WATCH: ‘Palestine’ is the Nazi weapon that seeks to finish Hitler’s Final Solution

It is well known historically that the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Mohammed Amin al-Husseini whose tenure overlapped with that of the British occupation of the Land of Israel is considered the father of “palestinian” nationalism. 

He built this nationalism on the rejection of the Jewish people who had formed the majority of Jerusalem by the second half of the 19th Century. He also adopted the Nazi ideological worldview regarding the Jews as part of the “palestinian” national movement. This ideology still forms the basis of their society today.

In UNRWA schools, “palestinian” villages, and universities, hatred of Jews because they are Jewish appears the single unifying cultural pillar that all so called “palestinians” believe in. Just like the Nazis before them, “palestinians” have no endearing cultural qualities they can speak of other than the hatred of the Jewish people.

The Nazis never truly went away, rather their ideology was brought into Israel wholesale by the Mufti and reshaped as a freedom movement for an indigenous people who are neither indigenous nor a real people. Today’s “palestinians” are an amalgamation of lower class Muslims who travelled here during Ottoman and British occupation from the Balkans, Turkey, Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan. None of them had an inkling that they were coming to start their own country until the Mufti due to his own quest for power, rallied them together with the goal of wiping out the Jews.

The Mufti’s alliance with the Nazis at the start of World War Two is well documented.

In the summer of 1940 and again in February 1941, al-Husseini submitted to the Nazi German Government a draft declaration of German-Arab cooperation, containing a clause

Germany and Italy recognize the right of the Arab countries to solve the question of the Jewish elements, which exist in Palestine and in the other Arab countries, as required by the national and ethnic (völkisch) interests of the Arabs, and as the Jewish question was solved in Germany and Italy.

He asked Adolf Hitler for a public declaration that “recognized and sympathized with the Arab struggles for independence and liberation, and that would support the elimination of a national Jewish homeland”. Hitler refused to make such a public announcement, but asked al-Husseini “to lock …deep in his heart” the following points, which Christopher Browning who is considered a specialist on the Holocaust summarizes as follows, that

Germany has resolved, step by step, to ask one European nation after the other to solve its Jewish problem, and at the proper time, direct a similar appeal to non-European nations as well. When Germany had defeated Russia and broken through the Caucasus into the Middle East, it would have no further imperial goals of its own and would support Arab liberation… But Hitler did have one goal. “Germany’s objective would then be solely the destruction of the Jewish element residing in the Arab sphere under the protection of British power”. (Das deutsche Ziel würde dann lediglich die Vernichtung des im arabischen Raum unter der Protektion der britischen Macht lebenden Judentums sein). In short, Jews were not simply to be driven out of the German sphere but would be hunted down and destroyed even beyond it.

The injection of Nazi ideology into the “palestinian” national movement explains the obsession the “palestinian” leadership and the common people below them have with hunting down and killing Jews wherever they are. None of this is about having a state of their own. After all the Mufti supported a greater Syria, which would have meant no “palestinian” state. And when they were offered a “palestinian” state – he and others rejected it. What is clear is the “palestinians” entire goal is the finishing of Hitler’s Final Solution.

Peace will only come to the Middle East when the Nazis who reside in it are completely wiped out. Until then the genocide against the Jews will continue.

WATCH: ‘Palestine’ is the Nazi weapon that seeks to finish Hitler’s Final Solution [Warning graphic images].

Source: Israel Unwired


Tom Friedman’s Soft Jihad Against Israel

A reminder to the tribunal at The Hague, which will today discuss whether or not Israel committed genocide in Gaza

Iran stations advanced UAVs near U.S. controlled areas in Syria

Terror cell eliminated exiting tunnel shaft

Biden State Dept Shells Out Thousands To ‘Empower’ Women In Yemen With Tech As Rebels Launch Rockets From Country

NEWSRAEL EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Life in Israel during time of war


EDITORS NOTE: This Newsrael News Desk column with video is republished with permission. ©All  rights reserved.

Biden Regime Refuses to Investigate Violence and Vandalism by Jew-Hating Hamas Terror Radicals

On January 5th, 2024 Joe Biden went to Valley Forge in an attempt to channel his inner George Washington but all he did was to channel Benedict Arnold who betrayed the Continental Army in 1779 and became a traitor to the American cause.

Here is yet another example of Joe Biden’s treachery. He almost betrays the security of ordinary Americans with every doddering step he takes.

We can read in the following disturbing article his callous disregard for our safety in favor of appeasing the Muslim voters in swing states who are now threatening to abandon him at the polls this year.

The first duty of our government is to protect the safety of all Americans but Benedict Biden has chosen to subordinate that primary duty to gain votes of Hamas operatives and supporters, people who support murdering Jews because they are Jews.

If that’s not treachery I just don’t know what is.

Biden admin refuses to investigate violence and vandalism by Hamas supporters

Despite nationwide lawbreaking, no one has been charged with any crime.

By Adam Kredo, The Washington Free Beacon, January 5, 2023:

The Justice Department has effectively issued a “stand-down order” to federal law enforcement and U.S. attorneys to stop them from investigating “incitement, violence, and vandalism” committed by Hamas supporters who hold U.S. visas, according to a complaint filed with the Justice Department and obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

The complaint, filed this week by the America First Legal Foundation, a conservative legal advocacy group, accuses the Biden administration of turning a blind eye to the massive uptick in violence against Jews across America in the wake of Hamas’s Oct. 7 terror attack on Israel.

The Biden administration is dragging its feet on the prosecution of Hamas sympathizers across the country, including among U.S. visa holders and other foreign nationals living in America, according to the group, which cites information from U.S. officials and career Justice Department attorneys.

“It appears that concerns regarding the potential electoral consequences of protecting Jewish Americans and enforcing American anti-terrorism laws and/or sympathy for Hamas’s aims are inappropriately biasing the Department’s decision-making,” the organization writes in the complaint.

In addition to the Justice Department complaint, America First Legal has filed Freedom of Information Act requests with the Education and Homeland Security Departments to unearth information about pro-Hamas activity on U.S. college campuses, which have seen a rise in anti-Semitic violence and public support for terrorism against Israel. The probes could provide answers as to why the Biden administration is not deporting or prosecuting U.S. visa holders and other foreign nationals who have celebrated Hamas’s terror campaign and committed violence against Jews.

“On October 7, pro-Hamas extremists, many of whom are foreign nationals, launched a campaign of intimidation and violence against American Jews in the streets and on campuses,” Reed Rubinstein, America First Legal’s senior counselor and director of oversight and investigations, told the Free Beacon. “However, the Biden administration’s Department of Justice—which fully mobilized federal law enforcement against American parents speaking out at school board meetings—has been conspicuously silent.”

Keep reading.


RELATED ARTICLE: Muslims Storm Villages, Slaughter 41 Christians and Kidnap Many Others in Nigeria

RELATED VIDEO: U.S. Treating Israel Like It Is Not A Sovereign Country | The Caroline Glick Show

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

NYC: Students Forced to Go Remote as City Houses Migrants in Schools

Democrat rule.

NYC students forced to go remote as city houses nearly 2K migrants at their school — one mom goes off: ‘Does it feel good?’

By NY Post, Jan. 9, 2024:

Students at a Brooklyn high school were kicked out of the classroom to make room for nearly 2,000 migrants who were evacuated from a controversial tent shelter due to a monster storm closing in on the Big Apple.

The city made the move amid concerns that a massive migrant tent at Floyd Bennett Field would collapse from torrential rains and gusting winds — packing them instead into the second-floor gym at James Madison High School five miles away.

The school’s neighbors were not keen on the last-minute decision.

