BEDLAM: Jew-Hating Pro-Hamas Rioters Attack Police As They Storm DNC Headquarters

All U.S. House and Senate Buildings On Lockdown, Police Injured

All house office buildings are locked down. No exit or entry due to pro-Hamas demonstration on Capitol Hill.

They are fighting with the police outside of the Democratic National Committee Headquarters in Washington D.C.

The rioters reportedly tried entering the DNC building but were stopped by police.



WEAPONS. HOSTAGES. BENEATH A HOSPITAL: Hamas and Islamic Jihad Stockpiling Weapons, Holding Hostages in Gaza Hospitals

BBC Forced to Apologize for Another Inaccurate Report on IDF in Gaza, Admits They LIED and Falsely Made Claims Against IDF (Again)

Jew-Hating Bus Drivers Refused to Drive Jews to Pro-Israel Rally in DC, “Deliberate and Malicious Walkout,” Leaving Them on Tarmac at Dulles for 11 Hours

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Scientist Tied To Wuhan Lab Now Using Taxpayer Cash To Do Bat Ebola Experiments In America, Watchdog Finds

A group of scientists tied to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) are now using taxpayer cash to import bats and perform Ebola experiments in the U.S., the Daily Caller has learned.

According to a Daily Mail report, a new lab, funded by U.S. taxpayers, is being built in Colorado that will import bats from around the world to experiment on dangerous diseases. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) granted Colorado State University (CSU) $6.7 million to build a new bat lab in partnership with EcoHealth Alliance (EHA). This is despite House and Senate Republicans calling on the NIH to terminate federal funding to EcoHealth, which has for years funneled taxpayer money to the WIV.

The Caller has also learned that in late September 2023, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) gave CSU and EHA another $1.7M towards the establishment of the CSU breeding facility and construction of the bat lab.

Greg Ebel, a CSU virologist and project leader for the bat research facility said in July: “This isn’t a bat COVID lab. It’s not a bioweapons lab. We’re not working with Ebola or Nipah virus or any of these things. I’m not interested in losing my job or going to jail or interested in doing research that’s going to carry home pathogens to my wife or my child. Those kinds of things are beyond ridiculous.”

However, the project description for the September 2023 NIH grant for the CSU/EHA bat lab states the bat lab would be used specifically to study those pathogens. The grant was uncovered by White Coat Waste Project (WCW), a taxpayer watchdog organization, and shared first with the Daily Caller.

“We will capture horseshoe bats and Indian flying foxes, respective reservoir hosts of Nipah virus and SARS-related coronaviruses, in Bangladesh where they will be quarantined and provided veterinary care as they adapt to captivity. Bats will be shipped to CSU to establish the breeding colonies as a resource for investigators who study these viruses… Finally, we will perform experimental infection studies of Nipah virus, SARS-CoV-2 and the SARS-related coronavirus, RaTG13,” the description states.

Another document obtained by WCW from a 2022 CSU Board of Governors meeting shows that CSU will be doing Ebola experiments on these bats in conjunction with NIAID’s Rocky Mountain Lab.


(DAILY CALLER OBTAINED) — … by Henry Rodgers

Click here to read the Daily Caller Obtained Benefits of the Project.

The new project has lawmakers who have called to prohibit federal funding to EHA concerned.

“The world just lived through a once-in-a-century pandemic, likely caused by a lab leak involving risky research on bat coronaviruses, funded in part by NIH. Instead of pausing to reflect on this, NIH continues sponsoring similar experiments on bat coronaviruses—with some of the same mad scientists who collaborated with China’s Wuhan Institute — right here in America! You would have to be blind as a bat to think this is a good idea. NIH needs to take a timeout from funding these batty studies before history repeats itself,” Iowa Republican Sen. Joni Ernst told the Caller.

In 2022, Ernst introduced legislation that would prohibit federal funding to EcoHealth Alliance. The bill stipulates that “[n]o funds authorized or appropriated by Federal law may be made available for any purpose to EcoHealth Alliance, Inc, including any subsidiaries and related organizations that are directly controlled by EcoHealth Alliance, Inc.”

“Experts agree that COVID was caused by Dr. Fauci’s bat coronavirus experiments in Wuhan and we can’t let the NIH ramp up this risky and unnecessary animal research on our shores. I’m leading efforts to make sure Americans’ hard-earned tax dollars aren’t flowing to EcoHealth Alliance and gain-of-function research that can lead to a pandemic or be exploited for a bioterrorist attack,” Florida Republican Rep. Greg Steube told the Caller.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, who served as a director of NIAID, has repeatedly testified to Congress that the U.S. government has not funded gain-of-function research at the WIV, from which proponents of the lab-leak theory believe COVID-19 escaped. The WIV received U.S. taxpayer dollars via a NIAID sub-grant to EcoHealth Alliance.

EHA provided $600,000 in the form of NIH subgrants to the Wuhan lab between 2014 and 2019 to study bat-based coronaviruses.

“After what we exposed in Wuhan, giving the disgraced EcoHealth Alliance and its cronies millions more of our tax money to traffic infected wild bats from Asia to US animal labs for dangerous virus experiments is a recipe for disaster.  We first uncovered how EcoHealth and Fauci shipped tax dollars to the Wuhan lab for reckless bat virus-hunting and gain-of-function experiments that violated federal policy and that the FBI and others believe caused COVID.  Now, we’ve documented how boneheaded bureaucrats at the NIH, Pentagon and other federal agencies are bankrolling another EcoHealth bat lab that risks prompting a pandemic right here at home,” Justin Goodman, Senior Vice President of the White Coat Waste Project told the Caller.

