returned and I was shipped to Shepheard Bay New York.  This was on long Island in NY City.

There I spent 3 or 4 months in training.  Then was sent to Baltimore to board a ship.  US James Shield a Liberty Ship.  I signed aboard as carpenter.  When I went aboard, I discovered she was being loaded with bombs.  I went ashore in Baltimore. To visit an aunt who lived there.  She gave me a box of candy bars and box of Wrigley gum.  She said I was to give it to the kids in Europe.

We sailed on Christmas morning 1943 not knowing where to or what routes.  Went out into the Atlantic alone.  Up the coast at night to New York harbor anchored a few days.  Then ordered out into Atlantic again and form into a place in a forming convoy.  Our place was on the outside column and the last ship in the column because we were loaded with explosives.

While in New York harbor a man came aboard to measure us for insulated suits.  Scuttlebutt immediately was we were headed for Murmansk, Russia.  The tale was not many ships returned from that trip.

This first trip across the north Atlantic was quite an experience for me.  Heavy seas broke aboard, constantly.  We had much freight lashed upon upper decks.

The chief mate called me out for an emergency.  The waves had torn louse 4 or 5 jeep that had been lashed to bollard welded on deck.

Chips you must get a few seamen as many as you think you will need.  I called 4 seamen out on deck, and we first tried by main man power to slide them into place.  They were sliding fore and aft or from port to starboard as the waves and roll of the ship guided.  I went aboard one of them and steered to advantage until we got 1 in position.  We anchored that one with steel cable and turn buckles.  Until finally all were secure.  We all 5 were soaked by near freezing, salt water and then a glorious hot shower.

So, on we went until we were off Northern Ireland.  We received orders to leave the convoy.  Sail into Irish Sea and on south to Swansea Whales.  England was short of bombs too.   There we unloaded our entire cargo.  It was necessary to anchor offshore until hi tide for the hi tide was about 30 ft higher than low tide.  We went through a high wall at high tide and the gates were closed.

We experienced no air raids there, so we were given shore leave almost every day.  I walked up a highland into a area of small homes.  Since I had some candy and gum in my pockets, as I walked also the weather was not real cold.  I saw a small pale faced boy looking out the window.  I began to talk to him and offered him a bar of candy.  He refused to touch it and asked what it is.  I said candy.  He replied candy, at that time his mother appeared.  She said hello and I responded to her greeting and told her who I was.  Oh my, she said, sweets.  He has never seen sweets.  Thank you so much.

A bit further on I came to school.  Children were playing on the ground one came close to me; I offered him a stick of gum.  He grasped it ad with a loud thank you.  He yelled “gum”.  Instantly I was mauled.  So, I broke each stick in half and pasted it out until I had none left.

Each day we went ashore, and I found a restaurant that had fish and chips.  Every time I went ashore, I asked for fish and chips.  After a while one waitress as soon as I entered sounded out fish and chips coming up.

We finely were unloaded, and our deck was full of damage mahogany lumber, had been used to secure the bombs.  They refused to receive it for they had no official orders to remove it.  Some beautiful clear mahogany, so we were required to secure it and then when out at sea dumped overboard.  I sure could have used that fine lumber.  But shows the wastefulness of war.

When we were unloaded, they placed aboard about 1300 tons of ballast.  Mine refuse.  We should have had 1500 tons.  So, we were light in the water for north Atlantic crossing in February.  It was a very rough trip.

We left the port of Swansea and sailed to Milford Haven a bay in north Ireland there we waited several days for a convoy to form

Sailed from there on about the 1st of February and out into North Atlantic.  There was a man in Germany who called himself, Lord, Ha Ha.  We often listened to him on the evening radio.  Late that evening the radio was on in the mess hall and LHH was on and stated that the convoy that left Milford Haven has been contacted by our submarines and out of a convoy of 60 ships we have sunk or damaged 30+ and sunk, 1 aircraft carrier.  We all looked at each other and then began to laugh when we realized we were that convoy.  But within the hour we stopped laughing we were in the midst of subs.

The Canadian Corvettes began rushing all about the convoy.  Ash cans were exploding below water and the results were of such that we were well aware subs were about.  If you would like to experience such sounds as our empty ship repeated.  Climb into a steel drum and have a couple of guys beat upon it with sledgehammers.  The Corvettes scattered the subs, and we were able to escape that evening.  Next morning the carrier sent up a plane an they were able to force the subs to stay under water all day we were pretty sure we were free of them.  The next am the Corvettes discovered they were on our tail again.  They had surfaced during the night and had overhauled us.

So that night about midnight I was almost thrown out of my bunk.  The convoy had changed course 90 degree and the ship rolled very far over 45 degrees.  Captain said next day we had rolled 48 degree.  We were now sailing south instead of west.  We lost the subs.

The day after our first contact with the subs, the anchor cane scupper was leaking.  Chief mate called to duty; your chain scupper is taking water you will have to fix it.  Take a man with you and go up forward and plug it.  This was my fault for I did not close it properly.  Not realizing the force of the tons of water that came upon the deck when the bow went under a giant wave.  The sailor and I took whatever we thought could keep water out.  Rushed behind the main mast.  Until the sea rushed to the stern then rushed behind the foremast until the next sea rushed a stern.  Then to the chain scupper did a bit of work and held on for the next sea ad continued until we had sealed the scupper then back to strip and a hot shower.  The water over the side about 30 – 36 degrees.

We continued without problems until we entered port.  I think it was Baltimore.  About 30 days later I received orders to report for duty. Was assigned to a ship at Norfolk, Virginia.

1944 March 20—The Peter J. McGuire, and I went aboard.  The only person aboard was the 2nd mate.  As soon as I reported to him, he said Chips she is all yours.  I am going ashore and will not be back.  But in a couple hours the new Chief Mate came aboard.

We were loaded with mixed cargo of many supplies including 500 troops who slept in between decks and cooked and ate in #3 between decks.  Very close quarters.  We were part of a large convoy almost horizon to horizon. The second or third day out we ran into a high sea.  Waves of great size began breaking over the ship.  One of my duties was especially important.  Sound the Bilges.  Some from the top deck which required a long line to reach to the bottom of the ship.  We would keep the metal on the round. Dry coat it with chalk.  Open the scupper and drop if water was upon the sinker (about 10 inches long).  It was then necessary to bring it out dry it up and try again.  Sometimes it took a bit of time.

The aft part of the ship was easier.  One could go down into engine room follow the shaft alley from there to the stern.  Sounding Bilges as one went.

During this storm those poor troops in the tween decks became seasick in those close quarters and as it was necessary to check there too.  You can well imagine the stench of that space, and no one could leave to the deck because of the danger of being washed overboard.

In a day or so that storm subsided and as we sailed along, we were ordered into single file.  Looking ahead some mountain peaks were seen.  We broke into single file in the Atlantic and our ship the Peter J seemed to lag behind, suddenly a navy destroyer came alongside and an officer with megaphone called “Captain if you cannot keep up, I will be forced to sink you.  Almost instantly the throb of the engine increased.  We entered the Mediterranean Sea on Easter Sunday.  We entered the Bay of Merce El Kasher and dropped anchor.  This being the coast of North Africa.

Just forward of our anchorage, anchored a large tanker.  We were allowed to float our motorboat and visit them.  After unloading their cargo from us they were torpedoed by a sub.  A large hole

I was in the forward tank on the port side.  They had been anchored there for about 4 or 5 months and was used for storage as other tankers arrived from U.S.

We took our motorboat through that hole and sailed around inside that tank.  The crew was so anxious to go on home.  They were tired of just anchored.