“This is f—ed up,” said a local resident who identified himself only as Rob. “It’s a litmus test. They are using a storm, a legitimate situation, where they are testing this out. I guarantee you they’ll be here for the entire summer.

“There’s 1,900 people getting thrown into my neighborhood, half a block from where I live and we don’t know who they are,” he said.

“They’re not vetted. A lot of them have criminal records and backgrounds and we don’t even know.”
The decision to clear the migrants out of the field came as city officials feared for the safety of the tent city at the field with heavy rains and winds gusting up to 70 mph. 10
The decision to clear the migrants out of the field came as city officials feared for the safety of the tent city at the field with heavy rains and winds gusting up to 70 mph.
Mom angry about migrants 10
One mother went off on the migrants as their bus pulled up to the school Tuesday evening. Steven Vago

One irate mom even went off on the migrants as they pulled up inside a line of school buses in the pouring rain shortly before 6 p.m.

“How do you feel? Does it feel good?” the woman, who only identified herself as Michelle, screamed at the buses.

“How does it feel that you kicked all the kids out of school tomorrow? Does it feel good? I hope you feel good. I hope you will sleep very well tonight!”

Read more.



Trump Is Starting To Win Over Some Of His Harshest Critics

‘What’s Next?’: Dem Assemblywoman Rips Biden, Adams Over NYC School’s Use For Illegal Aliens

HALL: Black Voters Are Embracing The GOP’s Promise Of Progress

Editor Daily Rundown: Students Kicked Out Of High School To House Illegal Immigrants


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Hamas Insists It Will Try Again, and Again, to ‘Obliterate’ Israel

Many in the Western world remain unconvinced that Hamas will keep trying, for as long as it takes, to “obliterate” Israel, as it committed to doing in its 1988 Charter. They should look at the evidence, which is offered here: “Hamas Says It Wants Oct. 7 Massacre Again and Again… Why Won’t the Media Believe Them?,” by January 3, 2024:

Not long after Hamas terrorists invaded southern Israel to rape and massacre scores of civilians before dragging hundreds of hostages back to the Gaza Strip, senior Hamas leader Ghazi Hamad spoke with Lebanese news outlet LBCI.

During the interview, Hamad said: “Israel is a country that has no place on our land,” explaining that it was the job of Hamas to “remove that country.”

Questioned about the October 7 atrocities, Hamad responded:

“We must teach Israel a lesson, and we will do this again and again.

Apparently Israel has learned a different lesson from what Ghazi Hamad has in mind, which is the absolute necessity of eradicating Hamas as a military threat. Unlike previous Israeli campaigns in Gaza, that left Hamas still standing, this one will continue until the terror group has been completely dismantled. Already the IDF says it has killed 9,000 Hamas fighters in northern Gaza alone. How many more have been killed in southern Gaza? An equal number, or less? Let’s assume that half as many — 4,500 — were killed in the south. And since Hamas fighters before this war totaled 25,000, it is reasonable to conclude that in the first three months of fighting, at least 12,500 Hamas fighters have been killed, leaving Hamas with only half the number it had on October 6. And the IDF, having dismantled Hamas in the north, is now eviscerating its combatants in the south. The Israelis have repeatedly made clear that the war could go on till the end of the year. Since they agreed to engage in a “less intense” phase of the war, the Israelis have not been pressured by the Americans to conclude the war any time soon. The Bidenites have not said a word about when that war will end, silently conceding that that decision is up to Israel alone. They have limited themselves to insisting that Israel not force people to leave Gaza — a quite unnecessary and insulting demand, because the Israelis have made clear they will do no such thing. Gazans will make their own decisions as to whether they want to remain in Gaza, or seek better lives elsewhere. And, of course, both Biden and Blinken have repeated the usual boilerplate about the American commitment to that will-o’-the-wisp of a “two-state solution,” that is receding ever further into the unattainable distance.

The Al-Aqsa Flood [the name Hamas gives to its October 7 invasion of Israel and the murder of 1,200 Israelis] is just the first time, and there will be a second, a third, a fourth, because we have the determination, the resolve, and the capabilities to fight … Nobody should blame us. On October 7, October 10, October one million — everything we do is justified.

Of course everything Hamas does is justified —the Al-Aqsa Flood, the scarcely-believable Hamas atrocities — to the likes of senior Hamas leader Ghazi Hamad. The beheading of babies, the burning alive of children, the gang-rapes, torture, and murder of young girls, the slicing the breasts of women, the gouging out of eyes and cutting off genitalia of men, the murder of children in front of their parents and of parents in front of their children — these atrocities are what Hamad promises it will repeat, ad libitum and ad nauseam, however long it takes. And this is of course “justified” as a way to loosen the supposed stranglehold that the apartheid-settler-colonial-genocidal state of Israel has on Gaza and its 2.2 million innocent inhabitants.

There can be no doubt about Hamas and its goals: the terrorist group wants to destroy Israel and every single one of its citizens.

Hamas’ leaders have not hidden the fact that they believe the October 7 massacre was justified, and that they will try to replicate the horror over and over again.

Why doesn’t the Western media remind its audience of the details of the October 7 massacres, and of how Hamas has vowed to commit those atrocities over and over again?

Likewise, before October 7, Hamas never masked its genocidal aims, having been founded on a charter that swears Islam will “obliterate” Israel.

Hamas’ original goal remains the annihilation of the Jewish state, accompanied by the killing or expulsion of all of the Jews in Israel. Tactics and timing may vary a bit, depending on circumstances, but the ultimate goal of eradicating the Jewish state is immutable.


RELATED VIDEO: U.S. Treating Israel Like It Is Not A Sovereign Country | The Caroline Glick Show


California: Muslim migrant sent $13,000 to jihad group in Syria

Former UK Middle East Minister Says Peace Talks Must Begin and Include Hamas

PA top official: We won’t rule Gaza without unity with Hamas, PIJ and other jihad groups

Pro-Hamas demonstrators again disrupt Colorado state house proceedings, speaker does nothing

India: Muslims screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ throw stones at Hindus inviting people to Ram Temple consecration

Iran: Disabled Christian, 60, imprisoned for “acting against national security by promoting ‘Zionist’ Christianity”

Uganda: Muslims murder three Christians on Christmas night

Many Universities Have Done Nothing to Protect Jewish Students From Harassment

Nigeria: Muslims block Abuja-Kaduna Expressway and abduct large numbers of people

UK: Muslim cleric says any Muslim who opposes Hamas is a ‘hypocrite,’ likens jihadis to Nelson Mandela

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

MUST WATCH VIDEO: Hey Muslims! Want to the the war in Gaza?

This video by Tom Trento, Director of The United West, has a lot going on.

Check it out:

  1. Trento asks Muslims if they really want to end the war in Gaza
  2.  Then he explains that all the Muslims have to do is get the two main leaders of the HAMAS, Yayeha Sinwar and Ishmail Haniyeh to SURRENDER and release all the hostages.
  4. Obviously, this is a trick question, because only the simple-minded, or Harvard students (but I’m redundant) truly believe that the HAMAS wants the war to end.
  5. For the HAMAS, war is a booming business, actually losing the war, has business exploding for them.
  6. The more dead babies the HAMAS’ Gaza bureau of CNN shows on TV, the more money rolls in and world condemnation for Israel increases.
  7. So, since the raison d’Etre of HAMAS is the complete obliteration of Jews and Israel, the sacrifice of the Gazan kids is a small price to pay to keep HAMAS leaders living in the lap of luxury and countries turning against Israel.
  8. The thinking viewer has to ask the question, “Who the hell is behind such an insane idea of sacrificing your own children so that crazy, inbred Muslims can carry guns to kills Jews so that the Muslim goes to Heaven?”
  9. Good question…watch this video and you will get the answer.