“We’re working with Congress right now to curtail wasteful government spending on virus-hunting and animal experiments by EcoHealth and others that can cause lab leaks and create bioweapons. The solution is simple. Stop the money. Stop the madness,” Goodman added.

The Caller contacted NIH and NIAID about the lab and plans for experiments to which they did not immediately respond.



Chief national correspondent. Follow Henry Rodgers On Twitter.


‘Misled The American Public’ — House Republicans Press Fauci Over Gain-Of-Function Research

House, Senate Republicans Demand Agencies Terminate Grant Funding To EcoHealth

As Lab Leak Theory Leaves The Realm Of Fringe Conspiracy, Republicans Consider Next Steps

Sen. Joni Ernst Introduces Legislation To Prohibit Federal Funding To EcoHealth Alliance

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden Admin Doubles Down On Climate Cooperation With China As Xi’s Economy Goes On Coal Binge

The Biden administration announced on Tuesday that it is doubling down on efforts to work with China on climate change.

The State Department unveiled a comprehensive strategy reaffirming the administration’s commitment to taking on climate change as a global problem alongside China, even during a time of rocky relations between the two nations and clear signs that China may not be inclined to ditch fossil fuels anytime soon. The countries are on the same page regarding emissions reduction targets and strategies, cooperation through international institutions, subnational agreements and numerous other specific topics, according to the State Department.

China permitted an average of two coal-fired power plants per week in 2022, according to NPR, and their climate envoy said in September that the complete elimination of fossil fuel energy is an “unrealistic” goal. Nevertheless, the Biden administration is committed to working with China to reduce numerous classes of emissions, including methane and nitrogen oxides, both of which are associated with coal.

Both countries welcome subnational agreements focused on climate, such as those reached by Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom and representatives of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), according to the State Department. Additionally, the countries are jointly committed to turning back forest loss, reducing plastic pollution and rapidly developing green energy generation sources.

Tuesday’s agreement on climate stands as one of several tentative deals reached this week between the two countries. On Wednesday, President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping agreed to halt the production of illicit fentanyl and resume inter-military communications in California during their first meeting in a year.

Notably, the State Department announcement also alludes to a joint plan to hold “a high-level event on subnational climate action” at some point in the first half of next year.

The two countries also committed to working together to keep United Nations average temperature targets in reach in ways that “[reflect] equity and the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, in light of different national circumstances,” according to the announcement. China is technically a developing nation in the eyes of the United Nations, despite being by far the world’s leading emitter of greenhouse gases and its status as the world’s second-largest economy, and it appears unwilling to pay into the so-called “loss and damages” fund, a de facto international climate reparations program by which rich countries would pay developing, poorer countries for the impacts of climate change.

The “loss and damages” program is poised to be a major topic of discussion at the upcoming United Nations climate conference, which itself is another point of collaboration between Washington and Beijing, according to the announcement.

The State Department did not respond immediately to a request for comment.





Biden Admin Approved Huge Loan To Green Company As It Was Allegedly Defrauding Investors. Now Its Stock Is Tanking

Biden’s Energy Secretary Says ‘We Can All Learn From China’ On Climate Policy

‘Obvious Violation Of Federal Law’: Forthcoming Litigation Could Gum Up America’s Largest-Ever Offshore Wind Farm

Organizer With Deep CCP Ties Helped Bus Hundreds Into San Francisco To Welcome Chinese Dictator

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact

The Fed Is ‘Chasing Its Own Tail’ On Inflation, And The Housing Market Is Paying The Price, Expert Says

A guest essay published in The New York Times on Tuesday finally pointed a finger at a major culprit behind the housing crisis: The Federal Reserve.

The essay was written by Westwood Capital Investment bank’s managing partner Daniel Alpert, and detailed his take on the Fed’s “relentless attack on inflation” which he thinks is jeopardizing the market. Alpert decries the Fed’s decision to raise key federal funds policy interest rate to a level 22 times what it had been in the year and a half prior.

In normal times, this type of action would make mortgages insanely expensive for homeowners and make homes a lot cheaper, which limits spending power. But Alpert rightly notes these aren’t normal times. As mortgage rates skyrocketed from around three percent to the near eight percent it is now, it caused a catastrophe for the housing market.

Homeowners with good interest rates don’t want to move. And new buyers don’t want to get locked into an overpriced home at a high interest rate. So we have “both a mobility and an inventory crisis,” as Alpert put it.

Housing has helped ensure the cost of just about everything has increased in 2023. “It is an irony that the Fed’s effort to tamp down inflation is causing an increase in core inflation measures,” Alpert notes. “And while the Fed is chasing its own tail, other avenues for controlling inflation have weakened considerably as a result of the unique circumstances surrounding the pandemic.”

The pandemic allowed for Americans to increase their savings rates. And many businesses were locked into cheap financing. So, what happens next?

Alpert thinks the Fed should declare victory and give up on its target of two percent. But the likelihood of that is low. Instead, Alpert wants the Fed to halt and then reverse policies related to mortgage securities and Quantitative Tightening. In layman’s terms, the Fed has to reduce the cost of mortgages or we’re doomed.