From there we went to Oran, North Africa and discharged our troops and cargo all but emergency supplies which included clothing, food, medical supplies, ammunition and may things we could not identify.  From there we sailed around a mountain to Azure a small port over the mountain.  There we waited further orders.  We loaded 500 South African Ubangis.  Vicious looking tattooed faces and bodies, with French officers.  Most of these fellows sat about deck with one leg straight out unbent.

But while we were discharging the cargo it was a Muslim Holy time.  No Muslim was permitted to either eat or drink from sunrise to sunset.  We were told that a Holy man determined sunset by a small open box like a shoe box that had 3 threads from end to end. 2 white and 1 black or the reverse.  (This was for cloudy days.)  When he could not tell the difference of the colors it was officially sundown.  We heard a sound, loud sound, like a cannon shot and everybody immediately quit work.  If a cargo net with cargo was in the air that is where it was left.

We needed to be alert at the time for the winches was powered with steam, as that steam collected the pressure dissipated and down went the load.  We hurried to return it to the deck or back into the hole.

These people seemed to be anything but honest as I walked the hole at one time, I saw a man grab a nice new white sheet and quickly deftly wrap it under his turban.  That evening after the sunset signal I pointed him out to the armed guard.  He motioned him aside with his gun and called another guard who came and began to pat about his body.  Finally, about his middle and under his turban 4 or 5 sheets appeared.

Ashore we could from time to time see women covered with white sheets only 1 eye exposed and stamped U.S. Army or U.S. Navy.

I discovered the reason later.  I saw one reach into what seemed to be a side pants pocket and pull out a long thin blade about 21″/2 feet long.  He began to sharpen it there on deck.  When loaded we found a small convoy to sail to Corsica.  An Island where Napoleon was banished to after his defeat in Europe.  There we discharged the troops and from there went to Naples Italy.  On the way we anchored for a couple of days at Sicily.  Sicily we were in sight of the mountain of Etna.  Frequently active mission.  Then through the Messina straits, up the coast – West Coast of Italy through the Capri straight to Naples. There we anchored off the coast until there was room for us at the dock.

We were at Anchor for several days and could not dump any garbage overboard.  So, by the time we entered the harbor there were large numbers of large garbage cans full on the stern.  When we entered the harbor there were many sunken ships of all sizes from large liners to destroyers and freighters and very many small ships.  Some large ones were used as docks for they lay there with bottoms up.

We were fortunate to be tied up at the cleared dock.  Even where houses had been destroyed.  Just a lot of men, dropped the gangplank and a large crowd of men rushed aboard.  Each one seemed to have a can or bucket of some kind and they rushed astern.  A short time later a lot of noise came from the stern and when I went aft there were those men pushing and shoving and growling at each other like animals fighting to get a share of the garbage.

They ate all that garbage from every can.  All that was needed was to wash and rinse them out.   That was truly hunger.

This was the port where I was ordered to rig both heavy booms.  I began to break out the deck crew.  I asked myself what will I do now.  I did not know the procedure.  So when they gathered about I said you have done this many times so turn to and get the job done.  Start with 50 ton first, they looked at each other for a moment and began to run to various positions.  Some to windless, some topside, some starboard, some port.

In a couple hours both booms were rigged as I stood and watched.  then reported to Chief mate all rigged.  The next day the captain called me in to his office and handed me a letter of commendation to read, which stated that was the quickest they had ever had 1 boom rigged let alone 2.  I received a Thank you from the captain.

Then Cargo began to come aboard rapidly.  A very mixed cargo.  After the lower holes of 2 & 3 were full we closed them, and 500 troops came aboard.  They told us they were replacement troops for the front lines.  But soon the order to batten down hatches was called out and while we were doing this, 55 gal drums began to come aboard, all were full.  Some oil and some gas.  They were all over the deck.  When hole H-2 to 4 were battened down a landing craft were placed upon them.

After working most of the night we left the port of Naples as the sun was rising behind Mount Vesuvius and on up the West Coast of Italy.  That evening as we began to enter the harbor of Anzio.  The antiaircraft guns began to fire.  Our first right of aerial warfare.  We proceeded to anchorage in shallow 5 miles off the shore.  Boats were waiting for us and all the troops were quickly shipped to shore.  The two landing crafts also were quickly afloat.

We all went to chow and then to bed.  I was asleep pretty quick.  About 10pm General alarm sounded, and everyone quickly dressed, took our emergency gear and rushed on deck.  My emergency status, was aft of the radio shack.   1 deck above the main deck.  The Bosun was at the same location.  The window was open to the radio shack, and I heard sparks say these words “Another wave of bandits over Rome heading south”.   I turned to the Bosom and said that must be at least 2.  It wasn’t very long until everything seemed to explode, Shore batteries ship guns our 3 ½ inch cannon our 5 inch gun and all our many 50 caliber machine guns.  Most firing tracers the sky was lit up like a Christmas tree, but it was not Christmas.  Then the scream of falling bombs high pitched shrill whistle becoming more piercing as they came closer and BAMB the explosions one hears very little for the rest of that hour.  After the actions ended, we were told 50 plus planes had attacked from 3 groups and each group made two passes over us.  Our 3 ½ inch gun received credit for downing one plane.  I do not know how many bombs were dropped over our ship.  They dropped a perhaps 25 or 50 large bombs at one time.

Not one bomb hit our ship.  One large bomb hit just off the bow exploded in the water.  The Bow arose into the air and the stern struct the bottom of the harbor.  At least twice I saw bomb straddle the ship, many dropped along each side.  After Bombs exploded, I would tremble uncontrollably and then more whistle of falling ones and I would stiffen up until explosion.  After the action ended, I stood on deck thinking here we were more than 50 planes had tried to sink us.  Surely some of those airmen were experienced.  Our deck was full of 55 gal barrels of oil and gas.  We were not hit.  This seemed to me a miracle, even a small incidental bomb on that deck and I would not be alive.  Then I knew someone was praying for me.  God only could accomplish what had transpired.  Thank you, Lord.  So often that prayers were offered in the last 47 years.  Thank you, Lord.

Our Skipper told a group of us the next day, no one is allowed to go ashore here but I never see what is ongoing on those amphibians running from us to shore.

When I arrived ashore there was about a 10-acre field near the edge of town that had a huge pile of enemy arms and ammunition piled 10 or 12-feet high.  I began to look for souvenirs and found a German Rifle in a box wrapped in cloth covered with a kind of greasy material.  I carried it back to the ship, cleaned it thoroughly and asked the Chief mate to put it into Ships stores.

So many of the crew obtained rifles also.  Plenty of ammo was laying on the ground in large quantities.  These crew members began to throw bottles into the water and use them as marks to shoot at.  Shells would ricochet from the water and even travel over the shore after some hours of this firing, the shore ordered it to cease.

The crew continued to fire from time to time.  The next day the army sent a search company aboard and shook down the ship, all military articles were confiscated.  Including the one I had in Ships Stores.

I went to shore again.  At this time the Germans had been driven out of Rome.  I met a army truck driver and he invited me to his Bivouac.  I accepted and we drove a mile or so out of town.

The town was almost completely destroyed.  I did not see any buildings that were undamaged.  Destruction, no people only military.

At the Bivouac the soldier received orders to load his truck at a supply depo.  And then we returned to camp for evening chores.  We left about 1PM for Rome.  Arrived the next AM about sunup.  Drove past the ancient Colosseum and on to the place to unload.  We left Rome in the evening traveled for a few miles over the Appian Way.  Then toward Anzio we received a radio report that the road would be stopped within minutes.  We left the road and when the planes came with machine guns blazing, we were under the truck.  When we returned to Anzio my soldier friend took me to the Beach and the Peter J was still anchored.