WATCH: Hey Muslims! Want to the the war in Gaza!

RELATED VIDEO: U.S. Treating Israel Like It Is Not A Sovereign Country | The Caroline Glick Show

EDITORS NOTE: This The United West column and video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Putin/Biden Plot Against America’s Constitutional Republic

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we lose our freedom, it will be because we have destroyed ourselves from within.” — Abraham Lincoln

This plot was established by the Democrat party decades ago. The Putin/Biden plot is just a logical continuation of the Democrats’ traditions fighting against American democracy. The Putin/Biden plot has intensively quadrupled the energy to complete the agenda and end up with American democracy before the 2024 election. You see it only now, after Biden’s presidency for three years, yet, I have been writing about it and warning you for the last forty-two years. The main subjects of my writings are Stalinist Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism, Stalinism, and his Evil Doer—the KGB’s Mafia/Army. I am a former Soviet defense attorney, who loves America and dedicated her life to saving America the Beautiful…

Biden’s first 2024 campaign speech January 5 has infuriated me. It was a speech of a typical Soviet Socialist Apparatchik with a highly aggressive tone by means of Socialist modus operandi: lies, deceit, fabrication, and fraud. There was no one word of the truth in it. In his speech Biden was presenting himself as the only custodian of American democracy, a current George Washington and Trump as a Hitler the major threat to American democracy. This phony speech was cast to us on the background of a perilous migration crisis with the help of Putin’s KGB’s Mafia/Army gathering migrants from 120 countries threatening our entire existence. Border security is national security, I am scared of what is coming to us in the future…

In two days, after Biden’s phony speech, we found out that the Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin is not at the Pentagon, but in the Hospital due to mystery illness. Pentagon officials and the White House were unaware for days about it, while our military forces are under constant attacks in Syria and Iraq. What a scandal! Shocking! The rule of engagement was violated. Where is this secrecy coming from? I’ll try to explain it. The Afghanistan shameful surrender took place in August 2021. In the column written then, I gave you my opinion: Vladimir Putin is running the White House by Biden’s staff colluded with the KGB’s Mafia/Army. The recent events are confirming my opinion: Joe Biden doesn’t run the White House, and Lloyd Austin doesn’t run the American Military. We saw it. But we are at war and the issue of global war is much more complicated than we have seen at first glance. Read my column: A Quick Crash of Afghanistan and The Man Who Wants to Run the World August 24, 2021          

It is One War Waged by Soviet Fascism against the West

Since the October 7, 2023 terror attack by Hamas on Israel, the world has been discussing two wars: Russia’s War on Ukraine and Hamas terror war on Israel. You are witnessing the discussions of those wars on all TV Channels and the print Media. In fact, there are no two wars, it is One War Waged by Soviet Fascism against the West. That is not easy to grasp, but Danis Prego got it instantly, analyzing Biden’s America:” … everything started by Stalin and Trotsky…” in the 20th century. He is a knowledgeable man and he is right. I am not aware he read my columns or books, but maybe he did. At any rate, everybody knows that secrecy and the absence of transparency is the main feature of the Socialist/Communist countries.

Russia is a terrorist State, led by Vladimir Putin, a devoted disciple of Stalin/Andropov. Yes, the socialist economy has been substituted by Putin’s crony capitalism. But the Soviet System, designed by Stalin is still running the country with punitive agencies on guard of the system. Stalin had advanced the system, with the KGB reigning as a king. People called the KGB—the Russian Gestapo. The agency has changed the name 7-8 times to cover up crimes committed. It has grown up as the International Terrorist Force spreading the ideology of Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism, globally. The KGB is a precursor to the current FSB with the same mission and capacity. Yes, we are dealing with one war waged by Soviet Fascism against humanity. Here is the info to prove that:

“As a former Soviet attorney, I know the KGB pretty well. Do you know that Russia’s Intel recruited Arafat in 1957? The infiltration to the Middle East by Russia’s Intel began then. Do you know that Arafat’s lieutenant Abbas is running a Palestinian State today? Those are the patterns of the Soviet/Russian infiltration to the Middle East to create their proxies in the 1950-1970s. All of that has been managed by the KGB’s Mafia/Army—the Evil Doer. Their espionage is flourishing in Europe and America as well. If Russia was alone spreading Socialism/Communism in the 20th century, we are dealing now with a tandem of Russia and China. It is not Marxism now coming from China, but Stalinist Soviet Fascism…

“Europe now has members of the KGB in some parliaments and there is another facet to the Russian connection. As you know, recruited by the KGB in 1957, Arafat is dead, but we have mini-Arafat–Mahmoud Abbas. The connection with the Kremlin stays the same. He is literally a student of Moscow with Soviet “academic credentials”; his dissertation had denied the Holocaust. Look at Arafat’s corrupt people surrounding Abbas: the same corrupt structure plus Hamas and Hezbollah under Russia’s supervision, ready to wipe Israel off the world map. Don’t expect peace in the Middle East—the KGB is there! Read The Global Spy Ring, January 1, 2018.” American Fascism: How Soviet Socialism is Devouring Our American Dream December 27, 2023

We are at the Putin/Biden global war against Western civilization and American Capitalism. I wasn’t surprised by the shocking events of secrecy within the Biden administration revealed in the beginning of 2024. I am writing about the Putin/Biden conspiracy against American democracy and I am proving it with the evidence. Biden’s ties with Putin started in suffocating Ukrainian democracy in 2014-2015. The Burisma actual documents are the evidence of Biden’s collusion with pro-Russian thugs, the owner of Burisma and the friend of the former pro-Russian Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovych. Biden’s quid-pro-quo statement is the best evidence of his collusion with Putin against the democratic Ukraine in 2014-2015… Conspiracy: “An agreement between two or more people to commit an illegal act, along with an intent to achieve the agreement’s goal.” Can we trust the White House ever again?

The last question should be addressed to the Democrat leadership as well, because Biden was following the Democrat’s tradition to fight American democracy. Besides, I am not sure about Biden, it could be another Democrat in the 2024 election. The death of Truman’s party and its overturn to Socialism, Stalinist Soviet Socialism is the main subject of my columns since 2017 and further. Read them to educate yourselves and see how the Dems have adapted the Stalinist Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism. Democrats believe that if they can’t control all institutions, they should destroy them, like Stalin did. For example: they are furious over the fact that they don’t control the Supreme Court and you see their constant attempt to destroy it. Living for 50 years under Soviet Socialism, I am disgusted by watching it in America and I am not alone.

“Tucker Carlson has changed since leaving Fox News, and it is not for the better. Carlson appears to have gone full-blown conspiracy, now even pushing a possible assassination attempt on Donald Trump.” Tucker Carlson Pushes Narrative of Possible Assassination of Donald Trump, By Jerry Conway, updated on January 2, 2024

Tucker Carlson on the Possibility of a Trump Assassination: ‘I Think We Should Be Prepared for Them to Do Anything’ “I mean, just chart it out. In the case of Trump, they started with protests. They moved to impeachment. Now they’re at indictment. None of it has worked. What’s next? What could possibly be next? If you felt and you really believed, and a lot of them do, that the worst thing that could happen to the country and more specifically to you in the professional class is to have Donald Trump as President. And everything you have tried has failed. And they have been accelerating steps, protests, impeachment, indictment. How many more arrows do you have in your quiver? And what’s the next one? And of course, it’s assassination…I literally don’t think they have boundaries. And I think that we should be prepared, at least psychologically, for them to do anything.”