News and commentary writer.


REPORT: Real Estate Downturn Could Destroy More Than 300 Banks

Owner Of California Biolab Tied To Chinese Government And Military, House Report Finds

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘Complicated’: Over 100 Harvard Faculty Defend ‘From The River To The Sea’

Over 100 Harvard faculty members signed a letter saying the phrase “from the river to the sea” is “complicated” in response to the president’s recent statement on antisemitism.

Harvard President Claudine Gay wrote multiple statements about the antisemitism on campus following backlash from donors and fire from former grads about her response to antisemitism on campus after the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attacks, including a new statement on Thursday denouncing the phrase “from the river to the sea,” which has genocidal implications. A letter signed by many Harvard faculty members claimed that “pressure from donors” is racist and that condemning the phrase “from the river to the sea” is the wrong decision.

“As Harvard faculty, we have been astonished by the pressure from donors, alumni, and even some on this campus to silence faculty, students, and staff critical of the actions of the State of Israel. It is important to acknowledge the patronizing tone and format of much of the criticism you have received as well as the outright racism contained in some of it,” the letter reads.

‘The signatories are the usual suspects from the anti Israel woke hard left. Their one sided screed is part of the problem, not part of any reasonable resolution. I doubt that many of them would sign a letter in support of the free speech of such ‘complex ‘ issues as racism, sexism, homophobia or Islamophobia. Their double standard against Israel is obvious,” former Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz, told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Student protests across the U.S. have used the phrase “from the river to the sea” as well as other anti-Israel slogans. Harvard University, Columbia University and the University of Pennsylvania implemented antisemitism task forces to address antisemitism on campus following the Hamas terrorist attacks.

Democratic Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib previously reposted a tweet with the phrase “From the river to the sea” and has made other anti-Israel comments. The House voted to censure Tlaib on Nov. 7 over anti-Israel comments made following the terrorist attacks.

“The phrase ‘from the river to the sea, Palestine must be free’ has a long and complicated history. Its interpretation deserves, and is receiving, sustained and ongoing inquiry and debate,” the letter reads.

The letter goes on to call the choice to denounce the phrase “imprudent” and a misjudged “act of moral leadership.” “It might be framed in the language of liberation, but it calls for the destruction of Israel,” professor Norman Goda, Norman and Irma Braman Professor of Holocaust Studies at the University of Florida, told the DCNF.

Harvard did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.





MEF Investigation Exposes Hamas Funders in America

Biden Admin Unveils New Tools To Counter Antisemitism, Islamophobia In Schools

Elite Universities That Are Hotbeds For Pro-Hamas Activism Got Billions In Federal Grants, Tax Benefits

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact

Trump Asks For Mistrial In Civil Fraud Case Due To ‘Tangible And Overwhelming’ Evidence Of Bias

Former President Donald Trump filed for a mistrial Wednesday in his New York civil fraud case, citing “tangible and overwhelming” evidence of bias.

Trump’s 30-page motion alleges that Judge Arthur Engoron engaged in extrajudicial activities “publically commenting” in the trial and is impremissably “co-judging” with his law clerk Allison Greenfield, who is involved with “extensive, public partisan activities.” He also attacked the gag orders Engoron issued barring Trump and other parties from speaking publicly about members of his staff as being imposed to prevent these issues from “becoming public.”

“Such evidence, coupled with an unprecedented departure from standard judicial procedure, has tainted these proceedings and a mistrial is warranted,” his lawyers said. “Specifically, the Court’s own conduct, coupled with the Principal Law Clerk, Allison Greenfield’s (“Principal Law Clerk”) unprecedented role in the trial and extensive, public partisan activities, would cause even a casual observer to question the Court’s partiality.”

“Thus, only the grant of a mistrial can salvage what is left of the rule of law,” the motion continues.

Engoron imposed a gag order on Trump in early October after he made a Truth Social post referencing Greenfield as Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s “girlfriend.” The judge subsequently imposed $5,000 and $10,000 fines for violations of the order.

“The gag orders and the enforcement thereof reveal the Court has christened itself camera stellata: judge, jury, and executioner, proceeding sua sponte to act against President Trump in violation of the Constitution, the Judiciary Law, and First Department rules,” Trump’s lawyers argue. “This Star Chamber approach is particularly indefensible when the gag orders actually shield the Court itself from public criticism for perceived bias —one of the most fundamental rights under the First Amendment.”

Greenfield, he notes, donated more than “3,000 to Democrat candidates and organizations in 2022 and over $900 in 2023,” which is above the $500 permitted for court staff in a single year. He took issue with Engoron allowing her to “preside on the bench with him to his right-hand side” during all proceedings.

Trump also alleged that Engoron’s public posting of links to articles “disparaging parties and counsel” on the Wheatley School newsletter he maintains violate the Code of Judicial Conduct’s prohibition on commenting publicly about a pending case.

While testifying on the witness stand earlier this month, Trump slammed the case as a “political witch hunt” and derided Engoron’s earlier ruling that he had deceived banks and insurance companies by inflating the value of his net worth as “fraudulent.”