We soon received our orders to proceed to Civitavecchia which is the part of Rome we anchored and received some 5 to 6 hundred German prisoners.  Each day we received a few more and soon we were ordered back to Naples.

Those prisoners were mostly teen aged boys or elderly men.  The teens were mean and swore at us in German and other tongues.  The older men were anxious to talk, one especially was interesting to me.  He spoke English.

I asked how a man his age came to be in combat?  He replied and I took the first opportunity to surrender.  I asked why.  After WW1 if it were not for food packages from America our family would have starved.  I sure did not wish to fire my riffle at any American.  I might have hit a member of the family who had saved our lives!!

A gift of about 20 years was repaid with Thanks.  We then were returned to Naples there we were loaded with much ammo and food supplies.  Here again when we had #2 and #3 lower holes filled. They were closed and left for troops in between decks.  And on top of the opening of H2 and 4 aft two landings.  Craft were secured.  First there came aboard almost 200 army Stevedores to unload and another 500 troops we were ordered out to anchorage.  No further information was given us at this time.  I had not received any mail from home for many weeks.  But one day a mail call.  I was handed a package of letters more than 20 and was excused from duty.  Among those letters was one with a cold shock.  Earl, Howard, and Terry had polio.  I desperately need some ash.  We are quarantined.  I made a b line to the Skipper and showed him the letter.  He at once said this ship is sealed no one can go ashore no one can come aboard.  But you go to the Purser and draw all the money you can.  But you can only have ½ of the pay due you until you return home.

I will send you ashore with the Chief Mate to the Red Cross and send all you can.  I was able to draw $220 plus dollars.  When we reached the Red Cross, he refused to cable the funds.  He said you are a civilian.  I can only do this for military people.  No way could we get any help from Red Cross.

We then went to the fleet Post Office they could only allow a money order of $100.00 to be sent.  It was necessary to send $100.00 go out, return, and send another. After the cost of the 2 transactions, I had only a few dollars left.  Since that time, I have not given to the Red Cross.

We were anchored for about 30 days and finally received orders to sail then scuttlebutt said to Southern France.  I cannot give the date when we anchored in the Bay of St Tropez amid the den?  of an invasion that began the night before.

I saw a formation of German Bombers that seemed to be coming at us.  But I lost sight of them. I the discharge of troops and the gunfire of our own ship.

Then a German shore battery began to drop some shells about us and we were ordered out of the Bay.  When we turned seaward a cruiser was firing at some aircraft which appeared to me to be exploding.  I guess every Gun was firing.  That ship was firing so many glowing projectiles that I thought it was exploding.  We later were able to approach shore and discharge cargo.

From there we went to Marseille.  There I went ashore and met a man who had lived in New York for some years, and he invited my shipmate and I to dinner at a hotel.  There we had a vegetable dinner no meat or fish, only hard dark brown bread.  When we were served, he from his coat pocket produced a package wrapped in brown paper.  Opened it and it was part of a loaf of white bread.  He broke it into 3 pieces.  All the while blowing some insects from its surface.  This was a very special gift

There had not been any white bread baked in all of Europe for several years.  We ate it with thanksgiving for as he broke it, he said I have been saving this for a special occasion.  We were greatly honored.

There was a massive cathedral in this city well known all over the world.  I cannot call the name, but it was quite a large and massive church.  From here we railed further east along the coast to Joulon, France where there was a large French Navy base.  Here I went ashore at the base and prowled about bombed out buildings and salvaged many nuts and bolts of small sizes as I was out of these in my carpenter shop aboard.  When I attempted to put them with my store, I discovered they were metric sizes instead of our standard sized.

One of the things I noted almost all the buildings had just a large hole in the roof.  They had been bombed very effectively.

Here we unloaded all of the remaining cargo and here we left to…we thought to leave the Mediterranean.  But when a small convoy had formed the commander of the escorts ordered all ships full speed of 10 knots.  Our captain ordered engine room more speed and we could feel the vibration of the over speed of the engine.  We could not keep up. Our bollards was to full of dirt and shell.  We were ordered out of the convoy and into the port of Oran, North Africa from which we had twice sailed.

On our way it was discovered that someone had failed to remove a quantity of large artillery shells from #2 Hole.  I was ordered to take all the men I needed and secure those shells.  When we entered the lower hole, 70+ shells were jammed between the ribs of the ship and the planking that usually kept cargo from the side of the ship.

I asked our Chief how to get them down.  He replied break them loose and let them slide down.  They have no detonators in them.  I tried that with a about 8-feet up the wall and down it come with a clatter.  With that one of the men rushed back up the ladder swearing as they went.  But we soon had all of them corralled and left the hole and that was the last we saw of those shells.

So, we tied up in Oran North Africa and begin to load material from the battle of North Africa.  They continued to load until we were full and then anchored to wait for a slow convoy.

Finally came the wonderful news we were going home.  I had received little news from home and was much concerned about our 3 boys.  One letter I had received stated Earl was still in the hospital but the others two were some better.  I had no positive info until we docked in Baltimore, and I called mother and was relieved to find that Howard and Terry were without visible problems, but Terry had poor vision.  Elsie wanted to come to Baltimore and accompany me home.  We were to be paid off the next day so the next evening she and our 3-year-old daughter arrived.  The first thing my 3-year-old said to me “You are not my daddy” But mother did recognize me.  Mother reminded me that I was dressed in a different uniform.  I no longer wore the monkey suit of the training period.  That was the only photo Joan had ever seen of her daddy.


We took a bus across the new Chesapeake Bridge to Eastern shore of md and on down to ferry over the mouth of Chesapeake Bay and on to Norfolk and Portsmouth.

There I received a 6 month leave to help with the boys.  I received a job in the Norfolk Navy yard for the 6 months.  That job revealed to me how the Government was controlled by big business.  I was placed on a crew that was building Engine boxes for aircraft engines.  All were working with hand tools, driving screws by hand.  After a day or 2 I asked about an electric drill, one of men told me to ask at the tool room.  I asked and received one and used a broken screwdriver and began to drive screws about ten times faster.

After a while a big shot of some kind walked up and said here man, we don’t do that that way.  He took the electric tool back to the tool room, handed me a hand screwdriver.

The next day I was transferred to a repair job in an outside yard quite at the back of a large storage yard.  I worked with an older man.  I complained about the way they worked in the other plant where I was transferred from.  His answer this is a cos plus contract, the more it cost the more profit for the contractor.  People fighting in need of supplies and here (cost plus contract).  Two of us with only a very few boxes to repair.  I complained to our boss who came by every day or so.  His reply was that was all we had to do so just keep working don’t let any lead man see you loafing (cost plus).

Not a very rewarding job.  After being absent from my family for so long it was a difficult period of adjustment, but the boys seemed to improve especially Howard and Terry.  Earl had much adjustment because of continued physical impairment.  We adjusted as best we could.  But many problems had crept into our relationships.

Earl became rebellious and found it difficult to adjust to his physical and social situation.  He told us he was leaving and going on his own.  We talked to his doctor, and he advised to let him go.  The next we heard of him was a call from South Carolina police.  I don’t remember what city.  I asked the policeman over the phone has he broken any laws?  His answer was no but a 14-year-old cannot be let loose in our land.  I replied then “let him go free”.  I received a pretty complete dressing down and not pleasant words.  But I did not change my mind.  He was set free.  The next report was a phone call from some place (I believe in Pennsylvania) Earl himself was on the line.  He said Daddy can I come home?  I said sure and he said I will be there as soon as I can.  As I remember in about 2days he came home tired, hungry and needing the Love and Concern of the family.

At the end of 6 months, I received orders to report for assignment to a ship.  One of the Navy officers told me he could have me attached to the base for the duration of the war, but I chose to go back to sea.