Tucker Carlson is 100 percent right, he feels Stalinism in America, like I do. I don’t know whether he read my columns or not, but his feeling is a reality of Biden’s America. The process of America’s Sovietization began in the 20th century, it produced a result—Cancel Culture and Woke in the 21st century. The KGB’s Mafia/Army—the Evil Doer needed time. And Americans have given it to the KGB due to their goodness and ignorance. My heart bleeds watching the House Committee debates on the Hunter Contempt: Republicans were defenseless and not ready for debates. They are dealing with Socialist Charlatans not with Truman’s Democrat and unaware of that. They don’t read my columns and will lose the 2024 election. Alas! I still don’t know what legal status allowed Hunter to board Marine 1 for years…

Stalinism is alive and well in America, by Stalin’s main postulate:

“Never admit a crime committed, instead accuse your opponent of that exact crime.”  Please, recall the recent seven-eight years and the Dem’s fiasco accusing Trump collusion with Russia. They did it to cover up that exact crime they had committed following Stalinist recommendation. I’d like to give you the story that have some connection to Stalinism:

“There was a discussion between three respected men: Thomas Sowell, Mark Levin, and Victor Davis Hanson on Fox News, November 25, 2023. They were discussing Biden’s government run by the Radical Left. I was amazed, watching three of the most intelligent men in America, talking about Marxism today. Stunning by listening to them, I was still waiting for the truth. Alas, they didn’t know the truth, they didn’t know Stalinism and his ideology of Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet fascism. None of them has mentioned Russia and Globalist Putin at all. They diverted people’s attention from the actual culprit—the Russian KGB’s Mafia/Army—the Evil Doer, described by me for the last forty-two years…” American Fascism: How Soviet Socialism is Devouring Our American Dream December 27, 2023.

Today, I want to add some more to the story for your judgement:

  1. Describing Biden’s government as the Radical Left–Marxism is a big mistake. Marxism is a Theory. Biden’s government and the Radical Left have been acting in reality for years.
  2. Connecting Biden’s government to Marxism has rehabilitated “a famous murderer of the 20th century”—Joseph Stalin in his crimes against humanity. This connection also rehabilitated the Stalinist KGB’s Mafia/Army—the Evil Doer that has been spreading Soviet Fascism across the world.
  3. It is not Marxism, but Stalinism that has allowed the Democrats-Socialist Charlatans to indict Donald J. Trump in all crimes that had been committed by Biden’s Crime Family.
  4. Stalinism and his Soviet Fascism not Marxism has raised global anti-Semitism.

To be continued and at

©2024. Simona Pipko. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Constitutional Republic vs Democracy


‘Empire of God’ provides valuable lessons for today that we ignore at our peril

Here is a perceptive review of my latest book, Empire of God: How the Byzantines Saved Civilization, from my PJ Media colleague Lincoln Brown.

Book Review: Empire of God: How the Byzantines Saved Civilization

by Lincoln Brown, PJ Media, January 9, 2024:

As you may recall, toward the end of last year, some wag decided that another problem vexing society was that men spend too much time thinking about the Roman Empire. This, of course, resulted in multiple articles ridiculing the idea. And it probably got men thinking about the Roman Empire. Why someone would try to invent a tempest in a cultural tea cup over such a thing is a mystery to me. The truth is that people, not just men, fail to pay enough attention to the Roman Empire.

I do not mean the Roman Empire offered up to us in movies such as “Gladiator,” or depictions of chariot races, lascivious emperors, or legions of soldiers thumping their breastplates and shouting “Integritas!” And I do not mean the photos of ruined aqueducts and courtyards in my Latin textbooks in high school or the empire depicted in documentaries on the History Channel, back when it actually offered its viewers programs about history. This is not to say that those documentaries provided nothing of substance. But for many, their knowledge of the Roman Empire, the split between East and West, and its ultimate fall has unfortunately been limited to a paragraph or two in a world history textbook. Many believe the empire breathed its last when the Goths overran and sacked Rome in 410 or perhaps when the Western empire finally collapsed in 476. What is generally not known is that the Roman Empire, in one form or another, existed until 1453 and the fall of Constantinople.

Robert Spencer’s latest offering, “Empire of God: How the Byzantines Saved Civilization,” changes that. I ended up with a review copy when I reached out to Spencer, a PJ Media colleague, inquiring how I might get my hands on the book. I am an armchair religious scholar with an interest in history, so it is the kind of book I would have read anyway. And, if you are anything like me, you tend to cast a wary eye at the stacks in your local bookstore.

“Empire of God” is more than just a chronology of the empire. While it picks up where most history lessons leave off in terms of the empire in the East, it also details a myriad of factors that contributed to the flourishing and demise of the empire throughout its history. Of note, the Byzantines considered themselves to be Romans and rightful heirs and keepers of the empire up until the bitter end. The effects of the work the Byzantines did in preserving and refining Roman laws, economics, and education, including the preservation of classical philosophy and literature, can be felt to this very day. Our justice and our educational systems, when they work, are heirs to the Byzantine’s efforts.

There is more. Read the rest here.



Netherlands: Wilders withdraws 2018 proposal to ban mosques and the Qur’an

There is No ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ Going On in Israel

NYC: Muslim YouTube star storms Israeli café and rips down Israeli flag

Reuters and AP ‘journalists’ watched Hamas lynchings and kidnappings, urged civilians to join

‘We Know a Free Palestine is Only Possible Through Queer, Racial, Gender, Reproductive, and Environmental Justice’

NYC: Pro-Hamas mobs shut down Manhattan Bridge, Williamsburg Bridge, Brooklyn Bridge, and Holland Tunnel

Nigeria: Muslims ‘armed with deadly weapons’ storm villages, murder 41 Christians and kidnap many others

‘Palestinian’ civilians laughed as they raped and murdered an Israeli woman

RELATED VIDEO: Robert Spencer on Hamas, the Byzantine Empire, and more

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden Obsesses over January 6 as Military Extremism Study Comes up Empty

With a family-pummeling economy, the worst border crisis on record, a new war in the Middle East, and ongoing protests openly endorsing genocide against Jews, this weekend President Joe Biden decided to spend his time commemorating the third anniversary of the January 6 capitol riot with a major speech. In President Biden’s analysis, the embarrassing incident deserves to be remembered as a quasi-holiday on the order of 9/11 or the attack on Pearl Harbor, but a recent report commissioned by his own administration undercuts his chosen narrative.

Biden chose the storied ground of Valley Forge for his speech, explicitly invoking the precedent of then-General George Washington, who there shepherded his rag-tag recruits through the bleak midwinter of 1776-1777. To avoid approaching wintry weather, Biden rescheduled his speech from January 6 to January 5.

“Today, we gather in a new year, some 246 years later [than Washington’s army], just one day before January 6th, a day forever shared in our memory because it was on that day that we nearly lost America — lost it all,” orated Biden. “Three years ago tomorrow, we saw with our own eyes the violent mob storm the United States Capitol.”

What happened that day was not simply a riot, declared Biden, but an “insurrection” which “placed a dagger at the throat of American democracy.” The Department of Justice has charged more than 1,200 in connection with that day, and nearly 900 of them have been convicted, per Biden’s statistics, but not one has been charged with insurrection.

Regarding the significant number of Americans who remember the events of January 6 differently, Biden offered no attempt at persuasion or even rebuttal — merely a personal attack. These people — Donald Trump in particular — were “trying to rewrite the facts of January 6th,” nay “trying to steal history.” And make no mistake, any anniversary that provides Mr. Biden’s party with as much positive propaganda as January 6 must be considered capital-H “History.”

In the speech, Biden again raised the specter of right-wing extremism, describing the “hate,” “violence,” and “racist names” that flew on January 6. Then he directed this line at Trump in particular, “He calls those who oppose him ‘vermin.’ He talks about the blood of Americans being poisoned, echoing the same exact language used in Nazi Germany.”