RELATED ARTICLE: ‘Political Witch Hunt’: Trump Rails Against Judge, NY Attorney General On Witness Stand

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All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact

Law Enforcement Exposes Elite Prostitution Ring

Law enforcement officials are exposing a sex-trafficking ring that allegedly counted politicians, military brass, Big Tech, and Big Pharma executives as “customers.” According to the U.S. attorney’s office for the district of Massachusetts, three men were arrested last week for reportedly operating a network of high-end, expensive, exclusive brothels, catering to the elite of Boston and Washington, D.C.

Acting U.S. Attorney Joshua Levy said in a press conference that defendants Han Lee, James Lee, and Junmyung Lee (no known relation) were specifically “catering to a wealthy and well-connected clientele” in Cambridge and Waterford, Massachusetts, and Fairfax and Tysons, Virginia, just outside D.C. Levy added, “This commercial sex ring was built on secrecy and exclusivity.”

According to the press release from Levy’s office, the trio were charged with “conspiracy to coerce and entice to travel to engage in illegal sexual activity.” While James Lee would allegedly rent luxury apartments to use as brothels — some costing over $3,600 per month — Han and Junmyung are accused of recruiting girls from California, Nevada, and Virginia to become prostitutes. The pair would then arrange for the girls to travel to Boston or D.C., where they were advertised online using codewords like “coming soon” or “open.”

Potential “customers” went through an extensive vetting and verification process, which included providing full names, personal phone numbers, email addresses, and even references and photocopies of drivers’ licenses. The brothel-runners started their pricing at $350 per hour and would reportedly text “customers” a “menu,” featuring girls and sex acts to choose from, as well as directions to the upscale apartments-turned-brothels.

In an affidavit for the charges against the brothel-runners, Homeland Security Investigations agent Zachary Mitlitsky described how confidential informants, cell phone tracking, and even digging through trash for flight records eventually led to the arrest of the three Lees. The affidavit alleges that Han Lee maintained the brothels outside D.C., and he and Junmyung Lee maintained the brothels outside Boston together, which included convincing girls to spend extended periods of time in the apartments free of charge, as a means of encouraging women to become prostitutes and delivering groceries to the girls in the apartments. Although James Lee allegedly used his own name and a host of aliases to lease apartments to be used as brothels, Mitlitsky testified that both Han and Junmyung also leased brothel-apartments in their own names.

Levy explained, “[T]he buyers who made up this ring hail from an array of professions. They are doctors. They are lawyers. They’re accountants. They’re elected officials. They are executives at high-tech companies and pharmaceutical companies. They’re military officers, government contractors, professors, scientists. Pick a profession, they’re probably represented in this case.” He added, “The government alleges that there are potentially hundreds of individuals who took these services as commercial sex buyers.”

Despite the sensation caused by the claim that elected officials, military officials, government contractors with security clearances, Big Tech and Big Pharma executives, and a host of other influential professionals were frequenting an elite prostitution ring, no names of “customers” have yet been released. Mitlitsky’s affidavit explains that, even though at least 20 “customers” were interviewed during the course of the investigation, a separate investigation to determine the involvement of “sex buyers” is still ongoing and cannot, therefore, be discussed at this time.

Han Lee’s and Junmyung Lee’s hearing on Monday was postponed, with the judge citing a precautionary need to ensure that there is no conflict of interest with the U.S. Attorney’s office, given the high caliber of the professional statuses of alleged brothel “customers.” The hearing will resume Wednesday, November 22.


S.A. McCarthy

S.A. McCarthy serves as a news writer at The Washington Stand.

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2023 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

VIDEO: Unveiling the ‘Censorship Industrial Complex’

Thanks to a bombshell report released by Congressman Jim Jordan, the tangled web of organizations involved in keeping the truth from you has been unveiled.

Watch our full report here and support our work.

The Election Integrity Partnership (EIP), a Stanford and University of Washington project, served as the spearhead to funnel reports discrediting and censoring my work along with many other voices on the right.

EIP worked with DHS’s CISA (Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency) to hand off their reports to the media, including the New York Times.  From there, Facebook and other social media platforms used the articles and reports from self-professed “experts” to label stories as “disinformation.”

The result of this highly coordinated effort at censorship was keeping YOU from learning the truth about ballot harvesting and other incidents of election fraud in the lead-up to Election Day.

And you can count on history repeating itself in the 2024 Elections.

Astonishingly, the lengths companies, universities, and even our government will go to discredit, censor, and misinform the public under the authority of “fighting disinformation.”

The censorship efforts took an Orwellian turn with the involvement of our federal government, but congressional leaders are watching and listening.

After our report was released last night, Rep. Thomas Massie tweeted, “I’m offering an amendment tomorrow to defund this program.”

However, can they be defunded when this program is also funded by the Atlantic Counsel, a foreign think-thank paid for by Facebook, and even Burisma (yes, THAT Burisma)?

We shall see.

Watch OMG’s report, and please help us continue our work by donating today.

EDITORS NOTE: This OMG exposé is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Truth Is Israel’s Narrative

Paul Kessler went to a pro-Hamas demonstration in the Los Angeles area waving an Israeli flag to stand down the crowd gathered to support the genocide of Jews. A pro-Hamas demonstrator, who tracked the 69-year-old before he approached him, clubbed Kessler in the head with a megaphone. Kessler fell to the ground and died of cerebral bleeding.