I went for the series of shots and sent was sent to a new ship that was ready for its first voyage.  The Jean Ribaut? I went aboard June 8, 1945.  When I went aboard the only person aboard was the 3rd mate.  He said we were 2 shots short in our starboard anchor chain, then said Chips I am going ashore, and I won’t be back.  She is all yours.  It was not long before the Chief Mate came aboard, and I gave him the message of the short anchor chain.  More about that later in the voyage.

Soon a Captain Berger came aboard, and the rest of the crew were soon in place, and we were busy checking our jobs.  I discovered that all the deck bollards were froze up from the trip from west coast.  I found a gallon of liquid wrench and after a few days with the help of steam winches had them free.

Soon we were ordered to a coal dock.  There we were loaded with 8500 tons of coal in about 6 hours.  Ready to sail that evening.  You can well imagine the condition of that ship.  Hugh containers that held 2 carloads of coal, each rushed up the top then the bottom opened, and the coal rushed into the hole through huge slots. Coal dust flying.

That evening we left dock and sailed out into the Atlantic that night by AM we had formed into a loose convoy.  By the afternoon the ship was sea shape with pump working and sea water washing everything.

About a day or two later the engine of our ship began to have bearing trouble and we had to slow down and dropped out of convoy.  We were adrift in the middle of the Atlantic while the crew opened the shaft bearing and the shaft was 12 inches in diameter and they put a new shaft housing or whatever they did.  We were adrift for almost 2 days and finally it was repaired, and we preceded alone.  Of course, the war with Germany had been ended. I do not have the date that the war with Germany came officially to an end.

We sailed on and the next stop was a port in Eastern England across the strait between England and France.  We anchored for a short time in an English port.  I have forgotten the name.  From there we went to the mouth of a river in Germany. Went up it a short distance to the Keel Canal through it to the Baltic Sea at Keel Germany.  There we followed a mine sweeper toward Copenhagen Denmark.

During this time there was 2 or 3 columns of ships, and we came to a sudden blanket of fog that came upon us in just a few minutes.  I was at mess and heard the fog horns of several ships and was ordered at once to the anchor windless?  When I rushed out, I could not see the bow of the ship.  When I got to anchor windlass the Chief mate was there and we waited for orders to drop anchor.  We could hear many ships fog horns, some close some faintly.

Suddenly out of the fog came the bow of another ship.  It came so close that the men aft could have reached it with a 10-foot pole.  In just a few minutes we were ordered drop the anchor St 2 shots.  We did and secured for the night.

The next AM we discovered we were only about 10 miles from Copenhagen where we were to unload.  We then learned the channel to the port was only 26 feet deep and our ship needed 27feet 6 inches of water.  That was Captain Burgers 1st mistake.  He had failed to check the charts he was to follow.

Then we had to go out of Bearing Sea through a passage into the Atlantic and go all around Denmark back through the passage between Denmark and Norway to the harbor.  A 3-day trip because it was not safe to sail at night because of so many mines in the water.  The mine sweepers went before us.  They were German ships with German crew and English officers.

Finally, we were at a dock in Copenhagen.  Their power plant was almost out of fuel and sure needed the coal.  Copenhagen, the cleanest city I ever saw.  No loose paper, dirt, or filth of any kind.  One of my shipmates went ashore and he lit a cigarette.  As we waited for streetcar and as it stopped, he dropped his cigarette and put his foot upon it.  A lady beside him tapped him on the shoulder and said “ni ni ni ni” He picked up the cigarette and put it in his pocket.  High apartment houses had flower boxes at every window with blooming flowers.

We saw the entrance to the underground bomb shelter and all about that entrance was grass growing.  In Germany, France, England and Italy and everywhere else we had been the dirt that had been excavated just lay about in unsightly piles.  In this country everything was clean and in order.  We discovered that the first action of housewives was to scrub the walk and the side walk every am.  A truly clean city and country.

I do not remember how long it took to unload.  From there we were ordered to go first a channel between the sea and Norway.  A peninsula of Norway that protruded far out into Bearing Sea.  A very narrow pass.  We had a pilot boat with us.  At the end of the canal pilot boat left us.  Through a few miles of open water, we met a pilot boat with another pilot.  Our Captain refused the pilot saying, “I have charts”.    Then we came to a few rocky islands which became more and more numerous until our Captain was lost.  So, he began to use ships horn to blow for a Pilot.  We were thankful for calm water for it took about 2 hours for a pilot boat to reach us.  The new pilot came aboard in vile temper, and I did not understand his language but I am sure it was not complementary.  Captain’s 2nd mistake.  We then proceed up the coast of Sweden to a river at Sundsvall Sweden.  There it was necessary to back stern into dock to load paper pulp.

So, it was necessary to move upriver a certain distance drop starboard anchor and back down river.  So, when we were at the proper position to drop starboard anchor, we did so with orders to drop 3 shots.  After drifting back to chain strain.  Captain Berger cried out more chain on Starboard A.  We continued to give him chain until we had no more.  The Captain said more chain on starboard A .  Chief Mate talking to him on bow telephone replied we have no more.  Captain replied by megaphone I said more chain on Starboard A.  The mate replied I told you we have no more.  The papers call for more chain the locker.  I said give me more chain.  As a result, the captain came down himself with flashlight to look for himself.  He found the chain locker empty.  All Chain out.  So, it was necessary to heave up

that anchor, drift down river drop port or have tug tow u upriver drop starboard A in 2 shot closer place and then have stern toward back to be secured at port side dock.

We loaded affront half of our space with paper pulp and next day cast off for further north to another paper mill on a river.  Here we were getting pretty far north.  Looking at a map I am not sure which river we entered to finish our load.  There were two rivers Lulean and Umea.  I am not sure which one we entered to a paper mill dock.  I believe it was the southern one.  We tied up and they began loading.  Next the people told us tomorrow was circus day at the town.  Some of us decided to see the circus.  It reminded me some of the first one I had ever seen but more primitive.  No motorized equipment only horse drawn vehicles.  It was very interesting.

Back aboard there were no duties for me.  Just loafing with the off-duty crew.  That evening about 11:00 I decided to leave the crew on the stern and go to bed.  The sun was still shining on the horizon just behind the mountain.  I walked along the starboard side and leaning over the side felt a few drops of warmth on my face.  Immediately I knew what it was.  Rushing to below decks ladder called the engineer and yelled you are pumping oil over the side.  With an oath action began below.  The fuel oil we used when cold was so thick pump could not pump it.  Needed to be heated in order to transfer from one tank to another.  The engineer was and thought he was filling his fuel tank.  The wrong valve was opened, and he was pumping overside.  That oil was smeared through all the machinery.

We learned 300 barrels were pumped out.  Later we heard it cost the shipping company $20,000 to pay for cleaning that mill.  When we were loaded a tug alongside asked if we needed help to turn about.  The captain called back no thank you I can handle this.   Another Mistake….

Before we were clean of the dock, he had pulled a large bollard completely.  Pulled off the dock and our new 3 ½ inch howitzer was stretched so tight we could not bend it to coil it on deck.  It was laid along the rail from starboard to port until the stretched part was on deck.

Then down the river we went back to Sundsvall.  I do not know why there.  Maybe we needed to make clearance for all the damage to the papermill.

There I needed a haircut for I had not had one for about 6 weeks.  Going ashore to a barber.  I entered a shop with many barbers and plenty customers.  When I sat in the chair the barbers held up the clippers and said? Machine.  I nodded yes so, he started back on my neck and right up over my head to the brow.  Then I realized what he meant.  It was too late to yell no, so I let him finish.  When I returned to the ship the crew started laughing and cried Chips you found some American Indians over here?  You are scalped.