Biden’s concern with right-wing extremism connected to January 6 is not new. Within two weeks of assuming office, Biden’s Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin had launched an initiative to confront “the reality that several current or former military personnel joined the rioters,” as The New York Times put it. Austin formalized this initiative in a February 5, 2021 memorandum directing commanders to conduct a “stand-down,” where service personnel would halt their other duties to “address extremism in the ranks.”

Austin followed that with another memo on April 9, 2021, which authorized a working group and an independent study on extremist behavior. The working group’s recommendations were published in December 2021, while the study, conducted by the Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA), was published in December 2023.

The 262-page IDA study reached a conclusion that, while good for America, was likely not what President Biden wanted to hear. “IDA’s review found no evidence that the number of violent extremists in the military is disproportionate to the number of violent extremists in the United States as a whole,” the 14-person study group concluded. This finding does not fit the narrative that white supremacy is an existential, militarized threat to democracy.

However, the conclusion does fit the facts. In reviewing more than 700 publicly available cases against J6 defendants, IDA found only seven or eight cases (depending on the source) against current servicemembers, only one of whom was on active-duty at the time; they also found only 73 or 107 cases (again depending on the source) against military veterans, who had been discharged, on average, 15 years earlier.

In addition to this snapshot data, IDA also investigated military court-martial opinions stretching back to 2012 and found an “extremely low number of published court-martial cases involving prohibited extremist activities.” Excluding gang-related cases, these totaled only “one case per year.”

Thus, multiple sources of data led the IDA to conclude that military personnel are not, statistically speaking, more likely to become extremists than the ordinary population — despite the Left’s devotion to that narrative. In fact, the IDA specifically rebuked this narrative as false:

“Anecdotal accounts of military participation in violent extremist events, like the events of 6 January 2021, draw public attention and may create the impression that the military has ‘an extremism problem.’ Such accounts magnify the actions of a few and provide little information on the overall scope of the problem. Moreover, these accounts [such as the NYT piece quoted above] frequently fail to differentiate between those who are currently serving in the military and those who have left the military (often many years earlier) or have been removed from the military for cause with less than honorable discharges.”

The IDA warned that a false narrative of right-wing extremism in the military, or even confusion over the definition, “could lead to a significant division in the force along political and ideological lines, with some members of the military believing that they are being targeted for their views.”

The IDA also warned that “the risk to the military from widespread polarization and division in the ranks may be a greater risk than the radicalization of a few service members,” and they urged the Department of Defense to “avoid steps that risk unnecessary polarization or division in the ranks.” Firing people for refusing the COVID vaccine is one example of unnecessary polarization.

“As Americans, service members have every right to their own opinions, including opinions that may appear extreme or even distasteful to others,” the IDA added. “Diversity of views, like diversity of race, gender, and ethnicity, is both a necessity and an asset for the Department, providing an aggregation of strengths, perspectives, and capabilities that transcend individual contributions.” However, current military leadership continues to promote left-wing ideology and chill dissent, as part of the Biden administration’s “whole-of-government” approach to promoting the LGBT agenda, DEI, and abortion.

Biden claimed in his speech to “embrace the Constitution,” “honor the sacred cause of democracy,” and defend against “Trump’s assault on democracy.” His playbook for doing so appears to involve silencing dissenting opinions, transforming the military into a domestic political weapon, putting his leading political opponent in federal prison before Election Day, and insisting that voters may only vote for one party.

“That’s going to be his strategy on the campaign because he can’t run on his record. He’s had three years of failure,” said Rep. Ron Estes (R-Kan.) on “Washington Watch.” Estes rattled off Biden’s Afghanistan debacle, his failure to deter Russia in Ukraine or Iran in the Middle East, and inflation.

Besides, “it is very hypocritical that President Biden wants to talk about threats to democracy,” argued Estes, noting how the Biden administration has treated the president’s son with kid gloves, while the “Department of Justice goes after parents because they want to make sure that their children have good education” and “go[es] after pro-life supporters just because they have a different political view. It really is an abysmal record that President Biden has, in terms of a threat to democracy.”

Meanwhile, a patchwork of states is seeking to remove the name of Biden’s top opponent from electoral ballots, based upon a crime with which that man has never been charged. In pursuit of the “deadly serious” business of defending democracy’s “sacred cause,” Biden found not a single word to condemn this anti-democratic gambit. But a one-time event, three years ago, got a whole speech. “Actually, a vote for Biden is a vote that’s a threat to democracy,” declared Estes.


Joshua Arnold

Joshua Arnold is a senior writer at The Washington Stand.

RELATED ARTICLE: Study Shows Some Good and Bad News Out of an Increasingly Divided United States


All Democrats want at the end of the day is power — Hannity

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EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

‘True’ Unemployment Rate Is Double What The Gov’t Is Telling Us, Economists Say

A large section of Americans left the workforce following the COVID-19 pandemic and have not returned, and if the workforce returned to its previous size, the unemployment rate would be nearly double, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics analyzed by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The official unemployment rate in December was 3.7%, accounting for around 6,268,000 Americans without jobs who were still looking for work, with 100,540,000 jobless people being counted as not in the labor force and therefore not being counted as unemployed despite not having a job, according to data from the BLS. In comparison, the number of people counted as not in the labor force in February 2020 was only 95 million, with around 5 million people permanently leaving the workforce following the COVID-19 pandemic, which, when added to those counted as unemployed, yields an unemployment rate of around 6.7%.

“These more accurate estimates of the true unemployment rate signal weakness in the overall economy and the labor market specifically,” E.J. Antoni, a research fellow at the Heritage Foundation’s Grover M. Hermann Center for the Federal Budget, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “They are consistent with a mild recession. The number of people on disability has exploded for three years now with a spike of millions of people. That indicates a very large portion of these unemployed workers who are missing from the labor force have simply shifted from unemployment to welfare.”

The official unemployment rate has been historically low over the past few years, dropping below 4% during the Trump administration for the first time since 2000, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (FRED). The rate briefly spiked during the COVID-19 pandemic before descending back below 4% around the start of 2022.

Labor force participation has also taken a hit following the COVID-19 pandemic, with 63.3% of Americans employed or looking for employment in February 2020, compared to 62.5% of Americans in December 2023, according to FRED. Labor force participation has declined steadily from its peak in 2000 of over 67%, stabilizing and slightly rising during the Trump administration before the COVID-19 pandemic.

“If somebody leaves the workforce, then they are not considered unemployed,” Michael Faulkender, chief economist and senior adviser for the Center for American Prosperity, told the DCNF. “There were about 700,000 people last month, according to the survey they put out last Friday, that left the workforce. Yes, so to the extent that people are not working and they’re not looking for work, the unemployment rate doesn’t grab that.”

There were 167,451,000 Americans counted in the labor force in December, less than the 168,127,000 that were counted in November, according to the BLS. The difference equates to 676,000 fewer people in the workforce in the month.

The government also heavily overreported the number of jobs in 2023 in its monthly jobs reports, later revising the numbers down. In total, the number of jobs the country had in 2023 was 749,000 lower than what was initially given.

“The expansion of many welfare programs besides disability under the Biden administration means additional people can live off the dole instead of going back to work,” Antoni told the DCNF. “That expansion has been in terms of both who is eligible and also the gratuitousness of the benefits for which people are eligible.”

The BLS directed the DCNF to the methodology used to calculate the number of people not in the workforce, which includes “retired people, students, those taking care of children or other family members, and others who are neither working nor seeking work.”