Forty-eight hours after Kessler was killed, his murderer was still free, even though the police know who he is. Ventura County Sheriff Jim Fryoff hadn’t arrested him because he couldn’t decide whether the murderer’s blow was the reason that Kessler died. Maybe he would have fallen on the ground head-first anyway. These things happen.

Fryoff isn’t the only one who can’t see the connection between A and B these days.

From coast to coast, university presidents can’t figure out whether Israel is to be supported and Hamas condemned, or Hamas is to be supported and Israel is to be condemned. It’s true Hamas murderers savagely executed, raped, sodomized, decapitated, dismembered and kidnapped thousands of innocent Israelis. But then again, Israel retaliated and stuff.

The confusion isn’t limited to police chiefs and professors.

Consider Sen. Bernie Sanders. The Socialist from Vermont told CNN that a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas is impossible. As he put it, “I don’t know how you can have a ceasefire, a permanent ceasefire with an organization like Hamas, which is dedicated to turmoil and chaos and destroying the State of Israel.”

But then again, Sanders said: “The immediate task right now is to end the bombing, to end the horrific humanitarian disaster, to build—go forward with the entire world for a two-tier, two-state solution to the crisis to give the Palestinian people hope.”

So, on the one hand, you can’t have a ceasefire because Hamas won’t cease firing since it seeks Israel’s annihilation. And on the other hand, Israel needs to stop firing on Hamas and give the people who elected Hamas a state. Sanders’s confusion makes sense, given his Jewish roots on the one hand, and his ties to the Hamas caucus in the U.S. House of Representatives on the other.

The obvious contradiction in his position resonates with President Joe Biden’s viewpoints as well. True, Biden says, Israel has a right and a duty to defeat Hamas. But it must do so without harming any of Hamas’s human shields, and it needs to accept a ceasefire that will allow Hamas to regroup, resupply and rearm.

True, Biden admits, Hamas wants to annihilate the Jews. And true (although he won’t acknowledge it), the unpopular PLO-controlled Palestinian Authority also wants to annihilate the Jews. All the same, Biden insists that they must always be empowered and never punished for anything.

Read more.

Originally published by Jewish News Syndicate


Caroline Glick

Senior Fellow


MEF Investigation Exposes Hamas Funders in America

Israel: On Our Minds and Hearts

‘We March for a Light over Darkness’: The D.C. Israel Rally

Cartoons In Egyptian Media Portray Israel, U.S. As Wading In Gazan Blood, Netanyahu As Hitler

Is the Brazilian President Interfering in the Hezbollah Terrorist Investigation?

EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

More examples of the dialectic attack on our basic rights and some rare, really good news!

Dialectic Attacks

This is a really good look at one of the most annoying forms of dialectical attacks against whatever target they have in mind. In this case, the attack is specifically the leaping levels of abstraction. The left has done this for decades now in order to move or reallocate blame from a group, that could be said to be responsible for an issue, to one that they wish to destroy. They do this by messing with the various levels of taxonomy. One example would be how Islam kills a crap-load of people in the name of its religion, and the wily leftist will blame religion altogether for it, as the goal of the Marxist is to replace God with the state and religion with the never ending dialectical revolution of destruction. See? They move up the ladder one rung from which religion, to all religions. Or for example, a certain demographic of humanity may beat women or be more violent in general and the leftist will blame men overall.

We see this a great deal especially in the past few years. The inverse of this trick is where the leftist will accuse a non-leftist of doing it with the trope: “So what you’re saying is..”

Below, in the left’s attempt to ban all means of self defence or force equalizers in the hands of the public, they are now going after a certain brand of ammunition. The reason being of course, once you can ban a brand of ammo for being used in a crime, you can ban all ammo used in a crime and hey presto! only the state will have access to force multipliers.

Stephen Coughlin: Communism is only the dialectic attack on Western civilization

Some great news!

We interviewed Jesse around May of 2022. Please watch this video for the back story on this.

.Discrimination charge filed against Michigan salon after owner’s comments on gender identity

LANSING, Mich. (AP) — A hair salon in northern Michigan is facing a discrimination charge from the state’s Department of Civil Rights after its owner posted on social media earlier this year that anyone identifying as other than a man or a woman is not welcome at her business.

The department claims in the charge filed Wednesday that Traverse City’s Studio 8 Hair Lab violated the state’s civil rights act in a Facebook post in July from its owner, Christine Geiger, by unlawfully discriminating against three claimants.

The post, which is no longer available, read, “If a human identifies as anything other than a man/woman please seek services at a local pet groomer. You are not welcome at this salon. Period. Should you request to have a particular pronoun used please note we may simply refer to you as ‘hey you.’”

A hearing will now be scheduled before an administrative law judge, who will issue a recommendation after hearing the merits of the complaint, according to the civil rights department. The recommendation will then go before Michigan’s Civil Rights Commission to either adopt or make their own ruling.

Some people still imagine that communism is somehow, an alternative economic model, as opposed to what it actually is. An actual war on reality itself as it is understood by Socratic thinkers. Economics was just one of the prime vectors of attack by communists in the 20th century. This century it’s culture. In the story above, we see another excellent example of this. A woman who owns a business which is singularity geared towards helping men and women achieve greater and greater displays of reproductive fitness, refuses to deal with people who pretend to be something that does not exist. As a consequence, she has charges against her for not indulging the fantasies of what are inevitably communists or their pawns.