But finally, we were permitted to leave but only with a pilot.

We were going home and so out in the North Atlantic we sailed.  It took a couple of days to hit the Atlantic out of the North Sea and past the Shetland Islands through the then calm.

September 2, 1945


When we heard the news about Japanese Surrender on the radio, one of our shipmates said war is over I quit.  I’m going ashore.  He went out on deck but here was no land in sight.

That was the date my war record ended according to my papers.  But we were about 3000 miles from home.  I do not have any record of when we arrived at the port of Newport News Virginia.  Then to home in Portsmouth.

There was another period of adjustment to my family.  I obtained a job with a furniture factory that was just getting organized.  I worked for a few days and the foreman of the plant resigned and I was asked to take his place.

I worked for a few weeks and the finances seemed to diminish.  Mother and I had talked about California and so I started for California.  Hitchhiked from Portsmouth and after a few days arrived at Abilene Texas. BROKE.


Mom and I met dad in Baltimore.   He was dressed in a Black Commissioned uniform, and I was used to seeing him in a white sailor uniform so I would not accept him.  I kept screaming “you aren’t my daddy” We went to Peoples Drug store, and I saw a Teddy Bear but still would not let Dad touch me and just kept screaming.  I finally fell asleep and when I woke up Dad dressed me and took me to People Drug Store and bought me the Teddy Bear. So, we became friends.

Dad was on 6 months leave so we lived in an apartment in Portsmouth, Virginia while Mom worked in Navy yard as an Electric Welder in the dry dock Navy Shipyard. This is when she lost part of her finger.  She had a hand injury in shipyard which became infected requiring half of middle finger to be amputated.

She worked on the Aircraft Carriers: USS Lake Champlain which was commissioned in June of 1945 and USS Shangri-La was Commissioned September 1944.  Last of 24 Essex class A carriers.  Shangri-La was used in the pacific Theater of Operations in WWII and earned two battle stars and then served in Vietnam.  Lake Champlain was used to carry troops home from WWII combat theaters. Later served in Korea and helped blockade Cuba during Cuban Missile Crisis.

Both have been scrapped Lake Champlain was decommissioned in 1969 and sold for scrap 1972.  Shangri-La was decommissioned in 1971 and sold for scrap after 11 years used for parts.

I was the first child to come to Virginia.  Mom had been working in the ship yard and all of the kids were with relatives in Hagerstown, Maryland.  Not sure where the boys were, but I stayed with Aunt Gladys and Uncle Clarence. After the boys came to Virginia folks bought a house and some furniture.  First purchases were Sofa and bed.

Dad was on 6 months leave because Howard and Earl had polio.  He also worked in Navy yard but then was called and had to go back to sea.  His first trip was to Germany with a load of coal and he was gone for 2 years.  War was over while he was in the middle of the ocean and he did not get any credit for the last 2 years of service.  After dad went back to service, mom and kids stayed in Portsmouth.

©Lee Franklin Spitzer. All rights reserved.

CBS Censors It’s Own ‘Arming Ukraine’ Documentary — Here is the ORIGINAL

Why Did CBS News Censor Its Own Documentary Exposing How 70% of US Funding for Ukraine is Wasted

CBS News has sensationally censored its own documentary after the film exposed that only 30% of weapons funding provided by the U.S. makes it to the front lines.

A tweet posted by CBS on Friday promoted its new film ‘Arming Ukraine’ by explaining that the documentary “explores why much of the billions of dollars of military aid that the U.S. is sending to Ukraine doesn’t make it to the front lines: “Like 30% of it reaches its final destination.”

In the documentary, experts told CBS they had no idea where most of the weaponry was going.

Republican lawmakers explained how they felt vindicated by the revelation, having previously opposed a $40 billion Ukraine aid package.

“This [is] one of the reasons I voted ‘no,’” U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Georgia) tweeted in response to the CBS report.

“Flooding a country with advanced weapons can have grave consequences, even when done with the best of intentions,” CBS’s documentary description reads. “This CBS Reports documentary goes inside Ukraine to get a firsthand look at how military aid gets from the border to frontline soldiers and explores the difficulties of getting the aid to the fighters who need it.”

However, the film has now been completely removed from the CBS website, with a ‘page not found’ label in its place.

Read the full story.

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog post by is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Increasing Inflation to Fight Inflation?

My wife just came back from a routine grocery store run. She said, “These people are destroying the country.” She wasn’t talking about the store—she was talking about our elite political class that are spending our country into high inflation. And now they are poised to spend even more.

They have just passed a bill touted as something to “reduce inflation,” but critics note it could only increase it.

These days, you can tell that whenever the left wants to deceive their way into passing a bill, they provide an Orwellian name for the exact opposite effect.

This inflation-promoting bill is labeled “the Inflation Reduction Act.” Obamacare, which has proved quite unaffordable for many, was passed as “the Affordable Care Act.” The left tried to pass the “For the People Act,” which would have unconstitutionally taken election control from the states (where the Constitution puts it) and benefitted the politicians already in office.

This new $750 billion bill delivers a wish come true for those who believe that man’s activities can control the weather—in other words, our activities exacerbate climate change.

An article in Breitbart.com notes, “Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) detailed the 50 most radical policies in the Inflation Reduction Act.” It is a wish list for every leftwing scheme imaginable, including funding abortion at taxpayers expense. But it will not do what it is touted to do—reduce inflation.

The article adds, “Banks emphasized that the legislation would not reinvigorate the economy, as the Penn Wharton Budget Model found that the bill would not curb inflation. ‘That’s reason enough to vote against the package,’ Banks remarked.”

Where does all the money for the new spending comes from? From we the people. Government has no money of its own. It confiscates it from we the people.

The Gateway Pundit reports: “The majority of new revenue from IRS audits and scrutiny will come from those making less than $200,000 a year, according to a study from the nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation.”

Furthermore, Ted Cruz notes that this bill will expand the IRS by 87,000 new agents. He adds, “The Democrats are making the IRS bigger than the Pentagon, plus the Department of State, plus the FBI, plus the Border Patrol combined. This is a massive power grab.”

In his 2021 book, Beyond Biden, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich explains how there really is an American majority that is not being represented by the left today. For example, Gingrich said that 75% of Americas support income tax cuts, not increases.

The founders of America believed in sound fiscal policy.

Thomas Jefferson once said, “To take from one, because it is thought that his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, ‘the guarantee to every one of a free exercise of his industry, & the fruits acquired by it.’”

As to government debt, Jefferson once noted: “I place economy among the first and most important virtues, and public debt as the greatest of dangers to be feared. To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. If we run into such debts, we must be taxed in our meat and drink, in our necessities and in our comforts, in our labor and in our amusements. If we can prevent the government from wasting the labor of the people, under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy.”

I remember hearing President Ronald Reagan say in 1984 that the Congress was spending money like drunken sailors. Then he added that he must apologize to the Navy men because at least the sailors were spending their own money. How much worse in 2022.

When you have debt that gets into the trillions of dollars, then the situation is totally out of control. Somebody once gave this illustration to help grasp how much a trillion is, say, in comparison with a million:

  • If I owed you $100 and said I’d pay you in a million seconds, when would I pay you? In 12 days.
  • If I owed you $100 and said I’d pay you in a billion seconds, when would I pay you? In 32 years.
  • If I owed you $100 and said I’d pay you in a trillion seconds, when would I pay you? In 32,000 years.

Reagan once quipped that the closest thing to eternal life on this earth is a government program. Yet this “Reduce Inflation Act” will add more government programs. So the chance of stopping all the reckless government spending is an uphill battle. But it’s a battle worth fighting—for the sake of our country and our children and children’s children.