Biden Admin Releases New Labor Rule Cracking Down On Independent Contractors

Study Shows Some Good and Bad News Out of an Increasingly Divided United States

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EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Study Shows Some Good and Bad News Out of an Increasingly Divided United States

71,4% of Americans now calling for compromise and an end to gridlocked government.

NEW YORK, NY /PRNewswire/ — The Common Good Index, the annual study that tracks levels of national division and its underlying causes has been released for 2023.

Conducted in association with Emerson College, this year’s survey shows national division increasing over last year. The Common Good Index of National Division for 2022 was 70.9 while 2023’s measure rose to 71.4 but it also shows growing public pressure for compromise.

Nearly three-quarters (71%) of citizens prefer compromise to governmental paralysis. A desire for compromise prevailed across all parties including Democrats (77%), Independents (71%), and Republicans (68%). 86% of respondents also believe that those with whom they disagree politically are, at the very least, “good and honest people.”

79% of the country supports laws to protect the rights of all voters and 80% would support a nationwide civics education program in schools focused on American history, principles, and the responsibilities of citizenship.

Most residents (58%), support an independent, bipartisan redistricting of Congressional Districts to stop the manipulation of districts to benefit single parties.

But all the news is not good.

  • 79% say the country is more divided than last year.
  • 71% believe the greatest threat to the country is internal rather than external.
  • Two-thirds (65%) believe that “our government is so divided that it is no longer effective.”
  • More than three-quarters (76%) believe that “most politicians promote and encourage national division” out of self-interest.
  • 77% of respondents view disinformation from social and news media as a “very” or “somewhat serious” threat to the survival of American democracy.
  • 72% believe that national division poses a threat to our democracy- an 11-point jump over last year’s study.
  • 56% say political correctness or “wokeness” is a major source of national division.
  • 61% say society is so divided, they are sometimes afraid to express an opinion.
  • 44% are not sure our democracy will survive the next decade and 20% say it will not.
  • 59% of Americans have family and friends with whom they can no longer discuss politics.
  • While 70% believe political violence is rarely or never justified, those 18-29 are far more accepting of political violence with 55% saying violence is always, often or sometimes justified.

“We cannot just ignore or wish away the division that saps our nation’s cohesion and our ability to move the country forward,” said Patricia Duff, founder of The Common Good. “There’s a bit of hope in our findings that people are tired of the bickering, extreme positions and political infighting, and, instead, would favor more compromise in addressing our problems and a greater emphasis on the shared values that bind us all as Americans.”

Get more details on this year’s results click here.

About The Common Good

The Common Good strives to inspire broad participation in our democracy through the free exchange of ideas and civil dialogue and seeks to find ways to bridge the growing divisions that threaten our nation.

©2024. Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

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Epstein Accuser Virginia Giuffre ‘Never Saw’ Trump ‘Participate’ In Anything Involving Jeffrey Epstein, Docs Show

Prominent Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre said former President Donald Trump did not partake in deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s sex crimes, newly unsealed documents show.

Giuffre sat for a deposition in January 2016 as part of litigation between Guiffre’s attorneys and former Epstein defense attorney Alan Dershowitz that was settled in April 2016, the New York Times reported. Giuffre cleared the air on whether Trump witnesses sexual abuse of minors, according to a newly released transcript.


“I don’t think Donald Trump participated in anything. That would have to be another assumption. I never saw or witnessed Donald Trump participate in those acts, but was he in the house of Jeffrey Epstein. I’ve heard he has been, but I haven’t seen him myself so I don’t know,” Giuffre testified.

Trump’s name appears on Epstein’s flight logs and his last trip with Epstein appears to have taken place in 1997, the New York Post reported.

Johanna Sjoberg, an Epstein victim deposed during the litigation, recalled going to one of Trump’s casinos and said she never massaged Trump, a transcript of her deposition released Wednesday shows.

“Did you ever massage Donald Trump?”

“No,” she replied.

The court documents from Giuffre’s lawsuit against Maxwell began to be released Wednesday after federal judge Loretta Preska ordered in December for them to be unsealed. Maxwell is currently in prison for sex crimes she committed alongside Epstein.

More documents are expected to be released on a rolling basis by the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

Former President Bill Clinton, disgraced Prince Andrew, deceased model scout Jean-Luc Brunel, deceased pop singer Michael Jackson, deceased physicist Stephen Hawking and business mogul Tom Pritzker are among the marquee names in the court documents.

Epstein died in August 2019 as he awaited trial for sex trafficking charges.



Investigative reporter. James Lynch can be reached on Twitter @jameslynch32.


Judge Loretta Preska Orders Epstein Island Images To Be Redacted After Court Accidentally Releases Them

Ghislaine Maxwell Dodged Deposition In Epstein Case To Attend Chelsea Clinton’s Wedding, Epstein Docs Show

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘Before all hell breaks loose’

It’s time for American Jews to put their scruples aside and learn the responsible use of firearms.

As I write this, Israel continues to mourn its deaths and fight its enemies. At the same time, the full extent of Hamas’s savagery has been revealed.

Some of the world supports and empathizes with Israel, but much of it continues to demonize Israel and all Jews. Meanwhile, the so-called “social justice warriors”— both Jewish and non-Jewish – are rightfully being chastised for their unfathomable moral obtuseness.

Recently, the president of a Detroit synagogue was murdered, possibly by a “lone wolf” Muslim terrorist. Violent anti-Israel protests have taken place in Brooklyn and Rhode Island. Muslim children in Philadelphia are chanting, “We will chop off their heads!” Absurdly, the White House press secretary’s answer to a question about rising antisemitism mainly focused on the safety of Muslims.

Clearly, Jews have been put on notice. We are experiencing what the Passover Haggadah warned us of: In every generation, there are those who seek our destruction.

The question is: How will this generation respond? Of course, it will respond with official outrage, sermons from the pulpit, letters to legislators, vigils, rallies, renewed calls for educational programs and dialogue with our foes.

But there is one way to respond that American Jews have avoided. They should avoid it no longer.

The time has come for American Jews to learn and become proficient in the defensive use of firearms.

For 2,000 years, armed resistance against antisemitic violence was not possible. Jews responded to it mostly by calling upon God to redeem them. But at the same time, they believed that their suffering was the consequence of their own covenantal unfaithfulness.

With the birth of modern Zionism, this changed. Zionism advocated replacing the mindset of passive victimhood with pro-active, optimistic self-redemption.

Given the violent Jew hatred of the time, Jews learned that self-redemption included the need to learn self-defense. After almost two millennia, there was a renewed focus on the Talmudic dictum, “When someone comes to kill you, rise up to kill him first.”The world once again saw the phenomenon of “the armed Jew.” This Jew understood that, in a world seeking to annihilate him, self-determination meant the necessary, albeit regrettable, use of weapons.

Today, self-defense is virtually tattooed on to Israel’s psyche, a sine qua non of its survival. This concept of Jewishself-defense was gloriously realized in 1967. It inspired the slogan “Never Again” and has been invoked often over the past 75 years, especially during recent events. Following the 1973 Yom Kippur War, singer/author Kinky Friedman composed a song with the unforgettable refrain: “They ain’t a-makin’ Jews like Jesus anymore/We don’t turn the other cheek the way we done before.”

Yet many American Jews who shep naches at the sight of Jews with guns in Israel have been the very people who believe that Jews “packing heat” in synagogue is anathema.

What accounts for this disconnect? Why is a community that honors the warrior King David and prays for the arrival of his descendant, the Messiah, crippled by an acute case of hoplophobia (fear of weapons)? Why do Jews who celebrate Hannukah, commemorating an armed rebellion that ensured the survival of Judaism, have attitudes about the use of force that are so at odds with those of the Maccabees?