Video evidence confirms Hamas using Al-Shifa hospital as Base, contrary to the propaganda.

Met Police admit they lost London to Muslim protestors.

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tapes Blog column posted by Eeyore is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Johnson Scores First Win, Dodging Shutdown and Year-End Bloat

That sound you hear in Washington, D.C. is every congressional staffer breathing a sigh of relief. For once, the Hill will be home at a reasonable time for Christmas — not staring down another government shutdown or stuffing an unread trillion-dollar omnibus down the Democrats’ chimney. In the real first hurdle of Speaker Mike Johnson’s (R-La.) young tenure, the House did as he asked: they passed a budget bridge to next year that spares America a whole lot of headaches.

By a 336-95 vote, the House decided to cut Mike Johnson some slack — agreeing to his unique “laddered” approach to the continuing resolution (CR) that buys Republicans more time to live up to their fiscal promises. “We were a little bit behind the eight ball here,” Glenn Grothman (R-Wisc.) admitted to Family Research Council President Tony Perkins immediately following the vote. “Your listeners will remember that we went through a long process without a speaker.” Now that the House has one, he pointed out, it will take some extra time for the chamber “to get our work done.”

With just days to go before a government shutdown, Johnson made impassioned pleas for the GOP to come together and agree to a plan that gives the House a window to debate these budgets individually. “We’re not surrendering,” Johnson argued. “We’re fighting, but you have to be wise about choosing the fights. You’ve got to fight fights that you can win — and we’re going to.” But let’s face it, he said. “It took decades to get into this mess. I’ve been at this job three weeks. … I can’t turn an aircraft carrier overnight, but this was a very important first step to get us to the next stage so that we can change how Washington works.”

Leading up to the vote, several Republicans applauded Johnson for doing his best to avoid both a government shutdown and a 2,000-page “Christmas tree omnibus.” “We set that as one of our goals at the first of the year, that we did not want that to happen again,” Rep. Buddy Carter (R-Ga.) told Perkins. Under this plan, the House has until January 19 and February 2 to pass two waves of appropriations bills. “I personally like that,” Carter said. “I personally like the idea of doing it as you can. You know, how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time, right? Well, let’s take these bites as we can get them, and then we go on and we work until February 2nd on everything else and try to get it done as well.”

Not every Republican agreed, insisting that anything the House passed — including a short-term CR — should have spending cuts. According to Grothman, Johnson openly confronted those critics, asking, “How is this going to end? How are you going to wind up ahead of the game by shutting down the government? Because eventually, it’s going to reopen.” And his point, Grothman said, was that “it will reopen when the Republicans get beat up in the news media. And none of these people who are voting against Mike today, breaking from our new speaker, could give him a reason or an explanation of how this was going to end.”

Johnson deserved better from his party, Grothman believed. “I felt sorry for our speaker. Most Republicans stuck with him, but on this first test, a lot didn’t. … He should have got[ten] … every single Republican to vote for him when he called for the vote. And sadly, [93] Republicans voted against him.”

Democrats filled in the blanks, pushing the CR across the finish line. Some, like Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Ct.), snarkily told the media, “Once again, the Republican majority needs Democratic votes to govern,” as if bipartisanship is suddenly the most shocking thing to happen to the House. And maybe it is. Apparently, Congress is so used to one party imposing its will that regular order and compromise seem foreign.

The 93 Republicans’ objections notwithstanding, Grothman insisted that “the most important thing is who wins the arguments over what’s in these bills” in the new year. “…And [with] this [laddered] CR, you’re not going to be able to [roll] every appropriation bill together [in a last-minute omnibus] and have one of these 2,000-page behemoths. You’re going to have to break out a separate vote on education, a separate vote on national defense, a separate vote on military construction and veterans affairs, general government. Hopefully we’ll get as many separate votes as possible so we know what’s in the bills, which will be really a feather in the cap of Mike Johnson. But in order to get there, we had to win today [and] give him more time to get things done. And we did that.”

To those who complain this CR doesn’t cut spending, Carter said, “I get it. But the point is, we’re not going to be able to get [the appropriations bills] done [by Friday’s deadline]. We’re not going to be able to get all 12 bills with the spending cuts done anytime soon, certainly not before January the 19th. And why not go ahead and do what we can do until then? And I know that there may be a certain amount of leverage when you have all of them together. But, you know, we’ve tried that, and it hasn’t worked,” he insisted. “I’ve always said Washington is about big ideas. This is a big idea [that’s] never been done before. We ought to try it.”

And frankly, Perkins replied, “What would be gained by shutting down the government?” The House has to work “inch by inch, mile by mile,” he said. This proposal “is a step in the right direction. It moves us toward responsible governing.”

Absolutely, Carter agreed. “Let’s take incremental wins when we can. Let’s move the ball down the field. No, it’s not a Hail Mary, no it’s not a long touchdown pass, but it is advancing the ball down the field.” As for blaming the speaker over what might have been done with the CR, Carter called that “unfair.” “Mike Johnson inherited this situation,” he insisted. “… And he’s doing the best he can with it. … Personally, I thought it was a dumb thing to do to vacate the chair and to get rid of the speaker, [Kevin] McCarthy. I thought that was a big error on our part, but it is what it is. It’s done.”