©Jerry Newcombe, D.Min. All rights reserved.

FBI searched Melania’s wardrobe, spent hours in Trump’s private office during Mar-a-Lago raid

No lawyers to observe, refused access. Illegal search and seizure. G-d knows what they may have planted.

FBI searched Melania’s wardrobe, spent hours in Trump’s private office during Mar-a-Lago raid

By: NY Post, August 9, 2022:

FBI agents scoured Melania Trump’s wardrobe and spent several hours combing through Donald Trump’s private office, breaking open his safe and rifling through drawers when they raided the former First Family’s Mar-a-Lago home in Florida Monday morning.

The Post has learned that the search warrant used by the FBI to enter the palatial Palm Beach property focused solely on presidential records and evidence of classified information being stored there.

A source close to the former president expressed concern that FBI agents or DOJ lawyers conducting the search could have “planted stuff” because they would not allow Trump’s attorneys inside the 128-room building to observe the operation, which lasted more than nine hours.

The raid by over 30 plain clothes agents from the Southern District of Florida and the FBI’s Washington Field Office extended through the Trump family’s entire 3,000-square-foot private quarters, as well as to a separate office and safe, and a locked basement storage room in which 15 cardboard boxes of material from the White House were stored.

Feds arrived at 9 a.m. and didn’t leave until 6:30 p.m.

[ … ]

In June, Corcoran granted access into Mar-a-Lago’s windowless storage room to FBI agents who spent several hours searching through the boxes. Trump stopped by the basement to say hello at one point, says someone who was there.

(Excerpt) Read more at nypost.com …



Was the FBI Mar-a-Largo Raid a ‘Setup’ to Keep President Trump Off of The 2024 Ballot?

The FBI prevented Trump attorneys from watching as it raided former President Trump’s private home at Mar-a-Lago, a source familiar with the raid told Fox News.

VIDEO REACTIONS: Mar-a-Lago is a Despotic State Attack on an American Family

Judge Who Green-Lit Raid at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Home Donated Thousands to Obama

EDITOR NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Here’s The List of Tax Hikes in Democrat Inflationary Tax and Spend Bill

Open a vein and drain.

The Democrats tax and spend bill contains $80 billion in funding for the Internal Revenue Service to hire a mind-blowing 87,000 new agents to target middle class and poor Americans (you don’t need 87,700 new enforcers to audit 614 billionaires – the actual number of billionaires in the US). The allocation is a 600 percent increase over the agency’s 2021 budget.  It gives the IRS $80 billion in new funding. Russia’s entire military budget is only $66 billion. Think about that.

The Washington Free Beacon reports that the new hires will make the IRS workforce larger than the combined number of employees of the Pentagon, State Department, FBI, and Border Patrol. They write:

That [the Inflation Reduction Act] would make the IRS one of the largest federal agencies. The Pentagon houses roughly 27,000 employees, according to the Defense Department, while a human resources fact sheet says the State Department employs just over 77,243 staff. The FBI employs approximately 35,000 people, according to the agency’s website, and Customs and Border Protection says it employs 19,536 Border Patrol agents.

List of Tax Hikes in Democrat Reconciliation Bill

$6.5 Billion Natural Gas Tax Which Will Increase Household Energy Bills       

The bill imposes a regressive tax on American oil and gas development. The tax will drive up the cost of household energy bills. The Congressional Budget Office estimates the natural gas tax will increase taxes by $6.5 billion.

The tax hike violates President Biden’s tax pledge to any American making less than $400,000 per year. Biden administration officials have repeatedly admitted taxes that raise consumer energy prices are in violation of President Biden’s $400,000 tax pledge.

letter to Congress from the American Gas Association warned that the methane tax would amount to a 17% increase on an average family’s natural gas bill. Democrats have included a tax in the bill despite retail prices for energy surpassing multi-year highs in the United States.

$12 Billion Crude Oil Tax Which Will Increase Household Costs

With gas averaging more than $4.00  per gallon across the country and only weeks removed from record-high prices, Democrats have included a 16.4 cents-per-barrel tax on crude oil and imported petroleum products that will be passed on to consumers in the form of higher gas prices.

The tax hike violates President Biden’s tax pledge to any American making less than $400,000 per year.

As noted above, Biden administration officials have repeatedly admitted taxes that raise consumer energy prices are in violation of President Biden’s $400,000 tax pledge.

As if it weren’t bad enough, Democrats have pegged their oil tax increase to inflation. As inflation increases, so will the level of tax.

The non-partisan Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) estimates the provision will raise $12 billion in taxes.

$1.2 Billion Coal Tax Which Will Increase Household Energy Bills

The bill would more than double current excise taxes on coal production. Under the Democrat proposal, the tax rate on coal from subsurface mining would increase from $0.50 per ton to $1.10 per ton while the tax rate on coal from surface mining would increase from $0.25 per ton to $0.55 per ton.

JCT estimates that this will raise $1.2 billion in taxes that will be passed on to consumers in the form of higher electricity bills.

$225 Billion Corporate Income Tax Hike Which Will Be Passed on to Households

Democrats imposed a 15 percent corporate alternative minimum tax on the financial statement income of American businesses reporting $1 billion in profits for the past three years. These American companies employ millions of Americans.

The cost of this tax increase will be borne by working families in the form of higher prices, fewer jobs, and lower wages.

Tax Foundation report from last December found a 15 percent book tax would reduce GDP by 0.1 percent and kill 27,000 jobs.

Preliminary cost estimates from the Congressional Budget Office found the provision would increase taxes by more than $225 billion.

According to JCT’s analysis, 49.7 percent of the tax would be borne by the manufacturing industry at a time when manufacturers are already struggling with supply-chain disruptions.

Tax Foundation also warned that current supply chain issues could be worsened by the book tax’s disproportionate burden on key industries. The report concluded that “the coal industry faces the heaviest burden of the book minimum tax, facing a net tax hike of 7.2 percent of its pretax book income, followed by automobile and truck manufacturing, which faces a 5.1 percent tax hike.”

$74 Billion Stock Tax Which Will Hit Your Nest Egg — 401(k)s, IRAs and Pension Plans

When Americans choose to sell shares of stock back to a company, Democrats will impose a new federal excise tax which will reduce the value of household nest eggs. Raising taxes and restricting stock buybacks harms the retirement savings of any individual with a 401(k), IRA or pension plan.

Union retirement plans will also be hit.

The tax will put U.S. employers at a competitive disadvantage with China, which does not have such a tax.

Stock buybacks help grow retirement accounts. Raising taxes and restricting buybacks would harm the 58 percent of Americans who own stock and more than 60 million workers invested in a 401(k). An additional 14.83 million Americans are invested in 529 education savings accounts.

Retirement accounts hold the largest share of corporate stocks, accounting for roughly 37 percent of the outstanding $22.8 trillion in U.S. corporate stock, according to the Tax Foundation.

In 2017, corporate-sponsored funds made up $4.45 trillion in market value; union-sponsored funds accounted for $409 billion; and public-sponsored funds, which benefit teachers and police officers, added up to $4.25 trillion.

When companies perform stock buybacks, these investors are the ones who benefit. A tax on buybacks could dissuade companies from conducting this action and negatively impact retirement savings.

95% Federal Excise Tax on American Pharmaceutical Manufacturers

Democrats would impose a 95 percent excise tax on prescription drugs unless drug manufacturers accept government price controls.

In reality, all drug manufacturers would accept the price controls or stop selling the drug in the U.S. market entirely rather than pay the 95 percent tax.

This provision would restrict U.S. medical innovation and limit the supply of new medicines.