One explanation is that American Jews do not see guns as tools for self-preservation but as a source of goyishe naches (what makes gentiles happy) or an a priori evil. Perhaps these are vestiges of a “morally virtuous” Diaspora victim mindset.

Another explanation is politics. Most American Jews still vote “left of center” and many if not most have assimilated the left’s attitudes about guns and gun ownership.

Perhaps both explanations are accurate.

But if the synagogue attacks in Pittsburgh, Poway and Colleyville and the violence against individual Jews in northeastern cities didn’t change their minds, surely the events of the past couple of weeks—and what may yet occur in this country—should be the “wake up call” for American Jews. The time has come to abandon the “virtue” of noble victimhood and join our Israeli brothers and sisters in embracing the lesson that when someone comes to kill you, kill him first.

Fortunately, many American Jews are doing just that. The scales have fallen from their eyes since Oct. 7. They believed their goodhearted friends and all goodhearted people would naturally side with Israel. They now feel betrayed by many of those “friends” who have embraced “moral equivalence” or deafening silence. Jews who had been adamantly “anti-gun” are now realizing that “hope and good will” is not a plan. They are beginning to understand that learning how to protect themselves with force is necessary, if regrettable.

In cities all over the country, Jews are purchasing firearms and learning how to use them responsibly. In the Jewish communities of Chicago and Los Angeles, there are long-standing organizations that not only work with law enforcement to provide security for Jewish institutions, but also train individual Jews in situational awareness and responsible firearm use. In other cities, Jews have formed “gun clubs,” emphasizing self-defense as a mitzvah. One organization made up largely of Orthodox Jews is known as “Group 1441,” taking its name from Psalm 144:1: “Blessed is the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for battle and my fingers for war.”

Nonetheless, encouraging responsible firearm training remains a “hard sell” in American Jewish institutions. Focusing on the protection offered by law enforcement, rabbis and lay leaders remain doubtful and skittish about laypeople bringing guns into their venues. They are clearly wrong. Given what we are witnessing daily, Jewish communal organizations must concentrate on ways to help individual Jews become more proactive in protecting themselves.

Jewish institutions, synagogues and Jewish federations need to provide programs and classes on basic self-defense to their constituents, including situational awareness, martial arts, “stop-the- bleed” and firearms training classes. Taking a cue from the rabbinic dictum that children should be taught how to swim lest they drown, the time has come for Jewish schools to make it possible for their older students to learn defensive gun use so they don’t “drown.”

In another song, Kinky Friedman sings: “Now it’s time for the chosen ones to choose/Before all hell breaks loose.”

Israelis have made their choice. What will we in the Diaspora choose “before all hell breaks loose”?

This column originally appeared in the Jewish News Syndicate.

©2024. Rabbi Cary Kozberg. All rights reserved.

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Predictions 2024: In need of divine intervention and extra resolve

“Good Lord, get us through this…just this once…and I swear we’ll be good.“

I like history and reading about wars, chaos, and tumultuous times. But it’s better when it’s happening to others, ideally centuries ago.

This will be a rough year.

Team Biden was “the adults” who were going to use “intensive diplomacy” to fix the mess Donald Trump supposedly made of America’s foreign relations.

And now three years later the United States is dealing with two wars – in Ukraine and Gaza. Maybe 2.5 wars if you consider the Iranian proxies, the Houthis, shooting up the Red Sea while the US Navy tries to swat down their missiles.

That’s a lot of distraction.


Xi Jinping must be sorely tempted to make his move in East Asia. It’s clearly on his mind, given he started the New Year by saying China and Taiwan will “surely be reunified” [aka China will take over Taiwan].

The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has been preparing for decades to take Taiwan. It is a capable military, knows the target, and has a fifth column on the island.

Beijing will calibrate based on Taiwan’s January 13, 2024, elections. If Taiwan’s (widely considered more pro-Beijing) opposition wins or takes control of the legislature, Xi may hold off a bit to see what it will deliver. However, the Chinese Communists’ objective remains overt and unchanged.

Xi Jinping told President Joe Biden as much when they met in November 2023. Either help us get Taiwan “peacefully” or we’ll get it another way. We’re not waiting forever.

‘China Hands’ Biding Time

However, the  “China hands” are deflating the threat. It’s the same old litany. “Xi wouldn’t dare.” “The PLA’s not ready.” Or, at worst, as claimed by a retired US Navy 4-star, whose Asia experience is rather thin, we have a 10-year “grace period” before China is ready or willing to move.

Something is abnormal about this. As if they are buying time while setting up Taiwan for handover to the Chinese Communist Party. Sure, once it happens there’ll be plenty of tutting, condemnation, and even “profound concern” (and a few “no one could have foreseen it”). But nothing much else.

Can’t risk World War III, you know. And we just don’t have the forces anyway.

Wall Street and the Quislings who gave Xi (of Uyghur concentration camps, human organ harvesting, and strangling Hong Kong) two standing ovations at dinner in San Francisco last November, will insist we restore the status quo.

Or as Tony Blinken ( “Neville Chamberlain with an iPad”) said after the Chinese spy balloon flew, unmolested by Team Biden, over the United States last year,  “That chapter should be closed.”

And it’s not just Taiwan.


The Filipinos have stuck their necks out by publicly defending their maritime territory over the last year. The Chinese have warned them repeatedly and are about to hammer them.

The Americans are talking a good game, but don’t seem willing to do what would really help. That is, send the US Navy and Air Force to accompany Philippine boats trying to protect their country.

Manila saw something similar happen in 2012 when China took Scarborough Shoal. It’s Philippine territory under international law – as the Permanent Court of Arbitration confirmed in 2016.

In 2012, the Chinese bamboozled the head of the State Department’s East Asian and Pacific Affairs Bureau. His name is still mud in the Philippines.

He will soon be the Assistant Secretary of State (I’m not making this up). The Filipinos are worried that the Americans just might leave them hanging out to dry once again.

They have reason to worry.

Originally published by Japan-Forward

Read more.


Grant Newsham

EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Learning to Shoot and Not Drown

In the Talmud, Tractate Kiddushin (29a), we learn: “The father is bound in respect of his son to circumcise, redeem (if the son is a first-born), teach him Torah, marry him off, and teach him a craft. There are those who say: to also teach him to swim. Why “teach him to swim”? The commentator Rashi explains that this is in case he is ever on a ship that is sinking, he will be in less danger of drowning.

As a parent and grandparent, I’m certainly in the company of “those who say”. But in light of the violence targeting Jews in Europe and now here in the States, as well as the continuing tirades against Jews spewed by radicals on both sides of the political and religious spectrums, I am also in the company of “those who say” that the responsibility to teach survival skills to our children should be expanded. I would amend the text to read: “And some say to also teach a child both armed and unarmed self-defense skills.” The accompanying commentary would read: “to also teach a child both armed and unarmed self-defense skills. Lest he/she be in a place where his/her life is suddenly in mortal danger from a violent person. With this in mind, our Sages have taught: ‘if someone comes to kill you, kill him first’ (Sanhedrin 72a).”

Over 28,000 deaths and myriads of wounded due to wars and ongoing terrorist attacks have taught the citizens of Israel the tragic truth of this lesson. Decades before the State was founded, Jews living in Eretz Yisrael realized that self-defense was a sine qua non to their existence. After the State was founded, this affirmation was fueled by the memory of the ashes of Auschwitz, which were still warm in 1948. Through the years, Holocaust awareness created the slogan “Never Again”—now part of contemporary Jewish jargon. But for Israeli Jews, it’s not just a slogan. Rather, it is the existential “equal” sign in the equation “self-defense=existence”. Without ambivalence, they know: if we don’t fight back, we die.