At the end of the day, Grothman believes, “Mike will pull us together. [He’s] such a sincere guy. Everybody knows he’s trying to do the best he can. And of course, right now, because we had a new Democrat sworn in [Monday], we only can afford to lose three votes. So it’s tough to have 218 of 221 stick together,” the Wisconsin congressman admitted. “But if anybody can do it, Mike can do it.”


Suzanne Bowdey

Suzanne Bowdey serves as editorial director and senior writer at The Washington Stand.

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2023 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

OB-GYN Testifies Before Congress on Alarming Miscarriage Spike Among Vaxxed Women, ‘I’ve Never Seen This Before’

The greatest medical crime in human history.

OB-GYN Testifies on Alarming Miscarriage Spike among Vaxxed Women

By: Frank Bergman, Slay News, November 14, 2023:

A leading American obstetrician-gynecologist, or OB-GYN, has testified before Congress regarding an alarming spike in miscarriages among women who have received Covid mRNA injections.

On Monday, Dr. Kimberly Biss, an OB-GYN who has been involved in 8,000 pregnancies, joined a panel of experts to testify before Congress in the “Injuries Caused by COVID-19 Vaccines” hearing on Capitol Hill.

“I’ve never seen this before,” Biss warned congressional lawmakers.

Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), who led the hearing, asked Biss:

“How many of your patients or pregnant women that you know of experience miscarriages after taking the COVID-19 vaccines — or injections?”

Biss first explained that the vaccination rate among her patient population was about 60%.

She revealed that most of the patients received three injections.

“Very few received four or more,” Biss noted.

Read more.



EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Here Are the 8 Republicans Who Joined Democrats to Shelve Impeachment of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

The uniparty is systematically destroying this country. Biden’s migrant crisis will cost taxpayers $451 BILLION a year: Staggering Republican report lays out how much is spent on healthcare and accommodation (not to mention the threat to our national security) – as they tried to impeach “the border is secure Mayorkas for malfeasance.

The resolution was defeated with the support of eight Republicans, including:

  1. Cliff Bentz of California,
  2. Ken Buck of Colorado,
  3. Darrell Issa of California,
  4. Patrick McHenry of North Carolina,
  5. Tom McClintock of California,
  6. Virginia Foxx of North Carolina,
  7. John Duarte of California,
  8. and Mike Turner of Ohio.

All of these “republicans” sided with all Democrats in opposing the measure.

On Monday evening, the House voted to effectively kill a bold attempt by Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia to impeach Biden’s Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. The bipartisan decision, with a vote of 209-201, involved referring the resolution to the House Homeland Security Committee.

UPDATE: US House Votes with 8 Republicans Joining Democrats to Shelve Impeachment of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas Who Has Overseen the Purposeful Invasion at the US Border

By: Red Right Updates, November 14, 2023:

The House voted on Monday night on Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Articles of Impeachment against Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas.

Following a vote on the Democrats’ Motion to Table, which is expected at approximately 6:30 pm ET, the House is expected to vote on Greene’s resolution.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Greene introduced the resolution following a tragic incident in which two of her constituents were killed by human traffickers near the border. These deaths and many more are the results of Biden and Mayorkas’ failure to control the border and prevent the entry of terrorists, human traffickers, drugs, and other contraband into the United States.

House Set to Vote Next Week on Impeaching DHS Secretary Mayorkas Following the Tragic Death of Two Americans by Traffickers

The resolution to impeach Mayorkas cites a long, long list of evidence – enough to fit on six pages – of Mayorkas’ failures as DHS Secretary.

Under Mayorkas the US southern border has remained wide open for three years. Nearly 10 million illegal aliens have walked across the open border and allowed into the United States.

This is the purposeful destruction of America.

This legislation is damning!

There is NO WAY that any US Representative who loves this country could allow this deranged man to continue as DHS Secretary.

Mayorkas impeachment resolu… by Cami Mondeaux

Mayorkas impeachment resolu… by Cami Mondeaux

The House just voted to shelve the legislation and refer Rep. Greene’s resolution to impeach DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to the Homeland Security Committee to prevent a vote tonight on the resolution itself. The motion to refer was offered by Minority Whip Katherine Clark (D-MA).

Keep reading.



EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

TERROR TOWN: Dearborn Heights, Michigan Raises ‘Palestinian’ Flags in Support of Hamas

“Okay but where’s the American flag,” said one commenter.

Dearborn Heights, Michigan raises Palestinian flags in ‘solidarity’ with Gaza

“Okay but where’s the American flag,” said one commenter.

By: Libby Emmons, The Post Millenial Nov 14, 2023:

Local news outlet Dearborn posted a photo on their Instagram page praising the town of Dearborn Heights for plastering their welcome sign with Palestinian flags.

“This morning,” the outlet wrote, “in another show of solidarity, Palestinian flags were placed on the ‘Welcome to Dearborn Heights’ sign along Ford Road, highlighting the city’s support for the people of Palestine.”

Dearborn Heights is 84.1 percent “white,” per the latest census. The comments on the post were not entirely in solidarity with the sentiment.

“Okay but where’s the American flag,” said one commenter.

Another person said “don’t try and change flags in the USA. Our flag flies first then whatever flag. This is AMERICAN LAND. Keep that I’m mind.”

“We need more AMERICAN FLAGS in these ppls hands they all live in America. Where’s the American flag tho?” said another.

Keep reading.