Price controls never work because they cause supply shortages. CBO warned the reduction in manufacturers’ revenue could be as high as $1 trillion over the next ten years and would “lower spending on research and development and thus reduce the introduction of new drugs.”

The CBO further stresses the “uncertainty” in assessing the number of new medicines that would be prevented from coming to market. The agency already revised its original assessment to increase the number of drugs prevented from being introduced by 50 percent.

$52 Billion Income Tax Hike on Mid-Sized & Family Businesses

Just as the U.S. economy slides into a recession, Democrats are including a tax hike on passthrough businesses with declared losses. This provision widens the net of taxable income. Preliminary cost estimates from the Joint Committee on Taxation show the provision will increase taxes by $52 billion.

Senate Democrats passed an amendment to the bill before final passage that created a two-year extension on loss limitations of noncorporate taxpayers if the amount of the loss is in excess of $250,000 ($500,000 in the case of a joint return). This provision was scheduled to sunset in 2026 under current law.

This provision would raise taxes on a manufacturer, retailer or other capital-intensive business that sees significant business losses in any year due to the cost of wages, rent, new equipment, inventory, and interest payments.

The loss limitation was originally created by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed by Congressional Republicans but was used to offset the creation of the 20 percent deduction for passthrough businesses, resulting in a net tax cut for these businesses. Senate Democrats have now extended this loss limitation for two additional years to pay for their reckless tax and spend spree. They did not extend the 20 percent deduction for passthrough businesses.

This provision violates President Biden’s campaign pledge to small businesses: “Taxes on small businesses won’t go up.” 

Supersizing the IRS to Increase Audits – $204 Billion

The bill would spend $80 billion to supersize IRS with 87,000 new agents and auditors and ramp up audits on working households and small businesses. The IRS would perform an additional 1.2 million annual audits under the plan. Democrats claim the increased spending on enforcement would net $124 billion.

The bill spends 14 times as much money for “enforcement” — such as small business audits — than for “taxpayer services” — such as answering the phone. IRS employees only answer the phone “19 or 20 percent” of the time.


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Public School ‘Equity Committee’ Commits Hate Crime

Identity politics is a tough business: you can’t take a step these days without offending someone, and that applies even to the Leftists who have appointed themselves the guardians of acceptable opinion. The Hanover County Public School district in Virginia on Wednesday apologized for the logo of their Unified Professional Learning Conference, which was supposed to be all about promoting “equity,” that is, the Left’s privileging of its favored groups. Instead, the logo strongly resembles the official emblem of Adolf Hitler’s National Socialist (Nazi) Party. Jewish organizations have protested, and aghast district officials have hastily withdrawn the logo and apologized. They have the usual Leftist blind spots, and those blind spots are showing.

This entire incident is full of unseen hazards. The conference’s logo called to mind the hooked cross, which most people in the U.S. refer to as the “swastika,” but that usage, in turn, offends Hindus and Buddhists, for whom the swastika has been a sacred symbol for many centuries before Hitler was born. When Hanover County Public School Superintendent Michael Gill apologized Wednesday, he called the Nazi emblem a “swastika,” apparently not realizing that in doing so he was offending yet another group:

One of our teachers, designed the logo intending for it to represent four hands and arms grasping together – a symbol of unity for our all-county professional learning conference. Nothing more. While we are confident that the logo was created without any ill-intent, we understand that this has deeply upset members of our staff and community who see the logo as resembling a swastika. We have stopped distributing the t-shirts that include the logo, and we are working to remove it from all conference materials. We are deeply sorry for this mistake and for the emotions that the logo has evoked by its semblance to a swastika and, by extension, to the atrocities that were committed under its banner. Unquestionably, we condemn anything associated with the Nazi regime in the strongest manner possible.

Unquestionably? Not quite. Gill’s condemnation didn’t satisfy anyone. Among the unmollified was Rachel Levy, a far-Left candidate for the Virginia House of Delegates with children in the Hanover County Public Schools, who tweeted: “Note that Superintendent Mike Gill blames a teacher. Unacceptable. And typical–what I mean when I say we have unaccountable leadership. NOTHING like that logo goes out or gets approved without his or his PR guy Chris Whitley’s say so.”

Levy was sure that this was all because of right-wing encroachment in once-beautiful blue Virginia: “And someone *just* sent me this pic of a Youngkin yard sign in a classroom at Hanover High School where the PD sessions took place, where the the [sic] new logo was sited [sic].” Levy also noted: “And this is on the heels of Hanover’s new School Board member saying he’s going to govern & make decisions as a ‘Christian conservative’ while trying to proselytize a Jewish woman and calling the President of the Hanover NAACP an ‘angry Black woman.’”

However, the conservatives-are-all-secretly-Nazis bit, as common as it is on the Left, is unlikely to be the problem here. Conservative Christians are for the most part strongly pro-Israel and abhor anti-Semitism. The problem is a perfect storm of Leftist hypersensitivity to racial and ethnic offenses real and imagined (and usually the latter), combined with an increasingly common Leftist anti-Semitism (witness the meteoric rise of Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib) that has doubtless rendered many Leftists insensitive to slights against Jews, who after all, must be boycotted, divested from, and sanctioned for all of Israel’s trumped-up and imagined evils.

Elicia Brand, who is the founder of a parents’ rights group, Army of Parents, and mother of three children in Loudoun County Public Schools, declared: “Our public institutions should be doing all they can to protect their Jewish communities. They are not. Instead, they are feeding into dangerous rhetoric and actions against Jews. They are discounting Jews as a historically marginalized community and ignoring their lived experiences.” That’s true, and the responsibility must be placed squarely at the feet of the Left, among whom an increasingly open anti-Semitism has become fashionable.

But above all, this entire incident is a lesson in the minefields of identity politics. When victimhood is your currency, people are going to take offense at the slightest provocation, or no provocation at all, and no matter how hard you try, you’re never going to avoid crossing the line (which is constantly moving anyway) and offending someone. That’s especially true when you’re not really worried about offending some groups, just the ones the Left has anointed with protected victim status. The Hanover County Public School district has just shown us once again how the Left’s rules work.


Robert Spencer


Pennsylvania Education Department: 3-Year-Olds Can Identify as Transgender

Call Your Local ‘Diversity, Equity and Inclusion’ Council What it Really Is: Commie Thought Police

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Truth: Putin’s Socialist Revolution in America

The month of August is a very troubling reminder of human tragedies: WWI started in August 1914. After the Soviet/German Pact was signed by Molotov/Ribbentrop in August 1939, WWII started September 1, 1939. Nobody knows the actual consequences of the Pelosi visit to Taiwan in August 2022, but the Chinese Military has already started massive military drills across Taiwan as a response to Pelosi visit. It is typical aggressive Communist behavior to intimidate the people of democratic-Taiwan and force the American President to react. After the lesson in Ukraine, knowing the Communist behavior, the White House needs to provide Taiwan with defensive missiles to prevent the war. We have time to do that—China is not ready to occupy Taiwan in 2022. But time is short, we should act promptly.

WWIII is also going on in America in August 2022—The FBI has raided Mar-A-Lago on August 8, 2022! It is unprecedented! History of the American republic doesn’t know anything more dangerous and un-American than the dramatic event by the FBI on August 8, 2022. No comments from the FBI and DOJ. The American public and pundits have been shocked, they have no idea where it is coming from. They don’t know Socialist abusive and corrupt systems and its modus operandi: lies, deceit, and fraud. In fact, Biden’s White House is in the process of demolishing capitalism and implementing socialism in America. What do you think eighty seven thousand additional IRS armed agents are going to do in America?