But despite the lessons Israel’s experience should have taught us, “ambivalence” aptly describes how much of the American Jewish Community still feels about Jews fighting back against those who wish to harm us. With a 13% increase in violent anti-Semitic incidents worldwide and 100 of these in the US alone (including 13 American Jews dead so far this year), American Jews may be united in declaring “never again”, but we are far from united in how to insure that those words remain a certainty. Indeed, the American Jews who nod in approval upon seeing young Israelis shlepping rifles around the streets of Jerusalem even when dressed in civilian clothes are often the very same Jews who recoil from the very idea of American Jews “packing heat”, especially in synagogue.

What accounts for this “disconnect”? Why does learning to protect ourselves from our enemies cause such unease in a community that honors the warrior king David and prays for the messianic coming of his descendant? How is it that Jews who annually celebrate Hannukah, commemorating an armed rebellion that insured the survival of Judaism, have attitudes so at odds with those of that rebellion’s leader–the priest Mattathias– who chided his fellow Jews that they must fight to defend themselves, even on the Sabbath? How is it that we reverently recall the heroism of the Warsaw Ghetto defenders on Holocaust Remembrance Day, yet can opine that today’s Nazi-imitating attackers are not evil, but merely maladjusted or ignorant? And why do we believe that our heart-felt pronouncements of “love trumps hate”—expressed most recently this past Yom Hashoa and in the aftermath of Pittsburgh and Poway– will alone protect us?

This last question is part of the problem itself. It was once said that the Holocaust was supposed to end Jew-hatred. Seven decades later, it has not disappeared, but has morphed into new virulent forms. Public statements, op-ed pieces, and interfaith vigils are all well-meaning and necessary. But they are clearly not enough.

Another reason for this “disconnect” is how American Jews generally view guns: that they are a priori evil. Despite the opinion of experts that signs prohibiting guns make worship venues more vulnerable to shooters who look for soft targets, these Jews prefer that synagogues still post such signs,. There are also those who may not view guns as evil per se, but still see them as an example of what was once called “goyishe naches”– things that only gentiles enjoy. And for Jews who lean left politically (as so many do), these attitudes are strengthened when guns are associated with political attitudes that they hold as anathema.

It often follows then that, should the community need the protection of armed security, it is better to leave it exclusively to “the professionals”. Rather than promote self-defense in our own ranks like our Israeli brethren, the conventional wisdom is: better to leave it to mercenaries (!) so we don’t get our own hands shmutzik (dirty).

But, invoking again the phrase “there are others who say”: without a robust approach to self-protection to supplement educational and diplomatic efforts, sentiments of goodwill toward others will ultimately be just bromides.

Think of fire safety. No one disagrees that knowledge of fire safety and fire prevention is a necessity even though statistically, fires rarely occur. But should a fire suddenly break out, knowledge of prevention is no longer the point: it won’t prevent the fire itself from spreading. Between the time the fire department is called and the time it arrives, the fire will need to be contained by “non-professionals” in whatever ways available. In such emergencies (think Pittsburgh and Poway), the persons who are present need to know how to effectively respond. The first responders may be minutes away, but it’s the seconds that count.

Those who advocate that synagogue security be left exclusively to “the professionals” forget that the professionals are not superheroes– just humans like the rest of us. Every law enforcement officer who carries a firearm had to be trained and is required to maintain competence with that firearm. It is part of their “continuing education”. Why should competence with firearms not be part of our Jewish “continuing education”, if only because it is immoral to expect others to risk their lives for our safety, if we are not prepared to take any risk at all?

But there is another compelling reason why wherever it is legally possible, Jews should learn responsible firearms use. Why does the Talmud teach “if someone comes to kill you, kill him first”? Because our lives are sacred. We are their stewards, and therefore have a responsibility to their Owner to protect them. The commandment hee-shamair l’kha u’shmor et nafsh’kha/take utmost care and guard yourselves (Deut. 4:9) makes use of a firearm in self-defense or in defense of others indeed a sacred act. Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein understood this—which is why he made sure a gun and a responsible person were ready…just in case. How many more lives would have been lost had that not been the case?

However, more Jews are coming around to this way of thinking. Individuals are seeking proper training and groups like Guns n’Moses, Glocks and Bagels, and Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership can be found on social media. Resonating with the biblical teaching “a living dog is better than a dead lion” (Ecclesiastes 9:4), these Jews believe that living their lives is better than others delivering eulogies about their lives.

In the Book of Exodus, the Israelites find themselves between Pharaoh’s chariots and the sea. They cry to Moses that it would have been better to remain slaves than to die, as they believe they will. Moses responds by telling them to stand by and watch G-d’s deliverance. G-d responds: “Why do you cry out to Me? Tell the Israelites to go forward!”

It is a good bet that we will not experience the sort of dramatic rescue our ancestors experienced. But like them, a question and a risk confronts us: will we Jews in the Diaspora stand by and wait, or will we jump in? Will we avoid the water and possibly let others drown us? Or will we move forward?

Kinky Friedman once observed, “it’s time for the chosen ones to choose”. Our Israeli brothers and sisters have made their choice. How will we in the Diaspora choose?

This column originally appeared in The Times of Israel.

©2024. Rabbi Cary Kozberg. All rights reserved.

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Sympathy for J6 Protestors Growing amid Election Integrity Concerns

Nearly half of Americans believe the U.S. Capitol protestors on January 6, 2021, had a point. According to a new Suffolk University/USA Today poll, a combined total of 43% of registered voters agreed that Capitol protestors “had a point,” with 37% of respondents adding that the protestors “went too far.”

Suffolk’s analysis of the data said “sympathy” had increased for the protestors, noting, “Only 48% of voters overall said they thought the rioters were ‘criminals,’ a significant drop from the 70% of voters who thought so in a Suffolk survey conducted just weeks after [January 6].” Suffolk added, “Those who agreed that ‘they went too far, but they had a point’ rose to 37% from 24%, and 6% called their actions ‘appropriate,’ when in 2021 just 2% did.”

Additionally, nearly a third (32%) of respondents stated that the criminal charges leveled against over 700 protestors are “inappropriate and should be reversed.” Over 1,200 protestors have been charged for their participation in the events at the Capitol, with over 745 defendants having been sentenced already. Republicans have been critical of the Biden administration’s treatment of protestors. After visiting a prison where protestors were held in custody, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) called the protestors “political prisoners of war” and attested that their treatment was “abuse.” Greene also explained that prisoners are being kept in solitary confinement, asserting:

“They have been beaten by the guards [and] they are called white supremacist. They are denied religious services, haircuts, shaving, the ability to trim their fingernails. There’s more outrageous things happening there. They’re denied time with their attorneys. They are denied the ability to even see their families and have their families visit there. They are denied bail and being held there without bail.”

In November, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-La.) made public hundreds of hours of previously-unreleased video footage of the January 6 Capitol events, which included footage of police officers opening doors for protestors and guiding them down hallways. A Washington Post/University of Maryland poll released earlier this week showed that a quarter of American adults believe the FBI was involved in either instigating or organizing the breach of the Capitol building, including 13% of Democrats.

The Suffolk University/USA Today poll also reported that less than half (43%) of Americans are confident “that the results of the 2024 election will be accurately counted and reported,” while 27% are “not confident.” Additionally, 31% of respondents stated that Joe Biden was not legitimately elected president in 2020. This follows a report that one in five mail-in voters admitted to committing fraud in the 2020 election, as well as numerous reports on the federal government skirting the Constitution to censor Americans’ political speech.


S.A. McCarthy

S.A. McCarthy serves as a news writer at The Washington Stand.

RELATED VIDEO: Jan 6 “Pipe Bomb” Truth with Darren Beattie

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

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