MEF Investigation Exposes Hamas Funders in America

LIVE FROM DC: Hundreds of Thousands March for Israel in Washington, D.C.

“Suellaism is Here to Stay”

Pentagon Aide Part of ‘Covert Campaign’ to Undermine Iran Opposition: Report

BLOOD LIBEL: ‘DEI Teacher’ In Jewish Area Says Jews Kill Palestinians To Sell Their Organs

TREASON: Biden Moves To Approve of Fresh $10 Billion for Terror State of Iran

Nazi Faction: 400 Jew-Hating Biden Officials Stand With Hamas, Want Biden To Abandon Support for Survival of Israel and the Jewish People



EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden Couldn’t Make It Clearer Where He Stands on Israel If He Screamed ‘Allahu Akbar’ and Blew Himself Up

Old Joe Biden couldn’t make it clearer where he stands on the Hamas-Israel war if he screamed “Allahu akbar” and blew himself up in a crowd of Jews.

The alleged president demonstrated, for anyone who was paying attention, which side he is really on in the Hamas-Israel conflict when he went over to Israel in late October and met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He took the opportunity to announce that he was giving $100 million to Gaza, which means, despite his denials, $100 million to Hamas, as there is no entity in Gaza that is not controlled by Hamas and could both receive this money and keep it out of the hands of the terror group. As if that weren’t bad enough, now Old Joe and his henchmen are considering sending $10 billion to the Islamic Republic of Iran, the chief funder of Hamas. Yes, it’s so far beyond outrageous that it is coming up on outrageous from the other side, but it’s true nevertheless.

The Washington Free Beacon reported Monday that “the Biden administration may approve a sanctions waiver on Tuesday that will allow Iran to access at least $10 billion in previously frozen funds held in Iraq.” Displaying an admirable talent for understatement, the Free Beacon noted that this is “driving concerns that the Biden administration is maintaining financial avenues for Tehran as the country’s terrorist proxies foment chaos across the Middle East.”

Now, why would the Biden regime even consider freeing up billions for Iran while the “Death to America, Death to Israel” regime is bankrolling not only Hamas, but Hizballah and Palestinian Islamic Jihad in their jihad war against the Jewish state? There are three possibilities: the regime is either stupid, or evil, or both. In this case, the most likely answer is the third: the sinister, senescent, faux-folksy corruptocrat and his cronies are as clueless as they are immoral. Oh, and wrongheaded, and a hundred other things.

Biden and his team are stupid insofar as they apparently still believe that showering money upon the Islamic Republic will lead that rogue, terror-supporting regime to moderate its practices and possibly even grow friendly toward America and possibly even Israel as well. This is a ridiculous idea for the State Department wonks and foreign policy “experts” to have, but they have it nonetheless; in fact, American diplomacy has largely consisted of efforts to buy friends internationally for many decades now.

This seldom works with anyone, but it is particularly doomed to fail when tried upon the Islamic Republic of Iran, where the rulers believe the Qur’an when it says: “And the Jews will not be pleased with you, neither will the Christians, until you follow their religion.” (2:120) Efforts at winning hearts and minds are often seen through this prism, as cynical attempts to begin to lure pious Muslims away from Islam. But of course they have no idea of this in Foggy Bottom, where they’re all bound to believe the iron dogma that Islam is a religion of peace that not only has nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism, but nothing whatsoever to do with contemporary geopolitics.

The evil part of this bargain comes from the fact that if the regime really does manage to send $10 billion to the mullahs, a large part of it, if not all of it, will go for the jihad against Israel. When Barack Obama sent pallets of unmarked bills to Tehran in the dark of night, much of it ended up going to jihad terror groups. What are the chances that at least some of Old Joe’s $10 billion would end up with Hamas, Hizballah, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad? Oh, about one hundred percent.

In response to such concerns, the Biden regime is pretending yet again that the American people have no idea of the most basic principles of economics. It insists that if it does send this $10 billion, it will be earmarked only for humanitarian purposes. The basic lesson of economics here is that getting $10 billion from the United States will free up $10 billion that the Iranian regime would have spent on food for its people, but which can now go to kill Israelis.

The new speaker of the House, in a classic example of failing to notice about fifty elephants in the room, just said that there wasn’t enough evidence to impeach Joe Biden. Well, the fact that the regime is even thinking about sending money to an avowed enemy ought to get Old Joe not only impeached, but tried for treason. But for that, we’d need some genuine opposition that had some guts.




MEF Investigation Exposes Hamas Funders in America

Reports: Iran announces new secret U.S. sanction relief bringing total to $50 billion

Leftist Fascists Accuse Trump of ‘Nazi Talk’

California imam: ‘The most hating people for the Muslims are Jews’

Hamas Held Hostages in Basement of Children’s Hospital

MIT wouldn’t suspend students who threatened Jews, over fears they’d be deported

Obama ‘Champion of Change’ Claims ‘Kidnapped’ Posters are a Jewish Conspiracy

Switzerland: Muslim migrants sleep, urinate in church, ‘If you acted like this in a mosque, they would kick you out’

Meet the Photojournalist for CNN and AP Who Went In with Hamas on October 7

400 Biden regime officials denounce him for being too pro-Israel, demand he force ceasefire

New Oct. 7 footage shows Hamas jihadis setting aside captured woman as sex slave

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.