I know socialism and constantly have been sharing knowledge with you—it is again Russia… Terrorizing political opponents is the KGB Mafia/Army vocation activities, I’ve warned you for the last several decades. The Democrat’s leadership has conspired with weaponized law-enforcement and DOJ to entrap Trump and the White House was totally informed. Discussing the event on all channels, yet nobody presents it as an International precedent, like I do. I don’t trust Biden’s theatrical performances, reading on prompter what has been written by his staff. The policy of open borders intertwined with Putin’s KGB Mafia/Army that executed invasion to America from 160 countries. The surging crime on the streets has started by Democrats states in 2020 and continues. Read my column about Russian Socialist Revolution 1917 and you will be struck by the resemblances of the two events…

Yes, we are witnessing The Global Spy Ring run by Vladimir Putin, described in my column under that title. A member of a legal community at the time of the KGB Chairman Yuri Andropov 1967-1980, I learned a lot about the KGB in Russia. Responsible for designing a protocol of America’s infiltration, Andropov spaced it as a simultaneous intrusion of the American Security Apparatuses and media. You can read the details in my columns and books. It was shocking to watch America in the last thirty years. We still don’t know Russia and her Intel. Putin is the next generation of Stalin/Andropov’s devoted disciples. Seven years of Hoaxes aimed at Trump were Putin’s KGB Mafia/Army production. I recognized the familiar handwriting of corruption, fabrication, provocation, deceit, and fraud…

As a matter of fact, Biden’s White House created authoritarian paradigms in America. Glenn Beck is right “the Democrat Party is historically un-democratic and now they find a new way to do that ” June 2, 22. I would add “the Democrat Party is a Party of Socialist Charlatans.” I have been writing about that new way for over thirty years. Interview with the Democrat Sen. Mark Warner in Cavuto on August 6, 2022 illustrates the inability of the Republicans to rebuttal the Socialist Charlatans. I purposely introduced the term. Some Republicans don’t know the Socialist modus operandi: lies, deceit, and fraud. They also can’t perceive the fact that the KGB mafia/Army was overturning the Democrat Party to Socialist Party. The collaboration was going on for decades under the nose of incompetent leadership of the CIA and FBI. The result you see in the states run by the Democrats. Read my book Socialist Revolution in America, XLIBRIS, 2021.

Pay attention to Biden and his White House team. Something strange is happening in the American Kingdom—it self-divides itself. The executive branch battles the US Supreme Court and doesn’t communicate with Pelosi’s legislature on Taiwan, at the time when crime is sinking the American republic and Fentanyl is killing thousands of our citizens.  It is even worse: Stalinist aggressive twins-brother Putin, Chairman Xi and the “Axis of Evil” under the Russian umbrella are at the attack against Western civilization. The Republicans don’t know the major Russian agency that manages The Global Spy Ring–The KGB Mafia/Army. Read here my column under that title.

Nefarious Russian Crimes that Escaped American Minds

“America is like a healthy body and its resistance is Threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual Life. If you can undermine these three areas, America will Collapse from within.” — Joseph Stalin

The FBI Director and a majority of political commentators will tell you that China’s military is the most dangerous force for our future. I agree. When it comes to domestic prosperity and national security today, I disagree. According to his vision of American Collapse, Stalin left his ideology as a protocol-legacy to several generations of Russian people. His KGB Mafia/Army has been operating on our soil promoting it through Socialist Charlatans like Soros and Sanders since the 20th century. All strata of our society had been infiltrated: the government, courts, business, sports, the educational system, etc. The KGB mafia/Army had been present in the Clinton and Obama White Houses and it is now in the Biden White House to complete the agenda, to demolish American capitalism and implement Socialism, Stalinist Soviet Socialism…

The Truth sooner or later will surface. The source of my constant concern is Russia and its KGB Mafia/Army aimed at the destruction of the American Constitutional republic. I had been a witness of Stalinist Soviet Socialism under his ideology. I know the aggressive force, a product of one-party system that implements Stalinist Soviet Socialism across the world: the KGB Mafia/Army. Awareness of that force is a must, as it is inextricably tied to the recent crises in America and the world. Though I reported thousands of the KGB dirty tricks implemented in the world, its strategy, tactics, and methods to extinguish American Capitalism, I have to return to major KGB crimes still unknown to humanity. There is a list of them and chronologically the Soviet law of 1955 is the first on the list.

Read the Soviet document of 1955, a document by the Soviet Defense Council, the first formal Soviet decision to launch narcotics trafficking against the Bourgeoisie and especially against American capitalists:

“Soviet strategy for revolutionary war is a global strategy… narcotics strategy is a sub-component of this global strategy. …First was the increased training of leaders for the revolutionary movements—the civilian, military, and intelligence cadres.”

You can read the details about this law in my books and columns. It is a spectacular document, which reveals the real face of our nefarious foremost enemy, destroying us from within… You will now know who is responsible for the death of 1.000 000 Americans in 2021, let alone the other crimes against the American republic.….

Second: “Stalin married the Communist Ideology with Islam” and Islamic Jihad was born. You can read the details in my writings about Bin-Laden, Ayman Al-Zawahiri, and many other terrorists working with the Russian Intel. Yes, Al-Qaeda leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri was killed in Drone strike, but there is a New Reports on foreign spies across America: July 30, 2022 – News 5 min. read American Briefing, Leftist Group Used by Russian Operative to Spread Propaganda:

“A Russian operative backed by the Kremlin was charged with conspiring to have U.S. citizen act as illegal agents of the Russian government, and at least one of the three groups alleged to have “co-conspired” with the agent is a self-described socialist party.” All my writings are dedicated to exposing the Russian Intel, which is demolishing the American Constitutional republic from within. By the way, the attacks on 9/11 had been executed under the supervision of the Russian Intel. The CIA and FBI leadership don’t know the Russian Intel and are unable to protect the country and the American people. Read my book: What is Happening to America published in 2022.

Third: The Stalinist story of the children from foreign countries should be known to the public. The thousands of children organized by Putin’s KGB Mafia/Army in several Caravans are now under American jurisdiction and have been spread across the country. Considering the information in two preceding paragraphs, I am submitting the following:

Child trafficking started by Stalin after the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939. He brought several thousand Spanish children to Russia, placed them in a dormitory under strict control of the KGB that was training them for 10-12 years. After that the Spanish speaking young men and women had been sent to Mexico and Central America—the variety of different gangs had been established in the 1950-1960th there. The drug trafficking gangs bring enormous wealth to the coffer of The KGB Mafia/Army. All gangs continued old Soviet operations: human-sex trafficking that has started in Europe under the Warsaw Pact countries in the 1950th. For your information, all issues regarding perverted sex is the main operations of the KGB Mafia/Army. Just look at the contemporary American educational system with new language of “birthing people” and alike. Doesn’t it remind you Stalinist Political Correctness?

All crimes of drugs trafficking by Russia have been handed over to China lately. Read about the Soviet Decision of 1955 to wage the war against Western civilization, where the drugs war was a sub-component of the global war. Remember, we are dealing with the “Axis of Evil” under the Russian umbrella… Also remember the formula of the WWIII against the American capitalism: “Recruitment, Infiltration, Drugs, and Assassinations…”  To perceive the scale of the Russian infiltration in the midst of our country, recall Jeffrey Epstein, his International Empire was a small part of the Kremlin Kingdom…

My fellow Americans! Knowledge is Power to save the American Constitutional republic and our freedom. That is the reason the FBI has submitted my name to the FISA Court and Court made me a foreign agent in 2002—my writings had been banned. Educate yourself, try to find my columns and read them for free.

To be continued www.drrichswier.com/author/spipko/ and https://www.simonapipko.com

©Simona Pipko. All rights reserved.